How to craft a battle ax in Minecraft. How to make an ax in Minecraft? Which ax is better

An ax in Minecraft can be enchanted, and you can also make it yourself.

Using an ax in Minecraft

The ax is used to mine planks, fences, chests, cabinets and workbenches. In addition to extracting wood and wooden objects, the ax can also be used as a weapon. It is this resource that will deal damage to your enemy along with all other items. If you don’t have a bow or sword at hand, then an ax will do. The ax can also be enchanted using an enchanted book on “Scourge of Arthropods”, “Acuity” or “Heavenly Punishment”.

At the very beginning of the game, you can only make a wooden ax, and then all other types.

Types of axes

In the game "Minecraft" stand out the following types axes: wooden, iron, stone, diamond and gold. Remember that a wooden ax can make only 60 blows, a stone ax can deliver 132 blows, an iron ax can deliver 251 blows, a golden ax can deliver the fewest blows (33 blows), and a diamond ax is the most durable: it can deliver 1,562 blows. When using an axe, keep in mind that air strikes will also count.

Crafting an ax

Making an ax in Minecraft is quite simple. To do this you will need: beams (2 units), as well as boards (3 units) or stones, iron, diamond, gold, depending on the type of ax. Arrange your available resources as follows and make the appropriate type of axe.

For easier extraction of boards, wood, fences, workbenches, bookcases and chests are used auxiliary tool- axe. And although its use is not a mandatory process, any player should know how to make an ax in Minecraft. If you don’t have a sword at hand, any ax can become a very good weapon for attacking and striking.

Important: the ax is a renewable resource and can be enchanted.

How to make an ax in Minecraft

Crafting an ax in the game is not a complicated process. It occurs in the ratio of 3 resources to 2 sticks. As auxiliary material(resource) can be used: iron ingots, planks, cobblestones, gold ingots or diamonds. Depending on the material used, the result is: iron, wood, stone, gold or diamond axe.

What is an ax for?

An ax is used to speed up the extraction of objects from wood and the tree itself. Using an axe, unlike a pickaxe, does not affect the extraction of firewood: for example, if you break boards with your hand, boards will also fall out of them. Despite the fact that purchasing an ax seems rather mediocre, using it in action can significantly save game time.

The greatest benefit from using an ax is expressed in the long term, since many elements extracted with an ax ( wood slabs, fences, boards, wood) also quickly break simply by hand. In Minecraft, a wooden ax can be specified by pressing the wand command.

The ax is also used as a weapon. After the sword and bow, they can deal the most damage. Using an enchanted book, the ax can be enchanted with "Heavenly Punishment", "Arthropod Scourge" or "Acuity". An ax is not effective for blocking blows, but if you don’t have a sword, it’s perfect for striking. Crafting an axe, unlike crafting a sword, will require more materials. Hits made with an ax count as two uses in the game.

In addition, the ax is a renewable resource, i.e. it can be obtained and created an infinite number of times. If it runs out in one place, you need to look for it in another. However, a wooden ax can be crafted from grown trees, which eliminates the need to go to an unfamiliar place in search of a resource.

Ax type and strength

Every separate species The ax is designed for a certain number of blows. If a wooden ax can only be used 60 times, then a diamond ax can be used 1562 times. Stone ax designed for 132 uses, gold only for 33 strikes, while iron is more practical in this regard - 251 uses.

Ax in our real life- this is a tool for cutting down trees, and it is also a weapon of a real Russian man. Probably, if our compatriots had invented Minecraft, the ax would have been the coolest item in the game.

Purely Russian instrument

In Minecraft, wood is one of the most popular building materials. You need a lot of it. Therefore, this tool is used in the game, most often, precisely so that you, crafters, are not so tired when producing fences, boards, bookcases, chests, workbenches and in general wooden products. But, please note, the ax is needed precisely to facilitate their extraction, since, in principle, it is not at all necessary to use it.

If we compare the “Russian peasant’s weapon,” for example, with a pickaxe in Minecraft, then the former has no effect on receiving drops. You can break, say, boards with your bare hand, and in return you will still get fallen boards. But, if you calculate the amount of time saved thanks to the ax (when extracting wooden objects), then the value of this tool will instantly become clear.

But a cleaver in Minecraft is, so you know, not only a valuable fur, but also (attention, Russo man!) a very good weapon. The damage that can be done to them is the greatest. But, really, the bow and sword don’t count. After all, this is a “professional” weapon. In addition, you won’t be able to block enemy attacks with an ax in Minecraft. But otherwise, a wonderful marquise...

Let's watch a short video from our channel:

Yes, we forgot to say. If you attach an ax to the handle of a rake, you can craft just a super-duper-mega mower of all kinds of mobs. By placing such a miracle of weaponry near the door of your home, rest assured that your sleep will be serene. The enemy will not pass. All that remains is to find a rake and... a sense of humor so that you understand that this is just a joke :)

In Minecraft, enchanting an ax is allowed. Taking an enchanted book as an assistant, the formidable favorite of the Russians can be enchanted, for example, with “Heavenly Punishment”, “Witness” or (what is the name!) “Scourge of Arthropods”.

How is this done? "Device" of the ax

Now, finally, we will tell you about how to make an ax in Minecraft. Like, for example, a sword (we talked about it in the article on how to make a sword in Minecraft), the game allows you to make several types of it. If you wish, you can craft an ax:

  • Wooden. This is the simplest variety. The safety margin is enough for 60 strokes. It's not much, but it's a piece of cake.
  • Stone. This one is stronger and more brutal. It's enough for you to apply 132 strokes in Minecraft.
  • Iron. Iron is iron and you can swing such a weapon 251 times before its strength runs out.
  • Gold. This is the most glamorous axe. But it is also the least durable. 33 - This is exactly the number of blows it is designed for. Not thick at all. But all the girls in Minecraft will be yours.
  • Diamond. Well, this is, of course, the strongest tomahawk. Using it for its intended purpose, the most important thing is not to run out of strength ahead of time, since it lasts for as long as 1562 hits. Everything is already at your feet: both girls and enemies.

Having gained an idea of ​​the materials from which the cleaver is crafted, it’s time to start making it. To make a wooden hatchet in Minecraft, you need to take two sticks(read about them in the article on how to make a stick in Minecraft) and three boards, and then place them in the crafting area exactly as you can see in the picture.

This tool in Minecraft can be made in a similar way from other materials. Only instead of boards you need to use the appropriate materials: cobblestones, iron or gold bars and diamonds. Two sticks are present in all cases. It will not be idle talk to note that crafting an ax requires more material than crafting a sword. So, if you don’t have enough items, you can be a sword bearer.

So you have learned how to craft an ax in Minecraft. Don't forget to chop some wood.

If you want to succeed in Minecraft, then you should think about finding out as much as possible in a variety of ways creating useful things. For high-quality and incredibly useful items, there are very complex recipes. Sometimes it’s just not possible to find them - you can spend a lot of time on this. So start simple. For example, every Minecraft player will need a simple but very useful item that you will need at any stage of the process. Next you will learn how to make an ax in Minecraft and what it is for.

Resource extraction

You must constantly search for resources in this game. Wherever you go and whatever goal you pursue, always try to grab one or another along the way. The most common, but at the same time one of the most important objects in the game, is a tree. You can get it using any items, but the speed and productivity will be depressing.

If you want to receive large number wood in short periods of time, which, of course, will be very useful to you, it is recommended to assemble an ax. But how to make an ax in Minecraft? What does this require? In fact, everything is much simpler than it might seem at first, since you will need the same type of resources.

What do you need?

The creation of any item in Minecraft begins with the selection of the necessary components. If you're making something as simple as an axe, you can rest assured that you'll need a maximum of two types of materials. IN in this case these are iron ingots and also sticks. The latter, as you know, are made from wood, so the ax will be very useful to you, because not only this object is made with the help of sticks - picks, shovels, hoes and many other things require the presence of pieces of wood from which handles will be created. Therefore, before you start crafting, make sure that you have three iron ingots and two sticks - this is exactly the amount of resources needed to start crafting.

However, this does not answer the question of how to make an ax in Minecraft. This is a game in which you can't just mix all the ingredients - you need to arrange them in in the right order to get the right result. To find out the secret of how to make an ax in Minecraft, you are invited to try various ways placement of components in the crafting field.

The right recipe

If you don’t want to experiment, then you can always use the tips of other players. Many people write about how to get an ax in Minecraft, but this information is not always reliable. To begin with, if you still want to leave an element of mystery and discovery, you can use the hint that it is necessary to arrange the components of an item during crafting so that the result resembles what should happen. If this doesn’t help you, you can simply place the ingredients in a specific order: place the iron ingots on the upper left edge, that is, in the first and second upper and first middle slots. As for the sticks, they need to be placed in the central middle and central lower slots. This is the correct method for making an axe.


However, not everyone wants to make an item that will have an iron blade. It's so boring and it's not real life, and "Minecraft". How to make a wooden ax? This is already more interesting question. The answer to it is very simple - you just need to replace three iron ingots with three boards, and you will get an ax with a wooden blade, no matter how strange it may sound. Moreover, you can use some other materials to change not only the color of the blade, but also its properties. In addition to wooden and iron axes, you can make stone, gold or diamond. Naturally, in all three cases you will need to replace iron ingots with cobblestones, gold ingots and diamonds respectively. Of course, the material from which the ax is made affects its characteristics, but first of all, it pleases your eye, and this is the most important thing.

What will this give you?

First of all, it is worth highlighting its main function, that is, the extraction of wood - one of the most important materials in Minecraft. Wooden ax(or from other materials) significantly increases the production speed. If you want to receive three or four times more wood, spending half the time on it, then you should definitely get this useful product. Moreover, it can serve not only as a tool, but also as a weapon. Naturally, you should not delude yourself and think that you can combine both purposes in an ax - the damage that this item inflicts on the enemy is extremely low. But at the same time, it is better to fight with it than with your bare hands, so such a thing can become a good means of self-defense in emergency situations.

Forget about using an ax as a full-fledged weapon - you can find or craft dozens of other specialized objects for this.

Which is better?

Even if you have to go somewhere without a weapon, you should always have an ax with you in order to stock up on some wood (it is never superfluous) and also to repel random attacks. And for this you can enchant it.

"Minecraft 1. 5. 2." - how to make an ax in this game? Often this question fades into the background, since everyone already knows the recipe. It's much more interesting to learn how to cast a spell on it. Sharpness, Celestial Smite, and Arthropod Scourge all increase damage, but the last two are against specific classes of creatures.