The script is dedicated to the children of war. Educational portal. Scenario for an extracurricular activity “there are no children in war”

Presenter (behind the stage)

It seemed cold to the flowers

And they barely faded from the dew.

The dawn that walked through the grass and bushes

We searched through German binoculars.

The flower in the dewdrops is all close to the flower.

And the border guard extended his hands to them.

And the Germans, having finished drinking coffee, at that moment

They climbed into the tanks and closed the hatches.

Everything breathed such silence,

It seemed that the whole earth was still asleep.

Who knew that between peace and war

Only about five minutes left?

There are elementary school children on stage, cheerful music is playing, children are playing with a ball, a girl is cradling a doll, a boy is rolling a car.

The music gives way to the sounds of war. The children first look around in fear, then run away from the stage.

The children go on stage to the march “Farewell of the Slav”.

The inscription on the screen:

“Grown and strong men start the war! And children, women and old people pay the price..."

Against the background of tragic music the words are read:

The pages of the history of our Motherland are filled with courage.

The Great Patriotic War became the highest peak of courage. History has already put an end to this war: we know about battles, burned villages, destroyed cities, dead soldiers, about the immeasurable feat of the defenders of the Fatherland.

We bow our heads low in memory of those who survived and won, and bequeathed life to us all.

Many stories, songs, poems, and books have been written about the war.

But perhaps the time will never come when it will be possible to say enough is enough, everything has already been said. It will never be possible to say everything. Many who went through all the trials of the war are not among us. The more significant and precious is the living memory of those who survived that war. Among them are children of war.


    We are children of war. We got it from the cradle

Experience the chaos of adversity.

There was hunger. It was cold. I couldn't sleep at night.

The sky was blackened by the burning.

    The boys added years to themselves,

So that they are sent to the front.

And it was not the influence of fashion.

For some, the plant has become dear to them.

    Machines of youngsters, like fortresses they took,

Standing on tiptoes at full height.

And they acquired adult skills.

The demand was the same for everyone.

    Many kilometers of roads have been traveled.

Nerves and strength were spent.

Sirens and winds howled after us.

The fascist hunted us like animals.

    The Nazis took blood from thin wreaths,

Saving German soldiers.

The kids stood as targets against the walls.

A rite of atrocity was carried out.

    And in times of hunger only a crust of bread saved me,

Potato peelings, cake.

And bombs fell on our heads from the sky,

Not leaving everyone alive.

    We, children of war, suffered a lot of grief.

Victory was the reward.

And the chronicle of the terrible years was written into memory.

The pain resonated with Echo.

The song “Children of War” is playing

On the screen is the video “Children of War”

Presenter 1 .

War and children... There is nothing scarier than these two words placed side by side. Because children are born for life, not for death. And the war takes away this life...

Two sisters fled from the war -

Sveta is eight, Katya is only three...

Just a little more, and we’re saved,

Behind the hill are our own, which means freedom.

But a mine exploded, causing death

It’s smoky and disgusting behind those walking.

And one fragment flew

And he hit the youngest one under the shoulder blade.

As if he wanted to hide a criminal trail

Milligram of hot metal -

The padded jacket is intact, and there is no blood either,

Only the heart stopped beating.

The eldest said: “That’s enough, Katya,

After all, I have a hard time too.

Give me your pen, it's time to get up,

One more hour and everything will be all right.”

But, seeing Katya’s empty gaze,

Sveta froze for a moment,

And, throwing away the knapsack with the food,

She put her sister on her shoulder.

And where did the strength come from in her?

But she ran and ran...

Only when I saw my own

She staggered and fell into the snow.

A nurse approached the children,

Little Katya examined

And she said sadly: “Dead”...

Sveta immediately began to roar loudly.

“No, don’t,” the cry rang out, “

People, people, does this really happen?...

The older brother, Ivan, died in battle...

The Germans shot my mom and dad...

Why is there so much evil in the world?...

Is my sister’s life a toy?

The nurse took him by the shoulders

An eight-year old woman from the field.

Well, I picked Katya up in my arms

An elderly soldier from the third company.

“Granddaughter,” he just said, “

Why didn’t I save you?”...

Sunsets burn fires in the sky,

And the winds shed their sighs,

It's like two sisters are quietly crying -

Sparks of a ruthless era.

Presenter 1 .

The concept "children of war"Quite voluminous. There are a lot of all the children of the war - millions of them, starting with those whose childhood was cut short on June 22, 1941 and ending with those who were born for the first time in May 1945. If we take into account dates of birth, we get a considerable historical period of 18-19 years. All those born during these years can with good reason be called children of war.

Children of war Laura Tassi

She consoled the tattered bearGirl in a mutilated hut:"A piece of bread is very little,But you will get the little one..."

The shells flew and exploded,Black earth mixed with blood."There was a family, there was a home... Now there areAll alone in the world - you and I..."

And behind the village the grove was smoking,Struck by monstrous fire,And Death flew around like an angry bird,An unexpected misfortune came to the house...

“Do you hear, Mish, I’m strong, I don’t cry,And they will give me a machine gun at the front.I will take revenge for hiding my tears,Because our pines are burning..."

But in the silence the bullets whistled loudly,An ominous reflection flashed in the window...And the girl ran out of the house:“Oh, Mishka, Mishka, how scared I am!..”

Silence. Not a voice is heard.The country is celebrating the victory today...And how many of them, girls and boys,Orphaned by a vile war?!..

Presenter 2 .

There were also children among the defenders of the Motherland. Children who went to the front or fought in partisan detachments. Such teenage boys were called “sons of the regiments.” They fought on a par with adult warriors and even performed feats. Some, repeating Susanin's feat, led detachments of enemies into impenetrable forests, swamps, and minefields. 56 people were named pioneers - heroes. Among them are the highest rank of Hero Soviet Union Four were posthumously awarded: Valya Kotik, Zina Portnova, Lenya Golikov, Marat Kazei. These names are well known to older people. The dead heroes were only 13-14 years old. Tens of thousands of children were awarded orders and medals for various military services.

Joseph Utkin “The Ballad about the commander of the partisan detachment Konstantin Zaslonov and his adjutant, a boy named Zhenka”

The Germans say to Zhenka:
“Where is Zaslonov? Where is the squad?
Tell us everything
Do you hear?
- "I don't know…"

- “Where are the weapons? Where is the warehouse?
You say - money, chocolate,
No - rope and butt,
- "I don't know…"

The enemy is burning Zhenya with a cigar.
Zhenya endures, Zhenya waits -
Silent during interrogation:
He won’t throw barriers.

…Morning. Square. Sun. Light.
Gallows. Village Council.
The partisans are not visible.
Zhenya thinks: “Kaput,
Ours, apparently, will not come,
I can see I’m going to die.”

I remembered my mother. Father. Family.
Dear sister.
...And the executioner sits on one bench
He puts it on the other one.
- “Well, that’s it!” -
And Zhenya got in.

...The sky is above. On the right is the forest.
With sad eyes
He looked around the expanse of heaven,
I looked at the forest again,
He looked at the forest... and froze.

Is this reality or a dream?!
Rye, field - on three sides -
The partisans are rushing.
Ahead of Zaslonov - gallop.
Closer... closer!
And the executioner
Busy with his own business.
I measured the loop - just right.
He grinned - he was waiting for an order.
"For the last time...
Where are the partisans?
Where is Zaslonov?

Zhenya: “Where?
- On land and on water.
- Both in oats and bread.
- Both in the forest and in the sky.
- On the threshing floor and in the field.
- In the yard and at school.
- In the church... in the fisherman's boat.
- In a hut behind the wall.
- You have a fool
Fritz... behind!

The enemy looked back and to the ground

- clap, with a groan:
A stranger right in the face
Zaslonov pleased.

Presenter 1 .

Please look at an excerpt from V. Kataev’s story “Son of the Regiment”

This is the scene of Vanya the shepherdess meeting with a boy who was the son of a regiment of cavalrymen.

This boy was not much older than Vanya. He was about fourteen years old. And in appearance even less. But, my God, what a boy he was!

Vanya has never seen such a luxurious boy. He was wearing a full marching uniform of the Guards cavalry.

It was scary to even approach such a boy, let alone talk to him. However, Vanya was not timid. WITH independent view he approached the luxurious boy, placed bare feet, put his hands behind his back and began to examine him.

But the military boy didn’t even raise an eyebrow. Vanya was silent. The boy was also silent. This went on for quite some time. Finally, the military boy could not stand it anymore.


What are you worth?


I want and I stand.


Go where you came from.


Go yourself. Not your forest.


Here's mine!




So. Our unit is stationed here.


What department?


It doesn't concern you. You see, our horses.

The boy shook his forelock head back, and Vanya really saw behind the trees a hitching post, horses, black cloaks and scarlet hoods of horsemen.


Who are you?


Do you understand the insignia?




Well, that's it. Corporal of the Guards Cavalry. It's clear?


Yes! Corporal! We've seen such corporals! The boy shook his white forelock offendedly.


But just imagine, corporal! - he said.

But this seemed to him not enough. He opened his overcoat. Vanya saw on the gymnast a large silver medal on a gray silk ribbon.


Have you seen it?


Great job!


The great is not great, but a medal for military merit. And go where you came from while you’re safe.


Don't be too fashionable. Otherwise you will get it yourself.


From whom?


From me.


From you? Young, brother.


Not younger than you.


How old are you?


It doesn't concern you. What about you?






What - ge?


So what kind of soldier are you?


An ordinary soldier. Guards Cavalry.


Interpret! Not allowed.


What is not allowed?


Too young.


Older than you.


Still not allowed. They don't hire people like that.


But they took me.


How did they get you?


And that’s how they took it.


Were you enrolled in allowance?


But what?


You fill it up.


I don't have such a habit.


Take a swear.


Honest Guards.


Are you included in all types of benefits?


For all types.


And they gave you weapons?


But of course! Everything that is required. Have you seen my checkerboard? Noble, brother, blade. Zlatoustovsky. If you want to know, you can bend it with a wheel and it won’t break. What is this? I also have a burka. Just what you need. For beauty! But I only wear it in battle. And now she follows me in the wagon train.


But they didn’t take me. First they took me, and then they said it’s not allowed. I even slept in their tent once. The scouts, the artillery.


Therefore, you did not show yourself to them, since they did not want to take you for their son.


How is it for your son? For what?


It is known for which. For the son of the regiment. And without this it is not allowed.


Are you a son?


I am the son. For the second year now, brother, our Cossacks have considered me a son. They received me near Smolensk. Brother, Major Voznesensky himself registered me under his last name, since I am an orphan. So I am now called Guard Corporal Voznesensky and serve as a liaison under Major Voznesensky. He, my brother, once even took me on a raid with him. There, our Cossack women made a big noise at night in the rear of the Nazis. How they will burst into one village where their headquarters was located, and how they will jump out into the street in only their underpants! We filled more than one and a half hundred of them there.

The boy pulled his saber out of its sheath and showed Vanya how they cut down the fascists.


And did you chop? – Vanya asked with a shiver of admiration.


No,” he said embarrassedly. - To tell the truth, I didn’t chop. I didn’t have a checker then. “I was riding in a cart with a heavy machine gun... Well, then, go where you came from,” Corporal Voznesensky suddenly said, realizing that he was chatting too friendly with this rather suspicious citizen who had come from nowhere. - Goodbye, brother.


“Goodbye,” Vanya said sadly and wandered away.

“So I didn’t show up to them,” he thought bitterly. But I immediately felt with all my heart that this was not true. No no. His heart could not be deceived. His heart told him that the scouts loved him deeply.

    And we didn’t contradict the memory

And, remembering those distant years when

fell on our weak shoulders

A huge, not childish problem.

The ground was both hard and snowy,

All people had the same destiny.

We didn’t even have a separate childhood,

And we were together – childhood and war.

The video “Eaglet” is shown on the screen.

Leading 2.

The entire Soviet people stood up to defend their Motherland. All adults, men and women, went to the front to fight, to defend their Motherland, their home, their children, fathers and mothers. Mostly old people and children remained at home.

Leading 1.

Boys. Girls. The weight of adversity, disaster, and grief of the war years fell on their fragile shoulders. And they did not bend under this weight, they began stronger in spirit, more courageous, more resilient.

    The war took a terrible toll on children’s destinies,
    It was difficult for everyone, difficult for the country,
    But childhood is seriously mutilated:
    Children suffered greatly from the war.

    Both courage and bravery were needed,
    to live under enemy occupation,
    Always suffer from hunger and fear,
    Passed where the enemy's foot.

    Childhood was not easy in the rear of the country,
    There was not enough clothing and food,
    Everyone everywhere suffered from the war,
    The children have had enough grief and misfortune.

    War. There is nothing more terrible in the world,
    “Everything for the front!” - the country's motto is:
    Everyone worked: both adults and children
    In the fields and at the open hearths, at the machine tools.

Leading 2.

Children during the war can tell a lot: how they died of hunger and fear, how sad they were when September 1, 1941 came. Like at the age of 10-12, standing on a box, reaching for machines and working 12 hours a day. The children helped the front with everything they could. They came to depopulated factory workshops and empty collective farm fields, replacing adults. They became machine operators, assemblers, produced ammunition, harvested crops, and were on duty in hospitals. Their work books they received earlier than passports. The war gave them away.

    Why are you, war,

I stole the boys' childhood

AND blue sky, and the smell simple flower?

They came to the factories to work

Boys of the Urals

They positioned the boxes to reach the machine.

And now in the incorruptible winter war year,

When I was working on Kama

cold dawn

Gathered the best workers

plant director,

And it was a worker -

A total of fourteen years.

Leading 1.

Their growing up childhood was filled with such trials that it was hard to believe. But it was. It happened in the history of our great country, it happened in the destinies of its little children - ordinary boys and girls.

Leading 2.

Children died in cities occupied by the Nazis and in besieged Leningrad. What did the children feel and experience? The records of an eleven-year-old Leningrad girl, Tanya Savicheva, will tell you about this.

Tanya Savicheva was born in 1930 and lived in an ordinary Leningrad family. The war began, then the blockade. Before the girl’s eyes, the following died: her sister, grandmother, two uncles, mother and brother. When the evacuation of children began, they managed to take the girl along the Road of Life to the mainland. Doctors fought for her life, but help came too late, and Tanya could not be saved. She died of exhaustion. Tanya Savicheva left us evidence of what the children had to endure during the siege. Her diary was one of the prosecution documents for Nuremberg trials. Brief entries from Tanya’s diary have a stronger impact on the soul than a description of all the horrors of the siege. Today, Tanya Savicheva’s Diary is exhibited at the Museum of the History of Leningrad (St. Petersburg), a copy of it is in the display case of the Piskarevsky cemetery memorial, where 570 thousand city residents who died during the 900-day fascist blockade are buried, and on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow. The child's hand, losing strength from hunger, wrote unevenly and sparingly. The fragile soul, struck by unbearable suffering, was no longer capable of living emotions. Tanya was just recording real facts of their existence - tragic “visits of death” to their home. And when you read this, you become numb...

In besieged Leningrad

This girl lived.

In a student notebook

She kept her diary.

Tanya, Tanya Savicheva,

You are alive in our hearts:

Holding my breath for a moment,

The world hears her words:

“Zhenya died on December 28 at 12:30 am in 1941. Grandmother died on January 25 at 3 pm 1942.”

And in the night the sky pierces

The sharp light of the spotlights.

There is no home bread crumbs,

You won't find a log of firewood.

The smokehouse will not keep you warm

The pencil trembles in my hand,

But my heart bleeds

In the secret diary:

“Leka died on March 12 at 8 a.m. 1942. Uncle Vasya died on April 13 at 2 p.m. 1942.”

Has died down, died down

Gun storm,

Only memory every now and then

Looks intently into the eyes.

Birch trees stretch towards the sun,

The grass is breaking through

And on mournful Piskarevsky

Suddenly the words stop:

“Uncle Lyosha died on May 10 at 4 p.m. 1942. Mom - May 13 at 7:30 a.m. 1942.”

Have a bright day, people,

People, listen to the diary:

It sounds stronger than guns,

That silent child's cry:

“The Savichevs died. Everyone died. There’s only Tanya left!”

(the phonogram of Rachmaninov's 7th symphony sounds)

Leading 1.

Children can be proud that they defended Leningrad together with their fathers, mothers, and older brothers and sisters. When the blockade began, in addition to the adult population, there were 400 thousand children left in Leningrad. Young Leningraders had to bear their share of the hardships and disasters of besieged Leningrad. The siege boys and girls were worthy helpers for adults. They cleared attics, extinguished fires and fires, cared for the wounded, grew vegetables and potatoes, and worked in factories. And they were equal in that duel of nobility, when the elders tried to quietly give their share to the younger ones, and the younger ones did the same in relation to the elders. Hundreds of young Leningraders were awarded orders, thousands - medals “For the Defense of Leningrad”.

The song “Leningraders” is playing

Leading 2.

4 years. 1418 days. 34 thousand hours. And 27 million dead compatriots. Murdered, starved, exterminated and burned in concentration camps, missing in action.

If a minute of silence is declared for each of the 27 million deaths in the country, the country will remain silent... for 43 years!

27 million in 1418 days - that means 13 people died every minute...

    He gave himself the command “Forward!”

A wounded boy in an overcoat.

Eyes blue as ice.

They expanded and darkened.

    He gave himself the command “Forward!”

went to the tanks

With a machine gun...

Now he

Now it will fall

To become the Unknown Soldier.

    This memory of the last war
    Has been haunting me for a long time.
    Our life is doubly dear to us,
    When wars appear in movies!

    I'm watching an old war movie

And I don’t know who to ask:

Why to our people and our country

Did you have to endure so much grief?

    I'm watching an old movie and I dream

So that there are no wars and deaths,

So that the mothers of the country do not have to bury

Your sons forever young.

The song “All about that spring” is playing

Leading 1.

On May 9, the multinational people of our country celebrated one of the greatest and most glorious dates in their history - the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. For us, Russians, this day is truly holy and happy holiday. On this day, our Fatherland honors the victorious soldiers, glorifies the courage and bravery of its sons and daughters, everyone who did everything so that the spring of Victory of 1945 would come. And among them are those who are called “children of war.”

Leading 2.

13 million children died in World War II. A “Minute of Silence” is declared in memory of the millions who were tortured, shot, burned and buried alive.

Minute of silence

Leading 1.

The memory of those who died in this ruthless, harsh war will always be alive in our hearts.

    Thirteen million children's lives
    Burned in the hellish flames of war.
    Their laughter will not spray fountains of joy
    To the peaceful blossoming of spring.

    A mournful monument was erected to them in Poland,
    And in Leningrad - a stone Flower,
    So that it stays in people's memories longer
    The past wars have a tragic outcome.

    Thirteen million children's lives -
    Bloody trail of the brown plague.
    Their dead eyes reproachfully
    They look into our souls from the darkness of the grave,

    From the ashes of Buchenwald and Khatyn,
    From the glare of Piskarev's fire:
    “Will the burning memory really cool down?
    Will people really not save peace?

    Their lips were parched in their last cry,
    In the dying call of their dear mothers...
    Oh, mothers of countries small and great!
    Hear them and remember them!

Leading (adult)

The best people on Earth are children. How can we preserve it in the troubled 21st century? How to save his soul and his life? And with it - both our past and our future? Thirteen million children died on Earth in World War II! 9 million Soviet children were orphaned during the years of this terrible war. And so that this doesn't happen again terrible tragedy, humanity must not forget about these innocent victims. We must all remember that in the war waged by adults, children also die.

The cherished dream of each of us, of every child, is peace on earth. The people who won the Great Victory for us could not even imagine that in the 21st century we would lose children’s lives in terrorist acts. In Moscow, as a result of the terrorist takeover theater center Dozens of children died on Dubrovka. In North Ossetia, in the small town of Beslan, on September 1, 2004, terrorists took hostage more than a thousand students, their parents and teachers of school No. 1. Then more than 150 children died, almost 200 were injured.

Tell me, people, who needs all this?
What do we have more valuable than our children?
What does any nation have that is more valuable?
Any mother? Any father?

No, the word “peace” will hardly remain,
When there will be wars people will not know.
After all, what was previously called the world,
Everyone will just call it life.

And only children, experts on the past,
Having fun playing war,
Having run around, they will remember this word,
With whom they died in the old days.

The song “Children and war are incompatible” is played.

Literary and musical composition dedicated to Victory Day

Children of War

Student: (2 slide)

Almost four years

A terrible war raged,

In the war against fascism, black power,

The country managed to survive.


And it's no secret that our generation

Doesn't know the terrible horrors of war,

But definitely on that topic today

We still have to apply.

Presenter 1: Two calendar pages.

Presenter 2: Two days in the life of planet Earth.

Presenter 1: Two days of human history.

Presenter 2: They are marked on the calendar different colors.

Presenter 1: One is a black sheet with bristling bayonets and falling bombs.

Presenter 2: The other is a red leaf with iridescent rainbows of a victory salute and symbols of military valor and glory.

Presenter 3: Day May 9. Holiday of Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Presenter 4: Day of Remembrance and Sorrow June 22 is a special date in our calendar. This is a day of remembrance for all those who died in the Great Patriotic War, our grief for its victims and gratitude for the salvation of the Fatherland, for life on earth.

Presenter 1: The blackest was that short summer night, when the silence of the morning on the western border of the Union was blown up by thousands of shells and bombs...

Reader 1: (4 slide)

The longest day of the year
With its cloudless weather,
He gave us a common misfortune
For everyone, for all four years.

Reader 2: June, sunset was approaching evening

And on a warm night the sea flooded

And the children's ringing laughter was heard

Those who do not know, those who do not know grief

June. We didn't know then

Walking from school evenings,

That tomorrow will be the first day of the war

And it will end only in 1945, in May.

Presenter 2: Back in 1941, many people gathered on the city streets because they could hear from all corners... (Levitan’s speech sounds) (5 slide)

(B. Okudzhava “Ah, war...” against the background of music, students read the 1st verse) (6 slide)


Oh, war, what have you done, you vile one:
our yards have become quiet,
our boys raised their heads,
they have matured for the time being,
barely loomed on the threshold
and went after the soldier soldier...

Goodbye boys! boys,
try to go back.

(the music gets louder. Then it fades away.)

Presenter 3: Not only adults, but also children stood up to defend the Fatherland. 20 thousand pioneers received the medal “For the Defense of Moscow”, 15 thousand 249 young Leningraders were awarded the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad” (7 slide)

Presenter 4: The children immediately grew up because they had to help adults in all matters. What kind of things could children do? After all, they were still very small and did not know how to do much.

Presenter 1: The girls knitted warm clothes for the front: mittens, socks, helped the wounded in hospitals, wrote letters to soldiers at the front to support their morale, so that our defenders would not miss their loved ones. (9 slide)

Presenter 2:(10 slide) They stood at the machines instead of fathers and mothers. The machines were tall, designed for the height of an adult man, so the boys stood near the machines on stools and boxes to reach them. Listen to a short story about this boy. (11 slide)


Vovka - turner

“No, it won’t work, I’m weak, I can’t hold the workpiece,” - that’s what the best turner at the military plant, Vovka, said at first. Then nothing, I got used to it. First, a bayonet was attached to the rifle. Then we worked more and more seriously, and it worked!

What, you... Now it’s a treat to watch,

creation at Vova’s hands:

shells and housing for mines,

for machine guns barrels,

car parts,

boilers for camp kitchens.

Without sleep, in the bitter cold

(the workshop only had a roof, but no walls)

biting my lips until they bleed,

Vovka did not give in to fatigue.

I didn’t leave the machine for days.

The small, stubborn mouth repeated like a prayer...

The small stubborn mouth repeated:

“For grandma, for little brother; “What, the bastards took us? This is my front.”

Such are Vani and Sani,

Petit and Vovki

victory was forged in the rear:

grenades, cartridges, rifles.

Presenter 3: Detachments were created on collective farms to provide assistance in field work. The children contributed the money they earned to the defense fund.

Presenter 4:(12 slide) In this photo we see the Soviet T-60 Malyutka tank. This tank has a very interesting story, listen.

Student 1:(Slide 13) The editor of the newspaper “Omskaya Pravda” received a letter:

And the editors were inundated with thousands of children's letters.

Student 2:“My dad sent me 136 rubles from the front for new boots, but I still look like I'm wearing old boots... Adik Solodov, 6 years old.”

Student 1: “Mom wanted to buy me a new coat and saved 150 rubles. I'm wearing an old coat. Tamara Loskutova.”

Student 2: “Dear unknown girl Ada! I’m only five years old, but I’ve already lived without my mother for a year. I really want to go home, and therefore I happily give money to build our tank. Our tank would sooner defeat the enemy. Tanya Chistyakova”…

Student 3:(14 slide) The tank was made, and Sergeant of the 56th Tank Brigade Ekaterina Petlyuk fought on it. She received gratitude for her first fight. She was soon awarded the Order of the Red Star, and later, for distinction in the battles near Orel, the Order of the Patriotic War.

Please convey to the preschool children of the city of Omsk, who collected 160,886 rubles for the construction of the Malyutka tank, my warm greetings and gratitude to the Red Army.
Supreme Commander-in-Chief Marshal of the Soviet Union I. Stalin.” May 1943.

Presenter 1: And there are not thousands of such examples, but many more. And this happened because, among other things, the Great Patriotic War from its first hours was considered by our people, by all Soviet people, as the Holy People's Patriotic War.

Presenter 2: When the situation required active action from children, they participated in the construction of defensive lines, were liaison officers for partisan detachments, and scouts in military units. (15, 16 slide)

Presenter 3:(17 slide) Children fought the enemy along with adults. Moreover, they fought so bravely and bravely that the names of many are forever included in the lists of heroes of this terrible war. Volodya Kazmin, Lenya Golikov, Marat Kazei, Lara Mikheenko, Valya Kotik, Zina Portnova, Tanya Morozova, Vitya Korobkov. They all died so that you could live.

Rosenbaum “Or maybe there was no war?” Video sequence

Student: (18 slide)

Children of war - and it blows cold,
Children of war - and it smells of hunger,
Children of war - and their hair stands on end:
On children's bangs gray hair
The earth is washed with children's tears,
Soviet and non-Soviet children.


What difference does it make where you were under the Germans?
In Dachau, Lidice or Auschwitz?
Their blood turns red on the parade ground like poppies
The grass drooped where the children cried
Children of war - the pain is desperate
And how many minutes of silence do they need!


Presenter 4: (19 slide) Probably, the time will never come when it will be possible to say: “Enough, enough, everything has already been said about the Great Patriotic War.”

I think it will never be possible to say everything, because there is no measure for the tragedies of war, there is no measure for the heroism of people shown in battles, there is no measure for bitterness and suffering.

Presenter 1: All-Union Radio announcer Yuri Levitan recalled: “On May 9, 1945, I had the good fortune to read the Act on unconditional surrender Germany. After reading, we saw lights flash in all the windows of the houses, crowds of people appeared on the streets... The message was repeated all night and all day. But I wanted to read it again and again, so that each time our Victory would sound more and more joyful!”

Song “Post-war time” (dramatized song) (20 slide)

MUSES by V. Ilyin words by Y. Rybchinsky
1. Ah... the post-war era...
The children stood with their mouths open.
And in front of the shocked children
The organ grinder turned and turned his box.
The barrel organ sounded, the barrel organ played,
The organ grinder whispered: “Begin!”
And his monkey did somersaults,
And “bravo” the parrot shouted.


And don't ever cry!
If the sun is shining in the sky,
So, grief is not a problem!

If the sun is shining in the sky,
So, grief is not a problem!
Louder! Laugh louder, kids!
And don't ever cry!

2. And the organ grinder said: “Parrot!”
Come on, my friend, tell your fortune for the children!”
And the parrot shouted "bravissimo"
And he handed it to each “fate”:
He gave tickets, colored tickets,
Colorful, like children's dreams.
And in each it was written that we will meet happiness
And there will be no more war!

"Okulovsky Local Lore

museum named after -Maclay"

nomination: evening

"Involuntary Witness to War"

Director of MBUK "Okulovsky Local Lore"

museum named after -Maclay"

"Involuntary Witness to War"

(scenario of the evening - meeting with children of war,

eyewitnesses of the events of 1941 - 1945)

Goal: education of spiritual values ​​- love for the Motherland, loyalty to civil and military duty, honesty and philanthropy.

Objective: Through communication, through books and archival materials, to introduce the younger generation to the study of the historical past of our country, to introduce them to the origins of heroism, to strengthen the living connection of times and generations.

Target audience: adults and children (from 10-100 years old)

Equipment: Book exhibition “War. Victory. Memory", archival and documentary exhibition "Their names are scorched by the war", exhibition children's drawing“War through the eyes of a child”, demonstration of the media presentation “WWII 1941-1945” (multimedia installation for demonstrating presentations).

Decoration of the hall in accordance with the theme.

Music decoration: before the start of the evening, songs from the war years are played.

Presenter: Good evening, dear friends, our dear representatives younger generation, museum guests. Today our event is taking place as part of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. Not all of us thought that day about what happened then.

Two calendar pages

Two days in the life of Planet Earth.

Two days of human history.

They are marked in the calendar with different colors: one is black - the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. The beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The other one is red – Victory Day. Two days of the calendar. And between them...

Fighting raged for 1418 days and nights. The Soviet people waged a liberation war for 1,418 days and nights. The path to Victory was long and difficult! At what cost did this Victory come? How many difficulties did the Soviet people overcome? What did you sacrifice and what did you lose? On the screen you will now see a presentation dedicated to exactly this.

Screening of the presentation “WWII 1941-1945”, the song “Cranes” is played.

When they talk about the heroic past of Russia, they first of all remember the victory of our country in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

War and children... There is nothing more terrible than these two words placed side by side. Because children are born for life, not for death. And war takes away this life... But I think it would be more correct to call you “children of Victory,” because it was the Great Victory that gave hope, faith and love to a great people!

    To you, who were deprived of a happy childhood, but who did not lose love.
      To you, who cry for lost relatives and friends, but greet every sunrise with smiles. To you who have seen the shadow of death, but praise life. To you, children great war, To you, children Great victory, we dedicate tonight.

Presenter: Today, the Chairman of the Committee of Culture and Tourism of the Administration of the Okulovsky Municipal District is present at our holiday.


Presenter: The heroic years of the Great Patriotic War are moving further and further into the past. There are fewer and fewer eyewitnesses to the greatest tragedy of the 20th century. And we, the younger generation, have no right to forget about the lessons of this war. Our duty is to collect and preserve all the memories of these harsh years that befell our people.

Today we invited Sofya Petrovna Stepanova (b. 1941) and Maria Sergeevna Artemyeva (b. 1929) to a meeting to talk about you girls and boys of that war and post-war era. Today we will have an evening of memories. And although much is erased from memory, we want you to talk about that time. About how fear and hunger, cold and fatigue were overcome. About what trials befell you.

You met the war in at different ages. Some were very young, some were teenagers, some were on the threshold of adolescence. The weight of adversity, disaster, and grief of the war years fell on your fragile shoulders. Many were left orphans, some lost not only their relatives, but also their home, some found themselves in enemy-occupied territory.

But we did not contradict the memory.
We will remember the distant days when
fell on your weak shoulders
A huge childish problem.
The winter was both harsh and blizzardy,
All people had the same destiny.
You didn’t have a separate childhood either,
And we were together - childhood and war.

The theme of wartime children was not taken by chance. The war revealed everyone as an individual, and children, with their fragile psyche, had to take on such conscious responsibility, show such qualities as honesty, hard work, and masculinity. Sometimes not only their personal behavior depended own destiny, but also the fate of other people.

Presenter: Do you remember how the war began? (stories from those present) - How old were you when the war began? Where and with whom did you live?

When the war started, I was... years old. I lived with my family in ……... Father, mother

How and when did you find out that the war had started?

We learned about the start of the war at 9 o'clock in the morning. The village leaders held a meeting at the club and announced the beginning of the war.

Which of your parents or other relatives fought, and what awards did you have?

First my... went to war. He fought in …………wars. He served...... Then my father went to the front.... He fought in the Caucasus. Neither my uncle nor my father returned from the war.

Which relative did you live with during the war? In what house?

After my father left for the war, I lived with my mother Anna Semyonovna and brother Pavel Mikhailovich, born in 1935. We lived in a small adobe kitchen. Mom worked on the collective farm in the fields.

Do you remember food cards? What did you miss most?

I remember food cards, they gave 0.5 kg of bread per family. There was not enough bread. Essential products too. To satisfy hunger, they collected “pigs”. These are the roots that grew along the lakes. In the summer they ate apples and fished. In addition to food, there was also a shortage of clothes and shoes. IN warm time They ran barefoot, while the older ones wore bast shoes.

Even during the war, children remained children. What games have you played? Did you have any toys?

The toys were wooden, we made them ourselves. The girls played with rag dolls. The boys also played "alchiki" special rules where accuracy and dexterity were needed. They also played “hide and seek”, “lapta”, “siskin”, “blind man’s buff”.

Wartime children can still tell how they died of hunger and fear. How we missed it when the first of September 1941 arrived and we didn’t have to go to school. Like at the age of 10-12, as soon as they stood on a box, they reached out to the machines and worked 12 hours a day. The children helped the front with everything they could. At the age of 11-15 they became machine operators, assemblers, produced, harvested, and were on duty in hospitals. They received their work books earlier than their passports. The war gave them away. We really want our children not to experience anything like this. How many of you worked during the war? (stories from those present)

Have you attended school? Did you have enough textbooks and school supplies? What kind of teachers did you have?

We attended school during the war, but we started studying in October and finished ahead of schedule, since we had to work and help adults. School supplies, of course, there was not enough, they wrote on old books and newspapers. There was no ink. They diluted soot with water and wrote. The teachers were local and evacuated. They gave good knowledge. Everyone was kind and understanding.

What do you remember most from your school years?

I remember more not what happened at school, but how German planes flew to bomb the station. The sound of the planes was terrifying. We children ran to hide in the trenches. I remember how a bomb was dropped on our village in the summer. I saw an explosion. He still stands before my eyes.

Presenter: An entire generation born from 1928 to 1945 had their childhood stolen. “Children of the Great Patriotic War” is what today's 70-80 year old people are called. And it's not just about the date of birth. They were raised by war. Many teenagers, not yet having finished school, rushed to the front. Having lost their relatives and friends and wanting to avenge them, they made their way into the forest to join the partisans or to the front line. This is how “sons of the regiment” appeared at the front. Many of them died. Did you have a desire to go to the front then?

What did adults say about the war?

We received letters from father. In them he wrote that there was danger at every step, that he was afraid for himself, for his relatives... But despite his fear, he had to go into battle, because he had the country, family, and parents behind him.

Did you see the soldiers, under what circumstances?

We saw it. The soldiers walked in columns. The soldiers were hiding in the gardens.

Do you remember the bombings?

I remember the bombings. It's scary. A huge crimson glow.

What was the worst event?
The worst thing for me was the bombing and the news of my father’s death.

Presenter: During World War II, thirteen million children died on Earth! What do we have more valuable than our children? What does any nation have that is more valuable? Any mother? Any father? The best people on earth are children. The war became the common biography of an entire generation of military children. Even if they were in the rear, they were still military children. I think the most vivid memory is the Victory!

What is your happiest memory?

We rejoiced at the liberation of cities occupied by the Nazis, the victory Soviet troops in the offensive and, of course, the end of the war.

When did you learn about the Victory? What do you remember about Victory Day?

We learned about the victory on May 9. They notified us in the square near the village council. Victory Day was remembered not only for joy, but also for the tears of mothers, wives, and widows.

What helped you survive and endure all the hardships?

Faith in victory and hope for the best helped us survive in these difficult years.

What do you want to say and wish to us, the younger generation?

Presenter: Now the literary composition “The War Has Came” will be presented to you, performed by the theater group “Rosinka”, director

Thanks guys.

War and children are incompatible concepts, and may today’s children never have to experience the hardships that befell the “children of the Great Patriotic War.” May their childhood never be called “war.” You've done a lot of this

So that a trace remains on the ground.

We wish you again today

Health, happiness, long life.

May every day that fate has allotted,

Brings joy with sunrise

And a lucky star shines on you

Keeping from troubles and life's adversity.

Presentation of flowers to the participants of the evening meeting: and by the guys from the theater group “Rosinka”.

On behalf of everyone present, let me express my deep gratitude to you for coming to us (we give flowers). Thank you for our peaceful present. Our meeting has come to an end. Thank you!

In this beautiful hall you can see an exhibition about the heroes - the Okulovites, and we also present the works of students from city schools at the exhibition “War Through the Eyes of a Child”, pay attention to the exhibition of armored files of the newspapers “Okulovsky Vestnik” (this year the regional newspaper turned 85 years old , as part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the city, the Okulovsky archival department of the Administration of the Okulovsky Municipal District provided original copies of the newspaper for the period from 1937 to the present for filing. Peasant life» you can take pictures using folk costumes, immerse yourself in the proposed era.

The music of the war years sounds.

Scenario extracurricular activity to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in elementary school


This event is a literary and musical composition held in the form of an oral journal. The event can be dedicated to the date of May 9 - Victory Day as a school-wide event for students in grades 1-4. The event is designed to promote the education and formation of such personality qualities as citizenship, patriotism, and pride in one’s Fatherland.


    expand children's knowledge about the war of 1941-1945,

    to form an active civic position of schoolchildren,

    introduce children artistic works the topic under discussion,

    using examples of the heroic deeds of children in wartime, to cultivate a sense of patriotism and pride in their Fatherland,

    cultivate a respectful attitude towards the older generation and monuments to war heroes.

Form: oral journal.

Planned results: Students will be able to significantly expand their knowledge about the events of the Great Patriotic War and learn about the role of children during the Great Patriotic War.

Design: multimedia presentation “Children of War”, posters with the words of the epigraph, sheets of Whatman paper bound in the form of a book with the names of the pages of the oral journal.

Progress of the class hour.

War is such a small word, but how many troubles it conceals.

War - there is no more terrible word.

After all, she will not spare anyone.

Teacher. Guys, every year on May 9 we hold a rally dedicated to Victory Day. We honor WWII veterans, we honor the memory of the fallen who gave their lives for our happy childhood, for the peaceful sky above our heads. 70 years have passed since that victorious spring. But at what cost did we get this victory? More than 20 million of our fellow citizens have died or gone missing. Every year the ranks of veterans are thinning. But the children of war are alive - witnesses of those terrible years. What do they remember about the war?

Let's read the children's memories.

(students read excerpts from memories).

“At the beginning of the war I was 12 years old. My family was not evacuated from Moscow. During the first year of the war, schools were closed, but we did not sit idly by. We collected medical vials and donated them to hospitals. And in the spring and summer we were taken out to collect nettles, from which cabbage soup was cooked in hospitals. We are children, during the bombing we were on duty on the roofs and extinguished incendiary bombs.”

“I was born in Leningrad five years before the war. In the winter of 1941-1942 there was no heating, light, water, and the walls of the houses froze. At that time, there was always a blackout on the windows, which hid the light of the sometimes burning candle and helped my mother convince me, a child, that it was night (even if it was day), and no one eats at night, we had to be patient. Blockade ration - 120 grams of bread from a mixture of sawdust and flour... But I really wanted to eat, and the feeling of hunger is one of the lasting memories of my childhood..."

“My dad was a military doctor. The war found our family near Brest on June 22, 1941. I was nine and a half years old. My relatives died before my eyes, and I was picked up by two soldiers, and we began to leave the encirclement, making our way to our own. We crossed the front, and I was enrolled as a student, the son of the regiment.”

“We were small and did not participate in the Great Patriotic War. When we didn't have enough notebooks, we wrote dictations on newspapers. Collected spikelets in the fields or medicinal plants in the taiga. Patronizing wounded front-line soldiers in hospitals or the families of fallen soldiers, we felt like little soldiers fighting against the fascist invaders.”

Children and war are incompatible concepts. Boys and girls who ended up in the war had to give up their childhood. They had to become adults very early.

Reader. I didn't recognize him from a book

A cruel word - war!

Spotlights of furious flash

She burst into our childhood,

Deadly tons of steel

Night alarm siren,

In those days we didn't play war,

We were simply breathing war.

These children experienced the death of loved ones, hunger, cold, and fear. The fear that you are left alone in the whole world, the fear that your life could end at any moment, without ever beginning. (slide 3, 4).

Ten year old man.

Criss-cross blue stripes

On the windows of shrunken huts.

Native thin birch trees

They look anxiously at the sunset.

And the dog on the warm ashes,

Smeared in ash up to the eyes,

He's been looking for someone all day

And he doesn’t find it in the village...

Throwing on an old zip top,

Through the gardens, without roads,

The boy is in a hurry, in a hurry

In the sun - due east.

No one on a long journey

Didn't dress him warmer

Nobody hugged me at the door

And he didn’t look after him.

In an unheated, broken bathhouse

Passing the night like an animal,

How long has he been breathing

I couldn’t warm my cold hands!

But never on his cheek

No tears paved the way.

Must be too much at once

His eyes saw it.

Having seen everything, ready for anything,

Falling chest-deep into the snow,

He ran to his fair-haired

Ten year old man.

He knew that somewhere nearby,

Howl maybe behind that mountain,

Him as a friend on a dark evening

The Russian sentry will call out.

And he, clinging to his overcoat,

Will tell you everything you looked at

His childish eyes.

(S. Mikhalkov)

Boy from the village of Popovki

And what I learned and endured.

In his presence they burned down his hut,

Among the snowdrifts and funnels

In a village destroyed to the ground,

The child stands with his eyes closed - Last Citizen sat down.

Scared white kitten

A fragment of a stove and pipe -

And that's all that survived

From my former life and hut.

White-headed Petya is standing

And cries like an old man without tears,

He lived in the world for three years,

They drove mom away from the yard,

And in a hastily dug grave

The murdered sister lies.

Don't let go of your rifle, soldier,

Until you take revenge on the enemy

For the blood shed in Popovka,

And for the child in the snow.

(S. Marshak)

In the occupied territory, the Nazis created concentration camps, in which thousands of children died. (Slide)

Fascist stoves were burning,

Fascist whips lashed,

Children screamed and cried,

Calling mothers through tears...

T. V. Balakina.

/An excerpt from the song “Salaspils” sounds/

Today on class hour I wanted to talk about the young war heroes, your peers, who also made their contribution to bringing victory closer.

In the harsh days of the war, children stood up alongside adults to defend their Fatherland. Schoolchildren earned money for the defense fund, collected warm clothes for front-line soldiers, worked in military factories, were on duty on the roofs of houses during air raids, and gave concerts to wounded soldiers in hospitals.

Vasily Vasilievich

In the great Russian forge behind the stone mountain

It stands, hums, and the license plate factory works.

Vasil Vasilievich arrives there just before dawn

And he cheerfully commands: “Get to work, turner!

With light blue eyes, with a curly head

The rear guard is working and trying.

Newspaper photographers run to take pictures of him.

No one can overtake Vasil Vasilich.

A finished part is obtained in a minute,

A medal of distinction is hung on his chest.

The girls admire him, come up and are silent,

But he doesn’t even look back, doesn’t look at the girls.

Rumors about him go beyond the mountains beyond the Ural Mountains,

But he works for himself and doesn’t raise an eyebrow.

Vasily Vasilich is only thirteen years old.

Hello, Vasil Vasilievich, accept our greetings!

(B. Laskin, 1944)


My father was called to the front.

And for this reason

I have to live from now on

As a man should.

Mother is always at work.

The apartment was empty.

But in a man's house

There's always something to do.

Buckets full of water.

The apartment has been swept.

Washing dishes is easy -

There's not a drop of fat on her.

Coupons from three cards

They give me a haircut at the grocery store. Breadwinner and breadwinner.

Man. The eldest in the house.

I'm sincerely sure

That he became a substitute for his father.

But in that distant life,

Blessed, pre-war,

Father didn't study

Things like this.

Mother replaced father.

I'm helping mom.

I'll sing for you, dear

Blue-eyed girl

Less than nine years old...

The song flows gently, loudly

On sick leave white.

And under the sounds of overflows

Someone's brothers and fathers

They remember a happy home,

More soldiers are asking to sing

“I’ll sing,” the girl responded, “Bowing my head low,

Here, the funeral has come to us...

But I believe: dad is alive!

Maybe one of you by chance

Have you met your dad anywhere?

Somewhere there, on the far side,

Did you fight with your dad? Suddenly all the soldiers withdraw

A small look from the girl.

And it's like they're to blame

The fact that they are still alive

Swallowing a tear on the sly,

Sings again until he gets hoarse,

And, like an adult, like a soldier

The soldiers are calling the girl.

Ready to sing endlessly

She sings songs to the wounded,

But at the same time he will ask again,

And in response there was only silence.

And one day, as a reward,

All wounded, but alive,

Dad, honey! Here he is, nearby!

“I will sing for you, dear!”

Poems about the postwoman

She's not fifteen. Girl.

She is short and very thin.

Letter carrier, postwoman,

Nicknamed Nyurka-trouble.

In the heat and in the slush, in a blizzard with cold

With a leather bag at the ready

Nyurka needs to deliver mail

Around five villages around.

Two little brothers at home

My mother has been sick for almost a year.

Thank God, my father writes from the front -

They wait and believe that he will come.

He will come and everything will be as before,

Like in a distant, distant yesterday.

Just don’t deprive me, God, of hope...

And it's time to go to work again.

For the kids - potatoes in the oven,

She has a bag at the ready in the morning.

And what about being hungry... It’s easier to run

Around five villages around.

In the villages there are old people and children,

Women are in the field, now sowing, now reaping.

The postwoman will be noticed in the distance

And they wait with heartfelt anxiety.

The triangle is alive! Luck!

If a gray government envelope -

They will be silent, they will scream, they will cry...

And the white light will fade in the eyes...

It will pinch the girl's heart

From human grief and troubles...

This bag is too heavy

If there is trouble there, hello.

The black news is a funeral,

A series of bitter grief.

Letter carrier, postwoman

Without guilt they gave a name - Trouble.

Still a young girl,

Only the braids are full of gray hair.

Letter carrier, postwoman,

Spreading news from the war.

(T. Chernovskaya)

In our country and abroad, many monuments and memorials have been erected in memory of the victims of the Great Patriotic War. The creation of such a monument is a tribute to the memory of children who suffered a difficult time during the war. The monument is a reminder to present and future generations that children are the most precious thing that humanity has.

In the small village of Lychkovo Novgorod region there is an unmarked mass grave from the times of the Great Patriotic War... One of many in Russia... One of the most tragic and sad... Because it is a children's grave...

At the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War, in July 1941, the evacuation of civilians began from Leningrad. First of all, children were sent to the rear. No one could then foresee the course of hostilities... Children were taken out of Leningrad to save them, away from death and suffering. It turned out that they were being taken straight towards war. At the Lychkovo station, Nazi planes bombed a train of 12 cars. In the summer of 1941, hundreds of innocent children died. (Slide).

In memory of Leningrad children who died at Lychkovo station
There are places on earth whose names are like shackles,
They keep in memory what remains in the sad distance.
Lychkovo became such a place of sorrow and brotherhood for us -
A small village on the edge of Novgorod land.

Here on a cloudless July day in 1941
The enemy, coming from the sky, bombed the passenger train -
A whole train of Leningrad children, twelve carriages,
Those that the city wanted to keep in these quiet places.

Who could have imagined in Leningrad in the alarming June
That the fascists will so quickly find themselves on the other side,
That children are sent not to the rear, but towards the war,
And cars with crosses will hang over their trains?..

They could see through their sights that there were no soldiers, no guns,
Only children are running away from the carriages - dozens of children!..
But the pilots calmly and accurately bombed the vehicles,
Grinning with his malicious Aryan grin.

And boys and girls rushed around the station in fear,
And the crosses loomed ominously on their wings,
And dresses and shirts flashed among the flames,
And the earth and bushes bled with childish flesh.

Screams and crying were drowned out in the roar, roar, and noise of the Junkers,
Someone, dying himself, tried to save another...
We will never forget this tragedy.
And we will never forgive the fascist killer pilots.

How can you forget how the children were collected piece by piece,
To be buried in a mass grave, like fallen soldiers?
how over them, without shame, and the men wept
And they swore revenge... Is it possible to forgive all this!

In Rus' there is no foreign grief, no foreign misfortune,
And the Lychkovites considered the misfortune of the Leningraders to be theirs.
But who wouldn’t be touched by the murder of defenseless children?
There is no pain worse than seeing children suffer.

They sleep in eternal sleep in Lychkovo cemeteries on a modest grave
Leningrad children are far from home and mothers.
But the Lychkov women replaced their mothers.
Giving warmth to their cold bodies,
Covering the grave of innocent sufferers with flowers,
Weeping bitterly over them in the days of sorrow and glory of the country
And keeping the whole village dear and bitter memory
About complete strangers, unknown, but still family.

And they erected it in Lychkovo on the square, near the station,
A mournful monument to the children who died in the damned war:
In front of the torn block - a girl, as if amidst explosions, on fire,
In mortal horror, she pressed her trembling hand to her heart...
(They say that at low tide her drop of bronze ran like a tear
And it remained on the left cheek - until the end of days.)

And trains run along the rails. Stop - Lychkovo.
Passengers rush to see the monument, ask questions,
Embed every word of a terrible story into your heart,
So that the whole country does not forget the Lychkov pain, does not forgive
(A. Molchanov)

In memory of the 13 million children who died in World War II

Thirteen million children's lives
Burned in the hellish flames of war.
Their laughter will not spray fountains of joy
To the peaceful blossoming of spring.

Their dreams will not take off in a magical flock
Over serious adults
And in some ways humanity will lag behind,
And in some ways the whole world will become poorer.

Those who burn clay pots,
They grow grain and build cities,
Who take care of the land
For life, happiness, peace and work.

Without them, Europe immediately aged,
For many generations there is a lack of crops
And sadness with hope, like a forest burning:
When will the new undergrowth begin to grow?

A mournful monument was erected to them in Poland,
And in Leningrad - a stone Flower,
So that it stays in people's memories longer
The past wars have a tragic outcome.

Thirteen million children's lives -
Bloody trail of the brown plague.
Their dead eyes reproachfully
They look into our souls from the darkness of the grave,
From the ashes of Buchenwald and Khatyn,
From the glare of Piskarev's fire:
“Will the burning memory really cool down?
Will people really not save the world?
Their lips were parched in their last cry,
In the dying call of their dear mothers...
Oh, mothers of countries small and great!
Hear them and remember them!
(A. Molchanov)

We live in a troubled world

But it's not our fault

What do the words sound like on the air:

“Oppression”, “aggression”, “war”...

It's unsettling to live in the world

On the soil of any country,

If somewhere in the office

A war plan is brewing,

Decisions are made

How to multiply destruction

How to erase from the face of the earth

Everything that people have built! S. Mikhalkov

I recently watched an old war film

And I don’t know who to ask:

Why to our people and our country

Did you have to endure so much grief?

Children learned their childhood in the ruins of houses,

This memory will never be killed,

Quinoa is their food, and dugout is their shelter.

And the dream is to live to see Victory.

I'm watching an old movie and I dream

So that there are no wars and deaths,

So that the mothers of the country do not have to bury

Your sons forever young.

Song "Sunny Circle".

There are no children in war

Mom, look what blue sky! Was the sky always there?

Always, daughter.

Was there always sun too?

Yes, dear, there was always sunshine.

And this beautiful flower has always grown here?

No, my sunshine, once there was only burnt earth here... Then there was a war...

Mommy, what is war?..

Presenter 1 . Time has its own memory - history. And therefore the world never forgets about the tragedies that shook the planet in different eras, including about cruel wars, because even now somewhere there is also a war going on, bullets are whistling, houses are crumbling from shells and children's cribs are burning.

Presenter 2 . Our conversation today is a return to people's memory. In memory of everything experienced by both adults and children in those ruthless years. After all, time is increasingly taking away witnesses and participants, those who were there, who knew, who saw and suffered the pain and horror of loss, and the joy of hope in anticipation of victory.

Presenter 3. However, it was so long ago

It’s as if it didn’t happen and was made up...

Maybe seen in a movie

Maybe it was read in the novel...

Presenter 4 . This is not all made up... After all, today among us live elderly people who were 8-12 years old during the war, and they, along with adults, worked in the fields and farms, fought in partisan forests and on the front line, bringing the long-awaited Victory over Nazi Germany. “Children of war” - that’s what they call them today. And for modern children they are a living legend of the most terrible war of the 20th century.

Presenter 1 . For the Soviet people it was a holy war in the name of freedom and independence

Our Motherland, in the name of liberating Europe and the whole world from enslavement. Twenty-seven million lives were lost to this war, including thirteen million children. It devastated hundreds of cities and villages, deprived thousands of children of their parents. But soviet people won.

Presenter 2 They won because they were devoted to their homeland to the end, because they showed real courage, endurance and bravery. No matter how many generations of people pass through the earth, the Great Patriotic War should never be erased from their memory. Remembering the war and those who brought victory means fighting for peace.

Presenter 3 The war must not be forgotten. When a war is forgotten, the ancient people said, a new one begins, because memory is the main enemy of war.

Presenter 4. There is a saying “There are no children in war.” What do we have more valuable than our children? The war became the common biography of an entire generation of children. Even if they are in the rear, they were still military children.

Presenter 1 .Sunday June 22, 1941 arrived. Schoolchildren started summer holidays. Many residents of cities and villages were going to relax on Sunday. Some townspeople were planning a trip outside the city, into nature. In the morning, tram cars were moving, crowded with holiday passengers. We traveled with families and children.

Presenter 2 .June. Russia. Sunday.
Dawn in the arms of silence.
A fragile moment remains
Before the first shots of the war.

In a second the world will explode
Death will lead the parade alley,
And the sun will go out forever
For millions on earth.

Presenter 3What happened, tell me, wind
What pain is there in your eyes?
Isn't the sun so shining?
Or do the herbs in the gardens wither?

Why are people all at dawn
Suddenly froze with your eyes wide open?
What happened, tell us, wind,
Is this really war?

Sounded for the first time for young people
This terrible word is war.

Student .

It seemed cold to the flowers

And they faded slightly from the dew,

The dawn that walked through the grass and bushes

We searched through German binoculars.

A flower covered in dewdrops,

I came close to the flower,

And the border guard extended his hands to them.

And the Germans, having finished drinking coffee, at that moment

They climbed into the tanks and closed the hatches.

Everything breathed such silence,

It seemed that the whole earth was still asleep.

Who knew that between peace and war

Just some 5 minutes left!

Sunny early morning in June,
At the hour when the country awakened.
Sounded for the first time for young people
This terrible word is war

Presenter 4. From a statement by the Soviet government...Today, at 4 o'clock in the morning, without presenting any claims to the Soviet Union, without declaring war, German troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and bombed our cities from their planes - Zhitomir , Kyiv, Sevastopol, Kaunas and some others. The Red Army and all our people will wage a victorious patriotic war for the Motherland, for honor, for freedom.

...Our cause is just. The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours.

Song " Holy War»

Presenter 1 . How suddenly the war burst into their childhood and youth... How many homeless and destitute children, hungry and lost relatives and friends, wandered along the fiery roads then!

Presenter 2 . Each of them, with a feeling of absolute rightness, could now declare: “The eyes of my childhood saw so much death, so much cruelty of war, that it seemed that they should be empty.”


The eyes of a seven year old girl
Like two dimmed lights.
More noticeable on a child's face
Great, heavy melancholy.

She is silent, no matter what you ask,
You joke with her - she’s silent in response,
It's like she's not seven, not eight,
And many, many bitter years

Presenter 3 . At the beginning of the war, the enemy advanced rapidly. There was a hasty evacuation of the western regions of our country. Factory equipment was urgently removed so that the enemy would not get it. They took out adults and children. The evacuation was so hasty that the children were taken out separately along with their kindergartens and pioneer camps, where they then rested. Many families found themselves scattered in different parts of the country. Some are on different front lines. However, not everyone managed to leave their native land before the enemy arrived. Many remained in enemy-occupied lands. The war brought grief, devastation, hunger, fear

Presenter 4 This War stopped children from crying. Children lost parents, brothers and sisters. Sometimes frightened children sat next to the cold bodies of their dead mothers for several days, waiting for their fate to be decided. At best, a Soviet orphanage awaited them, at worst, fascist dungeons. Raised by labor and valor, they grew up early, replacing the dead parents of their brothers and sisters.


“My father was taken to war.

...The boy is a latch,

But it added to his times

The war has been going on for so many years.

“So what, mother?

So, that means mother

Am I the head of the house?

You start washing your clothes,

And I'm chopping wood!

You say:

Drovets is a bit


So be it.

Sell ​​the elephant

Sell ​​your whistle!

You can live without them!

Sell ​​the sailor suit, I say!

Now there's no time for rags,

Only you, mom,

Don't worry!

I won’t leave you!”

Anatoly Bragin

Presenter 1 . Those who ended up in the war lost their childhood forever.
In those terrible, sorrowful years, the children grew up quickly. In a difficult time for the country, at the age of ten to fourteen they were already aware of the involvement of their fate in the fate of the Fatherland, they recognized themselves as a part of their people. They tried to be in no way inferior to adults, often even risking their lives.

ten year old man

Criss-cross blue stripes
On the windows of shrunken huts.
Native thin birch trees
They look anxiously at the sunset.
And the dog on the warm ashes,
Smeared in ash up to the eyes,
He's been looking for someone all day
And he doesn’t find it in the village...
Throwing on an old zip top,
Through the gardens, without roads,
The boy is in a hurry, in a hurry
In the direction of the sun - straight to the east.
No one on a long journey
Didn't dress him warmer
Nobody hugged me at the door
And he didn’t look after him.
In an unheated, broken bathhouse
Passing the night like an animal,
How long has he been breathing
I couldn’t warm my cold hands!
But never on his cheek
No tears paved the way.
Must be too much at once
His eyes saw it.
Having seen everything, ready for anything,
Falling chest-deep into the snow,
He ran to his fair-haired
Ten year old man.
He knew that somewhere nearby,
Howl maybe behind that mountain,
Him as a friend on a dark evening
The Russian sentry will call out.
And he, clinging to his overcoat,
Relatives hearing voices,
Will tell you everything you looked at
His childish eyes.

(S. Mikhalkov)

Presenter 2 Such young, completely unintelligent graduates of yesterday's schools met the German invaders and stood up to defend their Motherland. The only thing they were surprised by was that they had suddenly become adults since the beginning of the war. Of the 1941 graduates, only 7% remained alive by the end of the war.


The boys left with greatcoats on their shoulders,

The boys left and sang songs bravely.

The boys retreated through the dusty steppes,

Boys died, where they themselves did not know.

The boys ended up in terrible barracks,

Fierce dogs were chasing the boys.

The boys were killed on the spot for escaping.

The boys of conscience and honor were not sold.

The boys did not want to give in to fear,

The boys rose to attack at the sound of the whistle.

In the black smoke of battles, on sloping armor

The boys left, clutching their guns.

The boys - brave soldiers - have seen

Volga - in forty-first,

Spree - in forty-five.

The boys showed for four years,

What are the boys of our people

Presenter 3. I would also like to remember those who, every minute, risking their lives, carried wounded soldiers from the battlefield under heavy fire. Fragile, young, they saved the lives of dozens of fighters and often remained lying there on the battlefield.

Student :

A quarter of the company has already been mowed down...

Prostrate on the snow,

The girl is crying from powerlessness,

Gasps: “I can’t!”

The guy got caught heavy,

There is no more strength to drag him...

(That tired nurse was 18 years old).

Lie down, the wind will blow,

It will become a little easier to breathe.

Centimeter by centimeter

You will continue your way of the cross.

There is a line between life and death -

How fragile are they...

Come to your senses, soldier,

Take a look at your little sister!

If the shells don't find you,

A knife will not finish off a saboteur,

You will receive, sister, a reward -

You will save a person again.

He will return from the infirmary -

Once again you cheated death

And this consciousness alone

It will warm you all your life

I'll sing for you, dear

Blue-eyed girl
Less than nine years old...
The song flows gently, loudly
For hospital white.

And under the sounds of overflows
Someone's brothers and fathers
They remember a happy home,
More fighters ask to sing.

“I’ll sing,” the girl responded, “
Bowing my head low,
-Here, a funeral has come for us...
But I believe: dad is alive!

Maybe one of you by chance
Have you met your dad anywhere?
Somewhere there, on the far side,
Did you fight with your dad?”

And it's like they're to blame
The fact that they are still alive
Suddenly all the soldiers withdraw
A small look from the girl.

Swallowing a tear on the sly,
Sings again until he gets hoarse,
And, like an adult, like a soldier
The soldiers are calling the girl.

Ready to sing endlessly
She sings songs to the wounded,
But at the same time he will ask again,
And in response there was only silence.

And one day, as a reward,
All wounded, but alive,
Dad, honey! Here he is, nearby!
“I will sing for you, dear!”

(L. Schmidt)

Presenter 4. The Nazis spared no one: neither women nor children. Hitler gave this advice to his troops before the attack on our country: “Cruelty is a blessing for the future... The war against Russia cannot be waged in a chivalrous manner. It must be carried out with merciless, merciless and indomitable cruelty.”

And the Nazis diligently carried out this order from Hitler. Thousands of girls and boys were taken to work in Germany; during the years of fascist terror, 18 million people were subjected to torture and abuse in concentration camps, and 2 million of them were brutally tortured and burned in the ovens of crematoria, and how many Belarusian and Ukrainian villages were wiped off the face of the earth !

They and their children drove their mothers away...

They drove the mothers with their children
And they forced me to dig a hole, but they themselves
They stood, a bunch of savages,
And they laughed in hoarse voices.
Lined up at the edge of the abyss
Powerless women, skinny guys...
No, I won't forget this day,
I will never forget, forever!
I saw rivers crying like children,
And Mother Earth wept in rage...
I heard: a powerful oak suddenly fell,
He fell, letting out a heavy sigh.
The children were suddenly seized with fear -
They huddled close to their mothers, clinging to their hems.
And there was a sharp sound of a shot...
- I, mother, want to live. No need, mom...
(Musa Jalil)

Student 2 She looked full of horror,
How can she not lose her mind?
I understand everything, I understand everything, little one:
- Hide me, mommy,
No need to die! –
He cries and, like a leaf, holds back
Can't shake.
The child that is dearest to her,
Bending down, she lifted her mother with both hands,
She pressed it to her heart, directly against the muzzle...
- I, mother, want to live. No need mom!
Let me go, let me go! What are you waiting for?

Student 3 And the child wants to escape from his arms,
And the crying is terrible and the voice is thin,
And it pierces your heart like a knife.
- Don't be afraid, my boy! Now you can breathe freely,
Close your eyes, but don't hide your head,
So that the executioner doesn't bury you alive.
Be patient, son, be patient. It won't hurt now.
And he closed his eyes. And the blood turned red
A red ribbon snakes around the neck.
Two lives fall to the ground merging.
Two lives, and one love!

Presenter 1 . Everywhere Hitler’s executioners left behind bloody trails. The world shook when it learned about gas chambers Majdanek, about the ovens of Auschwitz and other “death factories” in Poland, Alsace, Latvia, Holland, about hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians tortured, gassed, burned, and shot.

Presenter 2. Listen up people! The bells of Khatyn speak to your hearts. With anger and pain they will talk about the tragedy of this village. On March 22, 1943, a detachment of fascist invaders surrounded the village. All residents: old people, children - were driven into a barn and burned alive

Presenter 3. A concentration camp is an area fenced off barbed wire, inside of which there were barracks for housing. Every 100 meters there were watchtowers with sentries at the top; the camp was guarded during the day and illuminated by searchlights at night. It was impossible to escape from there, since the Germans had dogs trained to search for prisoners. Those caught were severely punished: they were given public floggings and then executed so that no one would dare to escape.

Children in Auschwitz

Men tortured children.
Smart. On purpose. Skillfully.
They did everyday things
They worked and tortured children.
And this every day again:
Cursing, swearing for no reason...
But the children didn’t understand
What do men want from them?
For what - offensive words,
Beatings, hunger, growling dogs?
And the children thought at first
What kind of disobedience is this?
They couldn't imagine
What was open to everyone:
According to the ancient logic of the earth,
Children expect protection from adults.
And the days went by, as terrible as death,
And the children became exemplary.
But they kept beating them.
Also. Again.
And they were not absolved of guilt.
They grabbed people.
They begged. And they loved it.
But the men had "ideas"
Men tortured children.

I'm alive. I'm breathing. I love people.
But life can be hateful to me,
As soon as I remember: it happened!
Men tortured children!
(Naum Korzhavin)

Song "People of the world, stand up for a minute"

Presenter 4. Sons of the regiments. Young partisans, scouts, tank crews. 300 thousand boys and girls, having lost all their relatives, fled to the front, fought in partisan detachments with one thought: “Avenge the dead.” For courage, fearlessness and heroism, tens of thousands of sons and daughters of regiments, cabin boys and young partisans were awarded orders and medals. And the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to Zina Portnova, Lenya Golikov, Valya Kotik, Marat Kazei. Posthumously.

Presenter 1.Who helped forge our common victory? Who shoes, clothes, feeds and supplies the Red Army with weapons to fight the enemy? They were both adults and very young children. Without days off or vacation, with shell boxes under their feet, they worked 14-15 hours a day in factories, growing bread to feed the army, while most often being malnourished themselves.

Children grew up early, replacing older brothers, fathers, and mothers who had gone to the front. In the rear, our peers showed real labor heroism, and therefore received awards, just like their peers at the front.

...Why did you, war, steal their childhood from the boys -

And the blue sky, and the smell of a simple flower?..

The boys of the Urals came to work in the factories,

They positioned the boxes to reach the machine.

And now, in the incorruptible winter of the war year,

When the cold dawn broke over the Kama,

The director of the plant gathered the best workers,

And he was a worker - only fourteen years old...

Harsh time looked into tired faces,

But everyone found their pre-war childhood in themselves,

As soon as the work bonus - a jar of jam -

In front of them, the boys, someone put it on the table.

(V. Radkevich “The Ballad of a Jar of Jam”)

Presenter 2 .Thousands of tons of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal were collected by pioneers and schoolchildren during the Patriotic War. One word “front” inspires the guys. In school workshops, with great love and care, they make various parts for mines of other weapons. In Gorky and Kuibyshev, school sewing workshops are famous, in which pioneers sew underwear, scarves, and tunics for the army.

Presenter 3. Together with Komsomol members throughout the Soviet Union, young pioneers more than once went out on Sundays. More than 3 million pioneers took part in just one All-Union Sunday “Pioneers-Front”.

Presenter 4. During the war days, the guys collected thousands of tons of wild plants useful plants.

About 5 million Soviet schoolchildren worked on the fields of collective and state farms. Tanks, planes, and guns were built at the expense of the pioneers and presented to the most skilled warriors at the request of the children.

Presenter 1 . Order-bearing pilot Tsygankov fights with honor in the fighter “Lenochka for Dad”, he takes revenge for the deceased father of Lenochka Lazarenkova. Pilot Maksimenko fulfilled the order of the Arzam Pioneers. Using the Arzam Pioneer fighter, he shot down 5 fascist vultures himself and 11 collectively.

Presenter 2. The Gorky Pioneer tank crushed and shot a lot of Fritz; The Moscow Pioneer tank column valiantly crushed enemies near Rzhev, Orel, and Sevsk.

And at the same time, the children continued to study.

We studied by the light of smokehouses,

They wrote between the lines of newspapers,
And a piece of black bread

It was sweeter than overseas sweets.

"Not" and "Neither"(Lyudmila Milanich)

Smolensky told me
- In our village school
It was a lesson.

We passed through the particles
"Not" and "neither".
And in the village there were Krauts
These days.

Our schools were robbed
And at home.
Our school has become naked,
Like a prison.

From the gate of the neighbor's hut
A German was looking through our window

And the teacher said: “The phrase
Give it to me
To meet in it right away
"Neither" and "not."

We looked at the soldier
At the gate
And they said: "From retribution
NO damn fascist
WILL NOT leave!"
(S. Marshak)


It's very cold in the classroom
I breathe on the pen,
I lower my head
And I write, I write.

First declension -
Feminine starting with "a"
Immediately, without a doubt
I deduce - “war”.

What's most important
Today for the country?
In the genitive case:
There is no - what? - “war”.

And behind the howling word -
Mom died...
And the battle is still far away,
So that I can live.

I send curses to the “war”,
I only remember the “war”...
Maybe for me as an example
Choose "silence"?

But we measure by “war”
Nowadays life and death,
I'll get "excellent" -
This is also revenge...

About the “war” he is sad,
That's a proud lesson
And I remembered him
I'm here forever.

Let's honor their memory a minute of silence.

The cannonades suffocated.
There is silence in the world.
On mainland one day
The war is over
We will live, meet the sunrises,
Believe and love.
Just don't forget this!
Just so as not to forget,
How the sun rose in the burning
And the darkness swirled
And in the river - between the banks -
The blood was flowing.
There were black birches.
Long years.
Tears were cried -
Widows - forever...
It's summer again
Solar thread.
Just don't forget this!
Just don't forget!
This is a memory - believe me, people -
The whole earth needs...
If we forget the war, war will come again.

Presenter 1 .Victory! People waited 1418 days for this holiday. This is how many days the Great Patriotic War lasted.

Presenter 2 .Victory...It came to us on May 9, not in a laurel wreath, solemn and calm, no. She came in the guise of an old mother, lowered her weary hands, bowed her head, grieving for those who did not return.

Presenter 3 .Victory! And if children are laughing now, steel is melting and books are being written, it is because Victory has come.

Presenter 4 .No matter how many years pass, we will always remember our family and friends, all those people who died fighting for their Motherland.

Thank you, wartime children,
What strength was enough to overcome all adversity!
You taught us: the most important thing in the world
Learn, believe, live, dream, love!

And we wish you many years with love,
And strength, and strength, peace and goodness,
And most importantly - health! And more health -
I wish you a special school for your children.