Russian Press Day

With day Russian press! More than 200 years after the release of the first newspaper in Russia, more than 30,000 printed articles are published. For reliable information, honestly, for efficiency and relevance!

Today is Russian Press Day,
And let's all celebrate together!
Even though the internet is now ubiquitous,
Do not do without printed newspapers!
We give our congratulations to the printers,
We are very grateful to them -
Thank you for every printed sheet -
Newspaper or magazine!

Congratulations on the Russian Press Day and I want to wish the most good news and good news, funny stories and happy stories, full coverage of all ongoing events and the most reliable information in hand.

Russian Press Day is not only a holiday. January 13 is a significant day when the first Russian newspaper began to be published in Russia in 1703. We congratulate the media workers, express admiration for their skill and talent. We wish you well-being, success and fair wind in any endeavors!

Internet messed up? Don't be sad
On the computer, after all, the world did not converge like a wedge,
Today we celebrate Print Day
Day of books, magazines and newspapers.
We can't imagine life without printing,
Although there is a TV and a computer,
But we still read books and newspapers,
People still need printing.
Who could provide this?
So congratulations today!

Today is the holiday of the masters of the printing press
Russian printing houses and publishing houses.
We know that their work is harmful and difficult,
Depends on various circumstances.

We wish you good, love and affection,
More sunny and clear days
Smell less burnt paint
And enjoy your products.

This holiday is very
He came into our lives for a reason.
Celebrating Print Day
We are at the beginning of January.

It's not new for a long time.
But there is really no way
Than a printed intelligible word
Bring the news to the people.

Let the printed edition
Every day comes to the house.
And skill, and effort,
And he has great power.

Dear publishers, we congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish that information is obtained easily and without extremes, there is less dirt in it, and publications disperse to the last copy. Inspiration, courage, success, grateful readers and generous sponsors.

All Russian press
Rich in long experience
And let it grow with glory
Your modest salary!

Let from relatives and friends
Warmth comes to you
Happiness, joy and kindness
You are never lost!

We give you congratulations
In poetic form,
So that health and business
For a hundred years they remained normal!

On the Day of the press in Russia,
Ask for bright words!
And it will come to you
Bright - golden fleece!

I dedicate this verse
Good luck with your writing.
Let the syllable be beautiful
Good luck! Creative roads!

You have published many books
Noble very work,
And all your efforts
They just won't disappear!

You carry a wise word
For everyone to read it
May you live well
There will be happiness and warmth!

May you be loved, respected,
And they kiss passionately
And always insure you
Another faithful shoulder!

Happy Russian press day
Congratulations, friends!
We are all extremely happy
Your "creations" always!
Without printing, the world will become boring
As without phrases or many words,
Because there is no better sound
Than the rustling of white sheets.

We celebrate Russian Press Day,
Hey comrade, get in line.
And in a column we will follow together,
Congratulate those people with you
Those people who work invisible,
For more than 300 years now,
Provide abundance
News, magazines, newspapers!

Thank you, creators of the paper press!
Without you, we will say frankly, there is no life!
Make it interesting to read
And bought more newspapers!
I am very glad to congratulate you on the day of the press,
And wish you more news
Love your job, rule in a word,
And meet the press day more fun!

Happy Print Day!
And with all our hearts we wish:
So that magazines and newspapers
They sent you their greetings,
Daily, every hour
We made you happy!
For them to entertain you
They gave you joy in life!
Enlightened in the interesting,
Unfamiliar, unknown!
And gave you good
And warmth!

The soulless world where we live
We have a newspaper where you can
Say something about yourself.

How to curb want and sin?
Thank you smart paper
For daily good work,

You are read, honored and awaited!

Congratulations on the day of the press,
Today we will be friends!
Words of kindness are always here by the way,
They are like a genius and a judge!
We wish you to print a lot,
And carry information!
Let the road be circulation
And a beacon on your way!
Let the word be like a bird
To fan with a wing without malice,
We congratulate you and quickly drink,
And congratulations again!

We wish the quality of the publication,
blessings of the universe,
Good sponsors and grants,
Awards, recognition, aiguillettes!
We wish smart workers
Banquets for you cheerful, noisy,
And on this day, beautiful, by the way,
Happy Print Day!

Using the Internet, we firmly declare:
We do not deny the importance of newspapers and books!
Let it be winter, but we do not miss at all:
Today we are celebrating a holiday - Print Day!
The winter day is short, but full of fun:
We give the printers a cake and congratulations!
Here in mailbox- fresh paper...
Congratulations, printers! Thank you for that!

Among the serious and tabloid press
We will choose the publication according to our interests.
Without books, magazines and newspapers
To put it bluntly, there is no life!
Happy Print Day,
I wish you joy, goodness,
Love your work, releasing
Newspapers, magazines fresh numbers.

Our idol, ideal, example!
Publisher of books, newspapers,
Writer, critic or courier!
There is a lot of pepper in freedom of speech,
And ammonia, and heroin ...

The fire of love burns in the eyes!
Write, fly and edit
A bunch of newspapers, magazines, books.

Friends - how to live without them?!

Happy Print Day
Everyone who makes newspapers!
Who prints magazines
Who loves this job!
I wish you readers
Loyal, indifferent,
So that all your newspapers
Sold out like buns!
To make us proud of you
You write about good things!
Let magazines be all about fashion!
And so that with a bright cover!
Bad news - no!
We are tired of horror stories!
Peaceful life for your families,
More joy, more smiles!

Print Day is your holiday,
After all, you create a newspaper,
Let the circulation grow from year to year
And the rating remains high!

The press of Russia is moving forward,
And sometimes it won't let us sleep.
We enjoy reading your books
And in erudition, we see shifts.
Print we ask to develop,
And all new images are included.
And let the bookstores beckon
Your work is safely completed.

On the day of the Russian press
I want to wish
You guys today
Achieve all goals
And great success -
Let it come soon!
Congratulations again!
Your holiday is coming to us!

Today is press day. And involuntarily
My question today is:
Tell me honestly, dear friends,
What print: round? triangular?
Kidding. I know that the seal is not the same
Not a stamp, but what we call the press
And that sometimes not without interest
We read from the newspaper.
But in every joke there is a big share
The homespun truth, and it's easy to understand
That, congratulating on the holiday print,
I wish her originality
And stamps, if possible, avoid.

We will celebrate the Day of the Russian press.
We want to congratulate you, friends!
Your work is the most important in the world.
Without printed publications it is forbidden!
There are many important and empty things in them.
It's hard to understand sometimes.
Congratulations! We wish you again
Recognize information's role.

The day of the Russian press has come,
I congratulate all employees
So that each of you is not tired
For the people to work, I wish.
After all, our favorite thing is
Take a magazine or a book, a newspaper!
I congratulate you today!
Let there be eternal summer in your soul!

Poems for the day of the press, congratulations on the day of the Russian press

Every article in the newspaper
Always read with interest
We don't imagine our lives
Without daily fresh press,
Gives us food for thought
And the newspaper entertains us,
We to all its creators
We say thank you for this
And we wish you on this day
With all my heart of great happiness,
Success in difficult work,
Love, good luck! Happy Print Day!

Inspiration came -
I sin by writing
And congratulations to the district
I will write for the holiday.
To you, the creators of the newspaper,
And health, and goodness,
Many years of your life
Also a sharp pen!
To make you feel like September
November to December -
I'm talking about that salary
What they didn’t give, I say.
So that reform blizzards
They didn't rip you off the ground
To rustle in your pockets
And chervonets, and rubles!

In print Day in all its glory you
Our idol, ideal, example!
Publisher of books, newspapers,
Writer, critic or courier!
There is a lot of pepper in freedom of speech,
And ammonia, and heroin ...
But life beats in time with the heart,
The fire of love burns in the eyes!
Write, fly and edit
A bunch of newspapers, magazines, books.
Be proud of the country, family, apartment,
Friends - how to live without them?!

What is worthy of interest
What was, will be, is
The press will tell everything
You just need to read.
So, sitting quietly in a chair,
You open a window to the world.
Glory, glory to our press!
Our press is our idol!

On the Day of the press in Russia,
Ask for bright words!
And it will come to you
Bright - golden fleece!
I dedicate this verse
Good luck with your writing.
Let the syllable be beautiful
Good luck! Creative roads!

The Russian seal is so high
The road to happiness is so close.
We read all the books
They were once brought up.
We wish the entire print run,
From buyers good payment to you.
Let your catalogs be replenished.
Your finances are only increasing.
Find co-authors reliable, faithful,
In the ranks of sales, standing first.

Let me congratulate you on Printer's Day today,
You hurry to bring us world news,
Ivan Fedorov, you continue the work with dignity,
You tirelessly release color magazines.
The newspaper, by the way, is also very much needed by everyone -
She brings us daily news,
That's why a printer's work is so important
So God bless you, hurry away, sorrows!
Textbooks, novels, stories and dictionaries -
Without your hands, they simply would not exist in the world,
"Thank you" - today we sincerely say, from the bottom of our hearts -
Men, women, students, children...

Happy Print Day
Productions of masters!
We wish you success
Type hundreds of words.
Hundreds of true facts
Open for readers
Lots of journalistic thoughts
Put it on paper!

Happy Print Day
Everyone who makes newspapers!
Who prints magazines
Who loves this job!
I wish you readers
Loyal, indifferent,
So that all your newspapers
Sold out like buns!
To make us proud of you
You write about good things!
Let magazines be all about fashion!
And so that with a bright cover!
Bad news - no!
We are tired of horror stories!
Peaceful life for your families,
More joy, more smiles.

Poems for the day of the press, congratulations on the day of the Russian press

Everyone is in a hurry and bustle.
Awaiting the editor's response.
So the publishing house strives
For the "word" to come out!
We all know how much
Current material.
Happy Print Day
Dear our staff!

Today is Russian Press Day,
And let's all celebrate together!
Even though the internet is now ubiquitous,
Do not do without printed newspapers!
We give our gift to the printers,
We are very grateful to them -
Thank you for every printed sheet -
Newspaper or magazine!

The Russian press is working -
Machine tools are knocking, they give birth to words,
And I want to wish today -
To all those who publish the press -
May you guys be very lucky
May it always work well
Good luck awaits you
And everything in life will be chocolate!

Happy Print Day
All print media workers!
We always wish to live in happiness -
You with your family and children.
Happy Holidays -
You will be welcome today!
We want to celebrate with joy
Your day is the Day of the Russian press!

Thank you smart paper
For daily good work,
For truth, search, a ray of light.
You are read, honored and awaited!

Happy Print Day,
We want you to smile
Always work with a spark
And sometimes - forget the worries,
How to rest today
Celebrate a personal holiday
We sincerely wish you happiness
We praise you, the printer!

Happy Print Day!
Happy magazine and newspaper day
Because they tell us
About events for many years!
About theaters and hospitals,
About beauty recipes,
About global catastrophes
Sheets full of writing!
And let today in the world
popular internet,
All printed editions
They will live for many years!

Press Day is coming in Russia,
And on this bright, glossy day,
We wish you love and grace,
And let the ember not go out in the heart!
Newspapers should be printed more often
We will read them so as not to be bored.
And there will be less sorrow and evil in them,
Let the Russian press be famous!

The journalist is always on the run, the editor is in trouble,
Other employees are also all in trouble.
For all the work, for your talent, a gift from God,
We offer you gratitude, an easy word for you.
Happy Print Day, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
We wish you inspiration, the joy of happiness,
Let dreams come true, let success come,
The hour of luck, and good luck that day will come.

In the unpredictable and complex
The soulless world where we live
We have a newspaper where you can
Say something about yourself.
To tell longing and pain to friends,
Ile joy to throw out for everyone,
Ask for advice - what to do
How to curb want and sin?
Thank you smart paper
For daily good work,
For truth, search, a ray of light.
You are read, honored and awaited!

January 13 is celebrated in Russia Russian Press Day". It was on this day in 1703 that in Russia, by decree of Peter I, the number one was published. Russian newspaper"Vedomosti".

The first issue of the newspaper was called "Vedomosti about military and other affairs worthy of knowledge and memory that happened in the Moscow State and in other surrounding countries." The newspaper was published in Moscow, then in St. Petersburg, while it actually did not have a permanent name - Vedomosti, Rossiyskiye Vedomosti, Vedomosti Moskovskie ...

From January 1, 1870, "by the highest command" it was allowed "to arrange, in the form of an experiment, the acceptance of subscriptions to periodicals, both Russian and foreign, in post offices." In Russia, this was the first order to subscribe to periodicals. And by 1914, more than three thousand periodicals were published in Russia.

After 1917, this holiday was moved to May 5, the day when the main Soviet newspaper Pravda was published, and renamed the Day of the Soviet Press. Only in 1992, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the celebration of the "Day of the Russian Press" was again returned to the historically correct date - January 13th.

Today, more than 33,000 printed publications are registered in Russia, and more than 20 million copies of newspapers are distributed daily. Traditionally, on Russian Press Day, the President of Russia awards in the field of media and grants (scholarships) are awarded to support the most significant creative projects young journalists. The award has been awarded since 1997.

Happy Print Day
Everyone who makes newspapers!
Who prints magazines
Who loves this job!
I wish you readers
Loyal, indifferent,
So that all your newspapers
Sold out like buns!
To make us proud of you
You write about good things!
Let magazines be all about fashion!
And so that with a bright cover!
Bad news - no!
We are tired of horror stories!
Peaceful life for your families,
More joy, more smiles! ©

Happy Print Day

Dear Writer,
Poet, correspondent,
Happy Print Day!
At this festive moment!
We all want to publish
Only in huge numbers!
To be filled with inspiration
Every hour, every day! ©

Happy Print Day Poems for Colleagues

Everyone is in a hurry and bustle.
Awaiting the editor's response.
So the publishing house strives
For the "word" to come out!
We all know how much
Current material.
Happy Print Day
Dear our staff! ©

We celebrate Russian Press Day,
Hey comrade, get in line.
And in a column we will follow together,
Congratulate those people with you
Those people who work invisible,
For more than 300 years now,
Provide abundance
News, magazines, newspapers! ©

Thank you, creators of the paper press!
Without you, we will say frankly, there is no life!
Make it interesting to read
And bought more newspapers!
I am very glad to congratulate you on the day of the press,
And wish you more news
Love your job, rule in a word,
And meet the press day more fun! ©

I'm not used to the forum and chat
To meet any news -
I trust since childhood print,
Especially since the Russian press.
Shame on you, mark it with red reverse -
Like, a retrograde that does not feel the waves ...
Happy Print Day
All the brethren of the printed country! ©

… I associate with printing
Not a gingerbread, an imprint and a brand,
And those people (you mark!)
Who writes subtly and sharply,
And also those who are close to them,
Whose fate is equally difficult ...
Well, Happy Russian Press Day!
Let there be press - for centuries! ©

In Russia, they never get tired of reading
Printing is important and necessary to us like water
Or maybe like air, so boldly
They print a lot, sometimes without shame.
And on the holiday of the Russian press, so different
I want to wish you more often
I had to read not paper garbage,
And what is deservedly praised everywhere.
Writers past and present
Today is their holiday, but only sometimes
In today's press, a sense of grace
They do not see in pursuit of the masses, the crowd.
Let only the best fall into your hands
What will make you think, pleasing to the eye.
I believe there is an opportunity for print
Worthy lines to please us. ©

We'll tell you, newspaper workers!
Thanks for coming home!
Not once a year, and not when you want -
We are constantly waiting for you!
We are ready to read it every day,
A newspaper full of news!
She came and we read again
About what the Russian country is famous for!
What to wish you on your printed holiday?
Look for good! And we have to carry it!
Let the newspaper be filled with good
From true reader love! ©

© - Congratulations on the day of the Russian press were written specifically for the holiday portal website. Copying is possible only if there is an active link to our site.

Congratulations to everyone who puts great effort, soul and talent to the fact that by morning coffee, we received the latest press and the most latest news. I wish you constant inspiration, a lot interesting ideas and the desire to constantly look for something new. Let only good news be in our press. Let every page of the printed edition be saturated with positive. I wish you prosperity and success, career development and flawless work. Happy Russian Press Day!

Congratulations on Russian Press Day and I want to wish you wonderful moments that will always be an inspiration for creating everything bright, wonderful and wonderful. I wish you a huge charge of energy and positive from morning to evening, good meetings and pleasant communication, interesting stories in print and more goodness in every day of your life!

I congratulate you on the Day of the Russian Press and wish you the very best news and good news, funny stories and happy stories, full coverage of all ongoing events and the most reliable information in your hands.

Congratulations on the Day of the Russian Press and I want to wish you always find right word to reach both the reader and loved one. Let with your light hand only good news is always printed, good advice, interesting notes about style and fashion delicious recipes, amazing stories. May each printed page captivate the reader, may each new day bring you happiness.

I hasten to congratulate you on the Russian Press Day! May you have no equal in this matter and let readers tirelessly buy up circulations! I want non-exhaustive ideas, creative development, captivating stories and an appreciative audience!

Happy Russian Press Day. Let every day be a bright and cheerful page of your own printed edition about happiness, joy and success. I wish you large circulations in the pages of amazing stories, as well as wonderful ideas and lively forces!

Happy Russian Press Day! More than 200 years after the release of the first newspaper in Russia, more than 30,000 printed articles are published. For reliable information, honestly, for efficiency and relevance!

Happy Russian Press Day. Let only good stories, happy stories be printed, true facts and good news. I wish you success in finding the necessary information and its unhindered display on paper. I wish you a good job and a wonderful life.

I congratulate you on the Day of the Russian Press and I want to wish that if you write, then from the heart and the truth, if you read, then only good news and amazing stories. Let there be power in the Russian word, let there always be the right meaning in the publications of the Russian press.

Dear publishers, we congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish that information is obtained easily and without extremes, there is less dirt in it, and publications disperse to the last copy. Inspiration, courage, success, grateful readers and generous sponsors.

Dear representatives of the media, publishers and printing houses! I would like to congratulate you Happy Russian Press Day !
The professional holiday is an additional reason to recall the important role of printed publications in the life of Russians. This has been the case since the moment the printed word appeared in Russia and the first issue of the Vedomosti newspaper was published.
Much water has flowed under the bridge since that time. Yes, to be honest, the printed word today is significantly inferior to television and Internet publications in terms of information efficiency, but its influence on citizenship, social phenomena in the country and democratic processes remain, as before, at the highest level.
Newspapers, magazines, books are a repository of information, an invaluable storehouse of knowledge, a collection of thoughts transmitted from one generation to another. Like other publications, they ensure human rights to receive information and freedom of speech, help keep up with the times, set the rhythm of life, provide food for thought and reflect public opinion, contribute to the spiritual, moral and patriotic education of the population, encourage action and deeds , do not let our consciousness and conscience sleep, actively participate in solving topical issues state policy.
But what significantly distinguishes print publications from television and the Internet is the ability to repeatedly return to the “hooked” news, to assimilate information gradually, in conditions and time frames that are comfortable for the reader, to re-read thoughts and phrases that you like, to revise your favorite recipes and helpful tips years and even decades later. And for this it is enough to get clippings from newspapers or magazines, or open a book on the desired page.
Dear word professionals, veterans of the print media, publishing houses and printing companies! Happy Russian Press Day thank you, and thank you for your indifference, active life position, individual view of what is happening, the desire to openly and honestly express your point of view, for your professional skills and virtuoso command of words!
There are tens of thousands of printed publications in Russia today, each in its own way, unique, individual, has its own circle of admirers and connoisseurs. And all this is due to your skill, exceptional responsibility, patriotism, dedication, objectivity, loyalty to the best traditions of the Russian press of each of you.
I wish you continued professional success. Let be professional activity brings you creative inspiration and good luck, gives you multi-faceted themes and extraordinary ideas, pleases with bright events and good news, fills life interesting meetings. May your competence and creativity be highly appreciated by readers, management, colleagues, jury members of various professional competitions. Let the power be considered with you, your opinion and position. Let the circle of readers of your printed publications constantly expand, and circulations grow. Health to you, confidence in the future, happiness, love, prosperity, prosperity!