Divinity Original Sin detailed walkthrough with pictures. Divinity Original Sin Walkthrough

At the beginning of the game, you will be asked to create two heroes, to which you can later attach up to two satellites. Companions are given during the game and have their own storyline. These companions include Jaan the Spellcaster, Mador's Fighter, Baidotr the Ranger, and Wolgraff the Thief (the last two companions from the Bear and Robber DLC). Instead of any of them, you can buy a Mercenary who does not have a storyline.

A feature of the game is a classless system for creating heroes, in which you can independently configure all the parameters, including: basic characteristics, abilities, talents and starting skills. By default, the game offers 11 types for each hero.

These types can be conditionally divided into two large groups: mono-classes (have one main skill or several skills in elemental magic and witchcraft) - these are Knight, Fighter, Thief, Pathfinder, Wizard, Caster, Sorcerer, and multi-classes or hybrids ( have two or more different types of skills) - this is a warrior-mage, shooter-mage, thief-mage. I would not recommend hybrids as heroes, since the number of points of characteristics and abilities received during the game will obviously not be enough for their effective pumping.

Another feature of the game is turn system combat in which any player character uses a limited number of action points. During combat, these points are spent on movement and action; strike and cast a spell. The maximum action points depends on the “constitution” characteristic. Starting action points depend on the characteristics "speed" and "perception". Action points at the beginning of the second and subsequent turns are determined by the "speed" characteristic and the "Glass Cannon" talent. Based on this great advantage in battle, characters of ranged combat have it, since they do not spend action points on moving towards the enemy. In addition, the enemy's melee fighters do not reach them, and if they do, they do not cause damage. Among the characters of ranged combat, we can single out the Wizard, who can deal powerful AOE damage with the elements, mainly fire, and the Pathfinder, who deals very large piercing damage with arrows on a single target.

Another feature of the game is that any weapon (except staves) wears out and needs to be repaired. The same applies to armor if it gets hit by the enemy. Hence, another advantage of magicians, who do not need high-quality equipment and its repair. The mage deals damage only with spells. But, magicians have one serious drawback, compared with the shooter. The magician can only cast one spell per turn, and the archer can shoot an arrow two or three times and from a much greater distance than the magician his spell, which still needs to be studied and taken into account the enemy's resistance to the elements.

Pathfinder - Scarlet.

Stats: Agility +3, Speed ​​+1, Perception +1.

Abilities: Bow +1, Expert Marksman +1, Legendary +1, Blacksmithing +1, Handicraft +1.

Talents: rudeness, scientist.

Starting skills by default.

Wizard - Roderick.

Stats: Intelligence +3, Speed ​​+2.

Abilities: Pyrokinetics +1, Hydrosophistry +1, Aerothyurgy +1, Geomancy +1, Leadership +1.

Talents: animal lover, long arms.

Starting Skills: Flash, Minor Heal, Teleport.

Pumping of characters is carried out by adding points of characteristics and abilities when moving to new levels. One stat point is added at even levels, and three ability points are added at each level. New talents can be acquired at levels 3,7,11,15 and 19. The transition to new levels is carried out by acquiring experience points (XP) for completing tasks and killing mobs. There is no mob respawn in the game. With every transition to new level automatically increases the health of the characters. Attribute and ability points can be increased with magic (blue), rare (green) and legendary (orange) equipment, which can be found in chests and other containers (boxes, barrels, baskets, tree stumps, etc.). Any equipment can be improved by crafting, for which the "Needlework" skill is responsible. But this is a separate issue. In addition, special tomes can be bought from the merchant of secrets in the End Times, reading which gives 1 stat point and 3 ability points (they are quite expensive).

Below are examples of leveling the Pathfinder and the Wizard.

The ranger gains speed and perception, with their approximate equality, taking into account the achievement of the maximum number of action points. Dexterity is pumped according to the residual principle, taking into account the ability to wear the desired leather armor. Ability points should be spent first of all on the Experienced Shooter skill up to 5, secondly on the bow weapon up to 5. It is better not to use crossbows and not spend points on leveling them, since they require 2 action points more than bows, and shoot you will be less often, although the damage from the crossbow is slightly higher. At level 11, you can take the glass cannon talent, which will double the action points on the second and subsequent turns. Upon reaching the skill Expert marksman 5, you need to take the talent " fast hand”, which will reduce the cost of experience points by 1. For example, with action points of 18, you can shoot a bow 6 times in one turn, and their crossbow only 3 times.

At the wizard, we swing intelligence and speed in an approximate ratio of 2: 1. Skills are upgraded taking into account the requirements of spells. Therefore, I will list some minimum set of magician spells and their requirements. Fire Release: Small Fireball lvl 4, Skill 2, Incendiary Fire lvl 7, Skill 3, Infectious Flames lvl 16, Skill 4, Meteorite lvl 18, Skill 5. Water Element: Piercing Ice Level 7, Skill 3, Strong Regeneration Level 7, Skill 3, Winterstrike Level 16, Skill 4 Earth Release: Stone Strike Level 4, Skill 2, Deadly Spores Level 10, Skill 3 air: "Lightning" level 10, skill 3, "Imposition of invisibility" level 14, skill 4, "Chain of Lightning" level 18, skill 5. Of the talents, you should take the "Glass Cannon" to cast two spells in the second turn.

It’s better not to invest points on talents that are not indicated, but save them until the hall of darkness appears at the End Times. There, at the demon Moloch, you will exchange each unused talent for ability points in a ratio of 1:10. Thus, the wizard will be able to take 40 ability points and easily upgrade all the necessary elemental skills and still have willpower to the maximum and other abilities. The ranger will receive 30 additional ability points and will be able to upgrade the expert of legends and craft to 5 (more is not needed), and protection.

Another feature of the game is the dialogue between the characters after some events. During these dialogues, the heroes receive positive or negative properties nature that can enhance certain abilities and defense factors. I advise you to take positive properties character.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Two heroes, the Source Seeker, after graduating from the Academy, go by ship to the city of Cysil to investigate the murder of adviser Jake. The city was attacked by orcs, the undead blocked all roads, the Mage of the Source is outrageous in the city, so the heroes are landed on the southern coast near Saysil. The story quest "Murder Mystery" begins. South coast of Saisil. After the landing of the heroes on the coast, we go north and find a dead man in front of the cliff. We search it and take away the diary. We learn from the diary that this unfortunate man threw himself off a cliff, believing that some statues gave him the ability to fly. The quest "Talking Statues" is unlocked. A dialogue between the heroes begins, during which you can express doubts about the correctness of his act, we get the character property Pragmatism +1, which will increase the Craft skill by 1. Next to the dead man, we select the “Rain” scroll (be sure to save this spell to the city, you will need it there) .

Teaching mission.

Then we go west and meet a trinity of magicians who ran out of the stone gate. Noticing us, they call one skeleton archer and two skeletons of warriors. There is a practice fight. After the fight with the skeletons, we enter the stone gate and find ourselves in an ancient tomb. The tutorial mission begins. During its passage, we learn some features of the use of abilities and gameplay. At the exit from the tomb, we approach the sarcophagus, from which the Reidzhkin skeleton comes out. He thinks we stole Bloodstone from his sarcophagus. The battle begins and Razhekin calls for help from two archers, and after his death, his ghost appears in his place.

South coast of Saisil.

After the victory, we leave the tomb and go south, where we find a mound near the stone head, in order to dig it out we need a shovel. We go further south and find the teleport South Beach Saisil. There is a shovel next to the crates. We go to the southeast, we pass a stone arch, and to the south of it there is an island with a broken ship. On the island we see a large mollusk shell. In the course of a conversation with a mollusk, we need to make a decision whether to pick it up for sale or throw it into the sea. It is better to throw it into the sea, then we will get experience points and the Altruism +1 character property. Then the clam will throw us a chest.

We go back to the barrow and dig up the chest. At the bridge we see two drunken legionnaires. We approach them and a dialogue begins, during which we refuse to be escorted to the city of Saisil. We get the property Independence +1, willpower increases by 1. The battle begins with them. After the battle, there is a dialogue between the heroes about the killing of legionnaires. If we repent of this murder, we will get the property Compassion +1, the critical chance increases by 3%. After the battle, we get the second level, but it's too early to level up, it's better to do it at levels 3-4. Be sure to remember what you did to the drunk legionnaires.

Cross the bridge and move on. We see that several legionnaires are beating an orc, and then a landing of two young orc warriors, an orc mage and a dark sectarian archer landed on the shore. Before the battle, it’s good to switch to stealth mode, then you can get close to the orcs unnoticed. Do not rush to immediately get involved in a fight, but wait for the orcs to approach the oil barrel and set it on fire. The explosion of the barrel will destroy the orcs caught in the explosion zone. Then, together with the legionnaires, destroy the surviving opponents, primarily the magician.

City of Saisil.

After the battle, we approach the gates of the city, where the wizard Arhu meets us. He advises talking to the townsfolk about Jake's murder and visiting him and Captain Aureus at Legion Headquarters.

We go into the city and turn to the pier, where the sailors are extinguishing the ship set on fire by the orcs. We use the spell "Rain" and extinguish the ship. We get 900XP. We approach the sailors of the broken ship and turn to them. They ask to find them new job. The task "Sailors without a ship" begins.

We leave the pier and turn left to the altar Saisil Harbour. In the city we have to fulfill two main tasks. First, replenish the team of heroes with companions. There are two of them in the main game: Mador's fighter and Jaan's caster. DLC "Bear and robber" will add us two more companions; pathfinder Baydotr and thief Wolgraff. The game allows you to keep only two companions in the team, the rest will be in reserve. It is important that reserve companions automatically receive all the experience points earned by the active team. Therefore, it is better to take them early. Secondly, you need to upgrade the heroes and companions to level 4 by completing tasks in the city. This is necessary for subsequent sorties in the vicinity of Saysil.

We continue the passage and go from the altar along the road that rises directly to the city. From small area with a non-working fountain we go east to the central square of the city. At the wagon, Robin asks us for advice on how to steal fish from the merchant. It is better to dissuade him from stealing, then we get the character trait Righteousness +1, which increases Leadership by 1. Remember your choice, this will come in handy later.

In the central square there is a market where you can buy various goods from merchants. You can buy from the Enchanter Celia: a magnifying glass for identifying objects, a repair hammer for repairing worn-out equipment, a mortar and pestle for processing ingredients, a camping pot for cooking and cooking, a pick for ore mining, a sapper kit for clearing mines. Next to the fountain is the artist Jerome, from whom you can buy maps of the location of treasures (the price of maps does not justify the cost of treasures).

In the northern part of the square there is the King Crab tavern, the Town Hall and Esmeralda's shop, in the southern part - the hospital of Teliron.

plot companions.

First we go to the tavern, at the entrance of which Mendius will stop us. He invites us to join the Fantastic Five guild. We agree and ask about our task, in which Mayor Cecil asked the Magnificent Five to destroy the enraged Arhu robot in the northern cave. The quest "The Magnificent Five" is unlocked. We go into the tavern and look for the warrior Madora. During the dialogue with her, we invite her to our companions. Old lady Madora is a level 3 fighter, she is excellent with two-handed weapons. In the tavern hall, you can talk to two more members of the Magnificent Five, Alistair and the merchant Anna.

We leave the tavern and go to the next house on the right, this is the Town Hall. In the Town Hall we speak with Mayor Cecil. After asking about the Mayor's missing staff, the quest "Greatstaff of Cecil" opens. We ask the mayor about the Fab Five, and he directs us to the wizard Arch, who may know how to destroy the enraged robot. After being asked about the library, the mayor offers to show it. We follow him to the second floor. There, the mayor talks about his adopted daughter Victoria and invites us to get to know her. Orc girl Victoria allows us to borrow books from the library. We examine the library, take books, and see the magician Jaan. We turn to him, he is glad to meet with us and offers his cooperation in the fight against the magicians of the Source. We take him as a companion, Jaan is a Level 3 Spellcaster, owns the skills of water and air magic.

Chapter 1

Cave under the cemetery.

We go north from the town hall to the city cemetery. Behind the lattice door we see a large mound, near which you can take a shovel. We dig this embankment, then the entrance to the underground cave opens. We go down there and go to explore the cave. On the way we meet the undead: a warrior, a murderer and a mage. We kill them and move on. Meet the Flamethrower Skeleton. If he is not killed immediately, he will summon three skeleton helpers. The flamethrower itself is immune to fire magic. If its flammable liquid canister is pierced, it will explode and can deal significant area damage.

After the battle, we go deep into the cave and at the end of it we find the thief Volgraff. To attach him to the squad, we temporarily disconnect one of the satellites, for example, Madora, who will be waiting for us in the tavern. We take Volgraff as a companion and get acquainted with his history. In this part of the cave we see a bucket from a well. We activate it and find ourselves outside the city. To the east of the well we see three beehives and an abandoned house. We search the hives and go out onto the road near the house. There are two dogs Toxa and Sheba running around. We go into the house and find the skeleton near which we select the diary. We read the diary, it turns out that Toxa and Sheba were their master's favorite puppies, but evil infused into them, and they bit him. After reading the diary in the dialogue of the heroes, we express compassion for the puppies. We get the property Compassion +1. Then we kill the puppies that turned into zombies, and we get 750XP.

We return to the cave and follow the stream of water to the southwestern part of the cave. On the way we meet an obstacle in the form of several barrels and boxes, between which there is a mine. We clear the obstacle, search the barrels and boxes. We go further and again we come across mined boxes. After clearance, we pass to the stairs, near which we search the chest and barrels. Then we go up the stairs and find ourselves at the chest. We examine it and go down back to the cave.

We go to the battlefield with a flamethrower. To the south of it behind two torches is the entrance to the stairs. We select the key near the bucket and go to the stairs. We find ourselves in the basement, where there are fire traps that are activated if you step on the pressure beams. We separate one character with the found key from the team (preferably a ranger or a thief) and jump to the lever in the northern corner of the room. We press the lever and the traps are turned off. We search the basement, bypassing the pressure beams, and open the door to the corridor with the previously selected key. We jump over the pressure beam behind the door. We search the corridor, turn off the fire trap with the lever (carefully there is a mine), and next to it we select the key. Open the door with this key adjoining room. In this room we find the diary and read it. Then we go up the stairs and find ourselves in an abandoned blacksmith's house. We search him. There is a painting of a woman on the north wall of the long room. We activate it, the picture moves away, opening the button for opening the door of the house. We leave the house and go to the cemetery. The main group exits the basement through a hatch back into the cave. From there it goes to the cemetery, where all the characters are reunited into one team.

We go east to the headquarters of the legion, we pass the altar of the North Gate of Saisil, the camp of the legion, and we pass the gate of the square in front of the headquarters. Near the entrance to the square we see a girl in a cage guarded by two legionnaires. For a while, we refuse the services of Jaan and start a conversation with the legionnaires about the captive. We take the captive from them to our companions. The forest girl Beydotr (as her name is more correctly pronounced) is a level 3 ranger. Now we have full set plot satellites and you can start pumping by completing the main and additional tasks in the city.

Murder Mystery (beginning)

We go to the headquarters of the legion and speak with Captain Aurey. After the conversation, we get permission to investigate the murder of adviser Jake, as well as a number of additional tasks: "Legionnaires in the Church", "Lost Archaeologist", "Cowardly Treaty", "Invasion of the Undead".

Then we go up to the second floor to the office of the magician Arhu, who is there in the form of a cat. We ask Archa about the murder of adviser Jake and learn about the details of the night when Jake was killed in the tavern. Then we ask him about the failed experiment with the enraged robot. To subdue this robot, Arhu gives us the universal controller Iskromaster-5000, and we take instructions for its use from the table.

Having received the necessary information, we head to the tavern. We go to the very end of the tavern, where a legionnaire stands at the door to the room. We inform the legionnaire that we have permission from Captain Aureus to inspect the room where Jake was killed. We enter the room and there is a flash of a star stone (116), and we are transported to another world.

End of time.

After a magical transfer to a lost corner of space, we are approached by imp (imp) Zikszaks, who is surprised by the appearance of us in this world and suggests that we are somehow connected with the Star Stones. Then he invites us to look through the telescope. We look and see how a powerful whirlwind devours and drives matter into the Void funnel. Then we turn to the imp for an explanation of the picture we saw. He says that we saw the END OF EVERYTHING, a whirlwind that devours the body of the universe. We ask the imp who he is and how it all connects with star stones.

Then we go into the opened portal and find ourselves in the hall of the Abode. Zikszaks leads us to the end of the hall, where the Weaver of Time stands by the huge Tapestry of Time. In a conversation with her, we learn that we are at the end of the Ages, and the Void, devouring the universe, interrupted the weaving of its threads of time. Our appearance associated with the Starstones allowed the Weaver to begin weaving the threads of time again. Therefore, we must look for the Star Stones (there are 16 in total) so that the thread of time is not interrupted. The content of our conversation with the Weaver of Time is passed on to the imp. Xixzax says finding the Starstones is our top priority. Each Starstone we find will open new portals in the Hall of the Abode. Imp gives us a rune of teleportation, which will allow us to visit the Hall of the Abode at any time (the button for traveling through the rift appears on the right side of the screen), and also gives us a personal teleportation pyramid, with which you can move to another pyramid of the same kind. But the second pyramid still needs to be found.

To the left of the Weaver of Time is the Last Chest. We turn to him and find out that in order to open it, you need to find four sisters located in each area of ​​​​the world of Rivellon. These sisters will tell you how to open it.

Chapter 1

Second pyramid.

We teleport to the altar of the Northern Gate of Saisil and activate our red pyramid. We find ourselves in the bath of the Town Hall, where Cecilia is washing in the bath. She is outraged by our sudden intrusion and asks to leave the bath, otherwise she will call the guards. Agreeing with her not to raise a fuss is unlikely to succeed, but this is not required. Next to Cecilia on the floor of the bath we find the second pyramid. Drag it to inventory and exit through the south door. Now we can teleport from one pyramid to another. We distribute the pyramids between the heroes.

We go to the tavern and take away from the room where Jeyok was killed an inert stone - the remnant of a star stone (be sure to collect all inert stones). There is a locked chest in the room that Wolfgraff can open with a lockpick. If this is not possible, then we break the chest. From the chest we take out the letter of the Duke of Ferol and read it. The quest "Counselor's Wife" is unlocked.

We leave the tavern and head to the central square. To the left of the fountain we find the restless Kelvania and ask her “Do strangers bother you?” Then there is a dialogue between the characters. Depending on the answers, we get one or another property of character. If we agree with Kelvania's conclusions about the inhabitants, then we get the Integrity property +1, which gives immunity to the Charmed factor, which is important in the future, as well as the Caution property +1, stealth increases by 1 (important for thieves). Then we approach Captain Jack, ask him about the missing team and offer him to hire sailors from the wrecked ship. He agrees. At the tent in the southern part of the square we turn to the cattle trader Bertia. We learn about the loss of her beloved sheep Hogget. The quest “Little Bertia has lost her sheep” is unlocked.

We go into the hospital of Teliron and talk to him. We learn that his student Evelyn has a wonderful stone that can heal any patient. Interested in this, we go to the next room. Evelyn invites us to decide who to heal her with a magic stone, young Boris or old Steven. We advise her to heal Boris, then we get the property Pragmatism +1. After healing, a starstone flash occurs (216) and a new room opens in the Abode. We select an inert stone, and when Evelyn leaves the room, we steal an odorous fur coat from the bedside table in the western corner of the room. Under the left window of the wall, you can also steal the key to the back room of Thelyron.

End Times.

We teleport to the hall of the Abode to inspect the new room. We enter the opened portal and get into the hall of heroes. We go down the stairs to the large table at which Astarte sits. It turns out she knows us and is surprised at how weak we have become now.

In the Hall of Heroes there is a mercenary vendor named Jon Pont. Mercenaries, unlike companions, do not have a story mission and do not conduct dialogues with the heroes. Mercenaries have various classes and levels. Heroes can hire a mercenary one level higher than their own. The higher the level of the mercenary, the greater its price. If you purchase a mercenary, then he becomes a full companion of the heroes, but the number of companions should not exceed two. Thus, you can create a team of different classes of satellites. Now it's worth thinking about the team that played the game optimally. As the practice of repeatedly passing the game has shown, the optimal composition of the team is three magicians and a shooter and two magicians and two shooters. Melee units are practically useless in the game. Knowing this, at the beginning of the game I created two heroes, the Wizard and the Pathfinder. The second mage is Jaan and the second shooter is Beidotr. To play three magicians and a shooter, I bought Nerea (Nairi) level 1 sorceress with pyrokinetic +2 and geomancy +2 abilities, but before leveling her, I left Jaan and Beidotr in the team. After leaving the hall of heroes, all your companions will be where they can be used to complete a team.

Rare enchantment.

From the Abode we teleport to the altar of Saisil's Harbor. To the right of the altar is a port warehouse. We pass through the warehouse to the courtyard. We see two legionnaires and an orc. We turn to any of the legionnaires and find out that the orc was accidentally given a love potion, and she fell in love with the legionnaire. We need to decide what to do, kill the orc or let her live. It is better to recommend that the legionnaires kill the orc, then we get the Pragmatism +1 character trait.

Sailors without a ship.

Now we go to the pier to the broken ship and inform the sailors that Captain Jack has hired them. The mission "Sailors without a ship" is completed.

Greatstaff of Cecil (beginning).

To the left of the sailors from the wrecked ship, a large beautiful ship is moored. We go on its deck and turn to Captain Conrad. We ask him about the staff of Pergamon, but he does not know where the staff is and advises him to ask the sailors of his ship about it. On the pier at the ship, we turn to the sailor Marv with a question about the staff of Pergamum. He saw the merchant Dietmar fleeing with a sealed box from the ship, perhaps there was a staff. We ask Konrad about Dietmar, he suggests that Dietmar is probably trying to sail from one of the deserted beaches in this area. We get 190XP. The continuation of this task will be a consequence of the further passage.

Murder Mystery (continued).

Let's continue the interrupted investigation into the murder of Jake and go to the funeral home, which is located behind the tavern. In the room of the morgue we take from the coffin "Roberts' journal". After reading the magazine, we learn that Jake's corpse was stolen from the morgue and there are several suspects in this case. We rise to the second floor to the living quarters of the funeral home. There we talk with the undertaker Roberts, find out from him why he suspects Mayor Cecil, the healer's apprentice Evelyn, Captain Aureya and the adviser's wife Esmeralda of stealing Jake's body. After that, you can kill Roberts and regret your deeds. We get the Compassion property +1. We search residential comeats and leave the funeral home.

Northern Cemetery.

We go to the northern cemetery to the grave of Jake. Murphy's dog is running around the grave. We dig a coffin from the grave, and we find the corpse of a sheep in it. This is the corpse of Bertia's beloved sheep. We take it. A hero with the Animal Lover talent can talk to Murphy the dog. It turns out that Murphy is Jake's favorite dog and loves his scent. If you bring something that smells like Jake to Murphy, he will be able to identify the body thief. We already have Evelyn's smelly fur coat, so let's give her a sniff of Murphy. The dog recognized the familiar smell of the owner, but such evidence cannot be attached to the case.

For now, let's examine the cemetery and dig up a number of graves. Let's start with Dave's grave, Murphy's dog barks at it all the time. We dig up this grave, as a result of which Dave's revived skeleton jumps to the surface. We kill him, we get 1545XP. To the right of Dave's grave, we dig up the grave of Nemris. His ghost appears from the grave, and we ask him to read his book "Philosophy of Death". To read this book, you need to pass a quick wit test. Correct answers: 1) no, 2) no, 3) your salvation. For the correct answers we will get experience and a chest with things. In the southern cul-de-sac, we dig up the grave of Helen, her skeleton jumps out with which we enter into battle. After the victory, we get 1800XP. We leave the cemetery and dig up Jarred's grave, which is located north of the obelisk. We are fighting with the skeleton of Jarred the Demoman. After the victory, we get 1200XP.

Chapter 1

Blood feud between elves and orcs.

We climb the stairs to the platform behind the undertaker's house. There is an elderly elf Eglander. We turn to him, he invites us to go to his room for a conversation on a delicate matter. We follow him into the room on the top floor of the tavern. Upon arrival in the room, Englander asks us to kill the orc girl Victoria. The quest "Blood Feud of Elves and Orcs" begins. We have four options: 1. Inform Victoria about the danger (+300XP) and convince Victoria to give us the amulet to deceive the elf. 2. Kill Victoria and take the amulet. 3.Kill the elf (+750XP) and tell Victoria about your feat. 4. Arrest an elf The variant with killing an elf gives the most a large number of experience. To do this, simply close the door of the room from the inside, then the battle begins. After defeating the elf, we get 750XP.

We go to the next room, where the wandering merchant Sheret is, accompanied by guards. We contact her and discuss her products. We turn to her for the second time and discuss the goods again. We tell the merchant that her goods are connected with witchcraft, then two options are possible. To kill or not to kill the merchant. It is better to let the trader go, then we will get the Pragmatism +1 property. If we decide to kill her, we will get the Performance property +1, but then we will have to join the battle, which residents can also join.

We search the second floor and go down to the first. On the descent from the stairs behind a large barrel there is a hatch to the basement. There is a large room in the basement, a room behind a screen, and a small room filled with poisonous gas. We first examine the sick and small rooms, select the key to the patterned chest. Then we burn poisonous gas in the third room. It’s better to go there with one hero, as traps that throw out fire work there. We quickly run to the left corner of the room where there are two boxes. We select the key from a simple chest from the left box. We search the room, open the patterned chest. We examine this room, open the patterned chest.

We leave the tavern and go to the Town Hall library to Victoria. We inform her about the death of the elf. We get 1800XP. Mission completed. We go to the market and give Bertia the corpse of her beloved sheep. We get 300XP and Relations +50. The task “Little Bertia lost her sheep” has been completed.

Counselor's wife.

It's time for us to check on the councilor's wife Esmeralda, who may have had a reason to kill her husband. We go to Esmeralda's shop, which is located to the right of the Town Hall. Having shown the letter to the guard Septim, he will be surprised that Esmeralda has another lover besides him. Esmeralda will state that the letter from the Duke of Ferol is not evidence of her involvement in the murder, and the Duke was not once her lover. We decide to search Esmeralda's house to find possible evidence of her guilt. First, we go up to the second floor to Esmeralda's bedroom and there we take the key to Esmeralda's house.

We leave the shop and go into the living room on the opposite side of the house with the found key. From the table at the front door we take the book "Planning the Perfect Murder". We pass into the next room, where we take the key to the chest and the key to the chest of the tavern. We go down to the basement and on the wall of a secret room between two shelves with hams we find a button. We click on it, the bookcase moves away, and the entrance to the secret vault opens. Here we take another piece of evidence, a bloodied dagger. After that, we can search the entire basement and collect the most valuable things.

We return to Esmeralda. We show her new evidence: the book "Perfect Murder" and a bloodied dagger. The girl finds logical explanations for this. Esmeralda is definitely not guilty. After interrogation, she advises to take a closer look at Evelyn, a student of the doctor Temiran. My characters have moved to level 4.

Search for Evelyn.

We go to the Teliron clinic to see Evelyn. But she's no longer there. Thelyron told us that Evelyn had run away in a hurry and advised us to inspect her house. First, we go to the treatment room, where on the table in the left corner of the room is Evelyn's backpack, and in it is the key to her house. We leave the clinic and go to small house Evelyn. We approach the south door of the house and take the key to the box. To the right of the front door, open the chest and pick up the detection spell, and take Evelyn's diary from the bookshelf. From the table we take the letter of the Pythia, open the box. We read Evelyn's diary and learn about her shelter on the northern beach. A marker appears on the map, but we can't go there yet.

Warming up the crowd.

Then we go to the fair, which is located east of the hospital of Teliron. There are two artists giving a performance. The artist Reginald has a large audience, but the artist Cedric does not. We approach Cedric and ask him why no one is watching his performance. He says that his rival Reginald robbed him of the audience, and even when he has one fan, he shouts "bravo". The task "Warming up the Crowd" is unlocked. In the fans of Reginald, we notice Gallagher, who constantly stirs up the public's interest in him. We speak with Gallagher, it turns out that Reginald hired him to warm up the audience. We approach Reginald and ask him about the "warmer" and the Talking Head. Cedric is then informed about the "heater" and he asks us to hire Gallagher for him. We persuade Gallagher to work for Cedric, and inform Reginald about this. Mission completed.

We go to the northeast from Cedric and on the way we meet the Beggar at the house with a crane. In a conversation with him, we learn that he foolishly drank the advice of the Guardian Statues and burned his house. In the subsequent dialogue between the heroes, we can condemn his deed, then we will get the Materialism +1 property, which will increase the Connoisseur skill by 1, or praise, then we will get the Spirituality +1 property, and we will become immune to Fear (preferably in the future).

Now we go to the camp of legionnaires and visit the dining room. We go into the dining room building and we are stopped by the desperate cries of Jack the rooster, from which the cook is going to cook dinner. We can take pity on the rooster and let it out of the kitchen, or give it to the cook. In the first case, we get the Compassion property, in the second - Heartlessness. I took pity on the rooster and got Compassion +1. On the second floor in the dining room is the Quartermaster, from whom you can buy items of equipment. We leave the dining room and turn right, there in a dead end between the dining room and the wall we find a patterned chest. From it we take out dusty parchment, the riddle of the first sister of the Last chest is written there.

All the characters of the team have moved up to level 4, the tasks in the city have been completed, you can start exploring the western forest of Saisil.

Chapter 2

We leave the city through the North Gate. Ahead of the looted wagon we see three zombies. We enter into battle with them. After the victory, we get 2550XP.

Double Dungeons.

We go along the road to the northwest and in a clearing near sharp rocks we see a sick dog. We approach it, but suddenly undead appear from under the ground: a big man, a swordsman, an archer and a magician. We enter into battle with them and the dog. After the victory, we get 2220XP. At the sharp rocks we see a hatch in the dungeon, but so far we don’t go down there, but go through the rocks to the north. We go north and see a clearing with fires, and three hellish chimeras and a restless pyromancer roam behind a large boulder. From a distance we send "Rain" to the clearing. Then we enter the battle, preferably on the right side. Chimeras and pyromancers are not susceptible to fire damage, which must be taken into account in combat. After the victory, we get 2685XP. therefore, they are easier to destroy with the magic of water and air. After the victory, open the chest and notice another hatch into the second dungeon. We get down there and go down the stairs. We see a platform, along the perimeter of which there are pillars of elements with buttons. We read the tablet in front of them, from which it follows that only two can enter the cage from the pillars. The order of pressing the buttons of the pillars of the elements is also written there. We divide the team into two squads with heroes at the head. The first squad stays in the northern dungeon, and the second one goes to the southern dungeon and there reads the order of pressing the buttons of the pillars of the elements. The peculiarity is that the combination written in the southern dungeon, we need to enter in the north, and the northern one in the south. In the northern dungeon, press the buttons: Water, Earth, Air, Fire. From this, a double enemy of the hero will appear in the southern dungeon. Quickly switch to southern group and we fight with a double. (To switch between groups, double-click on the icons of the heroes). After the victory, we select a round medallion. In the southern dungeon, press the buttons: Earth, Water, Air, Fire. In the northern dungeon we defeat another double, take the second square medallion. Then, with each detachment, we descend through the hatches, from where the doubles came out, into the caves. At the end of the caves there are magical gates, in front of which there are small pedestals. Drag the amulets from the inventory to the pedestals. When the amulets are placed, the magical doors to the crypt will open. We unite the detachments, search 4 chests, each of which contains several magic items. We leave the dungeon through the southern hatch.

Lost archaeologist.

In the west we see a house, we approach its entrance. In the house, Wulfram calls for help from the Legion. From the entrance to the house we immediately dive into the hatch. We find ourselves in an abandoned basement of the house, where you can find useful things in boxes and barrels. We leave the basement and speak with Wulfram. This is the same missing archaeologist who was sent by Captain Aureus to investigate the burial mounds. Wulfram is afraid of the undead, and therefore does not leave the house. We offer him assistance in escorting him to the city. On the escort path, we first destroy one skeleton, then a couple more. When we bring Wolfram to the city, we get 1715XP. We go to the headquarters of the legion and inform him about the missing expedition to the burial mounds. The task "The Lost Archaeologist" is completed, we get 3000XP.

Adventures in the Western Forest.

We leave the city through the Western Gate and on the way we meet two skeletons and zombies. We kill them and go further along the road. Ahead is an abandoned house, where there is a group of 6 representatives of the undead. During the fight with them, you can use barrels of poison, and then set fire to the poison fumes. After the fight we go west. There, in a clearing with a scarecrow, there are several skeletons and a skeleton demoman. We start the battle with the demoman, then we destroy the rest of the undead. We go south to the broken cart. Near it, two skeletons jump out of the ground. We kill them, inspect the barrels. After the battle, we go along the road to the northwest and approach the altar of West Saysil. From the altar we go along the road up the mountain to the northeast. On the way we meet two groups of skeletons, the near group consists of three warrior skeletons and a magician, and the distant group consists of three archer skeletons. After defeating them, we go to the cliff and inspect the chest located between two sharp rocks. Characters get level 5.

We return to the altar and go left to the ruined house. There is a group of undead. We fight with them, after the victory we inspect the house. In the southern wing of the house, near the boxes, we take the Key from the secret hatch. At the northern wall of the house we move the mat and find a hatch into a secret basement. We open it with the found key and find ourselves in the Forgotten Crypt. The crypt contains useful items and a sarcophagus. We drag the lid of the sarcophagus (we need strength 9), after which the ghost of the former strongman Snorri appears from it. The ghost offers to pass the test - to break Snorri's ball in 35 seconds. We break the ball, we get 600XP.

Reward for cowardice.

We leave the crypt and go west. We see that under a tree near the shore there are two legionnaires. We approach them. It turns out that these legionnaires were sent by Captain Auray to inspect the lighthouse, but they are afraid to go there. We agree to go to the lighthouse instead of them, and then tell them what is happening at the lighthouse. We go west to the left corner of the area, we see the Lighthouse, and in front of the entrance stands the Ghoul from the Lighthouse, surrounded by 3 zombie wolves, two skeleton archers and a skeleton demoman. The ghoul can summon zombie wolves, resurrect skeletons, teleport and hit us from behind. The main thing is to kill the Ghoul so that he does not call for reinforcements. There are 2 barrels of oil near it, which makes our task easier. For the victory we get 4195XP.

We enter the Lighthouse and go down to the basement. The ghost of Samson roams here, he is a local lighthouse keeper. Out of jealousy for his wife Desdemona, he sank the ship they were on. The task “Lost love at the lighthouse” opens, which we will complete later. In addition, he reports that he is not involved in the appearance of the undead at the lighthouse. We collect valuable things around, we go to the surface. If in the dialogue between the characters we regret the ghost of Samson, then we get the All-Forgiveness +1 property, immunity to the Curse factor.

We go down from the lighthouse and pick up the key to a strong chest there. We return to the legionnaires and tell them what happened at the Lighthouse. We get the property Altruism +1. We search the chest, the key to which we found at the Lighthouse. We return to the city and go to Captain Aureus. In his office, cowardly legionnaires talk about their exploits at the Lighthouse. We inform you that the beacon is now safe. We honestly tell Aureus about the events at the Lighthouse and the cowardice of the legionnaires. The captain sends the underpants to the kitchen. The task is completed, we get 3000XP.

Chapter 3

We leave the northern gate and go straight along the path that rises to the hill. We hear the grunting of wild boars and come across a group of undead: 4 wild boars and 3 skeletons. After defeating them, we get 5040XP. We continue to move uphill and see a burning patterned chest. We extinguish it with rain, then the chest starts to run away from us and leads to the clearing to the ruins of the columns. A kamikaze goblin jumps out of the chest. We kill him and open the chest in which you can find magic items.

We return to the meeting point with the chest and go east to the bridge over the river. We pass along the bridge and in the northern direction we see a large group of undead: 2 magicians, skeletons, archers and warriors, zombie boars. The enemies have an advantage in numbers, so in battle we retreat around the corner to the left behind the stones, here we wait for suitable enemies and kill them one by one. We get 6540XP.

Arhu's failed experiment.

To the right of the waterfall is the entrance to the northern cave. We enter there and get into a cave called "Smelly Tunnel". We get 450XP. We pass through the tunnel and meet three members of the Magnificent Five, who were sent to pacify the enraged robot Arhu. One of them says that they expected help in the person of Mendius and Anna, but they did not come. He begs us to save them from the robot, as they are simple farmers and not trained in martial arts. We agree to help them.

After the end of the conversation, this trio of farmers will follow us. We'll have to deal with the Arhu robot ourselves. To do this, we give the most enterprising hero the universal controller Iskromaster-5000 (we display it on the panel). Then we transfer the heroes to Stealth mode, then the fighters of the Five will not follow us and therefore will remain alive (we will receive a bonus of 900XP for this). We approach the robot (level 6, health 1172, armor 42, immune to fire, fires a flamethrower), and a hero with a Sparkmaster-5000 Control Device activates it. We need to choose a combination of buttons. The correct combination: sleepy cat, sleepy cat, happy cat. After such a combination, the robot goes to sleep and can be beaten with impunity. First we kill three skeleton warriors, and then we take on a helpless robot. It is good to beat him with crushing damage. It is very effective to cause rain and cast electric discharges on the robot, as well as cast the Teleportation spell. After the victory, we get 5760XP.

The rescued farmers thank us for saving us and go to the legion camp to heal their wounds. The task "Unsuccessful experiment to Arhu" is completed. We go to the end of the cave and exit to the northern beach.

Greatstaff of Cecil.

We go through the bridge to the west to the portal Northwest of Saysil. To the north of the portal on a hill is a camp in which 5 robbers. We attack them. After the victory, we get 5250XP. We get down to the altar and go further to the west. We see that Dietmar settled by the fire with two workers. This is the same kidnapper of the staff of Pergamum. Dietmar starts a fight and the next turn calls 5 more helpers (even if he is killed). It is better to kill Dietmar first, and then the rest of the thugs. After the victory, we get 7385XP. We pick up the staff of Pergamon from the murdered Ditmar.

Talking statues.

From Ditmar's camp we go west to the boat, and then north, where we find a corpse. A crab claw runs next to him, which can tell about the involvement of the Guardian Statues in the death of a pearl diver. We climb the mountain and there we find the altar of the Statue of Saisil. To the right of the altar there is a square with Guardian Statues of the four elements: fire, air, water and earth. Each Statue must be hit by its corresponding element with the help of spells, special arrows or staves. After attacking the Statue, a small elemental demon appears, which must be killed.

Defeating four demons opens a passage to the Primordial Cave. We inspect the site, pick up the key. We go to the Primordial Cave. At the end of it is the magician Bellegar and his two girls, imprisoned in a cave. After talking with him, we leave (later we will meet with him again). Mission completed.

Evelyn's lair.

On the northern beach, we approach the place indicated by a marker on the global map. We approach the rock with two torches and use the Detect spell found in Evelyn's house. A passage will appear in the rock. We get 1270XP.

We go to the Secret Vault. We go along the aisle, turn into the corridor, kill the exhausted sectarian and take away from him the key to the entrance to Evelyn's lair. We go further along the corridor and see four orcs standing at the door. You can negotiate with them so that they let us through to Evelyn, but it’s better to just kill us. We open the door with the key and enter the alchemy laboratory. There are 9 sectarians here. First, it is better to destroy the cultists to the left of the entrance to the room, and then the rest. After the victory, we get 9000XP.

We open the patterned door and enter the large hall. In the center of the room, Evelyn is working on Jake's corpse. We approach Evelyn and a dialogue begins with her. She mentions King Brakka. The quest "In Search of King Brakk" begins. At the end of the dialogue, the battle begins. At the beginning of the fight, Evelyn (level 7) will summon the undead: a bloodthirsty demon, two hellhounds, a charred bone lieutenant and a cyclops wizard. Evelyn herself can attack us with very powerful spells and periodically summon the undead. Therefore, she must be killed in the first place. Bone Lieutenant is fireproof, keep this in mind when choosing spells. After the victory, Jake thanks us for getting rid of Evelyn and tells us the details of the night of his murder. According to his version, he was killed by the White Witch, who knows the magic of the Source, and Evelyn stole his corpse and revived him. He gives us his amulet of the Enlightened One so that we can communicate with him at his grave. The mission "Mysterious Murder" is completed. The quest "Find the Witch!" is unlocked.

We return to Cysil and go to the mayor Cecil. We ask him about the Magnificent Five. He says that the Fab Five got their share of the mission and left town. The Magnificent Five mission has been completed. We give the staff of Pergamum to the mayor (you can give it later if you need it). Cecil's Greatstaff completed.

Then we go to Captain Aureus. In the dialogue, we tell him about the results of the investigation into the murder of Jake and about Evelyn. We ask him about the White Witch and King Brakka. We learned that King Brakk is buried in Sisil and his grave may be in the old church. Quest "In Search of King Brakk" completed.

We go down to the basement of the headquarters and speak with the guard of the treasury there. This is one of the farmers saved by us from the enraged robot Arhu, who were accepted into the Aureus legion. You can convince the guard to open the treasury and take some things. The quest "Arhu's Experiment Failed" has been completed.

Chapter 4

Before heading to the Black Bay, let's take one more task, which we will perform there. We go to the tavern and on the first floor, right after entering the tavern by the large fireplace, we find the Unsinkable Sam cat. If the heroes have the Animal Lover talent, then we start a conversation with the cat. Sam will ask us to find out why the cat of his dreams, Maxine, does not show any interest in him. We go to the town hall where Maxine lives. We talk to her and find out that she does not want to spend her life with a cat who is not able to provide for her kittens. We go to Sam and tell him the reason for the coldness towards him from Maxine. To woo Maxine, Sam the cat asks us to find his unusual collar.

West Beach.

From the harbor, let's go to the southwestern gates of the city and ask the guard to open them. Let's go to the beach and explore it. There are many legionnaires killed by the orcs on the beach. At the overturned boat we meet the Mysterious Alien, who disappears after talking with us. Now we go west along the seashore. On the way we meet the orc Broggnar, who mourns the brother Oggy who died here. We sympathize with his grief and get the characteristic Spirituality +1, which gives immunity to the Fear factor by 1. We get +300XP. Then, let's start digging Auggie's grave. Broggnar will not like this and the battle will begin. After defeating the orc, we get 900XP. We search the corpse of Auggie. There, at the totems, you can unearth two more corpses of orcs.

We go along the coast and see a rock, near which there are several burning torches, and orc footprints on the sand. Here you have to be careful, as the path is mined. We follow the tracks along the coast and see 5 orcs who want to near the ship. We start fighting with them. After the victory, we get 4650XP. We go further north and see five orcs led by Gulbarg the Terrible (level 7), patrolling at the entrance to the Black Bay. Gulbarg himself is a melee fighter, but the fight begins with the Fear spell. If the heroes are not immune to this spell, they are out of combat for 2 turns. Immunity grants the Spirituality character trait (try to keep this trait at high level, you will often need it). After the victory, we get 6930XP, select "orders" and read them.

Black bay.

We go through the stone head to the Black Bay. We pass the Black Bay altar and go forward along the path. On the way we see the killed orcs. Ahead is a gas trap, in order to neutralize it, drag the barrel to the installation site in the center of the cloud. We approach the square, where there is a battle between skeleton pirates and orcs. All of them are our enemies, so we attack both of them. The more we kill them, the more experience we get.

We search the area and go along the road going deep into the cave. Along the way, you must overcome a series of poisonous traps. We turn off toxic fumes by installing plugs in the form of barrels and boxes. Having cleared the passage, we see a huge man-crab Spawn of the Source (level 6), which stands in front of the door to the headquarters of the pirates. He has a lot of health and good resistance to the elements of water. It is very good to beat him with edetric discharges, having previously moistened with rain. In addition, he periodically calls for help by two crabs. Therefore, you need to quickly pinch him in the corner until he has conjured up a whole army of crabs. The abomination does not take bludgeoning damage well and is susceptible to air damage, especially being struck by electrical charges enhanced by wetting it with rain.

After defeating the Spawn, we examine the boxes and barrels, then we go into the room on the right and clean it. Then we go up the ramp to the upper room. We enter it, click on the plate, the ghost of Bille Gar appears. He will say that the room is mined, and if we do not find the deactivation button, we will die here. To clear the room, we disconnect from the team the hero who did not step on the button. The sapper goes to the crate, slides it to the right and reveals the hidden button. Activates it and the room is cleared.

We go down and go to the pirate office. With desk we pick up the key to the pier in the bay. We open the patterned door for them and go down to the pier. Mines and poison traps are placed on the wooden descent, which we plug with barrels. At the very bottom of the descent, oil is spilled and there are two barrels of oil. There are goblins-explosives near the shore. We set fire to a little, the fire spreads to the goblins, and they explode.

At the end of the pier we see two ghosts. We approach them and turn to the ghost girl Lillian. Her father Nick was beheaded by pirates and thrown into the sea, she asks us to find her. Do you remember the artist Reginald's story about the Talking Head? So this is Nick's head.

We return to the room of pirates. Against dining table a picture of a woman hangs on the wall, and there is a lever in the corner of the room. We click on it, and the picture shifts. Behind it is a secret button. We press this button, then a hatch filled with barrels will appear in the corner of the room to the left of the patterned door. We open it and find ourselves in an underground pirate bay. We go along the road and approach the bridge. Near it are two traps, one at the entrance to the bridge, the other at the patterned chest. We neutralize the traps and continue moving through the bridge. After the bridge we kill the stone crab and move on. After examining the area, we kill three groups of crabs.

Then we rise to the stone square, at the end of which there is a huge stone skull with burning eye sockets. This skull closes the passage to the pirate ship. To open the passage, you need to find the desired switch among the many other switches located on and around the square. Most switches trigger various traps: fire, freeze, poison, lightning, and the like. There is one very interesting trap called by the Sinister Switch. By clicking on it you will be transported to the island with the skeleton. To get out of the island, you need to find the Mysterious Switch in the north of the island. After clicking on it, you will find yourself in an abandoned room located in the Black Bay below the room of the mad magician Bille Gar. There are many barrels and boxes, and there are also two traps. For research, get 630XP. To quickly return from there, you must leave one of the pyramids at the Sinister Switch.

We go down the stairs to the right of the skull and turn west. Behind the bushes near the wall we find the Bloodied Switch. Click on it and the stone skull disappears. We pass through the opened passage and see the captain of the pirates Pontius the Pirate (level 6) at the ship. We attack Pontius, he uses intimidation, but we are immune to "Fear", and calls a team of five pirates. Pontius and pirates have very weak defense against elemental magic (especially against fire, and barrels of oil are also scattered there) and weapon damage. So the fight is not particularly difficult. After the battle, all characters go to level 8. From the murdered Pontius we take away the Black sinister key and the key of Pontius. On the ship, we open Pilate's chest and take away the Bloodstone from there - an unactivated Star Stone (316), which heals any disease, including Rot, and a note from Pontius.

We return to the square where the pirate skeletons fought with the orcs. Use the Black Sinister Key to open the Black Sinister Door. We go down the narrow path. On the way we find the skeleton of a dragon, under it you can find a diamond for 2500 gold. We pass the waterfall, then there will be another dragon skeleton on the side rock. We approach a small beach on which an ambush awaits us. We move towards the cross from the boards, and here a huge spider Nightmare of the Source (level 6) descends to us, which killed the dragons. A fight ensues. Despite its impressive size, it only has 1000 health and 80-130 damage. The spider is good to beat with air spells. After the victory, among the things we find Sam's Collar.

Chapter 4

Lost love at the lighthouse.

In the northern part of the beach near the broken ship is the ghost of Desdemona. On the right bank of the bay we meet the ghost of a girl named Desdemona. She wants to meet her husband, Lighthouse Keeper Samson. We tell her that Samson killed her because of jealousy. Desdemona goes to the Lighthouse to deal with her husband. We teleport to the portal West Saisil. We go to the Lighthouse and go down to its basement. We listen to the scene of Samson's remorse before his wife. Then Desdemona asks us what to do with Samson. We decide to forgive Samson and get the Compassion property +1. The quest "Lost Love at the Lighthouse" has been completed.

Cat love (completion).

We return to the city. We go to the tavern to the cat Sam and give him the Collar. Happy Sam runs to Maxine at City Hall. We follow him and in the city hall we listen to their conversation. In a joint dialogue, we draw conclusions: positive - Romantic +1, negative - Pragmatic +1. We get 1400XP.

Headless Nick (completion).

In the city we go to the fairground and turn to the Talking Head, which is Nick's head. There are two options: 1) leave the head at her request, 2) take the head to a headless ghost. We take the Talking Head to Lillian. We get +2100 XP and a chest. We return to Saysil.

Chapter 5

Legionnaires in the church.

We go to the northeastern gates of the city and ask the legionnaire to open them. We leave the city and go north. We see water mill, inside of which are two skeleton legionnaires. We go there and Blossius turns to us. He and his partner Livia were from the cohort of legionnaires sent by Aureus to inspect the old church. Blossius asks us to deliver a letter to his wife Marisa in Silverglen. The quest "Legionnaire's Testament" is unlocked. In a conversation with Livia, we learn about the dangerous lava fields on which a cohort of the legion died. We return to the city and inform Aureus about the fate of the legionnaires sent by him to inspect the old church. Mission "Legionnaires in the Church" completed.

We leave the city through the southeast gate and turn south. Going down the stairs we see an area flooded with poison, which is constantly filled from the statues of fish. We blow up the poison with fire magic. We inspect the barrels and go up to the garden gate in stone wall. On the right in the center of the round area is a mine. We neutralize it and take the key from the barrel garden gate. We open the door, neutralize the trap, and approach the altar of Sysil: villa. We go further to the corner of the site. There you can dig a chest.

Dry gardens.

Climb up the stairs and enter the area of ​​the Withered Gardens. To the right is an area with burning earth that cannot be extinguished. It's a trap, whoever steps in there will be burned. We go to the north and in front of the entrance gate we meet three guardian skeletons. After the battle with them, we get 3600XP. We enter the gate and go up to the throne room of the Bone Baron Morterik (level 7) and his wife Lady Anna. After talking with us, Morterik summons assistants of four magicians and two archers. The fight begins, the Baron and all the skeletons are very vulnerable to fire and crushing damage. The main task is to kill the baron so that he does not call on the undead. After the victory, we get 9000XP. In the eastern corner of the hall we select the Key from the eastern royal chest, with which we open the corresponding chest. In the western part of the gardens there is a Western Royal Chest, which we break open.

We leave the Withered Gardens and go from the Eastern Gate of Saisil along the road to the east. On the way we meet the shepherd Vargo.

We go to the right and go up the stairs to the house. This is a ruined forge. If you wish to inspect it, then get ready for a difficult passage through various traps and lava chambers. It is better to go through the forge with one hero, a ranger or a thief, who have high perception and can jump over lava pockets. If there are no such characters, then it is better not to go there.

We return to the road and follow the sheepdog. She will lead us to a group of wolves, the fight with which does not cause difficulties. We pass through the opening in the stone wall and turn right. There is the altar of Vostok Saisil.

Undertaker's house.

From the altar we go up the path and meet a group of skeletons: three heavily armored archers standing on a wooden ramp, and three heavily armored warriors. First we destroy the warriors, and then the archers. We rise along the ramp to the undertaker's house. Breaks down the door of the house. Then we separate one hero from the team. This hero enters the house and goes (jumps) to the lever located to the right of the door near the table. Pressing the lever turns off the gas trap. From the table we take the Letter addressed to Teliron, and from the bookshelf the second Letter is addressed to Teliron and the Diary of Teliron. We break open the secret chest of Teliron and take away the Unsent letter to the Pythia from there. We read these documents. It turns out that Thelyron is directly connected with the Pythia, the dark soothsayer of the Source, and is the reason for the summoning of the undead in the vicinity of Cysil. He also revived King Brakk, the lord of the undead. We must report this to the wizard Arch.

Well brothers.

From the undertaker's house we head northwest and approach the well, which is located to the left of the abandoned church. We turn to the well, whose name is Walter, he has a brother William, who is in a snowy country. Walter offers to teleport us to his brother. We agree, and we find ourselves at William's well on the site in front of the ancient buildings. In the corner of the site there is a patterned chest. We turn to the well William. We learn from him that we are in Hiberheim, the edge of winter in the kingdom of the fairies. A scroll with a spell, which is in the possession of King Boreas, can help him meet his brother. We return back to Cysil to Walter's well. The task "Brothers-wells" opens, which we will perform later.

Church cemetery.

From the well we go north. On the left we see a lava field, and on the right is an old church. We enter the passage and get to the cemetery. There you can dig graves, taking out chests or useful things. Some graves contain traps. We go up the stairs and near the crypt we find a secret grave. From there we dig out the book “The Legend of the Were-Sheep”, read it, the task “The Legend of the Were-Sheep” opens, which we will complete throughout the game.

In the northern part of the cemetery we meet the Cemetery Madman. He wants to make an experiment on our survival and causes 16 skeleton explosions that surround us from two sides. A very dangerous situation. The tactics here are like this. First, we go along the northern edge of the cemetery to the corner of the cemetery, away from the madman. Then we cause rain on the entire area of ​​this part of the cemetery. We separate from the detachment one hero who has more health. He approaches the madman. After that, from afar, we destroy a group of demolitionists next to the madman, and then the rest. This way we will avoid the death of the characters. After the battle, we get 17000XP.

Having dug up all the graves, we go to the very north of the cemetery and climb the terrace. On the left there is a bridge to the lava field, which is guarded by a large Zombie Troll. We are waiting for the troll to move away, at this time we set fire to the poisonous grass under his feet. During the fight, by the time the troll gets to us, he will already lose half of his health. We can teleport it back, and it will burn down completely. We get 1800 XP. My characters go to level 9.

We now go to the south of the cemetery. We go behind the old church and find the altar of Sysil: the old church. We pass further and several zombies and a skeleton crawl out from under the ground. We kill them and go to the west of the altar to the area where ghosts roam.

Sermon of earthly passions.

We approach the ghost Ebenezer and start a conversation with him. It turns out that these are ghosts from the ship that was destroyed by the lighthouse keeper Samson. The ghosts want to go to the Hall of Echoes, where the road to paradise awaits them. But Ebenezer does not believe in this paradise and wants to find his pet - the ship's cat Oscar. The quest "Preaching Earthly Passions" is unlocked.

We know only one ship's cat - Sam. Therefore, we go to him in the tavern Saisil. In the tavern we find Sam and turn to him with the question, was he the cat Oscar? Turns out that's what the ship's cook called Sam when he was a kitten. Sam told us about the terrible past of Ebenezer the cook and said that if he could, he would have killed him.

Then we go to the headquarters of the legion and ask Archa about the Bone Baron and King Brakk. Arhu asks us to find out who revived the undead rabbit Brakk. We go up to the second floor and inform Arch that the healer Theliron has summoned the undead, led by King Brakk, and now he is looking for a tomb. Arhu asks us to follow Thelyron, the task "Who summoned the skeleton king" begins.

We teleport to the old church and go to the ghosts of sailors. We ask Ebenezer about his past life. After his story, we

Divinity: Original Sin is an old-school RPG with lots of in-game features. One of the main possibilities is a combination of spells, things, use environment to achieve certain effects that will come in handy during the battle. Let's take a look at the combinations.


Oil barrel + fire - explosion with the earth burning in the area

Oil Barrel + Poison Cloud

Barrel of water + fire - a cloud of steam


Burning earth + water - Vapor cloud

Poison Apple + Fire - Explosion

Clouds of steam + electricity - Electric cloud

Toxic Earth + Fire - Burning Earth

Wet Target + Cold - Freeze

Puddle + electricity - electrified water

3 x Combo

Poison Cloud + Oil + Fire

Other when beating Divinity: Original Sin

Shoot a fiery target with a poison arrow or dart

Take advantage of the electricity on the pool of blood

  • oil helps to slow down enemies. Try teleporting a barrel of oil onto his head. It would be nice to set it on fire too;
  • when the enemy status is "wet", it will turn into a block of ice if you freeze it. If it is not wet, then the enemy will simply slow down;
  • it is necessary to take into account what statuses the enemy has in this moment. If you want, for example, to freeze an enemy on fire, then just put it out. Be careful;
  • as for lightning, if the enemy gets wet, then you will definitely stun him;
  • rain leads to puddles on the ground. If you hit the puddles with an ice spell, then it will become a skating rink;
  • you can build fortifications from the material at hand. For example, force barrels and boxes. You can also throw various objects at enemies;
  • if you set fire to, for example, oil, then a cloud of smoke often forms at the place of arson. When you are in this cloud, it is difficult for enemies to hit you;
  • to disperse the cloud of burning, use the rain;
  • be sure to go through the cave for beginners to learn in detail about the features of the game;
  • about craft. He's pretty good at the game. Everything is done quite realistically.

Passage of game Divinity: Original Sin, Quest - Murder Mystery

Completion reward - 8250 experience points

On the initial stage game you have to investigate a very mysterious murder. But first you must get to the city, the path to which will be blocked by the orcs. You need to go down to the dungeon, find training (it was already mentioned above), then move on. There will be cutscenes of necromancers crawling out of the crypt. When they spot you, they will summon the undead. No need to worry - you can handle it without any problems.

You can move on, or return to the tomb. Inside there will be a textbook where there are rules of the game. In addition, you will find gold. Getting out of the dungeon is pretty easy. If you go the other way, then you need to turn left and get to the bridge. Deal with the drunken guard, or have him escort you to the city wall. It is important to remember that the dead guards can be searched, but the living ones help in the fight against the orcs.

During the passage of the game Divinity: Original Sin, a battle rages on the beach, next to the city gates. Pass the bridge, watch the video about the siege by the orcs, then fight the enemies. To win, you must first eliminate the shaman, which heals his allies. In the field you will see a barrel containing oil. Use fire to blow it up. This hurts three orcs nearby.

When the battle is over, blow to the city gates. There you will meet Master Arhu. He knows something about the murder. This character will ask you to meet with him, as well as with Captain Aureus in the northeastern part of the city. In the indicated place, go up the stairs, talk to the cat that Arhu has become. So you will have information about the night when the crime occurred. After Archu will give advice to examine the corpse, ask a series of questions to the gravedigger.

When you are on the first floor, talk to the captain. Ask to be allowed to inspect the scene of the murder and proceed with the passage of side missions. To complete the game Divinity: Original Sin, first go to the tavern where the murder took place. The guard will quietly let counselor Jake (the victim) into the room. Prepare for a magical discharge attack when the door opens. However, it still won't do any harm.

Then you should open the chest using master keys. You can just break it. Here you can also find the stone needed for the quest "The Story of The Stones". By the way, if this quest has not yet been taken by you, just touch the stone to start it. You need to read the letter that lies in the chest. Then the task will begin. This quest will end immediately after your character sees the dead body. Then you should hurry to the funeral home, which is located in the northeastern part of the city. Go into the room on the left. Study the notes. Understand that the body was stolen. Gravedigger's suspicions point to Mayor Cecil, Captain Aureus, Healer Evelyn, Esmeraltz.

In the further passage of the game Divinity: Original Sin, your task is to complete the quest "The Councilor's Wife".

After passing it, go to Evelyn. She ran away somewhere. Master Thelyron will tell you how to get to her house. But you need to take her purse from the next room. You will find the keys in it. When you get home, pay attention to the right side. There is a chest here. It must be opened in order to receive a spell that will help you enter the secret laboratory. There will be Evelyn's magazine on the shelf. From it you will learn a lot of interesting things about the secret laboratory.

The desired object is located on the northern beach. We must get out of the city through the eastern gate, move north. The undead will attack you. Deal with everyone and blow into the cave that was wary of them. There will be one of the bosses. When you deal with him, you need to use another move to get to the eastern beach. Explore the South Cliffs. Then you need to use the found spell on yourself to get into the laboratory.

When passing the game Divinity: Original Sin, there will be a cultist inside, who must be quickly killed by taking the key from him. If he manages to get to the orcs, then he will have to fight them. When you get to the lower level, there will be a battle again. Then you will meet with Evelyn surrounded by a bunch of cultists. By the way, the lady is able to lift and throw zombies that spit acid. Therefore, you need to soak it faster, because it is very harmful to you. Try to choose the strongest character that can bring the most damage.

After the battle, talk to the rebellious Jakov. He will tell who is to blame for his death. Well, the mission is over.

Walkthrough Divinity: Original Sin, Quest - Counselor's Wife

Completion Reward - 1,800 XP

When you read the letter from the victim's chest, you can get the quest. According to his scenario, the suspect is Jake's wife. It can be found in the store. Show the letter to the guard. He learns that Esmeralda has other lovers besides him. She will deny everything.

To understand that the woman is innocent, you need to go up the stairs and find the key in her apartment. Climb up the stairs again so you can open the door. Don't stop at the basement. There will be books on the table. They will tell you how to plan the murder. Go to the next room, use the secret door to go to the basement. There will be meat to the left of the stairs - remove it and find the switch. When you use it, a passage to a secret room will open. Here demand an explanation from Esmeralda. She will say that the knife and book belong to her husband, who is slaughtering pigs. In addition, he will make an attempt to transfer the evidence to Evelyn.

Now you have reason to ask the captain to detain Evelyn, or not to do so. Be that as it may, we must return to the passage of the previous task.

Quest Murder Mystery

As a reward for completing it, you will receive 8,250 experience.

At the first stage of the passage of the game Divinity: Original Sin, you will be investigating a mysterious murder. However, first you need to get into the city, and the path to it is blocked by orcs. Go down into the dungeon to find the training, and then move on and you can watch videos of the necromancers coming out of the crypt. Noticing you, the enemies will call for help from the undead, but do not worry - you will be able to cope with it without problems.

Now you can go further or return to the tomb. Inside you will find a tutorial that gives the basic rules of the game, as well as gold. And getting out of the dungeon is also not difficult. If you decide to choose a different path to complete the game, turn left and get to the bridge. When confronted by drunken guards, either deal with them or have them escort you to the city walls. And remember that the dead guards can be searched, but the living ones can help you in the fight against the orcs.

When viewing Divinity: Original Sin walkthrough video to switch between videos, use the “Playlist” tab

On the beach, not far from the city gates, the battle is in full swing. After passing the bridge, watch the video about the ambush of the orcs, and then fight them. To win, you must be the first to kill the shaman, who is able to heal his allies. Right in the middle of the field, where the battle is in full swing, you will see a barrel of oil - using fire, you can blow it up and injure those orcs that are nearby. Just be careful as the shaman can do it too.

After the battle is over, go to the city gates to meet Master Arhu, who knows something about the murder. This hero will ask you to meet him and Captain Aureus in the northeast of the city. When you reach the indicated place, go up the stairs and enter into a conversation with the cat that Arhu has turned into. So you will get information about the night when the murder was committed, and then Arhu will advise you to examine the corpse and ask some questions to the gravedigger.

Once on the first floor, talk to the captain so that he allows you to inspect the crime scene, as well as proceed with side missions. First, go to the tavern where the murder took place. The guard will freely let you into the room of adviser Jake (victim). Moreover, when the door of the room located on the first floor opens, you will be attacked by a magical discharge. But don't worry, it won't do any harm to your character.

To further progress through the game, you need to open the chest - use the master keys or just break it. And also keep in mind that you can find here the stone needed for the quest "The Story of The Stones". Moreover, if you have not taken this quest yet, just touch the stone, and it will start automatically. Read the letter in the chest and you will receive the quest "The Story of The Stones". Moreover, it will end immediately after your hero sees the corpse. Hurry to the funeral home, which is located in the northeast of the city, and go into the room on the left. After examining the notes found here, you will learn that the body was stolen. And the gravedigger's suspicions fall on Mayor Cecil, the healer Evelyn, Captain Aureus, and Esmeralda, who is the wife of the murdered.

When you complete the task, go to Evelyn, and you will learn from the master Thelyron that the woman hastily fled somewhere. The master will tell you how to get to Evelyn's house, but first take her bag from the next room (it is near the window). This bag contains the keys. Once in the house, look to the right - there is a chest that needs to be opened to get the spell to enter the secret laboratory. And on the shelf you will see Evelyn's journal, from which you can get information that secret laboratory located in the northern part of the map.

You will find the necessary object on the northern beach. Moreover, it is important that the spell in question was used on you. Get out of the city, using the eastern gate, and move north until you are attacked by a pack of undead. Once you've dealt with everyone, enter the cave they guarded and you'll encounter one of the bosses that are needed to complete The Fabulous Five side quest. After defeating him, use another move to get to the eastern beach. Explore the South Cliffs until your allies alert you that you are already there. Having used the found spell on yourself, you will be able to freely get inside the laboratory.

Inside you will see a cultist - you need to kill him as soon as possible (until he raised the alarm) and grab the key from the dead body. If the cultist manages to get to the orcs, they will have to fight with them. After defeating everyone, go to the lower level, and there you will have to fight again. Further in the process of passing the game, you will meet with Evelyn and many cultists. Moreover, the woman will be able to lift and throw zombies into the attack, which will explode, splashing drops of acid around her. Hurry up to kill Evelyn, because there is a lot of harm from her. Moreover, it should be attacked by one of your characters who is able to inflict the strongest damage - and the rest can simply cover the attacker.

After the battle, you will need to talk with the rebellious Jake, and he will tell you who is responsible for his death. On this passage of the mission can be considered completed.

As a reward for completing it, you will receive 1,800 experience.

After staying at the scene of the crime and reading the letter from the victim's chest, you will receive a quest, according to which Jake's wife will be considered a suspect. You can find it in the store. Show the letter to the guard, and he will find out that Esmeralda, in addition to him, has another lover. As for the woman herself, she will deny everything.

To verify the woman's innocence, go up the stairs and find the key in her apartment. Climb the steps again to open the nearest door. Pass the basement floor and you will find books on the table that tell you how to plan a murder. Go to the next room and use the secret door to get into the basement. To the left of the stairs you will see hanging meat - you need to remove it and find the switch. Using the switch, you will open the passage to the secret room. And here it will already be necessary to demand an explanation from Esmeralda. The woman will say that both the book and the knife belong to her pig-slaughtering husband. And also she will try to transfer suspicions to Evelyn.

Now you can ask the captain to arrest Evelyn or not to do so. In any case, return to the passage of the previous quest.

Quest Talking statues

As a reward for completing it, you will receive 3,400 experience.

On the way to the city, at the very beginning of the game, you can take some notes from the dead body. The journal will reveal information that the mysterious statues gave the infrequent the ability to soar in the air, but as a result, this turned out to be untrue. To solve the riddle, you need to get into the city. Once in the city, move north, find the entrance to the cave and you will see several enemies. You can deal with them using acid from another enemy and fire. Once inside, you will see a robot, which is the boss required to complete The Fabulous Five quest. After defeating the boss, use the other entrance and start moving west. As a result, you will find yourself in the vicinity of four talking statues.

To complete this quest, use earth, water, fire, and air spells. And every time you do this, the corresponding demon will appear in front of you. These are simple opponents, but we must not forget that spells corresponding to their elements work on such demons as healing ones. In addition, even after death, demons are able to leave traps for you.

Quest Entertainment for the public

As a reward for completing it, you will receive 125 experience.

Arriving at the market, you will notice Reginald entertaining the crowd with a talking head. Talk to Gallagher, and you can find out that Reginald paid him for this. Go to the other side of the square - there will be Cedric, whom the audience has so far avoided. Tell this character that Reginald's audience is working for money, after which Cedric will ask you to bribe people as well.

During the conversation, use your best attribute to convince the man to switch sides. If you do everything right, then Gallagher will agree to help Cedric. Now go to Reginald and say that the worker he bribed left him. On this note, the passage of the quest will be over.

Quest History of Stones

As a reward for completing it, you will receive new cameras.

At the request of the Imp, you will have to find as many of the stones that Evelyn used as possible. Moreover, the number of cameras will depend on the number of stones found. To exit the room, look through the telescope and Imp will tell you how to open the doors to the main hall. Talk to the woman who is nearby. Talk to the Imp to get a portable portal and you can travel between the pyramids.

Using the pyramid, you will enter the bathroom, where some woman is bathing. Use the symbol located in the right corner of the screen to move to another location. Returning to the city, use the pyramid to find the second stone. Moreover, if you are playing the game in a company, transfer the stone to another character, and keep the original for yourself. By doing this, you will be able to teleport to each other at any convenient time.

The first stone can be found when completing the Mysterious Murder quest in the tavern where the crime was committed. After that, you will be able to unlock the "Hall of Heroes" and find your comrades who are in recent times did not travel with you. Well, for the second stone, you will have to go to the eastern part of the city - to where the crowd of fiery undead is located. Just follow the road and you will find the stone after you pass the Magma monster. This will unlock residential areas.

Quest The Scaredy Pact

As a reward for completing it, you will receive 4,250 experience.

The leader of the guards will tell you that, according to rumors, the Old Lighthouse is full of ghosts. It turns out that he sent his people there, but they still have not returned. Further in the process of passing the game, you must find out what happened to them. Move to the western gate, where the undead will attack you. Try to take out enemies from a decent distance as they explode, spitting out acid. After visiting the first of the houses, you will find the corpse of the guard who was supposed to explore the Lighthouse. Follow the road to the west and the undead will attack you again. Be careful with those opponents who have bombs attached to their backs. Passing the farm and the house, you will find two guards who were lucky enough to survive. However, they are afraid to go to the Lighthouse.

On the way, you will be able to reach your destination. And right in front of the entrance you will have to defeat the mini-boss, who is helped by dogs and archers. Remember that he is able to revive his fallen defenders, and be careful - have two of your team distract the dogs, and the other two deal with the boss. When the Lighthouse Guardian falls, kill the rest of the enemies.

After going inside the building, you will meet with a ghost named Samson, from whom you will receive the quest "Lost Love At the Lighthouse". Listen to his story and go to the guards (you can tell them about what you happened to see). And remember that if you share information with them, the guards will return to the captain and appropriate all your merits. With this scenario, you need to interrupt them and tell the boss the truth. As a result, liars will be punished. If during the first conversation with the guards you keep silent, they will go to the Lighthouse together, but, in any case, the passage of the quest for you will end immediately after returning to the captain.

Quest Lost Love at the Lighthouse

As a reward for completing it, you will receive 3,075 experience.

This task was given to you by the ghost Samson, whom you met at the Lighthouse. He talked about his love for one woman, which you now have to find. Go to the city and use the southwestern gate to be near the harbor. Having found the bodies of the orc and the man, follow the tracks of the orc and his retinue. You can read about how to fight this enemy in the Crabs vs. Skeletons quest. Go inside the cave and you will see skeletons fighting orcs. You can intervene in the fight, or you can wait until it ends without your participation. Find the Pirate Leader's Key in Crabs vs. Skeletons. Not far from the battlefield is a ladder - you need to climb it. The remains of the dragon will be proof that you are on the right track.

At the next stage of the passage of the game, you will find yourself in a location where you will be attacked by a crab. Kill this enemy and take the loot to use in the "Kitty love" quest. Go forward and you will see another crab (huge) - this is the boss. This enemy is complicated in that he has the ability to summon small crabs to himself, as well as attack opponents with water. Use fire and electricity to defeat the boss. Then go forward and you will meet with the ghost of a woman who needs to be taken to Samson. Back at the Lighthouse, make a decision as to whether they will leave it together or separately.

Quest Missing Archaeologist

As a reward for completing it, you will receive 3,100 experience.

At the request of Aureus, you will have to find the disappeared archaeologist, whom this hero sent to explore the ruins in the forest (to the northeast). Use the North Gate and turn left. You will find the archaeologist Wolfram in an abandoned house.

The archaeologist will ask you to take him to the city. You can agree, and then you need to ensure that you do not fall behind the man. In addition, you will have to fight the undead, so if possible, let the "tank" go ahead. Once in the city, go to the tavern to talk with the archaeologist. Even if this character dies, you must report information about him to the captain. The captain will be dissatisfied with you, but the passage of the mission will still be considered completed. But if you refuse to accompany Wolfram, don't even count on a reward.

Quest Cat love

As a reward for completing it, you will receive 3,350 experience.

To start this quest, you must have the Pet Pal skill, which allows you to communicate with animals. After all, the quest can only be obtained from a cat. Enter the King Crab tavern and, after finding Sam the cat, chat with him. He will ask you to find out why Maxine the cat is not paying attention to him.

Go to the library to find other cats and cats. You will learn that Maxine is not interested in Sam as he is too old to reproduce normally. Go back and tell the cat the truth. Find a nice collar for him.

In the previous task, visiting the Black Cave, you defeated the crab - the collar could be removed from it. This cave is located on the beach, very close to the western entrance to the port. There are orcs near the cave, and inside it, orcs are fighting skeletons. At the end of the battle in the Crabs vs. Skeletons quest, you can take the key from the dead body of the pirate leader. Find a massive door on one of the walls, open it and, going down the stairs, stop in front of the remains of the dragon. They need to be examined. Soon you will see a giant crab, which should be surrounded and attacked. After the victory, the collar will fall from the crab, which must be picked up. By the way, there is another, even more evil and dangerous crab here, but you should have killed it in the last task.

Quest Fairy Five

As a reward for completing it, you will receive 2,975 experience, as well as the opportunity to join a guild

Before entering the tavern, you will meet with Mendinus, who will offer you membership in the guild. By accepting the invitation, you will automatically receive the task to destroy the robot located in the northern cave. Go through the east gate to get out of the city and head north. Kill the enemies that are guarding the entrance to the cave. After killing the crab, which will explode with acid, throw it into the fire. Inside the cave, you will meet a soldier who will ask for help in the battle with the robot. Here you will have to go through an additional task, the essence of which is to save the maximum number of soldiers.

The boss stands on his feet quite confidently, but he does not differ in resistance to freezing. With the help of rain and cold spells, you can make the robot freeze. Since the enemy attacks mainly with fire, you use water. The frozen robot is not at all dangerous, which means that you can easily save the soldiers.

After killing the boss, move to Cecil's office, and then to the tavern. And the task "Fairy Five" will be completed.

Quest Cecil Mighty Stuff

As a reward for completing it, you will receive 3,825 experience.

At the request of Cecil, you will have to look for a powerful relic that was once stolen from him. Start your search with Konrad gathering goods at the docks. You can find this character on a large well-preserved ship along with another sailor. It turns out that Konrad knows nothing. But on the other hand, he will advise you to ask members of his team who may have important information.

From sailor Marv, you will learn that Captain Ditmar escaped during the attack, taking some kind of package with him. Tell Konrad about this, and he will advise you to look for the captain on one of the beaches. Make your way past the cave where you completed the quest "Fabulous Five" to find yourself on the coast north of the city. Enemies you meet along the way can be defeated using the instructions above. After passing the cave, get to the teleport point to the west, and from there go to the beach. There you will find Dietmar and his sailors who will immediately attack you. You will be able to cope with a couple of enemies in this segment of the passage of the game without difficulty - after all, Sam will use the invisibility spell. The defeated captain will drop the artifact. You can take it to Cecil, or you can keep it for yourself.

Quest Crabs vs Skeletons

As a reward for completing it, you will receive 3,150 experience.

Once on the beach, located to the west of the city, you can see the corpses of orcs. There is also a cave, the entrance to which is guarded by one of the largest representatives of this breed. You have to kill him to get inside. Inside the cave, you will first have to go through an electric field, in the center of which there is some kind of round device. Place a keg on this device to turn off the power. Go further and you will see a wounded orc, and then you will witness the battle between the orcs and the undead. You need to wait until the opponents deal with each other without your help.

Having won, go down and, bypassing the clouds of smoke, get to the boss. This is a mobile enemy that is resistant to cold and can attack with water. So try to stay away from each other with your partners. Without being distracted by ordinary crabs, diligently attack the boss with fire.

After another victory, go to the room that is behind the corpse and break the painting hanging above the table. A lever will be found - pull it and press the hidden button. In another part of the room, a hatch will open, through which it will be possible to get to the lower tier. Mines await you below, as well as aggressive crabs that you have to fight. Whichever way you move, in any case, in the end, you will find yourself near the camera located in the center, where there are several levers. In this segment of the passage of the game, your task will be to find among them the "correct" one - only it will not cause the fury of the cave.

The desired lever is located among the ferns on the stairs to the right (with outer side premises).

Using the lever, you can go forward and get to the Skeleton Captain. Quickly kill the boss so that he cannot revive the dead representatives of his retinue, and destroy the barrel, which is located in the very center. Remember that the undead are resistant to acid. Take a blood crystal from the chest located on the ship. This will be in addition to the reward you will receive for completing the quest.

Quest Headless Nick

As a reward for completing it, you will receive 4,100 experience.

After completing the task "Crabs vs. Skeletons", carefully search the room located in the center, and near the table you can pick up a key that will open next door. Pass the corridor, trying not to fall into the traps located on the boards. Below, right in the middle of a large oil puddle, are exploding zombies. You can destroy them.

Going down even lower, you will see the ghosts of the father and daughter, and the father will be beheaded, and the girl will ask to find his head. Remember how you saw Reginald in the square, who entertained the audience with a talking head? Go there. And keep in mind that if you completed the quest "Entertainment of the Crowd", then you will be able to get the head without difficulty. True, she still has to be defeated in battle - otherwise, the obstinate head will not go with you. Having coped with the task, again go into the cave and give the girl the head of her father. This will end the quest.

Quest Elves and Orcs: Vengeance

As a reward for completing it, you will receive 1,075 experience.

First Encounter with Elgandar

Elf Elgandar, whom you will see near the cemetery, will ask for a meeting at the King Crab tavern. Once inside this building, go up the stairs and, looking into the room, the door of which is open, listen to the elf. It turns out that he wants you to kill an orc named Victoria, who is now in the library on the first floor. Elgandar believes that she belongs to the tribe that killed his family.

You can go one of the following paths:

1. Convince Victoria to give the amulet, and then show it to the elf and say that the orc has been killed.

2. Kill Elgandara himself and tell Victoria about it.

3. Kill Victoria and get her amulet (hit her and hold CTRL to make the orc go on the attack).

4. Bring the elf under arrest. You need to use a bloody amulet and two master keys and transfer everything to the captain. When you return, you will learn that Elgandar has been arrested. Victoria will need to be informed about this.

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Quest Murder Mystery

Reward: 8250 experience

So, the first quest in your journal will be exactly this task. You must solve a mysterious murder case. But first you need to get to the city, the path to which is blocked by a horde of orcs. In the dungeon you will be trained. Follow along, watch the cut-scenes, which show how the necromancers leave the crypt. Noticing you, they will call on the undead. Enemies are easy, you will deal with them without much effort.

Now follow further or return to the tomb. Inside there is a tutorial that will teach you the basics of the game. In addition, you will find some gold. Having found the textbook, you can easily find the way out of the dungeon. If you choose another path and go left, then after a while you will find a bridge. Talk to the drunken guards, deal with them, or let them escort you straight to the city walls. If you kill, you can search their corpses for loot. If left alive, they will help you deal with the orcs.

There will be a battle on the beach, in front of the city gates. Pass through the bridge, the cut-scene with the ambush of the orcs and the actual battle with them. First of all, kill the shaman who heals his allies. Pay attention to the barrel of oil, standing in the middle of the battlefield. If you use fire on it, it will explode and deal damage to the orcs standing nearby. Do not forget that the shaman himself can blow up this barrel.

After the battle, approach the city gates and meet Master Arhu, a man who knows the details of the murder case. He will ask you to meet him and Captain Aureus in the northeast part of the city. When you reach your destination, go up the stairs and talk to the cat that Arhu has incarnated as. Find out about the night the murder took place. Arhu will say that you should meet with the gravedigger and inspect the corpse.

On the first floor, talk to the captain, who will allow you to inspect the scene of the murder, as well as receive several side missions. So, first go to the local tavern where the murder took place. The room of adviser Jake (in fact, he was killed) is located on the first floor, the guard will open the door for you as soon as you inform the captain about the permission. When the door is opened, you will be attacked by a magical discharge that did not harm you.

You have to open the chest, and if you don't have lockpicks, then just break it, which will just take you a little more time. In addition, here you can find a stone for the quest "The Story of The Stones". If you have not taken this quest yet, then touching the stone will teleport you and the quest will start automatically. After reading the letter from the chest, you will receive a new task - "The Story of The Stones", which will be completed as soon as you see the corpse. Go to the funeral home, which is located to the northeast, in the room on the left, look for notes from which you will learn that the corpse has been stolen. The gravedigger suspects four people of this: Mayor Cecil, Captain Aureus, healer Evelyn and Esmeralda, the wife of the murdered man.

You must now complete the quest "The Councilor's Wife" below.

After completing this task, go to Evelyn, but her master Thelyron will say that she fled in an unknown direction, in a hurry. He will tell you where Evelyn's house is located, where you should now go. .but first, take Evelyn's bag from the next room, near the window, and find the key to the house inside. Enter Evelyn's house, open the chest on the right and find the spell to enter the secret lab. On the shelf a little further you can find Evelyn's journal, which says that the secret laboratory is in the north.

The laboratory itself is located on the northern beach. It is important that this spell was used on you. Leave the city through the eastern gate, go north and soon you will be attacked by a large group of undead. After defeating them, enter the cave that they were guarding, where you will find one of the bosses from the side quest The Fabulous Five. After you destroy it, exit through another passage and go to the east beach. Explore the South Cliffs until your teammates say you're there. Use the spell on yourself and open the entrance to the laboratory.

Inside, a cultist will be waiting for you. Kill him quickly before he raises the alarm, and take the key from the corpse. If he manages to get to the orcs, then they will attack you. After killing the orcs, go down one level, where the battle will begin. You will encounter Evelyn and a dozen cultists. In addition, the woman will summon zombies that explode upon death and spray acid in a circle. If one of your heroes has the Zombie ability, then you will win a lot. The most important thing is to kill Evelyn as quickly as possible. Let the one with the stronger damage attack her while the others cover.

After the battle, talk to zombie Jake and he will tell you who killed him. Mission complete.

Quest The Counselor's Wife

Reward: 1800 experience

After you have visited the scene of the murder and opened the chest by reading the letter of the victim, you will receive a quest according to which it is Jake's wife who is considered a suspect. You can find Esmeralda in her shop. Showing the letter to the guard, he will be surprised that Esmeralda has another lover besides him. Esmeralda will tell you that this fact is not evidence of her involvement in the murder.

To make sure of her innocence, we go up the stairs and find the key in her apartment. Climb up the stairs and open the nearest door. Through the basement to find books on how to plan a murder, they are on the table. Return to the next room and climb into the basement through the secret door. Meat hangs to the left of the stairs - remove it and you will find the switch. Click on it and the door to the secret room will open. Demand an explanation from Esmeralda. She will say that the book and the knife belonged to her husband, who slaughtered pigs. The wife of the murdered man will say that it would be better for you to suspect Evelyn of everything.

You can ask the captain to arrest or not arrest Evelyn. Continue through the previous quest.

Quest Talking statues

Reward: 3400 experience

On the way to the city at the very beginning of the game, you can find notes on a corpse. From the magazine you will learn that the mysterious statues gave this unfortunate man the ability to fly, but this turned out to be untrue. You decide to unravel this mystery, but first you need to get to the city. When you are in the city, then move north, find the entrance to the cave and you will see several enemies there. Deal with them, use fire and acid from the enemy. Now go inside where you will meet the robot, which is the boss from The Fabulous Five quest. Below you will learn how to fight him. After defeating the robot, go to another entrance and follow west. Eventually, you will reach four talking statues.

To complete this quest, you need to use water, fire, earth and air spells. Each time you use one spell, a demon of fire, earth, water or air will appear. On their own, they are rather weak, but remember that a fire spell on a fire demon will work as a heal, etc. In addition, after death, the demons leave various kinds of traps - the fire demon - fire, the earth demon - splashes acid, etc.

Quest Entertainment for the public

Reward: 125 experience

In the market, you can meet Reginald, who entertains the crowd by displaying a talking head. After talking with Gallagher, who is one of the representatives of the cheering crowd, you will learn that Reginald paid him for all this. Now go to the other side of the square, where you will meet Cedric, who has no spectators. Tell the one that Reginald paid Gallagher for the fake crowd, and he in turn will ask you to bribe the people.

During the conversation, use your best attribute to convince him to switch sides. If you succeed, then Gallagher will work for Cedric. Return to Reginald, tell him that now his corrupt worker is gone. He will not take it to heart, and the quest will end there.

Quest History of Stones

Reward: New cameras

The imp asks you to find more stones that Evelyn used. The more stones you find, the more chambers will be open for you. To exit this room, look through the telescope, and then hear from the Imp how to open the door to the main hall. Talk to the woman sitting nearby. Talk to the Imp again, he will give you a portable portal that will allow you to move to other pyramids.

After using the pyramid, you will find yourself in a bathroom with a bathing woman. To leave, you need to use the symbol on the right side of the screen and teleport to another location. After you return to the city, you can use the pyramid to find the second stone. If you are playing in co-op, then leave it to another character, and keep the original for yourself. Thanks to this, you can port to each other at any time.

You will find the first stone during the "Murder Mystery" quest, in the tavern, at the crime scene. Then you will unlock the "Hall of Heroes", in which you will find all your comrades who are no longer traveling with you. You will find the second stone to the east of the city, where there is a crowd of fiery undead. Keep walking along the road, and when you pass the Magma monster, you will notice a stone on the road. Thanks to this, you will unlock the "Residential Neighborhoods".

Quest The Scaredy Pact

Reward: 4250 experience

The leader of the guards will share with you rumors that the old Lighthouse is teeming with ghosts. He sent several of his men there, but for a long period of time they never returned. You must learn about their fate. Go towards the western gate, soon you will be attacked by the undead. Kill them from a distance, because. those explode upon death with acid. In the first house you will find the corpse of a guard, who was sent to the Lighthouse. Follow the road to the west and fight another batch of undead. Some of them have bombs attached to their backs. Don't let them get close to you. As a rule, they explode from one shot. Make your way through the farm and the house until you meet two other surviving guards. They are too scared to visit the lighthouse.

Keep walking along the road until you reach your destination. Before entering, fight the mini-boss, his dogs and archers. The boss itself is easy to kill, but getting close to him is more difficult. In addition, the second difficulty is that he can revive his units that have already been killed by you. Therefore, send two people to kill the boss, and two others to distract the dogs. After killing the Lighthouse Guardian, deal with ordinary enemies who now have no one to revive.

Once inside, you will meet Samson, a ghost who will give you the quest "Lost Love At the Lighthouse" and tell you his story. Now go back to the two guards, tell them what you saw, or you don't have to. If you tell them your story, then they will return to the captain and take all your merits for themselves. Then you can interrupt them and tell the captain what really happened. The guards will be sentenced to punishment. If you don't tell them anything, they will go to the Lighthouse themselves. One way or another, the quest will be completed as soon as you return to the captain.

Quest Lost love at the lighthouse

Reward: 3075 XP

You will receive this quest from the ghost of Samson, who is located at the lighthouse and will tell you about his love for one woman. You must find her. Return to the city and exit through the southwest gate, near the harbor. There will be the corpses of an orc and a man, follow the tracks of a large orc and his retinue. The fight with this enemy is described below in the Crabs vs. Skeletons quest. Then enter the cave. Inside you will witness the struggle of skeletons and orcs. Join the fight or wait for them to finish off each other. Then find the key belonging to the pirate leader (lower level) in the Crabs vs. Skeletons quest. Find a ladder that is a meter away from the battlefield and climb it. When you notice the remains of dragons, then know that you are moving in the right direction.

Finally, you will reach a location where you will be attacked by a huge crab. Kill him with ease, because. he is no different from other enemies. Raise the loot, because. you need it for the "Kitty love" quest. Take a few steps forward, then you will see a much larger crab, which is the boss. He has a very strong "water attack" skill, which he will use in battle on close range. In addition, he summons ordinary crabs. Use fire and electricity against the boss. After destroying it, move forward and talk to the ghost of the woman you meet here. Direct it to Samson, return to the Lighthouse. Decide whether they will leave together or separately.

Quest Missing Archaeologist

Reward: 3100 experience

Aureus asks you to find the missing archaeologist, whom he sent to investigate the underground ruins in the middle of the forest, to the northeast. Exit through the North Gate, turn left. An archaeologist named Wolfram is hiding in one of the abandoned houses.

The archaeologist will ask you to accompany him to the city. If you agree, then keep up with the man. In addition, you will have to fight the undead. Best of all, if you have a “tank” in the team, then let him run ahead. After you get to the city, go to the tavern and talk to the archaeologist there. Even if he dies, you need to inform the captain about it. He will not be pleased with your work, but the mission will be completed. If you refuse to accompany the archaeologist, then you can not wait for the reward.

Quest Cat love

Reward: 3350 XP

To receive this quest, your character must have the "Pet Pal" skill, which allows him to communicate with animals. This quest will be assigned to you by a cat. If you, of course, can communicate with him. Go to the King Crab tavern, find a cat named Sam and talk to him. He will ask you to find out why the cat named Maxine is not interested in him.

Other cats and cats can be found in the library. It turns out that Maxine doesn't want to date Sam. he is already too old and this may affect his ability to reproduce. Go back and tell that to Sam. For him, you need to find a beautiful collar.

The collar can be picked up from the crab in the Black Cave when you defeat it in the previous task. The cave is located on the beach, near the western entrance to the port. There are orcs nearby. Inside the cave, the skeletons fight the orcs. After the battle, pick up the key from the corpse of the pirate leader in the Crabs vs. Skeletons quest. One of the walls has massive door. Open it with the key, go down, inspect the remains of the dragons. Move in that direction. Soon a giant crab will appear. Surround him and attack. As soon as you kill the crab, the collar will fall off it. Take it. There is also another, more ferocious crab, which you killed in the previous task described above.

Quest Fairy Five

Reward: 2975 experience, joining a guild

Before entering the tavern, you will encounter Mendinus, who will offer you to join the guild. If you accept his agreement, then you will be given the task of destroying the robot operating in the northern cave. Leave the city through the eastern gate, go north, kill the enemies guarding the entrance to the cave. Kill one crab, it will explode with acid, throw fire. Inside you will meet a soldier who will ask you to help in the fight against the robot. Here you will receive an additional task, according to which you need to save as many soldiers as possible.

The boss himself is confident on his feet, but has a weakness to freezing. Use rain and cold spells to freeze the robot. The robot uses fire attacks, and the complete opposite of them is water. Use this fact. When the robot is frozen, it cannot attack you. Therefore, your chances of saving soldiers increase.

After you kill the boss, then go to Cecil's office, then to the tavern and complete the Fairy Five quest.

Quest Cecil Mighty Stuff

Reward: 3825 experience

Cecil will ask you to find for him a powerful relic that was stolen from him. The search must begin with Conrad, who collects goods at the docks. Konrad is on a huge preserved ship, with one of the sailors. He will say that he does not know anything, but someone from his team may have heard something, and you should ask them about it yourself.

Sailor Marv says that during the attack, Captain Dietmar was running with a package under his arm. After you report this to Konrad, he will say that the captain must be on one of the beaches. Look for it there. Go past the cave where you completed the Fabulous Five quest to the beach north of town. How to defeat enemies on the way is written in the chapter above. After you pass through the cave, get to the teleport point to the west, and from there - to the beach. Dietmar is there with two of his sailors. As soon as you approach, he will attack you. Sam uses an invisibility spell, but you can easily deal with the other two enemies. After defeating Ditmar, he will drop his artifact, and you can return it to Cecil. You can decide whether to give the artifact or keep it for yourself.

Quest Crabs vs Skeletons

Reward: 3150 experience

On the beach to the west of the city you will find orc corpses. There is also a strange cave there. The entrance is guarded by a giant orc. Kill him. The first obstacle inside will be the electric field. To turn it off, place the barrel on the device in the form of a circle in the middle of the field. Follow further and meet an orc bleeding. Next will be a battle between the undead and the orcs. Wait until they finish each other.

After winning the battle, go down, through the clouds of smoke and get to the boss. Firstly, the boss is resistant to cold, and is also quite mobile. Do not stand close to each other with partners, because. he will attack you with his strongest weapon - water attack. Use fire against the boss, do not pay attention to ordinary crabs.

After defeating him, enter the room behind the corpse, find a painting under the table, break it, pull the lever and find a hidden button. Press the button and a hatch appears in another part of the room. Go down through it to the lower tier. Below you will find mines and crabs that you need to kill. Either path will lead you to a chamber in the center, where there are several levers. You need to find the right lever, because. the wrong choice will attract the fury of the cave on you in the form of fiery jets, ball lightning, etc.

This lever is located alone on the stairs on the right, on outside rooms. Among the ferns.

With this lever, you will unlock the path forward and find the boss, the Skeleton Captain. Of course, his retinue will be with him. Kill the boss first, because. he revives the dead. Destroy the barrel in the center. Undead are resistant to acid. Take the blood crystal from the chest on the ship. This is a nice addition to the quest reward.

Quest Headless Nick

Reward: 4100 experience

After completing the Crabs vs. Skeletons quest, search the room in the center and find a key near the table that will open the next door. Go through the corridor and beware of the traps on the boards. Throw something at them to test. At the very bottom, you'll find some exploding zombies standing in a huge oil puddle. You can blow them up.

Below you will find the ghosts of Father and Daughter where the father is beheaded. The girl asks to find the head of her father. If you looked around the city, then you saw Regenald in the square, entertaining the audience with a talking head. Go back to the city, find this Reginald. If you completed the quest "Entertainment of the Crowd", then the man will give you his head without any problems. To convince the head that it needs to go with you, it will be necessary to defeat it in battle. Once you've done that, return to the cave and give the daughter her father's head. The quest will be completed.

Quest Elves and Orcs: Vengeance

Reward: 1075 XP

First Encounter with Elgandar

An elf named Elgandar is located near the cemetery, he will ask you to meet him on the first floor of the King Crab tavern. Go inside, go upstairs, look into the room with the open door and listen to what the elf will tell you. He wants you to kill Victoria, the female orc that is on the first floor of the library. She is presumably a member of the tribe that killed Elgandar's family.

You have several options:

1. You can convince Victoria to return the amulet the elf wants as proof that the female orc was killed.

2. You can kill the elf and tell Victoria about your feat.

3. You can kill Victoria and take the amulet. Just hit her, do not release CTRL, so that she starts attacking you.

4. You can have the elf arrested. Take away the bloody amulet, you will need two master keys. Give it to the captain. Return to the elf and you will see that he was arrested. Notify Victoria of the arrest.