Pavel Soltan Vice Speaker. Who drove into oncoming traffic? It seemed that after a terrible tragedy normal

The girl died on her birthday. © Freeze frame video

“Back in the summer I had everything I needed to be happy,” says one of Anastasia Soltan’s last entries. Her life was truly the envy of many girls. A loving family, a young handsome husband, great plans for the future. The girl’s father, Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan, was highly respected in power circles. The politician lost his arms and legs in his youth, but this did not hinder him either in his career or in his personal life. Soltan was happily married for 25 years and raised two daughters. The eldest Veronica was not his own, but only genetically, he raised her as his own. Both girls doted on their parents.

In the summer, a joyful event happened in the family - the youngest daughter, 21-year-old Anastasia, got married. I met my fiancé through my father's work. The girl participated with him in party events. Municipal deputy Alexey Plotnikov, like Pavel Soltan, came from A Just Russia. The proposal followed literally a few months after they met. The wedding took place on the day of family, love and fidelity. “Young and beautiful! I look at you and my heart rejoices! Take care of each other and your love!” — Veronica commented on photos of the couple.

It all ended a month later, on August 14th. Anastasia and her parents were returning from the dacha. My father, as always, drove the car - he had many years of driving experience, which was not hampered by his disability. But that evening, the deputy speaker's car collided head-on with another car. The politician died on the spot. Doctors fought for the life of the vice speaker's wife Svetlana, but she died that same night. Anastasia was in intensive care with severe injuries. They didn’t tell her about the death of her parents for a long time; she found out about it after the funeral.

The girl had to undergo pelvic and hip surgery and a long rehabilitation. But the loss of her parents crossed out her entire previous happy life.

“It’s very bad, painful and scary. I understand that if I survived a terrible accident with terrible injuries, it means they didn’t take me with them, which means I have to live. But how? How can we live without them? When you realize that you are 21 years old, and life is still so long, and I will never see or hear them again, my heart breaks. Everyone moves on, grieves, and that’s it. And I lost the most precious thing in my life - my parents, I can’t live normally. I’m physically crippled, I have a long rehabilitation ahead of me, but the worst thing is that I’m mentally crippled, and this will last my whole life,” Anastasia wrote on the social network.

After the accident, her marriage to Alexei also ended. The separation of the couple was observed by both the media and numerous onlookers - the girl wrote about everything on social networks. According to Anastasia, Alexey abandoned his sick wife in the hospital, did not come and did not support. The election campaign for the Legislative Assembly was in full swing, and the man was actively engaged in his own PR. He posted smiling photos on social networks and urged voters to vote for him.

“Sometimes I call him and beg him to come, because I either feel bad mentally, or I’m lying alone, chained to the bed, and he says that he has work, period. Many people have asked me if I am sure that he loves me? I answered that I know that he loves me. But now I don't know. It seems to me that when you love a person, you don’t behave like that. On the other hand, I remember the wedding and I think that my parents and I could not have made such a mistake,” Anastasia wrote on September 7. She asked her friends to talk to Alexei. However, the very next day the girl stated: “My husband betrayed me. Chose your career over helping me. I understand that it’s my own fault, I trusted this person. My heart was 90% mom, dad and husband. There is no one now. I don’t know how to live with 10%.

Then things took a completely unpleasant turn - we were talking about money donated for the wedding and a paid honeymoon trip. According to the girl, Alexey took both the gifts and the money given to the travel agency for the trip. However, the man’s friends justified him and said that sister Veronica and her husband were deliberately setting Nastya against Plotnikov. But the marriage could no longer be saved.

Anastasia again returned her maiden name on social networks, and a few days ago the divorce was formalized.

The loss of her parents and the betrayal of her loved one broke Anastasia. More than once she expressed thoughts that she would prefer to be with her deceased mother and father: “I don’t want to live in this terrible and deceitful world, I want to go to my parents,” “The worst thing has already happened to me, and my whole life is still ahead.” . But is there any meaning to such a life?”

True, there were also moments of optimism, when Anastasia assured everyone that she would definitely hold out until the court, where the circumstances of the accident were to be examined. The culprit in the car accident was not officially named, and the girl really wanted to defend her father’s good name and continue his work. In October, she wrote that she was “clinging to life” and was already confidently standing on crutches.

“It’s hard, painful, scary, but you have to live! My dad lost his arms and legs when he was young, but he didn’t give up,” the girl seemed to be persuading herself. But in the 20th of November another breakdown occurred. Anastasia had a long rehabilitation ahead of her, but, as it turned out, the girl was not psychologically ready for it. And she escaped from the hospital. Now she blamed her older sister Veronica and her husband for everything. According to her, her relatives took her money and phone because the girl spent too much time on social networks. Anastasia was also outraged that she was not allowed to live independently in her parents’ apartment.

Judging by the girl’s latest posts on social networks, her condition was emotionally unstable. She made many mistakes, repeated herself, and openly wrote extremely personal things about her family’s life. In fact, all users of the social network witnessed an altercation between two sisters. In one of her comments, Veronica said that Nastya recently tried to jump out of a window in the presence of her little nieces. Anastasia reproached her family for not having winter boots. However, the girl was still allowed to live in her parents’ apartment again. “Tomorrow is some kind of birthday. I know that they would like to see me strong and beautiful on this day,” the girl wrote, referring to her deceased parents.

“Now I’m at my friend’s house, since I ended up on the street. I'm Soltan Nastya. Everything I wrote here is not me. Believe it, don't believe it. I only need my things, my phone, which Veronica took, the keys to the house where I lived, but Veronica and Slava did not, and the money of good and famous people,” wrote Anastasia (spelling and punctuation preserved).

The correspondent asked Anastasia whether she was actually forced into treatment? The answer came 43 minutes later. "Good evening! If this issue is resolved tomorrow, then good. If not, I’ll definitely contact you,” Anastasia wrote.

Apparently, the issue was not resolved peacefully, after which Soltan wrote: “I agree, write a note about this story.”

Still, doubts remained about the girl’s version, so the correspondent asked two more clarifying questions - where she was and whether her keys and phone had really been taken away from her. Anastasia never answered.

Late in the evening, police and investigators arrived at her house. “I gave you the keys as you asked. Nastya is no longer alive. My God,” Sister Veronica wrote at 10:25 p.m. Anastasia fell from the window of the 12th floor of the apartment in which she lived with her parents before the accident. On November 24, the girl turned 22 years old.

Ilya Davlyatchin, Sofia Mokhova

The Vsevolozhsk City Court announced the verdict in the case of the death of Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Pavel Soltan in an accident. The driver of the oncoming car, Dmitry Izotov, received 4.5 years in a penal colony, although the prosecution asked for only 4. Claims for compensation for moral damage were satisfied for 3.3 million rubles. The process lasted ten months, the parties spent most of their time clarifying directions.

On October 31, the Vsevolozhsk City Court announced the verdict in the case of the death of the vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan. The driver of the oncoming car, Dmitry Izotov, received 4.5 years in a penal colony, although the prosecution asked for only 4. Claims for compensation for moral damage were satisfied for 3.3 million rubles.

Judge Natalya Ivanova found it proven that Izotov lost control, that his Mercedes drove into oncoming traffic, and that the defendant was guilty of a collision with a Toyota Verso, which was driven by Soltan, who was not wearing a seat belt.

Let us remind you that a terrible accident occurred on August 14, 2016, Sunday, on the 43rd kilometer of the Pargolovo - Ogonki road. The Deputy Speaker and his family went to pick mushrooms, Izotov and his family went to Ikea. Soltan himself and his wife were killed in the Toyota, and their daughter was seriously injured (she later fell out of a window). In Izotov's Mercedes, his wife and ten-month-old child were seriously injured.

The cars met head-on: someone drove into the oncoming lane. It turned out that the one who was moving north was to blame. Izotov did not admit guilt and insisted that it was he, and not Soltan, who drove the car to St. Petersburg. Moreover, in the initial testimony given immediately after the accident, the defendant also stated that Soltan was driving into the oncoming lane, but, according to him, he himself was driving from St. Petersburg. He later made changes, clarifying that during the first interrogation he felt bad and did not remember all the details.

His wife Lyudmila said that the family spent Sunday at Ikea, purchasing furniture to protect the child. At about five in the evening they drove along the Vyborg highway to their Pervomaiskoye and, before leaving for Scandinavia, they remembered that they had forgotten to buy a partition for the staircase leading to the second floor of the two-level apartment. They turned towards St. Petersburg, and not far from the junction, at that very bend, a Toyota flew into them.

The process lasted ten months, the parties spent most of their time figuring out directions. In addition, the defense drew attention to the deputy’s specific driving behavior. He drove the car with prosthetic arms and legs, but the judge considered that this could not interfere with driving. The Toyota owned by Soltan was produced specifically to order - the deputy, having been hit by a train at the age of 20, had neither arms nor legs. The car's control system was connected to the steering wheel, where the brake and gas levers were located.

During the debate, the prosecutor's office asked for four years for Izotov, and the defense asked for an acquittal. The court sentenced the driver to imprisonment for a term of 4 years and 6 months to be served in a penal colony. The deputy speaker's brother and his adopted daughter demanded compensation for moral damage in the amount of 7 million rubles between them. As a result, the brother was awarded 800 thousand rubles, the stepdaughter - 2.5 million.

Dmitry Izotov intends to appeal the verdict to the Leningrad Regional Court.

Starting today, St. Petersburg says goodbye to the Vice-Speaker of the St. Petersburg Parliament, Pavel Soltan.

Civil memorial service, farewell to those killed in a car accident on August 14 Pavel Soltan and his wife Svetlana, took place in the building of the St. Petersburg parliament - in the Rotunda of the Mariinsky Palace, where representatives of local authorities, big politicians and St. Petersburg residents gathered. Including those he helped. The correspondent reports this Federal Agency of Political News .

Not just a politician

“He was not just a politician - it’s difficult to maintain openness and sincerity in politics, but he was a real friend, very open and sincere,” the speaker of the St. Petersburg parliament told the audience Vyacheslav Makarov. - We called him for his strength and tenacity Pasha Maresyev».

And the governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko emphasized: “They have been together all their lives - he and his wife. They stayed together. All his life he taught people to overcome difficulties, knowing what it was. It is difficult to overestimate the role of Pavel Mikhailovich Soltan in the implementation of the city program “Accessible Environment”. He was a real deputy."

Fellow members of the A Just Russia party hinted that the tragedy, despite preliminary information that it was about the oncoming lane into which the Mercedes flew, may not be accidental.

“The circumstances of the terrible tragedy are still being clarified, and perhaps not everything is so simple,” said Sergei Mironov. “Knowing himself how difficult life is for citizens with disabilities, of whom there are more than 13 million throughout the country, he helped people, knowing for sure that there are no limitations on opportunities - there is willpower, love for one’s business, city and country.”

Mironov promised not to leave the children of the deceased - the eldest daughter Veronica and in the hospital Anastasia. In this, the leader of the “Fair Russia” was supported by his deputy Oleg Nilov, stating that Soltan’s loved ones are also his loved ones.

“He’s a marathon runner, but he ran every day and every hour,” he said about Soltan. “There are various rumors about his death, we need to sort it out.”

The speaker of the parliament of the neighboring region, a member of the Parliamentary Association of the North-West, also spoke Sergey Bebenin, noting that Pavel Mikhailovich himself preferred to help people, but he himself did not like to accept help.

Soltan's daughter Veronica, recalling that dad never asked for himself, but asked for everyone, asked for Soltan's assistant - Olga Pavlova: “There is such a girl Olya Pavlova - dad’s right hand, let her be his successor in business,” and for her sister: “Nastya is the light in the window for mom and dad, the main thing now is to help her.” And she added: “A counter for dad is out of the question.”

The chairman of the Committee on Social Policy of St. Petersburg shared his memories of the deceased on the sidelines Alexander Rzhanenkov: “Our acquaintance with Pavel Mikhailovich took place in 1994, during the visit of the president of the country Boris Yeltsin(he later gave him a Zhiguli car) and the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II at the Institute of Prosthetics named after Albrecht. And joint work to establish a new social protection system in the city began in 1998. Pavel Mikhailovich was the chairman of the commission for the implementation of the “Accessible Environment” program, was a member of the commission for providing disabled and non-disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation, worked very actively with public organizations of disabled people, especially wheelchair users, and did a lot for the creation and development of rehabilitation centers. He was involved in the creation of a social taxi service in St. Petersburg. Recently, Pavel Mikhailovich not only oversaw the construction of a city sports complex for the disabled in the Primorsky district, he cared for this cause with all his heart.”

The funeral service began at noon in the Church of the Presentation of the Lord, and the spouses will be buried at the Kuzmolovskoye cemetery, in Toksovo (Leningrad region).

Unusual biography

The biography of Pavel Soltan is very unusual. Before the war, his grandmother worked at the Pediatric Institute. When the blockade began, the institute turned into a hospital, and my mother, then still a schoolgirl, helped care for the wounded. The relatives went through the most difficult time in the city; in 1943 they were evacuated to Siberia, and only in 1945 did they return from Novosibirsk.

Soltan's father, originally from Belarus (Vitebsk region), also experienced hard times during wartime. Before his eyes, the Nazis shot his father, he went through concentration camps in East Prussia and fled in January 1945 near Keninsberg.

Met Alma Rudolfovna And Mikhail Pavlovich in 1948. He came from Belarus, where after the death of his mother he was left alone. In Leningrad, I found it difficult to get a job, because wherever I went, I honestly said that I was under occupation, that I was captured, and in those years such frankness, to put it mildly, was not encouraged. He was nevertheless accepted as an apprentice model maker at the Machine-Building Plant. He worked at this enterprise for more than 40 years, became a design engineer, and retired as head of tool production.

Pavel was born on June 4, 1961, and spent every summer until he was seven years old with his grandmother in the small Estonian town of Kiviili. I started first grade in Leningrad. For several years he spent his evenings in the school workshop. He was interested in radio engineering. Read Sukhomlinsky And Makarenko, dreamed of offering something worthwhile to the education system, argued with teachers, tried to defend his position, built on a creative approach to even the most seemingly academic subjects.

Regain independence

The life of Pavel Soltan was changed by a railway injury. This happened in December 1981 (he was then studying at LETI after graduating from school and Radio Engineering School). I had to overcome a psychological barrier - the belief that was as strong as that of loved ones during the war that the difficult time would be left behind helped.

The prosthetic legs and arms turned out to be completely non-functional. But friends brought Pavel two articles. One about an inventor-prosthetist from Moscow - Grigory Rudenko, the second (in the magazine “Inventor and Innovator”) - about the Tashkent master Kudryashova. My father flew to Tashkent, but the Tashkent experience did not convince him. The Moscow “Kulibin”, Rudenko, who in 1945 burned in a tank and lost his arms, aroused more confidence. The invention and production of the most functional prostheses became the meaning of life for him.

“I wanted to feel independent,” Pavel Soltan explained to a FAPN correspondent during an interview. “So I firmly decided then that, no matter what, I would drive a car.”

This desire was warmly supported by the parents. A positive conclusion was given, despite legislative prohibitions, by the chairman of the city transport commission Zoya Alekseevna Markina. “I don’t remember exactly what I said at the commission then, I only know that I was very convinced,” recalled Pavel Mikhailovich. - I was allowed to take the driving test as an external student, then the major - Viktor Ivanovich Nilov. Soon, through the social security department, they handed me an old, broken down car. And the homemade guys brought it to mind - Parfenov And Khainov, - the authors of “Laura”, who Mikhail Gorbachev provided the laboratory."

In October 1991, Pavel's mother died, and in January 1992 he became a family man. He met his future wife Sveta at the company where he joined as a programmer. The family story continues with a granddaughter Diana.

In the nineties, Pavel Mikhailovich had a hard time, given the reality in which “kickbacks” became commonplace. I became convinced that it is difficult, but it is possible to control the situation, however, to do this you have to be an inconvenient person.

“International experience proves that legislative loopholes can be closed,” according to the famous St. Petersburg psychoanalyst, Professor Mikhail Reshetnikov, by using the simple method of “enforcing honesty”: the bribe-taker must know that he will lose a lot when the fact of corruption becomes known. An honest attitude to life, respect for history - this is what needs to be brought up literally from the cradle,” Soltan said.

Pavel Soltan's formula for life presupposed movement. But the road, like life, is unpredictable and dangerous.

The first reports of the terrible accident, which occurred on the evening of August 14 on the Scandinavia highway, came from eyewitnesses at the beginning of seven in the evening. It was reported that a Toyota and a Mercedes collided on the 43rd kilometer of the Pargolovo-Ogonki road. The driver of the first foreign car died on the spot from his injuries, two female passengers were hospitalized, one of them in serious condition. The driver and passengers of the second foreign car, which also carried a small child, were also injured. In total, 5 people were taken to the hospital, along with a one-and-a-half-year-old child, who did not receive serious injuries.

Eyewitnesses in the "Accidents and Emergency / St. Petersburg" community shared terrible details and photos from the scene of an accident on a section of the Scandinavia highway.

“A head-on collision at the exit from Scandinavia onto the Vyborg Highway,” write witnesses of the accident in a public post on VK. “The SUV is in rags, the Mercedes is a little livelier. A traffic jam is forming. Services are on their way - they met us on the road.”

“I drove up as soon as the accident happened, pulled people out, broke doors... it’s tough, in the Toyota the driver is drunk, in the Mercedes the driver is intact, minor fractures, the wife is behind with a one-year-old baby, the legs are open fractures, the child is normal “In the back of the Toyota there is a daughter with her left leg twisted, the wife is very heavy, the helicopter arrived, the ambulance took half an hour,” writes Roman on social media.

As it became known later, Pavel Soltan, deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg and president of the city’s Artistic Gymnastics Federation, was driving a Toyota RAV4, operational services told Radio Baltika. He was driving towards the city with his wife and daughter.

Later it became known that Soltan’s wife, Svetlana, died in the hospital. Doctors were unable to save her. Daughter Nastya received severe fractures, her life is not in danger. Pavel Soltan's daughters are already married, the eldest is raising children.

“Support Nastya. She’s still a baby! And I.. I can handle it. For Nastya, her parents were EVERYTHING,” Veronica wrote on social networks.

Spravedlivoross died in the midst of the election campaign. As fellow party members told Fontanka, the deputy was an avid mushroom picker and last weekend he and his family went to the forest. On Sunday evening he was returning to St. Petersburg from the Leningrad region. The publication was also informed that Soltan’s wife was hospitalized in serious condition. Both the Mercedes driver and passenger are in serious condition. The condition of the infant, who was in the oncoming car, and Soltan’s daughter with a broken arm, is of moderate severity.

All circumstances of the accident are being clarified. Law enforcement agencies are deciding whether to initiate a criminal case under Article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Violation of traffic rules and operation of vehicles).

That same evening, the speaker of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly, Vyacheslav Makarov, visited the scene of the accident. According to media reports, he promised to ensure a thorough investigation of the accident.

Pavel Soltan was born in Leningrad on June 4, 1961. Graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute and St. Petersburg State University. From 1984 to 1998 he worked as a leading engineer at the Research Institute of Prosthetics.

Soltan was at one time elected as a deputy of the second, third and fourth convocations of the city Legislative Assembly. In December 2011 he became a deputy of the fifth convocation. He was then elected deputy chairman. In the city parliament, he dealt with social and land issues, urban management and urban planning, Radio Baltika clarifies.

Pavel Soltan was a member of the Coordination Council for Disabled People, as well as the board of the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports. Married, survived by two daughters.

In 2014, Soltan was awarded the honorary badge “For his special contribution to the development of St. Petersburg.” The deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly also received a medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, second degree.

As Fontanka reports, Pavel Soltan’s acquaintances do not believe that the tragedy could have occurred through the fault of a fellow party member. According to them, the deputy had recently felt excellent, was a non-drinker, and drove his car first-class. The Toyota owned by Soltan, which the parliamentarian was driving on the day of the tragedy, was made on a special order. The deputy, while still a student at the age of 20, was hit by a train; doctors amputated his arms and legs. According to ZakSe, the control system of the foreign car was connected to the steering wheel, where the brake and gas levers were located. Soltan received his license back in 1988, 7 years after the accident.

Pavel Soltan was one of those few deputies about whom the city never spoke ill. Soltan has a difficult life - at the age of 20 he was hit by a train and partially lost his arms and legs. Living with prosthetics, he achieved success in work and politics. He himself worked at a prosthetics institute and regularly helped people with disabilities. “I live in Finland, and I’m helping Russians who want to get prosthetics services in Europe,” Olga Pokrovskaya told MK. - About 4 years ago, Pavel Mikhailovich had problems with his prosthetics, he found my page on social networks and contacted me. Then he came to Finland and we went to prosthetic events together. After that, I turned to Pavel Mikhailovich with a request to help the people who wrote to me. Some had issues with housing, others with prosthetics and receiving social assistance. Living in Russia, many people did not know and do not know where exactly to go to resolve their issues. And Pavel Mikhailovich kindly advised and gave recommendations... and this despite his busy work schedule and personal life. I was just getting ready to go to Russia for a week on August 16, and planned a meeting with Pavel Mikhailovich...”

Journalists recall that one could always go freely into Pavel Soltan’s office in the Mariinsky Palace to get any comment, and he answered work calls even late in the evening, sometimes explaining the same thing in detail and patiently 10 times. Colleagues at the Institute of Prosthetics recall the memorable visit of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain to St. Petersburg, during which Soltan presented her with a gift, and she was extremely surprised and amazed that this man was disabled.

“We have known each other for 20 years,” says Soltan’s colleague at ZakSu Boris Vishnevsky. - We work in the same commission and, let’s say, we ate more than a pound of salt together. It's still hard to believe that this happened. In my opinion, the very fact that there was such a politician in the city had a great effect on people with disabilities.”

People who knew the deputy’s family say that quite recently the deputy’s daughter Anastasia, who was traveling in the car with her parents, got married. Her sister Veronica calls for support for the girl, sparingly reporting on the Internet that she herself can handle it, but for Anastasia her parents were everything.

According to eyewitnesses, the driver of the cherry-colored Mercedes, who drove into the oncoming lane right in front of Soltan’s car, was probably to blame for the accident on the Pargolovo-Ogonki section. The deputy's Toyota was specially equipped to be driven by a person with disabilities. The Mercedes, according to eyewitnesses, swerved to the side, as if the driver had dozed off or felt unwell. Passengers of the Mercedes were also hospitalized in serious condition. The victims were sent to the Central Clinical Hospital of Vsevolozhsk and the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after. Dzhanelidze. This is not the first time Pavel Soltan has had an accident. They remember another terrible accident in which he got into in the 1990s. Fate seemed to test his strength several times until it took him away completely.

Astrologer Oksana commented on the difficulties in the life of Pavel Soltan: “Every person is born with the potential for injury. Indeed, there are people who are predisposed to fatal injuries. But potential alone is not enough - the planets responsible for his physical body and danger must come together in his horoscope in a tense situation. Moreover, this should be precisely the influence of the higher planets - those that dominate at a given period of a person’s life.”