Good or bad if the deceased does not dream. Why is the dead loved one not dreaming about whom you think. What was the deceased husband in a dream and your actions

Usually, those who lose such a relative often want to see her at least in a dream. But the phenomenon does not come, and many are wondering why the deceased person does not dream, although in reality you think about him so often. The dream interpretation can rarely give an answer, but in fact, several protections against such information are included here:

  • mental;
  • mystical.

About why a mother does not come in a dream, who died recently or, on the contrary, a very long time ago, you will learn from this article.

Psychological protection from experiences

When a mother leaves, especially for a child or teenager, this is a very strong blow to his psyche. Therefore, she tries to protect the suffering person from the experience in a dream, making it impossible to see her during sleep. And, if the son may well dream of the mother many times, then the mother of the daughter or the boy is not seen for a long time. It is understandable - if at the moment of acute longing for her a woman dreams, then the child can completely go crazy. And, unfortunately, this happens to small children, helpless patients or those to whom she was unusually dear. And, as soon as the acute state of loss passes, the relative will definitely dream, you just need to wait.

Why doesn’t mom dream after the time has passed after the loss? Here, another mechanism is already turned on, a mystical one, when a person simply does not correctly ask a question to higher powers or is not available for an answer.

Mystic Protection

It is known that in India one can receive the necessary information through dreams. Usually, before going to bed, a person formulates a problem or an experience, and in the morning he finds the answer to a question or during a night journey. Sometimes you want your mother to dream, talk to her, consult with her, or just see. But it is not clear why this does not happen and the parents cease to appear in our beautiful dreams.

If, before falling asleep, you wanted your mother to come into a dream, but this did not happen, there will be several reasons. The first is that you are not ready for the perception of such information and communication with it will not be useful at the moment. This can happen if the dreamer or his relatives have not yet recovered from the loss and the deceased in reality occupies almost all of their thoughts and daytime conversations. At this time, the subconscious is not ready to perceive otherworldly information, so parents are in no hurry to appear in your nightly dreams. As soon as waking suffering fades into the background, it will definitely appear.

The second reason why the deceased husband or relatives do not come is because of changes that the deceased would not have approved of in his lifetime. Even if you just hung his favorite carpet from the wall or went to work as a stripper in a nightclub, knowing that now no one will scold the dreamer for this, the deceased knows such information in another world. And, knowing that it is useless to warn, just as it is useless to stop, he simply does not come. This will happen only if the dreamer is ready for new information and internally approaches what the deceased said.

Internal contradiction and insincerity

The late dad or husband will never dream of those who resist their appearance. Especially if he was hated and his death caused only a feeling of relief. It is for this reason that the deceased never comes to those who secretly rejoiced at their death and the fact that the worries and difficulties associated with him are in the past. This is the most important reason why deceased parents, dad or husband, do not dream.

But for those who sincerely loved a relative, he may not see him because he does not consider it necessary. For example, if you ask him a question about a difficult situation and dad or mom does not dream, it means that they consider you independent and spiritually strong people who will find the answer to all questions themselves. But in the case of a truly difficult life situation, they can certainly appear in a dream to warn you about a risky step or its consequences. Usually they speak directly about danger or about the fact that grief awaits a person.

Sleep is a state that allows you to look into the subconscious and see images hidden from the waking mind. Usually, in night visions, a reflection of what is happening in reality appears, something that gnaws or worries in reality. You can often see the deceased in the first weeks, months after the funeral. There are reverse situations - the dead loved one you think about is not dreaming, even if you want to meet the image.

To find out why a dead mother, dad, or other beloved relative whom you would like to see is not dreaming, you can turn to dream books or clairvoyants. Thoughts and internal dialogues with the deceased give a short-term calming effect, and relatives turn to specialists in search of explanations.

Clairvoyants claim that the image of a deceased loved one that appears in dreams is a sign of trouble. The soul is in torment, wandering in the world of the living. The deceased can warn the sleeping person of danger. For a correct interpretation, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the deceased, his legs.

Hooves instead of human limbs, suspicious behavior, untidy appearance, a strange complexion speak of an evil spirit that has come in the form of the deceased. It is advisable to go to the temple after such a dream, put candles, and pray.

The deceased, thoughts about which take a long time, according to psychics, do not dream under good circumstances. The absence of such images is a reason to rejoice for the deceased loved one.

Reasons why a dead relative may not appear in visions:

  • the soul has found peace, in the afterlife the deceased has no worries, there is no need for beloved relatives to dream;
  • the sleeper is not in danger. The deceased does not come when everything is good and safe in the life of the sleeping person;
  • the sleeper fulfilled his duty. The dead come to remind the living of unfinished business - to sell the house, take care of the children. If the beloved deceased does not dream, then life is going well.

Sometimes clairvoyants arrange a seance, enter into a dialogue with the deceased and find out if everything is in order with him. Whether it is worth believing in a connection with the other world, those who seek help decide on their own.

Clairvoyants share popular information about the dead. Their explanations are unscientific and unofficial facts. So far, it has not been possible to prove otherwise.

Priest's answer

In religion, dreams and communication with the beloved dead are interpreted in many ways. Most of the clergy are opponents of spiritualistic sessions and communication with spirits, living on Earth, it is not given to comprehend the secret of the afterlife. There is no need to look where a person does not belong.

The images that come in a dream are considered in the Christian religion to be the tricks of demons. Dozens of examples are described in the Orthodox lives of the saints, when, under the guise of a beloved deceased relative, the devil tempted, seduced people with dangerous and shameful deeds. The righteous are more at risk of seeing images of evil spirits. Priests consider it wrong to be interested in the question of why deceased loved ones do not dream: it should not arise. But to parishioners who are sincerely worried about the fate of the soul of a deceased relative, the priest gives answers:

  • dead relatives can not dream, according to the priest, if the soul is at rest, everything is fine in the afterlife, angels keep it;
  • when you think about your beloved deceased for a long time, it is better to pray for him in the temple, at home, not to wait for him to come in a dream;
  • dead souls do not need to communicate with the world of the living.

Priests advise parishioners not to mourn the dead.

The pain and suffering of loved ones on Earth negatively affects the souls of the departed.

It is better to pray for the deceased and remember him without longing, but with joy. Visit the grave, light candles for the dead, read prayers.

Take care of the burial: this will show the deceased that he is remembered, honored and taken care of his ashes, and the person who survived the loss calms down, gives strength and confidence that everything is done right.

Psychologist's explanation

A person who buried a deceased relative experiences acute grief, denies what is happening. A void forms in the soul, and he tries to drown it out, to fill it. People take the loss of loved ones hard, they want to see and talk with the deceased, at least in a dream.

If he does not dream, apathy and depression develop, the need to turn to psychologists. According to experts in the field of mental trauma, in a dream a person experiences real life events. The desired appears in an altered form, coming true during visions. The absence of the image of the beloved deceased speaks of the peace of mind of the sleeping person.

Fine mental organization, a tendency to experiences lead to the likelihood of dreams with the image of the deceased. Another option is mental health. Funerals are deeply traumatic. The psyche functions with overloads and erases unwanted and traumatic images and events from memory. Having buried a loved one, relatives forget the details of the event. A similar situation occurs in a dream. Protecting the nerves, the psyche does not reproduce heavy thoughts and images.

Psychologists advise to mentally forgive the deceased and let go of the beloved in peace.

It will take time, the grief of loss will be forgotten and the person will enjoy life. This path, according to experts, is more beneficial for the psyche than trying to see the deceased.

It's good that the beloved does not dream or it's bad

Whether the lack of dreams with a beloved deceased relative is a psychological problem is determined on a case-by-case basis. In some situations, the deceased loved one does not dream because of an internal subconscious block, if a person subconsciously blocks emotions, suppresses grief. In difficult cases, sessions with a psychotherapist will be required to cope with the stress of the disaster.

If we do not attach importance to psychological trauma, it can develop into a deep clinical depression, accompanied by the appearance of suicidal thoughts, life goes downhill, a normal existence is made impossible. The range of emotions experienced narrows over time to depression and apathy, which are often accompanied by guilt and have a bad effect on the psyche. Loss of desire to live.

If the deceased does not dream, but negative emotions, fear, resentment, anxiety and panic do not arise, the person is ready to let go of the loss, mourn the beloved and live on.

When a spouse passes away, a widowed woman often feels a desire to see him at least in a dream. But this is far from always possible, sometimes the dead are not dreamed of alive, no matter how much the latter would like to.

Let's try to find the answer to the question: what is the reason for this?

The deceased husband does not dream of his wife

There are many reasons why deceased relatives do not come in dreams. The search for an answer to this question can be approached with skepticism, neglecting the opportunity to make contact with the dead.

You can make a psychological analysis of the situation without thinking about subtle matters. And you can consider this issue from the point of view of religion in order to understand whether the deceased wants to make contact with you, whether his soul is nearby at the present time and whether you yourself are ready to talk with her.

Attention! If we are guided by the information that we know about the afterlife, then finding themselves in another dimension, people lose their material body, but do not change emotionally.

The reasons for the absence of the deceased husband in dreams may be as follows:

  1. He does not want to aggravate the suffering of his beloved wife, giving her time to come to terms with the loss.
  2. The deceased is offended or offended.

When a dead man does not visit his wife in a dream in the first weeks after his relocation to the afterlife, this is a normal phenomenon.

He gives the woman he loves the opportunity to come to terms with his departure, realizing that his visits in dreams will only increase her torment. A loving husband does not want his wife to suffer because of his departure for the rest of her life.

Important! If you don’t dream about the deceased spouse, and you are very worried and tormented by longing because of this, go to church and light a candle for the repose of his soul.

Try to calm down and not worry about the deceased relative. The death of a loved one is not easy to survive, it takes time.

The deceased may not dream of his wife, not only for good intentions, but also because he harbored a grudge:

  • A major quarrel before the death of her husband is considered as one of the possible reasons that he deprives his beloved of his visits in dreams, not forgiving her even in the other world.
  • There is a theory that in the afterlife, people also have the ability to experience positive and negative emotions.

Attention! Under the guise of loved ones, dark entities can come into our dreams, their appearance is always accompanied by negative experiences.

In the video, the priest tells why dead relatives come in a dream:

Why does the deceased spouse visit in a dream?

The reverse situation is also possible, when the deceased husband dreams almost every day. This mostly happens upon sudden death. In dreams, the deceased husband may be trying to tell you something that he did not have time to tell before the end of his life.

The deceased spouse can often dream in the event that if angry with you in such a situation, you need to ask for his forgiveness. Say that you are sorry for hurting him.

Important! In the process of interpreting dreams in which deceased relatives are present, it is necessary to be guided by the details, only in this case can a reliable interpretation be given.

To understand what a dream with a dead husband portends, read the dream books:

  • Perhaps the deceased wants to warn or warn you about something.
  • Try to remember everything he says, but you should not follow him, even if the deceased insists.

Many of my relatives have died. And 30 days ago, brother. Who died a long time ago, I almost never dream, where are they now? And the brother does not come in a dream. Why? The brother was baptized like Fedor, born on 151273. Died 16 10 2014.

Hello Lyudmila!

Unfortunately, the closest and dearest people to us can sometimes unexpectedly leave our lives. Longing for your brother makes you want to communicate with him at least in a dream. But people, getting into the afterlife, do not change in terms of morality, character and emotionality, but lose only their physical body. Apparently Fedor does not want to aggravate your torment by his appearance in a dream. He understands that if he comes during sleep, then he will not let you go and will make you suffer and worry for the rest of your life. Stop suffering so much. This, of course, is very difficult and even almost impossible to do, but in this situation it is the only way out. You should not wind yourself up about this, be sure to go to church and light a candle for the repose of deceased relatives. If you suspect that your brother has a grudge against you and therefore does not come, then just sit quietly and mentally talk to him, he will definitely hear.

Souls of relatives are always near you. Of course, you do not see or hear them, but you can always count on their help and support in a difficult life situation. They keep you out of trouble and protect you. Pray for the souls of the dead.


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Unfortunately, death sometimes takes the closest relatives and friends. And, when a loved one leaves for another world, longing for him makes the one who remains constantly wish to see him at least in a dream. But, for some reason, some of the dead dream, while others do not. Why is this happening?

What if a deceased loved one is dreaming not dreaming?

If you believe some theories about the afterlife, getting into another world, people, losing their material body, remain the same in terms of emotionality and morality. Therefore, many dead, seeing how their beloved suffers in this world, do not want to aggravate his torment by their appearance in dreams. They understand that if a person constantly dreams, then he will never let them go and will suffer for the rest of his life. And, if the beloved was not an egoist in this world, then in the other, the other world, he will also wish the best for his beloved.

Therefore, those who think about the question: why do I not dream of a deceased loved one, should try to stop suffering so much. Of course, the death of a loved one is very difficult and painful to endure, but in this situation there is simply no other way out.

Also, the deceased beloved does not dream, not only out of a sense of compassion and a desire to pull the beloved out of depression, but also because he is offended or offended by something. Perhaps, during life, the beloved had a big quarrel before the death of one of them, and now, the deceased beloved still cannot forgive his beloved. It is believed that in the other world, people are also not alien to not only positive, but also negative emotions. And, if a person left this life angry with someone, he simply may not dream because of his anger and desire to teach his beloved a lesson.

What portends?

In this case, you need to talk to a dear person. By the way, it is believed that the souls of the dead do not like to come to cemeteries, because they are scared and unpleasant to look at their graves. Therefore, for a conversation, you do not need to go where the beloved is buried. People who are in another world can perfectly hear those who are left here when they just think. If a deceased loved one does not dream, then you need to relax, close your eyes, imagine him and mentally tell him about how the one who remains feels, ask for forgiveness, and so on.

It is believed that being in a relaxed state, when the brain is free from unnecessary thoughts, people can communicate with the dead, and they hear them perfectly. Therefore, if a living person has a reason to think that the dead person is offended by him, the best way out is to talk to him about it.

But be that as it may, the living must remember that one should not call the dead to oneself too often in the dreams, and even more so constantly suffer because of this. The fact is that those who have moved to another world feel very bad at those moments when their loved ones torment themselves. Therefore, you need to learn how to live on and then your loved ones will sometimes come in dreams.