Mudras of fulfillment of desires. The mudra of wish fulfillment is very powerful - the support of a Hindu deity

Mudras of health, love, money and fulfillment of desires

Mudra is a magical intricacy of fingers, a unique “language” of communication with the Universe. The first mudras appeared several 1000 years BC. and to this day no one knows who created them. Some legends say that the authors of the mudras are Hindu gods, others claim that the mysterious position of the fingers was seen by great priests. Be that as it may, their effect on human life is still not fully understood. However, before those who fold the mudras, it opens the whole world! After all, with their help you can not only heal and get rich, but also fulfill your most cherished desires!

Purification before mudras

If you want mudra to become a real salvation for you and give excellent results, you must first carry out cleansing and normalize the water balance of your body. For 2 weeks before you start folding mudra, follow the following water consumption regimen:
- 1 glass of water immediately after waking up
- 1 glass of water half an hour before breakfast
- 1 glass of water an hour before lunch. After eating, do not drink or eat for 2.5 hours. After the time is up, drink 1 more glass of water
- 1 glass of water instead of an afternoon snack
- 1 glass of water an hour before dinner (the last meal should be 2.5-3 hours before)
- 1 glass of water before bed.

How to perform mudras correctly

The uniqueness of mudras lies in the fact that you can work with them anywhere, and they do not require special physical training. You can do them while sitting on the bus or on the couch in front of the TV. But the greatest effect can be achieved if you fold mudras, combining them with meditation while standing, sitting or, for example, in the well-known lotus position, facing east. It is important to keep your spine straight and at the same time keep your back relaxed. Breathing is chesty and calm.

Make sure that there are no rings, watches or bracelets on your hands while working with mudra. You can work with several mudras at once, but I do not recommend spreading yourself too thin. Two or three mudras will be enough.

After you finish your work, do not make sudden movements: stretch your neck, rub one palm against the other, and then clench each into a fist. Stretch and take a couple of deep breaths.

Mudras for attracting money

Well-being, financial solvency, money luck... magical mudras know not only how to attract prosperity into your life, but also how to develop an entrepreneurial flair.

Mudras for attracting love

If you start putting together the mudra of love, you will be able to get rid of the blocks of loneliness, become attractive to the opposite sex and attract your soul mate.

Mudras for fulfilling desires

Before working with such a wise one, it is very important to imagine in detail your object of desire. The more specific and thoughtful the image is, the faster it will come to life.

Mudras for attracting health

The most unique ability of mudras is the ability to heal a person. They treat any minor ailment, chronic disease and even mental turmoil. Trust the mudras, and then they will very pleasantly surprise you.

Kubera mudra is very powerful. It is aimed at fulfilling desires, gives confidence, and helps to find harmony.

Its effectiveness depends on how you practice it, how deep you go, and the intensity.

It is advisable to use visualization when working with Kubera Mudra and clearly imagine what you want.


Most people are accustomed to clearly distinguish between the scientific approach and the so-called “Magic”, believing that these are two mutually exclusive concepts. In fact, the line between them is very thin and, as a rule, passes only in the minds of ordinary people. After all, if you think about it, for a person who lived some hundred years ago, modern gadgets will seem like something beyond cosmic or even divine. What can we say about earlier periods?

But there is also ancient knowledge and practices that are perceived by pragmatists as something absurd and are equated by them to myths and fairy tales. Modern medicine has undoubtedly made huge strides forward in the study and treatment of various diseases. But despite all these efforts, there are still many incurable and fatal pathologies. Likewise, science cannot explain some phenomena from the point of view of generally accepted physical laws and rules, limiting itself only to recording a “miracle” or “anomaly”.

Inertia in the study of the universe is absolutely unacceptable. If you hold on to the dogmas that were once derived and do not include critical thinking or imagination (as the greatest scientists did), then there can be no talk of any scientific breakthroughs in the near future. Moreover, even human nature remains one of the biggest mysteries for science...

But there is already progress in this direction. Recognition of the fact that man is not only an exclusively physical, but also an energetic being provides enormous potential for studying the issue of human interaction with nature and matter as such.

What are Mudras?

If we proceed from the fact that a person is simultaneously a source, receiver and relay of multiple energy flows, then the most important question arises: how to control these flows? Due to the fact that such research is practically not conducted at the official level, such information cannot be found in any textbook. But, fortunately, the ancient people of knowledge did not engage in painful searches for truth, but simply worked with it, observing and feeling the primordial power in themselves and in the surrounding space. They developed special combinations of gestures and positions that were designed to redirect, focus, close or disperse energy throughout the body. With this they achieved the most incredible results: from curing a runny nose to changing their social status and welfare. Such combinations were called "Mudras".

How does this work?

Man, at his core, is a very powerful generator of “intention.” Those. its nature contains a very large potential for change (in any direction) not only own life, but also the lives of the people around him and even the space. The main religions teach that man took and is directly involved in the formation of the reality he observes (“co-creator”, “ the image and likeness...”, “the road under the feet of the one who walks”, etc.). Therefore, almost everything that happened, is happening and will happen to people is in the area of ​​their direct responsibility. Without references to “evil fate” and “unlucky fate”. People themselves are the creators of their own happiness and unhappiness. Everyone is in the same conditions: on the same planet, under the same sun. There may be many objections about economic, physical and political inequalities, but this is all socially superficial and does not change the essence of the matter. Everyone can change their life. Any moment. This is very difficult to accept, but it is true.

A harmonious person who is in harmony with himself and with the world is energetically full by default. This means that its energy circuits are functioning correctly and the energy quality itself is at a high level. This state is achieved through careful work on oneself. Many articles have been written about this, so here it makes sense to dwell only on the concept of “Energy circuit”.

It's very simple. By analogy with circulatory system one can imagine that energy circulates within the body, nourishing various organs. This, of course, is a very crude and superficial approach, but the meaning is something like this. The spiritual and physical state of a person depends on the quality and quantity of energy.

A striking example of mudra is the sign of the cross among Christians. The symbolism of this action is interpreted in different ways, but this gesture is much more ancient than the Christian religion. In fact, the energy flow is concentrated at the tips of the three fingers and distributed among the most important energy centers. A positive effect is also achieved due to the fact that a person, making the sign of the cross, usually “tunes in” to the spiritual wave and tries to reject everything negative from himself. The right positive attitude is very important point. Nothing will work without him.

Practical application of mudra that fulfills wishes

Anyone can learn basic skills in this area. The choice of mudra is made depending on what exactly a person needs.

One of the most common mudras is the wish fulfillment mudra or “Kubera”. She is very powerful. With her correct use You can achieve what you want in a relatively short period of time. It is necessary to make a reservation that functionally this mudra does not have any magical properties and that if a person performs it regularly, then the desired item will not appear on his table one day by itself. Rather, it sets a person up for the right thoughts and actions that he must apply to achieve what he wants.

The mudra of wish fulfillment is performed with both hands as follows:

Rest your ring and little fingers in your palms

Thumbs, index and middle fingers are gathered into pinch

Turn your palms towards you

Technically, this is very similar to the triplicate described above. It is also worth noting that it is very important to project what you want in your mind, as if the desire has already come true. Feel the joy of this fact. This is work with intention and energy that should bear fruit.

You should also monitor your breathing, which should be calm and even.

There are two main mudras that help you achieve your plans. Subarchi is a very powerful mudra for fulfilling desires. This is the main practice for making your dreams come true. Kubera comes to help her.


How to do it?

Connect the tips of your index and middle fingers. Then connect the tips of your little and ring fingers.

A correctly performed Surabhi mudra should resemble the udder of a cow.

The correct execution can be seen in this video.


Surabhi exercise helps:

  • improve the functioning of the endocrine glands;
  • energize all three doshas - Vatta, Pitta and Kapha;
  • eliminate acidity in the body.

“But what does wish fulfillment have to do with it?” - you may ask.

And here's what it has to do with it.

These physical influences help a person achieve what he wants. That is, the mudra does not fulfill the desire here and immediately. But it gives you the opportunity to achieve what you want because it enhances creativity and motivation. It improves brain function and helps you make those decisions in life that guarantee the best outcome.

For Surabhi to help make a dream come true, it must be fulfilled for 10 minutes and for 15 days.

Various options

Surabhi has several options.

That is, the mudra itself is performed as described above. But after interlocking the main fingers that take part in its formation, we are left with even larger ones. Where should I put them?

There are 4 options.

  1. Vayu. The tip of the thumb is placed at the base of the index finger. Most effectively helps to enhance creativity. And also eliminate pain throughout the body, as correctly, of a muscular nature.
  2. Shunya. The thumb touches the base of the middle finger. Helps you calm down better. It is believed that if you hold it long and often, you can hear the music of the Cosmos.
  3. Prithivi. The tip of the thumb is in contact with the base of the ring finger. Helps get rid of drowsiness, improve digestion and eliminate chronic cough.
  4. Jal. The sore finger is placed at the base of the little finger. Helps get rid of excessive heat in the body and cool down.


This is a simpler mudra. It helps mainly in cases where the desire concerns material goods and money.

Indications: this mudra has healing effect for eye diseases, headaches, diseases of the endocrine glands and cerebrovascular accidents.
How to do it: An open palm with fingers straight and pressed together is placed in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose. This position of the hand is called “swan behavior.”

Mudra is the key to the sahasrara chakra, or the prayer mudra, or the “Pure Radiance” mudra

Indications: This mudra helps to keep in touch with the cosmos and bring the soul and body into a harmonious state. It must be performed after all mudras.
When performing it, a person gains a good mood, self-confidence, and integrity of worldview.

It restores energy balance in the body and creates a special feeling of personal space.
How to do it: connect your palms with straight, but not tense fingers.
The following mudras are used to cleanse the body, water and various objects.

Apana mudra

How to do it: perform mudra with both hands. It is necessary to connect the pad of the thumb with the pads of the middle and ring finger, and straighten the index finger and little fingers. You need to keep your hands in this position for 15 minutes. At this time, it is recommended to imagine a shining aura around you.

Chakra mudra

Indications: used to purify water and various objects from negative energy.

How to do it: palms with spread fingers are placed on top of each other with a clap and held above water or an object for some time.

Galini mudra

Indications: purifies water from impurities.

How to do it: Hands folded in a certain way are held above the water for some time. Perform mudra with both hands. The thumbs are connected with the pads of the little fingers.
The remaining fingers are connected and interlocked with the same fingers of the other hand.

Surabhi mudra

Indications: water purification. It is believed that this mudra turns ordinary water into heavenly nectar.

How to do it: mudra is performed with both hands. Place two palms in front of you.
In this case, connect the index finger of the right hand with the middle finger of the left hand, and connect the middle finger of the right hand with the little finger of the left hand.

Matsya mudra

Indications: with the help of this mudra you can protect water or any object from desecration.

How to do it: To perform mudra, you need to place one hand with the thumb outstretched on the other hand in the same position and place them over the object.
Then use your thumbs to make 2 circles clockwise.

Bijakshara mudra

Indications: cleansing

How to do it: The mudra is performed simultaneously with the recitation of secret mantras. Both hands with fingers pressed to each other. The left palm is placed on the dorsum of the right hand. With the thumb of the right hand, the spoken mantras are counted (using rosary beads).

How to perform mudras correctly

Mudras immerse a person inside himself and help expand the boundaries of his consciousness. They generate a special state of mind. They do not require much effort and large quantity time. Mudras are available to each of us. Even with the modern rhythm of life, you can find time for them.
It is quite easy to perform mudras almost anywhere. However, it is better to learn new mudras in a calm environment. Sometimes it is suggested that this can be done in line, in a traffic jam or in front of the TV. But at this time the person is in a tense state and will not be able to fully relax and perform the mudras. Besides, from the outside it will look strange.
It is better to start mastering mudras in a state of mental balance, with good mood and in a relaxed state. You need to concentrate on what you are doing and reflect on the meaning of the mudra.
First, master the simplest mudras of two or three fingers. Further, in the process of successful practice and as your emotional state, thoughts, start mastering more complex mudras. As a result, you will learn to concentrate your thoughts, focus on your sensations, and begin to perceive the world around you in a new way.

General rules for performing mudras

1. Do classes every day until you get results and consolidate them.
2. To cure chronic diseases, it is necessary to perform mudras for a long time. This requires patience, humility and work.
3. Set yourself the maximum goal - to completely recover from the disease.
4. In case of acute illness, the initial effect of performing mudras appears in 1–3 days.
5. It is most effective to combine mudras with asanas, that is, to practice full-fledged yoga.
6. Spend at least 2-5 minutes to perform each mudra.
7. Perform 3-4 mudras in one session. It is advisable to repeat them 2-3 times a day.
8. Mudras should be performed with both hands. At the same time, there is no need to strain them excessively.
9. Remember that extended fingers promote the release of energy, while bent or joined fingers promote the accumulation of energy.
10. Perform mudras in a quiet, calm environment, preferably alone with yourself.
11. Optimal time for practicing mudras - in the evening by candlelight or in the morning, facing the sun.
12. To relax in the best possible way, sit or lie down, although you can also stand. Relax and feel the state of sleep. Feel the flow of energy in your body.
13. Watch your breathing and imagine that when you inhale you comprehend the sacred meaning of mudras, and when you exhale you drive away unnecessary ones. at the moment thoughts and emotions.
14. First remove all jewelry and watches from your hands.
15. It is advisable to practice mudras in nature. This can be done in a park, in a forest, etc.
16. For men, the leading hand is right hand, and for women - left. The leading hand contains the action. It represents sincerity of intentions and feelings, power and logic, and gives a message to the outside world. The second hand reflects your desires and hopes.
17. You can perform several mudra complexes during the day, depending on the state of your health, personal and life problems.
18. Perform mudras with pleasure. If tension appears in the body or discomfort occurs, the energy will not be able to move in the right direction. If this happens, then interrupt the lesson and continue to perform other mudras.
19. Performing mudras mechanically is not enough. You need to focus on your thoughts and listen to your body.
20. When finishing your classes, exit the meditative state gradually. Don't make sudden movements.
Raise and lower your head several times, rub your palms together, then clench them into fists. After this, stretch and take a deep breath.
21. When correct execution wise you will feel calm, a surge of strength and vigor.
22. There are no contraindications for mudras.

Some mudras help cope with stress. They can be performed to quickly calm down and pull yourself together. To prepare for their implementation, you need to try to relax, for which you can place your hands loosely on your knees if you are sitting, or lower them along your body if you are standing. Then normalize your breathing. To do this, inhale on a count of 1–3, and exhale on a count of 1–5. The exhalation should be longer. After you have calmed down a little, you can begin the mudras. Perform them with relaxed hands and breathe through your nose.

Yama consists of five basic principles: ahimsa (no violence), satya (honesty), asteya (no theft), brahma-charya (abstinence) and aparigraha (no greed).
If your life goes on in a busy rhythm, then you can do mudras in the morning to help recharge your energy, and in the evening to promote relaxation. This will allow you to have a good rest after a hard day and always be in shape. Practice mudras in combination with meditation, asanas, proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, herbal medicine will help restore and strengthen your health. It is also useful to perform mudras accompanied by meditative music and combine them with color therapy.
When performing mudras, be guided by the pictures. Don’t strain your hands, and keep your fingers touching lightly. Some mudras may be difficult for you. Your fingers will have difficulty moving in the right direction, slip, and get tired quickly. This is due to stiffness of the joints and the whole body as a whole. In this case, our recommendations and mudras will benefit you and help improve the condition of your body.
It is not easy to perform mudras with both hands at once. So practice with one hand first, then the other. Only after this start doing them with both hands.
Perform mudras in compliance with the rules, but do not overdo it. If any mudra does not work out or your hands get tired quickly, then interrupt the lesson. Gradually, your hands will train and become more mobile and resilient, coordination of movements will develop and you will be able to perform mudras with both hands at once. Remember that mudras are not just exercises or gestures, they are endowed with sacred meaning.
If, when performing mudras, you cannot concentrate on the main thought, then switch your attention to your breathing. Watch your inhalation and exhalation. This will help you calm down and then move on to important thoughts. Next, you can begin to visualize (imagine your goal - a desired object, a relaxing landscape, a healthy organ) and affirmations (positive phrases-suggestions that help you achieve your goal).
Don't do all the mudras in a row. Choose from them those that you really need at this stage of your life. Remember that the effect will not appear immediately. Sometimes it may seem that mudras are of no benefit and everything is only getting worse, but this is not so. Every change in the body, in life, can be accompanied by side processes and short-term exacerbations of chronic diseases or worsening of the situation. Change is a disruption of stability, but it helps to come to a new, more acceptable or beneficial situation for you. Therefore, you just need to go through the initial period of change and do it as calmly as possible. Continue practicing mudras and gradually you will achieve your goal. Don't be afraid to adjust it. Perhaps, if the previous stability is disrupted, you will realize that you were striving for the wrong thing and will set yourself a more correct, more realistic, more beneficial goal for you. Continue your studies, and changes for the better will definitely happen.
If while performing mudras you notice a deterioration in your health, then stop practicing. Perhaps your goal is not well thought out and you have chosen the wrong mudras. It is especially worth thinking about this if there are complaints from previously undisturbed organs or parts of the body. The conditions for performing the mudras that we recommend allow you to listen to your body as much as possible and notice all the changes that happen to it.
If you are filled with negative thoughts and irritated, then you should not start the lesson. First, calm down, use breathing techniques (full yoga breathing works very well).
Believers can read a prayer before the mudras and turn to the Lord. After the lesson, you should thank him for all the good things in your life.
When performing gyan mudra, concentrate your attention on the joined fingers. At the same time, think about something pleasant and sublime. This will allow you to find inner freedom and tune in to perform subsequent mudras. You will be able to feel the flow of energy coming from your index finger. To get the most out of this mindset, try thinking about something unpleasant while also capturing the energy in the area of ​​your index finger. You may notice a difference in sensation. In this way, you will see how important it is to think positively and perform mudras after the appropriate mindset.
With the help of mudras, you can correct your emotional state - increase your tone, calm down, reduce the significance of something, etc., so you need to perform some mudras depending on the situation. Remember that they must be worked out well by you. As we have already said, new mudras should be learned in a calm environment. Mudras will help you feel comfortable in various life situations and develop calmness and peacefulness in yourself. In a balanced state, a person perceives more information from the world around him, understands himself better and uses logic and intuition more fully. Balance as a character trait allows you to make the right decisions and choose the optimal behavior under any circumstances. This is the secret of the success of many famous and happy people.
Most yoga experts recommend practicing mudras for 45 minutes a day. This can be one lesson or 2-3 for 15-20 minutes. The exact time does not matter, just 45 minutes is enough to learn a few mudras and practice them. Short sessions prevent you from getting tired and help you to distract yourself from various problems and relax during the day. If you combine mudras with meditation, you will need more time. So you can decide for yourself how many times a day to perform mudras.
After finishing the class, you can feel a surge of warmth and energy in your body, vigor, improved mood, and a more comfortable state of health. Other sensations may also appear - coldness, increased pain, malaise and fatigue. Any changes in the body mean that the mudras are having their effect. We have already said that it will be gradual and at first may differ from what is desired.
Some mudras change the flow of energy not only in the body, but also in the surrounding space. It follows that mudras can be used to heal another person. At the same time, it is very important to have a sincere intention to help the suffering person. To provide energetic assistance, you can approach the person or, if he is far away, mentally imagine him. Then you need to perform mudra, addressing all positive energy and thoughts to him.
Some mudras can be taught to children. This is easy to do as a game. Gradually, the child will master the most significant mudras for life and health and, as an adult, will use them.
Mudras have become very popular in the West. Their practice is spreading along with the passion for yoga and Eastern culture.
Music helps you easily achieve the necessary emotional state and distracts you from extraneous and obsessive thoughts. It is better to perform mudras accompanied by calm, slow music. Classical pieces of music in appropriate arrangements are suitable for this. When practicing mudras, preference should be given to music performed on the cello, violin, organ, and piano. Orchestral music and singing have a stimulating effect on the body and are not suitable for meditation.
Before incorporating music into your mudra practice, listen to it for a few days and notice how it affects you. If you notice positive effect from the music, then perform mudras to it. It is recommended to practice mudras to music for 30 minutes a day.

Poses for exercise

It doesn't matter whether you perform the mudra while sitting or standing. The main thing is that your back is relaxed and your spine is straight. Correct posture is one of the conditions for practicing mudras.
If you are working out sitting on a chair, then lean against its back, place your feet on the floor parallel to each other. Your knees should be bent at a right angle. Keep your head in line with your spine. Lift your chin, straighten your shoulders, tuck your stomach and you will feel your spine stretching in a straight line.
You can perform mudras while lying on a flat, elastic, horizontal surface. Place a flat pillow under your head. Small pillows can be placed under your knees. In this position, your body will be relaxed and your spine will be as close to a straight line as possible.
When performing mudras while standing, place your feet shoulder-width apart, with your feet parallel to each other.
Some mudras can be done on the go, for example while walking in the park. Walking should be smooth, with even steps and at a moderate pace, and breathing should be calm and rhythmic.
When performing mudras, it is important to maintain symmetry of movements. There should be no distortion or tension in the body. Then energy flows will move freely throughout the body.

In order to find harmony and purify the mind, it is necessary to observe yama not only in words and actions, but even in thoughts. Any temporary pleasure that is contrary to the principles of yama leads to suffering and pain.
If you combine mudras with meditation, it is best to do this in asanas (yoga poses). The most suitable position for practicing mudras is a sitting position. In this position, you can take the following poses: padmasana, virasana, sukhasana. These are the main asanas in yoga. It is best to start practicing mudras with simple asanas. Gradually you can move on to more complex ones. If your physical condition does not allow you to take the asana, then sit on a chair and straighten your back.
It is preferable to perform mudras in the lotus position.

Padmasana (lotus pose)

This is the most difficult asana. To take it, you need to sit on a hard surface. A floor on which you can lay a gymnastic or other mat is suitable for this. You need to sit with your back straight. The legs should be extended, then grab the big toe of one foot with your hand, bend the leg at the knee and place the foot on the thigh of the other leg. Then repeat everything with the other leg. The lotus pose is considered to be perfectly performed if the hips and knees of both legs touch the floor. Then you need to straighten your shoulders, raise your head and feel how your spine is stretched in a straight line. Place your hands loosely on your hips. Breathe evenly, slowly, with normal depth.
For Eastern people, getting into the lotus position is easy. For others it may not be simple matter. In this case, you do not need to forcefully cross your legs bent at the knees, but rather take another asana.
Sukhasana is a comfortable pose. To take it, you need to sit down and stretch your legs. Then you need to bend right leg at the knee and place the right foot under the left thigh. Perform a similar action with the other leg. In this asana, your back is straight, your legs are bent at the knees and crossed at the ankles.
It is also important that sukhasana, even without performing mudras, has a healing effect on the body. It helps improve posture, brings the chest and abdominal organs to their normal position and condition. This pose improves hip mobility and promotes muscle stretching. lower limbs. Being in this position, a person finds peace and his thinking becomes balanced.

Sukhasana (comfortable pose)

This asana is ideal for beginner yogis and mudra practitioners. It is also suitable for meditation.
Virasana is the hero's pose. It is also suitable for practicing mudras. The pose is simple. Sit on the floor on your knees so that your feet are located on either side of your buttocks.
If the muscles of the lower extremities are insufficiently extensible, this pose may still cause difficulty. Then it is better to sit with your buttocks on your heels. The thumbs should touch each other. As always, you should keep your back straight. In some cases, it is recommended to place a small flat pillow under the buttocks. This asana also leads to improved posture and functioning of internal organs. With constant frequent practice of Virasana, the arch of the foot is strengthened, which prevents flat feet and helps with tired legs. This asana is especially useful for those who spend a lot of time on their feet.

Virasana (Hero Pose)

Correct breathing

For yoga and practices wise great value has proper breathing. It increases the effectiveness of these activities and in itself heals the body. Proper breathing is deep and slow, and the muscles of the chest and abdominals should work in a certain way.
When you take a deep breath, more oxygen enters the blood from atmospheric air. Slow breathing is calming and a sign of calm. All ancient Indian treatises on yoga say that a person who has control over his breathing has control over his consciousness. Simultaneously with a sigh, a person receives prana ( vital energy).
The breathing of a healthy person with correct posture corresponds to the full breathing of yogis. It is characterized by the fact that the lungs are completely involved. They are included in breathing in stages - in 3 stages.
Most people breathe primarily from the tops of their lungs and not rhythmically. For many people, the diaphragm barely participates in breathing. This is especially often observed in women who already have a thoracic type of breathing, in contrast to men who have an abdominal type of breathing. With chest breathing, and even shallow breathing, the lower parts of the lungs are practically not ventilated. At the same time, a lot of effort is expended on the work of the chest muscles. Insufficient mobility of the diaphragm and lower parts of the lungs leads to congestion.
If the diaphragm is actively involved in the act of breathing, then it simultaneously performs a massage of the abdominal organs.
It is easy to master correct breathing or full yogi breathing. To do this, you need to stand up straight, raise your head and straighten your back. First you need to feel that your spine is stretched in a straight line and you have accepted correct posture. Next, exhale completely.
Then relax your upper abdomen and begin to inhale through your lower chest. Next, feel how it expands from the air middle part chest, and finally straighten your shoulders, open your collarbones and fill the tops of your lungs with air. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Next you need to exhale reverse order. First, feel the air leaving the tops of the lungs, then the compression of the middle, and then the lower part of the chest, and finally the contraction of the diaphragm. At the end of the exhalation, draw in your stomach and stop for a few seconds. When performing the breathing cycle, all movements should be smooth, without excessive effort.
If you are not used to breathing deeply, then after the first attempts to breathe correctly you may feel dizzy. However, regular training will help you master this breathing and improve the condition of your body.
Proper breathing in some cases helps to get rid of functional disorders of the cardiovascular system.
Massage of internal organs with proper breathing improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Proper breathing correlates with the structure of the human body and helps maintain correct posture.
If you master this kind of breathing, then your chest will always be expanded, your shoulder blades will fall into place, and your stomach will tighten. This body position simultaneously gives a person a healthy, attractive and confident appearance.
Correct breathing in combination with mudras will definitely help you cope with illnesses and troubles.
If for some reason you cannot master the full breathing of yogis (for example, due to chest injuries, poor posture), then when practicing mudras, try to breathe as deeply as possible, but without much effort, rhythmically and slowly. This will help you calm down. Intentionally rapid breathing activates the body.
As you prepare to perform mudras and bring your breathing back to normal, you may feel warmth or tingling in your palms.
When performing mudras, it is recommended to apply pressure on the fingers while inhaling. This increases the effectiveness of mudras and tones the body. Such regular practice develops will and determination.

How to do it: fold your hands like a beak. To do this, connect the tips of all fingers on each hand together. It is recommended to perform the mudra 5 times a day for 5 minutes or as needed.

Kaleshvara mudra

Kaleshvara is the deity who has power over time. This mudra reduces agitation and balances thought processes. Once the flow of chaotic thoughts stops, a person is able to think more constructively. He begins to understand the logic of things and listen to his intuition, finds new and right decisions that will help you achieve your desired goal. Kaleshvara mudra also develops the ability to concentrate and has a positive effect on memory.

Indications: memory impairment, emotional swings.

How to do it: place your hands at chest level. Connect the fingertips of both hands. Then bend your index fingers, ring fingers and little fingers. Spread your elbows out to the sides and point your thumbs perpendicular to your chest. Perform the mudra for at least 10 inhalations and exhalations.

Dhyana mudra

This mudra helps to gain longevity and become successful. It brings the body into a state of harmony and frees the mind from unnecessary thoughts. The position of the hands when performing this mudra symbolizes the cup, which is clean and empty. It is ready for you to fill it with your desires, knowledge, etc. The Universe will help fill the emptiness with energy and achieve your goals. To do this, it is important to free your consciousness and open up to the world.

Indications: taking care of your health and longevity, the desire to become successful.

How to do it: Place your relaxed hands on your knees. In this case, the right hand should be down, and the thumbs of both hands should touch. In this position, the arms form a closed circle with the body. It is advisable to perform mudra in classical asanas (see Chapter 1). By practicing mudra, you can gradually free your mind from unnecessary thoughts. To do this, you need to focus on your breathing.

Abhaya mudra

This mudra helps in achieving such desires as getting rid of fear and improving relationships with other people. Hands showing this mudra can be seen in images of gods who give protection to the believer. The mudra reflects the presence of power in the deity.

Fear can arise from many reasons. Most often it is associated with a person’s spiritual weakness. The more high level spiritual development, the less a person is susceptible to fear.

Indications: fear, loneliness, conflicts.

How to do it: place your right palm raised up in front of you at chest level. Left hand Place it on your left thigh or knee, you can apply it to the heart area.

It is better to perform this mudra together with visualization, which will help reduce fear and gradually move from it to positive emotions.

Many people begin to practice yoga seriously after mastering the mudras. They notice positive changes in their lives from the practice of mudras and use another opportunity to maintain health and live in harmony with themselves.

Vajrapradama mudra

Is a gesture of trust. It eliminates doubts, instills confidence, which helps in implementing plans and getting what you want.

Indications: uncertainty, desire to realize your plans.

How to do it: place your hands in front of your chest. Cross the fingers of both hands together so that index fingers while the pads were touching. Move your thumbs to the sides.

It is recommended to perform mudra together with gymnastics, including breathing exercises and meditation. To achieve results, you must clearly formulate a problem or question before class. Say them out loud several times. When performing the mudra, monitor your breathing. If after the lesson you feel more confident and have found a way to solve the problem, then express gratitude for this.

Naga mudra

Naga in ancient Indian mythology is the goddess of snakes. It combines such qualities as wisdom, cunning, and strength. Performing this mudra helps you become more insightful and makes it easier to solve daily problems. It also enhances human capabilities. The practice of naga mudra helps to choose life path, understand omens, plan for the future.

Indications: overcoming life's difficulties.

How to do it: Raise your hands to chest level. Cross your palms with your fingers straight so that your thumbs also cross. In this case, the right hand will clasp the left.

Imagine a fire starting in your pelvic area. It warms you, fills you with strength and moves you. Imagine how, as you inhale, a column of flame rises up. When you exhale, you imagine it at the same level, but without straining. Feel the flame reach your head and your thoughts become clearer. First, breathe deeply and quickly, gradually slow down your breathing and make it more shallow. While performing the mudra, straighten your back and stretch upward. Then think about your question again and be alone with yourself. It is possible that your inner voice will suggest the right decision.

Mudra of the inner self

Indications: With the help of this mudra, an open space is created to attract good luck. This way you can enter the world of the immeasurable, the divine and tune in to the same wavelength with it.

How to do it: Keep your palms side by side with slightly bent fingers, the tips of all fingers except the thumbs should touch each other. You also need to connect the lower parts of your palms. Place your thumbs so that there is a gap between them. Keep your hands in this position at forehead level, and look into this gap for as long as possible without blinking. Lower your hands and hold the mudra a centimeter below your chin for some time. In this case, the hands will automatically move to the point on the body where the soul is located. You need to breathe evenly and calmly, quietly saying “Hu-u-u...” with each exhalation.

Esoteric moving mudra

Indications: removes the blockage of bad luck and improves the circulation of energy in the body. When performing mudra, the body feels a pleasant warmth. In addition, the energetic moving mudra is universal; it relieves any diseases and ailments.

How to do it: Lightly connecting the tips of the thumb and middle fingers of one hand, you need to slowly draw a circle with them about 10 times along the first phalanx of the middle finger of the other. Then change hands. When performed correctly, the mudra moves from the hands to the wrists, forearms, elbows, upper parts There is a flow of heat to the hands and spine. When it reaches the spine, place your thumb on the middle phalanges of the middle ones. Repeat everything. Then move your thumb to the lower phalanges of the middle ones and again draw a circle. The heat will flow from the pelvic area to the hips, knees, legs, ankles and feet. Place your thumb on the edge of the middle phalanx of your index finger. Gently rub your thumb up and down. There will be a feeling of warmth spreading across the back of the head.