GOST 17.1 01 77 wastewater treatment. Use and protection of water. Alphabetical index of terms in French


* Edition with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in April 1984, October 1986 (IUS 8-83, 1-87)

By Decree of the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated September 16, 1977 No. 2237, the date of introduction was established


The standard establishes terms and definitions of basic concepts used in science, technology and production in the field of water use and protection.

The terms established by this standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation used in the national economy, in scientific, technical, educational and reference literature. The given definitions can, if necessary, be changed in the form of presentation, without violating the boundaries of concepts.

There is one standardized term for each concept. The use of synonymous terms of a standardized term is prohibited. Synonyms that are unacceptable for use are given in the standard as a reference and are designated “NDP”.

For individual standardized terms, the standard provides their short forms for reference, which are permitted to be used in cases that exclude the possibility of their different interpretations.

In cases where the essential features of a concept are contained in the literal meaning of the term, the definition is not given, and accordingly, a dash is placed in the “Definition” column.

The standard provides foreign equivalents of standardized terms in German (D), English (E) and French (F) as reference data.

The standard provides alphabetical indexes of the terms it contains in Russian and their foreign equivalents.

Standardized terms are in bold font and are short form- light, and unacceptable synonyms - italic.

The standard fully complies with ST SEV 3544-82.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


1. Water protection

E.Water protection

F. La protection des eaux

A system of measures aimed at preventing, limiting and eliminating the consequences of pollution, clogging and depletion of water

2. Water protection standards

D. Normen des Wasserschutzes

E. Standards of water protection

F. Les normes de la protection des eaux

Established values ​​of indicators, compliance with which ensures the environmental well-being of water bodies and necessary conditions to protect public health and water use

3. Water protection rules

D. Regeln des Wasserschutzes

E. Guidance on water conservation

F. Les regles de la protection des eaux

Established requirements regulating human activities in order to comply with water protection standards

4. Water quality

E.Water quality

F. La qualite de l'eau

Characteristics of the composition and properties of water, determining its suitability for specific types of water use

5. Deleted, Change. No. 2

6. Deleted, Change. No. 2

7. Limiting sign of harmful substance in water

D. Limitkennzahl der Schadlichkeit

E. Limiting harmful index

F. Indice limitative de la nocivite

A sign characterized by the lowest harmless concentration of a substance in water

8. Deleted, Change. No. 2

9. Deleted, Change. No. 2

10. Water quality regulation

D. Regulierung der Wasserqualitat

E.Water quality control

F. Le reglage de la qualite des eaux

Impact on factors influencing the condition of a water body in order to comply with water quality standards

11. Water use

D. Wassernutzung

F. Utilization d'eau

Use of water bodies to meet any needs of the population and the national economy

12. General water use

D. Gemeinsame Wassernutzung

E.General water use

F. Utilization complex d'eau

Water use without the use of structures or technical devices affecting the state of waters

13. Special water use

D. Spezielle Wassernutzung

E.Special water use

F. Utilization d'eau specialisee

Water use using structures or technical devices.

Note: In some cases, special water use may also include water use without the use of structures or technical devices, but having an impact on the state of water

14. State water cadastre

D. Staatswasserkataster

E. The state water cadaster

F. Cadastre hydraulique d`Etat

Systematized collection of water accounting data on quantitative and qualitative indicators, registration of water users, as well as water use accounting data

15. Integrated use of water resources

D. Complexe Nutzung des Wasserdargebotes

E. Multipurpose utilization of water resources

F. Utilization complex resources d'eau

The use of water resources to meet the needs of the population and various sectors of the national economy, in which all are economically justified beneficial properties one or another body of water

D. Plan der komplexen Nutzung und des Schutzes der Wasserressourcen

E. Arrangement of integrated utilization and conservation of water resources

F. Plan de l`utilization complexe et de la protection des resources d`eau

Pre-project document defining the main water management and other activities to be implemented to meet the future water needs of the population and the national economy, as well as to protect or prevent water harmful effects

17. Water use

D. Wassergebrauch

E.Water consumption

F. Consommation d'eau

Consumption of water from a water body or from water supply systems

18. Irreversible water consumption

D. Wassergebrauch ohne Ruckleitung

E. Irretievable water consumption

F. Consommation d'eau sans restitution

Water consumption without returning water to the water body

19. Water consumption rate

D. Wassergebrauchsnorm

E. Water use rate

F. Norme de la consommation d'eau

The established amount of water per inhabitant or per conventional unit characteristic of a given production

20. Water balance

D. Wasserwirtschaftliche Bilanz

E. Water economy budget

F. Bilan d`amenagement d`eau

Results of comparison of water resources available in a basin or in a given territory with their use at various levels of national economic development

21. Water system

D. Wasserwirtschaftliches System

E.Water economy system

F. Systeme d'amenagement d'eau

A complex of interconnected water bodies and hydraulic structures designed to provide rational use and water protection

22. Water protection complex

D. Wasserschutzkomplex

E. Water-protective complex

F. L'ensemble de la protection de l'eau

A system of structures and devices to maintain the required quantity and quality of water at given sites or points of water bodies

23. Automated control system for water protection complex

D. Automatisiertes System zum Streuerung vom Wasserschutzkomplex

E. Automated system of water-protective complex control

F. Un systeme automatique de commande de l`ensemble de la protection des eaux

An automated control system designed to develop and implement control actions on the water protection complex in accordance with the accepted control criterion

24. Automated water quality control system

D. Automatisiertes System der Wassergutekontrolle

E. Automated system of water quality monitoring

F. Un systeme automatique du controle de la qualite de l'eau

An automated control system for collecting and distributing data on water quality and warning of violations of water quality standards.

25. Zone sanitary protection

D. Zone der Sanitatssicheit

E. Sanitary protection zone

F. La zone de la protection sanitaire

The territory and water area where a special sanitary and epidemiological regime is established to prevent deterioration in the quality of water from sources of centralized household and drinking water supply and to protect water supply facilities

26. Coastal water protection zone

D. Ufergewasserschutzzone

E. Riparian water protection zone

F. La zone riveraine de la protection

The territory adjacent to the water areas of water bodies, where a special regime is established to prevent pollution, clogging and depletion of water

27. Water protection structure

D. Wasserschutzanlage

E. Water-protective construction

F. L'installation de la protection des eaux

28. Water protection measure

D. Wasserschutzmassnahme

E. Water-protective measure

F. Les measures de la protection de l'eau

29. Wastewater

NDP. Drains

F. Des eaux useses

Water discharged after use in domestic and industrial human activities

30. Wastewater composition standard

D. Norm des Abwasserbeschaffenheit

E. Standard for effluents composition

F. La norme de la composition des eaux useses

List of substances contained in wastewater and their concentrations established by regulatory and technical documentation

31. Wastewater treatment

D. Abwasserbehandlung

E.Waste water treatment

F. Le traitement des eaux useses

Impact on wastewater in order to ensure its required properties and composition

32. Wastewater treatment

D. Abwasserreinigung

E.Waste water purification

F. Léepuration des eaux useses

Treatment of wastewater to destroy or remove certain substances from it

33. Wastewater disinfection

D. Entschadigung von Abwasser

E. Disinfection of waste waters

F. Desinfection des eaux useses

Treatment of wastewater to remove pathogenic and sanitary microorganisms from it

34. Wastewater treatment plant

Treatment plant

D. Abwasserbehandlungsanlage

E. Effective treatment unit

F. Installations d?epuration des eaux useses

35. Regulatory treated wastewater

D. Normabwasserbehandlung

E. Effects treated to standard quality

F. Eaux d'egout, epurees jusqu?a la norme

Wastewater, the disposal of which, after treatment, into water bodies does not lead to a violation of water quality standards at the controlled site or point of water use

36. Water reuse

D. Wassermehrfachnutzung

E. Re-use of water

F. Reutilization d'eau

Use of wastewater discharged by the facility for water supply

37. Wastewater disposal standard

D. Abwassersableitungsnorm

E. Norm for discharge of effluents

F. Norme d?evacuation des eaux useses

The established amount of wastewater per inhabitant or per conventional unit characteristic of a given production

Wastewater disposal limit

D. Limit der Abwasserableitung

E. Maximum permissible discharge of effluents

F. La limite de l?evacuation des eaux useses

The flow rate of wastewater discharged into a water body, established for a given water user, based on wastewater disposal standards and the condition of the water body

39. Maximum permissible discharge of a substance into a water body

D. Zulassige Grenzwertentwasserung

E. Maximum allowable discharge of substances into water body

F. La limite abmissible de l?ejection des substances d?evacuation dans un objet hudrologique

The mass of a substance in wastewater, the maximum permissible for discharge with the established regime at a given point of a water body per unit of time in order to ensure water quality standards at the control point.

Note. MAC is established taking into account the maximum permissible concentration of substances in places of water use, the assimilative capacity of a water body and the optimal distribution of the mass of discharged substances between water users discharging wastewater

40. Water pollutant


NDP. Pollutant, pollution

D. Wasserverunreinigungstoff

E. Water pollutant

F. Le composant de pollution dans l?eau

Substance in water that causes a violation of water quality standards

41. Complete mixing target

D. Sperrstelle des Vollmischens

E. Section of complete mixing

F. La ligne du melange complet

The transverse profile of the watercourse bed closest to the source affecting water quality, in which an almost uniform distribution of temperatures and concentrations of substances in the water is established

42. Deleted, Change. No. 2

43. Thermal water pollution

D. Termische Wasserverunreinigung

E. Thermal pollution of water

F. La pollution thermique des eaux

Water pollution due to heat input

44. Microbial water pollution

D. Bakteriale Wasserverschmutzung

E. Bacterial pollution of waters

F. Pollution bacterienne des eaux

Water pollution as a result of the entry of pathogenic and sanitary microorganisms

45. Condition of the water body

D. Der Gewasserzustand

E. Condition of the water body

F.L?etat de l?objet d?eau

Characteristics of a water body based on the totality of its quantitative and qualitative indicators in relation to types of water use.

Note. Quantitative and qualitative indicators include: water flow, flow speed, depth of the water body, water temperature, pH, BOD, etc.

46. Ecological well-being of a water body

D. Okologische Wohlstand des Gewassers

E. Ecological well-being of water body

F. Equilibre ecologique de l'objet hudraulique

Normal reproduction of the main links of the ecological system of a water body.

Note. The main units include pelagic and benthic crustaceans and fish

47. Assimilative capacity of a water body

D. Assimilationsfahigkeit des Gewassers

E. Assimilative capacity of the water body

F. La capacite d?assimilation d?un objet hudrologique

The ability of a water body to accept a certain mass of substances per unit of time without violating water quality standards at a controlled site or point of water use

48. Eutrophication of waters

D. Eutrophierung des Wassers

E. Eutrophication of waters

F. L'eutrophication des eaux

Increasing the biological productivity of water bodies as a result of the accumulation of nutrients in water

49. Flowering waters

E. Blooming of waters

F. La floraison des eaux

Massive development of phytoplankton, causing a change in water color

50. Water aeration

D. Beluftung des Wassers

E.Aeration of water

F. L'aeration de l'eau

Enrichment of water with air oxygen

51. Biological reclamation of a water body

D. Biologische Melioration des Gewassers

E. Biological amelioration of water body

F. L'amelioration biologique d'objet hydrologique

Improving the condition of a water body using biological measures

52. Water clogging

D. Wassersverstopfung

E. Clogging of waters

F. L'engorgement des eaux

Accumulation of foreign objects in water bodies

53. Depletion of waters

D. Wassererschopfung

E. Depletion of waters

F. L'épuisement des eaux

Reducing the minimum permissible flow surface waters or reduction in groundwater supplies.

Note. The minimum permissible flow is the flow at which the environmental well-being of the water body and water use conditions are ensured

54. Natural protection of groundwater

D. Naturlicher Schutz des Grundwassers

E. Natural protection of the underground waters

F. La protection naturelle des eaux souterraines

A set of hydrogeological conditions that prevent the penetration of pollutants into aquifers

55. Artificial recharge of groundwater reserves

D. Kunstliche Wiaderstellung des unterirdischen Wasservorrats

E. Artificial recharge of underground water storage

F. La restitution artificial des resources en eaux souterraines

Directing part of surface water into underground aquifers

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).


Water aeration

Water balance

Environmental well-being of a water body


Water pollutant

Water use

General water use

Special water use

Water consumption

Water consumption is irreversible

Waste water

Regulatory purified waste water

Eutrophication of waters

Microbial water pollution

Thermal water pollution



Water clogging

Groundwater protection is natural

Coastal water protection zone

Sanitary protection zone

Integrated use of water resources

Water reuse

Depletion of waters

State water cadastre

Water quality

Water protection complex

Wastewater disposal limit

Limit for wastewater disposal into a water body

Reclamation of a water body biological

Water protection event

Water consumption rate

Wastewater disposal standard

Wastewater composition standard

Water protection standards

Wastewater disinfection

Wastewater treatment

Water protection

Wastewater treatment

Artificial groundwater recharge

Water protection rules

Limiting sign of harmful substance in water

Limiting sign of harmfulness

Water quality regulation

Discharge of substances into a water body is maximum permissible

Automated water quality control system

Scheme for integrated use and protection of waters

Water protection structure

Treatment facility

Wastewater treatment plant

Condition of the water body

Assimilative ability of a water body

Complete mixing target


Flowering waters






Automatisiertes System


Beluftung des Wassers

Biologische Melioration des Gewassers

Bakteriale Wasserverschmutzung

Entschadigung von Abwasser

Gemeinsame Wassernutzung

Complexe Nutzung

Limit der Abwasserableitung

Limitkennzahl der Schadlichkeit

Naturlicher Schutz


Norm des Abwasserbeschaffenheit

Normen des Wasserschutzes

Okologische Wohlstand des Gewassers

Plan der complexen Nutzung

Regeln des Wasserschutzes

Regulierung der Wasserqualitat

Sperrstelle des Vollmischens

Spezielle Wassernutzung


Termische Wasserverunreinigung




Wassergebrauch ohne Ruckleitung







Wasserwirtschaftliches System

Wasserwirtschaftliche Bilanz

Zone der Sanitatssicheit

Zulassige Grenzwertentwasserung

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


Aeration of water

Arrangement of integrated utilization

Automated system of water-protective complex control

Automated system of water quality monitoring

Assimilative capacity

Bacterial pollution

Biological amelioration of water body

Blooming of waters

Clogging of waters

Condition of the water body

Disinfection of waste waters

Depletion of waters

Ecological well-being of water body

Effective treatment unit

Euphorication of waters

General water use

Guidance on water conservation

Irretievable water consumption

Limiting harmful index

Maximum allowable discharge of substances into water body

Limit der Abwasserableitung

Multipurpose utilization of water resources

Natural protection

Norm for discharge of effluents

Riparian water protection zone

Sanitary protection zone

State water cadaster

Special water use

Section of complete mixing

Standard for effluents composition

Standards of water protection

Thermal pollution of waters

Water protection

Water consumption

Water quality control

Water economy system

Water-protective complex

Water-protective measure

Waste-water purification

Waste-water term

Water-protective construction

Water economy budget

Water pollutants

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


L'aeration de l'eau

L'amelioration biologique d'objet hydrologique

Bilan d`amenagement d`eau

Cadastre hydraulique d`Etat

Capacite d?assimilation d?un objet hudrologique

Composant de pollution dans l?eau

Consommation d'eau

Consommation d'eau sans restitution

Desinfection des eaux useses

Eaux d'egout, epurees jusqu?a la norme

L'ensemble de la protection de l'eau

Léepuration des eaux useses

L'engorgement des eaux

L?etat de l?objet d?eau

Equilibre ecologique de l?objet hudraulique

L'eutrophication des eaux

L'epuisement des eaux

La floraison des eaux

Indice limitative de la nocivite

Installations d?epuration des eaux useses

Installation de la protection des eaux

Ligne du melange complete

Limit abmissible

Limit de l?evacuation

Measures de la protection de l'eau

Norme de la composition des eaux useses

Norme d?evacuation des eaux useses

Norme de la consommation d'eau

Normes de la protection des eaux

Plan de l'utilization complex

Protection des eaux

Pollution bacteria

Pollution thermal

Protection naturelle des eaux souterraines

Qualite de l'eau

Regles de la protection des eaux

Reglage de la qualite des eaux

Reutilization d'eau

Systeme automatique

Systeme automatique de commande

Systeme d'amenagement d'eau

Traitement des eaux useses

Utilization complex resources d'eau

Utilization complex d'eau

Utilization d'eau

Utilization d'eau specialisee

Zone de la protection sanitaire

Zone riveraine de la protection

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


* Edition with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in April 1984, October 1986 (IUS 8-83, 1-87)

By Decree of the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated September 16, 1977 No. 2237, the date of introduction was established


The standard establishes terms and definitions of basic concepts used in science, technology and production in the field of water use and protection.

The terms established by this standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation used in the national economy, in scientific, technical, educational and reference literature. The given definitions can, if necessary, be changed in the form of presentation, without violating the boundaries of concepts.

There is one standardized term for each concept. The use of synonymous terms of a standardized term is prohibited. Synonyms that are unacceptable for use are given in the standard as a reference and are designated “NDP”.

For individual standardized terms, the standard provides their short forms for reference, which are permitted to be used in cases that exclude the possibility of their different interpretations.

In cases where the essential features of a concept are contained in the literal meaning of the term, the definition is not given, and accordingly, a dash is placed in the “Definition” column.

The standard provides foreign equivalents of standardized terms in German (D), English (E) and French (F) as reference data.

The standard provides alphabetical indexes of the terms it contains in Russian and their foreign equivalents.

Standardized terms are in bold, their short forms are in light, and invalid synonyms are in italics.

The standard fully complies with ST SEV 3544-82.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


1. Water protection

D. Wasserschutz

E.Water protection

F. La protection des eaux

A system of measures aimed at preventing, limiting and eliminating the consequences of pollution, clogging and depletion of water

2. Water protection standards

D. Normen des Wasserschutzes

E. Standards of water protection

F. Les normes de la protection des eaux

Established values ​​of indicators, compliance with which ensures the environmental well-being of water bodies and the necessary conditions for protecting public health and water use

3. Water protection rules

D. Regeln des Wasserschutzes

E. Guidance on water conservation

F. Les regles de la protection des eaux

Established requirements regulating human activities in order to comply with water protection standards

4. Water quality

E.Water quality

F. La qualité de l'eau

Characteristics of the composition and properties of water, determining its suitability for specific types of water use

5. Deleted, Change. No. 2

6. Deleted, Change. No. 2

7. Limiting sign of harmful substance in water

D. Limitkennzahl der Schädlichkeit

E. Limiting harmful index

F. Indice limitative de la nocivité

A sign characterized by the lowest harmless concentration of a substance in water

8. Deleted, Change. No. 2

9. Deleted, Change. No. 2

10. Water quality regulation

D. Regulierung der Wasserqualität

E.Water quality control

F. Le reglage de la qualite des eaux

Impact on factors affecting the condition of a water body in order to comply with water quality standards

11. Water use

D. Wassernutzung

F. Utilization d'eau

Use of water bodies to meet any needs of the population and the national economy

12. General water use

D. Gemeinsame Wassernutzung

E. General water use

F. Utilization complex d'eau

Water use without the use of structures or technical devices that affect the state of water

13. Special water use

D. Spezielle Wassernutzung

E.Special water use

F. Utilization d'eau specialisee

Water use using structures or technical devices.

Note: In some cases, special water use may also include water use without the use of structures or technical devices, but having an impact on the state of water

14. State water cadastre

D. Staatswasserkataster

E. The state water cadaster

F. Cadastre hydraulique d`Etat

Systematized collection of water accounting data according to quantitative and qualitative indicators, registration of water users, as well as water use accounting data

15. Integrated use of water resources

D. Complexe Nutzung des Wasserdargebotes

E. Multipurpose utilization of water resources

F. Utilization complex resources d'eau

The use of water resources to meet the needs of the population and various sectors of the national economy, in which all the beneficial properties of a particular water body are economically justified

16. Scheme for integrated use and protection of waters

D. Plan der komplexen Nutzung und des Schutzes der Wasserressourcen

E. Arrangement of integrated utilization and conservation of water resources

F. Plan de l`utilization complexe et de la protection des resources d`eau

Pre-project document defining the main water management and other activities to be implemented to meet the future water needs of the population and the national economy, as well as to protect water or prevent their harmful effects

17. Water use

D. Wassergebrauch

E.Water consumption

F. Consommation d'eau

Consumption of water from a water body or from water supply systems

18. Irreversible water consumption

D. Wassergebrauch ohne Rückleitung

E. Irretievable water consumption

F. Consommation d'eau sans restitution

Water consumption without returning water to the water body

19. Water consumption rate

D. Wassergebrauchsnorm

E. Water use rate

F. Norme de la consommation d'eau

The established amount of water per inhabitant or per conventional unit characteristic of a given production

20. Water balance

D. Wasserwirtschaftliche Bilanz

E. Water economy budget

F. Bilan d`aménagement d`eau

Results of comparison of water resources available in a basin or in a given territory with their use at various levels of national economic development

21. Water system

D. Wasserwirtschaftliches System

E.Water economy system

F. System d'aménagement d'eau

A complex of interconnected water bodies and hydraulic structures designed to ensure the rational use and protection of water

22. Water protection complex

D. Wasserschutzkomplex

E. Water-protective complex

F. L'ensemble de la protection de l'eau

A system of structures and devices to maintain the required quantity and quality of water at given sites or points of water bodies

23. Automated control system for water protection complex

D. Automatisiertes System zum Streuerung vom Wasserschutzkomplex

E. Automated system of water-protective complex control

F. Un systéme automatique de commande de l`ensemble de la protection des eaux

An automated control system designed to develop and implement control actions on the water protection complex in accordance with the accepted control criterion

24. Automated water quality control system

D. Automatisiertes System der Wassergütekontrolle

E. Automated system of water quality monitoring

F. Un systéme automatique du contrŏle de la qualité de l'eau

An automated control system for collecting and disseminating data on water quality and warning about violations of water quality standards.

25. Sanitary protection zone

D. Zone der Sanitätssicheit

E. Sanitary protection zone

F. La zone de la protection sanitaire

The territory and water area where a special sanitary and epidemiological regime is established to prevent deterioration in the quality of water from sources of centralized household and drinking water supply and to protect water supply facilities

26. Coastal water protection zone

D. Ufergewässerschutzzone

E. Riparian water protection zone

F. La zone riveraine de la protection

The territory adjacent to the water areas of water bodies, where a special regime is established to prevent pollution, clogging and depletion of water

27. Water protection structure

D. Wasserschutzanlage

E. Water-protective construction

F. L'installation de la protection des eaux

28. Water protection measure

D. Wasserschutzmassnahme

E. Water-protective measure

F. Les measures de la protection de l'eau

29. Wastewater

NDP. Drains

E. Waste waters

F. Des eaux usêes

Water discharged after use in domestic and industrial human activities

30. Wastewater composition standard

D. Norm des Abwasserbeschaffenheit

E. Standard for effluents composition

F. La norme de la composition des eaux usêes

List of substances contained in wastewater and their concentrations established by regulatory and technical documentation

31. Wastewater treatment

D. Abwasserbehandlung

E.Waste water treatment

F. Le traitement des eaux usées

Impact on wastewater in order to ensure its necessary properties and composition

32. Wastewater treatment

D. Abwasserreinigung

E.Waste water purification

F. L´épuration des eaux usées

Treatment of wastewater to destroy or remove certain substances from it

33. Wastewater disinfection

D. Entschädigung von Abwasser

E. Disinfection of waste waters

F. Désinfection des eaux usées

Treatment of wastewater to remove pathogenic and sanitary microorganisms from it

34. Wastewater treatment plant

Treatment plant

D. Abwasserbehandlungsanlage

E. Effective treatment unit

F. Installations d´épuration des eaux usées

35. Regulatory treated wastewater

D. Normabwasserbehandlung

E. Effects treated to standard quality

F. Eaux d´égout, épurées jusqu´á la norme

Wastewater, the disposal of which, after treatment, into water bodies does not lead to a violation of water quality standards at the controlled site or point of water use

36. Water reuse

D. Wassermehrfachnutzung

E. Re-use of water

F. Réutilisation d'eau

Use of wastewater discharged by the facility for water supply

37. Wastewater disposal standard

D. Abwassersableitungsnorm

E. Norm for discharge of effluents

F. Norme d´évacuation des eaux usées

The established amount of wastewater per inhabitant or per conventional unit characteristic of a given production

38. Limit for wastewater disposal into a water body

Wastewater disposal limit

D. Limit der Abwasserableitung

E. Maximum permissible discharge of effluents

F. La limite de l´évacuation des eaux usées

The flow rate of wastewater discharged into a water body, established for a given water user, based on wastewater disposal standards and the condition of the water body

39. Maximum permissible discharge of a substance into a water body

D. Zulässige Grenzwertentwässerung

E. Maximum allowable discharge of substances into water body

F. La limite abmissible de l´éjection des substances d´évacuation dans un objet hudrologique

The mass of a substance in wastewater, the maximum permissible for discharge with the established regime at a given point of a water body per unit of time in order to ensure water quality standards at the control point.

Note. MAC is established taking into account the maximum permissible concentration of substances in places of water use, the assimilative capacity of a water body and the optimal distribution of the mass of discharged substances between water users discharging wastewater

40. Water pollutant


NDP. Pollutant, pollution

D. Wasserverunreinigungstoff

E. Water pollutant

F. Le composant de pollution dans l´eau

Substance in water that causes a violation of water quality standards

41. Complete mixing target

D. Sperrstelle des Vollmischens

E. Section of complete mixing

F. La ligne du melange complet

The transverse profile of the watercourse bed closest to the source affecting water quality, in which an almost uniform distribution of temperatures and concentrations of substances in the water is established

42.Deleted, Change. No. 2

43.Thermal water pollution

D. Termische Wasserverunreinigung

E. Thermal pollution of water

F. La pollution thermique des eaux

Water pollution due to heat input

44. Microbial water pollution

D. Bakteriale Wasserverschmutzung

E. Bacterial pollution of waters

F. Pollution bactérienne des eaux

Water pollution as a result of the entry of pathogenic and sanitary microorganisms

45. Condition of the water body

D. Der Gewässerzustand

E. Condition of the water body

F. L'état de l'objet d'eau

Characteristics of a water body based on the totality of its quantitative and qualitative indicators in relation to types of water use.

Note. Quantitative and qualitative indicators include: water flow, flow speed, depth of the water body, water temperature, pH, BOD, etc.

46. Ecological well-being of a water body

D. Ökologische Wohlstand des Gewässers

E. Ecological well-being of water body

F. Equilibre ecologique de l'objet hudraulique

Normal reproduction of the main links of the ecological system of a water body.

Note. The main units include pelagic and benthic crustaceans and fish

47. Assimilative capacity of a water body

D. Assimilationsfähigkeit des Gewässers

E. Assimilative capacity of the water body

F. La capacite d´assimilation d´un objet hudrologique

The ability of a water body to accept a certain mass of substances per unit of time without violating water quality standards at a controlled site or point of water use

48. Eutrophication of waters

D. Eutrophierung des Wassers

E. Eutrophication of waters

F. L'eutrophication des eaux

Increasing the biological productivity of water bodies as a result of the accumulation of nutrients in water

49. Flowering waters

D. Wasserblüte

E. Blooming of waters

F. La floraison des eaux

Massive development of phytoplankton, causing a change in water color

50. Water aeration

D. Belüftung des Wassers

E.Aeration of water

F. L'aération de l'eau

Enrichment of water with air oxygen

51. Biological reclamation of a water body

D. Biologische Melioration des Gewässers

E. Biological amelioration of water body

F. L'amelioration biologique d'objet hydrologique

Improving the condition of a water body using biological measures

52. Water clogging

D. Wassersverstopfung

E. Clogging of waters

F. L'engorgement des eaux

Accumulation of foreign objects in water bodies

53. Depletion of waters

D. Wassererschöpfung

E. Depletion of waters

F. L'épuisement des eaux

Reducing the minimum permissible surface water flow or reducing groundwater reserves.

Note. The minimum permissible flow is the flow that ensures the ecological well-being of the water body and the conditions of water use

54. Natural protection of groundwater

D. Natürlicher Schutz des Grundwassers

E. Natural protection of the underground waters

F. La protection naturelle des eaux souterraines

A set of hydrogeological conditions that prevent the penetration of pollutants into aquifers

55. Artificial recharge of groundwater reserves

D. Künstliche Wiaderstellung des unterirdischen Wasservorrats

E. Artificial recharge of underground water storage

F. La restitution artificial des resources en eaux souterraines

Directing part of surface water into underground aquifers

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).


Water aeration

Water balance

Environmental well-being of a water body


Water pollutant

Water use

General water use

Special water use

Water consumption

Water consumption is irreversible

Waste water

Regulatory purified waste water

Eutrophication of waters

Microbial water pollution

Thermal water pollution



Water clogging

Groundwater protection is natural

Coastal water protection zone

Sanitary protection zone

Integrated use of water resources

Water reuse

Depletion of waters

State water cadastre

Water quality

Water protection complex

Wastewater disposal limit

Limit for wastewater disposal into a water body

Reclamation of a water body biological

Water protection event

Water consumption rate

Wastewater disposal standard

Wastewater composition standard

Water protection standards

Wastewater disinfection

Wastewater treatment

Water protection

Wastewater treatment

Artificial groundwater replenishment

Water protection rules

Limiting sign of harmful substance in water

Limiting sign of harmfulness

Water quality regulation

Discharge of substances into a water body is maximum permissible

Automated water quality control system

Scheme for integrated use and protection of waters

Water protection structure

Treatment facility

Wastewater treatment plant

Condition of the water body

Assimilative ability of a water body

Complete mixing target


Flowering waters






Automatisiertes System


Belüftung des Wassers

Biologische Melioration des Gewässers

Bakteriale Wasserverschmutzung

Entschädigung von Abwasser

Gemeinsame Wassernutzung


Complexe Nutzung

Limit der Abwasserableitung

Limitkennzahl der Schädlichkeit

Naturlicher Schutz


Norm des Abwasserbeschaffenheit

Normen des Wasserschutzes

Ökologische Wohlstand des Gewässers

Plan der complexen Nutzung

Regeln des Wasserschutzes

Regulierung der Wasserqualität

Sperrstelle des Vollmischens

Spezielle Wassernutzung


Termische Wasserverunreinigung




Wassergebrauch ohne Rückleitung







Wasserwirtschaftliches System

Wasserwirtschaftliche Bilanz

Zone der Sanitätssicheit

Zulässige Grenzwertentwässerung

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


Aeration of water

Arrangement of integrated utilization

Automated system of water-protective complex control

Automated system of water quality monitoring

Assimilative capacity

Bacterial pollution

Biological amelioration of water body

Blooming of waters

Clogging of waters

Condition of the water body

Disinfection of waste waters

Depletion of waters

Ecological well-being of water body

Effective treatment unit

Euphorication of waters

General water use

Guidance on water conservation

Irretievable water consumption

Limiting harmful index

Maximum allowable discharge of substances into water body

Limit der Abwasserableitung

Multipurpose utilization of water resources

Natural protection

Norm for discharge of effluents

Riparian water protection zone

Sanitary protection zone

State water cadaster

Special water use

Section of complete mixing

Standard for effluents composition

Standards of water protection

Thermal pollution of waters

Water protection

Water consumption

Water quality control

Water economy system

Water-protective complex

Water-protective measure

Waste-water purification

Waste-water term

Water-protective construction

Water economy budget

Water pollutants

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


L'aération de l'eau

L'amelioration biologique d'objet hydrologique

Bilan d'aménagement d'eau

Cadastre hydraulique d`Etat

Capacite d´assimilation d´un objet hudrologique

Composant de pollution dans l´eau

Consommation d'eau

Consommation d'eau sans restitution

Désinfection des eaux usées

Eaux d´égout, épurées jusqu´á la norme

L'ensemble de la protection de l'eau

L´épuration des eaux usées

L'engorgement des eaux

L'état de l'objet d'eau

Equilibre ecologique de l'objet hudraulique

L'eutrophication des eaux

L'épuisement des eaux

La floraison des eaux

Indice limitative de la nocivité

Installations d´épuration des eaux usées

Installation de la protection des eaux

Ligne du melange complete

Limit abmissible

Limit de l´évacuation

Measures de la protection de l'eau

Norme de la composition des eaux usêes

Norme d´évacuation des eaux usées

Norme de la consommation d'eau

Normes de la protection des eaux

Plan de l'utilization complex

Protection des eaux

Pollution bacteria

Pollution thermal

Protection naturelle des eaux souterraines

Qualité de l'eau

Regles de la protection des eaux

Reglage de la qualite des eaux

Réutilisation d'eau

System automatique

System automatique de commande

System d'aménagement d'eau

Traitement des eaux usées

Utilization complex resources d'eau

Utilization complex d'eau

Utilization d'eau

Utilization d'eau specialisee

Zone de la protection sanitaire

Zone riveraine de la protection

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).







Official publication


UDC 502.3:006.354 Group T58


Nature conservation HYDROSPHERE

Classification of water bodies

Nature protection. Hydrosphere.

Classification of water bodies

Date of introduction from 01.07.78

This standard applies to water bodies of the unified state water fund and establishes the classification of water bodies into categories and classes reflecting their physical, geographical, regime and morphometric features.

The standard does not include hydrochemical, hydrobiological, and bacteriological indicators of water quality taken into account when classifying water for a specific type of water use.

The classification of water bodies established by the standard is mandatory for use in all types of documentation, textbooks, teaching aids and reference literature on nature conservation and water management.


1.1, Water bodies of the unified state water fund (hereinafter referred to as “water bodies”) classified by this standard include:

rivers, lakes, reservoirs, other surface reservoirs and water sources, as well as water from canals and ponds;

groundwater and glaciers;

inland seas and other inland sea ​​waters USSR;

territorial waters (territorial sea) of the USSR.

Official publication

© Standards Publishing House, 1977 © Standards Publishing House, 1992 Reprint with changes

This standard cannot be reproduced, replicated or distributed in whole or in part without the permission of the State Standard of Russia

1.2. A water body is considered as an important element of the complex of biogeocenoses and as an object that satisfies the needs human society and affecting public health.

1.3. The general classification of water bodies is given in table. 1,

Table 1

General classification of water bodies

Note. The ear area of ​​a river flowing into the sea is classified as an independent body of water.

1.2, 1.3. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.4. It is allowed, depending on the nature of the problems solved in practice, to use the individual characteristics, characteristics and categories given in the standard that make up the class of a water body.

1.5. The terms and definitions used are established in GOST 19179->73, GOST 19185-73, GOST 18458-73, GOST, GOST 26463-85.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


2.1. Classification of water bodies is carried out according to the main features, characteristics, categories that reflect the natural features of the water body, taken into account during its use and protection, and expressed by qualitative (comparative) and quantitative indicators,

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.2. The main features characterizing the characteristics of water bodies include:

physical-geographical (general);

regime (water, ice, thermal); morphometric.

2.3. A feature of a water body is expressed by a set of characteristics;

area (catchment, water mirror, etc.), length, depth; water flow and volume, flow speed; water level; water temperature;

duration of periods unfavorable in terms of water content and water exchange conditions (low water, freeze-up, lack of flow, etc.); indicators of water exchange conditions; filtration properties of soils and rocks*

2.4. Each characteristic is divided into categories showing the difference in the size of the object or the conditions of the regime, water exchange, etc.

Each category of the corresponding characteristic of a water body is assigned an index reflecting the value of the category from the point of view of nature conservation* In the classification tables of this standard, the index is indicated next to the category or placed in the first column of the table.

The larger the object in size and water content, the lower the discharge number. Water bodies with a lower category number (also categories with a lower index) are put forward in first place.

In the characteristics reflecting the conditions for the formation of water quality and quantity, the first place is given to categories and categories that reflect the most unfavorable conditions determined over a long-term observation period.

2.6. The sum of the digits indicates the class and subclass of the water body.

The class of a water body reflects its morphometric characteristics and water content* Subclass - conditions for the formation of the amount of water in a given object.

The largest water bodies (in terms of size and water content) fall into the class with a lower number. Objects with the most unfavorable conditions formation of the amount of water fall into subclass A. Objects with favorable conditions for the formation of water fall into subclass B.

Examples of classification of individual types of water volumes are given in the reference appendix.

(Changed edition* Amendment* No. 1)*


3.1. The geographical zone in which the watercourse is located and the season of the year, reflecting the climatic conditions for the formation of water flow, as well as the period of operation of the watercourse are given in Table. 2.

Table 2

Classification of watercourses according to physical and geographical characteristics


1. A watercourse with a sum of indices from 3 to 4 is classified as the 1st category, and with a sum of indices from 5 to 7 - to the 2nd category.

2. The zone of insufficient moisture includes the flat territory of the USSR, located south of the 0.6 l/s-km 2 isoline in accordance with the map of the minimum 30-day flow 80! % supply for the summer-autumn season, indicated according to the determination of the calculated hydrological characteristics of the Ministry of Construction of Russia.

A period of low flow is considered stable if it is not interrupted by floods*

In the absence of freeze-up, drying out or freezing of the watercourse (columns “Duration of freeze-up” and “Duration of absence of flow”), zero is taken as the index of the corresponding characteristic.

3.1, 3.2. (Changed edition, Amendment* No. 1),

3.3. The differences between watercourses according to the main characteristics of the hydrological regime during the period of low flow are given in Table 4.

The average long-term values ​​for the period of low flow are taken as the flow speed and water temperature.

The magnitude of level fluctuations is determined by the difference between the highest and lowest water levels observed during the period of low flow at the site or section of the watercourse in question over a long-term observation period.

3.4. The dimensions of the watercourse and its water content are given in Table* 5*

The catchment area for the section of the watercourse under consideration is taken to be the entire catchment area up to the section that closes this section.

Classification of watercourses according to the nature of the low-water phase

Note, A watercourse with a sum of indices from 2 to 5 belongs to the 1st category, with a sum of indices from 6 to 12 - to the 2nd category.

Table 4

Classification of watercourses by hydrological regime

I "On ST

3.5. The class of a watercourse, characterizing its water content and size, and the subclass, reflecting the conditions for the formation of the quantity and quality of water, are established by the corresponding sum of digits according to the table. 6.

Table 5

Classifications of watercourses by category and water content

Note. A watercourse with a sum of indices from 2 to 3 belongs to the 1st category, with a sum of indices from 4 to 5 - to the 4th category, with a sum of indices from 6 to 7 - to the 6th category.

Table 6

Stream classes

The sum of the digits is determined by adding the corresponding digits* from the table. 2-5*

An example of river classification is given in the reference appendix*

3.4, 3.5. (Changed edition* Amendment* No. 1)*

4. Estuary areas of rivers flowing into the sea

4.1. Watercourses and reservoirs in the estuary areas of rivers flowing into the sea are subject to classification.

4*2. The river mouth area is classified according to general characteristics according to table. 7,

Classification of estuarine rivers

Note, the river mouth area with a sum of indices from 5 to 6 belongs to the 1st category, with a sum of indices from 7 to 10 - to the 2nd category, with a sum of indices from I to 14 - to the 3rd category,

Table 8

Classification of watercourses in the river mouth area according to hydrological regime

In a multi-branch delta the number of branches is more than five, in a small-branch delta it is less than five, and with a branchless mouth the river flows into the sea in one channel.

4.1. 4.2. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.3. Physiographic conditions that reflect the conditions for the formation of water flow in the river mouth area are given in Table. 2.

4.5. The difference between watercourses in the river mouth area according to the main characteristics of the hydrological regime during the low-water phase of flow is given in Table. 8.

The average long-term water flow during the period of low flow is taken as the water flow rate.

The magnitude of level fluctuations at the mouth of a watercourse is determined by the difference between the highest and lowest water levels during the period of low flow, reflecting tidal or surge level fluctuations. In the presence of both types of fluctuations, the type that gives the largest level fluctuation is taken into account.

The flow speed and water temperature are set as indicated in paragraph 3.3.

4.6. The class of watercourses of the river mouth area is established in accordance with the requirements of clause 3.5. In this case, the table is used to determine the sum of digits. 7, 2, 3, 8.

4.7. The classification of reservoirs in the river mouth area must comply with the requirements of paragraphs. 5.1-5.5.

An example of the classification of a watercourse in the estuarine area of ​​a river is given in the reference appendix.


5.1. The geographical location of the reservoir and the season of the year, reflecting the climatic conditions for the formation of the reservoir regime, determined in the same way as for watercourses, are given in Table. 2.

5.2. The main morphometric characteristics of the reservoir are given in Table. 9.

When developing water protection measures for river sections located below a cascade of reservoirs or ponds, the category and category of reservoirs or ponds are determined by their total morphometric characteristics.

For reservoirs, the total surface area and total volume are determined.

5.3. The main features of the hydrological regime of reservoirs that affect the quantity and quality of water are given in Table 1.0.

Classification of reservoirs according to morphometric characteristics

Note. A reservoir with a sum of indices from 3 to 4 belongs to the 1st category, with a sum of indices from 5 to 7 - to the 6th category, with a sum of indices from 8 to 10 - to the 11th category, with a sum of indices from 11 to 12 - to the 15th category.

Table 10

Classification of reservoirs by hydrological regime


The magnitude of fluctuations in the water level of lakes and reservoirs of long-term regulation is determined by the difference between the highest and lowest levels observed over a long-term period for lakes and in the average water year for reservoirs, and reservoirs of seasonal, weekly and daily regulation - by the difference in annual discharge levels.

The duration of freeze-up for a given reservoir or for a given territory (for unstudied reservoirs) is taken as the average number of days over a long-term period.

The water temperature is taken to be the average of the daily values ​​for the summer period for the average year according to climatic conditions.

I. Classification of reservoirs according to water exchange conditions, taking into account the nature of mixing and change of water, is given in Table 11.

Table II

Promethea. A reservoir with sunna indices from 4 to 2 and 1 to the 1st category, with cymtoi to the 6th and 8th to the 2nd category, with a sum of vddav from 9 to 11 to the 3rd category.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1 O GOST 17. 1.1.02-77

The value of the lake's water exchange is taken to be the ratio of the average annual water inflow into the lake to its volume, and for a reservoir - the ratio of the volume of water flow through the hydraulic system in an average year in terms of water content to the total volume of the reservoir.

Vertical circulation is considered intense when the waters are mixed vertically more than twice a year.

5.5. The class and corresponding subclass of the reservoir are established according to the table. 12 depending on the sum of digits, the numbers of which are determined from the table. 2, 9-11.

Table 12

Reservoir classes

6.1. The classification is used for seas as single water bodies or for their individual parts: straits, bays, bays.

6.2. The physical and geographical characteristics of the seas are given in Table. 13.

Table 13

Classification of seas according to physical and geographical characteristics

Note. A sea with a sum of indices from 3 to 4 belongs to the 1st category, with a sum of indices from S to 6 - to the 2nd category, with a sum of indices equal to 7 - to the 3rd category.

The sea is classified as tidal if the tide exceeds 10 cm.

6.3. The morphometric characteristics of the seas are given in Table. 14.

Note. A sea with a sum of indices from 3 to 4 belongs to the 1st category, with a sum of indices from 5 to 7 - to the 8th category, with a sum of indices from 8 to 10 - to the 15th category, with a sum of indices from I to 12 - to the 22nd category.

6.4. Hydrological characteristics of the seas are given in Table. 15.

Sea levels fluctuate as a result of tides, seiches and

surge phenomena. The magnitude of level fluctuations is determined by the difference between the maximum and minimum sea levels, regardless of the reasons for the fluctuations.

The maximum current speed is taken to be the highest existing in the sea or part of it.

The maximum water temperature is set for the surface layer of the sea or its part in the summer season over many years.

When the surface of the sea or part of it is covered with ice by less than 10%, it belongs to the category of “no ice cover”.

In the absence of freeze-up, the index is zero.

6.5. The conditions of water exchange in the sea or part of it are given in Table. 16.

6.6. The class of the sea or its part and the corresponding subclass are established according to Table. 17 depending on the sum of digits, the numbers of which are determined from the table. 13-16.

An example of sea classification is given in the reference appendix.


7.1. General signs reflecting the possibility of contamination and depletion of groundwater are given in Table. 18.

7.2. Classification of basins and groundwater deposits, as well as aquifers according to their size and water content is given* in table. 19.

Classification of seas by hydrological regime

Maximum current speed

Level fluctuations

Maximum temperature

Freeze-up duration

Value, cm/s

Value, cm

Value, °C



From 200 to 500

From 30 to 150


Note. A sea with a sum of indices from 3 to 5 belongs to the 1st category, with a sum of indices from 6 to 5 - to the 2nd category, with a sum of indices from 10 to 13 - to the 3rd category.

si e z.z.- xooj

Note. A sea with a sum of indices equal to 2 belongs to the 1st category, with a sum of indices from 3 to 4 - to the 2nd category, with a sum of indices equal to 5 - to the 3rd category.

Table 17

Sea classes

Table 18

Classification of groundwater according to general characteristics

Note. Groundwater with a sum of indices from 3 to 4 belongs to the 1st category, with a sum of indices from 5 to 6 - to the 2nd category, with a sum of indices from 7 to 8 - to the 3rd category.

Table 19

Classification of groundwater basins, deposits and aquifers by size and water content

Note. A basin, deposit or aquifer with a sum of indices from 3 to 4 belongs to the 1st category, with a sum of indices from 5 to 7 - to the 3rd category, with a sum of indices from 8 to 9 - to the 8th category.

7.3, Filtration parameters of groundwater are given in Table 20. They determine the amount of water yield of aquifers and groundwater deposits and their operational productivity,

7*4, The nature of water exchange and the regime of groundwater are given in Tables 21 and 22* They determine the intensity of replenishment, pollution and self-purification of groundwater,

7.5, The class and corresponding subclass of groundwater contained in aquifers, deposits or groundwater basins are established according to Table. 23 depending on the sum of digits, the numbers of which are determined from the table. 18-22,


8*1. Classification of glaciers by size and geographical location are given in table. 24,

8.2. The classification of glaciers according to the snow-ice regime, which determines the amount of runoff from glaciers, is given in Table. 25.

The glacier's feeding boundary is the line separating areas with positive and negative annual glacier mass balance.

Melt refers to the end of a glacier and includes the melting of both seasonal snow cover and ice.

The ice temperature refers to the lower boundary of the active layer of the glacier.

8.3. The class of the glacier is determined according to the table. 26 depending on the sum of digits, the numbers of which are determined from the table. 24-25

8.4. When classifying glaciers as water bodies, the main attention is paid to their hydrological regime,

Classification of aquifers and groundwater deposits according to filtration parameters

Note. An aquifer or deposit with a sum of indices from 4 to 5 belongs to the 1st category, with a sum of indices from 6 to 8 to the 2nd category, with a sum of indices from 9 to 12 - to the 3rd category,

Table 21


Table 22

Classification of groundwater according to regime characteristics

Note. Groundwater with a sum of indices from 2 to 3 belongs to the 1st category, with a sum of indices from 4 to 5 - to the 2nd category, with a sum of indices from 6 to 7 - to the 3rd category.

Groundwater classes

Table 23

Table 24

Classification of glaciers by size and geographical location

Note. A glacier with a sum of indices from 5 to 6 belongs to the 1st category, with a sum of indices from 7 to 8 - to the 2nd category, with a sum of indices from 9 to 10 - to the &th category * with a sum of indices from 11 to 12 - to the 4th category.

Note. A glacier with a sum of indices from 3 to 4 belongs to the 1st category, with a sum of indices from 5 to 6 - to the 2nd category, with a sum of indices from 7 to 8 - to the 3rd category.

Table 20

Glacier classes

Sum of digits




1. An example of the classification of the Neva River at Lsnshprad: according to Table 2, the sum of the indices (2+2-f-1) is equal to 5, which corresponds to category 2;

according to Table 3, the sum of the indices (1 + 1+0+0) is equal to 2, digit 1; according to table 4 the sum of the indices (2+3+2) is 7, digit 2; according to table 5 the sum of the indices (1 + 1) is 2, digit 1;

iu table 2-5 the sum of the digits (2+1+2+1) is equal to 6, which according to table b corresponds to class 1, subclass B.

2. An example of the classification of the Bakhtemir watercourse - the mouth area of ​​the river. Volga: according to table. 7 the sum of the indices (1+2 + 1+2+1) is 7, digit 2,

according to table 2 the sum of the indices (1+1 + 1) is 3, digit 1; according to Gable 3, the sum of the indices (3+1 +2 4-0) is 6, rank 2; according to table 8, the sum of the indices (1+2+2 + 1) is equal to 6, rank 1 From table. 7, 2, 3, 8 the sum of the digits (2+1+2+1) is equal to b, which according to the table. 6 corresponds to class I* subclass B.

3. Example of classification of the Baltic Sea, according to table. 13 the sum of the indices (1 + 1+2) is 4, digit 1;

according to table 14 the sum of the indices (3+3+3) is 9, digit 15; according to table 15 the sum of the indices (3+2+2+1) is 8, digit 2; according to Table 16, the sum of the indices (2+2) is 4, digit 2.

From the table 13-16, the sum of the digits (1 + 15+2+2) is equal to 20, which according to Table 17 corresponds to class III, subclass A.


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Main Directorate of the Hydrometeorological Service under the Council of Ministers of the USSR


V. S. Vuglinsky, A. V. Cheltsov, N. I. Slobodyan, V. E. Vodogretsky

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 02/04/77 No. 299

3. Date of first inspection 1993

Inspection frequency 5 years



6. REISSUE (June 1992) with Change No. 1, approved in January 1988 (IUS 4-88)

7. The limitation on the validity period has been lifted by Decree of the USSR State Standard of January 26, 1988 No. 99

Editor S. V. Zhidkova Technical editor V. N. Prusakova Proofreader Ya, I. Gavrishchuk

Delivered to embankment 10 07.92 Sub. in the oven 1 B.09.92 Uel. oven l 1.5. Uel. cr.-ott. 1.6. Academic ed. l. 1.20.

Circulation 3389 copies.

Order "Badge of Honor" Publishing house of standards, 123557, Moscow, GSGT,

Novopresnensky rtep, 3.

Kaluga printing house of standards, st. Moskovskaya, 25G. Zach. 1688

The standard establishes terms and definitions of basic concepts used in science, technology and production in the field of water use and protection.

The terms established by this standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation used in the national economy, in scientific, technical, educational and reference literature. The given definitions can, if necessary, be changed in the form of presentation, without violating the boundaries of concepts.

There is one standardized term for each concept. The use of synonymous terms of a standardized term is prohibited. Synonyms that are unacceptable for use are given in the standard as a reference and are designated “NDP”.

For individual standardized terms, the standard provides their short forms for reference, which are permitted to be used in cases that exclude the possibility of their different interpretations.

In cases where the essential features of a concept are contained in the literal meaning of the term, the definition is not given, and accordingly, a dash is placed in the “Definition” column.

The standard provides foreign equivalents of standardized terms in German (D), English (E) and French (F) as reference data.

The standard provides alphabetical indexes of the terms it contains in Russian and their foreign equivalents.

Standardized terms are in bold, their short forms are in light, and invalid synonyms are in italics.

The standard fully complies with ST SEV 3544-82.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

Term Definition
1.Water protection
D. Wasserschutz
E.Water protection
F. La protection des eaux
A system of measures aimed at preventing, limiting and eliminating the consequences of pollution, clogging and depletion of water
2.Water protection standards
D. Normen des Wasserschutzes
E. Standards of water protection
F. Les normes de la protection des eaux
Established values ​​of indicators, compliance with which ensures the environmental well-being of water bodies and the necessary conditions for protecting public health and water use
3. Water protection rules
D. Regeln des Wasserschutzes
E. Guidance on water conservation
F. Les regles de la protection des eaux
Established requirements regulating human activities in order to comply with water protection standards
4. Water quality
D. Wassergute
E.Water quality
F. La qualité de l'eau
Characteristics of the composition and properties of water, determining its suitability for specific types of water use
5, 6 (Excluded, Amendment No. 2).
7. Limiting sign of harmful substance in water Limiting sign of harmfulness
D. Limitkennzahl der Schadlichkeit
E. Limiting harmful index
F. Indice limitatif de la nocivite
A sign characterized by the lowest harmless concentration of a substance in water
8, 9 (Excluded, Amendment No. 2).
10. Water quality regulation
D. Regulierung der Wasserqualitat
E.Water quality control
F. Le reglage de la qualité des eaux
Impact on factors influencing the condition of a water body in order to comply with water quality standards
11. Water use
D. Wassernutzung
E.Water use
F. Utilization d'eau
Use of water bodies to meet any needs of the population and the national economy
12. General water use
D. Gemeinsame Wassernutzung
E.General water use
F. Utilization complexe d'eau
Water use without the use of structures or technical devices that affect the state of water
13. Special water use
D. Spezielle Wassernutzung
E.Special water use
F. Utilization d'eau specialisee
Water use using structures or technical devices.
Note: In some cases, special water use may also include water use without the use of structures or technical devices, but having an impact on the state of water
14. State water cadastre
D. Staatswasserkataster
E. The state water cadaster
F. Cadastre hydiaulique d'Etat
Systematized collection of water accounting data on quantitative and qualitative indicators, registration of water users, as well as water use accounting data
15. Integrated use of water resources
D. Complexe Nutzung des Wasserdargebotes
E. Multipurpose utilization of water resources
F. Utilization complexe ressources d'eau
The use of water resources to meet the needs of the population and various sectors of the national economy, in which all the beneficial properties of a particular water body are economically justified
D. Plan der komplexen Nutzung und des Schutzes der Wasserressourcen
E. Arrangement of integrated utilization and conservation of water resources
F. Plan de l'utilisation complexe et de la protection des ressources d'eau
Pre-project document defining the main water management and other activities to be implemented to meet the future water needs of the population and the national economy, as well as to protect water or prevent their harmful effects
17. Water consumption
D. Wassergebrauch
E.Water consumption
F. Consommation d'eau
Consumption of water from a water body or from water supply systems
18. Irreversible water consumption
D. Wassergebrauch ohne Ruckleitung
E. Irretrievable water consumption
F. Consommation d'eau sans restitution
Water consumption without returning water to the water body
19. Water consumption rate
D. Wassergebrauchsnonrm
E. Water use rate
F. Norme de la consommation d'eau
The established amount of water per inhabitant or per conventional unit characteristic of a given production
20. Water balance
D. Wasserwirtschaftliche Bilanz
E. Water economy balance
F. Bilan d'amenagement d'eau
Results of comparison of water resources available in a basin or in a given territory with their use at various levels of national economic development
21. Water system
D. Wasserwirtschaftliches System
E.Water economy system
F. Systeme d'amenagement d'eau
A complex of interconnected water bodies and hydraulic structures designed to ensure the rational use and protection of water
22. Water protection complex
D. Wasserschutzkomplex
E. Water-protective complex
F. L'ensemble de la protection de l'eau
A system of structures and devices to maintain the required quantity and quality of water at given sites or points of water bodies
23. Automated control system for water protection complex
D. Automatisiertes System zum Steuerung vom Wasserschutzkomplex
E. Automated system of waterprotective complex control
F. Un system automatique de commande de l’ensemble de la protection des eaux
An automated control system designed to develop and implement control actions on the water protection complex in accordance with the accepted control criterion
24. Automated water quality control system
D. Automatisiertes System der Wassergutekontrolle
E. Automated system of water quality monitoring
F. Un systeme automatique du controle de la qualité de l’eau
Automated control system for collecting and disseminating data on water quality and warning of violations of quality standards
25. Sanitary protection zone
D. Zone der Sanitatssicherheit
E. Sanitary protection zone
F. La zone de la protection sanitaire
The territory and water area where a special sanitary and epidemiological regime is established to prevent deterioration in the quality of water from sources of centralized household and drinking water supply and to protect water supply facilities
26. Coastal water protection zone
D. Vfergewasserchutzzone
E. Riparian water protection zone
F. La zone riveraine de la protection
The territory adjacent to the water areas of water bodies, where a special regime is established to prevent pollution, clogging and depletion of water
27. Water protection structure
D. Wasserschutzanlage
E. Water-protective construction
F. L'installation de la protection des eaux
28. Water protection measure
D. Wasserschutzmassnahme
E. Water-protective measure
F. Les measures de la protection de l'eau
29. Wastewater
NDP. Drains
D. Abwasser
E. Waste water
F. Des eaux usées
Water discharged after use in domestic and industrial human activities
30.Wastewater composition standard
D. Norm des Abwasserbeschaffenheit
E. Standard for effluents composition
F. La norme de la composition des eaux usées
List of substances contained in wastewater and their concentrations established by regulatory and technical documentation
31.Wastewater treatment
D. Abwasserbehandlung
E.Waste water treatment
F. Le traitement des eaux usées
Impact on wastewater in order to ensure its required properties and composition
32. Wastewater treatment
D. Abwasserreinigung
E.Waste water purification
F. L'épuration des eaux usées
Treatment of wastewater to destroy or remove certain substances from it
33. Wastewater disinfection
D. Entschadigung von Abwasser
E. Disinfection of waste water
F. Disinfection des eaux usées
Treatment of wastewater to remove pathogenic and sanitary microorganisms from it
34. Wastewater treatment plant Treatment plant
D. Abwasserbehandlungsanlage
E.Effluents treatment unit
F. Installations d'epuration des eaux usées
35. Regulatory treated wastewater
D. Normabwasserbehandlung
E. Effects treated to standard quality
F. Eaux d'egout epurees jusqu"a la norme
Wastewater, the disposal of which, after treatment, into water bodies does not lead to a violation of water quality standards at the controlled site or point of water use
36. Water reuse
D. Wassermehrfachnutzung
E. Reuse of water
F. Reutilization d'eau
Use of wastewater discharged by the facility for water supply
37. Wastewater disposal standard
D. Abwassersableitungsnorm
E. Norm for discharge of effluents
F. Norme d'evacuation des eaux usées
The established amount of wastewater per inhabitant or per conventional unit characteristic of a given production
Wastewater disposal limit
D. Limit der Abwasserableitung
E. Maximum permissible discharge of effluents
F. La limite de l'evacuation des eaux usées
The flow rate of wastewater discharged into a water body, established for a given water user, based on wastewater disposal standards and the condition of the water body
39. Maximum permissible discharge of a substance into a water body PDS
D. Zulassige Grenzwertentwassening
E. Maximum allowable discharge of substances into water body
F. La limite abmissible de rejection des substances d’evacuation dans un objet hydrologique
The mass of substances in wastewater, the maximum permissible for disposal with the established regime at a given point of a water body per unit of time in order to ensure water quality standards at the control point.
Note: MAC is established taking into account the maximum permissible concentration of substances in places of water use, the assimilative capacity of a water body and the optimal distribution of the mass of discharged substances between water users discharging wastewater
40. Water pollutant
NDP. Pollutant, pollution
D. Wasserverunreinigungstoff
E. Water pollutant
F. Le composant de pollution dans l’eau
Substance in water that causes a violation of water quality standards
41.Complete mixing target
D. Sperrstelle des Volimischens
E. Section of complete mixing
F. La ligne du melange complet
The transverse profile of the watercourse bed closest to the source affecting water quality, in which an almost uniform distribution of temperatures and concentrations of substances in the water is established
42 (Deleted, Amendment No. 2).
43. Thermal water pollution
D. Termische Wasserverunreinigung
E. Thermal pollution of waters
F. La pollution thermique des eaux
Water pollution due to heat input
44. Microbial water pollution
D. Bakteriale Wasserverschmutzung
E. Bacterial pollution of waters
F. Pollution bacterienne des eaux
Water pollution as a result of the entry of pathogenic and sanitary microorganisms
45. Condition of the water body
D. Der Gewasserzustand
E. Condition of water body
F. L'etat de l'objet d'eau
Characteristics of a water body based on the totality of its quantitative and qualitative indicators in relation to types of water use.
Note: Quantitative and qualitative indicators include: water flow, flow speed, depth of the water body, water temperature, pH, WIC, etc.
46. Ecological well-being of a water body
D. Okologische Wohlstand des Gewassers
E. Ecological well-being of water body
F. Equilibre ecologique de l'objet hydraulique
Normal reproduction of the main links of the ecological system of a water body.
Note: The main units include pelagic and benthic crustaceans and fish
47. Assimilative capacity of a water body
D. Assimilationsfahigkeit des Gewassers
E. Assimilative capacity of water body
F. La capacite d'assimilation d'un objet hydrologique
The ability of a water body to accept a certain mass of substances per unit of time without violating water quality standards at a controlled site or point of water use
48. Eutrophication of waters
D. Eutrophierung des Wassers
E. Eutrophication of waters
F. L'eutrophication des eaux
Increasing the biological productivity of water bodies as a result of the accumulation of nutrients in water
49. Flowering waters
D. Wasserblute
E. Blooming of waters
F. La floraison des eaux
Massive development of phytoplankton, causing a change in water color
50. Water aeration
D. Belufting des Wassers
E.Aeration of water
F. L'aeration de 1'eau
Enrichment of water with air oxygen
51. Biological reclamation of a water body
D. Biologische Melioration des Gewassers
E. Biological amelioration of water body
F. L amelioration biologique d’objet hydrologique
Improving the condition of a water body using biological measures
52. Water clogging
D. Wassersverstopfung
E. Clogging of waters
F. L'engorgement des eaux
Accumulation of foreign objects in water bodies
53. Depletion of waters
D. Wassererschopfung
E. Depletion of waters
F. L'epuisement des eaux
Reducing the minimum permissible flow of surface water or reducing groundwater reserves.
Note: The minimum permissible flow is the flow at which the environmental well-being of the water body and water use conditions are ensured
54. Natural protection of groundwater
D. Natürlicher Schlitz des Grundwassers
E. Natural protection of the underground waters
F. La protection naturelle des eaux souterraines
A set of hydrogeological conditions that prevent the penetration of pollutants into aquifers.
Note: Hydrogeological conditions include: depth of groundwater, lithology of the aeration zone, etc.
55. Artificial recharge of groundwater reserves
D. Künstliche Wiederstellung des unterirdischen Wasserworrats
E. Artificial recharge of underground water storage
F. La restitution artificiel des redources en eaux souterraines
Directing part of surface water into underground aquifers

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

Alphabetical index of terms in Russian

Water aeration

Water balance

Environmental well-being of a water body


Water pollutant

Water use

General water use

Special water use

Water consumption

Water consumption is irreversible

Waste water

Regulatory purified waste water

Eutrophication of waters

Microbial water pollution

Thermal water pollution



Water clogging

Groundwater protection is natural

Coastal water protection zone

Sanitary protection zone

Integrated use of water resources

Water reuse

Depletion of waters

State water cadastre

Water quality

Water protection complex

Wastewater disposal limit

Limit for wastewater disposal into a water body

Reclamation of a water body biological

Water protection event

Water consumption rate

Wastewater disposal standard

Wastewater composition standard

Water protection standards

Wastewater disinfection

Wastewater treatment

Water protection

Wastewater treatment

Artificial groundwater recharge

Water protection rules

Limiting sign of harmful substance in water

Limiting sign of harmfulness

Water quality regulation

Discharge of substances into a water body is maximum permissible

Automated water quality control system

Water management system

Automated water protection complex control system

Scheme for integrated use and protection of waters

Water protection structure

Treatment facility

Wastewater treatment plant

Condition of the water body

Assimilative ability of a water body

Complete mixing target


Flowering waters

Alphabetical index of terms in German





Automatisiertes System


Beluftung des Wassers

Biologische Melioration des Gewassers

Bakteriale Wasserverschmutzung

Entschadigung von Abwasser

Gemeinsame Wassernutzung

Complexe Nutzung

Kunstliche Wiederstellung des untenrdischen Wasservorrats

Limit der Abwasserableitung

Limitkennzahl der Schadlichkeit

Naturlicher Schutz


Norm der Abwasserbeschaffenheit

Normen des Wasserschutzes

Okologische Wohlstand des Gewassers

Plan der complexen Nutzung

Regeln des Wasserschutzes

Regulierung der Wasserqualitat

Sperrstelle des Vollmischens

Spezielle Wassemutzung


Thermische Wasserverunreinigung




Wassergebrauch ohne Ruckleitung







Wasserwirtschaftliches System

Wasserwirtschaftlische Bilanz

Zone der Sanitatssicherheit

Zulassige Grenzwertentwasserung

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

Alphabetical index of terms in English

Aeration of water

Arrangement of integrated utilization and conservation of water resources

Artificial recharge of underground water storage

Automated system of water-protective complex control

Automated system of water quality monitoring

Assimilative capacity of water body

Bacterial pollution of waters

Biological amelioration of water body

Blooming of waters

Clogging of waters

Condition of water body

Disinfection of waste water

Depletion of waters

Ecological well-being of water body

Effluents treatment unit

Effluents treated to standard quality

Eutrophication of waters

General water use

Guidance on water conservation

Irretrievable water consumption

Limiting harmful index

Maximum allowable discharge of substances into water body

Maximum permissible discharge of effluents

Multipurpose utilization of water resources

Natural protection of the underground waters

Norm for discharge of effluents

Riparian water protection zone

Sanitary protection zone

State water cadaster

Special water use

Section of complete mixing

Standard for effluents composition

Standards of water protection

Thermal solution of waters

Water protection

Water consumption

Water quality control

Water economy system

Water-protective complex

Water quality standards

Water-protective measure

Waste-water purification

Waste-water treatment

Water-protective construction

Water economy balance

Water pollutants

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

Alphabetical index of terms in French

Aeration de l'eau

Amelioration biologique d"objet hydrologique

Bilan d"amenagement d"eau

Cadastre hydraulique d'Etat

Capacitated "assimilation d"un objet hydrologique

Composants de pollution dans l"eau

Consommation d'eau

Consommation d'eau sans restitution

Desinfection des eaux usées

Eaux d"egout epurees jusqu"a la norme

Ensemble de la protection de l'eau

Epuration des eaux usées

Engorgement des eaux

Etat de l"objet d"eau

Equilibre ecologique de l'objet hydraulique

Eutrophication des eaux

Epuisement des eaux

Floraison des eaux

Indice limitatifde la nocivite

Installations d'epuration des eaux usées

Installation de la protection des eaux

Ligne de la melange complet

Limit abmissible

Limit de l"evacuation

Measures de la protection de l'eau

Norme de la composition des eaux usées

Norme d'evacuation des eaux usées

Norme de la consommation d'eau

Normes de la protection des eaux

Normes de la qualité de l'eaux

Plan de l"utilization complex

Protection des eaux

Pollution bacterienne des eaus

Pollution thermal des eaus

Protection naturelle des eaux souterraines

Regles de la protection des eaux

Reglage de la qualité des eaux

La restitution artificiel des ressources en eaux souterraines

Reutilization d'eau

Systeme automatique

Systeme automatique de commande

Systeme d"amenagement d"eau

Traitement des eaux usées

Utilization complex des resources d'eau

Utilization complex d'eau

Utilization d'eau

Utilization d'eau specialisee

Zone de la protection sanitaire

Zone riveraine de la protection

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


* Edition with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in April 1984, October 1986 (IUS 8-83, 1-87)

By Decree of the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated September 16, 1977 No. 2237, the date of introduction was established

The standard establishes terms and definitions of basic concepts used in science, technology and production in the field of water use and protection.

The terms established by this standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation used in the national economy, in scientific, technical, educational and reference literature. The given definitions can, if necessary, be changed in the form of presentation, without violating the boundaries of concepts.

There is one standardized term for each concept. The use of synonymous terms of a standardized term is prohibited. Synonyms that are unacceptable for use are given in the standard as a reference and are designated “NDP”.

For individual standardized terms, the standard provides their short forms for reference, which are permitted to be used in cases that exclude the possibility of their different interpretations.

In cases where the essential features of a concept are contained in the literal meaning of the term, the definition is not given, and accordingly, a dash is placed in the “Definition” column.

The standard provides foreign equivalents of standardized terms in German (D), English (E) and French (F) as reference data.

The standard provides alphabetical indexes of the terms it contains in Russian and their foreign equivalents.

Standardized terms are in bold, their short forms are in light, and invalid synonyms are in italics.

The standard fully complies with ST SEV 3544-82.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


1. Water protection

D. Wasserschutz

E.Water protection

F. La protection des eaux

A system of measures aimed at preventing, limiting and eliminating the consequences of pollution, clogging and depletion of water

2. Water protection standards

D. Normen des Wasserschutzes

E. Standards of water protection

F. Les normes de la protection des eaux

Established values ​​of indicators, compliance with which ensures the environmental well-being of water bodies and the necessary conditions for protecting public health and water use

3. Water protection rules

D. Regeln des Wasserschutzes

E. Guidance on water conservation

F. Les regles de la protection des eaux

Established requirements regulating human activities in order to comply with water protection standards

4. Water quality

E.Water quality

F. La qualité de l'eau

Characteristics of the composition and properties of water, determining its suitability for specific types of water use

5. Deleted, Change. No. 2

6. Deleted, Change. No. 2

7. Limiting sign of harmful substance in water

D. Limitkennzahl der Schädlichkeit

E. Limiting harmful index

F. Indice limitative de la nocivité

A sign characterized by the lowest harmless concentration of a substance in water

8. Deleted, Change. No. 2

9. Deleted, Change. No. 2

10. Water quality regulation

D. Regulierung der Wasserqualität

E.Water quality control

F. Le reglage de la qualite des eaux

Impact on factors affecting the condition of a water body in order to comply with water quality standards

11. Water use

D. Wassernutzung

F. Utilization d'eau

Use of water bodies to meet any needs of the population and the national economy

12. General water use

D. Gemeinsame Wassernutzung

E. General water use

F. Utilization complex d'eau

Water use without the use of structures or technical devices that affect the state of water

13. Special water use

D. Spezielle Wassernutzung

E.Special water use

F. Utilization d'eau specialisee

Water use using structures or technical devices.

Note: In some cases, special water use may also include water use without the use of structures or technical devices, but having an impact on the state of water

14. State water cadastre

D. Staatswasserkataster

E. The state water cadaster

F. Cadastre hydraulique d`Etat

Systematized collection of water accounting data according to quantitative and qualitative indicators, registration of water users, as well as water use accounting data

15. Integrated use of water resources

D. Complexe Nutzung des Wasserdargebotes

E. Multipurpose utilization of water resources

F. Utilization complex resources d'eau

The use of water resources to meet the needs of the population and various sectors of the national economy, in which all the beneficial properties of a particular water body are economically justified

16. Scheme for integrated use and protection of water

D. Plan der komplexen Nutzung und des Schutzes der Wasserressourcen

E. Arrangement of integrated utilization and conservation of water resources

F. Plan de l`utilization complexe et de la protection des resources d`eau

Pre-project document defining the main water management and other activities to be implemented to meet the future water needs of the population and the national economy, as well as to protect water or prevent their harmful effects

17. Water use

D. Wassergebrauch

E.Water consumption

F. Consommation d'eau

Consumption of water from a water body or from water supply systems

18. Irreversible water consumption

D. Wassergebrauch ohne Rückleitung

E. Irretievable water consumption

F. Consommation d'eau sans restitution

Water consumption without returning water to the water body

19. Water consumption rate

D. Wassergebrauchsnorm

E. Water use rate

F. Norme de la consommation d'eau

The established amount of water per inhabitant or per conventional unit characteristic of a given production

20. Water balance

D. Wasserwirtschaftliche Bilanz

E. Water economy budget

F. Bilan d`aménagement d`eau

Results of comparison of water resources available in a basin or in a given territory with their use at various levels of national economic development

21. Water system

D. Wasserwirtschaftliches System

E.Water economy system

F. System d'aménagement d'eau

A complex of interconnected water bodies and hydraulic structures designed to ensure the rational use and protection of water

22. Water protection complex

D. Wasserschutzkomplex

E. Water-protective complex

F. L'ensemble de la protection de l'eau

A system of structures and devices to maintain the required quantity and quality of water at given sites or points of water bodies

23. Automated control system for water protection complex

D. Automatisiertes System zum Streuerung vom Wasserschutzkomplex

E. Automated system of water-protective complex control

F. Un systéme automatique de commande de l`ensemble de la protection des eaux

An automated control system designed to develop and implement control actions on the water protection complex in accordance with the accepted control criterion

24. Automated water quality control system

D. Automatisiertes System der Wassergütekontrolle

E. Automated system of water quality monitoring

F. Un systéme automatique du contrŏle de la qualité de l'eau

An automated control system for collecting and disseminating data on water quality and warning about violations of water quality standards.

25. Sanitary protection zone

D. Zone der Sanitätssicheit

E. Sanitary protection zone

F. La zone de la protection sanitaire

The territory and water area where a special sanitary and epidemiological regime is established to prevent deterioration in the quality of water from sources of centralized household and drinking water supply and to protect water supply facilities

26. Coastal water protection zone

D. Ufergewässerschutzzone

E. Riparian water protection zone

F. La zone riveraine de la protection

The territory adjacent to the water areas of water bodies, where a special regime is established to prevent pollution, clogging and depletion of water

27. Water protection structure

D. Wasserschutzanlage

E. Water-protective construction

F. L'installation de la protection des eaux

28. Water protection measure

D. Wasserschutzmassnahme

E. Water-protective measure

F. Les measures de la protection de l'eau

29. Wastewater

NDP. Drains

E. Waste waters

F. Des eaux usêes

Water discharged after use in domestic and industrial human activities

30. Norm of wastewater composition

D. Norm des Abwasserbeschaffenheit

E. Standard for effluents composition

F. La norme de la composition des eaux usêes

List of substances contained in wastewater and their concentrations established by regulatory and technical documentation

31. Wastewater treatment

D. Abwasserbehandlung

E.Waste water treatment

F. Le traitement des eaux usées

Impact on wastewater in order to ensure its necessary properties and composition

32. Wastewater treatment

D. Abwasserreinigung

E.Waste water purification

F. L´épuration des eaux usées

Treatment of wastewater to destroy or remove certain substances from it

33. Wastewater disinfection

D. Entschädigung von Abwasser

E. Disinfection of waste waters

F. Désinfection des eaux usées

Treatment of wastewater to remove pathogenic and sanitary microorganisms from it

34. Wastewater treatment plant

Treatment plant

D. Abwasserbehandlungsanlage

E. Effective treatment unit

F. Installations d´épuration des eaux usées

35. Regulatory treated wastewater

D. Normabwasserbehandlung

E. Effects treated to standard quality

F. Eaux d´égout, épurées jusqu´á la norme

Wastewater, the disposal of which, after treatment, into water bodies does not lead to a violation of water quality standards at the controlled site or point of water use

36. Reuse water

D. Wassermehrfachnutzung

E. Re-use of water

F. Réutilisation d'eau

Use of wastewater discharged by the facility for water supply

37. Standard for wastewater disposal

D. Abwassersableitungsnorm

E. Norm for discharge of effluents

F. Norme d´évacuation des eaux usées

The established amount of wastewater per inhabitant or per conventional unit characteristic of a given production

38. Limit for wastewater disposal into a water body

Wastewater disposal limit

D. Limit der Abwasserableitung

E. Maximum permissible discharge of effluents

F. La limite de l´évacuation des eaux usées

The flow rate of wastewater discharged into a water body, established for a given water user, based on wastewater disposal standards and the condition of the water body

39. Maximum permissible discharge of a substance into a water body

D. Zulässige Grenzwertentwässerung

E. Maximum allowable discharge of substances into water body

F. La limite abmissible de l´éjection des substances d´évacuation dans un objet hudrologique

The mass of a substance in wastewater, the maximum permissible for discharge with the established regime at a given point of a water body per unit of time in order to ensure water quality standards at the control point.

Note. MAC is established taking into account the maximum permissible concentration of substances in places of water use, the assimilative capacity of a water body and the optimal distribution of the mass of discharged substances between water users discharging wastewater

40. Water pollutant


NDP. Pollutant, pollution

D. Wasserverunreinigungstoff

E. Water pollutant

F. Le composant de pollution dans l´eau

Substance in water that causes a violation of water quality standards

41. Complete mixing target

D. Sperrstelle des Vollmischens

E. Section of complete mixing

F. La ligne du melange complet

The transverse profile of the watercourse bed closest to the source affecting water quality, in which an almost uniform distribution of temperatures and concentrations of substances in the water is established

42. Deleted, Change. No. 2

43. Thermal water pollution

D. Termische Wasserverunreinigung

E. Thermal pollution of water

F. La pollution thermique des eaux

Water pollution due to heat input

44. Microbial water pollution

D. Bakteriale Wasserverschmutzung

E. Bacterial pollution of waters

F. Pollution bactérienne des eaux

Water pollution as a result of the entry of pathogenic and sanitary microorganisms

45. Condition of the water body

D. Der Gewässerzustand

E. Condition of the water body

F. L'état de l'objet d'eau

Characteristics of a water body based on the totality of its quantitative and qualitative indicators in relation to types of water use.

Note. Quantitative and qualitative indicators include: water flow, flow speed, depth of the water body, water temperature, pH, BOD, etc.

46. ​​Ecological well-being of a water body

D. Ökologische Wohlstand des Gewässers

E. Ecological well-being of water body

F. Equilibre ecologique de l'objet hudraulique

Normal reproduction of the main links of the ecological system of a water body.

Note. The main units include pelagic and benthic crustaceans and fish

47. Assimilative capacity of a water body

D. Assimilationsfähigkeit des Gewässers

E. Assimilative capacity of the water body

F. La capacite d´assimilation d´un objet hudrologique

The ability of a water body to accept a certain mass of substances per unit of time without violating water quality standards at a controlled site or point of water use

48. Eutrophication of waters

D. Eutrophierung des Wassers

E. Eutrophication of waters

F. L'eutrophication des eaux

Increasing the biological productivity of water bodies as a result of the accumulation of nutrients in water

49. Flowering waters

D. Wasserblüte

E. Blooming of waters

F. La floraison des eaux

Massive development of phytoplankton, causing a change in water color

50. Water aeration

D. Belüftung des Wassers

E.Aeration of water

F. L'aération de l'eau

Enrichment of water with air oxygen

51. Biological reclamation of a water body

D. Biologische Melioration des Gewässers

E. Biological amelioration of water body

F. L'amelioration biologique d'objet hydrologique

Improving the condition of a water body using biological measures

52. Water clogging

D. Wassersverstopfung

E. Clogging of waters

F. L'engorgement des eaux

Accumulation of foreign objects in water bodies

53. Depletion of waters

D. Wassererschöpfung

E. Depletion of waters

F. L'épuisement des eaux

Reducing the minimum permissible surface water flow or reducing groundwater reserves.

Note. The minimum permissible flow is the flow that ensures the ecological well-being of the water body and the conditions of water use

54. Natural protection of groundwater

D. Natürlicher Schutz des Grundwassers

E. Natural protection of the underground waters

F. La protection naturelle des eaux souterraines

A set of hydrogeological conditions that prevent the penetration of pollutants into aquifers

55. Artificial replenishment of groundwater reserves

D. Künstliche Wiaderstellung des unterirdischen Wasservorrats

E. Artificial recharge of underground water storage

F. La restitution artificial des resources en eaux souterraines

Directing part of surface water into underground aquifers