How to open your own business in Denmark. How to move to live in Denmark from Russia and what you need to know about local life

Business in Denmark. Denmark is a noble kingdom, it is also one of the greenest cities on earth, both aesthetically and ecologically. He sets an enviable example that other countries want to follow. The jurisdiction includes a flexible and open economy with one of the most high performance in Europe. The country has a rich cultural and intellectual heritage and the corporate environment is no exception. Convenient location allows you to expand the area of ​​your economic activity.

Danish business is characterized by minimal bureaucracy, high education and stable tax laws. The country also focuses on the free exchange of goods and is the best choice for investors. It has strong purchasing power, ease of access, widespread use of the English language, and inflation as moderate as the climate. It's obvious that foreign businessmen are more positive about priority sectors, especially in areas such as the media, education, food, but in general, the opportunities for investors are huge.

Economic overview of Denmark

The Danish economy is one of the best economies in the EU with tall and low unemployment. Combined with low interest rates, this encourages private consumption and offers many opportunities for new and experienced investors. Denmark participates fully in the economic cooperation of the European Union.

In spite of small size country, Denmark is one of the most competitive economies in the world thanks to its highly efficient workforce, highly developed infrastructure and extensive social security system. Denmark is among the world leaders in wireless communications, the Internet and new media. The business is competitive with other countries, which is a very favorable place to register companies wishing to invest in Denmark.

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Business in Denmark has high performance and profitability in the industry and has one of the most effective systems distribution in Europe. It is self-sufficient in energy, as it produces oil, natural gas, wind energy and bioenergy.

The main export items are food products: dairy products, sugar, fish, meat, grain; consumer goods: furniture, leather, gas, oil, machinery, chemicals, equipment. Denmark's main importers are Germany, Sweden, the UK and the US. More than 70% of trade flows go to EU countries.

The Scandinavian countries are very popular with immigrants from all over the world. Far from the last place in this list is the Kingdom of Denmark. This small state with a population of about 5.8 million people, by the way, is very qualified, Danish universities offer high-quality and prestigious education, and is considered one of the most favorable places for business immigration.

There are plenty of reasons for that. Let's highlight the main ones.

First of all , there is practically no corruption in Denmark. At least, this is confirmed by numerous international studies.

Secondly , a transparent tax, legal and judicial system, as well as a minimum of bureaucracy, allow you to open and conduct business in Denmark as efficiently as possible.

Thirdly , ideal infrastructure, the level of development of high technologies and the overall quality of life in Denmark are among the best in the world.

Owning a business in Denmark for foreigners, including Russians and Ukrainians, is a good opportunity to move to an economically and socially developed European country forever and eventually get a Danish passport, not only for an entrepreneur, but also for close relatives.

The comfortable geographical location of Denmark allows you not to be limited to the local market or the northern states, but opens the way to all countries of the European Union, in particular, Germany is the closest.

Depending on the scale of the planned business, the amount of investment, the prospects for optimizing taxation and the type of activity, it is very important to choose the most appropriate form of ownership for a company in Denmark. Consider the most popular.

Private Limited Company (ApS). Registered to one or more owners. Liability for the obligations of the company is limited to contributions to the authorized capital. Management is carried out by the director. Minimum requirements for authorized capital - 125 thousand Danish kroner(16.8 thousand euros), while 50 thousand are paid during registration. More than 75,000 such companies operate in Denmark.

Public corporation (A/S). Minimum capital required 500 thousand Danish crowns(67 thousand euros). Provides for a board of directors consisting of at least three members. The company's accounts are publicly available. In total, more than 35,000 firms of this type operate in the country.

Individual entrepreneur (Enkeltmandsvirksomhed). Today, up to 300 thousand entrepreneurs are registered in Denmark and this is the most common form of doing business in the country. The owner independently carries out economic activities and is fully responsible for the obligations of the company with his own property.

Taxes in Denmark in 2019

Denmark has a rather favorable tax climate, in particular, the corporate tax rate of 22%, one of the most acceptable in Europe. Social contributions are minimal, and some foreign employees pay less income tax for the first 5 years. With most countries of the world, Denmark has signed agreements on the avoidance of double taxation. Nevertheless, it cannot be said that the country has low tax rates, this is not so.

Denmark's basic tax rates in 2019

Corporate Income Tax - 22%

VAT- 25% and reduced rate 0% (newspapers, magazines)

Dividends- 25% for companies, as well as 27% for individuals, if the amount does not exceed 50.6 thousand DKK and 42% in case of excess.

Income tax- progressive rate reaches 56.48%

Popular business destinations in Denmark

As already mentioned, Denmark is considered one of the most comfortable countries for business immigration. Spheres where high technologies, innovations and scientific developments are used are especially popular with investors. Denmark is perfect place for the implementation of all kinds of start-up projects, while the modern and advanced population will very quickly test and evaluate the new product.

The priority sectors in the Danish economy are IT, renewable energy, biotechnology, maritime transport, food and design. If a foreigner has a good idea and a business plan in one of these industries, you can count on the support of local authorities and successful immigration to Denmark for the purpose of doing business.

Own business abroad only at first glance may seem like an adventurous and unattainable dream. If you look into the details, everything turns out to be not so scary - especially in countries where the state actively supports small businesses - such as, for example, in Denmark.

Unlike the idea of ​​buying your own property in Denmark, owning a business there is very rewarding. This small and quiet country does not have large resources and therefore is building its own economy, focusing primarily on the service sector. Trade, transport, banking, insurance, tourism - these are the main areas of the Danish economy. Denmark's geographical position ensures successful trade with other European countries, the same can be said about the transport industry.

The state actively supports small businesses in Denmark: firstly, through tax policy, and secondly, with additional subsidies to small businesses, in the field, for example, agriculture. In addition, even a foreign entrepreneur in Denmark has the opportunity to take a loan - for up to 25 years, at 7-12% per annum. Obtaining such a loan is possible if you have a guarantor - a citizen of Denmark. It is desirable, but not necessary, that he be your relative.

You will also need to submit to the bank detailed business plan, and with all this - it is very desirable that you speak English fluently and be able to independently convince bank employees that you are a reliable client. In this case, you may be given a loan for the entire amount you need to open a business - but it is preferable, of course, to have at least 40%.

What kind of business do foreigners open in Denmark? Of course, in each case it depends on the interests of the entrepreneur, his financial capabilities, business experience. But we can say that most foreign entrepreneurs in Denmark are in the field of catering. Opening a small restaurant in Denmark will cost you from 12 thousand euros - this is how much it will cost to rent a room for six months and minimal equipment.

In addition to catering, some foreigners in Denmark open small laundries, beauty salons, gyms, travel agencies. The industrial sector is also open to anyone, but this kind of business will require other financial investments. In Denmark, it is profitable to do business in the field of agriculture - for example, renting a small farm and starting the production of a particular food product.

Registration process own business in Denmark, it takes no more than five days - another, and very tangible advantage of opening your own business in Denmark. The first thing to do after you already have a business idea, a business plan and the means to implement it is to go to the tax office and fill out an application form.

It will need to indicate your last name and first name, residence permit number, type of intended activity, number of employees in the future company, name of the person in charge, address and name of the enterprise. All this is filled in by you yourself, no additional information is required.

In five days you will receive your company registration number by mail. This is the main thing you need in order for your company to be considered registered. After that, you will be able to pay taxes - the state tax service itself will send you all bills by mail, you will only have to pay them and keep receipts.

It is also not necessary to hire an accountant - if your company is not very large, and you are able to independently account for income / expenses, then it will be enough to visit an audit firm once a year, where they will check your accounts and accounting records, check tax payments and stamp “verified ". Thus, you can not be afraid of the initial ignorance of the Danish tax rules - the whole system in this country is built in such a way that you only need to join it once, and then you will be directed by the competent authorities.

Owning a business in Denmark seems to many an unattainable dream, but unlike many other countries, this country is actively supporting small businesses, building a tax policy that maximally respects the interests of business leaders and issuing additional subsidies for its development. In the Doing Business 2017 ranking, Denmark ranks first among European countries in terms of the affordability of starting a business. And the highest standard of living in the Kingdom of Denmark and a lot of social guarantees for its citizens make this Scandinavian country even more attractive for business immigration.

Benefits of doing business in Denmark

Denmark is a small quiet country building an economy based largely on the service sector. According to immigrants and businessmen from all over the world, starting a business on its territory is a profitable and worthwhile business. There are many reasons for such statements:

  1. Companies registered in Denmark have direct access to the EU market of over 100 million wealthy consumers.
  2. Political, judicial, legal and tax transparency.
  3. Active state support for small and medium-sized businesses.
  4. The Kingdom of Denmark has agreements with many countries in Asia, Europe and America, including the CIS countries, to avoid double taxation.
  5. Denmark has the lowest inflation and unemployment rates among European countries.
  6. For many years, Denmark has been a leader in international ranking evaluation .
  7. Work force the country is one of the most educated and productive in Europe thanks to the quality education that can be obtained in Denmark.
  8. A wide range of organizational and legal forms of doing business.
  9. Low level of bureaucracy in the country.
  10. In Denmark, it’s quite - you can not only communicate with local residents on it, but also fill out official documents. Even at the interview in the Directorate, during which a decision is made on the approval of a candidate for doing business in Denmark, it is possible to choose the language in which negotiations will be conducted (it can be Danish or English).
  11. Flexible open economy, GDP is one of the highest in the world.
  12. The possibility of obtaining a loan from a Danish bank for business development.
  13. The right of a businessman to use legal schemes for optimizing tax payments.
  14. Denmark does not fall under offshore jurisdiction.
  15. The country is not included in the "black" lists of states or international organizations.
  16. The Kingdom of Denmark is a member of the EU, OSCE, WTO, OECD, EFTA, Council of Europe.

The state policy of the Kingdom of Denmark is aimed at the comprehensive development of the economy and all kinds of support for entrepreneurs, providing them with a wide range of opportunities, loans and subsidies.

Immigration to Denmark through starting a business

Business immigration is a reliable way to invest money and at the same time obtain a residence permit, and subsequently citizenship of a country that seems more attractive to an immigrant than the country of his current residence.

Business migration is the movement of an already established business, as well as the opening or acquisition of a new business in another country. Migration through the establishment of an enterprise or the opening of a branch is becoming increasingly popular due to the reliability of the scheme and the ability to increase the scale of the organization. Everything can migrate today: the owners themselves, the assets, the workforce.

Those who decide to move to another state by opening a company there should be aware that the possibility of migration is not always provided. If the government of the country provides for the granting of a residence permit to an entrepreneur, then it is necessary to find out how migration is carried out.

Due to differences in laws and agreements concluded between countries, a business operating simultaneously in several states receives a number of incentives, for example, the possibility of tax optimization, an increase in the client base, a reduction in the cost of production or delivery of raw materials, etc.

Leave the country permanent residence to Denmark is possible not only by opening a company in the territory of this country.

Start-up Denmark program for foreign entrepreneurs

Start-up Denmark, led by the Ministry of Business and Growth and the Ministry of Immigration, Integration and housing construction(Ministry of Immigration, Integration and Housing) is an opportunity to launch your startup in Denmark and get a residence permit for a period of 2 years with the possibility of extending it for another 3 years. The program is aimed at talented entrepreneurs who would like to realize themselves in the Kingdom of Denmark.

To take part in Start-up Denmark, you need to follow the scheme below:

Step 1: Submit your business plan for consideration, which should describe the business model, the product or service offered, the necessary skills and abilities of the performers.

Step 2: Wait for the Danish expert's assessment - this will take up to 6 weeks, the candidate will be notified of a positive decision in an official letter.

Step 3: Apply for the program and obtain a residence permit at the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration.

Step 4: Wait for approval - the procedure will take about 4 weeks. After receiving a positive response, you can move to Denmark and start a business.

From the moment the business plan is approved by the Danish side, the entrepreneur receives access to all kinds of state support and subsidy programs, as well as to the European single market. Free consultations in various business development centers become available to him. He can take part in projects and make business acquaintances.

In addition to the benefits related directly to doing business, the entrepreneur and his family members receive all kinds of social guarantees such as health and education.

Program Requirements

To participate in the Start-up Denmark program, you must meet the requirements of the country's authorities:

  1. The business idea must be innovative, it must be approved by Danish experts and be of value to the country's economy. It should be understood that the idea of ​​​​opening a supermarket or cafe will not arouse interest among local authorities.
  2. It is necessary to actively participate in the work of the enterprise - to be a shareholder, living in another country, and it will not work to receive dividends.
  3. It is necessary to prove the existence of sufficient savings that could cover the expenses of one person or the whole family for 1 year. To do this, you will need to provide a bank statement on the presence of about 18 thousand euros in the account if the immigrant arrives alone. If the spouse is also expected to immigrate to Denmark, then the amount is doubled. About 6 thousand euros are added for the maintenance of each child.

The procedure for submitting and considering an application for participation in Start-up Denmark generally takes 1-2 months.

Danish legislation regarding the conduct of business by foreigners

In the Kingdom of Denmark, there are no special laws that would regulate the activities of foreign investors - they are subject to national legislation. Authorities welcome any kind entrepreneurial activity subject to obtaining a work permit and legal stay in the country.

To date, there are no restrictions on import / export operations, investments, loans, interest on deposits and capital repatriation. Payments can be made through the National Bank of Denmark or authorized intermediaries. Banks in Denmark open branches everywhere in other countries to simplify the calculations of Danish business. One-time payments not exceeding 60,000 crowns (about 7,800 euros) are made without unnecessary formalities.

Under the State Investment Guarantee Program, it is possible to insure against political risks - the annual insurance premium is 0.5% of the guaranteed amount. Insurance covers 85% of the investment.

Denmark provides a wide range of benefits for small and medium-sized businesses. For example, an enterprise with an annual turnover of up to 2.2 million euros can apply for a deferral of VAT payment for up to one and a half months.

In order to attract foreign investment, a system of subsidies from Denmark and the European Union has been developed.

Encouraging investment in Denmark, including new sectors of the economy (for example, IT and biotechnology), occurs through:

  • creation of specialized funds;
  • allocation of grants from the state;
  • direct and indirect budget financing;
  • implementation of sectoral or ministerial programs for the development of especially significant industries;
  • refund of tax payments, etc.

To attract foreign investment in Denmark, an investment promotion agency "Invest in Denmark" was opened, whose activities are regulated internal acts Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Danish legislation on foreign investment is aimed at attracting foreign capital, opening branches and representative offices of foreign enterprises in the Kingdom of Denmark and implementing high-tech projects by foreign entrepreneurs.

Forms of ownership for business in Denmark

The choice of the form of ownership for a company opened in Denmark depends on:

  • investment amounts;
  • the size of the planned business;
  • type of activity;
  • tax optimization opportunities.

There are 3 forms of business ownership in the Kingdom of Denmark:

  1. Private limited company (Anpartsselskab – ApS). Recommended for entrepreneurs planning to establish a holding company.
  2. Open Joint Stock Company (Aktieselskab - A/S). Established by at least three individuals or legal entities whose residency does not matter.
  3. Individual entrepreneur (Enkeltmandsvirksomhed). This form is suitable for those who would like to test the idea first. Over time, it is recommended to re-register yourself from an individual entrepreneur to a limited liability company (ApS), taking over the name, logo and assets from your own individual company.

Less popular are the following forms of ownership:

  • partnership with unlimited liability (Interessentskab - I / S);
  • limited liability partnership (Kommanditselskab – K/S).

Also in Denmark, you can open branches and representative offices of foreign companies (Filial og reprasentationskontor).

Private limited company in Denmark

A closed joint stock company with limited liability may be established by one individual or legal entity (residence does not matter). The capital of the company is paid by the shareholders, whose liability is limited by the size of the contribution.

Those wishing to open an ApS company need to remember the following registration requirements:

  1. The minimum authorized capital is 125 thousand Danish kroner (about 16,700 euros). It must be paid in full by the day of registration of the company.
  2. Only individual is a resident of the country. He may be the only employee.
  3. If the authorized capital of the company exceeds 500 thousand Danish crowns (about 66,000 euros), the Board of Directors manages it. It is also possible to appoint a Supervisory Board consisting of three members. The fact of appointment of council members should be reflected in the memorandum of association.
  4. The goals of the company's activities do not have to be reflected in the memorandum of association, the document itself is in the department of the company.
  5. Only one shareholder of the company is allowed - it can be both a resident and a non-resident of the Danish jurisdiction.
  6. The company is required to file a financial report annually.
  7. Bearer shares cannot be issued.

Organizational and legal form of OJSC

Those wishing to choose this form of ownership when registering a company in the Kingdom of Denmark must comply with the following requirements:

  1. The founders of the OJSC must be at least three individuals or legal entities. Their residency doesn't matter
  2. Not later than 1 year after registration, the full amount of the authorized capital must be paid. Its minimum amount is 500 thousand Danish kroner (about 66,000 euros).
  3. The company is managed by the Supervisory Board or Directorate, consisting of at least three people, one of whom must be a resident of the European Union.
  4. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board cannot hold the position of director of the company.
  5. The company is allowed to be listed on the stock exchange.
  6. The company's records must be publicly available.
  7. There must be at least one shareholder, and his residence does not matter.
  8. You can issue bearer shares.

Legal form of IP

This is the most popular form of running your own business in Denmark. The owner of the enterprise alone carries out economic activities, independently manages business assets and is personally liable for the obligations and debts of the company with his property, since the state does not separate the assets of the company and the personal assets of the business owner.

Individual entrepreneurs are subject to:

  • corporate tax;
  • capital gains tax;
  • some other taxes - depending on the type of activity.

What kind of business is profitable to open in Denmark

Denmark is a country that has a very friendly attitude towards startup projects, especially original and unparalleled ones. Innovation is welcome in Denmark, and an advanced population is able to quickly evaluate and test new products.

In the Kingdom of Denmark, the most important sectors of the economy are:

  • sphere of information technologies;
  • biotechnology;
  • renewable energy sources;
  • sea ​​transport;
  • design;
  • Food.

Popular areas for investment are IT, innovation and scientific development.

The private sector of business in the Kingdom of Denmark is mainly focused on the production of agricultural products, and the main specialization of the agricultural industry is livestock. The state actively subsidizes this area and provides its representatives with various benefits.

Private business is also represented in banking, transport, tourism, insurance, trade and finance.

The country's economy to a large extent, which means that the opening of any tourist service, mini-hotel or hairdresser will be beneficial to the owner of such a business.

Recently, a negative interest rate has been operating in Denmark, so the inhabitants of the country have, which they do not spend. Most often, the Danes still carry their money to the bank, periodically replenishing deposits. However, many of them would probably like to choose Alternative option and invest their funds in precious metals and stones. In that case, very profitable business will be the opening of a small jewelry store.

Foreign entrepreneurs also willingly choose the catering industry, since opening, for example, a cafe in Denmark does not require huge investments. At the same time, the Danes have free money in order to afford a family dinner or gatherings with friends outside the home.

Agriculture in Denmark

The Kingdom of Denmark is a highly developed agricultural state, ranking first in the world in per capita food production. To improve the skills of farmers in the country, the Agricultural Knowledge Center operates - a subsidiary of the Danish Council for Agriculture and Food and a partner of the Danish Agricultural Consulting Service.

Agro Food Park, a business park for the agricultural and food production sectors based on international experience, has been opened in Denmark. Its services are used by many companies and educational institutions. Manufacturers of fertilizers, machinery and seeds pay money to test their products and publish the results of those tests. Field trials and research in the field of crop production are carried out on the territory of the Agro Food Park. The business park employs agricultural experts whose task is to provide information based on research results.

In addition, Danish farmers owe much of their high performance to the Professional Advisory Service.

In 1995, 55% of the country's area was devoted to agriculture. To date, 32% of the territory of Denmark (about 2.7 million hectares) is cultivated land.

The basis of the country's agriculture are family farms and individual land ownership. The number of farms exceeds 50,000, and the size of farms averages 51 hectares.

If a farm has at least one hired worker, the farm is considered large.

The number of products produced satisfies the food needs of more than 15 million people, so 2/3 of it is exported to more than 180 countries, including the USA and Japan.

From grain crops, the Danes grow wheat, rye, barley and oats. There is also such an oilseed crop as rapeseed in the fields. Many hectares of land are occupied by sugar beets, potatoes and various vegetables. Significant volumes of crop production are used as feed for livestock. For this purpose, perennial legumes, winter cereals, fodder beet, rapeseed, cereal herbs, corn for silage. The resulting seeds are also exported.

Livestock farms are engaged in breeding pigs and fur-bearing animals, fattening cattle and milk production. Individual farms raise sheep and horses. Smaller volumes are characterized by the production of poultry products - broiler meat and eggs. Chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese are bred here. Fishing is quite developed in Denmark.

In order to be eligible to purchase a farm with a land plot of 30 hectares or more, the farmer must receive special education at an agricultural school, which lasts 5 years.

Previously, each farm kept cows, pigs, horses and birds, but today farmers prefer to breed and raise only one type of animal, while achieving outstanding results.

Chinchilla breeding in Denmark

The Kingdom of Denmark is the center of the fur industry, the world leader in fur production. There are more than 2 thousand farms in the country, producing up to 15 million skins annually. A large number of them are exported to China.

Every year in Denmark, new farms are opened that breed fur-bearing animals - minks and chinchillas.

The furs produced on Danish farms are sold at the famous Copenhagen auction, which is one of the largest in the world, where you can buy the skins of arctic fox, fox, chinchilla, rex rabbit, swakara.

Keeping chinchillas in Denmark is a promising occupation due to the fact that fur farming is actively supported by the parliament that controls the conditions for keeping animals. The Danish People's Party opposes any attempt to curb the production of furs, because farms would begin to move to the territory of China, where favorable conditions for keeping animals are not particularly worried about local authorities. In addition, China already ranks first in the world in breeding mink.

A chinchilla farm in Denmark is usually housed indoors due to the country's temperate climate. The breeding of these animals requires special conditions of detention (their observance is constantly monitored by local authorities):

  • sufficient natural light;
  • air humidity at the level of 50-70%;
  • constant supply of fresh air;
  • lack of drafts;
  • the air temperature should be + 8-18ºС with the possibility of its regulation (in summer it should not exceed + 25ºС, and in winter - fall below + 5ºС);
  • no direct sunlight.

Among other areas of fur farming, chinchillas in Denmark occupy special place- The sale of luxurious coats made of expensive chinchilla fur at the Copenhagen auction attracts a lot of buyers from all over the world, increasing the interest of investors and attracting significant funds to the country's economy.

Obtaining a business visa to Denmark

To obtain a business visa, you need to have an invitation from a company in Denmark, a business partner or directorate for an interview regarding the establishment of your own enterprise in the territory of this country. The invitation must include:

  • travel date;
  • purpose of the visit;
  • proof of financial support.

If the Danish side does not agree to bear the financial costs in connection with the arrival of a citizen of another country, the package of documents includes additional papers confirming the financial solvency of the visitor.

If you plan to stay in Denmark for more than two weeks, in addition to the invitation and information about the inviting party, you will need to submit detailed program stay in the country.

Periodic implementation of short-term business trips involves the issuance of a Schengen visa, giving the right to its holder to repeatedly visit the countries of the Schengen agreement for a total of 90 days within 6 months.

It should be borne in mind that although a visa allows entry to all Schengen countries, large quantity time a foreigner must spend in Denmark. If he knows in advance that he will spend more time in another country, for example, in Germany, then Germany must be the place of entry, and you need to get a visa for it.

Applying for a business visa to Denmark

If a visit to the Kingdom of Denmark is made for the purpose of resolving business issues, participating in exhibitions and symposiums, as well as establishing contacts, a foreigner is required to apply for a business visa. Obtaining this type of visa is a standard procedure, not much different from obtaining a Schengen visa.

An application must be submitted no earlier than 3 months and no later than 2 weeks before the trip.

The first step in the visa application process is to visit the consular section of the Danish embassy or visa application center, which has the appropriate authority. If the application is submitted for the first time, the personal presence of the applicant is mandatory. At the same time, you should provide your biometric data (mandatory for those traveling over 12 years old) and a digital photo. After that, for the next 5 years, visa processing can be entrusted to travel agencies.

Granting a multiple-entry business visa to an entrepreneur involves confirmation of his status as an Individual Entrepreneur and business activity in Denmark. The refusal to issue a visa in most cases occurs due to an illiterate plan of stay in the country and the lack of data from the tax service on the activities of the applicant.

The decision to issue a visa is made within 10 days from the date of submission of documents. If additional information about the applicant is required, the procedure will be delayed for a month. In some cases, the embassy may send the data for verification to the Immigration Service - then the processing time will increase to 2-3 months.

When processing documents, you will need to pay:

  • 35 euros for a visa (70 euros for an accelerated three-day procedure);
  • 27 euros per person as a visa fee.

Required documents

Required Documents:

  • applicant's profile;
  • copies of passport pages containing stamps;
  • , which expires at least 90 days after the end of the trip;
  • old passport (if any);
  • 2 color photos (size - 3.5 x 4.5 cm, background - white, face occupies 60-70% of the photo area);
  • medical insurance in the amount of 30,000 euros;
  • bank statement or travel checks (at the rate of 60 euros / day);
  • certificate of employment (on company letterhead, indicating the position, size wages, date of entry into office, period of vacation);
  • for individual entrepreneurs - an extract from the tax service, registration documents (TIN, OGRN);
  • confirmation of hotel reservation by fax of the consulate (in some cases - at the request of the visa department);
  • consent of the applicant to the processing of personal data;
  • receipt of payment of the visa fee.

Additional documents required to apply for a business visa:

  • original invitation from the host;
  • power of attorney (2 copies) handwritten or notarized;
  • information about the inviting company, the duration of the trip, its purpose, the nature of business relationships, data on the financing of the trip (who pays);
  • a detailed program of stay in Denmark (if the trip lasts more than 2 weeks);
  • extract from the commercial register;
  • a copy of the identity card of the inviting person who signed the invitation.

Extension of a visa

If the visa is designed for a stay in Denmark of less than 90 days within 6 months, its validity may be extended up to 90 days under the following circumstances:

  • for personal reasons;
  • due to the illness of the visa holder;
  • due to force majeure circumstances;
  • due to working moments or business.

An additional 90 days of visa validity can be counted on in case of family reunification or a serious illness of the inviting party, that is, if the applicant does not have to leave Denmark.

An application for a visa extension must be submitted to the Danish Immigration Services Service Center or the police station.

How to open a company in Denmark

Before starting the process of starting your own business in Denmark, it is best to consult with a local business development centre, a free enterprise consultant and tax office(SKAT). You can also inquire with the job center and the insurance fund about the impact of registering a company on your ability to receive unemployment benefits in the future.

Foreign companies operating in the Kingdom of Denmark or opening companies here must by all means register their enterprise or notify the state authorities about it.

A local company in Denmark must go through the registration procedure if:

  • annual cash turnover exceeds 50 thousand Danish kroner;
  • plans to pay salaries;
  • the company must pay payroll tax (lønsumsafgift);
  • it is supposed to export products to countries that are not members of the European Union, or import goods for the purpose of resale.

The company name must be unique - the CVR register allows you to check the company name for coincidence with the names of other companies.

If the company enters the Danish market temporarily, the founders must be registered in the Register of Foreign Suppliers (RUT).

Registration of a company in Denmark must be carried out at least 8 days before the expected date of commencement of business activities.

Those wishing to open their own business in the Kingdom of Denmark must go through the following steps:

  1. Issue a digital signature (NemID) online through the website. It will only take 1 day. Three signatures for employees of the company will be issued free of charge, and starting from the fourth, the signature will cost 10.5 euros.
  2. Open an account in commercial bank Denmark (free of charge), deposit the required amount of the authorized capital - it will take 1 day.
  3. Register a company in the Danish Business Authority (DBA) system through the service, register as a VAT payer. At the end of the procedure, the company receives an identification code (CVR). The whole process will take less than one day and cost 90 euros.
  4. Register all employees of the company against accidents and occupational diseases with a private insurance company.

If the activity of the enterprise is subject to licensing or requires obtaining a special permit, the registration procedure is somewhat more complicated. Licenses are usually issued by the Danish authorities. All organizations operating in the food market must be registered in a special Nutrition Base. In particular, the sale of alcohol will require a license. To apply for it to the municipality, you must meet the age requirements and submit a business plan.

The police are responsible for issuing trade licenses that do not give the right to sell alcoholic beverages. The exception is Copenhagen - here all types of licenses are administered by the municipality. Passenger and freight transportation, pharmaceutical and medical activities are also subject to licensing.

The country has a “Law on the supply of food (any food, soft drinks, beer, wine and other food, regardless of the type of packaging) and restaurants”, and all catering establishments - from a hot dog stand to a restaurant - are required to comply with it .

After the opening of the company, it is necessary to provide reporting forms with correctly completed data in a timely manner:

  • financial report (submitted to the register within six months after the end of the billing period);
  • tax report (sent for verification already with the results of the verification by a local accountant; the deadlines for submission are the same as in the case of a financial report).

Documents for registering a company in Denmark

Before submitting documents, you must:

  1. Select a company name.
  2. Decide on the type of company and prepare a description of the planned business (directions of activity, planned turnover, etc.).
  3. Decide on the percentage distribution of partner ownership or the composition of shareholders.
  4. Consider whether an agent-provided director and/or a second (client) director should be appointed on a par with the agent's director.

To register a company in Denmark, you must prepare the following package of documents:

  • At least 3 company names.
  • Information about the beneficiary:
    • a copy of the passport with registration and transliteration;
    • copy foreign passport;
    • telephone;
    • fax machine;
    • Email.
  • A copy of the foreign passport of the director or his constituent documents(if the director is not nominal).
  • A copy of the foreign passport of the shareholder or its constituent documents (if the shareholder is not a nominal one).
  • Information about the bank account manager.
  • Data on the types of activities of the registered enterprise.

Upon completion of the registration procedure, the following documents are issued:

  • certificate of incorporation;
  • original articles of association with apostille (in Danish);
  • original share certificate;
  • an extract from the DCCA register with the name of the company, registered address, details of the directors, the size of the authorized capital;
  • company seal;
  • power of attorney;
  • trust agreement with the beneficiary (if we are talking about nominee services).

Company registration online

In order to maximally simplify the procedure for registering a company in Denmark, the government of the country has developed an online business registration service -

Following the instructions on the site, you can fill out the registration form in Danish. After a month from the date of submitting the form, the applicant receives a CVR number that identifies him new company. Obtaining a number confirms the successful completion of the company registration procedure.

The application is free of charge for companies of all forms of ownership, with the exception of a Closed Joint Stock Company with Limited Liability and an Open Joint Stock Company.

How to digitally sign in Denmark

A certified digital signature for business will be needed to send and receive confidential emails, confirm actions on government websites, sign documents on the Internet and enter corporate online banking.

Certificate for use by an employee of the company digital signature provided in cases where you need to act on behalf of the company.

You can apply for a digital signature online at The default language is Danish, but it is possible to use English.

How to register a company in the Danish Business Authority system

The Danish Business Authority is the Danish Business Authority. Company registration is carried out on English language via the online service . On this resource, you can also register as a VAT payer. Detailed instructions and explanations for each item help you better navigate and easily find the desired function.

The site offers to notify the Register of Foreign Suppliers about the conduct of business activities (for enterprises temporarily operating in Denmark), register a local Danish or foreign company. Also on the site it is possible to register any changes in the business activities of the company and liquidate the organization if necessary.

At the end of the procedure, the company receives an identification code (CVR).

How to open a Danish bank account

The main condition for opening a corporate account in Denmark is the ability of the company to benefit the country and replenish the local budget. To open an account, you need to collect an extensive package of documents, in particular, papers proving the financial stability of the company, an extract from the former bank. You will also need to verify your credit status.

The set of documents for opening an account includes:

  • applicant's passport;
  • international passport;
  • residence;
  • income statement;
  • identification code;
  • driver's license;
  • an extract on cooperation with other banks;
  • documents confirming the ownership of Danish and foreign real estate (papers must be certified by a notary);
  • personal documents of the founders of the company;
  • company charter;
  • license (if the activity involves obtaining it).

The most popular banking institutions in Denmark are Nordea Bank Danmark, JYSKE BANK and Saxo Bank.

Registration of personnel in a Danish private insurance company

The insurance system in Denmark is mixed, but it is dominated by elements of a private-corporate system. Responsibility for employees getting occupational diseases or injuries at work rests with private insurance companies, between which there is competition.

The insurer can only Insurance Company, recognized by the Ministry of Social Affairs, so employers must only buy policies from registered insurance companies. The purchase of a policy is a prerequisite for hiring workers. At the same time, insurance companies are engaged only in the payment of insurance coverage, and rehabilitation and preventive measures do not fall within their competence.

The funds set up by insurance companies to make compensation payments are under the control of the National Social Security Institution.

Insurance covers all types of work for the employer:

  • employment in the company (permanent or temporary);
  • work in the personal household of the employer;
  • private services to the head and his family.

The Accident Insurance Law defines the following forms of damage compensation:

  • medical service;
  • retraining;
  • prosthetics, technical means of rehabilitation;
  • compensation for loss of working capacity;
  • compensation for permanent loss of working capacity;
  • lump-sum benefits in connection with the death of an employee, loss of a breadwinner.

When an accident occurs, the National Social Security Institution decides on the legal eligibility and amount of damages, and the insurance company pays the amount approved by law. Additional benefits (above the tax-financed basic coverage) are paid out of the insurance system.

The cost of registering a company in Denmark

The cost of registering a company in the Kingdom of Denmark consists of:

  • the cost of obtaining a digital signature (the first three are free, starting with the fourth signature - 10.5 euros);
  • the minimum amount of the authorized capital, which must be deposited into the bank account immediately upon registration (about 6,700 euros),
  • the cost of the registration procedure itself for some forms of business ownership (90 euros);
  • the cost of an insurance policy for employees;
  • registration fees trademark and logo (594 euros for the first and 193 euros for the additional).

If you use the services of organizations offering turnkey company registration, the costs will be much higher: the cost of registration will be approximately 8800 euros, from the second year - 3700 euros. Registration of a set of constituent documents will cost more than 2650 euros.

Taxation in Denmark

It is believed that taxes in Denmark are among the highest in the world. The funds received are mainly used for healthcare, staff development, education, special programs and labor funds. This guarantees residents the highest standard of living, so no one complains about taxes. In addition, the Danes are distinguished by a high level of civic responsibility and self-awareness, as a result of which the state does not even have to establish strict control over the payment of taxes - citizens pay voluntarily.

The amount of tax depends on the category of the payer and the source of income. Residents pay income tax, and non-residents pay tax on funds earned directly in Denmark. The taxation of companies largely depends on the chosen organizational and legal form of doing business.

Individuals pay the following taxes:

  • property;
  • for an inheritance;
  • income;
  • transport.

Legal entities are required to pay:

  • corporation tax;
  • tax at source;

In Denmark, there are also taxes that are unusual for us - for example, a tax on the content of saturated fats in products or an environmental tax for athletes.

With respect to foreign holding companies, the motion financial flows controlled financial services, Denmark has a preferential tax regime. Normative base in the field of taxation is aimed at the active creation of branches and representative offices of foreign companies in Denmark.

It is also worth noting that the government is actively working to reduce tax rates, eliminate some taxes and provide the possibility of making tax deductions.

Business in Denmark for citizens of the CIS countries

Indigenous Danes make up 98% of the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Denmark. Therefore, unlike residents of such multicultural countries as Canada, Australia and the USA, they are wary of foreigners, including those from the CIS. However, the conditions for creating companies in Denmark by immigrants from the CIS countries are not limited in any way - they can register enterprises under the same conditions as other foreigners. It should be remembered that persons who wish to work in Denmark, but are not citizens of the EU countries, will need to obtain a work permit in order to legally work.

Cafés are especially popular in Denmark. national cuisine, for example, Ukrainian. Rental of premises for six months and purchase necessary equipment will cost only 12,000 euros, which is quite inexpensive compared to the conditions for opening a similar institution in other countries.

How to buy a ready-made business in Denmark

There are hundreds of companies on the market offering to purchase a ready-made business in the Kingdom of Denmark. To use this service, it is often not necessary to visit the office in person, and documents and printing are processed in just 2-3 weeks.

The purchase of an operating company in Denmark involves the acquisition of an idle company that does not carry out any activity, registered a couple of months ago and has a universal name suitable for conducting any kind of activity. The creators of such an enterprise established it specifically for the purpose of resale to investors who want to save time on solving bureaucratic issues. An already established company will allow you to start managing your business any day, because the documents and printing are ready. All that remains to be done is to open a bank account in the name of the buyer of the company (the procedure takes one week).

It also happens that a company that was created ten years ago and already has a history is put up for sale. The benefits of such an acquisition will be:

  • experience in accounting and annual turnover
  • absence of debts and other liabilities, assets and employees.

In this regard, the company will seem like a reliable partner for customers, banking institutions and government agencies. That is, the buyer also acquires prestige.

Offshore companies in Denmark

There are no offshore companies in the Kingdom of Denmark, however, it is possible to register a partnership that is not subject to corporate taxation, provided that it cooperates with foreign partners and does not make a profit in Denmark. A distinctive feature of registering such a partnership in Denmark is the absence of a Danish tax number, which every ordinary company receives. The partnership status is defined as a legal entity with limited liability.

In addition, Denmark is a place where registration of low-tax companies is possible. Compared to classic offshore zones, in Denmark this activity is simply flourishing. An “offshore” company in Denmark is allowed to open a bank account for itself, seek legal advice, archive various financial statements in the office, and gather shareholders and directors in their company for various meetings.

After registration, an "offshore" company can carry out further activities, as well as use registered bank accounts. At the same time, all members of the company must be responsible for all debts and other obligations.

There are several ways to benefit from Danish "offshores":

  1. Register a company for the purchase of real estate - in this case, the tax on the rental and sale of real estate (including commercial) and capital gains tax are not paid.
  2. Open a holding company that is exempt from external and internal taxation.
  3. Operate as a recruitment agency and pay no taxes.
  4. Act as a partner in international trade.
  5. Open a business structure to receive and pay royalties (tax is either not paid at all, or there is a low rate).

Financial trust companies registered in Denmark often become a real alternative to offshore banks.

Opening an investment banking and trust company in Denmark

Danish laws give businessmen the opportunity to set up a firm that provides banking, investment and trust services. The most convenient organizational and legal form for opening such a company will be a partnership with limited liability.

The name of the company should be thought out according to the example of "ALFA FINANCE COMMUNITY K/S".

Such companies can provide the following range of services:

  • loan processing;
  • issuance of letters of credit and guarantees,
  • trust management of company assets,
  • banking and investment services (including making various kinds payment).

Any types of services can be provided only to partners or citizens with whom the partnership and (or) its individual members are connected by their own commercial interest. If the company plans to provide services to third parties, it must coordinate this with the Danish Financial Services Authority (DFSA) in order to obtain permission for all types of activities subject to licensing. No documents are issued upon completion of the approval, only information about the company and the list of services allowed to be provided will appear on the DFSA website. Moreover, to provide third-party organizations with legal grounds only these services will be available.

The Registration Certificate is issued by the Danish Commerce & Companies Agency (DCCA), it contains all information about the organization, except for data on limited partners (their set is considered a private matter of the partnership).

Among the founders of the partnership there must be at least one general partner (legal entity with limited liability), who would have unlimited liability for obligations and debts, as well as one or more partners, whose liability would be limited to shares in the capital of the company.

With any change in the activities of the enterprise, the memorandum of association must be re-approved by the Registrar of Companies of Denmark. "Transcript" is issued on the basis of the memorandum of association approved by the DCCA.

The nominal capital of the partnership is usually 1000 euros and can be formed from the personal funds of the partners. Companies are not required to accumulate assets and reserves for loans, which can be of any size.

The partnership is managed by the general partner or a director hired by him (residence and status of an individual or legal entity do not play a role). The names of general partners and directors are entered in the public register of companies in Denmark.

A financial report is submitted to the Danish Registrar of Companies every year, which lists the names of the limited partners. Financial year for a partnership, it is a calendar year. Reporting must be submitted by May 31 of the following year. If the Danish Registrar of Companies does not receive it by August, a formal warning is issued to file the report as soon as possible. If in this case there is no reaction, the partnership is closed forcibly.

Business in Denmark. How to open a company in Denmark: Video

Denmark is a calm country with minimal corruption and stable legislation. How to open a business in Denmark, immigrate and apply for a residence permit? Is it possible to obtain citizenship of this country and buy real estate? The nuances of employment and business.

How should a person who decides to immigrate to Denmark and open his own business act there? How to apply for a residence permit in the country?

What are the advantages and features of getting an education in Denmark? How to buy property? How to become a Danish citizen? This article answers these and a number of other questions.

Denmark is a calm country in all respects. lives here good people, the country's legislation works perfectly, corruption is minimal. In general, all conditions have been created for investments and creating your own business.

Obtaining a residence permit

A residence permit can be obtained by already existing business owners in Denmark or co-owners of companies, but subject to investment in the state economy of more than 50 thousand euros. In addition, the established enterprise must operate in accordance with the laws of the country, with the obligatory payment of taxes and the provision of jobs to citizens of the country.

You can come to Denmark to open a business on your own or immediately with a co-owner. To start the company's activities, it is necessary to sign the relevant documents, put on it authorized capital firms and pay for lawyer services.

Once Required documents issued, you can go to the directorate, which deals with the affairs of foreign citizens. There you will need to arrange an interview (conducted exclusively in or Danish). Once a residence permit in Denmark has been obtained, a newly minted resident can count on many of the rights that a citizen of the country has. The period for which the document is issued is one year. It is necessary to renew the residence permit annually for up to three years.

Jobs in Denmark

It is quite possible to find a job in Denmark if you conclude a contract with one of the local enterprises. In this case, you can get a residence permit with the possibility of extension (if the company-employer needs the services of an employee). In Denmark, there are some professions that are in short supply.

If there is a specialist who can fill the desired vacancy, then a work visa can be issued in a shorter time. In particular, the country needs qualified scientists (in the field of mathematics and physics), IT specialists, doctors and representatives of a number of other professions.

As already mentioned, the government of the country always welcomes foreign investors and businessmen who already do business in the country. If you fall under the migration program, then you can get a residence permit after submitting a number of documents and passing an interview. In addition, you will need to confirm your ability to pay.

If a person has a specialty that is in demand in Denmark and a specific employer is interested in him, then there is a chance of obtaining the so-called “green card”. Such a document can be obtained upon passing a kind of competition and scoring the proper number of points (taking into account the level of knowledge of the language, age, education, work experience, and so on).

If the applicant scored 100 points, then he can count on a three-year residence permit with the possibility of employment. A child under 18 years of age receives a residence permit automatically. If the age of majority has been reached, then the issue can be resolved by obtaining a student visa.

Education in Denmark

For studying foreign student forced to pay. But at the end educational institution You can easily find a job in Denmark. A big plus for a foreigner is knowledge of English and Danish. It is worth noting that in Denmark they are very attentive to the language issue. Immigration authorities often pay attention to this issue, regardless of the immigration program.

Real estate in Denmark

Buy property in Denmark foreign citizen very difficult. It should be noted that this purchase does not give the right to obtain a residence permit. If it is possible to collect the necessary documents, then the site will be available in one part of the Danish territory, outside of which it will not be possible to buy a house or office.

The Danes do not allow foreigners to buy property near resort areas or the coast. To complete the transaction, the immigrant is forced to obtain permission from the Ministry of Justice of Denmark. The procedure is further complicated by the fact that a person without a residence permit and his own real estate in the Kingdom is not entitled to a loan. This means that in order to complete a transaction, you must have a certain amount on hand.

After buying a property, you must pay tax on a house or apartment that has become the property of a foreigner. The tax rate is one percent of the cost of housing. But these are not single costs. There are also so-called local taxes, which must be paid for the use of land. The amount of these taxes ranges from 0.5 to 2.5%. There is also a land municipal tax (1% of the value of the plot).

Registration of permanent residence

If the foreigner has relatives family ties with a Danish citizen who permanently resides in the Kingdom, he can count on obtaining permanent residence. The category of such people includes parents over the age of 60, minor children and spouses (husband, wife).

After obtaining permanent residence status, a newly minted resident of Denmark receives a health insurance card (by the way, free of charge). The insurance itself successfully covers a variety of cases, from the birth of children to complex operations. The insurance card is valid not only in Denmark, but also in all other countries of the European Union. A number of other benefits can be provided to the cardholder, for example, free education language, accelerated obtaining a visa to an EU country, and so on.

You can count on permanent residence when you marry a person who is a citizen (citizen) of Denmark. Over time, you can count on obtaining citizenship. At the same time, the quality of the marriage (fictitious or real) must be checked (the migration services deal with this issue). If the marriage is registered legally, then the process of family reunification in Denmark is possible. At the same time, spouses must be no more than 24 years old and live in the same living space.

If immigration to the country was carried out according to work program, investor visa or work visa You must have lived in Denmark for at least 3 years. After that, permanent residence is available (issued for 7 years).


To obtain Danish citizenship, you must live in Denmark for at least 10 years. After that, you can start processing documents. It should be noted right away that dual citizenship is prohibited in the country.