Interesting and creative business ideas


Every business starts with an idea. To get a solid income, they must be unusual. Entrepreneurs around the world, trying to force the consumer to purchase a variety of goods and services, are trying to find creative ones. In this case, there is one indisputable advantage, which consists in the absence of competitors. This means that if there are buyers, the business will bring high income.

Initially non-standard ideas perceived as absurd. They are ridiculed by society, and only when the entrepreneur makes a profit that is incomparable with the average salary, glory comes to him. So what are the most unique ideas for business are known today. Here is a short list:

  • a firm that goes to a crime scene to clean up;
  • boarding house created for nudists;
  • organization of trips to famous places where famous TV series were filmed;
  • the opening of stores that offer to purchase samples.

Funky Ideas

To brighten up gray everyday life, become famous as an original, and also make a decent profit, many businessmen turn to the funky style. What does this mean? It is the ability to combine different products. This style is a "chip" of the modern world, it gives rise to unusual business ideas:

  • a small library hotel where guests can spend time in solitude reading books;
  • cafe-bookstore (another option is a coffee shop-game store) - to open such a business, investments are required, although there have been cases when magazines or books were offered in an existing cafe;
  • a slide near a reservoir - such a service will be relevant not only in summer, but also in winter.

When you think about it, creative business ideas are nothing special. The main thing is to show imagination and think about what may be of interest to society.

Unique ideas from scratch

Creative people who don't have the start-up capital to start and grow a business can consider ideas from scratch. These include making dolls, writing advertisements, articles, and more.

AT recent times business ideas for the restoration of old things: photographs, books, paintings and others are gaining momentum in popularity.

It should be noted that in this case, it is not necessary to invest finance. Tools, as well as materials that will be required for work, can be purchased by the customer.

Unusual furniture

Original business ideas are the creation of furniture from a material that is filled with polystyrene foam balls inside. In this case, you can connect your imagination, make sofas and ottomans different shapes. In addition, it is possible to choose upholstery fabric different shade and textures. Such work can bring pleasure to many. And given the fact that it allows you to earn income, the business seems interesting and profitable.

Coin business

Attractions with coins are held everywhere, including in the Russian Federation. Minting souvenir coins is a business idea that belongs to the “non-standard” category. It is worth noting that it is not widely popular, however, it can provide a good income. Moreover, the equipment used for minting coins pays off quickly enough. Such a business can be created and developed in any city.

You will have to spend money on equipment, the cost of which is approximately 30,000 rubles. It includes a machine tool, a cliche, as well as blanks made of metal: copper, aluminum, brass. They need quite a lot, about three hundred copies.

In addition to sending coins to auctions, you can engage in minting to order. There is no doubt that they will be in demand after anniversaries, weddings and other events. After all, coins can be converted into bright souvenir items by creating an image on blanks that the customer needs.

business on glowing flowers

The category of "original business ideas" can also include the creation and sale of luminous flowers. This direction covers the sphere of holidays and anniversaries. Ordinary flowers are already quite bored, and non-standard ideas will certainly be appreciated. As a rule, it is quite difficult to quickly decide on a gift for a loved one or friend. Flowers that glow in the dark will be a wonderful gift for a woman for various events.

Such unusual gifts will be in demand, and making them is quite simple. It is enough to treat the flower with special substances that are environmentally friendly and do not harm environment and living organisms. Bio-gel covers the entire petal or its base. There is an opportunity to draw various patterns, which will only add originality.

During the day, in natural light, the flower will look normal, but at night it will give the impression that a light bulb is turned on inside it. In addition to the fact that the processed substance is environmentally friendly, it also retains the evaporation of moisture from the flower, so that it will live longer.

This business is low cost. So, 210 ml of gel costs about 40 euros. For coloring one flower, 1 ml of the substance is enough.

Unusual ideas for creative people

Do not think that designers are only glamorous stars. It can be any person who has a fantasy.

So, there are many business ideas for creative people. Here are some of them:

  • Christmas decorations for bottles - the Swiss company Taet-Tat took advantage of this idea;
  • Fashion crutches are a somewhat intimidating option, owned by LemonAid Crutches;
  • Haute couture home shoes - indoor slippers were first presented as a replica of the exposition of Malevich's paintings;
  • Turning old clothes into designer ones - ONE NOFFS store collaborates with designers who, over a certain period of time, turn second-hand clothes into fashionable wardrobe items;
  • Soap made on the basis of breast milk - originality is provided by nature itself;
  • Slates with a removable top - the idea was born in the head of an ordinary schoolgirl;
  • Hearing aid jewelry, an unattractive device that many hide under their hair, can now, on the contrary, be shown to everyone with pride;
  • Jewelry on the wires - similar to a hearing aid, the wires no longer need to be hidden, they fit well into general interior thanks to decorations.

That's not all creative ideas that are suitable for successful business. People with creativity, having realized their plans, have already become rich.

Recently, the creativity of business is often heard. However, it is difficult to say that the most unique ideas exist. In fact, they are common. Much more important is a non-standard approach to them. Only in this way can an idea become truly profitable. People who were not afraid to face the difficulties and ridicule of others have long been leaders and have earned respect for themselves. From all this we can conclude that you always need to try and achieve your goals. Otherwise, you will never be able to get ahead.

Today, walking along the street, you can see a huge number of all kinds of shops, car washes, tire shops, etc. This ordinary species businesses that no one will be able to surprise. To start your own business, you need to invest a lot of money in equipment and advertising. Businessmen who use standard lines of business fight for every customer, and many of them simply cannot compete and close.

AT modern world people just do not think about other types of business, few people can come up with original ideas. It seems that everything has been invented for a long time and it is simply impossible to discover something new, unusual. Of course, this is a delusion, and if you think through your business idea well, you can make big profits with minimal investment.

Ideas for starting a business from scratch

As we have already found out, despite the great competition and crisis, you can make money quite simply, the main thing is non-standard thinking. Original ideas began to be introduced relatively recently, so the competition is minimal.

Of course, if you're reading this article, it means you can't come up with anything interesting on your own. It is for such people that we have prepared several interesting and profitable areas of activity:

  • Psychological Taxi. A new unique business idea came up in Sweden. The bottom line is this: a taxi rides around the city, if a call comes in, then a driver and a psychologist come to the person. Throughout the trip, you can talk with him and discuss your problem. You pay only for travel, you do not need to pay for a consultation with a psychologist. This is great for people who have problems but can't go to the doctor because they don't have enough money. After a few months, this taxi became very popular. They got a lot of customers who ordered a long distance car to discuss as much as possible.
    Such a business can be organized in any city of our country. In Russia, and especially in Moscow, this will also gain great popularity. The profit will be quite large. But first you have to invest: buy or rent a car, hire a driver and a psychologist.
  • Fitness trainer at home. More recently, in America, this new business. In this country, a huge number of people have problems with being overweight because of fast food. As a rule, such people want to lose weight, but they are too lazy to get off the couch and go to the gym.
    How implemented this idea? Several people have converted the van into a gym. A person who wants to exercise orders a van. After a while, when he drives up, the person just goes down the street and enters the car. There he can work out with a coach for a couple of hours and go home. To realize this idea, you need to invest, as the van and all the equipment will cost quite a lot. The profit will depend on the number of interested people.
  • Bad news service. It is quite difficult to tell relatives the unfortunate news about another person. The news of death, serious illness, or divorce is usually difficult to accept. And so a new business was born - the Bad News Service. Such news is reported by qualified psychologists who can immediately take control of a person and help him cope with emotions. This business is only growing. It began to spread around the world and will soon reach Russia. The costs will be minimal: doctors' salaries and advertising. Profit will not be long in coming, as soon as people find out about you, they will be drawn to you a large number of clients.
  • Shoes with a navigator. For travelers who often go to unfamiliar places, they came up with special shoes. A navigator was installed in it, it helps a person to reach their destination. How it works? If you go the wrong way, then the left or right boot will vibrate, telling you to turn. Such shoes are gaining popularity, but there are very few of them. If you are interested in this business, then you need to open a small factory where shoes will be created or modernized. Of course, the costs will be quite large, but there are many people who are willing to pay a rather large amount for such original shoes. Quite quickly, it will be possible to close all debts and get a plus.

Several Yet interesting options you can learn from the following video:

Ideas with minimal investment

Above, we examined areas of activity that require investment. Now many people cannot afford to spend a fairly large amount on their business, and others are afraid that it will fail. But you have to start somewhere.

For such people, we have collected the most interesting and new ideas. They do not require special material investments, but you need to think about how to implement them:

  • Aquarium Cleaner. Now many rich and accomplished people or large business centers are setting up aquariums. They can be of different sizes - from small ones of a few liters to huge ones of several thousand liters. In order for the fish to feel comfortable, the aquarium needs to be cleaned from time to time. Who will be doing this? Few people want to collect water there, pump out the old one and clean the glass. Therefore, many people will start ordering such services from you. The costs are minimal. The income will depend only on you, how many customers you find - you will receive so much money. You may have to fork out a little for advertising, but this cannot be compared with the profit.
  • creative grandmothers. If you are elderly and bored at home, then this business idea is perfect for you. You can earn additional income towards your retirement. The idea sounds like this - "grandmother for an hour." It's like regular nannies, but in this case, you'll only be babysitting for a few hours. Moreover, people trust grandmothers who raised children and, possibly, grandchildren more than young girls. Today, everyone is trying to build a career and in these conditions there is little time left for a child or household. Many people will start using your services. What can you offer them:
    • If the owners are busy, gone on a business trip or vacation, the “grandmother for an hour” can come home to them several times a week and water the flowers or feed the pets.
    • It happens that the mother needs to leave, but the child cannot be left unattended. In this case, she may contact you.
    • You can also knit different things. They tend to be very popular. In any case, you will not be required to make any financial investments, except for advertising, which you can make yourself. Of course, the salary will not be very high, but as an addition to the pension, this is very good.
  • friend for hire. Today, in the world of computer technology, it is quite difficult to find time for a personal life. Everyone is on the Internet, there is no one to even walk around the city with, go to a cafe, cinema or just enjoy the day. Because of this situation, an interesting idea appeared - “Friend for Hire”. This is perfect for a communicative, kind and sociable person.
    The essence of the project is simple and clear. Investments will be minimal, since in order to attract customers, you need to place an ad in a newspaper, the Internet or post ads around the city. It may seem to you that this is not serious and no one will pay for such money, but this is a delusion. In highly developed countries, this area is gaining more and more popularity. Of course, this cannot be called a full-fledged job, but as an additional income, it’s very good.
  • Anti-evacuator. In the metropolis, it is quite difficult to find a suitable parking place. Many drivers simply take and leave their car in the wrong place in the hope that it will not be picked up by a tow truck. But this is not always the case, a tow truck can pick up your car at the most inopportune moment. When you find it, you will have to look for it in impound lots, and then pay a fairly large amount to pick it up.
    So people came up with an interesting idea. They have developed an electronic system that will alert the driver if his car is towed. This business will be very popular, and you can make good money on it. Of course, only experienced programmers can develop such a system. Such people can accomplish the task at a minimum cost.

Ideas for a small town

All the considered areas are great for megacities, where high pace life and little time for yourself. What about a small town? As a rule, people who did not leave for the metropolis or did not stay there after their studies are considered losers.

It is not right. With a competent approach and innovative thinking, even in a small town you can make good money. Let's see how this can be done:

  • Greening the city. This business is perfect for small towns where there are many private houses. Many people seek to decorate their site and therefore use landscaping services. You can provide the following services: remove weeds, plant new plants, or simply make the site look attractive. These services will be in demand. The costs of such a business will be minimal, but earnings will directly depend on the number of customers. You can also cooperate with the local administration. This will allow you to quickly find new customers and work with state or municipal institutions.
  • Legal bugbear services. Imagine you forgot to take the keys, and the door slammed shut, what to do? AT big cities or metropolitan areas have special services that can help in such a situation. In small towns the situation is slightly different. There are no such services, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations may simply not come, referring to the fact that this is not part of their duties. You can help such people, of course, if you are able to open a slammed door. There are special legal master keys for this, but you need to learn how to use them. The costs for this business will be small, the only thing you need is knowledge and skills. Income will depend on the number of clients.
  • Selling optimism.A few years ago, two brothers came up with interesting idea- sell optimism. They created positive T-shirts that said "Life is good." They sold 50 T-shirts in half an hour. At first they drove around the city and sold T-shirts from a van, later they opened their own chain. As it turned out, people tend to get optimism, and therefore this business has become very profitable. You can use this idea, it is not necessary to make T-shirts. Come up with your own unique unique product and then success will await you! Of course, on initial stage need to invest. If this is the production of something, then you need to buy equipment and rent a room. As a rule, people really like the new and original, so you can quickly earn money and get a profit.

Today you can find many unusual and interesting business ideas. Many of them have not yet been implemented in our country. You probably realized that you can make money on everything, the main thing is to find the right approach. Do not be afraid to open your own business, do not be afraid of investments, in the future you can earn much more. Do everything wisely, and you will succeed!

09:15 22.09.2015

In this article you will read

  • How business ideas are created
  • Where to look for unusual and creative business ideas
  • What business ideas with minimal investment can be implemented in a crisis
  • What business ideas can be implemented without experience and special education

First you need to understand what can be business ideas. Consider the main options:

  1. Own hobby.
  2. own need.
  3. Alien need.
  4. Improving someone else's business. Sometimes it is useful to inherit someone's idea, adapting and improving it to fit your vision.
  5. New - well-forgotten old. Many businessmen were able to earn money by using a product or service that was created many years ago, but was unfairly forgotten.

“Do what you like and figure out how it can bring you money” is a motto that is confirmed by the activities of thousands of successful businessmen. If you are serious about something, you can develop a hobby into a full-fledged business. It is worth considering how a personal hobby can be useful to others. Perhaps a personal hobby is subject to some adjustments, but even in this case the direction will be close to you, you can perfectly understand it.

A great business idea can come when you analyze what you are missing in your life. For example, one of the students in 1989, before the exam in French I thought it would be ideal if I didn't have to struggle with paper translators. As a result, he developed the famous electronic dictionary ABBYY Lingvo.

Among the examples of how a hobby turned into a profitable business, we can recall the story of a fisherman. He arranged a hut in the forest near the lake, so as not to spend the night in a tent during fishing, and set up a bathhouse nearby. He built quite modestly, strictly for himself. Some time later, residents of megacities found him, who learned about the region on the lake - to escape from the boring routine. The fisherman allowed them to spend the night for a fee. Word of mouth worked, which paid off.

He speaks CEO

Evgeny Rogozhin, General Director and owner of the DezPharm company, Dubna (Moscow region)

One of my projects came about quite by accident. I was selling antifreeze liquid through vending machines. The equipment required systematic maintenance, and for this a whole staff of employees was needed. But there was also an alternative - the installation of controllers that could transmit data via the Internet - how much money is in the bill acceptor, is the machine in good condition, are the boxes filled. No one offers similar controllers on the domestic market - they just buy Chinese counterparts that need to be reflashed. I decided to start developing such a product from scratch. Moreover, the niche was free, without competition.

An excellent basis for your ideas can be someone else's business. For example, they visited a friend from another city, noticing a well-decorated children's room in a supermarket. Why not organize such an option at your place, adding variety and expanding the target audience of your supermarket?

Old projects and business ideas may still be relevant today, presented in a new interpretation. If you are not familiar with the past, you can imagine the near future - try to predict the situation on the market, what services or products can be offered, what will the market need?

Of course, business ideas don't just lie on the road.

To find an idea, make two lists.

List one: indicate that you are well aware of what you understand, indicate experience and skills. There is no need to be especially modest here - fix everything that you can do.

List two: here you should indicate in as much detail as possible what activities bring you pleasure. Try to be honest with yourself. Remember your youth - what did you like to do? What did you dream of doing in the future? It should be noted everything that causes interest and desire to work in this industry.

After compiling exhaustive lists, we begin brainstorming.

1. Take items from your first list in turn, combining with each item from the second - what can their combination bring? Write down each option you find. But you need to remember the main principles of the brainstorming method:

  • do not analyze the records yet - a prerequisite;
  • You need to write down everything that comes to mind.

2. Do not criticize or evaluate anything. Now we're just fixing.

3. Involve friends and colleagues in this work. At this stage, you have already generated some business ideas, but not all of them may be viable.

4. Move on to analysis and selection. To evaluate the effectiveness of a potential project, many factors must be taken into account:

  • Is there a demand for this offer?
  • What resources are needed for the project?
  • What resources do you have?
  • What is the competition in this area?

You should answer all these questions and not be afraid that the bulk of the ideas will be unusable - this is normal. But do not rush to cross out different options until you answer all the questions. Perhaps you can refine some business ideas, and they will turn out to be profitable. From several interesting and promising options, you should choose a proposal that is stronger supported by existing resources, opening up more options for using your skills. And most importantly - you need to look for demand. Constantly ask yourself the question - do people need it.

My daughter gave me a business idea

Sergei Razumovsky, General Director and owner of the Tarkom production company, Chelyabinsk

If someone's products are in high demand, there is a chance that your business of a similar profile will be profitable. The main condition is to persevere forward, do not be afraid of anything. In any business, the first 2-3 years involve almost round-the-clock work, with the expectation of making a profit in the future.

I used to run the plant for more than 10 years, but the new owners fired me. The daughter suggested an interesting business idea for the family business. She worked for the only manufacturer plastic containers for drinks price Chelyabinsk | There was quite a serious demand, although the manufacturer offered a rather weak service. We decided to turn this situation in our favor by organizing the production of plastic bottles.

Serious investments were required, they sold a car, took a bank loan, bought raw materials and machine tools, studied the production methodology, and studied the sales market.

Among other things, retail outlets on the draft beer market have become our potential clients. We went around all these points, talked with the owners and sellers, left samples of their products, offered convenient terms and lots. If it was not possible to agree the first time, they came again and again. They were also on duty at the gates of their competitor - observing the situation, asking the drivers where and how much goods were being transported. Individual conditions cooperation with each customer has allowed us to form an extensive client base, continuing to work successfully in this industry.

How to tailor a business idea to demand

Set yourself the task - for a month in any situation to look for the answer to the question "What inconvenience of people can help me with"? Ask yourself this question whenever you are in the company of other people.

Business ideas in crisis

During a crisis, many people believe that it is unprofitable to open a business. But this assertion is often wrong.

1. Loan to people from people on trust. Alternative ways lending in a crisis always thrive. If the option of organizing express loans does not suit you, then you can think about loans on trust. Classic execution - an Internet platform that brings together borrowers who are ready to lend at interest. And the site in this case will earn on commission.

2. Second hand store. Many in times of crisis new clothes becomes unaffordable. Yes, and second-hand in our society has become commonplace, nothing to be ashamed of. There will be no particular difficulties with opening a second-hand store. You can buy clothes in wholesale warehouses. Also, such warehouses can be found on the Internet. The cost of clothing is low, so significant investments for the first purchases will not be needed. An important feature for this business is the ability to find good things in excellent condition.

3. Sale of old phones. For smartphones, the average life expectancy is about 18 months. Then it seems that the phone is already outdated, you should look for a new one. But after all, old phones are also great for many, especially for attractive price. The demand for such a product is high today, which is confirmed by sites in this segment.

4. Sale of turnkey houses with ready-made design. The real estate market is the most affected by the crisis. In the face of falling demand, sales can be maintained thanks to "package" solutions - with the preparation of houses for sale, a ready-made interior design, landscape design and furniture planning. These issues are dealt with by specialists in home staging - a steadily demanded direction, including in times of crisis.

5. Taxi for fellow travelers. Riding together is much more fun and economical. Today, services that implement this unusual business idea are popular.

  • How to open a service center and get a profit in the first month: practice tips

CEO speaking

Svetlana Krylova, General Director and owner of the Evolution online store, Moscow

I still could not decide to start my own business - and this situation was until 2008. After all, I had stable income didn't want to lose him. But during the crisis, the salary fell, and there were much more responsibilities, so I realized that I needed to start my own business.

As a hobby, she helped a sports club for a long time, communicating with sports nutrition suppliers. As a result, it turned out that I have access to both suppliers and consumers (club athletes). The idea was on the surface, it only remained to formalize it by creating a company in the market of sports nutrition and accessories.

6. Sites of sales and goods with discounts. Discounts are especially important to buyers in times of crisis. Therefore, resources that acquaint visitors with interesting offers are becoming in demand. Such sites receive the main income from advertising.

7. Virtual help. Many companies during the crisis significantly reduce their staff, transferring part of the tasks to outsourcing. You can offer your services remotely.

8. Earnings on games. Computer game Roblox allows users to earn from their actions. The project is basically not the game itself, but a platform for creating games. The user is given the tools to create a small game. An advertisement will be shown above the game, the author will be able to receive a percentage of it.

9. Bulk products. People in times of crisis stop thinking about expensive and innovative solutions. Now the main demand is for mass goods for themselves and their families. Buyers prefer to buy in bulk additional savings. Therefore, during a crisis, you should pay attention to the most popular positions, selling them in large boxes and packs.

10. Collection agency. Debt during the crisis becomes a particularly urgent problem. Therefore, you can help in the return of debts. Or you can consult people about the correct principles for repaying debts legally.

Advantages of doing business in a crisis

  • affordable real estate prices;
  • market redistribution;
  • a sharp decrease in competition;
  • suppliers are ready to make concessions;
  • sales of equipment and materials.

TOP 10 creative business ideas

1. Tire recycling

In Moscow, about 70 thousand tons of old tires are thrown away every year, in other cities their number is also large. Only 15-20% of this volume is recycled, the rest is simply burned and thrown away. Modern market can offer a range of tire recycling and recycling technologies. The crumb obtained from tires becomes a valuable secondary raw material, in demand in the production of concrete, road construction, and the manufacture of various rubber products.

The price of the issue: UPP according to classical technology will cost about 7 million rubles. Many aspiring entrepreneurs cannot afford such expenses. For starters, a row for processors is suitable, including using a tire divider along the treadmill into 2 halves. Such a machine will cost about 500 thousand rubles, providing high-quality and operational production semi-finished product for subsequent processing by abrasion.

Benefit: 100% success if you can agree on the implementation crumb rubber large road repair company.

2. Instagram Photo Print Kiosk

WIGGLE kiosk is a stationary photo kiosk for printing pictures on Instagram. Photo printing on premium paper is provided by a high-speed Japanese printer - for 50 rubles you can get two Polaroid format photos.

Issue price: You must first conclude a contract with Wiggle for the manufacture and supply of the kiosk. A fully ready-to-use kiosk will cost 370,000 rubles. The rental price in a class A shopping center is about 12 thousand rubles per month. Among the consumables - paper packaging from 2 rolls will cost 8.5 thousand rubles.

Benefit: The package contains 2.8 thousand photos, each can be sold for 25 rubles. As a result, from the package you can get revenue of 70 thousand rubles, and the net profit will be 61.5 thousand rubles.

3. Installation of taxis

Innovative terminal installed permanently. With its help, a service can be selected from the list - including a free call for a taxi, a tow truck, a courier, ordering flowers, pizza, booking a hotel room, etc. Direct profit is obtained from organizations that place their contacts. Each taxi machine is designed for 25 cells.

Issue price: For the purchase and configuration of five terminals will need 175 thousand rubles. To attract customers, advertising investments of 17 thousand rubles are required. It will take 10 thousand rubles to rent a place for five taxis. For the salary of an employee - 12 thousand rubles, the cost of electricity and communications - 3.5 thousand rubles.

Benefit: One client agreement is estimated at 3 thousand rubles per 1 advertising space per month. The maximum profit for five devices is 375 thousand rubles per month.

4. Manufacture and sale of luminous balls

Luminous balls are made in the form of a standard inflatable ball, inside of which an LED with batteries is built in. Made from latex. Larger wall thicknesses are required compared to a standard ball - due to high loads.

Issue price: one LED will cost 15 rubles, the ball costs 15 rubles. Bulk purchases are becoming more accessible. For the manufacture of 50 balls at a retail price, you will need 1.5 thousand rubles.

Benefit: average price such balloon is 100 r. For a big holiday, from 50 balls are purchased. As a result, you can earn from 5 thousand rubles on one holiday. But the holidays are held every day.

5. Lego brick production

In appearance, such a brick is similar children's designer. Each such brick is made with two holes. The tops protrude slightly above the entire surface. As a result, such bricks are easily and firmly fastened together - with the help of special glue, and not cement mortar.

Issue price: to establish production, you will need to open your own mini-factory. At first, a room of 50 sq. meters. On average, equipment will cost from 600 thousand rubles.

Benefit: one brick costs an average of 15 rubles. Based on the production of 2500 pieces of bricks per shift, you get 37.5 thousand rubles. There are 22 working days in a month - we reach the revenue of 825 thousand rubles. The company will pay off in two months.

6. Yogurt bar

Frozen yogurt has become a popular alternative to ice cream. The yogurt bar can offer not only frozen yogurt, but also delicious natural drinks, healthy protein milkshakes, desserts and coffee. To accommodate a bar, 6 square meters is enough. meters.

Issue price: first of all, you will need to buy a freezer to cook frozen yogurt. It will cost 180 thousand rubles. We also need chairs, an urn, a bar counter and permits, the purchase of raw materials for 250-300 thousand rubles. The total investment will be about 600 thousand rubles.

Benefit: one yogurt bar in a shopping center will bring about 120 thousand rubles a month.

7. Zoo hotel

Quite an original and promising idea. After all, every second family keeps a cat, every third - a dog. There are also many hamsters, ferrets, and sometimes more exotic animals. People often go on vacation and on business trips - and in this case, a zoo hotel will be very useful. Your offers can be supplemented with the services of a driver, veterinarian, hairdresser for animals in order to reach the target audience as much as possible.

The price of the issue: the size of the initial investment is about 100 thousand rubles - for the salaries of employees and the lease of premises. You don't need to get a license.

Benefit: The cost of such a service per day is from 300 rubles. The cost of maintenance depends on the type of animal. Walking will cost 250 rubles, a haircut - 800 rubles. As a result, you can earn over 1 thousand rubles from one client. The business pays off in 1.5-2 months. Services are especially in demand in the summer.

8 Cancer Farm

A pond or pool is suitable for growing crayfish. An important condition in this area is the acquisition of females with live eggs on pleopods with further transportation to the breeding site.

Issue price: To get an output of 80 kg. crayfish, an investment of 8 thousand rubles will be needed, taking into account the purchase price of 100 rubles. A pond can be rented for about 180 thousand rubles, for renting a pool you need 50 thousand rubles.

Benefit: 500 females per season, bringing 13 thousand offspring. The cost of 1 kg. crayfish on the market is about 400 r. An adult cancer weighs about 300 grams. As a result, we get 1,560,000,000 rubles. Subtract our expenses and get 1,559,892,000 rubles.

9. Traffic arbitrage

The latest way to make money online. Similar to normal grocery store. In the case of a store, you can find places to buy cheaper, then sell in your store for more. This is a rather simplified example. But this is not products, but the purchase of traffic.

Issue price: if there is a forum, website, blog or other resource. On this blog, you earn, for example, through contextual advertising. Clicks are needed to earn money, and to attract them, there must be visitor traffic. You should find a place where you can buy 10 thousand rubles for 1 thousand rubles. We take these numbers as an example. The traffic is then directed to the site.

Benefit: 150 site visitors follow contextual ads, providing a profit of 2.5 thousand rubles. Subtract the costs and get net profit at 1.5 thousand rubles.

10. Dry Fog Business

An effective way to get rid of bad smell. This segment is expected to be extensive client base. You can offer air purification in residential premises, cars, offices, etc.

Price issue: the cost of equipment is an average of 1,700 US dollars. A 3.8 liter container of liquid will cost about $210. Therefore, one gram of liquid concentrate will cost about 5 cents. For a car, you need 20-45 gr. liquids.

Benefit: Enough fluids to earn $7,596. After subtracting the $1,700 equipment costs, we get $5,896 in net profit.

Unusual business ideas from abroad

Dancers for hire. One of the successful businessmen in Germany is providing dancers for discos where the number of people is small.

Meditation with cows A businessman or office worker stays in the barn for a while, where he can spend time calmly, concentrate and find the answer to a difficult question.

Separation service. Now you can avoid nervous stress and exciting moments - just order a service for 30 euros, and you will be tactfully informed about the parting instead of you.

Letter "on demand". In Japan, the service offers to keep the letter for seven years, and only then it will be sent to the addressee.

"General Director" is made by you and for you. Thank you for being with us

100 business ideas in which even schoolchildren make money

  1. Website development.
  2. Tanning studio.
  3. Sale of watches.
  4. Production and sale of foam block.
  5. Production studio.
  6. Hairstyle design.
  7. Cleaning company.
  8. Tender procurement training.
  9. Private school.
  10. Interior design.
  11. Wholesale fabrics.
  12. Sale of goods for sports.
  13. Plastic windows.
  14. Sale of safes.
  15. Exclusive snowboards.
  16. Dancing school.
  17. Organization of weddings abroad.
  18. Construction of cottages.
  19. Jewelry.
  20. Wholesale of rubber.
  21. Toys.
  22. Organization of congresses.
  23. River and sea cruises.
  24. Korean cosmetics.
  25. Fortune cookies.
  26. Control bracelets.
  27. Cats of elite breeds.
  28. English courses.
  29. Tangerines wholesale.
  30. Floor coverings.
  31. Maintenance of electrical networks.
  32. Wholesale of building materials.
  33. Passenger Transportation.
  34. Pillows for pregnant women.
  35. Sale of used cars.
  36. Manufacture and supply of sandwich panels.
  37. Production of tin souvenirs.
  38. Repair work.
  39. Organization of events.
  40. Office partitions.
  41. Video surveillance systems.
  42. Fitness equipment.
  43. Sport Club.
  44. Author's toy.
  45. Internet advertising agency.
  46. Accounting services.
  47. Vertical gardening.
  48. Veterinary services.
  49. Magic curlers.
  50. Interior design.
  51. Women's coats wholesale.
  52. Online gift shop.
  53. Artificial trees.
  54. Clinical Trials.
  55. Wholesale of spare parts for special equipment.
  56. Wooden furniture to order.
  57. welding diagnostics.
  58. Design and tailoring of curtains.
  59. Textile wholesale.
  60. Vocal lessons.
  61. Specialist services.
  62. Sharpening hairdressing tools.
  63. Sale of software.
  64. Outdoor advertising.
  65. Engineering systems.
  66. Legal agency.
  67. SMM promotion.
  68. Manufacture and rental of change houses.
  69. Tourist network.
  70. Wholesale of sporting goods.
  71. Demolition of buildings.
  72. Video production.
  73. Production of jewelry.
  74. Artistic forging.
  75. Transparent rubber boots.
  76. Moped rental.
  77. Industrial shelving.
  78. Vinyl sticker shop.
  79. Sale of plumbing.
  80. Steel doors.
  81. Infographic studio.
  82. Conditioners.
  83. Cleaning.
  84. 3D models and 3D advertising on asphalt.
  85. Fish wholesale.
  86. Tour operator.
  87. Elite lamps.
  88. Radio controlled models.
  89. Stretch ceiling.
  90. Event agency.
  91. Website promotion.
  92. Phone booths.
  93. Cafe with Japanese menu.
  94. Sky lanterns.
  95. Sale of medical equipment.
  96. Sale of paragliders and accessories.
  97. Contextual advertising.
  98. Sewing to order.
  99. Dancing school.
  100. Wholesale of meat.


DezPharm LLC
Field of activity: development and production of hygiene products
Number of staff: 15
Annual turnover: 200 million rubles.

IP "Evolution"
Business profile: retail and wholesale trade in sports nutrition and fitness accessories
Number of staff: 4
Annual turnover: 4.5 million rubles.

Tarcom LLC
Field of activity: production and sale plastic packaging for drinks
Number of staff: 40
Increase in turnover: doubled
Subscriber of the General Director magazine: since 2011.

— this means, at a minimum, knowing what you want. And here you can divide into 2 directions - dream about something material (for example, create an apiary at home), and think about something intangible.

Let's see what else you can do with a dream.

Most people are willing to give money for the realization of their own dreams. Well, or for their approximate embodiment. This includes evidence that the dream was fulfilled. The originality of the business idea is to give people what they dream of, taking a decent reward for this, or the illusion of what they want, but for less money.

It is not at all necessary for clients of such a business to experience all the adventures for themselves, it is enough just to purchase a certificate testifying to the experience. Of course, this may look like a scam, but such a service is really in great demand.

How to make money on a dream

Xperience Days is an American company that has been providing customers with desired souvenirs for about a decade: diplomas and certificates, indicating that their owner has experienced a lot of exciting things and experienced incredible adventures. These adventures include big win jackpot in one of the casinos in Las Vegas, going down the Niagara Falls, and the very fact of being near it.

Everyone understands what pacifier, it is so? But not many people know how to make money on it. And today we're going to talk about just that.

How to earn money? How to earn a lot of money? Everyone asks this question, even if they don't admit it. People are constantly throwing smart phrases like: money doesn't buy happiness, money can't buy the most important thing, etc. But they all secretly want money, and a lot and even more. And all why? Yes, because for a lot of money you can buy almost everything: you could repeatedly see this in your life experience, no matter how sad it may sound.

But we will not develop philosophical views on the topic of money, but let's talk about ways to increase them. The simplest and at the same time in a complicated way is the creation of a new ingenious business idea (as an option - "Household appliances boo"). Many people who were able to come up with some new product and bring it to life have become, if not millionaires, then certainly wealthy masters of their lives.

How to come up with an idea? Well, it’s hard to advise anything here, if I had a reserve of brilliant thoughts on this matter right now, I would now be drinking sambuca somewhere under the palm trees. To learn, it is worth taking an example from entrepreneurs who have already achieved success.

Business idea "Named pacifiers"

Personalized Pacifiers has developed unique personalized pacifiers. Imagine: ordinary nipples, only with the name of the child or with his photograph. It would seem that there is nothing special here, but the income from sales of a new product exceeded all expectations. It all started in the New Year 2006, when the company decided to release nipples with congratulations: "Happy New Year", "Happy Holidays", "Santa's Helper", "Merry Christmas". Later, by improving production and eliminating the problem of seasonality, the company began to earn twice as much.

The company earns to this day on new nipples, but is not limited to simple pacifiers. She recently released a VIP nipple with a white gold holder and diamond rigging. The cost of such a "children's" toy is only 17 thousand US dollars.

An integral part of the success of any business venture is often well-planned advertising (as an option - advertising in a cafe). It is advertising that is rightfully called the bridge between the manufacturer and the client, the thread between the entrepreneur and the public, a way to attract consumer attention to products and at the same time prove that he really needs it.

A modern advertising agent must be cunning and sophisticated, because the current consumer is not so simple. We all know the goals of manufacturers, and we often perceive advertising negatively when it imposes the purchase of a particular product. So creativity in modern advertising is simply irreplaceable. Advertising should be beautiful, discreet and original.

Business idea advertising in the mirror

American advertising company Mirrus has found a way to combine these three characteristics while creating creative mirror ads. Mirrus itself was founded by Brian Reid in 2006. His firm's goal was to provide existing brands with innovative platforms to actively engage with consumers. All these years the company has been working hard on the development of new advertising media.

That is how the mirror project was born. creative advertising. The project was called Mirror Image, it reflects the basic principle of advertising: learn about the product by looking in the mirror. This is how the mirror image created on the basis of digital technologies our time. Thanks to the synthesis of the fundamentals of advertising and new technologies, Mirrus invents its new products.

It looks like this: when a person looks at a mirror from afar, he sees a commercial or a picture of a product. When he approaches the mirror to see own reflection, the advertising image is reduced and shifted to the upper right corner, and the rest of the surface of the advertising medium turns into a regular mirror. When the person walks away, the advertising image expands to full screen again.

All entrepreneurs are probably well aware that the system of discounts (seasonal discounts, or discounts for regular customers), bonuses and various gifts from the enterprise encourages people to actively participate in their activities and development. If we take into account the option of free goods and services, then here we see great rarity the use of such a marketing move: many consider it, if not unprofitable, then even unprofitable. However, such activities and actions of entrepreneurs can not only coexist with standard business, but also increase the benefits that an enterprise receives from cooperation with the public.

Free cafe business idea

An example of this is the successful Japanese free cafe Free Cafe, located in many places in Japan, which offers visitors delicious snacks and rice cakes, as well as various drinks for free.

the idea of ​​the Japanese company Harimaya Honten. This company has long been engaged in the production of Japanese rice crackers, which have long been part of the food traditions of the local population. The first such free cafes were located in seven large shopping malls, constantly serving fresh coffee, hot tea and rice crackers from Harimaya Honten to its loyal customers.

Mr. Harimaya, Director free cafe and Harimaya Honten, says that the only condition and the only payment for all meals and services is mutual courtesy and mutual respect. Indeed, the service is in the spirit of Japan, isn't it? Thus, the director of the company continues, not only the products themselves are promoted, but also the moral values ​​of the staff and customers, which is the key to the successful development of society.