The world's largest Ferris wheel. Singapore Ferris Wheel: description, reviews. The largest ferris wheel

Exactly 120 years have passed since the engineer George Ferris designed the world's first Ferris wheel. Few people know, but this miracle of engineering is also called the Chicago wheel, since it was presented in Chicago at the World's Fair.
Of course, the Ferris wheel in those years remained the tallest ferris wheel in the world, with a height of 80.4 meters. However, very soon new record holders began to appear. What are the dimensions of the current largest Ferris wheels on Earth?

1. Sky Dream Fukuoka.
The height of this Japanese miracle is 120 meters. Until today, the Sky Dream ride is considered the largest ferris wheel. classical type. It makes a full turn in 20 minutes, and you can enjoy the view of the city from such an unprecedented height for only $ 10, which is a mere trifle compared to the prices of similar attractions.

2. Zhengzhou Ferris Wheel.
The Chinese Ferris wheel, opened back in 2003, is also not inferior to the Japanese attraction and rises 120 meters above the city of Zhengzhou. By the way, this is one of the four 120-meter wheels in China, among which are the Changsha Ferris Wheel (2004), the Suzhou Ferris Wheel (2009) and the most famous Ferris wheel - the Eye of Tianjin.

3. Tianjin Eye.
In addition to its huge height, this attraction is also famous for being the only wheel of its kind that stands on the bridge. The Eye of Tianjin has 48 booths that can lift 8 people at once. The wheel completes a full cycle of rotation in half an hour.

4. Melbourne Star.
And this 120-meter participant of the rating comes from Australia. Watching him is a pleasure, because the wheel is decorated with 3.7 kilometers LED light bulbs. True, the ferris wheel worked for only 40 days, after which it was closed for repairs. Today, the Melbourne Star is still under renovation.

5. London eye.
This British representative is rightfully considered the largest Ferris wheel in Europe. Its height is 135 meters, but enjoying the delightful view from the London Eye booth is not a cheap pleasure. For the sake of a half-hour trip, you will have to fork out $30. And getting a ticket is not so easy. Therefore, in order to avoid huge queues, it is better to book a "session" in advance on the official website, where, in addition, they provide a 10% discount.

6. Star of Nanchang.
The Chinese Ferris wheel has a mind-blowing size - as much as 160 meters in height! And you can enjoy this attraction for a very affordable price - $ 6 per person.

7 Singapore Flyer.
"Soaring Singapore" is now recognized the largest ferris wheel in the world. Its height is 165 meters, and the ticket price for the attraction is $21. However, according to forecasts, very soon the Singapore miracle will have at least two rivals from New York and Dubai.

In the summer of 1893, at the Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois, in honor of the four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America by Europeans, the first Ferris wheel was presented to mankind. It was more than 80 m in height. It was able to accommodate about 2000 people at the same time. A 20-minute ride on it cost 50 cents at the time. This list includes the very best Ferris wheels currently in use. based not only on their size, but also on their beauty and uniqueness.

Navy Pier in Chicago

It is worth noting that the Navy Pier, located on the shores of Lake Michigan in Chicago, includes a pier, the length of which is about 1010 meters. It was built in 1916. There are many shops, attractions, exhibition areas on the pier, as well as a ferris wheel, with which you can see how amazing the view of the city from above is. The ticket price is 6 dollars, and the average duration of one rental attraction does not exceed 7 minutes.

Singapore Ferris Wheel (Singapore Flyer)

This Ferris wheel began to function in February 2008. Its height is 165 meters, that is, approximately the same as a 42-storey building. Such a miracle consists of 28 capsules, each of which is equipped with air conditioning and can accommodate about 28 people. In addition, the capsules contain outlets and restaurants, and the trip itself lasts about half an hour.

ferris wheel at santa monica pier

The Ferris wheel at the Santa Monica Pier was built in 1996. It is equipped with more than 5 thousand multi-colored light bulbs (2392 white, 1500 and 1500 red-blue). This wheel is powered exclusively by solar panels, it was the first invention of its kind. But it was put up for sale on Ebay and bought for $ 132,400, and this was done by one of the developers living in Oklahoma. Subsequently, the ferris wheel was taken out of Santa Monica. However, a new wheel was installed at the same place, which was equipped with 160,000 LED bulbs, it was it that began to illuminate the entire territory of the beach.

Big O

The Big-O ferris wheel is in entertainment complex Tokyo Dome City, in Tokyo, Japan. The wheel with a diameter of 60 meters is the only centerless structure that does not have a structure inside it, it is supported by two arrow-shaped structures located on its side parts. Right in its central part, you can see the largest roller coaster in Tokyo.

Star of Texas (Texas Star)

The Texas Star is located in the state of the same name, USA. Refers to the highest ferris wheel located on the territory North America. This building was erected in honor of the 150th anniversary of the founding of Texas. It consists of 44 gondolas and until 2008, the Star of Texas consisted of about 16 thousand incandescent bulbs.

Wonder Wheel

The fifth place in the ranking goes to the Wonder Wheel, which is located in the state of New York, on the Coney Island peninsula, in Brooklyn. This Ferris wheel was built at the beginning of the 20th century. Its height is 46 meters. It has 24 passenger cabins, which differ in that not all of them are attached to the outer frame, some slide on special mounts inside the structure.


The Riesenrad ferris wheel appeared in 1897, and is associated with the anniversary date of Franz Joseph I. It was built on the territory of the Viennese park Wurstelprater, in Austria. This ferris wheel was considered the highest for 60 years, its height is 65 meters.

Cosmo Clock 21

In the form of a huge clock, they created the Cosmo Clock 21 ferris wheel, located in Yokohama, Japan. Its height is more than 100 meters (107 m), for this reason, for eight years, from 1989 to 1997, this ferris wheel was the highest in the world. From the moment of its construction to the present, it is the largest clock in the world. Ferris wheel consists of 60 cabins, each with a capacity of up to 8 people. In order for the wheel to complete rotation, it needs to spend at least 15 minutes.

London Eye

The world famous Ferris wheel consists of steel structures, which were collected for about 6 years. On December 31, 1999, the grand opening of the London Eye took place. There are 32 cabins, with a capacity of 25 passengers each. The ferris wheel moves constantly, at a speed of about 0.9 km/h. this is slow enough for tourists to comfortably take their seats in the booth. It is worth noting that at least three million people visit the London Eye every year, which makes it the most popular attraction in London, as well as the most recognizable and one of the best Ferris wheels on the planet.

Tianjin Eye

This ferris wheel is on a bridge that crosses the Hai River in Tianjin, China. Its height reaches 120 meters. The construction of the structure was completed in 2007, and so far the attraction is considered the best and only Ferris wheel in the world that was built right on the bridge. Its capacity is quite high, 48 capsules are presented here, with a total capacity of 770 visitors.

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It is a long established fact that the first Ferris wheel was built with the intention of dwarfing the height and splendor of eiffel tower. George Farris took up its design, and, having completed his creation in 1893, he demonstrated to the world a structure with an unprecedented height of 80 meters, frightening in those days. Since that time, anyone who takes on the creation of the next wheel tries to make it become the largest Ferris wheel in the world. In one single list, we have collected the brightest and most impressive creations of world designers.

7. A Japanese creation called Suzhou Ferris Wheel, reaching a height of 117 meters, was officially opened in 2001 in one of the largest parks in the capital, but after a while it was fenced and closed. But this does not in the least prevent him from being on our list, even if his operation seems to be over forever.

6. The Southern star is a property of Melbourne that keeps both tourists and locals in constant standby mode. Its height is 120 meters, and it was built in 2008. But what is most interesting, just a few days later The Southern star was closed for reconstruction. The wheel spent 4 years in the state of its waiting, in 2012 a full-scale repair nevertheless began, but it dragged on, and was not crowned with success.

5. Built in China, the Tianjin Eye Ferris wheel impresses with its size, which is 120 meters, how much placement. The creation of the masters of the country of the rising sun is located directly above the bridge, being the most impressive and record-breaking attraction in the world, erected in a similar place. To make one turn on it, it will take no more than $ 11 per adult and 5 per child.

4. Where is the biggest ferris wheel? If classical, then in Japan it is called Sky Dream Fukuoka, which translates as “heavenly dream”. The 120-meter attraction pleased with itself for more than seven years, but at the end of 2009 it failed and now it only glows with bright, alluring lights.

3. The eminent London eye, built in the capital of Britain, was considered the largest Ferris wheel for a very long time, because it reaches a height of 135 meters. In the status of an inimitable behemoth of steel, he stayed for six years, starting from the moment of opening in 2000 and until 2006, until a higher competitor appeared, eclipsing his greatness. However, even now a lot of tourists visiting the country dream of visiting the London eye. It is known that a full turn of the wheel is half an hour and for such pleasure they take exactly $ 30.

2. Cheaper, but no less impressive, is a ride in a slightly larger wheel called the Star of Nanchang, which was built not so long ago in China. More than seven million dollars were officially spent on its construction, which resulted in a grand structure of 160 meters. One ticket costs only six dollars, and the trip lasts the same as in the British giant.

1. Where is the largest Ferris wheel located, of course, in Singapore and it is called the Singapore Flyer. The wheel exceeds its closest pursuer by five meters in height and impresses with its unprecedented dimensions. This design makes a complete revolution in 40 minutes, while it has 28 booths, each of which can easily accommodate about 25 people.

When George W. Ferris built the world's first Ferris wheel for the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893, he set in motion the popularization of such an unusual and interesting attraction. The height of the novelty was 75 meters, and two steam engines were responsible for its rotation.

This "ferris wheel" was completely dismantled in 1904, but over the years different countries thousands of such attractions have been installed around the world.

Ferris wheels are different sizes and can be found in many places including amusement parks and tourist attractions. Below is top 10 tallest ferris wheels in the world. The data on where the largest Ferris wheel is located is relevant for 2018.

The rating is opened by the Japanese Ferris wheel, built in 1997 and installed near shopping center Tempozan Market in Osaka.

This building is decorated with illumination, which informs about the weather for the coming days. An orange backlight means that the day will be sunny, green lights are a sign that there are a lot of clouds in the sky, and if the blue light is on, then it will rain.

9. Watch Cosmo 21 - 112.5 meters

This Ferris wheel, built in 1989 in the Japanese city of Yokohama, has long lost its title of the highest attraction on Earth, but still remains the world's largest clock. The number "21" in the title means "21st century".

The current time is displayed on a huge display located in the center of the wheel. The ride on the attraction takes 15 minutes.

The wheel can carry 480 people in 60 cabins, with each cabin accommodating up to eight passengers. On a clear day, you can see the skyscrapers of Shinjuku, the Boso Peninsula, and even Mount Fuji from the wheel.

8. Melbourne Star and 5 other attractions - 120 meters

The spokes of this massive Ferris wheel form a seven-pointed star in homage to the Australian flag. A ride on the Melbourne Star will give you a 30-minute view of the Docklands and nearby areas of the city such as Port Phillip and the CBD.

There are several other Ferris wheels 120 meters high:

  • Fukuoka Sky Dream - This high-rise building opened in 2002 in Fukuoka, Japan.
  • The Zhengzhou Ferris Wheel opened in 2003 in an amusement park in Henan Province, China.
  • Changsha Ferris Wheel, opened in 2004 in Changsha, China.
  • Tianjin Eye - the attraction opened in 2008 in Tianjin, China.
  • The Suzhou Ferris Wheel opened in 2009 in Suzhou, China.

7. Eye of Orlando - 122 meters

The tallest ride on the East Coast opened in 2015. It provides breathtaking views of the city's theme parks, including nearby Sea World Orlando and Universal Orlando.

One rotation of the wheel takes 23 minutes. Before boarding the booth, visitors will be shown a mini-film about the construction of the wheel. And when leaving the wheel, riders are offered a can of Coca-Cola for free.

6. Red horse - 123 meters

Ferris Wheel - the tallest ferris wheel in Japan was opened in 2016. It rises to a height comparable to the height of a 40-story residential building. For comparison: the highest point is 83 meters (or 28 floors).

All 72 passenger cabins have transparent (and very durable) floors. And in 18 minutes, while the wheel makes a complete revolution, its visitors can admire impressive views of the city both from the side windows and from below, if, of course, they dare to look under their feet.

5. Eye of London - 135 meters

One of the most recognizable sights in England opens the top five of the highest attractions in 2018.

The highest attraction in Europe was built in 2000 and was originally called the Millennium Wheel. Each of its 32 capsules can carry 25 passengers, and the entire trip takes about 30 minutes.

The London Eye is visited annually more people than the Taj Mahal or the Great Pyramids of Giza.

4. Star of Nanchang - 160 meters

One of the highest wheels in the world is only 5 meters behind its Singaporean competitor. But it opened earlier, in 2006.

Each of the 60 climate-controlled cabins can accommodate up to 8 passengers. The attraction is equipped with very beautiful lighting, so in the evening it pleases visitors with fantastic illumination.

A ticket to the "Star of Nanchang" will cost only 6 yuan (about 60 rubles). The wheel works around the clock.

3. "Soaring Singapore" - 165 meters

A huge "ferris wheel", opened in 2008 on the shores of Singapore Bay, provides stunning views of nearby Malaysia and Indonesia. Each of the 28 capsules is the size of a mini bus and can accommodate 28 passengers. One revolution of the wheel takes half an hour. And to make the trip more fun, you can order champagne and lunch for two in the booth.

2. High Roller - 168 meters

The attraction, located in the Linq shopping and entertainment district in the famous Las Vegas, opened in 2014. Each glass cabin, equipped with air conditioning, can accommodate up to 40 passengers. Since this is Vegas, drinks are sold right at the base of the wheel and food can be taken into the cab. However, capsules do not slot machines, or at least not yet.

Night tickets for the High Roller are more expensive than day tickets, and this is understandable: after all, at night Las Vegas is flooded with lights and looks much more beautiful.

1. New York Ferris wheel - 191 meters

The largest Ferris wheel in the world is located on the shores of Staten Island.. It offers incredible views of Atlantic Ocean, the Port of New York and, of course, Manhattan. The construction of the giant cost $230 million (of which $7 million was spent on the lighting kit) and 1,440 passengers can ride on the wheel in one trip. The trip will take approximately 38 minutes.

When creating the highest Ferris wheel, American designers were inspired by the London project, but they set themselves the task of catching up and overtaking the British. If the London Wheel has 32 capsules, each of which can accommodate 25 people, then the New York Wheel has 36 capsules with a capacity of up to 40 passengers each. Well, the height of the American "ferris wheel" is much greater. However, already in 2018, it may lose the title of "the highest ferris wheel in the world" to the new king of attractions.

Ready to open: Dubai Eye - 210 meters

At the United United Arab Emirates has already . Dubai will also soon have the world's tallest Ferris wheel. The exact opening date is still unknown, but construction has already begun, and the Dubai Eye may begin to rotate as early as this year.

The attraction will be located on an artificial island, which also provides for hotel and entertainment areas, a market and a quarter with buildings of various heights. The construction of the island with all the infrastructure will cost $1.6 billion, and the Ferris wheel itself will cost $272 million. But what is money if you need to prove to the whole world that everything in the UAE is the biggest?