When and why Alexander II sold Alaska. Who sold Alaska to America? How much and why

March 30, 1867 territory Russian Empire decreased by a little more than one and a half million square kilometers. By the decision of the emperor and autocrat of Russia Alexander II, the territory of Alaska and the group of Aleutian Islands near it were sold to the United States of America.

There are many rumors around this deal to this day - “Alaska was not sold, but only leased. The documents are lost, so it’s impossible to return it”, “Alaska was sold by Catherine II the Great, because this is sung in the song of the Lube group”, “the deal for the sale of Alaska must be declared invalid, because the ship that carried the gold for payment sank” and etc. All versions given in quotation marks are complete nonsense (especially about Catherine II)! So now let's figure out how the sale of Alaska actually took place and what caused this deal, outwardly not beneficial for Russia.

The actual discovery of Alaska by Russian navigators I. Fedorov and M.S. Gvozdev happened in 1732, but officially it is considered to be opened in 1741 by Captain A. Chirikov, who visited it and thought to register the discovery. Over the next sixty years, the Russian Empire, as a state, was not interested in the discovery of Alaska - Russian merchants mastered its territory, actively buying furs from local Eskimos, Aleuts and Indians, and creating Russian settlements in convenient bays of the Bering Strait coast, in which merchant ships waited non-navigable winter months.

The situation changed somewhat in 1799, but only outwardly - the territory of Alaska began to officially belong to the Russian Empire as a discoverer, but the state was not interested in new territories in any way. The initiative to recognize ownership of the northern lands of the North American continent came, again, from Siberian merchants who pooled their paperwork in St. Petersburg and created a Russian-American company with monopoly rights to minerals and commercial production in Alaska. The main sources of income for merchants in the North American territories of Russia were coal mining, fur seal fishing and ... ice, the most common one supplied to the USA - the demand for Alaskan ice was stable and constant, because refrigeration units invented only in the 20th century.

Until the middle of the 19th century, the state of affairs in Alaska did not interest the leadership of Russia in any way - it is somewhere “in the middle of nowhere”, money is not required for its maintenance, it is also not necessary to protect and maintain the military contingent for this, all issues are handled by the merchants of the Russian-American companies that pay taxes properly. And then from this very Alaska information comes that deposits of native gold were found there ... Yes, yes, and what did you think - Emperor Alexander II did not know what he was selling gold mine? But no - he knew and was well aware of his decision! And why did he sell - now we'll figure it out ...

The initiative in the sale of Alaska to the United States of America belonged to the emperor's brother, Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich Romanov, who served as head of the Russian Naval Staff. He suggested that his elder brother-emperor sell "extra territory", because the discovery of gold deposits there will certainly attract the attention of England - a longtime sworn enemy of the Russian Empire, and Russia is not able to defend it, and there really is no military fleet in the northern seas. If England seizes Alaska, then Russia will receive absolutely nothing for it, and in this way it will be possible to gain at least some money, save face and strengthen friendly relations with the United States. It should be noted that in the 19th century, the Russian Empire and the United States developed extremely friendly relations - Russia refused to help the West regain control over North American territories, which infuriated the monarchs of Great Britain and inspired the colonists of America to continue the liberation struggle.

Negotiations on the sale of the territory of Alaska were entrusted to Baron Eduard Andreyevich Stekl, the envoy of the Russian Empire to the United States. He was given an acceptable price for Russia - $ 5 million in gold, but Stekl decided to charge the American government a higher amount, equal to $ 7.2 million. Buying idea northern territory, albeit with gold, but also with a complete lack of roads, deserted and characterized by a cold climate, was perceived by the American government of President Andrew Johnson without enthusiasm. Baron Steckl actively intrigued, bribing congressmen and editors of major American newspapers, in order to create a favorable political climate for the land deal.

And his negotiations were crowned with success - on March 30, 1867, an agreement on the sale of the territory of Alaska to the United States of America took place and was signed by official representatives of both parties. Thus, the acquisition of one hectare of the territory of Alaska cost the US Treasury $ 0.0474 and for the entire territory equal to 1,519,000 square kilometers - $ 7,200,000 in gold (in terms of modern banknotes, about $ 110 million). On October 18, 1867, the North American territories of Alaska were officially transferred to the possession of the United States, two months earlier, Baron Stekl received a check for 7 million 200 thousand in US treasury bonds, which he transferred to the Baring brothers' London bank to the account of the Russian Emperor, withholding his commission $ 21,000 and $165,000 he spent out of his own pocket in bribes (overhead).

According to some modern Russian historians and politicians, the Russian Empire made a mistake by selling Alaska. But the situation in the century before last was very, very difficult - the States were actively expanding their territory, annexing neighboring lands and following the doctrine of James Monroe from 1823. And the first major deal was the Louisiana Purchase - the acquisition of the French colony in North America (2,100 thousand square kilometers of settled and developed territory) from the Emperor of France, Napoleon I Bonaparte, for a ridiculous 15 million dollars in gold. By the way, the states of Missouri, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska and significant territories of a number of other states of the modern USA are located in this territory today ... As for the former territories of Mexico - the territory of all the southern states of the USA - they were annexed free of charge.

Sale of Alaska

The question of the fate of Russian America arose in the early 1850s. In the spring of 1853, the Governor General Eastern Siberia Nikolai Muravyov-Amursky submitted a note to Nicholas I, in which he detailed his views on the need to strengthen Russia's position on Far East and the importance of a close relationship with the United States.

The Governor-General recalled that a quarter of a century ago, “The Russian-American Company applied to the government with a request to occupy California, then free and almost owned by no one, while communicating their fears that this area would soon become the prey of the United States of America ... It is impossible it was not foreseen at the same time that these states, having once established themselves on the Eastern Ocean, would soon take precedence over all maritime powers there and would have a need for the entire northwestern coast of America. The dominion of the North American States over the whole of North America is so natural that we should not regret very much that twenty-five years ago we did not establish ourselves in California - sooner or later we would have to cede it, but, yielding peacefully, we could receive in return other benefits from the Americans. However, now, with the invention and development of railroads, we must be more convinced than before that the North American States will inevitably spread throughout North America, and we cannot help but bear in mind that sooner or later they will have to cede the North American our possessions. It was impossible, however, with this consideration not to have in mind another thing: which is very natural for Russia if you do not own all East Asia then dominate the entire Asian coast of the Eastern Ocean. Due to circumstances, we allowed the British to invade this part of Asia ... but this can still be improved by our close connection with the North American States.

The authorities in St. Petersburg reacted very favorably to Muravyov's note. The proposals of the Governor General of Eastern Siberia to strengthen the position of the empire in the Amur region and on Sakhalin Island were studied in detail with the participation of Admiral General, Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich and members of the board of the Russian-American Company. One of the specific results of this work was the emperor's decree of April 11 (23), 1853, allowing the Russian-American company "to occupy Sakhalin Island on the same grounds as it owned other lands mentioned in its privileges, in order to prevent no foreign settlements."

For its part, the Russian-American Company, fearing an attack by the Anglo-French fleet on Novo-Arkhangelsk, hurried in the spring of 1854 to conclude with the American-Russian trading company in San Francisco, a fictitious agreement to sell for $7,600,000 for three years all of his property, including land holdings in North America. But soon news came to Russian America of an official agreement between the RAC and the Hudson's Bay Company on the mutual neutralization of their territorial possessions in America. “Because of these fortunately changed circumstances,” the Russian consul in San Francisco Pyotr Kostromitinov reported in the summer of 1854, “I did not give further movement to the act forwarded from the colonies.” Although the fictitious act was immediately annulled, and the colonial authorities were reprimanded for being too independent, the idea of ​​a possible sale of Russian America to the United States not only did not die, but after the end of the Crimean War it was further developed.

The main supporter of the sale of Russian America was the younger brother of Alexander II, Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich, who sent a special letter on this subject to Foreign Minister Alexander Gorchakov in the spring of 1857. Most of the most influential statesmen, although they did not object in principle to the sale of Russian possessions in America, nevertheless considered it necessary to discuss this issue in advance. It was proposed first to ascertain the situation in Russian America, to probe the ground in Washington, and in any case not to rush into the practical implementation of the sale, postponing it until the expiration of the RAC privileges in 1862 and the liquidation of the contract for the supply of ice by the American-Russian trading company in San Francisco. Gorchakov and employees of the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs adhered to this line, and most importantly, Emperor Alexander II himself, who ordered to postpone the decision on the sale of Russian America until the contract with the company in San Francisco was liquidated. Although the US government considered the acquisition of Russian possessions in America very profitable, it offered only $ 5 million as a reward, which, according to Gorchakov, did not reflect "the real value of our colonies."

In 1865, after lengthy discussions, the State Council of Russia approved the "main foundations" of the new charter of the RAC, and the company's board even managed to receive additional benefits from the tsarist government. On August 20 (September 1), 1866, the emperor "deigned" to pay the RAC an annual "allowance" of 200 thousand rubles and remove from it a debt to the treasury in the amount of 725 thousand.

The company was not satisfied with this and continued to seek new privileges, which also had its negative side: the tsarist government only asserted its opinion about the expediency of getting rid of burdensome possessions in distant America. In addition, the general state of Russia's finances, despite the reforms carried out in the country, continued to deteriorate, and the treasury needed foreign money.

The end of the civil war in the United States and the subsequent friendly visit of the American squadron led by Gustavus Fox to Russia in the summer of 1866 to some extent contributed to the revival of the idea of ​​selling Russian colonies in America. However, the direct reason for the resumption of consideration of the question of the fate of Russian America was the arrival in St. Petersburg of the Russian envoy in Washington, Eduard Stekl. Leaving the United States in October 1866, he next year was in the royal capital. During this time, he had the opportunity to meet not only with his immediate superiors in the department of foreign affairs, but also to talk with Grand Duke Konstantin and Finance Minister Mikhail Reitern.

It was after conversations with Stekl that both statesmen communicated their views "on the subject of the cession of our North American colonies." The sale of Russian possessions in America seemed expedient to Reitern for the following reasons:

"one. After seventy years of existence of the company, it did not in the least achieve either the Russification of the male population, or the stable establishment of the Russian element, and did not in the least contribute to the development of our merchant shipping. The company does not provide significant shareholder value... and can only be supported by significant donations from the government." As the minister noted, the importance of the colonies in America has decreased even more, since "now we have already firmly established ourselves in the Amur Territory, which is in incomparably more favorable climatic conditions."

"2. The transfer of colonies ... will save us from possession, which in the event of war with one of the maritime powers, we are not able to defend. Reitern wrote further about the company's possible encounters with enterprising merchants and seafarers from the United States: "Such encounters, unpleasant in themselves, could easily make it necessary for us to maintain, at great expense, military and naval forces in the northern waters of the Pacific Ocean in order to maintain privileges a company that does not bring significant benefits to Russia or even to shareholders and to the detriment of our friendly relations with the United States.

The most influential figure in the discussion of the fate of Russian possessions in America remained the Grand Duke Constantine, who spoke in favor of the sale for three main reasons:

1. The unsatisfactory state of affairs of the RAC, the existence of which must be supported by "artificial measures and monetary donations from the treasury."

2. The need to focus the main attention on the successful development of the Amur region, where exactly in the Far East "Russia's future lies ahead."

3. The desirability of maintaining a "close alliance" with the United States and eliminating anything "that might give rise to dissent between the two great powers."

After familiarizing himself with the considerations of two influential dignitaries and knowing well the opinion of Stekl, who also spoke in favor of the sale of Russian America, Gorchakov came to the conclusion that the time had come to make a final decision. He proposed holding a "special meeting" with the personal participation of Alexander II. This meeting took place on December 16 (28), 1866 in the front office of the Russian Foreign Ministry on Palace Square. It was attended by: Alexander II, Grand Duke Konstantin, Gorchakov, Reitern, the head of the naval ministry Nikolai Krabbe and Stekl. All participants spoke in favor of selling the Russian colonies in North America to the United States, and the departments concerned were instructed to prepare their views for the envoy in Washington. Two weeks later, “in pursuance of the sovereign will announced by His Imperial Majesty at a special meeting,” Reitern sent Gorchakov his considerations, who considered it necessary to provide that “Russian subjects and residents of the colonies in general” be given “the right to stay in these or to leave without hindrance to Russia. In either case, they retain the right to all their property, whatever it may be. At the same time, the minister made special reservations about ensuring the freedom of “their liturgical rites.” Finally, the Secretary of the Treasury indicated that the "monetary reward" for the cession of the colonies should be at least $5 million.

Returning to Washington in March 1867, Steckl reminded Secretary of State William Seward "of the proposals that have been made in the past for the sale of our colonies" and added that "the imperial government is now disposed to enter into negotiations." Having secured the consent of President Johnson, Seward already during the second meeting with Stekl, held on March 2 (14), was able to discuss the main provisions of the future treaty.

On March 18, 1867, President Johnson signed formal credentials to Seward, and negotiations between the Secretary of State and Glass took place almost immediately, during which, in in general terms A draft agreement was agreed upon for the purchase of Russian possessions in America for $7 million.

painting by Edward Leintze

From left to right: State Department official Robert Chew, William Seward, State Department official William Hunter, employee of the Russian mission Vladimir Bodisko, Eduard Stekl, Charles Sumner, Frederick Seward

At four o'clock in the morning on March 18 (30), 1867, the treaty was signed. Among the territories ceded by Russia to the United States in the North American continent and in pacific ocean were: the entire Alaska Peninsula (along the line passing along the meridian 141 ° W), a coastal strip 10 miles south of Alaska along the western coast of British Columbia; Alexandra archipelago; Aleutian Islands with Attu Island; the islands of the Middle, Krys'i, Lis'i, Andreyanovsk, Shumagin, Trinity, Umnak, Unimak, Kodiak, Chirikov, Afognak and other smaller islands; islands in the Bering Sea: St. Lawrence, St. Matthew, Nunivak and the Pribylov Islands - St. Paul and St. George. The total size of the land territory ceded to Russia was 1,519 thousand square meters. km. Together with the territory, all real estate, all colonial archives, official and historical documents relating to the transferred territories.

In accordance with the usual procedure, the treaty was submitted to Congress. As the session of Congress ended just that day, the president called an emergency executive session of the Senate.

The fate of the treaty was in the hands of members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The members of the committee at the time were: Charles Sumner of Massachusetts, chairman, Simon Cameron of Pennsylvania, William Fessenden of Maine, James Harlan of Iowa, Oliver Morton of Indiana, James Paterson of New Hampshire, Raverdy Johnson of Maryland. That is, it was up to representatives of the Northeast to decide on the annexation of the territory in which the Pacific states were primarily interested. In addition, the majority clearly disliked their former colleague, Secretary of State Seward.

The decisive opponent of the treaty was, in particular, Senator Fessenden. During the discussion, the caustic senator remarked that he was ready to support the treaty, "but with one additional condition: to force the secretary of state to live there, and the Russian government to keep him there." Fessenden's joke drew general approval, and Senator Johnson expressed his confidence that such a proposal "would be passed unanimously."

However, it was not the obvious hostility towards the Johnson-Seward administration and not the caustic jokes of Fessenden that determined the attitude of the committee members to the new treaty. Most senators, and above all Sumner, were guided by objective data and real benefits from the acquisition of Russian America.

Moreover, given Sumner's influence on the Foreign Affairs Committee and in the Senate, it was his position on the treaty that became decisive. Initially, the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee even suggested withdrawing the treaty from discussion, since it supposedly had no chance of success. In the future, however, Sumner's views underwent a major change, and on April 8, 1867, he was already a strong supporter of the ratification of the treaty with Russia. The change in Sumner's position was not accidental, but was the result of a thorough study of the issue with the involvement of a huge amount of factual material. An important role was also played by the assistance rendered to the senator by persons most aware of the state of affairs in the Pacific North, including experts from the Smithsonian Institution.

All this significantly strengthened the positions of the supporters of the treaty and finally convinced Sumner of the importance of joining Russian America. As a result, on April 8, the Foreign Affairs Committee decided to submit the treaty to the Senate for approval.

On the same day, Sumner presented the treaty to the Senate and gave the famous three-hour speech in support of ratification, which made a great and even decisive impression on the listeners. There were 37 votes in favor of ratification and only two against. They were Fessenden and Justin Morrill from Vermont.

On May 3(15), ratification took place without any complications in St. Petersburg, and the official exchange of instruments of ratification took place in the American capital on June 8(20), 1867. Subsequently, in accordance with the established procedure, the contract was printed, and then included in the official collection of laws of the Russian Empire.

The decision to allocate 7.2 million dollars under the agreement was made by the House of Representatives of the US Congress a year later, on July 14, 1868 (113 - "for", 43 - "against" and 44 congressmen did not take part in the vote). On July 15, an order was issued for the receipt of money; on August 1, Stekl left a receipt in the treasury stating that he had received the entire amount in full.

The fate of the proceeds from the sale of Alaska is a favorite topic of newspaper speculation. The most popular version is that a ship with gold from America sank in the Gulf of Finland. But in reality, everything was less romantic and tragic.

On August 1, Stekl instructed the Riggs Bank to transfer $7,035,000 to London, to the Baring brothers' bank. The “missing” 165 thousand were spent by him in the USA. A telegram to St. Petersburg with the news of the conclusion of the agreement cost 10 thousand, 26 thousand was received by the lawyer of the Russian mission, Robert Walker, 21 thousand was the royal award for concluding the agreement to Stekl and another employee of the mission, Vladimir Bodisko. The rest of the money, according to the researchers, Stekl spent on bribing journalists and congressmen. At least, such a conclusion can be drawn from the instruction of Alexander II to credit the funds spent by the envoy for “the use known to His Imperial Majesty” as an actual expense. Such wording usually accompanied expenses of a secret and sensitive nature, which included bribes.

The same money that reached London was spent on the purchase of steam locomotives and other railway equipment for the Kursk-Kyiv, Ryazan-Kozlovskaya and Moscow-Ryazan railways.

By buying Russian America, the United States, as subsequent events showed, made one of the most profitable deals in its history. This area is rich natural resources including oil and gold. It occupied an advantageous strategic position and ensured the predominant influence of the United States in the north of the continent and on the way to the Asian market. Together with the Hawaiian and Aleutian Islands, Alaska became a stronghold of US influence in the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean.

Text by N.N. Bolkhovitinov from: History of Russian America: in 3 volumes. M., 1999. V.3. pp. 425-488.
(with additions from other sources)

"Turn of the key" ("The amazing events that changed the history of mankind" BAO, 2013).

Amazing events that changed the course of history.

Nowadays, almost all countries accessible ways defend every inch of their native land. But there were times in the history of mankind, and not so distant ones, when states sold their possessions. In 1867, one of the most resonant such transactions took place. The United States of America acquired Alaska from Russia.

Who sold Alaska to America?

"Catherine, were you wrong?"

It must be said that the sale of Russian possessions in North America to the United States is still surrounded by many myths and legends. Thus, the sale of Alaska is usually attributed to Empress Catherine II. In fact, it has nothing to do with this hyper-deal. And the Tsar-Liberator Alexander II is directly related to the sale of Russian territory to our sworn friends, the Americans.

About the most famous of the misconceptions about another great woman - Cleopatra -.

There were several reasons for selling Alaska. First, in the middle of the nineteenth century, Russia, as a result of the defeat in Crimean War was in a very difficult financial situation. To fix it, it was decided to sell the North American possessions. Moreover, in those days there was no income from Alaska, but, on the contrary, there were only costs. Secondly, any territory must be defended, and there were simply not enough forces to protect Alaska from the British looking at it with lust.

And, thirdly, the Russian government hoped by selling Alaska to maintain a "close alliance" with the United States and thereby create a counterbalance to England.

However, the Americans themselves did not really want to buy Alaska at first. And, perhaps, they would never have bought it if the event that became a turning point in this whole story had not happened. But first things first.

All in the same 1867, not only Russia, but also another European country, Denmark, wanted to get rid of its overseas territory. The Danish king offered the Americans to buy the Virgin Islands lying in the warm Caribbean waters. Moreover, the Danes asked for about the same amount of money for their resort possessions as the Russians for frosty Alaska - seven and a half million dollars. The amount may seem insignificant to some. But everything is not so simple. In those days, the dollar had a slightly different real value and 7 million five hundred thousand dollars of the century before last, in terms of current money, equals 8 billion 700 million.

The American Congress thought for a long time. The fact is that there was not enough money in the treasury even for one transaction. And then Nature herself intervened in the course of events.

Help of Nature

A tropical hurricane hit the Virgin Islands. The damage was colossal. The capital of the Danish possessions - the city of Charlotte Amalie was almost completely destroyed. Seemingly more attractive compared to northern Russian territories The Virgin Islands instantly lost their appeal. Seven and a half million for a dilapidated colony, of course, no one wanted to pay.

Upon learning of what had happened in the Virgin Islands, then US Secretary of State William Seward intensified negotiations with the Russian ambassador Eduard Stekl, whom Alexander II instructed to sell Alaska.

Despite such significant help from Nature, William Seward had to spend a lot of effort persuading Congress to fork out for this purchase, and the Russian envoy in Washington, Baron Steckl, had to actively bribe American high officials.

And yet the deal went through. On March 29, 1867, the ambassador of Alexander II, Baron Eduard Andreevich Stekl, and the Secretary of State of the United States of America, William Seward, signed an agreement on the sale of Alaska to America for 7 million two hundred thousand dollars. As for the Virgin Islands, the pragmatic Seward remarked about them: "Let the Danes restore them first." And so it happened. Denmark did part with its overseas possessions in 1917, selling the Virgin Islands for $25 million.

In America itself, at first, the acquisition of Alaska was met with little enthusiasm. American newspapers, contemptuously calling Alaska "an ice box", a walrus tree" and "Uncle Sam's closet", wrote that public money was wasted. And only when gold and oil were found in Alaska did the Americans realize that they had not sold too cheap. Currently, more than half of all American oil is produced on the territory of the 49th US state. But they opened it here oil fields all the same Russian settlers a century and a half ago.

Is Alaska rented out?

In our country, there is a rather widespread misconception among the people *, according to which Alaska was not sold to the Americans, but leased to them for a hundred years. Looks like it's time to claim it back. Gentlemen, sadly, the train has already left and it is pointless to demand Alaska back. It was sold forever, not rented out, as evidenced by the relevant documents.

* Note: by the way, there is also an opinion among the people that the tsarist government wanted to buy these lands back, especially after gold was found in Alaska. However, historians reject such conjectures. It is possible that such thoughts were visited by one of the crowned persons, but this is not documented anywhere.

It is also sad that not all the money raised for Alaska ended up in Russia. A significant portion of the $7.2 million was paid in gold. However, this money did not get into the royal treasury. There was a riot on the ship "Orkney" carrying precious cargo in the Baltic Sea. An attempt by a group of conspirators to seize the gold ended in failure. But, it is possible that during the mutiny the ship was damaged, since the Orkney sank along with the precious cargo. American gold still lies at the bottom of the sea.

It is also important that this deal turned out to be a turning point in terms of geopolitics. At one point, the balance in the Pacific power triangle Russia - Britain - the United States was destroyed. Since then, the Americans have had a paramount strategic position in this region. And they found it, as it does not seem strange now, with the help of Russia.

On August 1, 1868, the Russian Chargé d'Affaires in Washington, Baron Eduard Andreyevich Stekl, received a check for $7.2 million from the North American Treasury. This financial transaction put an end to the largest deal in world history for the sale of territorial possessions. Russian colonies on the North American continent with an area of ​​1519 thousand square meters. km, according to the agreement signed on March 18 (30), 1867, came under the sovereignty of the United States. The official handover ceremony for Alaska took place before the receipt of the check on October 18, 1867. On this day, in the capital of Russian settlements in North America, Novoarkhangelsk (now the city of Sitka), the Russian flag was lowered and the American flag was raised under the artillery salute and during the parade of the military of the two countries. October 18 is Alaska Day in the United States. In the state itself, March 30, the day the Treaty was signed, is considered an official holiday.

For the first time, the idea of ​​​​selling Alaska was expressed in a very delicate and strictly secret form by the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia, Nikolai Muravyov-Amursky, the day before. In the spring of 1853, Muravyov-Amursky submitted a note detailing his views on the need to strengthen Russia's position in the Far East and the importance of close relations with the United States.

His reasoning boiled down to the fact that the question of ceding Russian overseas possessions to the United States would sooner or later be raised, and Russia would not be able to defend these remote territories. The Russian population in Alaska was then, according to various estimates, from 600 to 800 people. There were about 1.9 thousand Creoles, a little less than 5 thousand Aleuts. 40 thousand Tlingit Indians lived on this territory, who did not consider themselves subjects of Russia. For the development of an area of ​​more than 1.5 million square meters. km, so remote from the rest of the Russian lands, the Russians were clearly not enough.

The authorities in St. Petersburg reacted favorably to Muravyov's note. The proposals of the Governor General of Eastern Siberia to strengthen the position of the empire in the Amur region and on Sakhalin Island were studied in detail with the participation of Admiral General, Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich and members of the board of the Russian-American Company. One of the concrete outcomes of this work was the emperor's order of April 11 (23), 1853, allowing the Russian-American company "to occupy the island of Sakhalin on the same grounds as it owned other lands mentioned in its privileges, in order to prevent any foreign settlements.

The main supporter of the sale of Russian America was the younger brother, Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich. The general state of Russia's finances, despite the reforms carried out in the country, worsened, and the treasury needed foreign money.

Negotiations to acquire Alaska from Russia began in 1867 under President Andrew Johnson (1808-1875) at the urging of Secretary of State William Seward. On December 28, 1866, at a special meeting in the ceremonial hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, held with the participation of Emperor Alexander II, Grand Duke Konstantin, Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Gorchakov, Minister of Finance Mikhail Reitern, Head of the Naval Ministry Nikolai Krabbe and Envoy to Washington Eduard Stekl, it was A decision was made to sell Russian possessions in North America. At 4 am on March 30, 1867, an agreement was signed on the sale of Alaska by Russia to the United States of America for 7.2 million dollars (11 million tsarist rubles). Among the territories ceded by Russia to the United States on the North American continent and in the Pacific Ocean were: the entire Alaska Peninsula, a coastal strip 10 miles south of Alaska along the western coast of British Columbia; the archipelago of Alexander; Aleutian Islands with Attu Island; the islands of the Middle, Krys'i, Lis'i, Andreyanovsk, Shumagin, Trinity, Umnak, Unimak, Kodiak, Chirikov, Afognak and other smaller islands; islands in the Bering Sea: St. Lawrence, St. Matthew, Nunivak and the Pribylov Islands - St. Paul and St. George. Together with the territory, all real estate, all colonial archives, official and historical documents related to the transferred territories were transferred to the United States.

Most scholars agree that the Alaska Sale Treaty was a mutually beneficial outcome of American geopolitical ambitions and Russia's sober decision to focus on the development of the Amur and Primorye regions, annexed to the Russian Empire in 1860. In America itself, at that time, there were few people willing to acquire a huge territory, which the opponents of the deal called the reserve for polar bears. The US Senate ratified the treaty with only a one-vote majority. But when gold and rich mineral resources were discovered in Alaska, this deal was recognized as the main achievement of the administration of President Andrew Johnson.

The name Alaska itself appeared during the passage of the purchase agreement through the US Senate. Then Senator Charles Sumner, in his speech in defense of the acquisition of new territories, following the traditions of the indigenous population of the Aleutian Islands, gave them a new name Alaska, that is, the "Great Land".

In 1884, Alaska received the status of a district, in 1912 it was officially declared a territory of the United States. In 1959, Alaska became the 49th state of the United States. In January February 1977, an exchange of notes took place between the governments of the USSR and the USA, confirming that the "western border of the ceded territories" provided for by the 1867 treaty, passing in the Northern Arctic Ocean, Chukchi and Bering Seas, is used to delimit the areas of jurisdiction of the USSR and the USA in the field of fishing in these sea areas. After the collapse of the USSR, the Russian Federation became the assignee of the international agreements concluded by the Union.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

Alaska is not sold. This is in fact the greatest Jewish fraud and the greatest deceit. At least now throw everyone out of there and live. You can call it that - the occupied territory of Russia.

I was amazed by another deception, which the Lord revealed to me by God's providence from ancient Orthodox books. This deception also caused indignation in me about the fraud in Alaska. What does the United States have that is not stolen and is not based on monstrous crime and deceit? Probably just air.

The age-old deception, carefully hidden by the Jews, has been destroyed, and without any Internet or iPhones. Holy Russia, our Orthodox people slandered and deceived, rise up. The Lord has destroyed the fiercest villainy of the Jews and slander against you, has taken away the spirit of delusion, the carefully concealed age-old cruelest Jewish deception about “Holy Tsar Nicholas II” and “the brutalized Russian people-traitor”, and other deceptions. Do you think the similarity of Nicholas II with the Jew Menachem Aaronovich Mendel ("Medvedev") is accidental? Not at all. No one can understand who issued Menachem Aaronovich Mendel (Jew) a passport in the name of Dmitry Medvedev. It turns out that they have been doing this for almost three hundred years and are terribly deceiving, tormenting and ruining our people and country.
Look who was tricked into being “saints” by us. The foreign beast forced them to worship the image of the first beast. “Nicholas II” (whose relative is Menachem Aaronovich Mendel (“Medvedev”) was not killed at all, but fled abroad, having committed an incredible atrocity, for which the “foreign LC” (in New York it has a center) canonized him as a “saint Let me remind you that the USA, England and Israel are controlled by Jews and Rothschilds.
First, about the origin of this beast. In "Most Pious Russian Emperors» Russian Orthodox were not found at all, only the selection of the enemy's foreign Antichrist trash.
The Lord in the prayer “Our Father” commanded us to ask for the Kingdom of God, and not Empires, presidencies, republics, etc. There must be a Kingdom and a Tsar. And EMPIRES AND EMPERORS are attempts to arrange the kingdom of Satan on earth. Here it is, the filthy word "Emperor" - all the enemies of the country and the leaders of the enemy powers, one another is disgusting, and all were married to the most vile enemy foreign reptiles, and they wrote this nasty word EMPEROR in liturgical texts in arshin letters, without the words "servant of God" (this is generally unacceptable, these are attacks of demons on the rule of law, they cannot be commemorated in the church of God), and the Lord Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Trinity, the Most Holy Mother of God with the little one, were exalted above the Lord.
how we are still alive, only through the intercession of our Lady, the Most Holy Theotokos.
I'll start with the appearance of the enemy word "Emperor" - a secret enemy attack began with it
Peter I was named the first Emperor "at the request of the Senate." An Orthodox tsar would have rejected such a request, he would not have been offered. But the fact is, the real Russian Tsar Peter I was killed and replaced with a double by enemies - Masons, Jesuits and a handful of nobles, who were comfortable having a double puppet and not losing power. The goal was to plunder Russia.
Further, “at the request of the Senate”, the double was given the title of “Emperor”, which is very strange for an Orthodox tsar, and all subsequent “Emperors” were foreigners, Jews and Masons. Starting with Martha Samuilovna (Ekaterina I (Marta Samuilovna Skavronskaya, married to Kruse; after the adoption of Orthodoxy, Ekaterina Alekseevna Mikhailova). I don’t like worldly sayings at all, but it’s like the Russian people said about the Jews: “in order to achieve benefits, a Jew is always ready to be baptized.” Jews strictly prohibited in the Orthodox Church by conciliar decrees.Where Marta Samuilovna got out is unknown (Her place of birth, the details of her early life have not yet been precisely determined), this is the wife of the enemy's double of Peter I, whom the enemies put in place of the murdered Orthodox Tsar Peter I. Judging by name, this is probably a Polish Jew, the daughter of a certain “Johann Rabe” (they just threw the Poles and Jews out the door, they climbed “out the window” as twins and their Jews).
And then it went and went, all the dregs are one another disgusting "Sophia-Charlotte of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel", "pastor Gluck", etc. dregs of incredible hostility. The fact that the Russian Orthodox tsar was replaced by a foreign double is unambiguous. The double began to be called the "Emperor", he defeated the Russian army, began to induce Western customs, the signature changed, and then among all the "Emperors" not a single Russian Orthodox, all the offspring of the murky foreign double of Peter I and the incomprehensible Marta Samuilovna, married to some nightmarish enemy foreign vermin.
That is, we can say that these enemy twins and their Martha Samuilovna Rabe-Skavronsky have nothing to do with the nobles of the Romanovs, they are their enemies who killed the real Orthodox tsar and climbed into his place under his last name and put on a hostile to Orthodoxy sign "emperor" . In the prayer "Our Father" it is said about the Kingdom of God in heaven and on earth, respectively, on earth - the kingdom and the king.
That is, after Tsar Peter I Romanov, who was killed and replaced by the enemy's double, the Romanovs are no more, and instead of them, under their surname, the enemy's dynasty of the enemy's double Peter and the incomprehensible Marta Samuilovna Rabe-Skavronskaya (covered by the sign "Catherine I") sit. This is the true muzzle of the beast and the true name of the pseudo-Romanov clan "Slave-Skavronsky" ("Samuilovichi"). The incomprehensible Marta Samuilovna Rabe-Skavronskaya climbs onto the Russian Orthodox throne as the “First Empress” after the adoption of Orthodoxy, Ekaterina Alekseevna Mikhailova. It is necessary not to cover up this enemy occupation with false names and surnames of Orthodox tsars killed by enemies, but to call all “EMPERORS” as there is an occupying enemy foreign clan “Slabe-Skavronsky” “Samuilovichi”, the murderers of the real Orthodox Tsar Peter I.
Alaska should be returned. The dynasty of the enemy's double and the criminal enemy's Jewish impostor cannot dispose of our lands, all transactions are illegitimate (fraudulent). These creatures set up a HAARP station there and brutally torture the inhabitants of our country and the whole world.
Also all wars. The enemies pretended to be at war (with themselves), in fact, they themselves staged wars with the aim of slaughtering our people and plundering. Performances were staged at terrible slaughterhouses “by agreement among themselves”, and then they made themselves out to be “winners”. That is why it is said in the Apocalypse about vile Babylon that “by your magic all nations have been deceived. And in it was found the blood of the prophets and saints and of all the slain on earth.” .
Now about the last figures of the enemy clan of the pseudo-Romanovs (the clan "Marta Samuilovna Rabe-Skavronskaya" is not really)

Alexander I
November 19 (December 1), 1825, Taganrog) - Emperor and Autocrat of All Russia (since March 12 (24), 1801), protector of the Order of Malta (knightly religious order of the Roman Catholic Church) (since 1801), Grand Duke of Finland (since 1809 years), Tsar of Poland (since 1815), the eldest son of Emperor Paul I and Maria Feodorovna.
Those. he was an outspoken Freemason, a pervert (he was in a "personal" relationship with his sister) and an adulterer. Paul I was also a Freemason.
“From his youth, Alexander had a close and very personal relationship with his sister Ekaterina Pavlovna. In 1793 he married Louise Maria Augusta (1779-1826), daughter of the Margrave Karl Ludwig of Baden, who adopted the name Elizaveta Alekseevna in Orthodoxy.
“Alexander's relationship with his wife was very cool. For 15 years, he was practically openly in touch with Maria Naryshkina (nee Chetvertinskaya) and was forced to break with her, only after making sure of her infidelity. After breaking up with Naryshkina, for some time he met in the Babolovsky Palace with the Portuguese Sophie Velho, the daughter of a court banker.
“In December of the same year, Golitsyn and Koshelev organized the Bible Society, which encouraged the study and new translations of sacred texts. Representatives of exotic currents in Christianity rushed to Russia from Europe - Moravian brothers, Quakers, Bavarian preachers of ecstasy Lindl and Gosner. “This general tendency towards rapprochement with Christ the Savior is a real pleasure for me,” the emperor admitted to his new friends. When the Baltic authorities tried to make it difficult for the "non-Slavs" to worship, Alexander intervened personally" But this devil was the "godfather" of the British Jewess and the heretic "Alexander was the godfather of the future Queen Victoria" (see Photo: Queen Victoria is a Jewess and a Freemason, a typical Sarah Abramovna, the schnobel had to be covered with a fan),
There is also a photo of “Queen Elizabeth” - a Jewess, a descendant of the Portuguese adulterous Jewess, with whom the British King Alphonse III committed adultery in the 13th century. Until now, the whole world is suffering from these Jewish reptiles. Adolf Hitler I is a relative of the Rothschilds, it also turns out to be a “relative” of this Alphonse III.

As you know, the British throne has long been Jewish, “...Yahia's great-great-great-granddaughter, a Jewess of Madragan, was the mistress of King Afonso III in the 13th century, and bore him two children. The vicissitudes of the genealogy of the royal houses of Europe have led to the fact that the current Queen of Great Britain, Elizabeth II, is a direct descendant of this Portuguese Jewish beauty ... "that is, the prodigal Portuguese Jewess, i.e. Elizabeth II is Jewish.
Since the 13th century, the British throne, the den of Freemasonry, and all its "relatives" has been Jewish and Masonic. There, all the "queens, kings, princes, princesses" and other evil spirits are Jews without exception and all their relatives. This is the lair of Freemasonry and world evil spirits, the beast of Antichrist.
The current “Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II is Jewish by father and mother, she was married to the living Philip Mountbatten, their son Prince Charles is a Jew”, or rather a filthy Jew, these are the words of the Reverend Elijah of Muromets. The Jewish mother of "Princess Diana" is a Jewish woman, and her father is a cousin of the highest ranks of the Rothschild Antichrist The late James Goldsmith-a Jewish banker and publisher. All British "queens, princes and princesses" are Jews and Freemasons. And all these Jewish-masonic "Russian EMPERORS" simply did not climb out of them. Not a single Russian - all foreign alien enemy bastards, fiends of the most filthy enemy foreign Jewish Masonic reptiles, cunningly covered from above with new Russian names like "Maria Feodorovna", etc. It's just a selection of the enemy's antichrist trash - who is disgusting.

Alexander II - the grandfather of the Jew and Freemason Nicholas II - the first enemy of the country. The beginning of a frank Jewish enemy occupation
“Under Alexander II, significant changes took place in relation to the Jewish Pale of Settlement. In a number of decrees issued between 1859 and 1880, a significant part of the Jews received the right to freely settle on the territory of Russia. As A. I. Solzhenitsyn writes, merchants, artisans, doctors, lawyers, university graduates, their families and service personnel, as well as, for example, “persons of free professions”, received the right to free settlement. And in 1880, by decree of the Minister of the Interior, it was allowed to leave for residence outside the Pale of Settlement those Jews who settled illegally.
And in 1917, after only 37 years since this selection of foreign enemy trash called "Russian Emperor" let enemy reptiles into the country, the country was covered in blood and it still has hell. See only the lists of murdered Orthodox pastors and laity, millions killed in the slaughterhouses organized by the Zhidobes, only in the 2nd World War, from the Empire (it was up to Poland and Finland inclusive) there was a miserable piece occupied by the Zhidobes - hell on earth.
I remind you: “Now, from all the Russian land, expel all the Jews and continue not to let them in; and if they enter secretly, they are free to rob and kill.
Vladimir Vsevolodovich (Monomakh) » Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh was a teenager and was present among the people at a miracle, when St. Anthony of the Kiev-Pechersk brought down fire from the sky, which burned the foundation for the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Also, the noble prince Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh took an icon from the holy icon painter Alypiy of the Kiev Caves for the church he built.
Christ said about the Jews: they are My enemies, even if they do not desire Me, but the king would be over them, bring them and flog them before Me (Luke XIX, 27).

Let's remember how the Jewish Freemasons occupied the USA: the indigenous population (Indians) on reservations. The country is occupied by "migrants".

Prince Dimitry Pozharsky and Kozma Minin and our people's militia, with the intercession and mercy of Our Lady Theotokos, kicked out the Poles and Jews from the Kremlin, who were torturing and plundering the country. They were thrown out with the usual defeat, they climbed again replacing the murdered Orthodox Tsar Peter I with a double, and hoisting the enemy impostor Marta Samuilovna Rabe on the Orthodox Russian throne, calling all this enemy attack the "emperorship" of the clan of Marta Samuilovna Rabe, covered by the surname "Romanovs" and Russian names over enemy foreign ones.

A total of eight assassination attempts were made on Alexander II:
The grandmother of Nicholas II was also an enemy reptile:
“On April 16 (28), 1841, in the Great Church of the Winter Palace, Alexander Nikolayevich was married to Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna, daughter of Grand Duke Ludwig II of Hesse, who was called Princess Maximilian Wilhelmina Augusta Sophia Maria of Hesse-Darmstadt before she converted to Orthodoxy. On December 5 (17), 1840, the princess, having accepted chrismation, converted to Orthodoxy and was given a new name - Maria Alexandrovna, and after her betrothal to Alexander Nikolayevich on December 6 (18), 1840, she became known as the Grand Duchess with the title of Imperial Highness.
Alexander III (father of Herod Nicholas II) and Danish-British Herodias
“His elder brother Nikolai was preparing to inherit the throne, and he received the appropriate education”
“Initially, Alexander II intended to marry the heir to the throne to the Danish princess Alexandra, who had a reputation for beauty; but these plans were thwarted by the efforts of the British Queen Victoria, who hastened to marry her to her son Albert (later King Edward VII)."
“In the spring of 1864, Alexander's brother - Nikolai Alexandrovich - went abroad and, while in Denmark, made an offer to the Danish princess Dagmar; On September 20, the official engagement took place. Before the wedding, Nikolai went on a trip to Italy, where he felt unwell: after a bruise, he began to have severe back pain, from which he soon fell ill and died in April 1865. When the health of his elder brother became threatening, Alexander hurried to him in Nice; along the way, Princess Dagmara and her mother joined him. They found the heir to the throne already at death; the latter died on the night of April 12 (24), 1865 from tuberculosis inflammation spinal cord. Alexander, who loved his brother "more than anything else", was proclaimed Tsarevich - heir to the throne.
The heir passed an additional course of sciences necessary for government. In 1865 and 1866 he was given a course in Russian history by Sergei Solovyov. His teacher of law in 1866 was Konstantin Pobedonostsev, who remained his mentor and adviser even after the course of lectures; and in the reign of Alexander, as chief prosecutor Holy Synod acquired the greatest influence on state affairs.
“In 1865 he was promoted to major general with the appointment to the retinue of His Majesty. In the summer of 1866, the crown prince went to travel around Europe and, by the way, was going to call in Copenhagen to the bride of his late brother, who liked him at the first meeting. On the way, he wrote to his father: “I feel that I can and even love dear Minnie (that was the name of Dagmar in the Romanov family), especially since she is so dear to us. God grant that everything will be arranged as I wish. I really don't know what dear Minnie will say to all this; I don't know her feelings for me, and it really torments me. I'm sure we can be so happy together. I earnestly pray to God to bless me and arrange my happiness.” On June 17 (29), 1866, their engagement took place in Copenhagen, and three months later the betrothed bride arrived in Kronstadt; On October 13 (25), a ceremony of betrothal, anointing and naming a new name took place - Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna "
This is called Herod and Herodias the Jewish-Masonic-Danish (mother of Nicholas II). And this Herod and Judas angered God with such prayers. Remember why John the Baptist was executed.
“For Herod took John, bound him, and put him in prison for Herodias, the wife of Philip his brother, because John said to him, You must not have her.”
“In 1868 he was appointed adjutant general to his father, promoted to lieutenant general.
In March 1869, during an audience, Alexander began to speak rudely with the head of the cartridge factory, Captain Karl Gunnius. He probably answered with dignity. Then the Grand Duke went into a real rage and obscenely cursed the officer. Gunnius immediately left and sent a letter to the Tsarevich demanding that he apologize, threatening that if there was no apology in twenty-four hours, Gunnius would shoot himself. The Tsarevich did not apologize, and the captain kept his word. Alexander II, angry with his son, ordered him to follow the coffin of Gunnius at his funeral.
He also cursed (usually Jews are spitting devils, spitting only abominations and obscenities and cannot stop), and killed the head of a military plant.
Nicholas II (the greatest enemy deceit and the first beast of Antichrist in fact)
His wife "Alexandra Feodorovna (Feodorovna, nee Princess Victoria Alice Helena Louise Beatrice of Hesse-Darmstadt, it. Victoria Alix Helena Louise Beatrice von Hessen und bei Rhein, Nicholas II also called her Alix - a derivative of Alice and Alexander; June 6, 1872, Darmstadt - July 17, 1918, Yekaterinburg) - Russian Empress, wife of Nicholas II (since 1894). Fourth daughter of Ludwig IV, Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine, and Duchess Alice, daughter of Queen Victoria of Britain. The one from the world lair of Freemasons and Portuguese Jews of easy behavior and their nightmarish fiends, see the photo above.
The beast of Antichrist Nicholas II was marked as a beast even during the coronation by a tragedy on the Khodynka field:
“Khodynka, Khodynskaya catastrophe - a massive crush that occurred in the early morning of May 18 (30), 1896 on the Khodynka field (north-western part of Moscow, the beginning of modern Leningradsky Prospekt) on the outskirts of Moscow during the celebrations on the occasion of the coronation on May 14 (26) of Emperor Nicholas II, in which 3,000-4,000 people died and more than 20,000 were maimed.
“The celebrations on the occasion of the coronation continued in the evening at the Kremlin Palace, and then with a ball at a reception at the French ambassador. Many expected that if the ball was not canceled, then at least it would take place without the sovereign. According to Sergei Alexandrovich, although Nicholas II was advised not to come to the ball, the tsar spoke out that although the Khodynka disaster was the greatest misfortune, it should not overshadow the coronation holiday.

(A familiar picture is the muzzle of a Jewish beast from the "British Jewish Masonic Throne" - the lair of the Jewish rabble since the 13th century, from the Portuguese adulterous Jewish woman.)
I described the selection of the enemy world foreign enemy trash under the name "Russian Emperor" briefly above. In the selection of enemy foreign Masonic trash, “Russian noble Emperors” were not found, only a plate with such a name on foreign enemy criminal self-proclaimed Masonic antichrist reptiles. It is a fraud, a deceit, and a great atrocity.

The monstrous atrocity of the Jew and Freemason Nicholas II
actually committed an incredible atrocity, the second after the murder of the Lord Jesus Christ by the Jews. He “killed” our centuries-old Orthodox Church, the genuine Orthodox service, which our ancestors served according to the charter of the Holy Fathers for centuries, and “ordered” to serve heretical antichrist masses instead of the authentic Orthodox service, which are now read in the “Jewish projects” of the “ROC”, UOC, foreign Orthodox Church, etc., on the basis of the same heretical mass that the Jew and Freemason Nicholas II “ordered” to serve instead of our genuine Orthodox services. This atrocity was hidden by avalanches of lies, we were born blind, and the Lord opened our eyes, without any Internet, simply by God's providence from ancient Orthodox books.
Our Orthodox service turned out to be completely different, and the prayers are different. It is understandable why our Orthodox people rebelled and rightly demanded the Jewish reptile to abdicate. Before you is the first beast of the Antichrist from the book of the prophet Daniel - a lion with wings, whose wings have been torn out. Lion with wings - coat of arms of the Romanovs. After the attack of Jews and Freemasons (and foreigners) on the Russian throne, the Orthodox Romanov dynasty turned into an enemy Jewish clan, its wings were torn out. Nicholas II fled abroad with a Jewish viper pack of enemies. For such an unheard-of villainy against the Russian (that was the name of our own brutally murdered mother) Orthodox Church, the foreign Jewish Masonic “HP” canonized a Jew and a Freemason, the first Antichrist beast from the book of the prophet Daniel, into “saints”.
That is, as it is said in the Apoclypis, that the beast (foreign Freemasons, foreign LC), deceit, was forced to worship "the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed." This enemy Jew reptile Nikolai, wounded by our Orthodox people, is also called the first beast in the Apocalypse. “has a wound from the sword and is alive”, “the beast was and is not, and will appear.” The Jew Mendel-Romanov appeared instead of the exiled beast, the Jew Nicholas II, who committed the greatest atrocity after the murder of the Lord Jesus Christ by the Jews - the murder of the authentic Russian Orthodox Church and the genuine Orthodox service and prayers, "replacing" it with the Jewish heresy, which is now called "ROC".
A myriad of true Orthodox pastors and laity were killed by Jewish heretics and enemies who refused to serve heretical Jewish heretical masses and read enemy heretical texts (they even have a nightmare of what is going on in the ROC psalter). The brutal massacre went on until 1942 (the rest were finished off until 1945). In 1942, a relative of Nicholas II by a Jewish mother (by a Freemason and a prodigal Jew of the tribe of Dan) Stalin, instead of the brutally murdered our native Orthodox Church with our authentic Orthodox services and prayers, “established” again that same heretical Jewish mass and all the same heretical Jewish texts, for which they drove Nicholas II. This time, the Jews called it the "ideological project" of Stalin and the Lubyanka of the Russian Orthodox Church. How many, together with the Rothschilds, were killed by the enemy beasts of the Jews "Romanovs" - Mendels of our Orthodox people, who refused to serve the Jewish masses and heresies, now called the ROC, and how these first beasts plundered and tormented the country with foreign Jewish enemy beasts cannot be conveyed. They are the first beasts of Antichrist. And our Orthodox Russian people are still a martyr.
But here's how the Lord commanded me to see all the most sinful and unworthy packs, for wickedness our people were punished by this beast of the Jews and the abomination of desolation on the wing of the temple (the real Orthodox service and prayers are not read in any of the current Jewish "PCs"). What I could see - in 1681, the service and prayers are still preserved as they should, perhaps as under Theodosius and Anthony of the Kiev Caves and Prince Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh. Under Alexander the father of Nicholas II, services are still preserved, but many attacks and distortions of demonic Jews are already visible. And under Nicholas II, by his command, the Jews in general “take out” our Orthodox service, prayers, distort and shred and replace the texts with the Jews. And it was impossible to allow a single word of distortion to the Jews. It was written there “IF ANYONE FROM THE PLEASANT OF THE GOD-BEARING FATHER SHAKES THAT, WE DO NOT LOOK FOR THIS LOOKING, BUT THE CRIME OF TRADITION TO THE WILL, AND TO GOD UNGOODNESS.”
In no case should you participate in the heretical services of the bloody Jewish ROC. Our ancient real fathers write that a comma or stress in a word cannot be changed, this is wickedness to God. About pastors who do not observe the charter on prostrations during fasting - that these are “SHAMELESS” and curse them. What to say about the Jewish bloody Antichrist beast. Pray for yourself for free (do not flatter yourself, everything was different with our mother, the authentic Orthodox Church, not like in the Russian Orthodox Church, there is a lot to write the text of services, it is impossible here). To all those who do not have authentic Orthodox texts (and only a few have seen them) I pass on a simple rule (instead of morning and evening prayers, the Psalter, the canon for the sick, for the exodus of the soul from the body, for those who do alms, etc. - everything is actually different than in the ROC)

Prayer to the Mother of God - read as you should, do not anger the Lord “After completing a few kathisma, or the entire psalter, and with a song, read. Behold, charter the sheet gd:
“It is worthy to eat as truly, bless Thee the Mother of God. Ever Blessed and Immaculate, and the Mother of our God. The most honest Cherubim, and the most glorious truly (VERY) seraphim. Without the destruction of the God of the Word, we magnify thee who gave birth, the present Mother of God. And bow to the ground.
Every creature rejoices in Thee, the Cathedral of the Archangel, and the human race. From the consecrated church, and verbal paradise, virginal praise. From her, God was incarnated and the baby was, even before our eternal God, for Thy throne was created, and Thy womb, more spacious than the heavens, was made to the Virgin. Every creature rejoices in Thee, glory to Thee. And bow to the ground. From the oktay voice, and, whether, tzi. (in Slovenian, numbers were denoted by letters. in Sunday service "
“Troparion to the Theotokos, voice of the Virgin Mother of God, rejoice in the JOYED Mary, the Lord is with you. Blessed are You in wives, and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, AS THOUGH YOU HAVE BORN CHRIST, THE Savior of SOULS (emphasis on a) OURS. And bow to the earth. I convey what is written next in Church Slavonic letters, because there is no similar font. Psi Az People, whether, to, there are.
O All-Singing Mother, giving birth to all the saints, the most holy word, accept the current offering, deliver everyone from all misfortune, and the coming torment, crying out to You, Hallelujah. Earthly bow.
From the canon list, fig. Turnover
I place all my hope in You, Mother of God, save me in Your blood. Earthly bow. From cannonik, to Zelo.
Open the doors of mercy to us Blessed Virgin Mary, hoping in You we will not perish, but may we be delivered from troubles by You. Thou art the salvation of the Christian race.
And from what sources in the ROC? I am not citing the texts of the services and the psalter and canons, if you see what really happened and what the Jews arranged in the “ideological project” of the ROC, you can faint.
In our real Orthodox service, there were no “packs and packs”, betrayals of the stomachs and heretical bowing of heads, etc., there was repeated “Voice, Lord, this day will be preserved for us without sin. Blessed be the Lord, God our Father, and praised and glorified is Your name forever, Amen. Be Thy mercy, Lord, on us, even trusting in Thee (it was when I read these words that the Lord, by God's providence, revealed the truth to me). And in the canons for the dead, reading the words of the prayer of the youths thrown into the Babylonian oven (Blessed be the Lord, God our Father, and praised and glorified is Your name forever, Amen) during life is put on the merit of the deceased, that during his life he said so.
About bows and in churches, and at home, and at the Liturgy, and in great post, and for pastors and for the laity there is a huge rule, several chapters, you can neither miss it nor put too much in there - this is to anger God. As a blind man who has regained his sight and as a resurrected dead, I also learned that I can’t even enter a house or get out, this is a whole science. It is not for nothing that it is written that the Monk Elijah of Muromets “made bows in a bookish way”, I will teach for a week only how to go in and out of the house. It is better to forget about the fact that it is written in the publications of the Russian Orthodox Church. in the Russian Orthodox Church there is only heretical wrath of God and ungodliness towards God, and enemy "shameless" in camouflage Orthodox cassocks.
Do you know what you say in the ROC? When I saw what the Orthodox service was like in Russia for centuries and how the Jewish Mass for serving in the Orthodox Church was issued by the command of the Jew Nicholas II and his Jewish pack, I felt bad. These are precisely the same “packs and packs”, “traditions of the stomachs”, etc. heresy, which is now in the Russian Orthodox Church and which I used to consider the Orthodox service and the church. In that book with Jewish atrocities published by the brutal command of the Jew and the first beast of Nicholas II, in addition to the heretical “packs and packs”, etc., in one more place there are very strange gaps in the words themselves. H, more precisely, the letter “Nash” (In the old days, it looked like a letter And only the crossbar was tilted to the other side, like a mirror image of And) then a space, then hell with all people, our God. It sounds like "over all the people of our God." It looks like "And hell is our God by all people." Here we are in hell for a hundred years and suffer. They saw the abomination of desolation on the wing of the temple. Let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains! The Lord has taken away the spirit of error; now we do not believe lies. Perhaps the Lord Jesus Christ is approaching to kill with the Spirit of the Second Coming His vile antichrist of the Jews, the murderer of the real Russian Orthodox Church and who has settled in the temples of God instead of it, and who claims to be God in the temple of God. The beast also took away the holidays and the law. Not only did the Jews arrange the holidays two weeks later, but our real dates for some of the prachdniks are incorrect. The Feast of the Holy Apostles is actually not the 24th, but the 29th, the letter is not “d-good” (4), but “f-fita, as f is read and means 9”, and there are many more. In the festive psalm, the words “Church of the Saints” were removed, all the princes were removed except for the “Judas”, only the Jews left themselves, they massacred everyone, and from the middle, everything else. Prayers after kathisma are completely different. In the psalter in the kathisma, which was supposed to be read in the full office, they changed the words, slandered the Slovene language with Jewish pseudo-Slovenian and “take out” the law of God. Let them put it in place. They themselves must be taken out from everywhere.
The texts are taken from a book published by the "anointed with holy oil" by the Pious Tsar and Sovereign, Grand Duke Alexei Mikhailovich, Autocrat of All Russia "about the true word, hedgehog printed letters to print, to the salvation of the souls of the numerous Christian people, the Slovenian language, their great power, all the great Russia of the Moscow kingdom, and other states ”And I with the same goal.
They also have another Jewish pseudo-"martyr" in the Jewish performance in the Jewish ROC, the Antichrist is actually a beast, a certain "Patriarch Irenaeus of Jerusalem", it was he who brought down fire from heaven in front of people (at the present time when the USA and Jews are terrorizing the whole world HAARP is not difficult, it is a technical false miracle). This, perhaps, is the Antichrist - the pseudo-martyr of the Jews in the pseudo-Orthodox Jewish "church", the heretical temple of the Jews of the demons, brings down fire from heaven in front of people, accompanied by the abundant lies of the Jewish temple of the "ROC". Hey, come Lord Jesus!
There were no restrictions on the songs of Moses in our real church, brutally murdered by Jews and foreign Masons. As it is said in the Apocalypse about those who conquered the image of the beast, I sing the songs of Moses and the song of Christ - I enjoy the original texts of the service, prayers and psalms of our own brutally torn mother - the Russian Orthodox Church, brutally murdered by the Jews. And Christ is risen again! It was the Lord who ordered me to see and recognize all the most sinful and unworthy by God's providence, I myself could not even on purpose, I only read the prayer of the youths thrown into the Babylonian furnace before. The Lord has taken away the spirit of error, and we no longer believe lies. The Lord is drawing near to kill the Antichrist with the Spirit of His Second Coming.
And if you are sure that you are serving and reading in the masses bloodily planted by the enemy Masonic Antichrist and texts distorted by the Jews (“wickedness towards God”), then take your censers and do as Korey, Dathan and Aviron gathered against Moses (see ch. Numbers ch.16, 1-35). “And Moses said to Korah, Tomorrow you and all your congregation be before the Lord, you and Aaron; and each one take his own censer, and put incense in them, and each one bring his censer before the face of the Lord. if they die as all people die, and such a punishment will befall them as is befalling all people, then it was not the Lord who sent me; but if the Lord does something extraordinary, and the earth opens its mouth and swallows them (and their houses and their tents) and all that they have, and they descend alive into hell, then know that these people despised the Lord. As soon as he said these words, the earth cracked under them; and the earth opened its mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the people of Korah, and all the property; and they went down with all that was theirs alive into the underworld.” “And fire went out from the Lord and devoured those two hundred and fifty men who brought incense.”
The words of St. Theodosius of the Kiev Caves, when he appeared to the Jewish heretic and "shameless" Ridiger ("Patriarch Alexy"): a few hours before his health began to deteriorate sharply. At the same time, the Patriarch was most struck by the supernatural fact itself, because, according to the source, Alexy, despite his high church rank, perceives religion as a tradition and ritual, rather than actually believing in something.

However, he described the vision in detail. In it, a certain handsome old man unexpectedly appeared to him, with a staff, in monastic attire, who called himself hegumen Theodosius of the Caves. As you know, this is the abbot of the Kiev Caves Monastery, who lived in the XI century and stood at the origins of Orthodoxy in Russia. Even during his lifetime, he was revered by believers as a miracle worker, and after his death he was recognized as a saint.
Saint Theodosius stood directly in front of the patriarch. There was no anger in his bright, piercing eyes, but a hard reproach was noticeable. Alexy transmitted verbatim what he heard from the elder-abbot.
“You and many of your brothers fell away from God, and fell down to the devil,” the saint said sternly. - And the rulers of Russia are not the rulers, but the crooks. And the church indulges them. And don't stand by you right hand from Christ. Fiery torment awaits you, gnashing of teeth, endless suffering, if you don’t come to your senses, damned. The mercy of our Lord is boundless, but the path to salvation through the expiation of your countless sins is too long for you. And the hour of the answer is near.
After these words, the vision disappeared, leaving Ridiger completely numb, who had never experienced anything like this, moreover: he was skeptical about reports of all kinds of miracles.

For more than a century, the Russian Empire owned Alaska and the adjacent islands, until in 1867 Alexander II ceded these lands to the United States for more than seven million dollars. By alternative version, Alaska was not sold, but leased for a hundred years, but Comrade Khrushchev actually presented it to the Americans in 1957. Moreover, some are convinced that the peninsula is still ours, because the ship that carried the gold as payment for the deal sank.

One way or another, this whole story with Alaska has become clouded over the years. We propose to figure out how it happened that part of another continent became part of Russia and why they decided to sell the land on which 30 years after the sale they mined 200 million dollars in gold.

Read also: Reports from the militia of Novorossia today

Turnips and potatoes for you

In 1741, the outstanding Russian traveler of Danish origin Vitus Bering crossed the strait between Eurasia and North America(who was later named after him) and became the first person to explore the shores of Alaska. Half a century later, a merchant and part-time navigator Grigory Shelikhov arrived there, who taught the local population to turnips and potatoes, spread Orthodoxy among the natives, and even founded the agricultural colony "Glory to Russia". Since that time, Alaska began to belong to the Russian Empire as a discoverer, and its inhabitants, unexpectedly for themselves, became subjects of the emperor.

Indian diversions

View of the capital of Russian Alaska - Novo-Arkhangelsk.

The Indians, and one can understand them, were unhappy that foreigners seized power over their lands, and even forced them to eat turnips. They expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that in 1802 they burned the Mikhailovsky fortress, which was founded by the company of Shelikhov and his business partners. Together with the church elementary school, shipyard, workshops and arsenal. And three years later, another stronghold of the Russians was set on fire. These audacious undertakings would never have succeeded for the natives if they had not been armed by American and British entrepreneurs.

No matter what happens

A lot of money was pumped out of Alaska: sea otter fur cost more than gold. But the greed and short-sightedness of the miners led to the fact that already in the 1840s there were practically no valuable animals left on the peninsula. True, by that time oil and gold had been discovered in Alaska. This, paradoxically, was the most important incentive to get rid of these territories as soon as possible. The fact is that American prospectors began to actively arrive in Alaska, and the Russian government reasonably feared that American troops would come after them or, even worse, the British would rush in. The empire was not ready for war, and it would be completely stupid to give Alaska for thanks.

Onerous Acquisition

The first page of the treaty "on the cession of the Russian North American Colonies to the United States of North America."

The idea to sell Alaska, while it is still possible, was born by the Emperor's brother Konstantin Romanov, who served as head of the Russian Naval Staff. The autocrat Alexander II approved this proposal and on May 3, 1867 signed an agreement on the sale of overseas lands to the United States for 7.2 million dollars (at the current rate - about 119 million in gold). On average, it turned out to be somewhere under four and a half dollars per square kilometer with all the real estate located on it.

In accordance with the procedure, the treaty was submitted to the US Congress. The Committee on Foreign Affairs (you can look at the faces of the members of this committee in the illustration above) expressed doubts about the advisability of such a burdensome acquisition in a situation when the civil war had just ended in the country. Nevertheless, the treaty was ratified, and the Stars and Stripes flew over Alaska.

Where's the money, Zin?

Check for the purchase of Alaska. Issued in the name of Eduard Andreevich Stekl.

Baron Eduard Stekl, Chargé d'Affaires at the Russian Embassy in Washington, received a check for $7,200,000. He took 21,000 for his labors, and distributed 144,000 as promised bribes to senators who voted for the ratification of the treaty. The rest was sent to London by bank transfer. The gold bars purchased for this amount were taken by sea to St. Petersburg. When converting the currency, first into pounds, and then into gold, they lost about one and a half million.

But it's still half the trouble. The ship "Orkney", carrying gold bars, sank on the way to the Russian capital. The company that registered the cargo declared itself bankrupt, and the damage was only partially reimbursed. Meanwhile, a gold rush began on the peninsula, and, as already mentioned, over 30 years gold was mined there for 200 million dollars.