How to make delicious kvass at home. Bread kvass. How to cook delicious kvass at home

Good day to all!

Today we will talk about the preparation of such a very tasty and invigorating drink as kvass. Perhaps there is no such person who would not like to drink this drink, especially in the hot summer season. However, kvass is always good and always by the way.

In addition, this bread drink can not only be drunk, but also added to such a cold dish as okroshka. Of course, you can pour kefir, mineral water, and even water into it. But with kvass, okroshka is still better.

In this article, we will look at several recipes for making Bread Kvass. This is true, as summer is approaching, and hence the heat. Kvass during this period will become simply priceless.

Homemade kvass from rye bread - a recipe for 3 liters without yeast

So, we are preparing a fairly simple recipe and method of preparing kvass. The only thing is that we make it without yeast.

For three liters of water you will need:

  • Crackers (from dark bread) - 0.2 kg.
  • Sugar - 10 tbsp. spoons.

Rye bread is cut into pieces, which we dry, but do not fry. Boil water and cool.

For better fermentation, you can add a little raisins. We close the jar with gauze, set to wander in a warm place for three days.

If foam appeared on the surface on the first day, then the fermentation process has begun.

After three days, we take out the jar, filter the contents through several layers of gauze. Add some sugar again and bottle.

The drink should not reach the end of the neck. Close the lids tightly, put in dark place for 6 hours. It is advisable to unscrew the cap every hour and release the gas.

After this time, we put the bottles in the refrigerator.

As for the remaining starter, it can be reused for a new batch of kvass. To do this, the pulp is poured with boiled water, sugar and a small piece of fresh bread are added.

Homemade kvass without yeast on breadcrumbs

The process is similar to that described above, but instead of drying the bread, you can use purchased crackers. They should be regular, no additives. Sometimes, bread crumbs are sold in the form of cubes. You can use both rye and mixed.

The amount of sugar, crackers for a 3 liter jar is the same (10 tablespoons and 200 gr.)

We take a three-liter jar, pour crackers, sugar and pour boiled water. For fermentation, add raisins. The jar covered with gauze should be placed in a dark place.

Three days later, when the fermentation process decreases, we filter the drink, bottle it. We also leave the bottles to ferment a little more for three days. Don't forget to add some sugar.

After that, we put the bottles in the refrigerator.

Homemade bread kvass - grandmother's recipe with yeast

Surely in childhood, everyone who had grandmothers necessarily drank only homemade kvass. Grandma's recipe is practically a recipe for an individual homemade kvass.

Basically it is a dark kvass with a rich taste.

To prepare such kvass, it is necessary to fry crackers very strongly. Even if they are a little burnt.

Well, then - we take a jar, put these crackers in it. Separately, in warm water, we dilute either 3 g of dry or 10 g of live yeast. Pour the prepared water into a jar of breadcrumbs, then diluted yeast and 3 tbsp. l. Sahara.

After that, put the jar covered with gauze in a warm place. After two days, the fermentation will stop - the bread will float, there will be no bubbles.

We take out the softened bread - it can be used to prepare the next portion of kvass. We filter the liquid well, bottle it and put it in the refrigerator.

How to make kvass for okroshka

This recipe describes the process of making kvass for okroshka. It may seem at first glance that kvass is kvass, and you drink it, and you pour it into okroshka. However, okroshka makes its own drink.

The main thing in it is that it should not be very sweet, which is good for drinking. One more thing. For okroshka, light kvass is best, not dark.

Below is a recipe for classic white okroshka kvass.


  • Barley malt - 500 g.
  • Rye flour - 4 kg.
  • Yeast - 50 g.
  • Cumin - 100 g.

We make kvass in the following way. Add barley malt to warm water, then add flour and mix. After that, put the mixture in a warm place for 6 hours. After the time has elapsed, add cumin, add boiling water, mix.

We separate the yeast, add to the mixture when it is warm.

We put everything in a cold place for 2 days. Then we filter the Drink through double gauze, bottle it and put it in the refrigerator. You can cut vegetables into okroshka yourself.

Homemade bread kvass for a 3 liter jar of dry kvass

If it is not possible to prepare the sourdough on your own, you can use ready-made or dry sourdough or kvass wort.

In this recipe, we will consider the process of making kvass from dry, and in the next - from kvass wort.

For cooking, take:

  • kvass dry - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 1/3 cup
  • dry yeast - 1 teaspoon

We take a three-liter jar, pour dry kvass into it, then sugar and yeast. Pour boiled water, cover with gauze and put on the windowsill for two days.

At the end of this period, we filter the drink, bottle it and put it in the refrigerator. The rest of the sourdough can be used further. For better fermentation and a sharp taste, raisins can be added.

In principle, it is even better to add raisins whenever you put kvass.

Homemade bread kvass for 3 liters from wort

Kvass wort is almost concentrated kvass, which you just need to dilute.

We take:

  • 2 tbsp. l. kvass wort
  • water - 3 l
  • sugar - 150 g
  • dry yeast - ½ tsp

In half a liter warm water dissolve the wort and sugar. Pour everything into the prepared three-liter jar, add water, yeast. You don't need to mix.

We cover the jar with a lid, set to ferment for 2 days. Periodically, you need to check the taste of the drink, adding sugar if necessary. When the kvass is ready, bottle it and put it in the refrigerator. At the same time, you can add a few raisins to the bottles so that the drink is carbonated.

Homemade kvass for a 3 liter jar of bread with sourdough

In this recipe, we make our own sourdough. To do this, take 250 g of black bread, active rye sourdough and sugar for 3 liters of water. You can also add raisins.

Cut the bread into slices and dry in the oven. You don't need to fry. Add sugar to hot boiled water. Stir to dissolve and let cool.

Then we pour out some water, dilute the active sourdough in it. And pour the finished crackers into the main dish with water. Then we pour the diluted sourdough there and cover the dishes with gauze, leave to wander for 10-12 hours.

After this time, foam will appear on the surface. We decant the drink through gauze, bottle it. Add raisins and put in the refrigerator. After 12 hours, kvass is completely ready and can be consumed.

“Kvass is not a wise thing, drink at least half a bucket,” our ancestors said in the old days, who learned how to cook this wonderful, healthy and delicious drink even a thousand years ago. There was no house in Russia where they did not know how to cook kvass. Kvass was prepared from almost any product: from oats, rye and barley malt, fruit (from apples, pears, plums), berries (from raspberries, cranberries, cloudberries, bird cherry), vegetables (from carrots and beets), from birch sap and even from whey, but each with its own taste and secret. There was also the famous honey kvass, which was served at the royal table. We drank kvass unlimited quantities, maybe that's why the Russian heroes were famous for their excellent health. After all, quite uncomplicated in composition, kvass has many useful properties.

Homemade kvass can not only quench your thirst, but also invigorate the body, improve digestion. And even in the old days they claimed that the one who drinks kvass has no craving for alcoholic beverages. And that's true, is it up to alcoholic drinks when you have half a bucket of excellent, real home-made kvass.

Nowadays, homemade kvass is no less loved and popular, and today we will talk about how to cook kvass in at home. To really enjoy the unforgettable taste of primordially Russian homemade kvass. You will get an unforgettable pleasure, and spend a little time and energy.

Homemade kvass is not prepared for long, two days, and the next two - it ripens. Ready kvass can be stored for no more than 5 days. After the drink loses its taste and becomes sour. And a few more tips on how to cook kvass at home. Everything in homemade kvass should be natural, then the drink will please and heal at the same time.

Recipes for making homemade kvass

Real bread kvass with raisins

1 kg rye bread,
10 liters of water
800 g sugar
20-30 g of yeast,
30 g raisins.

Cut the rye bread into slices and dry in the oven, lightly toasted. Break the finished crackers into small pieces, put them in a large saucepan (it is better to take an enameled one with a capacity of 10 liters for this case) and, pouring boiling water, leave for 3-4 hours. Then strain, add sugar and yeast mashed with sugar. Cover the pot and leave for 12 hours. Then pour the kvass into jars or bottles, putting 2-3 raisins in each, and cork tightly. The first day, keep kvass in a warm place, and then move it to a cold one. In 4 days you will get excellent bread kvass!

The famous "Petrovsky" kvass

800 g rye crackers,
4 liters of water
20 g yeast
100 g grated horseradish
100 g honey
50 g millet,
50 g raisins.

Soak crackers in boiling water for 3-4 hours, then strain, put yeast and leave to ferment for 5-6 hours, covered with gauze. When the time is up, put the container on the fire and heat it up, add honey, grated horseradish, mix well and distribute into jars or bottles, adding a little millet and raisins to each. Cork containers with kvass and place in a cold place for 2 days.

Bread and honey kvass

1.2 kg rye crackers,
12 liters of hot water,
600 g honey
30 g citric acid,
10-20 g yeast,

Pour over rye breadcrumbs hot water, stir and leave for 6-8 hours to infuse. Carefully drain the clarified liquid (wort), add honey, citric acid and diluted yeast, mix everything well and leave for 20 hours. Pour the finished kvass into bottles, put a few raisins in each. Keep the kvass bottles at room temperature until bubbles appear, then cork the bottles and take them to a cold place.

Bread kvass with prunes

Ingredients (for 10 liters of water):
1 kg of crackers,
1 stack Sahara,
50 g yeast
150 g prunes.

Pour crackers into a large enameled pan with a capacity of 10 liters, pour them with boiling water, mix and add 100 g of prunes. Cover the pot with a lid and leave for 5 hours. After that, add sugar, yeast and the remaining prunes, mix everything again and leave for 12 hours. Then strain through cheesecloth and keep in a cold place for another 2 days.

Fragrant honey-spicy kvass

5 liters of water
600 g honey
20-25 g of citric acid,
2-3 tbsp baker's yeast diluted in water
50 g raisins,
spices: hops, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, cloves - a little bit of everything.

Pour water into the pan and dip a gauze bag with spices into it, the amount of which is determined by yourself to your taste. Just keep in mind that the aroma of spices should not drown out the aroma of honey. Boil the water with spices for 5 minutes over low heat, then remove the bag and cool the water to 40°C. Add honey, citric acid to taste to chilled water, stir and cool to 25°C. Add 2-3 tablespoons to the liquid. diluted in water baker's yeast and raisins. The next day, when the first signs of fermentation appear, pour the young wort into liter bottles, having previously invested in them 2-3 raisins. Cork the bottles and leave at a temperature of 12-15 ° C to slightly slow down the fermentation process and let the resulting carbon dioxide, having dissolved, saturate the kvass. In 3-5 days kvass will be ready.

Light ginger kvass

6 liters of water
400 g molasses or sugar syrup,
3 roots of minced ginger,
1 sliced ​​pitted lemon
4 g yeast.

Add molasses or sugar syrup, ginger, lemon to the water and boil it all 5 times, then cool to a temperature of 45-50 ° C and add yeast. Keep the mixture warm until the lemon slices rise, remove them with a slotted spoon, and pour the liquid into bottles, cork tightly and leave for 5 days at room temperature, then transfer the kvass bottles to a cold place.

Birch kvass or birch

10 liters of birch sap,
300 g barley grains or 400 g rye crackers.

Filter the collected birch sap, pour into a container and place in a dark, cool place. After 2-3 days, when the juice slightly sours, add barley grains or rye crackers toasted on a baking sheet. Then let stand another day and strain. Birch kvass is ready to use.

Milk kvass

4 stack curd whey,
4 tbsp Sahara,
20 g yeast
2 tbsp lemon juice
5 g burnt sugar.

Strain the curd whey through cheesecloth, heat to a boil and keep at this temperature for 30-40 minutes. Then cool the mixture to 25-30°C and strain again. Add sugar and yeast to the strained whey, mix everything thoroughly and leave for 15-20 hours at room temperature for fermentation. In order not to feel the taste of whey in kvass, as well as to give it color, add lemon juice and some burnt sugar. Pour the finished kvass into bottles, cork and cool to 6-8 degrees.

Kvass from rose hips

1 kg of rose hips,
800-1000 g of sugar,
20-30 g of yeast,
1 slice of rye bread,
10 liters of water.

Wash the rose hips, remove the seeds and chop finely, then rub with sugar and pour water. In this warm liquid, add the yeast, ground with sugar, and a slice of bread. Put in a warm place and when the first signs of souring appear, strain through cheesecloth, bottle, cork tightly and put in a warm place for 24 hours, then transfer to a cold place.

Bird cherry kvass

Ingredients (for 10 liters of kvass):
1.5 kg of bird cherry berries,
1 kg of sugar
10 liters of boiled water,
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
citric acid - to taste.

Wash the bird cherry berries, mash them, sprinkle with sugar and mix. Then pour in warm boiled water, add vanilla sugar, citric acid to taste, mix again and put in a warm place for fermentation. When foam forms, strain the drink through cheesecloth, bottle and put in a cold place for further fermentation. In 2-3 days kvass will be ready.

Blackcurrant kvass

1 kg of berries black currant,
2.5 liters of cold water,
1.5 stack. Sahara,
10 g yeast

Wash the black currants, rub through a sieve and squeeze out the juice. Dissolve sugar in water, pour in berry juice, add yeast dissolved in warm water and leave overnight under a closed lid. The next day, pour all the liquid into bottles, putting 2-3 raisins in each, and seal them tightly. Delicious and healthy kvass will be ready the next day. It can be stored in a cold place for 3-4 days.

Raspberry kvass

1 kg raspberries,
10 liters of water
800 g sugar
30 g yeast
a pinch of citric acid.

Mash the raspberries, pour boiling water and leave for 12 hours. Then strain, add sugar, yeast and citric acid. Mix thoroughly, cover with gauze and leave for another 12 hours. When the time is up, bottle the kvass and send it to reach the cold. According to the same recipe, you can cook strawberry kvass.

Sea buckthorn kvass

5 stack sea ​​buckthorn,
4-4.5 liters of cold boiled water,
1.5-2 stack. Sahara,
1 tbsp yeast,

Mash sea buckthorn berries with a wooden pestle, pour cold boiled water, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes over low heat. Then strain, add sugar, cool to 25-30 ° C and add the yeast mashed with sugar. Mix thoroughly and let stand uncovered for 3-4 hours. Then pour into bottles, in which you first put 4-5 raisins, and put in a cold place, kvass will be ready in 2 days.

Apple kvass with honey

1 kg sour apples,
4 liters of water
1 stack Sahara,
1 tbsp yeast,
1 tbsp honey,
1 tsp ground cinnamon.

Cut the apples into thin slices, put them in an enamel pan and, pouring cold boiled water, bring to a boil. Then remove from heat, let the broth stand for 3-4 hours and strain. Add sugar, honey, yeast, ground cinnamon to the filtered broth and put in a warm place for 2-3 days. Then strain the kvass, bottle it and put it in a cold place. After 3-4 days kvass will be ready.

Carrot kvass

Ingredients (for 5 liters of drink):
2 kg carrots
500 g sugar
4 liters of warm boiled water,
50 g yeast
1 slice black bread
citric acid, cinnamon, cloves - to taste.

Wash, peel and grate the carrots, pour boiled water over them, add sugar, cinnamon, cloves, citric acid to taste, yeast mashed with sugar, a slice of bread, mix everything thoroughly and put in a warm place overnight. In the morning, strain kvass through cheesecloth, bottle and leave at room temperature. Kvass will be ready the next day.

An old recipe for beetroot kvass

1 kg sweet beets,
4 liters of hot water.

Grate the beets, pour hot water over them and leave at room temperature for 3 days. Then strain the kvass and let it stand for another 10 hours. Then pour into bottles with screw caps and place in a warm place.
Ready kvass can be used to make beetroots, as well as a drink, adding salt, spices and sugar to taste.

Now knowing how to cook kvass at home, and making sure that it is not difficult at all, you will surely be happy to cook your real home-made kvass and delight your loved ones with its variety.

Good luck and good mood!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Well, what Russian person does not like kvass? This drink always comes in handy at any table. And in the summer, in the midst of unbearable heat, kvass becomes the only salvation from thirst. Kvass is not only good for health, it also perfectly restores strength, invigorates and saturates the body with energy.

What is kvass

Kvass is traditional drink Slavs, which is made from flour and barley (or wheat) malt. The production of kvass is based on fermentation, which gives the drink such a unique taste and aroma. Usually kvass is made from dry rye bread. Depending on the recipe of the area in which kvass is prepared, honey, various aromatic herbs, berries and fruits can be added to the drink.

Interestingly, recipes of Slavic cuisine often used kvass as the basis for cold dishes. To date, the most famous such dish is okroshka on kvass. In ancient times, the fermentation process of kvass was brought to such an extent that the drink turned out to be alcoholic, high-grade. Hence the expression "sour", that is, "drink".

Today, according to GOST, the proportion of alcohol in kvass should not exceed 2%. And in Europe, a special commission on alcoholic products equated kvass with low-alcohol beer. Kvass is divided into bread, berry, honey, fruit, milk, honey and okroshka.

The benefits of kvass

In addition to the fact that kvass has a pleasant, sweet and sour taste, it has a very beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole organism. Kvass improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, speeds up metabolism. This drink contains special acids, thanks to which kvass is able to perfectly quench thirst. Kvass contains a sufficient amount of carbon dioxide, which is absorbed into the walls of the stomach, increases appetite and improves digestion. Therefore, kvass is recommended for those who suffer from poor appetite, as well as during the recovery period after an illness.

Kvass is filled with vitamins B1 and E, sugars, microelements, amino acids, enzymes. Regular consumption of homemade kvass will help increase immunity, improve digestion, and raise the overall tone of the body. The drink contains beneficial lactic bacteria that affect digestive system as well as kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, curdled milk. Kvass is often prescribed for consumption by people suffering from dysbacteriosis.

Kvass is a fairly nutritious product and it is not recommended to abuse it when losing weight. After all, it was kvass that during the war saved many residents of besieged cities from exhaustion and hunger. Just like any other drink, kvass has contraindications. Kvass should not be drunk by people suffering from liver cirrhosis, hypertension and gastritis.

Today, on the shelves of the store you can find a “kvass drink”, which tastes a bit like real kvass. It is made from soda, sweeteners and flavorings. Such a drink has nothing to do with real kvass, and therefore does not carry any benefit. And the taste is not at all what we drank in childhood. To get natural, tasty and healthy kvass, you need to cook it yourself.

To prepare this kvass, we need 5 liters pure water, 5 grams of dry yeast, a glass of sugar and a pound of rye bread. Please note that the bread should be plain, without additives in the form of cumin or other seasonings.

  1. Boil water and let it cool down. Then pour it into a container where kvass will be prepared. It is best to choose glass bottles and jars, plastic containers or enamel pots.
  2. While the water is cooling, the bread needs to be dried in the oven. Slice the rye loaf and spread the bread on a baking sheet. Dry thoroughly. If you want to receive saturated color kvass with a slight bitterness, the bread must be dried to a dark state. If you prefer sweet and light kvass, the crackers should be dried only slightly.
  3. Mix crackers with water, cover the container with gauze and leave for two days. Do not cover the jar with a tight lid. Carbon dioxide released during fermentation can simply break the container.
  4. If you want to get kvass in an accelerated mode, then boil the crackers with water for 20 minutes, and then remove from heat and cover with gauze. So the fermentation process will be much faster.
  5. After the specified time, the kvass mass must be filtered. Squeeze out the crackers well. Pour the strained liquid back into the fermentation container.
  6. Add two-thirds of a glass of sugar and yeast diluted with a small amount of warm water to kvass. Mix the composition thoroughly and leave for a day.
  7. After that, pour the kvass into bottles, adding to each of them the remains of the sugar prepared for kvass. sugar on last step added for education carbon dioxide, because many of us love kvass precisely for its pleasant bubbles.
  8. When kvass is bottled, they must be tightly closed so that the gas does not escape. Then put the containers in the refrigerator to stop the fermentation process. When the drink has cooled, it can be drunk.

Such kvass should be stored in the basement or refrigerator. It will not only quench your thirst after a hard day at work, but also help restore energy and strength.

How many people - so many tastes. Someone likes kvass made with yeast, and someone prefers to use fruits and berries as a starter. In our recipe, we will add raisins to kvass. It not only allows kvass to ferment well, but also gives it a subtle, elusive taste and aroma.

To prepare this kvass, we need the same amount of ingredients, only we need to take a little more sugar than a glass, about 300 g. Instead of yeast, we will take a handful of raisins, about 50 g.

  1. Dry the crackers in the same way as in the previous recipe. Here it is very important not to overdry the crackers, otherwise the drink will turn out bitter.
  2. Add crackers and sugar to boiled water. Thoroughly mix the mass and pour it into a fermentation container. Please note that the container should not be full, leave approximately 10% empty space.
  3. Then add raisins to the composition and mix the future kvass again. Cover the container with a piece of clean cheesecloth and leave at room temperature.
  4. After a day or two, you will see that fermentation has begun in the container - bubbles and a sour smell will appear, crackers will begin to move. If this does not happen, then the raisins were of poor quality. Therefore, approach the choice of raisins for kvass with special responsibility - the whole taste and consistency of the drink depends on it.
  5. After 48 hours, kvass should be ready. It is filtered, a small amount of sugar is added to it and bottled. For beauty and taste, you can add a few raisins to each bottle. Let this be the highlight of your drink.
  6. When tightly closed bottles have cooled (after about 3-4 hours), the kvass will be ready to drink.
  7. You can store it in the refrigerator for up to three days. But the drink turns out so tasty that it won’t last even three days - believe me!

There are a lot of kvass recipes, each of them is tasty and unusual. Even in one region in Russia, in one yard, 5 housewives made kvass, and each had her own recipe different from the others. We will tell you about a few more kvass recipes that you can cook at home.

kvass recipes

This is a very healthy, tasty and easy-to-prepare drink. A kilogram of fresh beets must be grated or chopped in a meat grinder. Put grated beets, a piece of rye bread, half a glass of sugar and a pinch of salt in a three-liter jar. Pour the ingredients with water and put in a warm place (the temperature should not be higher than room temperature). Do not forget that kvass is not tightly covered with a lid - only gauze. After a day, kvass will begin to ferment. And in two it will be completely ready. It must be bottled and stored in the refrigerator. Regular use of such kvass has a great effect on the body - blood vessels are strengthened, the heart works better, constipation disappears.

Birch kvass. It is natural and useful product. Birch juice it is necessary to take fresh - immediately after collection. Boil it over low heat to evaporate excess water. Then wait until the liquid cools down. Add yeast to warm liquid and let ferment for a couple of days. It is very important to choose the temperature of the liquid when you pour the yeast into it. If the liquid is hot, the yeast will simply boil, and if the liquid is not cold enough, the yeast will not work. Optimum temperature for fermentation - 30-35 degrees.

Apple kvass. For this recipe, you need sour apples. Grate 5-6 sour green apples and pour three liters of water. Boil this compote for half an hour and let it cool. In a warm mass, add a teaspoon of yeast and a little sugar. Put the jar on the windowsill and cover the neck with gauze. This kvass ferments a little longer than two days, about 3-4 days, but its taste is distinguished by a delicate apple tint.

Honey kvass. In Russia, honey kvass was considered a festive drink, which was prepared before great celebrations and significant feasts. Boil 4 liters of clean water and cool it. Then add a tablespoon of dry yeast to it, the same amount of rye flour, a large handful of raisins, a glass of honey and a lemon cut into small pieces. Thoroughly mix the entire composition and set to infuse as usual. A day later, another liter of water should be poured into the container and the kvass should be allowed to ferment completely. You can determine the readiness of the drink by the raisins - when all of them completely float to the surface, this means that kvass can be bottled.

Berry kvass. This recipe for kvass was relevant in the spring, when berries ripened in the forests - tasty, juicy, healthy. To prepare a drink, you can take any kind - strawberries, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries. Mix of berries should be thoroughly crushed to a pulp and pour three liters of boiling water. After a day, the prepared mixture must be filtered and a little yeast added to it. There is no need to add sugar - the berries already give a rather sweet taste. For piquancy and sourness, you can add a little lemon juice to kvass. Kvass is infused for about 2-3 days, after which it can be bottled, cooled and consumed with pleasure.

So that mold does not form on the surface of the container during the preparation of kvass, you need to take absolutely clean dishes for fermentation. Boil water thoroughly and use only clean ingredients. And then you can enjoy and please your family with such a healthy and tasty drink.

Video: how to make homemade kvass

Hello. The heat will come soon. I would like to at least hope so) And what best quenches thirst. For me, it's kvass.

Therefore, in the summer we always try to make it at home. True, I appointed my husband responsible for this, he is good at it.

And today I will tell you several ways to make the most delicious kvass, including for everyone’s favorite, the recipes of which you can see on my blog.

There are no difficulties here, it just takes time to ferment. But still, I prefer to make it at home, rather than buy it in the store.

In the store, most often just a carbonated drink with the taste of kvass. There, as a rule, all sorts of flavors and dyes are added.

Since there is never too much kvass, I immediately indicate the ingredients for 2 three-liter jars. And for insisting, you can use a bucket. The drink is strong enough.


  • Bread Borodinsky - 1 loaf
  • Boiled water - 6 liters
  • Yeast - 60 gr.
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups
  • Rye flour - 1 cup
  • Raisins - 2 teaspoons

1. Put the pieces of bread on a baking sheet and put in the oven to brown a little.

2. Then transfer the crackers to the water. Water should be about 30 degrees.

3. In the meantime, they are soaking, let's make a starter. Take yeast, add sugar there and pour a glass of water.

4. Mix the yeast a little to disperse, and pour a glass of flour.

5. Stir and leave for one hour.

6. After an hour, it should rise as in the picture.

7. Pour it to the breadcrumbs in the water.

8. Stir and leave for 10 hours. After this time, take out the crackers, wring out and you can throw it away, and leave it for another day for good fermentation.

9. After it, pour it into jars, add 1 teaspoon of raisins and 2 tablespoons of sugar diluted with water to each. Close the lid and leave to ferment for 10 hours.

And then it can already be drunk or poured into okroshka.

Recipe for kvass for okroshka from crackers

There are very interesting recipe preparation of this drink specifically for okroshka. It is not as sweet, but it contains additional products that make the cold soup even tastier.


  • Rye bread crackers - 200 gr.
  • Water - 1 l.
  • Fresh yeast - 10 gr.
  • Horseradish root - 25 gr.
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon
  • Flour - half a tablespoon
  • Raisins - 30 gr.
  • Sugar - 1-1.5 tablespoons

1. Put crackers well-fried in the oven in a three-liter jar, pour boiling water (1 liter), close the jar tightly with a lid and leave to infuse for 3-4 hours.

2. After this time, dilute the yeast. Add some flour and warm water to them, then mix well until the yeast dissolves. Leave them for 10 minutes.

3. Strain water with breadcrumbs through cheesecloth and squeeze.

4. Add dissolved yeast there.

5. Put sugar and mix. Cover with a towel and put in a warm place for a day to ferment.

6. A day later - grate the horseradish root on a fine grater and add to the pan.

7. Add honey and steamed raisins there, mix well.

8. Pour it into jars and can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Delicious and fragrant kvass is ready. Drink, add to okroshka and enjoy.

Cooking method without yeast with raisins

This is my favorite way. I tried to describe it in as much detail as possible, because there are many nuances.


  • Rye bread - 250 gr.
  • Sugar - 180 gr. (a little less than a glass)
  • Raisins - 20 gr.
  • Boiled water - 2.5 liters

1. Put the water to boil.

2. Cut the bread into pieces and place on a baking sheet.

3. Put in a preheated oven for 10-15 minutes to dry and brown.

4. Pour sugar into hot boiled water and dissolve. Then let the water cool down to about 30 degrees.

5. Put the crackers in a three-liter jar.

6. Then add raisins there.

7. And fill in the cooled water.

8. Cover the top with gauze. You can fix with an elastic band and leave to ferment for 2 days in a warm dark place

You can not close the lid tightly, otherwise it will not ferment, but simply turn sour.

9. And this is how it looks two days later. Leave it for another two days in a warm place.

10. After the elapsed time, drain the kvass through a sieve with cheesecloth into a saucepan.

11. The leftover bread is ready-made sourdough for a new batch. You can put it in water, add all the other ingredients and the drink will come up much faster. Or you can put it in the refrigerator, where it can be stored for a long time.

12. And add sugar to our drink and mix.

13. Prepare the bottles and put 5 pieces of raisins at the bottom. Using a funnel, bottle our drink, but not completely, leave a little space, about 3-4 fingers.

14. Close the lid tightly and leave for six hours to saturate it with carbon dioxide.

15. After six hours it will become carbonated, put it in the refrigerator to cool, because it is more pleasant to drink it chilled. And everything can be used.

On a hot summer day, it will be just super. Refreshing, aromatic, moderately carbonated. You will definitely like it.

Video on how to make bread kvass without yeast

According to this recipe, we will make our drink based on sourdough and rye malt.

Sourdough Ingredients:

  • Rye flour - 250 gr
  • Water - 2 glasses

Kvass Ingredients:

  • Rye sourdough - 4 tablespoons
  • Water - 3 liters.
  • Toasted rye malt - half a glass
  • Sugar - 7 tablespoons
  • Raisins - 1 tablespoon
  • Coriander and cumin (optional) - 1/2 teaspoon each

The fastest recipe with dry yeast

To be honest, I have never heard of this recipe before. To be honest, I even doubted whether it was kvass. And then I rummaged through the Internet and found out that it turns out to be called “coffee”. I tried to do it and I can say one thing, it tastes very similar)


  • Instant coffee - 1.5 teaspoons
  • Sugar - 1/3 cup
  • Dry yeast - 1.5 teaspoons
  • Citric acid - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Boiled water

1. Add coffee to a mug, pour out all the sugar and dilute with hot boiling water to dissolve everything.

2. Then add citric acid there, stir and pour everything into a bottle.

3. Then add cold boiled water there, it will dilute the hot boiling water a little.

4. Next, you need to add dry yeast there.

5. And add more water, but not to the very top, as the yeast will react, gases will go there. Then close the cap and shake the bottle properly, shake it a little. Leave for 6 hours.

6. After 6 hours, it is ready, you can put it in the refrigerator or use it.

As you can see, it cooks really quickly, you can put it on overnight, and in the morning you will already have a delicious drink.

Well, here we have considered completely different, not similar to each other, recipes for making this kvass under conditions. You can try to cook them all in turn and choose the one you like.

Well, now I want to wish you good luck and I will wait for you again. Whether my recipes were useful to you, write in the comments. All the best to you.

Kvass has been the most common drink during the festive feast since ancient Russia. True, in those distant times, it was quite thick and much stronger than beer and was considered alcoholic drink. Therefore, drunkards were called "fermenters", from the word "ferment".

Kvass- a traditional Slavic sour drink, which is prepared on the basis of fermentation from flour and malt (rye, barley) or from dry rye bread, sometimes with the addition of fragrant herbs, honey, wax; also prepared from beets, fruits, berries. The drink is the basis for the classic cold soups of Russian cuisine (okroshka, botvinya, etc.). From Wikipedia.

A special property is its refreshing taste, which makes it popular in extreme heat. In addition, kvass improves metabolism, and due to the content of carbon dioxide in it, it contributes to good digestion. It also contains many vitamins, amino acids and enzymes.

True, there are a lot of synthetic surrogates on the market now - kvass drinks, which consist of soda, sweeteners and various flavors. Which, of course, cannot be useful, but on the contrary - such sodas, under the brand name of the old word, only harm the body and increase blood sugar.

How to make sourdough at home and cook sourdough

This article shows you how to cook good kvass on the example of interesting and simple recipes, which will truly be considered a natural product, many of which will taste like a barrel. And the best thing is that you can use this drink for okroshka. covered in previous articles...

The easiest way is to use dry kvass!

Perhaps the easiest and fastest way to make kvass is to use it dry. Everybody there necessary ingredients… We will just add sugar and yeast.


  • Dry kvass - 5 tablespoons with a slide
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l
  • raw yeast - 5 grams

Cooking method:

In a three-liter jar we put five tablespoons of dry kvass and the same amount of sugar. Add half a teaspoon of raw yeast.

But unlike the previous recipe, add to the jar of boiled water to the very top and mix well. We cover the throat of the jar with gauze and leave to ferment for two days. At the end of the fermentation process, we pour the finished kvass into another container, and you can put the drink on the remaining sourdough again.

How to make kvass at home with black bread without yeast


  • Rye bread 1/2 roll
  • sugar - 60 gr
  • vanilla sugar - 10 gr.

Cooking method:

Rye bread is cut into small pieces and dried in the oven. If you have ready-made crackers. then you can use them.

We put the finished crackers in a three-liter jar, pour 60 grams of sugar and pour boiling water to half. We leave the finished sourdough for 10-15 minutes, so that the crackers are well soaked.

Then fill the entire jar with water and pour vanilla sugar.

We close the jar with gauze, fixing it with an elastic band.

We put kvass to cook for a day. When the drink is ready, pour it into jars or bottles, and the remaining sourdough can be used further.

How to make a sharp drink from rye flour?


  • Rye flour - 1 kg
  • water - 10 liters.

Cooking method:

The preparation is based on batter wound up on the water. For one liter of water, we need 1 kg of rye flour. Pour the flour with boiled water and mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency.

After that, we shift the dough into a jar and put it in for 2-3 days for fermentation.

As soon as the dough has risen, pour it warm water and set for further fermentation. When kvass is ready, we filter it through cheesecloth and pour it into prepared dishes (jars, bottles, etc.). And add to the jar of sourdough new portion water and flour according to the recipe.

Method without yeast from dry kvass (taste like from a barrel)


  • Dry kvass - 1 cup
  • sugar - 2/3 cup
  • boiled water - 2 liters.

Cooking method:

This recipe is quite easy to prepare. In a three-liter jar, pour dry kvass, sugar according to the recipe and carefully pour hot water. The main thing is that the bank does not burst.

Having covered the jar with gauze, we leave the kvass to ferment for two days. At the end of the fermentation process, we pour the finished drink, and you can put it on the remaining sourdough again.

Bread kvass with yeast


  • Bread - 1/2 roll
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. l
  • dry yeast - 1 pinch
  • raisin.

Cooking method:

If you do not have ready-made breadcrumbs, we take fresh bread(preferably black) and cut it into slices. You can mix white and black bread. Dry the cut pieces in the oven.

To prepare the sourdough, put ready-made crackers, two tablespoons of sugar in a three-liter jar and pour boiling water up to half. After the water has cooled, add some dry yeast.

Everything is mixed, covered with gauze and set to ferment for two days.

After our sourdough is ready, we proceed directly to the preparation of kvass. To do this, take another jar, put crackers in it, pour 4 tablespoons of sugar, half fill with boiling water. Mix and leave to cool.

When everything has cooled down, add the sourdough prepared earlier and top it up with boiled water. Covering the jar with gauze, leave to infuse for two days.

When kvass is ready, we filter it through gauze into jars or bottles and set to cool.

Enjoy your "quasom"!