2d game constructor crack. The best programs for creating computer video games. Effects and visualization

  • Android development,
  • Unity
  • Introduction

    First of all, I want to immediately note that I am not a professional developer. In this article, I will try to describe my experience in creating the Feel Speed ​​Racing game. This material, most likely, will not be of interest to those who already have great experience in game development, but I think it will be interesting for novice developers who have worked with Unity at least a little.


    The concept of the game is that the car must go as far as possible while obstacles dynamically appear on the road; .


    The game consists of 2 scenes: the main menu and the game scene itself:

    Where "menu" is the main menu and "1" is the game scene.

    Main menu

    To create such a simple menu, we need a GUI control, which is standard in Unity.

    As a background, I used a sprite named "background" filled with in gray. You can choose anything.

    Script content:

    Using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.IO; public class menu: MonoBehaviour ( public GUIStyle mystyle; //declared to change the style of GUI components (font, size, etc.) string score; //variable to store the distance traveled void Start () ( StreamReader scoredata = new StreamReader(Application.persistentDataPath + "/score.gd"); //create file variable score = scoredata.ReadLine(); //read line scoredata.Close(); //close file variable ) void Update() ( ) void OnGUI()( GUI.Box (new Rect (Screen.width*0.15f, Screen.height*0.8f, Screen.width*0.7f, Screen.height*0.1f), "MAX DISTANCE:"+score,mystyle) ; //create a small window to show the distance traveled if (GUI.Button (new Rect (Screen.width*0.15f, Screen.height*0.25f, Screen.width*0.7f, Screen.height*0.1f), "Start game",mystyle)) //create a button to launch the game scene ( Application.LoadLevel(1);//Load the game scene ) if (GUI.Button (new Rect (Screen.width*0.15f, Screen.height*0.4f , Screen.width*0.7f, S creen.height*0.1f), "Exit",mystyle)) //create a button to exit the game ( Application.Quit();//Exit the game ) ) )
    The result should look something like this:

    You can change the font, color and size of GUI elements using MyStyle.

    Creating a game scene

    The main elements in this scene are the road, the car and the fuel gauge.

    1. Road:

    Due to the fact that the race is endless and only stops when the car hits an obstacle or runs out of gas, the road is moving. That is, the car can move left or right, and the road creates the illusion of moving in a straight line.

    We throw the sprite with the road onto the game scene and adjust it to fit the camera.

    Then we add as child objects inside the road 4 blocks with obstacles, a fuel tank and don't forget to add a Box Collider 2D to them. Another thing to note is Is Triger to intersect with the car.

    Now we create the moveroad.cs script and hang it on our road.

    Add the following code to it:

    Using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.IO; public class moveroad: MonoBehaviour ( public GUIStyle mystyle;// style creation int f,fuelst; float score=0,speed=-0.2f,data,fuelpos;// variables for storing distance, speed and record public GameObject block;// game object to host the block public GameObject block1; public GameObject block2; public GameObject block3; public GameObject fuel; bool turbotriger=false; void Start () ( StreamReader scoredata = new StreamReader (Application.persistentDataPath + "/score.gd"); data = float.Parse(scoredata.ReadLine ());//reading from the score data file scoredata.Close (); ) void Update () ( transform.Translate (new Vector3 (0f,speed,0f));//movement roads with the above speed score = score + (speed*-10);// calculate the distance if (transform.position.y< -19f) // если дорога уходит за пределы камеры то она "теле портируется" вверх { transform.position=new Vector3(0f,33.4f,0f);//новая позиция дороги block.transform.position=new Vector3(10.15f,block.transform.position.y,block.transform.position.z); block1.transform.position=new Vector3(8.42f,block1.transform.position.y,block1.transform.position.z); block2.transform.position=new Vector3(6.62f,block2.transform.position.y,block2.transform.position.z); block3.transform.position=new Vector3(4.95f,block3.transform.position.y,block3.transform.position.z); fuel.transform.position=new Vector3(11.86f,fuel.transform.position.y,fuel.transform.position.z); //скрытие за пределы камеры всех препятствий(блоков) f = Random.Range (0, 5);//случайное появление на дороге 1-го из 4-х блоков или канистры с бензином switch (f) { case 0:block.transform.position=new Vector3(2.40f,block.transform.position.y,block.transform.position.z); break; case 1:block1.transform.position=new Vector3(0.90f,block1.transform.position.y,block1.transform.position.z); break; case 2:block2.transform.position=new Vector3(-0.80f,block2.transform.position.y,block2.transform.position.z); break; case 3:block3.transform.position=new Vector3(-2.35f,block3.transform.position.y,block3.transform.position.z); break; case 4: fuelst=Random.Range(0,4); if(fuelst==0){fuelpos=2.40f;} if(fuelst==1){fuelpos=0.90f;} if(fuelst==2){fuelpos=-0.80f;} if(fuelst==3){fuelpos=-2.35f;} fuel.transform.position=new Vector3(fuelpos,fuel.transform.position.y,fuel.transform.position.z); break; } if (score>data)// if the current distance traveled exceeds what is written in the record file, then the data is updated ( StreamWriter scoredata=new StreamWriter(Application.persistentDataPath + "/score.gd");//create a file variable to store the distance traveled scoredata.WriteLine (score);//write the new value to the file scoredata.Close();//close the file variable ) ) ) void OnGUI()( GUI.Box (new Rect (0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height*0.05 f), "Distance(m): " + score,mystyle);//create a window to calculate the distance ) )

    It should look like this. If everything is left like this, then after the road passes to the end, there will be an empty space and so it will be in a circle, the road will disappear.

    To solve this problem, you need to create a duplicate of an already finished road and change the script a little.

    It should turn out like this.

    2. Car:

    We throw the sprite of the car on the scene and set it to any place on the road. Then we create the script carcontroller.cs and hang it on the car.

    Content of carcontroller.cs:

    Using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput; public class carconroller: MonoBehaviour ( void Start () ( ) public void Update () ( if (transform.rotation.z !=0) // check for collision between the car collider and the obstacle, the menu is loaded upon collision ( Application.LoadLevel (0) ; ) ) ) public void OnGUI() ( if (GUI.RepeatButton (new Rect (Screen.width*0.1f, Screen.height*0.9f, Screen.width*0.2f, Screen.height*0.08f), "L ")) //create a button to move left ( if (transform.position.x > -2.4f) ( transform.Translate (new Vector3 (-0.05f, 0f, 0f)); ) ) if (GUI.RepeatButton (new Rect (Screen.width*0.7f, Screen.height*0.9f, Screen.width*0.2f, Screen.height*0.08f), "R")) //Create a button to move right ( if (transform.position. x< 2.4f) { transform.Translate (new Vector3 (0.05f, 0f, 0f)); } } } }
    Now the car can move.

    3.Fuel scale:

    It took 2 sprites to create the scale the same size but different colors (red, green). And make one of them a child (green).

    Using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class fuelscript: MonoBehaviour ( public GameObject fuelall; float mytimer=100f;// set floating number // Use this for initialization void Start () ( ) void Update () ( mytimer = 100f; mytimer -= Time.deltaTime;// number changes over time if (mytimer/mytimer==1f) //check for a period of 1 second ( fuelall.transform.position=new Vector3(fuelall.transform.position.x-0.0011f,fuelall.transform.position. y,fuelall.transform.position.z); fuelall.transform.localScale = new Vector3(fuelall.transform.localScale.x-0.001f, 1, 1); //Move to the left and decrease the width of the green bar to simulate scales ) if (fuelall.transform.localScale.x< 0) //если шкала исчезла то загрузка идет загрузка главного меню { Application.LoadLevel(0); } } }

    My road is road183 and its duplicate is road183(1). In its child fueltrack object, you need to add a script to detect an intersection with a car and replenish fuel.

    Create script triger.cs and hang it on fueltrack in both roads and mark it as Is Triger. The code:

    Using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class triger: MonoBehaviour ( public GameObject fuel;// add greenfuel here // Use this for initialization void Start () ( ) // Update is called once per frame void Update () ( ) void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col) ( if ( col.gameObject.name == "playercar") //Check if the car and the fuel object intersect ( fuel.transform.position=new Vector3(0,fuel.transform.position.y,fuel.transform.position.z); fuel. transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); //restore fuel object standard values } } }


    At the time of the release of the game on Google Play, I did not particularly promote it, and, of course, there were no downloads.

    In the absence of a professional artist, I had to work with the icon myself:

    Bring your ideas to life in just a couple of hours or days instead of long weeks and months. Creating games in Construct 2 is very easy and fun: just drag and drop objects, add behaviors to them, and bring it all to life with events!

    With a fast and intuitive interface, you have Free access to a wide range of tools, which allows any user to start creating games from scratch, even without special knowledge.

    The level editor is completely visual and built on the WYSIWYG principle, which makes it easy to build levels and immediately see the result. You can drag, rotate and scale objects, render effects and quickly change their settings in the properties panel. Objects can be placed on separate layers, which allows you to create parallax and blending effects. The program also has a built-in image editor for quick editing of graphics in the game.

    Powerful event system

    Make your game the way you want it to be with a simple yet powerful visual event system. You no longer need to learn complex and incomprehensible programming languages. With events, creating logic becomes intuitive even for a beginner.

    Events are created by selecting possible conditions and their associated actions. The result is a well-organized list of events, made as clear and readable as possible even for a novice game developer. Entire lists of events can be reused at different levels or saved to recreate events at other levels.

    Creating events for the game is quite simple and straightforward. Just specify an object, select a condition or action, and add it to the event. Construct 2 helps you learn to think in a logical sequence and understand real programming concepts, making it a great starting tool if you decide to learn a programming language afterwards.

    Each event list contains events that contain conditional statements or triggers. As soon as they are executed, the specified actions occur. Using groups, you can enable and disable entire chains of events, as well as use them to conveniently organize large projects.

    Advanced event logic - OR/Else conditions, sub-events, local variables and recursive functions - allow you to create complex systems without learning a more difficult programming language.

    Flexible Behaviors

    Behaviors work like predefined functions that you can assign to objects and reuse them where needed. They are added to the object instantly, which significantly speeds up the development of the game and increases your productivity.

    Behaviors include movements such as 8 directions, platforming, car, bullet; advanced functions such as physics and finding the path of the object; and various useful utilities such as fading, flashing, wrapping, sticking and dragging.

    Most behaviors can be replicated using events, but creating them from scratch will take much longer. That's why behaviors can save you a lot of time without limiting your further development.

    For example, by adding the behavior Platform (Platformer) to the sprite, he will immediately be able to run and jump on platforms that have the property Solid (Solid). If necessary, you can adjust the speed, jump height, gravity, etc. until you get the desired result.

    Due to their ease of use, behaviors are great for beginners who can apply them and get instant results. However, for advanced users, they also make development a lot easier. Do you want an object to move and rotate with another object, for example? Just add the Pin behavior! It literally takes only a few seconds and does not cause any difficulties.

    Instant Preview

    In Construct 2, you can instantly preview your games at any time. No need to wait for compilation or other time-consuming processes. By pressing just one button, the game immediately launches in the browser window and is ready for testing.

    This allows for rapid prototyping and testing throughout the game development process, making it easier to find bugs and debug the application. In this way, game development becomes much more understandable and intuitive, which is especially useful for beginners.

    Another handy feature is Wifi preview. It allows any smartphones, tablets, laptops and even other PCs to connect to you via LAN/Wifi. This makes Construct 2 extremely handy for testing games on different devices such as tablets and phones!

    There are no restrictions on the number of devices used for previewing via LAN/Wifi - you can have multiple devices at the same time and update them at the same time, allowing you to quickly test the game on many platforms at once. This feature is also invaluable if you need to quickly check if touch events work on touchscreen devices.

    Beautiful special effects

    Use different blend modes, effects and particle systems to make your games look not just good, but amazing!

    The program has more than 70 WebGL effects, including deformation, distortion, blending, blur, color change, etc. Effects can be added to objects, layers and levels, and combined to achieve cool results. What's more, you can see everything you apply right in the editor in real time.

    Construct 2 also gives you the ability to customize Alternative option, if effects are not supported somewhere, so that the player does not spoil the experience of your game. For example, the WebGL effect Screen (Screen) can be replaced by the blend mode Additive (Adding) when the player's computer does not support it, which allows players to best experience across a variety of hardware and system configurations.

    Another handy feature is the Particles plugin. It works by creating and moving lots of small images, easily generating splashes, sparks, smoke, water, debris, and anything else you can think of. It is truly a versatile object capable of creating many various kinds visual effects.

    Multi-platform export

    Publish your games across multiple platforms with just one project. There is no need to maintain multiple codebases. Using the HTML5-based Construct 2 engine, you can export your games to most major platforms.

    Publish games online on your own site, Chrome Web Store, Facebook, Kongregate, NewGrounds, Firefox Marketplace, or use Scirra Arcade to share your creations. Export as an application on PC, Mac or Linux using Node-Webkit. In addition, there is an option to make a project for the Windows 8 Store or release it as a native Windows Phone 8 app.

    You can also easily export to popular platforms such as iOS and Android using CocoonJS, appMobi and PhoneGap services - all three have built-in support, so choose which one you like best.

    With expanded platform support, you can always be sure that players will have access to your game no matter where they are.

    Easy expandability

    Construct 2 comes with 30 built-in plugins, 25 behaviors and 70 visual effects. They affect both the display of text and sprites, sounds, music playback, as well as input, data processing and storage, particle effects, ready-made motions, Photoshop-like effects, and much more.

    If you're an advanced user and need additional functionality, Construct 2 allows you to create your own plugins and behaviors using the Javascript SDK, which comes with full documentation. You can also create your own visual effects using the GLSL shader language.

    Construct 2 community enthusiasts have already written over 150 plugins and behaviors. It's really easy, no need for any special tools! All you need is a text editor and some knowledge of JavaScript or GLSL. It's also a great start to the real world of programming for your games.

    There is hardly a person who has not played at least one game at least once in his life. computer game, whether on a laptop or mobile device. Well, which of you, dear reader of our blog, did not dream of creating your own game and, if not becoming a millionaire thanks to your project, then becoming famous at least among your friends?

    But how to create an Android game from scratch, without special knowledge and without even knowing the basics of programming? It turns out that trying yourself as a game developer is not so difficult task. This will be the topic of our today's material.

    1. idea or scenario.
    2. Desire and patience.
    3. Game constructor.

    And if everything is more or less clear with the first two components of success, then the third component needs to be discussed in more detail.

    What is Game Builder

    We are talking about a program that greatly simplifies the development of games, making it accessible to people who do not have programming skills. Game Builder combines an IDE, a game engine, and a level editor that works like a visual editor ( WYSIWYG– English. abbreviation "what you see is what you get").

    Some constructors may be limited by genre (for example, RPG, arcade, quests). Others, while providing the ability to design games of various genres, at the same time limit the imagination of a novice developer to 2D games.

    Even after reading only what has already been written, it becomes clear that for a novice developer who decides to write a game for any operating system, including OS Android, choosing a suitable constructor is the main task, because the fate of the future project depends on the functionality and capabilities of this tool.

    How to choose the right designer

    You need to start by assessing your own level of knowledge in the field of programming. If it tends to zero or is absent altogether, then it is better to try the most simple options. And even if you don't have necessary knowledge English, then in this case you can find a program that suits you.

    And second important point when choosing a constructor - functional. Here you need to very accurately analyze the scenario of your project, because the more difficult the game is, the more various tools will be needed to create it, respectively, and the designer will need a more powerful one.

    To help with the choice, below we will present to your attention the best programs-constructors, which, in general, does not exclude the fact that you, having thoroughly rummaged through the forums or specialized sites, will choose something else for yourself, since the assortment of this range of programs pretty wide.

    Top 5 Best Game Builders

    Construct 2

    This application consistently occupies the first lines in the ratings of game designers. With Construct 2, you can create 2D games of almost any genre for various platforms, including Android, as well as animation games targeted at browsers that support HTML5.

    Considering the huge number auxiliary tools, even novice users will be able to master the program.

    To master working with Construct 2, there is no need to buy a license, the free Free version offers ample tools and the ability to export the finished project to some platforms. However, coding the finished product to mobile platforms and access to the full scope of functionality will give a Personal license for $129. If your skill in creating games has reached its climax, and you have already begun to receive more than $5,000 in income from your project, you will have to fork out for the Business option, which will cost $429.

    And now, watch some practical video tutorials on creating game applications with Construct 2:

    Clickteam Fusion

    Clickteam Fusion is another example of a great full-fledged game builder that helps even a beginner to create a full-fledged game. The program provides the ability to export created applications to HTML5 format for free, which means that it will be possible to publish browser games and, in addition, convert them for publication in various mobile markets, such as Google play.

    Among the main characteristics, one can note the simplicity of the interface, support for shader effects and hardware acceleration, the presence of a full-fledged event editor, saving projects in formats compatible with various platforms, including Android.

    The paid Developer version of the program is not available to residents of the Russian Federation, but its licensed disk can be ordered from the same Amazon, easing the personal budget by an average of $100. It is possible to Russify the menu through a third-party Russifier.

    How to work with the application, look special video well:


    Stencyl is another great tool that allows you to develop simple 2D computer games without special knowledge of codes, as well as programming languages ​​for all popular platforms. Here you have to work with scripts and diagrams, which are presented in the form of blocks, and you can drag objects or characteristics with the mouse, which is very convenient.

    The program developer also offers the opportunity to write your own code in blocks, but this, of course, requires knowledge in the field of programming.

    The presence of an excellent graphical editor Scene Designer allows the user to use their imagination to draw game worlds.

    The optimal set of functions will help create high-quality games of different genres, but the most tiled (tiled) Stencyl graphics will be relevant for shooters or rpg games.

    The program is distributed free of charge, but exporting to desktop formats requires a subscription, which will cost $99 per year, and a license for mobile games costs $199 per year.

    Watch a crash course on working with Stencyl:

    game maker

    The program exists in paid and free versions. A budget option allows you to create solid two-dimensional games for the desktop. While the paid version makes it possible to write quite "fancy" 3D toys for Windows, iOS and Android. We are still interested in a free opportunity to learn how to realize yourself in the gaming industry, and Game Maker is the very option that will allow you to create games with your own scenario without restrictions in choosing a genre.

    The program offers a selection of ready-made location templates, objects, as well as characters, sounds and backgrounds. So, all creative work comes down to dragging and dropping into working area the selected elements and the choice of conditions - the location and interaction with other objects. Although knowledge of a programming language is not required, but users who are “in the know” will be able to use GML, something similar to JS and C ++.

    Game Maker covers English language, so those who do not know it enough will need to download the crack file.

    For those who are interested in this program, we suggest watching the training video:

    Unity 3D

    Unity 3D is perhaps the best thing to offer for creating a quality 3D project. Fully integrated into the program finished models, as well as textures and scripts. In addition, it is possible to add your own content - sound, images and videos.

    Games created with Unity are compatible with all popular platforms from iOS or Android mobile devices to SMART TV receivers.

    The program is characterized by high compilation speed, easy-to-use interface, flexible and multifunctional editor.

    All game actions and behavior of the characters are based on the sound physical core of PhysX. Each object created in this game constructor is a certain combination of events and scripts, controlled by the developer himself.

    It is important to understand that although the program is positioned as a game designer designed for beginners, a certain level of knowledge is still needed to work with this application. Well, working with 3D graphics requires a fairly modern computer equipped with a hardware video card.

    A series of lessons on creating games with Unity 3D:

    So, you have decided to fulfill your dream of creating your own unique game. We have tried to provide information that may help in this. Pay attention, if you carefully read the material presented, and at least briefly watched the video tutorials for each program, then you probably noticed that working with each game designer is based on the same principle. Therefore, it is quite possible that you will be able to pick up something that is more suitable for your needs. We at least hope that at this stage the question of how to make a game on Android is closed. Good luck!

    Who doesn't love playing on a computer or smartphone? There are probably few such people.

    For some gamers, the love of games goes so far that they begin to understand the entertainment device itself, and dream of creating games themselves. Well, today there are many opportunities for the realization of this cherished dream!

    If you want to create your own toy at your leisure, catch a list of special free programs for this.


    Free package professional programs to create interactive games and three-dimensional computer graphics.

    Tools for work will be enough for both beginners and professionals. Blender contains tools for modeling, animation, video and sound processing.

    The program is a full-fledged editor, which already contains the main textures, event handlers and models. If you need additional features, you can download plugins: they are created by both official developers and users.

    But you will find lessons on working in this program.

    Go ahead, create new universes!

    Unity 3D

    This is a powerful environment for developing applications and games, including for mobile devices. 3D games created with Unity work on Windows, iOS, Android, Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii. You can create games of any genre; textures and models are easily imported, images of all popular formats are supported.

    Scripts are mostly written in JavaScript, but code can also be written in C#.

    Training materials for working in the environment (in English) can be found on the official website at the link.

    Construct Classic

    Open source 2D and 3D game builder. No programming knowledge is required to work. Just add an object and turn on the animation.

    There is no Russian version, but the interface is very clear, so you can work even with basic knowledge of English.

    Not only is the builder free, it's open source, and you can customize and edit it as you wish if you wish.

    You can see Construct Classic tutorials.

    Game Maker Lite

    Free development software simple games, any genre: platform, puzzle, action and 3D games. Suitable for beginners. You can use your own images and effects, or the built-in program. To access a larger selection of images and effects, you need to register.

    No programming knowledge is required to work, but some scripts can be written independently, if desired. So this program can be used for teaching programming as well.

    Lessons on how to work in the program for beginners are on this site.

    Unreal Development Kit

    Free engine for creating games. Very powerful, with tons of features and tools for advanced visualizations and detailed simulations. You can create games for many modern platforms.

    The program already includes textures, models, sounds, sprites, scripts. It remains only to combine and create your own game.

    You can watch video tutorials and manuals for working in the program.

    game editor

    Editor for creating simple 2D games for operating systems Windows systems iOS, Android, Linux.

    There are built-in animation sets that are responsible for appearance characters. You can use your graphic elements. The program also provides a standard set of reactions that determine the behavior of the character in the game. But you can create your own, in a special scripting language Game Editor.

    3D Rad

    Free software for developing 3D games and interactive applications. You don't need to use the code, so creating your own games is quite simple.

    The game is created by selecting various objects and setting up the interaction between them. There is a function to import models, a large number of examples and samples. You can distribute ready-made games as a full-fledged web application or program. It is possible to embed games on web pages.

    Game Maker Studio

    A free set of tools for creating mobile games. Simple, intuitive interface, thanks to which games are developed quite simply. Programming knowledge is not required, since you do not have to write code manually.

    There is nothing superfluous in the working window of the program. Games developed on Game Maker: Studio are cross-platform, and finished applications can be integrated with Steam.

    NeoAxis 3D Engine

    Universal environment for developing 3D projects.
    This is a ready-made engine with its own models, textures, physics, templates and graphics. There are even 24 ready-made, full-fledged cards!
    On it, you can create not only games, but also single models, complex visualization of software.

    It remains only to turn on the imagination and create.

    Itching to create your own game? No problems. Choose a program and go to your dream!

    Developing 2D games has never been so convenient. Thanks to modern engines, anyone can create a unique world from scratch, even without programming skills.

    Immerse yourself in the magical process of creating games. Feel the beauty of this activity, and perhaps choose it as your main life activity. Develop your mindset and skills to delight players with better entertainment.

    What engine to use?

    To date, many engines have been developed for creating 2D games. The abundance of offers often confuses beginners, forcing them to choose far from the best tool.

    To save you time and help you choose the right program, we have collected the best engines for creating 2D games in one catalog. Here you can get acquainted with detailed description, see screenshots and video tutorials. Do right choice user reviews and ratings of materials will help you. Download suitable programs to create 2D games, via torrent or file-sharing services (MEGA or Yandex.Disk).