What kind of tree can you grow at home? What can you grow from a seed at home? Caring for a coffee tree will not be a hassle

From the seed you can grow plants such as lemon, orange, grapefruit, as well as such exotic and heat-loving species as kiwi, date and avocado. However, you can grow many other plants if you have the desire.

How to grow a plant from a seed

You just need to know that plants grown from seeds need to be grafted. Otherwise, you won’t have to wait for the first fruits, or they will appear in ten years. For example, grafting a wild lemon that has grown from a seed should be done after a year and a half. At this point, the plant will be about 50 centimeters in height, and the trunk diameter will be about 8 millimeters. They sprout well from seeds and grenades, also bought in the store.

It will grow well as a multi-stemmed tree or a shrub (it all depends on the formation of the plant). They will begin to bloom in three to four years. But the set pomegranate fruits, at home, will ripen for a very long time. But outwardly this plant is very attractive and for this reason it is worth keeping it on your window. It will delight you and your grandchildren with its beauty for many years.

Date- This is the fruit of the date palm. To grow a date palm, you need “seeds” of fresh fruits. Stick the “seed” vertically into the ground so that its upper part is recessed by 1 cm. In order for the “seed” to germinate, the temperature in the room must be at least 21 C.

WITH citrus everything is much simpler. How to grow an orange or tangerine from a seed at home? A seed planted in the ground must certainly be fresh. Feel free to place the pot on the windowsill, since citrus fruits prefer a temperature of 15-18 degrees. In the spring, feed the plant with fertilizers.

For example, is it possible to grow mango from a seed? It turns out it is possible. To do this, just plant the seed of this tropical fruit in the ground and don’t forget to water it. When the seed germinates, place the pot on the windowsill, but do not allow direct contact with the plant. sunlight. The mango tree loves moisture, so winter period When the air in the room is particularly dry, it is better to turn on the humidifier. It will also be useful to occasionally shower it, being careful not to wash the soil out of the pot. A houseplant made from a mango seed should not be watered as often as usual. indoor flower. In the same way, you can grow papaya from a seed at home.

If you are planning to grow at home avocado(it is also called “alligator pear”), then it is very important point here is the choice of ripe fruit. Otherwise you may not wait for it to germinate. Unripe avocado fruit should be kept with ripe bananas for several days. Then it will ripen and you can remove the seed from it (this must be done carefully, without injuring it). There is more than one way to germinate an avocado seed:

Before planting, it is necessary to remove the shell from the seed (then it will germinate faster). Then stick the wide part into the soil to a depth of three centimeters;

Insert several matches into the middle of the bone. Then you need to hang it by matches over a small container (for example, a glass). In this case, it is necessary that the lower part of the bone touches the water (as you understand, you will need to monitor this). After about three weeks, when the roots appear, it will need to be planted in a pot with soil. During planting, you need to bury the root itself, while the seed is buried only 2 or 3 centimeters;

The bone should be placed in damp cotton wool or a napkin. The cotton wool needs to be constantly moistened. Wet the gauze (cotton) with the bone in it until it splits in two. After this, you need to plant the slices in the ground. But, unfortunately, at home, avocados do not bear fruit, although they grow quickly and powerfully. It is enough to water the avocado plant no more than once a month. A tree can grow up to 2 meters in height in 15 years.

Persimmon, grown from a seed, is also unlikely to bring a harvest, but will delight you with its flowering (if proper care). Persimmons usually bloom after 4-6 years.

But from the seed passion fruit(passiflora edible), which we come across in yogurt, can also grow fruits. The disadvantage of such cultivation is that they begin to flower only after 2-4 years, and they are significantly behind plants grown vegetatively (using cuttings).

You can very quickly get a harvest from a planted seed like this. strange plant How pepino (melon pear). After 4-6 months the plant begins to bear its first fruits. It is beautiful in itself. The flowers are similar to potato flowers, the leaves are similar to pepper leaves. The pear-shaped fruit resembles the taste of melon. But due to difficulties with delivery, it is very difficult to find ripe fruits in stores, since seeds germinate only from ripe fruits.

We'll also tell you how to grow pineapple at home. Here, however, a bone is not needed, but a cut off top-tuft of this exotic fruit. Let it dry for a couple of weeks and then plant it in the ground. Pineapple should be watered abundantly, but rarely. In summer, it is better to place the pot with it on the balcony, protecting the plant from rain. There is no need to hide from the sun - pineapple is not afraid of it.

As for the land for growing exotic plants from seeds at home, then, of course, it is better to use a special soil mixture, which the seller at the flower shop will tell you.

This unique opportunity can be taken advantage of by those who travel to warm countries on vacation, business trips, and so on. They can easily bring some strange fruit seeds from there and try to grow them at home.

We thank mrhow.ru and kvartira-box.ru for the material provided.

Anyone can grow strawberries, blueberries and figs, no matter how good gardener. IN flower pots You can grow almost any fruit and berries, but these three are the easiest, so it’s best to start with them.

“So Simple!” prepared for you detailed instructions for growing blueberries, strawberries and figs on the windowsill. If you want to delicious berries and fruits were at hand, use these tips!

What to grow on the windowsill

  1. Strawberry
  2. In a city apartment, it is best to grow small-fruited bush or hanging varieties of strawberries. After planting in flowerpots on the windowsill, such varieties begin to bear fruit within two months.

    Earth: ready-made substrate can be purchased in specialized stores. Any universal soil mixture for flowers or vegetables will do. You can also prepare the soil for growing strawberries yourself. To do this, you need to take equal parts of soil from the forest (preferably from a coniferous forest), ready-made humus and sand. Ready substrate poured into containers with good drainage, since strawberries do not tolerate stagnant water. Expanded clay, river pebbles or crushed bricks can be used as drainage.

    Landing: Seedlings can be purchased from special farms that breed them, or you can grow them yourself from seeds. It should be noted that you should not buy seedlings from unknown sellers on the market, as there is a risk of purchasing a variety that is unsuitable for cultivation in an apartment.

    Lighting: strawberry beds should be placed on southern or south-eastern windows, and in winter time organize additional lighting fluorescent lamps. Strawberries are demanding in terms of lighting conditions; they need to be provided with at least 8 hours of daylight.

    Temperature: for strawberries, normal room temperature (18–22 degrees) will be quite suitable; if the room temperature is lower, you need to set electric heaters. Plants are demanding of moisture in both soil and air.

    Watering: The beds must be watered as they dry out, without allowing waterlogging. If the air in the room is too dry, you can spray water from a spray bottle around the plants.

    Feeding: For better development It is necessary to feed strawberries at least once every two weeks. To do this, it is recommended to use universal fertilizers for indoor plants or special fertilizers for strawberries. However, you should not overfeed the plants, since only greenery will grow to the detriment of the fruits. To increase the number of ovaries during the flowering period, the bushes need to be shaken or artificial pollination using a soft brush. During the fruiting period, strawberries need an increased iron content in the soil. Some recommend sticking a rusty nail into the container with the plant for this, but it is better to spray the leaves special solutions, containing organic iron compounds, they can be bought in specialized flower shops.

  3. Blueberry
  4. Blueberry bushes need cross-pollination to bear fruit. Therefore, it is better to buy several blueberry bushes different varieties and fruiting periods.

    Earth: there should be a special - ericaceous compost (compost for heathers) - an acid-alkaline mixture, which you can prepare yourself by adding a special gel to it that retains moisture - watergel. Fill the pot two-thirds full with soil, which is sold for rhododendrons, azaleas or camellias. On top is a layer of mulch made from compost and shredded pine bark, which helps conserve moisture in the container.

    Landing: Blueberry plants must be planted in a container at the same depth at which they grew in their nursery. Then you need to water the soil until excess moisture does not start to flow through the holes at the bottom of the pot, then the soil needs to be compacted and, if necessary, added more.

    Lighting: Blueberries are also demanding on lighting conditions, like strawberries; they need to be provided with at least 6 hours of daylight.

    Temperature: Regular room temperature (18–22 degrees) will be quite suitable.

    Watering: moisture-loving blueberries require frequent watering, especially in the middle of summer, when it's hot weather and the fruits ripen.

    Feeding: It is enough to feed twice a year - in spring and autumn. It could be organic fertilizers, but those that acidify the soil.

  5. Figs
  6. Indoor figs are compact in size, unpretentious, grow well on the windowsill and bear fruit twice a year.

    Earth: must be nutritious, drained, contain leaf humus, turf, peat and river sand. After some time, when root system tree will grow and fill the entire pot, indoor figs should be transplanted into a larger container with a volume of 6-8 liters.

    Landing: In order to grow figs using cuttings, fully ripened branches of a fruit-bearing fig tree are selected. Rooting is best done in January-February, before the plant sheds its leaves and begins to grow new shoots. Cuttings are cut 10–16 cm long with 3–4 buds. Used to cut them sharp knife. The sections are dried in a cool place or on outdoors within 7 hours. Several small cuts are made at the bottom of the cutting, this will help better education roots. For rooting, the cuttings are placed in a container with river sand to a depth of 2–4 cm. After this, they are watered and placed under the jar. Prepared cuttings can be placed in a container with water, this will also promote rapid rooting. When the roots grow, the seedlings are transplanted into pots with prepared soil.

    Lighting: in the spring when established warm weather The container with the plant is placed on the balcony or in the garden.

    Temperature: like all subtropical plants, this crop needs a period of rest. To do this, the tree is placed in an insulated loggia for the winter, winter garden or some other cool place where the air temperature does not exceed +10–15 °C and does not drop below 0 °C. However, figs can also overwinter at home on a windowsill away from heating appliances.

    Watering: needs regular watering, so during the growing season it is necessary to moisten the soil in a timely manner, otherwise the leaves will begin to curl and fall off.

    Feeding: For rapid development crops and good fruiting require nitrogen, so the first feeding should consist of this fertilizer. Fertilizers are applied during each transplant. During the swelling of the buds, alternate fertilizing from a manure solution with fertilizing from phosphorus. During the dormant period, fertilizing is not required.

Try grow fruit-bearing plants

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The time has come for planting, the migration of seedlings from the windowsill to the garden, and painstaking care for the future harvest. Fresh fruits, without unnecessary additives, are much more pleasing than store-bought ones. And for those who do not have their own plot, website advises not to be upset, but to try to grow fruits directly from seeds at home or even at work.

Of course, you will have to wait for fruits, and in some cases more than one year. However, growing fruit is a good anti-stress, as well as a reason to get closer to colleagues.


Citrus fruits, which include lemon, tangerine, orange, grapefruit, etc., have rich aroma, and you can experiment with them almost all year round. The seeds for sowing must be fresh. Planting them is quite simple: we wash the seeds and plant them in a moistened mixture of garden soil, peat and river sand or special soil for citrus fruits. It is best to immediately plant each seed in a separate pot or glass.

It is very important to provide the plants with sufficient lighting, but protect them from the midday sun and dry air. In addition, in winter, citrus fruits must be kept at a temperature of 12–16 degrees.


Even from a dried date seed you can grow a palm tree. Before planting, it is better to pre-soak it for several days. Plant it in a mixture of peat and sand and do not forget to moisten it with a spray bottle every 2 days. In about a month, the future palm tree should emerge. Like citrus fruits, dates require a lot of light and cool winter conditions.


The seeds of this exotic plant should be selected from ripe and soft fruit. If the purchased feijoa is not yet ripe, you can put it in a warm place and wait a few days. The seeds should be washed to remove pulp and dried. Without burying deeply, we place the seeds in the ground with sand.

The plant can sprout and germinate quite quickly. Therefore, do not forget to plant the sprouts, pinch the main root and replant them together with the old soil in a larger pot.


To grow nonfig fig tree, you need to do the same as with feijoa seeds: rinse, dry and place shallowly in moist soil. Sprinkle the soil a little with sand and cover with film. For figs it is worth finding a warmer place. The first shoots will appear in about 3 weeks if you regularly moisten the soil and ventilate the room. IN warm time Maintain the temperature no lower than 20 degrees during the year, and no higher than 14 degrees in winter.

passion fruit

If you plant passion fruit seeds, most likely, not a fruit-bearing tree will grow, but a liana that will delight you with its luxurious flowering. However, who knows, maybe you will be the one to achieve a juicy fruit at home. Passion fruit loves everything that tropical plants love: bright light, lots of air, warmth and high humidity.


There are two ways to grow this storehouse of vitamins from a seed. In the first case, remove the shell from the seed and plant it with the wide side to a depth of 2-3 cm so that the tip protrudes above the surface. The second method is called open: we leave the shell and drill 3 small holes at an angle of 120 degrees at the level of the middle of the bone. 3 matches are inserted into them, which will serve as supports along the edges of the glass of water. The water level should be maintained exactly below the pit. As soon as a sufficient number of roots appear, the seed can be planted in a pot.

Each of us eats at least some imported fruits and vegetables every week. Some of them simply do not grow here in a certain season, and some are completely absent due to unsuitable climate.

But almost everyone at least once in their life thought about how great it would be to have in the garden exotic tree, on which tangerines, lemons, persimmons or pomegranates would grow. It's not as impossible as you might think. Majority exotic plants can be grown at home, in a greenhouse or even outside. For this it is enough only provide the plant with proper care and grow it correctly.

Growing tangerines at home from seeds

Quite a popular home tree. Caring for it is not as difficult as many of you think. Mandarin is easy to care for and is quite persistent plant . Such a tree can grow both from a seedling and from an ordinary seed, which you can find in ripe fruit. If you are going to buy a seedling, then it is worth noting that there are both fruit-bearing and decorative tangerines. But, if you are not looking for easy ways and decide to grow your tree from scratch, then you will have to work hard.

The first and most important thing to do is take a few seeds. Why several? The fact is that not every seed can germinate and only one can germinate, this is a lost cause, because you are unlikely to be lucky the first time A. After you have chosen the seeds you like, you need to start germinating them. To do this, you need to take a small piece of fabric, place gauze there and moisten it all. It is important not to add too much water, keep your cloth and gauze damp but not too wet. Next, you need to put the bones on the gauze and cover them with a cloth on top.

After the future tangerine hatches, it needs to be planted in the ground. You will most likely have to collect the soil yourself; it consists of turf land, sand, rotten cow dung, leaf soil. At the bottom of the pot it is necessary to make drainage from stones or expanded clay.

The first three weeks after landing, this is active period tangerine growth. Therefore, for the first two weeks it is better to feed your tree with mineral or organic fertilizer. You can also buy special fertilizer for citrus trees. You will need to replant once a year, trying as much as possible not to damage the roots. When the tangerine is eight years old, replanting can be reduced.

Since this tree lives in warm countries, it loves the sun and warmth. In winter, the temperature should not fall below 14 degrees. Daily moistening is also necessary, and in summer watering several times a day, in winter only after the soil dries out. To keep the fruits sweet from April to September, you need to actively feed the tree. But the fruits depend not only on this. After four years of life, the first fruits usually appear on the tangerine, but they are sour because they are wild. To get sweet and tasty tangerines, you will have to graft from an already fruiting tangerine.

Growing pomegranate at home

This tree is quite unpretentious and looks very unusual in a pot, which is why many people want grow it at home. And this is quite possible. It is enough to have pomegranate seeds with you, which can be obtained from the fruit purchased in the store. The pit must be freed from pulp, then rinsed in cold water, wiped well and dried for 24 hours. This will let the seeds know that they are ready to grow.

Growing pomegranate at home

To do this, you need to prepare the soil in advance, which will include peat, soil and sand. After this, the soil needs to be moistened and the seed placed at a depth of 1 cm; it is important to maintain the distance between the seeds that you plant. The pot needs to be covered with polyethylene and placed in a sunny, warm place to create everything necessary conditions for growth. Usually the first shoots appear within a couple of weeks and sprout quite quickly. From the sprouted sprouts, you need to select the most viable ones and continue to grow them.

It is advisable to plant each selected sprout in a separate pot. The main thing in growing pomegranate is that it has enough light throughout the day.. It does not require abundant watering, once a week in summer, once a month in winter, as the soil dries out. During the flowering period and active growth, that is, in spring and summer the tree needs to be fed monthly. Pomegranates can begin to bear fruit in the third or fifth year of life.

Growing banana at home

Growing banana at home

Banana seeds alas, it is impossible to extract from the purchased fruit, so you will have to either buy them or buy a ready-made seedling. The shell of banana seeds is quite thick, so it is better to help the seed break through it. To do this, it is enough to pierce it with a needle, but very little, without touching the seed itself, so as not to damage it. Each seed must be planted in a separate small pot with soil, which consists of four parts river sand and one part peat.

The seeds need to be placed on already moistened soil and slightly pressed into it. Next, the pot is covered with polyethylene. The pot needs to be placed in sunny place, but so that straight lines do not fall on it sun rays. You will also need to ventilate it once a week and periodically spray it so that the soil does not dry out. But it is also important not to over-moisten the substrate. Seeds take a very long time to germinate, from a month to three months.

Bananas are not particularly demanding to care for., the main thing for his growth is large number light (but indirect sunlight), abundant watering and frequent spraying, because bananas often grow in tropical forests. In addition, it is important that the air temperature does not fall below 20 degrees.

After three years, when a large number of leaves (from twelve) appear on the tree, the tree may begin to bloom and even bear fruit. The fruits may not be very tasty, but quite tolerable, as for a home tree.

Growing kiwi at home

Growing this tree in your own pot a pretty simple task. Kiwi is not particularly demanding to care for and will grow well on your windowsill, if there is no draft there. To grow kiwi from seeds, you need to find a ripe, soft fruit at your local grocery store.

Growing kiwi at home

After you have chosen a fruit, you should take out several dozen seeds from it and wash them cold water from the pulp, so that during germination there are no bacteria on the seeds and they do not become moldy in the future. You can rinse using either a sieve or gauze. Then the already peeled seeds should be placed in a glass filled with water at room temperature and placed on a warm windowsill, preferably above the radiator.

After about seven days, the seeds will begin to hatch; if this does not happen within this period, the water must be replaced with fresh water. If this happens, the seeds will need a greenhouse. “Build” is very easy. To do this you will need damp gauze or cloth, a glass or a jar. Seeds that have hatched should be placed on a damp cloth or gauze and covered tightly with a glass. Under the influence of such a greenhouse, the seeds will quickly sprout the first sprouts after two to three days.

Sprouted seeds need to be placed in the ground. It is better to take a separate pot for each seed or pair of seeds. And you can either buy the soil or lay it yourself; it consists of peat, sand and black soil. The seeds should be placed on the prepared soil and sprinkled with a little soil. Then moisten it daily with a spray bottle or simply cover the pot with polyethylene or cover it tightly with glass to create a greenhouse. As your kiwi grows, it should be kept constantly moist and warm. The soil should not be allowed to dry out, and it is also necessary to constantly moisten the plant by spraying it. In addition, the tree needs to be provided with constant light throughout the day.

Growing figs at home

The fig tree is also quite unpretentious in care and cultivation.. You can buy it either as a ready-made seedling or grow it from the seeds of a fruit you bought in a store. In general, in its homeland the plant lives in a warm climate, so it is not possible to grow it outside due to the lack of warm winters.

Growing figs at home

Seeds can be obtained from both fresh and dried figs. After the seeds are removed, they must be thoroughly washed and placed in warm water for two or three days. This is necessary in order to select viable seeds. During this period, seeds that are not able to germinate will float, while viable ones will settle to the bottom, due to the weight gained due to the absorbed moisture.

After this, the seeds will need to be germinated using the traditional method using moistened gauze or cloth. If you do not want to germinate the seeds for a long time, you can do this directly in the soil. To do this, place the seeds in moistened sand and lightly sprinkle them, then cover them with polyethylene or glass to create a mini greenhouse. Future plants should be germinated in coarse-grained wet sand, since other soil will have a detrimental effect on the future tree and will not provide the necessary nutrients

After the seeds germinate, they can be replanted in soil, which consists of a mixture of regular flower soil and sand. A growing plant needs to be watered and sprayed frequently to help it grow faster. The pot with the fig tree should be placed in a shaded place so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight.

In the third to fifth year of life, the fig tree can bear its first fruits.

Growing mangoes at home

A fruit that many of us have only seen on TV or smelled only in food or hygiene products, Mangoes can be grown at home, having only one fruit with him. But even if your tree does not bear fruit, you can enjoy its wonderful flowering, as it is extremely beautiful and fragrant. But, it is worth considering that mango is quite massive tree and therefore the appropriate pot and space will be tender to him.

Growing mangoes at home

After you have chosen a ripe fruit from which you will grow your tree, you must carefully remove the seed. After this, it must be thoroughly washed to remove any pulp so that it does not remain anywhere. After this, you can begin germination.

To do this, you need to take a small glass or shot glass, fill warm water and place ¾ of the seeds in it. This is quite difficult to do, since the seed is unlikely to want to stand vertically, so you will have to be smart. This structure should be placed in a warm and sunny place. The seed will germinate within fourteen days and up to a month. The plant will then sprout one or more shoots, which are separate plants. By the way, before germination, the seed needs to be dried for several days.

After you notice the sprouts, they need to be removed from the shell under which they are hidden. This must be done as carefully as possible so as not to damage anything. Then you can start planting. Each sprouted seed must be grown in a separate pot with soil, which consists of turf soil for ordinary indoor plants.

Young mango loves moisture very much, but water should not stagnate in the pot. Like most tropical plants, mango loves light and warmth.

But, if there is one minus in growing in a pot. Your tree is unlikely to ever bloom or bear fruit. The point is that mangoes have a very large root system and therefore in an ordinary pot there will simply not be enough space for it and it will not be able to develop normally. But even the mango tree itself, without fruits, looks very beautiful and unusual, so it can be planted as a living decoration.

But don't be upset. Any plant can be purchased already adapted for growing in cramped conditions. But for this you will need to contact the nursery. Such a tree will be quite expensive, but it will be quite capable of blooming and bearing fruit.

The same can be said about other trees. Each of them grows in warm climates, because they need certain conditions for existence and normal functioning. But botanists have long solved this problem by creating special hybrids or dwarf species, which feel great in apartment conditions and are able to bear fruit. But it's worth knowing that trees grown from seed are much stronger and more powerful than hybrid seedlings and look more impressive.

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