The snake according to the eastern horoscope is a characteristic of the sign. Years of the Serpent. The nature of people born in the year of the Snake

Years of birth of a person according to the sign of the Snake: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

In the East, the Serpent is a symbol of miraculous powers, levitation, telepathy and clairvoyance. It is also a symbol of renewal, the ability to conquer space and time.

General characteristics of the sign of the year of the Snake

Those born in the year of the Snake will be pleased to know that the Snake is incredibly lucky. It is believed that men born this year are sentimental, and women are coquettishly beautiful.

The snake belongs to one of the most mysterious and extraordinary signs of the Eastern horoscope.

The Japanese have long treated the Snake with respect, but at the same time, with caution, since this creature has eternal life. The expression "to change snake skin" means - to begin new life. Most families perceive the snake as a deity, the guardian of rice fields, mountains and hearth. The snake also means fertility and healing power.

The snake is the personification of wisdom and beauty. Therefore, people born in the year of the Snake adopt the traits of its character: natural wisdom, insight, high demands not only on themselves, but also on those around them. In society, the Snake demonstrates impeccable taste and demeanor. Usually she is smartly dressed, knows how to skillfully maintain a small talk and with her diplomatic remarks is able to defuse the situation or extinguish a brewing conflict. She has a gloss and an inner core, which makes others treat her with respect and some caution. Despite all this, for a real "socialite" she has a too serious view of the world, and does not like empty talk. People born in the year of the Snake are laconic even with their loved ones. Because of this character trait, it is difficult for people to guess what is going on in her soul. The snake has excellent control over his emotions and can experience both stormy joys and deep sorrows deep in his heart.

People born in the year of the Snake have an increased craving for knowledge, determination along with restraint, tact, the ability to keep other people's secrets. It is worth noting that the Snake approaches knowledge pragmatically. She deeply analyzes every smallest situation, detail. Ultimately, her accuracy and insight simply amaze the imagination of others. Relatives often believe that she has a very developed sixth sense. Many Snakes have a penchant for demonstrative behavior, which they justify with their principles and spiritual purity.

People born in the year of the Snake live their own rhythm. They often take much longer than others to achieve their goals. In addition, such people can be both lazy and slow, overly philosophical and self-critical. In other people, he looks for motivation and an incentive to act, but often at the same time feels the need for calmness and discipline.

If a person born in the year of the Snake finds his niche in life, he will easily get ahead of all competitors. He is often described as a quiet leader. By the way, the affairs of the Snake are not always clean. She knows how to skillfully and imperceptibly use the situation, people, their feelings, in order to achieve her goals.

Throughout her life, the Snake trusts her intuition more than logic. And, as a rule, she does not let her down. Often, the abilities of the Snake border on psychic. In addition, she has a clear, sober, analytical mind and has the gift of persuasion. The snake is valued as an employee in responsible positions of leadership, as well as in areas where extreme accuracy, organization and attention are required. For example: science, medicine, banking, etc.

A person born in the year of the Snake is infinitely faithful to his ideals. He goes to the intended goal, but at the same time he can show extraordinary flexibility. Sooner or later, he will get his way anyway. And from the outside, it may seem that the money itself sticks to the lucky Snake, it is usually so easy for her to find a well-paid job. However, only the Snake herself knows how much work and sleepless nights are behind this seeming ease.

In love, the Snake chooses her own life partner. Almost always shows impatience and jealousy, even if the feelings have already faded. Has a tendency to wrap around a partner, tie him down and leave no freedom. This is especially true for men born in the year of the Snake.

The Year of the Snake corresponds in Western classical astrology.

Metal Snake: 1941

People born in the year of the Metal Snake rarely allow someone into their souls. They prefer to work alone. They are quiet and inconspicuous and independent. But they are perfectly oriented in any situation and easily find a way out of difficult situations. Like a magnet, they attract profitable offers to themselves and get down to business with enviable determination. They have the ability to successfully invest money. Metal Snake loves luxury and comfort, appreciates art and good music. As a rule, she has a small circle of faithful and devoted friends, she is very generous and generous towards her loved ones.

Water Snake: 1953

The Water Snake is superbly versed in people and knows how to manage them. Has a wide range of interests and continues to study all his life. He has an excellent memory and is well versed in matters of business and finance. Unlike other Snakes, the Water Snake is very attached to family and loved ones, although it does not show it. People born in the year of the Water Snake have a mystical mindset and are highly susceptible to emotions. Sometimes they are difficult to understand, because words and actions are not subject to ordinary everyday logic.

Wood Snake: 1905, 1965

People born in the year of the Wood Snake have a good character, are harmonious and solid. She does not have such qualities as vanity and suspicion, characteristic of other Snakes. The Wood Snake is sociable, witty, intelligent and ambitious. She usually has many friends and a variety of hobbies. She easily comes up with new ways to have fun. More prefers a quiet stable life and work. Appreciates art and loves to collect antiques and paintings. Her advice, in particular of a personal nature, is greatly appreciated and taken into account. People born in the year of the Wood Snake can become talented engineers, as well as excellent administrators and officials who defend the interests of their business, regardless of any circumstances.

Fire Snake: 1917, 1977

People born in the year of the Fire Snake have a complex character. The Fire Snake is the least harmonious of all types of Snakes. She is vain and aggressive, but at the same time energetic and active. She wants to fly, not crawl. She is ambitious, self-confident, and the role of an inconspicuous intellectual does not suit her. Still, she has all the qualities of a leader and an outstanding oratorical talent. The Fire Snake has the ability to convince the most stubborn and unshakable opponents. Often very harsh with those she dislikes. However, despite the difficult nature, for many it commands respect and admiration. The Fire Snake tends to have a good sense of humor and many friends. She loves being active. public life and travel.

Earth Snake: 1929, 1989

People born in the year of the Earth Snake are harmonious, honest, sincere and friendly. She treats work with responsibility, but she is not ambitious, so she can easily cancel urgent matters for the sake of talking with friends or walking.

People born in the year of the Earth Snake do not like to take risks, and believe that only honest work and prudence will bring happiness and material well-being. Earth Serpents are great workers and intellectuals. They make excellent scientists, researchers, philosophers and analysts. Also, Earth Snakes are good financiers. They accurately calculate everything, analyze and invest money profitably.

Year of the Snake - advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the personality of the Snake

The snake is not afraid of any work, of course, with the exception of those that involve risk. Responsible, wise, demanding of herself and the people around her, always ready to help.

Negative aspects of the personality of the Snake

When turning to the Snake for help, one should take into account the fact that she can go to extremes. Helping others captures her completely. And already she becomes more obsessed than useful. Instinctively, she wraps herself around the person who owes her and tries to strangle him. Also, Snakes are characterized by a desire to deceive, stubbornness, a hot temperament that explodes over trifles.

Career and money of the Snake sign

People born in the year of the Snake achieve professional success relatively easily in almost any field of activity. They can do whatever they want. It can be weaving flowers from beads and big business and even politics. If she has found a job to her liking, then she will never leave it, will not turn off the path, but will only rise higher and higher along career ladder. In this she is helped by her natural flair, insight and diplomatic talent.

The snake can take on any hard work if it pays well. She knows her worth very well and will not go to work for a penny. In general, as far as money is concerned, the Snake is lucky. She practically does not worry about money, she will always find it as soon as she needs it. He rarely experiences need, as he knows how to use finances wisely. She spends a lot, but still earns. Therefore, as a rule, always has a solid bank account. The snake is very rational and practical. If she spends a large amount of money on a beauty salon and on fashionable clothes from boutiques, it is only because she knows that they are met by clothes, especially if they have to conduct business negotiations.

Life periods of the Snake

The life of the Snake largely depends on when she was born: summer or winter, day or night, and even on what the weather was like at that time. If it was summer and warm, then life will be more successful, and if it is winter, and even a blizzard, bad weather, squally wind, then life circumstances will be appropriate. Very happy are those Snakes who were born in hot tropical countries. If there is a storm on the day when the Snake was born, then her whole life will be full of dangers.

In general, the first two phases of the Snake's life will be relatively calm. But the third phase should be given Special attention. It is during this period that her sentimental and passionate nature, her taste for adventure can play a cruel joke, instead of providing her with a calm old age.

Stones of the Serpent: hematite, emerald, bloodstone, malachite, opal, jade, chrysolite, topaz, jasper.

Plants: heather, ferns, thistles and other plants that grow among the stones.

Time of day: 10 am to 11 am.

Season: spring (May).

Colors: green, red

Years of the Snake:

1905,1917,1929,1941,1953,1965,1977,1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

In the East, the snake has always been revered for wisdom, insight and will, and the snake symbolized fertility and healing power. Some peoples even worshiped the snake as a god.

In the ancient rites associated with the goddess Ishtar-Astarte, a snake appeared, braiding a tree. In fairy tales and legends, noble snakes give pearls to heroes, and the possession of snake skin promises wealth.

The fear that snakes cause is born from mystical stories and terrible impressions from the death of people bitten by snakes. In fact, snakes attack only in case of danger.

Most snakes do not gravitate toward collective life. And, as a rule, they hide among the roots of trees or among stones.

The snake thinks a lot and deeply. He is an intellectual and a philosopher.

She is endowed with wisdom, but the Snake does not often resort to wisdom, because she has a wonderful intuition.

These are very purposeful and not too trusting people who always rely only on their judgment, which is the only true one for them.

Those born under this sign generally tend to rely more on their impressions, feelings and sympathies than on facts, experience and other people's advice. She seems to have a sixth sense. Since she does not listen to anyone's advice, it will suit her research work where she will have freedom of action. Although the Snake can become an excellent organizer. Among those born under this sign there are both outstanding scientists and revolutionaries and statesmen.

She is very determined in the business she starts, and always strives for success, she hates failure. The snake does not like to make impulsive decisions, but prefers to act quickly.

She will turn the whole earth to reach her intended goal. Many Snakes have an innate gift for hypnosis and suggestion. If desired, the Snake knows how to please and make the right impression on others. And if the Snake was not so lazy, she could achieve a lot in life.

Snakes appreciate all the delights of life and are constantly in search of ways and means best use their talents and abilities.

At the same time, they are balanced and clearly inclined towards a quiet and inconspicuous lifestyle.

The snake does not like to lend, but it happens that, due to a penchant for a person, it can come to the rescue. If she renders a service to anyone, she almost always goes to extremes, and her good will to help others consumes her entirely. Instinct pushes her to wrap herself around the one she helps. And this obsession is frightening: in its efforts, it can strangle. So you need to think carefully before turning to the Snake for help.

The snake is calm, but closed, and because of distrust of others, it is difficult to converge with people. She chooses her friends very carefully. By nature, she is a terrible owner and is terribly jealous, and if she notices that someone is abusing her disposition, she is offended to the core.

Many of the contradictions of the Snake are related to her temperament. The snake is choleric. The paradoxical nature of this temperament is very clearly visible in everyday life: among the Serpents there are a huge number of jokers and merry fellows who from time to time fall into depression.

In fact, she's usually lazy, after all.

As for marriage, for people belonging to the sign of the Snake, this stage of life is very important. By creating their own family, Snakes can dramatically change their character and way of life. Family for the Snake is sacred. And people born under this sign, by all means try to protect their loved ones and come to their aid. To create a family, Snakes mainly choose strong and independent people who can provide not only themselves, but also those who live with them under the same roof.

The first two phases of the life of the Snake are relatively calm. A lot of bright political careers was done by the Serpents in their younger years. The propensity for quick success makes the Snake limit his talents, look for the shortest paths to self-realization, discarding too large projects.

In the second half of her life, her sentimental and passionate nature, her taste for adventure, can do her a disservice even when she could count on a calm old age.

Suffering with its flawed physiology and no less flawed psychology, the Snake literally radiates blackness, darkness and deadly fatigue during a period of depression.

The disadvantages of the Snake include its excessive guardianship, which causes irritation. She can be praised for her wisdom and strong will, for her ability to achieve what she wants. This is a passionate and sentimental nature. At the same time, the Snake is stingy, selfish and conceited, she does not know how to give others the warmth of her heart and the generosity of her soul. Therefore, in the area love relationship The snake is always in trouble.

Snakes are usually solitary. They keep people at a distance. They are uncommunicative, not inclined to open up when communicating, so no one knows what they really think.

Never and under no circumstances should you anger the Snake. Sometimes even the most harmless jokes in relation to the Snake can come out sideways to the joker.

Male snake. Characteristic

The male Snake is a sign of combat, belongs to the formal-logical element. Hence the super stringent requirements for the sign. You can not get into politics, try to rule over people. This is all the lot of strong-willed signs. And it's not that the Snakes are bad politicians, there are worse signs in this regard. But political conscientiousness takes too much strength from the Snake, giving nothing in return.

Male or female, the Snake will seek out extramarital affairs that make her life difficult. It is desirable that she fight against this trend and, if she could devote her better feelings family, her life would be harmonious and serene.

The preservation of the family is her sore spot. The snake will try to bind the partner in one way or another, and one of these ways is the presence of a large family.

Many people avoid the straightforwardness of the Snake. The vocabulary of these people is rich enough to argue with their chosen one. However, the Snakes know how to take the side of their other half. They are sentimental and pleasant, they have humor. The snake always claims to be the head of the family. But in order to become a master in the family, one must be able to make decisions, be able to earn money, and take responsibility. For the Snake, this is burdensome.

In marriage, male snakes can become indispensable assistants on household. However, it is difficult to force them to do something if they are busy with a business that, as it seems to them, does not tolerate any delay. Everything is decided either by the endurance of the second half, or by a skillful approach.

Especially Snakes appreciate the attitude towards children. Caress and attention, love and tenderness - if this is sincerely given to a child, then there is no price for that person. Snakes will do everything to ensure that this person is the most important in their family, regardless of gender and earnings.

The Snake man rarely lends and is a little stingy, so that by old age he can become a miser.

In general, the Snake is calm, intelligent and taciturn. As a rule, she is lucky in financial affairs She knows how to work and finish what she starts.

Snakes that could not find their place in life are very difficult people. They are constantly dissatisfied with themselves and those around them, criticize everyone and everything, provoke quarrels out of the blue, harass their loved ones with reproaches and sermons. They torture themselves and others, making their lives hell. Most Snakes have a hot temperament, they explode on small things, and it is very difficult to be around them. Ultimately, the Snake is its own enemy.

Snake woman. Characteristic

The Snake Woman is always a success. As a rule, they are very beautiful and are well aware of the power of their beauty. So these refined natures amaze not only with amazing charm, but also with pride and great vanity. She dresses very elegantly and shows a real passion for accessories. For this sign, luxury and material wealth come first, sometimes the Snake can be accused of greed. But you can turn to the Snake for help, and she will never refuse.

In love, she herself chooses a partner. Intolerant and jealous, even if she stopped loving him. In any case, she will wrap herself around him, leaving him no freedom, often due to a simple whim.

The Snake Woman was considered a windy lady at all times. But in marriage, she is very patient and very restrained in her desires. Main Feature sincere love and understanding of a partner, and especially the birth of a child, can serve such changes in the life of the Snake.

In terms of housekeeping, the Snake does not need to be reminded to cook dinner or iron her husband's white shirt in the morning - all this will be done without words, but only under certain conditions.

Main contradiction female sign The Snake lies in the fact that with a very high sensitivity and phenomenal aesthetic sophistication, Snake women have a uniquely strong will.

In order for the life of the Snake to develop happily, she needs to find a job to her liking and devote her life to it. Then the people around will not suffer so much from her bites. Entering

in marriage with the Snake, do not expect that she will bring a lot of money to the family. She does not like to take risks, it is difficult for her to run an independent business.

Snake Varieties

Metal Snake (1941, 2001, 2061)

Water Snake (1953, 2013, 2073)

Wood Snake (1905,1965,2025)

Fire Snake (1917,1977,2037)

Earth Snake (1929,1989, 2049)

Born in the year of the Snake

Alexander Radishchev, Stepan Khalturin, Nikolai Nekrasov, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Heinrich Heine, Denis Diderot, Alexander Kerensky, Abraham Lincoln, Pierre Proudhon, Clement Voroshilov, Joachim Ribbentrop, Palmiro Togliatti, Mao Tse Tung, Walter Ulbricht .

Nata Karlin July 25, 2018, 23:39

The snake is the sixth animal that sailed to the call of the Buddha and received the management of the whole year as a reward. A person born in the year of the Snake is endowed with all the traits of character and disposition of this animal. In the countries of the East, the Snake is endowed with such qualities as balance, wisdom, enlightenment.

This sign of the zodiac gives a person born under its influence, willpower, perseverance, diligence, a desire to achieve goals.

The snake can move mountains to achieve what it wants. Therefore, she does not always play established rules, often deviating from them in favor of their own interests

She can manipulate people so subtly that they will be firmly convinced that they have decided everything themselves and no one controls them.

People born in the year of the Snake have a well-developed taste, they know how to dress, conduct small talk, diplomatically bypass sharp corners conflicts and defuse tensions. Many are afraid of snakes, beware and try not to go into conflict with them. They have certain views on life that do not allow them to throw words to the wind. That is, people born under this zodiac sign do everything they promised and demand the same from others.

A wise and enlightened person, born in the year of the Snake

The Snake Man is restrained, smooth in his movements, calm and balanced. He never brings others closer to him so that they can freely penetrate his personal space. Either way, he keeps his distance. It is generally difficult for people who communicate with the Snake to imagine what is going on in her soul. She is calm and impassive in all situations, although her heart can be torn to pieces from pain and grief.

At work, people born under this zodiac sign are valued and respected for their ability to quickly make the right decisions, organization, and attention to detail. From the outside, it may seem that luck itself goes into the hands of the Snakes, but no one knows how many sleepless nights and nerves were spent on conquering each step of this success.

What year was the snake born

2025 is the Year of the Wood Snake

When the year of the snake comes, 6 cycle of the eastern horoscope. According to China, everything on planet Earth consists of 5 basic elements:

  • water;
  • Earth;
  • wood;
  • the fire;
  • metal.

Therefore, each of the subsequent periods of dominance on the planet of one of the animals is endowed with the properties of a certain element.

Water1953, 2013 Philosophical mindset, a lot of positive qualities, constant walking "on the edge" between excessive diplomacy and immorality
Wooden1965 Good nature, gentleness, non-conflict, fidelity, eloquence, the ability to make a decision and go to the intended goal
fiery1977 Activity, enterprise, self-confidence, pride, selfishness, non-conflict
earthy1989 Tendency to bad habits, talent in everything, conflict-free, willpower
metal2001 Stealth, militancy, ruthlessness, cunning, lack of a sense of humor, vindictiveness

Each of these periods is repeated once every 60 years.

Next on eastern horoscope it will be 2025 - the period of the rule of the Wood Snake

The Snake Guy is considered one of the most mysterious and mysterious men of the eastern horoscope. He is excellent educated, cultured, elegant and imposing. It is easy for him to captivate a woman even if he has serious physical disabilities. The Snake Man belongs to those representatives of the strong half of humanity who will be happy to wear a signet on their finger, a gold clip on a tie and cufflinks.

Gold cufflinks, Del'ta(price link)

A man of this zodiac sign can listen to advice from the outside, but he bases his conclusions on his own thoughts and feelings. He does not recognize base instincts and feelings they disgust him. The Snake man has a great sense of humor, feels sarcasm at the subconscious level, has a creative imagination and amazing intuition.

The man of this zodiac sign is incredibly attractive in the eyes of women. He is considerate and considerate towards the ladies., will never offend or offend. Relations with such a person are never bright and rich, as a rule, they are even and calm.

Peace and mutual understanding is his life credo in relations with women

The Snake Man, despite the fact that he is not alien to everything new and innovative, does not tolerate surprises and surprises. Very often, he looks like a coward in the eyes of those around him, because he tries to elude conflicts and upheavals. However, this is simply an unwillingness to experience negative emotions. It is not in his nature to wave his arms, proving his point of view with shouts and scandals. But he is able to rule over souls, convincing his opponents that he is right with the help of logical arguments and a calm timbre of his voice.

The Snake Man maintains peace and understanding with a woman

The only thing, what the Snake man gives in to is failure. Completely unable to lose, he does not know how to deal with offenders, trying to act by their own methods. Therefore, it is always worth remembering that you need to be extremely careful with a man of this sign.

Characteristics of the Snake woman according to the Eastern calendar

The Snake Girl personifies all the mystery and mystical essence of this zodiac sign. One gets the feeling that she lives in certain cycles, each time shedding her skin on a new turn of the spiral, which becomes a springboard to further achievements. The lady of this sign is always get out of any trouble winner and updated.

She does not hesitate to fall to the bottom in order to push off from it and fly up to the stars, gaining enlightenment and harmony. The Snake Woman is elegant, beautiful, well-educated and has an attractive force that attracts all men without exception. The lady of this zodiac sign is easy to communicate, but she does not like noisy companies very much, she prefers to spend free time at home with a book or other interesting activity.

The Snake Woman appreciates comfort very much, so she spends the money she earns on creating comfort in her beloved home.

To achieve the goal, she is ready to go to intrigue, deceit and fraud, while it is difficult to predict in advance what means it will undertake. She always has a lot of plans, a huge number of options for the development of events and always one optimal and correct choice.

A woman of this zodiac sign is simply impossible to take by surprise. It feels like it looks she is always perfect, even in the middle of the night. However, she adds huge effort, constantly taking care to be recorded at all hairdressers, cosmetologists and for the next manicure.

The perfect and delightful Snake girl with her beloved man

In the East, a woman born in the year of the Snake is given the palm among the best, most faithful and reliable wives. She is able to share and support the interests and aspirations of her husband., to devote himself entirely to the family and to be a wonderful hostess. However, not every man is given the opportunity to conquer the Snake woman, because she is very picky and selective.

Compatibility of people born under the sign of the Snake

People born in the year of the Snake are insightful, lucky and insightful. For the most part they are lucky in this life, however they know how to empathize and help those who are not so lucky. They do not exchange for trifles, devoting themselves and their lives to a cause and a person whom they love with all their hearts.

Despite the fact that the Snake woman has a special charisma and charm, she is rarely lucky in love. Usually, she chooses the wrong men.

If she is unhappy in marriage, then she will definitely begin to seek solace on the side. It should be noted that she manages to keep all the intrigues a secret.

The Snake Man is sentimental, very pleasant to talk to and has a sparkling sense of humor. A calm and balanced woman suits him, with whom relations will develop gradually.

With the Rat, the Snake can make an excellent alliance if the latter moderates its ambitions and stops looking "to the left". With the Ox, the Snake will be sincerely happy, she will gladly give the reins to her partner and retire to equip the family nest or raise offspring.

The ideal relationship between a male Rat and a female Snake

Relations with the Tiger are undesirable because these two simply have nothing in common. The snake exposes its quiet and cozy little world to serious danger when it allows the Tiger to cross the threshold own life. The Snake and the Rabbit are a wonderful couple who equally value comfort and entertainment, complementing each other in every possible way.

With a fire-breathing and bright Dragon, a calm and wise Snake is not on the way. Even in exchange for the admiration of an imposing partner, she will not receive the desired freedom.

Two Snakes will never find comfort in each other. Both will seek adventure on the side, while trying to control the partner.

A balanced and faithful Horse will under no circumstances understand and accept the constant betrayals of the Snake. If the Snake is wealthy and has weight in society, then with pleasure the artistic and loyal Goat will become her couple.

The Snake with the Monkey is a particularly explosive mixture. The latter will cause conflict, while the patience of the Snake is also not infinite. Despite the fact that the Rooster evokes a sense of competition in the Snake, these relationships will always be more creative than destructive.

Incompatibility of the Monkey woman and the Snake man

Neutral and stable relations with the Snake are possible with the Dog who is completely absorbed in love for her partner and simply does not notice his second life. This, probably, is the ideal for the loving and secretive Snake. A good alliance is also possible with the Boar, but the witty Snake will in every possible way demonstrate its superiority over the slow-witted Boar.

Compatibility table of the Snake with other signs of the eastern zodiac:

Moderate Compatibility Not compatible
Monkey, Rooster, Bull, DragonRabbit, Horse, Tiger, Goat, Snake, Dog, RatBoar
Goat, Dog, TigerDragon, Monkey, Rooster, Boar, Rabbit, Snake, HorseRat, Ox
Horse, Rabbit, Boar, DragonMonkey, Goat, Snake, Rooster, Rat, Dog, TigerBull
Snake, Rat, DragonHorse, Goat, Ox, Boar, Rooster, Monkey, Rabbit, DogTiger
Dragon, Ox, Tiger, Boar, PigRooster, Dog, Goat, Monkey, HorseRabbit, Rat
Rabbit, Tiger, Horse, BoarRat, Snake, Dog, Goat, Monkey, RoosterDragon, Ox
Tiger, Rabbit, Rooster, Goat, Ox, DogBoar, Monkey, Dragon, Rat, HorseSnake
Ox, Dragon, MonkeyDog, Rat, Goat, Snake, Pig, TigerHorse, Rabbit, Rooster
Rat, Rooster, Pig, SnakeOx, Tiger, Monkey, Dragon, RabbitGoat, Horse, Dog
Boar, Dog, Rabbit, Horse, RoosterGoat, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Dragon, SnakeA monkey
Dog, Pig, Tiger, GoatSnake, Monkey, Ox, Dragon, Horse, RabbitRooster, Rat
Rooster, Monkey, Rat, Goat, SnakeTiger, Boar, Ox, Rabbit, Horse, DragonDog

What zodiac sign corresponds to the year of the Snake?

According to the European astrological calendar, the zodiac sign is Snake corresponds to Taurus. The colors of good luck and happiness are green and red, the emerald talisman stone. The most successful countries for living:

  • Mexico,
  • India,
  • Ethiopia,
  • Peru.

A successful month of the year is May, the time of the Snake in a day is from 9 to 11 in the morning.

Taurus is the sign of the western zodiac, corresponding to the Snake

Children born in the year of the Snake

The Snake Child becomes an adult very early. It seems that already from the cradle the baby of this sign knows exactly what he needs from the world around him. He is brave, strong, disciplined, attentive and extremely thoughtful. At school, these kids have every chance of becoming the favorites of the teachers in the class.

Astrologers believe that the children of this zodiac sign are extremely controversial personalities. They always listen a lot and talk little, drawing conclusions that no one even guesses. An important feature of these babies - ability to think logically, prioritize and philosophically perceive the world, looking at it more meaningfully than many peers.

These babies with early years have a heightened sense of justice, so they will never allow themselves to offend the weak

They are will not tolerate criticism not only from strangers, but also from close people.

Parents should not spoil the child of this zodiac sign too much, because a melancholic, unadapted, infantile person may well grow out of it.

Child-Snake according to the sign of the eastern zodiac

Celebrities-Snakes according to the eastern horoscope

A self-confident, wise and insightful Snake man, choosing a certain path, will surely succeed. He always purposefully and methodically goes to his goal, not shunning and not too correct methods. Among men born in the year of the Snake, many celebrities:

  • Muhammad Ali,
  • John Kennedy
  • Igor Moiseev,
  • Tigran Petrosyan,
  • Christian Dior,
  • Charles Darwin,
  • Giacomo Casanova,
  • Nicholas Copernicus,
  • Dmitry Dostoevsky,
  • Nikolay Gogol.

No less stellar is female half humanity, born in the year of the Snake:

  • indira Gandhi,
  • Nonna Gaprindashvili,
  • Ludmila Zykina,
  • Alexandra Pakhmutova,
  • Anna Pavlova,
  • jesse jackson,
  • Greta Garbo.

Greta Garbo is a famous woman born under the zodiac sign of the Snake

People born in the year of the Snake are usually succeed In this life. Initially setting a goal, they strive for it and try any ways to achieve the desired well-being and comfortable life. In the family, they are calm and balanced partners who cannot be accused of excessive tyranny, but also faithful husbands and it is also impossible to call wives.

Eastern horoscope Snake: zodiac year of the Snake; money, career, legend; Snake compatibility horoscope

1929 - earthen

1941 - metal

1953 - water

1965 - woody

1977 - fiery

1989 - earthen

2001 - metal

2013 - water

2025 - woody

Horoscope Snake: legend

The snake is the sixth animal that came to the Buddha, receiving its year of ruling as a reward and endowing those born in its year with its characteristic disposition.

In China, in other cultures, there are a lot of chronicles, myths, beliefs, representing the Snake as a source of wisdom, enlightenment. The snake awakens knowledge, leading to the absolute "liberation" of the soul.

According to legend, the Buddha himself spent 5 weeks under the bodhi tree of wisdom, meditating. After many trials passed during this time, on the last day, all five natural misfortunes rose to the Buddha - lightning, darkness, cold, wind, rain, trying to break the Buddha in a furious impulse. Then Mukalinda, the king of snakes, crawled out of his possessions, wrapped himself around the body of Gautama Buddha seven times, protecting him from bad weather. And at that moment, under the protection of the snake, the Buddha reincarnated as an enlightened one, having achieved enlightenment.

Krishna is associated with Anant, the serpent of infinity.

Eastern horoscope Snake: character

The snake endows its wards with industriousness, stubborn strong character, incredible focus. The goal can be any - noble, love, scientific, mercantile - but it will always be the most important for the Snake in the universe. The snake is ready, one might say, for everything in order to carry out its plan. Having outlined such a goal, the Snake will be faithful to her in everything, therefore her game may not be entirely clean: the Snake is a master of imperceptible use of people, their feelings, the general situation for the benefit of the Cause.

The snake possesses great taste, the ability to hold on. The Snake is usually dressed impeccably, skillfully knows how to maintain a secular conversation, diplomatically defuse environment to prevent conflict. The snake has an inner core, gloss, it is respected, but beware. However, you cannot call her a secular lioness: the Snake has a very serious worldview, she is demanding equally to herself and to others, does not tolerate empty chatter. The snake is characterized by restraint, laconicism, even with loved ones. In any communication, she considers it right to keep a distance. The feelings of the Snake are always strong, but she perfectly keeps herself within the limits. It is difficult for others to guess what is in the heart of this beauty: failures, joys, disappointments - everything is deep.

The intuition of the Snake is incredibly developed, the Snake trusts her more than logic, usually not making mistakes. Sometimes the abilities and wonders of the Snake's intuition manifest themselves on a psychic level.

The snake has the clarity of the analytical mind, the gift of persuasion. The Snake acts without fuss, does not get excited, but knows how to quickly make the right decisions. She is a valuable worker in a field where organization, attention and high accuracy: medicine, science, etc., in leadership, responsible positions, including. From the outside, someone will decide that money sticks to the Snake themselves, so easily she finds high paying job. And only the Snake herself knows how many sleepless nights and labor this imaginary lightness costs.

The snake is strong, stubborn, wise, perspicacious, true to its ideals, but it knows how to show incredible flexibility. She is used to achieving everything she wants.

Zodiac Year of the Snake

Capricorn is the Snake philosopher. An intellectual, there is a lot of mind, but it is rather abstract than practical.

Aquarius is an esoteric Snake, mysterious. Her intuition and insight are disturbing. With the appropriate education, he can become a seer, engage in spiritualism.

Pisces - Water Snake. Very cold-blooded.

Aries - Python. His attacks are dangerous, beware.

Taurus is a beautiful Viper. She is irresistible in her charm, but she will be true.

Gemini - The snake is "restless", mobile. Her inconsistency is confusing.

Cancer - Snake-somnambulist. Will not exhaust himself. It would be nice to shake her up.

Leo - Spectacle snake. This Snake is stylish, has a weakness for accessories, and is tasteful.

Virgo is the ideal of beauty, refinement. Very smart, insightful. Responsible for everything.

Libra - Hypnotist Snake, beware. Besides, she's too polite, hardly honest.

Scorpio is a lustful snake. Her partner will always be tested by her for feelings of jealousy.

Sagittarius - Snake decisive. Able to achieve the chosen goal, but the method will not always be nice.

Eastern horoscope Snake: money, career

Snakes are born careerists in the best possible way. The basis of their achievements is high efficiency and undeniable professionalism. Snakes are sharp in mind, have excellent memory, excellent oratorical data, therefore, if desired, it is not at all difficult for them to become successful in any direction - from embroidery to politics, business, acting. Snakes choose their business, then rarely leave this path, climbing the career ladder to reach heights. Very handy here is their innate instinct, insight, diplomacy.

Snakes usually have no shortage of money - they know their worth, they will not work for small amounts. They spend a lot, but much less than they earn. Thanks to this, they have a solid capital in their accounts. Snakes are far-sighted, their expenses are rational: if large sums are spent on appearance, it is because Snakes are well aware: they are always met by clothes, especially in a business society.

Celebrity Snakes

Alexandra Pakhmutova, Charles Darwin, Gustave Flaubert, Greta Garbo, Pablo Picasso, Indira Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Muhammad Ali, Frans Schubert, Giacomo Casanova, Lyudmila Zykina, Mahatma Gandhi, John F. Kennedy, Henri Matisse, Christian Dior, Nicolaus Copernicus, Edgar Allan Poe, Aristotle Onassis.

Compatibility Horoscope Snake

Good - Rooster, Ox (Bull)

Not bad - Cat (Rabbit), Snake, Dragon

Tense - Rat, Sheep (Goat), Horse

Bad - Boar (Pig), Tiger, Monkey

Compatibility horoscope for the snake in more detail

In love, Snakes choose their partner themselves. Snakes are intolerant, jealous even no longer loving.

Snakes always try to completely subjugate their partner, to tie them up with children.

The Ox, trusting and cheerful, will bring happiness to the Snake, he works and disposes great energy, material and spiritual wealth. The snake is smart enough to be faithful and give the main role to the Bull, who will become an ideal companion.

Excellent relationship with the Rooster, especially in business. The snake is smart, It is easy for her to manipulate the Rooster: the main thing is to gild and embellish reality. In general, this union is favorable for correcting each other's shortcomings.

The snake and the dragon complement each other well. The snake is a companion of the Dragon in the embodiment of his grandiose ideas. And the Dragon is proud of his companion.

With the Rat, the Snake must keep its distance, demonstrating respect.

The restless mind of the Monkey disturbs the calmness of the Snake, moreover, accurately determining the intentions of the Snake. Complete mutual distrust.

The Pig does not trust the Snake, feeling her unseemly intentions. However, if the Pig is already caught by the Snake, it will be paralyzed, captured, twisted by the Snake, confident in impunity.

In general, the Snake needs to bypass the tiger for seven miles. The Tiger is the destroyer of the Snake's life.


Year of the animal according to the eastern calendar: Snake (years of birth - 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025).

02/14/1953 - 02/02/1954 (element of the year - water, color black)
02/02/1965 - 01/20/1966 (element of the year - wood, color blue)
02/18/1977 - 02/06/1978 (element of the year - fire, color red)
02/06/1989 - 01/26/1990 (element of the year - earth, yellow color)
01/24/2001 - 02/11/2002 (element of the year - metal, white color)
02/10/2013 - 01/30/2014 (element of the year - water, black color)
01/29/2025 - (element of the year - wood, color blue)

Characteristics of the Year of the Snake.

The sixth sign of the Eastern calendar.
In Christian countries, the Snake is usually associated with something unpleasant, and in Asian countries, on the contrary, it is revered for wisdom, insight and will. The man - the Snake is sentimental, pleasant in communication and witty. Woman - Snake is very beautiful and is popular with men.
In Japan, when they want to compliment a woman, they usually say: "My dear, you are a real snake." You understand that in European countries these words could hardly be taken as a compliment.
The snake dresses very elegantly and even somewhat pretentiously. Women have a passion for exquisite accessories. The snake is an intellectual, a philosopher. She thinks a lot and deeply and does not talk at all. She is wise, but she could do without this quality, since her intuition is remarkably developed. It happens that the intuition of the Snake even develops into clairvoyance. She trusts more impressions, sensations and sympathies,
than the facts own experience and the experience of others. The snake does not need anyone's judgments and advice - her sixth sense tells her everything. But oddly enough, there is no player from it.
The snake always brings the job to the end. She does not even allow the thought of failure. Decisions are made very quickly. He does not like to lend, but if he feels sympathy for a person, he will still come to the rescue. However, before turning to the Snake for support, think carefully: in an effort to do you a favor, she will become more embarrassing than useful. That's why she and the Snake - wrap around someone who owes her something, and strangle.
In money, the Snake is lucky. She will always find them if she needs them. So never worry about money. But in old age it can become a miser. The snake can do any job that does not involve risk. Despite the fact that she is quite lazy, if necessary, she can overpower herself and work a lot.
In love, she chooses a partner. And even when love passes, it remains intolerant and jealous towards him. It wraps around the unfortunate and does not give any freedom - and all this from a simple whim. This is especially true for male Snakes.
The snake is calm about extramarital affairs, which greatly complicates her life. If she devotes herself to the family, then her life becomes harmonious and serene. But in both cases, the Snake fetters the partner, which, of course, not everyone will like.
The first phases of the life of the Snake will be relatively calm. But in the last phase, her sentimental and passionate nature, her taste for adventure, can do a disservice. But she could well have a peaceful old age! It all depends on when the Snake was born - summer or winter, night or day. Even the weather on her birthday matters. The snake only likes warmth. She is afraid of cold, hurricane wind - in a word, any bad weather. A snake will be happier if born in a hot tropical country on a hot day than on a cold December night. If there was a storm on the Snake's birthday, she will be in danger all her life.

The snake and the sign of the zodiac.

Aries: Python snake. Watch out for Aries attacks. Taurus Viper. She will be faithful, but her charm will be irresistible.
Gemini: Movable Snake. The most unstable.
Cancer: Somnambulistic snake. Will not exhaust himself. It should be shaken up.
Leo: Active Snake. A rare species, by far the most balanced.
Virgo: The snake is too polite to be honest. Beware of her getting caught, she can hypnotize.
Scorpio: Lustful Snake. Will always try to make you gnaw on the apple of jealousy.
Sagittarius: Determined Snake. Must achieve its goal, but not always in an attractive way.
Capricorn: Snake philosopher. Lots of intelligence, but somewhat abstract.
Aquarius: The snake is erotic, secretive, mysterious. The future is in providence, in spiritualism...
Pisces: Water Snake. It will be very cool.