Job description of the boiler room operator at school. Job description of the worker - operator of the boiler room


1.1. The boiler house operator belongs to the category of workers, is hired and fired by the head of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Sosnovsky Kindergarten(hereinafter - the Institution).

1.2. A person with a (higher, secondary) vocational education (without presenting requirements for work experience) who has undergone special training is appointed to the position of a boiler house operator.

1.3. During the entire period of operation of the boiler house, round-the-clock operation of the boiler room is maintained with the duration of shifts for operators no more than 24 hours.

1.4. The operator must work according to the approved schedule. Duty for two shifts in a row is not allowed.

1.5. During the absence of the boiler operator (business trip, illness, vacation, etc.), his duties are performed by an employee appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for failure to perform or improper performance of the duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement.

1.6. In its activities, the operator of a gas boiler house is guided by guidance documents on the organization of the work of the boiler room; administrative, labor and economic legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection, as well as the Charter and local legal acts of the Institution (including the Internal Labor Regulations, orders and orders of the head, this job description), employment contract.


The main functions performed by the boiler room operator are:

– monitoring the serviceability of boilers, melting them, in compliance with the rules for kindling and precautionary measures;

– monitoring of instrument readings, water level, serviceability of boilers.


3.1. Kindling, starting and stopping boilers and feeding them with water.

3.2. Fuel combustion control

3.3. Monitoring by instrumentation of the water level in the boiler, the temperature of the water supplied to the heating system.

3.4. Maintenance of boilers operating on gaseous fuels.

3.5. Regulation of operation (load) of boilers.

3.6. Prevention and elimination of malfunctions in the operation of equipment.

3.7. Participation in the repair of serviced equipment.

3.8. Keeping records in logs about the operation of boiler plants.

3.9. Keeping records of the released heat.

3.10. Ensuring uninterrupted and trouble-free operation of boiler room equipment.

3.11. The operator of the gas boiler is prohibited from:

– leave unattended equipment in operation;

- be distracted during work on extraneous matters;

- smoke and use open fire in the boiler room;

- allow unauthorized persons into the boiler room;

– dry clothes and other items on the boiler.

3.12. Responsibilities at the reception - delivery of the shift.

3.12.1. The incoming shift must arrive at workplace 15 minutes before work starts. The shift handing over duty must ensure the operation of the units in accordance with the specified mode and ensure cleanliness and order in the workplace.

3.12.2. The shift on duty must:

- get acquainted with the entries in the journal that were made during the time that has passed since the previous duty;

- bypass the boiler room and make sure that it is working heating equipment;

- check the condition and make sure that ventilation and lighting are in good condition;

- obtain information about the operation of equipment for which it is necessary to conduct especially careful monitoring;

- check and accept operational documentation, issue the acceptance and delivery of the shift, with an entry in the operational journal about the identified shortcomings in the operation of the equipment and the signature of the receiving shift, and then the handing over.

3.13. Responsibilities of the staff during the shift

3.13.1. The duty shift must:

- ensure uninterrupted heat supply with the specified parameters;

- make timely removal and recording of instrumentation readings;

– control the operation of security automation systems;

- write down in the operational journal comments on the operation of the equipment, on the ignition and shutdown of the boilers;

– in case of an emergency, ensure the shutdown of boilers and the boiler house, inform the responsible person, take measures to eliminate the emergency in accordance with the Emergency Localization and Elimination Plan.


4.1. the principle of operation of serviced boilers;

4.2. the composition of heat-insulating masses and the main methods of thermal insulation of boilers and steam pipelines;

4.3. rules for handling live equipment;

4.4. device and principle of operation of centrifugal and piston pumps, electric motors and steam engines;

4.6. the procedure for recording the results of equipment operation;

4.7. device, purpose and conditions for the use of instrumentation;

4.8. rules for setting up and regulating instrumentation; basic information on heat engineering;

4.9. specifications on the quality of water and methods of its purification;

4.10. causes of malfunctions in the operation of the boiler plant and measures to prevent them;

4.11. internal labor regulations;

4.12. rules for the use of personal protective equipment;

4.13. rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.


The gas boiler operator has the right to:

5.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the head of the Institution regarding its activities.

5.2. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.

5.3. Receive from the manager information and documents on issues within his competence.

5.4. Require management to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

5.5. Has the rights under Labor Code RF, internal labor regulations.


6.1. For failure to perform or improper performance without good reasons of the Charter and the Internal Labor Regulations, legal orders of the school principal and other local regulations, official duties established by this Instruction, including for non-use of the rights granted by this Instruction, which led to disorganization educational process or the activities of the boiler house, the boiler house operator bears disciplinary responsibility in the manner prescribed by labor legislation. Per gross violation job duties as disciplinary punishment dismissal may apply.

6.2. For violation of the rules of fire safety, labor protection, sanitary and hygienic rules for the operation of the boiler house, the operator is held administratively liable in the manner and in the cases provided for by administrative legislation.

6.3. For the guilty infliction of damage to the Institution or participants in the educational process (including moral damage) in connection with the performance (non-performance) of their official duties, as well as the non-use of the rights granted by this Instruction, the boiler house operator is liable in the manner and within the limits established by the labor and (or) civil law.


7.1. The operator of the gas boiler works according to a schedule based on a 40-hour working week approved by the head of the institution.

7.2. The operator of the gas boiler house receives information of a regulatory, organizational and methodological nature from his manager, familiarizes himself with the relevant documents against receipt.

7.3. The operator of the gas boiler house systematically exchanges information on issues within its competence with the employees of the boiler house.

7.4. The operator of the gas boiler room performs the duties of other employees of the boiler house during their temporary absence (vacation, illness, etc.). The performance of duties is carried out in accordance with labor legislation and the Charter of the Institution on the basis of an order for the Institution.

7.5. The operator of the gas boiler room transfers to the manager the information received at meetings and seminars immediately after receiving it.


Chairman of the PC _____________

Familiarized with the instruction:


A copy of the manual received:


Municipal state educational institution

"Krasnodubrovskaya basic comprehensive school"

Job description

gas boiler operator

1. General Provisions:

1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have completed training in relevant program who have a certificate from the qualification commission for the right to service boilers, who have passed a medical examination, are allowed to work by order of the director of the enterprise, and have received safety instructions.

1.2. Re-testing of the operator's knowledge should be carried out periodically,

at least once every 12 months. Persons who have committed serious violations in their work are subjected to an extraordinary examination of knowledge.

1.3. The operator reports directly to the person responsible for the safe operation of the equipment.

Employment and dismissal from work is carried out by the director of the enterprise in the prescribed manner.

1.4. The entry of personnel on duty and departure from duty is carried out in accordance with the "Internal Regulations" and according to the schedule approved by the administration, the exchange of shifts and operators is prohibited.

1.5. It is forbidden to hand over a shift to a sick and drunken shifter either during an emergency or during the elimination of an accident in the boiler room. The operator is obliged to call the person responsible for the safe operation of the equipment.

1.6. If the shifter is absent from work, the operator is obliged to notify the person responsible for the gas equipment and continue working until the shifter arrives and the serviced units are handed over to him, in accordance with existing rules.

1.7. At the workplace of the operator, the telephone should only be used for official conversations.

2.Obligations of the operator:

2.1. The boiler house operator is responsible for the trouble-free and

economical operation of the equipment. Personnel must know and clearly follow the requirements set out in the production instructions.

2.2. When taking up duty, the operator must: put in order and put on overalls (it is not allowed to use shoes on high heels and slippery soles), check the serviceability of personal protective equipment, read the entries in the journal of the previous shift.

2.3. Familiarize yourself with the boiler mode by visual inspection and instrumentation and instrumentation, check if the mode matches the mode cards.

2.4. Check the serviceability of the serviced boilers, auxiliary equipment, fittings, instrumentation, emergency lighting, alarm, telephone, fixed inventory.

2.5. Check the combustion process by instruments and by ear. Receipt and delivery of the shift should be recorded in the shift logs indicating the results of the check.

2.6. Observe when doing technological operations safety regulations, fire safety, industrial sanitation.

2.7. Observe the parameters of the boiler according to the regime map. Timely feed the boiler, maintain nominal pressure water in the system.

2.8 Maintain normal temperature and the pressure of the coolant in the heating system according to the temperature of the outdoor air. In case of violation thermal regime, detection of a malfunction in the operation of equipment:

Immediately stop the boiler, in cases provided for by the instructions;

Notify the person responsible for the safe operation of the equipment about the measures taken and the detected malfunctions by phone at night;

Make a record in the log about what happened and the measures taken to eliminate the violation.

2.9. Do not allow persons who are not related to the operation of boilers and boiler equipment to enter the boiler room.

premises - industrial and domestic.

2.11. During the shutdown of the boilers, the operator can be used at his discretion

administration at another job, well known to him, with obligatory briefing.

2.12. Accurately and accurately maintain a shift log of the results of checking the operation of equipment, recording instrument readings.

2.13. Do not be distracted during duty from the performance of duties assigned by the instruction.

3. The operator is responsible for:

Untimely informing higher managers about the noticed malfunctions in the operation of the equipment.

Non-compliance with production, technological, labor discipline, safety and security rules, labor protection and industrial sanitation requirements.

Refusal to comply with instructions, orders, orders of higher managers that do not contradict the production instructions.

thermal disturbance, regime cards, of this manual.

Accidents and equipment damage resulting from

wrong actions.

Failure to complete assigned work in a quality and timely manner.

Uneconomical spending of fuel and energy resources.

Untimely and poor-quality maintenance of shift work logs

boiler equipment.

4. The operator has the right:

4.1. Require the person responsible for the safe operation of the equipment to eliminate the detected defects in the operation of the thermal and mechanical equipment in order to eliminate the loss of water, el. energy, accident prevention.

4.2. Ask for clear instructions and clarifications from the manager when receiving and completing the assignment.

4.3. Require safety briefing before new work.

4.4. Offer more rational ways to complete the task received from the manager.

4.5. Require the administration to provide soap, by individual means protection, overalls in accordance with approved standards when performing technological operations.

4.6. Stop the operation of the boiler urgently in cases stipulated by the production instructions.

5. The operator must know:

5.1. Device, purpose, principle of operation of thermal mechanical

boiler plant equipment.

5.2. Causes and signs of abnormal operation and malfunctioning of boiler equipment, methods for preventing and eliminating detected defects.

5.3. Piping schemes of the boiler house and heating network, purpose and location stop valves.

5.4. Purpose, device, conditions for the use of instrumentation and metering devices for fuel, water, el. energy.

5.5. Procedure and rules for starting and stopping boilers under normal and emergency conditions.

6.Subordination and relationship with other services:

In the performance of official duties, the operator is directly subordinate to the person responsible for the safe operation of the equipment, appointed by order of the enterprise.

In the process of work, the operator communicates with:

Responsible for the safe operation of the boiler room equipment;

Dispatchers gorgaza, vodokanal, el. network, enterprise manager;

With the repair personnel of the boiler house during the repair

work on equipment and communications.

By order of the director of the enterprise, a “Shift Supervisor” is appointed from

the number of the most experienced employees of the enterprise, the personnel of the boiler room

is obliged to follow the instructions of the senior shift (not contradicting the instructions).

Reception and delivery of shifts.

Entry of personnel on duty must be carried out in compliance with

internal regulations.

The operator who has handed over the shift is OBLIGED to acquaint the person receiving the duty with the condition and mode of operation of the handed over equipment and report on the repair work that was carried out during his shift.

The operator accepting the shift must check:

Serviceability of the pressure gauge (set to "O");

Water pressure in the heating system;

The temperature of the water in the heating system at the inlet and outlet of the boiler room;

Serviceability of feed and other pumps (visually and briefly. temporary start-up);

Closing density of drainage, drain valves and gate valves;

Status of safety and regulation automation;

Correction of lighting;

Availability of emergency lights and emergency lighting;

Serviceability of the tool and fixed inventory;

The condition and position of the shut-off valves on the gas pipeline, both for operating boilers and for those in reserve;

Pay attention to the absence of gas leaks;

The position of the valves of the purge candles;

Automation of the boiler room also provides for light and sound alarms on the alarm board on control panel the following situations:

Deviations from the normal pressure of direct network water;

Gas contamination of the boiler room;

Boiler failures;

Opening the boiler room door.

Periodic maintenance of boilers and boiler room equipment shall be carried out within the time limits and in the volumes specified in the passports and operating manuals for the installed equipment.

Safety measures during the operation of the boiler room.

The boiler automation system and the general boiler automation and alarm system ensure trouble-free operation of all boiler room systems without constant monitoring and participation of maintenance personnel.

In cases of extreme situations, including power outage, water overheating, lack of sufficient water level or water flow, gas supply interruption or gas pressure exceeding the tolerance, violation

serviceability of the combustion chamber or clogging of air ducts or gas ducts

exhaust, the boiler start-up will be automatically stopped and the gas supply will be cut off with an alarm signal to the watch.

Wherein service staff must take appropriate measures, and in the event of a prolonged failure and a decrease in water temperature below + 5 ° C, drain water from the boilers and all boiler room and communication systems where water freezing is possible.

Boiler house repair.

In case of failure of any equipment, its repair is carried out

appropriate specialists, usually performing service

boiler service.

Repair is carried out under the condition of stopping the operation of defective equipment. Taking into account that 2 units of each type of equipment (boilers, pumps) are installed in the boiler room, the boiler room scheme provides for shutdown and repair of defective equipment without stopping the operation of the boiler room.

Repair work related to the overgrowth of heating surfaces with scale and smoke ducts (gas ducts, chimney) - soot, are produced, as a rule, annually during the summer period of the scheduled shutdown of the boiler house.

In case of scale formation, fill the system with alkali solution soda ash) 5% concentration. After holding for two days, drain the solution and flush the system with water.

Normal shutdown of the boilers is carried out by the manual switch (on/off) of the PC unit. Some time after the temperature of the heating water and hot water decreases, the pumps are turned off.

It is not recommended to completely drain the water from the heating system, because. tap water even after the softening system, it has significantly more salts that create scale and deposits on the pipelines of the boiler and the entire heating system.

Purge pressure gauge.

It is carried out using a 3-way valve, which is installed between the siphon tube and the pressure gauge.

3-way valve can occupy 5 positions:

1. Working

2. Landing on "O" pressure gauge 3-way impulse cock tube

3. Purge the siphon tube

4. Intermediate

5. Connecting a control pressure gauge

Familiarized with the instruction:

_______________ ____________ __________________

(date) (painting) (signature transcript)

_______________ ____________ __________________

(date) (painting) (signature transcript)

_______________ ____________ __________________

(date) (painting) (signature transcript)

Surname I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

  1. General provisions

1.1. The boiler operator belongs to the category of workers.
1.2. The boiler room operator is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the representation / manager structural unit.
1.3. The boiler room operator reports directly / to the head of the structural unit.
1.4. During the absence of the boiler room operator, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of boiler house operator: persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination for the possibility of servicing this technological equipment and certification for the right to service steam boilers operating on gaseous fuels.
1.6. The boiler operator must know:
- device rules and safe operation steam and hot water boilers, operating instructions for steam boilers;
— rules for safe operation gas equipment;
- the effect on a person of dangerous and harmful factors arising during work;
– requirements for industrial sanitation, electrical safety, fire safety;
- Appointment of personal protective equipment.
1.7. The boiler room operator is guided in his activities by:
legislative acts RF;
— Charter of the organization, internal labor regulations, other regulations companies;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

  1. Job Responsibilities boiler room operator

The Boiler Operator performs the following duties:
2.1. Takes all measures to ensure uninterrupted steam production in required quantity and in the settings.
2.2. Keeps a shift log and timely notes in it all the comments that arose in the process of work.
2.3. Monitor gas consumption daily and record boiler room meter readings.
2.4. Carries out preventive inspection of boilers, their auxiliary mechanisms, instrumentation and participates in scheduled preventive maintenance of boiler units.

  1. Rights of the boiler room operator

The boiler room operator has the right:
3.1. Require management to provide timely necessary materials, equipment, tools, overalls, fire fighting equipment and personal protective equipment.
3.2. Do not follow the instructions of the manual if these instructions are contrary to the safety regulations, which may lead to an accident or damage to the boiler and equipment, as well as endanger the life, health and safety of people.
3.3. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.

  1. Responsibility of the boiler room operator

The boiler operator is responsible for:
4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

Head of structural

(signature) surname, initials

(signature) surname, initials

(signature) surname, initials

Familiarized with the instructions:

(signature) surname, initials

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Surname I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The boiler operator belongs to the category of workers.
1.2. The boiler room operator is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order CEO submission of the head of the workshop / head of the structural unit.
1.3. The boiler room operator reports directly to the head of the workshop / head of the structural unit.
1.4. During the absence of the boiler room operator, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of the boiler house operator: persons not in milk, 18 years old, who have passed a medical examination for the possibility of servicing this technological equipment and certification for the right to service steam boilers operating on gaseous fuels.
1.6. The boiler operator must know:

Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers, instructions for the operation of steam boilers;
- rules for the safe operation of gas equipment;
- the effect on a person of dangerous and harmful factors that arise during work;
- requirements for industrial sanitation, electrical safety, fire safety;
- Appointment of personal protective equipment.
1.7. The boiler room operator is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;

the Charter of the organization, the Internal Labor Regulations, other regulatory acts of the company;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of the boiler room operator

The Boiler Operator performs the following duties:
2.1. Takes all measures to ensure the uninterrupted production of steam in the required quantity and in the established parameters.
2.2. Keeps a shift log and timely notes in it all the comments that arose in the process of work.
2.3. Monitor gas consumption daily and record boiler room meter readings.
2.4. Carries out preventive inspection of boilers, their auxiliary mechanisms, instrumentation and participates in scheduled preventive maintenance of boiler units.

3. Rights of the boiler room operator

The boiler room operator has the right:
3.1. Require management to timely provide the necessary materials, equipment, tools, overalls, fire fighting equipment and personal protective equipment.
3.2. Do not follow the instructions of the manual if these instructions are contrary to the safety regulations, which may lead to an accident or damage to the boiler and equipment, as well as endanger the life, health and safety of people.
3.3. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.

4. Responsibility of the boiler room operator

The boiler operator is responsible for:
4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

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