Sleep to feed the geese to the girl. Why do goslings dream

Dreams are often interpreted as a message from the subconscious of a person to his consciousness. But there are also versions that say that the images seen in a dream are a kind of harbingers of the future dreamer. Special place among such harbingers are geese. If a person dreams of these birds, then he needs to remember how they looked and how they behaved, since this is important for correct interpretation sleep.

Interpretation according to various dream books

Interpretations of the images of geese and ducks can be found in many dream books. Among others, such well-known authors as Aesop, the Apostle Simon Kananit, Sigmund Freud, the healer Maria Fedorovskaya and Gustav Hindman Miller gave their interpretation of the appearance of birds in dreams.

Ancient Greek fabulist Aesop

AT old dream book, created by the famous ancient Greek poet-fabulist, there are the following interpretations of images poultry:

Psychotherapist Sigmund Freud

The great Austrian scientist, creating his book of interpretation of images from dreams, gave the following explanations for the appearances of geese and ducks in dreams:

Psychologist Gustav Hindman Miller

American psychologist believed that images of geese and ducks that appear in dreams indicate the following:

Healer Maria Fedorovskaya

In the dream book of the Pechora healer Maria Semyonovna Fedorovskaya, the appearance of noisy poultry in dreams the following interpretations are given:

Apostle Simon Canonite

One of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ explained the images of geese that appear in dreams in this way:

The meaning of a dream for a woman

According to the Old Slavic dream book, white geese dream of the fair sex before coming a large number quite noisy guests. In addition, a dream for a married lady can promise evil gossip. For a girl, such a dream promises matchmaking.

White birds flying into the yard - for a holiday, a feast.

If a woman hears a goose hiss in a dream, then in reality she threatens to be slandered. Such a dream warns a married lady that she may be accused of adultery, which was not.

The white goose eats from the hands or the dreamer gives food to the birds - the dream promises a rich groom to the girl, and he promises a new and promising position to a married woman.

If a woman in a dream holds a feathered one in her arms, then soon she will meet a pleasant person, but their relationship will be very short-lived. If a widow saw such a dream, then he prophesies her a new marriage. For a pregnant woman, this dream promises quick changes in life., but now it is important for her to be moderate in everything.

If a girl or woman admires a well-fed bird in a dream, then she will have a profitable acquaintance, which in the future promises a strong marriage to a young lady, and an increase in social status to a mature woman.

If a girl sees in a dream how someone is killing a bird, then in reality her beloved will cool off towards her, perhaps even leaving her for another. A dream warns a married woman that one of her husband's friends claims to be her lover.

The meaning of a dream for a man

If a young man a white goose is dreaming, then the dream warns that his future wife after the wedding will become a rude woman and a bad housewife. If the marriage takes place, then the man is threatened with a very unhappy marriage.

If a man sees in a dream how he is holding a goose in his arms, then in reality he is threatened with deception.

White geese walking around the yard with a brood of goslings - to marriage and the imminent birth of children.

White feathers flying in different sides while plucking a bird - to a failed enterprise that will bring significant profit.

A well-fed goose shot while hunting - close friends will let the sleeper down so that he will lose a significant part of his income.

Baked goose - a dream warns of health problems.

If a young man dreamed of two white birds, then the dream suggests that his chosen one will become good and faithful wife. If the birds were black, then the girl is incredibly lazy. In addition, she loves squabbles and gossip.

If a hissing goose attacks the dreamer, then the image warns that all his aspirations and efforts at work will be in vain. The reason for this will be the blatant lie of the opponent.

The appearance of birds in a dream

For a correct interpretation of a dream, it is very important to remember exactly what the birds looked like.

The color of their plumage says the following:

The size and number of the noisiest and most aggressive inhabitants of the bird yard in dreams can also vary greatly, and therefore There are several interpretations of these images:

Interpretation of dreams about goose eggs

When interpreting dreams about eggs, a lot depends on who dreamed of them:

  • An older person - sleep is a reflection of the dreamer's state. Clean and fresh eggs indicate good health, while flawed or spoiled eggs indicate problems and malaise.
  • Woman - eggs promise a journey, and the larger they are, the farther the trip will be.
  • A man - a dream is a good sign, especially if a goose sits on the eggs. The image promises prosperity and getting a good job.
  • Family man - a dream promises a good relationship with adult children.

Sleep has always been considered a special state of man. The images that appear in dreams try to convey to the consciousness of the sleeping person any information that is hidden from him in reality. One of the most striking such images is the goose. A correctly interpreted dream in which this bird was, can tell the dreamer a lot of interesting things.

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Often in the world of dreams, a person is faced with a variety of visions. It can be both outlandish things and the most ordinary ones, for example, geese. In reality, this bird has always been considered a sign of prosperity, but is it so with dreams? Let's figure out what geese dream of.

When in a dream geese annoy the dreamer with their cackle, then in reality he should expect big trouble

In the esoteric world, there are many people who have compiled their collections with interpretations of dreams, including those regarding geese. Therefore, it is worth considering what each dream book says.

Their list would be incredibly large, so let's analyze those that have gained great popularity among the population:

  1. According to Miller. When in a dream geese annoy the dreamer with their cackle, then in reality he should expect major troubles. But if they swim in a pond, then after troubles, luck will return to you. Geese grazing on the grass good sign. For loving person such a dream means a harmonious relationship with the second half. But a dead bird dreams of losses and spiritual emptiness. Feeding geese is acquiring expensive property, and eating a bird is doubt and mental anguish.
  2. According to Tsvetkov. AT this dream book an important role is played by the action that is performed in relation to the geese in a dream: to see - to make a profit, to bake - the arrival of relatives, to sell / give away - to incur losses, to kill - to become an heir to a rich person.
  3. French. Geese dream of frivolous and ineffective conversations. If the dreamer in a dream owns a large flock of these birds, then soon he will receive well-deserved honor and respect. Hear their cackle - your financial situation will be stable, income will constantly grow. A young goose dreams of a scientific discovery or even a world breakthrough. And to cut off a bird's head - to get peace of mind and harmony in reality.
  4. According to Hasse. If you dreamed that geese were flying over you, then soon you would be acquitted and all charges would be dropped. But the meaning of a plucked bird is always loss and disappointment. To kill a bird with your own hands is to receive a large inheritance, and to buy is the risk of losing a lot in reality.
  5. Esoteric. It is a dream that birds fly - in reality, a wave of frustration and depression will cover you. Eating them is an occasion to think about your health, and if you kill yourself, then in reality you will be required to write down a dishonorable person as your heir.

Geese in a dream book (video)

Seeing white thickets in a dream: what is it for?

The white goose dreams of big profits. And the more of them, the more money the dreamer will receive in reality. It is possible that spiteful critics will interfere with him, but their actions will not bring any harm to the dreamer.

It is important when interpreting who they dream of:

  • unmarried girl - soon you will meet a rich groom who will love you immensely;
  • married lady - rapid career growth;
  • child - receiving a large gift from distant relatives and / or their arrival;
  • a woman to see a lot of little white goslings - an early pregnancy;
  • doubting in the second half - your fears are in vain, you are faithful and you are loved.

White goose dreams of big profits

If a white goose attacks the dreamer, then this is a warning so that the dreamer is careful in reality: complications in business are possible. And if the goose did bite the dreamer, then it's time to go on vacation to improve your health and find peace of mind.

If little yellow goslings dream: what to expect?

Why see a dream in which a duck covers little yellow goslings with its wing? In reality, you have a patron who will cover you with his guardianship from all troubles and problems. But if their parents abandoned them, then in reality you will find yourself at a crossroads, and you will have to make fateful decisions that will not be easy. Seeing a lot of yellow goslings is good to take a walk with relatives at a family holiday.

Seeing a lot of yellow goslings is good to take a walk with relatives at a family holiday

What the goslings did in a dream plays a big role:

  • slept - prepare for a conversation in a raised tone with a competitor or rival;
  • born - the work begun will end for you with the greatest possible success;
  • a gosling that runs away - a short but pleasant rest with a cheerful company awaits you;
  • fight - a quarrel with a relative or friend;
  • to see them in the nest - a quick repair;
  • the dead - the dreamer's long and eventful life.

In a dream, geese attack, pinch, bite: is it bad?

If a goose attacks you in a dream, then in life you need to expect trouble from a type with high self-esteem. If at the same time there are a lot of geese, and they also pluck, then prepare a defense, attacks on you from a group of interested persons can become dangerous.

Such a dream for a girl shows her experience before the imminent matchmaking. But even if during this period the couple quarrels, family life will be good, in love and prosperity.

When a goose bites an unmarried guy, this is a sign that the chosen girl is not for him, she will be a bad and unfaithful wife. Taking her as his wife, he runs the risk of quarreling not only with his neighbors, but also with his relatives. Therefore, it is worth reconsidering your choice of a bride, and she has been with you for a long time, but only as a friend.

But if we are talking about a family dreamer, then your soulmate is not just faithful to you - this is your prize, bestowed by fate itself, cherish it.

Why dream of a living or dead goose?

A live goose is always a sign of prosperity and happiness. But the dead bird promises imminent difficulties and difficulties in both work and personal life.

If the bird's carcass is plucked and ready for cooking, then it's time for a change. You need to either change jobs or move to new level relationship with the other half.

A live goose is always a sign of prosperity and happiness.

If the bird suffered through the fault of the dreamer, then in reality you will have to be responsible for your actions.

And if a goose flies with its head torn off, then soon someone close or dear to you will die.

Dreamed of domestic or wild geese: meaning

Wild birds, including geese, dream as a symbol of the dreamer's huge inner reserve. It remains only to use it correctly in order to get everything out of life.

Sometimes domestic goose symbolizes your true friends who are always ready to help you

A black migratory goose dreams of real worries about an imminent move or job change. If we are talking about poultry, then a light affair will bring the love of a lifetime.

Sometimes a domestic goose symbolizes your true friends who are always ready to help you.

If in a dream you see both wild and domestic birds, then in reality you will find yourself at a crossroads. You have a difficult choice: friends and losses at work or strangers, but a dizzying career success. And then no one can help you either with advice or deed. After all, you will lose something in any case, and you need to decide for yourself what you are willing to sacrifice. But are you ready?

Why do geese dream of a woman?

A lot in such a dream depends on the dreamer himself, if it is:

  • a girl, then in reality useful and pleasant acquaintances await her, which will bring a long-awaited and happy marriage;
  • a woman, then for her this dream is a chore in work or personal life, so only patience will help her overcome everything;
  • a woman in a position, then she will begin a period of change, and not always good, so you need to prepare and stock up on patience and support from loved ones.

Geese in Miller's dream book (video)

Geese are special birds, and if they were in your dream, then this could not have happened just like that. This is a hint of what to expect from life and how to behave correctly in order to win and not suffer serious losses.

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Representatives of this family are beautiful and majestic. An example is the same ugly duckling, which eventually turned into a beautiful swan. The judgment about these birds is ambiguous, dreams with their participation are also interpreted differently.

Dreamed of a goose in a dream what does it mean

It is noteworthy that, according to dream books, geese and ducks are dreamed of by everyone for different events. Important in deciphering what he saw in a dream is not only the dreamer's gender, but his age and even status.

  • If a beautiful well-groomed gander dreams of a married woman, then she will meet a lover who can make her happy.
  • For girl similar dream to finding a loving groom.
  • Such a dream on the eve of the wedding- to a happy family life.
  • A bird with a brood dreamed of by a pregnant woman- to successful and easy childbirth.
  • For an unmarried man a goose in a dream is a warning that his girlfriend is not fit to be a wife. In the future, she will not show the best human qualities, which will adversely affect communication with relatives and friends and lead to a break.
  • Loving man this is a dream to the fidelity of his chosen one. At the same time, he himself should be wary of connections on the side.
  • For lovers, geese in a dream- to right choice life partner.
  • According to Vanga's dream book, a large number of ducks dreams of longing for the past.

Why do white geese dream

The color of the birds from the dream is also important. gray they promise routine and boredom in combination with a satisfying life, black ones promise anxiety and anxiety. Appearance in a dream white birds is an auspicious sign.

So in a dream white geese are harbingers of unexpected wealth.

For girl such a dream may turn out to be prophetic, she should wait for a meeting with a successful, wealthy man with serious intentions.

married woman White bird promises prestigious high paying job and the opportunity to pursue your own career.

If the dreamer is a child, then a dream is a dream for the arrival of beloved relatives.

Why dream of geese that attack

Aggressive birds attacking the dreamer appear in dreams for a reason.

Remove the circumstances under which have to run away from the hissing creatures- be prepared for disappointment in relation to a friend or close acquaintance, whose act will be incomprehensible.

Dreaming of geese that attack- get ready for disappointment. Let down in business and disappoint in reality even the most close person.

Dreamed of goose eggs what is it for

In dreams about eggs, a lot depends on who the dreamer is:

  • For a man of age dreamed goose eggs are a catalyst that determines the state of health: clean and fresh - to good health; flawed or spoiled - to problems and malaise.
  • woman eggs portend a journey. The larger the eggs, the greater the distance you will have to travel.
  • For a man a dream in which eggs appear is a good sign, especially if a goose sits on them. Similar dream dream of prosperity and getting a good job.
  • family people the dream promises good contact with adult children.
  • See little goslings- good sign. According to the dream book of Nostradamus, the interpretation of a dream promises peace and tranquility, which will not be slow to replace wars. Hunger and poverty will remain in the past, a period of prosperity will come.

Why dream of geese that pluck

If in a dream the goose behaves aggressively and pinches, then in reality you need to expect sudden complications in all directions and a lot of troubles directly related to their solution.

Bitten by a bird in a dream- pay attention to your health, otherwise a sudden deterioration will not keep you waiting. Also, a dream can mean spiritual vulnerability. Lack of self-confidence and lack of peace of mind make participation in discussions pointless.

Hold geese in your arms

I dreamed of a goose that the dreamer holds in his arms in a dream- to big win. At the same time, a dream can mean a win not only literally, but also in figuratively the words. For businessmen, this can mean victory over competitors.

Hand feed the wayward bird- to achieve the goal in spite of the circumstances. All barriers that exist in reality will be swept away.

Dead goose in a dream what does it mean

See a dead goose, according to Miller's dream book- to disappointments and future losses. In the same time English dream book not so categorical with the conclusions. Here, a dead duck promises failure, which will subsequently turn into profit.

According to esoteric dream book what matters is who is the performer. To watch the murder from the side - to receive an inheritance, to do it yourself - to mortal danger.

An interesting interpretation of the death of a feathered English dream book. If a girl in a dream dreamed that they were killing a bird, then her beloved would cool off towards her and leave her for the sake of another. For married woman the dream is a warning that the husband's friend claims to be a lover.

The image of a long-necked poultry due to loud cackle is often associated with grumpiness, gossip, gossip - something unpleasant. But do not forget that the geese saved the capital of the Roman Empire from potential conquerors - precisely with their cry. You need to listen to dreams where geese dreamed.

Why do white geese dream and not only

If you dreamed of a flock of goose, you can expect soon wealth, prepare to receive an inheritance or win. You need to take a responsible approach to work duties in order to make a profit, but you don’t need to put off the opportunity to buy a lottery ticket.

Bird color features:

  • A gray bird is a sign of distrust. Someone in a couple is experiencing strong jealousy. The partner needs to make it clear that he is loved and appreciated.
  • But the black goose is not such a benevolent image. Bad news will fall on the dreamer, possibly disappointment due to ill-wishers nearby.
  • White - signaling coming soon dear guests. It is possible to meet with distant relatives, childhood friends or just have a good time in a circle of pleasant company.

In the form of white birds, the subconscious may hint at an early meeting of an important person in life. He will become a reliable friend or a faithful second half.

What is the dream of a living goose

Information in various dream books regarding this bird is contradictory, so it is better for the dreamer to listen to his feelings during sleep.

  • Yes, wild goose- a symbol of unexpected happiness. In reality, this can be a good acquaintance, promotion career ladder. Positive value they also have flights in a dream on these birds, it also means longevity and a comfortable existence in reality.
  • The goose flock in interpretations differs in interpretation - these are possible troubles that will fall on your head unexpectedly, or an early resolution of a boring conflict situation.

In any of these cases, dream books give one piece of advice: you need to behave with dignity - and everything will be decided in the best way for the dreamer.

  • Birds flying into the distance may hint at temporary anxiety, an attack of melancholy. An end to these experiences will be put by a long journey, a short trip.

If you see a flying bird in a dream - to the news from an old friend. The news will be pleasant for the dreamer.

  • For a single man, the image of a goose means a beloved who will soon disappoint him. She will not meet his expectations, may differ in status, be an uneducated or grumpy woman.
  • For a guy or girl who is already in a relationship, a long-necked bird in a dream hints that you should behave with restraint, nobly, trust your half, because the choice of a life partner is made correctly.

Goose cackle is a separate category of interpretation. If in a dream the cry of birds evokes fear, in reality the dreamer will be disappointed by someone's gossip. The usual cackle of the flock promises wealth, material wealth.

Why dream of attacking geese

If there are many of these poultry, it's time to change your outlook on the environment. Perhaps someone wants evil and periodically intrigues, but sometimes it is useful to look into your own soul.

Attacking birds indicate imminent troubles that will rain down as if from a cornucopia. Reassessment of one's own behavior can put an end to the matter. If the dreamer does not find flaws in himself, you just need to wait out the unpleasant period.

If a goose nibbles in a dream - in real life you need to prepare for a meeting with a proud person, whose pride and a high self-evaluation interfere with work and relationships.

Why do ducks and geese dream

If you see a roasted goose or duck, you will have to defend your honest name in reality. But in some dream books this symbol is interpreted as a warning about health. Fried food is harmful to the digestive tract.

  • Chop off the head of a goose or duck - to the final recovery, a girl - to marriage.
  • There is a roast goose - fortunately, an early meeting of loved ones or friends, an important event.
  • Acquiring geese - to frivolity, thoughtless spending, future disappointments, as well as plucking birds in a dream.

It is interesting that the dreaming ducks and geese combine almost opposite images. So, often geese act as an image of stupidity and ignorance, while ducks - God-fearing, respect and peace.

  • Seeing these birds on the water is, fortunately, calm. If geese pluck the grass, well-being and measured family life await in reality.
  • A goose and a duck walk together - to an unusual union on the side, a new love, the subject of which will be an extraordinary person.
  • goose carcass, dead birds- a sign of spiritual loneliness, emptiness or disappointment. Outwardly, everything may look different, but in reality it will be necessary to unravel the tangle of internal contradictions.

It is important at this time not to interfere with your close people in your problems, otherwise they will suffer in vain. This period can be called a crisis, but it is given for further personal growth.

Why do a lot of geese dream

A brood of goslings represents the health problems of younger family members, they must be carefully monitored to prevent possible troubles.

Many adult birds - in reality, praise, a reward await the dreamer. However, insincere admiration for someone is also possible. But such a dream is sometimes interpreted differently: the dreamer himself has become more self-confident, it is time to behave with dignity - and then you will not have to wait for tricks either from your inner circle or from your colleagues.


When it comes to geese, the children's fairy tale of the same name immediately comes to mind, in which these insidious birds were the messengers of the evil Baba Yaga. But are birds so dangerous? What does their appearance in a dream mean? Popular dream books will give answers to all these questions.

According to Miller's dream book, the annoying cackle of geese is an unpleasant sign that will bring nothing but trouble and misfortune. If the dreamer himself called these birds and fed them, he will soon acquire a valuable thing.

The meaning of the image in other interpreters:

  • Kananita - happiness and well-being in the family; if you see birds white color, gain honor and respect;
  • healers Fedorovskaya - a sign of petty quarrels and strife;
  • esoteric - you can’t despair, otherwise because of this state you can fall into a long depression;
  • according to Hasse, a flock of flying geese indicates a possible justification; apparently, the dreamer will commit some kind of misconduct, but others will be able to understand and forgive him;
  • modern - prosperity and happiness in the house, you should not worry about the well-being of your family;
  • French - a lot of poultry belonging to the dreamer means the appearance of an influential person who will support you;
  • family - a flock of geese in a dream portends bad rumors about you, but there is a person who will put everything in its place;
  • Adaskin - birds sitting on the grass prophesy a prosperous life, but if they also nibble grass, a grandiose success is guaranteed;
  • the lunar - gray goose symbolizes a narcissistic and arrogant person, but if there were a lot of birds, a large number of people will learn the secret of the dreamer;
  • Freud - to a pleasant acquaintance that awaits you in the near future.

The famous seer Vanga assured: geese are a symbol of well-being and prosperity. Therefore, whoever sees them will have a long and happy life. Good luck will accompany the dreamer both in his personal life and in the professional field.

Dreaming geese can predict both positive and negative events

Who dreamed of birds: a man or a woman

There is an opinion that the dreamer's gender affects the meaning of sleep:

  • if a woman held a goose in her arms, she will soon meet a pleasant young man, however, their romance will be very short-lived; for a man, this plot is interpreted less pleasantly, deception awaits him;
  • two white birds dreamed of by a guy mean that the girl he likes will be a good and faithful wife for him; if a young man dreamed of black birds, his chosen one is incredibly lazy, loves squabbles and gossip;
  • a widow's dream prophesies a new marriage;
  • for a pregnant woman - quick changes in life, now it is important to observe moderation in everything.

Wild goose - solar symbol. The bird was associated with the daytime luminary due to the fact that seasonal migrations coincide with the solar equinoxes. In some cultures, the words "goose" and "sun" have similar linguistic elements.

White geese - to happy events

Interpretation of the image in a dream unmarried girl depends on details:

  • a fat white goose is a quick marriage, the future spouse has no problems with finances, the family will live in prosperity and prosperity;
  • thin prophesies a difficult relationship with future mother-in-law;
  • dead - cancellation of the celebration, this will happen due to the fact that someone accuses the dreamer of immoral behavior.

A quarrel with the groom right before the wedding is promised by a dream in which the feathered one pinched the girl. Fortunately, the spat will be short-lived, and the newlyweds will still unite their destinies.

Description of the goose

The appearance of geese in a dream, many interpreters believe a good sign, however, for a more accurate explanation of the vision, it is important to remember the color of the birds, how many there were, the actions performed by the dreamer or the feathered one.

plumage color

The meaning of sleep largely depends on the color of the goose:

  • snow-white is a very good symbol, portending good luck and prosperity in the family, this vision promises the child the arrival of beloved relatives;
  • black indicates anxieties and worries, frequent quarrels and a difficult financial situation are expected in the dreamer's family;
  • gray - stability, some dream books believe that such birds represent the absence of feelings, death;
  • brown characterizes the dreamer as a purposeful person who will definitely achieve what he wants.

The multicolored goose symbolizes a new period in life. The opened prospects will help the dreamer to start everything from scratch.

Goose gray color portends stability in life

bird size

To see small and large geese at the same time - to great luck, happiness in personal life. If one big bird dreamed, in reality the dreamer will get acquainted with important person, which will leave a big mark on his fate. A medium-sized feathery indicates the imminent arrival of numerous relatives. The little gosling symbolizes the dreamer's financial condition, promises changes in better side. Sometimes chicks mean health problems in the dreamer's children.


haunted flock wild geese- to a valuable gift that the dreamer will be given surrounded by a large number of people. If a lot of poultry dreamed, the dreamer and his family will never know what poverty is.

A dream in which geese screamed loudly warns of danger. You should be more careful and careful, because dishonest people can be involved in a scam. In some cases, this vision indicates meaningless conversations. If a flock of birds walks along the road, the dreamer will soon fall ill. True, the ailment will not be severe and will soon pass without a trace.

Domestic geese symbolize care, but at the same time - talkativeness and stupidity. In the Sumerian tradition, the bird is associated with the goddess household and cattle breeding.

Two white birds - to find a loved one. If a lonely sick bird dreamed, relations with the chosen one will not work out. Goose and goslings dream of family well-being. A goose in a dream is a sign that someone will fool the dreamer.

Sometimes goslings prophesy health problems in the dreamer's children

Where was the goose

The location of the bird also affects the interpretation of the vision:

  • in the barn - to possible cardinal changes in life; probably the dreamer's happiness is very close, it remains only to lend a hand;
  • in a house or apartment - to improve financial condition or health promotion;
  • in the hands - to possible obstacles on the way to the goal;
  • in the sky - you should moderate your ardor a little, otherwise you will find yourself in a difficult situation, which you will not be able to get out of quickly;
  • on the water - to empty chores and worries.

The actions of the dreamer and the bird

The actions of the main characters of the plot also affect the interpretation of the dream.

What did the goose do

A goose attacking the dreamer means that there is a dangerous person which could result in serious injury. Also, this dream may indicate that luck does not want to go into your hands. To achieve your goal, you have to "chase" the bird of happiness.

The meaning of other feathered actions:

  • flew under the clouds - to the news;
  • pinched - an arrogant and domineering man will bring a lot of trouble;
  • swam - the family will soon be replenished;
  • defended the laying of eggs - unfortunately, the dreamer will suffer losses in a business that he recently started.

Geese on the water prophesy empty chores

What did the dreamer do

Catching a goose in a dream is a positive sign that portends good luck in the financial sector. Moreover, the dreamer will not have to do practically anything for this, the money will appear suddenly and as if from nowhere. For example, you can win them in the lottery.

The meaning of the dreamer's other actions:

  • run away from the goose - a loved one will turn out to be a traitor and go over to the side of ill-wishers;
  • collecting birds in a flock is a good sign for a career, you will probably get a promotion that you did not expect;
  • feed - for another valuable acquisition, give treats right from your hands - thanks to your perseverance, you will achieve what you want;
  • tease - you expect to have fun with close friends;
  • watch birds flying in the sky - to favorable decision cases;
  • buy on the market - commit a stupid act;
  • sell - you change your mind in time and have time to return everything back;
  • ironing - to a meeting with a childhood friend.

A dream in which you grazed geese and suddenly lost a whole flock indicates real losses in life. Hearing, but not seeing birds - to litigation. Also, this dream may mean that you will learn secret information about someone.

Geese at a watering hole mean problems that will resolve themselves

Did you cook goose? The meaning of sleep depends on the details:

  • plucking a bird - to buy things that will soon turn out to be unnecessary or useless in the household;
  • bake - to a quarrel;
  • stuff - the ill-wisher began to act, he will soon strike;
  • if another shines with culinary talents, people who have been enemies for a long time will finally make peace;
  • eat boiled meat of a bird killed with your own hands - because of lack of confidence in your abilities, you will try to shift your problems to someone;
  • a burnt carcass promises problems with gastrointestinal tract, you better see a doctor, and this should be done without delay.

Killing a goose is a positive sign that portends easy money to the dreamer. You can receive an inheritance or win a large amount of cards. Bird hunting - to defeat the enemy.

Vision Features

The severed head of a bird, oozing blood, indicates the dreamer's fear of relatives. Apparently, many are longing for his death in order to receive an inheritance. Geese and chickens running around the yard together - to prosperity, family joys. Goose feathers predict the receipt of a letter.

AT Ancient Egypt the goose was the emblem of the pharaohs. When the next ruler took the throne, the Egyptians released four birds, one for each side of the world.

A feathered carcass with a torn off head - to difficult events that you just need to go through, because you can’t change anything. A goose and a large egg, which the dreamer is watching, is a sign that it is time to start solving current affairs. Now everything in life will go on as usual, so there is nothing to worry about.

In most cases, geese are a good sign that portends joy, wealth and family well-being. However, if a dream promises hard times or unpleasant events, the dreamer should be more prudent and try to prepare in advance for the "surprises" of fate. “By spreading straws”, he will be able to soften the blows of life and endure them almost painlessly.