How to cook in a steamer. Stuffed peppers in a steamer. How to use a steamer correctly

Have you already become the happy owners of the most popular kitchen appliance or are you just choosing a model that suits your purposes? In any case, information on how to cook in a double boiler and enjoy its benefits will help you fall in love with this kitchen gadget forever.

It often happens that new appliances are still unpacked in the cabinet, or we do not dare to buy something that everyone around praises and recommends.

How to use a steamer correctly

  • You should carefully study the instructions for the device, especially the part that lists its main functions. There are a lot of models of double boilers at present and you want to learn how to cook on your own, right?
  • The electric pot-steamer must be placed on a level, stable surface, taking into account the placement in an open space (at least during cooking). Otherwise, hot steam can damage wood and other materials of kitchen furniture and walls.
  • Before turning on the device, it is necessary to pour water into the tank - at least the “min” strip and not more than “max”, preferably as much as steam is required to cook the dish. Although most models are equipped with a locking system if there is no water in the tank.

How to cook in a steamer

The correct laying of products is the key to a tasty and fragrant dish. If you have a single-level electric steamer, then this item can be skipped. When operating two or more level double boilers, there are such rules:

  • Poultry, meat and fish are cooked in the lower bowl, and vegetables and or cereals are cooked in the upper bowl. If the double boiler also has a third level, then porridge can be cooked there.
  • If your appliance does not have separate trays for each level, then you need to consider the compatibility of the tastes and aromas of the laid products. Juice from food on the top floor drips onto the bottom floor.
  • The bottom level cooks food faster than the top. Foods are also cooked faster at the edges of the bowl than in the center - this should be taken into account when laying out the products.
  • Each product requires a different cooking time, so it is better to put faster food on the upper levels and program the cooking time according to this level. When ready, remove the upper bowl and add the necessary time for cooking the products on the lower level.

It is not recommended to salt foods directly in a double boiler - it is better to do this before serving with a meal. If you still need to salt, use a little more salt than usual, since during steaming most of the salt is washed out with steam. Try not to get salt and spices into the water tank - the device will quickly fail.

  • Products do not require turning and stirring - their entire surface is treated with steam.
  • You can sterilize baby bottles and utensils in the steamer bowl.

How to cook various dishes and products in a double boiler

Poultry and meat

To properly make meat in a double boiler, let's open one secret! It is better to cook meat in one piece or pieces in foil - it turns out very juicy and tasty. Cutlets, meatballs, meatloaf, meat or chicken pies, casseroles, stuffed peppers and cabbage rolls.


Fish cakes (very tasty!), casseroles and pies, meatballs, whole fish and pieces, fish with vegetables. Can be in foil with spices.


Omelet in a double boiler - the food of the gods! Airy and porous, just a masterpiece! You can cook with sausage, sausages, vegetables. Cook in a rice bowl greased with butter or vegetable oil.


You can cook any porridge - they turn out crumbly and retain all their useful properties


Vegetables retain most of their vitamins, macro- and microelements. Vegetables can be prepared both for salads and as an independent dish - vegetable casseroles, pies and stuffed vegetables. In a double boiler, they do not lose their shape and are very fragrant.

Curd dishes

Cottage cheese casseroles, lazy dumplings, cottage cheese muffins and pies, baked apples with cottage cheese (this may become your favorite dish from a double boiler), cheesecakes.


Delicious meat, fish, potato with various fillings, vegetables and cottage cheese. They differ in juiciness and natural aromas.


A lot of options for sweet casseroles with fresh fruits and jams.

Flour dishes

Manti, dumplings, dumplings, dumplings, pasta casserole with cottage cheese or eggs.

Bakery products

Biscuits (they turn out airy!), Pies on kefir, pies, cottage cheese, cookies and gingerbread. It is not recommended to use very juicy fruits and vegetables as a filling for pies, because. pies may not be baked or it may take a long time. Such pies, for example, with pumpkin or carrots, are best baked in the oven.

The pastry is prepared in a rice bowl lined with foil or parchment paper, and the top of the dough is covered with foil (to protect from moisture). After baking for a couple, the finished pastries should be immediately removed from the bowl and carefully remove the foil so that the condensate does not drip onto the product.

How to care for a steamer

After each use, all bowls must be washed, including rinsing the water tank. The use of abrasive cleaners is not recommended.

If you use the device often, then once every 7-10 days it is necessary to remove scale from the heating element of the water tank - in this case, the device will serve you for a long time. To do this, pour a glass of vinegar into the water tank, add water to the “max” mark and turn it on for 10-15 minutes. Vinegar can be replaced with a tablespoon of citric acid. At the end of the procedure, thoroughly rinse the tank with running water.

We hope that we have convinced you that a double boiler can significantly diversify the food of the whole family, make it useful and actually dietary, since we practically do not use fats for cooking in a double boiler. Now you should have no doubts and questions about how to cook in a double boiler or how to use it, right? Your Cook wants delicious meals and healthy food!

More and more assistants appear in the kitchens of modern housewives. One of them is a steamer. It does not mean at all that the dishes with its help are healthy, but tasteless. Knowing what can be cooked in a double boiler, it will be possible to create a completely complete and varied menu for your family.

Steam cooking allows you to save the maximum amount of useful properties of products. For example, if at least 25% of the components necessary for the body are lost during cooking, then when steamed, this figure drops to 1-2%.

Using a steamer is very convenient. It is enough to load the necessary products into it in the morning and set a timer. Then dinner will be waiting for you when you get home from work. In addition, the device allows you to save. During cooking, if oil or fat is used, then in a minimal amount. Most modern models have several levels, which allows you to cook several dishes at once.

If you need diet food, you can’t do without such an assistant. And given that in recent years, leading a healthy lifestyle has become more and more popular, the purchase will not hurt any family.

It is difficult to find disadvantages in a double boiler. The main thing, perhaps, is that at first the food will seem fresh, and you won’t achieve a fried crust. But habit is a matter of time. Not all foods can be cooked with it. For example, mushrooms (those that require long soaking and processing), pasta, legumes. But pots are fine for that too.

It remains to pick up good recipes and you can join the ranks of those who care about their health and longevity.

In a double boiler, you can cook almost all types of cereals. The main thing is that there is a special bowl for this. Although you can use microwave or multicooker containers.

It turns out very tasty:

  • . Rinse 6 tablespoons of cereal until the water becomes clear, pour 300 ml of boiling water, put in a double boiler bowl, mix, cook for about 45 minutes. Then you can add salt or sugar, a little milk, butter and other ingredients. Rice is universal in this regard;
  • millet. Rinse the cereal several times until the water runs clear. Put in the prepared container, filling it no more than a third. Pour in water or milk. To make the dish crumbly, there should be enough liquid so that it rises to the same height from above as the cereal occupies. Those wishing to cook a more viscous porridge should add a little more. Then, if desired, add pumpkin, dried fruits, salt or sugar to the cereal. Turn on the steamer for 30-45 minutes, depending on the volume of the bowl;
  • oatmeal. Pour a glass of cereal with a glass of water and a glass of milk, cook for half an hour. After this time, pour another glass of milk into the porridge, add salt or sugar to taste, cook for another 5 minutes. If desired, you can sprinkle with raisins when serving or add softened dried fruits;
  • buckwheat. Rinse the grits, remove debris, pour water in proportions of 1: 1, turn on the device for 40 minutes. Steamed buckwheat can be served with butter, sugar, milk, mushrooms, meatballs or fish.
  • semolina. Cooking porridge loved by everyone since childhood is not so simple, but not in a double boiler. Here it definitely will not burn, it will have the necessary consistency and it will turn out without lumps. For 5 tablespoons of semolina, you need to take 50 ml of milk and 150 ml of water, salt and sugar are added to taste. It takes half an hour to cook the cereal.

Other grains can be cooked in a double boiler, but these are the most popular. Ready-made meals will be even more tasty and healthy if you add fresh or dried vegetables and fruits, berries or candied fruits to them.

Note to the owner. Legumes are not cooked in a double boiler. But if beans, peas, corn were harvested young and require minimal heat treatment, they can be added to cereals.

Fruits cooked in a double boiler are digested remarkably. They can be given to small children and people with serious digestive problems. They are a bit similar in taste to baked ones, but they have much more benefits.

Most often they cook for a couple:

  • . Cut into halves or quarters, put on a tray, cook for 20-30 minutes depending on size. Any variety is suitable, but the juicier the fruit, the tastier the result will be a dessert;
  • pears. Cut into quarters or smaller slices, cook 30-40 minutes;
  • bananas. You can cook with or without the skin. In the first option, cut the banana in half and cook for 15-20 minutes. Remove the skin before use. The fruit is cut into slices, which will be crushed into a puree. In this case, 5-7 minutes is enough for cooking.

Advice. Try seasoning your prepared fruit with cinnamon, vanilla sugar, honey, or other food additives.

Recipes for a steamer with vegetables

Steamed vegetables, like fruits, are given to children and those suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For losing weight, they are completely irreplaceable. They are even allowed to eat potatoes in moderation in this form.

Most often cooked in a double boiler:

  • potato. Grease the slices with salt, spices to taste, put on a wire rack, turn on the double boiler for 25-30 minutes. Before serving, add butter and sprinkle with your favorite herbs;
  • pumpkin. Peel the fruit from the skin and seeds, cut into flat cubes, salt or sprinkle with sugar, put on a wire rack and cook for about 20 minutes. Then recline in a colander to drain unnecessary liquid. Serve by laying out a slide and watering with melted butter;
  • broccoli. Separate the cabbage into flowers. Put on the tray of the double boiler and cook for 10 minutes. When serving, sprinkle with chopped garlic or chili pepper, season with soy sauce or olive oil;
  • zucchini and eggplant. These vegetables in a double boiler are most often cooked stuffed. You can cut into “barrels” or “boats”, taking out the middle with a spoon, fill with minced meat or cooked rice mixed with vegetables. Cook until skins are soft. Then sprinkle with grated cheese and turn on the double boiler for a few more minutes.

Advice. The taste of vegetables in a double boiler perfectly adds fresh or dried herbs.

There are dishes that must be prepared by every owner of a double boiler.

One of the most popular classic recipes is


You need to mix 5 eggs and a glass of milk, add ½ tsp. salt. Beat the mixture with a whisk, pour into a bowl and cook for 20 minutes. You can add fresh or frozen vegetables, herbs, pieces of sausage or boiled meat to the main ingredients.

In second place in terms of the frequency of cooking in a double boiler is


Curd is very tasty. A tablespoon of sour cream, an egg, 1 tsp is taken on a glass of cottage cheese. decoys. If desired, you can add a pinch of cinnamon and vanilla, sugar to taste.

Mix all the ingredients, put in a bowl, smooth. Cook for half an hour, then open the lid and leave the casserole for another 7-10 minutes to brew. So it won't be watery.

Can be cooked in a steamer


The first dish is not too liquid, but very rich and satisfying, even if only vegetables are used for cooking. The cooking time depends on the ingredients.

It is easier to take ready-made meat broth, add vegetables (potatoes, carrots, cabbage) and cereals to it. Then the time will be about 30-40 minutes.

You can boil vegetables in a double boiler until half cooked and add meatballs. From this point on, you should detect 25-30 minutes.

Before serving, the soup does not hurt to sprinkle with herbs, season with sour cream or butter.

Steamed corn

But to steam corn, you don't need a bowl. Sprinkle young cobs with salt and spices, grease with melted butter or sprinkle with lemon juice, wrap in foil. Put on a double boiler tray and cook for 2 hours on medium power.

Dishes in a double boiler: recipes, diet. The steam diet is loved for its simplicity. Dishes cooked in a double boiler are very useful. No need to limit yourself in the amount of food, you just need to cook it correctly. And it is easy to cook it, because. There is a special kitchen device - a double boiler. In it, cooking becomes easy and pleasant, nothing burns, and you do not need to control the time, just start the timer.

Lose weight with a steam diet

The steam diet is ideal for losing weight and maintaining a slim figure, because it does not require strict dietary restrictions.

The main rule of the steam diet is to eat only what is steamed, that is, without frying and without adding fat and oils.

Such a diet can be followed for a long period. At the same time, in addition to losing kilograms, the quality of hair, nails and skin is noticeably improved. Steamed food retains all the vitamins and minerals. Such nutrition has a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs, lowering cholesterol levels. Steam diet should be followed in diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. Steamer food is healthy and nutritious. In a double boiler, you can cook dishes of any cuisine, all types of meat, fish, cereals, vegetables and fruits, and even dough. During cooking, the ingredients reveal their natural taste, acquire a rich color.

During cooking, foods lose most of the vitamins, leaving them in the water. The steam diet is absolutely harmless to the human body. And the result is a loss of up to 1.5-2 kg per week without starvation.

For more effective weight loss, you must adhere to some additional rules. It is worth refraining from eating 3 hours before bedtime. It is necessary to limit salt intake, replacing it with soy sauce and other spices. Be sure to follow the principle of separate nutrition. The break between taking carbohydrate and protein foods should be at least 4 hours. It is better to replace the usual sweet with fruits baked in a double boiler, you can add honey and nuts. It should be noted that honey and nuts are allergenic products, so they are not suitable for everyone. You can eat often, but in small portions. The menu for a steam diet looks something like this:

  • breakfast: steamed oatmeal;
  • lunch: puree soup, vegetable stew;
  • dinner: chicken breast with vegetables.

A little about steamers

Steamers are divided into two types:

  • steam cooking pots that are put on fire;
  • electric steamers.

There are two types of electric steamers: desktop and built-in. Today, in the kitchen of every modern housewife, you can see a desktop steamer. You need to choose a device based on the power and type of control. Power affects the speed of cooking. It varies between 600-2000 watts. According to the type of control, steamers are divided into mechanical and electronic. In addition to steaming food in this device, it also has defrosting, sterilizing and heating food modes. The most famous steamer manufacturers are Moulinex, Braun, Tefal, Siemens, Scarlett, etc.

Steamer Recipes

Millet porridge with dried fruits.

To prepare porridge you need:

  • millet - 1 glass;
  • dried fruits - 1.5 cups (assorted raisins, prunes, dried apricots);
  • cinnamon and salt (to taste).

Sort the millet in advance, rinse and soak overnight in water. Drain off the rest of the liquid. Line a baking sheet with foil if there are holes. Turn on the timer for 20 minutes. Put the washed and chopped dried fruits on top of the millet without stirring. Turn on the timer again for 40-60 minutes. Then, adding salt and cinnamon to taste, mix. The cooking time varies depending on the quality of the millet and the power of the steamer. Can be added when serving extra virgin olive oil, and also sweetened with honey.

Millet porridge cooked in a double boiler is especially tasty, it is crumbly and whole grain. Thanks to dried fruits, porridge acquires an exquisite sweet taste without the addition of sugar. Such porridge can also be cooked in a slow cooker, if there is a steam cooking function.

Soup puree.

Required Ingredients:

  • pumpkin - 500 gr;
  • potatoes - 1 pc;
  • chicken broth - 1 liter;
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons.

Peel and cut vegetables, place in a double boiler. Turn on the timer for 25 minutes. Pour in warm chicken broth, stir until smooth. Add sour cream, salt and other spices.

Ragout of vegetables.

Required Ingredients:

  • tomato - 1 pc;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • beets - 1 pc;
  • cabbage - ¼ part;
  • bulb - 1 pc.

Wash and clean vegetables. Cut the onion into rings, chop the beets and cabbage, cut the potatoes into cubes, grate the carrots. Mix everything, season with spices to taste. Place in a double boiler, cover with foil on top, close the lid and turn on the timer for 50 minutes.

Chicken breast with vegetables.


  • chicken breast - 300 gr;
  • onions - 3 pcs;
  • carrots - 2 pcs;
  • turnip - 1 pc;
  • cauliflower - 1 pc;
  • stalk of celery - 1 pc.

Meat and celery cut into cubes. Cut the remaining vegetables into thin slices. Spread on a baking sheet in layers, starting with the chicken. Add spices to taste. Pour 250 ml of water, add 1 tablespoon of soy sauce. Optionally, you can add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Cook 60 minutes.

Steamed fish cakes.


  1. white fish fillet - 300 gr;
  2. potatoes - 3 pcs;
  3. onion - 1 pc;
  4. carrots - 1 pc;
  5. egg - 1 pc.

Cut vegetables and fillet into pieces, mix until smooth in a blender. You can pass through a meat grinder. Add egg, season with spices to taste. Form small patties. Turn on the timer for 20 minutes.

Pumpkin casserole.

  • pumpkin - 200 gr;
  • cottage cheese - 300 gr;
  • powdered sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • yolk - 4 pcs.

Cut the pumpkin into cubes and hold for 15 minutes for a couple. Then grind in a blender. Beat the yolks with powder for about 6 minutes, until the mass increases several times. Combine pumpkin puree, cottage cheese and yolks, mix well. Pour onto a baking sheet, cover with foil on top. Cook for 20 minutes, then remove the foil and start the timer for another 10 minutes as usual.

Banana cottage cheese casserole.

For cooking you need the following:

  • cottage cheese 2% - 250 gr;
  • cornmeal - 2 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • milk - 75 ml;
  • banana - 1 pc.

Soak cornmeal in milk. Add egg, cottage cheese, sugar to milk, mix thoroughly, you can in a blender. Add sliced ​​banana. Pour into a rice bowl. You don't need to grease anything. Steam for 30 minutes. Let cool in the bowl for 15-20 minutes. After that turn it over onto a plate. To taste, you can add jam, fruits, sour cream, condensed milk.

Cauliflower with cheese and garlic sauce.

Required Ingredients:

  • cauliflower - 1 pc;
  • flour - 40 gr;
  • butter - 30 gr;
  • milk - 350-400 ml;
  • hard cheese - 50 gr;
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves;
  • ground nutmeg - to taste;
  • greens - to taste.

Wash the cabbage, disassemble into inflorescences. Hold in a double boiler for 15 minutes. To prepare the sauce, first melt the butter, and then, stirring, add the flour. Remove from heat and gradually pour in milk. Mix thoroughly until smooth. Put back on the fire, the mixture will begin to thicken, add the grated cheese. Salt to taste, add ground nutmeg. Finely chop the greens, crush the garlic, and add to the mixture. Mix thoroughly, remove from heat. Put the steamed cabbage on plates and pour over the sauce. It is better to serve as a side dish with fish, steam or boiled.

The age of digital technologies has brought into our lives not only a fast pace of problem solving, but also a lot of devices to simplify and speed up the processes in all spheres of life. Not spared and such an important moment as cooking.

Aerogrill, slow cooker, blender, bread maker ... This list can be continued for a long time. But it’s also good if the food prepared with the help of technology is not only tasty, but also healthy. In this case, it is worth mentioning the steamer. It is with its help that you can cook healthy, rich in vitamins and microelements, and also delicious food.

Let's see how difficult it is, and answer the main question: how to cook healthy food in a double boiler?

Main principles of work

As it turns out, the principle of operation of the double boiler was known even to our distant ancestors. Living near the "hot" springs, the ancestors cooked fish, vegetables and fruits right on the heated stones. The Chinese, to this day, have preserved the tradition of steaming, using deep frying pans for this.

The principle of operation of the steamer is contained in the cooking of food directly with steam. Housewives use two types of double boilers:

  • electrical - powered by electricity;
  • steamers-pans or special containers that work directly on fire (electric or gas stoves).

Why is a steamer useful?

To understand how to properly cook in a double boiler, you first need to make sure of its positive features. The main advantages of cooking in a double boiler are:

  • preservation of useful microelements and vitamins;
  • excellent taste qualities of cooked products;
  • saturated color;
  • whole form;
  • appetizing flavor of food.

In addition, food cooked with steam does not need to be seasoned with additional fats - sunflower or butter - therefore it is considered dietary. The constant use of such food will have a beneficial effect on the whole body.

There is a whole list of products that completely lose their useful properties during the heat treatment process. One of these is brown rice. Vitamin B1, which is the main value of the product, is destroyed during cooking. But cooked rice in a double boiler (how to cook, read below) contains a useful element in its entirety.

What can be cooked in a steamer?

Many housewives are interested not only in the question of how to cook in a double boiler, but also what products can be used for this? The answer is very simple: you can cook everything except eggs and mushrooms. This is due to the processing technology of these products. It involves the use of a large amount of liquid.

An important factor in the question of how to use a double boiler so that the products are tasty and retain their shape is their freshness. Sometimes, after steaming, the food takes on an unattractive appearance, and the smell and taste discourage all desire to try yummy. This is due to the use of stale or overripe vegetables and fruits. Therefore, before cooking in a double boiler, make sure that the quality of the workpieces used is excellent.

Several distinguishing features

Significantly reduces the amount of time spent on cooking. In addition, the electric steamer is equipped with a built-in timer that will immediately notify you of the completion of the process and prevent food from spoiling.

  1. During cooking, the products do not need to be stirred or turned over.
  2. Some devices have a special steamer mode. It allows you to cook not one, but several dishes at the same time.
  3. Before use, read the instructions for the steamer. In most cases, the device can be used as an express defrost for fish or meat.
  4. Finally, the main advice that will help save not only food, but also the steamer itself, whether it be an electric or a regular pan. Before cooking in a double boiler, make sure there is enough liquid in it. It is not necessary to use water. After all, there are recipes that use tea or even alcoholic beverages.

What does steamed food taste like?

Many will be interested to know the answer to this question. Especially the taste of such food is curious for those who have already heard something about the benefits of steam food, but still haven’t gotten around to cooking it on their own at home.

Well, don't hesitate. Products cooked with steam are more juicy. In addition, they retain the original taste and aroma. Like all good things, you get used to such food quickly.

Time for preparing

Before using the steamer, read the rules for its use. Thanks to this, you will learn about its main advantages, one of which is the speed of cooking. Due to the fact that you can cook several different dishes at the same time in a miracle device, a double boiler will save you a lot of time. And what is even more delightful, the taste characteristics of each product are in no way mixed with the rest.

You can cook in a double boiler without worrying about the food burning. Just put products in it, set the desired mode, and the device will notify you of the completion of the process with a sound signal.

To reduce steaming time, cut food into smaller pieces. And also try to spread them freely in the container so that the contact between them is minimal. This will not only speed up the process, but also allow you to evenly distribute steam to all products.

What are the benefits of steam food?

Given fashion trends, everyone strives for harmony and a beautiful figure, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman. In this case, again, steamed food will be useful. Many nutritionists recommend the steam diet for weight loss. Indeed, due to the rich composition, it is able to saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and microelements, while not loading the process of digestion of food. Thereby:

  • metabolism is accelerated;
  • improves the condition of the skin, nails, hair;
  • strength and energy appear;
  • the general condition of the body improves.

Who needs a steam diet?

Most doctors agree that food cooked in a double boiler will be useful for everyone without exception. But still there are people for whom it becomes simply a necessity. Let's see what diseases steam food will be a salvation for:

  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, etc.);
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • overweight.

It is especially worth paying attention to steam food for future and real mothers and the elderly.

Rice and vegetables

You will need: 1 tbsp. rice, water, onion, bell pepper, carrot, salt, pepper, herbs, oil.

  1. First you need to wash the rice.
  2. Cut the pepper and onion into cubes, rub the carrots on a grater.
  3. Pour 2 cups of water into the special container of the steamer.
  4. Transfer the rice to a cereal insert, season with salt and pepper and mix well.
  5. Place vegetables on top of rice.
  6. Cook 40-45 minutes.
  7. Add oil (butter or olive) to the finished dish and sprinkle with herbs.

Enjoy your meal!

If you lead an active lifestyle or are just looking for an additional source of energy, try steam food. You will undoubtedly see and be surprised at the close relationship between food and the general condition of the body. Although this is said on every corner. In addition, cooking in a double boiler will save you a lot of time. Experiment and be healthy!

Created on 08/16/2012

Steam cooking is contact cooking: steam comes into contact with the product. This is a rather complicated, more subtle method of processing products than baking or frying.

In this way, you can cook almost any dish, including some confectionery. Steam dishes are the basis of any diet menu. Eating steamed food without added fat is a great way to lose weight.

Steam cooking is very easy. The dish will be almost impossible to digest or overcook if you just follow some simple cooking recommendations. By the way, the basics of handling a double boiler are often written on its body. Even if you are not at all a dock in kitchen creativity, it’s not scary. The steamer will do everything for you. Just put in it the products that you need for your intended dish, and set the cooking mode (or set the timer for the time indicated in the recipe).

It is not recommended to add salt and seasonings to the water that you pour into the steamer tank, and it is also forbidden to use broth instead of water. Otherwise, say goodbye to the heating element.

First, turn on the steamer and let the water boil. The water level in the base of the steamer should be 2-3 cm below the bottom of the work basket. When the water boils, you can put food in the double boiler.

Make sure that boiling water does not come into contact with food: do not forget that you are steaming food, not in water.

As for the processing time of products in a double boiler, the main thing is to prevent their digestion. It is quite difficult to specify the exact time in minutes. Fish is cooked on average 15-20 minutes, a side dish - about 25 minutes, a large piece of meat or chicken - about 30 minutes. Everything will depend on the volume of the product and the number of dishes being cooked at the same time in the double boiler.

A double boiler will allow you to quickly cook almost any food, as well as defrost meat, poultry, fish. In a double boiler, it is especially convenient to defrost and cook dishes from ready-made quick-frozen products (semi-finished products), which, as a result, retain their original moisture and taste. This is especially true for vegetables, green beans, seafood.

Of course, if you just boil eggs, porridge or soup in water, they will not lose their nutritional value. But in a double boiler, the dishes will not burn, they will not be digested. It is very comfortable. It is possible to simultaneously cook dishes from different types of food directly in the water (in the rice bowl) or in the steam bath.

A cooked dish can be kept hot with a steamer for a certain time, you can reheat an already prepared dish, bread or pastries (in this case, the steamer will act as a microwave oven) in order to re-experience the taste of a fresh product. This is especially true for bakery products: under the influence of steam, they taste so tender and fragrant, as if they had just been taken out of the oven.

The steamer is ideal for making pastry dough. Yeast dough will quickly “fit”, puff pastry will make excellent desserts. They make fruit desserts and even cakes in a double boiler. Steamed dumplings, dumplings, and casseroles are good.

In a double boiler, vegetables are blanched, dishes for home canning are sterilized, as well as for storing and using baby food.

Here are a few rules to follow when cooking in a double boiler:

  • Place foods loosely in the bowl. Always leave "allowances" on all sides for steam to circulate.
  • Place the products on each “floor” of the double boiler in one layer, cutting into approximately the same pieces so that the food cooks evenly.
  • If the ingredients of the dish cannot be cut into approximately the same pieces, put the smaller slices on top.
  • It is better to put meat, poultry, fish in the lowest bowl: these products will take more time to cook.
  • Fish, meat and all juicy foods are best placed on the lower level of the double boiler so that the juice from them does not drip from above onto other foods (unless, of course, this is intended according to the recipe).
  • Place the dish that will take a long time to cook in the lower basket and the quick-cooking dish in the upper basket.
  • Fish is usually filleted for faster cooking.
  • From a bird, most often they take a breast.
  • When cooking whole fish, first make sure that it will fit on the "floor" of the steamer. The same is true for whole chicken: you may have to remove the steamer bowls to cook it.
  • Vegetables are cooked with their skins on, just like when boiled in water, to preserve the vitamins.
  • Shrimps and scallops must be cleaned, while other mollusks and crustaceans can be cooked in the shell (shell).
  • Frozen vegetables are cooked immediately, without prior defrosting. But fish, meat and poultry will first have to be completely thawed.
  • Take your time to add spices to steamed food. Steam food may seem tasteless at first, but soon you will remember the taste of the products themselves, which is almost forgotten in the modern world, and not flavorings and flavor enhancers. Salt, as well as wine, herbs, and lemon zest, can be added to a dish cooked in a double boiler at the end of cooking.
  • Often, the manufacturer indicates in the instructions for the double boiler that it is forbidden to use salt and seasonings when cooking, because the juice from foods soaked in them can damage the heater. However, many dishes will not be as aromatic and tasty if seasonings are added to them after they are fully cooked. To protect the heater, use sealed plastic containers with lids, baking foil, food bags, and more. The main thing is that the juice with spices (and it is also contained in the condensate flowing down the walls of the double boiler) cannot penetrate close to the heating element. Then cooking with spices will be absolutely safe for the performance of the double boiler, moreover, the dish will cook faster.
  • Condensate and juice of products flowing into the pan are used to make sauces and broths.
  • To flavor your meals with dried herbs, citrus slices, garlic or onions, place these ingredients in the bottom of the steamer work basket. The effect will be about the same as if you put the spices directly on the food being cooked. A great option if you do not want to eat pieces of these products, but just want to add their flavor to the dish.
  • For persistent flavoring of meat, poultry, fish, it is better to marinate them first (several hours before the start of cooking).
  • If you want to check the readiness of the dish, open the lid of the steamer infrequently so that the steam does not escape, otherwise the cooking time may increase significantly.
  • Cooking time will increase if you cook food in foil. It is used repeatedly (especially for heating products). The porridge is heated, lubricating the foil with a small amount of butter, put a portion of porridge on the foil, wrapped and put in a double boiler for 5 minutes. Stale bread is placed in foil, lightly sprinkled with water, and put in a double boiler for 5-6 minutes. Eggs wrapped in foil will not crack during cooking. You can also make molds for making biscuits, muffins and other dishes from foil.
  • To reheat individual dishes (egg cream, sauces), also use a film for a microwave oven, a freezer. Then you will avoid the formation of condensate.
  • If the dish needs to be steamed for a long time (pudings), it can be lightly sprinkled with cold water, which will speed up the process.

Now a little about what is not good or not very suitable for cooking in a double boiler:

  • Fruits and berries, if steamed, can simply be boiled. In addition, slightly spoiled and rumpled vegetables and fruits in a double boiler often acquire an unpleasant smell and taste, and if defects in the products are cut out, vegetables and fruits may lose their shape.
  • Meat rolls from excess moisture can lose their gastronomic appeal, “leak”.
  • It is usually not recommended to cook legumes (peas, beans) and pasta (especially from soft wheat varieties) in a double boiler. It will take too long. In addition, such products usually need a lot of water to taste. Pasta can get sticky and viscous, it is better to boil them on the stove.
  • You should not steam certain types of mushrooms and offal, which need to be previously removed (by boiling in water) of certain soluble substances.
  • Carefully monitor the readiness of the product: steamed food will turn out to be “rubber”, dry.

Signs of the readiness of the dish

Steamed food looks like it's swollen with moisture.

The main indicators of the readiness of the dish are:

  • The juice that stands out from the product is practically colorless (meat, respectively, without blood).
  • In finished fish and seafood, the flesh becomes not transparent, but matte.
  • A white discharge on the surface of the fish (albumin protein) will tell you that you have digested the product, or the fish was steamed from the rapid boiling of water (if you cooked it on the stove).
  • The shells of ready-made crustaceans turn bright pink or red.
  • Poultry meat becomes dull, and when you press its flesh with your finger, it quickly restores its original shape.

Serve the steamed dish immediately, because the cooking process is still going on inside the products - due to the internal heat.

Cooking in an envelope

We should also mention such a concept as cooking “in an envelope”, when the products are cut, divided into portions and cooked in a parchment envelope (baking paper, oiled paper). The process of cooking products is obtained on a special steam - from those juices that release products in the envelope, or from additional liquid - broth, citrus juice, wine, heavy cream, sauces and more. Paper is designed to hold this steam.

Similarly, not only parchment is used, but also foil for baking (food foil).

For this method of cooking in national cuisines, dishes have been prepared in the leaves of plants (salad, grape or banana leaves, etc.) since ancient times.

Soft vegetables, fish and seafood, chicken meat are ideal for cooking “in an envelope”. Previously, products can be pickled, fried. This will keep the juice inside the meat, add flavor and aroma to the dish.

Vegetables are the basis of this cooking method. The envelope must contain chopped (thinly or finely) vegetables. They are sometimes sautéed or blanched beforehand so that they cook very quickly when steamed. Greens are placed in sprigs or chopped.

  • 120-170 g of the main ingredient (meat, fish, seafood, poultry, "main" vegetables)
  • about 30 ml of cooking liquid, or 50-70 g of juicy vegetables
  • put salt, spices, seasonings, as indicated in the recipe, or to taste

You can serve the dish to the table directly in the same envelope in which the products were prepared. If its integrity is violated, fragrant steam will come out of it - an additional pleasure for the taste organs.