What is a mnemonic. Telemechanics in the power supply of industrial enterprises - mnemonic diagrams and electrical equipment of control panels and consoles What is a mnemonic diagram

Purpose . Mnemonic diagram (screen form) is a visual graphic representation of the technological process, integrated with control and management tools. It is the most important source of information about the nature and structure of relationships, the current state of variables (including those associated with the violation of technological regimes, accidents, etc.) and allows the operator-technologist:

facilitate the memorization of the course of the technological process and the purpose of devices and controls;

determine the methods of action for various modes of operation of the object;

· Facilitate the simplification of the search and identification of the necessary information for promptly making the right decisions.

Graphic Components . All SCADA systems include tools that allow you to create both static elements of mnemonic diagrams (contour images of technological devices, pipelines, etc.) and animate (animate) these elements (create dynamic objects). These funds include:

· sets of graphical drawing primitives (line, rectangle, ellipse, curves, text) and means of their arrangement to create unique own objects);

Ready-made libraries of typical graphic objects: technological objects (apparatuses, mechanisms, machines, etc.), scoreboards, pointers, sliders, buttons, switches used to display variables and control the process. The library data can be extended by the user. When constructing a mnemonic diagram, drawing is first carried out

static image of the working window. Usually these devices technological process or their technological sequence, pipelines, background, explanatory text, etc.

The next step is to give dynamics to the mnemonic diagram, i.e. animation of the drawn (or selected from libraries) elements. Animation refers to the ability of elements to change their properties when the process variables change. The properties that can be changed are the line width, color and style, the fill color and style (if it is a filled shape), and the size, position, and orientation of the elements. It also provides for direct input of variables (numbers and text, sliders) and process control using buttons and switches (Start / Stop, On / Off, Call Window, etc.).

Construction principles . With a wide variety of technological processes, it is largely an art to design a good mnemonic circuit, but general principles of construction can be recommended:

conciseness and clarity- the mnemonic diagram should be simple (contours and proportions of devices are close to the form of real prototypes), should not contain minor elements, and the displayed information should be clear and specific, convenient for perception and further processing. The mnemonic diagram should provide a minimum, but adequate for control and management, number of variables, should not be “overloaded” with information for clarification (secondary trends), which is more convenient to do nested in the form of pop-up windows called at the request of the operator;

maximum linearity process images, i.e. it is desirable to highlight the main line of the process, obeying the visual rule: reading "from left to right" and "top to bottom", the minimum use of parallel contours, which will greatly simplify perception

- autonomy– isolation from each other of the sections of the mnemonic diagram corresponding to autonomously controlled and managed objects and units. These isolated areas should be clearly separated from others and have a complete, easy to remember and distinct structure.

unification- symbols of similar objects and processes should, if possible, be combined and unified;

- visual accent to control and management elements- First of all, elements that are essential for assessing the state, making a decision and affecting the managed object should be highlighted (in size, shape or color) (i.e. help to quickly navigate, identify and eliminate deviations and malfunctions);

consideration of the human factor- the mnemonic diagram should be developed and improved taking into account the opinion of the operating personnel.

To evaluate mnemonic diagrams, the following are used:

– informative coefficient – ​​the ratio of the number of passive (static) elements and active (dynamic);

– field filling factor – the ratio of the number of passive elements of mnemonic diagrams to the total number of elements of the mnemonic diagram.

When designing mnemonic diagrams, they usually offer several options. The final one is chosen by experiment (simulating on a computer the activity of an operator with various options mnemonics). The evaluation criteria are the time for solving problems and the number of errors made.

On fig. 2 shows the main zones of the mnemonic diagram. With a horizontal dominant of information presentation, the following zones are distinguished: basic information area- reflects the general structure of the technological process. It contains the main devices, pipelines, as well as the information load that accompanies the technological process.

additional information zone- buttons for trend charts, reports, start/stop, etc. can be located here.

switching zone- due to the impossibility of rationally displaying all information in one window (“format curse”).

With the scope means, it is possible to call additional windows on which alarms, trends (per day, month, year) are more detailed, separate sections process. This approach unloads the mnemonic diagram, makes it possible to obtain the necessary information about the object that deserves attention at the moment. A clear difference with the vertical dominant of the zones is that area 2 (additional information) is located to the right of area 1 (basic information). This is primarily due to the size of the described objects (the displayed process is small in volume), which allows more space for explanatory information. This arrangement of areas can be used for pop-up windows, i.e., a detailed examination of individual sections of the process.

  • Mnemonic diagram - a set of signal devices and signal images of equipment and internal connections of a controlled object, placed on dispatcher consoles, operator panels or made on a personal computer. The information that is displayed on the mnemonic diagram can be presented in the form of an analog, discrete and relay signal, as well as graphically. Visually displaying the structure of the system, the mnemonic diagram makes it easier for the operator to memorize the schemes of objects, the relationship between parameters, the purpose of instruments and controls. In the control process, the mnemonic diagram is the most important source of information for the operator about the current state of the system, the nature and structure of the processes occurring in it, including those associated with violation of technological regimes, accidents, etc.

    The mnemonic diagrams reflect the main equipment, signals, the state of the regulatory bodies. Mnemonic diagrams can reflect both the general picture of the state of the system, the technological process, and the state of individual units, devices, parameter values, etc. Auxiliary and reference material should be located in additional display forms, with the ability to extract these auxiliary forms to the screen as quickly as possible.

    Mnemonic diagrams help the operator, working in conditions of a large amount of incoming information, to facilitate the process of information retrieval, subordinating it to a certain logic dictated by the real connections of the parameters of the controlled object. They facilitate the operator's logical systematization and processing of incoming information, help the implementation of technical diagnostics in case of process deviations from the norm, provide an external support for the development optimal solutions and formation of control actions.

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For the convenience of visual perception of the functional diagrams of objects controlled or managed, mnemonic diagrams are used - graphic images schemes of these objects. A mnemonic diagram can display, for example, a CNC machine shop, a technological process or a system, such as a power grid. In other words, a mnemonic diagram is an information conditional model of a system or process in the form of symbols denoting parts of the system, as well as their connections.

The mnemonic diagram graphically reflects the structure of the entire system, thereby facilitating the work of the operator, who, thanks to such a diagram, himself more easily remembers the structure of the system, the relationship of parameters, the purpose of certain controls, instruments, machines, etc.

For an operator managing processes, a mnemonic diagram is, perhaps, one of the most important sources of information about the processes currently taking place in the system, about the structure and nature of these processes, about the current status of the system, in particular, about accidents and violations of normal operating modes.

If the managed object has a complex structure, has many parameters that must be promptly controlled, and is a technologically complex scheme. If during the operation of the object the technological scheme itself can change, in these cases the mnemonic diagrams turn out to be very, very effective tools. They can display the status of individual devices, machines, units, the values ​​of various parameters, as well as provide general information about the progress of the process.

Thanks to mnemonic diagrams, an operator working in conditions of an abundance of information coming to him can more effectively carry out information retrieval, since a mnemonic diagram always implies logic, it displays real relationships between the parameters of an object to be controlled or controlled.

With the help of a mnemonic diagram, the operator can easily systematize logically and process the information incoming to him in a timely manner, technical diagnostics in case of deviation from the norm is also facilitated. The mnemonic diagram thus serves as an external support for the adoption best solution and implementation of the correct control action.

Mnemonic circuits are always created adhering to a number of principles that have been formed over many years practical application mnemonics. And one of the main principles is conciseness. The mnemonic should not contain anything superfluous, it should be as simple as possible. In the absence of obscuring elements, the displayed data should be displayed clearly and specifically, as concisely as possible, so that they can be easily perceived and subsequently processed quickly.

The principle of unification (generalization) implies the selection on the mnemonic diagram and the use of the most significant features objects, that is, insignificant design features of the system, do not need to be displayed on the mnemonic diagram. Symbols of similar processes and objects should be combined and unified.

The principle of emphasizing the elements of management and control dictates the need, first of all, to highlight the form, color and size of the most important elements that serve to control the state and encourage acceptance important decisions regarding the impact on the control object.

According to the principle of autonomy, it is important to separate from each other parts of the mnemonic diagram corresponding to autonomously controlled and controlled units and objects of the system. Separate parts are clearly limited from others, obeying the principle of structurality, according to which they must have a structure different from other structures, and be easy to remember, while the structure must properly reflect the nature and main properties of the object on the mnemonic diagram.

The principle of spatial correspondence of control and monitoring elements obliges to place indicators and instrumentation strictly according to the location of the corresponding control elements, so that the law of compatibility of the reaction with the stimulus is observed.

One of the key principles in creating mnemonic diagrams is the principle of using stereotypes and habitual associations. The symbols of the parameters should be associated by the operator with the standard symbols for these parameters, which are generally accepted, and instead of abstract icons, it is better to use symbols that designate exactly the corresponding processes and objects.

The figure shows an example of different designations for the same parameters. Here, the upper line shows letter designations, the second line shows their symbols, and the third line shows mnemosymbols. Obviously, mnemosymbols are similar in their contours to letter styles, so mnemosymbols are more preferable.

Practice shows that the use of mnemonic symbols leads to a decrease in the number of errors and to a reduction in the time that the operator spends on character recognition by 40%.

With all this, the mnemonic diagram does not have to completely copy the technical structure. Its task is to display the logic of controlled and controlled processes, to simplify the search for and identification of the required information for the operator, to help promptly make the right decision and perform the necessary operation on time.

Mnemonic diagrams are dispatching and operator. Operator rooms display a single technological complex, and control rooms display a dispersed system consisting of objects, complexes, units, etc. In this regard, there are differences between these two types of mnemonic diagrams in terms of the degree of detail and the details of displaying objects.

If the operator performs directly on the switching mnemonic, then such an operator mnemonic is called operational. If the mnemonic diagram serves only to inform the operator, then this is a non-operational mnemonic diagram. Dispatching mnemonic diagrams are subdivided into mimic and light according to a similar feature.

The composition of the operational mnemonic diagram, in addition to display devices and measuring instruments, signal and pictorial elements, controls of the calling or individual type. On the mimic dispatcher mnemonics there are switches for manual removal signals and obtaining data on the current real state of the control object on the mnemonic diagram.

If on the mnemonic diagram each of the informing elements is associated with an individual sensor, such a mnemonic diagram is called single-object or individual. If it is possible to switch between several objects of the same type, then such a mnemonic is called a multi-object or selective (calling).

So, calling mnemonic circuits can switch between several sensors of one object or between objects. Calling mnemonic circuits allow to reduce the area of ​​the panel, instead of several use one, save on the installation of devices and on information processing systems, and also facilitate the operator's work by simplifying the circuit and narrowing the field of view.

If a mnemonic diagram always displays a constant scheme of the same object, then such a mnemonic diagram is called constant. If, depending on the modes of operation of the object, depending on the nature of the ongoing processes, the image changes greatly, such a mnemonic is called replaceable. For example, first displayed starting circuit, then the scheme of the normal mode of operation of the object, and in the event of an accident - the emergency scheme.

Mnemonic diagrams are placed both on the console panel and on separate panels, on attachments to the console, and on add-ons to the dashboard. The display of information can be presented in both discrete and analog form, or in analog-discrete form.

According to the form of symbols of the unit, object, process equipment, mnemonic diagrams are divided into three-dimensional, flat and embossed. According to the coding method - into symbolic and conditional. Conventional signs are in no way associated with real processes and objects. In the figure above, the second line corresponds to the conditional encoding, the third to the symbolic one.

According to the way symbols or signs are depicted on mnemonic diagrams, images can be of direct or reverse contrast. Elements are applied by photomethod, drawing, sticker, electroluminescent light sources, gas discharge, LED, incandescent lamps,.

Displays are now the most popular, because with a complex branched structure of an object, when the process changes regularly technologically, and, in fact, several mnemonic diagrams are needed. The display screen allows you to display a mnemonic diagram of the entire system, or diagrams of individual objects or nodes. Calling the required mnemonic diagram on the screen is carried out by the operator or the computer itself.

During the development of mnemonic diagrams, the most optimal shape characters. At the same time, they should be closed, and additional lines and elements should not intersect with the outline of the symbol, so as not to interfere with the reading of information by the operator. The requirements for emergency symbols and symbols indicating the functional state are especially high.

To indicate "on" is usually used green color, for "disabled" - red. An intermittent signal of the new status informs about a change in state, for example, if the unit was working at first and the indicator was green, then when it is turned off, a red intermittent flashes. Flash frequency - from 3 to 8 Hz, with a glow duration of at least 50 ms. The status change signal can only be turned off by the dispatcher himself.

As for the connecting lines on the mnemonic diagram, they should be solid straight lines, as short as possible, and have as few intersections as possible. If the mnemonic is very large, there are many objects on it, and the colors are different and bright, the operator's vision is overloaded. For this reason, on mnemonics, they always try to reduce the number of colors that overwork the eyes: purple, violet and red. The background color should not be saturated, and it is better if its color is light yellow, light gray or light green.

When evaluating ready-made mnemonic diagrams, the ratio between the numbers of passive and active elements is taken into account, this indicates the degree of information content of the mnemonic diagram, and the ratio of the number of passive elements to the total number of elements of the mnemonic diagram is also calculated.

In general, when designing a mnemonic diagram, several of its final variants are considered, and modeling the mnemonic diagram in one way or another, they also model the process of interaction between the operator and the mnemonic diagram. The faster the operator is able to solve the assigned tasks, and the less he makes mistakes, the more successful the mnemonic is considered.

The range of application of mnemonic circuits today is huge. mimics find wide application in construction, in metallurgy, in energy, in mechanical engineering, in instrument making, in the railway and in general in the transport industry, and in many other industrial and civil sectors.

The information that is displayed on the mnemonic diagram can be presented in the form of an analog, discrete and relay signal, as well as graphically. Visually displaying the structure of the system, the mnemonic diagram makes it easier for the operator to memorize the schemes of objects, the relationship between parameters, the purpose of instruments and controls. In the control process, the mnemonic diagram is the most important source of information for the operator about the current state of the system, the nature and structure of the processes occurring in it, including those associated with violation of technological regimes, accidents, etc.

The mnemonic diagrams reflect the main equipment, signals, the state of the regulatory bodies. Mnemonic diagrams can reflect both the general picture of the state of the system, the technological process, and the state of individual units, devices, parameter values, etc. Auxiliary and reference material should be located in additional display forms, with the ability to extract these auxiliary forms to the screen as quickly as possible.

Mnemonic diagrams help the operator, working in conditions of a large amount of incoming information, to facilitate the process of information retrieval, subordinating it to a certain logic dictated by the real connections of the parameters of the controlled object. They facilitate the operator's logical systematization and processing of incoming information, help to carry out technical diagnostics in case of process deviations from the norm, provide an external support for developing optimal solutions and forming control actions.

Mnemonic diagrams are effectively used in cases where

  • the controlled object has a complex technological scheme and big number controlled parameters;
  • the technological scheme of the object can be quickly changed in the process of work.

Mnemonic diagrams are based on several basic principles

  • the principle of conciseness, according to which the mnemonic diagram should be simple, should not contain unnecessary, obscuring elements, and the displayed information should be clear, specific and concise, convenient for perception and further processing.
  • the principle of generalization and unification provides for the requirement according to which it is necessary to single out and use the most significant features of controlled objects, that is, elements denoting insignificant design features of the system should not be used on the mnemonic diagram, and symbols of similar objects and processes should, if possible, be combined and unified.
  • the principle of emphasis - to the elements of control and management on mnemonic diagrams, first of all, it is necessary to highlight the size, shape or color of the elements that are most essential for assessing the state, making decisions and influencing the controlled object.
  • the principle of autonomy provides for the need to isolate from each other sections of the mnemonic diagram corresponding to autonomously controlled and managed objects and units. These isolated areas should be clearly demarcated from others and, according to the principle of structure, should have a complete, easy to remember and different structure from others. The structure should reflect the nature of the object and its basic properties.
  • the principle of spatial correlation of control and management elements, the location of instrumentation and indicator devices must be clearly coordinated with the location of their corresponding control elements, that is, the law of compatibility of stimulus and reaction must be observed.
  • the principle of using habitual associations and stereotypes involves the use on mnemonic diagrams of such symbols of parameters that are associated with generally accepted letters these options. It is desirable to use, if possible, instead of abstract signs, symbols associated with objects and processes.

The main task of the mnemonic diagram

Displaying the logic of controlled and managed processes, to help simplify the search and identification of the necessary information and promptly make the right decisions.

Classification of mnemonic diagrams by type


Display, as a rule, a single spatially concentrated technological complex Depending on whether the operator performs any switching directly on the mnemonic diagram or it is a purely informational information device, operator mnemonic diagrams are divided into operational and non-operational

  • operational mnemonic diagrams, along with various display devices, devices, visual and signal elements, have controls of an individual or calling type.
  • non-operational

Control rooms

They display a dispersed system, which includes a variety of technological complexes, objects, units. Depending on whether the operator performs any switching directly on the mnemonic diagram or it is a purely informational information device, control rooms are divided into light and mimic

  • light
  • mimic - manual switches for removing signals and bringing the display of the state of the object on the mnemonic diagram in accordance with its real state.

Operator and dispatcher mnemonic diagrams differ significantly in the degree of detail and display detail of individual control and management objects.


Individual or single-object mnemonic diagrams - mnemonic diagrams in which each information element is associated with only one sensor, that is, circuit sections are constantly connected to the same controlled objects.


Calling mnemonic circuits or selective (multi-object) - mnemonic circuits in which sections can periodically or as necessary be connected to several objects that have the same structure, are called calling or selective (multi-object). In calling mnemonics, either one or another object, or one or another sensor of one object can be connected. With the help of a calling mnemonic circuit, it is possible to significantly reduce the size of the panel, save in instruments and SDI, and facilitate the operator's working conditions by reducing the field of view and simplifying the circuit.


A permanent mnemonic is a mnemonic that constantly displays the same object diagram. In replaceable mnemonic diagrams, the image during operation can change significantly depending on the operating modes of the object (starting circuit, normal operation circuit, emergency circuit etc.).

Classification of mnemonic diagrams by type


  • individual panels
  • add-on to the instrument panel
  • attachment to the console
  • operating panel of the remote control

Information on the mimic

  • analog
  • analog-discrete
  • discrete

Symbols of the object, unit, production line and other equipment

  • flat
  • embossed
  • voluminous

Encoding method

  • conditional
  • symbolic

Symbols on mnemonic diagrams

Conventional signs do not have any external resemblance and do not create visual associations with displayed objects and phenomena.

When developing mnemonic diagrams, the optimal choice of the forms of the symbols used is important. The shape of the symbols should be a closed loop. Auxiliary elements and lines should not cross the outline of the character or in any other way make it difficult to read.

Increased requirements should be imposed on symbols that signal the functional (special emergency) state of individual units or objects.

Connecting lines on the mimic

Must be straight and solid. When laying out a mnemonic diagram, it is necessary to strive to connecting lines were possibly shorter and had smallest number intersections.

Specifics of working with mnemonic diagrams

When working with mnemonic diagrams that are large and have many objects various colors and brightness, the operator's visual system is heavily stressed. Therefore, it is not allowed to use a large number of colors that quickly tire the eyes - red, purple, purple. It is recommended to use low-saturated colors of the middle frequency of the spectrum as the background of mnemonic diagrams.

Evaluation of mnemonics

Occurs in two ways

  1. The information content coefficient is the ratio of the number of passive elements and active ones.
  2. The field filling factor is the ratio of the number of passive elements of mnemonic circuits to total number mnemonic elements.

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An excerpt characterizing the Mnemonic diagram

The Emperor ducked his ear, frowning slightly to show that he hadn't heard.
“I’m waiting, your Majesty,” Kutuzov repeated (Prince Andrey noticed that Kutuzov’s upper lip trembled unnaturally while he was waiting for this). “Not all the columns have gathered yet, Your Majesty.
The sovereign heard, but this answer, apparently, did not please him; he shrugged his stooped shoulders, glanced at Novosiltsev, who was standing beside him, as if complaining about Kutuzov with this look.
“After all, we are not in the Tsaritsyn Meadow, Mikhail Larionovich, where they don’t start the parade until all the regiments arrive,” said the sovereign, again looking into the eyes of Emperor Franz, as if inviting him, if not to take part, then listen to what he He speaks; but Emperor Franz, continuing to look around, did not listen.
“That’s why I don’t start, sir,” said Kutuzov in a sonorous voice, as if warning the possibility of not being heard, and something trembled in his face again. “That’s why I don’t start, sir, because we are not at the parade and not on the Tsaritsy’s Meadow,” he said clearly and distinctly.
In the retinue of the sovereign, all the faces, instantly exchanging glances with each other, expressed murmuring and reproach. "No matter how old he is, he shouldn't, he shouldn't speak like that," these faces expressed.
The sovereign looked intently and attentively into Kutuzov's eyes, waiting for him to say something else. But Kutuzov, for his part, bowing his head respectfully, also seemed to be waiting. The silence lasted for about a minute.
“However, if you order, your Majesty,” said Kutuzov, raising his head and again changing his tone to the former tone of a stupid, unreasoning, but obedient general.
He touched the horse and, having called the head of the column Miloradovich to him, gave him the order to advance.
The army stirred again, and two battalions of the Novgorod regiment and a battalion of the Apsheron regiment moved forward past the sovereign.
While this Apsheron battalion, ruddy Miloradovich, without an overcoat, in a uniform and orders and with a hat with a huge sultan, put on sideways and from the field, was passing, the march galloped forward and, valiantly saluting, reined in the horse in front of the sovereign.
“God bless you, general,” the emperor told him.
- Ma foi, sire, nous ferons ce que qui sera dans notre possibilite, sire, [Really, your majesty, we will do what it will be possible for us to do, your majesty,] - he answered cheerfully, nevertheless causing a mocking smile from the gentlemen retinue of the sovereign with his bad French accent.
Miloradovich abruptly turned his horse and stood somewhat behind the sovereign. The Absheronians, excited by the presence of the sovereign, valiantly, briskly beating off their feet, passed by the emperors and their retinues.
- Guys! - Miloradovich shouted in a loud, self-confident and cheerful voice, apparently excited to such an extent by the sounds of shooting, the expectation of battle and the sight of the fine fellows of the Apsheron, still their Suvorov comrades, briskly passing by the emperors, that he forgot about the presence of the sovereign. - Guys, you do not take the first village! he shouted.
- Glad to try! the soldiers shouted.
The sovereign's horse shied away from an unexpected cry. This horse, which had carried the sovereign at reviews in Russia, here, on the Field of Austerlitz, carried its rider, withstanding his scattered blows with his left foot, alerted his ears to the sounds of shots, just as she did it on the Field of Mars, not understanding the meaning of any these heard shots, nor the neighborhood of the black stallion of Emperor Franz, nor everything that the one who rode it said, thought, felt that day.
The sovereign turned to one of his entourage with a smile, pointing to the fellow Absherons, and said something to him.

Kutuzov, accompanied by his adjutants, rode at a pace behind the carabinieri.
Having traveled half a verst at the tail of the column, he stopped at a lonely abandoned house (probably a former tavern) near the fork of two roads. Both roads descended downhill, and troops marched along both.
The fog began to disperse, and indefinitely, at a distance of two versts, enemy troops could already be seen on opposite hills. To the left below the shooting became more audible. Kutuzov stopped talking to the Austrian general. Prince Andrei, standing somewhat behind, peered at them and, wanting to ask the adjutant for a telescope, turned to him.
“Look, look,” this adjutant said, looking not at the distant army, but down the mountain in front of him. - They're French!
Two generals and adjutants began to grab the pipe, pulling it out one from the other. All the faces suddenly changed, and horror was expressed on everyone. The French were supposed to be two miles away from us, but they appeared suddenly, unexpectedly in front of us.
- Is this an enemy? ... No! ... Yes, look, he ... probably ... What is this? voices were heard.
Prince Andrey with a simple eye saw a dense column of French rising to the right towards the Apsheronians, no further than five hundred paces from the place where Kutuzov was standing.
“Here it is, the decisive moment has come! It came to me, ”thought Prince Andrei, and hitting his horse, drove up to Kutuzov. “We must stop the Apsheronians,” he shouted, “your excellency!” But at the same moment, everything was covered in smoke, close-range shooting was heard, and a naively frightened voice, two steps away from Prince Andrei, shouted: “Well, brothers, the Sabbath!” And as if this voice was a command. At this voice, everything rushed to run.
Mixed, ever-increasing crowds fled back to the place where five minutes ago the troops passed by the emperors. It was not only difficult to stop this crowd, but it was impossible not to move back together with the crowd.
Bolkonsky only tried to keep up with her and looked around, perplexed and unable to understand what was happening in front of him. Nesvitsky, with an angry look, red and not like himself, shouted to Kutuzov that if he did not leave now, he would probably be taken prisoner. Kutuzov stood in the same place and, without answering, took out his handkerchief. Blood was flowing from his cheek. Prince Andrei pushed his way up to him.
- Are you injured? he asked, barely able to control the trembling of his lower jaw.
- The wounds are not here, but where! - said Kutuzov, pressing a handkerchief to his wounded cheek and pointing to the fugitives. - Stop them! he shouted, and at the same time, probably convinced that it was impossible to stop them, he hit his horse and rode to the right.
The crowd of fugitives, again surging, took him with them and dragged him back.
The troops fled in such a dense crowd that, once they got into the middle of the crowd, it was difficult to get out of it. Who shouted: “Go! what's the delay?" Who immediately, turning around, fired into the air; who beat the horse on which Kutuzov himself rode. With the greatest effort, getting out of the stream of the crowd to the left, Kutuzov with a retinue, reduced by more than half, went to the sounds of nearby gun shots. Getting out of the crowd of fleeing, Prince Andrei, trying to keep up with Kutuzov, saw on the slope of the mountain, in the smoke, a Russian battery still firing and the French running up to it. The Russian infantry stood higher, moving neither forward to help the battery, nor backward in the same direction as the fugitives. The general on horseback separated from this infantry and rode up to Kutuzov. Only four people remained from Kutuzov's retinue. Everyone was pale and looked at each other silently.
- Stop those bastards! - panting, said Kutuzov to the regimental commander, pointing to the fugitives; but at the same moment, as if in punishment for these words, like a swarm of birds, bullets whistled over the regiment and Kutuzov's retinue.
The French attacked the battery and, seeing Kutuzov, fired at him. With this volley, the regimental commander grabbed his leg; several soldiers fell, and the ensign, who was standing with the banner, let go of it; the banner staggered and fell, lingering on the guns of neighboring soldiers.
Soldiers without a command began to shoot.
- Oooh! Kutuzov mumbled with an expression of despair and looked around. “Bolkonsky,” he whispered in a voice trembling from the consciousness of his senile impotence. “Bolkonsky,” he whispered, pointing to the disorganized battalion and the enemy, “what is this?
But before he finished these words, Prince Andrei, feeling tears of shame and anger rising to his throat, was already jumping off his horse and running to the banner.
- Guys, go ahead! he shouted childishly.
"Here it is!" thought Prince Andrei, grabbing the staff of the banner and listening with pleasure to the whistle of bullets, obviously directed precisely against him. Several soldiers fell.

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Equipment of the Electropult plant.

Sectional mosaic control boards of the Electropult plant mainly serve to place mnemonic diagrams of electric power facilities (power plants, substations, power lines).
According to the method of reproducing information on the mnemonic diagram, the shields are made mimic and light. On the mnemonic diagrams of mimic shields, the position of individual switching devices of controlled objects ( oil circuit breakers, automata, disconnectors, etc.) is reproduced by the position of the apparatus (key) - a symbol on the shield. When a discrepancy signal is received through the telemechanics device between the actual position of the switching device and the symbol on the board, a signal lamp lights up in the latter. When the controller brings the symbol to the match position, this lamp goes out. Light boards are understood as boards, on the mnemonic diagrams of which the position of the switching devices of controlled objects is reproduced by the ignition of signal lamps various colors. As already noted, the facade field of the shield consists of removable elements 40X 40 mm in size, made of plastic.
By design, removable elements are divided into two main types:
elements intended for applying on their front surfaces the symbols of tires, lines, transformers, etc., as well as elements without designations, intended to fill the free fields of the shield;
elements intended for recessed mounting of mimic or luminous symbols of equipment, keys and control buttons, signal lamp fixtures, etc.
For mounting elements of the first type on perforated boards, their design provides for two latches and two fixing protrusions made of the material of the element (Fig. 29).
In the elements of the second type (Fig. 30), there are no latches and fixing protrusions. The fastening of these elements on perforated boards is carried out with the help of mounting brackets related to the equipment to be mounted, and special rectangular washers.
The adopted method of fixing removable elements provides the possibility of their quick installation or replacement on the panels of the switchboards without the use of special tools.

Rice. 29. General form and fastening of elements without built-in equipment of the mosaic shield of the Electropult plant.
To indicate on the mnemonic diagrams the operations of bringing equipment out for repair, disabling protection, applying protective grounding, etc., holes are provided on the front sides of the removable elements of the second type that allow hanging flags with appropriate warning signs.

Rice. 30. Common view and fastening of elements with built-in equipment of the mosaic shield of the Electropult plant.

Mnemonic designations of sections of circuits and equipment on removable elements, with the exception of symbols of generators, switches and disconnectors, are made of 1.5 mm thick aluminum overhead. For symbol voltage levels, all elements of mnemonic circuits are painted with enamels of various colors. Various kinds of inscriptions and alphanumeric designations in mnemonic diagrams are made either by overlaid numbers and letters 25 mm high (two characters on the element), or by engraving directly on the front side of the removable elements of numbers and letters 12 high (four characters on the element in two rows) or 8 mm (six characters on an element in three rows). On fig. 31 shows, for example, a mnemonic diagram of a substation, made on the mosaic elements of the Electropult plant.
The main switching devices installed in the mnemonic diagrams of the control board are symbols of the SVM-1 and SVM-2 types, two-position locking and non-locking keys of the KTC-I types.
KTS-I, KT-I, kt II and knt.
Symbols of the SVM type make it possible to mimically display the state of the switch in mimic diagrams (on or off) and optically reproduce the signals coming through the TU - TS device about the mismatch of the position of the mimic indicator of the symbol with the actual position of the switch and violations of the mode on the gearbox.

Rns. 31. Mnemonic diagram of the substation on the elements of the mosaic shield of the Electropult plant.

In the “On” position (Fig. 32), the rotary indicator of the SVM symbol is raised. Its color matches the color of bus or line symbols. When the turn signal is lowered, the color of the symbol differs from the color of the indicated symbols.
KTS type keys are used both as a symbol (similar to SVM) and as a switch of various electrical circuits in telecontrol and telesignaling schemes.
Keys of the KTS type, which differ from the keys of the KTS type in the absence of a built-in signal lamp, are used in telemechanics circuits where optical discrepancy signaling is not required, for example, in circuits for turning on and off a telemechanical device. Keys type KHT-I are push-button operated two-position changeover device. They are used in general telemechanics circuits and as individual telemetering call keys.
On fig. 33, for example, shows mounting images of the contact groups of telemechanical keys, the number of which corresponds to the factory number of the contact group. At the same time, in Fig. 33a shows an example of a key image, such as KTC-I or KTC-II with a built-in lamp, and in fig. 33, b - without a built-in lamp, for example, for keys KT-I, KT-II or KHT-I. The location of the contact groups in the figure is shown from the mounting side.
The contacts of these keys are designed for continuous passage and interruption of a current of 0.25 A at a voltage of 60 V, and the built-in switching lamps of the KM type are designed for a voltage of 24, 48 and 60 V.

Equipment of the plant "Promavtomatika".

Sectional mosaic control rooms Shields of the plant "Promavtomatika" are used to place on them mnemonic diagrams of any energy facilities, technological lines, pipelines, etc.

Rice. 32. Symbol of the type of CBM telesignaling of a two-position object.
On the sectional control board of the ShDSM-1 type, the mnemonic diagram is reproduced according to the principle of the mimic board.
The elements of the mnemonic diagram are made of sheet organic glass, painted with nitro enamels of the appropriate colors and glued onto the mosaic elements of the shield. Each mosaic element with a mnemonic section glued to it can be removed from the cell without disturbing the entire mnemonic diagram.
The inscriptions on the shield are made with plastic letters and numbers. white color 16 and 32 mm high, which are glued to the mosaic elements.

Rice. 33. Mounting image of telemechanical keys.
a - with a luminous handle; b - without luminous handle.

Small inscriptions are made by engraving on plastic nameplates, the dimensions of which should not exceed the dimensions of the removable mosaic element.
On fig. 34 shows an example mnemonic diagram pumping station, made on the mosaic elements of the plant "Promavtomatika".
The following command-and-check equipment can be built into the mosaic elements: keys, fittings of the ASKM signal lamp, the symbol of the SR-2 disconnector. In this case, mosaic elements with special cutouts for these devices are used. The main switching devices are keys of the KU type.
KU control keys are designed for switching electrical circuits and signaling the position of controlled objects of telemechanics systems in mnemonic diagrams of control panels and consoles, as well as for use in control, signaling and protection circuits with voltage up to 220 V direct and alternating current of industrial frequency. The action of the key is based on the principle of closing the fixed contacts by moving contacts when turning the handle of the switching mechanism. nine
The key has a built-in fitting for installing a signal lamp of the KM type with a voltage of up to 60 V. The design of the key makes it possible to replace the signal lamp using a lamp remover without removing the key from the panel and disassembling it.
The conclusions of the fixed contacts are numbered and made with the calculation of the connection of outgoing wires by soldering.
The keys are connected to the circuits using rectangular miniature RPM connectors,

Rice. 34. Mnemonic diagram of the pumping station on the mosaic elements of the Promavtomatika plant.
consisting of a socket RG1N-1-5 and a plug RN2N-1-29. The connectors are designed for soldering to each contact of a conductor with a cross section of up to 0.35 mm2.
Keys are produced in two types: KUA - control key with two fixed switching positions; KUB - a control key with a self-return mechanism to a fixed initial switching

Position and with two non-fixed switching positions.
According to the number of contact groups and contact closure schemes, seven versions of the keys are produced.