Characteristics and types of production processes in the main production. Manufacturing process. The concept of the production process, composition and types

- this is a purposeful, step-by-step transformation of raw materials and materials into a finished product of a given property and suitable for consumption or further processing. The production process begins with its project and ends at the junction of production and consumption, after which the consumption of manufactured products occurs.

The technical and organizational and economic characteristics of the production process are not determined by the type of product, the volume of production, the type and type of equipment and technology used, and the level of specialization.

The production process in enterprises is divided into two types: main and auxiliary. The main processes are directly related to the transformation of objects of labor into finished products. For example, smelting ore in a blast furnace and turning it into metal, or turning flour into dough and then into finished baked bread.
Helper Processes: moving objects of labor, repairing equipment, cleaning rooms, etc. These types of work only contribute to the flow of basic processes, but they themselves do not directly participate in them.

The main difference between auxiliary processes and the main ones is the difference between the place of sale and consumption. The products of the main production, where the main production processes are carried out, are sold to consumers on the side, in accordance with the concluded supply contracts. This product has its own brand name, labeling, and a market price is set for it.

Products of auxiliary production, where auxiliary processes and services are carried out, are consumed within the enterprise. The cost of maintenance and ancillary work is entirely attributed to the cost of the main product, which is sold to consumers on the side.

Manufacturing operation

The production process is divided into many elementary technological procedures, which are called operations. Manufacturing operation is part of the manufacturing process. Usually it is performed at one workplace without readjustment of equipment and is performed using a set of the same tools. Like the production process itself, operations are divided into main and auxiliary.

In order to reduce the cost of manufacturing products, improve the organization and reliability of the production process, a set of the following rules and methods is used:
  • specialization of sites, jobs;
  • continuity and straightness technological process;
  • parallelism and proportionality of production operations.


Specialization lies in the fact that a technologically homogeneous or strictly defined range of products is assigned to each workshop, section, workplace. Specialization allows in practice to use the principles of continuity, direct flow - the most economically advantageous methods of organizing production.

Continuity- this is a reduction or reduction to zero interruptions in the production of finished products, moreover, each subsequent operation of the same process immediately begins after the end of the previous one, which reduces the time for manufacturing products, reduces downtime of equipment and jobs.

Straightness characterizes the movement of objects of labor in the course of the production process and provides for each product the shortest path through the workplace.

Such movement is characterized by the elimination of all return and counter movements in the production process, which helps to reduce transportation costs.

The rule of parallelism implies the simultaneous execution of various operations in the manufacture of the same product. This rule is especially widely used in serial and mass production.

The rule of parallelism includes:
  • parallel (simultaneous) production various nodes and parts intended for completing (assembling) the final product;
  • simultaneous execution of various technological operations in the processing of identical parts and assemblies on a variety of parallel equipment.

From the point of view of cost savings, it is very important to observe certain proportions of the capacity (productivity) of the equipment fleet between workshops, sections working on the manufacture of products.

Production cycle

The completed circle of production operations from the first to the last in the manufacture of products is called production cycle.

Due to the fact that the production process takes place in time and space, therefore, the production cycle can be measured by the length of the path of movement of the product and its components and the time during which the product goes through the entire processing path. The length of the production cycle is not a line, but a wide strip on which machines, equipment, inventory, etc. are placed, therefore, in practice, in most cases, it is not the length of the path that is determined, but the area and volume of the premises in which production is located.

The interval of calendar time from the beginning of the first production operation to the end of the last one is called the time duration of the production cycle of the product. The duration of the cycle is measured in days, hours, minutes, seconds, depending on the type of product and the stage of processing for which the cycle is measured.

The duration of the production cycle includes three stages:
  • processing time (working period)
  • production maintenance time
  • breaks.

Working period- this is the period of time during which a direct impact on the object of labor is made either by the worker himself or by machines and mechanisms under his control, as well as the time of natural processes that occur in the product without the participation of people and technology.

Time of natural processes- this is the period of working time when the object of labor changes its characteristics without the direct influence of a person or mechanisms. For example, air drying of a painted product or cooling of a heated product, growth in the fields and maturation of plants, fermentation of certain products, etc.

Maintenance time includes:
  • product quality control;
  • control of operating modes of machines and equipment, their adjustment and adjustment, minor repairs;
  • cleaning the workplace;
  • transportation of blanks, materials, acceptance and cleaning of processed products.

Break times- this is the time during which no impact is made on the object of labor and there is no change in it qualitative characteristics, but the product is not yet finished and the production process is not finished. Distinguish between breaks: regulated and unregulated.

Scheduled Breaks are divided into interoperational (intra-shift) and inter-shift (associated with the mode of operation).

Unscheduled breaks associated with downtime of equipment and workers for unforeseen reasons (lack of raw materials, equipment breakdown, absenteeism of workers, etc.). In the production cycle, unscheduled breaks are included in the form of a correction factor or are not taken into account.

Production types

The duration of the production cycle largely depends on the order of movement of objects of labor in the course of their processing and the type of production.

The order of movement of products and components in the production process corresponds to the volume and frequency of production. It is determined by the same signs.

Currently, it is customary to distinguish between the following types of production:
  • mixed.
In turn, mass production is divided into:
  • small-scale
  • medium series
  • large-scale.

Mass and large-scale production of products allows you to organize a continuous synchronous movement of products in the process of their processing. With such an organization, all the components from which the finished product is assembled move continuously from the first technological operation to the last. The individual parts assembled in the direction of movement into units and assemblies move further in the assembled form until they form the finished product. This method of organizing production is called in-line.

The flow method of organizing production is based on the rhythmic repetition of the main and auxiliary production operations coordinated in time, which are performed at specialized places located along the technological process. In the conditions of in-line production, proportionality, continuity and rhythm of the production process are achieved.

production line

The main link of mass production is production line. A production line is understood as a combination of a certain number of workplaces located along the technological process and intended for sequentially performing the operations assigned to them. Production lines are divided into continuous, intermittent and free rhythm lines..

continuous production line- this is a conveyor on which the product is processed (or assembled) for all operations continuously, without inter-operational tracking. The movement of products on the conveyor occurs in parallel and synchronously.

Discontinuous production line called a line on which the movement of products for operations is not strictly regulated. It happens intermittently. Such lines are characterized by the isolation of technological operations, significant deviations in the duration of various operations from the average cycle. Thread synchronization achieved different ways, including at the expense of interoperational backlogs (reserves).

Production lines with a free rhythm are called lines on which the transfer of individual parts or products (their batches) can be carried out with some deviations from the calculated (established) rhythm of work. At the same time, in order to compensate for these deviations and in order to ensure uninterrupted operation at the workplace, an interoperational stock of products (reserve) is created.

Varieties of production processes. According to their purpose and role in production, processes are divided into main, auxiliary and service.

The main are called production processes, during which the production of the main products manufactured by the enterprise is carried out. The result of the main processes in mechanical engineering is the production of machines, apparatus and instruments that make up the production program of the enterprise and correspond to its specialization, as well as the manufacture of spare parts for them for delivery to the consumer.

Auxiliary processes include processes that ensure the uninterrupted flow of the main processes. Their result is the products used in the enterprise itself. Auxiliary are the processes for the repair of equipment, the manufacture of equipment, the generation of steam and compressed air, etc.

Servicing processes are those processes in the course of which the services necessary for normal functioning both main and auxiliary processes. These include, for example, the processes of transportation, warehousing, selection and picking of parts, etc.

In modern conditions, especially in automated production, there is a tendency to integrate the main and service processes. So, in flexible automated complexes, the main, picking, warehouse and transport operations are combined into a single process.

The set of basic processes forms the main production. At engineering enterprises, the main production consists of three stages: procurement, processing and assembly. The stage of the production process is a complex of processes and works, the performance of which characterizes the completion of a certain part of the production process and is associated with the transition of the object of labor from one qualitative state to another.

The procurement stage includes the processes of obtaining blanks - cutting materials, casting, stamping. The processing stage includes the processes of turning blanks into finished parts: machining, heat treatment, painting and electroplating, etc. The assembly stage is the final part of the production process. It includes the assembly of units and finished products, the adjustment and debugging of machines and instruments, and their testing.

The composition and interconnections of the main, auxiliary and service processes form the structure of the production process.

In organizational terms, production processes are divided into simple and complex. Simple are called production processes, consisting of sequentially carried out actions on a simple object of labor. For example, the production process of manufacturing a single part or a batch of identical parts. A complex process is a combination of simple processes carried out on a variety of objects of labor. For example, the process of manufacturing an assembly unit or an entire product.

1.4 Principles of organization of production processes .

Activities for the organization of production processes. Diverse production processes, which result in the creation of industrial products, must be properly organized, ensuring their effective functioning in order to produce specific types of products. High Quality and in quantities that meet the needs of the national economy and the population of the country.

The organization of production processes consists in combining people, tools and objects of labor into a single process of production of material goods, as well as in ensuring a rational combination in space and time of the main, auxiliary and service processes.

The spatial combination of elements of the production process and all its varieties is implemented on the basis of the formation of the production structure of the enterprise and its divisions. In this regard, the most important activities are the choice and justification of the production structure of the enterprise, i.e. determination of the composition and specialization of its constituent units and the establishment of rational relationships between them.

During the development of the production structure, design calculations are carried out related to determining the composition of the equipment fleet, taking into account its productivity, interchangeability, and the possibility of effective use. Rational planning of divisions, placement of equipment, jobs are also being developed. Organizational conditions are being created for the smooth operation of equipment and direct participants in the production process - workers.

One of the main aspects of the formation of the production structure is to ensure the interconnected functioning of all components of the production process: preparatory operations, main production processes, Maintenance. It is necessary to comprehensively justify the most rational for specific production specifications organizational forms and methods of implementation of certain processes.

An important element in the organization of production processes is the organization of the labor of workers, which specifically implements the combination of labor power with the means of production. Labor organization methods are largely determined by the forms of the production process. In this regard, the focus should be on ensuring a rational division of labor and determining on this basis the vocational and qualification composition of workers, the scientific organization and optimal maintenance of workplaces, and the all-round improvement and improvement of working conditions.

The organization of production processes also implies a combination of their elements in time, which determines a certain order for performing individual operations, a rational combination of the time for performing various types of work, and the determination of calendar and planning standards for the movement of objects of labor. The normal course of processes in time is also ensured by the order of launch-release of products, the creation of the necessary stocks (reserves) and production reserves, the uninterrupted supply of workplaces with tools, blanks, materials. An important direction of this activity is the organization of the rational movement of material flows. These tasks are solved on the basis of the development and implementation of systems for operational planning of production, taking into account the type of production and the technical and organizational features of production processes.

Finally, in the course of organizing production processes at an enterprise, an important place is given to the development of a system for the interaction of individual production units.

The principles of the organization of the production process are the starting points on the basis of which the construction, operation and development of production processes are carried out.

The principle of differentiation involves the division of the production process into separate parts (processes, operations) and their assignment to the relevant departments of the enterprise. The principle of differentiation is opposed by the principle of combination, which means the unification of all or part of the diverse processes for the manufacture of certain types of products within the same area, workshop or production. Depending on the complexity of the product, the volume of production, the nature of the equipment used, the production process can be concentrated in any one production unit (workshop, section) or dispersed over several units. Thus, at machine-building enterprises, with a significant output of the same type of products, independent mechanical and assembly production, workshops are organized, and with small batches of manufactured products, unified mechanical assembly workshops can be created.

The principles of differentiation and combination also apply to individual jobs. A production line, for example, is a differentiated set of jobs.

In practical activities for the organization of production, priority in the use of the principles of differentiation or combination should be given to the principle that will provide the best economic and social characteristics of the production process. Thus, in-line production, which is characterized by a high degree of differentiation of the production process, makes it possible to simplify its organization, improve the skills of workers, and increase labor productivity. However, excessive differentiation increases worker fatigue, a large number of operations increases the need for equipment and production space, leads to unnecessary costs for moving parts, etc.

The principle of concentration means the concentration of certain production operations for the manufacture of technologically homogeneous products or the performance of functionally homogeneous work in separate workplaces, sections, workshops or production facilities of the enterprise. The expediency of concentrating homogeneous work in separate areas of production is due to the following factors: commonality technological methods, causing the need to use the same type of equipment; equipment capabilities, such as machining centers; an increase in the output of certain types of products; the economic feasibility of concentrating the production of certain types of products or performing similar work.

When choosing one or another direction of concentration, it is necessary to take into account the advantages of each of them.

With the concentration of technologically homogeneous work in the subdivision, a smaller amount of duplicating equipment is required, the flexibility of production increases and it becomes possible to quickly switch to the production of new products, and the load on equipment increases.

With the concentration of technologically homogeneous products, the costs of transporting materials and products are reduced, the duration of the production cycle is reduced, the management of the production process is simplified, and the need for production space is reduced.

The principle of specialization is based on limiting the diversity of the elements of the production process. The implementation of this principle involves assigning to each workplace and each division a strictly limited range of works, operations, parts or products. In contrast to the principle of specialization, the principle of universalization implies such an organization of production, in which each workplace or production unit is engaged in the manufacture of parts and products of a wide range or the performance of heterogeneous production operations.

The level of specialization of workplaces is determined by a special indicator - the coefficient of consolidation of operations Kz.o, which is characterized by the number of detail operations performed at the workplace for a certain period of time. So, with Kz.o = 1, there is a narrow specialization of workplaces, in which during the month, quarter, one detail operation is performed at the workplace.

The nature of the specialization of departments and jobs is largely determined by the volume of production of parts of the same name. Specialization reaches its highest level in the production of one type of product. Most a typical example highly specialized industries are factories for the production of tractors, televisions, cars. An increase in the range of production reduces the level of specialization.

A high degree of specialization of subdivisions and workplaces contributes to the growth of labor productivity due to the development of labor skills of workers, the possibility of technical equipment of labor, minimizing the cost of reconfiguring machines and lines. At the same time, narrow specialization reduces the required qualifications of workers, causes monotony of labor and, as a result, leads to rapid fatigue of workers, and limits their initiative.

In modern conditions, the trend towards the universalization of production is increasing, which is determined by the requirements of scientific and technological progress to expand the range of products, the emergence of multifunctional equipment, the tasks of improving the organization of labor in the direction of expanding labor functions worker.

The principle of proportionality lies in the regular combination individual elements production process, which is expressed in a certain quantitative ratio of them to each other. Thus, proportionality in terms of production capacity implies equality in the capacities of sections or equipment load factors. In this case, the throughput of the procurement shops corresponds to the need for blanks in mechanical shops, and the throughput of these shops corresponds to the needs of the assembly shop for the necessary parts. This implies the requirement to have in each workshop equipment, space, labor in such a quantity that would provide normal work all divisions of the enterprise. The same ratio of throughput should exist between the main production, on the one hand, and auxiliary and service units, on the other.

Violation of the principle of proportionality leads to imbalances, the appearance bottlenecks in production, as a result of which the use of equipment and labor is deteriorating, the duration of the production cycle increases, and the backlog increases.

Proportionality in the workforce, areas, equipment is already established during the design of the enterprise, and then specified during the development of annual production plans by carrying out the so-called volumetric calculations - in determining the capacities, the number of employees, the need for materials. Proportions are established on the basis of a system of norms and norms that determine the number of mutual relations between various elements of the production process.

The principle of proportionality implies the simultaneous execution of individual operations or parts of the production process. It is based on the premise that the parts of a dismembered production process must be combined in time and performed simultaneously.

The production process of manufacturing a machine consists of a large number of operations. It is quite obvious that performing them sequentially one after another would cause an increase in the duration of the production cycle. Therefore, the individual parts of the product manufacturing process must be carried out in parallel.

Parallelism is achieved: when processing one part on one machine with several tools; simultaneous processing of different parts of one batch for a given operation at several workplaces; simultaneous processing of the same parts for various operations at several workplaces; simultaneous production of different parts of the same product at different workplaces. Compliance with the principle of parallelism leads to a reduction in the duration of the production cycle and the time spent on parts, to save working time.

Straightness is understood as such a principle of organizing the production process, under which all stages and operations of the production process are carried out in the conditions of the shortest path of the object of labor from the beginning of the process to its end. The principle of direct flow requires ensuring the rectilinear movement of objects of labor in the technological process, eliminating various kinds of loops and return movements.

Full straightness can be achieved by the spatial arrangement of operations and parts of the production process in the order of technological operations. It is also necessary, when designing enterprises, to achieve the location of workshops and services in a sequence that provides for a minimum distance between adjacent units. It should be strived to ensure that the parts and assembly units of different products have the same or similar sequence of stages and operations of the production process. When implementing the principle of direct flow, the problem also arises optimal location equipment and jobs.

The principle of direct flow is manifested to a greater extent in the conditions of in-line production, when creating subject-closed workshops and sections.

Compliance with the requirements of direct flow leads to the streamlining of cargo flows, a reduction in cargo turnover, and a reduction in the cost of transporting materials, parts and finished products.

The principle of rhythm means that all separate production processes and a single process for the production of a certain type of product are repeated after set periods of time. Distinguish the rhythm of output, work, production.

The rhythm of release is the release of the same or evenly increasing (decreasing) quantity of products for equal time intervals. The rhythm of work is the execution of equal amounts of work (in quantity and composition) for equal time intervals. The rhythm of production means the observance of the rhythm of production and the rhythm of work.

Rhythmic work without jerks and storms is the basis for increasing labor productivity, optimal equipment utilization, full use of personnel and a guarantee of high quality products. The smooth operation of the enterprise depends on a number of conditions. Ensuring rhythm is a complex task that requires the improvement of the entire organization of production at the enterprise. Of paramount importance are proper organization operational planning of production, compliance with the proportionality of production capacities, improvement of the structure of production, proper organization of logistics and maintenance of production processes.

The principle of continuity is realized in such forms of organization of the production process, in which all its operations are carried out continuously, without interruptions, and all objects of labor continuously move from operation to operation.

The principle of the continuity of the production process is fully implemented on automatic and continuous production lines, on which objects of labor are manufactured or assembled, having operations of the same duration or a multiple of the cycle time of the line.

Mechanical engineering is dominated by discrete technological processes, and therefore, production with a high degree of synchronization of the duration of operations is not predominant here.

The discontinuous movement of objects of labor is associated with breaks that occur as a result of the aging of parts at each operation, between operations, sections, workshops. That is why the implementation of the principle of continuity requires the elimination or minimization of interruptions. The solution of such a problem can be achieved on the basis of observance of the principles of proportionality and rhythm; organizations parallel manufacturing parts of one batch or various parts of one product; creation of such forms of organization of production processes, in which the start time of manufacturing parts for a given operation and the end time of the previous operation are synchronized, etc.

Violation of the principle of continuity, as a rule, causes interruptions in work (downtime of workers and equipment), leads to an increase in the duration of the production cycle and the size of work in progress.

The principles of organization of production in practice do not operate in isolation, they are closely intertwined in each production process. When studying the principles of organization, attention should be paid to the pair nature of some of them, their interrelation, transition into their opposite (differentiation and combination, specialization and universalization). The principles of organization develop unevenly: in one period or another, some principle comes to the fore or acquires secondary importance. So, the narrow specialization of jobs is becoming a thing of the past, they are becoming more and more universal. The principle of differentiation is increasingly being replaced by the principle of combination, the use of which allows building a production process on the basis of a single flow. At the same time, under the conditions of automation, the importance of the principles of proportionality, continuity, direct flow increases.

The degree of implementation of the principles of organization of production has a quantitative dimension. Therefore, in addition to the current methods of analysis of production, forms and methods for analyzing the state of the organization of production and implementing its scientific principles should be developed and applied in practice.

Compliance with the principles of organization of production processes is of great practical importance. The implementation of these principles is the business of all levels of production management.


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The production process is a set of purposeful actions of the personnel of the enterprise for the transformation of raw materials and materials into finished products.

The main components of the production process that determine the nature of production are professionally trained personnel; means of labor (machines, equipment, buildings, structures, etc.); objects of labor (raw materials, materials, semi-finished products); energy (electrical, thermal, mechanical, light, muscle); information (scientific and technical, commercial, operational and production, legal, socio-political).

The professionally controlled interaction of these components forms a specific production process and constitutes its content.

The production process is the basis of any enterprise. The content of the production process has a decisive impact on the construction of the enterprise and its production units.

The main part of the production process is the technological process. During the implementation of the technological process, there is a change in geometric shapes, sizes and physical chemical properties objects of labor.

According to their significance and role in production, production processes are divided into: main, auxiliary and service.

The main are called production processes, during which the production of the main products manufactured by the enterprise is carried out.

Auxiliary processes include processes that ensure the uninterrupted flow of the main processes. Their result is the products used in the enterprise itself. Auxiliary are the processes for the repair of equipment, the manufacture of equipment, the generation of steam, compressed air, etc.

Service processes are called those, during the implementation of which the services necessary for the normal functioning of both the main and auxiliary processes are performed. These are the processes of transportation, warehousing, picking parts, cleaning rooms, etc.

The production process consists of many different operations, which are respectively divided into main (technological) and auxiliary.

A technological operation is a part of the production process performed at one workplace on one production object (detail, assembly, product) by one or more workers.

According to the type and purpose of products, the degree of technical equipment, operations are classified into manual, machine-manual, machine and hardware.

Manual operations are performed manually using simple tools (sometimes mechanized), such as manual painting, assembly, product packaging, etc.

Machine-manual operations are carried out with the help of machines and mechanisms with the obligatory participation of a worker, for example, the transportation of goods on electric cars, the processing of parts on machine tools with manual filing.

Machine operations are completely performed by the machine with minimal participation of workers in the technological process, for example, installing parts in the machining zone and removing them after processing is completed, monitoring the operation of machines, i.e. workers do not participate in technological operations, but only control them.

Hardware operations take place in special units (vessels, baths, furnaces, etc.). The worker monitors the serviceability of the equipment and instrument readings and, as necessary, makes adjustments to the operating modes of the units in accordance with the requirements of the technology. Hardware operations are widespread in food, chemical, metallurgical and other industries.

The organization of the production process consists in combining people, tools and objects of labor into a single process for the production of material goods, as well as in ensuring a rational combination in space and time of the main, auxiliary and service processes.

The economic efficiency of the rational organization of the production process is expressed in reducing the duration of the production cycle of products, in reducing the costs of production, improving the use of fixed assets and increasing the turnover of working capital.

The type of production is determined by a complex characteristic of the technical, organizational and economic features of production, due to the breadth of the range, regularity, stability and volume of output. The main indicator characterizing the type of production is the coefficient of consolidation of operations Kz. The coefficient of consolidation of operations for a group of jobs is defined as the ratio of the number of all different technological operations performed or to be performed during the month to the number of jobs:

Kz =

To opi

K r. m.

where Kopi is the number of operations performed on i-th worker place; Kr.m - the number of jobs on the site or in the shop.

There are three types of production: single, serial, mass.

Single production is characterized by a small volume of production of identical products, re-manufacturing and repair of which, as a rule, are not provided. The pinning ratio for a single production is usually higher than 40.

Serial production is characterized by the manufacture or repair of products in periodically repeating batches. Depending on the number of products in a batch or series and the value of the coefficient of consolidation of operations, small-scale, medium-scale and large-scale production is distinguished.

For small-scale production, the coefficient of consolidation of operations is from 21 to 40 (inclusive), for medium-scale production - from 11 to 20 (inclusive), for large-scale production - from 1 to 10 (inclusive).

Mass production is characterized by a large volume of output of products that are continuously manufactured or repaired for a long time, during which most workplaces perform one work operation. The coefficient of fixing operations for mass production is assumed to be 1.

Consider the technical and economic characteristics of each type of production.

Single and small-scale production close to it are characterized by the manufacture of parts of a large range at workplaces that do not have a specific specialization. This production must be sufficiently flexible and adapted to the execution of various production orders.

Technological processes in the conditions of unit production are developed on an enlarged basis in the form of route maps for the processing of parts for each order; plots are equipped universal equipment and tooling, which ensures the manufacture of parts of a wide range. Big variety the work that many workers have to perform requires them to have different professional skills, so highly skilled general workers are used in operations. In many areas, especially in pilot production, a combination of professions is practiced.

The organization of production in the conditions of unit production has its own characteristics. Due to the variety of parts, the order and methods of their processing, production sites are built according to the technological principle with the arrangement of equipment into homogeneous groups. With this organization of production, the parts in the manufacturing process pass through various sections. Therefore, when transferring them to each subsequent operation (section), it is necessary to carefully consider the issues of quality control of processing, transportation, and determining jobs for the next operation. Features of operational planning and management are the timely picking and execution of orders, monitoring the progress of each detail in operations,

ensuring the systematic loading of sites and jobs. Great difficulties arise in the organization of material and technical supply. A wide range of manufactured products, the use of enlarged consumption rates of materials create difficulties in uninterrupted supply, which is why enterprises accumulate large stocks of materials, and this, in turn, leads to the deadening of working capital.

Features of the organization of unit production affect economic indicators. For enterprises with a predominance of a single type of production, relatively high labor intensity of products and a large volume of work in progress due to the long periods of storage of parts between operations are typical. The cost structure of products is characterized by a high share of wage costs. This share is usually 20-25%.

The main opportunities for improving the technical and economic indicators of a single production are associated with its approximation to the serial one in terms of technical and organizational level. The use of serial production methods is possible with a narrowing of the range of manufactured parts for general machine-building applications, unification of parts and assemblies, which makes it possible to proceed to the organization of subject areas; expansion of constructive continuity to increase the batches of launch parts; grouping parts that are similar in design and manufacturing order to reduce the time for preparation of production and improve the use of equipment.

Serial production is characterized by the production of a limited range of parts in batches, repeated at regular intervals. This allows you to use along with the universal special equipment. When designing technological processes, they provide for the order of execution and equipment for each operation.

The following features are typical for the organization of serial production. Shops, as a rule, have in their composition subject-closed areas, equipment on which is placed in the course of a typical technological process. As a result, relatively simple connections between workplaces arise and prerequisites are created for organizing the direct-flow movement of parts in the process of their manufacture.

The subject specialization of the sections makes it expedient to process a batch of parts in parallel on several machines that perform following friend after another operation. As soon as the previous operation finishes processing the first few parts, they are transferred to the next operation before the end of the processing of the entire batch. Thus, in the conditions of mass production, it becomes possible to organize the production process in parallel and sequentially. This is his distinguishing feature.

The use of one or another form of organization in the conditions of mass production depends on the labor intensity and volume of output of the products assigned to the site. Thus, large, labor-intensive parts manufactured in

in large quantities and having a similar technological process, they are assigned to one site with the organization of variable-flow production on it. Parts of medium size, multi-operational and less labor-intensive are combined in batches. If their launch into production is regularly repeated, batch processing areas are organized. Small, low-labor parts, such as normalized studs, bolts, are fixed to one specialized section. In this case, the organization of direct-flow production is possible.

Serial production enterprises are characterized by significantly lower labor intensity and cost of manufacturing products than in a single one. In serial production, compared to single-piece production, products are processed with fewer interruptions, which reduces the volume of work in progress.

From the point of view of the organization, the main reserve for increasing labor productivity in mass production is the introduction of mass production methods.

Mass production is characterized by the greatest specialization and is characterized by the manufacture of a limited range of parts in large quantities. Mass production workshops are equipped with the most advanced equipment, which allows almost complete automation of the manufacture of parts. Automatic production lines are widely used here.

Technological processes of machining are developed more carefully, by transitions. Each machine is assigned a relatively small number of operations, which ensures the most complete loading of jobs. The equipment is located in a chain along the technological process of individual parts. Workers specialize in performing one or two operations. Details are transferred from operation to operation piece by piece. In the conditions of mass production, the importance of organizing interoperational transportation and maintenance of workplaces is increasing. Constant monitoring of the state cutting tool, devices, equipment - one of the conditions for ensuring the continuity of the production process, without which the rhythm of work on sites and in workshops is inevitably disturbed. The need to maintain a given rhythm in all stages of production is becoming distinctive feature organization of processes in mass production.

Mass production provides the most complete use of equipment, a high overall level of labor productivity, and the lowest cost of manufacturing products. In table. 1.1 presents data on the comparative characteristics of various types of production.

Table 1.1 Comparative characteristics of various types of production


Type of production








output volume




manufactured according to


manufactured in




is absent





partly special





is absent


one, two




on the machine




homogeneous machines







homogeneous parts

Transfer of items




labor from operation


for surgery

Form of organization






1.4. Organization of the production process

in space and time

The construction of a rational production structure of the enterprise is carried out in the following order:

- the composition of the enterprise's workshops, their capacity in sizes that ensure a given output of products are established;

- areas are calculated for each workshop and warehouse, determined spatial arrangements them in the master plan of the enterprise;

- all transport links within the enterprise are planned, their interaction with national (external for the enterprise) routes;

- the shortest routes of intershop movement of objects of labor in the course of the production process are outlined.

The production units include workshops, sections, laboratories in which the main products (manufactured by the enterprise), components (purchased from outside), materials and

semi-finished products, spare parts for product maintenance and repair during operation; produced different kinds energy for technological purposes, etc.

To subdivisions serving employees include housing and communal departments, their services, kitchen factories, canteens, canteens, kindergartens and nurseries, sanatoriums, boarding houses, rest houses, dispensaries, medical units, voluntary sports societies, departments technical training and educational establishments involved in improving production qualifications, the cultural level of workers, engineering and technical workers, employees.

The main structural production unit of an enterprise (except for enterprises with a non-shop management structure) is a workshop - an administratively separate link that performs a certain part of the overall production process (production stage).

Workshops are full-fledged subdivisions; they carry out their activities on the principles of cost accounting. In mechanical engineering, workshops are usually divided into four groups: main, auxiliary, secondary and auxiliary. In the main workshops, operations are carried out for the manufacture of products intended for sale. The main workshops are divided into procurement, processing and assembly.

To blanks include foundries, forging and stamping, forging and pressing, sometimes workshops for welded structures; to processing

- machining, woodworking, thermal, galvanic, paint and varnish protective and decorative coatings parts, to assembly - workshops of aggregate and final assembly products, their coloring, complete set of spare parts and removable equipment.

Auxiliary workshops - tool, non-standard equipment, model, repair, energy, transport.

By-products - shops for recycling and processing of metal waste by casting and pressing chips into briquettes, shops for consumer goods. Ancillary - workshops that manufacture containers for product packaging, sawn timber, carry out conservation of products, their packaging, loading and shipment to the consumer.

In addition to these workshops, almost every machine-building plant has production workshops, services and departments serving non-industrial facilities (municipal, cultural and household, housing, etc.).

A certain place in the structure of all machine-building plants is occupied by warehousing, sanitary facilities and communications (electricity networks, gas and air pipelines, heating, ventilation, well-maintained roads for rail and trackless transport, etc.).

A special role in the production structure of the association (enterprise) is played by design, technological divisions,

research institutes and laboratories. They develop drawings, technological processes, carry out experimental work, bring product designs to full compliance with the requirements of GOST, technical specifications, and carry out experimental and development work. In these subdivisions, the integration of science with production is manifested with particular force.

The workshops include main and auxiliary production sites.

The main production sites are created according to the technological or subject principle. In areas organized according to the principle of technological specialization, technological operations of a certain type are performed. In a foundry, for example, sections can be organized in the following technological areas: land preparation, production of rods, casting molds, processing of finished castings, etc., in a forging shop - sections for the manufacture of forged blanks on hammers and presses, heat treatment, etc., in the mechanical - turning, turret, milling, grinding, metalwork and other sections, in the assembly - sections of the nodal and final assembly of products, testing their parts and systems, control and testing station, painting, etc.

At sites organized according to the principle of subject specialization, not individual types of operations are carried out, but technological processes as a whole, as a result, they receive finished products for this site.

The auxiliary ones include the sections of the chief mechanic and the chief power engineer for the current repair and maintenance of the machining and power equipment; a tool and distribution pantry with a grinding workshop, a transport service, a workshop for the repair and maintenance of technological equipment, etc.

With a centralized system for organizing maintenance and current repairs at the enterprise, auxiliary sections in the shops are not created.

Auxiliary shops and sections are organized according to the same criteria as the shops and sections of the main production.

The constant appeal of the company's managers to the factors external environment allows you to change the management structure in a timely manner in order to contribute to the stability of the enterprise and its flexible response to market fluctuations in the market environment. That is why the organization of production management (territorial, transport, resource, technological, and other factors) should be considered as a system of actions that guides the development of an enterprise.

The production structure is influenced by a number of factors:

Industry affiliation of the enterprise - the range of products, its design features, materials used, methods of obtaining and processing blanks; simplicity of design and manufacturability of the product; the level of requirements for product quality; type of production, level of its specialization and cooperation;

composition of equipment and technological equipment (universal, special, non-standard equipment, conveyor or automatic lines):

- centralized or decentralized organization of equipment maintenance, its current repair and technological equipment;

- the ability of production to quickly and without large losses be reorganized to produce new products in a modified product range;

- the nature of the production process in the main, auxiliary, secondary and auxiliary shops.

The production structure of an enterprise in various industries has its own characteristics arising from the nature of the main production.

At textile factories, in most cases, a technological structure operates with the simultaneous specialization of individual sections for certain yarn numbers and rough articles. The largest number of factories has all stages of fabric production: spinning, weaving, finishing. Some factories specialize in one or two stages.

On the metallurgical plants technological structure prevails. Pilot, blast-furnace, steel and rolling shops are being set up.

General in the production structure of enterprises in various industries

- organization of auxiliary and service farms. Shops of the chief power engineer and chief mechanic, transport and storage facilities are available at the enterprise of any industry. At the machine-building plant there is always a tool shop, at the textile factory there are felling and shuttle workshops that manufacture tools for textile production.

The question of choosing and improving the production structure of an enterprise (association) should be addressed both in the construction of new enterprises and in the reconstruction of existing ones.

The main ways to improve the production structure:

- enlargement of enterprises and workshops;

- search and implementation of a more perfect principle of building workshops

and manufacturing enterprises;

- observance of a rational ratio between the main, auxiliary and service shops;

- constant work to rationalize the planning of enterprises;

- integration of individual enterprises, creation of powerful industrial and research and production associations based on the concentration of production;

- ensuring proportionality between all parts of the enterprise;

- change in the production profile, i.e. nature of output, specialization and cooperation; development of combined production; achievement constructive and technological homogeneity

products due to wide unification and standardization; creation of a non-workshop enterprise management structure. The enlargement of enterprises and workshops makes it possible to introduce new high-performance machinery on a larger scale, constantly improve technology, and improve the organization of production.

Identification and implementation of reserves for improving the structure of shops and production sites are factors in the continuous improvement of the production structure, increasing production efficiency.

Compliance with a rational ratio between the main, auxiliary and service shops and sections should be aimed at increasing the share of the main shops in terms of the number of employed workers, the cost of fixed assets, and the size of the occupied areas.

Rationalization of planning implies the improvement of the master plan of the enterprise.

The quality of the use of available opportunities, resources and a favorable market environment is associated at the enterprise with the mechanism of production planning. Building an optimal plan from the point of view of a possible change in the market situation is the key to the implementation of the internal stability of the enterprise in the external economic environment. That is why you should pay special attention to the production planning material.

The master plan is one of the most important parts of the project of an industrial enterprise, containing a comprehensive solution to the issues of planning and landscaping, placement of buildings, structures, transport communications, engineering networks, organization of household and consumer services systems, as well as the location of the enterprise in an industrial area (node).

The master plan is subject to high requirements, the main of which are:

1) the location of production units strictly in the course of the technological process - warehouses for raw materials, materials and semi-finished products, procurement, processing, assembly shops, warehouses for finished products;

2) placement of auxiliary sites, farms near the main production shops that they serve;

3) rational arrangement of railway tracks within the enterprise. They must be connected both to the premises of warehouses for raw materials, materials and semi-finished products, and to the warehouse of finished products, where products are completed with removable equipment, spare parts, conservation, packaging, capping, loading, sending products to the consumer;

4) the greatest straightness and the shortest ways of transportation of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and finished products;

5) exclusion of counter and return flows both indoors and outdoors;

6) the most appropriate options for the location of external communications of the enterprise and their connection to engineering networks, highways, railway tracks etc.

7) placement in blocks of workshops of laboratories (measuring, chemical, X-ray control, ultrasound, etc.), serving them, as well as heat treatment shops and protective coatings parts, finished products.

At large enterprises, it is advisable to combine workshops into buildings. When designing enterprises, care must be taken

building compactness. Depending on the nature of the product, it design features if possible, build multi-storey buildings. Choose rational distances between shops, blocks of shops and buildings, observing sanitary and technical conditions, safety and fire safety requirements.

The master plan should also provide for the possibility of further development of the enterprise and provide such a production structure in which the highest production results can be achieved with lowest cost; create conditions for maximum satisfaction of the interests of all employees of the enterprise.

Placement of the main, auxiliary, secondary, auxiliary workshops

and sites serving farms, governments, transport routes on the territory of the enterprise has a huge impact on the organization of production, its economy;

determines the direction of cargo flows, the length of rail tracks

and trackless tracks, as well as the efficiency of the use of production areas.

The compactness of the building, its rational density and number of storeys make it possible to save capital investments, reduce the volume of construction work and intra-factory transportation, reduce the length of communications, shorten the duration of the production cycle, introduce integrated mechanization and automation of production and auxiliary processes on a larger scale, reduce the time spent by finished products on warehouse, increase labor productivity, improve product quality, reduce its cost.

The task of employees of design institutes, engineering and technical workers and production workers industrial enterprises- continuous improvement of the production structure, location of workshops and production sites. Particular attention should be paid to this issue during the reconstruction period, technical re-equipment, enterprise expansion and new construction. Improvement of the master plan of the plant is a manifestation of concern for increasing production efficiency, improving the quality of products and working conditions.

Analysis of information about the dynamics of the internal support of the enterprise's production and the demand for its products in the market is a condition for a qualitative assessment of its sustainability. At the same time, paying attention to the maintenance of production in the enterprise can reveal the factors of the ability or inability of the enterprise and sustainable development in the future. At the same time, the mechanism of such an analysis can be the fixation of the relationship between the properties of service and the goals of ensuring the general characteristics of the service of production at the enterprise.

The form of organization of production is a certain combination in time and space of the elements of the production process with an appropriate level of its integration, expressed by a system of stable relationships.

Various temporal and spatial structural constructions form a set of basic forms of organization of production. The temporary structure of the organization of production is determined by the composition of the elements of the production process and the order of their interaction in time. According to the type of temporary structure, forms of organization are distinguished with sequential, parallel and parallel-sequential transfer of objects of labor in production.

The form of organization of production with the sequential transfer of objects of labor is such a combination of elements of the production process, which ensures the movement of processed products in all production areas in batches of arbitrary size. The objects of labor for each subsequent operation are transferred only after the completion of the processing of the entire batch at the previous operation. This form is the most flexible in relation to changes that occur in the production program, allows you to fully use the equipment, which makes it possible to reduce the cost of its purchase. The disadvantage of this form of organization of production lies in the relatively long duration of the production cycle, since each part, before performing the next operation, lies in anticipation of processing the entire batch.

Form of organization of production with parallel transmission objects of labor is based on such a combination of elements of the production process, which allows you to start, process and transfer objects of labor from operation to operation piece by piece and without waiting. This organization of the production process leads to a reduction in the number of parts being processed, a reduction in the need for space required for warehousing and aisles. Its disadvantage is the possible downtime of equipment (jobs) due to differences in the duration of operations.

The form of organization of production with parallel-sequential transfer of objects of labor is intermediate between

serial and parallel forms and partially eliminates their inherent disadvantages. Products from operation to operation are transferred by transport parties. This ensures the continuity of the use of equipment and labor, it is possible to partially parallel the passage of a batch of parts through the operations of the technological process.

The spatial structure of the organization of production is determined by the number technological equipment, concentrated on the work site (the number of jobs), and its location relative to the direction of movement of objects of labor in the surrounding space. Depending on the number of technological equipment (jobs), a single-link production system and the corresponding structure of a separate workplace and a multi-link system with a workshop, linear or cellular structure are distinguished. Possible options for the spatial structure of the organization of production are presented in fig. 1.2. The workshop structure is characterized by the creation of sites where the equipment (jobs) is located parallel to the flow of workpieces, which implies their specialization on the basis of technological homogeneity. In this case, a batch of parts arriving at the site is sent to one of the free workplaces, where the necessary processing cycle goes through, after which it is transferred to another site (to the workshop).

Rice. 1.2. Variants of the spatial structure of the production process

On a site with a linear spatial structure, equipment (jobs) is located along the technological process and a batch of parts processed on the site is transferred from one job to another sequentially.

The cellular structure of the organization of production combines the features of a linear and shop floor. The combination of spatial and temporal structures of the production process at a certain level of integration of partial processes determines various forms of organization of production: technological, subject, direct-flow, point, integrated (Fig. 1.3). Consider character traits each of them.

Rice. 1.3. Forms of organization of production

The technological form of the organization of the production process is characterized by a shop structure with a consistent transfer of objects of labor. This form of organization is widespread in machine-building plants, since it ensures maximum equipment utilization in small-scale production and is adapted to frequent changes in the technological process. At the same time, the use of a technological form of organization of the production process has a number of negative consequences. A large number of parts and their repeated movement during processing lead to an increase in the volume of work in progress and an increase in the number of intermediate storage points. A significant part of the production cycle is the loss of time due to complex inter-sectional communication.

The subject form of the organization of production has a cellular structure with a parallel-sequential (sequential) transfer of objects of labor in production. On the subject area, as a rule, all the equipment necessary for processing a group of parts from the beginning to the end of the technological process is installed. If the technological processing cycle is closed within the area, it is called subject-closed.

The subject construction of sections ensures straightness and reduces the duration of the production cycle for the manufacture of parts. In comparison with the technological form, the subject form allows to reduce general expenses for the transportation of parts, the need for production space per unit of production. However, this form of organization of production also has disadvantages. The main one is that when determining the composition of the equipment installed on the site, the need for certain types of processing of parts comes to the fore, which does not always provide a full load of the equipment.

In addition, the expansion of the range of manufactured products, its renewal require periodic redevelopment of production sites, changes in the structure of the equipment fleet. Direct-flow form of organization of production is characterized by linear structure with piece-by-piece transfer of objects of labor. This form ensures the implementation of a number of organization principles: specialization, direct flow, continuity, parallelism. Its application leads to a reduction in the duration of the production cycle, more efficient use labor force due to greater specialization of labor, reducing the volume of work in progress.

With a point form of organization of production, work is completely performed at one workplace. The product is manufactured where its main part is located. An example is the assembly of a product with the worker moving around it. The organization of point production has a number of advantages: it provides the possibility of frequent changes in the design of products and the sequence of processing, the manufacture of products of various nomenclature in the quantity determined by the needs of production; costs associated with changing the location of equipment are reduced, production flexibility is increased.

An integrated form of production organization involves the combination of main and auxiliary operations into a single integrated production process with a cellular or linear structure with sequential, parallel or parallel-sequential transfer of objects of labor in production. In contrast to the existing practice of separate design of the processes of warehousing, transportation, management, processing in areas with an integrated form of organization, it is required to link these partial processes into a single production process. This is achieved by combining all jobs with the help of an automatic transport and storage complex, which is a set of interconnected, automatic and storage devices, computer equipment designed to organize the storage and movement of objects of labor between individual jobs.

The management of the production process here is carried out using a computer, which ensures the functioning of all elements of the production process at the site according to the following scheme: search

the necessary workpiece in the warehouse - transportation of the workpiece to the machine - processing - return of the part to the warehouse. To compensate for deviations in time during transportation and processing of parts, buffer warehouses of inter-operational and insurance reserves are created at individual workplaces. The creation of integrated production sites is associated with relatively high one-time costs caused by the integration and automation of the production process.

The economic effect in the transition to an integrated form of production organization is achieved by reducing the duration of the production cycle for manufacturing parts, increasing the loading time of machine tools, and improving the regulation and control of production processes. On fig. 1.4 shows the layout of equipment in areas with various form organization of production.

Rice. 1.4. Layouts of equipment (workplaces) at sites with various forms of production organization:

a) technological; b) subject; c) straight-through; d) point (for the case of assembly); e) integrated

The production activity of industrial enterprises is associated with the production of products. The process of manufacturing or repairing any product is the impact of living labor on the object of labor with the help of tools (means) of the pile. This process is called the labor process.

The labor process is a set of actions of an employee in the workplace aimed at achieving a specific private goal - the fulfillment of a production task. Thus, the labor process is a purposeful human impact on the object of labor, as a result of which the latter undergoes changes.

Labor processes are divided into two main groups:

1. technological - all processes, as a result of which the internal properties, appearance or shape of the object of labor change.

2. non-technological - the processes of transportation, assembly, quality control, maintenance of the workplace.

In some cases, the impact on the object of labor occurs with the help of the forces of nature without the direct participation of man, but only under his supervision. Such processes are called natural. A natural process is a process of changing the object of labor that occurs without human intervention (for example, aging of metal, drying of painted surfaces, air drying of wood, salting, drying, drying of fish, etc.).

Hence, the production process is a set of interrelated labor and natural processes, the result of which is the manufacture of certain types of finished products.

The production process is a combination of objects and tools of labor and living labor in space and time, functioning to meet the needs of production. This is a complex systemic concept, consisting of a set of the following particular concepts: the object of labor, tools of labor, living labor, space, time, satisfaction of needs. Let's reveal the essence of the individual components system concept"production process" and give simple examples for some sectors of activity (see table. 1.).

Table 1.

Concept name

The essence of the concept

Examples for some industries

1. Subject of labor

An object that a person works on to create an intermediate or final product in order to satisfy certain needs

The book is for the reader. Information, methods - for the researcher. Technical task for development, drawing - for the designer. The blank is for a turner. Information, methodology - for an economist. House under construction - for the builder. Transported cargo - for the driver. Human disease - for the doctor.

2. Tool of labor

Part of the means of production or fixed capital with or through which a person acts on the object of labor

Laboratory equipment, computer - for the researcher. Graph plotter, computer, computer-aided design system - for the designer. The machine is for a turner. Desk, computer - for the economist. Crane- for the builder. The car is for the driver. Scalpel - for the surgeon.

3. Living labor

Directly an employee who, with the help of a tool of labor, influences the object of labor in order to transform it and satisfy certain needs

Researcher. Constructor. Turner. Economist. Builder. Chauffeur. Doctor.

4. Space

The place of the production process, one of the forms of the dialectical unity of space and time

Laboratory - for the researcher. Workplace- for the turner. The territory and route of movement - for the driver. Operating room - for the surgeon.

The duration of the production process, one of the forms of the dialectical unity of space and time

Duration of engine reliability laboratory tests. Piece processing time of the part. Time spent by the car on the road. The duration of the surgical operation.

6. Satisfying needs

Manufacture of products, provision of services or performance of work to meet certain needs in accordance with a planning document or personal idea

The work of a scientist on a new idea, a monograph. Implementation by the construction organization of the operational calendar plan. Fulfillment by the turner of the shift-daily task. Execution by a consulting firm of a contract to analyze the competitive advantages of the organization.

Types of production processes

The production process consists of partial processes, which can be divided into groups according to the following criteria:

* according to the method of execution: manual, mechanized, automated.

* by purpose and role in production: main, auxiliary, serving

The main production processes are those processes that are directly related to the transformation of the object of labor into finished products. For example, in mechanical engineering, the result of the main processes is the production of machines, apparatus and instruments that make up the production program of the enterprise and correspond to its specialization, as well as the manufacture of spare parts for them for delivery to the consumer. The totality of such partial processes constitutes the main production.

Ancillary manufacturing processes are processes that create the necessary conditions to create finished products, or create finished products, which are then consumed in the main production at the enterprise itself. Auxiliary are the processes for the repair of equipment, the manufacture of tools, fixtures, spare parts, mechanization and automation. own production, production of all types of energy. The totality of such partial processes constitute auxiliary production.

Servicing production processes - during the implementation of such processes, products are not produced, but the services necessary for the implementation of the main and auxiliary processes are performed. For example, transportation, warehousing, issuance of all types of raw materials and materials, control of the accuracy of instruments, selection and assembly of parts, technical control of product quality, etc. The totality of such processes constitutes service production.

In turn, the main production processes are divided into the following types:

1) preparatory (preparatory);

2) transforming (processing);

3) final (assembly).

Types and relationships of production processes in the organization of production at the enterprise in the course of production

Vertically, production processes can take place at the workplace, in the department and between departments of the organization. We note that this division is not geometric, but organizational in nature. Vertically, derivative processes can be represented as "elements" - organization, divisions, jobs.

Table 2.

The essence of the types of production processes.

Process name

Process essence

1. Preparatory stage of the main process

The process of preparing living labor in space and time and tools for transforming the object of labor into a useful product.

Processes for cutting metal, stamping blanks, casting them in the blank shops of a machine-building plant. Preparation by the researcher of the workplace for experiments. Preparation of the machine and documentation for the performance of transport services. Preparation of the patient for surgery in the surgical department of the hospital.

2. Transformative stage of the main production

The process of transforming the object of labor by changing its shape and / or size, physical and / or chemical properties, appearance, type of connection with other objects of labor, characteristics and / or indicators, state and / or potential in accordance with the planning document or creative concept.

Making a machine part from a bar or stamping by a turner. Conducting laboratory tests by the researcher to check the strength of the part. Checking the knots by the driver truck in accordance with the production order. A team of surgeons performing an operation to remove a patient's tumor.

3. The final stage of the main process

The process of preparing the transformed object of labor for its acquisition of the form of a commodity for shipment or delivery to the customer (commission).

Assembly, testing, certification, packaging of goods. Delivery of the construction object to the acceptance committee. Coordination and approval normative document. Delivery by the driver of the brought cargo to the customer. Check by the surgeon or the commission of the characteristics of the patient's condition after the operation. Workplace cleaning. Registration of documents.

4. Auxiliary process

A process that contributes to the normal flow of the main process of transforming the object of labor and is associated with the provision of the main process with equipment, fixtures, cutting and measuring tools, fuel and energy resources.

Manufacture of tools and fixtures for the needs of all departments of the organization. Repair of technological equipment and vehicles. Production of compressed air by a compressor station, hot water - by a boiler house. Repair of buildings and structures.

5. Maintenance process

A process that is not specifically related to this subject of labor, ensuring the normal flow of the main and auxiliary processes by providing transport services, logistics services at the "entrance" and "exit" of the organization.

Logistics support of production in any sector of the national economy, organization of product sales, provision of transport and storage services to a specific unit or customer.

6. Production process in the workplace

Any kind of process (main, auxiliary, serving) taking place at a particular workplace.

Production of a part on a specific machine. Operator work on compressor station. The work of the driver.

7. Production process at the division level

A process that takes place in a department between workplaces, or a natural process.

Intra-production (intrashop) transport service. Cooling of the part after heat treatment in the free area of ​​the workshop.

8. Inter-shop production process

The process that flows between departments of the organization

Accumulation of interdepartmental insurance or transport stock of products. Inter-production transport service.

The structure of the production process.

The production process is heterogeneous. It breaks down into many elementary technological procedures that are performed in the manufacture of the finished product. These separate procedures include: production stage, production operation, work methods, work movement.

The production stage is a separate part of the production process, when the object of labor passes from one qualitative state to another, as a result of one or more partial labor processes. For example, the material goes into the workpiece, the workpiece into a part, etc.

Each stage combines partial processes that are technologically related to each other, or processes of a specific purpose.

The main production processes take place in the following stages: procurement, processing, assembly and testing stages.

The procurement stage is intended for the production of blank parts. A feature of the development of technological processes at this stage is the approximation of blanks to the shapes and sizes of finished parts. It is characterized by a variety of production methods. For example, cutting or cutting blanks of parts from a material, manufacturing blanks by casting, stamping, forging, etc.

The processing stage is the second in the course of the production process. The subject of labor here is the blank parts. The tools of labor at this stage are mainly metal-cutting machines, furnaces for heat treatment, apparatus for chemical processing. As a result of this stage, the parts are given dimensions corresponding to the specified accuracy class.

The assembly stage is a part of the production process, as a result of which assembly units or finished products are obtained. The subject of labor at this stage are components and parts of our own production, as well as those received from outside (component products). Assembly processes are characterized by a significant amount of manual work, so the main task of the technological process is their mechanization and automation.

The testing stage is the final stage of the production process, the purpose of which is to obtain the necessary parameters of the finished product. The subject of labor here are finished products that have passed all the previous stages.

The concept of "production process"

The production process includes a combination of tools and objects of labor in time and space, which function to fulfill certain needs. This concept is quite complex and systemic, consists of a combination of such elements: the subject and tool of labor, time, space, satisfaction of needs and living labor.

The production process is the organization of the application of all production factors in order to produce the products, as well as works and services necessary to meet the needs of the market. At the enterprise, the organized production process consists of performing a certain sequence of technological operations, which, being its constituent element, must be performed by workers on separate equipment and using a specific technology.

The main directions of the classification of production processes

Discontinuous and continuous production processes

In addition to the above classification, there are types of production processes depending on the features of the production technology: discrete and continuous. Discrete (discontinuous) production processes are carried out for a certain period and interruptions are allowed during their organization. Continuous processes provide for the implementation of production in a non-stop mode.

Varieties of process groups and the main stages of their implementation

When organizing any of the above, the corresponding groups of production processes are used, which include: continuity, specialization, rhythm and proportionality. Of great importance in recent times acquires the principle of optimality in the organization of the implementation of production processes, capable of providing a sufficient level of economic efficiency. The stages of the production process are represented by the procurement process, which turns materials and raw materials into blanks; direct production of individual spare parts; assembly of finished products. All of these steps are closely related and must be carried out in a strict sequence.


Thus, the types of production processes described in this article, due to their diversity, allow the most efficient organization of the work of the enterprise, which allows you to get a good profit.