The name is the meaning of the name for the child. What does the name barbarian mean?

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Varvara (Varya) - detailed description origin and features of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Short form of the name Barbara. Varya, Varechka, Varunya, Varyusya, Varyuta, Varyukha, Varyusha, Ara, Arya, Vava, Varvarka, Vara.
Synonyms for the name Barbara. Barbara, Barba.
Origin of the name Barbara The name Barbara is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Barbara has several versions of origin. According to the most common version, the name Barbara is of ancient Roman or Greek origin. Initially, it seemed to the "civilized" Romans that foreigners say "var-var" - something incomprehensible. Then, when the Roman Empire grew and immigrants from the colonies began to come to Rome, they began to be called that - Varvarus. The name came to Europe from the Romans and Greeks. The Russian "barbarian" appeared in Russia back in the time of the Slavs from the Greeks, took root and became a common designation for foreigners, and later transformed into the name Barbara. Then "barbarian" Greek acquired the meaning of "cruel", "rude" and corresponds modern meaning this word.

According to the following version, the name Barbara is of Indo-European origin, in this name the root “var” is repeated twice, which means “protection”. So given name translated as "double protection". Similar and related cognate words of the name Varvara will be the words “cook” - i.e. disinfect from germs during heat treatment, "vara" - a refuge in Iranian mythology, "varta" - a watchtower.

Behind the outward calmness, prudence and isolation of Varvara, real Shakespearean passions are often hidden. This woman is characterized by timidity and indecision, she has overwhelming patience. Barbara's character contains both inflexibility and daydreaming. On the one hand, this is a domineering, vindictive and arrogant woman, on the other hand, she constantly hovers in the clouds, dreaming of princes, castles and receptions. At the same time, Varvara is modest, patient and very hardworking.

Barbara has great taste, so the profession of an artist or fashion model is suitable for her. In addition, she can try her hand at programming, teaching, medical activities, and in the field of trade. The only thing Barbara won't do is get up early in the morning and go to work at the factory. Barbara needs an interesting business that she could get carried away with, then she will definitely bring it to the end. Varya has an enviable insight, which helps her quickly find mutual language with colleagues.

AT love relationships Barbara is indecisive. Varvara is very amorous, but she is more likely to be happy in her second marriage than in her first. It is Barbara's inherent patience that plays a key role in preserving the marriage. This woman is an excellent hostess, her home is clean and comfortable, she is happy to receive guests at home. In general, Varya is a homebody, she prefers to replace parties with the participation of unfamiliar people with dinner in the circle of close people. Perhaps that is why Varvara marries later than her friends and does not always find long-awaited happiness in marriage.

AT family life Barbara appears as a woman-flower, a woman-child, who drives every fan crazy. However, this woman's partner will be a male father who will endure all her antics. Varvara knows how to please men, she skillfully dresses due to her excellent artistic taste.

Varvara is sociable, likes to chat and weaves intrigues with pleasure. At the same time, she is secretive and will not pour out her soul to each of her friends. Communication is more successful with men, while friendship with women can be problematic. Barbara tends to use others, especially gentlemen, to achieve her own goals. She will never forget the wrong done, but will skillfully hide her feelings through restraint. Barbara does not take part in the lives of others, but tries to involve others in her life. Barbara is outwardly sociable and friendly, but under this mask lies constant internal tension. Often the wrong upbringing can make Barbara selfish, then a cold, calculating mind will hide behind her restraint. If Varvara learns to open up and overcome her shyness, then she will turn out to be a sincere and sympathetic woman.

Notable people named Barbara

  • Barbara of Iliopolskaya ((d.306) Christian great martyr, is considered the patroness of sudden death, which in Christianity is considered in most cases a punishment, like death without repentance and communion. In catholic church is one of the fourteen holy helpers. Many geographical places are named after Saint Barbara, for example, Santa Barbara.)
  • Varvara ((c. 1850 - 1918) in the world - Varvara Yakovleva; venerable martyr, one of the first sisters of the Marfo-Mariinsky monastery, cell attendant of its founder Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna)
  • Barbara Cui Lian (Chinese Catholic saint)
  • Barbara Zilli ((d.1451) daughter of Count Celsky, wife of the German-Roman emperor Sigismund; received the epithet "Messalina of Germany", stood at the origins of the Order of the Dragon, ruled Hungary as regent in the absence of her husband)
  • Barbara Radziwill ((1520 - 1551) Varvara Radziwill, famous Lithuanian beauty, Renaissance personality, heiress of the Gashtolds, wife of the Grand Duke of Lithuania and King of Poland Sigismund II August)
  • Varvara Massalitinova ((1878 - 1945) Russian Soviet theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1933), laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1941))
  • Varvara Panina ((1872 - 1911) pop singer, performer of romances)
  • Varvara Ryzhova ((1871 - 1963) Russian and Soviet theater and film actress, People's Artist of the USSR (1937), laureate of the Stalin Prize (1943), holder of two Orders of Lenin, Order of the Red Banner of Labor)
  • Varvara Stepanova ((1894 - 1958) Soviet artist and avant-garde style designer)
  • Barbara Streisand ((born 1942) American singer and actress, composer, director, producer and political activist; winner of two Oscars in the Best Actress and Best Original Song nominations, as well as Emmy and Grammy awards and Golden Globe)
  • Varvara Bakhmeteva ((1815 - 1851) Russian noblewoman, beloved of the poet Mikhail Lermontov)
  • Varvara Mei ((1912 - 1995) ballerina, teacher, Honored Art Worker of the Bashkir ASSR (1969))
  • Varvara Orlova ((1907 - 1991) Russian linguist, specialist in the history of the Russian language and dialectology, one of the authors of the currently accepted dialect division of the Russian language)
  • Varvara Semennikova ((1890 - 2008) nee - Dyakonova; Russian Evenki woman, according to unconfirmed reports, was considered the oldest person on the planet since August 2007 (her age is 117 years). The Guinness Book of Records and the Gerontological Research Group did not confirm this record and the only agency that certified her age was the National Archives of Yakutia.)
  • Varvara Adrianov-Peretz ((1888 - 1972) a well-known literary scholar in the field of research on ancient Russian satire, folklore, poetry, religious traditions of the 11th-17th centuries. She made a great contribution to the study of the surviving first old Russian editions of The Tale of Igor's Campaign, Journey for Three sea" by Afanasy Nikitin and others)
  • Varvara Karaulova ((1774 - 1842) married - Knyazhnina; Russian translator and writer)
  • Barbara Brylska ((born 1941) Polish theater and film actress)
  • Barbara La Marr ((1896 - 1926) nee - Rita Watson; American film actress, dancer, screenwriter; silent film legend, became famous as a vamp woman)
  • Barbara Stanwyck ((1907 - 1990) nee - Ruby Stevens; American actress popular in the 1930s and 1940s)
  • Barbie ( full name- Barbara Millicent Roberts; world famous doll
  • Barbara Hershey (American actress)
  • Varvara Lepchenko ((born 1986) American tennis player, until September 2007 represented Uzbekistan at international competitions)
  • Varvara Kazakova ((born 1918) doctor, Honored Doctor of the RSFSR, Hero of Socialist Labor (1969); Cavalier of the Orders of Lenin, Honor, Patriotic War 2nd class, awarded with many medals, Honorable Sir the city of Kirov (1986))
  • Varvara Strelskaya ((1838 - 1915) real name- Starova, by husband - Stukolkin; Russian dramatic actress
  • Since childhood, the girl Barbara has been a good-natured, smiling and modest little man. Most often, she inherits her appearance and character traits from her father. Dad loves Varya very much. They say about such people that she is a father's daughter. But the indecision in her childhood persists in her disposition into adulthood. Varvara is a little lazy, unhurried, in no hurry to finish the job she has begun. As a child, Varya is often ashamed of her name and offended by her parents who called her that. The character of Barbara will depend on upbringing. If parents properly raise their daughter, she will not grow up selfish.

    By her appearance, Barbara does not show anxiety, but feelings are raging inside her. It doesn't matter how old Varya is: she always behaves in a friendly but secretive manner. The owner of this name always has friends, but even they do not know about what is happening in the soul of the girl. Because of this, complete trust with close friends and relatives is impossible. Barbara often realizes that her secretive nature can be used to her advantage. If a girl manages to overcome her secrecy, it is difficult to find a more soulful person than Barbara. She is qualified as a psychologist. In this area, she is well versed even without receiving special education. Varya often uses this skill for her own purposes. She easily manipulates people. It is possible that Varvara will be seen in intrigues. She often does not pay attention to her voice of conscience. Varya can also become a good teacher, accountant, salesperson or librarian. Varya has great taste. She dresses stylishly, which makes a good impression on people.

    Barbara - home man, and all your free time she prefers to be around her family. Because of this, Varya marries late and has children. Often she can agree to an offer to marry from the first comer. Barbara's marriage can not always be called happy. But thanks to such qualities as patience, kindness and complaisance, she manages to save the marriage. But Varya will never tolerate lies from her husband. Deceived, she becomes a completely different person who is capable of decisive action. By old age, Varvara becomes unbearable and completely unlike herself in her youth.

    Barbara, born in winter, is very reserved and reserved. negative emotions She will not splash out on others. But the accumulated inner experiences can harm the owner of the name. Winter Barbara is reasonable and extremely unhurried. She calculates every step she takes to achieve her goal. Varya, who was born in the summer, is very touchy. She demands a lot from herself and those around her.

    According to one version, the name Barbara comes from the ancient Greek or Roman word "barbaros", which translates as "non-Greek", "foreigner". Others claim that the name comes from the Indo-European language, where the root "var" means protection. Hence another meaning of the name Barbara as "double protection".

    Martyr Varvara is the heavenly patron of Varya. By church calendar the memory of the saint is honored on January 11, March 6, April 5, July 18, December 17. These days girls celebrate name days. In Orthodoxy, no one can touch the chalice, except for the priest. But Barbara is the only saint who is depicted on the icon with a chalice in her hands.

    The martyr is considered the patroness from unexpected, sudden death. In Christianity, such death is regarded as a punishment, since a person is deprived of the opportunity to repent and receive communion.

    The story of a girl's life is like life Marina (Margarita) of Antioch. Barbara lived in the III century in Iliopolis. Her father, Dioscurus, represented the aristocracy in Asia Minor, did not recognize Christianity. He locked his daughter in a tower so that no one could admire her beauty. When the time came for the wedding, the father allowed the girl to leave the tower. Soon she met Christians and was baptized. The father was very angry. He was given the right to execute judgment on his own daughter. Varvara was severely tortured, beaten, and rubbed her wounds. The father decided to behead the girl. After a while, Dioscurus and the ruler of the city suffered retribution: they were both burned by lightning.

    Qualities of a little girl

    Varvara - full name Varya. It has a strong influence on character and destiny. The meaning of the name Barbara, its interpretation in various sources, can scare off parents. At 4-5 years old, their daughter will stand out among other children: she will be strong, courageous, active, but withdrawn. The daughter will need the support of her parents.

    At this age, the girl already knows how to set goals and achieve them. She is diligent and diligent. She is interested in dancing, playing sports. Varya studies well. Does not catch the stars, but does not lag behind. Interest in studying with a girl can only be ignited by a very talented teacher.

    Description of the character of a woman

    The name Barbara, its origin and meaning, has an impact on an adult girl. The woman is sociable, loves to chat and weave intrigues. At the same time, she will not pour out her soul to her friend. Among her friends, men predominate, it is difficult for Varya to build relationships with women. She hides what is happening in her soul even from her relatives. This is a deep person who lives in his rich and vibrant world.

    The woman is slow. But this quality is compensated by perseverance, diligence. Barbara plans her affairs, as she is not capable of spontaneous actions. The girl always keeps her promises.

    Among negative traits selfishness and vindictiveness can be distinguished. Resentment keeps in itself. He can take revenge: when the right situation comes up, Varya will not miss it.

    Characteristics of professional qualities

    A woman can succeed own business. She carefully approaches budget planning, attentive to every detail, so she never enters into dubious adventures. But Varya herself knows how to manipulate people, use them for her own purposes. She is great at making the right connections and acquaintances.

    But to get along in large team it will be difficult for a girl because of her complex nature. Judgment, diligence and diligence make Varya an excellent specialist. The inability to find compromises, the tendency to intrigue negatively affect career women.

    Partner Compatibility

    Varya in relations with men is lost, shows excessive timidity. But in love and sex, she drives everyone crazy who spends even a little time with her. A woman does not pursue the goal of conquering as many young people as possible. However, she succeeds. Because of this, the girl has problems with colleagues.

    Matching Pair

    Barbara is rarely happy in her first marriage, but this does not mean that she will be unhappy in her second. Patience and experience gained allow her to save her family even under critical circumstances. A happy relationship with Varya can only develop with a person who will become her friend and lover at the same time. A girl should try to start dating a man by name:

    A woman strives for the ideal, trying to remake a man to fit her requirements. And this is her main mistake. Barbara remembers insults for a long time, is vengeful, does not know how to forgive. She should apply huge effort to maintain a relationship with her husband.

    Varvara has the least chance of a lasting marriage with a man named:

    The secret of the child's name occupies the minds of future parents as soon as they learn about the upcoming replenishment. The beautiful, sonorous name of Varvara and what it means will undoubtedly affect the fate of her daughter. You can consider other names, make a “portfolio” for each option positive qualities and negative. In any case, parents will need to adjust the upbringing of the crumbs, based on information about the name.

    Attention, only TODAY!

    born: 1894-11-05

    Soviet painter, graphic artist, stage designer, artist applied arts

    Version 1. What does the name Barbara mean

    1. Personality. The perfect being is the pride of the kingdom.

    2. Character. 92%.

    3. Radiation. 92%.

    4. Vibration. 110,000 vibrations/s

    5. Color. Yellow.

    6. Main features. Intuition - sociability - susceptibility - excitability.

    7. Totem plant. Orchid.

    8. Totem animal. Cod.

    9. Sign. Twins.

    10. Type. Too excitable and receptive. Unnecessarily impressionable, especially when it comes to the beautiful aspects of life. They have an innate sense of beauty. These little ones should not be allowed to play the role of a princess in the family. Prone to laziness, slow. They like to procrastinate things. Like their flower, the orchid is a greenhouse plant that needs sun and warmth.

    11. Psyche. Introverts feel good only in their own world, where they dream of jewels, palaces and lavish receptions. They live in a fictional world, which involuntarily forces them to constantly lie.

    12. Will. This seemingly gentle woman-child hides a surprisingly strong will.

    13. Excitability. Too excitable, capricious, which is both weakness and charm. Relationships with other women are difficult, without much affection. They are more friendly with men, but quickly turn them into their slaves. Defeat for them is like a personal insult.

    14. Speed ​​of reaction. They hardly forgive insults, they never forget about the insult inflicted. They are capable in their studies, but even here they show their originality. So, Varvara can get carried away with geography, because the teacher has beautiful eyes ...

    15. Field of activity. Interested in everything that is connected with the beautiful. Among them there are artists, models, fashion models, but do not demand that they get up at seven in the morning and go to the factory. Very independent.

    16. Intuition. Serves them life plans although they are a bit of a schemer.

    17. Intelligence. They have a synthetic type of thinking. They seize on the whole and do not trouble themselves with particulars. They are curious, like cats, talkative, have a good visual memory.

    18. Susceptibility. They either like it or they don't like it. In the latter case, you'd better step aside. When they love, they can simply die of happiness today, and tomorrow they can forget about you.

    19. Morality. It would be surprising if such natures did not make some compromises with their own conscience.

    20. Health. Not very good. There are minor ailments of a nervous nature. You need to pay attention to the pancreas and kidneys, as well as take care of the spine (daily two-hour walks!) And the intestines.

    21. Sexuality. It's hard to outline sex life such women. These are women-girls, women-flowers who excite, capture, drive their fans to despair, until they meet a father-man on their way, who will not be scared away by their antics ... Although, who knows, for how long?

    22. Activity. They have the ability to use others, especially their countless fans, for personal gain.

    23. Sociability. Friendly, although not so much involved in the affairs of others as involving others in their own own problems.

    24. Conclusion. Women bearing the name Barbara must restrain their excessive sensuality.

    d.r.: 0000-00-00

    Russian pop singer, performer of romances and gypsy songs

    Version 2. What does the name Barbara mean

    The name Barbara is by no means of Greek origin, correlated with the word "barbarian" - a foreigner. The name Barbara is of ancient Aryan, ancient Slavic origin, has echoes in modern Russian. This is indicated by the root "var", and the root is squared. The root "var" in Russian has the words "cook", "mitten", "accident".

    The same origin of the root in the words "Barbara" and "cook" is indicated by the stress on the second syllable - "vara". "Vara" in the ancient Aryan language means "protection". The ancient Aryans built "vars" - this is a protected space impervious to any external influences, and this space was even fenced with three lines of protection. Therefore, the word “cook” means “create protection”, when the product is cooked, pathogenic microbes are killed and the product becomes suitable for eating.

    The word "accident" means that the protection is destroyed. Another example is the word "mitten", meaning protection of the hand from the cold. Thus, the name Barbara literally means "double protection", since the root is repeated twice.

    Oleg Turchenko, Zaporozhye

    3 version of the meaning of the name Barbara

    Barbara - from lat. cruel, rude, from the Greek. foreigner.

    Derivatives: Varvarka, Varya, Varunya, Varyusya, Varyuta, Varyukha, Varyusha, Ara, Vava.

    Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

    I would go to Varvara for bread, but I would find it in my barn.

    Curious Varvara's nose was torn off.

    Varyukha is cracking: take care of your nose and ear.

    By Barbara's day, winter will weld the road, bridge the bridges.

    Varvara bridges, Savva sharpens nails, Nikola nails (that is, the frost grows stronger day by day).


    Two main features characterize Barbara: adamant and dreamy at the same time. The strong, imperious, ponderous, passionate and presumptuous nature of Barbara creates around her a kind of whirlpool of many destinies associated with her fate. For the sake of her dream, Barbara can break with everything familiar to her, close and dear, that she has, and do it silently and with restraint. Breaks with the parental home on the basis of love and passion are not uncommon. He knows how to present himself, has an exquisite taste.

    4 version of the interpretation of the name Barbara

    Barbara - a foreigner (Greek).

    Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.

    Planet - Jupiter.

    Color - purple.

    Auspicious tree - hornbeam.

    Treasured plant - narcissus.

    The patron of the name is the albatross.

    Talisman stone - ruby.


    Modest, complaisant, hardworking, but somewhat indecisive. However, having taken up some business, especially if she is sincerely carried away by it, she will not stop. Reasonable and closed, she keeps her grievances to herself, fearing, defending herself, to offend someone and offend even more. Barbara, despite being a homebody, knows how to present herself, has great taste.

    7 version of the meaning of the name Barbara

    Barbara. Everyone remembers the life of the Holy Great Martyr Barbara, one of the most remembered in the general consciousness, one of the most developed in art.

    The extraordinary upbringing of the Martyr, from childhood imprisoned by her father in a secluded tower; not outwardly motivated refusal of marriage; dreamy reflections on the whole universe, seen, however, only from the window of the tower; intransigence before the father, as strong as it does not have any convincing grounds; imperious confidence in what has been decided, including the spitting of idols in the father's house that was not caused by anything external; three windows, an image of the Holy Trinity, arranged at the insistent command of the maiden in the tower where she lived; an abundance of miracles, the most extraordinary, amazing beauty and martyrdom, extraordinary in abundance of torture, along with the furious bitterness of the father, who wanted to personally execute his daughter, who, at his own insistence, was tortured; the sweet dying vision of Christ as the beloved Bridegroom; finally, the grace requested from God - to be delivered from unexpected death to all those who remember the martyrdom of Saint Barbara, and the complex, adventurous fate of her remains - these are some of the features of this bright and very peculiar life. At first glance, the attempt of rationalistic hagiographers to undermine the historicity of the narrative about the life of Barbara the Martyr, the bride of Christ, seems very incomprehensible; there are also those to whom everything in her life seems doubtful, except for the very existence of the saint of this name, and even it is unreliable.

    The Martyr Barbara has long been surrounded by a dense veil of poetic and pictorial sighs, and her image served as a grateful theme for creations in which their authors wanted to say or present something extremely poetic and celestially sublime. The later Baroque, as well as the trend around Pre-Raphaelism, equally used this name when they strove, somewhat irresponsibly, to show the world what they saw as superflu*. Indeed, they were moving along the line of least resistance here. The life of Barbara the Martyr, unusual, bright and poetic, brings these properties to the last limit, after which a breakdown is not far off. A little more, and the legend turns from bright to flowery, from beautiful - a little poetic in the Polish way, from subtle - pretentious. All this is not in life, and the legend would not have led to such thoughts, if not for an involuntary parody of it; but nevertheless there are lives that are internally balanced, which can be reproduced, good or bad, but around which there is nothing to do with poetic props; but there are also those that are too delicate, and in themselves full of artistic elegance, so that their further decoration would not turn out to be close to sugariness. Similarly, the sacred images: some strong and firmly standing on the ground, it is difficult to make them dreamy, even maliciously, others, on the contrary, are airy and have nothing to do with the earth, they do not tolerate drunken touching themselves, even with reverence, and easily disappear, leaving an elegant dream in their hands.

    Both the image and the life of the Barbara the Martyr are already so full of poetry in themselves, understanding poetry in a narrow and somewhat conventional sense, that poetry, in the same sense, has nothing more to do; this life is itself like a poem, and a poem about him will already be overloaded with poetry. Along with the life and icon of the Martyr, poetic fictions and paintings on the same topic are intolerable, and to take them on means to create too cheaply, according to the finished one.

    It is this splendor of life that the hagiographers, apparently, vaguely feel when they evaluate the life itself as a poetic fiction. But there is a life that resembles a novel, as there is a fate, one might say - a tragedy with all three unities. Both, however, do not testify against the existence of a person who lived such a life or suffered such a fate. And at the same time, the researcher would be wrong if he noted the similarity of this life and this fate with a novel or tragedy and, perhaps, even more accurately defined their style and analyzed their artistic construction. When meeting with this kind of reality, the impression of its isolation from everything around, its peculiar isolation from common order all life. So the life of Barbara the Martyr has a taste of poetic fiction and isolation from historical soil. But this testifies only to the peculiar spiritual composition of the Martyr herself, but does not in the least undermine the factual nature of the legend itself.

    *Super-thin, sublime (fr.).

    ** A hagiographer is a specialist in hagiography, a type of Christian literature describing the lives of saints.

    Continuation of the description of the name Varvara 1 2 3

    Name day named after Barbara

    January 11, March 6, March 7, April 5, July 18, December 17,

    The meaning of the letters in the name Barbara

    AT- sociability, optimism, love for nature and art. People with names that begin with "B" choose professions related to creativity. They are excellent musicians, artists, fashion designers and writers. Despite the passion, they approach the choice of a partner extremely responsibly and are able to live their whole lives with one person.

    BUT- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name begins with "A" are quite hardworking. They like to take the initiative in everything and do not like routine.

    R- people with the letter "R" in their names have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible, you can rely on them in any situation. They have a well-developed intuition, they are extremely negative about lies. Constantly striving for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

    Name as a phrase

    • AT- Lead
    • BUT- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
    • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)

    Name Varvara in English (Latin)


    When filling out a document in English, you should write first the first name, then the patronymic in Latin letters, and only then the last name. You may need to write the name Varvara in English when applying for a passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

    Useful video

    Choosing a name for an heiress is a responsible matter! After all, with this name a person has to live life, to some extent it affects fate. Everything must be taken into account: a harmonious combination with a patronymic and surname, how an affectionate form will sound, what friends will call, etc.

    We have no doubt that you approached the matter with full seriousness and responsibility! To help in this difficult choice, our article will talk about Barbara.

    Today this name cannot be called common, although in last years obviously increased interest in the old original names. The very sound of the name suggests a strong energy. Let us recall the fabulous Varvara-beauty - not only beauty and magic, but also mind, character, will.

    There are two hypotheses about what the name Barbara means and about its origin.

    First theory

    The first, more common, ascribes Greek roots to it.

    The ancient Greeks, prosperous, educated and arrogant, considered unworthy and dissonant all dialects other than the noble Hellenic. In their view, the speech of foreigners sounded like an incomprehensible “bar-bar”.

    Gradually, this word - barbarians - began to be called the strangers themselves, meaning not only speech, but also insufficient, according to the Greeks, the level of education and culture.

    to Europe and Ancient Russia the word "barbarian" came precisely in the meaning of "foreigner", "foreigner". Later it acquired a negative connotation, becoming synonymous with the destroyer. But the concept of "foreigner" is embedded in the name of Barbara.

    Second theory

    Less common, but no less interesting is the hypothesis of the Indo-European origin of the name Barbara, according to which "var" is translated as "protection".

    The repetition of this word is interpreted as "double protection". According to this version, Barbara is a "protector".

    Name variations

    The full name of Varvara in the abbreviated everyday version sounds like Varya. Gently and affectionately, softening the rolling “r”, the diminutives Varenka, Varechka, Varyusha are pronounced.

    Well, the unceremoniously familiar Varyukha and Varka are also worth bearing in mind.

    Varvara retains its sound in the Belarusian and Ukrainian languages. But in Europe, the name is pronounced differently - Barbara (you can meet Barbra).

    This name is found in almost all European countries. Their diminutive versions are interesting: Italian Barbarella, Spanish Barbarita, French Barb.

    Yes, the famous Barbie doll is our Varenka!

    Correct spelling of name English alphabet(for example, in a passport) - VARVARA.

    Barbara's name day

    For believers, name days (not to be confused with birthday!) - important date. This is the day of memory of the heavenly patron, whose name is given to a person at baptism. The name Varvara is taken into account in Orthodox saints and has his heavenly intercessor.

    Several Barbarians are numbered among the saints. The most famous and revered Great Martyr Barbara of Iliopol.

    According to church history, she was born in the III century (in some sources - in the IV century) in Phoenician Iliopol, in a family of pagans. The family belonged to the local wealthy aristocracy.

    Barbara was brought up in strictness and obedience. Because of the special beauty that the girl was endowed with, Father Dioscurus even locked her in the tower. According to legend, it was solitude that taught the girl to frequent thoughts about higher matters.

    When the father decided to give his daughter to a rich pagan, she refused. Hoping to convince his daughter, Dioscurus allowed her to leave the palace.

    During one of her walks, Varvara met Christians, who introduced her to faith in Christ. Having accepted the faith with all her heart, the girl underwent the rite of baptism.

    Her father tried to force her to renounce Christianity, but she was unshakable. In a rage, he took Varvara to the ruler of the city, Martian. The girl was tortured, but this did not make her return to paganism.

    Martian sentenced her to death, and her father became the executioner, who cut off his daughter's head with his own hand. According to legend, the father and the ruler were struck by lightning. And Barbara, for her commitment to the faith, was canonized as a saint.

    Since several saints bear this name, the days of memory are also January 11, March 7, April 5, July 18.

    The owner of the name Varvara celebrates her name day on that memorial day, which is closest to her birthday.

    Talismans and symbols of the name Barbara

    Barbara is especially favored by:

    • planet - Jupiter (wisdom, honesty, sociability, sincerity, but here - vanity, self-confidence, laziness);
    • zodiac sign - Sagittarius (temperament, fun, sincerity - but here is excessive self-confidence, inconstancy, impulsiveness);
    • element - water (calmness, intuition, creativity, sociability, but - laziness, inconstancy, irritability);
    • color - crimson (the color of energy and love), yellow (intelligence and firmness of character are added), blue (calmness and severity);
    • number - nine (closing the digital series, gives many opportunities);
    • stone - ruby ​​(a symbol of nobility, dignity, love);
    • metal - platinum (uniqueness, wisdom, success, purity);
    • animals - albatross (creativity, freedom, flight of thought), cod (generosity);
    • plants - hornbeam (transience, initiative, decency), narcissus (self-sufficiency - but also narcissism), orchid (perfection and luxury).

    Barbara's character

    A strong name is a strong character. It is believed that it gives its owner both masculine and feminine traits character. Hence the combination of pragmatism and daydreaming, prudence and romanticism.

    But which side of nature will prevail depends on education. It also depends on the date of birth. It is believed that character is determined by the time of the year in which a person was born.

    Winter. Impulsivity is not hers. Winter Vara is characterized by pragmatism, foresight, thoroughness - both in her career and in her personal life. She will not make decisions in a hurry, first she will think over and calculate everything.

    Spring. Creative person, shy, even timid. It will not be able to be realized without support, despite the serious creative potential. Therefore, you need the help of people who are close in spirit to help you make a decision.

    Summer. Coquetry is her middle name. This does not prevent her from being an integral and imperious nature. With these traits coexist slight vulnerability and resentment.

    Autumn. Keeps all emotions to himself. It is distinguished by restraint, seriousness and calmness. She knows how to set goals and achieve them on her own, without relying on someone else's support.


    Does the name given at birth really influence the formation of a person's destiny? Possibly, and even surely given name, which a person hears every day throughout his life, plays a role.

    But the most important thing is not the name, but the feeling with which it is pronounced. The main thing for children is the atmosphere in the family, the love and care that parents and other family members give them.

    It is in the family that the character of the child, his attitude to the world around him, is formed. Let family happiness become your constant companion!

    What do you think about the influence of the name on the fate of a person? Write, we are waiting!