12 sections of the radiator for what area. Calculation of heating batteries per area. Calculation of the number of compartments of bimetallic batteries

Every home owner faces important questions when installing heating. What kind of radiator to choose? How to calculate the number of radiator sections? If a house is being built for you professional staff, they will help to correctly perform the calculations so that the distribution heating batteries in the building was rational. However, this procedure can be carried out independently. You will find the formulas necessary for this in the article below.

Types of radiators

To date, there are such types of batteries for heating: bimetallic, steel, aluminum and cast iron. Radiators are also divided into panel, sectional, convector, tubular, and design radiators. Their choice depends on the coolant, technical capabilities heating systems and the financial capacity of the owner of the house. How to calculate the number of radiator sections per room? This does not depend on the type. In this case, only one indicator is taken into account - radiator power.

Calculation methods

In order for the heating system in the room to work efficiently and in winter it was warm and comfortable in it, you need to carefully use the following calculation methods:

  • Standard - carried out on the basis of the provisions of SNiP, according to which heating 1m 2 will require a power of 100 watts. The calculation is carried out using the formula: S / P, where P is the capacity of the department, S is the area of ​​the selected room.
  • Approximate - for heating a 1.8 m 2 apartment with ceilings 2.5 m high, you will need one radiator section.
  • Volumetric method - heating power of 41 W is taken per 1m 3. The width, height and length of the room are taken into account.

How many radiators will be needed for the whole house

How to calculate the number of radiator sections for an apartment or house? Each room is calculated separately. According to the standard, the heat output per 1 m 3 of the volume of a room with one door, a window and an external wall is considered to be 41 watts.

If the house or apartment is "cold", with thin walls, have many windows, not in the house and the apartment is located on the first or last floor, then 47 W per 1 m 3, and not 41 W, are needed to heat them. For a house built from modern materials using different heaters for walls, floors, ceilings, having metal-plastic windows. you can take 30 watts.

To replace cast iron radiators, there is the simplest calculation method: you need to multiply their number by the resulting number - the power of new appliances. When purchasing aluminum or bimetallic batteries for replacement, the calculation is carried out in the ratio: one cast iron fin to one aluminum fin.

Rules for calculating the number of branches

  • An increase in radiator power occurs: if the room is end and has one window - by 20%; with two windows - by 30%; windows facing north also require an increase of another 10%; battery installation under the window - 5%; closing the heater with a decorative screen - by 15%.
  • The power required for heating can be calculated by multiplying the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room (in m 2) by 100 watts.

In the product passport, the manufacturer indicates the specific power, which makes it possible to calculate the proper number of sections. Do not forget that the heat transfer is affected by the power of a separate section, and not by the size of the radiator. Therefore, placing and installing several small appliances in a room is more effective than installing one large one. The incoming heat from different sides will heat it evenly.

Calculation of the number of compartments of bimetallic batteries

  • Dimensions of the room and the number of windows in it.
  • The location of a particular room.
  • The presence of open openings, arches and doors.
  • The heat transfer power of each section, indicated by the manufacturer in the passport.

Calculation steps

How to calculate the number of radiator sections if all the necessary data is recorded? To do this, determine the area, calculating in meters the derivatives of the width and height of the room. Using the formula S \u003d L x W, calculate the joint area if they have open openings or arches.

Next, the calculation of the total batteries is carried out (P \u003d S x 100), using a power of 100 W to heat one m 2. Then the proper number of sections is calculated (n = P / Pc) by dividing the total thermal power by the heat transfer of one section indicated in the passport.

Depending on the location of the premises, the calculation of the required number of compartments of the bimetallic device is carried out taking into account the correction factors: 1.3 - for the angular one; use a coefficient of 1.1 - for the first and top floors; 1.2 - used for two windows; 1.5 - three or more windows.

Carrying out the calculation of battery sections in the end room, located on the first floor of the house and having 2 windows. The dimensions of the room are 5 x 5 m. The heat output of one section is 190 W.

  • We calculate the area of ​​​​the room: S \u003d 5 x 5 \u003d 25 m 2.
  • We count thermal power in general: P = 25 x 100 = 2500 watts.
  • We calculate the required sections: n = 2500 / 190 = 13.6. We round up, we get 14. We take into account the correction factors n \u003d 14 x 1.3 x 1.2 x 1.1 \u003d 24.024.
  • We divide the sections into two batteries and install them under the windows.

We hope that the information presented in the article will tell you how to calculate the number of radiator sections for a house. To do this, use the formulas and carry out a relatively accurate calculation. It is important to choose the right section power that is suitable for your heating system.

If you calculate yourself required amount batteries for your home are beyond your power, it is best to seek help from specialists. They will perform a competent calculation, taking into account all the factors affecting the efficiency of the installed heating devices, which will provide heat in the house during the cold period.

AT this moment You can send an application for the calculation of heating to
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Required data for the calculation:

  • Quantity sq/m.
  • Number of floors in the house
  • Your floor
  • corner apartment? (Not really)
  • Type of heating radiators (Bimetal, Aluminum, Cast iron, Vacuum, Steel - convector, etc.)
  • House model (monolithic/panel/brick/block/etc.)
  • Is there a balcony and is it insulated?
  • Window sill height
  • Ceiling height
  • Number of rooms (support the plan or diagram of the apartment in the attachment for clarity)
  • Number of windows (reinforce with a plan or diagram of the apartment in the attachment for clarity)
  • The most low temperature in winter time+- 10 C
  • Availability false ceiling(Not really)
  • Your full name
  • Your phone number (in order to clarify possible details in the calculations, indicate a convenient time for you to call in Moscow)

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The results of the calculation and advice on building heating are sent in response to a request, to your Email!

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Send a request for the calculation of heating radiators by professionals, the calculation is absolutely FREE!

You are required to provide the parameters of your apartment:

  • Quantity sq/m.
  • Number of floors in the house
  • Your floor
  • Corner apartment? (Not really)


Calculation bimetallic radiators heating today is a very important task, both for simple host your house or apartment, and for professional installer and plumbing! Calculation of sections of a bimetallic radiator our online calculator allows you to easily determine the required number of sections for heating the desired room. thanks to high-quality input data, correctly filled in additional and basic parameters, you will be able to produce calculation of the number of sections of bimetallic radiators within 10-15 seconds!

Bimetal radiators are very popular because of their heat dissipation and reliability, they are also light in weight, which makes their installation very convenient and comfortable. The reliability of this type of radiator lies in the fact that it consists of a steel frame, which in turn has an aluminum skin, which gives excellent heat dissipation.

Bimetallic heating radiators calculation which will be a pleasant experience with our online calculator!

Used to replace old cast iron batteries. For effective work new heaters should accurately calculate the required number of sections. At the same time, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the number of windows, and the thermal power of the section itself are taken into account.

Data preparation

To get an accurate result, the following parameters should be considered:

  • climatic features of the region in which the building is located (humidity level, temperature fluctuations);
  • building parameters (material used for construction, wall thickness and height, number of external walls);
  • the size and types of windows in the premises (residential, non-residential).

When calculating bimetallic heating radiators, 2 main values ​​\u200b\u200bare taken as a basis: the thermal power of the battery section and heat loss premises. It must be remembered that most often indicated by manufacturers in technical passport product thermal power - the maximum value obtained in ideal conditions. The real power of the battery installed in the room will be lower, therefore, to obtain accurate data, a recalculation is made.

The simplest method

In this case, it will be necessary to recalculate the number installed batteries and focus on this data when replacing elements of the heating system.
The difference between the heat transfer of bimetallic and cast iron batteries is not too big. In addition, over time, the heat transfer of a new radiator will decrease by natural causes(contamination of the internal surfaces of the battery), so if the old elements of the heating system coped with their task, it was warm in the room, you can use this data.

However, in order to reduce the cost of materials and eliminate the risk of freezing of the room, it is worth using formulas that will allow you to calculate the sections quite accurately.

Calculation by area

For each region of the country, there are norms of SNiP, which spell out minimum value heating device power for each square meter area of ​​the room. To calculate exact value according to this norm, the area of ​​the existing premises should be determined (a). To do this, the width of the room is multiplied by its length.

Take into account the exponential power per square meter. Most often it is equal to 100 watts.

Having determined the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the data must be multiplied by 100. The result is divided by the power of one section of the bimetallic radiator (b). This value is to be found in technical specifications device - depending on the model, the numbers may differ.

A ready-made formula in which you should substitute your own values: (a * 100): b = the desired amount.

Let's look at an example. Calculation for a room with an area of ​​​​20 m², while the power of one section of the selected radiator is 180 W.

We substitute the desired values ​​​​in the formula: (20 * 100) / 180 \u003d 11.1.

However, this formula for calculating heating by area can only be used when calculating values ​​​​for a room with a ceiling height of less than 3 m. In addition, this method does not take into account heat loss through windows, and the thickness and quality of wall insulation are also not considered. To make the calculation more accurate, for the second and subsequent windows in the room, you need to add 2 to 3 additional radiator sections to the final figure.

Volume calculation

The calculation of the number of sections of bimetallic radiators using this method is carried out, taking into account not only the area, but also the height of the room.

Having received the exact volume, they make calculations. Power is calculated in m³. The norms of SNiP are 41 W for this value.

We take the same values ​​for the example, but add the height of the walls - it will be 2.7 cm.

We find out the volume of the room (we multiply the already calculated area by the height of the walls): 20 * 2.7 \u003d 54 m³.

The next step is to count exact amount sections, based on this value (we divide the total power by the power of one section): 2214/180 = 12.3.

The final result differs from that obtained when calculating by area, so the method, taking into account the volume of the room, allows you to get a more accurate result.

Heat transfer analysis of radiator sections

Despite the external similarity, the technical characteristics of radiators of the same type can differ significantly. The power of the section is affected by the type of material used to make the battery, the size of the section, the design of the device, and the wall thickness.

For simplicity preliminary calculations you can use the average number of radiator sections per 1 m², derived by SNiP:
cast iron is able to heat approximately 1.5 m²;
aluminum battery- 1.9 m²;
bimetallic - 1.8 m².

How can this data be used? They can be calculated approximate quantity sections, knowing only the area of ​​the room. To do this, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is divided by the indicated indicator.

For a room of 20 m², 11 sections will be required (20 / 1.8 \u003d 11.1). The result approximately coincides with that obtained by calculating the area of ​​the room.

Calculation by this method can be carried out at the stage of drawing up an approximate estimate - this will help to determine approximately the costs of organizing a heating system. And more precise formulas can be used when a specific radiator model is selected.

Calculation of the number of sections, taking into account climatic conditions

The manufacturer indicates the value of the thermal power of one section of the radiator at optimal conditions. Climatic conditions, system pressure, boiler power and other parameters can significantly reduce its efficiency.

Therefore, when calculating, these parameters should also be taken into account:

  1. If the room is angular, then the value calculated by any of the formulas should be multiplied by 1.3.
  2. For every second and subsequent windows, you need to add 100 W, and for the door - 200 W.
  3. Each region has its own additional coefficient.
  4. When calculating the number of sections for installation in a private house, the resulting value is multiplied by 1.5. This is due to the presence unheated attic and outer walls building.

Battery Power Recalculation

To get the real, and not specified in the technical specifications for the heater, the power of the heating radiator section, it is necessary to recalculate, taking into account the existing external conditions.

To do this, first determine the temperature difference of the heating system. If +70°C is obtained at the supply and 60°C at the outlet, while the desired temperature maintained in the room should be about 23°C, it is required to calculate the system delta.

To do this, use the formula: the outlet temperature (60) is added to the inlet temperature (70), the resulting value is divided by 2, and the room temperature (23) is subtracted. The result will be a temperature difference (42°C).

The desired value - delta - will be equal to 42 ° C. Using the table, they find out the coefficient (0.51), which is multiplied by the power indicated by the manufacturer. They get the real power that the section will produce under given conditions.

40 0,48 47 0,60 54 0,71 61 0,84 68 0,96
41 0,50 48 0,61 55 0,73 62 0,85 69 0,98
42 0,51 49 0,65 56 0,75 63 0,87 70 1
43 0,53 50 0,66 57 0,77 64 0,89 71 1,02
44 0,55 51 0,68 58 0,78 65 0,91 72 1,04
45 0,53 52 0,70 59 0,80 66 0,93 73 1,06
46 0,58 53 0,71 60 0,82 67 0,94 74/75 1,07/1,09

To give an aesthetic appearance to the batteries, they are often masked with special screens or curtains. In this case heater reduces heat transfer, and when counting the right amount sections add another 10% to the final result.
Since the majority modern models radiators has a certain number of sections, it is not always possible to select batteries based on the calculation. In this case, it is recommended to purchase a product in which the number of sections is as close as possible to the desired one or slightly more than the calculated value.

It's time to change the batteries.

The comfort in the cold season depends on the calculations of the number of knots.

How to correctly make all calculations, measurements?

Everything is quite simple if you follow the instructions below.

Before you purchase heating batteries, consider ways to calculate the number of their elements.

The first method is based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Building codes (SNiP) state that for normal heating, 1 sq. m. requires 100 watts. thermal power. By measuring the length, width of the room, and multiplying these two values, we get the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room (S).

To calculate total power (Q), substitute in the formula, Q \u003d S * 100 W., our value. The passport for heating radiators indicates the heat transfer of one element (q1). Thanks to this information, we will find out the required number of them. To do this, we divide Q by q1.

The second way is more accurate. It should also be used with a ceiling height of 3 meters. Its difference lies in the measurement of the volume of the room. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is already known, let's measure the height of the ceiling, then multiply these values. The resulting volume value (V) is substituted into the formula Q=V*41 W.

According to building codes 1 cu. m. should be heated by 41 watts. thermal power. Now let's find the ratio of Q to q1, getting the total number of radiator nodes.

Let's sum up the intermediate result, take out data that will be needed for all types of calculations.

  • wall length;
  • wall width;
  • Ceiling height;
  • Power ratings, heating a unit area or volume of a room. They are given above;
  • Minimum heat dissipation radiator element. It must be indicated in the passport;
  • Wall thickness;
  • Number of window openings.

A quick way to calculate the number of sections

When it comes to replacing cast iron radiators bimetallic, you can do without scrupulous calculations. Taking into account several factors:

  • Bimetal section gives a ten percent increase in thermal power compared to cast iron.
  • Battery efficiency degrades over time. This is due to deposits that cover the walls inside the radiator.
  • It's better to be warmer.

The number of elements of a bimetallic battery must be the same as that of its predecessor. However, this number increases by 1 - 2 pieces. This is done to combat a future decrease in the efficiency of the heater.

For a standard room

We already know this method of calculation. It is described at the beginning of the article. Let's explore it in detail with specific example. We calculate the number of sections for a room of 40 square meters. m.

According to the rules of 1 sq. m requires 100W. Let's assume that the power of one section is 200 watts. Using the formula, from the first section we find the required heat output of the room. Multiply 40 sq. m. per 100 W, we get 4 kW.

To determine the number of sections, divide this number by 200 watts. It turns out that for a room with a given area, 20 sections will be required. The main thing to remember is that the formula is relevant for apartments where the ceiling height is less than 2.7 m.

For non-standard

Non-standard rooms include corner, end rooms, with several window openings. This category also includes dwellings with a ceiling height of more than 2.7 meters.

For the first, the calculation is carried out according to the standard formula, but the final result is multiplied by a special coefficient, 1 - 1.3. Using the data obtained above: 20 sections, let's assume that the room is corner and has 2 windows.

The final result is obtained by multiplying 20 by 1.2. This room requires 24 sections.

If we take the same room, but with a ceiling height of 3 meters, the results will change again. Let's start by calculating the volume, multiply 40 square meters. m. by 3 meters. Remembering that for 1 cu. m requires 41 W., we calculate the total thermal power. Received 120 cu. m multiply by 41 W.

We get the number of radiators by dividing 4920 by 200 watts. But the room is corner with two windows, therefore, 25 must be multiplied by 1.2. The end result is 30 sections.

Accurate calculations with many parameters

It is difficult to make such calculations. The above formulas are valid for a normal room in central Russia. Geographical position houses and a number of other factors will introduce additional correction factors.

  • Final formula, for a corner room, should have an additional multiplier of 1.3.
  • If the house is not located in middle lane countries, additional factor is described building codes this territory.
  • It is necessary to take into account the installation location of the bimetallic radiator and decorative elements. For example, a niche under the window will take 7%, and a screen up to 25% of the thermal power of the battery.
  • What will the room be used for?
  • Wall material and thickness.
  • What are the frames and glass.
  • Door and window openings introduce additional problems. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

Walls with windows, street and doorways, change standard formula. It is necessary to multiply the resulting number of sections by the heat transfer coefficient of the room, but it must first be calculated.

This indicator will be the sum of the heat transfer of the window, doorway and wall. All this information can be obtained by contacting the SNiP, according to your type of premises.

Electrical oil coolers, working principle and how to choose on

Useful tips for the proper arrangement of the heating system

Bimetallic radiators come from the factory connected in 10 sections. After calculations, we got 10, but we decided to add 2 more in reserve. So, it's better not to. Factory assembly is much more reliable, it is guaranteed from 5 to 20 years.

The 12-section assembly will be done by the store, and the warranty will be less than a year. If the radiator leaks shortly after the end of this period, repairs will have to be carried out on their own. The result is unnecessary problems.

Let's talk about the effective power of the radiator. Characteristics of the bimetallic section specified in the product passport, proceed from the fact that the temperature difference of the system is 60 degrees.

Such pressure is guaranteed if the battery coolant temperature is 90 degrees, which does not always correspond to reality. This must be taken into account when calculating the room radiator system.

Below are some tips for installing the battery:

  • Distance from the window sill to the top edge of the battery, must be at least 5 cm. The air masses will be able to circulate normally and transfer heat to the entire room.
  • The radiator needs to lag behind the wall by a length of 2 to 5 cm. If reflective thermal insulation will be attached behind the battery, then you need to purchase elongated brackets that provide the specified clearance.
  • The bottom edge of the battery is supposed to be indented from the floor equal to 10 cm. Failure to follow the recommendations will impair heat transfer.
  • A radiator mounted against a wall, and not in a niche under a window, must have a gap with it, at least 20 cm. This will prevent the accumulation of dust behind it and help to heat the room.

It is very important to make such calculations correctly. It depends on how efficient and economical the resulting heating system will be. All the information given in the article is intended to help the average person with these calculations.

changing cast iron batteries for devices of a new type, it is very important to correctly calculate the number of sections of bimetallic heating radiators. Replacing heating appliances is quite expensive, so you should initially organize everything correctly.

Why is it important to correctly calculate the number of sections? The temperature in the room directly depends on the number of sections. Device with large quantity extra sections is extra waste money, since it will not warm up, and accordingly it will work inefficiently. A too small heating radiator will work at full capacity and is also inefficient.

Rice. one

There are a few rules to consider when calculating the size of a heating radiator. For example:

  • The heat transfer of a bimetallic heating device is much higher than that of a cast iron battery;
  • Over time, the operation of the radiator becomes less efficient, since the core of the bimetallic device becomes clogged with sediment products;
  • It is better to let the heat be more than not enough.

Often, experts recommend installing as many bimetallic sections as there were cast iron ones (Fig. 2). For a guarantee, you can add 1-2 sections. Considering that the heat transfer of bimetallic devices is much higher, space heating will be efficient.

Rice. 2 The ratio of cast iron and
bimetallic heating appliances

Methods for calculating the number of sections

  • By area;
  • By volume.

There are norms of SNiP, which establish the minimum value of the radiator power per 1 m2 of area. This figure also depends on the region of the country. For this calculation, you need to know the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room that will be heated (room). Namely, you need to multiply the width by the length (A).

Next, you need to take into account the power indicator per 1 m2, as a rule, this indicator is 100 watts. Further, the area of ​​​​the room is multiplied by 100 watts. The resulting figure should be divided by the power of one section of the bimetallic radiator (B). different models heating radiators may have different power It also depends on the price.

Namely, the formula looks like this: (A*100) / B = number of pieces.

For example, the area of ​​​​the room is 16 m2, and the power of one section of the bimetallic radiator is 160 watts. Calculation: (16*100) / 160=10 pieces

This calculation of sections of bimetallic radiators will be correct only if the height of the ceilings in the room does not exceed 3 m. Also, heat losses through windows, the degree of wall insulation, etc. are not taken into account here. If there is more than 1 window in the room, then 2-3 units should be added to the bimetallic heating radiator.

Rice. 3

Calculation, according to the volume of the room

This method of calculation consists in calculating the size of the heating radiator, with an indicator of the volume of the room. This means that power is taken into account per m3. The norms of SNiP establish a minimum power indicator of 41 watts.

For example, the area becomes 16 m2, and the ceiling height is 2.7 m:

  • 16*2.7=43 m3 (room volume).
  • 1771/160=11.06 (pieces).

But there are other indicators that are calculated for different features the location of the premises, or climatic conditions region. For example, if the room is angular, then the result obtained must also be multiplied by a factor of 1.3:

  • 11.06 * 1.3 \u003d 14.38, you should round up and get 15 pieces.

If the winter in the region is very cold (for example, the Far North), then this coefficient becomes 1.6:

  • 11.06 * 1.6 \u003d 17.69, you need to round up, and you get 18 pieces.

If the calculation of the number of sections is done for a private house, then of course you need to take into account the heat loss of the roof, walls, floor. In this case, the coefficient becomes 1.5:

  • 11.06 * 1.5 \u003d 16.59, you need to round up, and you get 17 pieces.

Design calculations

A more accurate calculation is made by qualified specialists when designing a heating system. In this case, the following parameters are included in the formula:

  • Quantity and quality of windows, doors, balconies, etc.
  • The material from which the walls and partitions are made.
  • The area where the house is located, and the calculation according to the cardinal points.
  • The purpose of the room, such as a kitchen, a bedroom, or a closet.
  • The way the room is placed, for example, corner room or in the middle, floor counting, etc.
  • The volume of rooms.

Specialists calculate all indicators in accordance with the requirements of SNiP for heating. All sizes and ratios are listed there. Stores that specialize in heating technology, there are special calculators. Sales consultants enter all the parameters and make an accurate calculation. And immediately, according to all the parameters obtained, you can choose desired model. If sections bigger size, that is, they have a large height, then they will be required less, and if the sections are small, then the bimetallic heating radiator will be wide enough.

Often, to improve the aesthetic appearance, screens for heating radiators are installed or curtains are hung on window openings. This also needs to be taken into account and added to the radiator power by 10%.

When choosing the right heating radiator, you need to take into account the power of the installed boiler.

Namely, the characteristic of thermal pressure is taken as a basis. The heat head depends on the degree of water heating in the heating system and the quality of the heating process. As a rule, manufacturers indicate in the passport to the bimetallic heating radiator the power, respectively thermal head 600C, the initial temperature of the coolant is about 900C.