Mechanisms for the transformation of upholstered furniture. Mechanisms for transforming sofas - briefly about each Conrad withdrawable mechanism

Buying a sofa is a very responsible process, because such furniture is bought for more than one year. The choice must be approached with particular care so that the new sofa is comfortable for all family members, successfully harmonizes with the interior and pleases with its functionality for a long time.

First of all, the sofa is a comfortable relaxation area after a hard day, a place for friendly gatherings and watching movies. Often it is also used as a place to sleep. When buying, we usually pay attention to the appearance, but it will be much more important to make sure of the quality of the material and check the folding mechanisms of the sofas.

Before you go on a furniture shopping trip in search of a sofa, answer the following questions:

  1. How much space do you intend to allocate for the sofa when folded and unfolded?
  2. How often are you going to lay out the sofa?
  3. In what mode will the sofa sleeper function: daily or as a guest option?
  4. What load should the sofa withstand?
  5. Do you need a special place to store clothes?
  6. How much are you willing to spend on a purchase? Which model should you pay attention to: a budget option or a sofa with a more complex mechanism and reliable details?

Types of mechanisms, pros and cons

Types of sofas by folding mechanism:

  • retractable, or withdrawable (on rollers): withdrawable, dolphin, eurobook, conrad, pantograph;
  • folding: tango, book, elf;
  • deployable: accordion, French cot, American cot, Spartak.

Let's consider in more detail each of the options.


Having such a mechanism for transforming sofas, a piece of furniture is converted into 2 positions: a seated version and a sofa for sleeping. To turn the sofa into a sleeping place, its back is simply folded back. It will not have to be moved away from the wall during this process, since during installation it will be necessary to take into account that the design of the furniture requires a small gap between the wall and the back.

Parts of a sofa with a "book" mechanism are two metal or wooden frames with fixed or other soft filler. At the bottom, there is often a compartment for storing clothes.


  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • ease of use;
  • can be used frequently without the risk of breakage and wear.
  • has only two positions - lying and sitting;
  • the inability to move the sofa tightly against the wall.


"Tango" is the prototype of a sofa folding system called "click-clack". Many manufacturers seek to simply surprise the buyer with a beautiful new term. In general, this system is very much like a classic "book". There is only one difference - when unfolding, such a sofa can also take intermediate positions, and not just “sitting-lying”. The backrest can be adjusted to a comfortable level. These sofas are equipped with a bed storage box.

  • fixation of the back in several positions;
  • compact size;
  • when unfolded, the sofa creates a surface without bumps.

Minus - you can not attach the back tightly to the wall.


Such a mechanism for unfolding classic sofas, like the Eurobook, is easy to identify by pushing the seat forward on roll-out rollers. In this case, a niche is formed in which a part of the sofa, which previously served as the back, fits.

  • ease of converting the sofa into a bed;
  • reliability of the mechanism;
  • plenty of space to sleep;
  • large niches for storage.

Minus due to excessively large seats on the sofa, people with small stature and children will not feel comfortable, because they will not be able to lean on the back.


This is the most popular mechanism for transforming corner sofas. To unfold it, you need to pull the loops attached to the section under the seat. The movement should be up and towards you. The section will roll out and stand next to the seat, forming a large bed. The laundry box is located in the non-roll-out part of the seat.

Note: The dolphin mechanism exerts a heavy load on the sofa body, so you need to make sure that it is made of high-quality wood.

  • comfortable bed;
  • simplicity and ease of deployment.

Minus - not very long service life with the active use of the mechanism.


These types of folding sofas can often be found under the name "puma" or "tic-tac". This system arose as a variant of the Eurobook, only without roll-out rollers. Inside there is a spacious bed box.

To transform this sofa, you need to pull up the seat of the sofa, grabbing its edge in the middle. With this movement, you will activate the mechanism that pushes the seat up and forward and opens the legs of the support. In the resulting niche, lay the back-pillow.

  • comfortable place to sleep;
  • easy folding mechanism;
  • does not spoil the floor covering with rollers.


  • the mechanism is expensive;
  • very wide seat.

The sleeping surface of such a sofa is represented by three sections. To straighten them into a plane, you just need to pull the edge of the seat. For frequent use as a bed, such furniture is not recommended, since these types of sofa folding mechanisms wear out very quickly.

Tip: For unfolding, you need to take care of the presence of a fairly large space.

Plus - when assembled, this sofa is very compact.


  • the sleeping surface has irregularities;
  • short service life.

Roll-out sofa

The bed has two segments that are hidden in the sofa body. To unfold, you need to pull the bottom part so that it rolls forward. After that, the pillow leans back into the vacated space.

  • very durable and reliable mechanism;
  • comfortable place to sleep;
  • compact dimensions when assembled.


  • roll-out rollers can scratch the flooring when unfolding;
  • low bed.


"Accordion" got its name for some resemblance to the musical instrument of the same name. The sleeping space of the sofa stretches in a peculiar way, moving forward at the moment of unfolding, and then rests on the extended mobile legs. When folded, such a sofa has compact dimensions, but more space is required for transformation. The storage compartment is located in the back of the sofa.

  • reliable and stable mechanism;
  • long service life of the sofa;
  • ease of transformation.


  • there is no built-in place for linen;
  • draw-out type of mechanism can cause scratches on the flooring.


To transform such a sofa into a comfortable place to sleep, you need to pull the seat so that it decomposes in three steps and stands on extended legs. This type of folding sofas was jointly developed by Russian and Italian craftsmen. Such furniture is very well suited for sleeping. The design of the mechanism provides a long berth. In fact, this is a more durable French clamshell, complemented by a welded metal grill.

  • strength and durability of the mechanism;
  • ease of use;
  • as a bed can be used often;
  • comfortable sleeping place.


  • there is no place to store the bed;
  • before unfolding the sofa, you need to remove it from it.

Note: There is also a mechanism for laying out Ifagrid sofas, which is similar to Spartak, but also has some differences.

Conrad or Telescope

To expand such a sofa, you need to pull on its lower part. The sections will roll out one after the other, like a telescope, and stand on the supports.

This type of furniture differs from classic roll-out sofas by the large height of the bed.

  • reliable mechanism;
  • can be used daily;
  • compact volume;
  • there is a box for linen;
  • sleep comfortably.

Minus - the sofa is very heavy due to the massive mechanism.

Sedaflex (American folding bed)

Such a sofa unfolds like a French folding bed, but unlike it, it has not a three-fold, but a two-fold system and a thicker mattress.

  • very strong mechanism;
  • compact;
  • has a quality .


  • no storage box.


This is a sofa with a swivel transformation mechanism. The armrests at the time of the transformation of the bed are bred to the sides, and a comfortable place to sleep is obtained. The armrests in this sofa can be adjusted in height and have several positions.

  • compact model;
  • comfortable bed;
  • due to the use of lamellas, an orthopedic effect is obtained;
  • Armrests can be adjusted to suit individual needs.


  • the sofa cannot be leaned close to the wall;
  • the bed is located in the same place as the seat.

The name of this type of mechanism comes from the English "recline" - to lean back. The transformation takes place thanks to complex mechanisms hiding in the depths of the sofa. With their help, you can adjust the inclination of the backrest and push the footrest to the desired position. In some models, there are also special pillows with vibration massage. The most expensive models are equipped with an electric motor that is controlled by a remote control.


  • ease of management;
  • you can adjust the sofa to the needs of your body;
  • comfort in any position.
  • very high cost;
  • you can only sit, because there is no position for sleeping.

Sofa with unfolding on the floor

The bed has two sections. When folded, they hide inside the sofa body. To convert such a sofa, you need to pull up on the inner edge of the seat. Then make a soft jerk forward and on yourself. The sleeping place does not provide for any supports and is laid out directly on the floor.

  • small dimensions when folded;
  • the cheapest type of folding sofas.
  • not a very comfortable bed;
  • there is no area for storing bedding.

What to choose?

As a result, you can determine which of the sofa folding mechanisms has become the best in its category:

  • eurobook - the most reliable mechanism;
  • tango is the most comfortable to sit on;
  • dolphin - the most spacious;
  • pantograph, accordion and roll-out - the most comfortable for sleeping;
  • tango, eurobook and roll-out - have special storage compartments;
  • roll-out and elf - the most compact;
  • The book is the most affordable.

When buying any sofa, be sure to inspect its folding mechanism, consult the seller on this matter, ask questions and demand answers to them. The service life of the sofa and the convenience of its use depend very much on the correct mechanism. If the sofa will rarely be laid out, then you should pay attention to compact models, but not intended for frequent transformation.


Dear buyers! This article is for informational purposes only. We will introduce you to the most common transformation mechanisms designed for daily use, which are used by the Alina Mebel factory in the production of upholstered furniture.

To date mechanisms for transforming sofas and armchairs very varied. In order to choose the most comfortable sofa for yourself, you need to know what they are upholstered furniture transformation mechanisms. Often, when choosing upholstered furniture, more attention is paid to cost, design and other external factors, forgetting that the main selection criterion should be transformation mechanisms, on the basis of which cushioned furniture. The service life of folding transformation mechanisms depends on the simplicity of the design, the materials from which the mechanism itself is made, as well as on the duration of use and compliance with the operating rules.

Transformation mechanism "Book"
- the oldest mechanism in the furniture market. Traditionally considered one of the simplest and most reliable, well-known and time-tested mechanism. The good old "Book" transformation mechanism is a classic mechanism. This mechanism is used only in straight sofas, it owes its popularity to cheapness. Sofas with a book mechanism are the cheapest and most unpretentious. At its core, the mechanism itself is a small set of iron plates that are installed on both sides of the sofa and connect the seat and back seat block. The blocks themselves can be with different soft filler: PPU, a block of independent springs or a spring block "bonnel". A big plus is the ease of replacing the mechanism, if it breaks down.

Modern design, clear lines, straight lines and a minimum of details allow these models to remain the most popular for more than one year. These sofas harmoniously fit into both the interior of the office and the home environment. To transform the sofa into a bed, it is enough to lift the seat up to a characteristic click, while the backrest leans back, then lower the seat down - the sofa is laid out.

Note the compactness; high bed; in most cases - the presence of boxes for linen; efficiency - the most affordable mechanism. But! when arranging furniture in the room, it is imperative to take into account the distance behind the back of the sofa-book, which is necessary for the transformation of the sofa, since during the transformation the sofa needs to be slightly (10-15cm) moved away from the wall. It takes some effort to unfold the sofa into a bed.

This mechanism is simple and reliable, but it is not recommended to put it close to the wall. The flooring is not involved in the unfolding process, so you can use both fluffy carpets and expensive parquets: they will not suffer. You can easily transform a sofa with such a mechanism into a bed every day.


Eurobook transformation mechanism- has long been known to everyone and is one of the most popular sofa transformation mechanisms today. The principle of operation of the eurobook transformation mechanism is very simple and convenient. It differs from a simple "book" in that it creates a more even sleeping surface. Has a high bed. The transformation scheme is very simple and reliable. The sofa consists of two equally soft parts - one serves as a sofa seat, the other as a back. When it's time to go to bed, remove the pillows from the back (if any), then simply roll out or pull out the sofa seat. And lower the back of the sofa to the vacant seat. And that's it - a spacious and comfortable bed is ready.

Eurobook can be considered one of the most durable and durable transformation mechanisms, there is simply nothing to break in it, because it does not have a mechanism as such. Hardwood runners make the treadmills easy to move without any load, increasing the durability of your sofa. Unlike the "book", a sofa with this mechanism does not need to be moved away from the wall. Just roll the seat forward and lower the backrest and you have a full double bed in front of you.

The two halves of the sofa, of which the sleeping place consists, can be with different soft fillers: polyurethane foam, a block of independent springs or a "bonnel" spring block. The design assumes the presence of a large box for storing bedding. Eurobook sofas can have armrests of various shapes and a small backrest. But there are models of eurobooks without armrests, the absence of which increases the size of the bed and at the same time saves space in the apartment.

Uniqueness sofa with mechanism "Eurobook" lies in the fact that it can be placed anywhere in the room, even in the center, because the sofa looks very aesthetically pleasing from the back.


It is considered one of the most durable mechanisms. Sofas with a roll-out transformation system are very easy to unfold, and this type of sofa transformation is one of the most reliable and very suitable for daily use furniture. The roll-out mechanism of transformation differs in compactness in folded form and a capacious berth - in unfolded. It expands forward.

Withdrawable transformation mechanism consists of three parts. When packed, the front part of the mechanism is located in the back of the sofa, and extends into place of the head during the transformation. The middle part of the mechanism is packed under the saddle pads. The very first part of the mechanism, on which your feet rest after the transformation, is a frame wooden structure and is packed in the outer side of the middle part. The mechanism is driven by the extension of just this front part, which pulls the other two parts along with it using a system of rollers and brackets.

Withdrawable transformation mechanism convenient and easy to use - just pull the hidden seat strap and push the sofa to full decomposition - when transformed into a bed, the front part pulls the rest. In the middle of the sofa there is a box for bedding. The pillow, which served as a seat, is thrown to the middle part of the sofa - to the linen box. The roll-out transformation mechanism creates a fairly large sleeping place, and at the same time, a sofa with such a mechanism when folded is quite compact, since 2/3 of the "bed" is in the seat and 1/3 in the back. When unfolded, it has no folds and "hollows". Roll-out sofas are folded by performing the steps in reverse order.

The internal filling of the bed is usually polyurethane foam and, less often, springs. Reliability among transformation mechanisms is noted; compactness when folded and a large flat bed - when unfolded. Easy to handle. But! bed height is slightly lower than usual. The specificity of this mechanism lies in the fact that there is no way to make the bed habitually high.


Mechanism of transformation "Dolphin" it is used mainly for corner sofas and less often for straight ones. The Dolphin mechanism allows you to turn any sofa into a large double bed and a flat, spacious bed. This transformation mechanism is designed for daily use. The advantage of this mechanism is that when transforming from the "sofa" position to the "bed" position, a minimum additional floor space is not required.

The mechanism is named so because the trajectory of its unfolding is similar to the jump of a dolphin. This mechanism is used in almost all corner sofas, and allows you to form a high, flat bed, of which the corner element of the sofa is also a part. One part of the "Dolphin" bed is the seat. The second part is under the seat.

Sofa with transformation mechanism "Dolphin" unfolds by pulling the lower block. All you need to do is to roll out the lower part of the sofa, and by pulling the auxiliary strap "get" the rest of the sofa, which turns into a comfortable and roomy bed. Sofas with the Dolphin mechanism are folded by performing the steps in the reverse order.

A feature of these mechanisms is a smaller thickness of polyurethane foam on an additional pillow when forming a berth and the participation of sofa seats in a berth. The parts of the sofa themselves can be with different soft fillers: polyurethane foam, a block of independent springs or a "bonnel" spring block. A big plus is the ease of replacing the mechanism, if it breaks down. Corner sofa beds with a dolphin transformation mechanism usually have a voluminous bedding storage box located inside the side sofa.

Mechanisms "Dolphin" are very reliable- made of steel, with hardwood guides. This design allows the mechanism to easily withstand a large load. This is a very reliable and simple mechanism that will be easy to decompose even for a child. It withstands heavy loads and is well suited for constant daily use. The bed of the sofa is high, flat and spacious.


Kangaroo mechanisms are very reliable- made of steel and equipped with rubberized wheels that help when unfolding the bed, as well as guides made of hardwood. The reliability and simplicity of the design of this type of metal transformation mechanism allows you to easily turn an ordinary sofa into a sofa bed. The mechanism is named so because the trajectory of its unfolding is similar to a kangaroo jump. The transformation of furniture with the Kangaroo mechanism is carried out by lifting up and over the seat of the sofa bed. Sofas with this mechanism can be placed on any floor surface, since the seat does not "ride" on the floor when pulled out, but rises up.

A feature of these mechanisms is the smaller thickness of the foam rubber on the additional pillow during the formation of the bed and the participation of sofa seats in the bed. The parts of the sofa themselves can be with different soft fillers: polyurethane foam, a block of independent springs or a "bonnel" spring block. One part of the Kangaroo bed is the seat. The second is contained under the seat. Sofas with the Kangaroo mechanism are folded by performing the steps in reverse order.

used in almost all corner sofas, and allows you to form a high, even bed, of which the corner element is also a part. A big plus is the ease of replacing the mechanism, if it breaks down. Corner sofa beds with a kangaroo-type transformation mechanism usually have a large bedding storage box located in the attached corner part of the sofa.

The advantage of these mechanisms is that the transformation from the position "sofa" to the position "bed" does not require a minimum additional floor space. This is a very reliable and simple mechanism that will be easy to decompose even for a child. It can withstand heavy loads and is well suited for continuous use. The bed is flat, high and spacious.


folded Conrad mechanism compactly packed into the body of the sofa: its front part is in the back and extends to the place of the head during the transformation. The middle part of the mechanism is packed under the saddle pads. The third part of the mechanism (front), on which your legs rest after the transformation, is a frame wooden structure and is packed on the bottom of the sofa. The mechanism is actuated by pulling out parts of the mechanism. During the transformation, the frame part is pulled out first to the level of the legs and pulls the rest of the mechanism segments, which move forward one by one on special rollers with brackets. The second (soft) segment occupies the middle position. After that, the first soft element on the bracket rises to the level of the second and is securely fixed with clamps.

Transformation mechanism of high-roll-out "Konrad" can be completed with various soft fillers: polyurethane foam, block of independent springs or "bonnel" spring block. Thanks to a complex system of retractable mechanisms, it is possible to create a fairly large and wide bed, characterized by a perfectly flat surface, kinks, "hollows" and a height at the level of the sofa when folded. At the same time, a sofa with such a mechanism when folded is quite compact, it takes up a minimum of space in the apartment, which saves usable space. In this case, you do not need to remove soft pillows from their seats.

Mechanism "Konrad" also equipped with a spacious box for bedding (only for some manufacturers - in the back of the sofas). Solid wood rails make it easy to unfold the sofa. Sofas with the Konrad mechanism are designed for daily use, the mechanism is designed so firmly and reliably.

Of the shortcomings, only one should be noted - a sofa with such a mechanism is quite heavy. Conrad transformation mechanisms are not produced in Russia - this is an imported equipment that undergoes a thorough check at manufacturing plants, and requires experienced assembly masters for installation.


- a compact mechanism, the device of which unfolds into the position of a single or 2-bed bed at 190 / 200 cm in length. The mechanism includes two sections: a backrest and a place to sit or sleep. The "Elf" mechanism is very easy to operate, as it requires only bending the armrests to the floor so that they are parallel to it. The armrests are articulated. The ability to change the positions of the armrests will help you feel more comfortable while relaxing.

"Elf"- this is a "classic" mechanism, consisting of a frame made of a metal profile pipe 30 * 30 or 30 * 20, with movable three / five position armrests, which are fixed in any of the provided positions. Changing the positions of the armrests will make you feel more comfortable. Orthopedic lat lattice in the best way distributes body weight during sleep. The mechanism can be additionally equipped with: a backrest, and a Moth lock. The design of this mechanism provides for the possibility of using removable covers and a large box for bedding. The mechanism can be installed both on the linen box and on the legs.

Transformation mechanism "Elf"
is one of the most common in the production of children's and youth upholstered furniture. It is very convenient for narrow or children's rooms, since with a width of 90 cm its length is 210 cm, that is, it is suitable for both children and adults. Furniture with the transformation mechanism "Elf" passes through any doorways, which is also important. This model is ideal for use in small apartments. The transformation mechanism "Elf" is very reliable and convenient for everyday use. It will allow you to create upholstered furniture for any modern interior.


Upholstered furniture of the metal frame group
united by the presence of an orthopedic metal frame, removable mattress and cover. The sleeping place, of these models, is seamless, the base of which is an orthopedic system of bent-glued birch plywood armor - latoflex, located on a metal frame. Important factors are ease of care, the ability to have more than one cover, but several - "winter" and "summer", in case of damage, the possibility of ordering a cover, and not buying new furniture, replacing the mattress, in models with the mechanism "Tango" high reliability and durability.

(it is also called "Click-Klyak") - a new improved version of the "book" mechanism, made on a metal frame. Two frames made of a metal profile are interconnected by a lock that allows you to fix the sofa in three positions: lying, sitting and relaxing. Orthopedic lat lattice in the best way distributes body weight during sleep. Some models also have raster three- or four-position armrests, each of which can take one of the positions. Sofas and armchairs of this type have 3 levels of unfolding: sitting, lying and an intermediate position for relaxation - "relax". Changing the positions of the armrests will make you feel more comfortable. As a result, 7 transformation options are obtained.

Furniture transformation with the Tango mechanism
carried out by lifting "up" and "toward" the seat of the sofa bed. The name is associated with the pendulum movement of the decomposition mechanism. The sofa, as it were, steps forward, like the pendulum of a clock "tic" and folds back "so". The design of the Tango transformation mechanism allows you to install a linen box for bedding. To transform the sofa into a sleeping place, the lightweight design of the sofa must be moved away from the wall by 10-15 cm, as is the case with the sofa-book.

Sofas with this mechanism can be placed on any floor surface, since the seat, when extended, does not "ride" on the floor, as with the "Eurobook" mechanism, but rises "up". The mechanism uses springs and a synchronizer rod, which facilitate expansion and prevent the seat from warping. In the unfolded position of the sofa, a flat bed is formed without drops.

Transformation mechanism "Tango" is one of the most common in the production of children's and youth upholstered furniture, it is suitable for both children and adults. The transformation mechanism "Tango" is very reliable and designed for everyday use - simple and easy to use. It will allow you to create upholstered furniture for any modern interior.


Transformation mechanism "Accordion"
simple, but very reliable, and also convenient for everyday use. The mechanism unfolds easily according to the accordion principle. With a single movement of the hand forward, the sofa turns into a comfortable bed. Sofas with the mechanism of transformation "Accordion" are very simply and quickly laid out.

Sofas with the Accordion mechanism must be equipped with armrests of various modifications and a thin back. The advantage of accordion mechanism is that when translated into the "bed" position, the mechanism does not need to move the sofa away from the wall. But! the need for sufficient space for transformation.

The berth in disassembled form does not decrease in height and consists of three main parts (seat and two parts of the back). The sleeping place is flat and high. The width of the bed varies from 60 to 160 cm. The length of the bed, as a rule, is standard and is 190 / 200 cm. When assembled, the sofa occupies a minimum area. The bed is flat and high. A spacious linen box for bedding, located under the seat, makes the sofa functional.

It is recommended to regularly lubricate the joints of the springs with the frame with graphite grease or technical oil, since during the operation of the mechanism a creak may appear, which is not a defect. During operation, the optimal load on the mechanism is considered to be a mass of 120 kilograms. Due to the fact that the sofas with the mechanism of transformation "Accordion" have a high, wide and flat bed, they are great for a night's rest.


The upholstered furniture of the metal frame group is united by the presence of an orthopedic metal frame, a removable mattress and a cover. Metal frame mechanism "Accordion" compact, which allows you to purchase it for small apartments, but at the same time, when unfolded, it turns into a comfortable full-fledged bed with a bed width of up to 155 cm!

Mechanism "Accordion" is made of sheet steel by cold stamping. The mechanism is based on frames made of a profile pipe 30x20, with orthopedic bars installed on them, on top of which there is a frameless polyurethane foam mattress 10-12 cm high. The sleeping place of these models is even and seamless. The basis is the orthopedic system of bent-glued birch plywood armor - latoflex, with the help of which the maximum orthopedic effect is achieved. They are located on a frame of three frames made of a metal square profile and interconnected by swivel joints.

Mechanism "Accordion"
- the extraordinary ease of unfolding the sofa - that's its main plus. Modern models of sofas based on the Accordion transformation mechanisms are equipped with additional drawers for linen. Also, the package may include various pillows and a metal back, which, when unfolding the sofa, enhances the effect of the bed. The advantage of this mechanism is that when moving to the "bed" position, the mechanism does not need to be moved away from the wall if it is equipped with a metal back. If, however, the sofa is not equipped with a metal back, then when transforming the accordion sofa into a sleeping place, it is necessary to leave a gap between the wall near which the sofa stands and the sofa itself. This will allow the unhindered transformation of this transformation mechanism. The bed is flat and high. Make sure that the carpet does not interfere with the easy sliding of the sofa, otherwise you risk ruining the mechanism.

The unfolding movements of this mechanism resemble the movements of the musical instrument of the same name, the accordion. It is necessary to raise the seat (until it clicks), and then the berth leaves itself. With one movement, the sofa unfolds into a bed position and even a child will not have difficulty preparing for bed. Mechanisms of transformation "Accordion" are designed for daily use. The width of the bed varies from 80 to 155 cm. The length of the bed, as a rule, is standard and is 200 cm. At the same time, when folded, the sofa occupies a minimum of space, which allows it not to violate the geometry of the space of any room!

Transformation mechanism "Mixotual" / "French folding bed"
widely used in the production of upholstered furniture. The mechanism is reliable and durable. "Mixotual" is one of the most famous representatives of the group of sofa transformation mechanisms. It is preferred by most foreign furniture manufacturers. Mechanism of transformation "Mixotual" consists of three links, folded one into the other. The mechanism is manufactured by Russian companies and is designed for daily use.

"Mixotuals" / "French Folding Beds" have a tubular frame wall thickness of 1.5 mm (0.8 mm in imported analogues). The mechanism is equipped with a durable polypropylene awning that makes the surface even and flat and elastic supporting elements - wooden battens (cross planks) made of curved birch plywood with a bending radius of 3 meters, a width of 60 mm and a thickness of 11 mm - in the amount of 4-6 lats - the so-called " guest version" French folding bed and 10-12 lats - reinforced for daily use Mixotual. Bed width: 700 / 800 / 900 / 1000 / 1200 / 1300 / 1400 / 1500 mm x 1900 mm.

The mechanism comes with a frameless polyurethane foam mattress ~ 40-50 mm thick in a calico or jacquard cover. In three-fold mechanisms, a mattress larger than 60 mm cannot be used, since a thicker mattress will not allow the mechanism to fold and lead to its breakdown. Cross bent glued elastic elements (lats) are made of birch and give strength and elasticity to the mechanism. The basis is a metal frame. Frame coating - two-disperse powder dye provides reliable protection of metal from corrosion.

The design of the mechanism does not allow placing a linen box inside, and when unfolding the sofa, you must first remove / raise the seat cushions. But the orthopedic back will ensure the correct position of the back during rest, and the awning made of polypropylene fabric will not allow sagging. Despite the external lightness and delicacy of the design, the mechanisms are very durable. It is comfortable to sleep on such a bed. Attention! Do not put a thicker mattress, blanket or pillows inside the mechanism - this will lead to its breakage.

It is the sofas with the folding bed transformation mechanism that are the most fashionable in terms of design. The mechanism is equipped with a latted lattice, over which an awning made of high-strength fabric is stretched, which provides the structure with additional strength and elasticity. When laying out the bed becomes steel legs. If you follow the rules of operation and follow useful tips, then the sofa with the "Mixotual" / "French folding bed" mechanism will serve you for many years.


Transformation mechanism "Spartacus"
is a design and technical solution of Italian specialists. "Spartak" is a "new generation" mechanism, and is a folding sofa, consisting of 3 frames interconnected by a kinematic scheme. It has a solid base made of a large-mesh mesh, embedded in a frame made of a profile pipe 30 * 30. It is completed with a frameless polyurethane foam mattress. This development of the mechanism is successfully and widely used in modern furniture production. This is the most popular model. It is distinguished from others by versatility, mobility and comfort.

The mechanism provides a comfortable position of the spine;

The installation method allows you to quickly mount and dismantle the transformation mechanism;

Produced with a welded metal mesh made of steel bars with a diameter of 4 mm.

Versatility - Mobility - Comfort - Italian Technology - High Quality

The design of the mechanism does not allow placing a linen box inside. The principle of operation of the "Spartak" mechanism is similar to the "Mixotual" - when unfolding the sofa, you must first remove / raise the seat cushions, grab the frame of the mechanism in the middle, pull the seat towards you and slightly upward, move the mechanism up and forward to the upper position, pull it out sofa niches, deploy vertically up and "roll out". Two sections folded one into the other will straighten up and stand on automatically prepared strong support legs. The bed is ready for use. Attention! Do not put a thicker mattress, blanket or pillows inside the mechanism - this will lead to its breakage. If you follow the rules of operation and follow useful tips, then the sofa with the Spartak mechanism will serve you for many years.

Useful tips for the Mixotual and Spartak mechanisms

When a creak appears, it is necessary to remove the mattress, lubricate all the rivets with any liquid technical oil, then repeatedly fold and unfold the mechanism to penetrate the lubricant into the rubbing parts, then remove excess oil. Lubrication of rubbing parts will not only eliminate creaking, but also extend the life of the mechanism by reducing the possible occurrence of backlash between the riveting and the rubbing part of the mechanism. Lubrication is sufficient to produce 1-2 times a year. Do not fold the mechanism with bedding. The mechanism is folded only with a mattress no thicker than 60 mm, which is included in the kit. , as well as without a mattress - this can lead to breakage of plastic nozzles lat. Fold and unfold the mechanism in the center. If folding from one of the edges is performed, the load is unevenly distributed on the articulated lever mechanisms and leads to increased wear. When folding the mechanism, carefully place the mechanism in the lower position without impact. The habit of throwing the mechanism at the last collapse into the sofa will lead to breakage of the pipe, which limits the lower position of the mechanism when folded. Don't concentrate all your weight on one plastic lat holder. Estimated load on the lat holder up to 60 kg. Do not allow children to use the cot as a playground. Light weight is more than offset by children's activity. Do not sit on the edge of the leg part of the unfolded mechanism, as a large lever is created and either the extreme leg turns out, or the frame tube disengages from the moving part - in both cases the defect cannot be repaired.

We have presented you the main types of upholstered furniture transformation mechanisms. In connection with the rapid development of furniture production, there are more and more of them. We hope that our article will help you make the right choice.

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Thank you very much!

Elenora Muratovna, 08.08.2019 12:54

Long and painstakingly chose a sofa. I found an online store "furniture - a dream" according to reviews. A very large selection of furniture, as well as the widest collection of fabrics. The consultant Dmitry helped me with the choice. He is an expert in his field, answered all my questions, helped me choose the colors. Everyone is very knowledgeable and patient. Excellent delivery conditions, as well as good movers, punctual! What time he said, what time he arrived. There were minor problems with the sofa, I called, I ran into one very nasty and illiterate consultant ... But as they say in the herd, not without a "black sheep". As a result, because of such a consultant, the situation was inflated, essentially trifling. But the online consultant Irina helped very quickly. She kept in touch with me, reassured me and explained. I am very grateful to her! Then Dmitry picked up the situation and at the moment everything was decided. I am very grateful to them, I wish there were more such wonderful consultants as Dmitry and Irina ... And fewer of those who spoil the impression about your store, and also aggravate the situation. Anyway, thanks to the guys left a good impression of the store!!! I would love to use you again and recommend you to friends! In this store, I realized that they are worried, and hold on to the client! Thanks for your work)))

Anastasia, 09.10.2018 13:13

I want to express my gratitude to the staff and specialists of the Mechta-Furniture store for their help in choosing furniture in the same style for the hall and hallway! Manager Dmitry helped to place an order, taking into account all the requirements of the complex layout of the hall. The entrance hall was ordered later, but Dmitry managed to arrange everything on the same day of delivery. The furniture was delivered quickly, everything was well packed, nothing needed to be delivered - thanks to the delivery department! Assembly specialist Vladislav assembled 4 bookcases and a hallway in less than 4 hours! Everything was done quickly and efficiently! Excellent value for money. We decided for ourselves: when we plan other repairs - we will buy furniture in "Dream"!

Elena, 07/30/2018 15:34

Thanks to the manager Dmitry for the qualified help and patience in placing the order, as well as the customer service manager Maria for fulfilling all my wishes on the application. Claims only to the delivery department - they did not bring the hinges for the sashes, and lost them when they were re-delivered. It wasn't until the third delivery that I finally received my sash hinges.

Savelyeva Natalia order 799, 05/27/2018 16:36

Searched the Internet for a kitchenette. Picked up in this store for 8 with a little thousand rubles. Complete set: sofa, stools and table. Delivery was free, they offered to pay separately for the rise to the floor and assembly, we refused, raised and collected my husband and son-in-law. It was the first purchase on the computer, but everything turned out to be so simple! Thank you!

Anna, 03/06/2018 19:12

After the balcony was insulated, we decided to make a mini-study. There was a question about buying a computer desk. We looked at a bunch of sites until this store caught my eye. We picked up the Riva table, it is just small, neat, comfortable and most importantly inexpensive! They refused to assemble it, they assembled it with my husband in 1.5 hours. We are satisfied with the table and our mini-cabinet!

Tatiana, 02/28/2018 07:51

Anna Nikolaevna, 02/24/2018 21:37

I designed my daughter's bedroom, I wanted to find something very original and naturally inexpensive. In "Dream-Furniture" I found exactly what I needed - a sofa Irma 2. My daughter and I fell in love with this model at first sight, they didn’t even look for anything else. When placing an order, we were told the cost was almost 3,000 thousand more than it was originally indicated. It turned out that we chose the fabric from a more expensive category, so we had to choose the fabric again. In general, we are very satisfied with the sofa! It is comfortable and has a drawer for storage. Be sure to read about the delivery, for us it was overnight!

Christina P., 02/19/2018 05:02 PM

Thank you for the convenient service and professionalism of the consultants! We are satisfied with the purchase, I really like the "Style" bed, beautiful, comfortable and inexpensive, I thought I would give twice as much for a bed with a soft headboard.

Lidia Dmitrievna, 02/13/2018 18:28

In the store "Mechta-Furniture" they ordered the Agat-5 bedroom set. The choice in favor of this store was made only because of affordable prices, in other stores what I liked was much more expensive. We ordered together with the assembly, which we did not regret. The guys were busy all day - they had to assemble a lot of furniture: a bed, a wardrobe, a bedside table and a chest of drawers. We are very satisfied with the result, the furniture looks solid. The site has already been recommended to friends.

Compact folding furniture is in stable demand among buyers. This is due to the fact that modern apartments are often small in size. One of the representatives of the line of folding upholstered furniture is a sofa that has a Konrad transformation mechanism.


This type of upholstered furniture is equipped with a roll-out mechanism, which is responsible for laying out the sofa into a full-fledged sleeping place. It is equipped with three sections, which are sequentially pulled out of the body. For such a peculiar layout, the mechanism has the common name "telescope".


The Konrad mechanism has three parts. When assembled, the head section is retracted into the back. The middle section is located under the cushions, which serve as seats. The third section (frame construction), which is located at the foot of the bed in the layout, is placed under the middle part. Some manufacturers add a linen box to the package. It is usually located in the back of the sofa.

Types of soft cover

Different types of soft filler are used as a mattress for the Konrad sofa bed. It can be:

  • Polyurethane foam or memoryform are modern materials that easily take the shape of the body and quickly restore their original shape.
  • Section with block of independent springs.
  • Spring block "bonnel", consisting of four or five-turn bicone springs.

Blocks are covered with several layers of covering material. Spring mattresses with an independent block have orthopedic properties, so upholstered furniture with such a coating is considered the most comfortable.

Way of layout and assembly

The layout of the mechanism is carried out in the following order:

  • The frame section (recliner) is equipped with a special belt loop and rollers. With a pulling movement (toward itself), it moves forward, dragging the rest of the sections, which also have roller wheels.
  • The recliner rises on the bracket to the main level and is fixed with high-quality clamps.

Assembly is carried out in reverse order. When transforming, there is no need to move the sofa. To learn more about the sofa equipped with such a mechanism, check out the video instruction:

Advantages and disadvantages

Sofa "Konrad" has a number of advantages. The transformation mechanism is strong and durable, the layout principle is very simple. In order to disassemble the sofa into a sleeping place, you do not need to remove the pillows. A complex high-roll-out system allows you to create a flat, wide surface, without kinks and depressions. The compactness of the assembled model makes it possible to place the sofa in a room with a small area. Its aesthetic appearance is also suitable for creating a harmonious living room interior.

The disadvantages include the weight of the sofa - it is quite heavy. It should also be noted that Konrad mechanisms are imported. Since the system consists of many elements, its installation must be carried out by experienced furniture assembly specialists.

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Mechanisms for transforming sofas - briefly about each

First, let's define what a sofa transformation mechanism is. Another name is often used - the sofa folding mechanism. Professionals prefer the concept of transformation, so I will use it further.

Under these names lies an element that transforms the sofa into various shapes and positions. For example, a sofa from a sitting position turns into a sofa bed or into a sofa for "relaxation" with a partially reclined back. Another example of transformation is changing the shape of a sofa. For example, a corner sofa can be turned into a straight sofa or vice versa.

Why is it important to choose the right sofa transformation mechanism?

  • The mechanism is one of the main ones, therefore the overall service life of the transformer sofa also depends on its reliability.
  • The mechanism affects the convenience and ease of converting the sofa into various positions.
  • Depending on the transformation mechanism, different free spaces in the room will be required to bring the sofa into the desired positions.
  • Depends on the type of transformation mechanism and . After all, it is under it that the mechanism is hidden from our eyes.

Sofas without transformation mechanisms

Such sofas, by definition, do not contain transformational elements and are not able to unfold. Sofas without mechanisms are used to create seating for two or more people. You can offer this option for a small size. Less often they can be found as a sofa for sleeping. Although for people without excess weight, the use of a sofa in this capacity is quite acceptable.

Non-folding sofas can be used as separate sofa modules. By applying several similar modules, especially of different sizes, you can change the shape of a sofa made up of modules.

Monolithic sofa suitable for hallway, for the living room and decorate the kitchen or dining room. Often this type of sofa can be found in public places.

Pros: there is no mechanism, which means there is nothing to break. The service life of monolithic sofas is longer than the service life of folding sofas.

Minuses: no mechanism, no possibility of transforming the sofa. Monolithic sofas are not suitable for organizing sleeping places, especially if you need to put two or more people.

The mechanism of transformation of the sofa "Book"

Sofa "Book" is laid out in two positions: a sitting sofa and a sofa for sleeping.

The sofa is converted into a sleeping position by tilting the back of the sofa back.

During unfolding, you don’t have to move the sofa away from the wall, but keep in mind that the design of the sofa requires free space between the wall and the back of the sofa.

The folding parts of the sofa are wooden or metal frames with spring blocks attached to them. In addition to the spring blocks, another filler can be used - foam rubber or latex. A sofa with a spring block is preferable, as it has the best performance in terms of service life and comfort.

Sofa "Book" often contains a section for bedding inside

Advantages: durable, reliable, time-tested mechanism. Suitable for frequent use and organizing a bed.

disadvantages: the sofa can only be unfolded in two positions - sitting and lying down. During transformation, in the part where the folding parts of the sofa are connected, a bulge or indentation may appear, which will negatively affect the comfort of sleep. The “book” cannot be placed tightly against the wall, since the unfolding mechanism requires free space between the wall and the back.

The mechanism of transformation of the sofa "Tango"

When preparing this article, I came across the fact that manufacturers invent their own names for mechanisms of the same type in terms of properties. Because of this, confusion occurs. So is the case with the Tango mechanism.

The click-clack (clack) mechanism has similar properties. In fact, both mechanisms are similar to the "Books" already described above.

The main difference from the "Book" consists in the possibility of "Tango" ("Click-clack (clack)") to take intermediate positions of the back of the sofa when unfolding.

The back, in addition to full horizontal unfolding, can be in a reclining, half-sitting position. This feature creates additional convenience for relaxation.

Sofas "Tango" have a section for storing the bed

Advantages: the mechanism allows you to fix the back of the sofa in several positions, sofas "Tango" are small in size, when unfolded into a plane, the sofa creates a surface without bumps and bumps.

Disadvantages: there is no way to put the sofa tightly against the wall; when transforming the back, you need a place for unfolding.

The mechanism of transformation of the sofa "Eurobook"

The work of the mechanism: the sofa seat is pushed forward on roll-out rollers, a niche is formed in shape and size identical to the back cushions of the sofa. Pillows fit into a niche, resulting in a flat surface of the bed.

Advantages: ease of converting the sofa into a bed, the simplicity of the mechanism itself - read its high reliability, large and even place to sleep, large niches inside the sofa for storage and bed.
disadvantages because of the wide seats, it is not convenient to sit on the sofa leaning against its back, especially for people with short stature.

Sofa transformation mechanism "Pantograph" ("Tick-tock", "Puma", "Walking Eurobook")

With the "Pantograph" the same story as with the "Tango" sofas. Apparently, for the sake of a red word, sellers and manufacturers have come up with a number of bright names for essentially the same mechanism. So, what else did I manage to meet under the mask of "Pantograph" - "Tick-tock", "Puma" and even "Walking Eurobook". In order not to get confused, I will continue to call the mechanism "Pantograph" (sounds somehow solid and mysterious))) .

"Pantograph" originated as a variant of the "Eurobook" mechanism. The difference is that there are no roll-out rollers in the "pantograph". Otherwise, it has parameters similar to the "Eurobook". Equipped with internal storage niches, it has a large and even bed.

The principle of operation of the mechanism: For unfolding, it is enough to pull up the sofa seat by holding its edge in the middle. Often sofas are equipped with loops - handles for easy unfolding. By pulling up the seat of the sofa, you activate its mechanism, which pushes the seat up and forward and at the same time opens the legs of the support and stands on them. The pillow back is placed in the formed niche. The result is a flat, without visible joints, a place for two people to sleep.

Advantages: sofas with "Pantograph" have a comfortable place to sleep. The mechanism is easily laid out. Such a sofa will not spoil your flooring, because when unfolding, parts of the sofa do not ride on the floor.

disadvantages: the mechanism is expensive because of this, and the cost of the sofa becomes higher. Due to the wide seat, sitting on the sofa is not comfortable, you need to use additional pillows

The mechanism of transformation of the sofa "French folding bed"

The principle of the mechanism: The sleeping surface of the sofa consists of three sections. You need to pull the edge of the seat and stretch them forward. Sections will open and stand on legs - supports. When folding, the sections hide inside the sofa body.

Sofas of this series are not suitable for frequent use because the mechanism is rather weak to wear.

These sofas do not have a place to store the bed - the entire interior space of the sofa is occupied by a folded bed.

When assembled, the "French folding bed" is small in size, but for unfolding it will require free space (at least 1.50 meters) in front of the front of the sofa

Advantages: in the assembled state it has small dimensions.

Disadvantages: uncomfortable sleeping surface, no bed storage, short service life (about five years)

Conclusion: you can use the "French folding bed" to organize seating and for rare use as a bed - the option of unexpected guests lingering and staying (they won't sleep on such a sofa for a long time and will soon run away))).

Sofa transformation mechanism American folding bed (Sedaflex, Sedaflex)

The principle of the mechanism: The place to sleep has three parts-sections. You need to pull the seat of the sofa, as a result of which the sections of the bed will open and stand on the supports. Unfolding goes in two stages - first one section will open, and then the next one.

In fact, this mechanism is identical to the "French Clamshell" mechanism.

Reliability is its main difference..

The frame of the sofa and the mechanism itself are made of wear-resistant materials. This makes it possible to regularly use "Sedaflex" as a transformable sleeping bed.

Advantages: easy to operate, has good performance of reliability and durability.

Disadvantages: there is no place for linen, the surface of the bed has seams.

The mechanism of transformation of the sofa "Italian folding bed

This transformation mechanism belongs to the double folding mechanisms as well as the American clamshell. The double folding mechanism is a mechanism that is brought into working position in two steps.

The principle of operation of the mechanism

To unfold the Italian folding bed from the sofa to the bed, you need to pull the upper part of the back of the sofa towards you (usually the back has a special loop for this purpose).

  • At the first step of unfolding the back of the sofa, together with the pillows, leans forward and then lies down and rests on the seat of the sofa.
  • At the second stage the inner part of the sofa design makes a turn around its axis, this is reminiscent of unwinding a mattress rolled into a roll. After this turn, the support legs open, which were previously hidden and folded inside the structure and the formed sleeping place of the sofa rests on them.

Due to the reinforced springs, the mechanism can be folded and unfolded without significant effort.

Advantages of the Italian folding bed: this mechanism is the most reliable and durable of folding beds, it became possible due to the use of reinforced metal pipes in the frame of the mechanism, the sofa in the folded state has a compact size, when unfolding there is no need to remove the pillows from the seat of the sofa, Italian folding beds among other folding beds have the thickest and most comfortable a mattress for sleeping, in addition, lamellas and belts are used in the frame, which create an orthopedic effect.

disadvantages lack of storage space for linen, high price

The mechanism of transformation of the sofa "Accordion"

The principle of operation of the mechanism: "Accordion" got its name for its similarity to the principle of operation of accordion bellows (stretch back and forth). The sleeping space of the sofa also stretches forward, as it were, while bringing the sofa to the sleeping position, and rests on the extended supports. After the transformation, we have an even, although with minor seams a spacious place to relax and sleep.

The convenience of the "Accordion" sofa in its compact size when folded. But we must not forget that to unfold the sofa, you need free space in front of its front part (you need at least 1.50 meters)

Models "Accordion" are often equipped with an additional cabinet for storing bedding. Such a cabinet is located near the back of the sofa.

There is no storage space inside the sofa itself, the space is occupied by a folded sofa.

Advantages: Reliable and load-resistant mechanism that increases the life of the sofa. Supplied with additional cabinets for storage. Ease of bringing the sofa to the sleeping position.

Disadvantages: the sofa, when brought into the sleeping position, rides on the floor, so it can damage the flooring.

The mechanism of transformation of the sofa "Spartacus"

The principle of the mechanism: Triple folding mechanism. It is necessary to pull the seat of the sofa and it will decompose in three steps while standing on extended legs.

The design of the mechanism was developed by Italian engineers. This mechanism belongs to the metal-frame mechanism. The frame is made of shaped pipes on which a dense mesh made of metal rods 4 mm thick is mounted. The frame consists of three sections. The mesh creates a good orthopedic effect. On top of the mesh is a polyurethane foam mattress. It is comfortable to sleep on such sofas. The design of the mechanism provides a large bed in length, which is especially important for tall people. The mechanism is very reliable because it does not contain wooden and plastic parts.

Advantages: reliability and durability, easy to unfold, can be used daily, flat and large bed
Disadvantages: there is no place to store bedding, since the mechanism occupies the entire interior space of the sofa when assembled, you need to remove the sofa cushions before unfolding.

Sofa with unfolding on the floor

The principle of operation of the mechanism The sleeping place consists of two sections. When folded, the sections are hidden inside the sofa body. To unfold the sofa, you need to pull up on the inner edge of the sofa seat. Then, pull the sections forward towards you. The berth has no supports and unfolds directly on the floor.

It cannot be said that the sofa is comfortable for sleeping, since the joints of the sections are noticeable and the bed itself is located very low. Therefore, such models can be used for occasional use as a bedroom. But for sitting it is quite an acceptable option.

Advantages: compact dimensions in the assembled state, the cheapest type of folding sofas.
disadvantages: not comfortable to sleep, no storage space for bedding

The principle of the mechanism: The sleeping place consists of two segments. In the assembled state, the segments are in the sofa body. To unfold the sofa, you need to pull the bottom of the front. After that, it will roll forward into the working position. All that remains is to fold the pillow into the vacant seat. As a result of the transformation, a comfortable place to sleep is formed.

Roll-out sofas are durable and reliable models. Well suited for frequent use. Contain internal space for storage of bed linen.

Advantages: the most reliable, have a comfortable place to sleep and compact dimensions when assembled.

disadvantages: roll-out sofa rollers can ruin the flooring when unfolding, the bed has a low height

The folding mechanism of the sofa "Konrad" ("Telescope")

The principle of operation of the mechanism: "Konrad" consists of three sections. To unfold the sofa, you need to pull the lower part of the sofa from the front. In this case, the sections roll out one after the other. Because of this feature, the mechanism was nicknamed the "Telescope". Sections roll out and stand on supports.

"Conrad" is a subspecies of a roll-out sofa. The main difference is the large height of the bed.

Advantages: reliable mechanism suitable for daily use, sofas have a compact volume, equipped with a box for linen, comfortable for sleeping

Disadvantages: mechanism and sofa are heavy

The mechanism of transformation of the sofa "Dolphin"

The principle of the mechanism: To unfold the sofa, pull the front of the sofa from below. As a result of this, a section hidden inside the sofa body will roll out onto you. Inside the roll-out section there is a pillow with a strap. You need to grab the strap to pull the pillow up. She will "emerge" and stand on the same level with the cushion-seat of the sofa. Voila, the sleeping place is ready.

The Dolphin mechanism is mainly used in the construction of corner sofas. Places for storing the bed are not located in the roll-out part of the corner sofa. The mechanism exerts a significant load on the body of the sofa, so when buying, pay attention to the material of the body. Knots are not allowed if wood is used.

Advantages: ease of unfolding, the optimal height of the bed.

disadvantages: not durable.

The mechanism of transformation of the sofa "Elf"

The principle of the mechanism: The mechanism unfolds easily. Armrests are bred on the sides and a berth is formed.

"Elf" refers to metal-frame mechanisms. The frame is made of metal profiled pipes. Wooden slats. Armrests are adjustable in height and have several positions. This feature allows you to create the most comfortable position of the armrests for the reclining position.

Advantages: compact model of sofas, a good flat bed, the lamellas give a good orthopedic effect, the armrests are adjustable, you can create a sofa for yourself.

Disadvantages: you can not put the sofa close to the wall, the bed is in the same place as the seat.

Sofa transformation mechanism "Recliner"

"Recliner" got its name from the English word recline - reclining or leaning back

The principle of the mechanism: The sofa transformation is controlled by complex mechanisms hidden in the sofa body. With their help, you can adjust the inclination of the back of the sofa and extend the footrest to a predetermined distance and at a certain angle.

Some models have vibration massagers built into the sofa cushions. Particularly advanced sofas have built-in electric motors that control the transformation of the sofa using a remote control.

There are models with "memory" that can adjust and remember the settings of the mechanism made directly for your body.

Advantages: very easy to manage, have fine settings - you can create a sofa for yourself.

Disadvantages: high price, used only as a place to relax, as there is no place to sleep

General conclusions

  • Pay close attention to the mechanism when buying a sofa. The ease of use and life of the sofa will depend on choosing the right mechanism.
  • Match your needs with its capabilities. How often will you lay out the sofa, what space do you have allocated for installing the sofa, especially when unfolded.
  • Do not take a sofa with a obviously inappropriate mechanism just because the color is cool or because the neighbors have one. Choose individually for your needs.

Sofa transformation mechanisms - video review

For greater clarity, I also want to offer a video plot that describes the mechanisms of sofas. True, they have already been discussed above. But, as they taught at school - "Repetition is the mother of learning)))", and this video will facilitate and consolidate your understanding of the topic.

Now you know everything you need to make an informed choice about the mechanisms for transforming sofas. Hope it was helpful.