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Fortune telling on coffee beans is very simple

Fortune telling on coffee beans came to us from the East and has been practiced there since time immemorial, and today this ritual is quite popular. This technique is less popular than prediction on coffee grounds, however, due to its high precision and the veracity of the information received online and for free, it has many supporters.

Coffee beans are a product with considerable magical properties.

Fortune telling coffee bean- This is an ancient method of predictions, which, due to its simplicity, is accessible even to a beginner. In practice, there are many methods of divination on a coffee bean and will allow you to get answers to many questions - does he miss me and will we be together, how will relations develop, and so on.

But of the many methods of divination on grains, consider the ritual with 16 grains - they are placed in a canvas bag and worn certain time. This rule will strengthen the energy potential of the magical attribute, saturate them with your energy, which will allow you to receive truthful and clear answers to questions in the future.

Wearing such a canvas bag is in the chest area, for example, hanging it around your neck - the wearing period is at least 3 days, but the longer this period is, the more they will be fed with your energy and will give a more accurate and truthful answer. Nevertheless, if there is no time to wait and for a long time to charge coffee beans on a mental level, just hold them in your palms, heating them with the heat of your body. It will be enough to hold them like this for about 10 minutes, mentally at this very moment scrolling through your appeal to higher powers.

Next, prepare the table surface for divination - it should be flat, covered with a simple cloth. Next, you proceed to preparatory fortune-telling - just throw 1 grain on the table, and if it fell hollow down, then you should not guess at all today. If it fell upside down, you can guess by 16 grains, starting to interpret the results.

How to guess on 16 coffee beans

You can buy coffee beans in any store

You can tell fortunes for the near future on a coffee bean through this ritual. But, of course, you will need not 1, but as many as 16 grains - an old method based on ancient practices of using pebbles and beans, shells and other magical items and attributes in divination.

To conduct fortune-telling correctly, and the very interpretation of the answer received was truthful - you will need not only 16 grains, but also complete silence. At the very beginning, you should tune in the right way - calm down and relax, throw out of your head all unnecessary thoughts that do not apply to your situation, sit in complete silence, dimming the lights for about 15 minutes. For the best result, light candles in the room and collect coffee beans in your palm , heat them with your warmth, transferring your own energy and thoughts to them.

It is important to understand that the correct and appropriate attitude to fortune-telling will allow you not only to catch a wave of communication with higher powers, but as a result to get an accurate answer to your appeal to them. Then simply bring the coffee beans to your forehead and mentally speak your question and lightly toss the coffee beans on the table. After that, just count how many grains fell to the surface with a hollow up - the resulting figure will be the answer to your question.

After receiving the final figure, proceed to the interpretation of the value.

  • 0 seeds indicates that you have chosen, well, just a bad day to spend coffee ritual fortune-telling and therefore it is recommended either to rephrase your question and ask it again, or to postpone the appeal to higher powers for another day.
  • 1 seed indicates that luck and fortune themselves go into your hands, and therefore you should not waste time, but grab it with both hands and they will help you in the implementation of all your plans and undertakings.
  • two grains indicate a complete victory over all enemies and problems, everything will work out for you and your every desire will come true. Do not think about your failures and troubles - they will leave, and luck will take their place.
  • 3 grains indicate that problems and obstacles await you on the way to your goal, and most likely they are created for you by a person close and dear to you, a friend or relative whom you trust.
  • 4 grains indicate that in order to achieve your goal, you will need to make the maximum of your own efforts. And only your selfless work and dedication will be the key to success.
  • 5 grains will indicate that higher powers are favorable to you and will accompany you in any business. But in the future they will also demand their piece of gratitude from you in return.
  • 6 grains will indicate that it is your indecision that serves as your enemy. Therefore, if you intend to change the course of your life for the better, then it is worth working, but not waiting for manna from heaven.
  • 7 grains symbolize your own anxieties, inner experiences, but all of them are empty and stupid, because everything is going fine in your life. You should not see negativity around you - look, there is so much light and warmth around you, and in return, life will open its treasures and treasures to you.
  • 8 indicates that you are more likely to be perceived from the position of an unstable being, even rather explosive, which is very bad for yourself, your plans and goals. Learn to live measuredly and calmly.
  • 9 advises you to listen to your own intuition, because only in this way you will achieve considerable heights in all your endeavors.
  • 10 indicates that you should not walk on a leash own desires, but just trust the advice of a loved one, because from the outside it’s clearer what’s on for you this moment better.
  • 11 indicates your hidden magical potential and the ability to foresee the future without the help of magical paraphernalia. Just develop your gift and you will know what and how to do to achieve your goal.
  • 12 advises you to be careful, voice less own plans, because it can turn away luck from you.
  • 13 grains is the key to your undeniable success, which is based on your mind and the coldest and most accurate calculation, their supremacy over emotions.
  • 14 coffee beans say that you can only rely on yourself, your potential and strength, and just believing in them, you will move mountains.
  • 15 will indicate that it is important for you to maintain imperturbable calmness in every life situation, not really worry about failures and stubbornly continue to go towards your goal.
  • 16 speaks of an ideal alignment, the absence of obstacles to achieving your goals, the fulfillment of all your dreams.

Video: Divination by coffee beans

In this article:

Fortune telling on coffee beans - famous in narrow circles way to predict the future. This technique is less popular than the method of divination on coffee grounds, but it also has its fans, thanks to high efficiency and the accuracy of the information received.

How to guess on grains

Fortune telling on coffee beans is an ancient prediction technique that, due to its simplicity, can be easily done at home today. There are several main options for conducting such a ritual, we will consider one of the most popular and reliable methods.

Divination for 16 grains of coffee

it the old fashioned way predicting the future, created on the basis of the most ancient methods, when people used simple pebbles, shells, beans and other small objects for divination. To carry out this prediction, you will need 16 coffee beans, as well as complete silence and tranquility in the place where you will conduct this ceremony.

First you need to tune in the right way. Try to calm down completely, throw all extraneous thoughts and experiences out of your head, because they can interfere with you, turn on calm music, sit in silence and darkness for a quarter of an hour. Then light a few candles, collect the cooked grains and hold them in your palm, then pour them into another palm, try to feel their warmth, their energy.

If you manage to tune in to the desired wave, then the prediction will turn out to be as truthful as possible. After that, bring the seeds to your forehead, focus on the question you want the answer to, and now lightly toss all the seeds on the table. When you do this, count the number of seeds that fell on the table with a hollow up, it is their number that is the answer to the question asked.


    • 0 seeds is a clear sign that an unfavorable day has been chosen for fortune telling, transfer it to another day or reformulate the question.
    • 1 - luck itself goes into your hands, accept it, grab it by the tail and don’t let it go anymore, it will definitely help you achieve any goals, just believe in yourself and in your destiny.
    • 2 - complete victory, no problems and failures can stop you, everything will work out, all desires will come true, forget about misfortunes, because soon they will leave your life, and happiness will come in their place.
    • 3 - a serious problem may arise on the way to achieving what you want, and, most likely, the source of this problem is a loved one whom you trust.
    • 4 - to realize your dream, you will need to make a huge amount of effort, set yourself a goal and act, only your work can bring what you want.
    • 5 - higher powers favor you and will help in any business, but do not forget that gratitude will be required from you for every help.
    • 6 - your only enemy is your own indecision and self-doubt. If you want to change your life, then just act, and do not wait for a miracle.
    • 7 - all your anxieties and worries are nonsense, everything is fine in your life, learn to see not only failures, but also positive points, open up to life and it will allow you to hit the real jackpot.
    • 8 - others perceive you as an unstable and even explosive creature, but this is not very good, in order to achieve what you want, you need to learn calmness and regularity.
    • 9 - trust your intuition, the only way you can succeed in any business that you undertake.
    • 10 - you should not always follow your own desires, trust close person, he knows better what is good for you and what is bad.
    • 11 - you have a huge magical potential, you can foresee the future without help additional funds and attributes, develop your gift, and you will always know what needs to be done to achieve your goals.
  • 12 - a little caution will not hurt you, talk less with people about your desires, because because of this, luck may turn away from you.
  • 13 - the key to your success is the mind and cold calculation, do not give in to emotions, think over your actions.
  • 14 - you need to rely only on yourself and own forces believe in yourself and you can move mountains.
  • 15 - you need peace of mind in any situation, do not get upset because of failures, but keep going towards your intended goal, you will definitely achieve it.
  • 16 - the ideal alignment, there are no obstacles in your way, it is enough to want and all desires will come true by themselves.

Fortune telling on coffee beans is not as popular as on coffee grounds, but due to its veracity and high efficiency, it is used quite often. This ancient and simple divination method originated in Ethiopia, is distributed mainly in the East, and can be easily carried out at home.

How to guess on coffee beans

For divination in this way, you only need 16 grains of coffee. This number is considered not only karmic in numerology, but also simply lucky. It consists of four quarters, which means reliability and wisdom, because in the material world the number 4 is very common: seasons, elements, cardinal points. Do not forget that guessing in this way is best once a month, you should not do this often.

  1. Set aside about 15 minutes for divination and create an appropriate environment. Retire to a quiet place, light candles and close your eyes. You can turn on pleasant and quiet music that will help you relax.
  2. Take coffee beans in your palms, hold them for a while in your hands, you can pour them from one palm to another, concentrate on the question, bringing your hands with grains to your forehead. One must strive to mentally merge with the grains, transferring one's energy and one's thoughts to them.
  3. After that, throw the grains on the table and count how many of them are turned upside down. If all the grains were in this position, then the fortune-telling should be postponed to another day.
  4. We decipher the resulting number and find out the meaning.

The online version of this divination makes the whole process more convenient. If you are not satisfied with the answer, do not repeat the process, it is better to postpone it to another day.

Interpretation of divination on coffee beans

  • One - do not miss your luck, because she herself goes into your hands, believe in your fate and your strength.
  • Two - victory awaits you in the upcoming business, no failures and difficulties will stop you, go only forward, and all troubles will leave your life.
  • Three - there is a possibility that difficulties may arise on the way to your goal, the cause of which will be a loved one.
  • Four - set goals and act, so you can get a good result.
  • Five - whatever you think, luck and luck await you, you can count on patronage.
  • Six - find a person who can give wise advice.
  • Seven - believe more in yourself and your strengths, then worries will leave you.
  • Eight - try to think positive and restore your peace of mind.
  • Nine - do not be afraid, you have protection.
  • Ten - get ready for change, they are inevitable, try to turn them to your advantage.
  • Eleven - trust your intuition and listen to yourself more.
  • Twelve - be more careful and control your words, caution will not hurt you.
  • Thirteen - you are influenced by circumstances, the situation will definitely change, and you can easily overcome all obstacles.
  • Fourteen - you need to focus and find a solution to the problem.
  • Fifteen - trouble awaits you, but you should not lose your composure.
  • Sixteen - all your difficulties are behind you, and there is only one step to victory.
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If you are tired of living in ignorance, your inner voice cannot suggest the correct answer, and your intuition is dormant, then try fortune telling on coffee beans. Surprisingly, this half-forgotten method of divination allows you to really find a way out of any situation.

Fortune telling on coffee beans - what is the magic?

It has long been known that coffee is not just delicious drink with a bewitching aroma, but also a strong magical attribute. Many not only the most various ways brewing coffee, but also divination on it. Using, which are obtained on it, you can find out the future, get answers to your questions. But did you know that you can tell fortunes not only on the thick, but also on coffee beans?

Adherents of this divination are sure that this is the same effective method divination, as on . It is known that many eastern rulers, Turkish sultans did not disdain to use fortune-telling on coffee beans. In the homeland of coffee, this product has always been sacred.

What is the uniqueness of your method? Everything is really simple. Coffee beans are able to accumulate human energy, each small attribute merges with the emotions, thoughts of the individual, his experiences, doubts and hopes.

After a few minutes of such close contact, when a person touches the coffee beans with his fingers, the magical attribute is ready to give truthful and clear answers.

It is believed that although the grains themselves perfectly absorb energy, in order for the ritual to be as clear and truthful as possible, additional methods should be used. For example, in the East they believe that it is necessary to prepare an attribute in a special way. Take exactly 16 grains. They are placed in a small bag made of natural coarse fabric.

This bundle of a person who will guess or who will be guessing should be carried constantly with him for several days. It is desirable that the bag is located on the chest. This is how the grain can merge with a person, feel the individual and his fate as much as possible.

If you don’t have time to tame a magical attribute, then hold all the prepared grains in your hands for 10 minutes, mentally scrolling through the same question. After that, drop the magical attribute on the prepared work surface.

The answer will depend on which side the grain falls on. Remember, if they all fell down, then today it’s better not to guess at this situation at all. Since either the solution does not exist at the moment, or the universe does not want to give you an answer, or you are not yet ready to hear it.

In order to make it easier to interpret the result, remember - the grain that fell upside down - "turned to face you."

If the face turned all 1 grain then you are really lucky. You managed to grab fortune by the tail, and no matter what you take on, it will always accompany you. Remember, luck is a capricious girl, she loves only the brave, courageous and ready to make responsible decisions.

Two attributes turned their faces - this is also very good sign. Higher powers warn that the time when it was necessary to work tirelessly, fight troubles and enemies, is coming to an end.

Have you put in enough effort to secure yourself a comfortable life? happy life. Very soon, a truly white streak will begin, in which there will be no place for troubles and problems. Wait a few days and you will be able to feel truly happy.

If on working surface face turned three magical attributes, then higher powers give you an important sign, do not relax, be careful. This is especially true for those who are now very busy important project. After all, you have a lot of strong enemies who sleep and see your collapse.

Perhaps people who are very envious of you are even in close circle. Unfortunately, in order to protect yourself from unpleasant situations, it is not enough just to be careful. It is necessary to find the enemy and protect yourself from communication with him.

If they look at you 4 grains, then it's time to wake up from sleep, start acting, you will be able to implement any idea, but for this you need to make an effort. If you just sit and wait for the weather from the sea, then nothing will change in life, so rather get to work.

Five Attributes turned your face - you are an amazing lucky person, higher powers protect you, protect you from any misfortunes. You can not worry, everything will be smooth and calm in your life. Perhaps untold wealth will not fall on your head, but troubles will always bypass.

They also say that you should take up your mind and take action. 6 grains. Now in your life there should be no place for doubts, you need to quickly and clearly make responsible decisions. A lot will depend on this.

seven hollows will talk about the fact that at the moment the individual is in a very difficult psychological state. He is very afraid, the state of anxiety does not leave him, he begins to react too sharply to the little things that surround him.

Your the main task Today, calm down. Everything is going great, as it should be, there is no reason to be afraid, soon the situation will change for the better.

8 grains- be more restrained. Your emotionality main enemy, which will lead to the collapse of many plans.

Appearance 9 grains says that today it is very important to turn to your intuition. Perhaps it is worth meditating, thinking about yourself, about the meaning of life, the truth is you, you just need to find it.

If appeared 10 hollows, then this suggests that the individual is mired in temptations. He spends too much to feed his own ego.

Still not sure if you can become a real psychic or clairvoyant? The fact that the time has come to develop your amazing abilities will be told 11 hollows. It is believed that such a result falls only to those who have really outstanding abilities.

That before speaking, you should think, will tell 12 grains. Higher powers recommend that you think carefully about your actions and words, because with their help you offend other people too often.

13 grains turned to face - it is necessary to gather all the forces. In order for the situation to develop the way you want, you need to resort to clear analysis and trust in prudence.

An excellent stimulus to action - 14 grains on the work surface. It is believed that as soon as you start making responsible decisions, fortune will smile at you.

Fortune telling on coffee beans is one of the ways to know the future. There are many prediction techniques that differ in individual details. But in our article we will consider popular options.

To get a yes or no answer to an important question, many people simply want to know the future. Therefore, numerous methods of divination have appeared, and their number only increases with time.

Before analyzing the technique and interpretation, fortune-telling with scientific point vision. As a rule, some random value is used, which could fall out as a result of a sequence of actions.

A good example is card divination. The sequence of actions is to shuffle the deck in order to get a random card. Since they can be placed in any order before mixing, and the process can take place different ways, then you get a clean random. It is believed that a randomly dropped value (card) is able to predict fate.

Scientists do not believe in predictions and say that all coincidences are random. If we rule out the existence higher powers, which cannot be proved or completely refuted at this stage in the development of science, then indeed, fortune-telling has nothing to do with the fate of a person. It's just a randomly drawn card, the number of grains, the drawing from the thick, etc.

If you believe in the existence of higher powers, and they really exist, then fortune telling makes sense. All this is quite complicated, science has not proven or disproved, so everyone must make their own decision.

In any case, such a decision is an interesting activity for many girls. After all, they need to know whether fortune-telling on a coffee bean is bored. Even if you are skeptical about esoteric practices, this is a good way to pass your free time.

Types of divination

There are a huge number of fortune-telling methods on coffee beans. It must be understood that the technique was invented ordinary people, and people often changed it. You can divide all methods into categories according to the following parameters:

  • The number of grains.
  • features of the ritual.
  • Ways to prepare materials for divination.
  • Subtleties of interpretation (do not believe it, but different sources provide different meanings!).

It is impossible to analyze all the methods within the framework of the article. Therefore, we will offer a popular fortune-telling technique on coffee beans, which allows you to get an accurate result.

How to guess on grains?

Consider divination on sixteen grains. Most people use ground or instant coffee to save time. Therefore, you have to go to the store and buy coffee beans. They can be further ground and also used to make a drink.

Choose 16 whole grains from the package. It is recommended to put them in a cloth bag and carry them with you for several days. It is believed that in this way the grains are charged with human energy and the accuracy of divination increases.

Such a lengthy preparation procedure can be excluded. You will need to take the grains and hold them in the palm of your hand for 10 minutes. After that, you can start guessing. But if possible, it is better to use the first method if you have enough time left.

How is fortune telling on coffee beans? It is necessary to put the grains in the palm of your hand and mentally ask a question. Then throw them on the table and count how many turned upside down.

Interpretation of divination on coffee beans

The interpretation is based on the number of grains that have turned upside down:

0 - fortune telling should be postponed. Please try again tomorrow.

1 - you will be lucky. The main thing is not to relax and take all possible measures to properly manage the moment.

2 - soon you will achieve your goal.

3 - in a close environment there is an enemy who should not be trusted.

4 - take action, you are not doing enough to achieve your goal.

5 - a person is under the protection of higher powers. The girl will receive assistance in all matters.

6 - start taking action.

7 - the girl is overly restless, your fears are in fact unfounded.

8 - be more restrained.

9 - you need to analyze your thoughts.

10 - the girl is too selfish. Stop indulging your weaknesses and think about those around you.

11 - a woman has a magical gift.

12 - think carefully before you take any action.

13 - analyze the current situation to find a solution.

14 - take action, the goal will be quickly achieved.

15 - possible problems with a guy, unrequited love, other troubles in life. Don't despair, things will get better.

16 is a rare combination. She indicates the luck of a person, the girl is successful in all matters.

Remember that a bad prediction may not come true. Therefore, do not be upset, just do everything to ensure that the prophecy turns out to be incorrect.