Why do scissors dream - for a quarrel or a change in life? Why do scissors dream - interpretation of sleep from dream books

Miller's dream book

Scissors- an unkind sign: wives will be jealous and picky about their husbands, lovers will quarrel and torment each other with mutual accusations. Business prospects will be very vague.

If you dream of sharp, well-honed scissors- it means that you have to do something that is deeply disgusting to you.

Break scissors in a dream- means that you will strive to get rid of tasks that are unpleasant for you.

Scissors you dreamed about- can make you stingy and unfriendly with friends.

If you dream of already broken scissors- it means that you have a danger of losing friends and position due to strange eccentric manners.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Scissors- indicate the need to cut some nodes, including unnecessary connections.

broken scissors- reconciliation.

cut something- to separation, changes.

See cut pieces or cut- the opportunity to solve the problem in a new way, to make an effort.

Freud's dream book

Scissors- the appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates that well-being awaits you in all matters for which you will be taken. Everyone around you will treat you with love and even some admiration. There comes a time of unbridled flirting, dating.

If you saw in a dream small scissors with which you tried to cut some large canvas- such a dream is a hint that you are not satisfied with your own sex life, and what exactly you do not like, until you can understand. You do not need to draw far-reaching conclusions, try to figure out what you would like to receive, what emotions to experience, and then try to experiment. Try to refrain from all kinds of accusations against your partner, as they will not lead to anything, but will only postpone the solution of the problem for an indefinite period.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If a woman dreams of scissors- this means that she will be picky about her husband or lover. Lovers such a dream- portends quarrels and mistrust.

If in a dream you hurt yourself on sharp scissors- in reality you experience fear and anxiety about the future.

A dream in which you cut out various figures from paper- means that in real life you are trying to shift your worries and problems onto others.

If in a dream you are guessing with scissors- this means that in reality you are engaged in a business that is too risky and unprofitable for you.

To dream of cutting off your hair with scissors- in reality you will have to bear unforeseen cash expenses.

Seeing old and rusty scissors in a dream- in reality you should be more prudent so as not to get into an awkward position.

A dream in which you ask to borrow scissors- means that due to an unfortunate misunderstanding, you will quarrel with a close and dear person.

If in a dream you are holding something on scissors- in reality you need to be wary of a thief.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Dream interpretation from A to Z

If you dreamed nail scissors - it means that in reality it will be possible to avoid serious complications when dangerous disease. cut paper with scissors- a sign of jealousy and suspicion on the part of a husband or lover.

Large tailor's scissors- to quarrels and mutual accusations. Gardening scissors- deterioration of the financial situation, metal scissors- loss of independence.

Old or rusty scissors- you will cut coupons and bathe in luxury, having achieved unheard of success. golden scissors- joy in the house, replenishment of the family. broken scissors- With your behavior, turn away friends and cause disapproval of others.

Sharp, good cutting- mind your own business and incur losses; stupid, useless- try to avoid the society of people unpleasant to you by refusing to go to visit.

Sharpen scissors- you will be involved in a scandalous story and read about yourself in the press. Prick with sharply sharpened scissors to the point of blood- gossip will be spread about you as a negligent hostess and worthless mistress.

Women's dream book

Scissors in a dream- an unkind sign: wives will be jealous and picky about their husbands, lovers will quarrel and torment each other with mutual accusations. Business prospects will be very vague.

Sharp, well-honed scissors- indicate that you will have to do something very unpleasant for you.

Break them in my sleep- means that you will strive to get rid of these cases.

If you dream of already broken scissors- you can lose friends and your status due to excessively eccentric manners.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Scissors- declare to yourself: “I am not isolated from the outside world. I am one with everything else."

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Seeing scissors in a dream- means possible section material assets, love gossip; cut something off- for material gain; cut clothes with scissors- unfortunately with his wife.

cut with scissors- fortunately, material well-being, change.

broken scissors- to an outwardly peaceful attitude in the family, but a complete lack of mutual understanding in it.

For a lonely woman such a dream- may be a harbinger of family happiness, successful marriage or meeting a person who will become her close friend on long years. For married- to increase the family.

Italian dream book

Scissors- cutting tool.

The appearance of scissors in the image- denotes a desire to harm, harm oneself or another, a desire for rigor in business or personal relationships. Feelings of hostility or aggression, desire to reduce someone's power over us, fear that other people are trying to reduce our influence. The most common image of a woman cutting clothes that belong to a man indicates the woman's desire to reduce his strength, fertility, or her fear of sex in general. Through the symbolic castration of a man, a woman releases herself from the responsibility for sexual relations with him.

Scissors image- is associated with the negative semantics of cutting off that from “no se” (cutting off from life), a negative symbol diminutive of a knife.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

The dream in which you broke the scissors- portends you that you do not have long to be with your lover.

Scissors- such a dream portends good luck in all matters. You will want to flirt, meet and start new relationships.

Small scissors with which you are trying to cut a large piece of cloth- means that you are unhappy with your intimate life, but you can’t understand what exactly you don’t like about it. Try to understand what you like, and only then make your fantasies come true. And do not blame the partner for the failures, perhaps he is not to blame for anything, but you will only upset him and create an obstacle to harmonious relations.

Dream Interpretation Dasha

Scissors- this symbol can be interpreted in two ways; it is a symbol of duality, and on the other hand, it is a sharp object that can hurt.

You sharpen dull scissors- in life you manage to get around sharp corners; get hurt with scissors, fear and anxiety about the future.

Lunar dream book

Scissors- to discord in the family.

Chinese dream book

Scissors- portend the division of material values.

Cut something with scissors- portends material gain.

Scissors cut clothes- portends misfortune with his wife.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Scissors- a symbol of connection, crossing the line of life (crossing the umbilical cord), initiation (circumcision), birth and death. Symbolic castration.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Scissors- scandal, dispute, contention; rejection of something (for example, cutting something off - cutting off, cutting off a love attachment, refusing a relationship with a person).

Modern universal dream book

There is no better way to separate something from something than scissors. What do you want to get rid of in life? What are you doing with scissors in a dream? Do you use them to cut something? What do you want to cut?

Scissors are also associated- with ceremony. Scissors in your dream symbolize the beginning of something new or the completion of an old one. creative project? Scissors are also associated with creativity. In a dream, do you create something with scissors?

There are times when we want to take short cuts and cut corners to get to our destination faster.- the dream says that you have no time to wait and you must quickly complete the work at any cost?

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Scissors- you will see the enemy, you will experience hatred.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in opened window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

In dreams, not only our past mistakes and victories are projected, but future events are also foreshadowed.

Often dreams clearly describe the future, which is especially worth paying attention to.

What are the scissors for? Worth sorting out.

Why do scissors dream - a general interpretation

Scissors in a dream have a double meaning. They speak of both the beginning of the journey and its completion. Scissors in a dream, according to the classical interpretation, promise the routine and severity of what is happening. A person is tired of the events that take place in his life and of the people around him. A person is tired of fighting, he wants to take revenge and harm another. This revenge is empty and will not bring satisfaction in the end.

If a married woman scissors appeared in a dream - she will be very jealous of her man. She will quibble for no reason. As a result, the relationship may be broken. Therefore it is worth Special attention give preventive measures, which will improve relations, avoid rash acts.

It is also worth paying attention to such interpretations:

Find rusty scissors in a dream - ill-wishers will make themselves felt, but nothing particularly terrible will happen, only minor troubles;

Find new scissors - everything in life will get better, an important task will be easily solved, a new acquaintance is possible;

Cutting the canvas with nail scissors - to the dissatisfaction of your soulmate. In such a situation, it is worth asking what does not suit the partner, maybe all the claims are imaginary;

Cutting paper with scissors is a mistrust in the family. This is a subconscious desire to break off relations, but the desire will remain unfulfilled;

Broken scissors promise unusual and unpleasant events. You can lose a friend and colleague.

Why dream of scissors according to Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book interprets a dream in which sharp new scissors appear as a burden from work and duties. If they manage to break them in a dream, a person will try in every possible way to change his fate. He will try to throw off the burden of responsibility, which is assigned to him by justice.

In general, dreams about scissors, as Miller points out, promise discord and squabbles:

Jealousy of wives and husbands;

Quarrels among lovers;

Business partners will not be able to find mutual language;

Quarrels are possible even with friends.

Already broken scissors promise complete discord with friends due to their unbearable nature. If you dream about how a person cuts a ribbon, he will be freed from the bonds that have fettered him for a long time, the same interpretation applies to dreams with ropes.

Trying to strike with scissors - to empty hopes and great chagrin. Hide scissors - try to get money illegally. Find other people's scissors - use other people's privileges.

Why dream scissors in Aesop's dream book

Aesop also saw a double interpretation of dreams about scissors. On the one hand, they promise troubles and expenses, and on the other hand, they indicate the need to resolve the situation. Aesop interpreted the dream of scissors as a hint that it was time for the girl to tell fortunes about her betrothed. In the old days, such fortune-telling was practiced quite often. Also, with the help of scissors, they asked for advice from their ancestors. Therefore, scissors may dream of the need to turn to the deceased for help.

Open scissors in a dream - ill-wishers are ready to attack, you should be on the alert;

Scissors that fell on the floor - to the soon guests;

Sharpen scissors - come to a compromise on any issue;

Get hurt on scissors - experience fear and anxiety about tomorrow;

Cut something with scissors - try to relieve yourself of responsibilities and put them on your shoulders loved one;

Divination with scissors is not worth the risk;

Cut off your hair - in reality to wastefulness;

Seeing someone cut off your hair is a loss due to someone else's mistake;

Rusty, old scissors - it's worth weighing again;

Borrowing scissors - to a quarrel with loved ones;

Keeping something on scissors is in danger of being robbed.

Why dream scissors according to Freud's dream book

Freud gives a psychological interpretation of dreams about scissors. They promise good luck in all endeavors, and especially in the love sphere. They also talk about the favor of others and a friendly attitude in a couple. New love games, flirt.

To see small scissors in a dream is a lack of love and affection. If a person cuts something with these small scissors, he is not satisfied with his personal life, but what exactly is in it is still unknown. You should not make claims and torment your partner with guesses and jealousy. You need to dig into yourself first.

Scissors to cut hair - to the imminent end of the relationship. If a girl dreams that she cuts her loved one's hair, it means that she is not threatened with betrayal, because she has already removed all her rivals. Throwing scissors - to give up the love that was supposed to kindle the heart.

Look for scissors in someone else's pocket - take your husband out of the family. Wearing scissors in your bosom - to a great desire to give birth soon. But so far, the girl does not have such an opportunity. Therefore, do not get stuck on this idea. As long as you have other things to do. The situation may soon be resolved.

Why do scissors dream - other interpretations

A brief dream book says that scissors dream of getting rid of everything superfluous and outdated. A person may feel cut off from the world, lost their bearings. What should be done? Understand hidden reasons, which provoke an active feeling of loneliness and inferiority, lack of demand. It just seems to be difficult. Actually, it's quite simple.

They also promise slander, parting. Cut with scissors - gain material well-being. Cut off a piece of clothing - to theft. They can indicate the fierce hatred of the enemy. But all his intrigues will return to him. Therefore, you should be on the alert, but do not be afraid of panic.

AT family dream book said that scissors do not dream of good. They promise greed and obnoxiousness. Even if a person does not have these qualities in life, he will become so. If a woman dreams about how she cuts the things of her beloved, in reality she is imprisoned in a dungeon of fears and fears. She can't get out of it. She is burdened by relationships, although the partner does not see that something can be burdensome in them. He believes that his other half is completely satisfied with their relationship. In this case, it is worth expressing all claims and indignation.

To break scissors in a dream on purpose - to break an already boring and sore connection. Throw scissors out the window - leave your home. Throwing scissors at someone - to harm another person. To cut someone is to deceive a person for selfish purposes. Such deceit will not go unnoticed and you will have to bear responsibility for it.

AT Chinese dream book scissors are interpreted as a dream that promises a section. Either property, or money, or power. Cut off something with them - the benefits of the material plane are just around the corner. If a man dreamed that he was cutting his clothes, he would be unhappy in family life. The cause of misfortune will be his behavior.

Break them on your own - break the connection, quit your job. Scissors in a dream may indicate a love triangle. Such a dream suggests that a person should make a choice so as not to offend any of the partners. Perhaps the decision to change not just a job, but a change in the type of activity. All changes will be for the better.

In the Italian dream book it is indicated that the appearance of scissors in a dream indicates that a person is breaking ties that have been developed over the years. He shouldn't do that, it's a mistake. You need to rethink your attitude towards real events. You need to weigh everything and be ready for new achievements.

The dream book also says that such a dream may indicate that the enemy is not asleep and is constantly harming a person with his actions. Golden scissors promise profit and joy. Breaking such scissors is a loss of money. And to break ordinary scissors - to victory over troubles, to victory over oneself.

When interpreting dreams, you need to take into account all the little things and nuances. Scissors in a dream can carry negativity, but after analyzing the dream completely, a person can conclude that everything is not lost yet. You can still change or you need to accept the situation and then it will play into his hands. In any case, you should not rush to extremes and expect quarrels and scandals. It is worth avoiding them at all costs. How to do it? Suggest interpretation of dreams.

The appearance of this symbol in your dream can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, scissors are considered a necessary item in everyday life, and on the other hand, scissors are very sharp and can injure a person.

Fortune-telling lovers know that scissors are used not only in everyday life, but also for fortune-telling. They think about their betrothed and call the spirit of dead people to ask them for advice.

So, if in your dream you saw open scissors, this means that in reality one of your ill-wishers is preparing a trap for you.

Dropping scissors on the floor means that guests are rushing to you from afar.

In a dream, you decided to sharpen blunt scissors - this is a sign that in real life you always find a way around sharp corners.

If in a dream you hurt yourself on sharp scissors - in reality you experience fear and anxiety about the future.

A dream in which you cut out various figures from paper means that in real life you are trying to shift your worries and problems to those around you.

If in a dream you are guessing with scissors, this means that in reality you are doing too risky and unprofitable business for you.

To see in a dream how your hair is cut off with scissors - in reality you will have to bear unforeseen cash expenses.

Seeing old and rusty scissors in a dream - in reality you should be more prudent so as not to get into an awkward position.

A dream in which you ask to borrow scissors means that due to an unfortunate misunderstanding you will quarrel with a close and dear person.

If in a dream you hold any thing on scissors - in reality you need to be wary of a thief.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Scissors

Scissors in a dream are also not a gift! Lovers who saw scissors in a dream will quarrel and torment each other.

All planned affairs can fail due to inconsistencies, misunderstandings and quarrels.

Breaking scissors in a dream is a desire to get rid of boring, routine obligations.

The dream is terrible and unwelcoming. And you do not call scissors in a dream scissors. Say: "two rings, two ends, carnations in the middle." The dream will not understand anything, it will get confused, and then it will cheer up.

Interpretation of dreams from

Any interpreter can tell about what scissors dream of. However, a person who decides to find out about the meaning of his vision should not be limited to only one source of information. After all, in every dream book you can find something especially interesting. That is why now I would like to turn to the most popular books of interpretation in order to get acquainted with those that are considered the most reliable.

Miller's dream book

If you believe what is written on its pages, then scissors are an unkind sign. Their appearance portends the jealousy of the second half, the emergence of quarrels on this basis, which are quite capable of developing into a scandal, accompanied by mutual accusations.

It is also worth mentioning why scissors with sharply sharpened blades dream of. The dream interpretation says that such a vision portends the need to do something deeply disgusting. If a person managed to break them, then he, most likely, will be able to get rid of unpleasant tasks.

The main thing is that he does not see an unusable cutting tool. Already broken scissors indicate that a person will be in danger of losing friends and a good attitude towards himself.

Freud's interpreter

This source can also tell a lot of useful information about what scissors dream of. If a person just saw them, then you should not worry. In this context, scissors promise prosperity and good luck in all matters. Fortune will accompany a person everywhere, no matter what business he undertakes.

But that's not all that scissors dream of. In a dream, they can be both large and small. The latter option usually personifies a person's dissatisfaction with himself. Especially if he tried to cut something big with small scissors.

By the way, if you managed to cut off a piece of something with this tool, then in real life you should expect changes or separation from a loved one. Or, perhaps, this is a sign from the subconscious, indicating that it is time for the dreamer to "cut" unnecessary connections. But on the other hand, if he wielded scissors in the process of sewing or cutting, then it means that he will have new options for solving a problem that has long been interfering with a normal life.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

According to this source, household scissors are harbingers of quarrels, disputes and conflicts. Having got involved in such an unpleasant situation, you need to be as restrained as possible - everything can end in a complete and final break in relations!

However, if a person uses them in a vision for the right thing, then debate and joint discussions with someone will only benefit. Had a chance to cut hair with this tool in a dream? This means that a person will lose an important argument for him. Or give up erroneous thoughts.

It is also worth mentioning what broken scissors dream of. They say that this vision symbolizes the irreparable consequences of disputes.

If you dreamed of scissors for cutting metal, then, most likely, in the near future a person will become a participant in the confrontation with business partners. And here garden tools indicates that it would not hurt him to put his thoughts and plans in order. It may even be worth abandoning ideas that seem dubious.

Aesop's Book of Interpretations

She is also able to help find the answer to the question regarding what scissors dream of. If they were disclosed, then in real life a person does not hurt to be careful. One of the ill-wishers plans to spoil his life and, perhaps, even prepares a trap.

Did the person in the vision drop the scissors on the floor? So, guests from afar rush to him. Or soon he will learn some unexpected news.

Did the dreamer have a chance to sharpen blunt scissors? Such a vision is considered a good sign. It indicates the luck of a person, and the ability to bypass the "sharp" corners in life.

But if he hurt himself on this clerical tool, then in reality he will have to face the anxiety and fear associated with the near future.

Esoteric dream book

It, too, will not be superfluous to look through if scissors are seen. The dream book, why such stationery is dreamed of, can completely explain. You just need to remember the details.

Did the person cut paper figures or did origami? This indicates that in real life he is used to shifting responsibility for solving his problems and worries to other people.

Had a chance to guess with scissors? This means that in reality a person is engaged in an extremely unprofitable and risky business for him.

In a vision, did he notice how they cut his hair with scissors? It's for the unexpected cash spending. But old or rusty scissors are most often regarded as a warning. A person should show more foresight and carelessness in the near future, so as not to be in an awkward position.

But after a vision in which he borrowed scissors from someone, it would not hurt to become more restrained and calmer. Perhaps he will find himself in a situation in which his ardent temperament will manifest itself, and without keeping silent, he will offend his opponent.

Interpreter of the 21st century

He can also help to understand what the scissors are dreaming of. Manicures, for example, are considered a positive sign that indicates a person's luck. If he, or someone close to him, suffers from a disease, then serious complications can be avoided.

Were the scissors made by tailors? Such a symbol usually dreams of mutual accusations and quarrels. Sadovye, in turn, personify the deterioration of the financial situation. And metal scissors promise a loss of independence and freedom.

But rusty and old tool, in accordance with this dream book, is the best omen. It promises wealth, unheard of success and luxury. You can also rejoice if the scissors were gold. They portend joy in the house and the onset of a bright streak in life.

Dull scissors, oddly enough, are also considered a good sign. They say that a person will soon find himself in a difficult situation, but he will be able to “smooth the corners”.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

This book can explain why you dream of finding scissors. It all depends on what they were. Best of all, of course, are golden scissors. Finding such an object in a dream portends financial well-being in reality and prosperity in the house.

In a vision, did a person stumble upon old scissors, as if carelessly thrown by someone on the ground? This is to the trouble that evil-wishers will try to arrange for him. They are eager to take revenge for past victories won by the dreamer over them.

But if new scissors were found, you can rejoice. They portend the appearance of a new acquaintance who will turn out to be a like-minded person, and over time will become a close friend.

And another good vision is the situation when a person finds scissors, once bought by himself and safely forgotten. It is generally accepted that this is a romantic love adventure. The one who is single will find his soul mate. And a person who already has a life partner will feel a desire to make their connection even stronger.

Ancient dream book

It is worth flipping through this book if you are interested in what scissors dream of. Large and sharp can indicate different predictions, the correct one of which can be determined if the details are remembered. Namely, what a person did with them.

Cut off dry tree branches? For unintentional spending. The same thing means a vision in which a person cut off his hair. If in a dream he dropped the scissors on the floor, then you should wait for the guests. But you should be seriously afraid only when some other object is visible on them. A piece of sticky tape, for example, or a thread. Any such vision is considered a harbinger of theft.

Did a man cut flowers with them? This is to holiday events. Did you cut the fabric? To soon wealth. Washed them under the tap from the dirt? This means that he will avoid punishment for any misconduct. And if he broke them, putting a lot of zeal for this, then in real life, it means that he will give up an unfavorable business. Maybe even quit a boring job.

It is also worth paying attention to a vision in which a person saw scissors in the hands of someone else who did not even notice his presence. It is generally accepted that such a dream is a harbinger of the appearance of an opponent or competitor in real life. But you should not worry too much about this - the dreamer will have all the advantages to win.

Small Velesov dream book

About what a lot of scissors dream of, this interpreter is able to tell. If they lay in a sloppy pile, then a person will have to face resentment in his direction. And it will be unfounded.

The main thing is that all these scissors do not lie open, in a cruciform position. Such a vision speaks of the onset of a "black" streak in life. Troubles will fall on a person one after another, and in order to withstand the sudden surging pressure, you will have to gather all your will into a fist without residue.

An unkind dream is one in which a person threw scissors at someone. They say it is a sign of discord, growing into enmity. Approximately the same thing means a vision in which someone threw scissors at the dreamer.

If he took scissors and broke tools one after another, while experiencing relief, then soon he would deal with all problems, troubles, and move away from meaningless tasks.

Based on the foregoing, one can be convinced that the appearance in a dream of a completely familiar stationery tool can portend both troubles and something good. And in order to determine the interpretation, it is recommended to pay attention to different dream books, not just one.

There is no need to talk about the fact that dreams are very, very diverse, even, at first glance, devoid of logic or meaning, this is a fact.

For example, many are puzzled by the question of why they dream of scissors or working with them. It is impossible to unequivocally interpret what he saw, too many factors will have to be taken into account and taken into account. Otherwise, the reliability of decryption is reduced. Why dream: scissors, a hairdresser, a haircut - it’s worth looking into it in more detail.

The fact that today more than one or two dream books are in use is known to everyone. The most popular are the following:

However, many of our contemporaries also use others, such as Gypsy or Old Slavonic. If you are in doubt, you can see what the scissors are dreaming of in several sources, and then “reduce to a common denominator” what you saw in a dream, that is, put together the result.

If we take the Italian dream book as the main source, then such a relatively peaceful and harmless object is, as it were, a hidden danger. That is, this dream, in which scissors play the main role, denotes a subconscious craving for harm to someone, or even to your loved one. It doesn't have to be about suicide or physical harm. It is possible that you simply take on an unbearable burden and it will be very difficult to cope with it.

The female dream book interprets scissors as a negative sign. But its interpretation differs from that mentioned above.

That is, when in a dream this is seen by a married or in a relationship lady, it is likely that she will be groundlessly, but very jealous of her soulmate. With this, most likely, scandals are associated with a violent showdown and scenes. A woman will suffer and torment herself and her beloved.

If you will decipher the fact that you dreamed of scissors in a dream according to Miller's dream book, then you need to remember whether their blades were sharp enough. If yes, then it is likely that in the foreseeable future you will have to do work that you are unpleasant or, moreover, disgusted with. When, according to the plot of the dream, you broke the scissors, then, in all likelihood, you will be able to avoid the to-do list that others are trying to “hang” on you.

Features of the interpretation of sleep

If you had to see this object in a dream, it makes sense to remember everything to the smallest detail. You happened to:

  • See the item in good condition or broken?
  • See scissors rusty or new?
  • Just see them or hold them in your hands and even do something with them?

From a psychoanalytic point of view, there is something very interesting and, most importantly, positive value what it means to see scissors in a dream.

For example, Freud explained that this is a symbol of great success in business, as well as the excellent attitude of people from your environment towards you, whether they are relatives, friends or colleagues. Such a dream may also indicate the proximity in the future of love entertainment or flirting.

True, if you see scissors in a dream as rusty or broken, then this is already bad sign. Most likely, you will not achieve what you want and will not be able to implement your plan. Moreover, not through their own fault, but simply due to the prevailing external circumstances.

If you see new scissors, which, as you remember, were shiny and sharp, then the forecasts are very positive. Your wit and lightness of character will help you to tie temporary love relationship. Apparently, they will bring many pleasant moments, although they will soon be erased from your memory without a trace.

Women often dream of specific, in other words, nail scissors. They should be treated in a special way.

If with the help of such scissors you have to cut a large, simply immense canvas, then there is a high probability that in reality there will be dissatisfaction with your sex life. This, in turn, may well result in significant disagreements with your soulmate.

But you shouldn’t “cut off your shoulder”, it’s better to look into your own thoughts in order to ask yourself the question: “What doesn’t suit you so much?” It is unlikely that the answer will be found easily and quickly. Alternatively, you will even understand what was wrong on your part.

Cutting paper with scissors in a dream will be the beginning of distrust in family union. This should be understood as a true indication of an imminent break and the dreamer's desire to "cut off" from his life all unnecessary and burdensome relationships with connections.

It also happens that the plot of a dream revolves around broken scissors. Most likely, anyone who sees this during the holidays should be wary of indecent or too outrageous behavior. Both from myself and from the outside. Acting flashy and attracting attention, you may well push old and time-tested friends away from you. You need to try not to draw too much attention to yourself from the public.