Why dream of a dark blue sky. Dream Interpretation. the sky is all interpretations. The sky according to the Dream Interpretation of the healer Fedorovskaya

If you have used the dream book at least once, you know that every vision that can be in dreams has its own meaning and symbolism. Natural phenomena and everything connected with nature have a special place.

They are especially important for interpretation, and it does not happen that a thunderstorm, rain or bright sun is just a decoration for what is dreaming. Natural phenomena not only color dreams and give them a special atmosphere, but also indicate something important that you should pay attention to in reality.

The clouds look menacing, often evoke anxiety and longing, blocking the sun in the sky and foreshadowing a thunderstorm. In reality, thunderclouds always cause not very pleasant and iridescent emotions, but what do clouds mean in a dream, is it worth expecting something bad in reality after this dream?

Cloudy or overcast skies

Consider several options when the clouds covered the sky. What are they, what is happening - the dream book will help us with this:

  • See clouds on the horizon.
  • Overcast leaden sky in a dream.
  • Black, heavy clouds.
  • Black clouds in fiery rays.

Each such “cloudy” dream has its own special meaning, choose yours and find out what it promises you!

What is fate preparing?

Do not rush to think that if you dreamed of clouds and bad weather, then this is bad. The symbols are often unusual and contradictory, so the dream book may surprise you with the answer!

1. As the dream book says, clouds on the horizon approaching from afar are a symbol of your fears that prevent you from living. The dream interpretation claims that these fears and anxieties are completely unfounded, empty and meaningless, and there is nothing real under them!

You are absolutely in vain to be afraid, in reality you have nothing to fear. Believe the higher forces that gave you such a dream, and fight fears - then your life will become full and bright, new opportunities will open up!

2. If there was not a single gap in the sky in your dream, it was all overcast and gloomy - this is a call for patience. A difficult period awaits you, but after all, in our life, white and black stripes are always replaced.

Higher powers advise you to take a wait-and-see attitude, not to actively try to change something, but simply to be patient. Contemplate from the outside, understand that everything happens in due time, heed the lessons of fate and get new experience.

3. Black, heavy clouds dream as a symbol of the fact that in reality there is an influence of bad, unkind people over you. You should look around and see who you are subordinate to, who has such influence and even power on you?

Doesn't this have a negative or even destructive effect on you and your destiny? Perhaps it's time to free yourself and make all decisions on your own, take life into your own hands and act according to your conscience?

4. If you happened to see terrible heavy clouds in fiery rays in a dream, this is a good sign. Very favorable changes will soon appear on your way! But you can be afraid of them, perceive them as something frightening and repulsive, because any changes in life are always frightening, they make you leave your usual comfort zone.

Such dreams are dreamed for one purpose - to cheer you up, to convince you that any changes that open up in front of you are simply vital for you, and in no case close from them! On the contrary, open up to new things, and your life will become much happier!

Thunderstorms in dreams

It also happens that it came to a thunderstorm! Do not rush to draw a conclusion yourself until you know the answer of the dream book. But before revealing it, remember all the details of what you saw in a dream in order to get an accurate and truthful answer. What was in the dream:

  • Storm clouds.
  • Overcast night sky.
  • Dreamed of rain.
  • Fall into a thunderstorm in a dream.

1. Seeing thunderclouds in a dark, overcast sky is an auspicious dream. Luck is close! Through obstacles, difficulties and a series of problems, you will come to great success, the main thing is not to be afraid of anything, believe in the favor of your fate and in your own strength.

Success is waiting for you, soon everything will change for the better, in an unexpected and drastic way. Don't miss the chance that comes your way!

2. It is also interesting to know why a cloud or clouds hanging in heaven at night dream about. This is a warning that a gloomy period awaits you ahead, when you will be overcome by doubts, longing, blues.

Do not give in to depression, it can drag you out for a long time! Remember that after any thunderstorm, the sun will always appear, and you yourself can control the “weather” in your soul and life.

3. If it was not just cloudy in your dream, but it also started to rain, this is a great sign. - a symbol of purification and renewal, so this is what you should expect in reality!

Difficulties will end, and even big troubles will help you become a new person. Everything that is happening now, you need to upgrade and gain experience. Soon you will change, start a new stage in your life, and everything around you will be updated!

4. Big and strong, especially if you not only saw her, but also hit her - also a good symbol, promising, according to the dream book. He says that you will not be left without attention, loneliness definitely does not threaten you.

You will be in pleasant society, you will be loved, and you will be the center of attention. A turbulent period is expected, a bright and eventful life, you definitely won’t be bored!

Take dreams and the answers of the dream book correctly - think, maybe something should be changed in waking life and in your behavior? Believe in the best, act according to your conscience, and build your own happiness! Author: Vasilina Serova

"A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov"

Seeing a clear, blue or clear sky in a dream portends well-being, peace of mind, a good road, and for those who have lost something, it predicts that the loss will be found. Such a dream also predicts the victory of some difficult case or its resolution in your favor. A gloomy and cloudy sky in a dream means emotional distress, illness, obstacles in business and trouble.

The hopeless darkness in a dream predicts that you will receive news of the death of loved ones or relatives. A sky with a white gap is a sign of the difficulties that you will have to overcome in order to succeed. The sky, illuminated by the moon, stars or an unusually red sun, portends the receipt of important and disturbing news or misfortunes that will fall on you and your loved ones. The crimson sky in a dream is a harbinger of disputes, quarrels, contention in the family and at work.

Sometimes such a dream predicts that there may be civil unrest in the country. See clouds, wind, cross, angel.

The pink or red sky that you like in a dream is a sign of happy love in old age. Any dream that burning torches, stars, lights, sparks are falling from the sky portends illness, the death of a loved one or patron.

Ascension to heaven to watch in a dream is a sign that your business will be difficult to implement. To ascend into the sky yourself is a sign of victory in a risky business. For lovers, such a dream portends pleasure, and loved ones will say about them that they are in seventh heaven with happiness. Flying in the sky in a dream and seeing a world full of miracles around you means: expect an unexpected shock. Perhaps you will learn about the betrayal of a loved one. Figures or objects in the sky portend changes for you. See by the names of figures and objects. See why you dream of flying, why you dream of stairs.

Why dream of the sky in a dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

The sky in a dream symbolizes the state of mind. Beautiful, clear sky - harmony, lightness of feelings. Dark, gloomy sky - heavy forebodings, threatening events. Flying in the sky - to experience elation, success. Look at the sky, at the stars - have high goals. Dark clouds in the sky - difficulties in life are possible. Diverging clouds - clarification of circumstances. A stormy sky with flashes of lightning is a harbinger of an alarming event that can change your fate. The night sky, strewn with bright stars - wide prospects will open before you. Black night sky - you will receive an unexpected inheritance from a relative who suddenly appeared. Birds, insects or animals flying in the sky - the rise of creative forces. Climbing into the sky on an endless staircase is a successful career.

Why dream of the sky in a dream book -
"Dream Interpretation: Truthful Interpreter of Dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a clear sky - good news; if you dreamed of a hazy sky - you will receive a sad message; the sky in a dream with gray clouds - to achieve a dream you have to overcome obstacles; a sky covered with stars - to joy, or to an inheritance; the sky turned red - to a quarrel; clouds pierced by lightning - great unexpected joy; to rise in a dream into the sky - to achieve protection from a high rank; dark, stormy sky in a dream - to danger.

Why is the sky dreaming

Miller's dream book

A dream about the sky - promises exceptional honors and an exciting journey in the most sophisticated society, if the sky in your dream is clear and clean. Otherwise, this dream means broken hopes and female grievances.

If you dream that you are flying across the sky surrounded by bizarre faces and fantastic animals and are amazed at what is happening either in a dream, or when you wake up from a dream, this means that all the grief, all that excruciating pain that touches even rude, undeveloped souls, will expire with a drop of jealousy that your unhappy love will contain, and infidelity will be debunked.

Seeing a purple sky in a dream is a sign of riots and social unrest.

The starry sky means that you are embarking on the path of a real struggle for the right to incarnate in this life, but this struggle will be successful for you.

If you see an illuminated sky with heavenly bodies - a dream promises a great work of the spirit ahead of you, a return to nature, which will give you wisdom and comfort.

If you see yourself ascended to heaven, then this dream portends you an unsuccessful attempt to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities that have opened up before you and achieve success in your work.

If in a dream you climb stairs to heaven, the dream promises you a quick rise in society, which, however, will not bring you the desired satisfaction, since you will not pay for it with any effort.

Why is the sky dreaming

Freud's dream book

A clear sky seen in a dream is a good sign, it shows that everything in your personal life is developing in the best way, you feel on the crest of a wave, all the failures that befell you in the sexual "field" will disappear. Enjoy this time, it can be very short.

If the sky in your dream was cloudy, the sun was not visible on it - this means that something is bothering you, but you do not associate this concern with your sex life, although it is completely in vain if you improve relations with a partner, then life will go on okay. New acquaintances are also not forbidden.

Seeing the starry sky is a romantic meeting that you really hope for. It all depends on you, how much you will be able to relax and enjoy yourself, not forgetting to deliver it to your loved one.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream Interpretation Hasse

The sky is clear - success in enterprises; covered with clouds - overcome obstacles; in fiery clouds - great joy awaits; dotted with stars - you will receive a large inheritance; rise into the sky - you will achieve protection; dark is a formidable danger.

Why is the sky dreaming

Family dream book

A dream of a clear and clear sky - promises a refined society, honors and exciting travels.

Gloomy sky - promises broken hopes and female grievances.

Crimson sky - a sign of rebellion and excitement.

Starry sky - heralds the beginning of a successful struggle for the right to self-realization.

If you saw yourself ascended to heaven - an attempt to take advantage of the opportunities that have opened up before you will be unsuccessful.

If in a dream you climbed the stairs to heaven, you will have a quick rise in society. True, it will not bring much satisfaction, since you will not put any effort into it.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

The sky in a dream - symbolizes the fate that a person cannot change.

To dream that an event is unfolding in the sky means that in reality you can experience something similar. Most often, such dreams carry not a direct, but a symbolic meaning.

Clear, clear sky - portends good luck and prosperity.

Thunderclouds are a danger warning. Perhaps in reality you risk arousing someone's anger.

Crimson clouds - warn of sudden outbreaks of aggression, the victim of which you may become. After such a dream, it is better to avoid conflict situations.

White clouds in the sky are a sign of your daydreaming. It seems that your life plans lack clarity and certainty.

Why is the sky dreaming

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Starry sky - your choice will be justified.

Why is the sky dreaming

Spring dream book

Burnt palate - dreams of deprivation of rights. You, roughly speaking, will shut your mouth.

Blue sky - to improve life.

Why is the sky dreaming

Summer dream book

Up to a cloudy sky above you - to natural disasters.

Seeing the palate burned with hot milk or tea - you are not allowed to honestly tell how things are at your work.

Blue sky - an explanation will take place that you will be happy with.

Why is the sky dreaming

Autumn dream book

Seeing a summer blue sky in a dream and admiring it is for good weather.

To dream about how you burned your palate when you drank tea - to lawlessness.

Blue sky - you will be very happy for your children.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Clear blue sky in a dream - portends you success in the enterprise, honors and money that you can spend without stint. A cloudy sky covered with low clouds is a sign of serious obstacles in love and ridiculous insults.

A stormy sky with flashes of lightning in black clouds is a harbinger of great joy and a solemn gathering of guests on this occasion. If it rains incessantly from the sky, this promises you reliable protection in the person of faithful and devoted friends, but if it snows or hail strikes, this portends troubled times and the likelihood of losing your fortune.

The night sky strewn with bright stars with a month in the middle - you will have the prospect of achieving everything you want if you donate something dear to you.

Dark, completely hopeless abyss of the night sky - you will receive an unexpected inheritance from a relative who has appeared from nowhere.

Flashes of fire in the sky - portend sweet family joys and love joys in the marital bed.

The sky, brightly lit in the middle of the night by a flash of a falling large meteorite - such a dream speaks of an upcoming outing into the bosom of nature in a cheerful company of friends.

If in a dream you fly in the sky, flapping your arms like wings, this means that you will find immense happiness that you have been striving for so long. To see birds, insects or animals fluttering in the sky - you will achieve the protection of your legal rights when dividing property or inheritance.

To take to the skies on an airplane or other air vehicle means an unsuccessful attempt to succeed by illegal means.

Climbing into the sky along the endless stairs hanging from there - promises you a successful career and a well-functioning family life.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Sky - Clear - joy, peace - gloomy - sadness, longing

Sky - Clear - success in enterprises - covered with clouds - overcome obstacles - in fiery clouds - great joy awaits - strewn with stars - receive a great inheritance - rise into the sky - you will achieve protection - dark - formidable danger

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Blue sky - predicts happy love.

Low, gloomy sky - warns of unhappy love.

Crimson - to trouble on the love front.

Starry sky - dreams of a romantic date in an intimate setting.

If you dreamed that you fell from the sky, you may be accused and even arrested.

In a dream, you saw someone or something fall from it - one of your relatives may be in trouble.

Why is the sky dreaming

Esoteric dream book

The sky is space for thoughts.

Pure - in your thoughts there is complete order.

Night - thoughts about the secret, you have to get secret (esoteric) knowledge.

Stormy, gray in your head - too many negative thoughts.

Drawings, words, images in the sky - you are invited to think about them, to concentrate your attention on mysterious phenomena.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

If the sky in your dream is clear and clean, fame, respect and an exciting journey in the most sophisticated society await you. Otherwise, this dream portends broken hopes and resentment of other people against you.

Seeing a purple sky in a dream is a sign of riots and social unrest.

The starry sky means that you are entering the struggle for the opportunity to realize yourself in this life, and this struggle will be successful for you.

If the sky is bright from the stars and the moon, a huge work of the spirit awaits you, a return to nature, which will give you wisdom and comfort.

If in a dream you were taken to heaven, this dream portends an unsuccessful attempt to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities that have opened up before you.

If in a dream you climb stairs to heaven, you will find yourself quickly and easily exalted in society, which, however, will not bring you the desired satisfaction.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Azar

The sky is peace of mind, long life.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

The sky is bright - success; blue - expect good; red - quarrel; stellar - fulfillment of desires, a large inheritance; dark, without stars - danger; in fiery clouds - great joy; in red, crimson clouds - a serious illness.

Why is the sky dreaming

Modern dream book

The sky in your dreams is a sign of exceptional honors and an interesting journey in a cultural society. All this will happen if the sky in your dream is clear.

But if the sky is gloomy or overcast, it predicts collapsed hopes and troubles for women.

To see that you are flying through the sky surrounded by fantastic faces and animals is an extremely bad omen. All grief, all excruciating pain will merge into one tormenting sting of jealousy, which will pierce into your love and destroy it.

To see the sky turning purple is a harbinger of social unrest and rebellion.

If you dream that you are ascending to heaven - you will not be satisfied with the position that you achieve, and joy will be replaced by sadness.

If young people dream that they are climbing to heaven on a ladder, they will go from obscurity to glory, but will not find any pleasure or satisfaction in this.

Why is the sky dreaming

Eastern dream book

Seeing a clear blue sky is always for prosperity and well-being in life; to see the starry sky - to achieve the highest goals.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

pure, clear - joy, peace and pleasure; gloomy and covered with clouds of longing, sadness and failure.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Sky - you see a clear sky in a dream - you will be honored; you will be honored to be present in high society; perhaps your reward for your services will be a pleasant journey. The sky is clear at night, but there are no stars - a dream warns you against some kind of danger. The sky that you see in a dream is gloomy - your hopes are not destined to come true; in your thoughts you will constantly return to your offense. You dream that the sky is crimson - perhaps you will take part in the rebellion. You seem to see the starry sky - a dream suggests that you know your own place in society very well and understand your purpose; you steadily follow your destiny and therefore you will definitely achieve your goal. You see several luminaries in the sky - you are bored to live with the pleasures and interests of the average person; you are looking for entertainment of a higher order - as a rule, this is the entertainment of thought; you will be comforted in wisdom where another is not comforted in material acquisitions; the transience of life is not a revelation for you: first, all name days and weddings, then more and more often funerals, this is how life goes. You seem to be flying through the sky along with fantastic or mythical creatures - you have to overcome physical or mental pain; you will not let jealousy take over you; unrequited love will not unsettle you; your time will come, and you will achieve everything you want. You climb into the sky on an endless staircase - your activity will elevate you in the eyes of people; your selflessness will make you rich; you will be offered a responsible position; however, it is possible that all the blessings will wake up on you with some delay, when you have already burned out - therefore, you are unlikely to experience satisfaction.

Why is the sky dreaming

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

The sky is an image of the soul, a picture of its life.

Day sky - always symbolizes such phenomena in the life of the soul that you can clearly realize.

To see clear, clean - quiet hours and inner composure are coming; can be used for spiritual development.

Above the head - honor.

Thunderstorms, storms high in the sky - disharmony in the life of the soul.

The sky of unnatural color - strange, sometimes dangerous conditions in the life of the soul.

Red - quarrel, disagreement.

Yellow or greenish - malice, envy, etc.

To ascend is to live in unceasing labors.

Night sky - symbolizes such a phenomenon of the life of the soul, which is beyond the waking consciousness, which is a mystery to him.

The sky with stars is the fulfillment of cherished secret desires, joy, a sign that your soul is in the hands of your higher self.

Brightly burning stars - a happy future.

Foggy, covered with a light haze - a secret sadness.

To see a bright milky way - hopes are not the strength of the soul and help from above / the inseparable connection of external life with otherworldly existence.

Fire signs in the sky are all kinds of evil: war, pestilence, etc.

The flame in the sky is great - unpleasant news / death of a high-ranking person.

Fire falls from it - good.

Instant lightning in the sky - news of an event that produces a revolution in life.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

You dreamed of Heaven - honors and an exciting journey await you. Imagine that the sky is absolutely clear. If daytime - then bright blue, huge, high. If it is night, then it is filled with the radiance of a million stars.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream interpretation of the subconscious

What does the sky mean in a dream. People have always associated the sky with the awe inspiring presence of divine powers. Thus, dreams about the sky often represent the highest level of realization of ambition to which the sleeper aspires.

Positive value

A clear sky may portend a strip of contentment ahead, when nothing can stop you. It is also a sign of a future solution to the problem, which will become crystal clear to you.

Negative implications

Dreams of a cloudy sky predict turbulent times. Perhaps a “cloud” is pressing on you, in other words, you are bearing the burden of difficult problems.

The vast sky in a dream can mean a huge creative potential. Did you enjoy seeing this sky, or did it seem to you that it was unattainable far away?

Flight. If in a dream you were floating in the sky, try to understand why this happened. Maybe you tried to take a bird's eye view of the problems of real life? Blue sky. According to some analysts, a bright blue sky means you will find a lost or stolen item. It is also a sign that the upcoming journey will be successful. Colorful sky. He is associated with romantic hobbies. This is a symbol of the current relationship or a warning about an unpleasant date.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream Interpretation of the Indians Otavalos

If you dreamed of the moon in the sky, which is inside the semicircle of the rainbow, difficulties and problems await the white man. I dreamed of a rainbow in the sky - according to the Otavalos Indians, this is a bad sign. If a rainbow is in the middle of a high-mountain steppe ("paramo"), then this is for heavy rains, showers, and even an earthquake.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream interpretation of Vrublevskaya

Sky - symbolizes the aspiration to high goals, especially the flight to heaven. Dark, gloomy sky with clouds - reflects heavy forebodings, threatening events.

Why is the sky dreaming

Icelandic dream book

Rise into the sky - to earn money.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Lucky Omens

Stars falling from the sky - to the fulfillment of the main desires.

Why is the sky dreaming

Star dream book

You dreamed of the Sky - blue - for good luck and pleasure. Peace in the soul. Vacation is possible. A cloudy sky is a problem.

Why is the sky dreaming

Modern dream book

The sky is clear and clear - Joy, peace; gloomy - boredom, failure

Why is the sky dreaming

Creative dream book

You dreamed about the sky, what is it for. 1. In dreams, the sky represents the mind or our hidden potential. Flying or sailing through the sky: these actions have a dual meaning, as they can mean either trying to avoid everything earthly, or exploring other possibilities. If the sky is dark, then it reflects our gloomy mood, if it is light, our joy. 2. Heaven denotes the unattainable. No matter how hard we try, we will never be able to make the sky tangible. 3. From a spiritual point of view, the sky represents eternity, but also denotes order - especially that which applies to the intuitive function.

Why is the sky dreaming

Big dream book

Sky - Light - success; blue - expect good; red - quarrel; stellar - fulfillment of desires, a large inheritance; dark without stars - danger; in fiery clouds - great joy; in red crimson clouds - a serious illness.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream interpretation of Artemidor

You dreamed about the Sky - Clear blue sky - for luck, cloudy sky - for trouble.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

A dream to see about the Sky - Symbolizes a state of mind that correlates with the view of the sky. Beautiful sky - harmony, lightness of feelings; dark, gloomy - heavy forebodings, threatening events. Flying in the sky - to experience elation, success. Look at the sky, the stars - have high goals. Dark clouds in the sky - difficulties in life. Diverging clouds - clarification of circumstances.

Why is the sky dreaming

Russian dream book

You dreamed of the Sky - a clear, clear blue sky - to the good news; with white clouds - good work; dark clouds - to sadness, failure, problems; fiery red clouds - a serious illness; stellar - to joy.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream Interpretation of E. Erickson

What does the sky mean in a dream - clear - a reward. To see a clear sky from edge to edge is to be in the company of educated noble people. Gloomy sky - deceived hopes, for men - trouble with women. Part of the sky is scarlet - riots, solid red sky - civil unrest. Blue sky - the expectation of good. Stars are visible in the daytime sky - receiving an inheritance. The night sky without stars is a danger. A walk under such a sky together promises separation forever. The sky in crimson dark clouds is a disease. Bright fiery clouds are a great unexpected joy. Fly high in the sky and feel the joy of flying - to a joyful and happy event. To rise into the sky - to achieve protection or justice.

Why is the sky dreaming

Women's dream book

To dream about the Sky - If the sky in your dream is clear and clean, fame, respect and an exciting journey in the most sophisticated society await you. Otherwise, this dream portends broken hopes and resentment of other people against you. Seeing a purple sky in a dream is a sign of riots and social unrest. The starry sky means that you are entering the struggle for the opportunity to realize yourself in this life, and this struggle will be successful for you. If the sky is bright from the stars and the moon, a huge work of the spirit awaits you, a return to nature, which will give you wisdom and comfort. If in a dream you were taken to heaven, this dream portends an unsuccessful attempt to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities that have opened up before you. If in a dream you climb stairs to heaven, you will find yourself quickly and easily exalted in society, which, however, will not bring you the desired satisfaction.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

The sky is mind. The color of the sky is a vision of your life at the moment. Clear, clear sky - joy, peace; gloomy and cloudy sky - melancholy, sadness; purple sky - anxiety; starry sky - dreams; illuminated sky with heavenly bodies - work on oneself; climbing the stairs to heaven is an elevation in society; ascension to heaven is an attempt to take advantage of the opportunities that have opened up to achieve success.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream Interpretation Dasha

a symbol of purity and inaccessibility, the abode of God. The sky is in thunderclouds, danger looms over you; soar in the sky, to good luck and the resolution of complex issues.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

The sky is a symbol of purity and inaccessibility. Among the people, the sky is considered the place where God lives and from where he looks at human sins. When the weather deteriorated sharply and thunderclouds appeared in the sky, it was believed that this was the anger of a god who was dissatisfied with the behavior and thoughts of people. In prayers and repentance, people turn their faces and hands to heaven, asking for forgiveness and help from the Almighty.

Seeing a dream in which you soar carelessly in the sky is a harbinger of a successful resolution of complex issues; good luck; to find you not guilty.

To see a sky full of heavy thunderclouds that literally burst from precipitation, but still do not give birth to rain - this dream warns of the danger that hangs over you; do not take risky steps; do not trust strangers, because this can end very badly; to confusing cases and unresolved issues.

To dream that you are going to pray, but various things are constantly distracting, and you regretfully put off what you want - to unbelief, doubt and disappointment; to carry out the plan, you will have to try hard; to long and tedious tasks.

Why is the sky dreaming

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Sky is Heaven. Blue sky. Aimless Evasion: Unrealized Potential. Over Self. Something powerful, descending from heaven, such as a giant hand, a storm or a figure, as a symbol of truth. The intervention of God in the affairs of the individual, as the interpreter reports about the essence of the dream that you are dreaming of.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream interpretation of catchphrases

SKY (heaven) - “to be in seventh heaven with happiness”, “to smoke the sky” (aimless existence), “promised heaven” (paradise). "Ascend to heaven" or "go to heaven" - to die; spiritual revelation. "Forces of heaven" - patrons, defenders - to call on these forces - to trouble or help; "cloudless sky" - auspiciousness; "throw lightning" - to be angry. See add. clouds, weather.

Why is the sky dreaming

Male dream book

Clean - hopes, cloudy - unrealizable desires, blue sky with clouds - new ideas, lightning in the sky - unexpected help. The night sky is a loss of self-confidence. The starry sky is a sudden insight.

Why is the sky dreaming

Old Russian dream book

light - success; blue - expect good; red - quarrel; stellar - fulfillment of desires, a large inheritance; dark without stars - danger; in fiery clouds - great joy; in red, crimson clouds - a serious illness.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream interpretation for women

The clear blue sky has always symbolized peace, a calm, cloudless life, so you can hope that this grace will descend on you too.

Why is the sky dreaming

Muslim dream book

If someone sees the sky in a dream, greatness and a high position fall to his lot.

If someone sees in a dream that he is ascending to heaven, he will make a long and long journey, from which he will benefit.

If someone sees that he has ascended almost to heaven, he will acquire a high position both in matters of religion and in worldly affairs.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream Interpretation of the Future

If the sky is clear - this is good news; in the stars - to joy; in the clouds - to sadness, failure, problems.

Why is the sky dreaming

Idiomatic dream book

“Being in seventh heaven with happiness” is a joy in reality; "smoke the sky" - an aimless existence; "Promised heaven" - paradise; "ascend to heaven" or "go to heaven" - to die; spiritual revelation; "powers of heaven" - patrons, defenders to call these forces to trouble or help; "cloudless sky" - auspiciousness; "throw lightning" - to be angry.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream interpretation of relationships

If the sky in your dream is clear and clean, this means that there is no need to worry about your personal life, everything is going as well as possible. You are happy in sex, but this time can quickly end.

Cloudy sky without sun - means hidden anxiety associated with intimate life. You think that the reason lies elsewhere, but your problems will disappear if you improve your relationship with your partner. New hobbies are welcome.

Starry sky - symbolizes a romantic meeting. When it happens is entirely up to you. Everything will turn out well if you do not behave selfishly and try to please a loved one.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Clear blue sky - has always symbolized peace, a calm cloudless life, so you can hope that this grace will descend on you too, cloudy - the unfulfillment of desires, blue sky with clouds - new ideas, lightning in the sky - unexpected help.

The night sky is a loss of self-confidence.

The starry sky is a sudden insight.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream interpretation horoscope

The sky strewn with stars - indicates that the trip you are going on will be happy.

The sky is blue, cloudless - move away from your experiences, otherwise a nervous breakdown cannot be avoided.

Why is the sky dreaming

Online dream book

The dream interpretation explains the clear sky - as evidence that you will have universal respect, as well as enjoy spending time with worthy people.

If it is cloudy and gray - your plans are not given to come true, this promises huge problems for girls.

It seemed that it turned red - you will be in conditions of social instability and popular protest.

In a dream, rise to the sky - your hopes will not come true, and changes will bring only grief.

Soaring in it among ephemeral creatures is a big disaster.

Signs in the sky - they say that you do not clearly understand what is happening to you now, and you need the advice of a wise and experienced person.

If flashes of bright light appear in it, complete mutual understanding and well-being will reign in your house, you will enjoy each other's company in an intimate setting.

If in a dream you dreamed of a rope ladder to the sky, and you climb it, you will find rapid promotion and family well-being.

To dream of steps leading to heaven - circumstances will turn out as successfully as possible, and you will achieve great social and material benefits without the slightest effort, but you will be disappointed that you got everything so easily.

According to the dream book, to fix your eyes on the sky - soon you will be able to restore your physical strength and find inner harmony.

The dream in which you saw a sky dotted with stars promises you an increase in your wealth, suddenly you will become much richer. This also says that your most secret desire will come true, but for you it will come as a complete surprise, a pleasant surprise.

If the sky is black, be prepared for the fact that fate is preparing serious trials for you, problems and disappointments await you, everything that is dear to you will be at stake.

According to the dream book, a blue bright sky is a sign that you will soon have a very entertaining and educational trip, during which you will meet someone with whom you could connect your entire future destiny, with whom you will create a harmonious and happy union.

Seeing the sky dark is a reflection of your current spiritual mood, you are overcome by negative emotions, and everything that happens to you will also have a negative connotation. Therefore, try to think only about the good, and your problems will be solved quickly and easily.

If the sky is dreaming at night, it means that there is something in your subconscious that you cannot understand, but it is torn out, try to understand yourself to the end.

The dream in which you saw a cross above indicates that you are leading a life pleasing to God, and if you continue to do good, the Higher powers will support you in everything.

Why is the sky dreaming

Universal dream book

Creative people claim that inspiration often comes from the sky, so if you dream of a blue sky, then you are craving inspiration. The sky also symbolizes infinity. Is this how you perceive life at the moment? It spreads before you and has no boundaries? Is it an exciting or frightening prospect?

The color of the sky in a dream reflects your mood.

For example, a gray sky is a sign of melancholy, while a blue sky is a sign of a joyful, bright mood.

The sky is also a symbol of the world, since it is the shelter of God.

Do you associate heaven with heaven in a spiritual sense? - What is your impression of the sky?

Do you feel particularly good at this moment in your life, as if you have achieved the highest good? Or do you feel insecure, uncomfortable, as if you want to catch a pie in the sky? - perhaps you have a secret, a skeleton in the closet, and you are afraid that all the secret will become clear?

Why is the sky dreaming

American dream book

The sky - much will become available.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing a clear sky is a sign of a calm and favorable course of events; the sky is covered with clouds - difficulties and conflict situations are outlined; the sky is dark with thunderclouds - a dangerous situation is being created.

Why is the sky dreaming

Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs

If a person sees himself in a dream seeing the sky with rain, it’s bad, it means that quarrels will begin against him.

Why is the sky dreaming

Vedic dream book of Sivananda

The rest of your life you will feel spiritual peace. A peaceful death awaits you.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Symbols

The sky is a symbol of what is given, descends from above.

Depending on the type of heaven, these are troubles (the sky in black or dark bloody clouds) or gifts, fulfillment of desires (starry sky); futility (dark) or opening up good opportunities (clear, light blue, sunny sky).

The sun, moon, month, clouds, stars, comet, meteor... - depending on their contrast, brightness, color scheme, give the event the appropriate specificity and coloring and have their own separate meaning.

Various signs, inscriptions, images and objects in the sky also receive their additional enhanced meaning during interpretation, as they are a message from Her Majesty Lady Fate herself. Sometimes signs in the sky report something unrealizable, illusory.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If you dreamed of a clear cloudless sky, such a dream promises a pleasant romantic journey, during which you have a chance to meet your chosen one.

Cloudy and gloomy sky - portends disappointment in love and female resentment.

If you dream that you are climbing the stairs to heaven, this means that thanks to a successful marriage you will occupy a prominent position in society, but this will not bring you satisfaction, as it will require almost no effort from you.

Why is the sky dreaming

Lunar dream book

The sky is red - a quarrel; blue - joy; clear - big win; stellar - fulfillment of desires; ascend - success in business.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

The sky is joy; gloomy - sadness.

Why is the sky dreaming

Medieval dream book of Daniel

To see a clear sky - to travel.

Seeing the stars in the sky is a great joy.

To see the heights of heaven is to joy.

Seeing a blazing sky portends indignation in the city or strife.

Seeing the sky - to sadness or to difficulties

To see the blazing sky - to some kind of heartfelt hardships.

To see stars falling from the sky means that the people will die as a result of the war or die out.

To see Christ in heaven is to joy.

Why is the sky dreaming

Russian dream book

Blue sky - great happiness and prosperity; in heavy black clouds - grief, sadness, sadness.

Why is the sky dreaming

Russian dream book

The sky is a symbol of purity and inaccessibility, the abode of God.

The sky is in thunderclouds - danger looms over you; soaring in the sky - to good luck and the resolution of complex issues.

Why is the sky dreaming

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

The sky in Chinese mythology is the highest category of the universe: all the transformations of the five fundamental principles of the world (earth, metal, water, wood, fire) take place under the sky, a person lives between Heaven and Earth, obeying their laws. At the same time, the Sky itself participates in all earthly transformations, pouring pure light and heat onto the Earth with yang energy: fire is ignited from heavenly light and warms the earth, which gives birth to metal and the like. Heaven and Cosmos need man, just as man needs them. Both the earth and the Cosmos need an observer-man living in the midst of heaven and earth in order to realize oneself as a single living body.

Looking into the sky for a person means a symbolic action, comprehension of the complexity of the universe, awareness of oneself as a particle of the Cosmos.

To look at the sky in a dream - to contemplate pure yang light, to make up for the shortcomings of yang energy.

To look at the sky / to see the sky in a dream with satisfaction / to watch the clouds running across the sky - a dream means a favorable coincidence of the dreamer's rhythms with the seasons or rhythms of winter, at other times it is a coincidence of personal rhythms with the rhythms of nature and the Cosmos as a whole.

The thirst to look at the sky in a dream arises either in childhood, when a person is not yet torn off from heaven by earthly problems, or in more conscious years, when the most earthly part of the path has been successfully passed and the person realizes that all this was done for something even higher - a dream portends the disclosure of creative possibilities and assistance in their implementation.

Looking at the sky overlaid with heavy clouds, but without fear and desire to hide, means an unfavorable external situation: some unfinished business or an unfinished worldview prevents you from entering a new path, but there is a desire and you only need to move forward.

Watching / seeing a low, heavy sky with fear and a desire to hide - the sum of wrong actions and inadequate worldview closes the path to Heaven from the dreamer. Fear points to his personal, internal problems and to weakened kidneys, liver, bladder, gallbladder in the first place. Problems with the intestines are also possible: not only the assimilation of physical food, but also the reception of information in general depends on the intestines. From health, one should begin correcting oneself and the situation around (the light of the sky does not reach the dreamer).

Why is the sky dreaming

Find out from the online dream book what Heaven is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreters.

What is the sky for in a dream?

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why is Heaven dreaming and what does it mean:

If you see a clear and clear sky in a dream, this is a sign that you will be given all sorts of honors or you will go on an exciting journey.

Seeing a blue sky in a dream is a harbinger of your success, a sign of overcoming difficulties; starry sky - to joy; red sky - to a quarrel; to see the sky with lightning - to a happy occasion.

The gloomy, cloudy sky serves as a call for patience, overcoming temporary difficulties. To be in the clouds - to receive news, a new position.

If in a dream, throwing back your head, look at the sky - this is a harbinger of wealth and nobility; if the sky clears up after the rain - this is a sign that all sorrows and worries will pass.

Miller's dream book

Why does the sky dream in a dream?

The dream of the sky promises exceptional honors and an exciting journey in the most refined society, if the sky in your dream is clear and clean. Otherwise, this dream means broken hopes and female grievances.

If you dreamed that you were flying across the sky surrounded by bizarre faces and fantastic animals and were amazed at what was happening either in a dream or after waking up, then all the grief, all the excruciating pain that touches even rude, undeveloped souls, will gather in a drop of jealousy that will contain your unfortunate love will shake loyalty.

Seeing a purple sky in a dream is a sign of rebellion and social unrest.

Children's dream book

Symbol meaning:

Sky - Also symbolizes the nature of your life. If the sky is clear, then a cloudless life awaits you. If the sky frowns, it means that “clouds are gathering” above you - some problems will soon begin, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why is Heaven dreaming?

If the sky in your dream is clear and pure, fame, respect and an exciting journey in the most sophisticated society await you. Otherwise, this dream portends broken hopes and resentment of other people against you. Seeing a purple sky in a dream is a sign of riots and social unrest. The starry sky means that you are entering the struggle for the opportunity to realize yourself in this life, and this struggle will be successful for you. If the sky is bright from the stars and the moon, a huge work of the spirit awaits you, a return to nature, which will give you wisdom and comfort. If in a dream you were taken to heaven, this dream portends an unsuccessful attempt to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities that have opened up before you. If in a dream you climb stairs to heaven, you will find yourself quickly and easily exalted in society, which, however, will not bring you the desired satisfaction.

Small Velesov dream book

Why is the sky dreaming?

Sky - Buy Earth, success; red - there will be a war, a quarrel, a win; dark - pestilence; gloomy - an obstacle, sadness, illness; stellar - fulfillment of desires, inheritance; clean - good, good luck, recovery, find the lost, wedding; in crimson clouds - illness; to climb to the sky - labors.

Symbolic dream book

The meaning of sleep about Heaven

The symbol of what is given descends from above. Depending on the type of heaven, these are: troubles (the sky in black or dark bloody clouds) or gifts, fulfillment of desires (starry sky); futility (dark) or opening up good opportunities (clear, light blue, sunny sky). The sun, moon, month, clouds, stars, comet, meteor... - depending on their contrast, brightness, color scheme, give the event the appropriate specificity and coloring and have their own separate meaning. Various signs, inscriptions, images and objects in the sky also receive their additional enhanced meaning during interpretation, as they are a message from Her Majesty Lady Fate herself. Sometimes signs in the sky report something unrealizable, illusory.

Universal dream book for the whole family


Sky - A symbol of purity and inaccessibility, the abode of God. The sky is in thunderclouds, danger looms over you; soar in the sky, to good luck and the resolution of complex issues.

Gypsy dream book

Why does Heaven dream according to gypsy traditions

Sky - Seeing clean and bright - portends a happy path to the road, recovery to the sick, who have lost the lost from searching, looking for a place to fulfill their desire, planning to marry a profitable marriage; the sky is gloomy and covered with clouds means illness and failure in every undertaking; the burning sky portends persecution from a strong person, also marks lack and hunger; the sky dotted with stars means the discovery of a secret and the patronage of a noble person.

Aesop's dream book

Allegories about Heaven

It is a symbol of purity and inaccessibility. Among the people, heaven is considered the place where God lives and from where he looks at human sins. When the weather deteriorated sharply and thunderclouds appeared in the sky, it was believed that this was the anger of God, who was dissatisfied with the behavior and thoughts of people. In prayers and repentance, people turn their faces and hands to heaven, asking for forgiveness and help from the Almighty. The heavenly life that all believers dream of is life in heaven, hence the expression "happy as in seventh heaven."

Seeing a dream in which you soar carelessly in the sky is a harbinger of a successful resolution of complex issues; good luck; to find you not guilty. To see a sky full of heavy thunderclouds that literally burst from precipitation, but still do not give birth to rain - this dream warns of the danger that hangs over you; do not take risky steps; do not trust strangers, because this can end very badly; to confusing cases and unresolved issues.

To dream that you are going to pray, but various things are constantly distracting, and you regretfully put off what you want - to unbelief, doubt and disappointment; to carry out the plan, you will have to try hard; to long and tedious deeds, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Seeing the Sky, how to unravel the symbolism

Sky - Clear - hopes, cloudy - unrealizable desires, blue sky with clouds - new ideas, lightning in the sky - unexpected help. The night sky is a loss of self-confidence. The starry sky is a sudden insight.

Intimate dream book

If you had a dream about Heaven

A dream in which you see a clear blue sky promises an exciting journey, where there is a chance to meet an interesting, pleasant person. It is he who you have been waiting for all your life, it is he who is able to give you the joy of love and the happiness of family life. If in a dream you fly through the sky and see the earth from a bird's eye view, carefully and with interest watching what is happening below, this suggests that in real life you are careful before entering into an intimate relationship with someone. To dream of a sky covered with clouds, overcast, with rain and lightning - you will find the collapse of the hopes that you placed on a loved one, and the insults that he will cause you in the near future.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Sky - Light - success; blue - expect good; red - quarrel; stellar - fulfillment of desires, a large inheritance; dark, without stars - danger; in fiery clouds - great joy; in red, crimson clouds - a serious illness.

Freud's dream book

Why did the sky dream

A clear sky seen in a dream is a good sign, it shows that everything in your personal life is developing in the best way, you feel on the crest of a wave, all the failures that have befallen you in the sexual field will disappear. Enjoy this time, it can be very short. If the sky in your dream was cloudy, the sun was not visible on it, then this means that something is bothering you, but you do not associate this concern with your sex life, although it is completely in vain - if you improve relations with a partner, then life will get better. New acquaintances are also not forbidden. Seeing the starry sky is a romantic meeting that you really hope for. It all depends on you, how much you can relax and enjoy yourself, not forgetting to deliver it to your loved one, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why is Heaven dreaming?

If you see a clear, clear sky in a dream, then this is a beautiful sign, something will be new and better in life. The sky is red - anxiety, rebellion, war.

Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov

If you dream of Heaven

Blue sky. Aimless Evasion: Unrealized Potential. Over Self. Something powerful, descending from heaven, such as a giant hand, a storm or a figure, as a symbol of truth. The intervention of God in the affairs of the individual, according to the dream book - the predictor.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Heaven from your dream

Sky - Light, bright, clean - auspiciousness in everything. Dark, gray, muddy - troubles, failures, illnesses. Crimson, bloody - misfortunes in the family, trouble in the personal. Something in the sky - may be a sign of dreams, really achievable or fruitless, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

Old French dream book

Why is the sky dreaming, interpretation:

Seeing a clear sky in a dream is a good sign. Your dream portends well-being in the house. If you dreamed of the sky on fire, you will be attacked, followed by poverty and despair. The sky in flowers promises that some cherished truth will soon be revealed to you. If in a dream you rise into the sky, great honors await you.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why is Heaven dreaming

Light sky - success; blue - expect good; red - quarrel; stellar - fulfillment of desires, a large inheritance; dark without stars - danger; in fiery clouds - great joy; in red crimson clouds - a serious illness.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Heaven, what does it mean?

Sky - Symbolizes a state of mind that correlates with the view of the sky. Beautiful sky - harmony, lightness of feelings; dark, gloomy - heavy forebodings, threatening events. Flying in the sky - to experience elation, success. Look at the sky, the stars - have high goals. Dark clouds in the sky - difficulties in life. Diverging clouds - clarification of circumstances.

Islamic dream book

Why is the sky dreaming

If someone sees the sky in a dream, greatness and a high position fall to his lot. If someone sees in a dream that he is ascending to heaven, he will make a long and long journey, from which he will benefit. If someone sees that he has ascended almost to heaven, he will acquire a high position both in matters of religion and in worldly affairs.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Why did Heaven dream according to spiritual sources

Sky - Peace of mind, long life.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

Dream interpretation:

Sky - Clear - success in enterprises; covered with clouds - overcome obstacles; in fiery clouds - great joy awaits; dotted with stars - you will receive a large inheritance; rise into the sky - you will achieve protection; dark is a formidable danger.

Esoteric dream book

Sleep Mystery:

The sky is space for thoughts. Pure in your thoughts is complete order. Night thoughts about the secret, you have to get secret (esoteric) knowledge. Stormy, gray in your head too many negative thoughts. Drawings, words, images in the sky invite you to think about them, to concentrate your attention on mysterious phenomena.

Old dream book

I had a dream - Sky

Pure - joy, peace; gloomy - sadness, longing.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Sky - Clear - success in enterprises - covered with clouds - overcome obstacles - in fiery clouds - great joy awaits - strewn with stars - receive a great inheritance - rise into the sky - you will achieve protection - dark - formidable danger.

Modern dream book


The sky is clear and clear - Joy, peace; gloomy - boredom, failure.

Idiomatic dream book

Why is the sky dreaming

“To be in seventh heaven with happiness”, “to smoke the sky” (aimless existence), “promised heaven” (paradise). "ascend to heaven" or "go to heaven" - to die; spiritual revelation. "powers of heaven" - patrons, defenders - to call on these forces - to trouble or help; "cloudless sky" - auspiciousness; "throw lightning" - to be angry. See add. Clouds, weather.

Lunar dream book Semyonova

Why is the sky dreaming

Sky: red - Quarrel; blue - joy; clear - big win; stellar - fulfillment of desires; ascend - success in business.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did the sky dream

The symbolism of the manifestations of nature is always associated with the reflection of primitive, but pure and kind energies. The dreaming sky (especially high and blue) - to realize the absence of boundaries for positive development. You can admire the movement of the clouds and enjoy unlimited freedom, but you must listen carefully to any manifestations of bad weather.

  • The sky with a light breeze and clouds - this symbolizes your ability to soar above earthly adversity, portends good luck and recognition of your rightness by others.
  • However, if in a dream there were heavy clouds, black clouds in the sky, peals of thunder were heard and lightning flashed ominously, such symbolism warns: one wrong step or a bad deed will destroy the hope of happiness.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

What did the sky dream about

  • In the psychological aspect, the sky with clouds is interpreted as an abstract symbol of the will and the desire for self-knowledge and improvement.
  • It is interesting, for example, to interpret the signs of a sky strewn with stars in a dream - this is an upcoming struggle that you will readily enter into for the sake of realizing your dream, and all your efforts will be rewarded.
  • Seeing in a dream a sky with stars, illuminated by the moon, portends a great spiritual work that will bring you comfort, satisfaction, wisdom. At the same time, almost any dream with a similar plot can also serve as a kind of warning: carefully analyze seemingly insignificant problems, check strangers and, at any opportunity, look for a reliable shelter with family and friends.

Romantic dream book

Why is the sky dreaming

  • Have you had a dream with a clear and cloudless blue sky? Get ready for an exciting romantic journey in which you will meet your future chosen one.
  • The dream plot, in which the dreamer climbs the stairs to the clouds, symbolizes a successful marriage, thanks to which she will take a respectable position. However, she will not receive either happiness or elementary satisfaction.
  • The dreaming sky dotted with dark clouds, according to the dream book, is a harbinger of future disappointments, dissatisfaction with relationships and resentment against a lover.
  • A dream with a dark and gloomy sky symbolizes the presence of unclear problems, mental disharmony and uncertainty (entanglement) of relationships. If the dreamer manages to be patient, the long-awaited happiness will certainly come.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Blue sky - to improve life.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Up to a cloudy sky above you - to natural disasters. Blue sky - an explanation will take place that you will be happy with.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Seeing a summer blue sky in a dream and admiring it is for good weather. Blue sky - you will be very happy for your children.

Why is the sky dreaming? In a dream, it reminds you that there are no boundaries for development and growth, that you have endless opportunities for improvement. Dream Interpretations will analyze the dream image and give it an accurate description.

According to Miller's dream book

Did you dream of a blue sky? In a dream, it promises respect, honors, a pleasant journey. But to see a stormy and dark sky means that hopes will be dashed. Did a crimson sky appear in a dream? Get ready for social unrest and riots.

Why dream if you had to fly through the sky surrounded by strange creatures? Very unusual events are coming. If you dreamed of a starry sky, then the dream book is sure: you have to fight for the realization of your dream, and this struggle will be successful. Did you happen to see the sky illuminated by some luminary? This is an omen of great spiritual work, wisdom, consolation.

According to the dream book of lovers

Why dream of a cloudless blue sky? The dream interpretation guarantees an exciting romantic adventure, during which you will get a chance to meet your betrothed. But to see the sky gloomy and cloudy is bad. It promises only disappointment and resentment.

Did you dream that at night you climbed the stairs to heaven? Occupy a prominent position in society through a successful marriage. But alas, you will not get happiness and even trite satisfaction from this.

According to the dream book from A to Z

Why dream of a clear sky? Dream Interpretation promise money, respect, success. If the sky in a dream was gloomy, then the interpretation of the dream is completely opposite.

Did you dream of a stormy sky with black clouds and flashes of lightning? A significant event is approaching, on the occasion of which you will arrange a grand celebration. Was it raining from the sky at night? The dream interpretation guarantees the protection and support of reliable friends. Seeing hail or snow pouring from the sky means that you may lose your state and position.

Why dream of the night sky with stars and the moon? In the near future you will get the opportunity to achieve what you want. However, something will have to be sacrificed. Did you dream of the night sky without a single light? The dream interpretation promises an inheritance from an unknown relative.

You can see bright flashes in the dark sky before a family holiday or a romantic date. Did you dream of the night sky with a falling meteorite? Among gray everyday life, you will be able to relax in nature in good company.

What does it mean if you happen to fly in the sky like a bird? The dream interpretation is sure: the long-awaited happiness will come to you. Did you happen to see birds flying in the sky? You will achieve justice in the division of some property or money.

Had a dream that they took off up on some kind of aircraft? It is a symbol of rapid growth and fulfillment of desires. If in a dream you managed to climb to heaven on a rope ladder, then the dream book promises a successful quarry, mined by your own labor.

Why dream of a blue, clear sky

Did you dream of exceptionally clear blue skies? In a dream, it always reflects a cloudless life, calmness, peace. The clear blue sky also symbolizes joy, pleasure, a fun journey in an interesting company.

If in reality life does not indulge in joys, then the clear sky in a dream hints: the period of troubles and misfortunes is over. If, before your eyes, the clear blue sky suddenly fills with clouds, then problems will soon begin.

I dreamed the sky was black, stormy

In a dream, did you happen to see a low stormy sky that hangs over your head with heavy clouds? The interpretation of sleep is literal: you are in danger, try not to take risks and do not trust strangers.

The cloudy dark sky also symbolizes complicated affairs and unclear problems. Why else dream of a dark stormy sky? Alas, your wishes are not fulfilled. Get ready for boredom, sadness, grief and even natural disaster. But if lightning flashed in the sky, then unexpected help would come.

Why dream of the sky and clouds

The interpretation of sleep depends entirely on the type and quality of the clouds. So, you can see the sky and thunderclouds in front of great danger. Did you dream that clouds were gathering in the sky right before your eyes? Arouse someone's anger with your behavior.

Why dream of crimson clouds? You risk becoming a victim of someone else's aggression. Try to avoid any, even the most insignificant conflicts. White clouds symbolize dreams and fantasies. Stop thinking about the impossible and get on with the real stuff. Light clouds are usually associated with new ideas and plans.

What does the starry sky mean at night

The night, dark sky without stars in a dream symbolizes the loss of confidence and orientation. It is good to see that a star has suddenly appeared in the sky. A sudden insight will befall you, you will find hope.

Did you dream of a starry sky? The long struggle for success will end in your absolute victory. The sunny or starry sky also reflects in a dream a rich spiritual life, wisdom, knowledge. In addition, there is a possibility that you will radically change your lifestyle.

In a dream, fly to the sky, a stairway to heaven

Why dream if you managed to ascend to the sky? Incredible prospects will open before you, but you will not be able to use them. If in a dream you had a chance to fly into the sky, then some difficult problem will be resolved without your participation.

You can fly through the sky to grandiose success, recognition of merit. Did you dream that you were trying to climb the stairs to heaven? In reality, you will quickly rise in the service, deserve a decent promotion. The same plot reflects the spiritual search.

Sky in a dream - examples of transcripts

The sky in a dream most often conveys the state of mind of the dreamer. To get the most accurate prediction, you should take into account as many factors as possible. Color, quality, condition of the sky, as well as own actions and other incidents.

  • beautiful - harmony, balance, peace of mind
  • clean with lightning - a lucky break, a chance
  • blue, clear - explanation, conversation
  • blue - success, luck, overcoming difficulties
  • red - quarrel, disagreement, public unrest
  • green, yellow - envy, anger, resentment
  • night black - mystery, invisible target, loss of direction
  • stellar - joy, happy accidents
  • with bright stars - a happy future
  • with dim, in the fog - unclear prospects, sadness
  • with the milky way - help from above, connection with the other world
  • fire signs in the sky - bad events (war, famine, pestilence)
  • big flame - bad news, death of a famous person
  • fire from the sky - a blessing, a lucky break, good luck
  • gloomy - bad forebodings, unpleasant events
  • cloudy - the need to show patience, temporary difficulties
  • with dark clouds - difficulties, obstacles, spiritual disharmony
  • clouds disperse - circumstances will become clearer
  • the sky clears up after a thunderstorm - the end of a dysfunctional period
  • look at the sky in the distance - high goals
  • throwing back his head - quick enrichment, fame
  • fly in the clouds - getting a new position, news
  • the sky is splitting - the division of property, countries
  • earth and sky unite - achievement of the goal

If you dreamed that some event was happening in the sky, then something similar would happen in reality. Naturally, not in direct, but symbolic form.

Did you happen to see that a giant hand descends from the sky, a huge eye looks, some kind of figure appears and so on? This reflects the intervention in the dreamer's life of the Higher powers. Any drawings, images, numbers and other signs require careful study and full interpretation.