What glue to use for acrylic wallpaper. Acrylic wallpaper: what is it and how to “deal with it” How to glue acrylic-coated wallpaper

Acrylic has been widely used in construction for a long time - it is also a good sealant-putty for floor coverings, and glue, and paint, and decorative plasters, putty, and much, much more. Moreover, the scope of use of this material is constantly expanding - the latest innovation using acrylic is wallpaper. According to manufacturers, they are quite capable of replacing their structural counterparts made of weak vinyl foam. Compared to them, acrylic wallpapers have a lot of advantages - we will deal with them in this article, in which, together with the site, we will study their features - we will get acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages, varieties and gluing technology.

Acrylic wallpaper on paper photo

Acrylic wallpaper: advantages and disadvantages

By and large, if we compare vinyl and acrylic, then the latter wallpapers have quite a lot of advantages, which are expressed as operational characteristics, and in some beneficial properties. If we talk only about the main advantages that acrylic-coated wallpaper has, then the following points can be highlighted among them.

And this is not all the advantages of this finishing material - among the smaller ones we can mention quite high strength, low weight, which in itself eliminates the need to use strong adhesives, as well as simple technology gluing that everyone can handle. As for the disadvantages, the only thing that can be highlighted is their ability to attract dust, which is due to the deep structure of the wallpaper. In principle, this can be tolerated, taking into account the high aesthetic characteristics of this coating.

Types of acrylic wallpaper and their features

Another disadvantage of this material (not very significant) is the small number of varieties. There are only two of them, but this in no way means that the choice is limited - here it’s just the opposite. There are few specific types, but the variety of colors, shades and structures, as they say, is great.

That's all. All other types of acrylic wallpaper are determined by the structure (in most cases it is a drop different sizes) and a drawing, which can have both abstraction and complete decoration. By the way, the simplest and cheapest acrylic wallpaper has a pattern in the form of a multi-colored drop - having a hopper (special spray bottle) on hand, such a drop can be applied directly to the wall, and it will cost even less than buying such wallpaper. Naturally, if you do not hire a master for this work.

Paper wallpaper with acrylic spraying photo

How to glue acrylic wallpaper: features of working with them

As you understand, the two subtypes of acrylic wallpaper described above have several various technologies gluing - the difference is due to the properties of the base, which all finishing craftsmen are familiar with. But these are not the only subtleties and nuances associated with decorating walls with acrylic wallpaper - there are not so many such nuances. As they say, one, two and miscalculated.

In principle, these are all the so-called subtleties. In all other respects, the technology for gluing acrylic wallpaper is no different from applying other types of wallpaper to the wall. This is the same process of leveling the walls, the same, the same vertical for gluing the first strip and the same principle of joining the canvases. In general, nothing unusual or super complicated.

To conclude the topic about acrylic wallpaper, there is only one thing left to add - to say a few words about proper care behind this decorative coating for walls. It should be understood that proper care means the service life is at least twice as long. Caring for such wallpaper is not very problematic. As mentioned above, such wallpapers do not tolerate abrasive treatment - they love a soft, damp cloth. Although we mentioned above that you can use detergents, it’s still better not to do this - if you replace them with regular laundry soap, then the cleaning efficiency will not be affected.

Acrylic wallpaper is optimal combination prices and quality. The material has a lot in common with vinyl sheets and, in fact, is their analogue, but they differ in technical specifications. Acrylic foam applied to the base forms a soft, noticeable relief, which in dim light creates a play of shadows. A variety of colors allows you to choose the option that best suits the style and purpose of the room.

What is acrylic wallpaper?

The material is a two-layer coating, paper or vinyl and acrylic. Foamed acrylic is applied to a paper base using a dot method, according to the same principle as for vinyl wallpaper. As a result, an airy, breathable relief pattern is formed on the surface. Polymer coating safe for interior decoration premises, acrylic does not emit harmful substances.

Main differences from vinyl

Acrylic wallpapers are similar in characteristics and production method to vinyl ones. However, they still have some differences.

  • Acrylic and vinyl coatings have different thickness top layer, for vinyl it is 4 mm, for acrylic only two. This fact affects the wear resistance of the coating.
  • Acrylic coating has a lower cost,
  • Acrylic wallpaper has less moisture resistance.

Pros and cons

Like anyone finishing material, acrylic coating has its disadvantages and advantages. By comparing all the characteristics of the material and the room, you can make a decision regarding this type of finishing.

Types and characteristics

Paper based

Eco-friendly material. Canvases with paper base can be used to decorate a children's room and bedroom. At the same time, this type is the least durable and the service life of the coating is low. When pasting, the adhesive is applied to the surface of the walls and to a section of wallpaper, after which they are immediately combined. Paper does not interact well with liquids, so finishing work must be done consistently and quickly.

Non-woven base

Acrylic wallpaper on a non-woven base is stronger than paper wallpaper. The elastic first layer is durable and can withstand even a crack formed in the wall. Non-woven wallpaper is easier to glue; it does not need to be accurately measured, as with the paper type; the remainder is cut off after pasting.

Liquid wallpaper

Liquid acrylic wallpaper is presented in original form dry mixture, which is diluted with glue before work. The surface after application has no seams and looks like plaster. In order to ensure maximum adhesion of the surfaces, the walls must be primed before applying the material. This procedure also helps to avoid mold and mildew.

In the photo, the attic has been converted into a children's room. Wall decoration completed liquid wallpaper with acrylic coating in light colors.

Pasting acrylic wallpaper

What glue should I use?

The fundamental difference between gluing acrylic, paper or vinyl wallpaper No. They all “sit” on the glue on a previously prepared surface. The glue that is intended for vinyl wallpaper is suitable, but it would be better to choose the one recommended by the manufacturer, since it will take into account all the nuances of the material.

Step by step instructions

The work of gluing acrylic wallpaper is carried out in several stages. It does not have any fundamental differences with other wallpapers or individual difficulties. For the best result, it is necessary to close all windows, doors and get rid of drafts in the apartment until the walls are completely dry.


Care instructions and cleaning

Any surface in the house requires periodic maintenance, as dust settles on them, albeit without obvious visual signs. Walls are no exception. Acrylic coating has some care features, just like any other. By following the simplest care rules, the service life of acrylic canvases can be extended, and appearance preserve in its original form.

  • Acrylic coating “does not tolerate” abrasive cleaners and rough brushes,
  • cleaning is performed with gentle, gentle movements,
  • for preventive purposes, it is enough to walk with a soft brush or dry cloth,
  • This is not washable wallpaper, but for wet cleaning you can use a damp soft cloth,
  • water, or rather a sponge soaked in it, will help get rid of the stain,
  • For “difficult” stains, you can use special liquids for acrylic surfaces.

Photos in the interior

Acrylic wallpaper will look harmonious in the interior of any room; its texture and unpretentious relief will become good design for classic and modern design.

The photo shows a bedroom decorated with acrylic wallpaper painted in powder color.

The ability to paint the surface allows you to choose the perfect tone. Acrylic wallpaper will look good in the interior of any room.

The environmental friendliness of the material allows it to be used in any room, and therefore in a children's room.

When choosing wallpaper, the question of its wear resistance often arises. One acceptable option is acrylic wallpaper.

The material is a paper (non-woven) base, onto which a layer of acrylic foam is sprayed. It has a thickness of about 2 mm (as opposed to 4 mm for vinyl wallpaper) and forms a kind of relief pattern.

Pros and cons of acrylic wallpaper

The acrylic application method ensures breathability of the wallpaper. The question about the dangers of acrylic wallpaper has a clear answer - no. None toxic substances polymer layer does not emit, and due to the ability of this coating to “breathe”, it can be used both for children’s rooms and for living rooms and bedrooms.

To be sure that the material is safe, do not forget when purchasing check the quality certificate. Counterfeits may disappoint you.

There are other advantages:

  • affordable price
  • water resistance
    The surface can be washed, but should be protected from excessive moisture.
  • wear resistance
    resistant to mechanical damage, therefore they are often used if there are children and animals in the house. You can read about other ways to protect walls by following this link http://roomia.ru/gazeta/news/837_kak_zashhitit_steny_ot_domashnikh_pitomcev.
  • relief design and wide choice colors that allow the material to be used in various interiors.

The disadvantages include:

  • shorter service life than vinyl wallpaper;
    This is explained by a decrease in the thickness of the top layer
  • vulnerability to high humidity;
    Therefore, wallpaper requires care when washing and should not be used in rooms with excessive humidity.

How to glue acrylic wallpaper

Adhesive for acrylic wallpaper it is better to use the same one that is designed for vinyl or paper coverings.

If you intend to use several types of material, you can choose universal glue.

Gluing acrylic wallpaper is done in the usual way:

  • preparation of the base;
    the wall should be cleaned of the old coating, degreased and leveled with putty.
  • priming walls;
    The primer is selected according to the type of base.
  • preparation of canvases;
    the roll is cut into the required number of sheets, taking into account the height of the surface to be pasted and adding 4-5 cm of margin.
  • applying glue;
    After application, the glue must be absorbed, for which the finished canvases are left to lie on a flat surface for several minutes
  • gluing to the wall.
    The canvases are glued end-to-end, starting from the window or from the corner of the room. For control, you can draw a vertical line along which the edge is aligned.

It is better to apply the canvas to the wall along the entire height at once, so it is advisable for this work have a partner.

Smooth out wrinkles and formed bubbles from the center to the edges. The excess from the bottom and top is cut off.

Some nuances of how to glue acrylic wallpaper on paper or non-woven backing are discussed in the video clip:

In addition, care must be taken to ensure that there are no drafts in the room for a couple of days while the wallpaper is drying.

Caring for acrylic wallpaper

You don't need any special skills to clean acrylic wallpaper. It is enough to follow a few rules:

  • Clean with a well-wrung out damp sponge;
  • do not use abrasives;
  • Do not apply much force when washing, so as not to damage the surface.

It is enough to wash the acrylic surface once every three years.

Acrylic has established itself as an excellent component in a huge number of construction and finishing materials, including adhesives, plasters, paints, putties, and various sealants. In addition, it is used in the manufacture of plumbing fixtures. An interesting option Acrylic wallpaper has become its application, but not everyone knows what kind of wall coverings they are.

Structurally, this is an analogue of vinyl wall coverings, except that acrylic coating is used for the decorative layer. Therefore, they can be found on store shelves as acrylic vinyl wallpaper.

Types and characteristics of acrylic wallpaper

The process of making canvases with acrylic is almost identical to the production of vinyl. It consists of a spot application of acrylic polymer onto the base. The blanks go through a stage of high-temperature exposure, as a result of which acrylic, like polyvinyl chloride, foams and forms a beautiful relief.

Externally, the canvas is a surface dotted with many point swellings. Structurally, wallpaper with acrylic coating consists of two layers - a base and a decorative layer. Depending on the type of base, two groups are distinguished:

Acrylic paper wallpaper

This happens as a result of prolonged contact of the wallpaper with the moist adhesive environment. Moreover, water has a detrimental effect not only on the paper base, but also on the spraying elements. Therefore, freshly coated paper acrylic wallpaper with glue should be immediately glued to the wall.

This material has many advantages. This means a longer service life and less exposure to impacts. At the same time, non-woven fabric is an excellent reinforcing base.