What to consider when choosing skis. How to choose skis: affordable tips for beginners and sports fans

It is very important to choose the right length of cross-country skis for classic or skating. After all, the comfort of riding and the ease with which you can go the distance depend on it. Sometimes it happens that with the wrong size of skis you walk 5 kilometers, and the sensations are such that you have already run all 15.

When choosing equipment for skiing, three characteristics are taken into account - the height, weight and skiing style of the athlete. If we talk about styles, then we can distinguish 3 directions in cross-country skiing (X-COUNTRY or cross country):

  • Skating and a bright representative - biathlon. Marked on English language like skate;
  • Classic move. One of the oldest trends, well-known styles: two-step, one-step, stepless, etc.;
  • Universal or walking (FITNESS, Combi). Strictly speaking, they cannot be combined, because skis that are designed for walking on unprepared slopes can be called recreational, distinguishing feature which increased width (more than 50 mm.).

We will not talk about skiing in this article, they need completely different equipment, which, in turn, is also divided into a number of areas.

There is a dependence of the length of skis on a person’s height, and it significantly affects the speed of movement and, in general, the comfort of skiing. The weight ratio is necessary to determine the required rigidity. We wrote in detail about the stiffness index in an article about, but in this publication we will analyze the importance of the correct ratio of ski size and skier height.

How to choose skis by height and guess the size?

The optimal ski length is determined by the formula:

Ideal Height = (Height * (Weight)) / (Skill Level) √ Magic Factor.

Don't be scared, it's actually easier.

For the classic move = Height + 15 cm.
For skating \u003d Height + 15-25 cm.

This is the maximum length indicator, but it can be less, but not more. This is especially important for beginners who are just starting to learn how to walk.

The length of the skis in the classic course should be 5-10 centimeters longer than the ridge. This is due to differences in walking technique.

For beginners, trainers are advised to select equipment shorter. With them it is easier to comprehend the technique of driving, to enter turns. The speed will be mediocre, but this is not the main thing. In the first training, you need to think about perfect technique and the right step. That is why we do not recommend purchasing expensive and branded skis as the first pair, such as the Austrian Fischer or the French Rossignol.

It is easy to determine the size of skis by height, the main thing is to measure your height in and already use the formula described above. Never measure with bare feet.

The length of the skis affects the maximum speed they can develop. Of course, there are a number of other factors - lubrication, snow temperature, and so on, but, all other things being equal, the athlete who goes on longer ones will be faster. But, in any case, do not fall into the delusion that what larger size, all the better. The length must be strictly adjusted to the anthropometric data of the athlete, otherwise there will be problems and discomfort during training.

Ski selection table by height and weight for classics and station wagons

We have compiled a summary table that will help determine the size. The table must be used carefully and take into account your skills and skill level, sometimes it happens that the numbers from these sizes do not suit a particular person.

Below is a table with the size of skis for skating:

height, see Size, see
150 160-165
155 165-170
160 170-175
165 175-180
170 180-185
175 185-190
180 190-195
185 195-200
190 200-205

If a cross-country skiing not your passion, then check out the post on. The principle is the same, only the features of skiing are taken into account. This is an increased load on the sliding surface during the descent and sharp turns, which require a certain geometry and length of deflections.

What is the weight of the skier?

Do not forget that when choosing cross-country skis by height, you should definitely take into account the weight of the owner, the stiffness of the material depends on it. This applies to people who weigh more than 70 kg, to everyone who is less, it doesn’t matter, since any minimum ski stiffness will be sufficient for them.

We wrote about how to pick up ski poles in. The article examined in detail all the important characteristics, from the material of the handle to the lanyard.

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Ours will help you choose the right length of sticks. He calculates the size of the sticks for all varieties of winter sports.

How to choose skis for a child by height?

For teenagers and children over six years old, the size of the skis is selected in the same way. We use adult formulas, which are indicated at the beginning of the article. We advise children of preschool return to choose shorter skis, the same height as the child himself, or a little more, literally 5 cm.

A kid at this age is a beginner, which is why equipment is selected based on learning the walking technique. And this is easiest to do on short skis.

In no case do not buy skis and sticks for growth. Yes, it may seem cost-effective, but the child will suffer and may lose interest in skiing altogether.

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At the end, we advise you to watch a video with tips and tricks from the seller sports shop.

In general, there is nothing difficult in choosing the length and size of cross-country skis, the main thing is to remember the basic formula that is above, well, you can save yourself a size plate or print it. In this case, you will go to the store already prepared.

Skiing is the most common winter sport in our country. But good skiing depends not only on the physical fitness of the skier, but also on well-chosen equipment. Today we will talk about how the physical parameters of an athlete - height and weight - affect the nuances of choosing skis.

How to choose skis for height?

There are certain aspects to choosing skis by length. They differ depending on the type of products, which can be classic, skating or walking.

  • Skis of the first category, classical, in length should exceed the height of the skier by 20-30 cm.
  • Skate models should be more growth athlete by 10-15 cm.
  • Worthy of special attention pleasure(they are combined) skis, which are very popular among fans of this winter sport. They are selected 15-20 cm longer than the height of their owner.

Beginner skiers who do not know how to choose the size of skis should remember that short skis are much easier to manage. But people with extensive riding experience can afford to buy long models. Moreover, such skis provide maximum glide.

How to choose a ski size?

To understand how to choose the size of skis, you should pay attention to the special size table. Read it, or better yet, print it out and take it with you to the sports store. She will show you how to size for skis and buy equipment that will be comfortable to use. Only with this approach to the choice of purchased skis will give a lot positive emotions while skiing on winter snow-covered paths.

Human height (cm) Classic ski length (cm) Walking ski length (cm) Ski length for skating (cm)
150 175 170 165
155 180 175 170
160 185 180 175
165 190 185 180
170 195 190 185
175 200 195 190
180 205 200 190-195
185 205-210 200-205 195
190 205-210 200-205 195
195 210 205 195

How to choose skis by weight?

There is nothing complicated here either. All that is required is to weigh yourself and compare the result with the ski size table:

! Please note that many manufacturers have their own ski size tables for height and / or weight, which differ from those given in this article.

It is also important to remember that the weight of the athlete has a direct impact on the level of rigidity of the products. The larger it is, the stiffer the skis should be. To select skis by weight, measure their stiffness level using flex tester. Skis are installed on a special board or on flat surface and with the help of the device the stiffness is measured. This indicator can also be determined by squeezing a pair of skis with your hands. For more information on how to conduct a "manual" test yourself, see our.

How to choose skis and poles for height?

The above describes in detail how to choose the right skis for height. But when choosing equipment, it is important to pay attention to sticks. Unlike skis, the length of the poles should be 15-20 cm less than the height of the athlete. If the skier is in excellent physical shape, the length of the poles can be slightly increased. But, in any case, the minimum length of the sticks should not be below the shoulders, and the maximum - below the ear. Besides:

  • you can’t buy sticks “for growth” (especially if you are purchasing equipment for a child);
  • you should not buy sticks with miniature supports - the so-called "paws".

Now you know how to choose skis for height and weight. Arm yourself with a size chart - and go to the sports store!

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Skis for skating: how to choose, what are the features, size chart, best brands. Skating is one of the most popular species active rest in winter, because in terms of load it is comparable to fitness training, it is only carried out in the fresh air.

A person on such skis engages all major muscle groups, so the popularity of this sport is growing not only among athletes. Problem right choice especially relevant for beginner skiers, although the features of skating are important for those who are accustomed to classic ones.

Selection of skating skis

Skating skis differ from classic skis in the following ways:

  • length;
  • rigidity;
  • lack of notches;
  • difficulty in management.
That is why you need to choose them as carefully as possible. The most important parameter for them is rigidity. Really high-quality skis should not bend, and excessive softness can lead to injury. In addition, skis during skating experience stronger loads than classic or pleasure skis, so their rigidity is of fundamental importance.

For ridge style, they are made either wooden or plastic. Plastic are produced in more than a wide range, so there is more choice in this segment.

You can check the stiffness of skis in the store in a simple way- put sliding surfaces opposite each other and press them against each other with your hands with force. You should carefully look at the gap between them - if it is wide enough (3-5mm), then such equipment has sufficient rigidity, and if it is too small (1-2mm), then the skis will be too soft for you.

If you squeeze the skis with one hand, then the gap between them should not be less than 2-3 mm. In specialized sports stores, there are special devices for checking stiffness - flex testers. Consultants in such stores will help you make a choice more accurately, based on the needs of the client.

The length of skating skis should be only 10-15 centimeters longer than the height of the athlete. Their length is less than that of the classic ones, since skating always causes the risk of stepping one ski on another from behind. By the way, the longer the sliding surface, the higher its rigidity, therefore, if skis of suitable height do not pass the stiffness test, then you can take longer ones, but without going beyond 15 cm, otherwise their handling will deteriorate. You need to choose sticks in approximately the same way, only their length will be 10-15 centimeters less than height.

It is important to pay attention to the binding and boots for skating. Bindings are best taken with a mechanical fastening and a stiffness of 115, especially for this style of walking. And the shoes are only high, covering the ankle, otherwise the legs, especially for beginners, will hurt very sensitively.

As for the handling of skis for skating, then the choice depends on the place of skiing on them. If you plan to ride on soft snow, then skis can be taken with softer socks. For skiing on hard trails with hard snow, skis with stiffer tips will be more suitable. And, of course, there should be no notches in the central part.

Skate ski care

Ski care for skating comes down to two main steps:
  • proper storage;
  • quality lubricant.
Store them in an upright position, away from heating appliances and direct sun rays. Skis must be tied by turning the sliding surfaces towards each other and laying a soft cloth between them.

Lubrication of skating skis will require glide waxes. Unlike the classic ones, holding ointments are not needed for skating. As for slip ointments, it is easier for amateurs to buy a universal set of lubricants so that they can easily select the ointment, depending on the temperature. By the way, such kits are usually equipped with rubbing for applying ointment.

AT universal sets ointments are usually presented for temperatures below zero; special liquid lubricants are intended for positive temperatures. But the selection of such lubricants is almost a piece of jewelry, so it is better not to use lubricants at all for lovers of skating at positive temperatures and wet snow. Plastic skis will glide well anyway.

At low temperatures one thing to remember important rule: never leave oiled skis on the snow until they have cooled, otherwise the snow will stick to a warmer surface and skiing will be ruined.

And, of course, new skis will need a few treatments before they begin to glide properly. Therefore, do not despair if immediately after the purchase it was not possible to choose the right ointment, experience and best qualities skis come with time.

The best manufacturers of skis for skating

Among the manufacturers of skating skis, there are three main brands that are well known among amateurs and professionals:
  • Fischer
  • Salomon
  • Atomic
  • Rossignol
The first manufacturer is especially popular among male skiers, especially amateurs. However, the line of skis of the German company Fischer is so wide that professionals can choose equipment for themselves to their liking. Fischer ski manufacturing technology is quite complex, for example, a honeycomb structure is used in the design, which increases the strength of the skis, while maintaining their low weight. You can also choose less rigid skis with soft tips for warm climates and stiffer skis for cold and professional trails.

Skating skis from the French company Salomon are more popular among women, as a special line is produced for them. However, many amateur men also love the skis of this company, as they are distinguished by excellent handling and maneuverability, thanks to the characteristic nose and narrowed heel. Modern technologies give Salomon skis particularly good performance for skating.

The Austrian manufacturer Atomic is popular among teenagers and juniors. His skis are distinguished by their lightness and strength, sufficient stiffness and simplicity.

And finally, Rossignol skis are preferred by advanced amateurs and professionals. Although this company is famous for alpine skiing, skating is also very good, both in terms of the technology used, and in terms of stability and gentle load distribution. The only drawback of this company's skating skis is the relatively high price.

New IFP platform for skating

Manufacturers of popular skate skis Rossignol and Fischer have released a novelty this season: an integrated IFP platform for the new TURNAMIC bindings. This binding system is compatible with NNN boots, but is likely to be the impetus for new boots.

Its feature is easy installation and adjustment of fasteners on horizontal plates without additional tools, just by hand. TURNAMIC fasteners slide along the plates and are easily fixed in any position. In the near future, it will become clear how the new platform will affect the development of skating.

With the onset of the most fabulous and magical time of the year, it would be worth considering what you can do with yourself in winter? What is only worth playing snowballs, sledding, skating and, of course, skiing. Why not bring to life the best moments of the past? Today, the shelves of shops with ski equipment are clogged with various products, so the question is more acute than ever: how to choose skis, mountain or cross-country?

How to choose the right skis: we decide on the style of riding

Before you go shopping in a specialized store, you should decide what style of riding you own.

If you're new to skiing and want to get a pair of skis to explore the winter forest, then most likely your skiing style is classic. This style is inherent in almost all people who start skiing.

The second style is skating. A skier in this style resembles a skater, pushing off inside ski tracks from snow. This type implies a wide track and dense snow.

Having set the goal of how to choose skis for a beginner, do not try to assign yourself a pro riding style, as it will be problematic to move through a snowy forest on skis for skating.

Going to the mountains: what skis to choose?

Skis for skiing in mountainous areas are called mountain skis. According to the target audience, they are of several types:

  • professional- the name speaks for itself, this type is designed for professionals. They are marked English word Sport. For buyers of such skis, there is no question of how to choose skiing right. These are people who have been riding for years and have professional riding skills. Professional alpine skis are very light in weight, but the most expensive in price;

  • amateur skiing- this type of ski is also sports and is marked "Fitness". Such skis should be chosen by people who ski not so long ago and do not consider themselves professionals in skiing. They are much heavier in weight than professional skis, but also more affordable;
  • tourist or "Touring"- this type is designed for long and difficult tourist trips. The width of tourist skis is much larger than the rest, as well as the weight, which sometimes reaches 1.5 kg. In their structure, they are more rigid, often come with notches to avoid slippage;

  • pleasure- they are a bit similar appearance with tourist skis, but are lighter in weight. Pleasure skis are intended for short skiing over short distances on snow-covered plains, beginners can choose them;
  • children or teenagers- this type is marked with the word "Junior". They are often made of plastic; skis of this type have fasteners for a regular boot. Such skis are light and comfortable for a child to ride, it is a pleasure to choose from the range of this series of skis.

How to choose skiing according to a person's height

Before choosing skis, pay attention to their length or, as they say, size. If a person is a beginner and is not confident in his abilities in skiing, then it is better to take skis at the rate of minus 20 cm from the person’s height.

A person with an average level of training should pay attention to skis, the length of which is 10 cm less than his height. Professionals choose alpine skiing according to their height or 10-15 cm less.

Choosing the right cross-country and skating skis

Purchase ski equipment only in specialized stores, check for certificates of conformity of goods to European standards.

Before proceeding with advice, how to choose skis cross-country and skating, it is necessary to clarify what kind of ride they are suitable for. Cross-country skis are designed for fast skiing. short distances, they are light, smooth, sliding.

Skating skis are the toughest, their main visual difference is that they do not have a corner bent up.

How to choose cross-country skis

  • Cross-country skiing should be chosen according to individual parameters, such as: height, weight, professional skills and, of course, financial capabilities.
  • Cross-country skis are selected at the rate of +15, 20, 25 cm to a person's height.

  • The weight of skis and poles should not be too large. Cross-country skiing involves a fast pace of skiing, pay attention to these parameters, as they are very important.

How to choose skate skis

  • Skis for skating must be rigid, since when moving, the block of the ski track must spring back and push the skier forward. This type has a blunt, not bent toe, and the length of the ski track should exceed the height of a person by 17-20 cm.
  • Determine hardness. Place two ski tracks vertically, with the sliding surface towards each other and, squeezing the pads with all your might, look at the gap between them. If the clearance is 3-4 mm, then these skis will suit you. If only 1-2 mm, then it is better to refuse the purchase due to insufficient rigidity.

How to choose skis by height? The table will help determine the length of skis and sticks for skiing an adult.

How to choose skis and poles for the height of the child

Children's and teenage skis should first of all be soft, which will allow the child to quickly learn to ride and get the most out of riding. Many parents, in an effort to save money, purchase skis for their children for growth.

Longer skis are harder to manage, the child may not be able to cope, and this will push him away from the desire to ride. When choosing skis for a child who is just learning to ride, you need to calculate the size of the skis by the weight of the child: if the weight is about 20 kg, then the length of the skis should be 70 cm, 20-30 kg - it is better for the child to buy 90 cm skis.

« How to choose skis child so that he does not get injured while riding them? This question worries many parents. If skis and equipment are chosen correctly, then the child will feel comfortable on the ski slope, and the likelihood of injury will be significantly reduced.

It should be noted that it is not at all necessary to buy expensive skis for a child to ride. Children grow up and are often not advanced professionals in skiing, the feeling that loved ones are nearby and doing a joint activity is much more important for them.

This table will help you choose the right length of skis and sticks for skiing a child:

Making the right choice: wood or plastic

wooden e is classic and ecological view skis, proven over the years. The disadvantages of wooden skis include the fact that they are not as slippery as plastic ones. In addition, they weigh significantly more.

plastic skis more practical and modern. They benefit in operation under various weather conditions and snow conditions. If snow makes it difficult to ski on wooden skis at above zero temperatures, then plastic will pass this test with a bang.

In addition, plastic skis are durable, they do not deform like wooden ones from moisture and dampness.

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It is not easy to choose skis and poles that would be completely suitable for a person. Especially for those who have not experienced this before. After all, there are many factors that affect the choice of ski equipment: weight, height, skiing style and others.

As for the length parameters of the skis, they should correspond to your height, and the stiffness to your weight. The methods of selecting skis for skating and classic style are different.

Skis for skating must be 10-15 cm longer than the height of the athlete. AT classical style- 20-25 cm. Walking skis should be chosen 15-25 cm longer than their height.

When choosing walking skis, people with a large weight are advised to adhere to the upper limit (20-25 cm) of the range, and with a small one - the lower one (15-20 cm). Also, do not forget that short skis are better in control, but worse in sliding.

To determine the optimal stiffness of cross-country skis, you need to stand on both skis and slip a double-folded newspaper (four thin sheets of paper) under the ski pads.

The newspaper should pass under the ski cargo areas at a distance of 30-40 cm and should be pressed to the floor when standing on one ski. When you are standing on two skis, the gap between the floor and the sliding surfaces under the ski blocks should be one millimeter for hard skis, and 0.6-0.8 mm for soft skis. For ski trips on a soft track, it is better to choose softer skis and slip under the ski blocks not a newspaper folded in half, but a sheet of paper folded in half.

Running sticks must be selected in individually for each person and focus on his growth. According to the length, they must be selected separately for the "skate" and "classics". The length of the sticks often needs to be determined in this way. For the "skate" - with a minus of 15-20 centimeters, and for the "classic" - growth with a minus of 25-30 centimeters. At the moment when you are standing, skate poles must be chosen so that they are above the shoulder. "Classic" sticks must be selected based on how a person stands, so that they rest against the armpits.

Rules for selecting boots for cross-country skiing

Ski boots are quite a complex product. They must be durable, meet the requirements of hygiene, comfortable, from cold and precipitation. Ski boots of a sports orientation. They often use the highest technology innovations, add additional systems fasteners, install high-quality and new heaters.

Sports orientation allows you to divide the boots according to their purpose into: classic (for the usual skiing), skating (skating) and combined boots, which have a removable cuff (they also use one type of boots in skating and classic skiing during competitions - “pursuit "). When buying these boots, you get reliable and high-quality expensive shoes, and skiing is a real pleasure. This professional thing will tell you for quite a long time.

Sports tourism and ski boots. These shoes work great in unpredictable off-road conditions, they can be buckled onto climbing crampons from skis, or simply used during hiking to the intended goal.

Wellness walks and skiing for them. Here you can see a variety of models that differ in both comfort and simplicity of design and functionality. In the manufacture of such shoes, a variety of materials are used - from simple and already tested in practice to complex components.

Children's ski boots. The main task of these boots is warmth, coziness, comfort, hygiene. They have a high-quality and reliable sole that helps the child to move safely during and after skiing.


In the world, these three types of ski mounts are considered the most common - this is a system NNN - "ROTTEFELLA", SNS system - "SALOMON" and NORDIC 75.

The first two types are used by professional athletes, and the last one, called "NORDIC 75" or 75 mm, is used by amateur skiers. The system designed for fastening boots called "ROTTEFELLA" and "SALOMON" outwardly does not differ in any way. Both types of boots are firmly attached with a toe clip.

There are two types of boot fasteners: mechanical or automatic. In the case when there is an automatic fastener on the boot, you only need to insert the boot bracket into the groove, the fastener will close with a click. Basically, this type of attachment is used by amateur skiers.

Mechanical fastening, which must be closed manually, allows you to fix the boot on the ski much more securely. In this case, the likelihood that during the ride it will accidentally come unfastened, for example, when a stick falls on it, completely disappears. Therefore, this fastener is used not only by lovers of skiing, but also by professional athletes who travel a fairly long distance, and a lot can happen on the way. This type of ski binding will reduce the likelihood of unforeseen incidents on the way to victory.

These 2 types of ski bindings are fully universal, meaning they fit virtually all boot sizes. But there are still exceptions - these are mounts for children under the age of 7 years and adolescents. "ROTTEFELLA" and "SALOMON" launched the production of children's and youth shoes. Their main difference is that they have a large latch handle in order to be able to close them in mittens. In addition to all of the above, children's fasteners have more soft mechanism fasteners, so that it was easy for the child to take off and put on skis.

Do not forget about one more important detail that will greatly facilitate skiing. These are specially designed clothing for skis, equipment, skis for skating, boots for skating.


According to their type, all alpine skiing is divided into classic and carving. Alpine skiing Old Believers, of course, prefer skis of the old "classical" geometry, but we know that the broad masses have joined this type of outdoor activity not only because of curiosity, not only at the behest of fashion trends, but also thanks to new profile skis - carvings . Their shape resembles hourglass, this geometry makes riding easier, more versatile, and therefore more accessible.

The length of the skis should be 5-10 cm below your own height. Less is possible - for beginners and minus 20 cm will be comfortable, but more is not desirable. However, in recent times most important criterion the weight of the skier is considered, and not his height, but a reasonable combination of both is best option.

About stiffness - the pattern is as follows: soft skis are more suitable for beginners, since they behave correctly at lower speeds, better absorb uneven terrain and forgive technical errors newcomers.

Speaking of depreciation. Vibration damping- here's another one important characteristic mountain skiing. The better the vibration is absorbed, the better and more accurate the ski goes in an arc, the better it holds on a hard, icy slope, the better, more stable the ski behaves at high speeds. In general, you should pay attention to this when choosing skis.

Of course, you will have to sweat with the selection of skis, but no more than with the selection of boots. This position deserves more careful fitting and a more picky approach - a lot depends on their convenience. The main components of a ski boot- this is actually the outer boot - its plastic shell, the inner shoe, which is inserted, of course, inside, the thermoplastic - a kind of pillow between the outer and inner shoe and clips - fasteners. The latter are more reliable metal or less reliable plastic. The choice of boots is extremely important in the process of how you select skis.

Of course, beginners should take soft boots for one simple reason - it is comfortable, you will not experience the effect of shackles, which means that you will make the main learning process easier for yourself.

Everything is important in boots - the angle of the top, and the anatomical features, and even the time of day and the temperature of the room in which they are tried on. Therefore, if you are planning to purchase your own skiing kit, it’s not a sin to turn into a bore for a while and properly distract the sports store consultant with your questions and the number of fittings.

And finally, what connects the boot and the ski are the bindings. Their quality is sometimes vital importance. Mounts consist of a front and rear head and differ in their ability to actuate in different directions. The front head will unfasten the ski from you if you fall back, and the back, of course, forward. Both, as you understand, are important, because doing somersaults with an unfastened ski is doubly dangerous. When choosing bindings, you need to take into account your weight and your riding style, however, it is unlikely that it will be aggressive from the first steps. And when installing mounts, of course, you should use the skills of professionals.