Physiognomy. What can a face say about a person? How to read a person's character by facial features - physiognomy. Physiognomy of men and women according to the shape of the face: examples with descriptions, photos

Now it is fashionable to talk about physiognomy, but did you know that the roots of this science go back to ancient world? So, in Asia, it was an integral part of Confucianism, and the ancient Greeks heard about it. Let's take a look at the general aspects.

Physiognomy - the shape and color of the eyes, eyelids in men and women: examples with descriptions, photos

big-eyed people, as a rule, have all the makings of a leader. There is a lot for this - courage, will, spiritual sensitivity.

IMPORTANT: However, keep in mind that such people are more prone to making short-term decisions. Far-reaching plans do not always work out for them.

Small eyes they often say that you have a personality closed, sometimes sullen, not without stubbornness and complacency. However, these people are different. constancy.

elongated eyes, the upper corners of which look up - refinement nature. Wherein men can boast of decisiveness, and women characterized by unreasonable behavior.

Men with narrow eyes, the upper corners of which are raised up - nature, according to physiognomy, decisive

Narrow eyes, according to physiognomy, are a sign of a refined nature.

If the eyes are located on one line- This good sign.

Eyes located on the same line - a good sign in physiognomy

close set eyes - a signal that a person gravitates towards something narrowly focused.

IMPORTANT: Such a person gives all his strength to the chosen direction.

Close-set eyes in physiognomy - a sign of narrow focus

Eyelids also play an important role in physiognomy. For example, pronounced upper talk about maturity or fatigue, and lower- about a stormy life.

Let's talk about eye color:

Light brown eyes in physiognomy - prudence

Gray eyes, according to physiognomy, are inquisitive people

Physiognomy: the shape of the nose, nostrils in men and women

So-called "Roman nose" is a business card leader with an analytical mind. Moreover, the more such a feature is expressed, the more often its owner “sticks price tags” on the surrounding things.

Owners direct nose can boast firmness of character, clear mind, enviable organizational abilities. Aesthetic perception is on top.

IMPORTANT: Such a person copes equally well with both the duties of a leader and the work of a subordinate.

Jude Law - good example the fact that people with a straight nose, according to physiognomy, gravitate towards art

Hooked nose is characteristic skeptics for whom it is perfectly natural to ask a hundred questions and criticize everything in the world. However, this quality hides vulnerable nature.

Snub nose inherent gullible and responsive personalities. Them naivete often childish, Vera in people does not dry out, despite various troubles. Emotions have a huge impact on behavior.

"Potato Nose" very curious of people. Moreover, the larger it is, the more a person shows curiosity.

A little about nostrils:

Physiognomy: the shape of the mouth, upper and lower lips in men and women

It is believed that the mouth women should ideally be characterized by soft lines and small size, a men- rigidity of outlines.

IMPORTANT: If the opposite is true, then the owner of the mouth has character traits of the opposite sex.

If, when compressed, the lips are thin straight line, then this is a sure sign of the predominance mindfulness, systematic in actions and scrupulousness. Pettiness should also not be ruled out.

Thoughtfulness - according to physiognomy, a character trait in people with a straight line of the mouth

Upper lip thickness shows us how a person likes to talk- and the thicker it is, the more pleasure a person does it. At the same time, the story is often replete with a mass of colorful details.

Lower the lip shows to what extent its owner generous. People with a full lower lip in every sense are ready to give more than they are sometimes required. They willingly are making concessions.

IMPORTANT: True, there is a certain danger - often such individuals take on their shoulders more than they are able to bear.

Certainly plays a role corner direction mouth: lowered signal pessimism, and raised- about optimism.

Raised corners of the mouth in physiognomy - a characteristic feature of optimists

The lowered corners of the mouth are interpreted by physiognomy as a predisposition to pessimism.

Physiognomy: the shape of the head in men and women

egg-like head is feature intellectuals. At the same time, the intellectual may well be windy.

The head in the shape of an egg is a physiognomic sign high development intellect

Square form is a calling card respectable nature who loves to indulge reflections and to which can rely.

IMPORTANT: It is believed that the wider the head, the more friendly a person can be.

A square head in physiognomy is an indicator of a person's reliability

Pay attention to the width of the head - physiognomy correlates the level of friendliness with this indicator

Roundheads people soft, kind, peaceful and completely devoid of ambition. They are constant in your own interests and love comfort.

A person with a head shape resembling rhombus, always resolute and assertive On him can rely, although sometimes you have to consider with stubbornness, rigidity.

high crown characteristic of people who know how to go to success. They are active and purposeful.

Not so pronounced crown will tell others that a person happens at times indecisive.

Physiognomy: face shape in men and women

square face is unshakable confidence in their actions and thoughts. A big plus is that a person is not only confident in something, but also has the power for the implementation of the goals. Not the shy ones.

IMPORTANT: It is extremely difficult to negotiate with such individuals.

Round - soft gentle nature. Usually the real ones gourmets, who not only love delicious food, but also know how to cook.

oval the form - incredulity, propensity to do work by oneself. However, this man can boast industriousness the ability to apply knowledge in practice.

An oval face is inherent, according to physiognomy, to hardworking people

Rhomboid- enough explosive nature. They say about such people that they have one step from love to hate. Fast, smart. However, they don't like being pushed around.

Owners triangular persons also intellectually developed, however, they cannot be called fighters. Are artistic receptive in kind.

IMPORTANT: Mostly optimists, especially women.

Physiognomy: the shape of the forehead in men and women

In order to analyze the personality on the forehead, visually divide the forehead into 3 parts. Then see which one stands out the most:

  • 1 - located near the hairline. Man is philosopher, idealist
  • 2 - middle. Humanist. His beliefs are directly related to society
  • 3 - the area above the eyebrows. These personalities are most valued logic, practicality. Their mind is rational

But the emphasis on the middle part of the forehead physiognomy interprets as an increased humanity of a person

Round the forehead is characteristic of people who successfully cope with the task of inventing original ideas . Any field of activity related to creativity is extremely suitable for them.

Square the forehead belongs innovators. For the sake of interest, they can change a lot of professions in their life, try a lot of hobbies.

IMPORTANT: However, there is also a significant minus - many undertakings rush halfway through.

Oval forehead peculiar conservatives. They will never throw away old things. However, the house will always be not a warehouse, but a cozy nest. With relatives, friends and colleagues, such people manage to support warm relations almost always.

Physiognomy: the shape of the bridge of the nose in men and women

As previously thought, the bridge of the nose can characterize health status person and his predisposition to career growth. To be successful in this regard, you need to have smooth nose bridge.

A smooth nose bridge in physiognomy is a sign of good luck

uneven or rough leather, transverse folds point to Problems in health or career.

Slightly flattened the bridge of the nose says that a person will have to make very a lot of effort during work.

High bridge of the nose is often found in people of high social status. And this is understandable: such individuals are inherent performance and ambition.

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that you can always contact such individuals - they are extremely friendly.

Low the bridge of the nose is often inherent pessimists. These people noticeably lack vitality.

Physiognomy: the shape of the eyebrows in men and women

Low eyebrows are usually found in people who can promptly and unbiased react to something. They have a strong character, enviable willpower. At the same time, quite expressive and easily accepted for any business.

Owners high located eyebrows biased. However, it is easy to communicate with them because friendliness, openness, cheerful disposition. This is subtle gentle nature who are very easy to impress.

IMPORTANT: Such individuals are used to completing all undertakings, despite their impulsiveness.

Kosovointernal eyebrows - in other words, those that diverge from the bridge of the nose upwards. Their owners anxious, tense, extremely concerned about the quality of their work.

oblique- and such eyebrows diverge from the bridge of the nose down and mean gentleness, care. Moreover, these qualities are observed since childhood. In the future with these people very comfortable to make friends and cooperate.

broken lines people have eyebrows dynamic, who often take on too many worries, but almost always manage. They are impatient and tend to get angry.

arcuate- characteristic of sentimental soft nature. Creativity is their native element.

IMPORTANT: It is best to explain something to such people with examples.

Physiognomy: the shape of the chin in men and women

rounded personalities have a form generous, hospitable, responsive. They will always take an interest in the problems and achievements of others.

Angularity is a signal that the person believes in lofty goals and motivated by them. He will be until the end defend one's views even if it means getting into a serious argument.

People with pointed chin are their own masters and terribly dislike orders addressed to them. To achieve goals, use only own ways.

beveled chin is characteristic of slightly lazy personalities. They do not have an inner core, so sometimes they can cheat, cheat.Conflicts are avoided by all means.

IMPORTANT: However, a compromise with them can always be found.

speaker has a chin purposeful of people. Everything they have has come from painstaking efforts. To intimidate them is not easy, as well as to force them to surrender.

Double the same chin is a signal not only too a large number calories in the diet, but also a sign power, strength of character.

People with a double chin, according to physiognomists, are imperious natures.

Physiognomy: the shape of the cheeks in men and women

are full e cheeks - very emotional people who are not able to constantly control the manifestations of their character. At the same time, they are like good interlocutors, and great listeners. We can safely say that such a person will be true friend and great organiser.

sunken cheeks - their owners are enough serious, thoughtful, attentive. Feeling responsibility well developed. However, they are often guided not only by the mind, but also intuition.

IMPORTANT: Such people should carefully take care of their physical condition.

Cheeks dimpled have balanced and gullible personality. They are like to take risks and often are excited, but masterfully disguise it.

Physiognomy: the shape of the ears in men and women

oval or round- often found in gifted personalities, including those showing talent in the musical field. They are impressionable, imaginative and inclined with enthusiasm share results its activities. At the same time, such people tend to show delicacy.

Physiognomists often observed oval or round ears in musicians.

Rectangular- indicator firmness of character and decency. Definitely available sanity and approach to problem solving realistic. To put it simply, there is probably a practitioner in front of you.

triangular form is typical for those who like to show their individuality. Surely you will see such ears in representatives of creative professions.

IMPORTANT: The downside of this nature is impatience.

It is also worth paying attention to lobe ear. So, small- sign scrupulousness and the ability to organize your life. At the same time, a person likes fast results.

big lobe testifies to excellent health owner. In addition, we can conclude about the character - he persistent. For such a person can rely.

Physiognomy: the shape of the cheekbones, jaws in men and women

Wide cheekbones - indicators of an impressive stock energy and enviable endurance. Such a person may act slowly, but this slowness is deceptive. Any tasks in the end are on the shoulder.

Narrow cheekbones - they say that a person is enough actively releases energy to the surrounding world. This means that the achievement of the goal is carried out by "short dashes", during which the spent energy is replenished.

IMPORTANT: Breaks for a few minutes are what you need for such a person.

Failed cheekbones - meet at introverts. A person turns out to be indifferent to many moments and does not always seek to show participation.

Concerning mandible, then it is considered that the wider she, the more authoritarian the person is in front of you. He has a well-trained voice, likes to lead.

People with narrow jaw cannot boast of perseverance. If they manage to break through, it is more likely due to their aggressive nature or luck. Such individuals definitely need to develop a confident voice, you need to learn how to insist on your point of view.

Physiognomy: the form of language in men and women

Physiognomy allows you to determine nature of the problems with the body even by language:

  • Thickened- most likely wrong digestive system, liver
  • Thin- prone to problems circulatory system. Violation metabolism also not excluded

IMPORTANT: If the tongue is also long, then it is worth checking the state of the cardiac system.

A long tongue is regarded by physiognomists as a signal that there are problems with the heart.

Pay attention to grooves. They may testify to disturbances in the work of the heart. However, if such marks are excessively deep, it is worth checking kidneys.

The grooves in the tongue physiognomists interpret as problems with the work of the heart

Physiognomy: the shape of the teeth in men and women

White even teeth are considered in physiognomy as a sign good fortune. They are also called "horse", predicting a person health and good luck. Many friends are also foreshadowed, because the owner of such teeth sociable, friendly and always friendly.

If a slightly larger front teeth others, this is a good omen for marriage. AT financial well-being should also be expected.

IMPORTANT: It is desirable that the teeth taper downwards, not upwards.

Sticking forward teeth meet in nature extraordinary, accustomed to getting everything on their own. Often such people moving away from home- and already in a new place of residence they are building life from scratch.

Diastema is a happy omen. Such people long live, are able make good money. However, we are talking only about the distance between the front teeth - in other cases, the gap should be small.

As you can see, quite a lot can be said about a person without even having time to get to know him properly. If you remember the main aspects of physiognomy, information from the face of the interlocutor will be read without much difficulty.

As they say - do not drink water from your face, appearance is not the main thing, do not judge by appearance, but reality says otherwise. It is not for nothing that people in appearance choose their mate for life, because in nature itself the influence of the spiritual world of a person on his appearance is laid down. And there is a direct connection between the positive qualities of a person and his external beauty. Flaws on a person's face indicate a crack in his character.
However, beauty is too subjective. So each person appreciates in other people a certain set of personality traits that can be seen in appearance. That is why lovers often look so much alike.

The ideals of beauty are primarily in harmony, an image that inspires confidence and tranquility. So the harmonious balance of the middle zone (from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose) indicates the orderliness of the psyche. The correct forms of the lower zone (upper lip, jaw, mouth, chin) speak of a balanced character. Of course, not all people are perfectly harmonious, meek and virtuous, therefore it is the external image that determines our sympathy for this or that person, depending on our own inclinations and character traits.

Often people who have been together for a long time do not know much about each other and cannot understand the reasons for the strange behavior of their friends or relatives. But each person is a unique creation of nature and external signs can indicate what to watch out for or which people to avoid. So, for example, people with a triangular face are not prone to affection and devotion. It is believed among physiognomists that among spies and traitors, most of all people with a triangular face shape.

What does your appearance say

Plus tips on how best to hide facial imperfections.

Face shapes

oblong face shape

oblong -
The width of the forehead is about the same as the width of the chin. This is the so-called aristocratic type. Elongation indicates intelligence, sensitivity, poise. Often a person with this face shape is prudent and reasonable.

If you are the owner of this type of face, you are in luck. You can safely try Various types hairstyles - with and without bangs, with open or closed ears, high or low, symmetrical or asymmetrical.

Triangular -

A high and wide forehead, protruding cheekbones, a small but bony nose, deep-set eyes, a small and slightly protruding chin.
This form is a sign of high sensitivity, giftedness. At the same time, cunning and quarrelsomeness are noted in the character of a person with a triangular face. Such people, according to physiognomists, are not inclined to affection and devotion. They say that among spies and traitors, most of all people with a triangular face shape.

It is necessary to select a hairstyle with the widest part slightly below the earlobes (1 - 2 centimeters). It is desirable that the bangs reach the eyebrow line and be thick. Hair must necessarily cover at least the top of the ears. If you are the owner of long hair, a high hairstyle with thick bangs and combed back side hair will suit you. It is undesirable to use a hairstyle with short bangs and slicked back hair, these moments will only emphasize the flaws of this type of face.

Trapezoidal -
Wide forehead and slightly narrowed (but not pointed) chin. The forehead and upper part of the face are narrower, the chin and lower jaw are wide.
It is believed that a person with this face shape is intelligent, sensitive, artistic, while he does not have the spirit of a fighter. Women with a trapezoidal face shape are optimistic.

Haircut in layers will balance and soften the protruding chin. Avoid any hairstyle that draws too much attention to the chin and lower face, such as a straight bob or bob. side strands round the face at the temples, the absence of a bang will visually lengthen the face, an open forehead distracts attention from the heavy lower part of the face.

Square face shape

The square shape of the face usually belongs to a stern, masculine, often heartless type. Such people are usually slow-witted, often rude, persistent. The most striking feature of their character is determination. In communication, they are straightforward and frank. People with square shape individuals have an unquenchable thirst for success. They make good performers, although they themselves are persistently drawn to leadership. Women with this face shape are characterized by a desire for dominance.

The main disadvantage of this type of face is its angularity. Don't be discouraged, all this can be smoothed out with asymmetrical hairstyles. Hairstyles with wavy hair that will hide facial imperfections are very suitable for you. It is desirable to make the bangs also asymmetrical - divide it into a parting away from the central vertical line of the forehead. You should not use symmetrical classic hairstyles with thick straight bangs or combed back hair - these elements will only emphasize facial imperfections.
It makes sense to choose light, airy hairstyles that frame the oval of the face. The widest part of the hairstyle should preferably coincide with the eyebrow line and gradually narrow to the cheekbones. Not very short haircuts with obligatory bangs and an extended middle part will look very good. A bad option is straight long hair, as well as a very short haircut with open ears. You should not lift your hair from your forehead - all these options will emphasize facial imperfections.

Round face shape

The round shape indicates good nature, gentleness, peacefulness. Often people with a round face shape are gourmets. They love comfort good company and do not seek glory. At the same time, ambition is not alien to such people. If a person with a round face has a high nose bridge, protruding cheekbones, and, moreover, burning eyes, he is considered purposeful. From such people, according to physiognomists, enviable leaders and generals are obtained.

Owners of a round face should not use hairstyles without bangs and with smoothly combed back hair or a rounded shape that will emphasize the shape of the face.
With long hair, the main rule is to keep the hair close to the cheeks without creating additional volume on the sides. Side strands laid on the face can visually narrow it. Do not cover the bridge of the nose with bangs, this shortens the face. If there is a bang, then let it be combed obliquely, and not lie straight. In extreme cases, straight bangs can only be in the place of the greatest volume at the crown.

What do your facial features say?


Convex frontal bones - a sign of mental superiority, striving for honors, pride. Such people are also distinguished by generosity.

If the frontal bones occupy the temples and form a bulge that is not covered with hair, this is a sign of mental superiority, a desire for honors, pride. Such people are also distinguished by generosity.
Highly marked subcutaneous bulges with high superciliary arches are a sign of will and strength.

If there is a depression in the middle of the forehead and it is frowning, wrinkled, this is a sign of cruelty softened by virtues: generosity and courage, intelligence and sanity.

A very large, but round forehead without hair means a person who is bold, but prone to lies.
A long forehead with a long face and a small chin means cruelty and tyranny.
An ideal forehead (correct shape and healthy skin color) indicates an excellent state of body and spirit.


are considered ideal wide, long eyebrows. The proportional development of the eyebrows (shape, color, density) indicates a balance of emotions, mind and character. According to physiognomists, eyebrows reflect relationships with the immediate environment. The pleasant shape of the eyebrows signals that their owner gets along with others.

white eyebrows mean an effeminate, windy, playful person.
unibrow mean a person harmful, rude and cruel. AT old days hated unibrows, believing that such eyebrows were characteristic of old sorceresses. If women have such eyebrows, then she is jealous, envious, absurd. A woman with such eyebrows has strong character She does not fit into the traditional role of a housewife. This also applies to men with such eyebrows.

When eyebrows bristle and move, is a sign of courage and bravery. Bristly eyebrows always indicate obstinacy, stubbornness, uncompromisingness.
Shaggy eyebrows mean a simple person, frank in business and sincere.
Black, soft, even eyebrows mean a good, kind person.
When thick eyebrows rise up with their outer ends, they say that this is a sign of generosity of the soul and courage. Such a person is considered born for success.
Dropping outer ends of the eyebrows indicate shyness.
If a man has even and long eyebrows, then he is known as an intellectual. A woman with such eyebrows is considered a coquette, you can expect any antics from her.
Short but thick eyebrows signal an explosive nature.
Highly located eyebrows are a sign of purposefulness.


If a person has a pleasant appearance, open, beautiful, not too big eyes, this speaks of his mind and sanity.
Too big and wide eyes a person is talked about his talkativeness, dreaminess, deceit, laziness, voluptuousness.
just big eyes- sensuality, courage and the makings of a leader.
When eyes are deep set, then this means an envious, suspicious and irritated person because of trifles; a sign of life's failures, distrust, cunning, greed.
Small size eyes often belong to reserved, sometimes self-satisfied and stubborn people. Often such people are distinguished by amazing constancy.
Small eyes- liveliness and curiosity, eloquence.
People with narrow eyes and a fierce gaze.
shifty eyes mean the inconstancy of nature, a tendency to lie, shamelessness, insolence.
Small, round and running- cynicism and deceit.
oblong eyes- mind.
Squinted, sunken eyes- insight, incredulity, cunning, envy.
Sphinx eyes(elongated cuts with raised corners of the eyes) - refinement of nature.

eye color

Black, brown and green- reflect the fullness of vital energy.
Blue eyes- sensitivity, good nature, complaisance, calmness.
Light brown- shyness.
Grey eyes in natures that maintain a position of neutrality, an outside observer.
Eyes brown to black have those who have the Moon as the dominant planet.
Green eyes - This female color, the color of love, softness, harmony. This is the color of Neptune. green eyed people capable of great returns, it is true that not only good, but also bad influences come from them.
Light colors (except yellow)- indicate a lack of vitality, a lack of will.
Brown eyes is a masculine color - the color of Pluto. People with this eye color are capable of both giving and receiving energy, but the actions of the planets in their horoscope are always associated with the manifestation of Pluto.


The shape of the nose, like the eyes, stabilizes after the age of 40. It is believed that the ideal nose has a rounded tip and shaped wings.

Man with a perfect nose has the nature of a lion, that is, it is distinguished by courage, passion, assertiveness ..
Long nose, as a rule, is a sign of a pronounced individuality.
Bony, long nose- an indicator of pride, arrogance, quarrelsomeness. Bony long nose with a pronounced hump often belongs to a gloomy person.
short nose speaks of "openness of soul" and optimism.
Elevated, with protruding nostrils nose means self-will, intemperance, licentiousness.
People with bent nose and above it with a steeply rising forehead are bold, eloquent, proud, magnanimous and generous.
If the tip of the nose resembles an eagle's beak, then such a person is insightful, cunning and often vindictive.
pointed nose means people quick-tempered, strict, harsh, intolerant of contradiction.
Big, long, wide noses with wide nostrils mean courage, purity of character, innocence.
Full, large, bulbous coccyx of the nose- evidence of cordiality and warmth.
Thick and wide nose means an unthinking, deceitful, rude, unrestrained person in love.
Wide nose with a small depression in the middle, upturned means a proud, impudent, talkative and absurd person.
Split tip of the nose- evidence of timidity
Too small nostrils talking about compliance.
Wide wings of the nose- talking about conceit.


Small mouth means preoccupation with the struggle for existence, a weak character.
Big mouth means a person daring, courageous, courageous, excessive in everything, mocking. A person with a large mouth and falling corners of the lips has a strong will, it is difficult to influence him. A woman with a big mouth is considered courageous, which is not very correct for men.
If the mouth, on the other hand, medium size, then its owner is secretive, modest, positive, chaste, generous, timid. A small mouth in the shape of an arc (the corners of the lips tend to rush down) belongs to a sensitive nature.
narrow mouth means secretive and greedy people.


Thin— scrupulousness of the owner.
Bulging big lips is evidence of success.
Horizontal lips- a sign of emotional balance.
The upper lip protrudes above the lower- betrays indecision, if vice versa, then a sign of selfishness.
Small lips mean that a person is prudent, prudent, smart.
Big lips and at the same time, the lower sagging lip means windmills, deep people, evil people.

The chin

A pointy chin, as well as a bent, sharp nose, means courage, as well as anger. At the same time, a person can easily achieve victory in business.
Broad bone and large chin- evidence of a strong character.
Weakly defined chin is a sign of softness.
Mild bifurcation of a small chin testifies to the power of passion. However, if there is a significant bifurcation, then this is a sign of a desire for solitude.
heavy jaw- evidence of uncontrolled passions, often it indicates excessive self-conceit.


Ear position on the head:
Above eyebrow level- high intelligence; at eye level - above average intelligence; below eye level - average or even low intelligence.
long earlobe- carelessness.
Very large lobes testify to wisdom.
Dark color around the front and upper parts ear - a hidden disease. Moles inside the ear- trouble.

Hair color

women with black hair have a rather tough, decisive character, somewhat similar to a man's. They tend to make any decisions on their own, are capable of courageous deeds, are stubborn and proud. But at the same time they are responsible and temperamental, they do not like sentimentality.

Men with black hair, shimmering with a light chestnut hue, are creative, fearless and attractive. Such people are shrewd, powerful, charming and prone to manipulation.

brown hair- the most common type of women by hair color. How many of them, so many different characters. It is these women who most often change their hair color, which indicates windiness, inconstancy, unbalanced, impulsive disposition. However, they are not persistent, they easily back down and obey the stronger without resistance. These are sympathetic mistresses and affectionate mothers, striving to make everyone around feel good and comfortable.

redheads- a rarity if such a color is inherited from nature. These are very quick-tempered, jealous and inventive natures. Outwardly quite peaceful, they can actually be very cunning and prudent. Often very talented, these are extraordinary personalities who know how to achieve their goals by any means. Not without reason in the Middle Ages all redheads were accused of witchcraft and considered witches - there is some truth in this.

fair-haired people inspire confidence in themselves without making any special effort. They love to take care of others, so they choose the profession of a psychologist or a doctor. In family life, fair-haired women are quite successful and happy, because they know how to lend a friendly shoulder in time and will always listen to a loved one.

People with dark brown hair they have cunning, complaisance, high intelligence and the talent to lie masterfully. They are inclined towards exact and applied sciences, quite smart and ambitious. Owners of chestnut hair color are imperious, quirky natures with a great sense of humor and an abyss of charm. They render big influence on others and often find themselves in politics, science, finance and management.

People with sandy hair color possess good health, a penchant for experimentation and research, as well as high level harmony and remarkable creativity. They are successful in the musical and artistic fields, generous and charming. Blonde women are different light touch innocence that they carry through the years and retain until the very end of their lives.

Character of blondes

Light ash and platinum shades hair make their owners romantic, gentle, mysterious and thoughtful natures, who nevertheless have a deep mind and even paranormal abilities.

So, having learned to determine the character by outward signs, you can learn a lot of new and interesting things about a person. And to better understand the features of his behavior, which will undoubtedly help both in various life situations, and in search of his chosen one or chosen one.

There is such a science - physiognomy. This is the doctrine of what parts of the face can tell about a person. Today we will look at how to determine what kind of person is in front of us by the lips, nose, cheeks, eyes, forehead, chin and jaw. I think it will be interesting to a lot of women, because it will tell you how to behave with a man in a given situation or learn a lot more about a man who is nearby.

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Photo gallery: What parts of the face can tell about a person

Let's start with one of the most sensual and sexy parts of the face - the lips.

In ancient Chinese teachings, the mouth is that part of the face that can tell about your fate at the age of 60 and reveal some character traits. Compare this with the information received from other parts of the face and you will get an almost complete psychological portrait: yours or someone close to you. Don't forget about facial wrinkles that occur when a person smiles.

Big mouth.

According to the Chinese, such a mouth is a sign of poor understanding with parents, as well as independence and arrogance.

Small sensitive mouth.

People who do not crave fame are always ready to help and, as a rule, are quite modest.

Raised corners of the mouth.

Friendly, constantly surrounded by relatives and friends. It is believed that such a person will be lucky in life, and people with this mouth shape are open to communication and always ready to help.

Dropped corners of the mouth.

Usually, this is a sign of a difficult childhood and a stormy adult life. These people are prone to exaggeration and, to some extent, rhetoric.

Puffy lips.

This means that a person is very freedom-loving, does not like to stop there. He knows how and loves to speak beautifully, but often makes promises that are then difficult to keep.

Short lips.

According to the Chinese, a person with short lips, especially if teeth are visible even when the mouth is closed, is in trouble at the age of 60.

Mole on the lip.

If a person has a mole on his lip, most likely he has a very inquisitive mind. This person needs to always be aware of events and know what, where, when, why and with whom. Often very talkative, perhaps that is why it is easy for them to make friends and just conversationalists. If the mole is small, a comfortable life awaits such a person, if there is more than a grain of rice, vice versa.

What can mimic wrinkles tell?

However, lips are far from the only part of the face that can tell a lot of interesting things about a person. When we smile, mimic wrinkles appear. The Chinese believe that these wrinkles can determine how long life awaits you. For example, people who have these wrinkles appeared before the age of 40, most likely, have lived a difficult life. But if after - this is a good sign. Let's take a closer look at this...

Almost imperceptible "smiling" wrinkles.

If at the age of about 40 your wrinkles are poorly visible - sometimes visible, sometimes not visible, unfortunately, you will not become an influential person and you will not achieve great heights in your career.

"Hungry" wrinkles.

According to the Chinese, this is a rather alarming sign and it means that at the age of 56-57 something unpleasant can happen to a person with hungry wrinkles that will make him feel needy. By the way, “hungry” wrinkles are wrinkles that start from the nose and end directly at the corners of the mouth. If a person has only one such wrinkle, and the second is either longer or shorter ... it is likely that everything can be dispensed with.

Long wrinkles.

Oh...this is one of the best signs that you will have a carefree old age.

Long wrinkles are those that run from the nose to the chin.

Short wrinkles.

These are the ones that start at the nose and end at the corners of the mouth. Unfortunately, this means that after the age of 59 it will be necessary to take care of your health, for one reason or another.

Wrinkles appearing before the age of 40.

Such a person will encounter many obstacles on the path of life.

Complex smile line.

A complex smile line is when a wrinkle goes from the nose to the corners of the lips, and further down it diverges into several lines. This is a good sign that can improve the fate of a person and prolong his life.

So, we examined what such a part of the face as lips and facial wrinkles can tell about a person.

Let's move on to the strong-willed parts of the face - the jaw and chin.

Let's start with the jaw. In China, they believe that this part of the face can predict what will happen to you at the age of 74-75 years. Ideally, the jaw should begin just below the ear and meet symmetrically at the chin.

Easily visible from behind the jaw.

If the jaw is visible from behind and protrudes slightly from under the earlobe, this is considered a bad sign, since the owners of such a jaw have irrepressible energy and are able to walk over the heads of others to achieve the task. They usually get their way at any cost.

Irregular jaw.

The Chinese believe that such people should be in a good, calm mood more often, since they are usually fickle in their emotions.

Straight line of the jaw.

This means that a person has a calm, reasonable disposition, strives for justice for all. By the way, the jaw line is finally formed by the age of 20.

So, we figured out the jaw, what can the chin tell?

The chin is on the same line as the jaw. In China, by its shape, you can determine what awaits a person aged 61-75 years.

According to the Chinese, ideally, there should be a depression directly under the lower lip, otherwise a person will face some unfavorable event in his life at the age of 61.

So, let's see what the line and shape of the chin means and what they can tell about a person.

The chin is rounded.

This is a good sign, meaning that its owner knows how to enjoy life. But he knows how to work well, in addition to entertainment. He knows how to build things so that others work and want to work for him.

Square chin

Such a chin betrays people with a stubborn character, they would rather find someone to blame than admit their guilt. Often they become hostage to their own principles.

Pointed chin.

Friendly, fun people. They don't like being alone.


Oddly enough, the Chinese believe that if the owner of such a chin is thin, it means that fate favors him at a more mature age ... for example, relations with children will be very successful. But, even if a person is in the body, this is a sign of good luck and luck in general.

And now ... what kind of chin do the Chinese consider ideal?

The shape of such a chin cannot be unambiguously attributed to one of the above, it is exactly what it should be! Such people have an established firm view of the world, but they are always ready to revise it, if there is a good reason for it. They are sociable and rarely offend the people around them, as they try to look at the situation from different angles.

So, we finished with the chin ... isn't it curious how much this part of the body can tell about a person.

Let's go to the forehead!

The forehead contains information about our life in the period from 15 to 30 years. It is one of the most important part of the face and reflects the entire life path of a person. Surprisingly, the forehead has an amazing variety of shapes and outlines.

Rectangular forehead.

Undoubtedly, this is the most the best way. With such a forehead, its width is proportionally greater than its height, and the hairline has a rectangular shape. As a rule, people with such a forehead are very intelligent and educated, since the learning process is very easy for them. Such people are distinguished by an interest in the opinion and advice of the older generation.

Narrow forehead.

This means that the forehead is narrower at the temples and widens towards the middle. As a rule, this person does not differ in luck, he does not value knowledge - hence the difficulties in building a career.

V- shaped forehead.

It looks like 2 arches joining in the center of the forehead. Such people can be lucky in science if they successfully combine work and study. They need to put in a little more effort to succeed in their studies and careers.

The forehead is oval.

This means that the hairline has a rounded shape. If the owner of such a forehead is a woman, she usually gets along well with people, if a man is stubborn and unstable, because of this, she can miss many chances that fate gives him.

The forehead is round.

If you look at such a person in profile, the superciliary arches and temporal arches protrude forward. These are impetuous personalities, if they have a goal, they will be all possible ways bring her closer. They are independent, and almost never deviate from their intended goal.

M-shaped forehead.

This means that the hair frames the temples and there is a small wedge in the middle. Usually these are people of art. I think comments are unnecessary.

Sloping forehead.

Adventurous and reckless, they cannot live without risk.

"Messy" forehead.

Such a person does not have a specific hairline, usually it is asymmetrical, and so on. The owners of such a forehead go through life on their own, the concept of family ties is very poorly developed in them.

Naturally, many people cannot distinguish one clear forehead line, they have several distinctive features.

And now, what can such a complex part of the face as the eyes tell about a person?

It's no secret that the eyes are the mirror of the soul and they can tell a lot about the character of a person and his actions. According to Chinese teachings, the eyes show if there is fire in our soul. A woman, looking into men's eyes, can see future relationships. You can read in the eyes what awaits us at the age of 35-40 and whether we will develop relationships with children. Here are the main types and shapes of the eyes:

Small eyes.

Usually such eyes characterize a person who pays Special attention details, they are reasonable and calm, get along well with others and have an analytical mindset.

Protruding eyes.

These are people who know their purpose in life. They immediately determine those who they like or vice versa. From the outside it may seem that such people are not sociable and even repulsive ... However, as soon as they find those with whom they are comfortable, they are ready to give a lot of attention and smiles. If the eyes protrude strongly, this is a leader by nature - a lot of the desire to communicate and work is concentrated in it. The peak of career success will be exactly at 35-40 years.

Deep-set eyes.

Ambiguous people. On the one hand, they are always happy to help someone else's grief, even to the detriment of themselves, and others consider them successful people, because you are able to almost always smile and say that everything is fine, on the other hand, it is easy to push such people into the background, which many people use, and it is not clear to others when they need help .. after all, such individuals keep everything in yourself.

Bright and big eyes.

This is not a completely unambiguous sign of character. If such eyes are combined with sharp facial features, the person is most likely sharp and aggressive, and he will have career success somewhere around 35-40 years old, and if these are soft facial features, then, without a doubt, you have a soft, sociable, a person who loves to help others.

Sleepy eyes.

This does not mean that the eyes are small, they are just slightly closed, so they seem sleepy. Such people are attentive to details and scrupulous in everything related to money, they always have a "stash" for a rainy day. However, as a rule, relations with their own children do not develop very well.

Triangular eyes.

An alarming sign, it only seems that such people are kind and gentle. As a rule, these are cunning, greedy and envious people. They see almost everyone as a rival, including family members and friends.

Eyes with visible white in three places.

This means that the protein is visible not only near, but also below and above the pupil. They are generators of ideas and energy. But they should be wary of excessive exercise, leading to heart disease. Especially, it concerns the age of 35-40 years. It is impossible to achieve and redo everything - remind them of this more often.

Raised corners of the eyes.

Generous, but stubborn - this is how you can characterize such people. Moreover, it is important who the owner of such eyes is a man or a woman. If a woman, then do not expect comfort and tranquility from a married life, but relationships with children will develop very successfully. If a man has raised corners of his eyes, this usually accompanies success and they are able to take on great responsibility, which is very good for marriage.

Reddish eyes.

The Chinese believe that such people have too much fire, so they recommend drinking more tea or water. In general, visible capillaries mean a rather bad character, such people easily lose control of themselves, as a result of which harm to oneself is possible. At the age of 35-40 there is a danger of problems with the law.

Protruding lower eyelid.

The most successful period is from 35 to 40 years. Boys are born much more often than girls. Such people are especially successful in developing relationships with their own children.

Mole under the eyes.

Sentimental, romantic people. They love to overprotect their children.

High eyebrows.

This means that there is a large space between the eyes and eyebrows. This is a sign of fate, meaning good luck and luck throughout life, especially in matters of real estate. Among other things, they bring good luck to others.

Advice to women - carefully read the eyes of your beloved, especially if you are going to marry him. By the way, do not deprive the attention of the eyebrows of a man.

What can such a seemingly insignificant part of the face as eyebrows tell about?

The Chinese believe that eyebrows determine the fate of a person aged 31-34 and are responsible for relationships with brothers and sisters. In addition, if you change the shape of the eyebrows, the fate of a person changes. Now that millions of women…and men too, are changing their eyebrow shape, it is difficult to reliably determine the natural shape, but for general education worth reading.

Long eyebrows.

This means that a person can have up to 6 siblings.

Short eyebrows.

The opposite is true for siblings. 31-34 years is a dangerous period. There is a risk of trouble in both personal and professional life.

Dark, thick eyebrows.

Again, there can be problems at this age. However, if you work up to this period, problems can turn into positive events. In general, they are smiling and friendly people who love communication, music and friends.

Light eyebrows.

If a woman has light eyebrows, she is usually an excellent organizer, almost always follows instructions and is an indispensable assistant.

Straight eyebrows.

These are people with an established and firm outlook on life. Whatever happens, they will look at the world through their prism.

Eyebrows house.

This is a leader who is comfortable living and communicating with others, adhering to business ethics. The same is required of others.
Inconsistent eyebrows.

Again, 31-34 years is a dangerous period. And this sign also means insufficient attention from loved ones.

Growing eyebrows.

According to the Chinese methodology, a successful streak in the life of such people will begin no earlier than 30 years old, they are not very strong in their studies, and often follow their mood. What can be advised to such people in order to at least slightly avoid difficulties - just remove the hair between the eyebrows.

Eyebrows in the form of a semicircle.

For such a person there is no concept of strong family ties. In the period of 31-34 years, they can fall under someone else's bad influence.

Uneven eyebrows.

Such people, quite possibly, will have more than one father and mother during their lives. And luck will change throughout these 4 years.


They are pragmatic and thoughtful people. If this is a woman, then she is quite conservative in relations with a man and in matters of marriage and children. During this period in their career, they may be lucky.

Untidy eyebrows.

Bad sign. Determines your inept attitude towards money. And, even if the rest of the face tells you about luck, it will be very difficult to reverse the influence of sloppy eyebrows.


First of all, it's luck. Especially if the mole is inside the eyebrow. If it is clearly visible, then the person will be very rich. If not very much, there will be less money, but in both cases, a mole means a person’s poor ability to save money. Tip - each time save a little bit of money in reserve.

So, we talked about almost all parts of the face that can tell us about a person. But, there were no less interesting - the nose and cheeks.

What does the nose tell us?

The nose occupies the central part of our face and tells what awaits us in the period of 41-50 years. In addition, the nose is a money point, which means it can tell us about the role of money in a person’s life and whether he knows how to manage it.

Big nose.

Big nose - a lot of money. However, there may be an influence of other parts of the face. But this is all until the age of 41 - then financial luck shines on all carriers of such a nose.

Small nose.

Less luck with money, these are meticulous, attentive people.

Roman nose.

At the age of 41-50 years - financial difficulties await the owners of the nose, the tip of which is directed downwards, and the nostrils are wide. Constantly strive to lead, even in the family.

Curved nostrils.

These are spenders, they do not know how to handle money at all. But at the same time they are caring and kind people.

Worst nose ever.

This is when there are 3 tubercles on the nose: at the base, in the middle and at the end. Usually, these are very irritable natures; maintaining their own “I” is much more important for them than relationships with the opposite sex.

41-50 years is an unsuccessful period for such people in all areas of activity.

Lion nose.

Round nostrils closed by the wings of the nose. The tip also has a rounded shape. These are financial bastards. In the period from 41 to 50 years, they will be lucky. If the owner of the nose is a woman, she will marry late, or her husband will be much older than her.

Straight nose.

Like the shape of the nose, these people are straight forward. They can offend a person without even realizing it. Such people can be characterized as independent and hardworking.

Round nose.

This is a treasure trove of talent. You have a great business partner in front of you. He is pleasant and easy to do business with. In such people, the bridge of the nose is slightly rounded.

Straight nostrils.

The wings do not have any roundings, and the nostrils are not visible. This means that a person knows how to handle money and everything connected with it.

They are willing to wait, comparing prices in stores or waiting for sales, only to buy what they need cheaper.


This is a money-repellent sign. Moreover, at the age of 41-50, such people should be wary of financial losses.

Well, what is your nose or the nose of your chosen one, does it promise a lot of money or vice versa? Okay, moving on to the final part of the face - the cheeks.

What do cheeks tell us about a person?

Cheeks are responsible for the period of 46-47 years. Reveal or show our essence.

High cheekbones.

This means that a person has a lot of energy or ambition.

Wide cheekbones.

Ideal for women, this means that she can stand up for herself and her caution.

High and wide cheekbones.

These people are proud and purposeful. But there is a danger here - the appearance of envy. The main thing for them is to extract their own benefit. Again, if this is a man, then it is very difficult to maintain a comfortable relationship with a woman.

Flat cheekbones.

Not to say that such people are leaders. But with a certain amount of severity, you can succeed and get others to listen to you.

Well, did you learn something new about yourself and your chosen one? When you see him, look carefully and write down every aspect of the psychological profile that every part of his face has told you about. And do not pay attention to his perplexed look ... tell me later - there will be a surprise!

Psychology 1

Greetings, dear guests of the blog! Often, after meeting a person, we create a certain idea about his personality, character, and behavioral characteristics. We understand what topics can be discussed with him, whether humor is appropriate, how to behave so as not to offend his feelings.

But often our opinion is also erroneous, and in the process of communication we begin to be surprised at some points. To get to know a person better, it is not enough that he talks about himself and what kind of facial expression he has. Experienced physiognomists can learn almost everything about a person by looking at facial features.

Today I will share the secrets of how to determine the character of a person by facial features.

What will physiognomy tell you?

Basically, most people think that character is something that is too complex to be easily revealed through the nose and lips. Yes, this is true, but there is a connection between our external data and internal features.

Try to evaluate your friends using the method of physiognomy, and you will understand that this science opens all the cards for us.

What does physiognomy help with?

  • get to know your loved ones better to smooth sharp corners in conflict situations;
  • secretly find out more information about the person you are interested in;
  • easily recognize socially dangerous individuals;
  • learn more about yourself and how inner world in harmony with external data.

Thus, understanding at least a little in the art of physiognomy, you get only one advantage.

Public feature - forehead

It is believed that the lower part represents the individual, and the top represents society. If they are harmonious, then the person easily adapts in society and finds new acquaintances. The elongated top of the forehead indicates the character of the leader.

If the forehead is, as it were, divided into two zones: top and bottom, then this may indicate that a person.

If the lines are straight, quadrangular, this is a sign of a good heart. A steep forehead indicates high intelligence. Excessive bulge is a sign of limitation and closeness.

A person with a sloping forehead is strong-willed, not used to obeying others. This is also evidenced by the deepening at the nose. If it is absent, the person is disciplined.

Pronounced brows indicate laxity. The round shape is inherent in complaisant, flexible people who are able to win over others.

Forehead features:

  • small with a zigzag border of the scalp - hot and tough nature;
  • bulge in the corners, breadth - intelligence;
  • resembling a crescent - a narrow-minded person;
  • deceitful, greedy, cunning people have a low forehead, tending back;
  • excessive bulge is characteristic of mundane individuals;
  • directness - a broad soul, kindness.

You can't judge a person by their forehead alone. In physiognomy, all the details are important, because everything consists of little things. So let's move on.

Energy Trait - Nose

Do you want to know the energy potential of a person? Pay attention to the nose. Size doesn't matter. People with a huge nose can have such qualities as indecision, lack of initiative. A small nose can be persistent, strong.

You have to look at the form. A nose with a hump at the base indicates a hard character. The fossa in this zone speaks of timidity, shyness. The hump is observed in strong-willed and passionate. Such noses are characteristic of the Roman people, and its history proves its significance.

Also, a slight hump may indicate creative nature.

Nose features:

  • large and direct observed in the proud, talented, calm;
  • like an eagle - dominance;
  • pointed - endurance and willpower;
  • when the nose continues the forehead, it is vanity;
  • long - egocentrism;
  • tending to the mouth - vulnerability, resentment;
  • upturned at the end - assertiveness, curiosity, cunning;
  • snub nose speaks of excessive frivolity;
  • a thick organ indicates that a person likes to drink.

Observe people from your environment, whether the description of their nose matches the character. You will be very surprised when you learn to decipher the data of nature.

Beauty trait - eyes

Eyes are considered to be the most attractive feature of a person. They take part in communication and say more about us than we think. It is the epitome of spirituality.

To decipher the meanings, it is necessary to be able to interpret the right eye in men, and the left in women. So, if a person has a more developed right eye, then he is inclined to self-giving. Transparent eyes are observed in clean, kind people.

Dark and with brilliance for the cunning and treacherous. The best shape of the eye is considered to be an oval, which personifies the harmony of the soul. Eyes set deep, as a rule, are observed in slow, but deep personalities.

Eyes that are close to each other indicate that their owner has blurred the line between negative and positive. For people with harmoniously set eyes, this problem does not exist. These people are determined in their intentions.

Bulging huge eyes with small eyelashes - a quick-tempered, absurd personality, which during Have a good mood sensitive and cheerful.

Narrowed eyelids, raised eyebrows, a sharp look - a cunning, observant, self-centered person.

Narrow eyes with half-drooped eyelids - fearlessness, integrity, incorruptibility.

Sleepy eyes with lowered eyelids and thick eyebrows - softness, passivity, laziness.

Wide-open eyes, eyebrows with a break, eyelashes bent up - a strong-willed, honest, open, independent personality.

Petty and cunning people have small eyes with heavy eyelids.

Cheekbones - the personification of strength

Our cheekbones tell how the spirit manifests itself in life. According to them, we can talk about the sociability of the individual, the ability to correctly understand and use information. This feature is pronounced in many eastern peoples, so they are able to unite with each other.

On the cheekbones they speak of such qualities as cunning, a tendency to lie, self-interest. People whose corners of the eyes are lowered to the bottom, and the cheekbones are pronounced with a poorly developed frontal zone, are precisely such and one should be vigilant with them. The bulge of the cheekbones indicates cruelty and anger.

Reading ears and cheeks

If a person has thin cheeks, this indicates spiritual limitation. But even in huge cheeks there is little positive. They talk about strong vulnerability, vulnerability.

Ears are a very important feature in physiognomy. In their configuration, they resemble a human embryo, and experts see great meaning in them. If the lobe is sagging, it speaks of spiritual freedom. In dependent and constrained individuals, the lobes are adjacent to the body. If there are no lobes at all, which also occurs, these people are envious and dangerous.

The top of the ears speaks of the ability to adapt. If it is close to the head, then this person is slow, but if something begins to study, then it is given to the fullest. In cunning, nimble people, the tops of the ears move slightly to the sides.

Large ear shells speak of magnetism. That is, such individuals are able to manipulate, influence people.

Sensual mouth and lips

Small lips and mouth indicate pedantry. Compressed lips are observed in selfish people. The correct shape of the lips, proportionality, harmony, the same bulge indicate honesty, strong-willed personality inclined to think.

If the lower lip is wider than the upper one, this indicates laziness, gluttony. And when the top is larger than the bottom - a feature of a kind person.

Beware of people with very thin, pursed lips. They are selfish, cruel, sarcastic. People with full lips are very sensitive.

We study the inner core of the chin

This is the personification of endurance, perseverance. If a person has an elongated chin, he is distinguished by prudence. Convex and rounded observed in practical. The insidious have a pointed chin. Moving forward speaks of purposefulness.

The fossa on the chin indicates stubbornness, isolation, narcissism. Soft is inherent in sensual natures, and bony is greedy. In passionate people, a tubercle is observed in the center of the chin. In a reliable person, the chin is moderately rounded and convex.

Dear guests, put this knowledge into practice and subscribe to updates of my Internet portal, share information in social networks. See you soon!