Pre-winter sowing of bulbous flowers in the country. Correct winter sowing. Sowing seeds for school

Many gardeners use winter sowing flowers from seeds. This method has many advantages.

First, this method allows you to get the earliest flowering. Secondly, this method of sowing saves a lot of time in the spring, because no one cancels planting and picking, but it will definitely free up the space on the windowsills that the seedlings occupy. Third, plants that are planted in this way will be more “hardened”, resistant to diseases and adverse conditions.

What flowers are best grown in this way, sowing them before winter? There are a lot of them. These are asters and delphinium, iris and calendula, kandyk, cosmos and clematis, buttercup and leotard, hellebore, poppy, peony, corydalis and primrose, evening primrose, violet, eschscholzia, ash.

I would like to talk about one more advantage of winter sowing. For some plants, for example, hellebore, delphinium, primrose, stratification is needed for seed germination - what does this mean? This means that the seeds of these plants need cold treatment. Therefore, during winter sowing, this procedure does not need to be carried out, as during spring sowing.

The timing of pre-winter sowing can be different - from October to February, depending on your climate zone. The main thing is to comply with the condition - at the moment when sowing occurs, stable cold weather must be established. If sowing is done in too warm weather, the seeds will germinate and winter frosts they will be destroyed. In the cold, the seeds should leave swollen, but under no circumstances germinate. Considering that in recent years, even in central Russia Warm Octobers and even Novembers are not uncommon, so sowing time can only come at the end of November.

If you plant seeds directly in the beds, then you need to take care of their preparation and creation in advance, when the ground is not yet frozen by frost.

It is very convenient to sow seeds in plastic containers, or pots. In the spring it will be easier for you to find seedlings. On your site, choose a place protected from light and wind, lay down non-woven material, if the snow has already fallen, rake it. Then install the boxes, and in them containers with crops. Place another layer on top nonwoven fabric and cover it with snow.

The depth of winter sowing of flowers should be the same as for spring sowing or slightly less. If you are sowing into frozen ground, then the furrows can be sprinkled with pre-prepared soil. There is no need to water the sown seeds.

In spring, on the contrary, make sure that the seedlings do not dry out, carry out snow retention, and when the snow melts, it is time to water the seedlings. Pick up the sprouted seedlings and plant them in the ground.

We strive to close quickly summer season, harvesting the entire harvest and saying goodbye to the beds and flower beds until spring. But you can now plan your work so that you can relieve the busy spring season. To such autumn work This also includes winter crops. It is in late autumn that you can sow not only vegetable seeds, but also perennial and annual flowers. Such sowings have great advantages; they allow you to save time and obtain high-quality hardened seedlings with minimal effort.

There are several important advantages to sowing seeds before winter.

  1. Save time and space for plants in spring

Growing flower and vegetable seedlings is quite a tedious task, especially when there are a lot of seedlings. By sowing some of the plants before winter, you can allocate more space on the windowsill for heat-loving plants and pay more attention to these seedlings. For someone else important factor in this case, it will also be that the seedlings do not need to be transported, they will already be at the planting site.

  • Hardening off plants

Another very important point- This is the hardening of plants. Seeds sown in autumn will produce stronger and more resilient seedlings. Such seedlings will be more resistant to spring frosts, pests and pathogens. For example, quite often inexperienced gardeners fail to grow annual aster - it is often affected by fungal diseases. Pre-winter sowing of aster allows you to get more strong seedlings resistant to diseases.

  • Flowers sown for winter bloom earlier

Another factor is that flowers sown before winter bloom two weeks earlier. And if in the spring the beds with crops are covered with covering material using arches, the plants will bloom even faster!

  • Pre-winter sowing - natural stratification of seeds

For many perennial flowers, sowing before winter is not only possible, but even necessary. The fact is that, when exposed to winter conditions, perennial seeds undergo a stage of natural stratification, without which they simply may not sprout. For the seeds of these plants to germinate, it is important to remain in low temperatures. On bags with such seeds, manufacturers usually write that when spring sowing they need to be kept in the refrigerator.

  • If the expiration date of the seeds is running out.

Another factor worth mentioning is that in the fall it is better to sow those seeds that are nearing the end of their shelf life. Pre-winter sowing allows you to verify much earlier whether the seeds are viable or not. If there are no shoots, there will still be time to sow new seeds. Of course, only cold-resistant plants can be sown.

Disadvantages of sowing flowers in winter

Like any other technology, sowing seeds before winter has its negative aspects that also need to be taken into account.

  1. Unpredictability and sharp changes weather conditions can lead to the death of seedlings. Persistent frosts may give way to a thaw, seeds may begin to germinate, and after the next change of weather, die.

It is precisely because of such sudden changes in weather that it can be quite difficult to determine exact time sowing seeds. In any case, any technology has its pros and cons; knowing about the negative aspects of winter sowing, you can play it safe: sow only part of the seeds. If a variety is valuable or rare, some seeds can be left for the spring.

  • If the area is very clogged with weed seeds, in the spring they will sprout simultaneously with cultivated plants. And the bed will definitely need to be weeded, which is not so easy while the seedlings are small. In this case, it is better to abandon any sowing before winter.

Time to sow flowers before winter

The optimal time for sowing before winter is to establish stable low temperatures, but not yet subzero temperatures. In many regions this time occurs in late October to mid-November.

It is important not to rush into sowing, otherwise the seedlings may appear prematurely and then die. You can more accurately determine the time by a stable drop in air temperature to zero degrees. At this time, the soil is already quite frozen, but not yet covered with a layer of snow. If weather forecasters do not promise warming, you can start sowing.

Although you can sow much later - before permanent snow cover falls. As a rule, top layer The soil is already freezing at this time. This will not affect the seeds in any way; the main thing is to prepare the bed in advance. On the sowing day itself, this is unlikely to happen - the ground will already be frozen. In this case, you need to cover the seeds with dry, unfrozen soil. It will need to be prepared in advance, protected from moisture and freezing.

For winter sowing, it is very important to prepare the beds in advance and make furrows, so that at the right time all that remains is to sow the seeds and cover them with dry soil.

You need to choose a place for sowing that is protected from the winds, preferably in an elevated place, so that there is no stagnation of water, otherwise the seeds may rot. Ideal option– a raised bed with sides so that the seeds do not wash away from the bed with precipitation. Height optimal bed 15-20 cm. In the spring there will be no excess moisture in such a bed, it will quickly warm up, which means that the seeds will begin to sprout much earlier.

Before sowing, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the growing conditions of each selected plant. There are crops that easily tolerate transplants. And there are also those that take root with difficulty when transplanted; they must be immediately sown on permanent place.

The space under the garden bed needs to be cleared of weeds and dug up. Particular care must be taken to remove the roots of perennial weeds. Otherwise, in the spring they will quickly germinate and kill the flower shoots.

When digging, you can add 4-6 kg of humus per 1 square meter. m. If the soil is dense and heavy, then you need a baking powder, for example, river sand. From mineral fertilizers, you can scatter phosphorus-potassium (15-20 g per 1 sq. m) or special autumn fertilizers.

How to sow flower seeds before winter?

Winter sowing of seeds has its own characteristics. It is very important to carry out work in dry weather. Seeds cannot be soaked and germinated - sowing can only be done with dry seeds, so as not to provoke their premature germination.

Due to the possible death of some seedlings, the seed sowing rate is usually increased by 25–50%.

During the winter, the soil layer becomes compacted. So that the seeds can break through to the surface in the spring, it is recommended to sow them at a shallower depth compared to sowing in the spring. That is why it is advisable to sprinkle the seeds sown before winter with a small layer of humus, peat or a mixture of peat, sand and humus.

The soil must be prepared in advance so that it is dry and free-flowing. After sowing, do not water the bed so that the seeds do not germinate prematurely. To protect against severe frosts, the bed can be covered with fallen leaves and spruce branches.

In the spring, as soon as the snow melts, the mulching material must be removed. At first, the crops do not need watering; they receive enough moisture from the melted snow. It is advisable to install arches with covering material on the garden bed. This will save moisture and protect crops from temperature changes.

If the seedlings grow very densely, they need to be thinned out or transplanted. Later, as the plants grow, they can be planted in a permanent place.

So, as you can see, there are no particular difficulties or a lot of manipulation when sowing flowers before winter. The main thing is to prepare the bed in advance, the soil for sprinkling the crops and sow the plants on time.

What flowers can be sown before winter?

In winter, you can sow both annual and biennial flowers, as well as perennial flowers.

Before winter, cold-resistant annuals with a short development period from germination to flowering are sown.

They can be sown either in a seedling bed or directly in a permanent place. In this case, you need to choose a place for sowing in accordance with the preferences of the plants and carefully prepare the soil. For plants with a taproot system, planting in a permanent place is more preferable, since they do not tolerate transplantation well. Such plants include delphinium, poppy, and eschscholzia.

If desired, you can immediately sow the seeds in containers or pots. But they will have to be buried in the ground for the winter; before sowing, a drainage layer must be placed on the bottom of the pots to avoid stagnation of water in them. Perennial and biennial flowers

Among perennial plants There are some that definitely need cold stratification for germination. Among them: aquilegia, gentian, delphinium, lavender, primrose. If you are unable to grow seedlings of these flowers, be sure to try sowing them before winter.

And there are also perennials that can be sown either before winter or in spring. But, as practice shows, seedlings obtained from pre-winter sowings will sprout more harmoniously and will develop much better.

Such plants include: arabis, gaillardia, viola, carnation, doronicum, peach-leaved and Carpathian bells, lychnis, lupine, small petals, chamomile, aubrieta, yarrow, etc.

Golden autumn is behind us, the garden is ready for winter, and the flower garden is clean and tidy. If you are not used to sitting idly by, you want to relieve the pressure on the spring sowing, and at the same time the window sills, and get strong, well-formed plants, then it’s time to prepare for the winter sowing of annuals.

Sowing before winter: what is it?

Pre-winter sowing is carried out on frozen soil after the onset of stable temperatures close to zero (0...-1°C). Under these conditions, the seeds do not germinate in the fall. Over the winter they go through a cooling period and in the spring they give rise to strong, healthy plants.

When is it sown before winter?

As a rule,

  • V middle lane Russia are conducting at the end of October - beginning of November,
  • in the southern regions - mid November - early December.

There's no need to rush - warm weather can stimulate the emergence of seedlings that will die when frost sets in.

When sown in winter, annuals bloom 2-3 weeks later than those grown through, but a week earlier than.


  1. Pre-winter sowing creates natural conditions growth. Essentially, the seeds undergo vernalization, resulting in stable, strong seedlings.
  2. Spring weather is changeable, with warmth followed by cold weather. It can be difficult to choose when to sow. The seeds sown before winter will be determined by themselves. optimal conditions to start growing.
  3. Pre-winter sowing is a wonderful alternative to spring sowing in places where the soil remains cold for a long time in the spring. Weather conditions unfavorable for spring sowing - late spring, low amount of moisture - do not affect seeds sown before winter, which use moisture from melting snow.
  4. Pre-winter sowing eliminates labor costs for preparing seeds for spring sowing and saves space on window sills. (it is needed, for example, by seeds Adonis) in case of sowing before winter, nature will do it for you.
  5. The seeds pass natural selection- survival of the fittest. They produce strong seedlings that differ good growth, resistance to adverse weather conditions, spring frosts, and diseases.
  6. After winter crops emerge, the plants are thinned out. The remaining ones, due to the fact that they were not touched, form not a fibrous one (as with), but a core, deeper-lying one. This makes them more drought-resistant.

Disadvantages of winter sowing of annuals

  1. Before winter, it is advisable to sow only seeds of cold-resistant plants that can safely withstand spring frosts.
  2. Thaws and subsequent frosts can contribute to premature awakening of seeds and death of sprouts.
  3. Prolonged waterlogging has an extremely negative effect on winter crops. It is very important to choose the right site for sowing and prepare it well.
  4. Seed germination is less, since seedlings immediately fall into unfavorable conditions and survival of the fittest. Therefore, we have to sow more. When sowing in winter, it is recommended to increase the seeding rate by 30% compared to spring.

Options for sowing annuals before winter

  1. Pre-winter sowing of annuals to a permanent place in the flower garden optimal for those who react painfully to transplantation (poppy, delphinium, eschscholzia) . Disadvantage - the possibility of selection is excluded optimal location for placement of crops.
  2. Pre-winter sowing of annuals for schooling carried out for the purpose of further transplanting seedlings into the flower garden. In the spring, when shoots appear, you can install a frame over it and cover it, imitating it. Thus it is possible to early dates get quality seedlings.
  3. Raised sowing of annuals in containers optimal when the soil conditions of the site or the close standing of groundwater make winter sowing difficult.

Technology for sowing annuals before winter in a flower garden or shrub

The school for winter sowing of annuals should be placed on an elevated area, oriented to the south or southwest. It is advisable that it is not exposed to cold winds and is covered with snow in winter. If the groundwater is close, the shrub should be made at least 20 cm high. This will help avoid the seedlings getting wet in the spring and contribute to faster warming of the soil.
A ridge or section of a flower garden for winter sowing is prepared in the second half of September - early October. They dig deeply, add a complex compound with a predominant content of potassium and phosphorus, as well as humus. Heavy soils are improved by adding coarse grain river sand. After leveling and compacting the soil, rows or nests are outlined (according to the plant placement scheme, if the flower garden is created by sowing seeds in the ground).

For small seeds, the optimal sowing depth is 0.5-1 cm, for medium ones - about 2 cm, for large ones - about 4 cm. The bed prepared in this way can be covered with film. If snow falls, this will help you quickly start sowing.

As soon as the sowing time has come, the film is removed from the ridge. Dry seeds are placed in prepared rows or nests. When sowing into nests, 2-3 large, 3-5 medium or 7-10 small seeds are placed in each hole.

Crops are covered with pre-prepared soil mixture. The top layer of soil can become very compacted during the winter, so it is better to cover the seeds with a mixture of humus or sand (1:1). It is prepared in September - early October and stored in a frost-free room until sowing.

Then, without watering, mulch the crops leaf litter in case of a snowy winter. The mulch is removed after the spring snow melts. In spring, seedlings are thinned out at the stage of the first pair of true leaves, then again two weeks later, maintaining the distance between seedlings for a particular plant type. The third thinning is usually carried out with very dense seedlings or nest sowing, leaving 1-2 plants in each nest. Thinning is combined with careful cultivation.

Technology for winter sowing of annuals in containers

  1. Containers should be shallow (7-10 cm) and have drainage holes.
  2. The substrate must be loose, moisture- and breathable and moderately nutritious. The optimal soil mixture consists of garden soil, peat and coarse river sand or vermiculite (1:3:3).
  3. A 2 cm layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom of the container. A layer of soil mixture 4-6 cm thick is compacted, and the dry soil is slightly moistened. The remainder of the substrate is left in a frost-free room for backfilling the sown seeds.
  4. The prepared containers are placed in the garden in trenches or holes 15-20 cm deeper than the height of the container. This difference is filled with drainage poured onto the bottom, and the gaps between the placed containers and the edges of the trench or hole are filled with leaf litter.
  5. The top of the container is covered with film.
  6. As soon as the sowing time has come, the film is removed from the containers, the seeds are distributed evenly over the surface of the soil and covered with the remaining soil mixture. The thickness of the layer depends on the size of the seed (see above).
  7. The top of the crops is mulched with leaf litter, which is removed after the spring snow melts. In spring, crops are thinned out twice: at the stage of the first pair of true leaves, then two weeks later, maintaining the distance between seedlings for a particular plant type.
  8. At the end of May - beginning of June, plants are planted in the flower garden.

In the photo: Preparing the site for winter sowing

What annuals are sown before winter?

  • Firstly, they are cold-resistant.
  • Secondly, with a short growing season - about 40-60 days from germination to flowering.
  • Thirdly, they are able to be content with the small amount of warmth that our northern summer gives.

Pre-winter sowing - great opportunity have strong, healthy seedlings of annuals whose seeds are not stored for long (for example, delphinium ), and whose seedlings do not tolerate transplantation well due to their taproot system.

Annuals with a taproot system for winter sowing

  • Ajaksov: medium seed size, planting pattern 30 x 20 cm.
  • Clarkia marigold: seed size is small, planting pattern 20 x 25 cm.
  • large-flowered, flax:
  • hybrid:
  • self-seeding: seed size is small, planting pattern 20 x 30 cm.
  • gray-haired:
  • large, cultivated nasturtium: seed size is large, planting pattern 20 x 30 cm.
  • fragrant: seed size is medium, planting pattern 15 x 25 cm.
  • climbing, or Japanese: seed size is small, planting pattern 25 x 30 cm.
  • : medium seed size, planting pattern 20 x 25 cm, 25 x 25 cm.

In the photo: Nasturtium blooms beautifully when sown in winter; it can be propagated by self-sowing

Other annuals that are often sown before winter

  • Agrostemma vulgaris: The seed size is small, the planting pattern is 15 x 20 cm, sowing is carried out in nests of 3-4 seeds.
  • summer, annual Adonis, or autumn: seed size is large, planting pattern 25 x 15 cm, 30 x 20 cm, seeds are photosensitive, recommended planting depth 1-1.5 cm.
  • Alyssum marine (sea): the seed size is small, the planting pattern is 15 x 20 cm. With thickened crops, there is a high probability of damage powdery mildew, timely thinning of seedlings is necessary.
  • blue: The seed size is large, planting pattern is 15 x 20 cm.
  • beautiful: The seed size is average, the planting pattern is 25 x 30 cm, it allows mass self-seeding.
  • graceful: medium seed size, planting pattern 15 x 20 cm.
  • Iberis umbrella: seed size is average, planting pattern 25 x 15 cm. Winter crops are susceptible to attack cruciferous flea beetle. For prevention, the soil is dug up in the fall and cultivated in the spring.

Sowing flowers in winter makes life much easier for the gardener in the spring, allowing for earlier flowering and strong shoots. Thanks to this method, it is possible to achieve friendly shoots from plants that require stratification. So, for example, lavender or hellebore seeds can sprout only after experiencing all the delights of a cold winter.

Timing for winter sowing of flowers

If the place and soil are prepared correctly, then the sowing itself can be done in November, December, and even January, if you can get rare seeds. But I start preparing the beds in advance, already in September. The main rule of winter sowing is sub-zero 24-hour temperatures. In the conditions of the Moscow region, it is usually established from mid-November. If you hurry with planting when it is still warm during the day, then there is a high probability that the seeds may germinate, mistaking autumn for spring.

Preparing beds for winter sowing of flowers

It is more convenient to set aside a bed for sowing flowers that is not needed early spring. I try to carefully select the roots of the weeds so that they do not choke the spring flower shoots. For the same reason, I don’t add compost. I carefully level the ground with a rake, making even furrows 1-1.5 cm deep. I stick blank labels into the beginning of each groove, write them directly during planting, and return them to their place. If you don’t do this, then you won’t be able to stick them into the frozen ground.

I'll definitely install the arches. I cover the bed with a piece of linoleum or film on the arches, then even after the heaviest snowfall the film can be easily moved and the seeds sown. In the conditions of the Moscow region, frosts are possible during May, and this is where arcs come in handy. When there is a threat of frost, I quickly throw covering material over them.

Soil for winter sowing of flowers

Separately, I prepare the soil for sprinkling the sown seeds. I put a bag of soil in the barn, because during sowing the soil on the site will already be thoroughly frozen.

Photo: bed for winter sowing of flowers

What flowers to sow before winter

Before winter, according to tradition, I always sow the following flowers:

  • asters - this is how they grow stronger compared to indoor seedlings, and they bloom earlier.
  • gentian,
  • delphinium,
  • all types of perennial bellflower,
  • primrose,
  • lavender,
  • primroses hellebore, lumbago,
  • new varieties of nibbles,
  • small petal,
  • cloves,
  • rare species of saxifrage,
  • Basil, Voronets and other perennial flowers.

How to sow flowers before winter

I have chosen two methods for winter sowing of flowers. The choice of method will depend on the condition of the soil and whether the bed is prepared.

Winter sowing of flowers - method 1

  • At the end of November, I remove the film from the garden bed and sow flowers.
  • I sow perennials from the edge of the bed, then annuals.
  • Annuals develop faster, so I pick them up for transplanting earlier, and take their place with vegetable seedlings. The remaining perennials on the edge of the bed do not interfere with the seedlings.
  • I cover the sown seeds with dry soil on top.
  • If snow falls, I lightly sprinkle the bed with it.
  • No need to water.

Winter sowing of flowers - method 2

It happens that it was not possible to prepare the bed in time, and the ground is already frozen so much that it is impossible to dig it up or make furrows. For such cases, the second method is suitable.

  • You can buy land and sow seeds in special containers in your apartment. Containers must be labeled and placed in a single box.
  • Once at the dacha, the box is buried in the very shady place where the snow takes the longest to melt. In this case, you need to thoroughly dig up the snowdrift and place the box on the ground, then cover it with snow again.
  • There is some difficulty with this method; you need to be at the dacha immediately after the snow melts, because the spring wind will instantly dry out the soil in small containers and the seeds will not sprout.
  • In spring, such containers with seeds need increased attention. You can take them to the windowsill, or dig them in the garden bed and constantly make sure that the soil does not dry out.

Pre-winter sowing of annual and perennial flowers involves planting already frozen ground– at the end of October – beginning of November, or even in the snow – in December – January. However, you need to start preparing for winter sowing of flowers now: prepare the soil, ridges and, of course, stock up on seeds.

If you have never sowed before winter, the very thought of this method of growing flowers can make you shiver chilly: how can you throw them, so tender, straight into the snow? In fact, winter sowing of many flowers often gives the best results.

Planting flowers before winter in November 2019: rules for sowing annual and perennial flowers in the fall

If you want to see your garden beautiful and even colorful in the spring, start the new summer season in the company of green, strong shoots that delight your soul, and then surrounded by bright early flowering- then autumn (winter) sowing of flowers is just for you!

Yes, this is not a joke or mockery! It is in the fall, before winter, that many flowers (and not only flowers!) can and should be sown in the garden.

Advantages of autumn (early winter) sowing of flowers
  • possibility of obtaining bright spring bloom much earlier than with spring sowing, and covering the crops with film gives even greater acceleration;
  • full use of spring moisture from melting snow by crops, i.e. the risk of a “dry spring” is eliminated;
  • seeds going through the hardening process under conditions of natural selection: the weak ones died, the strong ones will produce strong and healthy seedlings;
  • obtaining frost- and disease-resistant seedlings and plants, and the absence of pests at this time will give additional strength for development in initial stage development;
  • If from year to year you use exclusively your own seeds obtained from plants that have thus undergone natural selection, then over the years you can get those adapted to the local winter conditions new varieties, improving the results every year;
  • getting some free time to use for other things spring work, since part of the work on preparing the beds and sowing has already been completed in the fall;
  • the opportunity to form a more powerful, deeper and healthier root system, allowing the use of moisture from lower layers of soil;
  • the opportunity to leave the window sills free in the spring.
Possible risks of autumn (early winter) sowing of flowers
  • difficulty in determining the timing of sowing: if you do not guess the timing of sowing, the seeds will hatch in the fall and freeze in the winter cold;
  • the danger of early thaws: if the seeds begin to hatch due to temporary warming, then the return severe frosts will also lead to their freezing;
  • relatively low germination rate of annuals compared to seedling method growing flowers;

Timing of autumn (winter) sowing of flowers

Autumn (pre-winter) sowing of flowers can begin only after the onset of a stable cold snap and frost.

In many regions this is the end of October - early-mid November. To start sowing, the soil should freeze to 2-4 degrees, the air should not exceed 0 degrees during the day. If there is a possibility of an increase in temperature, then there is no need to rush into sowing, because... a thaw after sowing is extremely contraindicated. The main indicator here is the frozen top layer of soil.

By Lunar calendar 2019

Favorable days for sowing and planting flowers

Preparing beds for autumn (winter) sowing of flowers

The most important thing here is right choice places for crops.

  • The correct choice would be a sunny place, sheltered from cold winds, well warmed up and drying out, not flooded in the spring, on the southern slopes and hills.
  • With a low-lying location of the site and surface groundwater, the beds are made raised (15-20 cm high) or high (30-40 cm high).

It is advisable to prepare the beds in advance, best time for this – September, early October.

  • The soil must be dug up and fertilized: mainly compost or humus, in some cases phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
  • The soil should be light and fertile, because... heavy ones manage to become very dense during the winter.
  • for small seeds - 0.5 - 1 cm deep,
  • for medium ones - 2 cm deep,
  • for large seeds - 4-5 cm deep.

The furrowed beds are covered with film to keep the soil dry and prevent autumn rains and weed seeds from falling into the furrows.
You also need to take care of preparing dry soil and mulch (sand, compost) in advance and place it in a dry place before sowing the seeds.

Podzimny sowing seeds

Completely dry seeds are sown in furrows, sprinkled with a 1.5-2 cm layer of prepared dry soil, and an additional 2-3 cm layer of mulch on top.

Pre-winter sowing of seeds of annual flowers can be done in two periods:

  1. late autumn (late October - early November) and
  2. at the beginning of winter (December - January).

At the same time, the sowing technology for these two periods is different.

Sowing seeds in late autumn (late October - early November)

Pre-winter sowing late autumn You can start only after the onset of a stable cold snap and frost:

  • The top layer of soil must freeze and the flower seeds must lie dry in the soil so that they do not have time to germinate in the fall.
  • When this time comes, the top layer of soil is frozen, there is no threat of warming, then completely dry seeds are sown in the grooves and nests in pre-prepared areas, then they are sprinkled with a layer of 1.5-2 cm of prepared dry soil, with an additional 2-3 layer of mulch on top cm.
  • Mulch is used to prevent crusting on the soil surface and to maintain negative temperatures in the soil during occasional warming in autumn and early spring thaws.
  • And this factor is very important and must be observed, otherwise if the seeds begin to hatch due to temporary warming, then the return of severe frosts will lead to their freezing.
    Seed consumption during autumn (early winter) sowing of flowers increases by 1.5 times.
  • In spring, the first thinning of seedlings is done after the appearance of the third leaf,
  • second thinning - 2 weeks after the first, already finalizing the required diagram for each type of plant.
Sowing seeds at the beginning of winter (December - January)

Sowing of flower seeds at the beginning of winter begins after the formation of a snow cover of at least 25 cm.

  • On an area prepared in advance in the fall, snow is trampled down, grooves are made directly on it and seeds are sown in them, also consuming 1.5 times more seeds.
  • The seeds are sprinkled with a layer of 1.5-2 cm of dry soil prepared in advance, and snow is thrown on top and compacted well to protect the seeds from mice.
  • In the spring, two thinnings are made according to the method described above.
  • Most annuals do not tolerate transplantation well and therefore it is better to immediately sow such species in flower beds in a permanent place.