How to choose a combination of first and middle name to enter. Name-patronymic harmony. Women's names to the patronymic Vasilievna

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A man in a dream doubts his mistress - you need to prepare to fight with others.

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If in a dream you see your mistress (lover) - great joy awaits you ahead.

I had a dream "Lover, mistress"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

For a girl to see a lover - soon and successful marriage. For a woman - to difficulties in relationships with men. For a man to see a lover in a dream is a warning: your passion, impulsiveness or excessive emotionality can turn out for you big problems or …

Dream Interpretation: what the Mistress is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

In a dream, it is incredibly pleasant for you to be with a lover or mistress, which means that thanks to your rash actions, you can expose yourself and your loved ones to some kind of trouble. You are in a circle of friends with your mistress - you will find yourself in a shameful situation, with unfavorable ...

Lover, mistress - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A lover or mistress dreams that in reality you will want adventurous adventures that would add bright colors to your life. But the proverb about a tit in the hands was invented for your current case. Be careful, because you can’t catch a crane, but ...

Dreaming about a mistress

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A man who sees himself with his mistress may be subjected to public disgrace. A woman who sees herself as a concubine will humiliate herself with indecent behavior. Lover's infidelity - dreams of a clash with old enemies.

Seeing in a dream Mistress (lover)

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If you dream that your mistress is having fun with someone, then expect disagreements with work colleagues or a quarrel with a friend (unless, of course, you saw him in a dream). A lover who confesses his feelings to you in a dream actually condemns you ...

What does the dream in which the Love triangle means (husband-wife-lover-lover)

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The plot in a dream plays out for a man the relationship of his affairs and their relationship, while for a woman this is a reflection of her emotional state, mood swings, anxiety and fears.

Dream Interpretation: what the Mistress is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing yourself in a dream as a lover means that you have a big unfulfilled dream. If in a dream you were the mistress of a person you know, with whom you never had an intimate relationship in reality, then you will find a quick discord in the family. For …

If in a dream you see "Lover, mistress"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Feeling hostility towards your lover in a dream portends troubles associated with a person claiming his rights to you. If you are in bed with a stranger- your dissatisfaction will bring anxiety into the lives of the people around you. A love affair with an animal...

The mistress is dreaming - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Dream Interpretation: what the Mistress is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A conversation in a dream with a person of this kind threatens you with many troubles. According to the most different reasons You run the risk of losing yourself, your face, sliding down, degrading and, of course, suffering a lot from this. This is an extremely unpleasant dream.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Mistress

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

For a man to see his mistress in a dream - to revival in relationships, to a new outbreak of love, but also to a threat public disgrace. If a man dreams of an alleged lover, in reality he will be able to achieve the fulfillment of his plans, desires, only by showing willpower. To know …

If the Mistress is dreaming, what is it for?

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing yourself in a dream as a lover means that you have a big unfulfilled dream. If in a dream you were the mistress of a person you know, with whom you never had an intimate relationship in reality, then you will find a quick discord in the family. For …

Mistress (See in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If a man dreamed that he had a mistress, but this is not true, then in real life he should seriously think about whether everything is fine in his relationship with his wife or lover. Behind external well-being, disagreements, misunderstandings are often hidden ...

Dream Interpretation: what the Mistress is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If a man sees himself in a dream with his mistress, he should be wary of the shame that will affect his family and turn his beloved away from him. If a woman dreams that she is someone's mistress, her behavior will cause the contempt of others.

Dream interpretation online - Mistress

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A man who sees himself with his mistress may be subject to public disgrace. A woman who sees herself as a concubine will humiliate herself with indecent behavior. The infidelity of a mistress dreams of a clash with old enemies.

What the dream portends: Mistress

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing yourself in this role is to fulfill this piquant situation in reality. Dream hint: for a more successful and faster recovery, you need to make love with your regular partner.

Dream lover

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Sleeping with a mistress is envy. Talking to her or seeing her is happiness in marriage.

Dream Interpretation: what the Mistress is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Talking with a mistress or lying down with her - to wealth.

Article author: site

Often in night visions, real desires and dreams are displayed. What is the dream of a lover? This dream has many facets and certain meanings. But he is seen by the unfaithful spouses and reminds of the betrayal of the lawful husband. This is something to think about and understand. family relationships. In the interpretation, many factors must be taken into account.

Miller's opinion

The famous psychologist Miller learned to interpret dreams with all the details. His technique has been used to this day. If a married woman saw her lover in a dream, this means that in reality he does not bring her the desired sexual pleasure. In the case of unmarried people, such a dream portends a meeting with a man who will cause a lot of emotions. In the future, this can turn into a serious love relationship.

Sometimes the former come to night visions. Women puzzle themselves with the question: why is a lover dreaming? But they know the answer very well. This is a sign of resentment against a person who did not reciprocate a woman's love, or an indicator that feelings are still alive.

Dream for a married

If a married lover kissing her, then this dream will not bring anything good. Most likely, close people are aware of the betrayal and will soon be able to expose it. You can avoid such a situation. Otherwise, you will have to endure humiliation and a break in family relations.

Vision for the unmarried

If not married woman had such a dream, and at the same time the lover turned out to be an unknown man, she should remember his face. Perhaps in reality a person with a similar appearance will appear and become her lover. portends changes in personal life for the better. If on Thursday, then a romantic story with a good ending will soon happen in a woman's life.

Such dreams can be dreamed of by a married woman who does not have a lover on the side. If she had to see him in a dream, then this means a cold family relationship. Such a woman feels unloved, does not receive care and affection from her husband. This dream may well become reality. To prevent this from happening, the girl should discuss all issues with her husband.

bad dream

Seeing in a dream a lover who cheats with another woman is a sign of deceit and non-reciprocal love in real life. It may also portend a break in such relationships or the use of a woman by a man for material purposes.

If in a dream you had sex with a lover, this indicates the excruciating sexual suffering of a girl and a feeling of lust for a man. But if there was no intimacy with the dreaming person in real life, then it is necessary to reconsider the relationship with her husband. It is recommended to pay more attention to each other in order to strengthen. If you had a dream on Thursday, then soon your married life will change for the better.


We are talking about a vision in which a woman saw a dead lover. If this person is alive, then the relationship with him is over. A woman herself can determine what a lover is dreaming of. Everything directly depends on the circumstances in real life.


To have a conversation with a lover in a dream is good sign. Such a dream portends happiness in family relationships, mutual understanding between spouses, sexual intimacy and satisfaction. It is also a sign that in reality a woman does not intend to seek pleasure on the side.

Good dream

Dreams are very unpredictable and accurate. For example, if you dreamed of a naked man, it speaks of his sincerity and serious intentions about his beloved. In addition, such a partner in real life wants to get out of his position into the status of a legal husband and not hide his relationship and feelings.

Hard choice

When a married woman dreams of a lover and a husband in one dream, it is easy to understand what this means. Most likely, a woman in her mind constantly compares these two men. In real life, it is difficult for her to make a decision and choose one person. But if you continue to play with the feelings of other people, then you can lose both and be left alone.

Married women who have a lover on their side often think about possible exposure, the husband's reaction, the choice between two men. There is nothing strange that the subconscious mind draws these situations in a dream. Wakes up sooner or later and manifests itself in dreams. In order to get rid of bad dreams, you have to admit everything yourself. Then there will be more chances for a successful ending.

If the lover has a wife...

The situation becomes more complicated if the lover also has a family. A woman often thinks what will happen if his wife finds out about their connection. Often a lady torments herself with thoughts of how to do the right thing and what to do. Such people are in constant physical and psychological stress. They constantly have to hide their relationship, thereby greatly risking losing their families.

If a girl dreamed of a lover who has a spouse, she may be in a bad situation. Not willingly, she can be chosen as the main character for gossip. A woman can become a victim of deception and contact a man who does not have serious plans for further relationships.

What else can such a dream mean? The lover's wife in a night vision indicates that the spouse suspects her husband's betrayal. For a mistress, this can end badly. In addition to talking with a rival, one should expect a break in relations with a loved one.

If the lover has children...

If a lover has children, and they came to his woman on the side in a dream, this means that she is experiencing moral torment. Understanding the current situation, the woman suffers from the torment of conscience. In the future, she can rethink the current situation and make a decision that will resolve it.

What is the dream of a lover? A woman in most cases is able to determine herself.

When a lonely girl sees in a dream a house in which a lover lives with her family, in reality she can become someone's wife and mother. Quarrels with a lover may begin and a break in all sorts of relationships is possible. Maybe this is for the best, because you can’t build your happiness on someone else’s grief.


Now you know what a lover is dreaming of. To clearly understand the vision, you need to consider all aspects.

Some begin to worry if they appeared in a dream former mistress. Sometimes her appearance is explained by the fact that the dreamer did not have all the feelings. However, this is not at all necessary. If a former lover is dreaming, then this means that some events will happen soon in life, good or bad, depending on the actions of the mistress in a dream.

If you had a dream about a former lover, you should not immediately think about the fact that this is not without reason. Unfortunately, most take this as a sign that not everything is going smoothly in their family and a sense of ex-lover have not cooled down yet.

A person begins to indulge in memories of past love and even think about whether it is worth reconciling with a former passion. From here troubles come to the family, tk. the dreamer begins to pay a minimum of attention to his family, because of this, quarrels and scandals appear in the house, which further pushes him to meet in reality with his former lover.

If you dreamed of a former lover, waking up, you should try to remember the slightest, as well as the actions of your former lover. Because it is from this that one should proceed in the interpretation of sleep. A former loved one seen in a dream can predict both bad and good. Therefore, you should thoroughly remember the dream.

The dream of a former lover, oddly enough, is a sign that on this moment everything is fine in the family, especially if in a dream there was a farewell to her. If during sleep a person felt only friendly feelings for his former lover, then he is completely confident in his relationship with his soulmate, and a dream is a subconscious signal of this.

But if the meeting did not go very smoothly, then you should pay attention to the events taking place in the family or relationships with your loved one. A bad omen is also the fulfilled request of a former lover.

If a person is in the company of a former lover, then soon he will not avoid shame.

If it is visible from afar or with another person, then you can expect joyful events. A dream of intimacy with an ex warns of a huge trouble in the family.

Secret meetings with a former beloved indicate that a person does not see himself in demand anywhere. If there was a pleasant conversation in a dream, then everything is fine on the personal front.

But if the conversation was raised, then in the future you should be careful, otherwise there is a high probability of sliding down.

If you had a dream about a former lover, you should pay attention to what is happening in the family. Perhaps little attention is paid to it, and therefore problems will soon ripen. You should be more attentive to your soulmate and strengthen your relationship.

Sometimes it's nice to see a person in a dream. who was once loved. And some, on the contrary, are afraid if a familiar person has appeared in a dream, especially for whom feelings have not yet cooled down. However, it is worth remembering that this is a simple dream that can tell about upcoming events if you pay attention to it.

What is the dream of her husband's mistress?

The general explanation of the dream in which a woman encounters her husband's mistress is rather limited. It says that either such a thing actually takes place, or a man hides a very important secret that can drastically affect the relationship in a couple.

Rarely, which representative of the fair sex will be pleased to see her rival in a dream. It is not surprising that, having escaped from the clutches of Morpheus, she will immediately rush to find out what her husband's mistress is dreaming of. The easiest way to do this is to look into the dream book. The resulting transcript is usually general, but this may be enough to create a complete picture.

If the relationship between the dreamer and the husband's mistress turned out to be friendly: two women talked nicely on pleasant topics (including discussing their common man), did not try to harm each other, in a word, coexisted, soul to soul, you can laugh at a dream. It doesn't mean anything bad. On the contrary, in reality, the husband is faithfully faithful to his wife and does not even think about “leftist” connections.

Another thing is if there was a quarrel between the rivals. The dreamer should know that this indicates a possible alienation from her chosen one or even a divorce. Faced in a dream with her husband's mistress, you should not set yourself up for the bad.

A spoiled mood and an unreasonable quarrel with your soulmate - that's what you can get in the end. But it is possible that in what he saw there is not even a small fraction of truthfulness.

Among other things, the husband's mistress is a kind of illusion on a number of facts in the husband's biography, which the spouse does not even know about. The case equally concerns both the past and real life. And the conversation is far from being about some trifles. The problem is global. Digging deeper, the dreamer may find that her betrothed has illegitimate children (quite possibly conceived after her marriage) or huge debts for which he can be jailed or rolled into concrete, depending on who he owes.

For women who have not yet married, similar dream does not bode well. They will have to endure a lot of troubles in the near future, and as a result, they will run the risk of sinking to the bottom, degrading, experiencing great suffering on this occasion, and not finding the strength to return to their former life.

A mistress in a dream can be seen by a woman who does not have everything going well in a relationship with a partner. For example, the latter stopped paying enough attention to her or became cold in bed. Not surprisingly, the brain first perceived this as the appearance in a man's life of a new object of love.

Often there are no special reasons for panic yet, and adultery exists only in the dreamer's brain. By the way, for her, a dream should become a call about the urgent need to take a certain number of measures. About what you need to do to bring a new jet into your routine life together, can be found in related articles.

It also happens that a dream with the husband's mistress present in it does not mean anything at all. It also happens. Not all dreams are classified as prophetic. Most of them just - simply do not make sense.

According to the teachings of Sigmund Freud, a husband's mistress in a dream often comes to female representatives with an unclean conscience, i.e. the woman herself has either already cheated on her husband, or is thinking about it. The brain constructs a husband's betrayal to diminish the guilt of his mistress.

“To panic or not after the spouse’s mistress is seen in the next dream?” There is an unequivocal answer to this question: “No”. Firstly, the proof of adultery is too vague. Secondly, decisive action is much more effective for saving relationships, rather than tears in the pillow.

What is the dream of a lover? Dream interpretation

Often in night visions, real desires and dreams are displayed. What is the dream of a lover? This dream has many facets and certain meanings. But he is seen by the unfaithful spouses and reminds of the betrayal of the lawful husband. It is worth thinking about this and understanding family relationships. In the interpretation, many factors must be taken into account.

Miller's opinion

The famous psychologist Miller learned to interpret dreams with all the details. His technique has been used to this day. If a married woman saw her lover in a dream, this means that in reality he does not bring her the desired sexual pleasure. In the case of unmarried people, such a dream portends a meeting with a man who will cause a lot of emotions. In the future, this can turn into a serious love relationship.

Sometimes the former come to night visions. Women puzzle themselves with the question: why is a lover dreaming? But they know the answer very well. This is a sign of resentment against a person who did not reciprocate a woman's love, or an indicator that feelings are still alive.

Dream for a married

If a married woman sees in a dream a lover kissing her, then this dream will not bring anything good. Most likely, close people are aware of the betrayal and will soon be able to expose it. This situation can be avoided with a sincere confession. Otherwise, you will have to endure the humiliation and rupture of family relations.

Vision for the unmarried

If an unmarried woman had such a dream, and at the same time the lover turned out to be an unknown man, she should remember his face. Perhaps in reality a person with a similar appearance will appear and become her lover. This vision portends changes in personal life for the better. If you had a dream on Thursday, then a romantic story with a good ending will soon happen in a woman's life.

Such dreams can be dreamed of by a married woman who does not have a lover on the side. If she had to see him in a dream, then this means a cold family relationship. Such a woman feels unloved, does not receive care and affection from her husband. This dream may well become reality. To prevent this from happening, the girl should discuss all issues with her husband.

bad dream

Seeing in a dream a lover who cheats with another woman is a sign of deceit and non-reciprocal love in real life. It may also portend a break in such relationships or the use of a woman by a man for material purposes.

If in a dream you had sex with a lover, this indicates the excruciating sexual suffering of a girl and a feeling of lust for a man. But if there was no intimacy with the dreaming person in real life, then it is necessary to reconsider the relationship with her husband. It is recommended to pay more attention to each other in order to strengthen family relationships. If you had a dream on Thursday, then soon your married life will change for the better.


We are talking about a vision in which a woman saw a dead lover. If this person is alive, then the relationship with him is over. A woman herself can determine what a lover is dreaming of. Everything directly depends on the circumstances in real life.


Having a conversation with a lover in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream portends happiness in family relationships, mutual understanding between spouses, sexual intimacy and satisfaction. It is also a sign that in reality a woman does not intend to seek pleasure on the side.

Good dream

Dreams are very unpredictable and accurate. For example, if you dreamed of a naked lover, this indicates his sincerity and serious intentions about his beloved. In addition, such a partner in real life wants to get out of his position into the status of a legal husband and not hide his relationship and feelings.

Hard choice

When a married woman dreams of a lover and a husband in one dream, it is easy to understand what this means. Most likely, a woman in her mind constantly compares these two men. In real life, it is difficult for her to make a decision and choose one person. But if you continue to play with the feelings of other people, then you can lose both and be left alone.

Married women who have a lover on their side often think about possible exposure, the husband's reaction, the choice between two men. There is nothing strange that the subconscious mind draws these situations in a dream. Sooner or later the feeling of guilt wakes up and manifests itself in dreams. To get rid of bad dreams, you have to admit everything yourself. Then there will be more chances for a successful ending.

If the lover has a wife...

The situation becomes more complicated if the lover also has a family. A woman often thinks what will happen if his wife finds out about their connection. Often a lady torments herself with thoughts of how to do the right thing and what to do. Such people are in constant physical and psychological stress. They constantly have to hide their relationship, thereby greatly risking losing their families.

If a girl dreamed of a lover who has a spouse, she may be in a bad situation. Not willingly, she can be chosen as the main character for gossip. A woman can become a victim of deception and contact a man who does not have serious plans for further relationships.

What else can such a dream mean? The lover's wife in a night vision indicates that the spouse suspects her husband's betrayal. For a mistress, this can end badly. In addition to talking with a rival, one should expect a break in relations with a loved one.

If the lover has children...

If a lover has children, and they came to his woman on the side in a dream, this means that she is experiencing moral torment. Understanding the current situation, the woman suffers from the torment of conscience. In the future, she can rethink the current situation and make a decision that will resolve it.

What is the dream of a lover? A woman in most cases is able to determine herself.

When a lonely girl sees in a dream a house in which a lover lives with her family, in reality she can become someone's wife and mother. Quarrels with a lover may begin and a break in all sorts of relationships is possible. Maybe this is for the best, because you can’t build your happiness on someone else’s grief.


Now you know what a lover is dreaming of. To clearly understand the vision, you need to consider all aspects.

I dreamed of a lover - a symbol of a hidden desire to bring some variety to life, as well as the personification of a lack of affection and love. To see that you have a lover - you should think about your relationship with your spouse.

What kind of lover did you dream about? Whose lover did you dream about? Who did you see in a dream besides a lover? What did the lover do in a dream? What did you do with your lover in a dream?

What kind of lover did you dream about?

Former lover

Dreamed of a young lover

What is the dream of a young lover? You are missing male power that evokes in the subconscious similar visions. The situation will soon change, you will have a relationship with a partner.

Dreaming of a dead lover

The deceased lover is interpreted by the Felomena dream book as an upcoming job change or the people around you. The meaning of the dream will depend on the feelings you experience. Feel sadness and longing - get the necessary support from loved ones.

What is the dream of a drunk lover

Seeing a drunken lover in a dream is a meeting with an unpleasant person. Keep your composure, otherwise your frivolity will cause you to lose control of the situation.

Seeing a naked lover in a dream

A naked lover is dreaming - if you have a lover in reality, you should worry about his life and health, the onset of a serious illness is not excluded. If the vision is erotic in nature, everything will end well.

Dreaming of a sick lover

I dreamed of a sick lover - serious changes will occur in communication with one of my relatives. Most likely, you will be extremely disappointed by his frivolous behavior and actions.

Whose lover did you dream about?

Dreaming of my wife's lover

A dream about a wife's lover clearly indicates problems in relationships with other people, whether they are employees, relatives or acquaintances. The situation is difficult, but something definitely needs to be done about it.

Dreamed of your lover

Why dream of your own lover? This dream clearly reflects a sense of guilt and a desire to change something in life, namely in its intimate part. Act, now is the best time for this.

Who did you see in a dream besides a lover?

To dream of a lover with his wife

The dream interpretation considers a lover with his wife as a call to stop worrying about little things. Something in life worries you, but there is no reason for it. Soon you will be able to verify this.

What did the lover do in a dream?

Lover hugging his wife in a dream

A lover hugs his wife in a dream - you are tired of a double life. In an effort to stop playing a double game, you can make many wrong steps. Everything should be carefully considered.

I dreamed that my lover left

She dreams that her lover left - she is waiting for you a pleasant surprise, receipt of income. Material things will gradually improve, financial position stabilizes.

What did you do with your lover in a dream?

Kissing a lover in a dream

I dreamed that I was kissing my lover - you will be betrayed. It can be work colleagues or friends. The intervention of a person from the past will Negative influence for your progress career ladder. However, events will have a favorable outcome.

I dreamed that you were arguing with your lover

The dream in which you had a fight with your lover, in reality, promises a serious relationship and a strong attachment to your lover. This romance will last a very long time and will be happy.

Having sex with a lover in a dream

Why dream of having sex with a lover? The dream demonstrates that in reality you lack love intimacy, attention, thrills. If you are in a relationship in reality, then they are likely to fade.

Hiding a lover in a dream

Hiding a lover according to Felomena's dream book means not having quite clear conscience. This vision calls for more careful behavior. You need to be especially careful about your secrets, as their leakage can seriously harm.

To see a former lover in a dream means you will soon encounter a surprise. If you see yourself in bed with a former lover, the old resentment will again make itself felt. If in a dream a former lover kisses, then in reality you need to expect problems of all kinds.

If in a dream it seems that the former lover does not recognize or does not notice, then this means that it will no longer be possible to return the lover to his networks. If a former lover marries, then you need to take a closer look at your surroundings - one of these men may become closer than originally thought. When dreams with an ex haunt him, he may be bored in reality and wants to renew the relationship. Do it or not - depends only on personal desire.

Boyfriend's mistress

Dream Interpretation Guy's Mistress had a dream about what the boyfriend's mistress dreams of in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a guy's mistress in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Mistress (lover)

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

For a man to see his mistress in a dream - to a revival in relationships, to a new outbreak of love, but also to the threat of public shame.

If a man dreams of an alleged lover, in reality he will be able to achieve the fulfillment of his plans, desires, only by showing willpower.

Find out or see that your lover is unfaithful to you - to a collision & old enemies.

To see that a stranger is hugging her is to lose her best friend.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

For a man to dream that he is in the company of a mistress, portends a threat of public disgrace that will overshadow his true character and state of affairs.

For a woman to see herself as a concubine in a dream means that she will humiliate herself with indecent behavior.

If a man sees in a dream that his mistress is unfaithful to him, this means a collision that will happen in reality with old enemies. As a result, he is expected to lose.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

If a man sees himself in a dream with his mistress, he should be wary of the shame that will affect his family and turn his beloved away from him. If a woman dreams that she is someone's mistress, her behavior will cause the contempt of others.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

A man who sees himself in a dream with his mistress may be subjected to public disgrace.

A woman who sees herself as a concubine will humiliate herself with indecent behavior.

The infidelity of a mistress dreams of a clash with old enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Double dream

Sometimes dreams somehow miraculously coincide with the phenomena of real life.

It's not about prophetic dreams. For prophetic dream warns the dreamer important event, which ends a period of a person's life or life in general.

A dream paired with an event, as a rule, opens a chain of phenomena going into the future.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress (lover)

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

A man in a dream doubts his mistress - you need to prepare to fight with others.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

A conversation in a dream with a person of this kind threatens you with many troubles. For a variety of reasons, you run the risk of losing yourself, your face, sliding down, degrading and, of course, suffering a lot from this. This is an extremely unpleasant dream.

Dream Interpretation - Mistress

Seeing yourself in this role is to fulfill this piquant situation in reality.

Dream hint: for a more successful and faster recovery, you need to make love with your regular partner.

Why is the Mistress (lover) dreaming?

You can find out for free in the dream book, what is the dream of the Mistress (lover) by reading below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see in a dream not a Mistress (lover), but something else - use the search form online interpretations dreams.

What is the dream of the Mistress (lover)

If in a dream you see your mistress (lover) - great joy awaits you ahead.

Seeing in a dream Mistress (lover)

If you dream that your mistress is having fun with someone, then expect disagreements with work colleagues or a quarrel with a friend (unless, of course, you saw him in a dream). A lover who confesses his feelings to you in a dream actually condemns you for some misconduct. Seeing your beloved (or beloved) beautiful in a dream is a sign that your relationship will be sincere. If in a dream he (she) looks terrible or does not look like himself, then unpleasant surprises await you. Seeing in a dream your lover (your mistress) dressed (dressed) in new clothes means that he has changed his mind and will not keep his promise to you. If before you had any plans for the future, then you can put an end to them. The dream in which you saw that your lover (or she) is cheating on you means that your competitors or enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you to disgrace or ruin you. Being a lover or mistress in a dream is a sign of shame and humiliation that you did not deserve.



Hello) I dreamed that our neighbor was her husband's mistress. I know this person.
It's like I met with a neighbor who asked how my husband and I are doing? With a hint that she will upset me now. I guessed what she wanted to say. And with a smile she answered that everything is fine with her husband and he loves me very much. She replied that when I was not at our apartment with him, he took her to his parents' house. Which weren't there. And of course, what they were doing there. And I woke up. The situation in the dream was not negative, but rather with grins, on my part. And the opponent just spoke in a calm voice.


I spoke with my husband. suddenly his mistress comes in and wanted to hit her, but she saw that she was pregnant. she lowered her hand and told her husband to get out with her that I didn’t want to see them. he turned and went, but first he told me. understand you know why I do it


i dreamed of my husband’s mistress and she had a lot of money she was in the store the seller I went to the store to buy a book and there the seller is my husband’s mistress and there is a large stack of big money


It’s as if I’m walking along a dirty road and I see first one dead cat in a hole, then another, but her body has been cut in half. And it lies in different directions. My husband comes towards me and carries a board wrapped in bandages. And on it lies his dead mistress .


I dreamed of my husband's ex-lover, all in some kind of red, inflamed spots and with very swollen legs lying on the bed. She tried to explain to me that she was not the initiator in these relations, she asked, as it were, for forgiveness. I dreamed just on the night of my husband's birthday.


i met my mistress with my husband, they got out of our car, it was clear from their appearance that they were lovers, she had cabbage in her hands and coming up to me she gave me half of it, and then later we began to deal with her, from the conversation I I realized that they live together, and I began to beat her, she cried and asked me not to take him away from him, because. she loves him, but he went to me, although it was clear from his face that he wanted to stay with her,


my husband’s mistress dreamed, they have a daughter, they met secretly for some time, I haven’t heard anything about her for 2 years, but I suspect that they communicate, I had a dream at night, they pretend to be unfamiliar, and in the end I told him that this she's named, she suddenly got up and left


I dreamed that I came home and saw that my husband was not alone, but with his mistress. she argued with me. I began to pick up inventory in order to drive her out of our house, drove her away with a broom. went out into the street, and there the girls gossip about me: "her husband is walking, and she gave birth to a stupid son." Then, as if I didn’t find an engagement ring on my finger, I returned home, looking for it. Finally found it and wore it. And she said that as if it always flies off me, it became big.


i came to my rival’s house .. her daughter told me that mom was in the kitchen, I opened the door and they had sex and we started arguing, I put him out on the street and dragged her naked into the street, tied my hands and led me to the store, it’s not far store, and began to beat her at all


I dream of a husband with different mistresses. And the action takes place in the house where I grew up. First I just watch, then I want to hit them


Cloudy weather, gray skies. I am in an unknown room, I open the door to go out into the courtyard. and a mistress and a husband are standing near the door. She turns around and begins to make excuses. She is wearing a white tracksuit and she is much taller and larger than I imagined. I tried to say something to her and stopped.


I dreamed of my husband's ex-lover. For the second night, my husband’s ex-lover has been dreaming. In the first dream, she just sat somewhere alone, And in the second dream, she said that we supposedly leave her alone, although we, at least for me, have complete inaction towards her.


Good afternoon! I dreamed that my husband’s mistress (and he now went to live with her 2 months ago) was pregnant and had a stomach for 7 months (so people from the outside said in a dream), and she says that 4 months. And in a dream we constantly crossed paths with her and my husband, then some kind of concert, then a store, then it seems like we live together in our apartment, but for some reason he periodically came and went to bed, such as taking a break from her on my bed, but I didn't lie there. and when we crossed paths, he stood closer to me than to her, but he kind of stood up for her, kind of like I was attacking her. I smiled in front of them and showed that I was happy and in a dream I even had some moments of a man who told me that he loved me, but he annoyed me, but I didn’t show it with my husband. And without him she cried, it was insulting and painful.


Today I dreamed of the daughter of my husband's mistress, she treated me to cookies. And I saw my mistress in the window of a barbershop in the distance. I know for sure that the mistress has a child from her first marriage


my husband corresponded with her on the Internet, and I managed to read her name and asked him if he cheated on me and he replied that once I kicked him out of the house


I dreamed of my ex-husband's mistress in her kitchen, she recovered greatly, washed her husband's chair and told how her husband chose a joke in her hair and how good she was in it, but I did not listen to her.


i dreamed that I rented an apartment with my children and then my husband’s mistress wanted to improve relations with me and appeared everywhere with her courtesies and then my now deceased grandmother called us to eat and we went (in real life we ​​are divorcing my husband and he kicked us out with daughter from home because of this mistress)


i dreamed that the husband was holding a photograph of his mistress in his hands. in the photo is a mistress and her first husband. photo as if from a monument.

[email protected]:

Good evening! The husband really had some connection with another woman before (this cannot be called a relationship). It was three years ago. From November 1 to 2, she dreamed of me. Everything happened at the school (where I studied), I asked if she was doing well? And she replied that it was good, but you are not very good. Then I tried to touch her somehow, touch her. She acted arrogant. Feelings from sleep are bad, I thought about it all the next day, my mood deteriorated.


From Thursday to Friday, I dreamed of a husband and a girl, as it turned out later in the TRP, the husband’s girlfriend, her lover and her testament, Marina, and as if she had a three-four-year-old daughter

Fazylova Julia:

I dream of my family, my two daughters and my husband. I dream that we are absolutely happy that everything is fine with us And mutual understanding and love and prosperity and everything is fine with my daughters ....... suddenly the face of his former lover appears .... and she laughs at me in face and says - believe him believe he is still with me ,,,


i dreamed of my husband’s mistress. my husband and I were walking in the park. then she came up. we talked about something with her. from her words, I realized that everything was over with my husband. then at the end she gave her husband two gold rings. she left with her husband in one direction, she in another.


I dreamed of my husband's mistress with combed (untidy appearance) hair in black, blue and white (multi-colored). Hair is long (in life she wears a short haircut, blonde).


hello, I dreamed that I went into the room and my husband hugged her, I immediately grab her and start to choke and then look that she is dead

Victoria Korneeva:

Hello, Tatyana. My husband has been living with his mistress for half a year now, we don’t break off relations, and I often dream about them. Today I dreamed about how he comes to her entrance (although I don’t know exactly where she lives), my daughter and I we observe this, then they appear together and she stands silently and cries. He is also silent, but I felt his aggression. I had a feeling of satisfaction, but also some kind of anxiety. Then everything is blurred.

Your name:

I dreamed that my husband has a mistress (he said himself) we swear at him, I collect things, then I say call her, I’ll at least see who she is, he calls her and I woke up


hello - my husband dreamed - he has now gone to his mistress and is going to marry her - as if there are bluish flags around and, as it were, a large billboard - and there is a flashing record - I love you - it seems like he confesses to her in love - and then I dreamed that it was as if she was pregnant and it seemed like there was a threat of losing a child - this dream I had on Friday, December 5, after 6 in the morning


My husband cheated on me once with our mutual friend. I forgave him, but I held a huge grudge against her. She recently got married and in the social. There are a lot of her photos on the networks, which angers me even more. And today I dreamed that she and her husband came to our house and lay down between me and my husband in order to measure. Say, forget the old. I instead pushed her out of the apartment with her husband.


from Thursday to Friday I had a black and white dream where I beat my ex-husband's mistress, what would that mean?


The photo of my husband's mistress was in the hands of my late mother. I was very surprised by this. There were many relatives in the room: husband (recently divorced, he is strongly bewitched), children, grandchildren.


in the village club in the same room my husband and I sleep, and in another large hall my husband’s mistress played the wedding with the groom and they slept there and then had a fight, my husband and mistress went out into the corridor there admired and told me that they want to live together ... I beat the mistress a little


Hello!!! I dreamed of a husband dressed in a wedding dress, and his mistress and her daughter were laughing at me .... he said they were getting married.


Hello, today, December 28, 2014, I dreamed that my husband has a young mistress and a son from her. She herself came to us in a dream, and in a dream I forced her to tell how they met. And she told how they met, liked each other, confessed their love to each other, that now her son is 10 months old. In a dream, I asked my husband, he didn’t answer anything, I decided to confront them, and then I woke up. She began to reproach her husband, He says it's not true. Soit to believe or not???


Hello. I had a dream that I came home and caught my husband and his mistress in bed. I dragged her out of bed by her hair and that's it, I woke up. In the dream, my husband first tried to stop me, but then gave in.
And before that, on the same night, I had a dream that his mistress was walking around the apartment (and not ours, but in a dream as if ours) As if her husband hid from her, she went to the shower, got dressed and was about to leave. I told her something like how bad it is with married people, that we have a child, etc.
Thanks in advance!


i meet her on the way but she had black hair but she is blonde. I ask her what the matter is and how you can do this. And before that, I tore her hair, she promised to leave him, but she didn’t. In short, she came up to me and kissed me on the lips and I felt the warmth of her lips. It became so disgusting. She said that she called him and asked if he needed a service, and he replied that he did not mind. So they dragged on for a long time. And recently I caught them. where I got her. In general, I kind of understood that it was necessary for them to give up that some kind of grandchildren would appear. But it really could be grandchildren, our daughter cannot give birth to a second child. Maybe the truth will give birth. BUT WHERE HERE GRANDCHILDREN AND WHAT ALL THIS MEANS. How tired I am of jealousy. I love my husband very much.


Hello. I have a dream and see my husband's mistress. I walk along the road and see her only black and she is blonde. I took her by the arm and began to read her a moral. I DID HER HAIR NOT SO LONG, I caught them. They have been dating for a long time. but I only got them recently. And now I see such a dream. She answers me that she called him and asked if he needed the service, and he replied that he did not mind. And then she comes up to me kisses me with warm lips on my lips. I kind of realized that it was time to end their love affair. Grandchildren will appear soon. But we have grandchildren, maybe there will be more. My daughter cannot become pregnant with her second child. Maybe she'll still get pregnant. And where does the grandchildren and the mistress kiss. THEN SHE DISAPPEARED AND I WAKE UP.


I had a dream where my husband hugs his mistress and at the same time I am not embarrassed. And I cried from resentment, but he repeated that he loved her.


I go to the computer and classmates on my page, I see someone was visiting and rated, I click to watch and I see how my husband’s video is smiling and her mistress’s face is closed, but her expression is satisfied, her hair is red, then I see her face separately without husband but eyes closed


dreamed ex-husband that he came back to me, and his mistress ran after him and started yelling at me. I asked him if you took all the things from her, and he says only slippers left. And then at the end of the dream I dreamed of a new sneaker


I was going to visit someone, as I understand it, it’s like visiting my mother, but in the house where my husband and I used to live between this house, it’s like a passage in the form of a room with a pool, the water is clean, my mother says that I need to go through the pool along a thin crossbar and I fall into the water, then I go out and sit down at some table, as his former passion appears in a cafe and asks what I'm doing here, I have nothing to do, this is her building where she supposedly works, well, I talked to her in a calm tone, but with a soft rebuff, talked about more I don't remember


Hello! I dreamed that I tracked down my husband, went into someone else's house there was a feast ... my husband was sitting with his mistress and her relatives, I beat his mistress ... what is it for?


I dreamed about my husband. We walk through the clinic, then he comes to the reception, they tell him that she has a threat of miscarriage, he got scared, and I started to find out, they say, from whom? he told me everything, there was a scandal, he accused me of something, tantrums, he packed his things and left, leaving me with the child to his pregnant mistress, then there was a calm conversation, where we decided that he would be for 2 families ...


I dreamed of my husband’s mistress (she really exists with him), I calmly talk about him with her, I ask her if he suits her in sex? She nods shyly and looks down. I am dressed in black mink coat, and she is in a dress and then I watch her try on new dresses


I dreamed that we had guests in our house and a friend of my husband asked him why he brought her here. I realized that she is in the car, which is in the garage. I went to the garage, she was in the car. I took her into the house, then I noticed her stomach. In the house, when I was distracted, he ran away with her. I ran around trying to find it, but it turned out they had already gone far and I woke up.


I saw that a number of photos of my husband with me, a mistress in a dark dress, I took it and tore it off, and then tore her face into small pieces, and there was some kind of letter from her with the date April 18


Hello! I saw in a dream that my husband's mistress was telling him fortune-telling on the cards. The husband actually does not live in the family for several months. What does this mean, please help explain. Thanks


from Thursday to Friday. dreamed. My husband has a mistress, I know that. we live apart. and they moved into our apartment, I know that too. I had a dream. our apartment and where they are not yet, I arrived and began to collect my things from the bottom drawer and shelves of the closet. I remember the current that they came, and I took my things everywhere in the apartment. I don't remember anything else.


i dreamed of my ex-husband's mistress, I beat her and she gives me the keys to their apartment where they live, and the husband hears everything and doesn’t get out of the room


My husband's mistress called and asked me to give him back, while I see her face. I tell my wife, the scandal. Starts accusing me of being unfaithful


Hello! I dreamed today weird dream: a woman came to me with a child, she was pregnant. And she said that she was expecting a child from my husband. To my question to my husband, “Is this true?” he remained silent and lowered his head. I pushed her in the stomach and there were rags.


I don’t exactly remember the whole dream, but I remember well that my husband cheated on me with a girl named Evgenia and I saw my face, we didn’t swear in a dream, but I saw where he was going and to whom. Yes, someone else died in a dream, but I don’t remember who before that I dreamed about how we arrived in another city and how it looks, although I never went to it and then we went there and everything was like in a dream, we even had a fight ( (((


in a dream, my husband went on a business trip, I return home earlier, I open the door with my key, I go in and I see a woman and a husband at the set table. are sitting nearby. I understand that this is his mistress. the husband gets up and begins to wash and get ready, saying that they will leave now, he just decided to show her our house. but in a dream it was not my house. that is, the door is mine, but inside the house is not mine.


My ex-husband and I are at home. he sits on the couch looking at me, I look at him. Good look. Woman. with whom he lives now stands facing the door, with his back to us.


I dreamed that my husband and company were relaxing in nature. Then the ex-lover of her husband comes up and says in his ear: I need you, I really need you! The husband is embarrassed and says: Why did you come? And she whispers again: I need you! Then this woman sits next to me and I sit next to my husband. And now she is trying to reach him through me, and I push her away. She starts to be rude to me and my husband silently watches. I get up and leave. When I returned they were gone. Friends said that they went somewhere together ...


i dreamed that I started swearing with my husbands, he somehow reacted to a quarrel with a smile and immediately said about his mistress and pulled out 3 photos from his pocket and showed me his mistress on them, the girl in the photo was very beautiful tall, long-legged, fair-haired in the photo she smiled and we decided to part in a dream


it’s like a woman is hanging things and I’m talking with her next to her and complaining about her husband and she says that he has a youngster. What does it mean?


I saw in a dream a woman whom my husband met for several years, she cried, and I pressed her to me and felt sorry for her. The dream was from Friday to Saturday.


My husband's mistress came to our house, I cut out her hair, and then took up her hair on her head, and they fall out right with particles of skin. She did not resist, her face was dark mournful, her clothes were black. My husband was behind me at the time. She left in a car with some people. My husband later said thank you for taking her away from me, otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to


i dreamed of my husband’s mistress, I talked to her, she called me to visit, but I said that she would give my things, she gave them, then she walked past my husband and me and, as it were, rose to heaven.


I see my husband and his mistress standing arm in arm with each other and waiting for a minibus. On the minibus, my father-in-law has to transport their things somewhere. She laughs, and her husband is preoccupied. upset.


hello! I dreamed that I approached our car with a child and opened the door, and some woman was sitting there, and my husband had a child in her arms. I asked her “who are you ???”, and she silently kisses her husband on the lips and leaves. and then he tells me that this is his child, because. when he had an affair with this woman.


I know my husband's mistress. But it was not she who was dreaming, but in my mind I knew that it was her. And I beat her and talked and cried. And the chickens were running.


The husband and his mistress said what would happen, but he didn’t need me and the child and that we should move out, but while we were disassembling the house here, his mistress came to our house with things with hers, I kicked her out and the things tore her apart. In the end, he stayed with her.


I dreamed that I came to the house of my husband's mistress with my son and brought her two dishes, but a fox stole one dish. I went to her house to talk and did not want to swear, but she herself pretended to be arguing with her. And then her friends came for some reason, young men and her mother, and everything calmed down and we talked. And then I sat down in her house to sew on a typewriter and her guy friends helped me. And then my husband called me on the mobile and just asked how I was doing. But before this dream, I had another dream today - as if I found out that my husband had died, but I didn’t see him dead and I run around asking that this can’t be, he couldn’t just die like that, he is somewhere. And then she woke up.


I dreamed mine dead mother as if I stayed with her as her husband left for his mistress, I saw how they were lying in bed


Hello! My name is Natalya. From Thursday to Friday I had a dream that my husband and I had his ex-lover with a boy of 2 years old in her arms at home, only he talked to her, smiled, in general he was glad for her.


Good afternoon! From Monday to Tuesday, I dreamed of a husband sitting in the room himself, looking on the phone screen at his mistress, who shows herself in all her glory. At the beginning, she was with her mother in the film. When I entered the room, my husband was dissatisfied, but I stayed and watched with him. In life, I was sure that he forgot her ... t




my mother came to me and said that my husband has a mistress and that she is 4 months pregnant


Good day. I dreamed that I was picking apricots in the yard and my husband’s mistress appeared from somewhere in the yard, came up to me and kissed me, and I was so offended and I cried, somehow it became easy in my sleep, calmly. And she just left. Now I feel calm, but I still wonder what it's all about. Thank you.


The husband left for his mistress 5 months ago, now we went to rest, and I decided to file for divorce. We didn't have kids, that's the problem. I dream of some kind of holiday, there were a lot of people and my husband and his mistress were also there. I talked to her, we did not swear, and then she said that she was pregnant and I saw her belly. I left her and went up to my husband and asked why he didn't tell me that she was pregnant. He had so much fear and guilt on his face. and I attacked him to fight and there was so much anger. And then she turned around and ran away.


Hello! I dreamed of my husband's ex-lover, he really had a mistress, but they recently broke up! In a dream, she wrote me an SMS and wanted to know where her husband was born.


Good night! From Sunday to Monday, I dreamed of my husband's mistress, his colleague in wedding dress, smiled a lot. My husband and I have not lived together for 2 months.


i dreamed of my husband's mistress, I beat her, kicked her, scratched her. and she is like rubber, as if she does not hurt. And she was satisfied


Hello, I dreamed today that my lover and her husband were visiting us, she was standing on the window next to me, we were arguing with her and she fell out of the window, my husband and I went downstairs, and there was an ambulance, a lot of blood, brains and she dead!! grandmothers cried for the grandmother too. A girl, my friend, looked out, and she died that year


I dreamed about my ex-husband with his current mistress. They came to our house to our common son. And we had a scandal.


Hello! I often dream of my husband's mistress. In a dream they are together, I try to separate them, but nothing happens, my husband is like dogs behind her. back.


In a dream, I allegedly dreamed of my husband's mistresses, she tells me that she and my husband have been for a long time ..., I reacted calmly to this, turned around and went, and my husband sat next to her and cried ....


The husband went to his parents with his youngest son, out of town. I got off work in the evening and decided that I had to go there. Arriving, I saw a young girl, 18-20 years old. She lay on the bed with her head towards the entrance to her room. I asked: "Who is this?" She raised her head, smiled, and hurried away. But her husband told her to lie down. And I, realizing that this was his mistress, began to ask him why, why did you bring her here, and even introduce her to her parents? and her son knows?
After that, I started to leave, and my husband says in the wake that she just like that, I love you. The girl got out of bed and I saw that she was pregnant. I began to cry and began to leave, taking my youngest son with me.


In a dream, my husband’s mistress was lying naked with him on the bed in the house of my late grandparents and laughing, and I tried to strangle her quietly so that he would not suspect.


I dreamed that I came to my house with my husband, before that we parted and he called me back, but there were things of my mistress, I remembered the slippers very well. My husband and I are currently separated, what does this mean?


I dreamed that I was talking to my husband’s mistress, she was crying, she said she wanted to be with him, he promised her, I ask: why didn’t you say before. The husband ran away somewhere. We continued to talk.


Hello, I dreamed about my husband's real lover
she was in her bed, I sat on a chair and waited for her to wake up, she did not sleep, but she pretended to be asleep, her awkwardness was transmitted




I dreamed that my husband's mistress died and he told me in a dream that he had died, but in general she had health problems in the female part.


Hello! I dreamed of a drunken husband, and his 2 mistresses. One is pregnant. We sat at my mother's house and sorted things out. Then he left. It was very bad for me, I cried a lot, I went beyond the fence and saw many beds with plants. Then my husband came sober and wanted to justify himself, but I did not want to forgive. I don't remember what I woke up on.


Good afternoon, Tatyana! Today I dreamed unmarried girl(presumably my husband's mistress) who was crying. I felt good about it, because. I thought God was punishing her.


Hello, as if in a dream I came to the house where my mistress lives (pregnant from him) with my husband, I just waited for him to come out to look at him, but then the mistress came out and wanted to paint something, but word for word and I started hit her in the face and then call her names, as a result, she entered her house, they planned a party with her parents, and in front of everyone she said that I had lost my husband because there was little intimacy in anger, I woke up and was frightened for my child and began to look for him, but he was sweet I watched TV. But that night I found out that my husband left me with the children, went to that house and they love and appreciate him there, and maybe against this background I dreamed of this, although when he lived with us he was appreciated and cherished WHY I DON'T KNOW.


I’m sitting in the room opposite, I see a huge cat, suddenly the cat’s face turns into female face, I knock the cat on the floor, start to choke her, and she talks about my husband, he will never come back to you, he loves me. I woke up in horror, I know he has a mistress, what to do


I dreamed that my boss is my husband's mistress and he was going to leave for her




good afternoon! my husband’s mistress dreamed (she really exists), I bought cakes from her, she was angry that I didn’t want the ones she served, she crushed the cakes, and I told her that it was her own fault, she said calmly. Then we talked, not I remember what, we’re walking together, and I understand that I’m in the other direction, I’m talking about it, and she persuades me to go with her, but I turned around and went the other way ... and in the same dream I saw that there were a lot of cakes at home (I understand that I bought them myself) ....


I saw the husband of my lovers in a dream and I know for sure that it is her, although I have never seen her in person. And she has been dreaming of me for the second time


The husband's mistresses were beaten in a dream, and at the same time the husband himself was present, he watched and even said something, but I don’t remember what he said.


Hello, I had a dream in which I found out that my husband has a mistress and has been for a long time. He seems to love her and not .. And as if he loves me, but he is ashamed and he is going to go to her. And she calls me on the phone and tells me to leave him behind. In a dream, the husband behaves like a "heifer", follows her lead, says that he is more interested in her and the sexual relationship is better .. Please explain. Thanks in advance.


Hello! I dreamed of my husband's mistress being 4 months pregnant. came with my husband to me for our son's birthday. I also stroked my tummy and was very pleased. the atmosphere in the dream was benevolent. but the dream was cut short precisely as she boasted of this pregnancy. (In fact, my son will be 17 on February 5)


Hello, from 10-11, I dreamed that my husband’s mistress came to us and we had a quarrel .. in the end I tried to strangle her. We were separated. What does this mean


We have now separated from my husband. Today I dreamed that I was visiting him. His mistress and her relative were there. Both had sons about 4 years old. One child is disabled. I took it off and played. My husband walked by, all in household chores, he didn’t even look at me. I sat and talked to women. There were also hired workers in the house. Why is this dreaming. And recently I dreamed of a kind black dog and a little cheerful boy in my arms


i dreamed of my husband’s mistress, as if I beat her eye, she badly broke her, and she stands and discusses something with her friend, but at the same time she is not aggressive towards me with kindness, I didn’t see the fight itself, but I know for sure that I beat her


Hello. My dog ​​died. The first night I dreamed about my dog ​​and dreamed about her ex-husband's mistress. Today is the same thing.


My son and I were offered to go to the camp, I agreed. When we came back home, my husband lived in our apartment with an eighth grade girl. She was already pregnant by him. Then I wanted to kick them out, but my husband and I went for a walk, and in the end we decided to stay together. But for some reason (I don’t remember the reason) we couldn’t kick this girl out, and even I was forced to live with her under the same roof. She was snarling at me all the time, rude. And at one moment I could not stand it, and cut it with multiple stab wounds. This is why I woke up.


If I dreamed that I beat my ex-husband's mistress, what does it mean


The husband dreamed. as if with an employee, they slightly touched their hands, they called her light, blonde, in a dream I paid attention to the contact of their hands and thought that she was a lover, told her husband’s late mother, to which she replied that she did not recognize him, he had changed so much


hello. in a dream, my husband and I were on the street. then he got into the car and left somewhere and I stayed. and then some woman didn’t call and said that she was his future wife ... then I woke up


in a dream, at first I cursed with my husband, because I knew about his betrayal, he explained how beautiful and good it was and that I didn’t understand anything, I cried and then another picture went like a fog and I saw a bright, slender girl with long hair and I woke up like a nightmare.


I see myself in a dream, sitting next to my husband and looking at us, our family family photos, but instead of myself in all the photographs I see the image of my husband's mistress. Is this how to interpret it?


I dreamed of my husband's mistress whom I met at her work in the office, a large room and there was one table and a computer, she didn’t expect to see me, then she sat down at the computer and repeated “he chose me, why are you freaking out”, and I stood next to her and hit her on the cheek with my palm.


my husband went to his mistress, I beat her in her apartment, he stood behind her back


Good afternoon. Today I had a dream in which I act as the mistress of my ex-husband. In a dream, we had sex with him, after which my ex-husband sat and could not fall asleep in any way. I asked him what he was thinking about and why he was not sleeping. In response, he said that his work partner had let him down again, swelled up and now he would have to work a lot. I felt sorry for him, but I understood that I would have to be his mistress all my life, and he would never return to us with my son. So, once a week he will come to us and we will see each other ... * Currently, he divorced me and married his mistress, he rarely sees us.


My husband comes with his mistress to our house (I know about her, but I don’t know what kind of relationship they are in now.), She is joyful, and somehow refreshed, rejuvenated, she even looks slimmer than she really is .. In general, she’s just pretty! Of course, I was shaken up by such impudence, but I didn’t show it .. I remember going out to the balcony, and it already glows with happiness! And in a dream, I kind of already know that she is pregnant, but it’s not a fact that it’s from my husband. And then the two of them tell me about the pregnancy and the husband says that I need to somehow solve this problem .. and then I wake up .. To what would it be?


Sleep - we go up in an elevator or an office like in a ski resort, the walls are glass, the sun and mountains are visible. I am standing, my husband is to my left, our 2 daughters, opposite my husband's parents, to the right of them also opposite us is my husband's mistress. But in life, her husband's mistress is a brunette, in a dream - a blonde. The mistress talks a lot, laughs, does not listen to anyone. And the husband goes over to her side, she does not seem to notice him, and the husband tries to hug her. I take a step forward, look behind my father-in-law, who is standing opposite me, and look at my husband and his mistress.
Life situation in reality - the husband left the family.


The husband's mistress threw their child into his family. But she was not in the dream. The wife returned home and saw that her younger son playing with a small child. The wife immediately realized what kind of child it was. I went to swear with my husband, but my husband only smiled affectionately in response


The husband's mistress threw their child into his family. When the wife came home, she saw that her youngest son was playing with the baby. She understood everything and went to quarrel with her husband, but her husband only smiled affectionately in response.


Write here your dream for interpretation ... a month ago my husband left me. Now he lives with a friend, but meets with his mistress. The other day I dreamed that my mistress and her mother were laughing in my face, so loudly and maliciously, and I was crying in hysterics


I see myself in a room like a hostel when my husband and I live there, he comes with his mistress and with a black plastic bucket she went there for the most part. Then she collected the shit and they leave. The husband says wait for me here. I see the rest of the shit in the bucket and I woke up. what does this mean


I saw in a dream that I found a photograph of my husband with his mistress, naked. I found out that his friends knew everything and were going to kick him out

The triune name of a person is not a feature of Russians. In many nations, the name of the father is mentioned in the surname.

This is done with the help of a special prefix or ending. Among the Eastern peoples, this is “oglu” or “-zade” (Bul-Bul Ogly, Rakhmat-zade). The Irish have "Mack-" (Mac-Cormick). The Scandinavians have "-sen" (Andersen). All these affixes denote the word "son" and indicate whose son the person is. But only Russians have a patronymic - an obligatory element of a triune name, designed in the form of an adjective. Only a combination of a given name with a patronymic and a surname are official and full name Russian person. Usually the patronymic is assigned to the father, but in some cases it can be chosen arbitrarily.

Name and patronymic compatibility

Mystics, numerologists, and other representatives of unofficial sciences argue about how to choose the right middle name for a child. Perhaps they are right. However, the proverb about what is met by clothes (in this case name) is still relevant today. I had an excellent teacher. His name was Rostislav Voldemarovich Nekuryaka. Highly good man, an excellent teacher, smart, he was constantly at the center of ridicule because of his pretentious name. But there are plenty of such strange combinations in Russia. Parents, when naming a child, often forget that the combination of a first and middle name can spoil their child's life. I have been collecting a collection of incongruous first names for a long time. It includes Roerich Nikolaevich, Alena Shamilyevna, Irina Grachikovna, Ariadna Robertovna, Ippolit Ippolitovich. Hearing such a strange or difficult-to-pronounce combination of a name and patronymic, one involuntarily begins to sympathize with a person whose name is very difficult to remember and pronounce. But it's so unpleasant when your name is distorted. That is why, when choosing a name for a child, parents should first of all take care of its harmony. Scientists have even come up with a number of rules, the observance of which will help parents find such a combination of first and middle names that will not only sound beautiful, but also attract people to their carrier. It has been proven that people with sonorous and beautiful names / patronymics / surnames move up the career ladder faster, are more successful in life. One of the proofs of this is the stage names of the artists.

Combination of name and patronymic: learning to choose consonance

  • With very long patronymics (Stanislavovich, Rostislavovich, Illarionovich), short names are better combined. Too long patronymic names are poorly remembered and difficult to pronounce.
  • It is important to observe the sound balance of the name and patronymic. If the patronymic begins with a vowel (Ivanovich, Aleksandrovich), then the name must end with a consonant, and vice versa. Otherwise, Maria Ivanovna will instantly turn into Marivanna, and Igor Rodionovich into Igoronych. It is clear that this rule does not apply to female names: almost all Russian female names end in a vowel.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the combination of the name and patronymic does not contain repeated consonants. Try to pronounce immediately without hesitation Grigory Richardovich or Varfolomey Varfolomeevich. Difficult, isn't it?
  • It’s good if the stress in the name and patronymic falls on one syllable: it’s easier to remember and pronounce. Compare: Inna Innokentievna and Andrey Ivanovich. What is easier to pronounce?

The combination of name and patronymic: do not follow the traditions

It is customary for us to give the child the patronymic and surname of the father. But observing traditions, it is worth remembering how ridiculous the combination of names and patronymics belonging to different nationalities sometimes sounds. In my collection of ridiculous names there are Snezhana Borisovna Kozel, Dilyara Vladimirovna Nechiporenko, etc. In addition, you should not make your child a complete namesake. famous person: He is unlikely to be able to avoid ridicule.

Future parents face the same question over and over again - how to name the baby? Everyone wants to choose something beautiful, sonorous and memorable, something unique and individual.

But many people forget that the name should not only be beautiful, but it should be combined with the patronymic and surname of the baby. Everyone knows what meaning a name has in a person’s life, how it affects the character and fate of a child, but a lot also depends on both the patronymic and the surname. Necessary harmonious combination otherwise all life little man may be “put on the wrong track” as early as childhood.

Influence on fate

Now it is customary to talk a lot about karma, there are a lot of offers on the network, according to which you can find out your karmic mistakes online, evaluate their significance and impact on your life. But often we forget that much of our destiny is already “written” in our patronymic. After all, it marks our belonging to the genus, provides a connection with it.

It is from parents that we accept their mistakes, their unfulfilled dreams and desires. In childhood, we are given names, and we get used to the fact that sometimes someone judges us by them, but we often lose sight of the fact that a lot can also be said about a person from a patronymic.

Therefore, when choosing names, it is important to understand that the selection should be carried out according to the future patronymic, since it is the fundamental base. Remember: if you feel that something heavy is embedded in the patronymic, it is better to soften the fate of the child with a name.

Of course, we are most attached to the genus thanks to the surname, so it should also be taken into account when choosing how to name the baby. If you are interested in analyzing your character, then you should turn not only to the analysis of the name, but also to the analysis of the surname, so you will get answers to many questions, and also find out the meaning of your kind.

What is worth doing?

There is general rules or recommendations on how to choose the right name for the patronymic. If you follow them, you will get a beautiful and, most importantly, a combination that has a positive effect on the child. So, below are the rules that are important to follow when making a selection.

1. The name and patronymic should be easy to pronounce, because this is the key to ease in life. There should not be an abundance of whistling or difficult to pronounce sounds.

2. Soft must be combined with hard. This means that a hard and sharp patronymic must be compensated for by a soft name and vice versa. If this rule is not followed, you may end up with a tough and demanding Romanovna or a soft and weak-willed Mikhailovich.

3. Also, many do not advise naming a child in honor of a deceased relative, since your child may repeat the fate of this person and thus not realize his destiny.

4. Next, it is important to pay attention to the length of the name and patronymic. It is better if the long name is combined with a short patronymic and vice versa - for example, it is difficult to pronounce Illarionovich, and the combination itself looks difficult. But Illarionovich or Gennady Andreevich sounds better.

5. Be sure to consider the origin of the name, its roots. It is advisable to combine it with a middle name of the same origin, because Jasmine Ivanovna will sound strange and a little ridiculous.

6. Pay attention to the fact that the name does not end with the same sound with which the patronymic begins. Such a sound will not be very melodic, and this will also leave a certain imprint on the character of the child.

7. Be sure to research the meaning of the desired name, read about its origin, how it is translated, what kind of people wore it, what was their fate. For example, Mary in one of the variants is translated as “bitter”, and this combination of sounds and the meaning originally invested in it will in any case affect fate and personality traits girls who are named so.

8. Always ask your father's opinion about your choice, it has special meaning, since the father of the child might want to name him differently, which is why the energy of the desired can also affect the future of the baby.

There are separate tips on how to properly select or for boys. Since female and male names carry different energies, it is important to take into account the characteristics of both, this will be of particular importance when choosing.

So, if you decide to name your daughter “manly” - for example, or, - be sure to pay attention to her middle name, it should not be tough or rude. Otherwise, you will not grow up a girl, but a boy in a skirt. And anyway, before you give the girl male name, think several times, because from childhood you consciously endow the child with the energy of the opposite sex.

Also, mother and daughter should not be called the same, their names will conflict with each other, besides, confusion may arise and it will be possible to distinguish relatives only by patronymic. Moreover, if the girl is named the same as her mother, then she is threatened with repeating the fate of her mother and making her mistakes, so think about whether you are ready to give your child your fate.

The boy should also not be called the same as dad, because the middle name and first name will duplicate each other. And Mikhailovich can have a very difficult fate, since such a child often takes away all karmic problems from his father, and this will have great importance in life.

Another tip on how to choose: to a beautiful middle name with large quantity vowels will suit a name with a large number of consonants. It is also important that the transition to the patronymic is smooth - without a large number consonants or vowels following friend after another.

Here are examples of how you can beautifully and correctly name a boy: Ivan Vasilievich, Grigorievich, Evgenievich, Pavel Konstantinovich. Also suitable options of how girls can be called: Kirillovna, Olegovna, Petrovna, Romanovna.

Some researchers advise when choosing how to name a child, refer to. After all, it is known that every word, and even more so patronymic and surname, carry certain combinations of numbers. And the numbers significantly affect our lives, weaving into our destinies.

Therefore, if you have enough time, then do not be lazy and do various calculations. Then you will be sure of your choice "one hundred percent", and it will have a special meaning for you.

So, when choosing how to name a baby, it is worth considering many factors. Try to take into account all the variables, but do not forget about the child himself - remember that he must accept your choice. Author: Daria Potykan