Soup hodgepodge team with sausage recipe with photo step by step. Solyanka combined meat classic and recipe with potatoes and sausage

In his classic version meat hodgepodge involves a combination of four meat components. But often boil tasty soup really want and the right amount varieties of meat are not at hand. A simple recipe for hodgepodge with sausage will help out.

"Lazy" hodgepodge on sausage

Peeled potatoes must be cut into thin sticks and boiled. At this time, fry finely chopped onions, add tomatoes to it. While the mixture is stewing, you can add your favorite spices to it. If fresh tomatoes were not at hand, tomato paste will replace them. Even the simplest sausage hodgepodge recipe involves the use of two meat components. Ideally, this is smoked and boiled sausage, however, hunting sausages and sausages are also suitable. We cut our meat into strips, we also grind pickled cucumbers. Add the sausage and cucumber to the onion stewed with tomatoes and simmer for a few more minutes. To taste, you can also add pitted olives cut into rings. As soon as the potatoes are half cooked, add the fry to it and cook further. Before serving, lemon, herbs and sour cream are added to the soup to taste.

Solyanka recipe with smoked meats or brisket

An excellent hodgepodge can be cooked on smoked meat broth. Smoked ribs are best for this, but you can limit yourself to chicken. We cook the broth from smoked meats, add potatoes to it. Of course, like the recipe for hodgepodge with sausage, the recipe for making soup with smoked meats cannot be imagined without onions and tomatoes. Fry the onion, tomatoes can be added immediately to the broth. It is advisable to choose soft boiled and raw smoked sausage. We lay the second grade in the middle of the cooking process, along with pickles and onions, add the boiled one at the very end, along with olives. There is a lot of debate about whether the recipe for hodgepodge with sausage and smoked meats allows the presence of spices in the soup. Adding ground pepper or peas will be very appropriate, someone likes a bay leaf. Spices with a pronounced taste should be used with caution.

A simple recipe for hodgepodge from what was lying around in the refrigerator

You can also cook a hodgepodge by improvisation. Let's say you have a meat broth (beef or poultry), a little different ham and sausage. Of the vegetables in the soup, potatoes and pickles must be present. Onion- optional. Contrary to popular belief, carrots in a hodgepodge are not needed. In the classic version of the soup, there is also tomato paste or fresh tomatoes and olives, which can be replaced with olives without much damage to the taste. Some housewives prefer to add both olives and olives to the soup so that it looks brighter. Even a novice cook understands that of the listed components, potatoes are boiled for the longest time. Therefore, cooking begins with laying it in broth or plain water. Sausage must be added 10-15 minutes before it is ready, otherwise it will boil too much. Olives and cucumbers are laid at the very end. To add more piquancy, you can pour a little cucumber pickle into the broth.

Solyanka is one of the favorite first courses among the Slavs. There are many recipes for its preparation, but "Popular about health" offers the classic one, with potatoes and sausage. The dish will turn out hearty, fragrant, moderately spicy, beautiful appetizing. This is exactly what the brine should be.

Secrets of cooking delicious hodgepodge with potatoes and sausage

Solyanka meat team is called so because it includes several types of meat and sausages. It is these ingredients that give it a special taste and richness. What types of meat can be added to the hodgepodge:

1. Beef.
2. Pork on the bone.
3. Rib part.
4. Chicken fillet.
5. Turkey.

Sausages and smoked meats that are put in this dish will give it that very different taste from other first courses. What can be used:

1. Smoked ribs.
2. Hunting sausages.
3. Sardeli.
4. Sausages.
5. Boiled sausage.
6. Raw smoked sausage.

Among other things, brine gives the dish unusual flavor notes. Add to brine salted cucumbers And definitely a tomato. And in the finished soup put a slice of lemon. By adhering to these principles, you can truly surprise the household with your culinary masterpiece. Now let's move on to the recipe.

Solyanka classic team meat

Ingredients you will need these: pork ribs - 300 g, pork tenderloin - 200 g, 2 onions, 2 carrots, a small piece of parsley root, Bay leaf ok, peppercorns - 6 pcs., salt, 2 pickled cucumbers, smoked ribs or chicken legs - 200 g, 2-3 tablespoons of tomato paste, a little vegetable oil, 3-4 lemon slices, a handful of olives.


Cooking mixed hodgepodge classic recipe starts with broth. To make it rich, place the meat on the rib and my tenderloin in cold water (3 liters) and put on a small fire. We also put one onion and peeled carrots, parsley root and spices in the pan. While the broth boils, you need to remove the foam so that it turns out to be crystal clear. After the foam stops forming, you need to cover the pan with a lid, and reduce the intensity of the fire to minimum value. Add salt when the meat is cooked. Ready broth should be filtered. We take out the vegetables that were cooked in it, they can be used for another dish. Cut the meat from the broth into cubes, discard the bones.

Grind cucumbers into small cubes, peel onions, carrots, cut finely. Fry the vegetables in oil, add cucumbers, a little brine (100 ml) and tomato paste to them. We simmer the dressing for 10 minutes. We cut the smoked meat into cubes and send it to the broth. Next, put a vegetable and tomato dressing in a hodgepodge. We continue cooking for another 10 minutes. The finished dish should brew a little, after which it can be served with sour cream, garnished with lemon and olives.

Solyanka combined meat classic - recipe with potatoes and sausage

This hodgepodge recipe is different from previous topics that it contains potatoes and sausages. It is this dish that is popular in Russia. According to the recipe, a hodgepodge with sausage is prepared with at least three of its types.

Ingredients: meat on the bone for rich broth, onions - 2, celery root (small), bay leaf, carrot, pork ribs smoked - 200 g, hunting sausages - 3-4 pieces, dense sardels good quality- 1-2 pieces, ham - 80 g, potatoes - 200 g, tomato paste - 2-3 tbsp. l., cucumber brine - 100 ml, pickled cucumbers - 2, vegetable oil, salt, a mixture of peppers or peppercorns.


We start cooking by boiling the broth, as in the previous case. Dip the meat in a saucepan with three liters of water, add a leaf of laurel, a whole onion, celery root. We remove the foam. After boiling, immediately reduce the heat, cook the broth for 1 hour under the lid. Only then add salt to taste. If you salt at the beginning, the meat will lose its juiciness. We take out the meat from the prepared rich broth, cut it into pieces, remove the bones (you can just strain the broth through a sieve to remove the bay leaf and peppercorns at the same time).

Finely chop the onion head, grate the carrots, fry the vegetables in oil for 5 minutes. We cut the cucumbers into small cubes, send them to the pan, fry. Then we put the tomato paste and pour the brine over the vegetables. Simmer the contents of the pan for a few minutes (until the carrots are soft).

We clean and cut the potatoes into cubes, cut the sausages and sausages into pieces, send these ingredients to the broth. Lastly, add vegetable dressing with tomato to the pan. After that, you need to bring the hodgepodge to a boil and cook it for another 10 minutes. Leave the finished dish on the stove under the lid for at least a quarter of an hour to infuse it. Spilling the first on plates, be sure to add a spoonful of sour cream, 2-3 olives and a slice of lemon to each serving.

Having studied the recipe for hodgepodge, you can understand that this is an expensive pleasure, but so desired on the table. If you have already decided to cook this first course, then do not spare money for good quality meat and sausage, otherwise the taste will not be the same at all. Do not forget to add a little brine during cooking, it will add a special piquancy to the dish.

Solyanka with sausage - a recipe that clearly demonstrates the satiety and simplicity of Russian cuisine. A classic dish that once took several hours to prepare, in a homemade half-hour version, it can surprise with richness of taste and variety. Fortunately, the arsenal of modern products is large and will always help to show imagination.

How to cook hodgepodge with sausage?

Combined hodgepodge with sausage has a number of advantages over versions of the dish of the same name. This is not only a way to dispose of meat scraps that often disappear in the refrigerator, but also the ability to use vegetables and cereals that will add nutrition and density, thereby emphasizing the “collectiveness” characteristic of a hot dish.

  1. When preparing a hodgepodge, you should not save on ingredients - the more smoked meats, the richer and more aromatic the base.
  2. Solyanka with sausage is a recipe in which the balance of sour and salty is important, and therefore use crispy pickles that will not “spread” when cooked.

Solyanka soup with sausage is a dish rich in taste, consisting of a rich base, which, according to the laws of cooking, must contain four varieties of sausage, cut equally so that each piece immediately falls into a spoon. sticking to technical rules, you need to remember that success lies not only in cooking skills, but in the variety of products.


  • doctor's sausage - 150 g;
  • salami - 250 g;
  • serverat - 150 g;
  • pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • tomato paste - 70 g;
  • lemon - 1/2 pc.;
  • olives - 10 pcs.


  1. Saute onions and cucumbers. Add pasta and place in a pot of water.
  2. Add cubes of sausage and olives there.
  3. Solyanka team with sausage - a recipe that, when served, is decorated with herbs and lemon.

And sausage - a dish that most closely matches the traditional perception of hot, with its inherent base of strong broth. Using affordable poultry meat will help reduce cooking time, achieve a rich classic taste, and at the same time not go beyond the budget homemade food.


  • chicken thighs - 450 g;
  • smoked sausage - 250 g;
  • pickled cucumber - 4 pcs.;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • olives - 15 pcs.


  1. Boil chicken thigh broth.
  2. Stew cucumbers in a paste.
  3. Fry the sausage pieces, put them to the meat, add cucumbers, lemon, olives and cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Chicken hodgepodge with sausage - a recipe that requires a half-hour rest.

Solyanka with sausage strikes with endless variations. No matter how many recipes change, olives are always appropriate and remind of the classic serving. Such a gastronomic touch adds spice and helps to complete the dish. You should be aware that long-term processing destroys the structure, and therefore they are introduced shortly before the end.


  • smoked sausage - 150 g;
  • hunting sausages - 250 g;
  • olives - 200 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • gherkins - 200 g;
  • pasta - 3 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Saute sausage with pasta.
  2. Combine with cucumbers, olives and lemon. Pour in 2 liters of water.
  3. preparing 10 minutes.

Solyanka with sausage and potatoes is a great way to serve a hot fragrant dish with a minimum food and maximum taste set. However, presence is not required. It is worth putting potato cubes into boiling water, boil for a couple of minutes and, having received a starchy base, lay the rest of the products.


  • smoked sausage - 150 g;
  • doctor's sausage - 150 g;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • pickled cucumber - 3 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • tomato paste - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • olives - 10 pcs.;
  • lemon slices - 4 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Boil potato cubes.
  2. Grind sausage, fry and combine with potatoes.
  3. Stew cucumbers and onions in tomato paste.
  4. Put the workpiece in the broth, add laurel, olives and, after boiling for 5 minutes, set aside.
  5. Solyanka with sausage - a recipe in which sour cream and lemon slices complete the dish.

The preparation of hodgepodge with sausage is closely related to the history of the dish. A thick, poor people's brew, consisting mainly of unpretentious vegetables with the addition of sauerkraut or fresh cabbage, became the ancestor classic hodgepodge, diversifying not only the taste of the latter, but also helping to achieve nutritional value and saturation.


  • boiled sausage - 230 g;
  • cabbage - 450 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • ketchup - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • olives - 15 pcs.


  1. Simmer shredded cabbage for 30 minutes.
  2. Fry onions and carrots, add sausage, ketchup.
  3. Connect all the elements and cook for 10 minutes.

Home-style sausage hodgepodge implies a variety of products slowly languishing in a saucepan, and this abundance is made up not only of the usual vegetables and a couple of pieces of sausage, but also pre-stored mushrooms. They will create a riot of taste characteristic of Russian hodgepodge, complement the aroma and give the dish an appetizing look.


  • salami - 180 g;
  • hunting sausages - 230 g;
  • champignons - 200 g;
  • lemon - 1/2 pc.;
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • pasta - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • olives - 15 pcs.


  1. Saute mushrooms, onion and sausage.
  2. Add pasta, olives, cucumbers and lemon pulp.
  3. Boil 15 minutes.

With sausage, it will become an everyday, family dish if a slow cooker gets down to business. A long cooking technique based on repeated frying of each component will be replaced by the Soup function, with the help of which the products will retain their juiciness and in an hour, without hassle, turn into a fragrant classic hot dish.

Solyanka with sausage - delicious and hearty spicy soup with sourness. To prepare a mixed hodgepodge, you can use the sausage left over from any celebration or buy it specially. It is believed that the most delicious hodgepodge is obtained if you use as many different types of sausages and meat as possible for its preparation. I propose a simple and fast option cooking hodgepodge - on the broth with three types of sausage. The meat on which the broth was cooked can also be used to make sausage hodgepodge if desired.


  • 2.5 l. chicken or beef broth
  • 150-200 gr. doctor's sausage
  • 150-200 gr. raw smoked sausage
  • 150-200 gr. smoked sausages or ham
  • 1-2 carrots
  • 1 bulb
  • 3-4 pickles
  • a handful of black olives or olives
  • 1/2 st. brine from cucumbers
  • 1/2 st. brine from olives (olives)
  • 1 lemon
  • 3 art. lies. tomato paste
  • 2-3 bay leaves
  • peppercorns
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying


  1. Boil chicken or beef broth.
  2. Grate peeled carrots and pickles. Finely chop the onion.
  3. Fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden color, add carrots to it. Fry them together for a couple of minutes. Add pickles. Fry a little more At the end of frying, add tomato paste and simmer for 3-5 minutes. If needed, add a couple of tablespoons of water.
  4. Separately, in a small amount of vegetable oil, fry the chopped sausages.
  5. Pour the chopped sausages into the boiling broth. Boil 5-7 minutes
  6. Then add roast. Boil for a couple more minutes.
  7. Pour cucumber pickle and pickle from olives (olives) into the soup. Cook for 5-7 minutes.
  8. Add to the soup 1/2 finely chopped lemon with peel, a handful of black olives (olives), bay leaf, peppercorns. Remove from heat after 2-3 minutes.
  9. Add salt and pepper to taste. Let it brew for 20-30 minutes.
  10. Serve hodgepodge with a slice of lemon. Can be added when serving lemon juice and sour cream if desired.

Meat solyanka with sausage: video recipe

Enjoy your meal!

Simple and tasty dishes are much more valuable than complex and elaborate ones. At first glance, hodgepodge is a simple first course, like any soup. It’s a paradox, but just in the imaginary simplicity all the complexity is hidden, since you can learn how to cook a hodgepodge in 10 minutes, but in search of the ideal line that separates a simple hodgepodge from a delicious one, sometimes life is not enough. There are quite a few nuances and details in the preparation of sausage hodgepodge, you can write a whole book and even an entertaining saga about them! The saga of a hodgepodge with sausage. If it is an end in itself for you to cook from simple and affordable ingredients is very tasty dish without "doubtful" additions, take into account this sausage hodgepodge recipe. You can customize it to suit your taste if you wish.

Taste Info Hot Soups


  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • yellow onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 3 slices;
  • tomato paste - 5 g;
  • salt and spices;
  • sausages "hunting" - 4-5 pieces;
  • boiled sausage - 150 g;
  • vegetable oil - 20 g;
  • water - 2.5 l.

Yield: 4 servings.

How to cook soup hodgepodge with sausage

We clean the potatoes for the hodgepodge, then wash and cut, but not into cubes, but into strips, so you get more interesting option soup.

Peel yellow onions and carrots. Try to choose bright orange carrots, they are tastier and give saturated color broth. We rub it on a grater. It is best to cut onions by typing in your mouth cold water so that your eyes do not water, and it is also desirable that the knife be wet, then the procedure for slicing the onion into half rings will not seem unpleasant or painful to you.

We also prepare pickled cucumbers: we rub them on the same grater as carrots. And cut the lemon into large circles.

No special troubles are foreseen with the sausage, because the "hunting" sausages need to be cut into circles, and boiled sausage straws or cubes.

It is very important to make a tasty-correct dressing for a hodgepodge: heat up the vegetable oil, sauté onions and carrots in it for only 30 seconds, add lemon, cucumber, tomato paste and a spoonful of sugar.

Simmer the dressing over low heat for 4-5 minutes. Why is there sugar in dressing? Then, that tomato paste tends to be bitter, so sugar is added to soften the taste.

Main preparatory work finished, you can "collect" the hodgepodge. In boiling water, lower half of the onion and potatoes, cut into strips. Boil the vegetables for 10 minutes, then add the dressing. We taste the hodgepodge, if it is not spicy enough, you can pour in a little cucumber pickle. Cook the hodgepodge for another 10 minutes. Usually the readiness of the soup is determined by the readiness of the potatoes in it, but in this case everything has to be tasted. Why? Because sour-salty dressing is added to the hodgepodge at the moment when the potatoes are not yet ready, and the acid of cucumbers and lemon does not allow the potato wedges to boil.

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Sausage is added 5 minutes before the soup is turned off. As soon as you taste that the potatoes are ready and the carrots and cucumbers are soft enough, add the sausage. green onion, olives, sour cream, parsley or dill - a matter of taste.

It is appropriate to offer this first dish only hot. It is better not to serve such a soup in extreme heat; hodgepodge is more suitable for winter dinners. Perhaps this is the main chapter of the saga of the hodgepodge with sausage. But there is also a team hodgepodge, meat mushroom, with smoked meats, etc.!

Combined hodgepodge with sausage recipe

Homemade hodgepodge with sausage - great option meals after the long holidays. First, the house always remains a large number of sausages, ham leftovers, several sausages and other smoked, boiled-smoked and other products. Secondly, thanks to sour cucumbers, olives and lemon, this soup perfectly improves health after excessive alcohol intake; it is not for nothing that it is called a “hangover” soup. Well, and then - after the weekend you don’t want to stand at the stove for a long time, and this hodgepodge with sausage is prepared in a matter of minutes.


  • doctor's sausage - 200 g,
  • ham - 150 g,
  • raw smoked sausage - 100 g,
  • Jaeger smoked sausages - 5 pcs,
  • red Bell pepper- 0.5 pcs.,
  • potatoes - 500 g,
  • pickled cucumbers - 200 g,
  • onion - 150 g,
  • tomato juice or sauce - 250 ml (you can replace 3 tablespoons of tomato paste),
  • vegetable oil - 20 g (2 tablespoons),
  • green and black olives - 100 g,
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs,
  • salt, pepper - to taste,
  • lemon, fresh parsley leaves - for serving.

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Yield: 8 servings


As already mentioned, a hodgepodge with sausage is cooked very quickly, so we will not cook the broth, but we will cook the soup on drinking water. Sausage taste and aroma will be enough.

Place a half-filled pot of water on the fire. Peel potatoes and cut into cubes small size. After the water boils in the pan, put the potatoes in it.

Cut all types of sausage into equal pieces.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry sausages in it for five minutes. When they are browned, add the onion to the sausage, fry, stirring, for another five to seven minutes.

Cut the sweet red pepper into the same cubes as the sausage. Put pepper with tomato sauce in a frying pan, Simmer all the ingredients until tender, it will take about ten minutes. If you are using tomato paste, add half a glass of water.

The mass in the pan will thicken and become an equally beautiful bright color.

After the potatoes are ready, add the stewed vegetables with tomatoes and sausage from the pan, mix, throw in the bay leaf and ground black pepper.

Now cut the pickled cucumbers into cubes. If the crust is hard, cut it off. Send the cucumbers to the soup and cook for another five minutes.

At the end, add chopped greens, olives, bring to taste with spices. Remove from stove and let steep for 10-15 minutes.

Pour the combined hodgepodge with sausage in portions on plates and serve. Garnish with fresh herbs and a slice of lemon.