An interesting story about UFOs in English. Interesting story about UFOs in English UFOs in English

translate into English. through a translator options are not needed English for children in Malta. Holidays in Malta. Summer camps. Every summer thousands

Children from all over the world come to attend summer camps in Malta. English has been taught to children in Malta for many years, and the fabulous landscapes will help you spend a unique time on your holidays in Malta. Malta is a fabulous archipelago in the very center of the Mediterranean Sea, attracting tourists with its year-round mild climate, excellent Mediterranean cuisine, rich history and comfortable communication. The entire population of Malta speaks excellent English. Unlike other countries, English language schools for children are open all year round. Language programs are offered throughout the year in age-appropriate groups. Vacation summer language learning programs provide more for the development of communication skills and spoken English. Summer language camps occupy the territories of boarding schools or are located on the territory of hotels. This is where the kids live, study, and where the entertainment program takes place. A mandatory part of the vacation program is daily visits to the beach, many outdoor sports activities, and excursions. Attending English language courses for children in Malta will leave many vivid memories, improve your child’s spoken language level and improve his health for many months.

Translate into English using indefinite (or negative) pronouns and their derivatives.

1) Is anyone here? 2) There is no one in the garden. 3) Is there anyone in our room? 4) There is someone in the class. 5) Is there anyone in the garden? - There is no one there. 6) Is there anything on the table? - No, there’s nothing there. 7) There is something in the bag. 8) Is there anything interesting in this book? 9) Are there any paintings on the wall? - Yes, there are several.. 10) Is there anyone in the room? - No, there is no one there. 11) Are there any books in English in our library? 13) My friend doesn’t want to tell me anything. 14) Get something to read for me from the library. 15) If you are hungry, look for something in the refrigerator. 16) Tell us all about your trip. 17) Nobody helped him anywhere.

translate into English using Passive Voice 1 I have already been warned about the danger 2 Now the doctor is examining him 3 We

did they say? that the exam will start at eleven

4 Managers can be found in the office

5 The letter is written and sent

6 We were told that the grades had already been given.

7 His Career Started Five Years Ago

8 When will lunch be served?

9 He said that the work had already been done

10 The exam results have not yet been announced to the students.

11 Mom says that everything needs to be done on time

12 In which countries do they speak English?

13 The walls are now being painted

14 He Thinks His Decisions Can't Be Negotiated

15 They asked me when I would go on a business trip

Translate the sentences into English.

1. No one was home when I returned. 2. Nobody knew their addresses. 3. He didn’t write anything to me about this. 4. Nobody lives here. 5. Nobody told me anything. 6. He didn't see anything. 7. Now I don’t have time to write a letter. 8. She doesn't understand anything. 9. I don't see him anywhere. 10. Last year he had no books in English.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word “UFO” in dictionaries.

  • UFO - Unidentified flying object
    Russian-American English Dictionary
  • UFO - UFO AND BROTHERS IN MIND see also SPACE, ASTRONAUTICS The meaning of the moral law is so extensive that it has the force ...
    English-Russian aphorisms, Russian aphorisms
  • UFO - ufo
    Large Russian-English Dictionary
  • UFO - ufo ufo
    Russian-English Dictionary Socrates
  • UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT unidentified flying object, UFO
  • UFO
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • UFO - abbr. from unidentified flying object to sight a UFO ≈ to notice an unidentified flying object UFO, …
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • U.F.O. - UFO
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • SAUCER - noun 1) saucer flying saucer ≈ flying saucer (about UFO) saucer eyes ≈ large, round eyes 2) tea saucer…
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • FLYING SAUCER - "flying saucer", "flying saucer" (UFO) "flying saucer", "flying saucer" (UFO)
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • UNIDENTIFIED - unidentified unidentified flying object, UFO - unidentified flying object, UFO
  • UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT - unidentified flying object, UFO
    English-Russian-English dictionary of general vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • UFO - n (pl UFO "s, UFOs) (short for unidentified flying object) UFO, unidentified flying object
    English-Russian-English dictionary of general vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
    English-Russian-English dictionary of general vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • UFO
    Big English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary
  • UFO - abbr. from unidentified flying object unidentified flying object, UFO
    Large English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary - RUSSO
  • UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT - unidentified flying object, UFO Syn: UFO
    English-Russian Dictionary Tiger
  • UFO - UFO
    English-Russian Dictionary Tiger
  • SAUCER - saucer noun 1) saucer flying saucer - flying saucer (about UFO) saucer eyes - large, round eyes 2) saucer
    English-Russian Dictionary Tiger
  • FLYING SAUCER - "flying saucer", "flying saucer" (UFO)
    English-Russian Dictionary Tiger
  • UFO - (0) UFO
    English-Russian Lingvistika"98 dictionary
  • UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT - unidentified flying object, UFO
  • UFO - n (pl ~"s, ~s) (short for unidentified flying object) UFO, unidentified flying object
    New large English-Russian dictionary - Apresyan, Mednikova
  • FLYING SAUCER - “flying saucer”, “flying saucer” (UFO)
    New large English-Russian dictionary - Apresyan, Mednikova

A UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object which has been identified as a possible or actual alien spacecraft. Such objects include meteors, disintegrating satellites, flocks of birds, aircraft, lights, weather balloons, and just about anything moving within the visible band of electromagnetism.

There are as many photographs of UFOs and they are of equal quality: blurs and forgeries. Other physical evidence, such as alleged debris from alien crashes, or burn marks on the ground from alien landings, or implants in bodies of alien abductees, have turned out to be quite terrestrial, including forgeries. The main reasons for believing in UFOs are the testimony of many people, the inability to distinguish science fiction from science, the willingness to trust men telling fantastic stories, the ability to distrust all contrary sources as being part of a conspiracy to withhold the truth, and a desire for contact with the world above. Belief in aliens in UFOs is akin to belief in supernatural beings.

UFOlogy is the mythology of the space age. Rather than angels... we now have... extraterrestrials (aliens). It seeks to give man deeper roots and bearings in the universe. It is an expression of our hunger for mystery... our hope for transcendental meaning. The ancient gods have been transformed into space voyagers.

It seems reasonable to believe that the only reason we cannot explain these sightings by conventional means is because we do not have all the evidence – not because these sightings are probably due to alien visitations. If we had all the evidence, we would probably be able to explain the sightings by some conventional means.

It is assumed by UFOlogists that the government, especially the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), is lying and covering up alien landings and communication. However, there is no evidence for this other than a general distrust of the government and the fact that many government officials have lied, distorted the truth and been mistaken when reporting to the general public.

Most unidentified flying objects are eventually identified as hoaxes or astronomical events, aircraft, satellites, weather balloons, or other natural phenomena. In studies done by the Air Force, less than 2% of UFO sightings remain unidentifiable. It is more probable that with more information those 2% would be identified as meteors, aircraft, etc., than that they are alien spacecraft.

- [enelo], unchangeable; Wed [in capital letters] Letter abbreviation: unidentified flying object (an object observed as a round or ellipsoidal object moving in the air, which is attributed to extraterrestrial origin; flying ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

UFO- UFO unidentified flying object English: UFO, unidentified flying object English. UFO Dictionaries: Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations of the army and special services. Comp. A. A. Shchelokov. M.: AST Publishing House LLC, Geleos Publishing House CJSC, 2003. 318 pp., S. Fadeev ... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

UFO- unidentified flying object, UFO, flying saucer, flying saucer, saucer, alien ship, saucer Dictionary of Russian synonyms. UFO noun, number of synonyms: 7 alien ship... Dictionary of synonyms

UFO- UFO, see Unidentified flying objects... Modern encyclopedia

UFO- see Unidentified flying objects... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

UFO- UFO, see UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

UFO- several m. Unidentified flying object. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

UFO- [enel o], uncl., cf. (abbr.: unidentified flying object) ... Russian spelling dictionary

UFO- abbreviation of unrecognized flying object unchangeable vocabulary unit... Spelling dictionary of Ukrainian language

UFO- Unidentified flying object. Pronounced [en el o]... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

UFO- UFO, see Unidentified flying objects. ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • UFO, . The existence and nature of UFOs is surrounded by controversy and mystery. The theme of "flying saucers" has gained incredible popularity. A whole science has emerged - ufology, which studies this phenomenon. Book... Buy for 710 RUR
  • UFO: mysterious light in the night. Facts, hoaxes, absolute fiction, J. Duncan. With the light hand of an American journalist in 1947, UFOs began to be called “flying saucers”. For more than fifty years now, the appearance of UFOs and all the anomalous phenomena in the sky have been documented...

Bunina Anastasia. Lyceum No. 29, Omsk, Russia
Essay in English with translation. Nomination People and society.

Do the UFO exist?

The UFO is the unidentified flying object. Some people believe that aliens live in the galaxy and visit out planet. There is an opposite opinion: some people consider that we are alone in the universe and the existence of other creatures is impossible.

There are many documents where the observation of the UFOs is described. We can find out many facts surfing the internet or reading the scientific books. These documents combine the pictures made by the witnesses and they say that the UFO looks like a disk, a triangle or something like an egg. People, who believe in aliens, think that the universe is large and mysterious creatures can live in it. Also they say that the visitors from other planets have their own laboratories where they study human beings; they think that they are more educated than we are.

But some people deny the existence of aliens; they think that the unidentified flying objects are the imagination of people: the lights of planes or stars are accepted for the something mysterious. In my opinion, people see what they want to see it is the only reasonable explanation. We know many facts about the strange disappearance of people and objects. It is easy to explain: human errors or the coincidence of circumstances.

I have never seen the UFO and I have never met people, who have ever seen the unidentified flying objects, but this fact does not mean that I do not believe in aliens. I think that our galaxy is not studied enough and we cannot make a correct conclusion about this problem.

A UFO is an unidentified flying object. Some people believe that aliens live in the galaxy and visit our planet. There is an opposite opinion: some people believe that we are alone in the universe and the existence of other creatures is impossible.

There are many documents describing UFO sightings. We can learn many facts on the Internet or in scientific books. These documents include photographs taken by eyewitnesses, and they say that the UFO appears to be a disk, a triangle, or something like an egg. People who believe in aliens think that the universe is big and mysterious creatures can live in it. It is also said that visitors from other planets have their own laboratories where they study man; they think they are more educated than us.

But some people deny the existence of aliens: they believe that unidentified flying objects are people's imagination: light from airplanes or stars is mistaken for something mysterious. In my opinion, people see what they want to see and that is the only reasonable explanation. We know many facts about the strange disappearance of people and objects. This is easy to explain: human errors or random coincidence.

I have never seen a UFO and have never met people who have seen unidentified flying objects, but this fact does not mean that I do not believe in aliens. I think that our galaxy is not fully understood, and we cannot draw a correct conclusion on this problem.