How to make more money in a taxi. How much can you earn in a taxi in your car

Follow our advice for beginners and decide for yourself whether it is worth working in a taxiOr does it make sense to look for a quieter occupation

Measure seven times

  • The first thing you need to clearly decide for yourself: do you need to drive as a "cab driver"? This profession has many advantages, but also many disadvantages. The main limitation that can put a fat cross on the future career of a taxi driver is health. If you have problems with your spine, varicose veins, your heart is playing tricks, or you suffer from frequent headaches, it is better not to take responsibility for the life and health of strangers. You must be absolutely sure that neither vision nor reaction will let you down at the right time.
  • The second thing that can become a "stumbling block" is the driving experience. Let's talk right away. Working in a taxi and "bombing" are two completely different things. Passing by to give a neighbor a lift to the store or toss a friend to the house - all this has nothing to do with working in a taxi. But to become a real taxi driver, to officially get a job in a taxi company, you need to have a certain experience of accident-free driving behind you. In many companies, when hiring, preference is given to drivers who have been driving for at least three years. To be convinced of this, it is enough to express a desire to get a job as a taxi driver yourself.
  • The third is the presence and condition of the car. The economy class taxi service may well accept domestic cars with decent mileage. Although, the chances automatically increase if you come with your foreign car, which is no more than three years old.

My own psychologist

A true professional will not only take the client to the specified address, but will also try to make the trip as pleasant as possible. To do this, it is desirable that light music plays in the background in the car, it does not smell of cigarette smoke, the interior is cleanly washed and cleaned.

The car must have a taximeter, which will help to justify the cost of the service and avoid indignation from the excessively economical passenger. In addition, the video recorder must constantly work in the cabin. Sometimes the very presence of a camera can stop an intractable passenger from a rash act.

A taximeter is not required if the amount of the trip is calculated in advance by the operators who accept the order.

Another important point: some emotional, talkative, sociable customers in an unfamiliar car, willingly tell even more about themselves than they should. Here you, as a true taxi driver, will have to show all your talent as a psychologist. You need to listen to someone, argue with someone, laugh, grumble about the injustice reigning around ... In each case, your reaction will need to be carefully thought out, again, to avoid a possible conflict.

God saves man, who save himself

Taxi driver is a dangerous profession. It is enough to scroll through the police reports and it is already becoming clear that taxing motorists often become victims of hijackers and other road "evil spirits". In the lists of victims, not all drivers are newcomers or "private traders". To protect yourself from inadequate passengers, you should prepare yourself in advance and prepare the car:

  • The main reason for attacks on taxi drivers is the desire to profit from the proceeds or steal a car, so money should never be kept in sight.
  • Resist suggestions to wait while the client goes home to get money, change the banknote in the store, and so on. In 80% of cases, you will not be paid for the trip. Another thing is if a sober passenger leaves things or a passport as a pledge. However, it is safer to have a sufficient amount of change for change or to ask in advance to show the money for the fare.
  • Carefully read the contract of employment when you get a job in a taxi. Especially the clause on liability in the event of an accident. It may happen that you will have to bear all the payments and expenses.
  • Remove any extraneous things from the cabin: toys and flavors hanging on the windshield, pillows, and so on and so forth. In a stalemate, they will only get in the way.
  • It is best to protect the back with an additional rigid base laid under the driver's seat cover, and the neck and head with a high-raised headrest.
  • Window tinting is prohibited, and curtains should not be used to shade the interior. It is better if you can see everything that surrounds your car, and other road users will see you well.

Taxi is a profitable business

Taxi drivers quite often complain about the grueling schedule and modest earnings for such a load. In order not to join the ranks of the dissatisfied, it is worth knowing about some important tricks:

  • The biggest revenue even for a novice taxi driver is in the worst weather. Also at night and holidays.
  • Downtime and waiting times should be kept to a minimum. It is best to take an order immediately after the delivery of the next passenger to the place.
  • You need to know the city perfectly. And not only where and how you can get there, but also until what time cafes and clubs are open, as well as what routes public transport runs. It would be nice to explore the suburbs as well. And to remember faster important nuances, it is best to use not the navigator, but regular card. At first it will be difficult, but as soon as you get tired of constantly being distracted to look into it, memorization will go faster and more successfully.
  • Never let yourself sleep at work. If fatigue takes over, it's best to get off the line and get a good night's sleep. Superficial sleep in an uncomfortable position will only worsen your well-being.
  • Respect passengers and yourself. You need to behave politely, restrainedly, but behave with dignity.
  • No matter how much you want to earn more, make it a rule to rest at least eight hours a day. Remember - a car is a source of increased danger.

The morning is wiser than the evening?

Conventionally, the working day of a taxi driver can be divided into several time zones. Each of them has its pros and cons, namely:

  • Morning - 4:00-7:00. At this time, there are practically no traffic jams on the roads, even in million-plus cities. There are also few competitors. Minus - you have to get up neither light nor dawn.
  • Morning - 7:00-10:00. The first peak of applications. People who are in a hurry to work are willing to ride anything to get there faster. Minus - traffic jams towards the city center. For weekends, this time is the "off season".
  • Day - 10:00-16:00. There are almost no traffic jams, there are enough applications, there is little competition. Good time for beginners.
  • Evening - 16:00-19:00. The second peak of applications on weekdays and their average number on weekends. Cons - traffic jams from the center to the sleeping areas, a lot of tipsy customers ..
  • Evening - 19:00-22:00. At this time, traffic jams become many times less, however, there are not many applications either. But the competition is quite high.
  • Late evening - 22:00-01:00.
  • There are no traffic jams, there are enough applications, but there are quite a lot of drunk customers, as well as those who want to earn money.
  • Night - 01:00-04:00. Calm. No traffic jams, no competitors, almost no passengers.

If you are just starting to work, try to take most of the orders in the morning and afternoon. It is then that there is an opportunity to master all the subtleties of the profession.

The profession of a taxi driver requires dedication, skills, knowledge, and most importantly - the desire to work with people. Before deciding to tax, consider whether you are ready to take responsibility for strangers and try to make every trip comfortable and safe.

Finding a job or additional income in the capital is not so difficult, but owners of their own car prefer to earn money by private cabs. Indeed, taxi services are in demand not only among local residents, but also among guests of the capital. Although this method of earning has advantages and disadvantages. Consider how much you can earn in Moscow in a taxi, where and, most importantly, all the features of this income.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's start with the fact that work, especially in Moscow, has its advantages and disadvantages. To positive aspects include: free work schedule and no need to pay rent for a car. And the disadvantages are the rapid wear of the car and a high degree of danger. In addition, in a taxi there are no special requirements for age, dress code. Only two basic requirements: a technically sound car and a driving experience of 3 years.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that, according to the law of our country, taxi drivers can only carry passengers if they have a license, although in fact, many drivers disdain this decision. You can get a license through the Ministry of Transport, but it is advisable to clarify this issue in advance with the administration, the cost of a document in Moscow is 10,000 rubles. For registration you will need a passport, PTS, driver's license.

Please note that for the lack of a license, an administrative fine of 30,000 rubles is provided, although until 2017 it was only 5,000 rubles.

Private transport or dispatch service

If you have a personal car, then you have two options for earning money - it's on your own or through a dispatch service. The average salary of a taxi driver in Moscow on his car depends primarily on the number of customers, so it is wiser to use the services of a dispatch service, because in this case there is a guarantee that there will always be customers, however, a fee is expected for the company's services, which one is an individual question.

Private transportation can also generate income, but only if certain conditions are met. Namely, if you work in crowded places and have good car. By the way, "private traders" set the tariff for their services on their own, but dispatch services have their own tariffs.

Taxi call services in Moscow

Not everyone can really make money in a taxi in Moscow, because you need to understand that there is a lot of competition in this area, besides, residents of the capital, more precisely, most of them have their own cars and use taxi services not so often. If you really want to earn money, then it is wiser to cooperate with the dispatch service. Let's consider a few of them.


In many major cities taxi call system works mobile app Yandex.Taxi. The essence of the work is that you first fill out a questionnaire in the company's office, connect a mobile application to your smartphone. After that, you must replenish your account in the system, from which the order fee, that is, commissions, as well as fines, will be debited.

Fines are sanctions for drivers whose services did not satisfy the passenger. In simple words if a customer has complained about you to the service hotline number, the company will charge you a fee.

Now consider essential conditions work. Here, as elsewhere, there are a number of requirements for the driver and his car. First of all, the age of the driver matters, here he is at least 23 years old, the second requirement is knowledge of the city, but this condition is extremely rare, because many have a navigator with which it is easy to build any route. There are also requirements for a license and a taximeter. As for the car, the main condition is the age is not older than 5 years, in addition, it should not have branding. The fact is that there are several categories of cars from economy class to VIP class. You can see which category your car belongs to on the company's website.

Now back to the question "how much can you earn in Yandex.Taxi in Moscow." This, of course, depends on the number of hours worked and the time of day. The main work is in the morning and evening, both on weekdays and weekends. Just do not forget to take into account that from your income you need to pay a commission to the service provider in the amount of 10-20%, depending on the amount of the trip, and fuel from 20% or more.


It is also a taxi call service through a mobile application that operates in the capital. The principle of operation is the same as in Yandex. Taxi, that is, you can fill out an application for a job in a taxi and download a mobile application through which to take orders from passengers in the future. The requirements for the car are a foreign car from economy to VIP class, not older than 5 years, here you can brand a car and get a discount on the commission fee, which starts from 7% and more. The driver must be at least 23 years old with a driving experience of 3 years.

Earnings in a taxi in Moscow through this application also depends on the amount of time worked. If you believe the advertisement on the site, then the driver receives from 30 orders per day, average cost which are 400 rubles each. But, this is unlikely due to the fact that in the capital in the morning the traffic jam drags on for 4 hours along the streets of the city, and in the evening for 5 hours, respectively, it is physically impossible to fulfill 30 orders a day, maximum per day. But in fairness it should be noted that if you have your own car, earn from 60 thousand rubles and above is real.

Taxi Uber

It is also a mobile application through which drivers can receive orders from potential clients. On the this moment the service is considered the most convenient for both drivers and potential customers, for the reason that the car is called through a mobile application, drivers can receive an order from the place where they are in this moment are located, that is, it turns out work without an idle run. Passengers receive a car in minutes.

How much you can earn in Uber in Moscow is an ambiguous question. Firstly, according to the price policy of the city, Uber has a low cost, which is extremely disadvantageous for drivers. Secondly, there is such a payment system that the fare is not transferred to the driver, but debited from the bank card and credited to the company's account, and it, in turn, makes payments to bank card driver once a week. Service commission 20% of the cost of the trip.

If you believe the advertisement, then in this service you can get a good income of 120 thousand rubles a month, although this largely depends on the hours worked. But if you carefully read the reviews on the network on third-party resources and forums, you can come to the conclusion that it is almost impossible to earn more than 60 thousand rubles a month, and this is provided that you work 12 hours a day 6 days a week.

Please note that the average salary fluctuates around 200 rubles per hour in weekdays and 250 rubles per hour on weekends.

To summarize, despite the fact that Moscow is a metropolis with a million people, it is quite difficult to make money by private cabs. Even though taxi calling services attract drivers and promise good returns, don't forget to calculate the costs and compare the difference. Basically, a taxi is an additional source of income for many, that is, it is unlikely to be the main one.

Anna Sudak

# Business ideas

The amount of earnings and the nuances of work

According to official statistics, the average daily number of passengers transported by taxi in the capital exceeds 582 thousand people. More than 85% of all orders were made through mobile applications.

Article navigation

  • Taxi earnings
  • How to get started? Secrets of big earnings
  • Mistakes of novice taxi drivers
  • Work in a taxi on your car
  • How much can you earn in a taxi
  • How and how much they earn in a taxi in Moscow

While some are complaining about the crisis, sanctions and politicians, others are discovering new prospects for growth and development. In this article, we will talk about how to make money in a taxi and turn from a taxi driver into a businessman with a steadily growing income.

Taxi earnings

Surely you can guess what the essence of making money in a taxi is. The client needs a service, you provide it and receive a monetary reward for it. So it is quite logical to consider a taxi as a business in which you can earn a lot.

How to get started? Secrets of big earnings

Experienced taxi drivers are happy to "dedicate" beginners how to behave in this business. Now get ready to write down the secrets of making big money in a taxi.

Cleanliness outside and inside

It doesn't matter whose machine you work on - your own or the company's. The “carriage” should always be clean, tidy and comfortable, first of all, for the client. Put yourself in his place. Would you like to sit on a dirty seat in a smoky salon?

Neat appearance

Even if you work day and night, remember Golden Rule: « Appearance- business card". Take the time to put yourself and your clothes in order. And don't forget to smile and be kind. Customers don't come back to a dirty, angry and bad-smelling driver.


Experienced taxi drivers never "drive to the fire", do not make sudden movements and always drive smoothly at medium speed.

First, it reduces maintenance costs. The car "lives longer", which means it brings in more money. Secondly, few people like to be a “log”, rolling and twitching while driving. Remember, the comfort of the client is above all. If you are asked to drive faster, remember the rules. They are designed to protect all road users.

"Real bite"

In this business, only beginners work until they pass out 24/7. Experienced taxi drivers, like fishermen, are waiting right time, pull the bait and catch the "fatty fish".

How? Working in the best time days when you can earn more money, namely:

  • Early morning on weekdays. People are rushing to work. Many white-collar workers (and not only) wake up, arrive late and have to use a taxi. There are not enough cars in cities (especially in large ones). Orders are pouring in, as if from a cornucopia.
  • Weekday evening. The same people are returning from work. And again, excitement. But here you need to be far-sighted and calculate the route in advance, since traffic jams in megacities are a common occurrence.
  • Friday and Saturday evenings and nights. Everything is clear here. People are resting. Night life flowing full swing. Many orders. There are not enough cars. You can get more than usual.
  • Monday. After a stormy weekend, Monday is a hard day for many. The more you work on this day, the higher your earnings will be.
  • But from 11 to 16 hours it is unprofitable to taxi. Everyone is at work or school. At this time, the passenger flow decreases and taxis are “occupied” by elderly people. You won’t earn much on them, and when serving them, you need to be loyal and tolerant. After all, an elderly person, not wanting this, can cause you inconvenience: financial (damage the threshold or scratch the door), moral.

For reference. Why it happened, we did not understand, but most of the "experienced" drivers take a full day off on Tuesdays. According to them, there is no work on this day. And no one wants to drive a car idly. It's unprofitable.


It should be borne in mind that in bad weather, the demand for services increases significantly. But in the sun, on the contrary, it falls.


Of course, he comes only in the process of work, and not after one thousand kilometers. A thorough knowledge of the streets allows you to efficiently use resources, reduce costs and earn more.

Agree, a driver who knows where and at what time traffic jams, how best to go around them without losing time and nerves, quickly finding your house in a residential area on the outskirts of the city, is worth its weight in gold. To achieve such mastery, beginners should complete as many orders as possible.

business cards

Do not be too lazy to make business cards for yourself, indicating your name and contacts in them. After all, the more your client base”, the higher your income.

Pareto Law

When you become part of this business, remember an important thing: 20% of your customers are 80% of the profits. This means that 20% of "elite clients" will give you as much as 80% of "problematic and annoying" passengers. But don't take everything literally. To identify this very elite, you will have to work hard. But your hard work will pay off.

Mistakes of novice taxi drivers

  • Greed. Many newcomers to the business try to grab as many orders as possible. At the same time, they are in a hurry and do not get enough sleep. And fatigue sometimes leads to tragedy. Think carefully, life is more important, and you still can’t earn all the money. And if you are greedy and in a hurry, things will go downhill. And this is at best.
  • Inefficient use of resources. Do not seek to intercept orders far from you. You will lose more than you earn. If you don’t feel sorry for losing 3-5 thousand rubles a month for a “knurled couple of kilometers”, you have the right to do as you like. But still, it will not be superfluous to learn how to calculate costs.
  • Rudeness. It so happened that on our roads it is in the order of things. That's just customers from such drivers turn away once and for all. Do you want to lose your money large quantities? Stay rude and rude. Well, if you came into business to earn money, take the trouble to control yourself and do your job efficiently.

Work in a taxi on your car

Having your own car, you can make money in two ways: “bomb” yourself and get a stable, but not million-dollar income, or organize your own taxi service, connect your colleagues and earn money by managing the process.

Few do the second. Those who have succeeded feel more than comfortable. Huge money is spinning in this business, the main thing is to be able to distribute and use it effectively. Not only for entertainment, but also for the development and scaling of the business.

Before you get busy entrepreneurial activity, first stay in the "skin" of a taxi driver in order to feel all the subtleties, understand the cost items and see the "live" money with your own eyes. This is important because no theory can replace you practical experience, which is the best assistant for building own business. Moreover, "working in the field" you will see how your competitors are doing business and understand what you need to do to become better and more successful than them.

And you can start now. Many companies providing passenger transportation services need drivers with their own car, offering them favorable terms of cooperation. Also pay attention to online services, such as Yandex.Taxi and Uber.

How much can you earn in a taxi

So we got to the most interesting, to the numbers. Now we will analyze how much you can really earn in a taxi. So, if you decide not to contact official taxi companies, your earnings per day can be either two hundred or two thousand rubles, and this is from 4 thousand 800 rubles to 40 thousand rubles a month. Take money away from gas and car maintenance. All that's left is your net income.

It all depends on you, your organizational skills and the ability to effectively use all available resources to find clients. Often independent work does not bring the desired result due to the inability to competently conduct business and drivers remain at a loss.

Private traders do not have the right to transport people, unlike taxi drivers working in organizations, so be prepared for fines for unauthorized activities. And this is another expense item.

How and how much they earn in a taxi in Moscow

The capital is an unplowed field for such a business. Here the cost of one trip is from two hundred to five hundred rubles. On luxury cars, it is 3-5 times higher.

Earnings in Moscow without tension and obligations (for "bombs") starts from 15 thousand rubles a month. But if you develop a system using the above rules, you can earn from 2 to 4 thousand rubles per day, which is 45-100 thousand per month. There is no limit to this income. Everything depends on you.

If you work with a dispatch company, there are three types of earnings available for you.

Fixed rate. The company provides you with a car, sets a daily salary. Whatever you earn above is yours. Opening hours - 12/6 (12 hours 6 days a week). Monthly official earnings - 35-55 thousand rubles.

Rent. You rent a car with the prospect of working out its cost and "dispatching commission". Typically, the landlord draws up a 6/1 schedule, that is, one day a week you can operate the transport for free and put real 100% of your earnings in your pocket. The average monthly income, taking into account costs, is 45-85 thousand rubles. There are downsides. You may be left without a profit due to a small number of orders or traffic jams.

Your vehicle. In this case, you, as a driver with your car, conclude an agreement with the dispatch service and receive your commissions from orders. The company pays for gas and repairs. But there are also conditions. The car (ordinary) must be no older than five years, executive no older than ten years. The owners of the latter earn more. The average salary of a taxi driver on a luxury car starts from 55 thousand per month. There is no limit. Taxi business makes good money. What are the costs here? It all depends on the company you are working with.

In our time, there are more and more people who want to earn a private cab. Some have lost their jobs, others are tired of working in a low-paid position, and still others want to start their own business so as not to depend on anyone. Although the profession of a taxi driver is not prestigious, it does not lose popularity, competition in this area is only increasing.

In this article, we will discuss questions of interest to many about how much you can earn, and.

How to make money in a taxi? Business pros and cons

First of all, I would like to note the important nuances of the work of a taxi driver. Not everything is as beautiful as it seems at first glance. Naturally, you can earn good money by being a private driver, but there are also disadvantages in this type of income.

Firstly, if you are transporting in someone else's car, then you give a certain amount to the company, and only a part remains with you.

Car repair. With private transportation, repair costs vehicle naturally assigned to the taxi driver. If the car belongs to the company, then, as a rule, it allocates funds for repairs.

Working at night and on holidays can be both a plus and a minus. The advantage is that at night and on holidays the fares for trips are much higher, but the taxi driver is also a person who wants to relax, so in this case you will either have to sacrifice rest or earnings.

If you are aware of all the pros and cons of this business and have not changed your decision to earn money by driving, then we move on to the next stage, namely the choice of direction.

How to make money in a taxi?

Work in a private company specializing in the transportation of people

You can officially apply for a job in this organization. In this case, you are provided with official vehicles, on which you will transport people.

Working in a taxi service with your own car as a business

In this case, you get the opportunity to earn much more. It is also a plus that this work is official and you will avoid fines for non-payment of taxes. But you will give a certain percentage of your earnings to the company where you are employed.

Private taxi. If you own a car, you can register as an individual entrepreneur and earn on a private cab.

What qualities should a taxi driver have?

If you want to earn money by driving, then it is advisable to have your own vehicle or get a job in a taxi service, where you will be provided with a car.

Besides, prerequisite are a driver's license and work experience. Also, the taxi driver must be well versed in the area where he works. Personal qualities of a person are also valued, such as responsibility, communication culture, punctuality.

Factors affecting earnings

  • Vehicle condition. The price of the trip will directly depend on the year of manufacture and class of your car. The cost of the route in an elite class car is much higher; such cars are also hired for weddings and corporate meetings, and this is additional income;
  • Ownership foreign languages. Especially this knowledge will be useful to taxi drivers in big cities, where foreigners are often customers. If a taxi driver can speak English fluently, then he will have much more customers, and foreigners usually leave good tips for drivers;
  • Locality. The earnings of taxi drivers in Moscow and in provincial cities differ significantly. In addition, the district of the city is also taken into account, for example, the place near railway stations and airports is considered the most profitable. In resort towns during the peak season, it is also very profitable to work.
  • Relationships with superiors. If you work for a taxi company, it is important to have a good relationship with the dispatcher. In this scenario, you can get more profitable and frequent orders and thus significantly increase profits;


A lot depends on advertising too. If you are still new to this business, then it is worth starting with the formation of a base of regular customers. A well-constructed advertising concept will help you with this. If you work for yourself, then stock up on business cards with contact numbers for ordering a taxi. Give everyone a business card, offer discounts to regular customers, in every possible way attract people to use your services. Always treat people kindly, do not be rude, listen carefully, many want to talk.

The appearance of the car also matters. It is desirable that advertising be applied to the car. Also, it would be useful to use an aquaprint, this will give the car an originality that will be remembered by customers. Read more about how to do it on our website.

If you follow all these rules, then you will certainly have regular customers.

How much can you really earn in a taxi in your car?

We answered your question about how to organize a taxi business and how you can earn money. As for the specific amount and how much you can really earn in a taxi, no one will answer this question for you. Everything will depend on the place of residence and competition in your city. Therefore, before starting your business, analyze the profitability of the idea in a particular locality.


Now you know how to open a fixed-route taxi, what you need for this and how to succeed in frequent transportation. In addition, I recommend that you take a closer look at small financial investments. This type earnings, can be very profitable when right approach and competent implementation of the idea. I wish you success in all your endeavors.

There are several ways to work as a taxi driver: as an employee in the staff of a car company, rental, cooperation with dispatchers, or private transportation. So what kind of employment scheme to choose in order to earn good money at the same time, and how to work in a taxi? We will discuss these issues in more detail in this article.

In the state at the company's auto

Job advertisements in taxis promise job seekers the most decent working conditions: the car of the company, as a rule, is foreign-made and the monthly salary is about 50 thousand rubles. But not everything is so simple. The payment for a full-time driver is made up of two parts: salary and, in addition, interest from total amount completed orders.
According to the head of the Moscow transport company"Global-taxi" Yury Marchenko, the average salary of a full-time taxi driver is usually low and ranges from 15 to 22 thousand rubles, depending on the class of the car and the company. For this amount, the taxi driver must fulfill a certain monthly plan - for an economy class car, on average, it fluctuates in the range of 60-70 thousand. After it is completed as a minimum output, bonuses are accrued - as a rule, this is 20-25% of the cost of each subsequent order.

Vadim Lyashchenko, a Moscow taxi driver who works in the Renault Logan taxi service, said that fifteen thousand a month is his “bare” salary. And if the plan is not fulfilled, which in this case starts with 60 thousand rubles, then you will receive exactly this amount in your salary, from which, in addition, a fine will be deducted for underperformance. With a twelve-hour working day with two or one day off, this plan per week is quite realistic to fulfill and even exceed - the average earnings of Vadim's colleagues in the park range from 22 to 35 thousand rubles per month (salary and, in addition to that, 22.5 of the monthly amount of orders) . But even here there are nuances. According to the taxi driver in their company, the minimum cost of a trip is 320 rubles for 20 minutes. You can drive all day through city traffic jams and earn 1,600 rubles for just “five minimum wages”, or you can ride twice to the airport and back, spend a maximum of four hours and complete the plan two days in advance.

In the company where Vadim works, it costs 1,000 rubles to see off to the airport, and a meeting costs 1,200. Therefore, it is not surprising that these flights are the most popular among drivers. There are also such varieties of orders especially beloved by taxi drivers. Like working all day with one passenger and traveling long distances. This is already as lucky. However, the earnings of full-time taxi drivers depend not only on luck, but also on dispatchers, who often have their own preferences among drivers and provide their pets with the most “delicious” orders. There are other disadvantages regular work in a taxi. For example, these are fines that are set for various faults - being late for a client, a dirty car, and so on. Of the advantages, the main one is the presence in constant use of a technically sound vehicle with paid fuel. In addition to car repairs and gasoline, the company also pays for insurance and washing, and in winter period time, and also a liquid for washing glass. In addition, the presence of its own fleet indicates that the company is stable, which means that you can get a job there. And yet, the important question remains: is it realistic to earn the amount indicated in the job advertisement per month. After all, most companies promise not 20 or 40, but 80 and even sometimes 100 thousand rubles! Experienced taxi drivers say that it is real if you work a lot.

Working on a rented car

Among Moscow taxi drivers, the most common job option is to transport passengers in a rented vehicle. Most companies practice it in parallel with the state. An agreement is concluded with a driver registered as an individual entrepreneur. He receives a car, pays an initial fee - as a rule, this is the cost of rent for the first day or three (and in some cases also pays for renting a walkie-talkie) and goes on the line. Further, he is required to appear periodically at the company's office and pay the rent, as well as "control rooms" (15-25% of the order amount). As a rule, foreign cars with economy class run are rented out. On average, the cost is from one to two thousand rubles per day, but in addition to mandatory payments, the taxi driver must also pay for gasoline, as well as car washing. Kurilov Sergey Petrovich worked in a taxi for more than thirty years, of which he has been on lease for the last four years. He pays 1,200 rubles per day for a four-year-old Renault Megan, in addition to that, 20% for orders. He spends an average of 700-800 rubles a day on gasoline, and washing a car every few days is another 200 rubles. In general, at the end of each shift, Sergei Petrovich has from 500 to 1300 rubles left in his hands, depending on the duration of the work day and number of orders.

According to Kurilov, they officially have a twelve-hour working day. However, recycling is not allowed. Once a week - one day without rent. If you want, you can rest, but if you want, you can work for yourself. Enough orders, you can even choose those that are more expensive. Especially if you make friends with the dispatcher. Of course, not everyone can work on a lease. They took some of Kurilov's comrades, they had a car, they worked for a couple of weeks and quit. They named one reason - all the money goes only for gasoline and mandatory payments, nothing is left for life. Despite such shortcomings of the rental scheme, the advantage is still greater. For example, the vast majority of companies cover the cost of car repairs, the purchase of seasonal tires and insurance. It is also important that most employers lease cars on the terms of subsequent redemption. So for some drivers under this scheme, working in a taxi makes it possible to buy a car in installments. And, finally, it is an opportunity to cooperate with several third-party dispatchers at once, which means the likelihood of receiving a huge number of interesting orders.

Work on your car (control rooms)

I work for rent and am friends with two more control rooms. I receive orders from my own on the radio, and from strangers by phone. Very convenient - if some order does not suit me, there is always a choice. It is officially forbidden, although most of our drivers do this. But if the authorities find out about this, then there is only one punishment - termination of the contract, taxi driver Vladimir, who delivers passengers to the Hyundai Accent, told us.

Dispatch offices are companies that provide advertisements for taxi services in newspapers, the Internet, etc. They usually do not have their own fleet of vehicles. A man sits on the phone, takes orders and passes them to taxi drivers. The dispatching office receives 15-25 percent from each order. According to the drivers, everything was simple before. They signed an agreement with the control room and received orders, once a week they paid the employer. Now, companies often require drivers to have a certificate of registration individual entrepreneur. This is due to constant checks by law enforcement agencies that are fighting illegal business and illegal cabbies.

Among the undoubted advantages of such work is freedom, a complete lack of control and the ability to choose orders. It can be attributed to the shortcomings except the cost of maintenance, as well as maintenance of the car. I only start working after eight in the evening and only take night orders. It is very convenient - no traffic jams. In addition, on the way back, if there is no interesting offer, they can pick up a voting passenger. I earn 3-4 thousand rubles on weekdays, twice as much on holidays and weekends, Mikhail Metelkin told us. We subtract the dispatcher and gasoline - it turns out about 60-80 thousand. And he is very pleased.

Private cab

If the lease and the staff make it possible for people who do not have their own cars to work in a taxi, then the majority of car owners-taxi drivers prefer to earn a living privately. Those of them who legally follow the path receive a certificate of an individual entrepreneur with a license allowing them to work as a taxi, otherwise the driver goes into the category of “bombed” and may be held liable for entrepreneurial illegal activities.

The general fleet of private traders is huge and diverse, since the brands, condition and age of cars depend only on the financial capabilities, as well as the desire of their owners. However, Dmitry Morozov, who has been successfully earning a living as a private cab driver for the past two years, is absolutely sure that the better the car looks, the more likely it is to attract the attention of a potential passenger. Previously, people didn’t look at cars much, he says, the main thing for them was to get to their destination. And it didn't matter what. But now that before them exists big choice, the voter will sit better in a serviceable well-groomed car than in a broken-down trough with broken seats and opening doors every other time.

On his clean, looking like a brand new Daewoo Nexia, Dmitry sometimes manages to earn from 2,500 to 3,000 rubles per exit - though he has to work 12-14 hours a day. According to this taxi driver, he has his own base of regular customers, so you don’t have to complain about the lack of orders. He spends 600-700 rubles a day on gasoline from the proceeds, and about 300 on a car wash, and the rest goes to family budget. Of course, you have to periodically allocate money for scheduled maintenance of the car.

And this way of working as a taxi driver has its own "pitfalls". For example, illegal gastrobaiters who do not allow work near metro stations, as well as railway stations and near large outlets. Once Dmitry tried to insist on his own - so two wheels of his car were pierced. He considered that he got off lightly and tempted fate - the car was more expensive. Moreover, from the same station, two hundred meters away, you can easily find passengers who depart in turn, catch a car to the side, also not wanting to get involved with visiting “bombs” on a dead classic.

What to choose?

Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. More stable is work in the state, only here labor code the driver is protected and can afford a couple of days off a week, while receiving stable income. In addition, all other options for registering as an individual entrepreneur and self-paying taxes will require you.

It looks more attractive to rent, but it is not suitable for all drivers. Gasoline expenses and mandatory payments can leave you without income, and you will have to work almost without days off. A separate bonus is the ability to redeem a rented car after a certain time.

If you have your own car, then the best option I see cooperation with several dispatchers, because in this case, the planning of working time, as well as costs, depend only on the taxi driver himself. But at the same time, it must be remembered that the maintenance of the car falls entirely on your shoulders.

But we do not recommend engaging in illegal private transportation, it is becoming more and more difficult every year. Firstly, you can ride all day and not earn anything, and secondly, our state threatens to toughen the punishment for all illegal cabbies.

The choice is only yours!