What are antonyms: examples of words. Antonyms and their types. Connection with polysemy, stylistic role of antonyms

Antonyms are words of one part of speech, different in sound and spelling, having directly opposite lexical meanings, for example: “truth” - “false”, “good” - “evil”, “speak” - “keep silent”.

Antonym types:

1. Diverse. This type of antonyms is the most representative. Opposite meanings belong to these words as a whole (for example, high - low, heat - cold, catch up - lag behind, etc.). Some prepositions are opposed as antonyms (for example, for and in front (behind the closet - in front of the closet), in and out (into the room - out of the room).

2. Single root. For them, the meaning of the opposite is expressed not by the root parts of words, but by affixal morphemes. Antonymy arises on the opposition of prefixes (for example, at- and u- (come - leave), v- and s- (climb - get off), or as a result of the use of negative prefixes that give the word the opposite meaning (for example, literate - illiterate, tasty - tasteless, military - anti-war, revolution - counter-revolution, etc.).

3. Contextual (or contextual) antonyms are words that are not opposed in meaning in the language and are antonyms only in the text: Mind and heart - ice and fire - this is the main thing that distinguished this hero.

4. Enantiosemy - the opposite of the meaning of the same word. Sometimes not individual words can be antonymous, but different meanings of one word (for example, the word priceless, meaning: 1. having a very high price(priceless treasures). 2. having no price (bought for next to nothing, i.e. very cheap). The word blessed, meaning: 1. supremely happy (blissful state). 2. foolish (earlier meaning holy fool).

5. Proportionate (having opposite actions: rise - fall, get fat - lose weight) and disproportionate (inaction is opposed to some action: leave - stay, light - extinguish).

6. Linguistic (exist in the language system: high - low, right - left) and speech (formed in speech turns: priceless - worthless, beauty - swamp kikimara);

Functions of antonyms:

1. The main stylistic function of antonyms is a lexical means for constructing an antithesis. P: And we hate, and we love by accident.

2. Opposite to the antithesis is the reception, which consists in the use of antonyms with negation. It is used to emphasize the lack of a clearly defined quality in the subject being described. P: She was not good, not bad-looking

3. Antonymy is the basis of oxymoron (from the Greek oxymoron ‘witty-stupid’) - a stylistic figure that creates a new concept by combining words that are contrasting in meaning. P: The shadow of uncreated creatures sways in sleep. Like Lotanium blades on an enamel wall (Bryusov).

4. Antonyms are used to emphasize the completeness of the coverage of the depicted - stringing antonymic pairs. P: In the world there is good and evil, lies and truth, sorrow and joy.

Anaphrasis - the use of one of the antonyms, while it is necessary to use the other: where, smart, are you wandering, head? (referring to donkey). Antonymic pairs should be logical.

Homonymy, types of homonyms. Paronyms. Paronomasia. Functions of homonyms and paronyms in speech.

Homonyms- these are words of the same part of speech, identical in sound and spelling, but different in lexical meaning, for example: boron - “a pine forest growing in a dry, elevated place” and boron - “a steel drill used in dentistry”.

Types of homonyms.

There are full and partial homonyms. Full homonyms belong to the same part of speech and coincide in all forms, for example: key (from the apartment) and key (spring). And partial homonyms are consonant words, one of which completely coincides only with part of the forms of another word, for example: tact (in the meaning of “play the last measure”) and tact (in the meaning of “decency rules”). The word with the second meaning does not have a plural form.

Paronyms(from Greek para “near, near” + onima “name”) - words similar in sound, similar in pronunciation, lexical and grammatical affiliation and relatedness of roots, but having different meaning. Paronyms in most cases refer to one part of speech. For example: dress and put on, subscriber and subscription, wiser and wiser. Sometimes paronyms are also called false brothers.

The phenomenon of paronomasia (from gr. para - near, onomazo - I call) consists in the sound similarity of words that have different morphological roots (cf .: bunks - sleds, pilot - boatswain, clarinet - cornet, injection - infection). As with paronymy, lexical pairs in paronomasia belong to the same part of speech, perform similar syntactic functions in a sentence. Such words may have the same prefixes, suffixes, endings, but their roots are always different. In addition to random phonetic similarities, words in such lexical pairs have nothing in common, their subject-semantic reference is completely different.

Paronomasia, unlike paronymy, is not a natural and regular phenomenon. And although there are many phonetically similar words in the language, comparing them as lexical pairs is the result of individual perception: one will see paronomasia in a pair of circulation - type, the other - in circulation - a mirage, the third - in circulation - stained glass. However, paronymy and paronomasia are close in terms of the use of similar-sounding words in speech.

The use of homonyms and paronyms in speech

(Homonyms). Like polysemantic words, homonyms are used in mutually exclusive strong positions. This makes it possible to implement the main semantic function of homonyms - to differentiate words that are different in meaning and coincide in sound shells. Since these words are not related in meaning, not motivated, the strength of their mutual exclusion in the text is much greater than. for meanings (LSV) of a polysemantic word.

The contact use of homonyms in the text or even their “overlay”, complete “merging” in one form implements certain stylistic functions, being a means of creating a pun, a figurative collision of different meanings, emphasized expression: I can take a wife without a fortune, but I can go into debt for her rags I am not able (P.); By paying your debt, you thereby fulfill it (Kozma Prutkov). The expressiveness of the slogan Mir - peace \ is emphasized by the use of homonyms.


Paronyms can be used in speech as a means of expression.

Often, authors put paronyms side by side to show their semantic differences with apparent similarity: Any person, since he lives in society, is a humanist in the sense that he explains, corrects, evaluates his own and others' practical and theoretical behavior in the categories of humanitarian (not necessarily unfortunately, humane) thinking. (V. Ilyin, A. Razumov); This is how it happens when trust is confused with gullibility. (Y. Dymsky).

The clash of paronyms can be used to highlight these words, which enhances the meanings they express: Wrote a businesslike and efficient letter to Valerian (L. Tolstoy).

So, the skillful use of paronyms helps to correctly and accurately express a thought, reveals the great possibilities of the Russian language in conveying subtle semantic nuances.

Ant o n i m a m and call words with polar opposite meanings, opposed to each other in closed pair combinations: good - evil, smart - stupid, create - destroy, forward - backward.

AT linguistic aspect the essence of antonymy can be characterized in terms of its structural, semantic and functional features.

The structural approach makes it possible to single out heterogeneous and single-root antonyms.

Opposite-root antonyms predominate quantitatively: they make up a significant part of the lexical and grammatical classes of words (parts of speech), especially among adjectives:

(natural - artificial (laughter); day - night, find - lose, left - right; over (necessary) - under (under). One-root antonyms arise when antonyms correlative with it are formed from a given word using antonymic prefixes or when a prefix with negative semantics forms a new word with the opposite meaning in relation to this word.Thus, the non-prefixed verb go gives a number of antonymic pairs, the members of which are opposed to each other according to the antonymy of prefixes: drive up - drive off, arrive - leave, enter (to the hill ) - move out (from the mountain), enter (at the gate) - leave (out of the gate) A kind of antonymy - enantiosemy, antonymy within one word (borrow (give in a long time) - borrow (borrow).

Semantic classification of antonyms: 1) qualitative opposite. Hot - cold, gradualness. Handsome - ugly. 2) Complementarity (complementarity). The denial of one term means the appearance of another. True - false, married - single, together - apart. 3) mutual opposite direction of actions, signs and properties. Input - output, collect-disassemble. Strike-counterattack. Functions of antonyms: opposition, mutual exclusion (neither this nor that). Alternation, sequence - extinguished, lit. Coverage of the entire class from start to finish. The transformation of the opposite into another - the first and the last.

Functions of antonyms: opposition, mutual exclusion (neither this nor that). Alternation, sequence - extinguished, lit. Coverage of the entire class from start to finish. The transformation of an opposite into another is the first and the last.

Antonyms are widely used in works fiction as well as orally folk art to express the diverse shades of opposition, to create the necessary semantic completeness and expressiveness.

Antonyms are often used to express expressive means such as antithesis and oxymoron. ANTITHESIS - (from the Greek. antithesis - opposition) - the opposition of characters, circumstances, images, compositional elements, creating the effect of a sharp contrast. comparison of opposite concepts, states, any elements of a literary work. Often Spanish. in the titles of works. ("Red and Black", "War and Peace", "Crime and Punishment", "Thick and Thin", etc.).

OXYMORON (Greek oxymoron, lit. - witty-stupid), a stylistic figure, a combination of words opposite in meaning ("living corpse" - L. N. Tolstoy; "heat of cold numbers" - A. A. Blok).

9. Homonyms and phenomena close to homonymy: homophones, homoforms and homographs.

Homonyms are words that are similar in sound and spelling, but different in meaning. Semantic variants are related meanings that are closely related to each other (one is the main one, the second is a derivative). Homonyms are words that are identical in sound and spelling, but not related in meaning (words of the same grammatical class). Homonyms are complete and incomplete. Complete - the same in change (force (do something, block)). Incomplete - coincide only in a number of grams. Forms (bow, as a plant and as a weapon).

In addition to lexical homonyms proper, one can observe some other cases of homonymic coincidences, reflecting in this respect certain relationships between the morphological, grammatical and phonetic aspects of the Russian language.

Morphological homonyms, or homoforms, arise as a result of the sound coincidence of the forms of different words that have different lexical and grammatical meanings(went - verb and kr.adj).

Phonetic homonyms, or homophones, are words and word forms with different meanings having the same sound but different letter designation in writing: (campaign - company, novel - Roman)

Graphic homonyms, or homographs, are words and word forms with different meanings that differ from each other in sound only by the place of stress: castle - castle - words of a homophonic nature; road-road, my-my - homoform words.

Paronyms are words with different spellings that have a very close, but still non-identical pronunciation (count-report, round-rout, dawn-bloom).

Reasons for the appearance of homonyms, homophones, etc.: in connection with the emergence of new words and forms on the basis of already existing material(critical from criticism, crisis from crisis); borrowed words from other languages ​​- foreign language influence in the field of semantics (note - music, note - in diplomatic relations); in connection with sound processes and the phonetic change in the sound structure of RY (Staroslav. LUK - a plant, LZhK - a weapon)


From the point of view of the morphological structure, homonyms are divided into root (club, gender - mostly nouns) and derivatives (characteristic of verbs or formed from verbal nouns - pull, wallet).

Homonyms in particular use are divided into real (the same area of ​​use - gender, alloy) and potential (different areas of use, do not occur together in speech, bar - restaurant and bar - a unit of pressure).

The use of homonyms enriches speech communication, serves as an additional means of stylistic equipment of the text; they are used to construct puns.

" of Greek origin and is translated as "opposite".

Antonyms are words with the opposite meaning, expressing it with the help of paradigmatic connections.

Antonyms are a very interesting phenomenon of the language, because in the mind of a person are stored in the form of an antonymic pair.

Despite the fact that antonyms are opposed to each other by all their content, their semantic structure is extremely homogeneous. As a rule, antonyms differ in one differential feature.

For example, a pair of antonyms "-" has common semantic features (quality, mood) and only one differential (positive and negative mood).

Due to the homogeneity of the semantic structure, antonyms have almost completely matching compatibility.

Types of antonyms

There are 2 types of antonyms:

1) multi-rooted and single-rooted.

One-root antonyms usually form a non-prefixed and a prefixed word. Examples: friend - foe; bad - not bad; enter - exit; come - walk away.

Different root antonyms are completely different in their external appearance. Examples: stale - fresh; life death.

2) gradual, nongradual and vector antonyms.

Gradual antonyms express the opposite, which implies the existence between two extreme points intermediate steps. Examples: brilliant - talented - gifted - average abilities - mediocre - mediocre; - capable - sensible - not stupid - average abilities - stupid - limited - stupid - stupid.

Non-gradual antonyms are concepts between which there is not and cannot be an intermediate degree. Examples: true - false; alive - dead; free - busy; married - single.

Vector antonyms denote the opposite direction of actions, features, qualities and properties. Examples: forget - remember; increase - decrease; supporter - opponent.

Antonyms. Antonym types. Antonymy and polysemy. Stylistic functions antonyms (antithesis, antiphrasis, amphithesis, asteism, oxymoron, etc.). Enantiosemy. Dictionaries of antonyms

Antonyms- Words with opposite meanings.

The ability of words to enter into opposite relationships is called antonymy.

Antonym types:

  • Contradictory (gradual): such opposites that mutually complement each other to the whole, without transitional links; they are in relation to the privative opposition. Examples: bad - good, false - true, alive - dead.
  • · Contrary (nongradual): antonyms expressing polar opposites within one essence in the presence of transitional links - internal gradation; they are in relation to the gradual opposition. Examples: black (- gray -) white, old (- elderly - middle-aged -) young, large (- medium -) small.
  • Conversive (vector): antonyms expressing different directions of actions, signs, social phenomena etc. Examples: enter - exit, descend - rise, light - extinguish, revolution - counter-revolution.

The words antonyms have a certain commonality of compatibility. This is a linguistic feature of antonymous words.

The close relationship of antonymy with polysemy emphasizes the systemic nature of the relations of lexical units, their interdependence and interdependence, while maintaining, however, each of the phenomena of its distinctive features.

Depending on the distinctive features possessed by words with opposite meanings, general language and occasional antonyms can be distinguished.

Language antonyms characterized beside crap:

  • 1) socially conscious systemic relations;
  • 2) stable belonging to a certain lexico-grammatical paradigm;
  • 3) the regularity of reproduction in the same syntagmatic conditions;
  • 4) fixation in the vocabulary;
  • 5) relatively stable stylistic affiliation and stylistic essence.

Occasional antonyms include, for example: fun - sadness, promotion - retraction, love - lack of love.

Main function antonyms- an expression of the opposite, which is inherent in their semantics and does not depend on the context.

The opposite function can be used for different stylistic purposes:

  • 1. To indicate the limit of manifestation of quality, properties, relationships, actions;
  • 2. To update the statement or enhance the image, impression, etc.;
  • 3. To express an assessment of the opposite properties of objects, actions, etc.;
  • 4. For the approval of two opposite properties, qualities, actions;
  • 5. To approve one of the opposed signs, actions or phenomena real life by denying the other;
  • 6. To recognize some intermediate, intermediate quality, property, etc., possible or approved between two words opposite in meaning.

One of the stylistic figures, the antithesis ( Knowledge human elevates, a ignorance - humiliates). Other stylistic device, which is based on a comparison of antonymic meanings, is an oxymoron. It consists in a combination of words expressing logically incompatible concepts, sharply contradicting in meaning and mutually excluding each other ( Cold boiling water, alive dead body). Sometimes there is a deliberate use in the text of one antonym instead of another. This technique is often resorted to by modern journalists ("Bureau malicious services", "Olympic anxiety"). This technique is based on the use of a special stylistic figure known since ancient times - antiphrase, i.e. the use of a word or expression in the opposite sense.

enantiosemy- the presence of opposite meanings in the structure of the word. Examples: to lend money to someone - to borrow money from someone, to surround with tea - to treat and not to treat.

Dictionaries of antonyms.

For a long time there were no special dictionaries of antonyms of the Russian language. In 1971, two dictionaries of antonyms were published. In the "Dictionary of Antonyms of the Russian Language" L.A. Vvedenskaya explained 862 antonymic pairs. All interpretations are provided with numerous, very convincing examples from works that differ in style. The second edition of this dictionary was published in 1982. In the dictionary N.P. Kolesnikov included many terms that exist in pairs. In 1978, the "Dictionary of Antonyms of the Russian Language" by M.R. Lvov (under the editorship of L.A. Novikov). The dictionary contains almost 2 thousand antonymic pairs of words. The interpretation of their meanings is given through the citation of phrases with these words and examples in the texts.

In 1980, M. Lvov's School Dictionary of Antonyms of the Russian Language was published. The dictionary explains over 500 pairs of the most common antonyms.

In addition to synonyms and homonyms, antonymy is associated with polysemy. Lexical antonyms (from Greek anti - against, edge - name) are words that are opposite in meaning. Antonymy is built on the opposition of correlative concepts: friend - enemy, bitter - sweet, easy - difficult. The antonymic series consists of words belonging to the same part of speech. Both significant parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.) and service parts (for example, prepositions: in - from, over - under, with - without, etc.) enter into antonymic relations. However, only those words enter into antonymic relations, in lexical meaning which have the following shades of quality: 1) size, color, taste: large - small, white - black, bitter - sweet; 2) emotional condition: love - hate, joy - sadness; 3) emotional action: upset - rejoice. Also, words that denote temporal and spatial relationships enter into antonymic connections: yesterday - today, ahead - behind, there - here, east - west, north - south, etc. Words with a specific objective meaning, used in the direct, and not in figurative meaning(camel, house, standing, etc.) cannot have antonyms. Dont Have
antonyms proper names, numerals, pain-
most pronouns.
By structure, antonyms are divided into two main groups:
  1. one-root antonyms: luck - failure; active - inactive; come - go, etc .; 2) heterogeneous antonyms: poverty - luxury; active - passive; blame, defend, etc.
Antonymy is closely related to polysemy and synonymy. A polysemantic word can be included in different antonymic rows. So, empty: empty briefcase - full; an empty person is meaningful; empty rumor - justified; empty business - serious.
In modern Russian, there are also contextual antonyms that enter into antonymic relations only in a certain context. Antonyms of this kind can have different grammatical forms, belonging to the same part of speech, or refer to different parts speech, while differing stylistically. These stylistic differences are not reflected in dictionaries, for example: ... I am stupid, and you are smart, lively, and I am dumbfounded (M. Tsvetaeva). Antonymy underlies an oxymoron - a combination of words (most often an adjective and a noun) that are opposite in meaning, for example: fresh air it smelled of the bitter sweetness of an autumn morning (I. Bunin); And I didn’t go crazy, but you turn out to be a smart fool (M. Sholokhov).
The functional use and expressive possibilities of antonyms are varied. Antonyms are most often used in the text in pairs, expressing a wide variety of shades of meaning and meaning - comparison, opposition, etc. For example: Words can cry and laugh, Order, pray and conjure (B. Pasternak). For the same purposes, antonyms are used in many proverbs and sayings of Russian folklore: Where is the smart sorrow, the fool is fun; A good rope is long, and speech is short; Do not run away from the good, but do not do the bad.
Antonyms are the basis for creating an antithesis - a turn of poetic speech, in which, to enhance expressiveness, directly opposite concepts, thoughts, character traits of the characters are sharply opposed: They converged. Wave and stone, Poetry and prose, ice and fire Not so different from each other... (A. Pushkin). Sometimes, antonyms are used in the titles of literary works, indicating that structural basis The work is a contrast - an antithesis in the broad sense of the word, woven into the fabric of the narrative: the epic novel "War and Peace" JI. N. Tolstoy; the novel "The Living and the Dead" by K. M. Simonov; the story "Days and Nights" by K. M. Simonov.


  1. Antonymy. The concept of antonyms. Antonym types. Antonyms are usual and contextual.
  2. Paronymy and paronomasia. Stylistic functions of paronyms. Dictionaries of paronyms. Antonyms, types of antonyms. Oxymoron.