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The meaning of the name Dilyara - interpretation

The name Dilyara is of Persian origin and means “beloved”, “beauty”. Widely distributed in most Muslim countries. Among its other variations, we note the following: Dilara and Dilyaram. The diminutive version sounds like Dilya. Let's find out more about the periods of its formation.

Years later

Dilechka is a sweet, gentle and calm child, her parents are proud of her. Already in early age is distinguished by a thirst for leadership, tries to attract the attention of others, makes attempts to take a leadership position. The main goal of such a girl is to gain the authority of others.

He will be happy to help his mother with various household chores. Dilya is the girl who will help take care of the younger children. She is sociable, energetic and popular. She takes on various assignments with interest, studies well at school, and her sharp mind helps her get good grades.

The child loves authentic art very much. Therefore, we strongly recommend that parents enroll her in a dance club or music school. There she will probably find not only an outlet, but also recognition.

Dilyara is responsive, active, and wise beyond her years. Will give easily good advice to those who need it. Cheerful Dilyara easily communicates with people. Feminine, always pays attention appearance.

If we talk about the girl’s character in a nutshell, it will be power and strength. Sometimes she is too strict with others, but she is no less demanding of herself. Behind the apparent balance and calm, bordering on composure, hides an emotional, passionate nature.

Those who find an approach to Dilyara and become her close people will easily be convinced of this. The girl feels everything very subtly, takes it to heart, but does not show her experiences. Therefore, the first impression of her can be deceiving.

The adult Dilyara is responsible, knows how to plan her time, is hardworking and efficient. He carries out any assigned task carefully. This is an active and business lady. Emotionality depends on the time when she was born.

If in winter she is quick-tempered and irritable, in summer she is bold, calm and assertive. This is a sweet and sympathetic woman who is not at all afraid of responsibility. She is a purposeful and talented lady who tries to act honestly.

She has quite a high self-esteem - not the most best quality, which invariably makes a negative impression on friends. Dilyara does not seek to completely control those around her, but it is important for a woman to have her authority recognized. Forgiving, quickly forgives people.

The meaning of the name Dilyara, origin, character and fate of the name Dilyara
View a description of the name “Dilyara”, its meaning and origin. Find out the fate and character of a person named “Dilyara”.

Source: kto-chto-gde.ru

Meaning of the name Dilyaram

The name Dilyaram has Persian roots and is translated as “beloved”, “beautiful”. This name also has other spellings - Dilaram, Dilara, Dilyara. In the Russian language, sometimes there is a transformation of the name: Dilyara-Dilera-Lera, so in this case the name Lera is also used as an affectionate address. The name Dilya is a diminutive term for Dilyara. Uzbeks and Tajiks also have a form of the name - Dilorom, and Kazakhs have a variant of Dealer.

Little Dilyaram strives to lead and command. However, she does not try to fix those around her. The girl is modest. Dilyara succeeds in her studies; she has excellent relationships with teachers and classmates. The “winter” girl is more hot-tempered, often becoming an intriguer and envious. Dilyaram, born in the spring, although quick-tempered, quickly moves away, and is not vindictive. She is lazy and can be stubborn and persistent. “Summer” Dilyara has a cheerful disposition, she is friendly and brave.

A woman with this name is responsible and is well aware of her actions. She is a hardworking and efficient worker. Dilyaram always completes the task assigned to her. Chooses a specialty related to art, dance or sports.

Having matured, Dilyaram experiences some difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex. She seems to be somewhat inhibited and tries to keep men at a distance. In a family, a woman with this name will become kind and faithful wife, if her husband provides her with a gentle and cozy environment. Dilyara makes a good housewife; she receives guests with pleasure.

Dilyaram has a cheerful and kind disposition and is ready to help. If desired, she can be pretty and charming, and knows how to behave well in any society. "Spring" Dilyaram has a good sense of humor. However, a woman born in spring is not very sociable, although she will not refuse to spend free time with her friends. The “summer” Dilyara has well-developed intuition, she understands people well, so it is unlikely that she will be deceived.

Origin of the name Dilyara

Detailed analysis of the name Dilyara


Compatibility of the name Dilyara, manifestation in love

When making a decision, the wishes of others are taken into account only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. This means that you can and should force them to “go in a water sled” with you, in the direction you choose.

And here the opportunity opens up to see everything from a different angle. You need outside assistance, and above all, as a “restraining principle.” Otherwise you may want to “turn over the earth.”

But if you are forced to use other people’s opportunities, then you need to learn to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the greater your chances of keeping your soul pure and your heart healthy.

Energy horoscope named after Dilyar

Characteristics of the name Dilyara

You are the embodiment of vigorous activity, you are always busy with something. Your energetic energy can force you to take part in several activities at once, to the surprise of less efficient colleagues and to the detriment of your own health. Such activity can “negate” even the very goal for which you are working. Therefore, you need to learn to take time to rest and relax, and also get rid of the tension and feelings of competition that always accompany excessive effort.

You are a devoted and faithful partner in love and marriage, but with so many ambitious plans, you may not have enough time for visible expressions of tender feelings, even if you are deeply in love. This is unacceptable! Love is designed to soften your character and make your life more harmonious, so never neglect the object of your admiration for the sake of your ambitions.

You have a strong character, you are accustomed not to talk, but to do; People around you often depend on you. But to achieve harmony in life, you need to find and establish a balance between rest and work.

Dilyara is the name of what nationality
The history of the origin of the name Dilyar With age, only the “weight category” changes, but the priorities remain the same “Stronger, higher, faster,” even when there is no practical need for this. But

Source: znachenie-tajna-imeni.ru

Dilyara - name meaning

Name meaning: beauty, beloved

Short form: Dilya, Dilyusha, Dilyarochka, Dilyok, Dilyarik

Exotic female name Dilyara is of Persian origin and has a lot of consonant names with the root “dil” (Dilara, Dilia, Dilraba, etc.). The name is widespread in Muslim countries, and in the territory of the village. In the Soviet space, Tatar, Uzbek, Tajik and Bashkir women are called it. When analyzing what the name Dilyara means and why it has such a meaning, one should associate it with the root “dil”, which means “soul, heart”. Therefore, all names consonant with Dilyara have practically same value. The Persian narration of the name Dilyara translates as “smart, in a good mood,” and the Bulgarian translation reads, “kind, soulful.” The common people interpret the name as “beautiful, beloved.”

Characteristics of the name

Numerology of Dilyara is the number 9, which gives the bearer of the name devotion and determination. Such presence positive qualities puts Dilyara in the rank of those people who will not miss their chance and will definitely take advantage of it. This is especially true for girls named Dilyara, who have natural talents, be it singing, dancing or painting. Under the influence of numerology, Dilyara’s leadership inclinations are born from childhood and are present in her character all her life.

It is extremely important for our heroine that everything she achieves is achieved in an honest way, but to achieve such goals she must work hard. Dilyara does not consider the presence of pride and arrogance in his character to be a virtue, so he tries to rein them in. Our Dilyara, whose name means “spiritual, warm-hearted, beautiful, beloved,” tries to become like this throughout her life and, of course, she succeeds.

Often, Dilyara is not immediately able to decide on a profession; sometimes she is unsure of the correctness of her choice until she enrolls. If a girl named Dilyara has talents, she can successfully use them in her professional activity. Luck and triumph will come to Dilyara when she combines her hobby with her main profession and enjoys her work.

The meaning of the attractive name Dilyara is fate, character and family

The beautiful female name Dilyara has the root “dil” from Persian which means “soul, heart”, from Bulgarian it means “kind”. The name is widespread in Islamic countries. Full name Dilyara in the Persian language means “beauty”, “clever girl”, in some countries the name is transformed into Dilyaram.

Affectionate form of the name: Dilchik, Dilya, Dilyarchik, Dilyarushka, Dilyarochka, Dilka.

The name is not included in the list of Orthodox saints due to his affiliation with the Islamic faith.

  • Dilyara’s character depends on the time of year of birth:
  • Winter - Conflict, vindictive, lazy.
  • Spring - Insecure, shy, loyal friend.
  • Summer - Kind, purposeful, brave.
  • Autumn - Smart, balanced, punctual.

Little Dilyara is growing up sweet, gentle and beautiful girl, under this mask lies an assertive leader who knows how to gather people around him in any company. She loves to spend time with her mother, learns to cook and clean the house early, loves her younger brothers and sisters, and can look after the neighbor's children who are younger than her. Since kindergarten, she has loved performing on stage, dancing, and singing. This passion with Dilyara will remain for life.

At school she is not afraid to solve difficult tasks; the more difficult they are, the more interesting it is for Dilyara to study the subject. Often the answer is found with the help non-standard solutions. Classmates almost always choose Dilyara as class leader, thanks to her responsibility and leadership qualities.

Dilyara’s school years are busy, she attends several clubs and electives, she doesn’t stay idle, she succeeds everywhere. Receives certificates and awards more often than anyone else in the class, thanks to excellent studies. If Dilyara sets herself the goal of graduating from school with honors, then so be it.

There are always many friends around Dilyara who know that in case of trouble she will help them out, will be there for them in grief, and will console them. Dilyara does not like sports; if she does it, it is through force. Dilyara has a penchant for intrigue, she loves to gossip with her friends and colleagues, and can play a double game, which is why some colleagues try not to get involved with her. The adult Dilyara knows how to behave in society and is able to support almost any topic.

As a child, Dilyara often suffered from colds, especially bronchitis. Due to her dislike for sports, Dilyara grows up frail and often gets depressed.

Meaning: beloved, beauty

The meaning of the name Dilyara - interpretation

The name Dilyara is of Persian origin and means “beloved”, “beauty”. Widely distributed in most Muslim countries. Among its other variations, we note the following: Dilara and Dilyaram. The diminutive version sounds like Dilya. Let's find out more about the periods of its formation.

Years later

Dilechka is a sweet, gentle and calm child, her parents are proud of her. Already at an early age, he is distinguished by a thirst for leadership, tries to attract the attention of others, and makes attempts to take a leadership position. The main goal of such a girl is to gain the authority of others.

He will be happy to help his mother with various household chores. Dilya is the girl who will help take care of the younger children. She is sociable, energetic and popular. She takes on various assignments with interest, studies well at school, and her sharp mind helps her get good grades.

The child loves authentic art very much. Therefore, we strongly recommend that parents enroll her in a dance club or music school. There she will probably find not only an outlet, but also recognition.

Dilyara is responsive, active, and wise beyond her years. Easily gives good advice to someone who needs it. Cheerful Dilyara easily communicates with people. She is feminine and always pays attention to her appearance.

If we talk about the girl’s character in a nutshell, it will be power and strength. Sometimes she is too strict with others, but she is no less demanding of herself. Behind the apparent balance and calm, bordering on composure, hides an emotional, passionate nature.

Those who find an approach to Dilyara and become her close people will easily be convinced of this. The girl feels everything very subtly, takes it to heart, but does not show her experiences. Therefore, the first impression of her can be deceiving.

The adult Dilyara is responsible, knows how to plan her time, is hardworking and efficient. He carries out any assigned task carefully. This is an active and business lady. Emotionality depends on the time when she was born.

If in winter she is quick-tempered and irritable, in summer she is bold, calm and assertive. This is a sweet and sympathetic woman who is not at all afraid of responsibility. She is a purposeful and talented lady who tries to act honestly.

She has a rather high self-esteem - not the best quality, which invariably makes a negative impression on her acquaintances. Dilyara does not seek to completely control those around her, but it is important for a woman to have her authority recognized. Forgiving, quickly forgives people.

Dilyara's character

Without a doubt, Dilyara personifies a successful, pragmatic and energetic woman. She knows the value of money and knows how to attract it to herself. The lady is happy to listen to other people if it benefits her.

An independent and decisive lady is ready to take risks only if there is a high probability of winning. He easily accepts everything new and is not afraid to take risks. Dilyara also takes care of her figure and face, keeping track of new trends in fashion.

Diana is characterized by excessive emotionality and greed, which spoil the entire impression of her. We are talking about a woman who, without any doubts or twinges of conscience, will use the results of someone else’s work if it is beneficial to her.

Even worse, she will gossip and intrigue with gloating and pleasure against her opponents and acquaintances, which rightly causes indignation among friends and colleagues. All this can lead to discord in her good relationships with people.

Dilyara's fate

For such a woman, it is important to develop determination - only the ability to achieve her goals will help her achieve success in life. She is authoritative and can easily become a leader. It is advisable to set large-scale goals for yourself, forgetting about selfishness and pride. Only in this case will Dilyara become a rich and successful lady, arousing the genuine admiration of those around her.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

At work, Dilyara is an unconditional leader. To achieve her goals, she can resort to various intrigues, building them skillfully, so that no one will even suspect that she is behind it. Such a woman is capable of achieving great success in show business. Dilyara is purposeful, ambitious and efficient, and these are key factors for achieving success in a variety of professions. Such a woman is in good standing with management.

The boss can without a doubt entrust her with the execution difficult task, which the girl will deal with in time. She may have problems choosing a place of work - the point is that this lady cannot decide in which direction she wants to move. Creative professions are perfect for her; Dilyara is also ideal for developing her own business.

Marriage and family

Dilyara will turn out to be responsible and loving wife. She is also an excellent mother, capable of creating an atmosphere of coziness and comfort even in a cramped home with inconveniences. She cooks beautifully and often pleases her family with various delicacies. It is important that her husband appreciates her efforts, understands her aspirations, and admires her efforts.

Dilyara likes to do housework; she is an excellent housewife who devotes a lot of time to family matters. Most often, this woman gets married only once in her life, chooses her partner carefully, and therefore finds happiness in marriage.

Sex and love

It's curious, but love relationships this woman is timid and shy. She has a lot of fans, she flirts with them actively, but Dilyara does not immediately decide to let a man closer to her. This causes misunderstanding among members of the opposite sex - they cannot understand why a woman begins to distance herself.

Dilyara attaches much less importance to sex than to love; she is much more concerned about the spiritual side of the matter. He trusts his partner completely, but if he betrays you, you shouldn’t expect forgiveness. Dilyara will leave him immediately, without hysterics, and because of the mental trauma she has received, she will avoid men for some time.


Another problem is that Dilyara does not really like sports and prefers to lead a passive lifestyle. You also need to take care of yourself psychologically - apathy and depression can develop due to nervousness.

Interests and hobbies

Self-improvement for this woman is one of her main hobbies. She reads a lot, learns a variety of things. Dilyara likes to drive a car and devote time to household chores.

She loves to work magic on the interior of the house and make rearrangements. Will buy with great pleasure at the first opportunity new furniture and decorative items.

Name meaning: Translated from Persian, Dilyara means “beautiful”, “in love”.

Origin of the name: Dilyara is an old Slavic-Tatar or Persian female name, which is not very common in our country. Particularly popular given name has in Eastern countries.
Other forms: Dilyaram, Dilya, Dilara.

Dilyara's name is not listed in church calendar, so its owners do not celebrate their name day.

Characteristics of the name

Dilyara is an unusually charming and orientally beautiful name, which gives its owner a special charm, a beautiful smile and a gentle look.

As a child, Dilyara is a sweet and neat girl, with a good memory and an analytical mind. She is active and obedient, often drawn to the arts, loves to sing and dance, and takes part in preschool or school performances. Her parents have no problems raising Dilyara; she is inquisitive and interesting, and quite sociable.

Adult Dilyara is an energetic, sympathetic and kind woman. She is cheerful and interesting, smart and tactful. She will never refuse to help a person, she is reliable and fair. Representatives of this eastern name become independent early, they are purposeful and fair. Dilyara will never resort to meanness for the sake of her goals, and will also never stand aside when to a loved one need help. A woman named Dilyara loves to spend time in the company of friends, she is cheerful and interesting, and knows how to gain the trust of other people. Responsibility and a sense of justice have been inherent in Dilyar since birth, so this woman can be entrusted with the most intimate secrets or entrusted with a responsible task.

Character of the name

Dilyara is a woman with a cheerful and good-natured character. She is attractive and charming, knows how to behave in society, and has a wonderful sense of humor. The owners of this name are well versed in people and have well-developed intuition. She never makes empty promises, knows how to keep her word, and is always ready to help other people. Women bearing this name are principled and straightforward, always saying what they think. Dilyara easily gets along with people, loves to make new acquaintances, but it is very difficult to cope with parting with a loved one. Dilyara constantly strives for new knowledge and never stops there. Her mood often changes, but this does not in any way affect her relationships with the people around her. The owners of this beautiful name They have a subtle and vulnerable nature, are not at all vindictive, and are very friendly. They love to be in the company of intelligent people, but they also do not neglect the company of ordinary people.

“Winter” - modest, charming;

“Autumn” - hardworking, kind;

“Summer” - cheerful, sociable;

"Spring" - hot-tempered, responsible.

Fate of the name

Little Dilyara loves increased attention to your person. She is prone to whims and command, but is good at being persuaded. This is a kind and cheerful girl, very interesting and too curious. He studies well at school and has good creativity, loves to perform and take part in school competitions. She has a narrow circle of friends with whom her friendship is strong and reliable. As a teenager, Dilyara He is distinguished by quick wit, high intelligence and extraordinary hard work. She always knows what she wants and always confidently moves towards her goal. Dilyara has an attractive appearance, has many fans, but, as a rule, she tries to keep her usual distance. She is calm and responsible, very attentive.

Adult Dilyara is kind and sympathetic. She is purposeful and principled. Interesting and cheerful in communication, has good feeling humor, never deviates from the intended goals.

Dilyara can make an impressive career, in any direction. She is reasonable, responsible, hardworking and efficient. The profession of a doctor or researcher is ideal for this woman; she can work as a teacher or occupy leadership positions.

Women named Dilyara know how to behave in society, they are intelligent and smart, always ready to discuss any topic. Dilyara has good taste, pleasant and beautiful appearance, loves expensive gifts. Since adolescence, she has always been the center of male attention, but she is very demanding in choosing her man. In no hurry to start a family. She needs her husband not only as a lover, but also as a reliable support that she can rely on at any moment. Having gotten married, Dilyara manages to combine her career and be a keeper hearth and home. She good wife and a caring mother. Quite often, Dilyara occupies the main position in the family, and her husband remains a shadow. However, this does not mean at all that she does not respect or trust her man. This woman just likes to keep everything in her hands. Coziness and comfort always reign in Dilyara’s house; she loves to receive guests, cooks impeccably and takes care of her family. For the sake of her loved ones, Dilyara is ready to be a housewife, but this decision is not easy for her.

Positive traits of the name

Dilyara is a kind and sympathetic, intelligent and hardworking woman who is always ready to help. She is sociable and interesting, fair and intelligent. A wonderful mother and wife, a responsible and reliable employee.

Negative traits of the name

Those with the name Dilyara are too demanding and principled. Quite touchy and vulnerable. They always need the support of loved ones, sometimes they are indecisive.

Dilyara is one of the rare, exotic names. This is what girls are called mainly in Muslim countries. The name is of ancient Persian origin. There are several consonant names with the root “dil”, which means “soul, heart”, these are Dilara, Dilraba, Dilia. The name Dilara is etymologically translated as beauty, beloved. Translated from Persian - smart, in a good mood, from Bulgarian - kind, sincere. According to some sources, this name comes from the Proto-Armenian language. This name is not included in the Orthodox and Catholic calendars, so name days are not celebrated. And the owner of this name is given any other name at baptism.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Dilyara

The meaning of the name Dilyara is “soul”, “heart”, “smart”, “beautiful”, “beautiful”, “in the mood”, “kind”, “spiritual”, “beloved”, “delighting the heart”, “in love”, "beloved".

As a child, Dilyara is a kind, sweet, gentle, calm, courteous girl. He gets along with his peers and, moreover, becomes a leader among them. But she tries to be equal with everyone, without showing her power, although she loves to be the center of attention. Good, often - excellent, studies, active, takes part in all social events. Goes to various clubs, loves to read, sing, dance, has a penchant for foreign languages. She is witty and cheerful. The teachers love and praise her. She continues to maintain relationships with them even after finishing school. Parents are proud of their child. Helps mother with housework and raising the younger children in the family.

Dilyara is ambitious, charming, and can easily build a career in show business, sports, creativity, even in the military sphere. She is responsible, executive, professional worker, she brings any business she starts to completion, so her bosses, like her colleagues, value and respect her. She understands people well, so it’s difficult to deceive her. Purposeful, but achieves her goal only in an honest way. Can succeed in scientific activity, medicine, law.

Dilyara has many fans, she is very attractive, both externally and internally, but her natural modesty, timidity and shyness do not allow her to let them get close. Moreover, she has been looking for a worthy man for a long time, knowing her worth. She looks closely for a long time, selects the right person and only then, having fallen in love, does she completely surrender to him. She chooses as a husband a reliable, kind, intelligent, decent person who shares her interests, and a representative of the opposite sex. Happy in marriage. Becomes a loving, kind, devoted, faithful wife and mother. For the sake of loved ones, she makes any sacrifices; she can leave her career and become a housewife. An excellent, hospitable hostess, the house is clean, comfortable and orderly.

Dilyara knows how to attract attention, has charm and wit. She has many friends and acquaintances. She is responsive and wise man, will listen to anyone and will definitely come to the rescue, can give good advice, assist, sympathize.

Dilyara devotes a lot of time to her appearance, follows fashion, keeps up with the times, visits salons and fitness clubs. He dresses according to his mood, never knows what he will wear the next day. The representative of this name has good health.

Those with the name Dilyara, as a rule, turn out to be trendsetters for narrow circle. You belong to a rather thin layer of society, whose representatives, regardless of age and social status, claim that they can “afford not to follow fashion.” That's how it is. You carefully monitor how your body itself looks, take care of it tirelessly, thanks to which you have the opportunity to change your style at least every day depending on your own mood. That is why you give the impression of youth for quite a long time, each time appearing in a new look, which allows you to influence the tastes of others.

Compatibility of the name Dilyara, manifestation in love

Dilyara, it cannot be said that you are completely incapable of manifestations of love and tenderness, but business comes first for you, and you will choose a partner based mainly on how well he can correspond to your life interests. Manifestations of strength of character, determination and ambition mean immeasurably more to you than sensuality and external attractiveness. In a marriage, should one happen, you will first of all value in your partner the ability to empathize with your ideas and the ability to provide support.


You strive to “embrace the immensity.” Your soul longs for everything that a person can possess. And - to the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, one might say, does not exist for you. You simply cannot refuse any offer that life makes you.

When making a decision, the wishes of others are taken into account only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. This means that you can and should force them to “go in a water sled” with you, in the direction you choose.

And here the opportunity opens up to see everything from a different angle. You need outside assistance, and above all, as a “restraining principle.” Otherwise you may want to “turn over the earth.”

But if you are forced to use other people’s opportunities, then you need to learn to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the greater your chances of keeping your soul pure and your heart healthy.