Where is Mari El. Mari Republic: description, cities, territory and interesting facts

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Mari El Republic(Mar. Mari El Republic) - a republic composed of Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian Federation, is part of the Volga federal district. It is located on the East European Plain in its eastern part in the Middle Volga region, where the largest rivers merge - the Volga, Vetluga, Sura.

Significant historical dates

  • November 4, 1920 by decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, the Mari Autonomous Region was formed.
  • On December 5, 1936, in accordance with the Constitution of the USSR, the autonomous region was transformed into the Mari Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
  • On December 22, 1990, the Supreme Council of the Mari ASSR adopted the Declaration on the state sovereignty of the republic, which has the State Flag, Coat of Arms, Anthem. At the end of 1991, the post of President was introduced.
  • On March 22, 1992, the Republic of Mari El, among other subjects of the Russian Federation, signed the Federal Treaty.
  • On July 8, 1992, the republic officially became known as the Republic of Mari El.

For excellence in development National economy The Mari ASSR was awarded the Order of Lenin in 1965, and the Order of the October Revolution in 1970; in commemoration of the 50th anniversary USSR in 1972 - the Order of Friendship of Peoples.


The Republic of Mari El is located in the center of the European part of Russia, mainly on the left bank of the Volga River. The area of ​​Mari El - 23.4 thousand square meters. km. The length of the territory of the republic from north to south reaches 150 km (from 55 ° 51 * to 57 ° 20 "N), from west to east it is 275 km (from 45 ° 40" to 50 ° 15" E) In the north, northeast and east, it borders on the Kirov region, in the southeast and south - on the Republics of Tatarstan and Chuvashia, and in the west and northwest - on the Nizhny Novgorod region.The geographical center of the Republic of Mari El is located in the area of ​​the village of Nolka Medvedevsky district.

The capital of the Republic of Mari El is Yoshkar-Ola (coordinates - 56°38" N, 47°52" E). The distance from Yoshkar-Ola to Moscow is 862 km, to Kazan - 146 km, to Kirov - 335 km, to Cheboksary - 93 km, to Nizhny Novgorod - 332 km.

Terrain and natural resources

The territory of the republic is located on the border of the forest and forest-steppe zones and is distinguished by a noticeable landscape diversity. The Volga River divides the territory of the republic into two unequal parts: a large one on the left bank and a smaller one on the right bank. In addition, the Volga River serves as a natural border natural areas republics. The bowels of the republic are not rich mineral resources: only peat, glass and silicate sands, building stone, limestones, mineral springs. The soils are also poor.

The natural and only wealth of the republic is its forests. Forests occupy more than half of the territory of the republic - mainly in the west and in the central regions, valuable forests predominate. conifers- pine, fir and spruce. Of the animals common: wolf, bear, wild boar, fox, elk, hare, beaver, squirrel, muskrat, ermine, mink, lynx, badger, polecat. There are also hunting birds in the forests: capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse, waterfowl and marsh game. There are 1240 species of various plants in the forests, of which 6 are listed in the Red Book, more than 200 species are rare. Forest gifts form the basis of the Mari national cuisine. Hunting, beekeeping, fishing are the oldest commercial activities of the Mari.

On the territory of Mari El there are 476 small rivers and streams, with a length of 7 thousand km, over 600 lakes with a water surface area of ​​2.5 thousand hectares. The ichthyfauna of the republic's water bodies is represented by 57 species, of which bream, pike perch, pike, ide, roach, silver bream, sabrefish, white-eye, blue bream and some others are of commercial importance. The Volga River flows through the republic for 155 km. The rivers Ilet, Bolshaya Kokshaga, Yushut and Kundysh are among the most environmentally friendly rivers in Europe, and the lakes Yalchik, Kichier, Sea Eye, Karas are the pearls of the Mari region.


temperate continental with a long cold winter and warm summer. Average temperature in summer: +18, +20 С°. The hottest weather is in mid-July. The air warms up to +34, +38 C° In autumn, the weather is cold and humid with a predominance of strong penetrating winds and rains. Early frosts and snow are possible. November is the windiest month.

Winter usually starts in November. Average winter temperature: -18, -19 С°. The coldest month is January. The Republic of Mari El is a great place for winter sports: skiing, skating. Spring is generally cool and dry.


The Republic of Mari El got its name from the ethnic self-name of its indigenous population Mari (“husband”, “man”), El in translation from the Mari language means “country”. The entry of the Mari Territory into the Russian state determined the nature of the further history of the Mari people, which developed over four and a half centuries in close connection with the history of the people of Russia. The most important result of the entry of the Mari region into Russia was the preservation of the Mari as an ethnic group.

The Mari people in the 20th century acquired their national statehood. On the historical territory of the settlement of the Mari on November 4, 1920, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR adopted a decree "On Education". On November 25, 1920, the decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars “On the Autonomous Region of the Mari People” determined the administrative and territorial composition of the region with the center in the city of Krasnokokshaisk (since 1927 - the city of Yoshkar-Ola).

In 1929-1932. The Mari Autonomous Region was part of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, in 1932-1936. - Gorky region. On December 5, 1936, the Mari Autonomous Region was transformed into the Mari Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and is currently a full-fledged subject of the Russian Federation - the Republic of Mari El.

On June 21, 1937, the Extraordinary 11th Congress of Soviets of the Republic approved the Constitution of the Mari ASSR.

The Mari people as part of the Russian state retained their language and acquired their own written language. In 1775, the first edition of the grammar of the Mari language was published, which meant the birth of Mari writing. Nowadays, the Mari language, along with Russian, has the status of the state language of the Republic of Mari El. The Mari retained their traditional religious beliefs and rituals. At present, the sacred prayer groves of the pagan Mari are protected by the state.

During the years of the pre-war five-year plans (1929-1940), 45 industrial enterprises were built and put into operation in the region. On new buildings and enterprises were sent from industrial centers countries, especially from the city of Gorky, engineers, technicians, skilled workers. In Moscow, Leningrad, Gorky and other cities, national personnel were trained for the industry and agriculture of the republic. The output of large-scale industry in the Mari ASSR in 1940 increased 7.4 times as compared to 1913. By 1941, the collective farms united 94.2% of the peasant farms. The construction of railways began (the first of them Zeleny Dol - Yoshkar-Ola was completed in 1928). A cultural revolution was carried out: illiteracy was basically eliminated, tribal feudal and religious remnants disappeared; national cadres of the working class and the people's intelligentsia have grown; developed national literature and art.

Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 became a huge test of strength for millions of Soviet people both at the front and in the rear, a test that our grandfathers and fathers withstood with honor, providing decades of peaceful life in their country and all mankind.

In the post-war five-year plans, the economy and culture of the Mari ASSR received further development. New large enterprises of machine-building, instrument-making and other branches of industry arose in the republic. The material and cultural standard of living of the people has risen significantly. The rise of the economy and culture was accompanied by a comprehensive expansion of mutual assistance and the deepening of ties between the Mari ASSR and other republics.

The Mari people are part of the fraternal community of related Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia. From year to year, social, cultural and scientific ties between the peoples of the Finno-Ugric world are being strengthened. The republic becomes widely known, the world community gets the opportunity to get acquainted with the original culture of the Mari people.

Administrative - territorial division

As part of Mari El - 3 cities (Yoshkar-Ola, Volzhsk, Kozmodemyansk) of republican subordination, 1 city (Zvenigovo) of regional subordination and 14 districts (Volzhsky district, Gornomariysky district, Zvenigovsky district, Kilemarsky district, Kuzhenersky district, Mari-Tureksky district, Medvedevsky district, Morkinsky district, Novotoryalsky district, Orshansky district, Gornomariysky district, devices for unloading barges.There is a railway connection to the cities of Moscow (15 hours drive), Kazan (4 hours), Yaransk (3 hours).Motorways are laid to the cities of Kazan, Cheboksary, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, Kirov, Syktyvkar, Yaransk.

National composition

According to the All-Russian population census of 2002, the national composition of the republic is as follows:

  • Mari - 42.9%
  • Russians - 47.5%
  • Tatars - 5.9%
  • Chuvash -1.0%
  • Ukrainians - 0.7%
  • other nationalities of the Russian Federation - Udmurts, Mordovians, Belarusians, etc. (more than 50 nationalities) - 2.0%.

State-political structure

Republic of Mari El The basic law of the republic is the Constitution of the Republic of Mari El. State power in the Republic of Mari El is exercised on the basis of division into legislative, executive and judicial. Legislative and judicial authorities are independent.

The legislative function is performed by the State Assembly of the Republic of Mari El, consisting of 52 deputies. Of these, 26 deputies are elected in single-mandate constituencies, the other 26 deputies are elected in the republican constituency in proportion to the number of votes cast for the lists of candidates for deputies nominated by electoral associations, electoral blocs. The term of office of deputies of one convocation is five years.

Executive power is exercised by:

  • The Head of the Government of the Republic of Mari El is the highest official in the system of executive power. Appointed by the President of the Russian Federation for 5 years.
  • Government of the Republic of Mari El
  • Administration of the President of the Republic of Mari El
  • other executive authorities

Judicial power is exercised by: the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mari El, the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Mari El, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Mari El, district courts and justices of the peace, which are part of the judicial system of the Russian Federation.


Republic of Mari El (12 rus), center - Yoshkar-Ola (former Tsarevokokshaysk). It is located in the center of the European part of the Russian Federation, in the middle reaches of the Volga: most of the republic is north of the Volga, part of the Gornomariysky district is to the south.

Almost the entire territory of the republic is covered with forests - pine in the west, spruce and spruce-fir in the north and northeast, mixed (coniferous-broad-leaved) in the southeast.

Most of the territory is swampy lowland, in the east - the hills of Vyatsky Uval. The main rivers are the Volga (more precisely, the Cheboksary reservoir) and its left tributaries Vetluga, Rutka, Bolshaya and Malaya Kokshaga, Ilet; the northeast of the region belongs to the Vyatka basin.

Alexander Evstifeev - head of the republic

The state languages ​​of the republic are Russian and Mari; Mari make up 43% of the population. Less than half of the Mari (the old name is Cheremis), about 320 thousand, live in the republic; the rest - outside its borders, mainly in Bashkiria (about 105 thousand) and in the Kirov region (50 thousand).

The Mari are divided into three dialect-cultural groups - mountain (the right bank of the Volga - Gornomariysky district), meadow (interfluve of Vetluga and Vyatka) and eastern Mari (Bashkiria). The Mari language belongs to the Volga-Finnish group of the Finno-Ugric family, that is, it is about as close to Finnish and Estonian as, say, English is to Russian.

There is writing based on the Cyrillic alphabet, newspapers are published. However, the majority of native speakers are older people, and the Mari language is on the UNESCO list of endangered languages.

Despite the forced Christianization carried out for several centuries, a significant part of the Mari retained pagan pre-Christian beliefs.

The largest folklore festivals:

Take a break payrem (holiday of flowers) - early June, throughout the country,

Mari muro payrem (holiday of the Mari song) - July, Yoshkar-Ola.

At the same time, the traditional holidays of the Mari are completely different:

Aga payrem - the beginning of the agricultural season, before plowing;

Uginde payrem - harvest festival;

Shyl kas - autumn slaughter;

Shoryk Yol - New Year (in winter).

Finno-Ugric tribes inhabited the territory of modern western, northern and central Russia from prehistoric times. On the territory of the Republic of Mari El, archaeological sources dating back to the first millennium BC have been preserved. Since they did not have a written language until modern times, all information about the history of the middle Volga is associated with Russian sources. Cheremis are first reliably mentioned under the XII century. At that moment, they had close ties with neighboring Volga Bulgaria, which was located on the territory of modern Tatarstan and was destroyed in 1236 by the Mongol troops of Batu Khan advancing on Russia.

With the Golden Horde formed after that, the Mari, apparently, were in allied relations.

From the 14th century, the Mari also came into contact with the Russians moving east, who founded Nizhny Novgorod in 1221. Russian-Tatar clashes on the Mari lands are becoming commonplace (with the Mari acting on the side of the Tatars).

For the time being, the Tatars and Mari prevail, but then Ivan the Terrible finally restores order: in 1546, the lands of the mountain Mari (the right bank of the Volga) fall under the control of Moscow, and in 1552 the tsarist troops take Kazan, and the meadow Mari begin to pay tribute to Moscow. Then systematic colonization begins: for example, in 1557 Cheboksary was founded, in 1583 - Kozmodemyansk, in 1584 - Tsarevokokshaysk, now Yoshkar-Ola. Forced Christianization leads to the fact that the Mari go into the forests, leaving entire villages empty.

Under Peter the Great, something begins to change - Mari are drafted into the army, begins Scientific research territory, the first written monuments of the Mari language are compiled.

The first Mari grammar of Putsek-Grigorovich appears in 1792.

Nevertheless, in 1775, the Mari massively supported Pugachev's uprising.

In 1872, the Kazan Teachers' Seminary was opened, one of the tasks of which was to train representatives of the Volga peoples, including the Mari. This gave a serious impetus to the national revival, Mari schools were opened, books were printed in the Mari language, including textbooks.

After the October Revolution, in 1920, the Mari autonomy was formed - later the Mari ASSR, since 1991 the Republic of Mari El. For all that, in the 1920s it was not possible to establish a single norm of the language - the dialects of the mountain and meadow Mari were considered equal, which led to the acceleration of the disappearance of both. In the 1930s, as in other national republics, almost the entire national intelligentsia was destroyed. Gradually, the Mari become a minority of the population of the republic, and incentives to preserve the Mari language are decreasing.

Yoshkar-Ola is connected to the railway with Zelenodolsk, which is on the Moscow-Kazan main line. There are no trunk lines in the republic highways and only two roads of republican significance with a solid foundation - "Vyatka" Cheboksary - Yoshkar-Ola - Kirov and P175 Yoshkar-Ola - Volzhsk - Zelenodolsk. Other roads do not cross the Volga.

Shipping on the Volga.


2 Reserve Big Kokshaga - coniferous forests Mari lowland and oak forests of the floodplain of the Bolshaya Kokshaga River.

1 Volzhsk (Lopatino) - Museum of local lore: the history of the city and ethnography.

1 Zvenigovo - wooden St. Nicholas Church (1877); local history museum. The city is picturesquely located on the left bank of the Volga.

2 wooden churches Mari El Republic.

1 Aktayuzh (Kilemarsky district) - St. Nicholas Church (1900).

2 Kumya (Kilemarsky district) - Church of the Intercession (1866).

1 Petyal (Zvenigovsky district) - Guryevskaya church (1896).

1 Chkarino (Soviet district) - Church of the Intercession (1915).

1 Yoshkar-Ola (Tsarevokokshaysk). The city was founded in 1584 as Tsarevokokshaisk, until 1920 a small county town with 13 streets. In 1919 it was renamed Krasnokokshaisk, in 1920 it was appointed the center of the newly formed Mari Autonomous Region, in 1927 it was renamed Yoshkar-Ola ("Red City" in Mari).

Remains of the historical buildings of Tsarevokokshaysk of the 18th-20th centuries.

Trinity Church (1736), Ascension Church (1756), Tikhvin Church (1774).

Church of the Nativity of the Virgin (1818) in the village of Semyonovka.

Carved wooden and stone houses.

National Museum of the Republic of Mari El: archaeological and ethnographic collections dedicated to the Mari, applied art, nature.

Museum of Fine Arts: Mari art, Russian art of the 19th century.

Museum of Folk Applied Arts.

Museum of the history of the city of Yoshkar-Ola.

Memorial museums: poet Nikolai Mukhin, composer Ivan Klyuchnikov-Palantay.

Azanovo - Sretenskaya Church (1861).

1 Yezhovo - the female Yezhovo-Mironositsky Monastery (founded in the 17th century) with preserved architectural monuments - the Mironositskaya Church (1719) and monastery buildings (XVIII century).

1 Medvedevo - local history museum: life and ethnography of the Mari; department of nature.

Nurma - Kazan Church (1825).

3 Kozmodemyansk - Old trading Volga city (founded in 1583), numerous sights.

The layout and buildings of the 18th-20th centuries have been preserved. Remarkable samples wood carving. Several surviving churches, including the Streltsy Chapel (1698).

Grigoriev Museum of Art and History: a rich collection of Russian art.

Ethnographic open-air museum: dedicated to the life of the mountain Mari, about two dozen historical buildings.

Museum of merchant life.

Museum of Humor named after Ostap Bender.

1 Vladimirskoe - Vladimirskaya church (1713).

3 The Volga River and its high right bank

Emelevo - Trinity Church (1876).

Korotny - Baptist Church (1828).

Intercession - Intercession Church (1813-1814) in disrepair.

Bags - Church of the Nativity of the Virgin (1824).

Trinity Posad - Trinity Church (1883).

1 Chalomkino is a literary and art museum named after Nikolai Ignatiev, dedicated to the Mountain Mari language, literature and ethnography.

1 Kokshaysk is the oldest urban settlement in Mari El (1574). Church of the Intercession (1793). Picturesque location on the left bank of the Volga, at the mouth of Malaya Kokshaga.

2 Forest lakes of Mari El - see also karst lakes in the Mari Chodra National Park.

Interfluve of Vetluga and Rutka - transparent lakes Karasyar, Nuzhyar.

The interfluve of the Bolshaya and Malaya Kokshaga is Lake Tabashinsky (Zryv), the deepest in Mari El.

Mesopotamia Malaya Kokshaga and Ileti - lakes Silver, Shirenga.

Karst lakes east of Ileti - Sea Eye, Mushendersky.

2 national park Mariy Chodra - protection of coniferous-deciduous forests and karst relief, including lakes, Vyatka ridge.

Klenovaya Gora tract - mineral springs.

Ilet River

Karst lakes - Yalchik, Konan'er, Glukhoe, Mushen'er, Kichier.

Historical monuments - the old Kazan tract, Pugachev's oak.

1 Morki - Morkin Historical and Literary Museum; Church of the Epiphany (1819).

2 Mount Karman-Kuryk - geological outcrops.

1 Olykyal - the house-museum of the poet Nikolai Mukhin.

1 Chavainur is a memorial house-museum of the writer Sergei Chavain.

1 Orshanka - Orsha Museum of peasant labor and life, with a large ethnographic collection.

1 Old Epiphany - the house-museum of the writer Yakov Mayorov-Shketan.

1 Sernur - Sernur Historical and Literary Museum, includes an ethnographic collection.

1 Kuzhener - Kuzhenersky Museum of History and Local Lore; St. Nicholas Monastery.

1 Marisola - Church of the Intercession (1880-1888), presumably designed by arch. Gornostaev.

1 Mari-Turek - Mari-Turek Regional Museum - the history of the region and ethnography.

1 Novy Torjal - Novotoryal Museum of Local Lore; Church of the Ascension (1819).

1 Paranga - Paranga Museum of Local Lore.

Museum-Reserve "Sheremetev's Castle" (1885).

Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Church (1869-1889).

1.6. Regional holidays and memorable dates.

Shorykyol (Mari New Year, Christmas time) - celebrated

Uyarnya (Mari Maslenitsa) - celebrated in late February - early March;

Kugeche (Great Day, Easter) - celebrated 5 days before Christian Easter;

Agavairem (arable land holiday) - celebrated before the spring sowing or after the Christian St. Nicholas Day (May 22);

Semyk (Semik, Summer Holiday) - celebrated 7 weeks after Easter;

Surem (Summer Sacrifice Festival) - celebrated

Uginde (Feast of new bread) - celebrated at the beginning of harvesting and field work during the Christian Ilyin's day (August 2);

U putymysh, Kyshal (Feast of new porridge) - celebrated after the completion of the harvest in October or November until the Orthodox Michaelmas Day (November 21);

Summer is the time of sun, warmth, relaxation and fun. It is in summer that the most massive holidays of national cultures are held in the republic.

Traditionally, on June 12, on the Day of Russia, in the city of Yoshkar-Ola, a holiday of Russian culture "Russian birch" and a holiday of Mari culture "Peledysh Payrem" ("Feast of Flowers") are held. "Russian Birch" and "Peledysh Payrem" are festive processions, theatrical performances, concerts and attractions, mass celebrations and performances by popular artists, exhibitions and sales of products of applied art "City of Masters".

Also in June, in the city of Yoshkar-Ola and in the village of Paranga, the Tatar national holiday "Sabantuy" is held with its invariable attributes - horse races, the national wrestling "kuresh" and the main prize for the strongest Batyr Sabantuy - a live ram.

Every year at the height of summer, in July, the interregional festival of humor and satire "Benderiada" is held in Kozmodemyansk. It was this city that became the prototype of Vasyukov in the novel by I. Ilf and E. Petrov. "Benderiada" is a competition of KVN teams, a carnival procession "Long live the spirit of healthy adventurism!", an auction "12 chairs", competitive program"Gnu Antelope", theatrical show "Ostap Bender - the Great Couturier", children's playground"Benderiadka", concert program.

From July 7 to July 12, 2008, the VII All-Russian Summer Rural Sports Games will be held in the republic.

The Republican Museum of Fine Arts has recently become the venue for the International Exhibitions of Mail Art, one of the current trends contemporary art. The participants of the first exhibition, held in October 2006 within the framework of the creative project "Alenka", were 120 authors from 24 countries of the world. The second acquaintance of the guests and participants of the exhibition with "postal art" took place in October 2007. Famous mail artists from different regions Russia and foreign countries.

Since 2003, the International photo exhibition of the Finno-Ugric peoples "Roots" has been held in Yoshkar-Ola. The next exhibition is expected in October 2008. Like previous exhibitions, the exhibition will be dedicated to the Days of kindred Finno-Ugric peoples, which are held annually in the Finno-Ugric countries and regions of the Russian Federation.

Every year in October, the Yakov Eshpai Mari State Philharmonic holds the Mari Autumn Art Festival. The first festival took place in 1980 and the first eminent participant of the festival was People's Artist of the USSR Lyudmila Zykina. For 27 years, a huge number of the most popular artists and groups of the country have become participants in the Mari Autumn festival: Valery Obodzinsky, Edita Piekha, Sofia Rotaru, Vladimir Kuzmin, Alexander Malinin and many others.

1.7. Major cities.

The city of Yoshkar-Ola is the capital of the Republic of Mari El, founded

in 1584 and is located on the Malaya Kokshaga River - the left tributary of the Volga River, in the center of the Volga-Vyatka region. Yoshkar-Ola is a multifunctional city with a dominant role of industry. This is a complex administrative-territorial unit. Yoshkar-Ola is not only a city of republican significance, having a 420-year history and being the capital of the Republic of Mari El. From the north, water meadows and partly farmland and forests approach the city, from the west and northwest - farmland, and in the southeast, south, southwest of the city there are forests. Settlements located near the Kokshai tract are surrounded by forests of the State Forest Fund.

The territory of the city of Yoshkar-Ola, together with the rural areas assigned to it settlements is 110 sq. km, including directly urban land - 56 sq. km, the rest - arable land, urban forests, hayfields and pastures, garden and dacha cooperatives. City parks, squares and other green spaces occupy more than 1,600 hectares, of which 801 hectares are urban forests (Pine Grove, Oak Grove, etc.), for which the status of specially protected natural areas has been introduced.

The city of Yoshkar-Ola is located in the center of the Mari lowland, in an area of ​​mixed forests, in fact, on the southern border of the taiga zone. The Malaya Kokshaga River, a tributary of the Volga, flows through the city. Within the boundaries of the municipality, the rivers Oshla, Managa, Maly Kundysh, Nolka flow into it. All this creates favorable opportunities for recreation for citizens and residents of other regions of Russia.

The city of Volzhsk is the second largest city in the Republic of Mari El. The city has Palaces of Culture, a cinema "Rodina", a park, and a city museum of local lore. Children are brought up and educated in 10 schools and 20 pre-school educational institutions. At present, the city lives, is being built, its industrial complexes are being revived, sports, culture, trade, etc. are developing.

A kind of "capital" of the mountain side - the right bank of the Volga is the city of Kozmodemyansk, surprisingly colorful, with rich gardens and unique monuments of wooden architecture.

Its pearl is the Kozmodemyansky cultural and historical museum complex with one of the richest collections of paintings in the Volga region. Here are the canvases of famous artists I.K. Aivazovsky, K.P. Bryullov, K.E. Makovsky, N.I. Feshin and others. One cannot remain indifferent to the open-air ethnographic museum. The ancient way of life of the Mari people, their traditions, spiritual culture link the past with the present and future here.

1.8. Climatic conditions.

The Republic of Mari El is located in a zone with a temperate continental climate, on the border of forest and forest-steppe natural zones. Medium long-term temperature air in January is - 19 ° C; in July + 20°C. More than 50% of the republic's territory is occupied by forests. Sod-podzolic, loamy, sandy and sandy soils predominate in the republic.

1.9. Natural resources Republic of Mari El

Mineral resources.

On the territory of the Mari El Republic there is a significant number of deposits of solid non-metallic minerals - glass sand, carbonate rocks, peat, sapropel.

In terms of the number of explored reserves, the quality of quartz sands and their predicted resources, the Republic of Mari El occupies one of the first places in the European part of Russia.

The balance of mineral reserves in the republic includes 57 deposits for 9 types of raw materials. Of these, 28 are being developed,

2 prepared for development and 27 classified as reserve.

For many years ahead, the republic is provided with such types of raw materials as carbonate crushed stone of medium and low strength, building stone, expanded clay, brick-tile clay, building sand, peat. On the territory of the Republic of Mari El, there is a wide distribution of peat deposits. Peat is used mainly as a fuel (90% of the extraction).

There are 451 peat deposits on the territory of the Republic of Mari El, of which 137 have an area of ​​more than 10 hectares. The developed part of the peat massifs is located in the western part (within the Mari lowland). The total geological reserve of peat is 156,748.1 thousand tons, incl. balance reserves are 115391.2 thousand tons. The deposits of the low-lying type are the most widespread (73.62% of the total reserves), high-moor peat - about 19%.

Within the territory of the republic there are a large number of lakes, the features of the water and mineral nutrition of which, as well as sufficient moisture content of the territory, contribute to the formation of sapropelic lakes in these reservoirs.

and mineral mud enriched with iron sulfides, which have a high balneological value.

More than 60 lake sapropel deposits with total resources of 11 million tons have been discovered in the republic. Of these, 5 deposits have been explored in detail with reserves of 1.7 million tons.

Currently, there are 22 fields on the balance sheet with balance reserves of 2457 thousand tons. Only the Vodoozerskoye field is being developed, with balance reserves of 633,000 tons.

There are 25 enterprises operating in the republic that develop and use mineral raw materials. Building sands are mined

and for road construction, therapeutic mud, sapropel and peat, limestone for the production of crushed stone, rubble stone, limestone flour and selective building lime. Silicate and ceramic brick, expanded clay, glass containers, wall materials. Enterprises are provided with local raw materials for the production of products, which allows the development of construction, road construction and agro-industrial complexes through the use of local resources.

Forest resources.

The territory of the Republic of Mari El belongs to the subzones of the southern taiga and mixed (broad-leaved-coniferous and coniferous-broad-leaved) forests. The distribution of forests within the territory under consideration is uneven and varies

depending on specific natural and forest conditions. With a noticeable reduction in coniferous plantations, they are replaced by deciduous forests (birch and aspen forests). On the right bank of the Volga small areas oak forests have been preserved, especially in the floodplains of the left tributaries of the Volga.

The share of land covered with forest vegetation is quite high and on average for administrative regions is 57% of total area republics. The area of ​​forest lands is 1412 thousand hectares, including those covered with forest vegetation -

1301.6 thousand hectares, which are mainly located in the west of the Republic and in its central part.

2. General information about the cultural and tourist resources of the Republic of Mari El.

2.1. Major historical and cultural sites.

The Republic of Mari El has a high cultural potential, original culture, traditions, folk crafts. On the territory of the Republic of Mari El there are numerous monuments of history and culture, monastic

and manor complexes, functioning temples, museum-reserves. Among which:

1633 monuments of history and culture;

327 libraries, including 4 republican: National Library. S.G. Chavain, Republican Youth Library. V.Kh. Columbus, Republican Children's Library, Republican Library for the Blind;

362 institutions of cultural and leisure type;

5 theaters (Mari National Drama Theater named after M. Shketan with a branch - Theater of Young Spectators, Mari State Opera and Ballet Theater named after E. Sapaev, Academic Russian Drama Theater named after G. Konstantinov, Republican Puppet Theater, Gornomariysky Drama Theater), Margosphilharmonia with three permanent ensembles;

28 museums, incl. National Museum of the Republic of Mari El. T. Evseeva, Republican Museum of Fine Arts,

in the structure of which, in order to preserve and increase artistic values, the National Art Gallery was opened in November 2007, equipped with modern systems climate control and special lighting. Thanks to the opening of the art gallery, it became possible to host exhibitions of Russian and international level in the republic;

Cultural and historical museum complex in Kozmodemyansk, which includes: Art and History Museum. A.V. Grigoriev with a unique collection of paintings of the 18th-19th centuries, porcelain, historical collections, a museum of ethnography of the mountain Mari, a museum of merchant life in the house of the timber merchant Gubin, telling about the history and life of the merchants of the end XIX beginning XX centuries, as well as the Museum of History and Humor of Ostap Bender and others.

The traditional Mari embroidery, which has been preserved and developed, is considered to be a kind of symbol of the republic.

in the republic for more than 300 years, the manufacture of traditional musical instruments of the Mari people (harp, bagpipes), wood carving, basket weaving, etc.;

There are also 3 centers of national cultures in the republic (Russian, Mari and Tatar); Sheremetev's estate in the village. Yurino is ready to receive Russian and foreign tourists. A magnificent manor-architectural complex of the 19th century, a mixture of various styles in the architecture of the castle created a unique example of architecture that is rightfully considered the pearl of the Volga region; Vazhnanger settlement "Alamner" was in the XIV-XV centuries. administrative military-defensive cult center of the ancient Mari. Fortifications have been preserved on the settlement, which have no analogues in the Ural-Volga region.

Located on a maple mountain, the Mari Chodra National Park is an interesting natural and territorial complex. The sanatorium "Klenovaya Gora" was built on its territory. There are such places popular with tourists as the Zeleny Klyuch spring, lakes Yalchik, Mashinier, Glukhoe, Konanjer, the rivers Ilet, Yushut, Petyalka flow. The oldest specimen of oak, called Pugachevsky, has been preserved here.

2.2. The main types and directions of tourism.

The main types of tourism in the republic are:

Ecotourism. Mari El is a land of amazingly beautiful lakes. There are more than 600 of them: large and small, different in origin and useful properties, but equally attractive with their original beauty and purity. Lake Nuzhyar in the Gornomariysky district is considered the cleanest in the Volga region. The largest is Lake Yalchik, with an area of ​​195 hectares, the deepest is the karst lake Zryv (Tabashinskoe), the depth of which reaches 56 meters. The largest group of such lakes is located on the edge of the northern ledge of the Sotnur Upland, where there are 11 lakes in a chain, among them the Sea Eye with a depth of 35 m, and 6 lakes at the foot of the Kerebelak Upland.

The Mari region can be called a haven of silence, a kingdom of mushrooms, berries, birds and animals, a land of ecological well-being.

Active tourism (hunting, fishing, canoeing and horseback riding). The diversity of the fauna of the Mari forests is explained by the location at the junction of two natural zones. Among the forest inhabitants, the largest is the elk. There are many wild boars in the floodplain forests.

The brown bear lives in dense spruce-deciduous forests. And in the coniferous taiga - lynx. There are also hunting birds: capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse, partridge, woodcock, wild ducks and geese. Forest lakes are beautiful place for relax, fishing, hunting. About 45 species of fish are found in the rivers and lakes of the republic. The lakes are home to many waterfowl. And lovers of hunting and fishing will be hospitably received for the night by the cozy Hunter's House, located in the village of Starozhilsk.

Ethno tourism. Ethnographically, the republic is interesting in that the Mari, one of the few peoples of Europe, have preserved paganism and religious objects associated with it in living existence. In addition, the Republic of Mari El presents a unique experience of the coexistence of paganism, Christianity and Islam. The originality and uniqueness of the Mari are emphasized by many researchers.

For lovers of educational and sightseeing tourism, routes are offered that introduce Mari rituals, customs, folklore, national cuisine, traditional Mari embroidery and crafts, carefully preserved from generation to generation. Tourists can get a vivid idea of ​​the life of the ancient Mari by visiting the Arda House of Crafts in the Kilemar region, the Peasant Hut-Museum in the village of Starozhilsk, Medvedev region and other museums.

Rural tourism. The popularity of ecological and rural tourism is growing all over the world, and the Republic of Mari El is no exception. Tourists want to learn more and more about the cultural values, customs of the local population and their way of life. The territories of the Medvedevsky, Kilemarsky, Zvenigovsky and Novotoryalsky districts have the necessary potential for the development of rural tourism.





How many interesting and unusual things are hidden in each of its republics. One of the most unusual regions is the Republic of Mari El. It is a tourist area. Many who want to see the beautiful lakes of this region go here to summer time. The capital of the Republic of Mari El, the city of Yoshkar-Ola, also attracts residents of Russia.

History of the Mari region

From the local language means the Mari region. Mari is the area (translated from the Mari - "husband, man"). For a very long period, the region was subjected to military invasions from the East and Europe. For a long time the Tatar Khanate ruled here. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the Mari region was annexed to Russia. The border state of the republic is visible in everything. The majority of the population never accepted any of the world religions: neither Christianity nor Islam, and still pray in pagan temples and perform the corresponding rituals.

Since the 16th century, the history of the republic has been very closely connected with the life of Russia. However, like any other region of the country, it has its own symbols: the flag, coat of arms and anthem of the Republic of Mari El.

Symbolism of the region

The flag of the Republic of Mari El is a symbol of its unity. It is a three-color rectangular canvas. The upper stripe, which occupies a quarter of the width of the flag, is azure. Center stripe (half width) - white color. The lower part, which is commensurate in size with the upper one, has a Mari national ornament on the left, next to the shaft, on white color with a red-brown signature "Mari-El". The national flag of the Republic of Mari El flaunts on the buildings where the government, the president is located, on the buildings of ministries, courts and local governments.

The heraldic shield of the republic depicts an element of national ornament, symbolizing the fertility and prosperity of the region. These are coniferous and oak branches and ears, as if wrapped in a ribbon of three colors (in accordance with the flag). The coat of arms adorns the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Mari El. It personifies the commitment of the population of the republic to agricultural labor, as well as the fertility and wealth of the land.

The anthem of the Republic of Mari El sounds in three languages: Russian, Mari Mountain and Mari Meadow. Music by Y. Evdokimov. The authors of the words are V. Panov, I. Gorny and D. Islamov. As in any anthem, this one glorifies the region, speaks of its virtues, wealth, and of the friendly and strong people inhabiting the republic.

Government of the Republic of Mari El

The composition of the government of the republic is as follows: the head of government, two of his deputies, ministers, leaders state committees. has the right to appoint his deputy to the government. On the this moment the government of the Republic of Mari El is headed by Leonid Igorevich Markelov.

The structure of the government of this region is no different from the structure of other regions of the country. The ministries of the Republic of Mari El also supervise the spheres of healthcare, culture and press, education, finance, and justice. Mari El is a very picturesque region, the main source of its income is natural resources. All these values ​​are in the department of the Ministry of the Republic of Mari El for Environmental Safety.


The capital of the Republic of Mari El, the city of Yoshkar-Ola, has a rich history. Its original name is Tsarevokokshaisk (Tsarevgrad on the Kokshaga River). It was founded at the end of the 16th century and was originally a military fortress. After that, artisans and peasants began to settle here, the main occupation of which was agriculture. Until the 18th century, the city was predominantly military, until industrial enterprises began to open in it. The orientation of the settlement has completely changed. At the same time, the Alexander-Elizabeth fair became the main entertainment for the residents, and Yoshkar-Ola became one of the merchant centers of the republic. Market Square is still in Yoshkar-Ola, it serves as the historical center of the city.

Currently, the city has a well-developed infrastructure. Yoshkar-Ola is not only a political center, but also a cultural one. In addition, it is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in the Volga region.

Sights of Yoshkar-Ola

The capital of the Republic of Mari El, as a cultural center, has a number of attractions. Tourists should definitely visit the National Museum named after T.V. Evseev, as well as the Museum of Fine Arts. Those who want to learn more about the life, customs, customs of the local population, as well as immerse themselves in the history of the city, should visit the Museum of the History of the City of Yoshkar-Ola. Of course, ancient buildings, such as the Ascension Church (18th century), the House of Soviets (beginning of the 20th century), give a special beauty to the city. Ancient buildings contrast with modern shopping and office centers, and the buildings where the government and the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Mari El are located also look impressive.

You should definitely drive a little outside the city to see the stunning beauty of the Sheremetevs' estate, along appearance reminiscent of a castle.

The main advantage of the city is its natural beauty: groves, gardens and squares where you can walk and enjoy the beauty of the Mari nature.

Other cities

Small cities - that's what distinguishes the Republic of Mari El. Volzhsk is one of them. It is a district center with a population of about 61,000 people. The pulp industry is actively developing in Volzhsk.

Another city is Zvenigovo. It is also built on the banks of the Volga. The city has a developed timber industry and ship repair.

The third city is Kozmodemyansk. Its population is almost 25 thousand people. The city has factories for the production of meat, sausages, a garment factory, a brick factory, a factory for the production of spare parts for gas stoves, and computers.

Culture of the republic and its capital

The capital of the Republic of Mari El and its other cities are home to many famous composers, artists, singers, dancers and poets. For example, a dance group bearing the name of the republic gained all-Russian fame. The most famous Mari composer Ivan Palantai was born in Yoshkar-Ola. As for more famous people, then an example is the poet Nikolai Zabolotsky, whose childhood years were spent in one of the regional centers of the republic.

The nature of the region

The special pride of the Mari land is its natural wealth, beautiful dense forests, deep clear lakes. The deepest origin is Zryv. Its depth in some places reaches 56 meters. Another lake formed at the site of a dip in earth's crust- Sea eye. The history of this lake is shrouded in many legends and legends. It got its name not by chance: if you look from afar or from a bird's eye view, then in shape it resembles a human eye, and tall spruces growing around it are thick eyelashes.

The property of not only the republic, but the whole of Russia is Tabashinsky Lake. Its depth reaches 55 meters. The water in the lake is clean, flowing, rich in minerals and is curative. Pike, crucian carp, bream, burbot and roach live in the depths of the lake. In the mid-70s of the 20th century, this lake was recognized as a natural monument.

Another lake of extraordinary beauty is Tahir. In its center, over time, an island was formed, on which a dense green grove blossomed.

special medicinal property Lake Shungaltan has. The mud and water of this spring contain a large amount of hydrogen sulfide.

Not only lakes captivate the eyes of any person who has fallen into the Mari region. Here, too, unusual clean rivers, for example, Ilen. In summer, you can see a wide variety of birds on it, which make nests on its banks and hatch their chicks. Many springs flow into Ilen, so the water in it is cold and clean. One of the streams is mineral, it is called the Green Key.

Tourists should definitely go to the national reserve and park "Mari Chodra". These are specially protected places where rare species plants. Forests and meadows here have not suffered from human intervention, and therefore are especially beautiful.

Manners and customs of the local population

The capital of the Republic of Mari El and its other cities, despite the developed industry, continue to retain the local national flavor. It should be noted that the Mari in modern conditions still maintain and cultivate their originality: they use the folk language, ethnic motifs sound at the holidays, you can see dances in folk costumes. The cafe serves national cuisine. The indigenous population of the republic is friendly, knows how to appreciate nature, life, feel unity with the world.

An abundance of cultures and endless natural wealth - that's what Russia can boast of. The Republic of Mari El is a unique part of this big country. There is no warm sea here, but this is not an obstacle in order to spend an unforgettable vacation and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature.

General information

Ras-lo-same-on in the center of the European part of Russia, in the Middle Volga region. Included in the composition of the Pri-Volzh-sko-th fe-de-ral-no-go ok-ru-ha. The area is 23.4 thousand km2. The population is 698.2 thousand people (2010; 647.7 thousand in 1959; 749.4 thousand in 1989). Sto-li-tsa - Yosh-kar-Ola. Administrative-territorial division: 14 districts, 4 cities, 15 villages of mountains. ty-pa.

Government departments

Sis-te-ma or-ga-nov of state power op-re-de-la-et-sya Kon-sti-tu-qi-ee of the Russian Federation and Kon-sti-tu-qi-ee Res-pub-li -ki Mari El (1995). State power in the republic-pub-li-ke os-sche-st-in-la-et-sya State so-b-ra-ni-em Mariy El, head of the republic, pra-vi-tel-st-vom and other-mi or-ga-na-mi in co-ot-vet-st-vie with Kon-sti-tu-qi-her res-pub-li-ki. The state association of par-la-ment is the highest and only-st-ven-ny for-co-no-dative body of state power of the res-pub-li-ki. So-it from 52 de-pu-ta-tov, from-bi-rae-my on-se-le-ni-em for 5 years (26 de-pu-ta-tov from bi-ra-yut -sya according to one-but-man-date-ny from-bi-rational ok-ru-gams, formed on the basis of a single norm, we are pre-sta-vi-telst- va from-bi-ra-te-lei; 26 de-pu-ta-tov - according to the republic-pub-li-kan-sko-mu from the bi-rational ok-ru-gu pro-por-tsio-nal- but the number of go-lo-owls, given for the lists of can-di-da-tov in de-pu-ta-you, you-dvi-well-ty from bi-rational volumes -di-ne-niya-mi).

De-pu-ta-you work ra-bo-ta-yut without ot-ry-va from the main profession or service activity and on a professional one-to-yan-noy basis ve. The number of de-pu-ta-tov, ra-bo-melting in the State So-b-ra-nii on a professional one-hundred-yan-noy os-no-ve, us-ta-nav-li- va-et-sya for-ko-nom. The head of the res-pub-li-ki is the highest obligatory person and heads the executive power of the res-public. Half-but-mo-chia-mi of the head of the Republic of Ma-riy El on-de-la-et-sya -lo-women-nyh Pre-zi-den-tom of the Russian Federation. The head of the res-pub-li-ki for-mi-ru-et is the highest executive body of state power - pra-vi-tel-st-vo.


Pain-shin-st-in-se-le-niya is composed of Russians (47.5%) and Mari-tsy (42.9%; of which lu-go-vo- eastern Mari-tsy - 7.3%, mountainous Mari-tsy - 2.4%). Pro-zhi-va-yut also ta-ta-ry (6%), chu-va-shi (1%), uk-ra-in-tsy (0.7%), ud-mur-ty ( 0.3%), Mordovians (0.2%), be-lo-ru-sy, ar-my-ne, azerbai-jan-tsy, etc. (2002, re-writing) .

Since the second half of the 1990s, the de-mo-graphic si-tua-tion in the republic-pub-li-ke ha-rak-te-ri-zu-et-sya us-toy-chi-vym has been reduced - we don’t have the number of people on the se-le-nia (for 1995-2010 by 58 thousand people), which is due to its natural decline (2.2 per 1000 inhabitants , 2009) and in a hundred-yan-ny migratory from-to-com (6 per 10 thousand inhabitants; mainly in neighboring regions of the Russian Federation).

The death rate is 14.9 per 1000 inhabitants, ro-zh-dae-mo-sti - 12.7 per 1000 inhabitants; infant mortality is 7.2 per 1000 live-in-ro-well-days. To-la on-se-le-niya mo-lo-same work-to-spo-own-but-age-ra-ta (up to 16 years old) 16.5%, older work-to-spo- sob-no-th age-race-ta - 19.7%. The share of women is 53.7%. The average life expectancy in May is 67.1 years (men - 60.8, women - 73.8).

The average population density is 29.9 people/km2. The most dense-but-for-se-le-ny Volzh-sky, Ser-nur-sky, Para-ran-gin-sky, So-vet-sky and New-tor-yal-sky paradise- they. The proportion of the urban population is 63.5% (2010; 28.2% in 1959; 61.1% in 1989). Over-the-lo-vi-na of the city-ro-zhan pro-zhy-va-et in Yosh-kar-Ola (248.7 thousand people, 2010); other significant cities (thousand people): Volzhsk (56.2), Koz-mo-dem-yansk (22.7), Zve-ni-go-vo (12.0).


According to the socio-logical research-sle-before-va-nia (2004), 51.1% of the population of Ma-ri El are right-in-glorious: for-re-gi-st -ri-ro-va-no (as of 01/01/2009) 82 or-ga-ni-za-tions of the Yosh-kar-Olin and Mari eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Church (os-no-va-na in 1993), some of them include 2 mo-on-stay-rya (including the female Mi-ro-no-sits-kai pus-tyn, os-but -va-na in 1649), as well as the 3 old-ro-rite-or-ga-ni-za-tsii. After-to-va-te-whether traditional cults make up 15% of the population, for-re-gi-st-ri-ro-va-no 5 volumes edi-not-ny Mari-sky traditional re-li-gy.

Mari El Republic

Main city (administrative centre): Yoshkar-Ola

Distance from Yoshkar-Ola to Moscow: 642 km in a straight line

Square of the Republic of Yoshkar-Ola: 642 km²

Automotive region code: 12

Federal District: Volga

Economic region: Volga-Vyatka

Region flag:

Coat of arms of the region:

Timezone: MSK (UTC+3)

OKATO code: 88

Big cities: Yoshkar-Ola, Volzhsk, Kozmodemyansk, Medvedevo, Zvenigovo, Soviet, Morki, Sernur, Semenovka

Urban districts: city ​​of Yoshkar-Ola, city of Volzhsk, city of Kozmodemyansk

Municipal areas:

1 Volzhsky district Volzhsk
2 Gornomariysky district Kozmodemyansk
3 Zvenigovsky district Zvenigovo
4 Kilemarsky district town Kilemary
5 Kuzhenersky district town Kuzhener
6 Mari-Tureksky district town Mari Turek
7 Medvedevsky district town Medvedevo
8 Morkinsky district town morki
9 Novotoryalsky district town New Torjal
10 Orsha district town Orshanka
11 Paranginsky district town paranga
12 Sernur district town Sernur
13 Sovietsky district town Soviet
14 Yurinskiy district town Yurino

Republic of Mari El on the map of Russia - 12 region

Neighboring regions of the Republic of Mari El - 12 region

Republic of Mari El - 12th region

The Republic of Mari El was founded on November 4, 1920 and is located in the east of the East European Plain, in the middle reaches of the Volga. Most of the republic falls on the left bank of the Volga. In the north and east, the Republic of Mari El borders on the Kirov region, in the southeast - on the Republic of Tatarstan, in the southwest - on the Republic of Chuvashia, in the west - on the Nizhny Novgorod region.

The western part of the left bank is occupied by the marshy Mari lowland. In the west of the republic, the Volga receives a large tributary - the Vetluga. To the east, the left tributaries of the Volga flow along the lowland, originating on the southern slopes of the Vyatka ridges: Malaya Kokshaga with tributaries Maly Kundysh and Bolshaya Oshla, Bolshaya Kokshaga with a tributary Bolshoi Kundysh, Rutka.

The eastern part of the territory is located within the Vyatka ridges, up to 275 m high, karst landforms are found here, the surface is dissected by river valleys and ravines. Among them are the rivers of the Vyatka basin: Nemda with tributaries Lazh, Tolman, Shukshan, etc., Bui, Urzhumka; the left tributary of the Volga Ilet with tributaries of the Shor, Irovka and Yushut.

On the right bank of the Volga, there is only one of the 14 districts of the republic - Gornomariysky, which occupies the northern outskirts of the Volga Upland. Here the tributaries of the Sura, Sumka, Yunga, Malaya Yunga, Sundyr flow into the Volga.

The Cheboksary and Kuibyshev reservoirs are located on the Volga within the republic.