The sweetest varieties of sweet peppers. The best varieties of sweet peppers with photos and descriptions Different varieties of peppers

Choosing peppers starts with research general characteristics, which are indicated on the packet of seeds, as well as in catalogs when purchasing planting material. The most important quality indicators of a vegetable crop are productivity, ease of care, and disease resistance.

Which pepper is considered unpretentious?

Pepper varieties that are considered unpretentious are:

To reduce pepper care, choose determinate varieties that do not need to be pinched and tied to a support. The advantage of indeterminate varieties is their high yield, but they must be pinched and tied up; this is the only way to get the maximum benefit from the plant.

Review of unpretentious pepper varieties

  • “Admiral” is a hybrid with a medium-early ripening period that can be planted in open and closed soil. The culture is medium-sized, height 0.9-1.2 meters. Bushes are leafy, semi-spreading. The vegetables grow cone-shaped, weighing one hundred and fifty grams. The pepper is painted a bright cherry color, the walls of the pericarp are 4-6 millimeters. The hybrid is drought-resistant. With a planting scheme of 40×60, the yield is 5-6 kilograms per square meter.

  • “Accord” will amaze you with the sweetness of the fruit. Biological ripeness occurs on the 130th day from pipping seed material. The bushes are semi-determinate, the height does not exceed 1 m. The fruits are cone-shaped, uneven, weight 160-190 grams. The skin is shiny, dense, dark red in color. The pericarp reaches 5-6 mm. Up to 5 plants are planted per square meter.

  • “Prince Silver” is a low variety of sweet pepper, 45-70 cm. good stability to a complex of diseases, the yield per plant is 2.2-2.6 kg. The average weight of the fruit is 90 grams, the wall thickness is 5-6 mm. The fruits are cone-shaped, drooping, and colored scarlet at biological ripeness.
  • “Red Cube” represents cube-shaped sweet peppers, with high yields, 6-8 kg/m². The height of the bushes does not exceed 0.7 m. The skin is glossy, painted red. The wall thickness is 8-9 mm, the weight of the vegetable reaches up to 200 grams. Shows resistance to tobacco mosaic. It should be grown only under film cover.
  • "Pygmalion" attracts with its bright orange. A pepper variety of hybrid origin, the height of the bushes does not exceed 80 centimeters. Up to 10 peppers are tied to the plant at the same time. Vegetables grow slightly ribbed, weighing 120-130 grams, the walls are dense, thickness 5-7 mm. The yield with a 40 by 60 cm pattern is 7 kg. The hybrid exhibits heat resistance and resistance to various weather conditions.
  • “Potap” is a first generation hybrid, yield 4-5 kg. per square meter. The walls of the fruit are thick, 7-8 mm. It can be grown on exhaust gas and under film covers. Vegetables ripen quickly. At biological ripeness, the fruits become red. The weight of the fruit is, on average, 150-170 grams. The bushes are semi-standard; no staking is required.
  • "Purple Bell" enchants with its dark purple fruit color. The vegetables set and grow cube-shaped, weighing up to two hundred grams. The pulp is thick, 7-9 mm. The diameter of the pepper is 10-11 centimeters. The plant perfectly resists the attacks of bacterial diseases.
  • "Semko" is a hybrid that needs 90-100 days to achieve technical ripeness of the fruit. Ripe vegetables are painted red, weight 100-130 grams, wall thickness 5-6 mm. The shape of the pepper is cone-prismatic. The plant is not susceptible to tobacco mosaic and vertilecosis. The yield per square meter is on average 8-10 kg.
  • “Red Square” is a variety of sweet pepper with high taste and disease resistance. The pulp is sweet and juicy, thickness 5-8 mm. On average, one vegetable can reach up to 400 grams if you follow all the rules of agricultural technology. Technical ripeness occurs 90 days after seed germination. The bushes are powerful, medium-sized, height 40-55 cm.
  • "Ivanhoe" is valued for its aromatic fruits with a wonderful sweet taste. Conical peppers gain weight 120-130 grams, pericarp 6-7 mm. The bushes of the plant are compact, height 60-70 cm. Pepper reaches technical ripeness already on the 110th day from the moment the planting material emerges.
  • “Funtik” is an early variety of pepper, with a fruit weight of 140-180 grams. The pepper is cone-shaped, the skin is smooth and shiny. The walls are formed with a thickness of 6-7 mm. Grown seedling method, both on exhaust gas and under film covers. Semi-standard bushes grow 50-60 cm in height. The purpose is universal.
  • “Czardash” is a pepper with a biological ripeness of 115-125 days from the moment the seeds hatch. The bushes are of a determinate type, growth stops at 60-70 centimeters. Fruits are tied in bouquets, most often 2-3 vegetables in one bouquet. The pepper is formed cone-shaped, weighing 170-220 grams. The juicy and tasty pulp reaches a thickness of 5-6 mm.
  • “Ox’s Ear” is a pepper with a mid-early vegetative ripening season. Fragrant and juicy fruits reach a weight of 120-150 grams. Due to the cone-shaped shape, the length of the vegetable grows 10-12 cm. The plant stops its growth at around 65-70 cm.
  • "Atlas" attracts with its huge fruits, up to 22 centimeters long, weighing 200-400 grams, pericarp thickness 0.9-1 cm. The fruits grow in the shape of a truncated pyramid. It is considered one of the sweetest peppers.
  • “Eroshka” is an unpretentious variety of sweet pepper that shows good resistance to blossom end rot, vertilecosis, and tobacco mosaic. The fruits are medium, weight 140-180 grams. The vegetable is slightly ribbed, tetrahedral in shape. The plant grows no higher than 30-50 centimeters. Ripe vegetables are red with a slight orange tint. 10-16 peppers are formed on the bush at once.
  • "Lemon Miracle" is a pepper with bright yellow fruits and great taste. Average weight vegetable is 150 grams. The thickness of the pericarp is 6-8 mm. The yield, according to various sources, is on average 5-6 kilograms. The variety tolerates various unfavorable conditions, which in no way affect the setting of future fruits.
  • “Hercules” fully lives up to its name. The fruits are large, 200-300 grams, walls 5-8 mm thick. The length of the vegetable is 11-13 centimeters. Ripe fruits acquire a bright red color. Universal use, resistant to tobacco mosaic.
  • “Siberian Bonus” will give you 3 kilograms of fruit from a bush, subject to all care rules. One plant bears 15 peppercorns weighing 200-300 grams, the thickness of the pericarp reaches 1 cm. Ripe fruits are very juicy and sweet. The skin color is yellow-orange (orange); small green spots may remain throughout the surface of the vegetable. The plant is medium-sized, 80 cm high.
  • “Sun of Italy” is a pepper whose fruits grow to enormous sizes, 300-500 grams. The pulp is aromatic, tasty, 6-8 mm thick. The skin is colored yellow. Average yield from 1 m² is 5-6 kg.
  • “Shorokshary” fascinates with its red, glossy, large fruits, 300-400 grams. At the same time, up to 18-20 fruits can form on the bush. Vegetables ripen sequentially, unevenness is not observed. The variety is early ripening.
  • "Belozerka" is part of the group mid-early varieties with a period of technical ripeness of 110-115 days. The fruits are small, weight 70-90 grams, cone-shaped. They are distinguished by their white fruit color at the stage of technical ripeness, which is why the variety received its name. Biologically ripe vegetables turn red. Shows resistance to Alternaria and various viral diseases.
  • “Anastasia” will please you with its short biological ripening period, which is only 120-130 days. The bushes are neat, low, 0.6-0.8 m. Vegetables grow weighing 200-225 grams, the flesh is thick, 6-8 mm. The skin is dark cherry color.
  • “Bel Goy” is a variety of pepper that is not widespread in Russia, but its quality indicators are good. The vegetable is in demand because of its large fruits, which reach 400-600 grams. The plants grow tall, 120-150 cm, so you will need to tie the bushes to a trellis. The yield per bush is 2.5-4 kg.

Bell pepper is one of those vegetable crops, which is distinguished by an incredible variety of sizes and shapes of fruits, their colors, height of the bush, brightness of taste and aroma, as well as purpose. Thanks to many years of breeding work, every vegetable grower can purchase exactly that variety of sweet pepper, which is sure to give an excellent harvest precisely in the conditions that it is able to provide for this plant.

Early ripening varieties of sweet peppers allow you to get a harvest in short terms and are suitable for cultivation both in temperate climates and in northern regions, where summer is not pleasing with its duration and warmth. In these varieties, from the moment of germination to the receipt of fruits at the stage of technical ripeness, it takes from 100 to 120 days.

Among the early varieties of sweet peppers for open ground and film shelters are the following:

  • Belozerka;
  • Martin;
  • Merchant;
  • Big Mama;
  • Winnie the Pooh.

Many summer residents enthusiastically grow this vegetable exclusively in greenhouse conditions. Why there is a wider selection of seeds. The best varieties of sweet peppers with early ripening for growing in a greenhouse are:

  • Ivanhoe;
  • Ox ear;
  • Orange miracle.


Abundantly fruiting sweet pepper, semi-determinate type. It has a dark green color at the stage of technical ripeness, changing to red at biological ripeness. The plants are quite compact, although they grow up to 90 cm in height.

The advantages of the variety are decent yield and high resistance to disease, and the disadvantages are sensitivity to insufficient sunlight and soil watering.


The bushes are medium-sized (up to 70 cm), quite compact, semi-standard. Grows wonderfully on fresh air, and under temporary shelter. Sweet peppers of this variety are cone-shaped. At the stage of technical ripeness they are white-cream in color, at the biological stage they are red.

It has immunity at the gene level to many diseases: verticillium wilt, Alternaria, mosaic.


The best variety for open ground. The bushes are of medium height, usually growing up to 50-70 cm. The harvest ripens almost simultaneously. The fruits are cone-shaped, the ribs are weakly expressed, pointed, sweet, juicy. At technical ripeness, the fruits are white-cream or milky yellow, then turn red.

The Belozerka pepper variety is very good for long-term storage and long-distance transportation, and is resistant to various diseases and rots, as well as temperature changes.

Big mom

The plant reaches a height of 1 m and requires staking; the bush is semi-spreading. The fruits are smooth, cube-shaped, and turn orange when ripe. They have sweet, fleshy pulp and a delicate aroma. Suitable for growing under open air, and under the film.

Big Daddy

The highlight of the variety is the purple color of the fruit. On genetic level resistance to viral diseases, for example, tobacco mosaic virus.

The plants are quite compact and low. Suitable for open ground. The fruits of sweet peppers of the Big Papa variety are cone-shaped. Excellent taste and very aromatic. They endure long-term transportation and remain fresh for a long time.

Winnie the Pooh

The plant is low, standard, the bushes reach a height of 30 cm. The fruits are in a bouquet arrangement, cone-shaped, dark red. The variety is characterized by simultaneous ripening, is suitable for cultivation in a greenhouse and cultivation under temporary shelter, and is resistant to diseases.

Cockatoo yellow

The variety is very demanding on the presence of sunlight, so it is preferable to grow sweet peppers of this variety in the southern regions. The fruits are elongated-cylindrical, 10 cm in length. Bright orange color.


This variety is equally good for growing in a greenhouse and outdoors. The plant is short, only 40 cm high, semi-standard, compact. Resistant to major diseases, sets fruit well at low temperatures.

Ideal for stuffing, suitable for freezing, fresh consumption and all types of preservation.


An excellent option for both open ground and greenhouses. The bushes are tall, up to 1 m. The peppers have the shape of a pyramid. During the ripening process they are light green in color and then turn red. They have a good sweet taste, bright aroma, and a high content of ascorbic acid.

The variety is loved by gardeners for its reliability, guaranteed yield, and versatility of purpose.


The variety is intended for cultivation in open ground. It is characterized by the friendly ripening of sweet peppers, which have smooth skin, a cone-shaped shape and a bright red color.

Plants reach a height of 60 cm, medium spreading, standard. For a bountiful harvest, it requires formation - it is necessary to remove all leaves before the first branch.

Gardeners choose this variety for its sweet fruit taste, disease resistance and versatility in use.

Orange miracle

This sweet pepper is distinguished by its bright orange color and medium-sized cube-shaped fruit. The plant reaches a height of up to 80 cm, standard type, requires tying so that the branches do not break off under the weight of the fruit. This variety is characterized by a bright aroma and a very sweet taste. The variety is good for preparing salads and lecho.

The best mid-season varieties

Varieties of bell pepper with medium-term ripening time are suitable for cultivation both in the middle latitudes of Russia and in southern climate. But if in warm regions this can be done in unprotected ground, then in more severe conditions permanent shelter is required. The most productive varieties of peppers with an average ripening period are Bogatyr, Kakadu and Podarok Moldova.


Bushes up to 70 cm tall, abundantly hung with large peppers. Each reaches a length of about 20 cm, thick-walled. The pulp has a sweet taste and is very juicy. During the ripening process they have a bright light green color, then turn red.


The plant stretches up to 60-70 cm, spreading. Cone-shaped peppers. During ripening, the fruit changes its color from green to bright red.

This sweet bell pepper is good not only fresh, but also for canning and freezing. Tolerates transportation and is resistant to diseases, temperature fluctuations and low light levels.

ox ear

The bushes stretch up to 70 cm. The fruits are red, cone-shaped, 16 cm long. The peppers are sweet, very juicy, with a typical pepper aroma. They are well stored and can withstand long-term transportation. Up to 3 kg of vegetables ripen on one bush.


Medium ripening period. The standard plant, up to 80 cm high, is best grown in a greenhouse, but it also produces a good harvest in open ground under temporary shelter.

Fruit yellow, have a delicate sweet taste, juicy, with a delicate aroma. The variety is chosen by gardeners for its commercial qualities, the presence of vitamins in high concentrations and resistance to diseases, for example, verticillium.

California miracle

The fruits are cube-shaped, colored green at the moment of technical ripeness, and red at the time of ripening. The bushes are tall, up to 80 cm. The fruits are very juicy, suitable for food freshly picked and for any type of preservation and freezing. It is difficult to find a better variety of thick-walled sweet pepper for preparing for the winter than this variety.

Gift from Moldova

One of the most picky varieties of sweet pepper, it can grow on depleted soils and can withstand cold spells and dry periods. It has excellent immunity, thanks to which it will not leave you without peppers.

At the stage of biological maturity, red. Stores well and withstands transportation. Salad direction.

The best hybrids

Hybrids of vegetable crops have improved qualities. This can be either the size and shape of plants and fruits, increased immunity to specific diseases, or resistance to not the best growing conditions. However, they have one significant drawback: they deprive gardeners of the opportunity to independently harvest planting material for the next season, since the mother plant does not transmit its characteristics when propagated by seeds.

Gemini F1

The bushes are medium-sized (0.6 m) with powerful stems and wrinkled dark green leaves. Harvest ripening time is up to 80 days. Up to 10 sweet peppers weighing 250 g, colored yellow, ripen on one bush. Thick-skinned (8 mm) peppers have a sweetish taste with a slight bitterness, suitable for both canning and salads.

Can be grown in Siberia, has genetic resistance to viral diseases. One of the disadvantages is the need for fertilizing and tying up.

Early F1 Wonder

A compact bush, indeterminate, produces thick-skinned (10 mm) fruits weighing 240 g, 15 cm long, 8-10 cm in diameter. The color of the prism-shaped peppers is bright red. Excellent taste and characteristic aroma, lasts up to 3 months.

The period of cultivation until harvesting is 95 days. The variety will resist viruses, for example, tobacco mosaic and bronze disease. Productivity 10-14 kg/m2.

Fat Man F1

Sweet peppers begin to harvest on the 110th day of growth. The fruits are cube-shaped with rounded ribs. Fleshy, with a wall thickness of 8 mm, incredibly juicy with a typical smell, increased sweetness. Peppers gain weight of 300-400 g. When fully ripe, they are cherry-red.

Varieties and hybrids for growing in Siberia

The climate in Siberia is characterized not only by low temperatures and somewhat short summers, but also by its unpredictability. One garden season can be excellent for the growth of this heat-loving crop, delighting with heat and sun for quite a long period. Another summer may be rainy and chilly with rare sunny days. Therefore, when choosing sweet pepper varieties for Siberia, you should give preference to:

  • zoned specimens that manage to ripen during a short warm period of time;
  • early ripening specimens, the growing season of which does not exceed 110 days;
  • vegetables that do well in greenhouses.

About 400 varieties of sweet vegetables have now been bred for cultivation in harsh conditions. The best of them can be called:

Red-fruited: Early miracle, Firstborn of Siberia, Kolobok, Lastochka, Atlant, Topolin, Viking, Alyosha Popovich.

Orange: Siberian bonus, Orange miracle.

Varieties and hybrids for growing in the Moscow region

For the Moscow region you can look at a lot original varieties and hybrids of sweet bell peppers. Even if the season does not bring joy with plenty of sun and warmth, peppers grown in greenhouses will produce a lot of juicy and aromatic fruits. And in a good year, an excellent harvest can be obtained from bushes grown in open ground.

When choosing a variety or hybrid, you should use several rules:

  • There is no need to plant vegetables bred for southern latitudes; in the conditions of the Moscow region they will give a poor harvest.
  • It is worth taking into account reliable unpretentious varieties, even if their yield is average.
  • If you want something exotic, you can plant several bushes for testing, and expect the main harvest from proven samples.

According to reviews from experienced summer residents, the following varieties and hybrids of bell peppers are suitable for cultivation near Moscow:

Red-fruited: Winnie the Pooh, Agapovsky, Bogatyr, Swallow, Kolobok, Chardash, Funtik.

Yellow-fruited: Gemini F1, Apricot Favorite, Bugai, Golden Reserve.

Purple: Bagheera, Big Daddy.

Orange: Orange miracle, Siberian bonus.

On special attention sweet bell pepper deserves professional gardeners and amateurs. The varieties that are included in this subgroup are very diverse. During the ripening period, it decorates any garden bed with its colorful, bright fruits. Why is this vegetable called Bulgarian? It is interesting that it was the Bulgarians who brought the plant to the territory of Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Russia, and Kazakhstan. For this reason, and since then, we began to conventionally call all sweet peppers Bulgarian. What are the best varieties of bell pepper? This question is asked by all beginning gardeners.

It is grown mainly in garden beds, in the open sun. But it is also suitable for various types of greenhouses and greenhouses.

The best varieties of bell pepper are:

  • Apricot favorite. Distinctive feature The plants have small, cone-shaped yellow fruits. The weight of each does not exceed 130 g. A universal variety, intended for cultivation in both closed and open conditions. The shape of the bushes is quite compact (no higher than half a meter), which allows you to plant up to 6 plants on one square. The apricot favorite will delight gardeners with a bountiful harvest. Besides it, the best varieties of yellow bell pepper are: Bagration, Yellow Bouquet, Alyonushka. They are often used for preparing vegetable dishes, stews and various wraps, giving them a unique aroma and taste.
  • Agapovsky. Mid-early, it is intended for growing in closed conditions. It is red in color and compact in size. The bushes are medium-sized. The weight of one fruit does not exceed 140 g. Sweet, juicy and aromatic. Used to prepare a variety of fresh dishes, ideal for pickling. It goes well with many salad vegetables (tomatoes, cabbage), giving them a rich, refined taste. In addition to Agapovsky, the best varieties of red sweet peppers are widely used for consumption: Bogatyr, Aries, Atlant.
  • Atlantic. Very sweet and healthy vegetable. In its composition in large quantities contains substances necessary for the body: lycopene (breaks down fats and helps improve metabolic processes), and carotene (provitamin A). It also contains phytosterols, which ensure lipid metabolism. The Atlantic variety of green bell pepper is very useful for high cholesterol. It will help regulate its level in the blood. Moreover, it is low-calorie product nutrition and is used in therapeutic diets. The fruits are quite large, their weight reaches up to 250 g. They grow on bushes, the height of which will reach 1-1.4 m. In addition to Atlantic, there are other good varieties green pepper. Reviews say that some of the best are: Voskovy, Vityaz, Aganovets, Chinese Green, Crimean, Fat Baron, Valais Rouge.
  • Orange miracle. Early ripening, the bushes are quite large (about a meter in height). Fruit average size. Their length is only 9 cm. Productivity is up to 12 kg/1m. Many housewives also appreciate the Orange Miracle for its excellent properties, which are preserved during conservation. This one is used. This is a very healthy vegetable. It is rich in vitamins C, A, B. In addition to the Orange miracle, summer residents often grow personal plots and the following types of vegetables: Orange Giant, Jubilee, Prince, Mango. Many people use them to decorate their holiday table.
  • Chocolate Joe. Notable is the fact that purple-colored varieties tolerate the cold of northern regions very well. That is why Chocolate Joe is the best variety of pepper for the Urals, Siberia and the Moscow region. The purple color is achieved due to the presence of a special pigment in the fruit - anthocyanin. The vegetable has large fruits, each weighing about a third of a kilogram. They are quite long and cone-shaped with a cut off tip. From one meter of area you can collect up to 14 kg. ripe fruits. In addition to Chocolate Joe, other types of this purple vegetable should be highlighted: Purple Apple, Purple Miracle, Lilac Mist, Purple Bell.

Bell peppers contain the most vitamin C, regardless of the variety. Vitamin A is almost twice as much as in carrots, and an order of magnitude higher than in eggplants.

As nutritionists note, bell peppers have a very good effect on the body. The combination of its various types allows you to combine a menu, both for weight loss and for the treatment of many diseases.

What are the most productive varieties of bell peppers?

Many summer residents are looking for high-quality planting material, which can be purchased at a garden store or collected at home. According to reviews, preference is given to large, thick-walled fruits. In the category “ meaty varieties Bell pepper" includes:

Bell pepper seeds, the best varieties of which are presented above, should be germinated for seedlings in late winter - early spring. To get a high-quality abundant harvest, it is necessary to carry out proper care at each stage of growing a vegetable, right up to harvesting ripe fruits.

Vegetable sweet peppers, often called “bell” or “paprika,” are loved by many. This aromatic and juicy vegetable, unlike its relatives, has a very pleasant taste. It is great for preparing fresh and warm salads, adds a unique flavor to vegetable stews, and is good canned, fried and stuffed. This versatility makes the crop very common among amateur vegetable growers, especially since pepper is rich in various vitamins (the main ones are C, A, PP, B, K) and other substances beneficial to our body.

Criteria for selecting varieties

Until relatively recently, the heat-loving bell pepper crop, which appeared in our area from the vast expanses of the American continent, was grown only in the southern regions. However, nowadays, with the advent of various greenhouse structures, modern covering materials and many zoned varieties, it has become possible to obtain a full-fledged vitamin crop even in zones risky farming. The main problem for gardeners has become right choice suitable variety depending on the climate of a particular area, growing conditions and the final purpose of the fruit.

Among the many varieties of bell pepper seeds available for sale, you can choose varieties that suit you in terms of ripening time, size, shape or color of the fruit, and growing conditions.

  • For cultivation, you can choose a pure variety or a hybrid. In the second case, the symbol F1 is added to the name on the seed packaging, which means that you most likely will not be able to grow a crop with the same varietal characteristics from the seeds you obtain yourself. However, hybrids are significantly more productive and better resistant to diseases.
  • For longer fruiting, it is preferable to plant varieties with different terms ripening: early (from 80 to 100 days), middle (from 115 to 130 days) or late (from 135 days and above). In the middle zone and northern regions, it will be possible to grow a late harvest only in greenhouse conditions.
  • If you love stuffed peppers or want to decorate your home garden, it is important to choose a variety with a certain fruit shape - spherical or elongated - with a ribbed or smooth surface.
  • When you plant peppers not only for utilitarian purposes, but also want to decorate your table and garden, choose varieties with bright or unusual color ripe fruits. There are red and orange varieties that look delicious in salads, as well as original purple or ivory varieties.
  • Depending on the conditions in which you plan to grow peppers, select specially bred greenhouse varieties or universal options, which feel equally good both indoors and in open gardens. You can select varieties for container planting to grow a vitamin crop on your balcony or windowsill.
  • When selecting a variety, be sure to pay attention to its yield and disease resistance, plant size and crop shelf life.

Which early varieties should you choose?

"Asti"– an early ripening variety that forms powerful plants up to 70 cm high with fruits of medium size and weight. Cuboidal peppers, golden yellow when fully ripe, are distinguished by thick and juicy walls, excellent delicately sweet taste and versatility of use. The variety is highly resistant to disease and can be grown in greenhouses or open beds with equal success.

"Barchuk"– a high-yielding variety of early ripening, forms medium-sized bushes on which medium-sized (up to 80 g), but juicy and sweet fruits ripen cylindrical. The peppers have thick walls and a bright red color when fully ripe. In addition to increased productivity, the advantages of the variety include excellent disease resistance, high commercial qualities, versatility of growing conditions (indoor or open ground) and application.

"Nobleman"– a vigorous and high-yielding variety, distinguished by remarkable taste. The multi-purpose fruits are large (up to 300 g) in size, prism-shaped and bright yellow in color when fully ripe. Plants are disease resistant. The harvest is well stored, tolerates transportation well and has universal use.

"Vaudeville"– a high-yielding variety that is suitable for cultivation in open ground due to its excellent resistance to most diseases. Medium-sized (up to 1 m) plants form fairly large (up to 300 g) trapezoidal fruits of a dark red hue, which are distinguished by a very pleasant, sweetish taste and versatility of use.

The best mid-season peppers

"Alligator"– high-yielding pepper of medium ripening, forms medium-sized bushes and dark red, thick-walled fruits weighing up to 160 g and very good taste. The main advantages of the variety include excellent disease resistance, excellent tolerance to adverse weather conditions and good ability to adapt. Pepper is suitable for growing in a greenhouse or in open ground, and is universal in the use of fruits.

"Aria"– a mid-season variety with an excellent taste of juicy and sweet fruits weighing about 120 g of a rich orange hue. Pepper is intended for greenhouse cultivation. Compact plants up to 80 cm high are resistant to most diseases and are characterized by high productivity.

"Saturn"– a high-yielding variety for universal use, forms low (up to 70 cm), but powerful and spreading bushes that are resistant to disease. Bright red cube-shaped fruits weighing up to 200 g are distinguished by very thick walls and a good taste of juicy pulp.

"Fatty"– semi-spreading, low (up to 50 cm) bushes of this high-yielding variety are resistant to diseases. Dark red, prism-shaped fruits with good taste and weighing up to 130 g ripen both indoors and in open beds. They are good for salads, canning and cooking.

Late ripening peppers

"Bachata"– a medium-late variety with high yield of medium-sized bushes that are resistant to diseases. Orange, prism-shaped fruits weighing up to 19 g are distinguished by thick walls and juicy, sweet pulp. Plants give good harvest in greenhouses, but can also be grown in open ground.

"Zephyr"– one of the best late-ripening varieties for universal use, it resists diseases well and tolerates dry periods well. Bright red, spherical fruits weighing up to 300 g are distinguished by very thick walls and excellent taste of sweet, juicy and tender pulp.

"Breeze"– stands out from the mid-late varieties with very tasty and juicy fruits of small (up to 50 g) size, dark red color and cone-shaped. Medium spreading plants up to 48 cm in height perfectly resist most diseases and produce consistently high yields both in open ground and in greenhouses.

Which variety should I choose for planting in open ground?

"Vanguard"– a medium-ripening variety forms vigorous (up to 3 m) bushes with large (up to 450 g), bright red fruits. Peppers are distinguished by their excellent quality, good taste, juicy and aromatic pulp, and high resistance to many diseases, including the tobacco mosaic virus. The crop ripens successfully in the open air and is universal in purpose.

"Admiral F1"– a high-yielding hybrid of mid-early ripening, resistant to most diseases. Medium-sized bushes tolerate the vagaries of the weather well, especially dry periods. Scarlet fruits of medium size (up to 150 g) and cone-shaped are distinguished by thick walls, aromatic, juicy pulp.

"Darling"– mid-early pepper, resistant to diseases and dry periods. This high-yielding variety produces medium-sized bushes up to 120 cm high and yellow or red cone-shaped fruits, characterized by thick walls and aromatic, dense and juicy pulp. Peppers are good in salads and for canning.

Such universal varieties and hybrids as “Isabella F1”, “Golden Rain”, “Belladonna F1”, “Swallow” and others will feel good in open ground.

Selection of greenhouse varieties

"Cockatoo F1"– a high-yielding hybrid of early ripening and universal use. Medium-sized (up to 150 cm) bushes have excellent disease resistance. Scarlet cylindrical fruits have fleshy, aromatic and juicy pulp and high commercial qualities.

"Meaty 7"early ripening variety with stable yields, forms semi-spreading standard bushes that are resistant to the tobacco mosaic virus and other diseases. The pulp of the bright red, medium-sized (up to 70 g) fruits is juicy and sweet. Peppers are great for canning and heat treatment and are perfectly stored.

"Red Cube"– mid-season pepper of universal use is characterized by high yield. Medium-sized (up to 60 cm) plants are resistant to most diseases. Thick-walled dark scarlet fruits weighing up to 200 g are good because of their dense, juicy and aromatic pulp, and have excellent commercial quality.

There are many other varieties and hybrids that are perfect for growing in a greenhouse: “Red Baron F1”, “Raisa F1”, “Tusk”, “Ruby” and many others.

The sweetest varieties of peppers

"Etude"– a mid-season variety, characterized by high yield and disease resistance of semi-determinate bushes up to 1 m high. Scarlet prism-shaped fruits have a wonderful taste of juicy and aromatic pulp and are excellent for salads.

"Bagration"– an early ripening variety with a very pleasant, delicately sweet taste of the fruit. Cone-shaped orange-yellow peppers weighing up to 200 g are very juicy and crispy, so they are good in salads and for canning. The bushes are medium-sized and spreading, have excellent disease resistance and thrive in open ground.

"Mastodon"– a high-yielding variety with early ripening, forms spreading plants up to 180 cm high, resistant to diseases. Cuboidal dark red large (up to 270 g) fruits are distinguished by a remarkably delicate and sweet taste of dense and juicy pulp. They will decorate any vegetable salad and will retain excellent quality during canning.

Such varieties as “Barin”, “Nafanya”, “Raja”, “Cupid”, “Tirada”, “Accord”, “Bourgeois F1” and “Vaudeville” will not be inferior to the proposed options in terms of their excellent taste.