New original varieties of panicled hydrangeas. Hydrangea paniculata: the best varieties and care in the open field. History and origin of hydrangea paniculata

Hydrangea is a genus of flowering plants in the Hortensia family. The family mainly includes small trees and shrubs. There are about 80 plant species. It grows in Asia, America, and most species are found in Japan and China. Some varieties have grown well in Russian gardens. The plant got its name in honor of Princess Hortense, sister of the Prince of the Roman Empire, Karl Heinrich of Nassau-Siegen. The Japanese name for hydrangea is Ajisai, which translates as "a flower that looks like a purple sun." Used mainly for decorative purposes.

Several dozen species of hydrangeas are known, most of them are low shrubs with large foliage, small trees or lianas. Due to its beauty, the plant can be increasingly found in Russian gardens. Gardeners identify several of the most common species in our latitudes.

Hydrangea paniculata

This is an incredibly beautiful view, it is a small tree, the height of which does not exceed 10 m. It grows in China and Japan, in Russia it can be found on Sakhalin. In nature, paniculate hydrangea is found on the edges of forests and thickets of oak forests. The leaves of the plant are elliptical in shape, slightly pubescent above, more pubescent below. Their length reaches 12 cm. The flowers are collected in large panicles. Possess wonderful aroma, which makes them excellent honey plants.

Attention! The culture grows very quickly, so it needs periodic pruning.

It is preferable to plant a plant in shady place, because under direct sunlight, the inflorescences become small. You should also protect panicle hydrangea from the wind. Flowering is plentiful and long, comes in June and lasts until October. This species is resistant to frost, it can withstand up to -25 degrees. Therefore, it is perfect for growing in the central and northern parts of Russia. In the northern zones, it is recommended to plant hydrangeas in the spring. And in those regions where there are no severe frosts, you can plant in the autumn. It reproduces well by cuttings. Hydrangea paniculata has an incredible number of varieties.

  1. Grandiflora- a popular variety with large sterile flowers, gathering in wide pyramids. The flowering period is a little later than other representatives of the species. The flowers are cream-colored during the blooming period, later becoming snow-white, and greenish-red in autumn. This is due to the peculiarity of the variety.
  2. Brussels Lace- an elegant variety. It has a considerable number of flowers that bear fruit. A bit similar to Floribunda.
  3. Kyushu- frost-resistant variety. But despite this, the young shoots of the plant can freeze. Flowers have pleasant smell, are white. Some of them are sterile, others are fruit-bearing. Flowering occurs in mid-summer and lasts for 3 months.
  4. Limelight- a variety with large inflorescences. Shrub with erect stems. Its height is only 2 m. The leaves are green, velvety. Flowers are collected in panicles, the length of which can reach half a meter. Initially they are green in color, but during the flowering period they become cream or white. Flowering begins at the end of July. Duration just over one month.
  5. Mathilda- an interesting variety that changes the color of flowers during the entire flowering period. At first they are creamy, then turn white, turn pink and at the end of flowering become red-green.
  6. Pinky Winkyperennial shrub with white flowers that gather in cones. Over time, they turn into a pinkish tint. Flowering from August to October.
  7. pink diamond- a variety common in Europe and Russia. The flowers of the plant are divided into sterile and fruiting, initially their color is creamy white, later they turn pink and red.
  8. Floribunda- a variety characterized by abundant flowering. It has round flowers on long pedicels.
  9. Unique- low shrub. Grows fast. Flowering occurs in August and lasts until cold weather. Initially, the flowers of this variety are white in color, but then become rich pink. Frost-resistant look. Looks good in single and group plantings.
  10. Dart's Little Dot- a bush about half a meter high. Perfect option for small areas. Flowers of a pinkish color are collected in panicles.

Hydrangea large-leaved (or garden)

Exquisite and solemnly majestic hydrangeas, which occupy a leading position in the family of the same name, are common in wild nature Asia, southern Europe and North America. On the Russian territory in the Far East region there are two types of this ornamental plant.

Paniculata are also cultivated. New varieties are especially popular with domestic gardeners. These magnificent plants are successfully grown in almost all, even the most climatically difficult regions of the country. In the article we will present an overview of hydrangea varieties.

Type of hydrangea paniculata

This plant is very attractive and has excellent regenerative capacity for partial frost damage. New varieties of hydrangea paniculata have high frost resistance, allowing the plant to winter under minimal shelter of spruce paws and spandbod or without it (in places protected from northern winds and with a fairly high layer of snow cover).

The name of the species, which speaks for itself, determines the shape of the inflorescence, which is a large, long-blooming panicle. Distinctive feature some varieties of this species is a rare ability to gradually change the color of the flowers. Cut inflorescences are often used in winter bouquets. It is represented by numerous varieties that differ in the size and structure of the bush, the color of the inflorescences, and the duration of flowering. The popular ones, which we will talk about below, have long been recognized by gardeners.


A light-loving decorative variety with classic large white cone-shaped inflorescences and a predominance of sterile flowers that turn pink during flowering - this is how it looks. Description of popular varieties will start with it. A bush reaching a height of two meters, with a regular rounded crown shape, is distinguished not only by the beauty of the flowers, but also by the decorative effect of the leaves, oblong and velvety with a pointed tip, blooming rather late. Flowering time is from July to September. The degree of winter hardiness increases with age, young plants should be covered with the onset of winter.

Variety features

Resistance to gas contamination of space allows you to grow Grandiflora within the city. It is often used in park interiors, in group and single plantings.

It grows excellently in well-lit places with loose fertile acidic soils. very demanding on watering and fertilizing. The magnificent decorativeness of the bush is supported by annual spring pruning. Can be grown by stem formation.

hydrangea limelight

A late-flowering variety with large, dense, wide-conical inflorescences that have a distinct light green tint at the beginning of flowering, turning into soft pink tones in autumn. Limelight enchants with the beauty of dense inflorescences from sterile flowers. The shrub is quite compact, reaches one and a half meters in height and has a neat rounded crown. Not only inflorescences are decorative, velvety dark green oblong leaves with a sharp top emphasize the sophistication of the plant. Blooming from mid-summer to September, the hydrangea is photophilous, develops well on light acidic soils and absolutely does not tolerate liming. The variety is planted in well-lit areas.

Young plants are especially vulnerable in harsh snowless winters, so they will have to be covered in the first years. Like other new Hydrangea paniculata varieties, Limelight increases the level of winter hardiness with age. The plant requires rational care: watering and top dressing during the growing season are required, as well as sanitary and shaping pruning, which must be carried out either before the start of sap flow or during the leaf blooming period. The high decorativeness of the bush is used for planting it in single or group ensembles that decorate the park and garden interior. Limelight and other most popular varieties of panicle hydrangea in Russia are also valued by gardeners as the basis for floral arrangements and winter bouquets.

Hydrangea Vanilla Fraze

A favorite variety of many gardeners with exquisite and beautiful pink-white pyramidal inflorescences. A spreading shrub with a diameter of one and a half meters and a height of two meters belongs to late-flowering.

Inflorescences, consisting of sterile snow-white flowers, blooming at first, quickly turn pink and become saturated. pink color. Such a change in shade is characterized by many paniculate hydrangeas. The new varieties have a more pronounced shade change and surprisingly long flowering. These include Vanilla Fraise, used as a spectacular tapeworm, surrounded by bright perennials in lawn compositions. The shrub is frost-resistant, photophilous, prefers well-moistened fertile soils with an acidic reaction. It is planted in brightly lit areas, protected from the winds. Periodic generous watering and top dressing are necessary. Pruning of weak, frozen or faded shoots is carried out in early spring before swelling of the kidneys.

Hydrangea Kyushu

Ornamental early-flowering shrub with white, gradually turning into pinkish inflorescences from sterile and predominantly fertile flowers. A sprawling shrub reaching a height of three meters is distinguished by dark green glossy foliage and medium-sized inflorescences with a small number of sterile flowers. Despite the height, the bushes give the impression of transparent lightness, and this quality of the plant is often used in landscape decoration and is effectively played up by garden interior designers. White flowers, collected in long conical inflorescences with a wide base, have a pleasant aroma.

Panicled hydrangeas. The newer varieties, however, tolerate partial shade and can thrive well in areas with light to acidic soils. This is typical for Kyushu as well. The shrub has moderate winter hardiness, increasing with age. The variety is moisture-loving, demanding on top dressing, perfectly tolerates air pollution, which is invaluable in urban conditions. Therefore, Kyushu is often planted in city parks, shrub mixborders, as well as Japanese gardens. Pruning is carried out in early spring, shortening shoots with faded inflorescences to a developed node with existing buds and cutting out weak and broken branches.

Hydrangea Pinky Winky

A beautiful bush with pink-red inflorescences, in which sterile flowers predominate, has a lush rounded crown, reaching a diameter of two meters. decorative perennial productive for almost fifty years. The annual growth of shoots is 25-30 centimeters. The flowers are collected in long, up to 18-20 centimeters inflorescences with a change in shade from purple at the base of a cone-shaped panicle to a snow-white top.

Light green oblong leaves with pointed tips and serrated edges also add decorativeness to the bush. Hydrangea Pinky Winky is used in decorating estates, gardens and park areas, often planted as a hedge or in single and group plantings in ensembles and contrasting compositions. This variety does not tolerate drought, soil compaction and the presence of lime in it, prefers sunlit sheltered areas with fertile acidic soils. With abundant flowering, the bush is recommended to be tied up. Young plants are sheltered for the winter.

Hydrangeas tree and paniculate: new varieties

More recently, one was grown in Russian gardens garden form panicled hydrangea - Grandiflora. Today in the domestic market you can find different kinds and varieties created earlier, as well as novelties bred by foreign breeders.

The hydrangeas listed above (new and the best varieties) differ in few characteristics from the well-known Grandiflora, since in order to determine the basic qualities of a plant, it is preferable to test it by growing it for several years. Nevertheless, when choosing a variety, you can pay attention to such features as the shape and structure of the inflorescences, their color and the height of the bush.

Inflorescence shape

Panicled hydrangeas, the new varieties of which are described above, have conical inflorescences of different lengths - from 10 to 35 centimeters. Some inflorescences are more elongated shape, others are almost rounded, with a slightly noticeable top. The structure is also different: large sterile flowers thicken and make it heavier, while heterogeneous (small bisexual and large sterile) lighten and make it openwork. They are graceful, do not lean to the sides and do not break from the wind.

When choosing varieties, summer residents are guided by their own preferences. Varieties with large dense flowers include Grandiflora, Limelight, Vanilla Fraise. Graceful openwork panicles are inherent in the varieties of Kyushu, Pinky Winky, Great Star and others.

Shades of inflorescences

White color is the base in the color of the inflorescences, but when flowering, the shade changes. Varieties with the most pronounced snow-white flowers are Vanilla Fraze, Great Star, creamy - Grandiflora, Kyushu, greenish - Limelight. Pinky Winky is inherently intense pink shade. In the vast majority of varieties, by autumn, the flowers turn pink with varying degrees color intensity.

shrub height

Hydrangeas paniculata (new varieties such as Pink Diamond, Kyushu and Phantom) have more pronounced vertical stem growth, strong but less branching shoots. These bushes are quite tall (two to four meters).

There are also undersized, not exceeding one meter varieties, excellent for rock gardens and container growing - Pinky Winky, Darts Little Dot, Last Post and others.

Experienced gardeners appreciate the presented decorative Overview of the best varieties will help novice gardeners choose the variety they like best.

All over the world, hydrangea is on the wave of popularity.

AT last years and a large number of various kinds and varieties of hydrangeas. On the one hand, I really want to get a beauty that blooms profusely in the second half of summer, on the other hand, the question stops, will the hydrangea overwinter our harsh winter?

Let's figure out what varieties will decorate the garden for many years?

When buying a seedling, the first thing you need to pay attention to is in which zone it was grown planting material. Plants from Holland, the Netherlands, Krasnodar Territory, Ukraine will not show maximum decorativeness in our conditions, and even wintering species can be damaged by frost.

On the territory of Udmurtia without shelter for the winter, it is recommended to grow varieties of two types of hydrangea: tree and paniculate.


The oldest and most famous variety can be called "Annabelle".

The height of the bush reaches 1.5 m, the width is 1.0-1.5 m. White flowers with a diameter of about 2 cm are collected in inflorescences up to 25 cm in diameter. From June to September you will admire this variety. Grows in any conditions, unpretentious. It is used both in group plantings and in hedges, tapeworms, containers.

Sort "Pink Annabelle" pink variety tree hydrangea. The flowers are collected in large spherical inflorescences, up to 30-40 cm in diameter. The height of the bush does not exceed 1.3 m. The flowers "rust" with overhead watering and prolonged rains. Since the branches are thin, they are bent from the severity of the inflorescences, and the bush is falling apart, therefore, when flowering, it requires a garter to the supports. In compositions, it is recommended to use it as a supporting plant.

Hydrangea paniculata with inflorescences of sterile flowers

The most popular Variety "Vanille Fraise" will not leave indifferent to itself not one gardener. The height of the bush reaches 2.0 m, the width is 1.5 m. The branches are strong, dense and, despite the large inflorescences, 30-45 cm long, do not require a garter.

The flower opens white, over time, the bottom becomes strawberry red, and the top remains vanilla white. By the end of flowering, it darkens and acquires a cherry-red color.

Flowering is long, not damaged by pests and diseases. Versatile in use for any purpose - tapeworms, hedges, tree and shrub groups.

Hydrangea paniculata "Phantom"- has a beautiful shape of a bush with huge conical inflorescences, reaching at good care up to 55 cm. The height of the bush reaches 2 m, diameter - 2 m. When blooming, the inflorescences are light cream, then they change to slightly pink, flowering is plentiful in July-September.

It is used in solitary and group plantings in recreation areas, on the lawn, in front gardens, to create plantings mixed with perennials.

Loved by many grade "Limelight" The bush is not more than 1.5 m high. The shoots are strong, thick, the compact bush does not fall apart and does not need support. It blooms profusely from August to October with large, wide-conical inflorescences, consisting of sterile flowers of pale lemon or greenish color, which then turn pink.

It is used for single and group plantings in places of rest, in shrub mixborders. Suitable for winter bouquets.

Shows itself very well grade "Silver Dollar". A bush of a beautiful shape, its height reaches 2.0 m and a width of 2.0 m or more with strong, vertical shoots. Inflorescences pyramidal beautiful large white, turn pink by autumn. Blooms from July to September.

It is used in solitary and group plantings in recreation areas, on the lawn, in front gardens, to create plantings mixed with perennials. By adjusting the trim level, you can achieve abundant flowering(for this, it is necessary to cut last year's shoots very shortly) or enhance the growth of stems (in this case, choose gentle pruning).

Sort "Diamant Rouge" with a bright red color that lasts all season. The bush is compact, not more than 1.3 m tall. The flowers in the inflorescences open at first pure white, then quickly turn pink and after two weeks become red, which lasts for several weeks. The bright color is preserved throughout the flowering period and does not depend on adverse weather conditions. In full dissolution, it requires support, branches cannot hold large caps of inflorescences.

One of the most famous and widespread grade "Grandiflora". The height of the bush is 2-3 meters. Inflorescence wide cone, 20-30 cm long. The flowers are sterile, creamy white, then pink. Blooms until October. Demanding for top dressing, does not tolerate waterlogging.

Dwarf varieties of hydrangea

The dwarf variety is rapidly gaining popularity Bobo. A bush of a beautiful spherical shape, height 60-70 cm, width 50 cm. Inflorescences are conical, lush, large, can reach up to 2/3 of the length of the shoot, with a transition from lemon green to white and then to soft pink. Flowering is long and abundant. Resistant to pests and diseases. Looks good in mixborders, borders, narrow flower beds.

Varieties "Little Lime" and Sunda Fraise the same applies to dwarf varieties. Their height does not exceed 1 meter, the bushes are compact, symmetrical, the shoots are erect, rigid. The inflorescences are large, dense, slightly pink when flowering. Flowering is abundant and long. It is used in solitary and group plantings in recreation areas, on the lawn, in front gardens, to create plantings mixed with perennials. Ideal for small gardens, balconies and terraces.

Hydrangea paniculata with inflorescences of sterile and fertile flowers

Sort "Pink Diamond" with airy, delicate inflorescences. The height of the bush is 2-3 m.

The inflorescence is cone-shaped, with a narrow base up to 30 cm long. The flowers are white, then pink. Blooms from July to October. Landing in sunny sheltered places. Mandatory watering during the period of growth of shoots and top dressing with fertilizers.

It is used in single and group plantings, as an accent in tree and shrub compositions with the inclusion of red-leaved plants.

Sort "Unique" decorative due to the beautiful, sprawling shape of the bush and large wide-conical inflorescences with large quantity white sterile flowers. Shrub up to 2 m high with a spreading crown, strong branches and red-brown shoots. Blooms from July to September. The inflorescences are large, wide-conical, with a large number of large snow-white sterile flowers, which turn pink when flowering.

Tall variety "Kyushu" one of the tallest up to 3 m tall and the same crown diameter. Shoots are straight, protruding, red-brown, form a vase-shaped crown. The leaves are dark green, glossy, and the petioles are red. The glossy leaves are easily distinguishable from other varieties. The flowers are white with a pleasant aroma, collected in long and wide inflorescences, in which there are more fertile flowers than sterile ones. Blooms from mid-July to September.

Sort "Pinky Winky". Distinguished by conical pure white inflorescences, acquiring a purple-pink hue.

Shrub about 2 m high with a dense, not collapsing rounded crown. Young shoots are reddish-brown, slightly pubescent. The leaves are green, on the underside, pubescent along the veins, elliptical with a pointed apex and a serrated edge. Blooms from July to September. Inflorescences with a large number of sterile flowers, conical, pure white, then turn into a purple-pink hue.

Sort "Mega Mindy" They reach a height of no more than 1.6-1.8 m. They have strong and straight, hard, well-branched shoots of bright pink, and by autumn a rich wine-red color. Sterile flowers are very large, 6-7 cm in diameter, sometimes 8-10 cm. Blooms profusely from June to September, do not lose their decorative effect until winter. The flowers have a rather strong honey aroma.

Grade "Early Sensation". A beautifully shaped shrub that blooms very early. A bush 2 m high, 1 m in diameter, blooms earlier than other varieties, in June and blooms until September, the flowers are white, then quickly turn pink, collected in wide-cone-shaped inflorescences, strong stems that do not droop. Cut flowers are used as dried flowers.


Many of us grow in summer cottages not only fruit and vegetable plants, but also cultivate flowers - petunias, daffodils, tulips, lilies, clematis. And if you have a desire to replenish your collection with some other lush flowering plant, then we recommend that you read our article on panicled hydrangea.

The natural habitats of this hydrangea are the territories of the southern coast of Sakhalin, the islands of Japan and China. There it can reach ten meters in height. In our latitudes, it also grows remarkably well, adapted to both heat and frost. But its height is usually no more than two or three meters. With careful care per year, the bush adds 25 centimeters. Even if some of the shoots suffer in harsh winters, this hydrangea will quickly recover. The shoots are brown-red, grow straight, sometimes spread out, from the second year the stems become debilitated.

This representative of the hydrangea family looks very picturesque from mid-summer to October frosts, when wonderful flowers open in its panicle inflorescences, reaching a length of up to 35 centimeters. They can be of two types:

  • sterile (about three centimeters, do not fall off for a long time);
  • bisexual (they are smaller in size, after pollination happens, they quickly lose their petals).

The first flowers on the paniculate hydrangea appear at the age of three years.

In many varieties of panicled hydrangea, during flowering, a change in the color of the petals occurs. They may be creamy at first, then turn pink, and then turn red or green. It happens that there are so many flowers that under their weight the branches bend and even break if supports are not put in time. The leaves of this plant are bright, large (up to 15 centimeters in length), elliptical in shape, with a pointed tip and small teeth along the edge. They have a pleasant velvety texture, there is pubescence. The veins are strongly depressed. All branches are abundantly covered with closely spaced leaf blades. The age of these centenarians can reach up to 60 years. Hydrangea can adapt to adverse conditions environment, for example, if there are increased levels of gas and smoke in the air.

Which hydrangea to choose?

First, we will give the names of varieties of panicled hydrangea, which flower growers have been successfully growing for a long time:

  1. "Limelight" - grows like a neat shrub, keeps its shape even without props. The height is within two meters. In partial shade near the flowers lime shade. If this plant is constantly under the influence sun rays, then the flowers will be white, and in the final stage they will turn a little pink. In autumn, the leaves turn from green to purple. A plant of this variety needs loose soil with an acid reaction of the environment, where lime was not added.
  2. "Kyushu" - the crown is sprawling, fan-shaped, the height of the plant is about three meters. From the white-pink flowers comes a pleasant aroma. The color of the leaf stalks is reddish.
  3. "Matilda" - the height of the plant is within two meters, and the width is about three. During long flowering, it is interesting to observe how the color of fragrant flowers changes - from cream to pink-green.
  4. "Grandiflora" - pleases with large pyramidal "panicles", but they bloom a little later than other varieties. At first their color is cream, then white, later a pink tint appears, but in autumn the color is reddish-green.
  5. "Floribunda" - shoots up to two meters, decorated with creamy white lush inflorescences. The flowers are large, located on long stalks.

Gradually, other varieties spread in gardens and parks:

  • "Tardiva" - this three-meter bush blooms from August to October. Looks good in group compositions. At first, the cone-shaped "panicles" are creamy white, by the end of flowering they are pink-purple.
  • "Vanilla Fraise" - by the beginning of autumn, white-pink inflorescences turn crimson, and in October they turn purple, while the top remains white. Such a wonderful variety was created by Jean Reno, a breeder from France.
  • "Fries Melba" is another unpretentious and frost-resistant "brainchild" of the Frenchman Renault. Strong shoots (up to two meters), supporting large inflorescences without supports, where white and crimson colors contrast.
  • "Candelight" - a dense, profusely flowering bush, whose height is not more than 150 centimeters. Conical inflorescences, first with yellow-green flowers, which then change color to golden-cream, and by October - to reddish.
  • "Brussels Lace" - fruiting white flowers are so delicate that the bush is compared to the beauty of the bride. Wine-colored shoots, less than two meters.
  • "Baby Lace" - easy to grow, resistant to powdery mildew. Its height is not more than 120 centimeters. The inflorescences are small (up to 15 centimeters), initially their color is white, then turning into pink tones.
  • "Pink Diamond" - over time, the inflorescences become almost red.
  • "Pinky Winky" - the color of the "panicles" is first white, then pink-red, purple-pink. The stems are strong. In autumn, the color of the leaves turns purplish-purple.
  • "Unique" - has fragrant snow-white wide-conical inflorescences that turn pink by autumn.
  • "Diamond Rouge" - at first the inflorescences are white, and in the fall they are cherry red.
  • "Silver Dollar" - its landscape designers place it in parks next to others ornamental plants. Inflorescences are greenish-white, by autumn they turn into silver-pink.
  • "Mega Pearl" - looks good both on the lawn and in combination with other bushes.
  • "Dolly" - its "height" is just over 150 centimeters, white inflorescences flaunt on strong stems, turning pink by autumn.
  • "Sunday Fries", translated as "Strawberry Ice Cream" - compact bush, whose height is not more than a meter. The inflorescence consists of sterile greenish-white flowers, then in the lower part the inflorescence changes to a strawberry color.
  • "Weems Red" - on strong shoots, whose height is up to 180 centimeters, large inflorescences look amazing, some of them are 35 centimeters long. From June to September, you will see them first cream, then pink, then turn into a more intense pink, and finally wine red.
  • "Bombshell" - the entire dwarf shrub is covered with white flowers.
  • "Bobo" - does not grow more than 70 centimeters in height, already at the end of June, the first flowers in dense cone-shaped inflorescences open on it. At first, their color is white or with the presence of a lemon tint, then pink.
  • "Little Lime" - greenish flowers open on one and a half meter shoots, which turn pink by autumn.
  • "Phantom" - against the background of velvety dark green foliage, large creamy inflorescences stand out, in which most of the flowers are sterile. At the ends of the inflorescences, a pink "blush" is noticeable.
  • "Polar Bear" - a frost-resistant bush with an abundance of snow-white "panicles".

Varieties that need a lot of sunlight and moisture: Unique, Levana, Diamond Rouge, Phantom, Diamantino.

The most suitable varieties of panicle hydrangea for the Moscow region are: "Bobo", "Grandiflora", "Vanilla Fries", "Pinky Winky", "Limelight", "Tardiva", "Kiushu", "Polar Bear", "Mega Pearl", " Phantom", "Fries Melba".

It is difficult to single out the best varieties of paniculate hydrangea, they are all good in their own way. We only note that the varieties bloom delightfully - Great Star, Vanilla Fries, Airlie Sensation, Magical Candle, Diamond Rouge, Magical Fire, Fries Melba.

Let's plant panicle hydrangea

It is very important to choose the right place for the seedling on the site. Some varieties grow well in partial shade, while others need plenty of sun. As for the soil, it should be clay or loamy, but necessarily fertile. Sandy soils are not suitable for hydrangeas. Most hydrangeas need an acid reaction of the environment, then the color of the flowers will turn out bright, and there will be a lot of “panicles”. To acidify the soil, you can take semi-rotted needles (from spruce or pine), brown peat, sawdust. Under this culture is not introduced dolomite flour, ash, lime.

In order to keep moisture under the crown longer, ground covers are placed near the hydrangea, for example, stonecrops, saxifrage.

Paniculata hydrangeas are planted in open ground in early spring or September. It is still advisable to buy a paniculate hydrangea in the spring, then it will take root very quickly and go to active growth. You can do this at flower fairs, nurseries, garden shops and centers. When planting this plant in the fall, there is a risk that a rapid cooling will prevent the hydrangea from settling in and taking root in a new place for it. Make a hole for planting a paniculate hydrangea wide (at least 70 centimeters in diameter) and deep (about 50 centimeters). Add a portion of fertilizer (mineral or organic) to the recess. fertile land moisturize it. When the water is absorbed, distribute the roots on the mound, and then cover them with the remaining soil so as not to accidentally deepen the root collar. It should remain level with the ground. Tamp the place under the hydrangea and water abundantly. If you have several seedlings, it is recommended to leave a distance of 150 centimeters between them (for tall plants) or 70 centimeters each (for compact and dwarf forms).

Recommendations for the further care of paniculate hydrangea

  1. Water the hydrangea regularly and plentifully. If the weather is hot, without precipitation, then at least twice a week. Avoid cracking the ground under the hydrangea, loosen the soil shallowly after rain or watering, while pulling out weeds.
  2. Mulching with needles or peat chips will help retain moisture in the soil layer longer.
  3. It is desirable to carry out top dressing every ten days, alternating organic with mineral complexes. Organic is diluted slurry or chicken. You can add a little fermented nettle infusion to the water for irrigation. AT flower shops special fertilizers are sold, designed specifically for hydrangeas, in which all dosages are verified. In August, all feeding stops. If top dressing is rare or not carried out at all, then few inflorescences are formed, and the color of the petals turns out to be faded. To make the color more vivid and expressive, you can use mixtures for hydrangeas created on the basis of alum.
  4. Pruning is also an important element of hydrangea care. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

How to prune paniculate hydrangea?

Annual pruning for Hydrangea paniculata is very important, as it helps to ensure that the bush looks lush and blooms profusely. In autumn, it is necessary to cut off all the "panicles", as well as weak and old shoots, branches, the growth of which is directed inside the crown. From 10 to 12 of the strongest shoots are left for wintering.

Spring pruning should be done before bud break occurs. For 2-3 buds, adult shoots are usually cut, and young stems - for 3-5 buds. As a result, the bush will gain strength, by August it will give an abundance of inflorescences. Do not forget to shorten frozen shoots and those that look weak or sick in the spring. For gardeners who do not prune paniculate hydrangea, it may not produce flowers. If your bush is old and you want to rejuvenate it, then cut all the shoots under the "stump". In two years, the bush should be restored.

Possible difficulties in growing paniculate hydrangea

It happens that the gardener diligently moisturizes his pet, but the leaves on it still droop, the bush looks lethargic. Probably, under your hydrangea, the soil and the roots located in its upper layer are overheating. Be sure to mulch the soil with peat, crushed bark or wood chips.

Another nuisance is the yellowing of the foliage on hydrangeas. At the same time, the color of the veins does not change - they are green. These are signs of chlorosis. And it occurs if the soil environment is alkaline. Symptoms will go away when you acidify the soil by feeding the hydrangea with iron sulfate.

There are serious diseases that can disturb hydrangeas that are in the shade or heavily thickened:

  1. Gray rot - it is characterized by fast-growing brown spots. In inclement, rainy weather, gray mycelium can be seen on such spots, spores of the pathogen fungus can quickly spread to other crops. garden plot. Therefore, immediately, as soon as you notice the listed symptoms, take measures to save the hydrangea and prevent the spread of the disease to other plantings.
  2. Powdery mildew - begins with the fact that a gray coating appears on some leaves. Gradually it becomes more, it darkens. Other leaves are also affected, which then wither and leave the hydrangea. If a powdery mildew falls on young shoots, then purple spots are noticeable on them, these parts of the plant die off. Such shoots are unlikely to survive the winter.
  3. White rot - hydrangea roots suffer from it, as a result of which it does not receive necessary nutrition from the soil, wither and may die.
  4. Tracheomycotic wilt - the lesion begins with the root system. Soon the fungus passes to the entire vascular system of this plant. Some of the shoots turn yellow, wither, and all this can lead to the death of the bush.

You can try to cope with the listed diseases with the help of special preparations called fungicides.

What does the drying and falling of leaves on a bush indicate? To get started, pay attention to bottom side sheet plates. Gossamer - a sure indicator that they settled on hydrangeas spider mites. To combat them, the Aktellik tool is suitable.

There are other pests on hydrangeas:

  • snails that feed on leaves;
  • aphids sucking juices from leaves;
  • bedbugs, pennitsy, also sucking out vital juices;
  • weevils, leaf beetles, leafworms that feed on foliage;
  • root-eating nematodes.

From these pests you can try folk remedies or special insecticides.

How does hydrangea winter?

Now many wonderful varieties have been created that winter well without any shelters. But young seedlings should still be covered with spruce "paws". If you live in regions where winters are harsh, then it is better to play it safe and cover even adult hydrangea bushes in panicled autumn.

How can this species be propagated?

There are a few possible ways breeding hydrangea paniculata:

  • seeds;
  • layering;
  • dividing a bush that has grown over the years;
  • cuttings.

We will immediately warn you that the hydrangea has very tiny seeds, their germination is low, and grading may be lost. Such a seedling blooms only after four years. Usually flower growers resort to cuttings. Cutting (or pinching off) cuttings from panicle hydrangea is carried out in June (from the 10th to the 15th) from annual shoots (ripe, at this time buds appear on the plant). If the cuttings were cut in the spring or autumn months, then their rooting is poor. There must be at least three pairs of buds on the handle. From the lower kidney, you must leave a distance of two centimeters, and only then make a cut. On short shoots, upper cuts are not made. But if the shoot is long, then the upper cut should be made so that five more centimeters remain above the upper kidney. The lower leaves must be removed, and it is permissible to leave one or two leaves on the top, cutting them off in the middle. For several hours (possibly a day), hold the cuttings in water with a growth stimulator (for example, "Heteroauxin"). Fill the containers with a mixture of peat and sand. Bury each cutting into the substrate by three centimeters. Cover the cuttings with clear plastic cups. For rooting to be successful, keep the substrate in the container moist. Every day, the cups are removed so that it is possible to water the cuttings and sprinkle. You will notice signs indicating rooting in about a month. For the winter, such containers are transferred to a cool room where they will not freeze. Such cuttings can already be transplanted to their designated places next year, in August. If a small bush tries to give buds at this time, then you will have to cut them off so that the plant does not waste energy on flowering, but uses them to prepare for winter. Such seedlings are covered in autumn, winter hardiness will come to them after flowering (after four years).

By layering this hydrangea is propagated like this. Next to the adult bush, make a groove 20 centimeters deep. Bend the one-year-old shoot there, first making small cuts in the place where the roots may grow. The layer must be attached to the ground with a bracket. Top part must be vertical. Backfill the groove so that the top remains unfilled. Water this place periodically. A year later, the grown young growth can be cut off from an adult bush and transferred to another place.

If you have already developed good bush, which you want to divide into two or three parts, then dig it completely in the spring (you can at the very beginning of autumn), and then divide it. At the same time, several kidneys should remain on each part, from which renewal will begin.

Landscape designers often combine panicle and tree hydrangeas to create spectacular compositions. These plants are combined with conifers, lilacs, spireas, irises, peonies, roses, astilbes, Goryanka, anemones. In parks and squares, hydrangea is alternated with plantings of birch, maple, and willow.

Hydrangea paniculata, photo

For many amateur gardeners, country and suburban areas- this is not only a place where you need to work, but also where they go to rest. It is admiration beautiful flowers helps to escape from the daily hustle and bustle and uplifts the mood.

Panicle hydrangea is ideal for such purposes. This perennial flowering shrub is very unpretentious, therefore it is perfect choice for those who do not have enough time to care for flowers.

Why do residents of the Moscow region often choose hydrangea for planting in the garden?

Varieties of panicled hydrangea for the Moscow region differ in the color of the inflorescences: from pale white to bright red, purple and lilac. Having successfully compiled landscape composition from different varieties, you can get a real living masterpiece. The hydrangea is especially attractive against the background of coniferous trees. Flowers of some varieties are very decorative even when dried, they are successfully used for making bouquets and decorating rooms.

Advantages of paniculate hydrangea for planting in the Moscow region:

If the acidity of the soil is greatly increased, pink inflorescences will turn blue.

From all the variety, experienced gardeners-collectors brought out the best varieties of hydrangeas for the Moscow region. They are ideal for growing in suitable climatic conditions. The list (TOP-7) is presented below.


It is grown as a low tree or shrub up to 3 meters. A feature of this variety is the later (compared to other varieties) regrowth of leaves.

Main features:

  • inflorescence size, flowering splendor

Blooming, the flowers have a pale pink color, which turns into snow-white, at the end of flowering it becomes almost crimson.

  • good frost resistance

Moreover, this quality increases with age due to lignification of the shoots.

  • fast growth rate

The optimal location is an area protected from strong winds, located in the openwork shade of trees.

Vanilla Fraze

One of the favorite varieties of many gardeners. Deciduous shrub with "vanilla-strawberry" horns of inflorescences. Reaches a height of up to 2 m, white flowers bloom, gradually turning into pale pink, darken by autumn.

The flowering period is from July to October, the inflorescences stay on the branches for a long time.

Looks great solo and in group plantings, can be used to create a flowering hedge.

Of the advantages, one can also note good frost resistance (in the Moscow region it does not need shelter).

Pinky Winky

A low tree (up to 2 m) or a rounded bush blooms relatively early (from June to September). When opened, the flowers are colored in White color, turning purple over time.

Adult specimens tolerate winter cold well and do not need special shelter.

Pinky Winky Hydrangea adorns decorative ponds, mixed, harmonizes perfectly with many perennial flowers.


The variety is distinguished by chic flowering and a unique light aroma with honey notes. This hydrangea is indispensable in those areas where the quality of the soil leaves much to be desired and which are in an unfavorable climate.


  • frost resistance;
  • quick recovery of shoots (after freezing or heavy pruning);
  • resistance to root rot, which can develop on excessively wet soils;
  • does not need frequent transplants;
  • long flowering;
  • is the record holder for the largest inflorescences pastel colors among paniculate hydrangeas;
  • the possibility of growing in the form of a bush or tree.


It is believed that this is the best variety of paniculate hydrangea for the Moscow region. An interesting feature of this variety, bred in Holland, is especially strong shoots that hold large inflorescences well. Therefore, unlike many other species, Limelight does not need any supports or bush garters.

Very large inflorescences (25-30 cm long) consist of flowers of a light green (in the shade) or snow-white (in the sun) shade. Flowering continues from late July to September.

Hydrangea Limelight is very decorative: it can become a real decoration of the site. This variety looks very impressive against the background of a dark green lawn.

polar bear

Polar bear is one of the most successful varieties of panicled hydrangea. It was bred as a result of crossing varieties of Limelight and Grandiflora. Its bushes grow up to 2 m, large flowers collected in dense cone-shaped inflorescences. Thick and strong branches do not bend under the weight of flowers, thereby preserving the decorative effect of the bush. These hydrangeas have a fairly long flowering period (from July to October). At first, the flowers are white with a greenish tint, then they are pure white, and at the end of flowering they turn pink.

Additional benefits of this variety:

  • increased resistance to low temperatures(withstands its decrease to - 40 ° C);
  • absolute undemanding to care;
  • practically not susceptible to diseases and rarely affected by pests;
  • good honey plant;
  • even when frozen in winter, it is completely restored in one season.

Weems Red

New! A very unusual ornamental variety forms an upright shrub up to 1.5 m high. It blooms with white flowers, which eventually turn into dark red. Aroma - rich, honey. The shades of this hydrangea can be different depending on the type of soil, climate.

AT landscape design used in a variety of compositions:

  • single landings;
  • creation of contrasting flower beds;
  • group plantings with conifers;
  • as a living flowering hedge;
  • combined with others perennials, ornamental shrubs.

Absolutely undemanding to light grade.

VIDEO: additional varieties of paniculate hydrangea

More varieties in the video: