Responsibilities of a beauty salon administrator. Job responsibilities of an office administrator

Administrator job description- an instruction indicating the range of assignments, responsibilities, and work that must be performed by a person holding a given position in an enterprise or firm.


────────────────────────────── (job title)

00.00.0000 N 000

───────── ───────────────────

(signature) (initials, surname)

General provisions

1.1. The administrator belongs to the category of specialists.

1.2. A person with a secondary education is accepted for the position of administrator vocational education without presenting requirements for work experience or initial vocational education and work experience in the specialty of at least 2 years. (Job description for administrator sample)

1.3. The administrator must know:

1.4. The administrator in his activities is guided by:

  • Charter (Regulations) ________________________________________________;
  • this job description;
  • _____________________________________________________________________

1.5. The administrator reports directly ________________________ (name of the manager's position).

1.6. During the absence of the administrator(vacation, illness, etc.) his duties are performed by an employee appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for failure to fulfill or improper performance of the duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement.

1.7. ___________________________________________________________________.


2.1. Providing efficient and cultural service to visitors.

2.2. Security control material assets.

Job responsibilities

A The administrator performs the following duties:

3.1. Carries out work on effective and cultural service to visitors, creating comfortable conditions for them.

3.2. Provides control over the safety of material assets.

3.3. Consults visitors on issues related to the services provided.

3.4. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

3.5. Considers complaints related to unsatisfactory service to visitors, carries out the necessary organizational and technical measures.

3.6. Exercises control for the appropriate design of the premises, monitors the placement, updating and condition of advertising inside the premises and on the building. (Job description for administrator sample)

3.7. Provides cleanliness and order in the premises and in the area adjacent to it or the building.

3.8. Monitors compliance by subordinate employees with labor and production discipline, labor protection rules and regulations, industrial sanitation and hygiene requirements.

3.9. Informs management organizations about existing shortcomings in serving visitors and measures taken to eliminate them.

3.10. Ensures that employees comply with the instructions of the enterprise management.

3.11. ________________________________________________________________ (other duties).


A The administrator has the right:

4.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the organization's management. (Job description for administrator sample)

4.2. In agreement with the immediate supervisor, involve other employees in solving the tasks assigned to him.

4.3. Request and receive from other employees structural divisions necessary information and documents.

4.4. Participate in discussions of issues related to the duties performed.

4.5. Require the organization's management to provide assistance in the performance of official duties.

4.6. _________________________________________________________________ (other rights).


5.1. The administrator is held accountable:

  • - for improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation Russian Federation; (Job description for administrator sample)
  • - for offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • - for causing material damage - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. ___________________________________________________________________.

Final provisions

6.1. This job description has been developed based onQualification characteristics of the position “Administrator” (Unifiedqualification directory of positions of managers, specialists andemployees. Section "General industry qualification characteristics positionsworkers employed at enterprises, institutions and organizations,”approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social DevelopmentRussian Federation dated August 21, 1998 N 37), _________________________________(details of other actsand documents). (Job description for administrator sample)

6.2. Familiarization of the employee with this job descriptioncarried out upon hiring (before signing an employment contract).The fact that the employee has read this job descriptionconfirmed by ____________________________________________________________ (signed on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part ofpart of this instruction (in the log of familiarization with officialinstructions); in a copy of the job description storedat the employer; in another way). (Job description for administrator sample)

6.3. ___________________________________________________________________.

Sample documents

© Job description for administrator sample

The beauty salon administrator is the first person with whom visitors and potential clients communicate. This is the face of the entire company, whose professionalism and competence largely determine whether a person chooses this salon or prefers another. In addition to communicating with visitors, the administrator’s responsibilities include organizing the work of the salon’s main employees - hairdressers, manicurists, and makeup artists.

The administrator must be able to win over the visitor, help him choose suitable procedures, determine the time of the appointment, perform cash settlements. If conflict situations arise in the salon, it is the administrator who must try to smooth them out and eliminate them.

And, although today the labor market is oversaturated, many beauty salon managers complain that it is quite difficult to find competent and competent administrators.

Having spent huge amounts of money on designer renovations, equipment and advertising the salon, but without finding a professional administrator, all efforts may be in vain. That is why organized and responsible administrators in many salons are worth their weight in gold.

Administrator requirements

Beauty salon administrator is a predominantly female profession. Most often, the age of specialists occupying this position ranges from 20 to 40 years. Pleasant, well-groomed appearance is one of the conditions for employment.

In addition, a person applying for the position of administrator must:

  • understand the specifics of the work of salon employees (hairdressers, cosmetologists and other specialists);
  • know the list and specifics of services provided in the salon;
  • understand cosmetics and beauty treatments;
  • be able to organize the work of the salon team;
  • know the basics of ethics and psychology;
  • have communication skills and stress resistance;
  • be able to work with a computer and other office equipment.

The skills of conducting marketing campaigns and events can be useful in the work of an administrator. Having work experience will add additional benefits candidate for the corresponding vacant position.

No special education is required for this position.

However, medical education or cosmetologist courses can help the administrator quickly understand the intricacies of the salon, and therefore explain these intricacies to clients.

Responsibilities of a beauty salon administrator

The beauty salon administrator is required to perform the following functions:

  • advise salon visitors on the services provided and related products;
  • register clients with salon specialists, maintain internal documentation;

  • control the safety of the salon’s material assets;
  • fulfill organizational events aimed at eliminating the reasons that served as the basis for customer complaints;
  • maintain cleanliness and order in the salon and surrounding areas;
  • exercise control over employees' compliance with labor discipline, labor protection standards, and safety rules;
  • inform management about problematic issues in the salon;
  • prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

In some cases, administrators may perform other functions: survey visitors, display products in display cases, sell care products, and organize promotions.

Some features of the work

The administrator, as a rule, receives a fixed salary and a percentage - from the total revenue of the salon and from personal sales. The working hours are mainly as follows: two working days and two days off, working hours are 12 hours. With this graph, the average wages in the regions of Russia is 25 thousand rubles.

In order to be able to perform all of the above functions, the administrator must thoroughly know all the nuances of the salon’s work and understand the laws of behavior of consumers of goods and services.

In addition, he must be guided by the principle of the client’s categorical correctness.

In just a few minutes, a good administrator manages to win over the visitor, obtain information about his preferences, form the right opinion about the salon and, most importantly, convince him to use the services provided. Knowledge alone is not enough for this: it requires work for results, which largely depends on the desire of the specialist to make a personal contribution to the common cause.

Thus, being an administrator is a kind of art. What is important here is a person’s sincere desire to be useful, to help clients, and to pay attention to detail. A talented administrator sets an example for other employees who will look up to him. And this, in turn, increases the number of regular clients of the salon and strengthens the position of the salon.

Job description structure for a beauty salon administrator

A job description for a beauty salon administrator is developed by an employee of the human resources department or a person responsible for labor protection, after which the document is submitted for approval to the administrator's immediate supervisor. The final version of the instructions is approved by the head of the organization, and the employee reads it and signs it.

This document usually consists of four sections.

  1. General provisions
    Here it is advisable to indicate the name of the administrator’s position in accordance with that accepted at the enterprise staffing table, issues of employee subordination and options for replacing him with other employees in the event of absence. You can also specify in this section the requirements for the administrator and the procedure for his appointment and dismissal.
  2. Job responsibilities

    Depending on the specifics of the beauty salon and the presence of assistants or other administrators, the employee’s responsibilities may vary. The most common ones are:

    • ensuring work to create conditions for effective service to visitors;
    • consultation of visitors;
    • taking measures to prevent conflict situations;
    • making an appointment and providing contact information about the salon technicians;
    • Ensuring cleanliness and order in the salon premises.
  3. Rights
    The salon administrator is endowed with a set of rights that he needs to properly fulfill his duties. labor responsibilities. In particular, he has the right:
    • require subordinates to strictly comply with instructions;
    • get acquainted with management orders related to the activities of the administrator;
    • report to your boss about any shortcomings identified in your work and suggest ways to solve problems.
  4. Responsibility
    This section lists the types of liability to which an employee may be held in the event of failure to perform or improper performance of job duties. We are usually talking about disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability.

    For reference: if changes are expected to be made to the administrator’s job description, the employee must be familiarized with the draft in advance and signed. Otherwise, they will not have legal force.

It's just general description job description structure for a beauty salon administrator. The contents of the document may vary depending on the wishes of management and the presence/absence of specifics in the employee’s work.

Job responsibilities of a beauty salon administrator

Due to the fact that the work of a salon administrator involves a fairly wide range of responsibilities, since the employee actually becomes its manager and is responsible for the entire work process, we will analyze in detail the section of the job description dedicated to the employee’s responsibilities.

All job responsibilities of a beauty salon administrator can be divided into several groups:

  1. Working with clients. This part deals with the employee’s readiness for the appearance of a visitor, as well as what he should say and how to behave in the event of emergency situations (for example, a conflict). As a rule, before employment, a conversation is held with the applicant for the position, during which the main directions of the company’s policy, etc., are explained to him, it is even possible to conduct some training. However, even in this case, it is advisable to note such points in the job description, indicating, for example, that he must:
    • greet visitors and clarify the purpose of visiting the salon;
    • consult clients by phone;
    • greet salon clients with an offer of tea or other drinks;
    • clarify the client’s record and offer him current discounts and promotions, etc.
  2. Organization of work with salon staff. At its core, a salon administrator is none other than its manager. Accordingly, he must maintain order in the cabin and labor discipline. This must be reflected in the employee’s responsibilities in order to eliminate conflicts between employees. The following paragraphs may be devoted to this topic, stating that the administrator:
    • is obliged to monitor the order in the salon and make comments to the cleaners when they detect garbage;
    • If an employee is absent from the workplace for longer than the allotted time, reprimand him, and after a repeated violation, draw up a memo addressed to the head of the organization.
  3. Drawing up documentation. The job description must indicate a list of documents for the preparation of which the administrator is responsible, and the procedure for submitting them. As a rule, he is responsible for registering clients with specialists and, accordingly, must keep appropriate records. The administrator can also make calculations, that is, perform the role of a cashier, and this means the need to maintain accounting records.

Responsibility of a beauty salon administrator

In his activities, the administrator of a beauty salon is responsible not only for the property of the salon entrusted to him, but also for the actions of employees in the course of their implementation. labor functions. In this regard, in the administrator’s job description, we recommend that all areas of responsibility be specified in more detail in the “Employee Responsibilities” section.

For example, mention that the administrator may be held liable:

  • for negligence in their duties;
  • insensitive attitude towards clients and staff;
  • unclear and untimely fulfillment of duties provided for in these instructions;
  • illegal actions with documents and information about the activities of the enterprise;
  • disclosure of trade secrets about the operation of the enterprise;

The job description of an administrator in a beauty salon should be drawn up in as much detail as is convenient for the employer. It is important to remember that the document is written for a position, and not for a specific person, therefore, indicating the personal qualities of the employee and individualizing individual provisions inappropriate.

A story from life.

The small salon is empty, and it is almost always empty; the craftsmen are sitting at their workplaces, talking. There is no one behind the reception desk. That is, one of the girls enthusiastically chattering about this and that in the hall is the administrator. The salon is located on the first floor of a small shopping center, the place is lively. It has been working for a little over six months. Around, literally a minute or two away, there are 4 more (!) hairdressers.


Hello, do you only use “N” paint?

Yes, one of the girls answers, looking at the visitor with curiosity.

Thank you! The woman shifts hesitantly from foot to foot, looking around the hairdressing salon. Goodbye.

“Goodbye,” the girls answer in unison, nodding their heads indifferently.

The client slowly turns around and leaves. Slow is the key word. I want to give the girls a chance! But no, nothing happened. Neither the administrator - and one of them was the administrator, nor the hairdresser made another sound, did not give a business card, nothing. In complete silence the woman left the salon.

What happened in the example described? A potential client came into the salon who WANTED TO DYE HIS HAIR. “He came HIMSELF!” (With). And the administrator of this beauty salon didn’t even make an attempt, firstly, to say hello (“Good afternoon!”), and secondly, to go to her workplace and introduce yourself (“My name is Irina!”), thirdly, get to know the visitor (“How can I contact you?”), fourthly, reply (“Yes, our salon uses N paint”), fifthly, start with potential client conversation by asking a question ( “What paint do you prefer to use?” or “What paint do you like?”).

And it might turn out that the visitor, in general, does not have any preferences for specific brands of dyes, she just has dark hair, a strong pigment, and when dyed blonde with this dye in another salon, her hair quickly turned yellow, and the hairdresser, instead In order to work, he told the client that this was normal, which formed the latter’s “dislike” for this brand.


That's right - nothing! 99% of beauty salon administrators will behave the same way in such a case. And as a result, the potential client will go to another salon or start calling friends asking for advice. good master. Let me ask you a question, dear directors: who is to blame for the fact that there are few clients in your beauty salon? Isn't that right for you? Congratulations! But. Check it out just in case. This is not the most complex example For example, does your administrator know how to sign up for a service you DON'T have?


Rarely does an administrator know about his responsibilities in a beauty salon. Moreover! It’s rare that a beauty salon director knows, and even rarer finds the strength to competently manage the work of administrators in his salon. In order for your administrator to bring you results, and not be part of the interior or “give-bring-put-talk-record”, he must know what to do, be able to do it(!), i.e. have the appropriate skills and be motivated do it. Therefore, the first thing the director needs to start with is to reconsider his requirements for the duties of a beauty salon administrator. State clearly job description beauty salon administrator.

So, you invest money, time and other resources to get people to know about your salon, call or come to you. And sell your services or, in other words, carry out active registration of clients in the beauty salon no one. Because your administrator’s job is to “answer phone calls”! Essentially, you are playing the lottery. Whether you're lucky or unlucky. If you sign up, you won’t sign up. Buy - won't buy. Do you think I'm exaggerating on purpose?

Well then. Fine known fact that the word “sales” in the professional segment of the beauty industry is almost a dirty word. Do you think that this is correct, that in this way you “protect” the client, that the client “does not want to be imposed”? The client really does not want imposition; on the contrary, he wants solutions to his problems, convenience, care. And for this you need to take a proactive position, be able to ask questions, listen and offer ways to solve the client’s needs. If you initially believe that sales are an imposition, then you admit that you do not manage the income of your salon. If you believe that sales are the essence of your business (a beauty salon is a business), then read on.

"Good" news for owners and directors.

90%, or even all 99% of beauty salons have exactly the same problems as you! For example, administrators of beauty salons do not know by heart the prices for basic services and do not know how to simply and clearly tell clients about them. What's good about this? What you have is room to grow. While there is time. Until the director of the salon in the next house read this material before you. And I didn’t start DOING before you!

And then you won’t panic if a smart competing salon opens opposite your salon, starts dumping and sells five beauty products a day!


It is worth noting the presence of a certain “fatigue” in the issue of personnel training at beauty industry enterprises. Moreover, it did not arise yesterday and in 90% of cases concerns the training of administrators. Unfortunately, there is a category of beauty salon administrators who study, as a rule, for the money of the salon owner, only in order to add to the collection of diplomas in beautiful frame for presentation to the next employer. This does not mean at all that all kinds of courses or seminars for beauty salon administrators are bad; there are enough worthy offers on the market to choose from. But at the same time, their effectiveness is not very high, as the salon managers themselves note. Why is this happening?

An administrator is a performer and a team player. No matter how good the courses, he, inspired, with new knowledge and a diploma, returns to his salon, to his corporate culture, to your colleagues and masters, to your director, where life goes on as usual. Nothing has changed there. Moreover! No one is going to change there. Why suddenly? Result: after three days, a maximum of a week, all acquired knowledge is forgotten, enthusiasm tends to zero.

In this case, I always give an analogy with an orchestra. No matter how well a musician plays, if there is no score and conductor, there will be no coherent performance. But an even more important question is the composer who wrote the music. There is no composer, no play, no score, no conductor, everyone plays what they want and what they can to the best of their talents.

No investor with unique idea(composer), there are no internal rules and standards for working with clients (score) of the manager (conductor), equally - there is no system and there are no owners in the master’s salon. At conferences, seminars and consultations, I am often asked to talk about some unique instruments, helping to promote the salon, about something unusual. Complaints about increased competition and home-based workers are no less common.

Here's my opinion:

We need to fight not AGAINST competitors - other salons and home-based professionals, but FOR CLIENTS!” Your biggest enemy is not competitors or even economic instability, but chaos in the salon and administrators and specialists untrained in working with clients. What should we teach them? First, you need to achieve basic actions in the salon to attract and retain customers.. And to do this, you need to go through the main POINTS OF CONTACT with clients and learn how to do basic actions.

Natalia Goncharenko about typical situations that a beauty salon administrator works with every day:

Continuing the material, I will tell you about the first three standards, by implementing which you will be able to see an increase in revenue within two to three months and a change in the attitude of clients towards your salon from neutral to positive, from positive to admiring. According to data from our clients and the salons that we take over, in numbers this is expressed in different salons from 20 to 35% increase in revenue (not a one-time surge, but a fixed amount).


  • Standard for consultation and appointment by phone
  • Standard of work of the administrator with the primary client in the salon

Standard for telephone consultation and appointment (excerpt)

  • The telephone handset must be picked up before the third ring. When you receive an incoming call, pick up the phone, you should calmly take a breath, smile and clearly introduce yourself: “CK__________, administrator Irina, good afternoon.”
  • After a potential Client asks a question / shares the essence of the problem, the administrator getting acquainted, after which he answers the question(s) or asks clarifying questions.
  • If the caller asks specific question, for example, “How much does it cost to cut and color 2nd length with dye N?” also answer specifically, addressing the caller by name, for example, “Natalya, a haircut and coloring for the 2nd length with paint N costs 50 USD.” Then ask a non-alternative question, suggesting the day, time and date of the appointment, for example: “Which day is it more convenient for you to make an appointment: a weekday or a weekend?” To prevent the client from hanging up immediately after you have answered his specific question, you must say any additional proposal and ask a clarifying question to continue the conversation, for example: “Natalia, a haircut and coloring for the 2nd length with dye N costs 50 USD, the service will take approximately 1.5 hours. Let me know what yours is natural color hair? I have dark hair. What color did you decide to paint yourself? I dye my hair red. Great, always a trendy color. Our stylists have just returned from another color course, we will be glad to see you! Which day is more convenient for you to book: a weekday or a weekend?
  • If you don’t know the answer to a potential Client’s question, DO NOT FAWN, stutter and shout “MASHAAA!!!” across the entire salon. Turn on the button to block the sound (or simply lower the handset on the desktop next to the telephone), after telling the Client: “Natalia, I need to clarify the answer to your question. Is it convenient for you to wait 1 minute on the line or will I call you back?” When you are ready to provide information, turn off the mute button/pick up the phone and say, “Natalia, thank you for waiting,” and continue the conversation.
  • Recommended phrases at the end of the conversation: “Thank you for your call! All the best!”

IMPORTANT: During the conversation, it is necessary to say the Client’s Name/First Name and Patronymic at least once during the conversation. When making an appointment, specify the Name (if the potential Client has not introduced himself) and telephone number. A potential Client who requested information and did not sign up for the procedure, in mandatory is entered into the electronic Database in the list of “Potential Clients” with the fields: Name, Phone and Requested Service.

Before moving on to Standard No. 2 - one more story from life.

Large regional center. An empty salon with a VIP prefix almost in the center. Gorgeous renovation, not a single technician in the salon, not a single client. Friday. We enter - 2 administrators silently look at us. We are on them.

Shaw? - one girl finally says, trying to smile at the same time.

SHO??? - we are surprised. Well... we were passing by, saw your salon, and decided to come in.

Show us something...

The administrator is confused:

Shall I show you...the building???

Standard of work of an administrator with a primary client in a salon (excerpt)

  • The administrator of the beauty salon meets the Client standing and going out to meet him.
  • The administrator greets, smiles, introduces himself and gets to know the Client. When a Client visits, the beauty salon administrator is the first to say hello. (“Good afternoon, please come in!” “My name is Irina, I am the administrator of the Beauty Salon (SK)________________. What is your name? Natalya, how can I help you?”).
  • The beauty salon administrator offers all primary Clients a tour of the salon. Pay attention! A tour of the salon is NOT a MANDATORY STAGE of working with the primary client. There are business models in which clients are not given a tour. If your standards require an excursion, conduct it adhering to the following recommendations: after the Client’s consent, the administrator guides him around the salon. The administrator’s task is not to show furniture and equipment, but to introduce services and products. A motivating excursion is different from just a “what should I show you - a building???” excursion. in that by showing the rooms, the administrator talks about WHAT NEEDS (solving PROBLEMS or getting PLEASURE, if you are a SPA salon) are solved in each specific room, and then WHAT WAY you do it.
  • Throughout the communication, the administrator addresses the Client by name.
  • After the administrator has introduced the Client to the insurance company and answered his question, offer sign up for a service/ issue a leaflet (booklet, business card) on insurance services.
  • At the end of the visit, the administrator helps the Client get dressed and says: “Natalia, we will be glad to see you again in SK_____________. All the best!”

Stop DO NOT read further. The next standard, although it is a basic one, is actually one of the most difficult to implement. According to our experience in salons, its implementation takes from 1 to 3 months with constant monitoring by the director of the beauty salon. Do the first two standards. Teach the administrators of your beauty salon, cosmetology center or spa to perform them. Check how this has impacted your salon's revenue. Ask questions in the comments to this article if you don’t understand something! And only after that move on.

Standard for planning the next client visit

Almost all of our services are renewable. We do manicures every 10-14 days, get haircuts and makeup every 3-4 weeks. You must know and teach your administrators to pre-register a client for the next procedure. Even if the client is not ready. For example: a specialist takes the client to the administrator for a calculation and says, “Natalia, I’ll be glad to see you next time for a haircut and coloring in a month. Administrator: Today is April 25th, May 25th will be Saturday. Will it be convenient for you on Saturday? Client: I don’t know for sure yet. If we write you down in advance in pencil and call you back on May 22, will you know for sure? Yes, thank you."

This is a positive example. It happens that the client resists writing down “next time.” Moreover. SO IT WILL BE! At first, clients will resist making an appointment for the next time. Because they have never encountered this before. And everything new causes a natural reaction of rejection in us. In this case, the administrator still writes down the date of the next visit in pencil: when he needs to call the client back, invite him to a service and make a real recording.

You should know that planning the next client visit is the most important component of not only sales, but also the service of your salon. Negative customer reactions will occur simply because they are not used to it. Once upon a time, many years ago, tea and coffee began to be offered in salons for the first time. And then, the clients were surprised and thought to themselves, hmm... what is this? Won't they take money from me? Now this is the standard and everyone is used to it. Teach your administrators not to be afraid of rejection. Client refusal is normal. Just explain to the client why you are doing this. That this is normal. That you care about him. So that he always looks good - in the context of who he is, what he does. You tell the housewife one thing, but business woman other. A business man- third. And for the student - the fourth.

Teach your administrators that refusals are NORMAL. It's not normal to be afraid of them. Each refusal brings the cherished “YES” closer. Every failure teaches you better than any training. If you want to learn, of course!

“I wouldn’t like it,” one woman told me. Although.....if they explained it to me the way you just did....

Look short video, in which Natalya Goncharenko talks about an effective beauty salon administrator:

P.S. The most destructive thing for any beauty business is exposure to stereotypes. For example: no one does that! In the meantime, you are afraid to hear and understand the needs of your customers and think about what The responsibilities of a beauty salon administrator include“answer calls in the style: yes / no / I don’t know” and make coffee for clients, they, these same clients go from salon to salon, “nailing” in the end not even to another salon. It wouldn't be so sad. And to a specific master! Therefore, I would like to finally wish you not in “GO FOR IT!” and “I WISH YOU SUCCESS!”, but the banal compliance of the administrators of your beauty salon with their position. And you have the skills and desire to ensure this compliance.

Order the book “My Beauty Salon” in which Natalya Goncharenko reveals questions efficient work administrator of a beauty salon, cosmetology center and spa

The administrator of a beauty salon is the first to greet visitors within the walls of the establishment, therefore it is his behavior, attitude to business, professional and personal qualities The authority and popularity of the company among clients will depend. Without exaggeration, one can call the administrator “the face of the company.”

Despite the prevalence of this profession, finding a truly competent and competent specialist is not easy. It is no secret that many salons today are experiencing a shortage of clients, which is largely due to the administrator’s interest in conscientiously performing their duties.

History of the profession

The first beauty salons modern type appeared around the middle of the 20th century, respectively, it was then that the profession of beauty salon administrator arose. Currently, more than half active population use the services of the beauty industry, which indicates a high interest in the development of the administrator profession in this area.

The position is in demand and popular, the number of applicants for it increases every year. These are mostly women, but there are also representatives of the stronger sex who carry out their professional duties quite organically and enjoy the respect of clients, among whom there are also many men.

Description of the position and basic principles of work

The administrator is the coordinator of the work of all salon specialists (hairdressers, makeup artists, cosmetologists, massage therapists, instructors, etc.), as well as the stay of clients within the walls of the health and beauty establishment. It is he who meets visitors, helps them choose appropriate procedures and additional services, carries out cash payments, accompanies until meeting with specialists. Competent and effective interaction with clients, a properly planned working day, and the general atmosphere in the team largely depend on it.

The main task The administrator of a beauty salon is advertising the products and services of his establishment, as well as taking actions to attract and retain clients. The specialist must have such necessary qualities as: professionalism, organization, responsibility, punctuality, grooming, good manners.

After the visitor has entered the salon, the employee needs to greet him, go to his workplace, introduce himself and get to know the client. This is followed by answers to questions and consultations, for which it is recommended to start a conversation with a potential client about his desires and preferences for improving his own appearance. On administrator lies not an easy task – to interest a person as much as possible, give him the most detailed idea about the salon’s services, and ensure that he repeatedly signs up for any services or procedures.

When communicating with a client, you must call him by name at least once. If the manager does not know the answer to a question asked about the services or products of the salon, it is recommended to ask the client to wait in person or by phone and then, having prepared, provide an answer. On your first visit, it makes sense to give a motivating tour of the salon, show the rooms, equipment, and briefly talk about the services and cosmetic products of the establishment. To create a comfortable, cozy environment, you can offer the client a cup of tea or coffee and look through magazines.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way do this using online services, which will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant in your company and save a lot money and time. All reports are generated automatically and signed electronic signature and is sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

Possible places of work

The entire system of the beauty industry today is experiencing rapid development, so the position of administrator is incredibly in demand.

His workplace there may be various types establishments related to caring for people’s appearance and health:

  • manicure and pedicure studios;
  • aesthetic medicine centers;
  • spa centers.

Depending on the specific place of work, the requirements for a specialist, as well as the duties performed by him, may change or be supplemented.

Job responsibilities

The administrator of a beauty salon is an important and often irreplaceable figure in the activities of the establishment.

It can actually be called " right hand» manager, since a small business, as a rule, involves a small business with a maximum list of responsibilities for each employee.

In accordance with the main purpose professional activity administrator of a beauty salon, - organizing high-quality customer service - we can highlight the following: job responsibilities:

He may be entrusted with additional responsibilities by agreement with the management of the establishment:

  • developing and conducting presentations of salon services;
  • conducting customer surveys and researching their preferences;
  • employees;
  • ensuring cleanliness and order in the salon premises and surrounding areas.

Roles and Responsibilities this employee discussed in the following video:

Basic requirements for this specialist

The manager of a beauty salon must meet a number of requirements. In particular, a specialist should know:

At the same time, the specialist is required to meet the following requirements: skills and abilities:

  • availability of management skills, ability to organize a team;
  • office manager skills;
  • ability to conduct marketing research and advertising campaigns;
  • the art of decorating a salon and shop windows, the basics of merchandising;

In addition, it is desirable to have work experience in the specialty, possess such qualities, such as: sociability, goodwill, stress resistance, responsibility, cleanliness, attractive and well-groomed appearance, age from 20 to 40 years, gender does not matter.

How to become a professional in this field

You can gain basic knowledge on organizing the work of a beauty salon administrator on short-term courses and seminars(lasting up to 1 month), no special education is required to occupy this position.

A significant advantage will be the availability of medical or psychological education, completion of courses for hairdressers or cosmetologists - in order to easily understand the features of the procedures provided to clients in the salon.

Salary level

The salary is formed from a fixed salary, a percentage of the salon's total revenue, as well as a percentage of personal sales. The operating mode usually lasts 12 hours, the most common schedules are “5/2” and “2/2”. Average salary is 20-35 thousand rubles depending on the region.

As a result of the marketing research a paradoxical fact was revealed: many clients regularly visit selected stores or beauty salons not because they are interested in specific products or services, but because polite, friendly attitude individual sellers or administrators to them. It has been noticed that a competent, competent, pleasant administrator is able to increase sales of salon services several times. Therefore, it is recommended to consider the behavior, responsibilities and appearance this specialist with all seriousness and responsibility.

The rules for conducting sales by an administrator in a beauty salon are outlined in the following video tutorial: