§28 Social insects - bees and ants. Beneficial insects. Insect protection. The behavior of social insects These insects are distinguished by the fact that they live in families

Target: to reveal the features of the structure of the honey bee in connection with the social way of life, the role in nature and in human life.

Lesson type: a lesson in analytical thinking.

During the classes

group work

I. Motivational conversation

(the lesson begins by asking the children questions about the family):

  • What can you say about your family?
  • How can you describe your family in one word?
  • Why is your family the most friendly?

Family - seven I, all together. Although we study insects, family relationships there are among them. These insects include bees and ants. Today we will talk about bees.

II . Intrigue

In the entire history of mankind, there is no more studied and, at the same time, more mysterious insect than a bee. Why? You will learn about this at the end of the lesson.

III. Memory

Group work:

Group 1: Development with complete transformation
Group 2: Development with incomplete transformation
Group 3: What are the similarities and differences between 2 types of transformation. What is the advantage of development with complete transformation.

IV. Learning new material (return to intrigue)

Bees are social insects. The community is a big family. They share food with each other, take care of each other.
The uterus has a long body, the abdomen is elongated. Drones medium size with big eyes. Worker bees have devices for collecting pollen (brush, basket, mirror)
There are 100 thousand worker bees in the family, they clean the hive, collect nectar, take care of the queen and larvae, protect the hive from enemies. In a bee family, the main bee is the queen, which lays up to 2000 eggs per day. She lives for about five years. Drones do not take any part in the work. The main task is the fertilization of the uterus. In autumn, the worker bees drive the drones out of the hive and they die. All care for the hive lies with the worker bees6 growing up, each worker bee changes several "professions". She builds combs, cleans cells, feeds larvae, takes food from incoming bees and distributes it in the hive, ventilates the hive, guards it, and finally, begins to fly out of the hive for nectar. Bees communicate with each other through touch and secretions. Bees have a "language of dance". The complex behavior of social insects is an instinct.
Bees build honeycombs. They crawl on the flowers and pollen falls on the hairs of the body of the insect. Then the bee cleans the pollen into a basket with help. Special brushes. Soon a ball of pollen will form there. Perga is honey-soaked pollen. Bees have an extended goiter - honey. There is honey. For a year, a bee colony receives 100 kg of honey. (presentation)

V. Effective consolidation

Group 1: fill in the table:

Group 2: What are the similarities of the uterus, drone, worker bee

Group 3: What products do bees give? How they are formed.

Tasks for all groups:

Explain terms: uterus, drone, pocket mirror, honeycomb, basket, goiter, perga, swarming, instinct, "the language of bees."

Explain the statements:

If bees die out on earth, humanity will have 4 years to live.
Albert Einstein

The bees can tell their mates where the sweet nectar flowers are.

From the bellies of the bees comes the drink different colors that brings healing to people. Verily, in this is a sign for a people who think.

VI. Disclosure of intrigue

In the entire history of mankind, there is no more studied and, at the same time, more mysterious insect than a bee. Moreover, it can be argued that man also owes his origin to the bee to a large extent. After all, it was she who for millions of years, tirelessly pollinating plants, developed and improved vegetable world planets, and with it the animal world.

For many millennia she lives next to a man, but nothing and no one can tame her. At the same time, it is the bee, which has a terrible weapon against enemies, that allows a person to unceremoniously invade his home and make any (within reason) changes and rearrangements in it, and once a year take away the vital thing - his food.

VII. Homework

Paragraph 28. Type of arthropods, preparation for verification work.

Ants are social insects

Well, what are the ants - everyone has seen them. This is a separate family of Hymenoptera insects; in addition to ants, other very famous, well-known inhabitants of the earth, like bees and wasps, also enter the Hymenoptera order. And ants differ from bees and wasps primarily in that they have wingless workers. All bees, all wasps, they are winged, so to speak, almost all. Winged ants are only females and males before mating. Ants have three castes.

All of the listed insects are social insects, but with a small caveat: bees and wasps are both solitary and social. And all ants are exclusively social. There is not a single species among ants that would lead a solitary lifestyle. And there are actually more than ten thousand species of ants around the world.

What is sociality for insects? This means that they live in a permanent community, a long-term community, which we call a family, because it is a family by origin. And this family consists of three castes - these are females that lay eggs, that is, they are a reproductive individual, these are males that appear in the family for a very short time and after fertilization of females in most species, males die. They die naturally, their lives are over. But there are some species that have a slightly different system, but there are no such species in Russia, so we will focus on our domestic ants. The majority of the population is made up of workers. In principle, these are physiologically underdeveloped females that perform all the functions of building a nest, foraging for food, for defense, for rearing the brood, for caring for the female and larvae. That is, the entire life of the family is provided by working individuals. And when we talk about family organization, about the evolution of the social way of life in ants, this is primarily the development of relationships in the system of workers, which, as the family grows, begin to perform various functions and get the opportunity, firstly, to realize specialization , and secondly, they are able to perform a number of tasks that are simply impossible in small families. This is, for example, maintaining an active temperature in the nest.

Ants, in principle, by origin, they are all tropical and subtropical insects. And while they lived and live there, all the problems associated with maintaining the temperature are solved there in a natural way. True, there is a situation when they have to arrange ventilation in order to avoid overheating. But in our conditions, in a temperate climate, the situation is different. In order for ants to develop normally larvae, and ants are insects with complete transformation. That is, they first develop a larva separately, then it pupates, most of the species braid the pupa with a cocoon, and then an adult insect emerges from the pupa, which does not grow further and does not change morphologically throughout its adult life.

How long does an ant live?

Ants live a very long time. If we talk about the life of a worker, then a worker ant in our ordinary ants can live up to seven years. And an egg-laying female up to 20 years old is an absolute record in the world of insects. They live so long because they have a well-established social system. That high life expectancy, about which we care so much, they organized a long time ago.

Lesson topic : Bees and ants are public insects. Beneficial insects, insect pests.Significance in nature and human life.

Lesson Objectives: reveal the structural features of the honey bee and ant in connection with the social way of life; talk about their role in nature and human life; reveal the diversity of insect pests, their negative role in human practical activity; indicate the importance of insects in nature and human life.

Equipment: insect collection,multimedia projector, presentation, handouts: tables, sheets of paper, felt-tip pens.

During the classes:

I. org. moment (1 min) II. Updating of basic knowledge(10 min) Test work with mutual verification.

Write down the test numbers, against each - correct options response

Option 1.

A. Dragonflies B. Orthoptera C. Bed bugs

  1. Two pairs of wings.
  2. The larva has a mask.

Option 2.

What features are characteristic of insects from the order

A. Butterflies B. Diptera C. Hymenoptera

  1. Development with complete transformation.
  2. Development with incomplete transformation.
  3. Two pairs of wings.
  4. One pair of wings, the second is reduced (halteres) and serves to stabilize the flight.
  5. The first pair of wings are turned into rigid elytra, the second pair are leathery wings.
  6. The forewings are denser than the hindwings.
  7. The elytra are dense in front and soft behind; the second pair of wings is used for flight.
  8. On the wings are small chitinous scales.
  9. Mouth apparatus in adult insects of the sucking type.
  10. Mouth apparatus licking type.
  11. The mouthparts of adult insects are of the piercing-sucking type.
  12. In larvae oral apparatus chewing type.
  13. The hind legs of many representatives of the jumping type.
  14. The larva has a mask.

Option 1. A: 2,3,14; B: 2,; B : 2,6,11

Option 2. A: B: C: 1.3

III. Activation cognitive activity . (2 minutes)

Most insects lead a solitary lifestyle, but there are insects that live in large groups. What are these insects? (bees, ants, termites) Such insects are called public and they live in families.

IV. learning new material(25min)

Teacher's story.

What do you think, which of these insects have long become human pets? (bees)

Where do bees live? (hive)

Honey and wax along with our furs ancestors - Slavs were considered the main objects of trade. Honey was used instead of sugar, wax was used in candles. In those days, there were no apiaries yet, and for bees, a person provided hollows of forest trees - “bortni” - beekeeping. At the same time, the hives often went bankrupt.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the Ukrainian landowner Petr Ivanovich Prokopovich first used the collapsible frame beehive he invented, which is still used today.

Let's look at what a bee family is.

Student message.The composition of the bee family. (presentation)

As the story progresses, students complete the table.

Students independently fill in the table for the ant family section, using the textbook pp. 135-136.

Table. The composition of the ant and bee families:

bee family

Ant family

family member

Features, role

family member

Features, role


The main bee is larger than the other bees and lays eggs.

uterus (queen)

Wingless female, breaks off wings after mating flight. The role is to lay eggs.


Male. The role is to fertilize the females. After fertilization, the males are expelled from the hive and die.


Winged individuals. The role is to fertilize the females. After mating, the males die.

worker bees

Barren females, ovipositor modified into a stinger.

Role: clean the hive, collect nectar, take care of the queen and larvae, protect the hive from enemies.

worker ant

Barren females that do not have wings.

The role is to clean the anthill, collect food, care for the queen and larvae, and protect the anthill from enemies.

During the assignment, the teacher ensures that the whole class is involved in the work, approaches the students, monitors the progress of the assignment, and, if necessary, makes corrections.

After completing the task, the teacher asks the class questions:

  • Did everyone complete the task?
  • What difficulties arose during the task, what was not clear?

Bees and ants communicate with each other through touch and secretions. But only bees have a "language of dance." Video clip.

What do you think complex behavior can be called reasonable? (No)

Their behavior is instinctive, unconscious.

Notebook entry. Instinct- a set of innate moments of behavior, fixed hereditarily and characteristic certain kind animals.

In addition to beneficial insects, there are also pests. cultivated plants and vectors of human diseases.

The study of the material occurs in the course of the conversation. Students work with handouts: tables, insects.

Exercise : determine which order your insect belongs to and what harm it does to cultivated plants. Answer plan:

1. The name of the squad.

2. The name of the insect.

3. Signs of the detachment.

4. Meaning.

The negative value of insects for humans


Meaning, examples


Asian locustdestroys crops over large areas


Inhibit the development of plants, can tolerate viral diseases plants


Harmful turtlesucks out the contents of unripe grains. Bed bug is a carrier of diseases, causes anxiety


Beet weevil larvaefeed on beet rootsColorado potato beetle and its larvaereduce the yield of potatoes.Larvae of the weevil beetle - apple blossom beetle- destroy the ovaries of apple trees.Bark beetle and longhorn beetle larvae- tree pests


Caterpillars of the cabbage whitedamage cabbage leaves;codling moth- spoil the fruits of apple trees;gypsy moth- harm the plants of the garden and forest.Pine silkworm caterpillars harm pine; clothes moth - spoil wool products


sawfly larvaeeat the needles of trees; horntails - feed on wood, damaging trees



Black cockroaches and Prussians contaminate food with excrement, can carry pathogens and helminth eggs. Sometimes their secretions cause allergies.


Carriers of typhus and relapsing fever


Carriers of plague, tularemia, typhus

Students write their answers in a notebook. Several students are asked. Ratings are given.

Additionally . What methods can be used to control harmful insects?

During the conversation, it turns out that the proposed options can be divided into four groups:

Methods of human struggle with harmful insects




Collecting caterpillars or insect eggs: catching a malarial mosquito with various traps, destroying its larvae with kerosene, which is poured over the surface of a reservoir


Treatment of plants with pesticides, breeding sites of larvae with bleach, cockroaches with various poisons


Change of crops - crop rotation; timely sowing and planting; thorough cleaning of fields, destruction of weeds that serve as a breeding ground for insects


V. Fixing the material.(4 min)

What insects did we meet today?

What are the characteristics of families?

What insects harm agricultural plants? Describe the life of some of them.

VI. Reflection. (1min) Draw your mood as a smiley.

VII. D/W Review topics in the arthropod section. Preparation for control work.

Application. The uterus is the largest bee in the hive, 18-20 mm in size. It has a long abdomen with an ovipositor designed for permanent egg laying. Cannot eat on its own. It is fed by worker bees with goiter milk. There is always only one in the family. The uterus develops from fertilized eggs. Lives up to 5 years. When another queen appears, the old one flies away with a part of the bees. This process is called swarming.

Drones are male, with long wings and large eyes. They develop from unfertilized eggs. Their task is to fertilize the uterus. Live for one season. In autumn they die, they are stinged by worker bees or simply kicked out of the hive.

Worker bees are sterile females. Workers - ensure the life of the whole family (collect food, care for the larvae, feed them, clean the hive, build honeycombs, harvest honey). To perform these functions, they have a number of devices:

  • oral apparatus;
  • Body covered with villi;
  • honey goiter;
  • Sting-modified ovipositor;
  • Hind limbs with baskets and brushes.

insects living big families are called social. family members social insects are divided into two groups: males and females, which perform the function of reproduction, and workers, who do not participate in reproduction, but jointly perform all the work to maintain the life of the family and protect the individuals of the first group. Only representatives of two series form families: Hymenoptera and Termites.

The Hymenoptera series unites insects with complete metamorphosis, which have two pairs of transparent wings, fused (Fig. 69). Another feature of Hymenoptera is that males are born only from unfertilized eggs. The Hymenoptera series includes about 90,000 species of insects.

Developed hymenoptera - stinging insects: wasps, bees, ants. All of them take care of their offspring.

Wasps are both social and solitary insects. They feed their larvae with animal food, which they obtain by paralyzing their victims with a sting. Adult wasps feed on plant nectar or aphids. They build nests from a kind of semi-finished paper: they bite off small fibers of wood with their jaws, moisten them with saliva and fray.

The life cycle of the forest wasp family, common in the forests of Ukraine, is as follows. In the spring, a female flies out of the storage - some kind of crack in the wood. AT convenient location she arranges a nest hanging from the ceiling of the vault and consists of several cells. In each cell, the female lays an egg, from which a larva emerges. The female feeds the larvae chewed by insects. She brings them food, like a bird, feeds the chicks. The larvae pupate, and after the pupal stage, they turn into workers. Now they themselves arrange nests and take care of new larvae. In addition, the workers feed the female, whose sole duty is to lay eggs. Workers are also females, but they do not participate in the breeding process. Outwardly, female workers do not differ from the female queen and after her death they are able to lay their own eggs. During the summer, the number of individuals in the nest grows, the family increases. At the end of summer, not workers appear from eggs, but full-fledged females and males mate. The males then die and the females hide until spring. With the onset of winter, a “real tragedy is played out” in the nest: the old female and workers kill all the larvae and pupae, do not have time to develop, and then they themselves die.

Hornets are large wasps that sting very painfully. They make their nest in the hollows of trees. How construction material for the nest, they use not wood, but the bark of branches of young birches. The larvae are fed on insects, including honey bees.

bees. The honey bee is one of the few insect species that humans have domesticated (Fig. 70). A bee family consists of a queen (queen), workers (underdeveloped females, which, unlike wasps, are not capable of reproduction) and male drones. After mating, the drones are not allowed into the hives, so they die or the worker bees kill them. Bee larvae develop in wax cells, from which the bees build special rows - honeycombs.

Did you know that in order to produce 1 kg of honey, a bee brings 150,000 servings of nectar from 100,000,000 flowers to the hive, while covering a distance of up to 300,000 km? This is enough to go around 5 times Earth along the equator.

Young worker bees perform a variety of work: they clean the cells of the combs, feed the larvae, the queen, build the combs, and then begin to collect pollen and nectar from the flowers.

Bees move to new places in families, called swarms, and consist of a queen and workers.

Bees are very useful insects. Firstly, they give honey - a tasty and nutritious product. Secondly, wax is obtained from honeycombs, which is used for the manufacture of varnishes and paints, as well as in the electrical industry. Thirdly, these insects produce bee glue, or propolis, which has an antimicrobial effect, promotes wound healing. The composition of propolis includes resinous substances, wax, pollen, etc. Bees use propolis to cover cracks in the walls of the hives, and humans use it in medicine. However, the most important thing is that bees pollinate plants.

Bumblebees are, in fact, big bees. They lead a social lifestyle. They make their nests in secluded places. In early spring solitary females fly low over the ground, looking for a place to base new family- a gap or some kind of mink in the ground. The nest of a bumblebee is spherical and consists of several cells. One cell develops larvae, while the other contains honey reserves. The development of larvae lasts 20-30 days. Worker individuals emerge from the pupae, much smaller than the queen. After the death of the queen, the workers are able to multiply.

Bumblebees are one of the most vulnerable groups of insects. In many European countries, a large fine is levied for catching only one bumblebee. However, despite conservation measures, many species of these beneficial furry insects resembling teddy bears have almost disappeared. Of the 38 species of bumblebees living in our country, 10 species need special protection.

Did you know that in the world of insects there are cuckoo bumblebees that lay their eggs in the free cells of the nests of other species of bumblebees? Since all bumblebees are very similar, the owners of the nests treat the larvae that appeared from other people's eggs as if they were their own.

Termites belong to insects with incomplete metamorphosis. By way of life and features external structure they are like ants, they are often called “white ants”. Termites live in numerous families in the soil or wood and rarely appear on the surface. They build huge cone-shaped buildings, similar to anthills, where millions of individuals live. Termite colonies consist of winged males, a queen (queen), and workers. The largest worker individuals become soldiers, they have strong jaws, so their purpose is to guard the nest. The rest of the workers provide food for the soldiers and the queen, who are unable to feed themselves. Only males and queens can fly, but after the mating season, the males die, and the fertilized female loses her wings and begins to lay eggs. Only one species of termites live in the steppe zone of Ukraine - photophobia termites.

Social insects form families consisting of males and females capable of reproducing, and worker individuals who serve them. Such a distribution of individuals by function is a special phenomenon in the animal world.

Check yourself. 1. Which insects are called solitary, and which ones are social? 2. What are distinctive features hymenoptera insects? 3. Describe life cycle families of wood wasps. 4. What is the difference between the life of a bee family and the life of a family of wasps? 5. How is an ant family formed?