The world of insects is a story for children. Caterpillar A caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly, moth or moth - insects from the order Lepidoptera. Types of caterpillars - photos and names

Tell children about insects

Young explorers of the world are undoubtedly attracted by the numerous kingdom of insects. As you know, children can look at a beetle, butterfly or caterpillar for a long time. They ask a lot of questions and are surprised at this unique behavior of insects. Little scholars are interested in everything that crawls, flies or buzzes. Help your baby understand this huge world of small creatures.

What to tell?

Tell your child that, despite small size, insects are just as alive as animals. Insects are so different, there are so many of them, more than the entire animal world, including fish, birds and animals. Scientists discover new species of insects every year.

Insects can talk!

Only they do this not with the help of words, like people, but through touch, sounds, smells, and visual signals. It turns out that the bee performs a dance in her hive after she finds a clearing with flowers. Her movements will tell other bees about where the clearing is and what plants grow there. Ants transmit information using their antennae.

To hide from enemies and protect themselves from predators, insects dress in different colors. Green grasshoppers hiding in the green grass. Locust – gray, she becomes completely invisible on the gray earth. Brightly colored butterflies seem so colorful to us when they fly in the air. But when they land on a flower, they are difficult to find. Many insects look like parts of a plant - leaves or twigs. The most skilled hide-and-seek masters are stick insects. Their name refers to how they camouflage themselves. These insects live on trees, are brown or green in color and look like thin stems.

Wonderful transformations.

Insects can be found almost everywhere. It only takes a little effort to discover a few insects that you can make your friends. Tell children about insects, read interesting poems about them, and also very important advice. When your child is no longer interested in his pet insect, please do not kill them - release them into the wild.

Your child learns about the world every day. You will become for him best teacher, if you diversify his knowledge with information about the animal and flora. There is a lot of beautiful and amazing things around. The adult's goal is to show this to the child's gaze.


A fly sat on the window,

The fly ate a crumb of bread,

We drove away the fly with a rag:

“We didn’t invite you to visit.”

T. Shorygina

You, of course, have seen a fly more than once. Very often flies come to visit us without an invitation. They have two large eyes, which consist of many small faceted eyes. Each large eye consists of four thousand facets. Each such eye gives its own small image. At the fly good sense of smell thanks to her short but fluffy mustache.

Flies are black, sometimes red with a blue or green sheen. There are about five thousand species of flies in total. We usually encounter a housefly. It is very dangerous and carries many different infections: intestinal infections, worm eggs, typhoid fever, cholera and tuberculosis. One fly carries up to 6 million microbes.

A fly eats as much as it weighs per day – that’s about 20 milligrams. Interestingly, some species of flies can signal to other flies that food has been detected. A fly, having found an object, first tastes it with its foot and determines whether it is edible or not. If the item is suitable for food, the fly flies away and, using a special substance, transmits this information to other flies.

Special pads on its feet help the fly crawl on smooth surfaces. The fly lives only 30–45 days.

Scientists have calculated: if the offspring of one fly survived completely, then in a year it could cover the entire earth with a layer of one and a half meters! Fortunately, this does not happen, because flies have many enemies in nature: birds, various animals, for example, frogs.

There are a lot of them in the summer,

And in winter everyone dies out

They jump and buzz in your ear.

What are they called? - … (fly)

How I buzz on a hot day,

Any ear could hear.

I fly into every house

Everyone knows me! I am... (fly)



A mosquito is a gray insect with two wings. More than two thousand species of mosquitoes live on our planet.

The mosquito has a proboscis on its head, with which it pierces the bite site and releases poisonous saliva under the skin of the animal. This is why the skin itches and itches after a bite. Mosquito activity usually begins in the evening.

Many people think that mosquitoes squeak, but the squeaking occurs due to the rattling of mosquito wings. They can even communicate with each other by shaking their wings. An ordinary mosquito makes about 500 wing beats per second.

Many mosquitoes, when biting people, carry very dangerous diseases. Malaria mosquitoes are so named because they carry malaria pathogens.

Animals help people fight mosquitoes. The most famous mosquito hunters are frogs and toads. Birds are also not averse to eating mosquitoes: wagtails, tits, sparrows. Mosquitoes also have enemies among insects. The most formidable among them is the dragonfly.

It flies and squeaks,

His long legs are dragging,

The opportunity will not be missed

He will sit down and bite.





Dragonfly, dragonfly,

Curious eyes

Then she flies forward

It hangs like a helicopter

Blue above the water

Over the meadow grass,

Above the forest clearing...

M. Shapovalov

Dragonflies are one of the most beautiful insects. They can be seen on a sunny summer day over the water. They happen different colors: blue, green, black... In Japan, dragonflies were considered a sign of victory, poems were written about them and depicted in paintings.

The dragonfly has four mesh wings, this helps it fly quickly, and its elongated body, like a rudder, guides it in flight. The flight speed of a dragonfly is 96–144 kilometers per hour. Her big eyes shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow! They occupy almost the entire head and consist of 28 thousand small eyes.

The dragonfly is voracious and constantly hunts. It feeds on small insects: mosquitoes, beetles, flies, moths. In an hour, a dragonfly can eat 40 flies.

Dragonflies are active all summer and hibernate in the fall. These insects can even predict the weather. If it does not spoil, they behave calmly, but before bad weather they gather in flocks and begin to make loud sounds, fluttering their wings.

The largest dragonfly found in our country is the rocker. It is usually brownish-red in color, but blue dragonflies are also found. The wingspan of the rocker dragonfly is 10, and their body length is 8 centimeters.

You see everything, dragonfly,

TV eyes!

Your chirping flight

It's like a helicopter in the sky,

And during an “emergency” landing

You boldly show your paws.

E. Koryukin

Dragonfly larvae - also called naiads - eat a lot. With the help of a strongly extended downward lip, they grab fry, tadpoles and small beetles. The larva can eat up to 50 fry per day. In a year, a big-eyed beauty will fly out of the unsightly larva. She is still weak, her wings and body cover are soft, but after two hours she can already fly perfectly.

small helicopter

Flies back and forth.

Big eyes

Name - ... (dragonfly)


Very clever from my palm

A small bug flies up.

Why do they call him cow?

Nobody could answer me!

Ladybug is a common insect. Surely everyone planted in the summer ladybug on his hand and said: “Ladybug, fly to heaven, bring us bread, black, white, but not burnt.” The ladybug beetle is the favorite of all children because it is bright and beautiful. Tell your child what great benefits this little creature brings. The ladybug is a tireless predator; every day one ladybug eats 150-200 aphids; it is also an enemy for other garden pests. The benefits of the ladybug have been known since ancient times; farmers carefully transported and resettled ladybugs around the world to save their plantations and fields. It is known from history how ladybugs saved citrus, coffee, mulberry trees. Experienced gardeners and now they collect a handful of bugs and transfer them to pest-infested trees and shrubs.

The consultation was prepared by teacher Baidalina I. Yu.

Literary material taken from the book by E. L. Emelyanova

"Tell the children about insects."



Tell children about insects

Young explorers of the world are undoubtedly attracted by the numerous kingdom of insects. As you know, children can look at a beetle, butterfly or caterpillar for a long time. They ask a lot of questions and are surprised at this unique behavior of insects. Little scholars are interested in everything that crawls, flies or buzzes. Help your baby understand this huge world of small creatures.

What to tell?

Tell your child that, despite their small size, insects are just as alive as animals. Insects are so different, there are so many of them, more than the entire animal world, including fish, birds and animals. Scientists discover new species of insects every year.

Insects can talk!

Only they do this not with the help of words, like people, but through touch, sounds, smells, visual signals. It turns out that the bee performs a dance in her hive after she finds a clearing with flowers. Her movements will tell other bees about where the clearing is and what plants grow there. Ants transmit information using their antennae.

Insects can play hide and seek!

To hide from enemies and protect themselves from predators, insects dress in different colors. Green grasshoppers hiding in the green grass. Locusts are gray in color and become completely invisible on the gray ground. Brightly colored butterflies seem so colorful to us when they fly in the air. But when they land on a flower, they are difficult to find. Many insects look like parts of a plant - leaves or twigs. The most skilled hide-and-seek masters are stick insects. Their name refers to how they camouflage themselves. These insects live on trees, are brown or green in color and look like thin stalks.

Wonderful transformations.

The kid will be surprised by the story about a caterpillar that turns into a beautiful butterfly. You can collect caterpillars in the garden and follow this process at home.
Insects can be found almost everywhere. It only takes a little effort to discover a few insects that you can make your friends. Tell children about insects, read interesting poems about them, and also very important advice. When your child is no longer interested in his pet insect, please do not kill them - release them into the wild.

Your child learns about the world every day. You will become his best teacher if you diversify his knowledge with information about the animal and plant world. There is a lot of beautiful and amazing things around. The adult's goal is to show this to the child's gaze.


A fly sat on the window,

The fly ate a crumb of bread,

We drove away the fly with a rag:

“We didn’t invite you to visit.”

T. Shorygina

You, of course, have seen a fly more than once. Very often flies come to visit us without an invitation. They have two large eyes, which consist of many small faceted eyes. Each large eye consists of four thousand facets. Each such eye gives its own small image. The fly has a good sense of smell thanks to its short but fluffy antennae.

Flies are black, sometimes red with a blue or green sheen. There are about five thousand species of flies in total. We usually encounter a housefly. It is very dangerous and carries many different infections: intestinal infections, worm eggs, typhoid fever, cholera and tuberculosis. One fly carries up to 6 million microbes.

A fly eats as much as it weighs per day – that’s about 20 milligrams. Interestingly, some species of flies can signal to other flies that food has been detected. A fly, having found an object, first tastes it with its foot and determines whether it is edible or not. If the item is suitable for food, the fly flies away and, using a special substance, transmits this information to other flies.

Special pads on its feet help the fly crawl on smooth surfaces. The fly lives only 30–45 days.

Scientists have calculated: if the offspring of one fly survived completely, then in a year it could cover the entire earth with a layer of one and a half meters! Fortunately, this does not happen, because flies have many enemies in nature: birds, various animals, for example, frogs.


There are a lot of them in the summer,

And in winter everyone dies out

They jump and buzz in your ear.

What are they called? - … (fly)

How I buzz on a hot day,

Any ear could hear.

I fly into every house

Everyone knows me! I am... (fly)


A fly on a horse's tail can travel a thousand miles.

Winter is scary with wolves, and summer with flies and mosquitoes.

Where there is sweet juice, there is a fly.


A mosquito is a gray insect with two wings. More than two thousand species of mosquitoes live on our planet.

The mosquito has a proboscis on its head, with which it pierces the bite site and releases poisonous saliva under the skin of the animal. This is why the skin itches and itches after a bite. Mosquito activity usually begins in the evening.

Many people think that mosquitoes squeak, but the squeaking occurs due to the rattling of mosquito wings. They can even communicate with each other by shaking their wings. An ordinary mosquito makes about 500 wing beats per second.

Many mosquitoes carry very dangerous diseases when they bite people. Malaria mosquitoes are so named because they carry malaria pathogens.

Animals help people fight mosquitoes. The most famous mosquito hunters are frogs and toads. Birds are also not averse to eating mosquitoes: wagtails, tits, sparrows. Mosquitoes also have enemies among insects. The most formidable among them is the dragonfly.


It flies and squeaks,

His long legs are dragging,

The opportunity will not be missed

He will sit down and bite.



The mosquitoes squealed - stock up on raincoats.

They were looking for a mosquito seven miles away, but the mosquito was on their nose.

The mosquito sings subtly and loudly.


Mosquitoes and midges in a column - good weather.

If there are a lot of mosquitoes, prepare a box for berries.


Dragonfly, dragonfly,

Curious eyes

Then she flies forward

It hangs like a helicopter

Blue above the water

Over the meadow grass,

Above the forest clearing...

M. Shapovalov

Dragonflies are one of the most beautiful insects. They can be seen on a sunny summer day over the water. They come in different colors: blue, green, black... In Japan, dragonflies were considered a sign of victory, poems were written about them and depicted in paintings.

The dragonfly has four mesh wings, this helps it fly quickly, and its elongated body, like a rudder, guides it in flight. The flight speed of a dragonfly is 96–144 kilometers per hour. Her big eyes shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow! They occupy almost the entire head and consist of 28 thousand small eyes.

The dragonfly is voracious and constantly hunts. It feeds on small insects: mosquitoes, beetles, flies, moths. In an hour, a dragonfly can eat 40 flies.

Dragonflies are active all summer and hibernate in the fall. These insects can even predict the weather. If it does not spoil, they behave calmly, but before bad weather they gather in flocks and begin to make loud sounds, fluttering their wings.

The largest dragonfly found in our country is the rocker. It is usually brownish-red in color, but blue dragonflies are also found. The wingspan of the rocker dragonfly is 10, and their body length is 8 centimeters.

You see everything, dragonfly,

TV eyes!

Your chirping flight

It's like a helicopter in the sky,

And during an “emergency” landing

You boldly show your paws.

E. Koryukin

Dragonfly larvae - also called naiads - eat a lot. With the help of a strongly extended downward lip, they grab fry, tadpoles and small beetles. The larva can eat up to 50 fry per day. In a year, a big-eyed beauty will fly out of the unsightly larva. She is still weak, her wings and body cover are soft, but after two hours she can already fly perfectly.


small helicopter

Flies back and forth.

Big eyes

Name - ... (dragonfly)


Very clever from my palm

A small bug flies up.

Why do they call him cow?

Nobody could answer me!

Ladybug is a common insect. Surely everyone in the summer put a ladybug on his hand and said: “Ladybug, fly to heaven, bring us bread, black, white, but not burnt.”The ladybug beetle is the favorite of all children because it is bright and beautiful. Tell your child what great benefits this little creature brings. The ladybug is a tireless predator; every day one ladybug eats 150-200 aphids; it is also an enemy for other garden pests. The benefits of the ladybug have been known since ancient times; farmers carefully transported and resettled ladybugs around the world to save their plantations and fields. It is known from history how ladybugs saved citrus, coffee, and mulberry trees. Experienced gardeners now collect a handful of bugs and transfer them to pest-infested trees and shrubs.

The consultation was prepared by teacher Baidalina I. Yu.

Literary material taken from the bookE. L. Emelyanova

"Tell the children about insects."

The world around us seems huge and magical to children. It is filled with sounds, colors, transformations and various creatures: plants, insects. If adults help the child master this beautiful world, then he gets a lot of unforgettable impressions, which he remembers later all his life.

First of all, it is worth drawing children’s attention to insects from the “close environment”. These are ladybugs, caterpillars, butterflies, and grasshoppers. We got used to their presence and almost stopped noticing, and children will enjoy listening to stories about the everyday life of these funny creatures.

  • Ladybugs are outwardly quite good-natured and slow-moving insects. In fact, they are merciless predators. If there are a lot of them in the garden, then the owners can rest assured: tireless bugs with charming polka dot colors will destroy pests every day all summer. Just imagine: one ladybug eats almost 300 aphids per day! These are real little warriors, which, moreover, are inedible for garden birds and other insects
  • Caterpillars, unlike ladybugs, are an insidious enemy of plants. They can destroy green leaves and spoil fruits and berries. Of course, birds help gardeners get rid of caterpillars, but it is not so easy to find these pests on trees. They adapt remarkably well, pretending to be either bird droppings or a twig. And caterpillars know how to defend themselves: for example, splashing acid
  • But how good are harmful caterpillars when they turn into beautiful butterflies! These wonderful creatures flutter from flower to flower, feasting on nectar and carrying pollen on their paws. There are at least 140 thousand species of butterflies in the world. Among them there are giants with a wingspan of about 30 cm (Queen Alexandra’s birdwing) and little ones with a wingspan of less than two centimeters (African “blue dwarf”)

Telling children about insects, you can dwell in more detail on their habits. For example, how do grasshoppers produce that characteristic sound that fills the garden in summer days. It turns out that the grasshopper is a real violinist: on its wings there is a special vein, which it moves along a small membrane, similar to an oval mirror, and chirps.

Curious facts from the world of insects

The older the child gets, the more interesting it is for him to study information about insects. For example, how are bees and wasps different? They seem to be similar, but we consider the wasp to be an annoying and aggressive uninvited guest, and the bee to be a great worker. Why?

It will be useful for children to learn that bees live and work. large families, in which each has its own responsibilities: there is a “queen” bee, worker bees, warriors, builders, etc. Together they store honey, which they generously share with people. There are others healthy products beekeeping products that we use for treatment are propolis, wax, bee venom.

Wasps are predators. They feed on fruits, food scraps, nectar, and feed the larvae with prey: flies, bees, reptiles and even small mammals.

But fluffy hard workers bumblebees live very little by human standards - only one summer. They flutter from flower to flower, helping them to pollinate. Only the queen bumblebee remains to spend the winter, which in the spring will have to find a place for a new nest and raise a new “team” of bumblebees in it.

There are many more interesting things you can tell children about insects. It is important that the children understand how wisely nature takes care of each of its creatures, therefore a person should treat them with care, and not needlessly offend our many “lesser brothers.”

A caterpillar is one of the stages of butterfly development.

Before becoming a beautiful butterfly or moth, it is in the larval or caterpillar stage. The life of a caterpillar is very short, but very interesting.

Description, characteristics

A caterpillar is the larva of any insect from the order Lepidoptera. The sizes of the caterpillars are different: it can be from a few millimeters to 15 cm. Touching some of them is life-threatening. They can be poisonous.

The caterpillar's body has a head, thorax and abdomen. There are several pairs of limbs on the chest and abdomen. The whole body has several rings separated by grooves. By pulling up the rings, the caterpillar moves and moves its legs.

The caterpillar breathes through the stigma. There are several of them on the body. The head and chest have a hard shell. The rest of the body is soft and loose. The head is formed from several rings fused together. The shape of the head can be round, rectangular, core. The parietal parts can protrude forward and even form “horns”.

The mouthparts of caterpillars are highly developed. They can chew through any materials and obtain food for themselves using their external jaws. Inside there is an apparatus for chewing food with salivary glands. The eyes have a simple structure. There are several pairs of eyes on the head. Sometimes merged into one large eye. The entire body of the caterpillar is covered with hairs, scales, warts and other projections.

Types of caterpillars

  • There are as many species of caterpillars as there are species of butterflies and other lepidoptera.
  • Cabbage butterfly caterpillar. It grows up to 3-4 cm. It is yellow-green in color with black spots on the back and long white hairs.
  • Surveyor. It looks like a thin brown twig. The limbs are not developed, it moves in “loops”.
  • Big harpy. It reaches a size of 6cm and is green in color. On your back purple spot. There is a pink “frame” around the head. The limbs and horns on the body are striped black and white. When defending, it sprays a caustic substance.
  • Peacock eyes. The largest representative. Grows up to 12cm. has a bluish-green color. Instead of hairs, there are horn-shaped outgrowths all over the body.
  • Dipper caterpillar. It is black and yellow in color and has tufts of hairs.
  • Silk caterpillar. Any caterpillar can produce silk, but only the silkworm was domesticated by humans several centuries ago. The caterpillar is called a silkworm. She has color white with many blue warts. At the end of the cycle it changes color to yellow. The caterpillar develops and lives for about a month. While pupating, it spins a cocoon of threads up to 1500 m long. The color can be white, pink, yellow, green. To obtain natural silk, the pupa is kept for a couple of hours at a temperature of 100C. This temperature makes it easier to unwind the cocoon and use silk in production.

Poisonous caterpillars

Coloring allows you to distinguish a poisonous caterpillar from a “peaceful” one. The brighter the color. It is all the more likely that the caterpillar is poisonous. Contact with it for a person can cause teething, redness of the skin, shortness of breath, various pains and develop diseases.

  • Coquette caterpillar. Lives in Mexico. Very similar to a hamster. Fluffy brown beauty 2-3cm long. on contact may cause chest pain and shortness of breath.
  • Saddle caterpillar. It has a bright color: the back is poisonous green and large brown spot in the middle. The head and end of the abdomen are brown with thick horns. There are coarse hairs on the body. There is strong poison at the ends of these hairs.
  • Lazy cleaver. Lives in Uruguay and Mozambique. The caterpillar is small in length, 3-4 cm. It is black and white in color with green tufts of stiff, milky-green hairs. Her poison may disrupt nervous system, cause bleeding of internal organs.
  • Burning rose. The main color is yellow, with red and blue stripes. Thick horns have spikes with poison. Upon contact, the spines break off and a rash appears on the skin.

Caterpillar development

Its development can last very quickly, or it can drag on for several decades. When hatching from an egg, the caterpillar undergoes several stages. Some of them are accompanied by significant changes, molting and other metamorphoses. The caterpillar itself grows and reaches adult size.

Some species moult several times and change color. This is typical for silkworm caterpillars. At the end of their life period, they look for a place to pupate and prepare their home.

stinging rose caterpillar photo

Caterpillars molt and are characterized by molting. Depending on the species, the caterpillar can molt from 2 to 40 times. Most often, during its life span, the caterpillar molts 4-5 times. The record holder for the number of molts is the moth. She can molt up to 40 times, with females doing this even more often.

The caterpillars that shed the least are miners. Only 2 times. The reasons for molting may be the crowding of an already grown larva in an old body. According to scientists, molting is accompanied by the fact that respiratory system does not grow with the caterpillar and changes only with new “skin”. The larvae's head contains a pheromone, which sends signals to shed its skin.

Where do caterpillars live?

The limited mobility of the caterpillar does not allow them to move quickly and change their habitat. Most often, caterpillars live on the ground, leaves, and plants. Some species live underwater. Depending on their lifestyle, there are secretive caterpillars and openly moving ones. Hidden species include those that practically do not appear on the surface of the earth, but are located in the bark, underground.

They are divided into the following representatives:

  • Leafworms. They live in the leaves of trees, making a tubular house.
  • Carpophagous. They live in the fruits of plants and berries.
  • Xylophagous. They live inside tree trunks, under the bark.
  • Subterranean larvae live underground
  • Aquatic caterpillars live in bodies of water.
  • Miners. They live in roots, leaves, and buds.
  • Future butterflies lead an open lifestyle. They live where they feed: on the leaves of flowers and plants.

What do caterpillars eat?

Most caterpillars are vegetarians. They prefer plant leaves, roots, and flowers. Some make their way to their treats and lay eggs there. These pests include moths. She loves honey. At night, the moth sneaks into the hive and lays eggs in the honeycombs. The hatched larvae eat the wax and honey.

In general, the caterpillar is very voracious. To become a pupa, she must gain mass. The apple moth caterpillar can eat all the leaves on the apple tree and not “get enough.” If there are no other trees nearby, it pupates even when “hungry”.

There are also exotic foods depending on the type:

  • Cork moths feed on algae and fungus in wine barrels and beer vats;
  • Moth caterpillars live on the sloth's body and eat its algae that grows on its fur;
  • Moths eat building material ants - paper;
  • Caterpillars of cutworms and blueberries eat ants, while the ants adore the juice that it produces and live together;
  • Predatory caterpillars feed on small insects and other caterpillars.

Fighting caterpillars: means and methods

Caterpillars can harm human crops and devour their lands. To preserve the harvest, some control methods are used. Sometimes he uses everything in turn:

  • Collection of caterpillars. Every day, collect colonies of caterpillars, destroy pupae and eggs.
  • Chemicals. Industry and botany create various compositions to preserve crops and get rid of unwanted visitors. This method is good at the beginning. Afterwards the caterpillars get used to the drugs.
  • In fields and large areas, birds do this job. They love to eat caterpillars. By building birdhouses, you can get rid of bad friends.
  • Infusions of herbs and foliage. Tomato tops, tobacco, chamomile, wormwood, etc. have good effectiveness. herbs, potato.

  • Caterpillars are eaten by humans throughout their existence. More than 20 species of caterpillars are used as food
  • From the pupae of caterpillars of some species they prepare medicinal tinctures
  • The Chinese use caterpillars infected with a special fungus in treatment and Tibetan medicine.
  • The caterpillar blends in perfectly with environment
  • All caterpillars produce silk during their lives.
  • In the Arctic, the caterpillar lives up to 13 years, hibernating before each winter.

The caterpillar takes its place in nature. Her life seems unnoticed and short. But without her we would never see beautiful butterflies. Many species feed on caterpillars, especially birds. The unusual color allows it to camouflage itself or warn the enemy of a threat.

At the age of 5, my son became so interested in insects that we now collect their figurines and play only with them, we got beetles as pets, during walks we look for and examine various cockroaches, and we signed up for the children's library, where we have already studied almost all the books on this topic. I especially liked photo books by V. Tanasiychuk, Soviet entomologist. We found only 2 books by this author in the library, pretty shabby, from “shaggy” editions.

“Visiting the insects”, V. Tanasiychuk


I sat on the porch in the evening and watched the butterflies swirl around the lamp. Suddenly a strange beetle plopped down in front of me in the grass, covered with some kind of grains. As soon as I managed to photograph it, it took off and disappeared into the forest. And when I developed the film, I saw that there were no grains on it. These were dozens of small ticks that clung tightly to the beetle, and the beetle carried them along like a living bus. It would be interesting to know - where?


Flew into the light of the lamp moth-beautiful and big, each wing is the size of your palm. She sat down and moved her mustache, sniffing to see if there were other butterflies nearby. A person smells with his nose, but a butterfly smells with his mustache. You see how big and complex they are.


Is this really a butterfly too? The legs are long, and the wings do not even look like wings - thin, hairy and divided into several blades similar to fingers. This is the name of this butterfly - fingerwing.


An aphid lived on a branch and sucked the juice from it. The twig began to wither. But then, like a tank, a thorny beast crawled in and gobbled up the aphids. Only a few pieces left. What kind of animal is this? And this is a ladybug larva. A little time will pass, and she will turn into a red bug with black dots, which you know well.


A lacewing flew to a flower. Her wings are large, transparent, sparkle like a rainbow, and her eyes shimmer with gold. He sits and looks around - are there any aphids left that the ladybugs haven’t noticed? If he finds it, he will eat everyone. Beneficial insect- lacewing, she protects our fields and gardens.


A small fly, the size of a match head, runs around in the grass, also looking for prey. Her back and abdomen seem to be covered with silver dust, so they call her silverfish.


A piping beetle sits on a branch. Its larvae eat the leaves, and it makes edible tube houses for them from the leaves. He twists it with his paws and helps with his head - it’s not for nothing that his head is so narrow, long and moves in all directions. He worked for a long time, got tired - now he is resting.


A green caterpillar of a harpy butterfly crawls along a willow leaf. At the back, two long tails stick out upward. If you come closer to her, she will get scared, raise her head, and twirl her tails in the air: don’t touch me, I’m scary! And she herself is afraid. The only protection she has are these tails, because she doesn’t know how to bite.


A fluffy bumblebee flies from flower to flower, drinks flower juice, collects nectar and pollen. Where? In the basket. Bumblebees and bees have special pits on their hind legs where they deposit pollen. Look how much this bumblebee gained! Now it will fly to its nest to feed the larvae.


The ammophila wasp got tired of hunting and also sat down to taste the nectar. Black, long-legged, with a thin orange belly, and on the forehead, between the eyes, three more small eyes sparkle like beads. Not a single caterpillar can hide from this wasp; it will immediately catch it and take it into the hole as a reserve for its larvae.


Whomever you meet in the summer meadow! So a colorful, beautiful beetle flew in and sat on a flower. He eats pollen and moves his mustache. Both he and all his relatives have very long mustaches, which is why these beetles are called longhorned beetles. They are also called lumberjacks because the larvae of longhorned beetles live in tree trunks.


Another beetle - a green shiny ground beetle - runs along the ground, getting tangled in blades of grass and straws. Why shouldn't she take off? It can’t - there are no wings. Ground beetles do not have them.


A jumping beetle was hiding on a pebble. His legs are long and bouncy, and his jaws are like two curved daggers. The horse sits, guarding its prey. If he sees a gaping fly or beetle, he will jump, fly, and grab it. If the horse were not the size of a fingernail, but the size of a tiger, there would be no more terrible beast on earth.


Through the flower, as through a forest thicket, we make our way through a fluffy beetle - the wax beetle. This beetle is peaceful, it doesn’t hunt anyone - it eats flowers and chooses the sweetest parts. And his jaws are small, not dangerous to anyone.


A beetle deftly climbs a blade of grass - it has climbed high. The wind blows, the blade of grass sways like a mast, but he holds on. For this purpose, he has special hooks at the ends of his legs.

“Six-legged neighbors”, V. Tanasiychuk

For most urban children, the village is a living museum of nature, much more interesting and instructive than all the “adult” exhibitions put together. After all, in the expanses of the countryside there are so many interesting, unknown and mysterious things! First of all, it is worth drawing children’s attention to insects from the “close environment”. These are ladybugs, caterpillars, butterflies, and grasshoppers. We got used to their presence and almost stopped noticing, and children will enjoy listening to stories about the everyday life of these funny creatures. By watching insects, the baby will not only acquire new knowledge, but also learn to think, analyze, compare, and reason.

10 interesting facts about insects:

1. All insects have common features: six legs, antennae and wings. Their body seems to be divided into parts by thin lines - notches. Hence the name – “insects”.

2. The ladybug is of great benefit: it destroys many plant pests - aphids. The ladybug is cunning - she can pretend to be dead if you put her on your palm. At the first danger, a ladybug secretes a yellow liquid - even if a bird once grabs a ladybug, it will understand that this bug is not tasty, will remember its color and will not touch it again.

3. Why do they say that the grasshopper plays the violin? The fact is that there are special notches on its wings. He rubs them quickly, quickly, against each other, as if moving a bow across a violin, and a chirping sound is heard. Let the baby take a good look at the grasshopper (what color it is, does it have antennae and eyes), and at the same time think about why it needs such long hind legs. To jump, of course!

4. Bees, bumblebees and wasps are pollinating insects. After all, without them, flowers would never become fruits, and that means we would not be able to enjoy delicious apples.

5. Children are often afraid of stinging insects. But the one who waves his arms and screams in fear is more likely to be stung by a bee than a calm person. Because insects will not be the first to attack.

6. The ant is the strongest on earth! He can carry weights up to 10 times his own weight. If adults don’t forget to bring a magnifying glass to the dacha, with its help kids will learn a lot of interesting things about the life of these ubiquitous ants. To do this, it is enough to find a small anthill with little holes in the ground and watch it from time to time: what do the ants do, how do they treat each other, what kind of prey do they carry, how far do they run away from their home?

7. Main pest For country garden- Colorado potato beetle, which regularly “attacks” potatoes. The child needs to be told about the harm this insect causes and ask for help in fighting it. Children usually do a good job of this task by collecting bugs in a jar of water while exercising their fingers.

8. It’s interesting to watch fireflies at night. The firefly flies in zigzags. Be sure to show with your hand in the air how a firefly flies. In the dark, the firefly glows with a yellowish light.

9. Bees collect nectar from which they make honey. A bee collects nectar with its proboscis. Bees have a whole set of tools on their feet. Here you will see brushes for collecting pollen, baskets for transferring pollen, and brushes that bees use to clean their eyes from pollen that has entered them. Bees, flying, buzz: “w-w-w-w-w-w-w.” Play bees with your child: repeating this sound is useful for speech development.

10. In the summer in a village or country house you will probably see a dragonfly. These beautiful insects hunt in the air: in flight, they keep their strong hairy legs folded in a net at the ready. Their sleepy victims end up in these “nets”. Interestingly, in just an hour, a dragonfly can eat as many as 40 houseflies. If you want to make a dragonfly from plasticine, it is useful to know that its body consists of three parts: head, chest and abdomen.