Do they put pumps for heating in the apartment. A circulation pump for heating in an apartment: the advantages of installing a device for a battery and a radiator, the principle of operation, and also how to choose the right one for an apartment building. wet rotor

Measuring diaphragms can be considered the main general industrial means of measuring the flow of liquid, gas and steam. Such a wide distribution of narrowing devices is due to a number of their advantages, among which the most important are the versatility of application, the ability to measure over a wide range. Ease of manufacture, as well as the absence of the need for exemplary flow meters for calibration and verification in the case of the use of normalized orifice devices. This makes it possible to determine the flow rate by the differential across the orifice by calculation, and the error of this method can be estimated quite accurately.

        Relationship between flow rate and differential pressure across the orifice plate

The movement of fluid flow through the diaphragm is schematically shown in Fig. 6.1. The narrowing of the jet begins in the section A-A in front of the diaphragm, in the section V-V compression jets maximum. AT section С-С the jet expands to its original size, completely filling the pipe section. Increasing average speed from value to value in section B-B, and consequently, the kinetic energy occurs due to a decrease in pressure up to pressure in the throat (smallest section) of the jet.

In section C-C, the pressure is greater than in section B-B, but does not reach the value in section A-A, due to energy losses on the diaphragm.

We write the Bernoulli equation for sections A-A and B-B:

- coefficients of kinematic energy in sections A-A and B-B,

- drag coefficient in the section from A-A to B-B, related to the speed .

- density of the working fluid;

- acceleration of gravity.

A B C)

Rice. 6.1. Diaphragm flow:

a) - flow diagram;

b) - pressure change (near the pipe wall,

in the middle of the pipe)

c) - change in average speed.

Jet throat area ratio to the aperture area of ​​the diaphragm is the compression ratio of the jet .

Let us introduce the ratio of the aperture area of ​​the diaphragm to the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe
- relative area of ​​the narrowing device (diaphragm module),


, we obtain, using the Bernoulli equation,

In this formula, using a coefficient, it is taken into account that the pressure tapping points and after the diaphragm, as a rule, does not coincide with sections A-A and V-V.

The most common tapping methods are angle and flange taps (see figures 6.2 and 6.3).

Rice. 6.2. Standard Aperture:

a - with point angular selection and ;

b - with chamber corner sampling and

(1mm<With<12 мм)

Rice. 6.3. Diaphragm with flanged pressure take-off:

a - in the flanges; b - in volume;

, where

If pressure is taken in section A-A and B-B, then the coefficient

Expressing the fluid flow through we get

, and


From the foregoing, it is clear that the flow rate for apertures depends on. For the convenience of analyzing the influence of these factors on the flow coefficient Let's represent it as a product of a number of factors, each of which characterizes the influence of one of the listed quantities:


where for aperture:

determines the share of participation of the initial kinetic energy in the formation of the kinetic energy of the jet leaving the narrowing device (in the throat of the jet);


loss factor;

velocity distribution coefficient. From the loss factor it is practically independent, because at
the error does not exceed
%. If a and
are equal to 1, then

For the convenience of calculating the narrowing devices, the flow coefficient is introduced


Coefficient With characterizes the processes occurring directly in the narrowing device.

In addition to the above factors, the value of the flow coefficient is affected by the roughness of the pipeline, the blunting of the leading edge, etc.

Without dwelling on the study of the behavior of each of the coefficients (more details can be found in), let's move on to determining the flow rate using recommendations for determining the outflow coefficients obtained as a result of processing a lot of experimental data.

Scheme of the installed diaphragm in the annular chamber (which, in turn, is inserted into the pipe). Accepted designations: 1. Diaphragm; 2. Ring chamber; 3. Gasket; 4. Pipe. The arrows show the direction of the liquid/gas. Shades of color highlight the change in pressure.

Diaphragm design

The diaphragm is made in the form of a ring. The hole in the center on the output side may be bevelled in some cases. Depending on the design and the specific case, the diaphragm may or may not be inserted into the annular chamber (see Types of diaphragms). The material for the manufacture of diaphragms is most often steel 12X18H10T (GOST 5632-72), as the material for the manufacture of bodies of annular chambers, steel 20 (GOST 1050-88) or steel 12X18H10T (GOST 5632-2014) can be used.

The flow of an incompressible fluid through a diaphragm

Assuming a fluid flow, incompressible and inviscid, steady, laminar, in a horizontal pipe (no level changes) with negligible friction losses, Bernoulli's law reduces to the law of conservation of energy between two points on the same streamline:

P 1 + 1 2 ⋅ ρ ⋅ V 1 2 = P 2 + 1 2 ⋅ ρ ⋅ V 2 2 (\displaystyle P_(1)+(\frac (1)(2))\cdot \rho \cdot V_(1 )^(2)=P_(2)+(\frac (1)(2))\cdot \rho \cdot V_(2)^(2))

P 1 − P 2 = 1 2 ⋅ ρ ⋅ V 2 2 − 1 2 ⋅ ρ ⋅ V 1 2 (\displaystyle P_(1)-P_(2)=(\frac (1)(2))\cdot \rho \cdot V_(2)^(2)-(\frac (1)(2))\cdot \rho \cdot V_(1)^(2))

From the continuity equation:

Q = A 1 ⋅ V 1 = A 2 ⋅ V 2 (\displaystyle Q=A_(1)\cdot V_(1)=A_(2)\cdot V_(2)) or V 1 = Q / A 1 (\displaystyle V_(1)=Q/A_(1)) and V 2 = Q / A 2 (\displaystyle V_(2)=Q/A_(2)) :

P 1 − P 2 = 1 2 ⋅ ρ ⋅ (Q A 2) 2 − 1 2 ⋅ ρ ⋅ (Q A 1) 2 (\displaystyle P_(1)-P_(2)=(\frac (1)(2)) \cdot \rho \cdot (\bigg ()(\frac (Q)(A_(2)))(\bigg))^(2)-(\frac (1)(2))\cdot \rho \cdot (\bigg ()(\frac (Q)(A_(1)))(\bigg))^(2))


Q = A 2 2 (P 1 − P 2) / ρ 1 − (A 2 / A 1) 2 (\displaystyle Q=A_(2)\;(\sqrt (\frac (2\;(P_(1) -P_(2))/\rho )(1-(A_(2)/A_(1))^(2)))))
Q = A 2 1 1 − (d 2 / d 1) 4 2 (P 1 − P 2) / ρ (\displaystyle Q=A_(2)\;(\sqrt (\frac (1)(1-(d_ (2)/d_(1))^(4))))\;(\sqrt (2\;(P_(1)-P_(2))/\rho )))

The above expression for Q (\displaystyle Q) represents the theoretical volume flow. Let's introduce β = d 2 / d 1 (\displaystyle \beta =d_(2)/d_(1)), as well as the expiration coefficient:

Q = C d A 2 1 1 − β 4 2 (P 1 − P 2) / ρ (\displaystyle Q=C_(d)\;A_(2)\;(\sqrt (\frac (1)(1- \beta ^(4))))\;(\sqrt (2\;(P_(1)-P_(2))/\rho )))

And finally, we introduce the flow rate C (\displaystyle C), which we define as C = C d 1 − β 4 (\displaystyle C=(\frac (C_(d))(\sqrt (1-\beta ^(4))))), to obtain the final equation for the mass flow rate of liquid through the diaphragm:

(1) Q = C A 2 2 (P 1 − P 2) / ρ (\displaystyle (1)\qquad Q=C\;A_(2)\;(\sqrt (2\;(P_(1)-P_ (2))/\rho )))

We multiply the equation (1) obtained by us earlier by the density of the liquid in order to obtain an expression for the mass flow in any section of the pipe:

(2) m ˙ = ρ Q = C A 2 2 ρ (P 1 − P 2) (\displaystyle (2)\qquad (\dot (m))=\rho \;Q=C\;A_(2)\ ;(\sqrt (2\;\rho \;(P_(1)-P_(2)))))

= volume flow (at any cross-section), m³/s
m ˙ (\displaystyle (\dot (m))) = mass flow (at any cross-section), kg/s
C d (\displaystyle C_(d)) = flow factor, dimensionless
C (\displaystyle C) = flow coefficient, dimensionless
A 1 (\displaystyle A_(1)) = pipe cross-sectional area, m²
A 2 (\displaystyle A_(2)) = cross-sectional area of ​​the orifice in the diaphragm, m²
d 1 (\displaystyle d_(1)) = pipe diameter, m
d 2 (\displaystyle d_(2)) = aperture diameter in the diaphragm, m
β (\displaystyle \beta ) = ratio of pipe and orifice diameters, dimensionless
V 1 (\displaystyle V_(1)) = fluid velocity to diaphragm, m/s
V 2 (\displaystyle V_(2)) = fluid velocity inside the diaphragm, m/s
P 1 (\displaystyle P_(1)) = fluid pressure up to diaphragm, Pa (kg/(m s²))
P 2 (\displaystyle P_(2)) = fluid pressure after diaphragm, Pa (kg/(m s²))
ρ (\displaystyle \rho ) = density of the liquid, kg/m³.

Gas flow through a diaphragm

In general, equation (2) is applicable only for incompressible fluids. But it can be modified by introducing an expansion factor Y (\displaystyle Y) in order to take into account the compressibility of gases.

(3) m ˙ = ρ 1 Q = C Y A 2 2 ρ 1 (P 1 − P 2) (\displaystyle (3)\qquad (\dot (m))=\rho _(1)\;Q=C\ ;Y\;A_(2)\;(\sqrt (2\;\rho _(1)\;(P_(1)-P_(2)))))

Y (\displaystyle Y) is 1.0 for incompressible liquids and can be calculated for gases.

Expansion factor calculation

Expansion factor Y (\displaystyle Y), which allows you to track the change in the density of an ideal gas during an isentropic process, can be found as:

Y = r 2 / k (k k − 1) (1 − r (k − 1) / k 1 − r) (1 − β 4 1 − β 4 r 2 / k) (\displaystyle Y=\;(\sqrt (r^(2/k)(\bigg ()(\frac (k)(k-1))(\bigg))(\bigg ()(\frac (\;1-r^((k-1 )/k\;))(1-r))(\bigg))(\bigg ()(\frac (1-\beta ^(4))(1-\beta ^(4)\;r^( 2/k)))(\bigg)))))

For values β (\displaystyle \beta ) less than 0.25, β 4 (\displaystyle \beta ^(4)) tends to 0, which leads to the conversion of the last term to 1. Thus, for most diaphragms, the expression is true:

(4) Y = r 2 / k (k k − 1) (1 − r (k − 1) / k 1 − r) (\displaystyle (4)\qquad Y=\;(\sqrt (r^(2/ k)(\bigg ()(\frac (k)(k-1))(\bigg))(\bigg ()(\frac (\;1-r^((k-1)/k\;) )(1-r))(\bigg)))))

Y (\displaystyle Y) = expansion factor, dimensionless
r (\displaystyle r) = P 2 / P 1 (\displaystyle P_(2)/P_(1))
k (\displaystyle k) = ratio of heat capacities ( c p / c v (\displaystyle c_(p)/c_(v))), a dimensionless quantity.

Substituting equation (4) into the expression for mass flow (3) we get:

M ˙ = C A 2 2 ρ 1 (k k − 1) [ (P 2 / P 1) 2 / k − (P 2 / P 1) (k + 1) / k 1 − P 2 / P 1 ] (P 1 − P 2) (\displaystyle (\dot (m))=C\;A_(2)\;(\sqrt (2\;\rho _(1)\;(\bigg ()(\frac (k) (k-1))(\bigg))(\bigg [)(\frac ((P_(2)/P_(1))^(2/k)-(P_(2)/P_(1))^ ((k+1)/k))(1-P_(2)/P_(1)))(\bigg ])(P_(1)-P_(2)))))
m ˙ = C A 2 2 ρ 1 (k k − 1) [ (P 2 / P 1) 2 / k − (P 2 / P 1) (k + 1) / k (P 1 − P 2) / P 1 ] (P 1 − P 2) (\displaystyle (\dot (m))=C\;A_(2)\;(\sqrt (2\;\rho _(1)\;(\bigg ()(\frac (k)(k-1))(\bigg))(\bigg [)(\frac ((P_(2)/P_(1))^(2/k)-(P_(2)/P_(1 ))^((k+1)/k))((P_(1)-P_(2))/P_(1)))(\bigg ])(P_(1)-P_(2)))) )

Thus, the final expression for an uncompressed (i.e., subsonic) flow of an ideal gas through a diaphragm for values ​​of β less than 0.25 is:

(5) m ˙ = C A 2 2 ρ 1 P 1 (k k − 1) [ (P 2 / P 1) 2 / k − (P 2 / P 1) (k + 1) / k ] (\displaystyle (5 )\qquad (\dot (m))=C\;A_(2)\;(\sqrt (2\;\rho _(1)\;P_(1)\;(\bigg ()(\frac ( k)(k-1))(\bigg))(\bigg [)(P_(2)/P_(1))^(2/k)-(P_(2)/P_(1))^(( k+1)/k)(\bigg ]))))

(6) m ˙ = C A 2 P 1 2 M Z R T 1 (k k − 1) [ (P 2 / P 1) 2 / k − (P 2 / P 1) (k + 1) / k ] (\displaystyle (6 )\qquad (\dot (m))=C\;A_(2)\;P_(1)\;(\sqrt ((\frac (2\;M)(Z\;R\;T_(1) ))(\bigg ()(\frac (k)(k-1))(\bigg))(\bigg [)(P_(2)/P_(1))^(2/k)-(P_( 2)/P_(1))^((k+1)/k)(\bigg ]))))

Remembering that Q 1 = m ˙ ρ 1 (\displaystyle Q_(1)=(\frac (\dot (m))(\rho _(1)))) and ρ 1 = M P 1 Z R T 1 (\displaystyle \rho _(1)=M\;(\frac (P_(1))(Z\;R\;T_(1))))(the equation of state of a real gas, taking into account the compressibility factor)

(8) Q 1 = C A 2 2 Z R T 1 M (k k − 1) [ (P 2 / P 1) 2 / k − (P 2 / P 1) (k + 1) / k ] (\displaystyle (8) \qquad Q_(1)=C\;A_(2)\;(\sqrt (2\;(\frac (Z\;R\;T_(1))(M))(\bigg ()(\frac (k)(k-1))(\bigg))(\bigg [)(P_(2)/P_(1))^(2/k)-(P_(2)/P_(1))^( (k+1)/k)(\bigg ]))))

Diaphragm (flow measurement)

Scheme of the installed diaphragm in the annular chamber (which in turn is inserted into the pipe). Accepted designations: 1. Diaphragm; 2. Ring chamber; 3. Gasket; 4. Pipe. The arrows show the direction of the liquid/gas. Shades of color highlight the change in pressure.

= volume flow (at any cross-section), m³/s
= mass flow (at any cross-section), kg/s
= flow factor, dimensionless
= flow coefficient, dimensionless
= pipe cross-sectional area, m²
= area
= pipe diameter, m
= aperture diameter in the diaphragm, m
= ratio of pipe and orifice diameters, dimensionless
= fluid velocity to diaphragm, m/s
= fluid velocity inside the diaphragm, m/s
= fluid pressure up to diaphragm, Pa (kg/(m s²))
= fluid pressure after diaphragm, Pa (kg/(m s²))
= density of the liquid, kg/m³.

Gas flow through a diaphragm

In general, equation (2) is applicable only for incompressible fluids. But it can be modified by introducing an expansion coefficient to take into account the compressibility of gases.

It is equal to 1.0 for incompressible liquids and can be calculated for gases.

Expansion factor calculation

The expansion coefficient, which allows you to track the change in the density of an ideal gas during an isentropic process, can be found as:

For values ​​less than 0.25, tends to 0, which causes the last term to become 1. Thus, for most apertures, the expression is true:

= expansion factor, dimensionless
= ratio of heat capacities (), dimensionless quantity.

Substituting equation (4) into the expression for mass flow (3) we get:

Thus, the final expression for an uncompressed (i.e., subsonic) flow of an ideal gas through a diaphragm for values ​​of β less than 0.25 is:

Keeping in mind that and (the equation of state of a real gas, taking into account the compressibility factor)

= ratio of heat capacities (), dimensionless quantity
= mass flow in an arbitrary section, kg/s
= actual gas flow to orifice, m³/s
= orifice flow factor, dimensionless
= cross-sectional area of ​​the orifice in the diaphragm, m²

The question of why a circulation pump is needed in the heating system of a private house is not so common today. Consumers have long understood that this small device solves many problems associated with the efficient operation of the heating system as a whole.

First, it increases the efficiency. Secondly, there is an opportunity to save on materials and heating elements. All this below.

Features of forced circulation

The circulation pump installed in the system creates a slight pressure inside. At the same time, the coolant moves at a low speed, evenly distributing heat over all radiators.

Can't the natural circulation of the coolant distribute heat energy evenly?

Maybe, but due to the fact that suburban private houses under construction are becoming larger in size, and, accordingly, the layout of pipe lines is becoming more and more complicated, it is more and more difficult for the coolant to overcome the configuration of pipe circuits. And in such houses, one simply cannot do without a circulation pump.


Under the action of the pump, the coolant passes faster through the entire circuit of the heating system, returning to the heating boiler. At the same time, its temperature will not be low. This means that it will be easier to heat a not very cooled coolant. Less fuel consumption costs.

For the natural circulation of the coolant, a large volume of it is necessary so that in its mass it can keep the required temperature. Accordingly, for the normal operation of the heating system in a private house, pipes with a large diameter, radiators with wide cavities, and valves to match the pipes will be needed.

For a system in which a pump is installed, there is no need to keep a large volume of coolant. Therefore, you can safely use pipes and valves with a smaller diameter. And this is a reduction in the price of all products and savings on materials.


In principle, such heating has only one drawback - it is volatility. The device is powered by electricity. First, it is, albeit small, but the cost. Secondly, when the power supply is turned off, the pump unit stops working.

Of course, the craftsmen, given this situation, install a bypass through which the heating begins to work on the principle of natural circulation of hot water. And this is a decrease in work efficiency, plus a decrease in efficiency.

Instrument selection

The crucial moment is to correctly calculate the power of the installed pump. Two indicators are taken into account here:

  • volume of distilled water mass, m³/h;
  • pressure measured in meters.

It is very difficult to make the correct calculation if you are a non-specialist in this matter. Here it is necessary to take into account the complexity of the layout of pipe lines, the number of radiators and valves, the power of the heating boiler, the materials from which the pipes and other heating devices are made. Therefore, this stage is best left to the shoulders of a professional.

If, nevertheless, you decide to take responsibility for yourself, then it is best to purchase a pump in which you can switch the speed of movement of the coolant.

The ideal option is with automatic adjustment. Such a device costs several times more than a conventional sample, but you are calm that you can adjust it yourself to the necessary parameters of the heating system at home.

Calculation example

Before choosing a pump, the following calculation must be carried out. For example, a heating boiler is installed in the basement. Your house is a two-story building. The heating system is a single-pipe wiring.

That is, it turns out that the highest point of the heating system is the upper edges of the radiators installed on the second floor. This is despite the fact that the house has a closed heating system.

Head calculation

From the return pipe that enters the boiler (it is this section that is the installation site of the device), it is necessary to measure the distance to the upper edge of the radiator on the second floor. This will be the pressure of the pumping device. Essentially, it will go like this:

  • 2.5 m - basement height;
  • 3 m - the height of the first floor;
  • two floors - 0.5 m;
  • the distance from the floor to the upper edge of the radiator is 0.6 m.

The sum is 6.6 m. This means that you need a pump with a head of 7 m.

To do this, you need to know the heated area of ​​​​a private house. For example, let it be 200 m². In order for a private house to be warm, it is necessary to adhere to the ratio: 1 kW of thermal energy per 10 m². That is, you need 20 kW.

The next indicator is the temperature difference between the supply and return circuits. Experts recommend within 10 ° C. That is, if at the exit from the boiler the temperature of the coolant is +70 °C, then at the entrance it is +60 °C. Now perform this mathematical action: 20:10=2. This is the pump power, measured in m³ / h.

As you can see, choosing a pump is not so difficult. Of course, this is the simplest calculation without taking into account various nuances. But it can be taken as a basis, adding 20% ​​just in case.


It is better not to install the circulation pump on your own, if you do not know all the nuances of the installation process. But you need to get acquainted with the technology and the sequence.

Installation location

The pump is installed on the return line next to the heating boiler. This is done with one single purpose - to reduce the temperature loads on the seals, cuffs and gaskets that are used in the design of the unit itself. Under the influence of high temperatures, they quickly fail.

There are two types of devices: wet rotor and dry. Usually the first option is low-power pumps used for heating small private houses. It is cut directly into the pipeline, connecting on both sides with a thread. The second is a more powerful setup. Such pumps are most often connected using flanges.

Stop valves and filter

The pump is cut off from the pipe by two valves (ball valves), which, if repairs are necessary, are closed.

A bypass must be installed. This is a pipe that connects the pipeline, bypassing the pumping unit. A valve must be installed on the bypass. It blocks the flow of the coolant when the pump is running. And opens when the device stops working or in the process of repair. That is, the bypass works in emergency cases so that the heating does not stop if the pump itself stops.

Today, a coarse filter is often mounted in front of the pump. He is responsible for the quality of the coolant.

Popular manufacturers

The question of how to choose affects not only the technical characteristics of the device. Most often, consumers understand the brand or manufacturer as it. The modern market offers a fairly wide range. Here are foreign analogues, and domestic ones. Here are just a few models.

Italian pump Aquario

His model AC204-130 is one of the most popular. Used for small private houses. Its power is 2.4 m³ / h, head up to 3 m, power consumption 0.64 kW, weight 3.4 kg.

The connection is flanged, has three speed modes.

Italian device DAB VA-VB-VD

It has a wide range of technical characteristics: head up to 6 m at power from 0.5 to 3.3 m³/h.

This sample is equipped with a special thermal relay that turns off the pump if it starts to overheat. Many experts advise choosing this particular model.

The Danish company Grundfos offers pumps of five modifications. In Russia, the UPS model has gained great popularity as the most economical in terms of electricity consumption (0.55 kW).

At the same time, its head is 3 m, and the volume of the pumped coolant is 3 m³ / h.

Russian models

Among domestic manufacturers, it is necessary to single out pumps of the brand "Khozyain" from Podolsk and "Compass" from the company "Dzhileks". A few technical specifications:

  • Owner 4.25.180 - head 4.2 m, power 3 m³ / h;
  • Owner 8.32.180 - head 8 m, power 9.6 m³ / h;
  • Compasses 25/40 (head 4 m, volume 2.5 m³ / h) - the smallest sample;
  • Compasses 32/80 (head 8 m, volume 3.2 m³ / h) - the largest.

Both brands produce pumps that are connected to the pipeline with a flange connection.
So, knowing the brands and models offered by manufacturers, you can choose the right pump, taking into account not only its technical characteristics, but also the price.

Installation of a heating system in general and installation of a circulation pump in a heating system in particular is always a difficult task and requires taking into account numerous factors. The most popular design is the natural circulation system, but its widespread use is due solely to the ease of installation.

A significant drawback of this design is a weak circulation pressure, which forces one to purchase pipes of an excessively large diameter, which limits the choice of radiators, and simply requires high costs. Therefore, the best option is somewhat more complex, but practical heating systems with pump circulation, the scheme of which allows the use of any kind of radiators, as well as pipes of standard diameter.

Video: what is a circulation pump for and how does it work

Then place the outlet connection, then the drain plug. There is no rule; Depending on the model, these accessories may be on one side or the other of the device. Tighten the nuts with a wrench and insert the gasket. The plug model installed here makes it easy to empty the unit. Be sure to seal the accessories before placing them in place.

The installation of the last pipe elements is carried out after the installation of the radiators in order to facilitate assembly. The top pipe, inlet, is connected with a T to the radiator supply valve. The bottom pipe consists of the water return to the boiler. Connect the radiator supply valve to the pipe connected to the water supply line. To complete the seal, place a piece of Teflon or drag along the thread.

The very name of the scheme implies the use of a circulation pump, the purpose of which is to provide pressure and constant movement of heated water. Briefly, the principle of operation of the circuit looks like this: water heated to the required temperature enters the radiators through the pipeline. After cooling, it returns to the boiler through the outlet pipeline. The built-in expansion tank provides a constant pressure of the coolant and is designed to withstand the volume of water that increases during heating.

Now the device is ready for use. For this installation mode, the radiators are installed here parallel to the water circulation. Here the power supply is protected by a cartridge switch mounted on the boiler power supply. It is used to control start-up and shutdown, and to protect electrical circuits with fuses. Several components of the boiler are electrically powered, notably the piezo ignition of the pilot light and an intermittent or two-speed circulator that regulates the circulation of water in the circuit.

There are several varieties of such a system, divided according to the following features:

This circuit breaker must be fully isolated. Installing central heating combined with good insulation provides significant energy savings. Can this setting be selected during an energy refresh? What is the best central heating system for renovation? The all-encompassing energy gives you several keys.

Unlike supplementary heating, central heating is a plant that consists of heating the entire building with a single heat source. This is a set of pipes that circulate to various transmitters, which can be radiators or underfloor heating.

  1. according to the method of connecting the pipeline to radiators: single-pipe and two-pipe;
  2. according to the location of the risers: vertical risers and horizontal risers;
  3. by type of highway: dead-end systems and systems with associated water movement;
  4. by type of wiring: from the top and from the bottom.

Let's figure out how to connect a circulation pump for heating according to each of the indicated schemes.

Central heating and energy supply: a good idea?

The source of heat that feeds the pipes can be a gas, wood or fuel boiler, as well as a heat pump. Various types of schemes are offered for central heating. With this system, the water is cooled as it circulates, resulting in poor heat. Two-pipe network: two pipes are installed in place to constantly heat the water and thus prevent it from cooling. Octopus Network: Each radiator has its own water supply and recovery circuit. Underfloor heating circuit: the hot water circuit is built into the floor for even heat distribution. The water circulating in floor heating is less hot than radiators, further saving energy.

  • A network of monotones: the pipeline takes the form of a single cycle.
  • Easy to install, this circuit requires no soldering.
During the renewal of energy, a central heating system is possible if you choose the right solution.

One-pipe and two-pipe systems

Considered a relic of the past, a single-pipe design involves connecting only one pipe to the radiator. All the heating devices of the house are connected in series, and the coolant flows through them, starting from the top and ending with the bottom, giving off more and more heat with every centimeter of advancement. Thus, the water entering the last of the radiators is barely warm, and this creates a strong imbalance in the temperature of different rooms. The only way to somehow reduce this difference is to install radiators with a large number of sections in the lower rooms.

The installation of radiators connected to the heating circuit is possible during repairs, since it does not require too much work. Floor heating installation is not recommended for energy renewal. The thickness of the floor, but also the important work required for this type of central heating, are the brakes for such an implementation. If you decide, however, to opt for this convenient and economical solution, be aware that the housing must be emptied of its furniture and is unusable during the works.

Manufacturers of products in this industry are adapting to the constant updates of various regulations in order to offer ever more efficient products. In other cases or in the presence of mixed installations, the Universal Module is used, which can be combined with any type of boiler.

Other disadvantages include:

The single-pipe system was popular half a century ago, but nowadays it is completely outdated and is practically not used.

Electronic heat pump controllers

It is ideal for all air conditioning and heating systems, both residential and commercial. This heat pump automatically adjusts its performance according to the different heat load conditions of the entire installation and also guarantees safe operation thanks to the built-in interlock system.

It works in automatic mode with remote control, with constant visual control of energy consumption in all operating ranges, displaying instantaneous, weekly, monthly or annual consumption. The holiday mode allows you to lower the water temperature when you are out of town to avoid freezing, while the screed dryer function allows you to quickly and evenly dry the screed for faster flooring.

The two-pipe design eliminates these disadvantages by connecting an inlet and outlet pipe to each battery. The coolant losing its temperature in this case is removed from the radiator to the boiler for new heating, and does not move to the next radiator. Another added benefit: the ability to install its own control valve or automatic thermostat on each of the radiators.

You can choose 7 different device tuning speeds according to different design requirements. Investors who decide to install a heat pump are often wrong. The main mistake when choosing a heat pump is the simple design of the heating system, the lack of appropriate equipment for installation and installation. Such a decision affects the low initial price of the investment, which is often a criterion for choosing an offer.

Another mistake is the wrong choice of the lower source. In most cases, the choice falls on vertical wells, and not on a horizontal reservoir. Vertical drilling is one of the most important features of properly functioning heat pump installations. The amount of heat supplied affects the cost of the electricity needed to produce the heat and hence the cost of operation. An inefficient bottom source will cause uneconomical heat pump operation. It can also increase the running time of the compressor, shortening its service life.

Vertical and horizontal risers

to a vertical riser allows you to bring pipes to them not immediately, but separately for each floor of a high-rise building. The main advantage of vertical risers- no air pockets. The disadvantage is the relatively high cost.

How to make heat pump installation smoothly?

Every heat pump installation must have a central heating buffer. Thanks to such a heat pump, the pump will work uninterrupted during the heating season. The buffer is a decoupling of the central heating system from the heat source, so that hydraulic control of the heating is possible. During transient periods, the buffer provides heat recovery and allows the use of minimal compressor run time.

The lack of a heat pump is a big problem

In addition, the use of a 3-way valve allows precise and fluid dosing of heat according to demand. Excess heat accumulated in the buffer, especially during transitional periods, is slowly returned to the plant. The main mistake when choosing a heat pump is the lack of electricity in the unit, which is often exaggerated by the installer. During the design phase of the house, an appropriate heat pump must be selected. The power of the device is constant and must strictly correspond to the heat energy needs of the building.

For slightly different purposes, the installation of a circulation pump in a heating system with a horizontal riser is used: heating landings, corridors and any large one-story buildings. Its significant advantages are the savings on pipes and the resulting low cost of installation. A well-known drawback: the appearance of air congestion, which, however, Mayevsky's taps help to eliminate.

The power of the heat pump is determined by the size of the lower source. It is also necessary to provide connection points and a lower source, respectively. The heat pump must have an electrical heater that, at maximum demand, will replenish the heat generated by the compressor. This situation is possible when it is necessary for hot water to be heated above 55 degrees Celsius and in case of increased demand for heat. In addition, the electrical heater will be protected by cooling the source, which will reduce the compressor's running time at peak conditions.

Dead-end and passing schemes

A widespread dead-end system implies the movement of the coolant through the supply pipe in one direction, and along the outlet pipe in the opposite direction. In this case, the circulation rings differ significantly in length. The disadvantage of a dead-end system: uneven heating. Those of the heaters that are closer to the boiler are more efficient than those that are more distant. Even connecting a circulation pump to a dead-end heating system does not guarantee that all radiators will heat up equally well. The advantage of such a system is economy. Their shortcomings are often smoothed out by installing several small highways instead of one long one.

Assess the demand for hot water

The amount of hot water to be produced by the heat pump is an important criterion for pump selection. Please note that this is a low temperature unit and the warm-up time is longer than standard high temperature units.

A heat pump with accessories requires more space in the building. This should be taken into account during construction. Often the adoption of a coal-fired or gas-fired boiler is faced with the problems of the location and location of the tank, buffer, or the heat pump itself. In addition, it should be noted that the location near the equipment must meet the service requirements necessary for efficient access to the service.

In a passing scheme, the length of the circulation rings is always the same. Accordingly, all radiators also warm up the same way, being at any distance from the main riser. Due to the high cost (more pipes required), the associated scheme is rarely used.

It is a device that forces water into the central heating system. Thanks to the pump, you can install the heating source above the radiators - for example, in the attic. The circulation pump can be installed on a pipe that supplies chilled water to a tank or heats a heater.

Where to install a circulation pump in a central heating system

It has a rotor powered by electricity, but because it has little power, it also uses little power. Modern boilers as well as small capacity pipes and radiators are increasingly being used in modern central heating. Under such conditions, gravity will not circulate the water, so you must force it with a pump. However, the answer to the question at what point in the installation should be found is not entirely simple.

Top and bottom wiring

A heating system with external wiring implies the installation of a supply pipe above the radiators.

Usually used in interceiling cavities or in the attic.

The principle of operation is simple: installing a circulation pump in the heating system allows you to raise the heated water to the highest point of the pipeline, from where it will be distributed to the underlying premises. In the same place, at the highest point, an expansion tank is installed, whose task is to prevent the appearance of air locks. The discharge pipe, on the contrary, is mounted below the heater. For obvious reasons, top wiring is not applicable in buildings with a flat roof and no attics.

Solar collectors: correct installation

In order for solar collectors to work correctly, you must choose the right installation site and correctly determine the number of circulation pumps. We advise you on how to avoid mistakes when assembling solar collectors. Ground source heat pump models: Compact - often the manufacturer is defined as a complete heating unit. All the necessary components are included in the aesthetics: compressor along with heat exchangers, hot water tank, brine circulation pump.

Installation is more difficult than a traditional fireplace. You need to know how it works. Initially, we had some technical problems, but today we already know how to deal with them. They cause clogging and even damage to circulation pumps, control valves or heat exchangers in boilers. How to replace an old battery? The same radiators and pipes throughout the installation.

In a circuit with a lower wiring, both (both the supply and discharge) pipelines are installed below the radiators and at the same time with a slight slope (to prevent the formation of air pockets). The only noticeable advantage of the scheme: the ability to connect heating in stages, floor by floor.

Some investors, for the sake of cost and money, want to execute. In summer using a pump. In this case, we must select the soil model associated with the wells. Chillers are cooled by underfloor heating. During summer operation, only circulation pumps are used.

The construction of the roof required special reinforcements and increased costs. The calculation is simple - energy is required to drive the circulation pumps, the operation of the boiler and the entire installation. We need more equipment, we need to put it in a separate technical room. It is also important to place the outdoor unit assembly. Since it is equipped with a fan and a compressor, during.

Equipment selection

It's time to figure out how to choose a circulation pump for heating systems, the installation of which has many nuances. The choice of the pump is made according to only two parameters: the planned water pressure force and the water resistance that the pump will have to overcome to create pressure. Paradoxically, but the pump power should be 10-15% less than in the calculated values. Otherwise, the amount of electricity consumed, the noise and the wear rate of the parts will be too high. It is foolish to hit the other extreme, saving on pump power. Such a unit will not be able to pump heated water in the required volume at the required speed.

There are models with integrated manual or electronic motor speed controllers. The highest efficiency requires maximum shaft speed. Another non-standard variety is a mini circulation pump for heating, many models of which operate autonomously, without being connected to the mains (on diesel fuel or gasoline). Such pumps are great for places where electricity is not planned (garden or hunting lodges, construction booths). You can read about another way to heat a room where there is a problem with electricity.

Pump installation

Let's say you purchased an electric circulation pump for heating.

How to install and start the circulation pump without damaging the device?

Unfortunately, due to the widespread prevalence of natural circulation systems, not even every plumber knows how to properly install the circulation pump for heating.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the place for the tie-in of the electric pump into the pipeline. In principle, the pump can be embedded in any segment of the heating circuit, however, it must be taken into account that the service life of plastic parts and bearings depends on the water temperature. Therefore, for financial reasons, it is more profitable to install equipment on the back of the pipeline: in front of the heating boiler and after the membrane tank.

A typical electrical circuit for connecting a heating circulation pump is as follows:

Its main components are: boiler (1), pump (5), tank (7) and radiators (8).

It is highly recommended that the pump only be operated from an uninterruptible power supply. It is also necessary to exclude any ingress of condensate or water splashes into the terminal box. If the water in the heating system is heated to temperatures above 90 degrees, a heat-resistant cable should be used.

You also need to remember about water filtration.
therefore, a sump is installed in the pipe in front of the pump. The ingress of foreign bodies into the pump with water is almost guaranteed to lead to the destruction of the bearings and the impeller. The barrel for collecting garbage should "look" down - then it will not interfere with the normal circulation of water.

Whatever equipment is chosen, the correct installation of the circulation pump in the heating system is possible only if the accompanying documentation supplied by the manufacturer is followed. This manual contains information about the device device, the nuances of operation and the installation algorithm.

Can I install heating components myself? Despite the apparent complexity, this work can be done with your own hands, without resorting to the help of specialists. It is important to know how to properly install the heating elements: battery, radiator, pump.

How to put a pump in the heating system

The circulation pump is designed to increase the speed of the coolant in a closed or open heating system. Often, the thermal expansion of hot water is not enough for a normal speed indicator. And then you need to install additional equipment.

Before you put the pump in the heating system, you should choose the right model. To do this, you must first calculate the optimal characteristics of the system. Based on the data obtained, the model is selected according to the following parameters:

  1. Productivity - m³ / h. Since it is possible to put the pump on heating only after calculating the amount of coolant in the system, this characteristic is decisive.
  2. Water lifting height - m. Indicates how much hydraulic resistance the pump can overcome during its operation.

Most often, the choice is made on simple models with a capacity of 2.2 to 3 m³ / h and a water lift of up to 4.5 m.

Another parameter is the diameter of the threaded connection for connecting the pump to the system. It must be equal to the size of the inlet pipes.

Choosing a pump installation site

The location of the equipment in the heating circuit depends on the type of heat supply, as well as the piping. But how to put the pump in the heating system correctly in order to ensure operation during a power outage? To do this, you need to install a special pump unit.

In the event of a power outage, a stopped impeller will create additional resistance to water. Therefore, the coolant flow is directed through the bypass. Previously, with the help of shutoff valves, the section with the pump is disconnected from the general circuit.

An important point is the installation location of the equipment in the circuit. The solution to the question of where to put the circulation pump in the heating system directly depends on the type of circuit:

  1. On the return pipe - for open and closed systems. You can also install the pump on the supply, but at the same time, exposure to high temperatures will reduce its service life.
  2. On each manifold - for systems with combs. If the length of individual circuits is large, it is necessary to put a pump in the heating system on each of them.

In the case of installing several devices, synchronization of their work is ensured. If this is not done, water hammer and uneven pressure in the pipelines may occur. To solve this issue, it is recommended to put a paired pump on heating.

For normal operation of the equipment, installation is carried out only on straight sections of the highway. This is an optional condition, but many experts put the pump in the heating system this way. This is due to the absence of a pressure difference in these sections of the pipeline.

In a closed heating system, an expansion tank is installed before the circulation pump.

Connecting the pump to the system

After choosing the installation location, you can proceed directly to the installation. It is possible to install a circulation pump in the heating system only after a complete shutdown of the heat supply. Also, there must be no coolant in the pipes, or the installation site is cut off from the common pipeline with the help of shutoff valves.

To ensure safe operation, a filter must be present in the pumping unit. After installing the pump in the heating system and starting the heat supply, debris or scale may form inside the pipes. If it enters the pump mechanism, the likelihood of its failure increases.

The basic rules for installing a pump for heating are as follows:

  • The direction of movement of the coolant is taken into account. This is indicated by an arrow on the pump housing;
  • For wet rotor models, installation is only horizontal. Otherwise, there is a high probability of air pockets entering the housing, which will lead to engine overheating;
  • Proper installation of the pump in the heating system is to ensure the supply of electricity. The line must be grounded. In the event of a possible power outage, an emergency power supply unit is additionally mounted.

Where is the best place to put the pump in open heating systems? The best option is on the return pipe to the boiler, described above. In some cases, installation on the supply line is allowed.

If it is planned to fill the system with antifreeze, the power of pumping equipment should be 15-20% more than the calculated one. This is due to the higher density of this type of coolant.

How to install heating batteries

Radiators are designed to transfer thermal energy from the coolant to the room. In fact, they compensate for heat losses in the building. Therefore, before installing a heating radiator, you should choose its location correctly.

The best option is the place of the greatest heat loss in a house or apartment - external walls and window structures. This must be foreseen at the design stage of heat supply. Then you should decide how to properly install the radiators and choose the connection method:

  • Upper. It is applied at vertical distributing of pipelines;
  • Side. The method is appropriate for horizontally located highways;
  • Lower. The best option for hidden installation of pipes.

The efficiency of the battery depends on the correct choice of this parameter. The figure below shows how to properly install a heating radiator regarding the method of connection to the system.

Another important point is the location of the heater relative to walls and window structures. It is necessary to install a heating radiator so that it provides free air circulation. Almost all heat supply batteries work on the converter principle. Those. air flows must pass through the maximum area of ​​​​the devices. In order to properly install heating batteries, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. The distance to the window sill is at least 10 cm. At the same time, it should cover only 2/3 of the batteries.
  2. The distance of the lower part of the radiator from the floor is 12 cm.

For proper installation of a heating radiator, it is necessary to first insulate the walls. You can increase the heat transfer rate using a reflective surface. Most often, foam with a foil layer is used for this.

For fastening heating radiators, special mounting elements are used. Their design depends on the type of batteries.

Tying heat supply radiators

Ensuring the normal operation of radiators is possible only with proper piping. Its elements must perform the functions of protecting and regulating the degree of heating of the heater.

Correct installation of radiators depends on its type and design. Most often, manufacturers in the instructions indicate the optimal installation schemes. The following components are used to tie the batteries:

  • Mayevsky crane. Designed for the timely removal of air congestion;
  • thermostat. It is necessary to regulate the volume of coolant inflow;
  • Shut-off valves. With its help, you can disconnect the radiator from the general heating system for further repair or replacement.

At the end of the installation, the tightness of all nodes is checked and the device is pressure tested.

During installation, the radiator or battery must not be skewed. This can lead to air pockets, as well as degrade the performance of the heating system.

The video shows how to install a heating radiator yourself.