Seeing a broken car in a dream. The opinion of other dream books. Car after an accident

A broken car is a symbol of a tragedy that can take a person's life. Such a dream can cause a number of negative thoughts and experiences, but you should not be upset in advance, for starters, you should correctly interpret what you see.

Why dream of a broken car?

Such a dream is a good sign that promises positive changes in life. This can affect any area, perhaps it's time to make yours a reality. The broken car caught fire, which means that chores await you ahead, which will have a connection with the preparation for some kind of holiday.

The interpretation of dreams about a broken car also depends on the color of the car. If he was white color, then such a dream can be considered a warning that trouble may happen to one of the close relatives or friends. A broken black car predicts problems with ill-wishers at work. Various gossip can negatively affect yours. Another such dream portends good news. The dream in which broken car was colored blue, warns of the occurrence of various alarms. They will have a connection with a loved one.

In a dream, to see a broken car and try to get it out of the way, perhaps you should prepare for replenishment in the family. If you saw a mutilated car in the forest, then peace and prosperity will come in relations with a partner. The dream in which the car was in a ravine can be interpreted as the approach of scandals in a relationship with a loved one. Breaking someone else's car in a dream means that in the future you will be surrounded by competitors and ill-wishers. For the fair sex, such a dream promises problems in the family. The dream in which you saw the broken glass of the car will tell you that your horizons will soon expand and you will find yourself a new occupation.

The car is the most convenient and comfortable means of transport, which is preferred by millions of people. But what does the car seen in a dream mean? Does this transport reflect some facets of personality? After all, based on the color and some features of the car, you can safely talk about upcoming life events. But what do dream books tell us about this?

What is the dream of a car

Let's take a look at the dream book. A car in a dream means your self-esteem in reality; the state of your affairs, how they are progressing; the nature of the events that develop around; significant moments. Everything that is somehow connected with a car symbolizes the dreamer's attitude to himself, to his life priorities.

Much depends on the brand of the car seen, which determines the position in this moment. If in reality a person is used to driving, say, a BMW, and in a dream he sees a Moskvich, then this portends some life difficulties, troubles at work and in money matters. If, on the contrary, an expensive foreign car is dreamed of instead of an old used car, this promises to climb the career ladder, success in any business, a way out of a difficult situation.

A broken car speaks of self-doubt; a person is too biased about his actions, often finds fault with himself and makes excuses.

What else can the dream book tell about? A broken car is a warning of danger, trouble, difficulty, or loss.

Riding in a car next to the driver or behind - means that a person hesitates in his decisions, certain affairs, stands at a crossroads. Such a dream portends uncertainty in one's own actions. Choosing the right decision will depend on someone else who will influence the way forward.

What does the dream in which you find yourself in the driver's seat portend? Let's look into the dream book. Driving a car, people see themselves in a dream, self-confident, persistent in their goals, they strive in every possible way to achieve them. If you move at high speed, this indicates perseverance in an effort to get what you want. In this case, a person does not pay attention to any obstacles and travels along a precisely planned path. But a small speed indicates uncertainty in your choice.

Dream Interpretation Maya

If you dreamed of a red or green car, expect success in love affairs.

A car without a driver is a harbinger of major trouble.

Slavic dream book

Let's take another look at Slavic dream book. A car means a dysfunctional business that will bring you some losses. After that, you will regret that you got involved in such an adventure.

Women's dream book

If you dreamed of a trip by car, this may symbolize some anxiety, inexplicable feelings, troubles, despite the favorable environment. After that, some changes in life are possible.

If a young girl saw in a dream how she was looking for her car, this may indicate disappointment in a love relationship.

Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself driving a car in a dream speaks of your active lifestyle, as well as success in your planned business.

To get into a car accident in a dream means a collision with failures in your entertainment. Therefore, do not expect pleasant emotions from the planned vacation. If the accident was somehow avoided, this is a favorable sign. In this case, you will be lucky enough to bypass the clash of views with ill-wishers.

What else can the dream book tell us? Driving a car is a symbol of injustice, because of which you will be forced to make concessions. In this case, losses are possible. Jumping out or being thrown out of the car on the go - to trouble, life's troubles. A broken car is also a bad sign; can mean the loss of relationships between loved ones and friends.

Seeing cars passing by in a dream - to changes in life, long journeys, trips.

A dream book can tell a lot more. Car theft portends major setbacks in business, the cancellation of planned events that could affect the future.

Getting out of the car is a favorable sign that guarantees the successful completion of business, getting satisfaction from them.

An old car portends that rivals can get around you in material and other matters.

Seeing a car engine in a dream - you should expect some difficulties to be faced. But true friends will come to the rescue. If the engine is faulty, then the loss of loved ones is possible.

Freud's dream book

A car seen in a dream realizes a phallic symbol in itself. If you dreamed of an expensive and luxurious foreign car, then in real life a person is completely satisfied with himself, with his success in love affairs. The presence of several cars indicates the presence of several sexual partners in reality.

Driving at high speed speaks of satisfaction in sexual relations. Slow movement portends uncertainty in choosing a partner.

If you caught a passing car in a dream, then this indicates the irregularity of sexual contacts.

Transport repair indicates an irresistible desire for sexual intercourse. Repairing a faulty car portends the development of an inferiority complex.

Deliberately break own car It means that you are ready to achieve your goal in any way.

To drive into the garage - to enjoy physical intimacy.

Being in a car in an open space (field, track, etc.) means worrying about upcoming sexual relations with a partner.

An old or broken car speaks of sexual diseases or problems in this area.

Getting hit by a car portends physical intimacy.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Driving a car is experiencing financial difficulties.

Riding in a car symbolizes a romantic relationship, marriage.

Parking a car is a break in relations.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

What interesting things will this dream book tell us? The car symbolizes the beginning of a business.

To cope with driving a car is to be successful in your endeavors. Driving badly means making mistakes.

Driving fast is taking risks.

To have an accident is a favorable resolution of affairs.

Falling out of a car while driving means endangering your life.

Getting into or out of a car - harassment is possible.

If you dreamed that another person was driving a car, then such a dream symbolizes dependence on others. This may mean that you are constantly being guided and pushed towards certain actions and decisions.

Modern dream book

Let's take another look at modern dream book. Car, drive a car - symbol life changes. In this case, you will be overcome by anxiety and excitement, despite the fact that everything is going well enough. There is also the possibility of trouble from the close environment.

The accident suggests that the dreamer will not be able to fully implement his plan, to enjoy entertainment. If the catastrophe was avoided, then in reality you will be able to defeat your competitors without falling into the networks they set up.

Looking for your own car is disappointing in real life.

Dream of a white car

Why dream of a white car? What will the dream book tell us about this? A white car is a harbinger of pleasant events. This mainly concerns love relationship. But it can also symbolize good luck in business.

A white car means joy, pleasant emotions caused by the success of people close to you.

If a young girl dreamed of a white car, then soon she might meet her chosen one, the "prince on a white horse."

For a man, such a dream means career growth, advancement in financial matters. If the car is broken or broken, then the path to success will be quite difficult, you will have to face some obstacles.

Dream of a red car

Why is the red car dreaming? What does the dream book say about this? The red car symbolizes spiritual development, as well as your activity in business. Red color is a harbinger of love, romantic relationships or just love adventures. Perhaps in the near future the dreamer will be able to meet his soul mate.

But a red car can also symbolize aggression. Therefore, in reality you need to be prepared for obstacles from envious people.

Red color can also mean decisiveness in one's actions.

To dream of driving at high speed driving such a vehicle is to have excessive success with members of the opposite sex.

When in a dream a person sees himself driving a transport, and in real life he doesn’t even have a license, then such a dream speaks of great potential and even the presence of an entrepreneurial spirit. It is only necessary to reveal such abilities in yourself.

According to Freud's dream book, a red car means that you are already an adult self-sufficient person, ready for a relationship with a partner, creating a family.

In Miller's dream book, a red car is interpreted as a warning sign that it is too early for a person to enter adulthood, to marry a partner.

Dream Interpretation Hasse interprets a red car as material freedom, financial independence. In the near future it will be possible to receive a large cash salary that can cover all your expenses.

According to the dream book of Nostradamus, if a girl sees a red car, then in reality she is influenced by her tyrant husband. If a similar dream sees a married woman, then this may mean a short-term romance that is doomed to failure.

When a man dreams of a red car, this indicates an increase in the level of intimate life. A young man should be more attentive to various temptations.

dream of a black car

What can portend a dream in which you saw a black car? What will the dream book tell us? Seeing a black car is a harbinger of the next realization of your plans in reality. Only for this you will have to work very hard and even face obstacles. But the result will not keep you waiting.

Old black car - to failure. You should beware of ill-wishers who may want to enrich themselves due to your failure.

If you saw your friend in a broken black car near the house, then this may portend bad news. You should be attentive to your friends, their actions, as soon they may need your help.

A broken car that appeared in a dream can greatly scare the dreamer. What danger is fraught with the plot? Or maybe a dream portends a good interpretation? More on this later.

Tests ahead

Difficulties portend a badly broken car. dreamer before accepting important decisions, you need to determine the main goal. Otherwise, the results that he will receive will not meet expectations and will not bring happiness.

If in night dreams you had a chance to travel in a car with a damaged windshield, the dreamer will have the idea to change the way the dream comes true. The oracle advises - for now, give up abrupt actions, wait a little. Everything has its time.

The plot in which the car was damaged during a collision with another car warns - be careful on the road. Do not fly at all speeds, follow the rules of the road. If the glass shattered to smithereens, a major loss cannot be avoided. A mirror that beats symbolizes the collapse of hopes and unfulfilled dreams.

Why dream of a broken car in which the dreamer changes the glass? Previous errors will be corrected. Seeing a lot of broken cars on the road - problems will begin to appear one after another. It may seem to the sleeper in reality that they are unsolvable. The authors of dream books recommend not to fold your hands and make your own destiny.

The way out of the situation can be found only after careful consideration of the situation. As a result, the period will prove useful and teach a lesson for the future.

Favorable prediction

When do dream books interpret a broken car in a dream as a positive sign?

  1. Dreamed of someone else's car with damage? The sleeper has many competitors. But he can defeat everyone if he does not bend, and at the same time give them a lot of energy.
  2. Own damaged car indicates serious obstacles. Remember whether the hood survived, the wheels survived, the car was thrown away or it was left standing by the side of the road. If it is possible to repair the transport and restore it to working condition, adversity can be overcome. If the car is damaged and it remains only to be disposed of - in real life, the sleeper needs to give up achieving the goal. Otherwise, losses will lead to bankruptcy, poverty, loss of health and physical strength.
  3. If a whole fleet of cars belonging to people you know has suffered on the road, a financial collapse awaits the sleeper, unsuccessfully concluded deals. Betrayal and failure of partners are possible.
  4. Vanga's dream book points to important detail plot. So, a black car defines good news. The news will be received from distant relatives who have left for permanent residence to another country. If they offer to come visit, agree. The trip will add strength and improve your mood for the future.
  5. To see a white car in a dream - to a meeting with an old friend. Spending time together will be a good reason to repeat the banquet.
  6. A car injured in an accident in snow flakes - the dreamer will be delighted with new clothes and upcoming purchases.
  7. If the dreamer tries to free the road from the vehicle on his own, the sign portends the birth of a child in the family.
  8. See broken car in the forest - after the scandal, the spouses will reconcile and finally begin to listen to each other's needs.

Interpretation of Miller's dream book

  1. A damaged car promises the loss of a friend. Differences of opinion and your uncompromising attitude will lead to this. Learn to respect the point of view of the person next to you. He has his own life experience, and he is not obliged to meet your expectations. No wonder they say - in order not to be disappointed in loved ones, you should not be fascinated.
  2. If the dreamer survived in a car accident, but saw from the outside how badly his transport was damaged, the person will have to avoid communicating with a stranger who does not share his point of view on the circumstances.

A broken car is a symbol of a tragedy that can take a person's life. Such a dream can cause a number of negative thoughts and experiences, but you should not be upset in advance, for starters, you should correctly interpret what you see.

Why dream of a broken car?

Such a dream is a good sign that promises positive changes in life. This can affect any area, perhaps it's time to make your dreams come true. The broken car caught fire, which means that chores await you ahead, which will have a connection with the preparation for some kind of holiday.

The interpretation of dreams about a broken car also depends on the color of the car. If it was white, then such a dream can be considered a warning that trouble could happen to one of the close relatives or friends. A broken black car predicts problems with ill-wishers at work. Various gossip can negatively affect your reputation. Another such dream portends good news. A dream in which a broken car was painted blue warns of various alarms. They will have a connection with a loved one.

In a dream, to see a broken car and try to get it out of the way, perhaps you should prepare for replenishment in the family. If you saw a mutilated car in the forest, then peace and prosperity will come in relations with a partner. The dream in which the car was in a ravine can be interpreted as the approach of scandals in a relationship with a loved one. Breaking someone else's car in a dream means that in the future you will be surrounded by competitors and ill-wishers. For the fair sex, such a dream promises problems in the family. The dream in which you saw the broken glass of the car will tell you that your horizons will soon expand and you will find yourself a new occupation.

Dream Interpretation Broken Car

Why dream of a broken car in a dream from a dream book?

Why dream of a broken car? We have to cope with big problems, solve the difficulties that have arisen in reality.

Planned projects can fail. If the car is broken, but continues to drive - after a period of failures, improvement will come, things will go like clockwork.

Whose car was wrecked in a dream?

I dreamed that my car crashed

They crashed their car in a dream - be careful in reality. Something bad might happen soon. After an accident, the car can drive or is being repaired - the difficulties will be on the shoulder.

I dreamed of someone else's broken car

A dream about someone else's broken car warns of the accumulation of rivals and competitors. A dream also does not bode well for a woman and promises quarrels at home soon.

Dream Interpretation Machine, why dream of a Machine in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian What is the dream of the Car from the dream book:

Seeing a White car in a dream is a great concern. A white car in the mud, rumpled - such a dream has a negative meaning, to the extent that you have chosen your life partner incorrectly.

Why dream of a white car - to drive in a beautiful white car "with a breeze" - success and glory await you, if you did not meet any obstacles and holes along the way, then in reality you will not be disturbed by an obstacle on the way to success.

New white car - the course of events is in your favor.

A new car - you can be confident in yourself and your abilities - you will succeed.

Buying a new car is a good business deal, travel or adventure, new pleasant acquaintances.

A woman dreams of buying a car for an early marriage.

The red car is a symbol of looseness and eccentricity, the desire for freedom. If you still live under the wing of your parents, it's time to spread your wings yourself and send you on a free flight, enjoy personal and sexual freedom.

Why dream of a red car - for a man, such a dream is a warning about too much sexual activity.

A red car for a married woman means romance.

Crash a car - you need to spend less time at work and more time to devote to your family.

Why dream of crashing a car, a broken car - if this is a car that you rented - unsuccessful love affairs await you.

A broken car also means that you should not trust anyone, you need to rely only on yourself. Try to rely on your own strength.

Break the headlights on the car - to get out of trouble, you will need the help of friends.

Idiomatic dream book What is the dream of the Car from the dream book:

To see a car in a dream to see in a dream - a robot, an automaton (in the sense of a stupid repetition); soulless cold car(cynicism), complex mechanism (aspect of complexity), "perpetual motion", "not a man, but a machine" (in the sense of inexhaustible energy); "sex machine" "mechanically" - stupidly, habitually, mechanically repeated.

Dream Interpretation of a Psychologist A. Meneghetti Why is the Machine dreaming:

According to the dream book, Machine - Symbolizes movement. When analyzing this image highest value it is necessary to give the role of man in relation to the machine. If a person drives a car himself, then this is an advance towards a certain goal or an escape from an undesirable situation. If the car is driven by another person, then this means that the current life situation the subject is not controlled by the subject, but by someone else. If a person sees a car that leaves without him, this is a symbol of missed opportunities that are not used

According to the dream book, why is a moving car dreaming - Indicates potential psychosomatic disorders (visceral disorders) or a mechanical lattice at the final stage incubation period(i.e., at the stage of completion of its formation).

Women's dream book What is the dream of a car from a dream book:

Car dream book - Seeing cars in a dream means that you will be engaged in a project that will cause you great anxiety, but as a result it will be very useful for you. In general, to see a working mechanism in a dream - to serious difficulties in many endeavors and at the same time to the support of friends. Being pulled into a running car is a harbinger of business losses and close troubles. Also, such a dream portends losses from unsuccessful transactions. A broken car means the likely loss of a friend.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller Why does the Car dream in a dream:

  • Car dream book - Seeing cars in a dream - portends that you will undertake a project that will cause you great anxiety, but as a result it will be useful to you.
  • Seeing an old car is a sign that enemies will surpass you in your efforts to ensure your well-being.
  • Being pulled into a working machine is a harbinger of business losses and the beginning of a series of close misfortunes. This dream generally portends losses from unsuccessful transactions.
  • In general, to see a working mechanism in a dream promises you serious difficulties in many endeavors, and at the same time promises the support of friends.
  • A broken car portends the loss of friends.
  • If you dream of a fire truck, this promises you anxiety and excitement associated with an emergency.
  • If a young lady in a dream rushes to fire engine- she should beware in order to avoid participating in an unpleasant business, according to the dream book, this dream is deciphered in this way.

Modern dream book If you dream of a car:

Solves a dream book: What is the dream car for - Luck

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Car in a dream

Machine - To see a typewriter in a dream - a dispute will be settled; sewing - the rapid development of the business begun.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Dreaming of a Car

In a dream, what is the dream of The car is what is dreaming of - Deception; success at work - writing - the dispute will be settled - sewing - the rapid development of the business begun

Dream Interpretation Drive a car (be behind the wheel) - The general course of personal life, independent of external circumstances; self-control (based on the nature of the movement and the road).

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Washing machine - Worries, chores.

What is the dream of Machinery - Mechanical behavior. The body, its mechanics, the way it works. Parts of machinery, such as a piston. sexual activity. Steam machine. Stomach. A computer. The most complex part of the body is the brain. Computer game observed by the individual. Alienation. Loss of reality. The desire to escape to a different reality. Loss of control. A computer game in which an individual takes part. The experience of control and dependency. Construction computer programs. Programs of behavior and thinking. Mechanic, programmer. Doctor. Inventor. God.

broken car

Dream Interpretation Broken car dreamed of why a broken car is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Broken car in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Car

The car plays an important role in the life of a modern person. Each of us has something to do with it. The brand of the car in a dream, depending on how you feel about it, determines your position in this moment. If in life you are used to driving a Mercedes, and you have a dream that there is another car in your garage (say, a Muscovite), then the dream portends you financial difficulties, big changes in life for the worse. In this case, it will be a good sign if in a dream you see yourself in your car again, because this will mean that you can easily cope with difficulties and your life will get better again. If in a dream you left your car somewhere and cannot find it, then in real life you will have difficulties at work and in the family, which may be caused by your frivolous behavior. If your car was taken from you in a dream, then the dream portends you that soon you will be left out of work. Other people will take advantage of your ideas and make a lot of money from them while you drag out a miserable existence. If in a dream you saw that you had another car - beautiful, new and expensive, then in life you will find a strengthening of your position in society, new acquaintances, exciting trips to distant countries, prosperity and happiness. However, if this car breaks down for you, then unforeseen circumstances will interfere with your well-being. See interpretation: break.

Damage to the body on the car will mean that your business will be upset. If this damaged car is white, then scandals, troubles, unpaid debts and problems with banks will overshadow your joy. If it is brand new, but black and with body damage in the back, then soon you will have to bury one of your close relatives. The news of the death of a relative will take you by surprise, although he will die after a long illness. You will go through a difficult time. See interpretation: color.

If a new, but already broken car is standing near the house of your friends, the dream portends you to receive bad news from your friends, who, most likely, will expect real support and help from you. A dream in which you are driving a car and see a red light flashing on the dashboard warns you of the danger and monetary losses that may be associated with the road or car. See interpretation: light. If in a dream you see that one of the windows in your car is open, then beware of theft. Many obstacles await you on the way to the implementation of your plans, if you suddenly see in a dream that the windows in your car are broken. To dream that one of your close friends or relatives deliberately disfigures your car, then, no matter how your relationship with him develops in the future, his help will turn out to be a disservice to you and, as a result, will cause your quarrel with loved ones, which subsequently you lead to a complete break with them. If in a dream you see strangers crashing your car, then the attackers are plotting against you.

The speed of driving a car, the quality of the road and the duration of the trip in a dream mean the components of your success. Driving fast on a dangerous and slippery road, if everything ended well, portends you success in a risky business. If the traffic police wanted to detain you, but they failed, then you will successfully avoid danger in a difficult and risky enterprise. See interpretation: speed, police.

If in a dream you see that your car easily overcomes a difficult section of the road, then in real life you will successfully cope with troubles and difficulties. It is especially good to see in a dream that you, having passed a dangerous area, safely drove onto a wide and even road. If at that moment it was light outside and the weather was clear, then you will miraculously manage to get out of difficult situation in which you find yourself, and your business will go uphill. If in a dream you turn off the main road onto a small and narrow one, then unpleasant changes will occur in your life, in which you will only blame yourself. See interpretation: road, ice.

Driving a car in a circle in a dream is a sign that your business will stall, you will lose heart and be confused. Usually, how you behave in a dream will determine your circumstances in reality. Therefore, try to get off the circle in a dream, and with minimal risk to yourself and to the car. The dream in which you are driving with friends in their car, looking out the window and seeing beautiful picturesque pictures means that you will be closely connected with these people in work that will be beneficial to everyone. Together with these friends, you will also spend a lot of free time, which will bring you great joy and pleasure. If your car has a flat tire and you cannot drive further, then obstacles and troubles await you in the business that you are currently doing. If you repaired or changed the wheel in a dream, then your enterprise will be successfully completed and you will receive a good income.

Unexpectedly slowing down in a dream is a sign of obstacles and troubles that you will accidentally encounter in your work. If you managed to slow down in time, then you will be able to avoid the danger hanging over you. If you pressed the brake with all your might, but the car did not obey you, then the dream portends you a sharp change in all your affairs due to circumstances that do not depend on you. On the contrary, you have become very dependent on other people, and the dream warns you that you need to think carefully about your future now, before it's too late. Try to give up the frivolous lifestyle and extravagant habits that can ruin you. If you turned on the reverse gear in the car, then in life you will suddenly change your mind and give up your idea. A dream in which you want to go forward, and the car suddenly starts to go back, means that soon your affairs will change for the worse and fortune will change you no matter what you do. To have an accident on the road in a dream and not get hurt is a sign that, as they say, you were simply born in a shirt and you will be able to successfully avoid the danger that threatens you. See interpretation: accident.

If in a dream you drive a car easily and quickly, then your plans will be successfully implemented. The dream in which you were driving a car and hit a bird means that you will receive unpleasant news that will upset you very much. If you crushed an animal, then you need to pay attention to which animal you crushed (by name). If after a collision you have an unpleasant feeling, then defeating the enemy will not bring you joy, and if you are afraid, then troubles, grief and big trouble await you. To dream that someone crushed a big red dog and blood is splashed around, then some time will pass and a person close to you, maybe a husband or a very close friend, will become a victim of a ridiculous accident and die. The news of his death will shock you. Sleep predicts you a long illness, suffering and tears. See interpretation: animals, dog.

If in a dream you stopped at a red light of a traffic light, then obstacles will arise in your affairs that will be difficult to overcome due to bureaucratic obstacles or bad laws. If you drove through a red light without stopping, and at the same time you were not detained by traffic police, then you will succeed in a risky business and you will be able to successfully avoid danger. Stopping in a dream at the green light of a traffic light is a sign of your stubbornness and intractability, because of which you are constantly marking time and cannot complete anything.

To dream that someone broke off the steering wheel on your car means that you are completely at a loss and do not know what to do because of the mistakes made by other people. However, if in a dream you know how to fix it, or fix it, then fate will favor you and you will successfully get out of a difficult situation. A dream in which you see that your whole car is covered in mud and ask your relatives to get out of it because you are going to clean the car portends that you will soon sell your car. Driving a car, breaking the rules, is a harbinger that you will play a dishonest game with your partners or relatives. Driving in the oncoming lane is a bad omen, meaning that resentment or insult will make you commit a mean and dishonorable act, and your family or partners will have a hard time.

Dream Interpretation - Car

It portends you a change in life or a quick trip, a business trip, a pleasant road.

Lots of cars can mean that new job or worries that give you a lot of worries will still bring their dividends and material benefits.

Old cars - portend new contradictions with enemies or ill-wishers.

Buying a car - you have to start a new successful business or return to activities that were previously postponed for any reason.

Buying a luxury car or an expensive foreign car is a very good dream. He portends you success in all your endeavors, good luck and further career advancement.

A purchased jeep, SUV or all-terrain vehicle is a dream warning. It is your affairs that have fallen into complete decline, and hopes for their speedy improvement are self-deception. You need to take all the problems before you more seriously, not missing even the smallest and most insignificant ones.

Driving a car - portends you happiness, the search for new opportunities, approaching the goal of life.

Foreign car - you will receive answers to questions that have tormented you for a long time.

Driving your car can also portend you good luck in business.

Riding in a car with a fellow traveler - symbolizes that your strained relationship with others or management will improve.

Get out of the car - warns you of possible troubles associated with the loss of your authority.

Being thrown out of the car on the move is bad news, falling out of it through your own fault.

Parking a car in a busy place can mean a temporary break with your friends or companions.

Rushing along the autodrome in a car to the finish line - in real life, you will show too much caution and restraint. Your rivals can get ahead of you.

We came to the finish line first in a car - all your competitors will be left far behind, and you will achieve the implementation of your plans.

Feel like driving an ace - you have an overestimated conceit and, in order to achieve good results, you need to reconsider your attitude to the surrounding problems and take a more sober approach to solving them.

Rushing along the road at great speed in a foreign car is a harbinger of success in business.

Passing a sharp turn by car can mean serious obstacles facing you, which will be quite difficult to overcome.

To get into an accident in a car without being its culprit is such a dream a favorable turn of circumstances, the achievement of the intended goals.

A foreign car in an accident - may portend unexpected financial difficulties, and a collision of cars.

Getting hit by a car can mean big trouble and even misfortune.

Repairing a car - useless chores await you.

They saw a broken headlight of a car - a sign that you will have to come to terms with your defeat.

The included headlight of a car, illuminating something important to you - a dream symbolizes your self-confidence, the help of loyal friends.

A car battery is a good sign. Promises good luck in work and significant income from monetary transactions.

An empty car tank portends unexpected changes. A leaking tank portends useless chores and failures.

Truck or dump truck - can warn you of a possible conflict with your boss.

The loaded body of a truck is such a dream profit.

An unknown detail of a car is a harbinger of forthcoming criticism of your actions or deeds, condemnation of them by friends or colleagues.

Car spring - you have a long period of meaningless or low-paid work.

Dream Interpretation - Car

The car, as a complex mechanism, is one of the brightest and most powerful phallic and masculine symbols.

If you have a prestigious foreign car, then you are proud of your health and tirelessness.

If you have several cars, then you have several sexual partners at the same time.

Driving a car at high speed means enjoying sexual relations with a partner.

Careful driving or driving at low speed speaks of insecurity in the chosen partner and your very serious attitude to this problem.

A ride on a passing car suggests that your sexual contacts, alas, are irregular.

Car repair speaks of a strong desire for sexual intercourse.

Car care speaks of good physical shape and high body tone.

The repair of a serviceable car indicates that you have a fairly developed inferiority complex or your preference for having sex with elements of masochism.

The intentional breakdown of your car indicates a desire to achieve your goal in any way, while you are ready to use all your cunning and even deceit.

To drive a car into a garage, tunnel or other enclosed space means the satisfaction received from sexual intercourse.

Being in a car in an open desert area or on a beach means worrying about an upcoming contact.

If your car is robbed, smashed or broken, you can get sick or injured your genitals.

An old or broken car symbolizes sexual diseases or sexual disorders.

The loss or puncture of a wheel symbolizes impotence.

If you crushed someone or fell under a car yourself, then this symbolizes sexual intercourse.

Dream Interpretation - Car

Luck in current affairs, success in all endeavors and profitable offers. Get out of the car - the results of your efforts in the near future may result in a result that will satisfy you. Avoid a car accident - you will prevail over your opponents. Buying a car in a dream - ahead of you is a high and strong position in society. To be driving a car - your plans will come true soon. Being a passenger in a car - you will receive the support of an influential person that you were counting on.

Imagine that a car is driving onto a wide, flat road. Traveling in a car gives you pleasure. Your loved one is sitting next to you.

Car accident - scandals, quarrels, collapse of hopes. You are the cause of the accident - the cause of the troubles in your life - excessive self-confidence and unreasonable independence. You were hit by a car - expect trouble at work. In the event of an accident, passengers were thrown to the side of the road - conflicts and quarrels will lead to a sharp break in relations with business partners or a loved one. The brakes failed - you let things take their course, which led to a loss of control in managing circumstances.

Imagine that no one was hurt after the accident. Your car is insured: you know that you will be reimbursed for all losses. Nevertheless, the dream suggests that you should analyze your behavior, especially if it is associated with excessive self-confidence and disregard for the opinions of others.

Loss of a car - shocks await you that will drastically change your life. Selling a car - hopes for a change in life will not come true. The car has broken down or is being repaired - complications on the way to family well-being. The car was stolen - the plans on which your future depends will be thwarted. Searching for a missing car - disappointments in love are inevitable.

Imagine that instead of a lost car, you bought a new luxury car. Examine it, smell the new interior. Get in it and ride on a flat wide road. All thoughts of breakdowns and losses remain far in the past.

Dream Interpretation - Car

For lovers who dream of a car, the dream portends good luck and a strong relationship. A car accident that you are in means that you will have a bad experience after a party or other entertainment event in which you take part. If you survived after a car accident and did not get injured, in real life you will be able to establish relations with your chosen one (chosen one) and avoid quarrels and conflicts. Buying a car in a dream is a good omen: you can rise in the eyes of your beloved (beloved). Selling a car does not bode well, it is likely that a dream means a break in relations.

Driving a car in a dream portends separation and unpleasant events. Breaking a car - to quarrels, showdown and trouble. If you jumped out of the car on the go, it means that you will find out about the betrayal. loved one. Car theft portends separation, and for couples - divorce.

Dream Interpretation - Car

If in a dream you buy auto parts for your car, then you want more than is possible. This can apply to any area. Cool your ardor a little, otherwise you will lose what you have.

If you see yourself in the garage and are engaged in replacing the worthless spare part of your car with a new one, then the streak of bad luck will soon end and you will finally be lucky.

If in a dream you paint your car with new paint, this indicates unexpected profits.

If in a dream you wash the interior of your car, then you need to maintain friendly relations with an influential person you know.

If you dream that you are painting over scratches on your car, then you need to be extremely careful on the roads. High chance of an accident. If possible, do not drive that day, but in another way get to the place you need.

If you dreamed that you bought a luxurious car, which in reality is clearly beyond your means, then you will probably be hit by failures and losses. Be prepared for this and be philosophical about everything.

If your car radio is broken, then expect some kind of revelry or other entertainment that will help you relax and relieve stress.

If you rent a car, you will soon be rewarded for your diligence and patience. Your business qualities will be appreciated by your boss and work colleagues. If you rented a car and crashed it, then love disappointment awaits you. You will commit some kind of rash act, because of which there will be a break with your girlfriend.

If you close an open trunk in a dream, then this indicates your frugality in reality, perhaps soon you will be able to buy a thing that you have long dreamed of.

Dream Interpretation - Car

A trip in a car (you are driving) is a difficult time.

It is very bad if the car was stolen or it broke down.

Car repair and sale - all this is a serious obstacle in your business on the path to success and happiness.

Buying a car is a recognition of your merits.

Career advancement.

Get out of the car - successfully complete the work you have begun.

Two in a car is a sign of love, friendship, perhaps even a quick marriage.

A car in a parking lot or on the road - a change in fate, a long trip.

Sometimes just a standing car means for a woman the appearance of a fan.

Dream Interpretation - Car

A trip in a car determines the inner strength of the dreamer.

Ride in a taxi - get help for which you have to pay.

Be driving - all your plans will come true.

To be a passenger is to be dependent on someone.

An accident with your car is a shock in life.

Car - This is a very informative image.

Anyone who uses a car in real life receives hints in a dream "from him" even in not very responsible cases.

If you rarely use a car or do not use it at all, the appearance of this image is especially important.

So, if you saw yourself driving, this is an indication that the time has come to take responsibility for yourself, to take a decisive step.

If you see someone else driving, then this person influences your life, manages it.

Dream Interpretation - Car

To dream that you are driving a car means your activity and luck in business.

If you are in a car accident, after such a dream, do not expect good impressions from the entertainment in which you are going to participate.

Seeing yourself successfully avoiding a car accident is a good sign: you will be able to honestly avoid a collision with the enemy of your plans.

Buying a car in a dream is also a good sign that you will be able to restore your former good position, but selling a car is an unpleasant change in fate.

Driving a car portends losses, sometimes illnesses. Being thrown out of a car on the go is bad news. A broken car is also a dream that portends failure.

Just to see cars in a dream - for trips, changes in fate, pleasant travels.

If you see that your car has disappeared, it has been stolen - this means the failure of many of your plans, on which the future depends.

Getting out of the car is a sign of the successful implementation of plans, which will bring you well-deserved satisfaction.

Dream Interpretation - Car

Car - Drive a car - command, manage people, as skillfully as you drive a car. Ride backwards - you have become like those who previously commanded earlier. Acquire - you will have the opportunity to advance in the service. Seeing a chic car that is inaccessible in life - to losses, losses. It is possible your car will be stolen. Old, broken, such as in reality - you will have the opportunity to make good money, buy a new car.

see a broken car

Dream Interpretation To see a broken car had a dream, why dream of seeing a broken car in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a broken car in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Dream Interpretation - Machine (mechanism)

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Dream Interpretation - Machine (car)

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Dream Interpretation - Cars

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Husband's broken car

Dream Interpretation Husband's Broken Car dreamed of why in a dream a broken husband’s car? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a broken husband’s car in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Machine

A dream in which you see some cars means a measured life, into which something suddenly breaks in, requiring you to exert all your physical and spiritual strength.

Seeing a car standing idle means that your peers and peers will succeed in life more than you.

Starting the car in action portends incredible difficulties in organizing a new business, when your faithful friends rush to your aid.

A machine working with a roar, clang or rattle is a great anxieties that will shake your home foundations to the ground and force them to change something.

Repairing a broken car in a dream predicts losses from transactions with unscrupulous partners and other monetary losses. Seeing the flywheel of any car, whether it be the largest or the smallest, is a sign of confident movement forward along the path to the intended goal, regardless of any opposition from ill-wishers. Seeing a steam engine in a dream means views of quite real opportunity getting wealth. Washing machine portends minor changes under significant circumstances.

A sewing machine is a sign of the rapid promotion of a new business, which will immediately pay off the funds invested in it.

To see a typewriter in a dream - in reality you will settle a dispute or quarrel between quarreling friends; work on a typewriter - to receive a small amount for a large amount of work.

A watering and harvesting machine seen in a dream suggests that you will rush to the rescue of a friend in trouble; driving such a car means impending danger.

A fire truck rushing to the scene of a disaster with lights on and a roaring siren - in reality, congratulate a friend on great luck, which you yourself contributed a lot to. Seeing a fire truck on fire - an incidental event will happen to you, which everyone you tell about it will refuse to believe.

Riding in a dream in a convertible type car, that is, expensive passenger car with a reclining top is a harbinger of good luck and the acquisition of wealth. Seeing a car in a garage in a dream is a sign of good news.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Car or truck in a dream: symbolizes personal opportunities in the implementation of private affairs.

Her condition shows what your chances of success are.

Steam engine: portends you to participate in a process that will be accompanied by emotional intensity and will require a lot of stress.

Broken car: a sign of an unexpected stop in business and discord with partners.

To see that the gears of a working machine: they threaten to drag you inside the mechanism, a warning that you should not get involved in some business, otherwise the consequences may be irreparable.

Drive a car (be behind the wheel) - the general course of personal life, independent of external circumstances;

Cars with a siren, signal cars ( Ambulance, fire truck) - severe anxiety, anxiety of the sleeping person, more often, unreasonable and associated with their own outbursts of emotions, passions for various reasons.

Much less often, such dreams report a real misfortune, an accident.

Dream Interpretation - Machine (mechanism)

Seeing cars in a dream portends that you will undertake a project that will cause you great anxiety, but as a result it will be useful to you.

Seeing an old car is a sign that enemies will surpass you in your efforts to ensure your well-being.

Being pulled into a working machine is a harbinger of business losses and the beginning of a series of close misfortunes. This dream generally portends losses from unsuccessful transactions.

In general, to see a working mechanism in a dream promises you serious difficulties in many endeavors, and at the same time promises the support of friends.

Broken car - portends the loss of friends.

If you dream of a fire truck, it promises you anxiety and excitement associated with an emergency. If a young lady is driving a fire truck in a dream, she should beware in order to avoid participating in an unpleasant business.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

If you saw a car in a dream, then you will take on a project that will cause you a lot of anxiety, but as a result it will be fruitful for you.

An old car is a sign that your enemies will be able to ensure their well-being faster than you.

If in a dream you find yourself drawn into a running car, get ready for business losses and a series of other troubles.

In general, any working mechanism dreams of serious difficulties in many endeavors, but at the same time promises the support of friends.

A broken car portends the loss of friends.

A fire truck promises some kind of emergency or unpleasant business.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Seeing cars in a dream - take part in useful deeds or succeed in the field of production (at a factory, factory, etc.).

Observe working mechanisms - engage tricky business, survive the hardships, but also get the support of friends.

Broken, old machines and mechanisms are a symbol of loss and failure, loss of partners.

To be drawn into some kind of working machine is unfortunate and loss in business.

If you cannot understand the operation of some mechanism in a dream, in reality the business that you started will get out of control.

A fire truck dreams of an emergency.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Seeing an ambulance is a call for caution - misfortune can happen to you.

To ride in an ambulance yourself - you have made a serious mistake.

Remember your actions recent times and consider whether you can recognize and correct your mistake.

The car is another symbol of spiritual development.

Ambulance - you can get to the hospital, watch your health.

If you are driving an ambulance - somewhere you made a mistake, consider your actions over the past week.

Dream Interpretation - Machine (car)

It is a mechanical means of transportation, but, unlike a train, tram or bus, the car is driven by the person himself, or his friend or relative, therefore this image is associated with a functional action that gives pleasure. In-se associates it with the body or with the immediate environment, thereby indicating its attitude to the behavior of the logical-historical "I". So various models machines and the different ways in which they are used indicate different patterns of behavior of the Self. If the subject does not drive the car himself, then this indicates the dominance of a positive or negative influence over him.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

If you dream that you are driving a car - in reality you will undertake a rather hectic, but very useful business that will be resolved with a successful outcome.

If you dreamed that your car broke down, it is possible that you will lose true friends, or you will encounter obstacles that, having accepted correct solution you can overcome.

If the car is reversing - think about the fact that, perhaps, in life you are “backing back”.

Analyze what is stopping you from moving forward.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Hugging and kissing your husband, meeting or seeing him off, is a sign of complete understanding and love between spouses, peace and harmony in the family.

If in a dream you give your husband a letter addressed to him, having previously read its contents secretly from your spouse, this portends a divorce and division of property through the courts.

If your husband came home from work tired and also sick, such a dream portends trouble and lack of money. A cheerful and full of energy husband who returned from hunting or fishing - to prosperity in the house and new acquisitions.

The dream in which you convict your husband of treason speaks of your overly biased attitude towards him in real life. If in a dream a husband leaves his family in your care, and he himself hides for several days in an unknown direction, without deigning to give any explanations, such a dream means a temporary discord in relations between you, which, however, will soon be replaced by complete agreement.

A quarrel with your husband on the basis of passion for alcohol should make you think about the origins of this weakness of your spouse - is it not in your behavior that they lie?

Burying your husband in a dream portends the arrival of his friends, because of which the apartment will temporarily turn into an inn and at the same time a drinking house.

A dream in which you leave your husband for another person can bring you big trouble in real life because of your too sharp and long tongue.

If in a dream the husband goes on a business trip, and you act on classical pattern accepting your lover on the marital bed - in fact, your excessive coquetry will give your husband a reason to suspect something is wrong.

For a young girl, a dream in which she sees herself married does not promise her marriage in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

A quarrel with your husband means his trust and respect for you.

Such a dream can also portend some kind of trouble outside the family.

If a wife dreams of a very affectionate husband, problems may arise in the family.

If a woman dreams that her husband left her for no apparent reason - in reality to a short-term cooling of relations, which, in any case, will be replaced by mutual attraction and consent.

If the husband dreamed of being sick or tired, then this is the illness of one of the relatives.

If you see your husband cheerful and cheerful, life will open up brilliant prospects for you.

There will be material well-being in the house.

If you dreamed that your husband was in love with another woman, not everything is safe in the family.

It is possible that your relationship is too monotonous and something needs to be changed in them.

If a married woman dreamed that she fell in love with another man, she is lonely in the family or does not receive satisfaction from intimate relationships with her husband.

If a girl dreamed that she got married, she should pay more attention to her appearance and think about her dignity.

If you dreamed that your husband was leaving, but, leaving home, he seemed to be taller - the dream portends that loved ones will be against your marriage and you will have to fight for your happiness.

If you dreamed of a scandal in which not only your husband is involved, but also another woman, this is a divorce or significant loss.

If you dreamed that your husband was killed as a result of a scandal, this is a very bad dream.

If a husband dreams that he is fighting with her, peace will come in the family.

If the wife caresses her husband - to profit.

Broken car

Dream Interpretation Broken car had a dream about why a broken car is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Broken car in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Machine

A dream in which you see some cars means a measured life, into which something suddenly breaks in, requiring you to exert all your physical and spiritual strength.

Seeing a car standing idle means that your peers and peers will succeed in life more than you.

Starting the car in action portends incredible difficulties in organizing a new business, when your faithful friends rush to your aid.

A machine working with a roar, clang or rattle is a great anxieties that will shake your home foundations to the ground and force them to change something.

Repairing a broken car in a dream predicts losses from transactions with unscrupulous partners and other monetary losses. Seeing the flywheel of any car, whether it be the largest or the smallest, is a sign of confident movement forward along the path to the intended goal, regardless of any opposition from ill-wishers. Seeing a steam engine in a dream means views of the very real possibility of obtaining wealth. The washing machine portends minor changes under significant circumstances.

A sewing machine is a sign of the rapid promotion of a new business, which will immediately pay off the funds invested in it.

To see a typewriter in a dream - in reality you will settle a dispute or quarrel between quarreling friends; work on a typewriter - to receive a small amount for a large amount of work.

A watering and harvesting machine seen in a dream suggests that you will rush to the rescue of a friend in trouble; driving such a car means impending danger.

A fire truck rushing to the scene of a disaster with lights on and a roaring siren - in reality, congratulate a friend on great luck, which you yourself contributed a lot to. Seeing a fire truck on fire - an incidental event will happen to you, which everyone you tell about it will refuse to believe.

Driving in a dream in a convertible car, that is, an expensive convertible car, is a harbinger of good luck and the acquisition of wealth. Seeing a car in a garage in a dream is a sign of good news.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Car or truck in a dream: symbolizes personal opportunities in the implementation of private affairs.

Her condition shows what your chances of success are.

Steam engine: portends you to participate in a process that will be accompanied by emotional intensity and will require a lot of stress.

Broken car: a sign of an unexpected stop in business and discord with partners.

To see that the gears of a working machine: they threaten to drag you inside the mechanism, a warning that you should not get involved in some business, otherwise the consequences may be irreparable.

Drive a car (be behind the wheel) - the general course of personal life, independent of external circumstances;

Cars with a siren, signal cars (ambulance, fire engine) - severe anxiety, sleeper anxiety, more often, unreasonable and associated with their own outbursts of emotions, passions for various reasons.

Much less often, such dreams report a real misfortune, an accident.

Dream Interpretation - Machine (mechanism)

Seeing cars in a dream portends that you will undertake a project that will cause you great anxiety, but as a result it will be useful to you.

Seeing an old car is a sign that enemies will surpass you in your efforts to ensure your well-being.

Being pulled into a working machine is a harbinger of business losses and the beginning of a series of close misfortunes. This dream generally portends losses from unsuccessful transactions.

In general, to see a working mechanism in a dream promises you serious difficulties in many endeavors, and at the same time promises the support of friends.

Broken car - portends the loss of friends.

If you dream of a fire truck, it promises you anxiety and excitement associated with an emergency. If a young lady is driving a fire truck in a dream, she should beware in order to avoid participating in an unpleasant business.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

If you saw a car in a dream, then you will take on a project that will cause you a lot of anxiety, but as a result it will be fruitful for you.

An old car is a sign that your enemies will be able to ensure their well-being faster than you.

If in a dream you find yourself drawn into a running car, get ready for business losses and a series of other troubles.

In general, any working mechanism dreams of serious difficulties in many endeavors, but at the same time promises the support of friends.

A broken car portends the loss of friends.

A fire truck promises some kind of emergency or unpleasant business.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Seeing an ambulance is a call for caution - misfortune can happen to you.

To ride in an ambulance yourself - you have made a serious mistake.

Think back to your actions lately and see if you can recognize and correct your mistake.

The car is another symbol of spiritual development.

Ambulance - you can get to the hospital, watch your health.

If you are driving an ambulance - somewhere you made a mistake, consider your actions over the past week.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Seeing cars in a dream - take part in useful deeds or succeed in the field of production (at a factory, factory, etc.).

To observe working mechanisms - to do a difficult job, to survive difficulties, but also to get the support of friends.

Broken, old machines and mechanisms are a symbol of loss and failure, loss of partners.

To be drawn into some kind of working machine is unfortunate and loss in business.

If you cannot understand the operation of some mechanism in a dream, in reality the business that you started will get out of control.

A fire truck dreams of an emergency.

Dream Interpretation - Machine (car)

It is a mechanical vehicle, but, unlike a train, tram or bus, the car is driven by the person himself, or his friend or relative, so this image is associated with a functional action that gives pleasure. In-se associates it with the body or with the immediate environment, thereby indicating its attitude to the behavior of the logical-historical "I". Therefore, different models of machines and different ways of using them indicate different patterns of behavior of the "I". If the subject does not drive the car himself, then this indicates the dominance of a positive or negative influence over him.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

If you dream that you are driving a car - in reality you will undertake a rather hectic, but very useful business that will be resolved with a successful outcome.

If you dreamed that your car broke down, it is possible that you will lose true friends, or you will encounter obstacles that, having made the right decision, you can overcome.

If the car is reversing - think about the fact that, perhaps, in life you are “backing back”.

Analyze what is stopping you from moving forward.

Dream Interpretation - Cars

In a dream, examining some machines or mechanisms with interest is a sign of prosperous affairs: trade, production, finance. Success will be driven by growing customer demand. Thanks to a successful situation, you will quickly get rich and will be highly respected by others. To a woman who sees her future husband in a dream among mechanisms and machines, this dream suggests that her lover will always be hardworking and, although he is not rich now, he will definitely get rich in the end thanks to his perseverance and organization.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

robot, automaton (in the sense of stupid repetition).

A soulless cold machine (cynicism), a complex mechanism (an aspect of complexity), a "perpetual motion machine", "not a man, but a machine" (in the sense of inexhaustible energy).

"sex machine" "Mechanically" stupidly, habitually, mechanically repeatable.

broken car

Dream Interpretation Broken car dreamed of why in a dream a broken car? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a broken Car in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Machine

A dream in which you see some cars means a measured life, into which something suddenly breaks in, requiring you to exert all your physical and spiritual strength.

Seeing a car standing idle means that your peers and peers will succeed in life more than you.

Starting the car in action portends incredible difficulties in organizing a new business, when your faithful friends rush to your aid.

A machine working with a roar, clang or rattle is a great anxieties that will shake your home foundations to the ground and force them to change something.

Repairing a broken car in a dream predicts losses from transactions with unscrupulous partners and other monetary losses. Seeing the flywheel of any car, whether it be the largest or the smallest, is a sign of confident movement forward along the path to the intended goal, regardless of any opposition from ill-wishers. Seeing a steam engine in a dream means views of the very real possibility of obtaining wealth. The washing machine portends minor changes under significant circumstances.

A sewing machine is a sign of the rapid promotion of a new business, which will immediately pay off the funds invested in it.

To see a typewriter in a dream - in reality you will settle a dispute or quarrel between quarreling friends; work on a typewriter - to receive a small amount for a large amount of work.

A watering and harvesting machine seen in a dream suggests that you will rush to the rescue of a friend in trouble; driving such a car means impending danger.

A fire truck rushing to the scene of a disaster with lights on and a roaring siren - in reality, congratulate a friend on great luck, which you yourself contributed a lot to. Seeing a fire truck on fire - an incidental event will happen to you, which everyone you tell about it will refuse to believe.

Driving in a dream in a convertible car, that is, an expensive convertible car, is a harbinger of good luck and the acquisition of wealth. Seeing a car in a garage in a dream is a sign of good news.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Car or truck in a dream: symbolizes personal opportunities in the implementation of private affairs.

Her condition shows what your chances of success are.

Steam engine: portends you to participate in a process that will be accompanied by emotional intensity and will require a lot of stress.

Broken car: a sign of an unexpected stop in business and discord with partners.

To see that the gears of a working machine: they threaten to drag you inside the mechanism, a warning that you should not get involved in some business, otherwise the consequences may be irreparable.

Drive a car (be behind the wheel) - the general course of personal life, independent of external circumstances;

Cars with a siren, signal cars (ambulance, fire engine) - severe anxiety, sleeper anxiety, more often, unreasonable and associated with their own outbursts of emotions, passions for various reasons.

Much less often, such dreams report a real misfortune, an accident.

Dream Interpretation - Machine (mechanism)

Seeing cars in a dream portends that you will undertake a project that will cause you great anxiety, but as a result it will be useful to you.

Seeing an old car is a sign that enemies will surpass you in your efforts to ensure your well-being.

Being pulled into a working machine is a harbinger of business losses and the beginning of a series of close misfortunes. This dream generally portends losses from unsuccessful transactions.

In general, to see a working mechanism in a dream promises you serious difficulties in many endeavors, and at the same time promises the support of friends.

Broken car - portends the loss of friends.

If you dream of a fire truck, it promises you anxiety and excitement associated with an emergency. If a young lady is driving a fire truck in a dream, she should beware in order to avoid participating in an unpleasant business.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

If you saw a car in a dream, then you will take on a project that will cause you a lot of anxiety, but as a result it will be fruitful for you.

An old car is a sign that your enemies will be able to ensure their well-being faster than you.

If in a dream you find yourself drawn into a running car, get ready for business losses and a series of other troubles.

In general, any working mechanism dreams of serious difficulties in many endeavors, but at the same time promises the support of friends.

A broken car portends the loss of friends.

A fire truck promises some kind of emergency or unpleasant business.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Seeing an ambulance is a call for caution - misfortune can happen to you.

To ride in an ambulance yourself - you have made a serious mistake.

Think back to your actions lately and see if you can recognize and correct your mistake.

The car is another symbol of spiritual development.

Ambulance - you can get to the hospital, watch your health.

If you are driving an ambulance - somewhere you made a mistake, consider your actions over the past week.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Seeing cars in a dream - take part in useful deeds or succeed in the field of production (at a factory, factory, etc.).

To observe working mechanisms - to do a difficult job, to survive difficulties, but also to get the support of friends.

Broken, old machines and mechanisms are a symbol of loss and failure, loss of partners.

To be drawn into some kind of working machine is unfortunate and loss in business.

If you cannot understand the operation of some mechanism in a dream, in reality the business that you started will get out of control.

A fire truck dreams of an emergency.

Dream Interpretation - Machine (car)

It is a mechanical vehicle, but, unlike a train, tram or bus, the car is driven by the person himself, or his friend or relative, so this image is associated with a functional action that gives pleasure. In-se associates it with the body or with the immediate environment, thereby indicating its attitude to the behavior of the logical-historical "I". Therefore, different models of machines and different ways of using them indicate different patterns of behavior of the "I". If the subject does not drive the car himself, then this indicates the dominance of a positive or negative influence over him.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

If you dream that you are driving a car - in reality you will undertake a rather hectic, but very useful business that will be resolved with a successful outcome.

If you dreamed that your car broke down, it is possible that you will lose true friends, or you will encounter obstacles that, having made the right decision, you can overcome.

If the car is reversing - think about the fact that, perhaps, in life you are “backing back”.

Analyze what is stopping you from moving forward.

Dream Interpretation - Cars

In a dream, examining some machines or mechanisms with interest is a sign of prosperous affairs: trade, production, finance. Success will be driven by growing customer demand. Thanks to a successful situation, you will quickly get rich and will be highly respected by others. To a woman who sees her future husband in a dream among mechanisms and machines, this dream suggests that her lover will always be hardworking and, although he is not rich now, he will definitely get rich in the end thanks to his perseverance and organization.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

robot, automaton (in the sense of stupid repetition).

A soulless cold machine (cynicism), a complex mechanism (an aspect of complexity), a "perpetual motion machine", "not a man, but a machine" (in the sense of inexhaustible energy).

"sex machine" "Mechanically" stupidly, habitually, mechanically repeatable.

smash the car

Dream Interpretation to break the car had a dream, why dream about breaking a car in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to smash a car in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Machine

A dream in which you see some cars means a measured life, into which something suddenly breaks in, requiring you to exert all your physical and spiritual strength.

Seeing a car standing idle means that your peers and peers will succeed in life more than you.

Starting the car in action portends incredible difficulties in organizing a new business, when your faithful friends rush to your aid.

A machine working with a roar, clang or rattle is a great anxieties that will shake your home foundations to the ground and force them to change something.

Repairing a broken car in a dream predicts losses from transactions with unscrupulous partners and other monetary losses. Seeing the flywheel of any car, whether it be the largest or the smallest, is a sign of confident movement forward along the path to the intended goal, regardless of any opposition from ill-wishers. Seeing a steam engine in a dream means views of the very real possibility of obtaining wealth. The washing machine portends minor changes under significant circumstances.

A sewing machine is a sign of the rapid promotion of a new business, which will immediately pay off the funds invested in it.

To see a typewriter in a dream - in reality you will settle a dispute or quarrel between quarreling friends; work on a typewriter - to receive a small amount for a large amount of work.

A watering and harvesting machine seen in a dream suggests that you will rush to the rescue of a friend in trouble; driving such a car means impending danger.

A fire truck rushing to the scene of a disaster with lights on and a roaring siren - in reality, congratulate a friend on great luck, which you yourself contributed a lot to. Seeing a fire truck on fire - an incidental event will happen to you, which everyone you tell about it will refuse to believe.

Driving in a dream in a convertible car, that is, an expensive convertible car, is a harbinger of good luck and the acquisition of wealth. Seeing a car in a garage in a dream is a sign of good news.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Car or truck in a dream: symbolizes personal opportunities in the implementation of private affairs.

Her condition shows what your chances of success are.

Steam engine: portends you to participate in a process that will be accompanied by emotional intensity and will require a lot of stress.

Broken car: a sign of an unexpected stop in business and discord with partners.

To see that the gears of a working machine: they threaten to drag you inside the mechanism, a warning that you should not get involved in some business, otherwise the consequences may be irreparable.

Drive a car (be behind the wheel) - the general course of personal life, independent of external circumstances;

Cars with a siren, signal cars (ambulance, fire engine) - severe anxiety, sleeper anxiety, more often, unreasonable and associated with their own outbursts of emotions, passions for various reasons.

Much less often, such dreams report a real misfortune, an accident.

Dream Interpretation - Machine (mechanism)

Seeing cars in a dream portends that you will undertake a project that will cause you great anxiety, but as a result it will be useful to you.

Seeing an old car is a sign that enemies will surpass you in your efforts to ensure your well-being.

Being pulled into a working machine is a harbinger of business losses and the beginning of a series of close misfortunes. This dream generally portends losses from unsuccessful transactions.

In general, to see a working mechanism in a dream promises you serious difficulties in many endeavors, and at the same time promises the support of friends.

Broken car - portends the loss of friends.

If you dream of a fire truck, it promises you anxiety and excitement associated with an emergency. If a young lady is driving a fire truck in a dream, she should beware in order to avoid participating in an unpleasant business.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

If you saw a car in a dream, then you will take on a project that will cause you a lot of anxiety, but as a result it will be fruitful for you.

An old car is a sign that your enemies will be able to ensure their well-being faster than you.

If in a dream you find yourself drawn into a running car, get ready for business losses and a series of other troubles.

In general, any working mechanism dreams of serious difficulties in many endeavors, but at the same time promises the support of friends.

A broken car portends the loss of friends.

A fire truck promises some kind of emergency or unpleasant business.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Seeing an ambulance is a call for caution - misfortune can happen to you.

To ride in an ambulance yourself - you have made a serious mistake.

Think back to your actions lately and see if you can recognize and correct your mistake.

The car is another symbol of spiritual development.

Ambulance - you can get to the hospital, watch your health.

If you are driving an ambulance - somewhere you made a mistake, consider your actions over the past week.

Dream Interpretation - Break

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Seeing cars in a dream - take part in useful deeds or succeed in the field of production (at a factory, factory, etc.).

To observe working mechanisms - to do a difficult job, to survive difficulties, but also to get the support of friends.

Broken, old machines and mechanisms are a symbol of loss and failure, loss of partners.

To be drawn into some kind of working machine is unfortunate and loss in business.

If you cannot understand the operation of some mechanism in a dream, in reality the business that you started will get out of control.

A fire truck dreams of an emergency.

Dream Interpretation - Machine (car)

It is a mechanical vehicle, but, unlike a train, tram or bus, the car is driven by the person himself, or his friend or relative, so this image is associated with a functional action that gives pleasure. In-se associates it with the body or with the immediate environment, thereby indicating its attitude to the behavior of the logical-historical "I". Therefore, different models of machines and different ways of using them indicate different patterns of behavior of the "I". If the subject does not drive the car himself, then this indicates the dominance of a positive or negative influence over him.

Dream Interpretation - Break

Break dishes.

Break the mirror.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

If you dream that you are driving a car - in reality you will undertake a rather hectic, but very useful business that will be resolved with a successful outcome.

If you dreamed that your car broke down, it is possible that you will lose true friends, or you will encounter obstacles that, having made the right decision, you can overcome.

If the car is reversing - think about the fact that, perhaps, in life you are “backing back”.

Analyze what is stopping you from moving forward.

Your car has been smashed

Dream Interpretation Your car was smashed had a dream about why your car was smashed in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see your car smashed in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Machine

A dream in which you see some cars means a measured life, into which something suddenly breaks in, requiring you to exert all your physical and spiritual strength.

Seeing a car standing idle means that your peers and peers will succeed in life more than you.

Starting the car in action portends incredible difficulties in organizing a new business, when your faithful friends rush to your aid.

A machine working with a roar, clang or rattle is a great anxieties that will shake your home foundations to the ground and force them to change something.

Repairing a broken car in a dream predicts losses from transactions with unscrupulous partners and other monetary losses. Seeing the flywheel of any car, whether it be the largest or the smallest, is a sign of confident movement forward along the path to the intended goal, regardless of any opposition from ill-wishers. Seeing a steam engine in a dream means views of the very real possibility of obtaining wealth. The washing machine portends minor changes under significant circumstances.

A sewing machine is a sign of the rapid promotion of a new business, which will immediately pay off the funds invested in it.

To see a typewriter in a dream - in reality you will settle a dispute or quarrel between quarreling friends; work on a typewriter - to receive a small amount for a large amount of work.

A watering and harvesting machine seen in a dream suggests that you will rush to the rescue of a friend in trouble; driving such a car means impending danger.

A fire truck rushing to the scene of a disaster with lights on and a roaring siren - in reality, congratulate a friend on great luck, which you yourself contributed a lot to. Seeing a fire truck on fire - an incidental event will happen to you, which everyone you tell about it will refuse to believe.

Driving in a dream in a convertible car, that is, an expensive convertible car, is a harbinger of good luck and the acquisition of wealth. Seeing a car in a garage in a dream is a sign of good news.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Car or truck in a dream: symbolizes personal opportunities in the implementation of private affairs.

Her condition shows what your chances of success are.

Steam engine: portends you to participate in a process that will be accompanied by emotional intensity and will require a lot of stress.

Broken car: a sign of an unexpected stop in business and discord with partners.

To see that the gears of a working machine: they threaten to drag you inside the mechanism, a warning that you should not get involved in some business, otherwise the consequences may be irreparable.

Drive a car (be behind the wheel) - the general course of personal life, independent of external circumstances;

Cars with a siren, signal cars (ambulance, fire engine) - severe anxiety, sleeper anxiety, more often, unreasonable and associated with their own outbursts of emotions, passions for various reasons.

Much less often, such dreams report a real misfortune, an accident.

Dream Interpretation - Machine (mechanism)

Seeing cars in a dream portends that you will undertake a project that will cause you great anxiety, but as a result it will be useful to you.

Seeing an old car is a sign that enemies will surpass you in your efforts to ensure your well-being.

Being pulled into a working machine is a harbinger of business losses and the beginning of a series of close misfortunes. This dream generally portends losses from unsuccessful transactions.

In general, to see a working mechanism in a dream promises you serious difficulties in many endeavors, and at the same time promises the support of friends.

Broken car - portends the loss of friends.

If you dream of a fire truck, it promises you anxiety and excitement associated with an emergency. If a young lady is driving a fire truck in a dream, she should beware in order to avoid participating in an unpleasant business.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

If you saw a car in a dream, then you will take on a project that will cause you a lot of anxiety, but as a result it will be fruitful for you.

An old car is a sign that your enemies will be able to ensure their well-being faster than you.

If in a dream you find yourself drawn into a running car, get ready for business losses and a series of other troubles.

In general, any working mechanism dreams of serious difficulties in many endeavors, but at the same time promises the support of friends.

A broken car portends the loss of friends.

A fire truck promises some kind of emergency or unpleasant business.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Seeing an ambulance is a call for caution - misfortune can happen to you.

To ride in an ambulance yourself - you have made a serious mistake.

Think back to your actions lately and see if you can recognize and correct your mistake.

The car is another symbol of spiritual development.

Ambulance - you can get to the hospital, watch your health.

If you are driving an ambulance - somewhere you made a mistake, consider your actions over the past week.

Dream Interpretation - Break

To break a flower garden or a flower bed in a dream - in reality you will find patronage and patronage. Breaking dishes is a harbinger of a serious illness. Broken vase and broken flowers - unfortunately in love. A shattered bottle of alcohol means that your passion for love will manifest itself in the most bizarre way.

Broken eggs - to disappointment and failure, broken thermometer- a sign of a serious illness. See in a dream broken mirror portends the unexpected death of a loved one.

If in a dream you broke a window, it means unrequited love. Break the chandelier with a champagne cork - family life will crack. broken glasses they say that separation from a loved one will push you to dubious pleasures.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Seeing cars in a dream - take part in useful deeds or succeed in the field of production (at a factory, factory, etc.).

To observe working mechanisms - to do a difficult job, to survive difficulties, but also to get the support of friends.

Broken, old machines and mechanisms are a symbol of loss and failure, loss of partners.

To be drawn into some kind of working machine is unfortunate and loss in business.

If you cannot understand the operation of some mechanism in a dream, in reality the business that you started will get out of control.

A fire truck dreams of an emergency.

Dream Interpretation - Machine (car)

It is a mechanical vehicle, but, unlike a train, tram or bus, the car is driven by the person himself, or his friend or relative, so this image is associated with a functional action that gives pleasure. In-se associates it with the body or with the immediate environment, thereby indicating its attitude to the behavior of the logical-historical "I". Therefore, different models of machines and different ways of using them indicate different patterns of behavior of the "I". If the subject does not drive the car himself, then this indicates the dominance of a positive or negative influence over him.

Dream Interpretation - Break

Break dishes.

Tip of the day: minor troubles are not worth your worries. Switch to other things.

Break the glass in the window From inside the house.

Tip of the day: this is already good luck! Feel free to bring your plans to life.

Someone breaks the glass of the window outside.

Tip of the day: don't miss important news. Ask your friends for news.

Break the mirror.

Tip of the day: collapse in some area of ​​your life is inevitable. Analyze your own actions before making new plans

Dream Interpretation - Machine

If you dream that you are driving a car - in reality you will undertake a rather hectic, but very useful business that will be resolved with a successful outcome.

If you dreamed that your car broke down, it is possible that you will lose true friends, or you will encounter obstacles that, having made the right decision, you can overcome.

If the car is reversing - think about the fact that, perhaps, in life you are “backing back”.

Analyze what is stopping you from moving forward.

Broken car glass

Dream Interpretation Broken car glass dreamed of why in a dream Broken glass of a car? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Broken car glass in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Glass in a dream is a symbol of deceit, fear or grief. Looking through it in a dream is a sign of expectation. A magnifying glass in a dream means that you are prone to exaggeration and panic. See interpretation: points.

If glass in a dream reduces objects, then you are frivolous and do not see the real danger. Breaking glass in a dream or seeing cracks on it portends danger and obstacles in business. Often such a dream portends failures and disappointments and indicates that your plans will not come true. Getting hurt on glass in a dream means that you cannot avoid losses and unrest. Clean, transparent glasses in a dream symbolize the purity of your intentions, sincerity. But stained, scratched, cloudy glasses portend losses and disappointments. Often such dreams indicate that you are making the wrong decision, which can lead to the collapse of your plans. See interpretation: polish.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Transparent glass in a dream: this is a symbol of your detached curiosity.

Looking through the glass at someone you know is a sign of a possible alienation between you and this person.

Raindrops drumming on glass mean other people's tears, which, perhaps, will arouse your sympathy, but no more.

Dirty glasses: portend a small conflict with outsiders.

Clean glasses: a sign that you are taking a sober look at things and have the right idea about current events.

Frosted glass: a symbol of false illusions.

If in your dream you look through frosted glass, the dream suggests that you completely misunderstand some fact or event.

Broken window glass: indicates that some extraneous events that you would like to step back from will cause great complications in your life. The dream suggests that in reality you are trying in vain to evade solving some problems - you will not succeed.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

In a dream, looking through glass portends sorrows. Break glass (window) - portends an unsuccessful completion of a business to which you have given a lot of effort ...

If you dream that you cut yourself with glass, you can very quickly win the admiration of many if you want to show your abilities.

If you admire cleanly washed window panes - a dream promises to receive a prestigious official position, which will be fraught with conflicts in your environment.

If the glasses are cloudy - failure awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Seeing in a dream window glass dirty and cloudy, through which almost nothing is visible, portends deceit and danger. Wipe or wash the glass - to the agreement between the spouses. Breaking glass means avoiding trouble. Insert glass - to the unsuccessful completion of a difficult task. Cutting yourself with glass in a dream means that in reality you will deliberately give up something in the hope of acquiring more. If you look through a glass filled with rain, this portends sad events.

Buying glassware - bring trouble to the family. Eat or drink from it - well-being in the house, harmony between relatives. Broken glassware portends a rejection of profitable work, because of which you will lose the chance to break out of the vicious circle of constant deprivation.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

If in a dream you looked through the glass - expect trouble.

Broken window glass portends an unsuccessful completion of a business to which you have given a lot of effort. Cloudy glasses dream of failure.

Cut yourself with glass - show your abilities and very quickly win the admiration of others.

They admired the cleanly washed window panes - you will get a prestigious place, but you will earn a lot of conflicts.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

If in a dream you look through glass - a dream means a further successful course of your life. If the glass is frosted and does not shine through well, this means that your affairs and your well-being are very uncertain, you will soon find yourself in a difficult situation and even face need. If you dream that you can't see anything at all through the glass, your position will become more certain. “When a lover looks through a dull glass,” Frivellus says, “this means that a dream promises the inconstancy of a loved one or the infidelity of a friend. I never know if luck will come to the one who saw this dream. It has many interpretations."

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Glass - walking on glass is a danger; cut glass - for marriage. Broken glass is a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Glass

Any glass is a sign of fear, grief, deceit or danger.

Break glass - free yourself, get rid of danger, expose deceit.

Look through glass - win recognition of your abilities and talents.

Cloudy glasses - to failure.

Dream Interpretation - Broken Glass

Woe from irascibility.


Dream Interpretation - Glass

In a dream, looking at the world through a window glass is a harbinger of the bitterness of defeat. If you admire cleanly washed window panes, you will take a prestigious position in the official hierarchy, and your career advancement will be accompanied by conflicts with others. If the glasses are cloudy, failure awaits you.

Most often, a broken car dreams of problems and failures. But the interpretations of various dream books vary. For example, according to Miller's dream book, a broken car portends a discord in friendly relations. And according to Freud, the appearance of a broken vehicle in a dream portends sexual impotence or diseases of the genitourinary system.

When interpreting sleep, you should pay attention to the color of the car, the behavior of the owner and other details.

Who owned the car in the dream?

When interpreting dreams, there are many nuances that should be considered. If you dream that a person crashed his own car, then this portends a failure in business or in the implementation of any plans. And also such a dream promises unpleasant news and discord in family relationships.

The meaning of sleep, where someone else's car got into an accident, differs depending on the owner of the vehicle:

  1. 1. If the husband’s car is broken in a dream, he will blame his wife for his troubles. If a woman gave some advice, it will be the cause of discord in the family.
  2. 2. When dad's car gets into an accident in a dream, this promises an ambulance with him in reality, as well as a complete lack of understanding in relations with parents.
  3. 3. If the car of the father or brother suffers a crash, then for the dreamer such a dream predicts misfortune in the family. But if such a dream happened on the eve of buying a new car, then it will be interpreted on the positive side and portend a successful acquisition.
  4. 4. When a girl dreams that a young man's car was involved in an accident, it means that he is dating someone else besides her. After such a dream, you should take a closer look at your partner.
  5. 5. If in a dream an unfamiliar car was a participant in the accident, this indicates the presence of envious colleagues who are trying to do harm in every possible way. And also such a dream indicates imminent quarrels in the family due to the lack of joint rest.

Vehicle Features

Many dream books invite readers to remember what kind of broken car was in a dream:

  1. 1. When involved in a collision real car, the interpretation comes down to quick material expenses that will not bring any pleasure or sense. And also for future quarrels in the family or discord in the relationship of friends.
  2. 2. If the car looks like a cartoon character or no one you know has such a vehicle, then you should expect trouble in business. At the same time, dream books advise postponing the implementation of important plans for a more suitable time.
  3. 3. When you get into an accident in a dream old car, then for men this is a sign of imminent impotence, and for women - problems with the genitourinary system.

When a lover's car is involved in an accident in a dream, attention is paid to the severity of the damage:

  • if the headlights turned out to be broken: there is a lot of gossip about the girl, but the young man will be convinced that this is fiction, and everything will be fine;
  • when the windshield broke: such a sign portends a real malfunction of the vehicle, or a serious illness awaits the guy soon;
  • if you had to drive a broken car in a dream, then you should expect large material costs.

All dream books come down to one opinion about dreams involving an ambulance or the sound of a siren. Such a sign says that the heart will soon be broken or the dreamer will be betrayed by friends.

If a car is shattered in a dream, such a symbol portends a complete discord in love or friendship that cannot be restored.

Many dream books advise, after sleeping with a broken car, to try not to enter into any conflicts at home or at work. So, the dreamer will be able to avoid sad consequences, save his family and not lose a friend.