What is better to make cuttings for shovels. Shank for a shovel. How to make a miracle shovel with your own hands, drawings

There are a lot different trees, from which you can make a good stalk for a shovel.

As for which tree to choose, here you need to decide on your own, for someone a cutting from ash will be much better than from birch. But each tree has its own advantages and disadvantages.

For a cutting, a tree such as pine. It is possible to make a shovel holder out of pine, as a holder can be made from this tree very easily, and also, a holder made of pine looks very beautiful. But there is one drawback, namely, that the holder will not be reliable and will not last. a large number of time.

Also, the disadvantages include the fact that the pine has a high resin content, which is why the stalk will not absorb sweat, and the pine does not dry out for a very long time. A pine stalk would not be a good option for making a shovel.

You can choose for a shovel birch, which is the most the best option for making cuttings. This tree is durable, reliable, and most importantly very easy to process.

Concerning oak, then it is also well suited for making a stalk for a shovel, but alas, due to the weight and difficulty in processing, this tree is put in last place.

One of the most the best materials, this is poplar. This tree is very easy to work with, strong and light. A cutting made from this tree will great option in order to make a stalk out of it.

Shovel handle made from ash, very durable, reliable, but due to the high cost it is rarely used to make a handle.

So these trees are perfect for making a shovel handle.

In order to make a handle for a shovel, you first need to choose wood, then cut off the desired length, dry, approximately 20-25 days are needed for drying.

As soon as the wood has dried, it is necessary to remove the required amount of wood from it, then the cutting must be sanded. For encryption, you need to use the skin, first coarse-grained, and then fine-grained.

We pass the stalk with a suspension, leave it for a day to dry, and then open it with varnish.

zhab about a small infantry shovel, which is often called a sapper, caught fire and decided to please himself by buying such a shovel.
In my city I found for sale a 1941 Comintern spatula.

The blade is excellent and in good condition.
A little time passed and I decided to buy a royal spatula with a rectangular tray "Choduar" 1915. - ordered online.
The shoulder blade was warehousing with real warehouse dust and dirt, I had to wash it with Comet, then I was very surprised, because the water turned into green color. One of the colors began to literally wash off.

You can read more about the manufacturers of these blades at zhab Shodures "Choduard" 1915 and "Comintern" 1940

I decided to clean both blades of excess paint. Under the paint, you can find pockets of small rust, which is warned by a great fan and collector of blades. ra85733 "Ginger cat" . He cleans the blades with a carburetor cleaner, which has bad smell and therefore it is desirable to use it not in the apartment. I decided to clean the steel tray with an unnecessary knife just by scraping off the paint, I also cleaned the handle.
After cleaning, I wanted to polish the handle with skins, starting with the roughest and ending with the smallest (I started with P60 and finished with P2500). After these procedures, the tree began to simply shine! The handles became just white, of course, the "scars" from the tree did not go anywhere, and there was no need for this.

"Red cat" used a tool to impregnate the cuttings SCHAFTOL® Scherell EXTRA DARK and wax. I decided to try soaking the cutting with shelf oil, and top coat make Danish Oil according to the recipe

Not a single farmer, summer resident or villager can do without rakes, shovels, hoes and other cutting tools. Cuttings will always be in demand and their production is a great business idea that can be implemented even at home with a small start-up capital.

The demand for cuttings is especially high from March to September - throughout the entire growing season. But even in winter, such a product is quite in demand, as it is purchased for snow shovels.

This article will discuss in detail the process of creating a cuttings business. We will study materials for production, equipment, draw up a business plan and talk about other nuances.

For each type of tool, cuttings of a certain diameter and length are made.

  • For shovels: diameter 40 mm;
  • For choppers and hoes: diameter 30 mm;
  • For rakes: diameter 25 mm;
  • For brooms: diameter 25 mm;
  • For mops: diameter 25 mm.

Shovel cuttings are in the greatest demand. The most common lengths are 120 and 130 cm.

Important! Finished cuttings must match regulatory documents and GOST standards (have the appropriate length and diameter).

Material for the handle: what kind of wood are the cuttings made of

The most common is hardwood, such as alder, ash, birch, hazel. Pine and others conifers are used quite rarely, since they contain a large amount of resin, quickly absorb moisture and the cuttings from them are heavy and fragile.

For production, select quality material, with a minimum of knots and rot.

Depending on the material used, the cuttings are divided into 3 grades:

  1. Top grade. The product has no knots.
  2. First grade. A small number of knots with a diameter of not more than 3 mm is allowed.
  3. Second grade. The size of knots on such cuttings should not exceed 7 mm.

Where to look for material

There are many options, it can be sawmills, forestries, your own plot, etc. For example, you can write out boards and saw them at the sawmill into bars measuring 50x50 mm - these will be blanks for future products.

For cuttings, a tree can be used that is no longer suitable for the manufacture of boards, timber and other business material. The main thing is to ensure that the raw materials are of high quality, without rot, with a minimum of knots.

What you need to start a business for the production of cuttings

In fact, you need a little, but you still have to invest, because to do
a product that will fully comply with all standards manually in artisanal conditions will not work. Therefore, we are looking for a place to start.

Mini workshop

Large areas are not needed to organize a small production. It will be enough to find any suitable premises: a dry shed, a garage, etc. The area is calculated based on the dimensions of the equipment and the volume of produced and stored products.

If you are planning a larger production, then you will need an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 100 square meters. 4 people can freely work in such a room.

The process of making cuttings is quite simple, so hiring highly qualified personnel does not make sense. It is enough to train future employees to work on the machine and allocate some time as a test.

Naturally, the room must be supplied with electricity, as well as good ventilation.


Making cuttings is an almost completely mechanized process and consists of four main steps:

  1. Initial processing of raw materials;
  2. Giving the product a rounded shape;
  3. Grinding;
  4. Stitching one end into a cone, rounding the second.

Wooden cuttings are produced using a number of aggregates, in particular:

  • Round stick machine: from 100 thousand rubles;
  • Circular grinding machine: from 70 thousand rubles;
  • Machine for sharpening one end and rounding the other: from 55 thousand rubles.

The cost of equipment can also vary downwards, because you can look for used machines and then you will be able to start a business in the production of cuttings with minimal investment.

You can also reduce costs by making machines with your own hands. The videos below show the assembly processes of such units.

Business plan for the production of cuttings

So, we have a room and it needs to be equipped with machines, total cost which will amount to about 225 thousand rubles. The cost of raw materials may vary, it all depends on the average prices in your area and on the planned production volume.

During the season, a small enterprise can produce about 10 thousand cuttings. One product costs about 20-40 rubles, depending on the size, and its cost will be about 6-7 rubles.

Thus, during the season you can earn from 140 to 340 thousand rubles, taking into account the cost of material.

By the way, the profitability of such a business will be very low if cuttings are made, for example, only for shovels. It is necessary to expand the range, produce products of various diameters and lengths.

Of course, it will be difficult to achieve such income without well-established sales channels, this issue should be given Special attention even before starting work.

Where to sell products

A big advantage of the business on cuttings is the demand for products. Quality products are always ready to purchase:

  • supermarkets;
  • Construction and manufactured goods stores;
  • Fairs, markets, etc.;
  • administrative organizations;
  • Schools, kindergartens, universities, colleges, etc.;
  • Farms;
  • ZhEKi, HOA;
  • military units;

Useful video

Making cuttings on the machine

The process of working on a circular grinding machine

You can leave your feedback about this business idea in the comments below. We wish you success in all your endeavors!

Making wooden cuttings is a great business idea!

To begin with, a few main reasons why it is desirable to make shovel handle with your own hands. Reason one: for the manufacture of cuttings in industrial scale use waste from the woodworking industry. Secondly, very often manufacturers do not bother with drying, or they dry only to “transport” humidity. As a result, as it dries, deformations and cracks may appear on the handle, or at least it begins to hang out in the holder. garden tool, and we have to disassemble everything and deal with its fitting. Thirdly, the handle for landing in the holder is turned on the machine as universally as possible for any tool, after all, mass production, it does not sit deep enough in the groove, and for example, the bayonet of a shovel does not receive additional rigidity. Again, self-development. Fourthly, it is difficult to identify flaws in wood, which they just do not do to mask them in order to increase the price of the holder: they putty, and paint, and cover with thermal film. And the last thing, if I, like many others, distinguish trees, then I can’t always determine what material the finished product is made of. And the sellers garden tools often shamelessly used. If you think that listed reasons are far-fetched, then just visit some forum of woodworkers, in “their environment” they raise questions that they will never hint at to the buyer.

Do-it-yourself shovel handle

Of course, often models do it yourself» will yield to their industrial brothers in the aesthetics of manufacturing, but, with a thoughtful approach, they will bypass in quality and functionality. To get a strong and comfortable handle for a garden tool, we start with the choice of material. Advantages and disadvantages of traditional types of wood:

  1. Pine is light, due to saturation with natural resins, it is not afraid of moisture. Disadvantages - due to resinousness, it does not absorb sweat from the palms, soil until it dries well, one of the most fragile materials.
  2. Birch - " golden mean» in strength and weight, easy to process.
  3. Beech is the closest in virtues to birch, but there is a significant drawback: it has very little natural resin to protect against atmospheric effect requires additional processing.
  4. Poplar - light, durable, easy to process.
  5. Oak is the strongest material, but heavy in weight and handling.

Because of the availability and ease of processing, manufacturers massively use birch. I recommend a little non-standard material, mainly: hazel (hazelnut), aspen, maple, ash or mountain ash, it is rare and expensive for production, but you can always find another for yourself on a cutting. We check the workpiece that is suitable in length for the absence of knots, cracks and decay.

It is best to look after the trunk of a tree, the product will come out of it stronger, and it will hardly need processing. If you pick up the diameter, then it remains only to sand and dry. In addition, there is no oblique layer, often inherent in the processed workpiece from the board. You can pick up a bent barrel to reduce the rotational moment.

We dissolve the board with a circular saw

The main thing is to carefully fit the finished cutting and secure it in the tool holder.

If we use a board, then we choose a stale one - well dried. We dissolve the workpiece with a circular (circular) saw into bars. If the board was damp, then it's time to tie the blanks to minimize deformation, and send them to dry.

Directly to the manufacture of the cutting for household inventory Let's move on to the next...

Do-it-yourself handle for a shovel. Part 1. Material selection and preparation updated: March 27, 2016 by: Elena

Mass production of spade handles, as is common in purely profit-oriented economic models, constantly sacrifices quality and technological details of the process in favor of quantity. Of course, everyone benefits if you buy a new shovel every season, and not every few years.

A shovel handle that is not made correctly will very quickly lose its necessary qualities, and, as usual, it will have to be manually brought to condition again and again. Until one fine moment it simply cracks along its entire length or simply breaks. Therefore, today we will understand the errors mass production, which leave us without a cutting to a shovel. And we will solve the problem: from what and how to make a handle for a shovel yourself.

1 Shank for a shovel - flaws in mass production

Woodworking companies, as a rule, will never tell you that, in the pursuit of profit and quantity, they are constantly forced to violate necessary steps technologies for production wooden products on at least a few points:

  1. Instead of solid solid wood, shovels were made from waste.
  2. Transport moisture is maximum degree drying, which is absolutely unacceptable in the production of high-quality and durable garden tools. The result - drying out, the handle from the shovel is covered with cracks, the diameter decreases, and the holders become loose.
  3. Sharpening of the working end is done on the arithmetic mean diameter of "any shovel". The result is a loose fit of the shovel on the handle.
  4. Any "decor" applied to the handle from a shovel: paint, putty, thermal film, etc. are designed not to extend the working life of the product, but only to mask production flaws, increase the final cost or hide the original material from which the shovel handle was made.

2 A good handle for a shovel with your own hands

We will need:

  • a hammer;
  • saw;
  • plane;
  • sandpaper;
  • glue;
  • impregnation;

For a shovel with a handle, you first need to determine for yourself two things: your diameter and length. Initially, gotta get this thread, (if you make a solid, not a glued stalk), so that its diameter is almost twice the required.

Naturally, the fibers should be as straight as possible. That is: there should be no knots, no bends, no forks on it. Then dry in the sun for about 15 days. The diameter will decrease slightly. Then, making sure that the wood is dry, we remove the extra layers with a planer, bringing the diameter of the handle to the final thickness we need.

Now we sand it with sandpaper, impregnate it, let it dry for as long as it is written on the impregnation bottle, varnish it and let it dry again, following the instructions. It is better to cover with varnish twice, thereby increasing the tensile strength of the handle.

Now sharpen to right size, we process the cut point with impregnation, let it dry, then coat it with epoxy around the circumference, and put it on itself. We fill it with resin, and hit the handle on a hard surface several times, allowing the shovel to sit at the desired depth. After a day, the resin will dry and.

If instead of a solid branch it is decided to use boards, then do not forget about a few points. The board is taken dry. Then cut circular saw on the bars, and put to dry.

If you took a raw board, then after sawing the bars you need to tie them together along the entire length so that the drying blanks are less deformed. Then the bars will need to be glued together, dried well and then done according to the previous scheme.

In addition, there is the question of the moment, which is constantly discussed: whether to cover the handle with paint or varnish. On the one hand - to increase the service life and in terms of corrosion resistance - yes, it's worth it.

But users note that the additional surface treatment gives a considerable moment of sliding and scrolling in wet palms. And this is the cause of dropsy, calluses, etc.

Professionals, however, advise using impregnation and sanding the surface instead of varnish and paint. First in large fractions, then small ones to polish the cutting natural way. Then, gradually absorbing moisture from the palms, properly selected wood will only become stronger and harder over time.

2.1 Making a handle for a shovel using a drill (video)