Kare hat with bangs. Haircuts for short hair: bob, pixie, cap, garcon. Haircut styling methods

Haircuts that do not require special attention and hassle in styling will always be in demand. Fashionable and stylish haircut "hat" for short hair, which became a hit in the distant 60s, remains relevant today. It has undergone changes, innovations, but the appearance has remained the same. A universal haircut is popular among both the fairer sex and among boys and men. All because it belongs to the type of unisex models. Ideal for bright and outrageous people who are not afraid of excessive attention to their person and who like to stand out from the crowd.

Haircut Benefits

Haircut female "hat" for short hair, which looks like a headdress hat, when the curls lie volumetrically around the entire circumference of the head, does not cease to be popular for several reasons:

  • The absolute plus of haircuts is the absence of age restrictions.
  • Easy to care for hair and daily convenience.
  • Ease of installation, does not require a lot of time.
  • An ideal solution for hair thin and devoid of density, the haircut visually increases the volume of the finishing hairstyle.
  • Due to the lightness and airiness of short hair, there is no need for bouffant or super-strong fixation. A haircut always has a basal volume.
  • A well-chosen haircut with a cap hides the flaws in the structure of the face.
  • Hairstyle refreshes the appearance and even rejuvenates.
  • Corrects the proportions of the face, making the cheekbones more expressive. Emphasizes the stateliness and sexuality of a long neck, and also reduces the nose and lengthens the chin.
  • In the arsenal of a good master, there are always several variations of a haircut to create an individual style for each client: avant-garde, symmetrical, mega-volume or straightened.

Below is a haircut for women "hat" for short hair, photos from the front, before and after.

The increased demand for a haircut with a cap and its convenience overshadow the minor shortcomings of the hairstyle:

  • Frequent visits to the salon to trim regrown ends.
  • A high-quality haircut requires the hands of a good master, and, consequently, high financial costs. But, as a rule, the result is worth it.
  • It is better not to use a haircut on highly curly curls, as well as people with a rigid hair structure. These factors will add styling problems.

Who will fit the "hat", and who will not

Haircut female "hat" for short hair is not suitable for everyone. The main criterion in favor of choosing a haircut:

  • It will look advantageous from the form. The volume of the styled hair will hide the severity of the cheekbones and large chin, giving the face a proportional look.
  • An elongated or narrow face will acquire charm and a special zest.
  • It is advisable for owners of a round face shape to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcutting their hair with a cap, risking even more visually rounding the face. However, if a decision has been made, it is preferable to choose a haircut with milled ends. Due to the smooth effect, the imperfection of the face will be hidden.
  • For those who have a rectangular or square face, it is also better to refrain from such a haircut, so as not to emphasize its coarse features.

To avoid monotony and routine, several options for a cap haircut for short hair were invented. Everyone can try on any of them.

Traditional option

The haircut will turn out without a parting, classic, when the design of the execution implies the final hairstyle with bangs, the length of which is on the same level with the rest of the hair. To get the perfect haircut, the ends of the hair around the entire circumference of the head are cut off in an absolutely even line at one level. Further, including the bangs, the strands are laid inside, thereby forming a natural voluminous "hat".

asymmetrical haircut

The most common, individual and functional type of cap haircut is the asymmetrical hairstyle. The ability to style such a haircut in a new way each time opens up a flight for imagination and the creation of new images.

Types of asymmetrical haircuts with a cap:

  1. Different lengths of hair on the sides of the face.
  2. Geometrically uneven style that does not have smooth lines.
  3. Double cap - forms a kind of cascade, where the longest part of the hair reaches the earlobe, and the short one barely touches the temple.

Thanks to the non-standard shape of the haircut, you can easily hide facial imperfections with styling.

"Hat" in layers, or Cascading shape

A flawless option that is suitable for thin and devoid of volume curls. To give magnificent splendor and airiness, it is not necessary to cut the entire length of the hair at the same level. The haircut has a feature - a soft transition from the shortest tips to the longest. The "puff" version is the effect of lightness and naturalness. Extraordinary personalities will definitely choose this look.

Leg option

A rather bold type of "hat" - it opens the back of the head, but the back of the head is not completely cut off. In appearance, the haircut resembles a mushroom or a hairstyle "on a leg". Not popular and considered outdated, retro style. Stylists recommend her to girls with a thin model physique.

Below is a photo of a cap haircut for short hair: back, side and front view.


A modern interpretation that combines two haircuts at once - a bob and a "hat". The classic cut of a round "hat" is made with a smooth transition, resulting in an elegant haircut.

What bangs to choose

For short hair with bangs, where the original bangs are a mandatory attribute, smoothly turning into side strands. Bangs as an element of a haircut with a hat allows you to model an image on the go and transform your appearance:

  • Classic - straight bangs with smooth edges give the image elegance and restraint.
  • Oblique or asymmetrical bangs - smoothes out the imperfections of a round face and rough shapes.
  • Ragged bangs are a daring option for stylish and young ladies or for those who want to refresh their appearance.
  • Fashionable heavy bangs perfectly hide a high forehead.

Execution technique

An impeccable haircut with a cap that will fit perfectly and will not need daily styling is the result of the work of a professional master. If you have the skills of hairdressing and a strong desire, you can try at home to cut your own hair or a friend's hair in the silhouette of a "hat".

A photo of a haircut with a "hat" for short hair at the back before and after is presented below.

Necessary cutting tools:

  • a spray bottle with warm water;
  • straight scissors;
  • thinning scissors;
  • comb;
  • clamps for fixation.

Having carefully read the execution technique, it is important to follow some rules:

  1. Lightly wet the curls from the spray bottle along the entire length. This will help deprive them of electrification and make them more obedient.
  2. Carefully comb the strands. It is more correct to start from the ends, each time raising the comb one level higher and higher, thus reaching the roots without damaging wet hair.
  3. Using a comb, form a central point on the top of the head, avoiding the formation of a parting.
  4. It is necessary to select a strand on the temporal region on any side with a width of 3-5 cm. Pinch it with your fingers, straighten it and cut it at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the middle of the ear. Important: dried hair will rise, and the length of the edge will be higher.
  5. The rest of the hair of the side zone must be cut, leveling along the control strand.
  6. Profile.
  7. Make the transition to the upper occipital part without stopping the process. The smoothness or clarity of the transition directly depends on the chosen haircut style.
  8. The lower zone is cut vertically - with one grip, leveling at the edge of the "cap". Strand by strand.
  9. The final stage of the haircut is the parietal zone, which is determined by the choice of bangs. It is necessary to cut strictly along the line of a semicircle.
  10. The final stage is thinning to give volume and lightness to the future hairstyle.

At each stage of the haircut, it is advisable to spray the hair with a spray bottle.

An interesting fact: all options for a haircut "hat" for short hair are modeled individually, there is no standard.

How to care and style

Care for a short haircut is the easiest - the hair is easy to wash and dry quickly. Regular washing and the use of care products, such as masks and balms, will be enough to keep your hair healthy.

Since a short haircut cannot be gathered into a ponytail, it must be styled. For styling, it is important to choose only high-quality products that not only fix the styling, but also have a healing effect during application.

To give the haircut a basal volume, you need to apply a little styling product to the hair roots, massage lightly with your hands and dry in the usual way. To enhance the effect, it is better to use a hair dryer or iron.

Above are photos of a cap haircut for short hair in front and behind after styling.

A fashionable haircut is an indicator of a girl's individuality and sense of style. Hairdressers say that, as a rule, courageous and independent women make a neat haircut "hat" for short hair. It suits many people, it is distinguished by versatility, easy care, compatibility with any images, which is confirmed by photos from fashion shows in 2018.

What does the hat look like?

Short haircuts are the trend of recent years. In the 80s, a beanie was considered a sporty haircut. Gradually, business, uninhibited women began to afford it.

Haircut has a number of advantages:

  • Able to attract the attention of others.
  • Highlights slender shoulders and a refined elongated neck.
  • Makes its owner sexy and attractive to the opposite sex.
  • Does not require special skills for styling and hair care.
  • Visibly transforms the appearance, rejuvenates visually by 10-15 years (for women 40+).
  • Owners of rare and thin hair thanks to this haircut can create the effect of luxurious, thick hair.
  • Fast laying speed.
  • Saving detergent for the head.
  • Allows you to create various images: a business woman, a sports beauty, a shy young lady, a cute charmer and others.
  • Emphasizes the expressiveness of the eyes, cheekbones, lips.

A haircut can look spectacular even without professional styling.

Who suits?

A cap haircut is done by girls of any profession, with different hair colors and external data. Little girls are often cut like this.

But a haircut is especially suitable for owners:

"Hat" eliminates the shortcomings. It makes its owner visually taller and slimmer. A voluminous crown and thick bangs distract attention from a large nose, elongated ears, and a wide forehead. To try on such a haircut in advance, you should comb your hair back in front of the mirror. The potential possibilities of the “hat” will immediately become obvious.

Who does not suit

Despite the versatility and popularity of the haircut, it is not suitable for everyone. Women and girls with curly, rigid hair are strongly discouraged from wearing a “cap”. The shape of the hairstyle will be completely broken.

Haircut "hat" for short hair: (photo 2018, front and back view confirmed) does not suit girls with a heavy, wide chin and a round face type. "Hat" will make the appearance disproportionate.

However, the hands of a professional and experienced master can transform almost every woman. It is important that the specialist is familiar with all the haircut techniques - this will help you choose the haircut to the image as accurately as possible.

Classic "hat" with a smooth transition

The classic "hat" is the most common hairstyle variation. The form fully reveals the name. It was in this form that the haircut first appeared on fashion catwalks in the 60s of the 20th century.

Distinctive features:

  • worn without parting;
  • straight thick bangs;
  • bangs follow the line of the eyebrows;
  • has the shape of a semicircle, where the bangs connect, merge at the temples with curls and form a volumetric ball;
  • bangs should be deep, i.e. start from the crown;
  • the ends are slightly bent inward.

With this haircut, you can hide a wide forehead and protruding ears, visually correct the shape of the face. But the owners of a square chin will only emphasize heavy features. In this case, the classic "hat" will not work.

If the hair has a wavy texture or fluffiness, then a flat iron will help create a neat hairstyle in a few minutes.

Cap: with bangs or without?

For many representatives of the weaker sex, bangs are a naughty and capricious element of a haircut. This also applies to the classic "hat". It can be done with or without bangs. Women who prefer a more open face and forehead choose the second option.

A beautiful classic cap haircut for short hair without bangs is chosen by modern and self-confident girls. Photos of 2018 with front and back views clearly demonstrate the ability to transform your image - to make it strict, businesslike, sporty or romantic.

The haircut resembles a ball around the head, the tips are slightly twisted inward. But in the absence of bangs, the hair is styled with a parting on one of the sides, slightly opening part of the temple or forehead.


One of the most fashionable haircut options is an asymmetrical "hat". It has dozens of variations. The functionality of the haircut allows the owner of such a hairstyle to style it differently every day, playing with her appearance and mood. It is with such a “hat” that highlighting, coloring, coloring in bright colors looks perfect.

Distinctive features and advantages:

You can choose for yourself a haircut option that will emphasize originality, unique taste, creative nature and distinguish you from the crowd. This is exactly what the asymmetric “hat” is.


Long hair doesn't always live up to expectations. Caring for them is difficult, they often split, are brittle, thin and weak.

But even with such hair it is very difficult to part, because for many, the presence of length is an indicator of femininity and self-confidence. In this case, an excellent haircut option is a multi-layered “hat”. It is ideal for owners of strands to the shoulder blades, with split ends.

Distinctive features of a layered hairstyle:

  • the presence of long hair - the bottom layer;
  • "hat", aligned with the earlobes - the middle layer;
  • torn strands at the crown and a “hat” aligned at the temples - the top layer.

This haircut makes hair that is too heavy, lighter, reduces the number of split ends, adds volume and health to thin and thin hair.

On a leg

Extravagant and courageous girls will appreciate the "hat" on the leg.

It looks like this:

  • open back of the head - the strands are shortened almost to zero;
  • several layers of strands;
  • the upper strands look like a regular "hat";
  • a contrasting transition from the back of the head to the top of the head creates the effect of a “mushroom”.

A haircut is in demand among both young girls and women of a more mature age. The image becomes fashionable, extraordinary, extravagant and attractive. The front view of the “hat” on the leg can be very diverse: with a straight, torn, thick bangs, no bangs, long strands, asymmetry.

bob beanie

A charming, feminine and attractive look is guaranteed with a bob haircut. It is characterized by a short nape, a voluminous crown and smooth cut lines. A distinctive feature of the hairstyle is that several asymmetrical elongated curls fall from the face. Their length ranges from the beginning of the cheek to the chin.

Such a “hat” fits all types of figures and types, is combined with all styles of clothing, looks extraordinary. Haircut distracts attention from facial flaws: large cheeks, large ears, long nose. At the same time, beautiful cheekbones, plump lips and expressive eyes are emphasized.

Haircut technique

Photos of 2018 short haircuts with a front and back view inspire many fashionistas to change their image. Haircut technique is available not only to stylists. It is a sequential algorithm of actions. Before starting the procedure, you should prepare all the necessary items: a comb, straight and thinning scissors, clips, a hairdryer, an iron.

Hat haircut technique:

  1. Hair should be slightly moistened and combed. Start cutting from the center of the head and down, without parting.
  2. Next, separate the control strand. To do this, use the reverse side of the comb to divide the temporal zone on each side into 2 parts. Then select the bottom strand near the ear and cut it at an angle of 45 °.
  3. All side strands are cut along the control first cut.
  4. The occipital part is trimmed by shading. To do this, it is necessary to select the strands with a comb along a horizontal line along the edging behind the ear (from one to the other).
  5. Next, the frontal-parietal and upper occipital zones are worked out. The control temporal part is cut and the entire mass of hair is aligned along the contour.
  6. The final stage is the alignment of the bangs, the entire edging of the semicircle and milling.

How to cut your hair at home

The cap haircut technique is simple. But only a master professional can do everything professionally and correctly at 100%. On your own at home, a perfect haircut will work only if you have experience and skills. A friend or mother can cut under the “hat”, following the instructions for the haircut technique. But not the fact that everything will work out the first time.

Laying rules

You can install yourself in several ways:

For curly hair

If the hair is wavy, no additional styling is required. The main thing is to maintain the shape of the “hat”, constantly visit your hairdresser to align the contours. For curly hair, haircut options with elongated and asymmetrical strands in front are ideal.

For thin hair

For owners of thin hair, a haircut "hat" is a lifesaver. Hair visually becomes thicker, healthier, look expressive. For styling strands, it is enough to have a hair dryer, iron, clips and various care products: mousses, styling, varnishes.

Coloring curls

Owners of a bright spectacular hairstyle "hat" can afford to experiment with coloring. Highlighting, coloring, vertical and horizontal stripes of various shades will make the image bright, stylish and incredibly fashionable.

Haircut cap for short hair. Photo, front and back view, with bangs, smooth transition, any color of staining is suitable on the leg
  • Classic "hat"- solid blond, bright red tint, deep rich black.
  • Asymmetry- fashionable images will be obtained by using bold purple, red, red shades. Any contrast will emphasize the haircut and the individuality of its mistress.
  • « Mushroom"and other ultra-short options - cold calm shades of blond, chestnut are ideal.
  • Semicircle- natural, natural shades are recommended: light brown, copper, chestnut.

Photo: front and back view

Haircut "hat" for short hair is a simple, neat and very beautiful hairstyle. Photos from the shows of hairdressing competitions in 2018 clearly confirm this. From the front and back, you can choose a hairstyle according to your character, external type, and individual preferences.

The cap has a lot of advantages: it is easy to care for, emphasizes the advantages, hides the flaws, fits quickly, allows you to experiment with coloring and is suitable for any age.

Cap haircut video

Haircut cap for short hair:

Haircut cap:

Women's haircut cap is really similar to the well-known headdress. This haircut is most often performed on and sometimes on. But modern fashion "gave life" to the hat on, this can be seen in the photo.

A photo

The cap is visually similar to, but it suggests a more open neck and nape.

Who is the cap haircut suitable for?

Haircut cap is suitable for lovers of short and medium haircuts. She will open the neck, visually stretch, balance the massive chin. For such a haircut, it is better not to choose, since the additional volume from above will emphasize all the disadvantages of this face shape.

The hat looks perfect. it can spoil the picture a little, but such a haircut will add volume without any problems.

Cap haircut options

Beanie with a smooth transition implies a soft line of transition from a thick crown to a short-cropped nape.

Cap on the leg on the contrary, it promises a clear transition from a shaved nape to long upper strands that remain the same length. Creates a mushroom effect.

cap does not have strict rules. It is formed on the basis of a classic hat. Everything else depends on the imagination of the owner and the master.

haircut cap. This is almost always required. It can be straight, ragged, thick or sparse. By changing the shape of the bangs depending on certain facial features, the haircut itself also changes.

Haircut styling cap

  • Classic way. The cap on medium and short hair is easy to style: you just need to dry your hair thoroughly with a hairdryer and a round comb, and the ends can be twisted inward with foam.
  • Hat for long hair. The cap itself is laid in the classic way, but long hair can be curled

The “hat” hairstyle rose to the crest of popularity in the middle of the last century and to this day it remains very popular among all women in the world. She looks original and bright. Haircut cap for short hair is the art of a master hairdresser, which emphasizes the fragility of a woman and her weakness. Originality and even some hooliganism are subtle notes of this hairstyle. Now any woman can make herself such a haircut and look extravagant with her.

Uniqueness and downside

Haircut cap for short hair is constantly in demand in any salon because it:

  • Saving time. This haircut does not require complex morning styling procedures.
  • Easy correction. It's very easy to fix your hair. If necessary, you can make another bang. Some curls can be grown to a certain length. Make the ends of the hair in a chaotic form. It is very convenient to dye such hair using any technology. If there is a different shade in fashion, you can first grow your hair, and then touch up and cut it.
  • Hairstyle is very "young" woman. She adds freshness and "energy" to her image.
  • "Hat" highlights the shape of the neck and cheekbones. This haircut focuses on the woman's face. It becomes open, but at the same time, the representative of the weaker sex has a mystery. She is an adventurer at heart.
  • Perfect for straight hair and perky curly hair. This is a great hairstyle for thin hair. Milling curls will give the volume needed for a girl with thin and sparse strands.

Hair Cons:

  1. The shape of the cap haircut requires constant visits to the salon. The regrown ends will randomly stick out to the sides and are very difficult to lay.
  2. The hairstyle is not universal. It fits certain criteria.

Who is suitable for a haircut cap for short hair

Such a hairstyle is ideal for a girl with pronounced facial contours. Those women who have a long neck can be sure that their hairstyle is their “horse”. If a girl has sparse hair, then it is better to cut it short in the form of a “hat” hairstyle, because the haircut technology creates additional volume.

By face type:

  • Pear-shaped face - the bangs will hide the forehead, and the face will be transformed.
  • Oval and long face. The upper part of the oval of the face is hidden under the bangs. The emphasis falls on the expressiveness of the eyes.
  • Narrow face with coarse features. The haircut will hide the roughness, the contour of the lips will stand out.

Refusing a haircut

Despite the demand and popularity of hairstyles, hairdressers do not advise haircuts for those who have:

  • The shape of the face is round, square, rectangular. In this case, the emphasis will be on the cheeks. It's not beautiful. The chin can also be strongly expressed. He will "bulge" forward.
  • Coarse hair that is finely curled. They will not hold the shape of the haircut, but will protrude and stick out in all directions.
  • Fluffy naughty curls will make a dandelion out of a girl.

Haircut Options

The best cap haircut ideas for short hair are presented in many directions. Women who want to look extraordinary, constantly choose not only the classic version of the haircut, but also other variations.


Haircut without parting. For this option, you need a bang. It can be of different lengths and shapes. Haircut cap for short hair with bangs from the top of the head to the brow arch looks beautiful. In this version, the ends of the hair strands are equal to the bottom and are bent towards the face.

In the morning, you don’t have to spend a lot of time on such a hairstyle. Just iron through your hair and add a little hairspray to your hair. The hairstyle will keep fresh all day and give a well-groomed look to her mistress.

For the upcoming holiday, you can use mousse, apply it to your hair in an even layer and dry it with a hairdryer. The hairstyle will gain splendor and creativity.


Versatile hairstyle. It has a lot of options in execution technology. This haircut will suit any style and any woman. In the morning, it can be styled in different ways, and each styling will refresh, make the image irresistible.

The most famous option can be considered different lengths near the ears and the same different ones. Another popular option is the sharpness of transitions, torn bangs. The front view of the cap haircut on short hair makes the double hairstyle irresistible. The lower hair covers the ears, the upper layer of hair is aligned along the temples.

For this type of hairstyle, coloring in bright shades is perfect. In the morning, for styling, you only need a hairdryer, sometimes an iron.


More suitable for girls with thin hair. Hair will gain volume, splendor. The curls are divided horizontally, one of the parts is cut in the shape of a cap along the line of the ears or slightly below them. The second option is, after which thinning is done.


With this option, the hair is cut very short. The back of the head is all open. The rear view of the haircut cap for short hair is mesmerizing with the left leg of the strands of hair on which the whole hairstyle rests. At the bottom of the head, the hair is cut almost to zero. At the top, the hair is cut like a regular hat. The front haircut looks different. It depends on what length and what styling. Asymmetrically cut bangs go to this type of hairstyle.


When cutting this type of hair, the shape of a circle is given, the transition lines are smooth. In front, the curls are slightly elongated and sharp.

Execution technique

The technique for cutting a cap for short hair is very simple. First you need to comb the curls very well from top to bottom. After that, the hair near the temples is separated. From one ear to the other, the hair is separated from the bottom and top. The top hair needs to be collected so that it does not interfere. The lower curls are divided equally. The strands are cut to the desired length. Vertical thinning will be appropriate.

After this process, you need to go to the back of the head. Hair again needs to be divided again horizontally. The upper curls are collected. The lower ones are cut to one length. They need to be constantly compared. After that, profile. After all this, the collected curls are cut off. They will be slightly longer in length.

The hair at the top of the head is divided in half. Both sides are cut at the same time. Don't forget about filtering.

In the very last turn, a bang is made out.

A photo of a haircut cap for short hair will show the step-by-step technique of execution, as well as its options.

Haircut cap for short hair photo:

Short haircuts have always been considered practical and attractive, so stylists come up with new variations of them. But some hairdressers borrow from the past and give them another life. This is exactly what a cap haircut for short hair is, which came into modern fashion from the second half of the 20th century.

Previously, this hairstyle was associated with sports style, but now everything has changed, it is done and
business women, and fashionistas who want to draw attention to their person.

The haircut cap got its name because of the peculiarities of the silhouette, which is distinguished by softness and smoothness of contours, but at the same time has a clear structure. Such a hairstyle can turn even the thinnest and naughty hair into a light and lush mop.

The main characteristics of the cap haircut

The characteristic contour of this haircut is a smooth, rounded edging line. At the top of the head, the hair should have sufficient length and volume, a little lower there is a smooth transition to short strands on the parietal and temporal regions. There are no sharp drops, sharp corners in the hairstyle, all lines should be soft. A mandatory attribute is a thick bang.

Owners of a cap haircut will have to visit the hairdresser regularly so that the hairstyle does not lose its expressiveness and sophistication due to regrown strands, this should be done at least once every 5 weeks, and for those ladies whose curls grow quickly, every 3 weeks.

But, perhaps, this is the only “minus” of the cap haircut, otherwise it is characterized only from the positive sides.

Varieties of haircuts "hat for short hair"

Haircut cap with bangs for short hair:

Haircut cap in layers for short hair:

Bob haircut for short hair:

The main advantages of a haircut cap:

  • the hairstyle gives even thin and brittle strands a well-groomed look;
  • a haircut helps to soften some facial features and make them more pleasant, for example, to visually compensate for an overly massive chin, wide cheekbones or a strongly protruding nose due to its volume;
  • a cap haircut is concise and simple, but it brings a certain zest and a special chic to the image of any girl;
  • a woman of any age with such a haircut immediately sheds several years and looks younger, because the hairstyle favorably opens the face, emphasizes the neck, and gives grace;
  • the cap hairstyle is as simple as possible to care for - it does not require complex styling;
  • a simple haircut allows you to modify its shape at any time, if desired, for example, cut asymmetrical bangs or make torn strands - and the new image is ready.

Care and styling

A haircut cap is good because hair care does not require large financial or time costs, even with minimal effort, the hairstyle will always look stylish. To wash your hair, it is recommended to use shampoos and balms with a smoothing effect, and for styling, a hair dryer, a round brush and a small amount of styling product will be enough.

But due to the brevity of the hairstyle and the short length of the hair, the owners of the cap haircut will have to come to terms with the fact that there are a minimum of styling options, but even in this case you can dream up.

To create volume on the head, wet curls must be treated with styling foam and dried with a hairdryer, while lifting the strands at the roots with the help of brushing. To give the hairstyle a beautiful shape and completeness, the hair needs to be combed with a comb with rare teeth and set the desired direction with your fingers.

The second styling option is strict. To create this look, you need to apply the gel to slightly damp strands and comb them back, parting as you wish. Then the curls need to be dried, so they will keep their shape throughout the day. If you want to create a gentle and romantic look, you can simply add a beautiful hairpin with stones or in the form of a flower, tie a ribbon around your head or put on an elegant headband.

Who suits the haircut cap

The hairstyle has practically no restrictions, everyone can become its owner, regardless of age, lifestyle, face type and condition of the hair. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that a cap, like any other short haircut, focuses on facial features, although all this can be corrected by slight modifications to the hairstyle.

So, a short haircut cap, first of all, will suit:

  • owners of a triangular and square face, as the hairstyle will correct the disharmony between the upper and lower parts, but ladies with a rectangular or round face are still advised to abandon such a haircut;
  • a cap haircut will help to visually balance a heavy or too wide forehead;
  • for owners of an oval face, the hairstyle will favorably emphasize its correct shape and draw attention to the eyes, giving them more expressiveness;
  • the hairstyle will be an ideal option for girls of short stature or prone to fullness, since it exquisitely emphasizes the smooth line of the neck, visually lengthens it, thereby stretching the overall silhouette;
  • a cap haircut on thin and smooth curls will look optimal - it will give them splendor and much-needed volume;
  • the hairstyle will look great on curls of any color, but it is better if the coloring is still monophonic, from multi-color coloring only vertical highlighting with smooth color transitions is allowed, but horizontal lines will definitely have to be abandoned, since short strands in combination with such staining will look unaesthetic;
  • a haircut cap and thick, heavy hair will perfectly decorate, make it visually much easier;
  • quite interesting and with a certain touch of negligence, such a hairstyle will look on slightly wavy strands, if desired, they can be straightened with an iron, but it is better for owners of hair that is too hard, curly, unstylable to style hair, otherwise you will get an untidy “dandelion” on your head.

The strict haircut pattern of the hat is in harmony with its thin and smooth lines, the style is the same - concise and at the same time incredibly feminine. A simple technique of execution and a minimum of effort for styling are the characteristic features of this hairstyle.