Birch kvass for vivacity and health. The best do-it-yourself homemade recipes. Kvass from birch sap: the best recipes

Do you like birch sap? This drink after the winter is just super-essential for all of us! It removes salts, all sorts of filth from the body. It saturates it with vitamins, etc., and if you cook it according to the recipes below, then in general, goodbye pharmacy!, because kvass from birch sap just incomparable. You will need fresh birch sap and one of the following recipes:

Recipe number 1. For 10 liters of birch sap, you need 50 grams of yeast. Next: Boil the birch sap so that part of the water evaporates and the liquid becomes thicker. Cool, add yeast, let ferment. Then pour into bottles and refrigerate. Kvass is ready. Then pour birch kvass into bottles, cork and store in a cool place.

Recipe number 2. For 5 liters of birch sap, fry half a loaf of black bread in the oven, 5 tbsp. fry wheat or barley in a pan until dark brown, burn 1 cup sugar until dark Brown, bring the juice to a boil, then turn it off, mix all the ingredients, add three sprigs of blackcurrant and leave it in the room for three to four days, after kvass is ready, filter and drink or put it in the refrigerator or cellar.
Also, this recipe can be used in more simple version FOR THE LAZY: do not boil the juice, do not fry the bread, but put the crusts more roasted, do not burn the sugar, but instead of wheat, put rice and 30 grams of yeast or do not put yeast, it will work too - all options are very good, you can also add raisins, rose hips and any Ingredients from the recipes below - it all depends on your preferences.

Recipe number 3. The collected juice is poured into polyethylene bottles, put raisins, rose hips, sugar, and close it in the cellar for 1-2 months, if it takes longer to check the bottles, because. burst under pressure. 2 rose hips, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 5-10 grains of raisins and a slice of lemon are placed on a 1.5 liter bottle.

And you can limit yourself to one raisin or add some wheat grains to it. Screw on tightly with a lid and put in a cool place. After a couple of days, kvass is ready.

Recipe number 4. From birch sap you can make such a yummy. 2.5 liters of juice, half a glass of granulated sugar, raisins, roasted coffee beans and fried in a toaster are poured into a 3-liter jar Rye bread. Yeast is not needed! A rubber glove is pulled on from above and they wait until it shows "HELLO!!!", this usually happens on the second day, after which the juice must be filtered, poured over plastic bottles and in the cellar or refrigerator, after 2 days it is ready, you can use it! Bon appetit!

Recipe number 5. Very tasty kvass can be made from birch sap with honey and raisins.
To 10 liters of birch sap add the juice of 3 lemons, diluted in water 50 g of yeast, 200 g of honey. You can put 2-3 raisins in a bottle, then pour kvass into it. Cork bottles and store kvass from birch sap for several days in a cool place.

Recipe #6. Another very tasty version of honey kvass. For 10 liters of juice 200-300 grams of honey and 200-300 grams of barley fried to dark brown, close, let stand for 3-5 days at room temperature, bottle and store in the cellar. Kvass is ready.

Recipe number 7. Add well-fried bread crusts and dark raisins to birch sap. Leave to ferment, hold for 1-2 days, strain, pour into plastic bottles to the very top, and into the basement. Do not add sugar to kvass, it will stretch. If raisins are not at hand, then you can also do without it). Bon appetit!!!

Recipe number 8. For 20 liters of juice - fried crackers 0.5 loaves of black bread are poured with boiled juice - 2.5 liters and infused for 5-6 hours. Dilute 20 grams of yeast with juice, add 20 tablespoons of kvass wort (sold in stores). Pour 1 kg of sugar into the juice and mix all the other ingredients (until the sugar dissolves), insist for a day, bottle or close the jars and put it in the cellar in the cold. We drink all summer!

Recipe number 9. Add to birch sap: crusts of well-fried bread and dark raisins; Leave for fermentation, after fermentation, pour into bottles. Do not add sugar to kvass, it will stretch.


Rolled Juice:

  • The collected juice is heated to a boil, added to a 3-liter jar 4 tbsp. l. sugar, on the tip of a spoon citric acid. Closed under an iron lid.
  • For 3l. juice, 3-4 cups of orange, a pinch of raisins, 0.5 tsp lemons, sugar to taste, roll up. A scalded sprig of blackcurrant is also placed in the jar.
  • For 3 liters of juice, 5 tablespoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of lemon without a slide - to a boil and add 1 Mint or Duchesse caramel to the jar. Fill up, roll up.

Birch sap has gained wide popularity due to its rich chemical and biological composition. In addition, such a drink brings great benefits to the body.

But you can drink it in its pure form only for a limited period of time, but on its basis you can prepare very tasty, refreshing, and most importantly healthy kvass.

Even our ancestors noticed that fermented in wooden barrels birch sap, significantly increased efficiency and perfectly quenched thirst and hunger.

There are several various options preparation of kvass, based on birch sap.

All of them are united by two traditional factors:

  1. The freshly harvested sap of this tree.
  2. Wooden barrels for fermentation and direct preparation of the drink itself.

In modern conditions, it is not always possible to use a container made of real wood for making a drink, so you can replace it with a glass jar or an enamel pan.

with raisins

This is one of the oldest recipes. The finished drink has a pronounced taste of birch sap. It perfectly quenches thirst and helps to quickly restore strength after heavy intense exercise.

For cooking you will need:

  • 5 liters of birch nectar;
  • 250 g of granulated sugar;
  • 50 g dark raisins.

Important! It is not recommended to wash raisins before use. It is he who will act as yeast, since on the surface of unwashed dried berries, there are all the necessary bacteria.

Cooking process:

  1. Heat the juice to a temperature of 40 degrees.
  2. Add sugar to it and mix thoroughly until all its particles are completely dissolved.
  3. Pour the syrup into a fermentation container.
  4. Add raisins to liquid and mix well.
  5. Cover the container with a cloth and put in a warm place for three days for fermentation.
  6. Pour the drink into bottles and refrigerate for another three days. After that, kvass is considered ready for use.

Reference! The finished drink prepared on the basis of birch nectar should be stored in a hermetically sealed container in a cool place. In this case, the guaranteed shelf life is 20 weeks.

Watch a video that tells how to make birch sap kvass with raisins and dried fruits:

with barley

Another old version of the preparation of tasty and healthy kvass. It uses a minimum of products, and the end result will pleasantly surprise and please you with taste and aroma.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • freshly picked birch sap - 6 l;
  • dry barley - 200 g.

A non-alcoholic drink prepared according to this recipe is very similar in color and aroma to a regular one. bread kvass. It can be stored in hermetically sealed bottles in a cold place for up to 7 months.

Preparing kvass from birch nectar is very simple:

  1. The liquid must be carefully filtered through several layers of gauze.
  2. Sort through the barley and remove damaged or empty kernels.
  3. Pour the grain into a suitable container.
  4. Heat the juice over low heat to 65 degrees and pour over the barley.
  5. The container is covered with a cloth and cleaned in a dark and warm place for 4 days. Then kvass is filtered and cooled.

Reference! It is recommended to enhance the taste of the finished drink and to color it in a pleasant brown color, roast the grains in a dry frying pan until golden color. It should be borne in mind that if the barley is not separated from the husk, the finished kvass will have a slight bitterness in the aftertaste.

The video shows how to properly prepare birch kvass with barley, oats and wheat:

With bread

Another option for making delicious and refreshing kvass is with bread.

Method 1. Antique

Cooking Ingredients:

  • birch sap 2 l;
  • 3 crusts of rye bread;
  • 150 g of granulated sugar;
  • 50 g raisins.

This recipe appeared several centuries ago.

Preparing kvass is very simple:

  1. It is necessary to carefully strain the birch sap.
  2. Put scalded and dried raisins in a jar.
  3. Add granulated sugar and bread crusts to the container.
  4. Heat the juice to a temperature of 40 degrees and pour the contents of the container with it.
  5. Mix everything thoroughly and remove for fermentation for two days in a warm place.

Ready kvass, strain and bottle. It is ready to use immediately after cooling in the refrigerator.

Method 2. Refreshing

Cooking Ingredients:

  • 5 liters of birch nectar;
  • 250 g of granulated sugar;
  • 15 pcs. raisins;
  • 450 g of rye bread;
  • 50 g fresh mint leaves;
  • 250 g barley.

Reference! The finished drink has a pleasant, invigorating and refreshing taste. It is best to use it for consumption in its pure form.

The more chilled it is, the more pleasant it is to drink.

The cooking process consists of the following steps:

  1. Cut the bread into small cubes with a side of about one and a half centimeters and dry in the oven until crusty. The main thing is that the crackers do not burn.
  2. In a thick-walled frying pan, preferably in a cast-iron pan, melt the sugar and boil it until a caramel shade is obtained. No need to add water!
  3. In a similar container, it is necessary to fry the barley grains until golden brown.
  4. Strain birch sap through cheesecloth and pour into a large saucepan.
  5. Boil the nectar for a couple of minutes on a slow fire, then remove the container from the stove.
  6. Finely chop the mint leaves and add them to the bowl of hot juice.
  7. Pour all other ingredients into the liquid, mix well and leave for half an hour. during this time, the granulated sugar will completely dissolve, and the crackers will soften.
  8. Pour the liquid into a glass jar and put on a glove with a small hole in the finger.
  9. Leave for three days at room temperature.
  10. Pour the finished kvass into bottles, adding three raisins to each liter of the finished drink.
  11. Cool kvass for 24 hours in a refrigerator.

Important! Kvass based on birch sap prepared according to any of these recipes should not be stored in plastic bottles. Ordinary glass jars are best suited for storage, which can be hermetically sealed with tight nylon lids.

The video describes the technology for making kvass from birch sap with bread:

How to drink?

birch kvass contains all the same beneficial features, which is the sap of this tree. Despite its apparent benefits, this soft drink should be consumed in limited quantities, and not all people can use it.

Reference! Birch kvass has a powerful diuretic effect, so it should be drunk in limited quantities by people with diseases of the urinary system, as well as those people who suffer from urolithiasis.

This drink should be consumed in accordance with the following recommendations:

  1. If kvass is used for the first time, then a single dose should not exceed 100 ml. At the same time, on the first day it is allowed to drink no more than 250 ml of this drink.
  2. If this drink is used as a basis for making cold soups, then it must be diluted with purified water in a 1: 1 ratio.
  3. Even with good tolerance of this useful soft drink do not consume more than 1 liter per day. At the same time, it is better to divide the daily volume of kvass into several equal portions.
  4. It is best to drink such a liquid after eating, especially for those people who have increased stomach acidity and diseases such as ulcers or gastritis.

Attention! For children under 10 years old, it is better not to give birch kvass at all. Most pediatricians say that it is best to include this drink in the diet no earlier than at the age of 12. At the same time, you can drink kvass 150 ml once a day, no more than three times a week.

Properly prepared birch sap is a real benefit for the body, but only if it is correct use, storage and preparation.

Special attention should be given to the main ingredient - birch sap:

  1. Nectar collection is best done away from urban settlements.
  2. It is necessary to collect sap from trees in early spring, it is at this time that it contains the maximum concentration of nutrients.
  3. Birches are suitable for collection, at least two years old and with a trunk diameter of at least 25 cm.

Important! The collected nectar is recommended to stand for 3-5 hours before further use, and then carefully filtered through several layers of gauze.

Only birch kvass, prepared with all these recommendations in mind, can be considered a real healthy product.

Almost all of us know the taste of birch sap since childhood. With a little acidity. A slightly sweet, pleasantly thirst-quenching drink, given to us by nature itself. It is only available fresh. in early spring not before April. To preserve its benefits, in order to enjoy a pleasant taste, you can not only preserve it, but also prepare a wonderful drink from the juice, which is no less famous and also quenches thirst well - namely kvass.

But kvass itself is not only drunk, but also used for cold soups - okroshka or holodnik. You can add any dried fruits - raisins, for example, or cereal crop- barley. Thanks to this, it is possible to vary not only the strength of the drink, but also enrich it with additional minerals and trace elements. From this, the taste will also change - from gentle “honey” to strong sweet-sour saturated.

Kvass using fresh juice can be prepared both without yeast and with its addition, use a special starter or malt for cooking.

  • The technology is very simple and includes only a few steps that any hostess can handle. Having prepared the raw materials, it is necessary to combine all the ingredients and wait for the fermentation of the drink. Final stage it can take from a couple of hours to several days - everything will depend on the chosen recipe. Ready kvass is carefully filtered from the wort, and put in the refrigerator for storage and cooling.
  • As a raw material for kvass with birch sap, you can use any berries - both fresh and dried or frozen. Of the cereals, not only barley is used, but also buckwheat, rye or oat flour.
  • Despite the natural sweetness of birch sap, sugar or liquid honey must be added to make kvass. There will be exceptions - if dried fruits are added or intoxicated kvass is prepared with beer and birch sap, then sugar is not needed.
  • If kvass with birch sap is made without the addition of yeast, then it turns out to be slightly carbonated. Therefore, in an already bottled drink, to give a fortress, you need to add 10 berries of washed raisins.

Refreshing birch sap kvass with fresh mint and barley

The drink is perfect to quench your thirst, kvass is light and can be treated even to the smallest children. And mint gives an additional feeling of freshness and coolness. How to make kvass from birch sap with barley and mint?

  • 10 liters of birch sap;
  • 300 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 500 gr. barley;
  • 100 gr. fresh mint;
  • One and a half loaves of "Borodino" bread;
  • 10 pcs. raisins for every one and a half liters of drink (raisins are added after the finished kvass is poured into storage containers).

The process of making kvass with mint and barley:

  1. Borodino bread is better than yesterday's bread, cut into small pieces and dried in the oven, without adding sunflower oil. No spices need to be added, the bread has a spicy and spicy aroma and taste anyway.
  2. Pour granulated sugar into a frying pan with a thick day, and without adding oil or water, warm up until it becomes caramel in color.
  3. In another pan, heat the barley grains in the same way until it turns golden and a “nutty” aroma appears.
  4. Pour fresh, recently collected birch sap into a large saucepan, straining it through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. Bring to a boil, and boil for no more than 2-3 minutes.
  5. Grind fresh mint and add to juice. If fresh mint is not enough, then dry mint can also be used, at the rate of up to 5 tablespoons per the above amount of ingredients.
  6. Now sugar, barley and cooled croutons are added to the pan. Let the mass swell a little, the crackers will soften, and the sugar will dissolve in the meantime.
  7. Now it remains only to mix everything well and leave the pan in a warm room for 2-3 days.
  8. Pour washed raisins into clean and dry bottles and pour the strained drink. You can store in the refrigerator for a week. The remaining liquid can be used to prepare a new batch of healthy drink.

The average difficulty of making kvass.

Preparation time: preparation of ingredients - 30 minutes, infusion of the drink - 1-3 days.

Quantity - up to 10 liters of soft drink.

Coffee yeast-free kvass on birch sap

A slightly invigorating soft drink will appeal to coffee fans, and birch sap will make kvass taste light and tender.

For cooking you will need:

  • 3 liters of birch sap;
  • 75 gr. black raisins;
  • A glass of granulated sugar;
  • 80 gr. coffee beans;
  • 250 gr. black bread.

Preparation of coffee kvass:

  1. Make croutons from black bread by cutting it into pieces small size and dried in the oven.
  2. Fold the crackers into a clean and dry 3 liter jar. Also add granulated sugar and washed raisins, pour coffee beans.
  3. Bring the birch sap to a boil and pour over the prepared ingredients so that the crackers and sugar dissolve in the drink. After 5 minutes, mix everything using a large spoon for convenience.
  4. Now it remains to put a clean, sterile rubber glove on the neck of the jar and place the container in a dark and cool place.
  5. The glove should inflate with air. Approximately this will happen in 2-3 days, and then the drink can be considered almost ready.
  6. Strain kvass through cheesecloth, pour into clean bottles and refrigerate for a couple of days. After two days, coffee kvass is ready for use.

Okroshka cannot be made on it, of course, but it quenches thirst and invigorates the drink perfectly. Now you know how to make kvass from birch sap with coffee beans.

The complexity of the preparation of the drink is medium.

Cooking time: preparation of ingredients - 15 minutes, infusion of the drink - 36 hours, cooling and infusion of kvass - two days.

Quantity - up to 3 liters of soft drink.

Honey kvass with birch sap

Mild taste with pleasant sweetness will pleasantly surprise you, besides, despite the presence of honey, kvass perfectly quenches thirst in the heat.

To prepare honey kvass you will need:

  • 5 liters of fresh birch sap;
  • 2 juicy lemons;
  • Half a pack of fresh yeast;
  • 125 gr. liquid honey;
  • A handful of black raisins.

Preparing a drink:

  1. In any way, heat a little boiled water and dissolve the yeast in them. In this recipe, it is not recommended to use a dry product, it is the yeast in the form of a soft paste that is needed.
  2. Rinse fresh lemons in water, dry and roll them well on the table. During this manipulation internal partitions in the pulp will burst and it will be possible to squeeze out more juice. You can also boil lemons for a couple of minutes in hot water, and to give an enhanced citrus taste to the drink, grated zest can also be added to it.
  3. In heated birch sap is added lemon juice, liquid honey and yeast diluted in water.
  4. After thorough mixing, the liquid is poured into clean bottles, adding a little washed raisin to each, and the container is put in the refrigerator to ripen the drink for a couple of days.

The complexity of preparing the drink is easy.

Cooking time - preparation of ingredients - 5 minutes, infusion of the drink - 36-48 hours.

Quantity - up to 5.5 liters of soft drink.

Useful tips for collecting birch sap for making kvass

  • Birch sap is harvested only in early spring, around April and early May, when there is abundant sap flow in the trees.
  • In order to extract juice, you need to choose trees with a trunk volume of at least 20 cm. A hole is made in the trunk, a thin tube is inserted into it, through which the juice will flow. Any clean container can be placed on the ground so that the liquid flows freely into it. It is even better if a thin hose is used instead of a tube, for example, from a clean sterile dropper. Then one of its ends can be inserted into the hole, and the other can be laid on the bottom of the container. Not a drop of healthy drink will be wasted!
  • Freshly harvested juice must be cleaned of debris by filtering it through folded gauze or a fine sieve. To prepare kvass, birch sap is heated to a boil.

The light, slightly sweetish liquid secreted by birch has no smell and pronounced taste. When preparing kvass on it, you will get a perfectly tonic soft drink. Folk healers claim that if in any recipe for kvass, you just replace water with birch sap, you can get a healing drink.

Kvass from birch sap - general principles of preparation

Both yeast and yeast-free kvass are prepared on birch sap, on specially prepared starter cultures or malt.

The technology for preparing a drink is simple and includes simple steps: preparation of raw materials, connection of the main components with birch sap and further fermentation of the drink. It can last from a few hours to several weeks and depends on the recipe. After fermentation, kvass is filtered and removed for cooling.

Any berries and fruits, and not only fresh ones, can serve as raw materials for such kvass. A drink will turn out to be no less tasty and healthy if it is prepared with frozen or dried berries or fruits. Often, birch kvass is prepared with grain (barley) or boiled buckwheat flour, which can also be replaced with rye or oatmeal.

Despite the fact that the juice itself is sweetish, honey or sugar is added to any birch kvass to enhance the fermentation process. An exception to this rule is intoxicated birch kvass on beer and a drink prepared with dried fruits.

Yeast-free birch kvass, as a rule, turns out to be less carbonated, and therefore, after straining and bottling, several raisins are placed in it, which must be washed.

Properly prepared kvass on this basis perfectly quenches thirst, but, in addition, it is also used as a filling for okroshka and beetroot.

Refreshing birch kvass with barley and mint


Ten liters of birch sap;

Two glasses of sugar;

Half a kilo of barley;

Dried mint - 100 gr.;

800 gr. black "Borodinsky" bread.

Cooking method:

1. Make crackers from bread. Cut it into medium-sized pieces, centimeter thick, dry a little and fry in the oven.

2. Pour granulated sugar into a dry frying pan and, stirring constantly, heat until brown.

3. Separately, lightly roast the barley.

4. Pour birch sap into a large enameled container, for example, a bucket, and boil over low heat. Boil the juice for no more than a minute and remove from heat.

5. Then dip the mint and roasted barley into it. Add sugar with breadcrumbs, and, stirring well, leave for three days in a warm room.

6. Strain the finished drink through a rare sieve or filter from gauze folded in 3-4 layers and pour into prepared containers. Cool down.

Simple kvass from birch sap, without sugar, with dried fruits


3 liters of birch natural sap;

200 gr. dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes).

Cooking method:

1. Rinse dried fruits well, you can soak a little.

2. Then fill them with birch sap. Cover the container in several layers with gauze and remove for fermentation in heat for two weeks.

3. After that, filter and cool well.

Yeast birch kvass with hops - "Golden"


Natural birch sap - 3 liters;

30 gr. pressed alcoholic yeast;

Dark raisins - 25 gr.;

50 gr. Sahara;

a tablespoon of white flour;

300 gr. toasted rye crackers;

40 gr. hop cones.

Cooking method:

1. Pour 100 ml of birch sap into a small bowl and heat slightly.

2. In a separate bowl, crumble the yeast, sprinkle it with sugar and stir until the yeast is completely dispersed.

3. Add yeast mixture to warm juice, add flour and mix well.

4. Dip the rye crackers into a large container. Add hop cones, raisins washed with water. Pour three tablespoons of sugar and pour everything with hot juice (3 liters).

5. Cool well and add the yeast mixture, stir. Pull gauze over the neck of the container and put it in heat for three days.

6. Strain and put birch kvass in the refrigerator.

7. Pour three tablespoons of granulated sugar into the remaining sourdough and pour new portion juice.

Yeast-free kvass on birch sap - "Coffee"


2.5 liters of freshly picked natural birch sap;

60 gr. dark raisins;

Refined sugar - half a glass;

Coffee beans - a small handful;

200 gr. crackers (rye).

Cooking method:

1. Roast crackers well in the oven. You can just take rye bread, cut it into small pieces and fry it in a toaster.

2. Place the fried crackers in a clean three-liter jar. Add sugar, washed dried raisins and coffee.

3. Pour everything with unboiled juice and stir well so that the granulated sugar dissolves.

4. Put a rubber glove on the neck and place in a cool, dark place.

5. When the glove is filled with air, after about two days, the drink will be completely ready.

6. Strain and, bottling, put away for another two days, but already in the refrigerator.

Cherry kvass on birch sap with rye breadcrumbs


Birch sap, fresh collection - 10 liters;

400 gr. sugar;

Fried rye crackers - 300 gr.;

350 gr. fresh or frozen cherries;

50 gr. dried dill stalks;

Pharmacy oak bark - 100 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Put crackers on cheesecloth, tie with a bag and dip in juice. Put the container in a dark, warm place.

2. After three days, add dried dill stalks, oak bark and cherries. Transfer for further infusion to a cool room for fifteen days.

3. Then filter and use as intended. Drink as a drink chilled, or use as a filling for okroshka.

Birch kvass on raisins


Twenty liters of birch, natural sap;

Dark raisins - 100 berries;

One kilogram of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Put the gauze folded in three layers into a funnel or sieve and strain the juice through it.

2. Add the whole measure of sugar and stir it, achieving the dissolution of the crystals.

3. Then add raisins and leave for up to 4 days.

4. Strain the already prepared drink, pour into tightly closed containers and place in a cool, dark place.

5. Kvass can last up to 4 months, but is usually drunk faster.

Honey kvass from birch sap


5 liters of birch sap;

Two large lemons;

50 gr. fresh baker's yeast;

100 gr. liquid honey;

Cooking method:

1. Yeast crumble and dissolve in fifty milliliters of heated water.

2. Rinse the lemons and dip for two minutes in hot water. Then cut each lengthwise, in half, squeeze out the juice and strain it through a sieve.

3. Pour yeast diluted with water and strained lemon juice into birch sap. Add honey and stir so that it is well dispersed in the juice.

4. Pour the liquid into the bottle. Add five raisins and, tightly closed, place in a cool place for several days.

Hoppy birch kvass on beer


500 ml of light live beer;

2.6 l. birch, natural juice.

Cooking method:

1. Pour beer into a clean three-liter bottle and bring the volume to the neck with filtered fresh juice.

2. Close tightly with a nylon lid and store for two months in a cool room or refrigerator.

3. After this time, the intoxicated birch kvass on beer will be ready.

Kvass from birch sap on bread sourdough


700 gr. rye crackers;

Two glasses, "with a slide", sugar;

A tablespoon of bread sourdough;

A small piece of orange peel;

Ten liters of fresh birch sap.

Cooking method:

1. Place rye crackers on a roasting pan and dry in the oven.

2. Add all the sugar to the juice, mix well, and pour the dried crackers into it.

3. Add a tablespoon of bread sourdough, orange zest, stir again and leave warm for 4 days.

5. After this short exposure, kvass from birch sap can be drunk.

Birch kvass with malt on buckwheat flour with lemon


One glass of powdered kvass malt;

Small lemon;

A tablespoon of honey (buckwheat);

A small handful of dark raisins;

A glass of buckwheat flour;

A handful of raspberry leaves;

Two liters of birch sap.

Cooking method:

1. Sift buckwheat flour into a bowl, pour in one and a half cups of boiling water, rub and stir, leave to cool completely.

2. Rinse the raisins well and grind with a meat grinder along with lemon. You don't need to cut the zest from the lemon.

3. Rinse the raspberry leaves, wipe dry and chop with a knife.

4. Mix the ingredients twisted in a meat grinder with raspberry leaves and honey.

5. Add steamed buckwheat flour and malt. Mix well and pour everything with birch sap.

6. Wrap the neck of the container with a bandage or gauze and put it away for 4 days in enough warm room.

7. After that, drain the finished birch kvass from the sediment and strain.

8. The starter that remains at the bottom of the container can be reused.

Apple kvass on birch juice with ginger and mint


Two liters of birch sap;

Five medium-sized apples;

40 grams of fresh ginger root;

A teaspoon of light honey;

Three spoons of raisins;

Half a lemon;

Fast-acting yeast - 0.5 tsp;

Eight mint leaves;

100 gr. sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and sort through the mint leaves, raisins and spread everything on a towel.

2. Without peeling the peel from the apples, cut them into medium-sized slices, remove the seeds and pour over with birch sap. Put the pan with apples on a small fire and boil after boiling for three minutes, cool.

3. Dissolve the yeast in half a glass of warm broth. Add sugar (1 tsp) to the mixture, stir and put in heat for a quarter of an hour.

4. Pour the risen yeast into the cooled broth. Add the remaining sugar, honey and squeeze the juice from the lemon. Dip the finely grated ginger, chopped mint leaves and raisins.

5. Stir thoroughly, cover with several layers of gauze on top and soak for up to 12 hours.

6. Be sure to strain the drink and cool well.

Kvass from birch sap - cooking tricks and useful tips

The sap secreted by the birch tree is collected in the spring, when abundant sap flow begins.

In the bark of an adult tree, the girth of which is more than 20 cm, a hole is made to a depth that allows reaching the wood, and a tube is inserted into it. It is in it that the juice will stand out.

The diameter of the hole must correspond to the diameter of the tube inserted into it, otherwise the juice will flow past.

For convenience, you can use a tube from a medical dropper. One end is inserted into a hole in a tree, and the other end is inserted into a hole in nylon cover, which is put on a three-liter jar. When the container is full, it is replaced by another. The juice collected by this method is pure without admixtures of forest debris.

Freshly harvested juice before making kvass must be filtered from accidentally ingested debris.

What can be added to the home birch drink?

The most common addition is raisins, or other dried fruits, such as dried apples, and I will give such a recipe. Perfectly create conditions for fermentation of barley, bread. Enrich the taste of kvass, and fill with vitamins citrus fruits, coffee beans, mint, rose hips, honey and various herbs.

Kvass from birch sap - a classic recipe

The classic version of cooking on bread - this is how the drink was prepared in the old days. It will take a minimum of effort, and the technology has been 100 percent proven for centuries.


  • Juice - 10 liters.
  • Rye crackers - 200 gr.
  • Oak bark - ½ cup.
  • Dried berries - 300 gr.

How to do:

Pour 10 liters of juice into oak barrel. In a cloth bag, dip 200 grams of rye crackers. The bag should have a long rope so that it can be easily pulled out later. Two days later, when fermentation begins, add 300 gr. dry cherries, half a glass of oak bark and a few stalks of dill. Two weeks later, the drink is ready.

Recipe for kvass with raisins at home

Next home recipe He was extremely loved by my mother.

You will need:

  • Birch sap - 2.5 liters.
  • Sugar - ½ cup.
  • Coffee beans - a handful.
  • Black bread - 2 slices.

How to cook:

Pour 2.5 liters of juice into a three-liter jar. Add half a glass of sugar, a handful of raisins, a handful of coffee beans (they can be fried a little) and a couple of crusts of Borodino bread. Put on a rubber glove on top. And after a couple of days, when the glove says: “Hi everyone,” we filter this drink and put it in the refrigerator. Be patient for two days, and you can drink!

How to make birch kvass with yeast and orange

This recipe is a favorite for the whole family.


  • Birch sap - 2.5 liters.
  • Orange.
  • Live yeast - 10 gr.
  • Sugar.

Pour 2.5 liters of juice into a three-liter jar, add 1 chopped orange, 1 glass of sugar. Then 10 gr. grind yeast with a little sugar and carefully pour into a jar. You can add mint, lemon balm. On the second day, when kvass ferments, strain and bottle, adding a couple of raisins to each. Place in refrigerator.

Kvass on birch sap and barley - a good recipe

Barley is an excellent substitute for yeast, the fermentation process is fast, the taste of homemade drink does not disappoint.

You will need:

  • Juice - 3 liters.
  • Barley - a glass.

How to make kvass with barley:

  1. Purify the juice dirty impurities, pour into a container.
  2. Fry the barley grains in a dry frying pan, this will improve the taste of the birch drink - it will become soft and tender. Do not overcook, otherwise the kvass will get bitter.
  3. Pour the grains into the juice (or throw in a gauze bag).
  4. Infuse for 3-4 days in warmth, periodically stirring the contents.
  5. After a specified time, strain the kvass and pour into bottles.

Recipe with rose hips and raisins

I pour the juice into bottles, add a little raisins, dried rose hips, sugar (based on 2.5 liters - 3 tablespoons), and put it in the refrigerator.

Apple kvass on birch sap

You can cook apple kvass for the summer. To do this, pour dried fruit - dried apples with birch, cork tightly and refrigerate. The drink will be ready in 2 months.

Yeast kvass recipe

Recently found interesting recipe kvass: birch should be heated in a large saucepan to a temperature of 35 degrees. For 2.5 liters, put 40 gr. fresh yeast. Put in a cold place for four days, then pour into jars and roll up. The drink can be stored for six months.

Homemade kvass on birch sap with lemon

You can make a simple drink that I called lemonade as a child. Recipe: take 2.5 liters of birch, add half a glass of sugar, juice from 2 lemons (who likes sour, you can three). Mix well, insist two hours. You can add a mint leaf and ice cubes.

herbal recipe

Incredibly healthy herbal infusions on birch sap. You can use St. John's wort, raspberry and currant leaves, mint - each of the herbs will add its own aroma and medicinal properties.

  • You can make infusions like this: Bring the birch tree to a boil, add 3 tbsp. spoons of grass per liter of juice, tightly close and insist 8-10 hours. Then we filter the infusion, and store it in the refrigerator. You can add lemon and honey.

juice syrup

You can make syrup from birch trees in an apartment. To prepare, boil the juice in a wide-bottomed saucepan until about 1/3 has evaporated. Then add fresh. Repeat the boiling process 2-4 times. Be sure to remove the foam. The resulting syrup is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

The benefits of birch kvass

A little bit about . Interested in more detailed information please follow the link and read.

  1. Connoisseurs traditional medicine they will tell that after a long winter the body is especially weakened, but nature generously took care and gave a wonderful drink. The drink will increase the body's resistance to various infections, give vigor. The benefit of kvass is that with its help you cleanse the body of harmful substances.
  2. The magic drink is useful for its tonic, vitamin, blood-purifying properties. It is indispensable for diseases with high temperature: colds, bronchitis, tuberculosis.
  3. The action of the birch tree largely coincides with medicinal properties birch buds. Juice is useful for diseases gastrointestinal tract with low acidity, at peptic ulcer, chronic gastritis in the period of exacerbation.
  4. The beauty of women homemade kvass also help: wipe your face with acne and other inflammatory skin problems.
  5. Birch drink is successfully used for various metabolic disorders, joint diseases, gout, rheumatism, arthritis. Excellent results are known with external application of juice. Treat eczema, lichen, diathesis, fungal diseases. Birch buds will also help to cope with serious diseases, about the remedies prepared from them,
  6. Juice can treat kidney disease. It perfectly expels sand, destroys some types of stones, and is a good diuretic. Drink in the morning, on an empty stomach, 1 glass per reception.

Dear readers, you know proven recipes for making kvass from birch sap at home, tell us about them in the comments, do not be stingy. How to collect juice correctly, you will learn from a strikingly interesting video.