How many types of insects do people know. How many types of insects are there on earth? Major pests and carriers of harmful diseases

Insects of the blood-sucking type feed mainly on human blood, therefore they are able to infect the human body with serious and very dangerous diseases and infections. What kinds of insects exist? What are the names? Consider in this article.

  1. The basis of nutrition for female mosquitoes is the juice of some plants, as well as human blood (for their eggs), while male mosquitoes use only plant juice as food, so only females attack humans. The life time of a female mosquito is 43-47 days, depending on the ambient air temperature and the type of feeding of the insect, males live only 19 days. The habitat of an individual is damp territories and swampy areas.
  2. With all this, female mosquitoes can bring great harm to a person - they can transmit diseases such as malaria, meningitis, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis and many other varieties of diseases.


The life span of a flea can reach several months. The habitat of the insect is considered to be carpets, baseboards, basements. As well as soft toys, where an individual can safely and comfortably breed and raise their offspring.

Fleas can transmit to humans many infectious and rather serious diseases: hepatitis, plague, brucellosis, encephalitis, anthrax and much more.


Major pests and carriers of harmful diseases

This detachment of insects easily harms both human habitation and health.

cockroaches. Fast insects originating from the order of cockroaches. The length of the body of an insect reaches a mark of 1.7 - 9.5 centimeters. Plant and animal remains, various garbage, and in some cases feces are considered the main food of an insect.

The color of cockroaches is mostly yellow-brown or black. The life of a cockroach is about 30 weeks, and some individuals are able to live for about one month. Basements, trash cans, human dwellings and dining rooms are considered the main habitat of cockroaches. Cockroaches cause the main damage to surrounding furniture, food, and book bindings.

Cockroaches are capable of spreading helminths, as well as various infectious diseases.

house ants

Small insects from the Hymenoptera family. They are active in everyday life and mostly live close to humans. The body length varies from 2 to 4 millimeters. House ants can eat anything that gets in their way, but most of all they like to eat meat products, fish and sweets. The body color of ants is mainly yellow or brown. Individuals live only in large groups, sometimes the number of individuals in one such group reaches a million.

The lifespan of ants is represented by the following numbers: males about 20 days; and worker ants, as well as females - about two months; the queen female lives about 275 days. Habitat - human dwelling, trade enterprises and buildings of public and fast food. Ants cause the main harm to plants, products, and also carry a large number of microbes and bacteria.


Insect type - arthropods, detachment - six-legged hidden jawed. Insect lifestyle predominantly secretive and nocturnal. The body length of the two-tail is 2-3 centimeters. Insect nutrition consists of microscopic insects, as well as living microscopic organisms. Body color red-brown. The life expectancy of an insect is one year, they mainly live inside damp rooms (kitchen, bath and other similar rooms). In humans, insects cause particular neglect and hostility just by their appearance, and the insect also spoils plants, surrounding furniture and can bite painfully.


Woodlouse- This is an arthropod insect that comes from the order of isopods, and the suborder of crustaceans. The lifestyle is mostly hidden (insects prefer to hide under trees or stones) in damp areas. The total size of the insect is 20 millimeters. Lives approximately 9-12 months. The basis of nutrition are living and decaying plant species. The coloration is gray and the belly is white. Woodlice do not carry any particular harm to humans and do not tolerate any harmful infections.

Carpet kozheed

This beetle comes from the order Coleoptera, from the family of kozheedov. Lives mainly in rooms, houses and apartments, and in the wild lives in hollows of trees or nests. The length of the body varies from 2.5 to 5.5 millimeters. Most often, the insect eats organic residues left after dust in the home.

Fur coat moth from the Lepidoptera order. The length of the body varies from 5 to 8 millimeters. Leads a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle. Body color is golden brown. Lives mainly from 200 to 250 days. The fur coat moth lives in the nests of pigeons or in human apartments. This insect is capable of spoiling products made from materials such as wool, felt.

Clothes moth

Lepidoptera type insect presented in the form of a butterfly. The color of the insect is straw yellow. The length of the body is 5-9 millimeters. Life expectancy reaches an average of 8 to 10 days in warehouse premises, as well as in ordinary apartments. Actively spoil things made of wool, fur, cotton. Destroy upholstered furniture, carpets, which causes great damage.


The midge is considered an insect that bites quite painfully, and also carries diseases such as leprosy, glanders, plague, tularemia and anthrax.

Harvest spiders

Small creatures from the spider family. The body length ranges from 2 to 10 millimeters, while the insect has very long legs, reaching up to 9 centimeters. The color of the body is grey-brown. They are active only at night. It loves to live inside dark and damp places, but in human habitation it lives in warm, dry places near windows. It eats small insects and flies, thereby bringing special help to people. They can live up to 12 months. In their body they contain poisonous substances, they use it only to kill their prey, which accidentally fell into the web. After the killing process, the spiders begin to eat their prey.


Flies carry only one harm to humans: they can bite painfully, carry numerous bacteria, microorganisms, and dirt, which can often lead to the development of infectious diseases.


A small creature that has no wings squad - bristletail. Body length varies from 0.8 to 1.9 centimeters. The color of the insect has a silver tint. Activity occurs only at night. They like to settle in places with high humidity (in most cases they can be found in baths, saunas, baths). They are omnivores. They do not cause serious harm or danger, and are also not able to transmit any infection to the person himself.

How many insects are on our earth

Insects are the most numerous group of organisms on Earth. In fact, there are about 8 million species of insects (what science knows today). It is estimated that there may be up to 30 million species of insects on the planet. Thousands of new species are discovered every year.

Approximately 80% of insect species are herbivorous, 15% are predators, 5% are bloodsuckers and corpse-eaters.

In total, there are supposedly 9.8 billion (10 ^ 18) billion insects on Earth. Insects are so numerous on Earth that for every person living on Earth, there are approximately 1.4 billion insects (!) This is 6 times more than fungi (1.5 million) and 36 times more than plants ( 250,000).

Behind these numbers lies a subtle reality: some species of insects are endangered. This could be disastrous, especially for agriculture.

Probably to some ears it will sound like a joke “Castrostrophic consequences for agriculture”, because farmers spend a huge amount of effort and insecticides on the fight against “harmful insects”, dreaming of the day when there will not be a single insect left on the earth.

No one realizes how important insects are in the food chain and in the balance of our ecosystems.

Here, for example, is the great Kalosoma (beetle), Calosoma sycophanta- a great pine lover: this beetle destroys up to 200-300 caterpillars in the summer, and also eats silkworm larvae and cocoons. He perfectly climbs trunks and thin branches, hunting for caterpillars. Unlike most ground beetles, it flies well. Voici, voilà.

In addition, insects are natural pollinators of plants. The day the insects are gone, farmers will realize the importance of insects. I'm willing to bet that the big phytosanitary companies are already planning to sell drones and robotic plants to replace insects.

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The insect class has two subclasses: primary wingless and winged.

To subclass primary wingless include insects whose ancestors never had wings (sugar silverfish, springtails, etc.). Silverfish lives in sheds, closets. basements. It feeds on decaying substances, harmless to humans. In flower pots, with immoderate watering, wingless insects - springtails - often appear. They feed on decayed plants or their lower plants. A reliable fight against them is a decrease in watering.

Subclass of winged subdivided into insects incomplete transformation and insects from complete transformation.

The distribution of species by orders is carried out taking into account such features as the nature of development, structural features of the wings, and the structure of the mouth apparatus. The main features of some orders of insects are presented below.

Some features of the most important orders of insects
Detachments Type of development Number of pairs of wings oral apparatus Feature of the development of the wings Some representatives
cockroach With incomplete transformation Two pairs gnawing elytra Red and black cockroaches
termites With incomplete transformation Two pairs gnawing Mesh Termite
Orthoptera With incomplete transformation Two pairs gnawing elytra Locusts, grasshoppers, crickets
Lice With incomplete transformation no wings piercing-sucking Wingless Head louse, body louse
bedbugs Louse Two pairs piercing-sucking elytra Bug-turtle, bug-gladun, bug-water strider
Homoptera With incomplete transformation Two pairs piercing-sucking Mesh cicadas
grandmother With incomplete transformation Two pairs gnawing Mesh Grandmother-dozorets, grandmother-rocker
Beetles, or Coleoptera With complete transformation Two pairs gnawing Elytra hard Maybug, Colorado potato beetle, gravedigger beetle, bark beetle
Butterflies, or Lepidoptera With complete transformation Two pairs Sucking Mesh with scales White cabbage, hawthorn, silkworm
Hymenoptera With complete transformation Two pairs Gnawing, lacquering Mesh Bees, bumblebees, wasps, ants
Diptera With complete transformation 1 pair prickly-sucking Mesh Mosquitoes, flies, gadflies, midges
Fleas With complete transformation Not prickly-sucking Wingless Human flea, rat flea

Insects with incomplete metamorphosis

The most common are: cockroach squad- a typical representative - red cockroach. The appearance of cockroaches in dwellings is a sign of carelessness. They come out of their hiding places at night and feed on carelessly stored food, polluting it. Female cockroaches wear a brown egg "suitcase" at the end of their abdomen - ooteku. They throw it in the trash. Eggs develop in it, from which larvae are born - small white cockroaches that look like adults. Then the cockroaches turn black, molt several times and gradually turn into adult cockroaches.

Order of termites- this includes social insects living in large families in which there is a division of labor: workers, soldiers, males and females (queens). Termite nests - termite mounds, can be of considerable size. So, in the African savannas, the height of termite mounds reaches 10-12 m, and the diameter of their underground part is 60 m. Termites feed mainly on wood, they can damage wooden buildings and agricultural plants. About 2,500 species of termites are known.

Order Orthoptera Most members of the order are herbivorous, but there are also predators. These include grasshoppers, cabbage, locust. The green grasshopper lives in the grass in the meadows, in the steppes. It has a long club-shaped ovipositor. Kapustyanka - has burrowing legs, flies and swims well. It causes great harm to the underground parts of garden plants, such as cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, potatoes, etc. Some species of locust are prone to mass reproduction, then they gather in huge flocks and fly a considerable distance (up to several thousand kilometers), destroying all green vegetation on your way.

Detachment of bedbugs- this includes known pests of agricultural crops - bug-turtle, sucking out the contents of the grains of cereal plants. Found in dwellings flea bug- a very unpleasant insect for humans. A water strider bug lives in fresh water bodies or on their surface, feeding on insects falling into the water. Predatory bed bug attacks various invertebrates and fish fry.

Detachment Homoptera- all its representatives feed on plant juices. many kinds aphids cause great harm to cultivated plants. Many Homoptera are carriers of plant viral diseases. This includes various cicadas, whose sizes are from a few millimeters to 5-6 cm. They live in the crowns of trees.

Granny Squad- exclusive predatory insects. Adults attack prey in flight. The best flyers. Their flight is highly maneuverable: they can hover in the air, be mobile and can reach speeds of up to 100 km per hour. These include headstock-yoke, grandmother watcher and etc.

Insects with full metamorphosis

Squad beetles, or Coleoptera, is the most numerous order of insects, up to 300,000 species. Beetles are distributed in a wide variety of conditions on land and fresh water. Their sizes range from 0.3 to 155 mm in length. Many beetles cause great damage to cultivated plants. One of the pests of potatoes and other plants is Colorado beetle brought to us from America. beetle- a pest of cereals; Chafer- its larvae damage tree roots and potato tubers; beet weevil- affects sugar beets. In addition, this includes bark beetles, turning passages in the bark and bast fibers of valuable tree species, and the larvae goldfish and i live in dead wood, causing great damage to timber industry.

Many beetles spoil food supplies: pea weevil, beetle grindstone, leather beetle damaging leather, wool products. Another small beetle belongs to the order of beetles tube-roller. The biology of these beetles is very interesting. In the spring, the pipe worker cuts the sheet in a special way to the main vein. The incised part of the leaf withers and loses its elasticity. Then the beetle rolls up the bag and lays eggs there. Something like a cigar is formed. This is how a pipe worker expresses concern for offspring.

Some beetles feed on the remains of plants and animals and perform the role of orderlies in nature, for example: gnoe beetles and coffins. Some can be used to control harmful insects. So, ladybug destroys aphids, and large green paint beetles- caterpillars.

Beetles are extremely beautiful, large sizes, for example stag beetle, or stag, listed in the Red Book, reaches a length of up to 8 cm, its larvae develop in rotten stumps for about five years and grow up to 14 cm long. Beetles of various sizes and in the way of feeding live in reservoirs - a swimming beetle, and a black water lover. The swimming beetle is a predator, the black water-lover is a herbivore.

Butterfly Squad, or Lepidoptera, - representatives of this detachment are distinguished by a variety of colors of their wings. These include hives, cabbage butterfly, silkworm and others. Among the species living in the Far East, there are very large night butterflies, which in the wingspan correspond to the width of an unfolded notebook. Butterfly wings are covered with modified hairs - scales that have the ability to refract light. The iridescent color of the wings of many butterflies depends on this phenomenon. Butterfly larvae are called caterpillars. They have a gnawing apparatus, a long body. Their salivary glands, in addition to saliva, also secrete silk threads, from which a cocoon is woven before pupation. Adult butterflies are very good plant pollinators. The caterpillars of most butterflies are herbivorous, eating the leaves of plants, causing significant harm, for example, cabbage white, apple moth, golden tail, ringed silkworm, etc. The room moth caterpillar feeds on woolen products, damaging them, some caterpillars spoil flour and other food products.

Mulberry and oak silkworms- they have been bred for a long time by a person in order to obtain silk (from cocoons). Many large butterflies are extraordinarily beautiful, for example swallowtail, Apollo etc. A large butterfly is very interesting nocturnal peacock eye, on the wings of which there are eye spots. Its caterpillar is large, fleshy, green in color, weaves a cocoon the size of a chicken egg before pupation.

Large night butterflies with acute-angled wings, characterized by very fast flight - hawk moths, - so named because they willingly feed on the fermented and odorous sap of trees, especially birch, acting on wounds and stumps.

Order Hymenoptera- combines a variety of insects: bees, bumblebees, os, riders, sawflies and others. The way of life of these insects is varied. Some of them are herbivorous, as their larvae (very similar to caterpillars) cause great damage to cereals and other plants, for example bread and pine sawflies. The leaf-eating larvae of the sawfly acquire similarities with butterfly caterpillars to such an extent that they are called false caterpillars. A striking adaptation is the sawfly ovipositor, which serves to cut out pockets in plant tissues, in which the female sawflies hide their eggs, thereby showing original care for their offspring.

Excellent plant pollinators are bumblebees. This is a social insect. The family of bumblebees exists only for one summer. Nests are built in mouse holes, hollows, squirrel nests, in birdhouses. The nest is built by the female, equipping wax cells in it for laying eggs. A supply of food is placed in the cell - a mixture of pollen with honey. The larvae that emerge from the egg eat food and, after two or three weeks, weave silk cocoons, turning into pupae. Working bumblebees, females and males are hatched from pupae. By the end of summer, there are up to 500 bumblebees in large nests. In autumn, the old queen, males and workers die, and the young queens hide for the winter.

Lifestyle os looks like a bumblebee. They also exist for one summer. Wasps are beneficial by destroying harmful insects, and the damage from spoiling fruits by them is small. More damage from hornets(one of the types of swarm wasps): they gnaw at the bark of young trees and eat bees. Having settled near the apiary, they destroy thousands of bees over the summer.

Of the social insects of the order Hymenoptera, it is of great benefit honey bee. She is a wonderful pollinator of plants, and produces an exceptionally useful food product - honey, as well as wax, royal jelly, widely used by humans in perfumery. medicine, for the manufacture of varnishes, paints, etc.

The bee colony is an amazingly complex whole in which all members of the colony are very closely related to each other. The life and prosperity of the whole genus is equally impossible without a queen and without drones, without worker bees. Using knowledge about the life of all members of the bee family, beekeepers have learned to create specialized houses for bees - hives, conditions for feeding bees (taken to those fields where honey plants are grown) and at the same time receive not only good quality honey, but also quantities .

Representatives of the order Hymenoptera are used as a biological method of combating harmful insects. These include various riders, as well as a trichogram, which is derived artificially

Order Diptera. These include all known insects: flies, mosquitoes, midges, gadflies, horseflies and other insects similar to them, possessing one pair of transparent wings. The second pair of wings turned into the so-called halteres. The common mosquito lives in marshy and damp areas. Mosquitoes are especially numerous in the middle of summer. The inhabitants of the taiga and tundra call them clusters vile. With their piercing mouthparts, mosquitoes easily pierce human skin and suck his blood. Worm-like larvae of mosquitoes live in stagnant water. Feeding, the larvae grow, molt and turn into mobile pupae. Mosquito pupae also live in water, they cannot eat, so they soon turn into an adult.

Malarial and common mosquitoes are distinguished by landing.

Common mosquito (peeper) keeps his body parallel to the surface on which he sits, and malarial- at an angle to it, raising the rear end of the body high. The malarial mosquito lays its eggs one by one in a pond, the common one - in packs floating on the surface in the form of rafts. Mushroom mosquito larvae live in the fruit bodies of cap mushrooms.

flies unlike mosquitoes. have short antennae. Their larvae are white, usually legless and headless. In houseflies, worm-like larvae live and develop in kitchen waste, in heaps of manure and sewage, where the fly lays its eggs. Before pupation, the larvae crawl out of the sewage, penetrate the soil and turn into pupae.

Adult flies hatched from pupae fly everywhere in search of food. From latrines and cesspools, they fly to openly lying food and contaminate them. Flies carry bacteria of gastrointestinal diseases and roundworm eggs to human food. Therefore, it is very important to fight flies. Food products are protected from flies with gauze or caps, vegetables and fruits are washed before use.

Midges- long-whiskered bloodsuckers of small sizes, the larvae of which develop at the bottom of reservoirs with running water. In the tropics and subtropics, in the Crimea, very small mosquitoes are found - mosquitoes. Their larvae develop in moist soils, rodent burrows, etc. Mosquitoes are carriers of many diseases (malaria, etc.). We have a "Hessian fly" that destroys cereal plants.

Gadflies, horseflies cause great harm to humans and domestic animals with their bites, as well as the ability to carry pathogens of such dangerous diseases as tularemia, anthrax.

However, flies are pollinators of many plants.

rat flea can transmit plague pathogens from sick rodents - a very dangerous disease that once claimed thousands of human lives.

Do you know how many species of insects live on our planet? From 2 to 4 million different types! Scientists have described about 625,000 species of insects, and there is little hope that all existing insect species will ever be described. No class of animals can even come close in terms of the number of species to insects.

If you try to estimate the absolute number of insects living on earth, then the figure will turn out to be so huge that the human mind cannot even imagine it! The only way that scientists can estimate the approximate number of insects living in the earth is to calculate their number in 1 square. m of wet soil. This number ranges from 500 to 2000. Thus, about 4 million insects should live in one acre of good soil.

Most of these insects are indistinguishable to the human eye. Many of them are simply microscopic in size. And only a few thousand species of insects bother a person enough to try to control them.

If you think about it, you realize that a person is literally surrounded by insects, but does not suspect how many of them are around!

The vast majority of insects have two things in common: their body is divided into three parts and they usually have six legs, although there are exceptions to this rule.