Russian Press Day. Poems for the day of the press, congratulations on the day of the Russian press

With genuine interest
Let people read the press
Let the Russian press
It will only flourish!

May you, dear colleagues,
Always waiting for success
Develop day by day
Filling the world with good!

I wish everyone happiness
Live without troubles and without problems!
To shine happy eyes,
You never go out!

I wish the Russian press
We have flourished all the time in our country!
I want to wish all of us success
So that work brings joy to us!

Let newspapers buy more often
Keep people up to date!
Let our income grow
So that life develops from bright days!

Colleagues, I congratulate you on the Day Russian press. May there always be inspiration and interesting material for successful work May there always be enough strength and patience to implement wonderful ideas both in activity and in life.

Happy Press Day Russian Cardio
Congratulations, colleagues, I congratulate you!
Let everything be flawless
Every moment, every day and now.

Let salaries grow faster
Let the authorities give us the will.
Let the mood be brighter
And in business, let, of course, be lucky.

The Russian press celebrates today
His rightful triumph.
With that, I congratulate you, colleagues!
Let everything work well.

Although not so, let it be great
You will have everything and everything.
May your world be kind, clear
And may your house prosper.

Everyone can print
But the holiday is only ours!
Good luck in your glorious work,
When you go into a rage!
Printer! - Sounds proud.
We have something to be proud of.
Who does not print - is silent,
Missing corners.
I wish you good health, create,
Love the Russian seal!

Happy Press Day, my colleagues!
Let our circulations grow
Good happiness will fill the days
And comfort will reign in the soul.

After all, we bring knowledge to the masses,
Let such an important work be appreciated.
You once again, friends, with our day,
May great success come!

Happy press day to you, colleagues,
In January I send congratulations,
Stops do not know
Let our printing press.

Let circulations fly
To unseen heights
Let our journalists
It will be so overwhelming.

And the Russian press
Give odds to the Internet
world wide web
Will not replace our newspaper.

I wish you good luck,
million copies,
To always be proud
We are our work.

Happy Print Day,
We sincerely wish you all
Thank you for your hard work
Keep honesty as a vessel.

Bring only the truth to the masses,
Have the new items in stock.
Expand our horizons
Soldiers of the invisible front.

You have press workers,
Always serious challenges.
We want to congratulate you on holidays
We tell you from the bottom of our hearts.

Let by every important date,
Increases to your salary.
And the record of happiness is spinning,
A grain of sand shines in the eyes of joy.

Russian seal -
She's important to everyone.
It must be read
Always our country!

Stay up to date with the news
Moreover, without the Internet!
How? ! run fast
Buy our newspaper!

I wish you prosperity
And new victories for us!
Thank you for your efforts
For many long years!

Colleagues, I congratulate you on the Russian Press Day. May there always be inspiration and interesting material for successful work, may there always be enough strength and patience to implement wonderful ideas both in work and in life.

Colleagues, I congratulate you on the Russian Press Day. Wish wise word, bright thought, competent speech, set out on paper, the power of emotions, conveyed in printed words. All the brave forces and ideas, resounding successes and universal respect.

Colleagues, I congratulate you on the Day of the Russian Press and wish everyone a cheerful, friendly, excellent work without errors and shortcomings, without blots and smeared type. Let only good and worthy stories, stories and articles fall into our hands, let Russia love to read our publishing house, in which we put our souls.

I congratulate you, my wonderful colleagues, on the Day of the Russian Press and I want to wish that there is always truth in our words, articles, headlines and topics, so that there are no obstacles to work, so that there are no doubts on the path to success. I wish everyone the strength of thought and action, health of the body and soul, competent speech and perfect beauty.

My dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the Russian Press Day. Let there be more warm words and kind intonations in our publications. I wish everyone to work with enthusiasm and without fatigue, to publish beautiful and bright pages of my life in a hardcover of happiness.

January 13 is celebrated in Russia Russian Press Day". It was on this day in 1703 that in Russia, by decree of Peter I, the number of the first Russian newspaper"Vedomosti".

The first issue of the newspaper was called "Vedomosti about military and other affairs worthy of knowledge and memory that happened in the Moscow State and in other surrounding countries." The newspaper was published first in Moscow, then in St. Petersburg, while it actually did not have a permanent name - Vedomosti, Rossiyskiye Vedomosti, Vedomosti Moskovskie ...

From January 1, 1870, "by the highest command" it was allowed "to arrange, in the form of an experiment, the acceptance of subscriptions to periodicals, both Russian and foreign, in post offices." In Russia, this was the first order to subscribe to periodicals. And by 1914, more than three thousand periodicals were published in Russia.

After 1917, this holiday was moved to May 5, the day when the main Soviet newspaper Pravda was published, and renamed the Day of the Soviet Press. Only in 1992, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the celebration of the "Day of the Russian Press" was again returned to the historically correct date - January 13th.

More than 33,000 registered in Russia today. printed publications over 20 million copies of newspapers are distributed daily. Traditionally, on Russian Press Day, the President of Russia awards in the field of media and grants (scholarships) are awarded to support the most significant creative projects young journalists. The award has been awarded since 1997.

Happy Print Day
Everyone who makes newspapers!
Who prints magazines
Who loves this job!
I wish you readers
Loyal, indifferent,
So that all your newspapers
Sold out like buns!
To make us proud of you
You write about good things!
Let magazines be all about fashion!
And so that with a bright cover!
Bad news - no!
We are tired of horror stories!
Peaceful life for your families,
More joy, more smiles! ©

Happy Print Day

Dear Writer,
Poet, correspondent,
Happy Print Day!
At this festive moment!
We all want to publish
Only in huge numbers!
To be filled with inspiration
Every hour, every day! ©

Happy Print Day Poems for Colleagues

Everyone is in a hurry and bustle.
Awaiting the editor's response.
So the publishing house strives
For the "word" to come out!
We all know how much
Current material.
Happy Print Day
Dear our staff! ©

We celebrate Russian Press Day,
Hey comrade, get in line.
And in a column we will follow together,
Congratulate those people with you
Those people who work invisible,
For more than 300 years now,
Provide abundance
News, magazines, newspapers! ©

Thank you, creators of the paper press!
Without you, we will say frankly, there is no life!
Make it interesting to read
And bought more newspapers!
I am very glad to congratulate you on the day of the press,
And wish you more news
Love your job, rule in a word,
And meet the press day more fun! ©

I'm not used to the forum and chat
To meet any news -
I trust since childhood print,
Especially since the Russian press.
Shame on you, mark it with red reverse -
Like, a retrograde that does not feel the waves ...
Happy Print Day
All the brethren of the printed country! ©

… I associate with printing
Not a gingerbread, an imprint and a brand,
And those people (you mark!)
Who writes subtly and sharply,
And also those who are close to them,
Whose fate is equally difficult ...
Well, Happy Russian Press Day!
Let there be press - for centuries! ©

In Russia, they never get tired of reading
Printing is important and necessary to us like water
Or maybe like air, so boldly
They print a lot, sometimes without shame.
And on the holiday of the Russian press, so different
I want to wish you more often
I had to read not paper garbage,
And what is deservedly praised everywhere.
Writers past and present
Today is their holiday, but only sometimes
In today's press, a sense of grace
They do not see in pursuit of the masses, the crowd.
Let only the best fall into your hands
What will make you think, pleasing to the eye.
I believe there is an opportunity for print
Worthy lines to please us. ©

We'll tell you, newspaper workers!
Thanks for coming home!
Not once a year, and not when you want -
We are constantly waiting for you!
We are ready to read it every day,
A newspaper full of news!
She came and we read again
About what the Russian country is famous for!
What to wish you on your printed holiday?
Look for good! And we have to carry it!
Let the newspaper be filled with good
From true reader love! ©

© - Congratulations on the day of the Russian press were written specifically for the holiday portal website. Copying is possible only if there is an active link to our site.

Give people news, bring the necessary information, keep up to date with events, give new works, poems, jokes and joy! It is they, the printers, who supply us with literature in hard and not very binding, from TV screens, on the radio! We congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you fresh press and the realization of your creative ideas!

  • January 13 Russian Press Day congratulations in verse

    The day of the Russian press has come,
    And no one expected him
    Everyone is so excited for the New Year.
    It's like this is our life.

    But our life is wider, fuller,
    Here comes the Jubilee of the press.
    Russians, congratulate each other
    Happy Print Day! Let happiness come!

  • Russian Press Day congratulations

    How to get all the news?
    There is a seal for this!
    Newspaper is important
    Though the century and the Internet!

    Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
    Happy Seal Day everyone,
    Who is always connected with the press -
    May success always await!

    creative discoveries
    In publishing!
    And in the midst of events
    Know what, when and where!

  • Happy Printer's Day

    Thank you, smart newspaper, for daily hard work, for the truth of life, a ray of light in the world of yellow press and false information. How nice to receive your informative pages in the morning, thank you all for being you. Happy holiday!

  • Congratulations from the head of the municipality on the Day of the Russian Press

    Please accept our sincere congratulations on the Russian Press Day! A modern person cannot live without information, the objective presentation of which depends on you!
    May each line written by you bring only positive mood helping its further development. I wish you grateful readers, interesting events and new friends!

  • Russian Press Day congratulations

    Russian Press Day is associated with historical event On January 13, 1703, by decree of Peter the Great, the first Russian-language newspaper, Vedomosti, was published.
    People of the journalistic profession are very different: harsh, funny, sarcastic, romantic… but they all have one thing in common - the ability to be the first in the thick of things and love for the WORD!
    Let our sincere congratulations cheer you up! We wish you more good news, new meetings and vivid impressions!

  • January 13 - Russian Press Day official congratulations

    Russian Press Day in mid-January -
    It is a symbol of participation in life.
    Journalists can't relax
    After all, success may be too close.

    We wish the printers all the best,
    Let them have fresh bread and butter.
    And then they will serve us better -
    Impartially, confidently, honestly!

  • Russian Press Day congratulations from the head

    The Russian press plays a huge role in the life of the Russian community! Thanks to the press, we not only learn the news, but also have the opportunity to analyze it, slowly draw useful information and share it with family and friends! I really want our today's press to talk more about positive events, giving positive emotions to your readers! I wish our journalists objectivity, sharpness of the pen, freshness of views and novelty of ideas! And, despite the rapid development of the Internet - the growth of circulation and new readers!

  • Official congratulations on the Russian Press Day

    No wonder the term about the fourth power of journalism is widespread, which gives way only to the legislative, executive and judicial! Indeed, the Russian press has enormous power in society, shaping public opinion, helping to comprehend political and other events not only in a single area, region, country; but also in the global community as a whole. I sincerely wish you success in the journalistic field, the trust of the reader and faith in the power of the word! Let your skill, professionalism and talent multiply, and well-being grow! Good luck interesting ideas and good luck in all your endeavors!

  • Russian Press Day congratulations in verse

    There is a wonderful holiday -
    Russian Printer's Day!
    Ready to listen?
    Now I will congratulate!
    I want to wish you:
    - Interesting topics more
    So that it was not necessary to Poland
    Ride, taking a knapsack in a cage
    And behind the ear a cigarette
    To get something!
    Treat and love the book
    Also do your thing
    Carefully and skillfully!
    Otherwise, everyone is happy
    Will shout: "Plagiarism!"
    So that in hand, taking those books,
    People saw not figs!
    - To be finally -
    A trillion two hearts
    For whom it is clear
    Everything would not be in vain!
    - Glory let it fly around the world
    Happiness to you in winter and summer!

  • [in prose]

    Congratulations on the press day in your own words

    There are many professions in the world: some of them are prestigious, others are not very. But there is not one that is not needed. So is the printer. Like, it seems - so what? But when it comes to books, magazines, textbooks, periodicals, then everyone instantly remembers that the printing house is the center of the printed word. Necessary, important, valuable, intelligible. Therefore, I wish you on a holiday to be just as necessary, important, valuable, in demand! Never be upset and do not be in pain. Love your work and get inspiration from it! Happy Print Day!

    Please accept my congratulations on the Day of the press! I want to wish you that work will always be a joy and give pleasure! After all, publishing books, printing magazines, publishing textbooks means giving people knowledge and useful information, delighting with the beauty of illustrations and luxurious photographs. Thank you for this! Wish you luck!

    Dear colleague! Today is really amazing holiday. More than three hundred years have passed since the first issue of the first Russian newspaper came out; but still the printed word is valued and respected. I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the Press and wish that your publication will always be distinguished by sharpness of thought, accuracy of assessments, global vision and impartiality of judgments. Happy holiday to you!

    To you, press workers, honor and glory on a professional day! Without you, we won't see any books, magazines, or newspapers. The world would have lost a priceless acquisition. Your contribution to society is great, you create a history that is passed down from generation to generation. Be happy, live in honor. Let the work and love invested in each edition pay off in full. Happy holiday to you!

    Today is your holiday - print day! What to wish? First of all, I want to note that your work is valuable and people need it, so let creative inspiration go hand in hand with you! May life bring pleasant surprises and rewards for good deeds. I wish you health, well-being and appreciate your favorite work!

    On this most beautiful professional holiday, on Print Day, I wish you inspiration, a lot of strength and good luck, so that every word of yours works real miracles! It is impossible to imagine life today without any printing industry, and therefore I want to wish you prosperity, great success, and that your favorite business also brings the desired profit! Happy Holidays, Happy Print Day!

    Newspapers and booklets, brochures and calendars, glossy magazines that we all love to read on the road are all the work of a skilled printer. Today is your professional holiday, printer! We wish you professional growth, circulation without marriage, high demand for beautiful printed products. And also we wish you to easily master new technologies and continue to delight us with your work!

    At all times, the press has been and remains the main intermediary between the authorities and citizens, the spokesman for public and personal opinions, and a source of useful and relevant information. You are the ones who keep their finger on the pulse of the era. Your work allows us all to navigate in modern conditions. Happy holiday, dear publishers, journalists, editors! Good luck in your difficult but important work!

    Around us there are a great many important, big and small things that have come down from the printing press, which make our life easier and more fulfilling. And to whom do we owe this ordinary miracle? You and wonderful people like you! We wish that there are many colors in life, and printed words about happiness, kindness and love will certainly come true. May all your plans come true, and the new - dream again! Happy Print Day!